The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 13, 1901, Image 1

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Statement A.adc lw tlic National
Educational Association at Its
Meeting at Detroit.
Ts tho Mo3t Important Problom with
Which tho State Must Deal Freo
Pooplo Must Bo Dovolopetl by Tree
Schools-Stability of a Nation Do
ponds Upon tho Virtuo and Intel
ligence of tho Individuals Compris
ing tho Nation Public School
System of a Stato Should Bo Unit
from Kindergnrton to University.
By Ex(lnle Wire from The Assoclsled Press,
Detroit. .Mlili., Jul I.'. Till' Niitinntl
Kdili atlonal sot lelv tonight lit tin- lust
session nf It foilleth ((invention,
Adopted II ili'i Inratlnll of principles de
clining that tin1 pioblt-in nf oleincn
tnrj education is the must Important
olio with whiih the state must deal.
Tho wrnk of thi' biiicatt nf odlliatioii,
under Commissioner Willi. un T. llnr
I Is, ii enthused iilli till' association
lid Illicit llllll Its powetS slllllllll 1)0
extended so that It should have Jllils
illi tlon nvor educational muttets In all
of nilp new possessions Compulsory
educational laws anil the consolidation
of rural schools weie endorsed ami
state support of Institutions for tlii
ti. lining of totclicis Is tot onimrtiiled.
The lust session was devoted tn
music. Thntiilis Wliltlli'.v SililPltP, of
New York, .1 papf-i on "Tln I!o
l.itlon o. Music to l.lfp" Mls Annie
ottPti. of Now Yen It. anil F. I- Abel, of
Tetloll, assisted Mr. SuilPtlc with II
lustiations on the lolln nml on tlu
'ppllo respci IIp1.
TIip following Is the iIpi l.nation of
uinelplcs In lull.
Statement of Principles.
The NHtlimal lMticatlonnl nssoola-
011. now holding Its tnitlcth annual
feting In tin- city of Detroit anil
piosontliig the toatheis .uul friends
f education thinughout the coiintiy.
lakes the following statement of
1. TIh- pi (ililcm of elementary odu
(atioii Is I he most liiipoilalit pmb
lent with wlilih the state must deal.
The piogiess and happiness of n peo
ple me In (iliect ratio to the unl
cisnllty of education. A fiee people
Must lie develop! (1 b lice schools. Ilis
tmy records the .stuhillt) of a
nation depends upon the vlittio and In
telligence of the individuals compos
ing the nation. To pinvide fm the
linlvoisal cdlliatioil of until Is the
duty of pPiy state In the union All
thf teslilents ot the teultoi) uudcl the
dlie't contiol of the Kciicial govern
luenl, liu lulling the Indian Teultoij.
Aldj-k.t and oiu new posses! sops, must
leielve the benefits of fiee education
lit the hands of the government We
note with satisfaction the steps thai
have been taken li) the pic-ent 111I
mlnlstietlon to pi, oe the hles-dngs of
Amciicaii fne schools within tho
until of all the (hlldien m the peo
ples under mil il.ig.
.'.The hm can of cdin atlon. under
the dliectlon of W'llllain T. Hauls,
i iiniiilssloner of eiiiiiailoii, ion
rtiieil Invuliialilc serlie to tln i ailso
liltatlnti thioiishotll the Culled
Mates. It Is the Judgment of this as
H lalloii that the powi'is of this 1m
l'HU should lip Kieall) etil.UKPd and the u'pih'I.iI dlrpitlon ot juibllc
dim rillnu In all the teirltmy of the
T'nltid Stall" imt uudcl stat ntiol
IliiluilhiR- 0111 nee possi sslons. should
be pint of die duties of tin buieaii. In
mi othoi way 1 an the KPiieial ko em
inent so iiuliUh. eioiioiiilutllj Intilll
Kclltly mid satNiiK toilly tally the
benefits of popiilii,- education to the
peoples lor whose ediimllon it is Im
mediately 1 (-sponsible.
I W'e iclterale tne statement that
lie public school sli mid he the cen
t'l of the educational lilr of the toni
inuiilly in which Ii is located. Krfpt-
mlly should this be line n nnal dis
till ts. ileie thoiild be found the pub
ll tibial y tor the use of all. lino tin
etui ntlnnnl extension cmnsev should
di iw the old and tho youns, Into may
ltfrniy and meetliiKs he held
wlilih will tend to uplift the mental,
soi ml and life of the people.
Fieed from the 1 a venous Influent e of
pjillsati polltlis, untouched i,j ul0
uaiiowness of 1 lsll sectiiilanlsm, the
publin scliuul should beiome the ipmI
(enter of the bmader Intcllei ttml life,
the educator of men and women be
Mind the si lined mrp, .is well as the
KUldo of clilldliood and youth.
Proper Subjects.
A. The siibjei is Unit may piopeily bo
tatisht In elenieniaiy schools includes
those that bear upon the ethical, physl
lal and riestheth imtuie of the thlld
lis well as Its pmely Intellectual nit
ttiir. Hnher. indtistilous. IntelllRent,
lionrht. eultuiPd citizenship should ho
the tcsult ot public siliool tialnliiB In
the United Suites.
5, Our sjstem of education will not
be wholly tree until evety giade of
f-chonl from the UliidcrBinten. nml in-(ludliiR-
the university, shall )(. open to
eety boy and Kill of our countij.
fi. The llberallt of men nf wealth In
making laige donations to Institutions
of learnltiK Ib to he Htioiicly commend
ed and Piicournned. At the samp time
It should be boruo In mind that popti.
lar cdiiciulnn lesltv upon the people ami
Fhould look to them for Its ( hler mip.
port and contiol. The lehulon hututcii
state and loial support should he so
adjusted that communities will main
tain a deep and abldlnK Inteicst in the
sr bonis.
7 Tho public school system of fl
Hate fhould he 11 unit fmm tho kin
(lei'KiU'teii to and Including the uu.
vtrnlty and all prlvuto Institutions
IkiuN endcuvqr to work In hutmony
with the Ideals of public education so
far ns their special pur-mse will per
mit them In order that public nnd
private Institutions nf learnlmr may
more fully io-operate In the Rennal
woik of cdiiciitlon, the lelatlon be
twppit thcp Instlttitlotis should be
more cleat ly dPllned than It l at tho
R -l.nKlslatlon with reepoct to publli
edttcnlloii intiKt not wait for public
sentiment. .It should lead public seutl
input, when lieiessary. Hxperleneo
teaches that what people are compelled
by law to do with respect to schools
tbev icitdllv learn tn do without com
pulsion, but that they usually are slow
lo demand refniins which Involve In-
tensed taxation. School leRislatlon
should theicfote be under the Kencral
dlipptlnii of Pdiicntlotial expertK.
P. - Th National IMiicatlnnal nsso
(latloii the principle that
Hip child has the same rluht to bo pin
tectpil by law from Ignorance 11s from
abuse. ncKlect and blinRer; mid It
therefore leiords with appioval that
many of Mm leiidiim' states of the union
liave compulsoiv education laws upon
their statute bonks.
10 While many cities have at least
pirtly solved the ptoblem of school su
pervision In most rural loninmnitles
the ptoblem Is almost wholly unsolved.
Close. 1 onstant, expert supervision of
schools in both city and country Is Im
peratively demanded, not only on ne
(ouut of the sum erne Importance of
the teachers' work and the lack of well
rounded preparation on the part of
many teachers.
School Progress.
11 The National I'ducntlnnal asso
elation watches with dei p Inteicst the
solving of the ptoblem of consolidating-
mini schools and transportim; pil-
Itllc til mil, 11. n hniiun' .1 1 tnt.ilito.l
I-....- ..W ......V ,.l..-l, .,wt, ..,. ...(..
111 many of out leading states. W'e
believe mat tills movement will lead
to the establishment of township and
ttillMlv li(rli find thou lultir-
advanced education to niriil (omniunl-
tles. e also believe that supplemen
tal y state suppoit of mral IiIkIi
schools is In the hlKliest interest of
the cntlie state.
K The state .should sllppolt and
contiol institutions whose objeil Is
the pteparntlon of teachers for the
publli- schools. Noimal schools free to
Itnunliu lit ntm t Itirr tn fnnrli ntn ti ti nil
lv I"' I r - '
.solute necessity In a perfected sjsteni
ot cuiuaiinn
1". No one should b pliued In
thaiKC of a s( lion who has not been
pievlously ti. lined for the woik of
te,i( IiIiir-. The plan of Issuing teach-
fils' I'fil t lilt ii t on nf Itnv !-riiiln ve.ll' ilflni'
years is, nt bent, a makeshift and
should no illscotitlnueil whenever the
mImIp Is Hllllielenllv oilvjitieed tn pdll.
cation to wariants Its dlsi ontlimauce.
There should lie a limit lo the length
of tlnip a pprson can setve as nn up
incntice in tlie vocation of teaihlug.
II. W'e believe that the standauls
foi school nrcliitPi tine. Including the
proper sewering, heating, lighting,
ventilation and ornamentation of
school buildings should be as deflnitp
as tlie standauls fm teaching. The
law should the dimensions and all
othet ipqulicmcnts of siliool buildings,
us well as the size and char.ietei of
siliool giounds
After Ton Years of Unremitting
Effort by tho Press Clubs Ono
Will Be Established.
By Exclusive Wire frum Thf Afsoclatcil Prrii.
IMiiladelphl.i. July 12. After ten
jeuis of uniemlttlng efloit by the In
teinallomil l.e.iguc of Press Clubs,
tbeie Is soon to be established In New
Diange. N. .1, the homo for Journal
ists The last legal step prep.uatory
to the active advance of the enter
pilsp was taken e.stciday. when ar
ticles of Ineoipoiatlon undei tlie laws
of New Jetspy, we;c gi.inted to .Tamps
S. MiC.iitne.v. of Philadelphia- Thom
as .1. Keciiaii. of Plttshuig; John M.
Ciiitei. Ji.. of naltliiioie. C. Piank
Itlie, of Huston, and (!. H. II. Martin,
of Camden. N J., as the .Tout nallstH'
Home as.-oilatioii.
I'oi the election and maintenance of
the buildings, tlie sum of $.'t),000 will
he necessary. The linger jiait of this.
It Is cNpeeted, will he raised fmm the
sale ot a colossal magazine entitled
Itohemla, w'hlcli Is to lie Untied next
yeai. Its contrlbutois win he the
gi cutest novelists, aitists and llteia
teuis of the win Id. Plans for the
building nie now In the hands uf the
archliccts and It Is hoped by the man
agement that two intis heme the
home will he In active operation.
California Ofllcors Get Evidence in
"Highbinder" Murder.
Hy I".ilinUo Wire fmm Tip Aiwchtfrl Pri". .lose. t,i , July u The body of W'lug, a Chinese, who was mui dri
ed last Mai ch by hlclibludprs, has bppu
boiled in mi lion cauldioii by order of
the county aiitlioiities. for the purpose
of obtaining slMeen bullets filed Into
the man.
These will be ued as evidence In
the tilnl of Look Lee. dunged with
being one of tlie assassins.
Steamship Arrivals.
Il.i KviluMte Who licm Tlie Anoclatril I'rfM.
Now Voti., IhIj p.' Vrrivoili Krinlcrii h )r
(!r.', llittiieii; I'.iliiilj. ItainlniiB. C'lcjinl:
l jtiipu,i,i, Mviipool, Vmliorii, llla.etiu; l'ot
iIjiii, llnlinihin i,i II011I0311.'. lUno Vrrivuli
Li ( liiiiipjeno, Sow 1.1k. Mtiville -Mllctli
Kllilopl.1 ilrnni OlaKo), Nt-tv Vork I.btrpnol
vrrltftl. tf'niuiiu. Now vork .suiitliiniptnii
Sjilfil! siranirr I'nltinihU (finni llaniluiii,),
Ntv. York vlt Clitrliniirii. t lioilmiirc s.illoil:
Columbia ( (inm Iljinliuri.'). Non nk llu.
licjil I'tvcil: KtiurU, Ntn oik, for tjiirtni
town din) l.lwrpool.
Orpheus 0, Kerr Bead.
Ilr KxrltirltP Who frnn 'Hip Vopiitfi! Pir
S't 11ik, .lull 1J It. II, Sowrll, who mi
kimuii ii .1 liimmrUi fnit,i ri j." iiii.Ii 1 tin.
11 inn i.f iliplipiit I , Koir. uik fi.utnl flejl In I1I4
illirlllllllU III llliinkltll tlllll... Ill IijiI Incn llUi
for Mural ill)..
Another Texas Gusher.
Hy I'.xilu.ltu Win' fimn Tho Vi.tlilnl l'ic.
Ilriiiiiifinl, Tov., lull I'. - Hip hlt'tnlli k'Uile
tr t imp In llilt. altui 11. 'I ho flow im not
Mini tn ho at .ill illmli!lifi In 11 ii 11 el tho
monv wtllu, flic nru well 1 In tliP luui oil
She Beats the Constitution bu One
Minute and a Half at
the Finish.
The Indopondonco Looses Hor Top
Mast at tho Very Start, but Sails
n Magnificent Storn Chnoo with
All Hor Uppor Canvas Oono Yes
terday's Raco Closod tho Series.
Tho Ofllcinl Time.
n.v F.vcluiiip Wire from Tlie Avoilatnt Pri-.
Hnteman's Point. 1!. I., July I'.'. Tho
Columbia won today's taec, the fourth
of the series, beating the Constitution
by it minute and a half ut the finish,
but by something more In eoiiLcted
time. The feature of the day was the
fine work of tho Independence, which,
after losing her topmast at the very
stai t, sailed a magnificent stern chnso
with all her upper sails gone and was
only beaten by ten minutes at the
finish. The day was the best that the
yachts have had so tin, a line lneeze
blowing fiom the northeast, which
sent them over tho triangular coiitso
of thliy miles In u little over three
houis. The new lleireshoff jaeht was
never ahead, although getting within
two minutes of Columbia at the second
nun k. The Independent c, after it de
lay of neatly six minutes In dealing
awuy the wreckage, lounded the lust
mam iihout as many minutes behind
the Columbia. The ofllclal time was
as follows:
Klapv-t! re Inl
Hurt VliiMi. Inni. 'limr
loliimlili II II. Mi -JiriAf S.Vi.'iT '.'.VI ID
nmtltilllnti .. .11 UK! '.' 1I),1 '.'.risST 1.VI
liiilrprnilinip . .11 II. .M u.ior.s n n 0? ,!ii;j
The icsiilt of the four lontosts bp
tweeii thpse thiee boats leaves much to
be deslied, especially as to their le
specthe merits 111 anything except
light alis. Todaj's race was sailed In
a lo-knot wind, the noithe.istcr today
being much slionger than the south
wester of jesteiday.
The accident of the Independent, p
oeciiried within two minutes after the
start, 'the preventer backstay In caking
near the cleat so that the top mast
with no support bioke shoit olf it the
mast head.
KnrtunatPly none of the main sail
halyards on thp stays for the hcadsalls
vveio affected so nfter tha't the wietlc
was cleaied away the yacht was able
to kepii on.
The imp today closed the spries and
thP yachts will not meet again tor at
least ten days, thp Constitution going
to Hrlstol. the Columbia to New Yoik,
and the Independent o piobablv to New
Uondon. Of the four events under the
Newport Yin lit Killing nssodutlon
the Constitution won the Hist two In
light nlrs, beating the other aehts by
a laige margin, while the Columbia,
won the last two In dosp finishes with
the new Pilstol yacht. The Independ
ence has lost In every race, although
quite near the other two achts In tho
last two contests.
losing Events at tho Lake Erie Cir
cuit Results at Utica.
By r.xrluMve Wire from Tlie Visocialcd Preit.
ritutullt, .tub U 'I he iln-int; Hit nf the
Lake llrlt- iirtult ratps at the local (holne pir'"!
wtip too one -lUcil tn lie veiy intorelliii;. Hot Ii
tvtnU wup 1 iptiiud lo foorite'i. csuiunuiv.
lost Itatp J 2t da, pup; jiiiim, Mh).
Sihlej Poluler wonj Midillne. kernnd, Itnckil,
thiol rime. 2.17U, '.' I'l. 2 Is'i. 2 1P1.
.sfinnd Hm 2J eli. Irnttlns; purse, I01.
I din Plllon won; Sou Chimes n'cund; llattio
Maik. Uilid. 'lime, 2.2i.i4l '.'JPi, 2 JI.
t Ilia. N V , .lulj l.'. fculls:
2 21 ilas pate; puiM-, H1, It'ddf Wilkeji, h.
g, II. Ciinunoih, I ainden. won; .silirr liar, xe
nnd: Wont! II, thiol Pt.l time, 2 2'i.
2 27 ill-, tinttiiii. pui-e, inn. Maltle
SinelU', ill. 111., C. I'. IMdp. Hlnshaintnii, won;
I iptaln Vluia.t, (.CfOinl; Maud 11, third, licit
tluiP, 2 21',.
Engineers Receive an Advance.
ItJ r.xilmiie Wirp fiom ThP Avoilitnl Pre(
Vlliinni, Pa, Juli' 12 The fnlslil riiglnei-ig
on thp I'liKlmij illusion of the I'i iiiimUhiii 1
iillinjil were todiv gr.intnl an Intrcaip in wii.ei
in l.cnt'tai feuprrlntcndtnt .1. M Wallln 'Ihe
raip, wliuh appllii only to ensineir of tho
larcer lmumoiivu, admuci the low rate day
from - "o m sj7n .ind a hich rale dtv fiom
1 in In HM 'Ihe liich lale tlar l run Ii'.
twern Mtponi and Pitealrn ind 1 low rale a pir
tlal tilp The time in tn be lounted from tho
time eneineeri report until they are rilkud
undtr the ntw arranertiicnta.
Albert Johnson's Will.
It.v F.xeluJivc Who from Tho Asjocltlrd Preni
Sin Vmk. .lull i. Ihe will of the lite 1
heit I.. Johninn was tlltd in the fmro','ale' nfntp
In hincs iiiinl tmlaj. Ihe mhedule atteinpani
inn tho will Bin's no calculation nf tlip rpil
p.ini, hm tiiti"t tlie valuo nf the pernnml prop.
irn tn In- H.IKHI.OO), "o far .n the petltlontr
know." I ho inome of one third of the inlato
1 led In ihe widow (iurini; Hie. All the ie.
maiiidtr ot tlie e.Ule Eor to the ihlldiin. In a
if 1I11 II lo die will liiide 1 1 Oitnlirr one-fnurili
ol the perniul cM.ile l left lo the toUlor'i
lirother, Tom I., .lohmon.
Joaloua Husband's Crime.
lly f:xt.liilve Wire from The Associated Preit
siiamokln. Jnl 12 Solomon llns jnunir
man lohlllic at Wllhuiluu, thot hix wile till?
luninin.'. after whlih he cent a bullet thrmish
hi. hejit. iteilli icMillllic 1nl.intl.t Hit wile
will likeb 'Ut. he bullet ind.-in; in In 1 I1.0 k.
'Ihe .honllnu' omiiPil at hl itHltltnte, ll.ia, wjl
of late m jcalmn of hit wife.
President of Chili Dead,
Hy Keliiltp Wire fnuii Ihe oe'ittd Preis
lliienoi Viio. lulv 12 s(Mor I'ulerl On.ntuils
ui'iIdilil ol I hill. ilm liai heru in feeble lit- til ti
lur iin'ie lh.ui a ti.n, it ilc.ul. Ihe In. s, ,,,,,.
niiariirit waa eleiltil iieidiiit ef I hill, .III in ii,
Ir'iil. fi r a term nl live .itiln, whitli Ih'Kiii Jtpl,
J, IS'iO.
Earthquake in JToxico.
Ily I'.viiii'ltP Wire from Tho vm late I l'rs
Mevitn I itv Jul.t li- I, it iiiiht a .liml, if
urihifaale v,a. it.ll , It wji ttntrr, tut uf liit(
It Is Received by Cardinal Gibbons
at Washington.
Br Tuclmlvc Wire from Tho Astochtfil PrM.
Washington, July 11!. Caidlnal tllb
bons has received 11 letter f 10111 Pope
Leo XIII, of which the following Is 11
Trt Our llolotril Snn, .Ijmri (lll.liom, rihtlnil
l'rli-1 nf t lit Holy llnnnn (liiinli, Titular uf
st Vhij'i III oinl tlip 'llhpr.
(lur lltloicil sun, lli.illh and Apnitnlip lllPKilnei
'I he i! 1 tilt inttrct Willi whldi, from Hip very
hnrlniiini; of our pontlllcatr, we lino uixariloil
t lie iliunh in tlio United St itei of VmriltH
(.iard u, moons oilier tlilns, to time llio
ptrdy fnuiiillii of .1 crcat utilteridly n t Vnlilnz
ton, and, omp fnunilttl, tn ntltnuUion It wllli otir
atillmillv nnd rut rtitlonrp of Rnorl vslll For
tin- in rili uf tills nj;p. luc lietn cprciilly dear
In our nun heart, lutnol), flint the )itun; nun
who ale the future hope of llio (Ihej itiuM
lip iiiiwt thoroughly Iniliiieil, first. Inilenl, with
ilrluo, Imt it the mine nine with tlivlne .unl
liiiimn tramiti;;, nNo. Whit vie hue lrirnnl
from time to time (.onwnllig tlie WaOiinelon
nnivrrill.v Iik hown u that our confltlente hai
not Imiii miplitetl; nml now tho npoit vlihh
,vou Iiup Ju-t iii.hIp lo in trslitlc tint It Ii
ukini; on 1 -till uiorp cr.illfilnc growth, bolh
throti-h the cpneroilty of Catholic x nml thloiish
the fl.ilt ami Intlnrnre of In teiiheiF. One
thlni; ttlll rnmlin l" f'P tlpslrecl, mil that It
that tills nohle In-tllutlon should Iniroite In th
ininilier nf lit linleiili unci thN li tn I. tlTetleil
hy the lntcnl and red nf the 1ilhnp If, Ii
h'ip. h nntliiig uhnlcnti to Wnihlimfoti they
erm for the tlino In lie iliprbltu; tliPin-flvi-4
nf ufiul workrn In Ilielr, the will,
In the end. ie;p a fir criater mm, holh for
lliriu-i lit s and for Ihe wliole .Vinirltau thurth,
hIihp the fletny cliilt ho pduialed innttr one and
the sum- leiihliu and miliu ited h) one and the
.amp "pirlt.
Ilnpiii!; for the iihletenient nf thetp pooil
HiliiB with Hit- Mine tlctlrp with width nu arp
Uriiilu- for Hip coo.) and honoi nf jwir court lies.
wi iiiuft IomiicIj Inpirt In joii, nur heloidl son.
In the ieloi, thp piofpv-ort and thp stwlenti uf
thr wioliinstnii liiiiier-itt the apnntnlic Mpiiiu
,im n pittite of nur Iop.
Ifiun nt Itome fnUn st Petpr'x. nn thp tlifr
trinth 1I1V nf .lime. PiOl, tn tho twintj fuurth
jivir nf our pom lliaie.
Will Visit Berlin and Formally
Apologize for tho Murder of
Baron Von Kettolor.
Py r.X'luiiie Wire (run The tioellteil Pre".
Pckiii, .lulv I.'. The dep.ntute today
from Pckiu of' Prime Chun, vounger
binther of Ihupernr Kwaug Hll. who
has been elected formally to apolo
gize at Berlin for the unit dor of P.arrm
Von Kettelci, was a spectacular event.
spcdal train took Pi luce Chun and
hW suite from heie lo Taktl, fiom
which pint lie will piocccd by steamer
to HhfiURlial. lie s.ilN fiom Hliiilighul
.luly JO for tlono.i, and will proceed
dlrottly lioin tbeie to Hoillti by 1 ail.
Piince C'htm mine to the uillioad
station III Pcltln on hmseback. He
wan Roigeoiixly atthed In the myal
(llov and followed by a long piocet
son, composed of nicinhcis of his staff,
their servant and the luggage. 011
carts. Hon- he was met by the pres
ent ( minister to China, Dr.
Mnnim Von Hchvvattzensteln, a flcr
iifini military band and a gu.nd nf
honor and two of hi1 brothers. Many
Chinese had assembled at tho station
to bid tlie ptlnce farewell.
Two Cicimaii ofllccrs tot met ly at
ti.clietl to the stall of Field
Count on Wiildeisee will personally
ootidtit t Prime Chun und his party
to Herlln.
Tien Tsln, July 1".' .lames A. Uags
dale, Ameiican ctiim.sul bete, has sen
tcnted three Ameiican loolcis e-ailgbt
In the Chinese (pi. titer of tills city to
four ye.ns Impiisonnicitt in the Ameil
ean jail at Shanghai.
Mr. ltagsdale has tinned over two
I'uiopeans 1, night looting to the con
suls of ( 1'iltuiu and Dciim.n k
11 spec lively.
Charles E. Linobar Shot While En
deavoring to Rob a Hotel,
Hy f.uliulre Wire from The snopiatfcl Prew.
I'iittlllp, Pa . .luh 12. Pour marked men en
Iried the hotel of I'ttir lloko nt Vnrkvillc late
lit iilk'lit and entriid 111I0 1 .utile with tho
proprietor ami Mithar) Ililcl and (JcorRC A.
Waihtrr. Il rivullcd In the killinj; ol one nf
the .tranzcrt and the wound in Ihe It it thigh of
Mr llokc, whfi shot tii-. iiilint dead 'Ihe- men
wrip ltnl upon loliliei.i, hut were bcalin otf.
Ihe I hue litapttl, h alius the thatl man behind
1 lit- I null- of Ihe di id Imiglir hm been Menti
tietl i tint of ( liarlea V.. I.iiiehar, whop p.irmlt
Hip nt Palo Vltn. l.lnelnr lian heen iwir from
homo for lx niontln or moie. lie sn-rieil In ihe
I iiilul si lies 111111 tn Ciiln. Tin' paienls will
take t-lume of tlie l-otlj. lie wai 20 jea" of
Aictic Expedition,
lly I'vcliolio Wile fiom Hit- Wnciilecl Prcs
Iroiu-iip, Nniwit, lull 12 Ihe flihlwln Ziejr
lir An tit cxpitlllion will ail luesdii, .lul HI.
Vlr. IUMhIii. an piiiinl b.i 'Vlr Oiih and W,
S Champ, who Iiivp ihiru'P of thp Pfpilpment,
will '.(i on lioaid the ihaitcicil hiipph Khip
l'rilJnf m Vinluc, when lie will pnrchi.-e Autlo
neic,arle I'rein that point he will procied to 1
null town in it Auliiiuil tn i--ct hU lionea and
d v.
Rogers Will Contest.
Dj I'xtliulvo Win- from 'Ihe AuiHlaleil Prcs'
Niw Yolk. .Inly 12 MikIiiU lltniNih, Inlf.
itrr of (lit" hue laml. s, Itoxii,, loclay tiled
a t?iit ill the niiiu.'iti' iniirt it llaiki'iink,
V .1,, .main-!, ndnilltlne Iho will of her hitf
linitlxr In prohate 'Ihp will cannot now ho ad
milted tn probite nut when- in tin' utile wllhnut
a contest unless Mrn. llernUeli willnliawii the
Hot Days in Europe.
H. Hxtlmbe Win- from The Associated Pre
laiudou, .lull 1 1 Violent thunder ttorms an I
iropltal rains In irintu parts of (.'real llrilalu
la.t iilu-ht inocleiateil llie frrtenl licit Vt Hois
els howcici. di" tlnrmniiiPtcr u-iitrinl 107
diuicm in the .haile. 'Ihp weather tnntlnues vriv
hm ill fiaiitc. the tcinpciatiire In i'arlu jc.tfr
ilaj heln.' Wi.
Boors Capturo a Gun.
Hy Ficlildic Wire fruru 'Ihe Assntiaifd previ.
bolitlon, .lull 12 V tll.pilth fiom Lord
Ml.hrni't. tUti'tl Pi.iiiia, ami inaile p.ihlli 1 .
I.l.i. ' he H"io ailiiknl a ioii.i ihuln.i po.t
ii llmi'ikop. .Iiils II 1 iptiiiau a i-cirn pound
tun Ilit'V wi ic iwtilualli ilnwnoll. J In lliil
irh o- was iluii mm l.ilhil and mui wiiiindcil,
Pensions Oxanted,
Hy l'ilniie' Wire fiom Ih" Vsmeiaieil Prpts
Wimhliielon. hilt I ' PiiiIoih have been
riant 'd as f 'll"us Vi n llolciis iwhluui, ppu.
I ill, hi June l.lllliutltlh tnhl.iwl, I'aluuu,
Mao - '"' iwld" , oltpiiuit, ss, Ilnlio
W. ioln. Nmn'pHk. H. Hi latltr li cliaua.
aWe lu tho auvuit ol Iho war with spaln.
Reports ol the Klllina oi Ghrlstlan
Converts on the Island OU
Korea fire Confirmed.
They Find tho Insurgents in a Men
acing Attitudo Marines Aro Lan
ded nnd Two Missionaries Hold by
tho Insurgents Aro Roscued All
tho Japanese Residents of Quel
part Are Saved Koronn Troops
Sont to Quell Disturbance Find
Quiet Restored,
Hi llvrliisho Wire from Hie Vvnt latctl Pres.
Washington, .luly 12. The reported
uptlslng on the Island of Qiirlp.nt, oft
the Koiean coast, and the killing of
.several hundred Christian convetts. Is
confliiiiod In mall prost advices teach
ing the Japanese legation, which con
tain tho reports of the captain of the
Japanese man of war Senyen. The
Senyen was at Chlmtilco, Koiea, when
the fltst wind of the utilising' was 10
celvod. She made 11 rapid rim to the
Island. 111 riving .lime 2. The captain
lepoit? that when two Pieneh men-of-war
had arrived at the Island they
found the Insurgents In a mcnnclng
attitude. Attempts vveio made to hind
"Treiicli marines. As the landing was
opposed tho "French warships made a
demonstration and succeeded In land
ing their marines. The Insurgents then
weie repulsed nnd two missUinaile
held by them were saved.1
After that nffalts eiulcted and the
uptlslng was quelled. During the out
break 200 convetts weie killed by the
insurgents. Theiaptaln of the Senyen
repot ts that all the Japanese residents!
were saved and that the trouble waa
over when lie artlvcd. Although a
body of Korean tioops hud been sent
to quell the disturbance they found
quiet lestoiod by the time they arrived.
General Businoss Continues with
Leading Industries Employed
with Confidence Expressed.
Hy Fxclunlip Wire from The Associated Tre'i.
New Ynik, July 12. It. t!. Dun &
Co.'s Weekly Ilevlevv of Trade tomor
tovv will say:
(leneial business continues its even
coiiise with all the leading lltdustt it 4
well eniplocd ami with confidence o.
piesscd on every hand, llonntlful ciops
of wheat seem assured, ami tho dam
age to ioi n, while consldeiablc in some
ellstt Ids, does not promise to be suf
ficiently or serious to ut all
Impede tho ptogtess of tho eountrv.
Labor troubles nie lu process of settle
ment and speculators have been re
sponsible for most of the uni est which
has been lellected In tho matkets.
Steel mills nteactivcly employed, and
thete Is a. distinct linpioveinent lu tho
demand for tlnUshed ptodiats, while
quotations arc without altciation. In
bats for use by makeis of agilctiltural
Implements thete Is a bilslt movement,
plates ate taken teadlly and theie Is
no sign of diminished purchasing in
stiuctural matctlal. Halls are otdcted
freely, with notable ptesstno tor tiollcy
and other light weights. Billots are
inure quiet, and few new tiaiisaetlotis
aie rceoidod In pig lion, The total
number of pig It 011 furnaces In blast
nit July 1. as letorded by the lion Age,
was hut thiee less than a month pievl
oiis, and tho weekl capadty was 310.
Mu tons. Although this is a Hilling dc
cie.ise ot 3,.ri.i5 tons, comp.ned with tlie
piodtictlon on June 1, It tar exceeds all
tai Her iceoids. On July 1, lOOi), the
weekly output was 2S:i,413. and In 1SK)
It was 263,3h:! tons. The must shutting
and giatlfylug fe-atino of the situation
Ih the decrease of lR.ll'S tons In tui
nace stoiks, uotvvlthstaiiding an output
at tlie 1 ate of over 1(5,100,000 tons ,111
uuiilly. Impiovement Is geneial In the foot
wear Industry, although no higher
pi lies can bo obtained.
Textile lilies have settled In 11 steady
position. Wool has not altetcil In
in Ice, but the tone Is ilinur and sales
liu lease.
In tlie cotton goods division tlieie Is
nothing new, leient advanced prices
being tully sustained and mills keep
lug wheels In motion as a tulc. Tho
raw matcilal has declined.
Grain ciops this season aie occa
Monlng much uneasiness among spec
ulators owing to the extiemcly com
plicated situation. According to latest
ofIlilal and uiinflkdal prognostications
theio Is leasou to anticipate tho heav
iest wheat yield ever bin vested, ami
making the customary allowances for
doniPHtlc consumption even with the
small supplies on hand when the year
opened, theie appears available for ex
polt about llfty per cent, more than
went nbioad in the yeai of gi cutest
shipments, Yet pi Ices .11 e far above
the low 101 old ami vigoious tallies
follow- umh decline.
II) Ckiludto Hll' (loin llio snii luted I'ipsi.
Ilaiiishiinr. .bib 1.' I ihniel Jnlin ulln-er.
I aut'd Tn Mais, who founihil Ihe tlri liiillihluii
in mni urn iioiii nun. nina m nni.nii ipim ,uM
Now Null diul In ihl in) alter n hie
H i i I ' t: lllu s Iioiii par,ilii.
Ilill.n. lev. .lut I'- i. ii It'ihuiil II iluii.
Iiud. fi'imcil) hmeiiiei i J 'Icms and, iluilntt
I'n -hi in" I h tpliiial's aihiiliiUlialhiu, I nltnl
Siutrti mliititrr tn Japan, ilk" I it hU lioine In
'Ijltr, 1i liHlay.
Weather Indications Today!
1 Ornrral Mmlilnbli llctiirn fo W'otk.
I prislnn In Koica.
Columbia Wins Ihp Vatlit liaip.
NutlonsI IMutallonal Association's Slate
mint. 2 Oeneial Ciilionlile Heparlmcnt.
3 l,ncal-One Killed and Anolhrr Injured In a
llunanay Mine Trip.
I.leiilrnant Murphy Home from the Philip
pines, 4 Kditorlal.
5 laii-tl Sews of Interest tn the ritiaribmen.
IMiitatlnnal Contest (ialns Many Points,
llunaway Hoy Klllecl.
fl loial Wot Si ratitnn ami Siihurhan.
T f.'cneril-N'nrtlieaslrrn Prnnnjlvani
Hnamlil and Conimiit lal.
8 I ot al S lal ami Personal,
line W 0111 in's Vicwis.
silmtlilo Sal nl.
siori "Hiik, the Prlicr Hoy."
0 bniil- llellulous eis ot the Week.
Sunday srimol l.e-son for Tomorrow.
lo-Oencril- I'ietiiieaiiui' and lllstoilt Vtttattioiu
nf Sivannili.
Miners' (onvrntlon Vdjoiirns.
Missouri, Kansas nnd Nebraska
Buffer from tho Rays of
"Old Sol."
By Etclnlv Wire fiom The Associated Press.
Memphis, Tettii., July li This was
the win men tiny nf the e"ir In the
central southern states. Many places
In Western Tennessee. At knnsas.N'oi th
orn Mississippi, Itoulslana, Alabama,
and Texas leport all heat iceoids
Inokeii during the Afternoon. In Mem
phis the olllclal tepott was 102 degices
at 5 o'clock. This Ih the highest tem
pcratuio ever tccorded here.
Selma, Ala., was the wannest place in
tlie South, 112 degtees being tccorded.
Pierre, S. !.. July 12. This has been
the hottest day of a hot week, the gov
ernment tecoid ut 5 o'clock this even
ing being 10".
Dcs Moines. July 12. The govern
ment tlteinionieter showed a maxim
temperature of 102 today, the highest
of tho year, liireetor Sage, of .the
weather ci op service, says that because
of the ahiiotmal amount nf moisture In
the giotiuel pilor to tlie hot spell the
Iowa torn ctop has not tstlffetcil two
per cent.
Omaha, July 12. The tbeinintneter
leached 101 In this city today and
i.ingcd from 100 to 107 tluoughout the
Topeka, Katis., July 12. The weather
In Kansas continued veiy hot todny.
the highest temperature reported being
110 at Fort Scott.
Kansas City, July 12. This was tho
hottest day ever experlen In the
sotithw ostein part of Missouri. In Kan
sas City for four hours thl afternoon
the government thermometer icglstered
10:;, while the meicury on the sticets
soaied to 108 and 110. (It eat suffering
has resulted, and especially among the
poor In the river bottoms.
Maishall, Mo., July 12. The govern
ment thermometer stooil at ins at 2 ".0
o'i lock this afternoon, the highest tent
ptiatuie ever lccoided heie.
Government Calls Into Activo Sor-
vico the Conscripts
of 1000.
Hy Eicluslie Wire from The Aisneiated Pn s
Lima, Peru, July 12. Tho I'
government has called Into active ser
vice tlie conscripts of lfif'0, A German
steamer, expected to artlve at Callun
In a few days, will bring a fiesh sup
ply of cannon, rifles anil ammunition.
The government Intends to foitify
Calltio and tin Island of San I.oi 01107:.
Yesterday Cieneral Kdionique, accom
panied hy French auny bistructois,
examined the beach as far as U.i Piin
ta and also Inspected San I.otenzo.
Bodies of Only Two Foroignors Havo
Been Identified.
By Exflusite Wir.- from The Associated Press
I'onneaiit. O. .lull 1- Ihe bodies of (he for
eluneis killed ill tin' Nil kcl Plan accident neir
spiinslleld, Pa, )esterdii, with Iwo evccpllnH.
li.oe not ict been identified Ihe iinhlc nllncd
dead will, il is mhl. he taken to HulTalo for
I .it , -1 1 Mrkil I'laie tiins arc helm.' inn ainimd
Ihe urrikrd liriilct- vH tlie tracks nf the l.ako
shoip load 1
Ihp nene of the wrnk was lisited hy hun
dreds tit ieoplp tnilat. Thev i-aiup fiom l.rle,
( onneaut and mulhr towns for miles to no
the wicikaKC.
Board Gets the Decision.
By Kvclasiie WltP fn in The Asnclitrd Prf's
Hiitlztpnit, oi ''il' P.. -"Kid" Hroad. of
'Irveland. and "llilh" liirduei, nf Luwill,
Vlass , met for nfte.n lounds at 1"0 pounds lirre
toniu'ht Hroad fnncd the tUlitlni: from the
start and for the Hint Im rounds In looked .a
thoiiith he would put Ids man nut. Vs tho tight
piOEiea-pil, howeter. Hroad ecincd to weaken
and it tii list neither nun could hit h ml
enough lo end muter. The decision wai
to Hroad.
Sensational Suicide.
H) Kvcluslie Wire from The Associated Piess
Cinnnniti. Itll) M - eiuillnnil iih hie was
rlUinicied at the Palau- hotel Ihli eienlne. Tho
inm was tiol iiteiitlllcil foi some time. It wis
then found thai he wit l V. Ilusell, nf Pom
rrn), iiulr,e of the liituit ttnirl, and piejldcnt
fif imp fif ihp I iuk Siillitii,, whiltiii is known
nf the i,iil-e .Indue IiimI killed him.elf in
his room with j reiolur.
Accept Plntt Amondment.
II) i:rliislvi- Mn finni Tlie As.oilated Press.
Illiana, .lull I'J --t iiots'jt 1 .iiiuso, IK- Ourall,
Vljrua, Pe t inm ind Vlnnipuwln inm i(rll jp.
poliittil h) Iho iiilililtlen,il (iiniciiilon 1 10111
mbsinii tn ihnw up ihe elei rural liu Ihp mm
nilfslori Is slioncli 11111rfr1.11 lie, all nf lis mrm
l.eis iiiiln." loltd in faier nf accepting Ihe Pint
muendi'iiiil. (ffiitlal Wnotl' condition MiilinuM
lu linpriot.
The Glnclnnntl Tle-Un Bcaan Maij
20 and Involved Irom, 5000
to 7,000 Men.
At a Secret Mass Mooting of Strikers
a Report Was Mado That It Had
Boon Found Impossiblo to Socuro
Assistnnco in Monoy from Head
Quarters in Washington As
Funds Had Boon Exhaustod tho
Strikers Wcro Advised to Return
to Work.
11) F.xcluslie Wire from Tlie irttteil Press.
Cincinnati, July 12. The machinists'
stilke in this city, which began May 20
and Involved fi 11111 ."l.noo to T.OOO cm
tdoyes, ptactlcall) has been deflated
A Fi'ciet inasri meeting of stilltets was
held today, at which a formal tepott
was made that It had been found Im
possible to proem e assistance In money
fiom the hcadiiuailcis In Washington'.
As the stilke benefit fund Is exlmustcd,
the stilkets weie .'itlvlsed to letttrn to
woik. Alieady. about t'UO have applied
for iclnstatenicnt, and many mote will
do so tomtit low and Monday. No ofll
clal statement has been made by the
lcadcts of the stilkets and they all te
tuse to be quoted, sa.vlng they do not
can- to do anything which might af
fect the Injunction pioceedlngs against
them, sot for heating July 13. It Is said,
however, that the stilkets falling to re
ceive funds from Washington sent an
agent to Washington to secure money,
llio icport was picsented to the merit
ing today, and It was utioii this thAt
the action which virtually ends tho
stilke was taken. It la Mild, however,
that the decision to tetuin to work
was not lltifil, and that some men will
still hold out.
Washington, July 12. At tho head
quaitcrs heie of the International As
sociation of Machinists, Piesldcnt
O'Conncll admitted that the eollnpsu
of tho .stilke nt Cincinnati was likely
to have considerable effect on the gen
eral stilke, as Cincinnati has been re
garded as tho centte of the fighting,
but reiterated that theie is no Inten
tion, to call off the general stilke, 'amC.
dcelatcd that tho older would light it
out to the end.
The Newport Sofeat.
I'tesidcnt O'Conncll, nf the Interna
tional Association of Machinists, said
today that the defeat of the stt liters
at the New pint News ship yaid would
have no ctfect on tho geneial stilke
of the machinists. "We have never
had any hope that the Newpoit News
men would win." he said "They did
not go out until two weeks after they
vveio ordeied out, und they have boon
constantly voting on the question of
ictuiiiing tu woik-. We ate not ic.idy
to eii'iid our funds on men not toady
to (arty on the light. Theie was only
30D machinists out, against 6,000 other
cmplojcs icnialuliig at woik. Theli re
turn to woik may have an effect on
some of the small ship ,11 els in thlj
section of the countiy. One the Ii
dllc coast, however, between ii.000 mil
T.OOO men aie out, piactically all lu
San Kiancisio, and these will not bo
affected. The geneial stilke of thn
madilnlsts lias now simmered down tn
a. question of ondiiianco of the two
bides. We have no levotatlon of tho
stilke oidei 111 contemplation."
Baltimoro Machinists Givo Up.
n.iltliuoio, .lulv 12. About 200 ma
dilnlsts decided today to give up tho
light fm 11 iilne-hotii woi king day and
to apply foi' lelnstiitenient In tlie shopi
of the Mai .viand Steel company 011
Monday at the old teiins. Thin luingn
the machinists' stilke to an end In
this city. About 1200 inen employed In
various shops laid down their tools,
ami tho niajoiliv ot them vveio grant
ed theli demands.
Nothing Doflnito at Pittsburg,
i'lttshiug, July 12. -Tile labor con
ference adjourned at i 'i') tn meet again
tomoriow moinlng. I'lesldeut Shatter
said the day had been devoted to 1II1--
usslou and nothing detliiltu had been
Senator Hanna a Guardian.
By Kxelusho Wire fr.uu Tho At,oilitciI Press
(pM,linil. lul) If - linUe Pls'ettc, ot Iho
loiniiiou plea,, lhi tifiiiunou appointed
scuami M V lliiuii uuaiilliiu ot Ihe thiee ihll
drcu of his -on. Din II 011101. Iiv tho l.illerjs
iluorceil wile. 'Ihe .11 Hon was taken at the ie
Milt nf on Injunction issued )cMcidi) prnhlhltinj
Mr. II lima Horn leiiioiln; the ihililitn from
the lurisdlition ol the lleiliint iouil, Shi,
linnet rr. leirntd if Un. is-111 "f Hie Injunction,
ind, with ihe ihihliin, lell the tilt for Net
oi, heftiie Ihe papers were acried upon her.
Patorson Strikers Sontonced. .
By Kxcliitlvf Wire from The Assoehted Preis
Setv ork, July 1J Viie I lianeellor I'ltnc),
uliiaii; in l'.itrinn, N. J , Indii, enlenirtl t'lrm
nni llerotd, allrsid In be 1 leider of the utilkri
.it I'i mk A Due in' 1. fillt mill, to .-Kli dats
Imprl-oument and to piy 1 tine of vi. urrol
ami 11 manlier of nihil weie found uiillii n(
itintcinpt of s nn rt In di.irc inline t lie inunc.
lion itinlnlns the i.tilkcr fiom 'Verenadlns"
ami otlitiwl.o aiinii)lns nonunion wcaiet.
Lot al data t. r .lulv U, I'K'I I
lllehot teinpei iluie 71 deareei
l.nwe.1 ternptriturc 61 iteereea
Itelallie lluinldlly:
si m "J per cent.
s p. m TO per cent.
Pin ipliation. 'il liouia ended p. in., none;
wialhtr, ilmi'l).
t-r H l
4- W'.ishinu'ton. lulv 1". -I'orreasl for 4-
4 lli.itrn Pernio) it am i! Paillv cloudy Fat- -4-
- unlit ; waunvr 111 the toiiihern portion. -
4 s,ltidij, (ill, wanner; frcli iioilln-at to -
- east wlinlii. sV
tt-r tt'rfH 'r"Hlt
, .