The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 12, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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6peclal tft thr Siranton Tribune
TtniMiannni k. July 11 -The Tunlo
hannotk ('.inning f.ictmy will mm
meiicp their weiik for tlir srneoii ncxl
week, mulct Hip ni.iniipiMiioul f Sntn
ttel I'opf. "C Illinois. They will begin
by I'HiinliiR kIiIiik bonus, and follow
with coin, boftc, tnni.itoc?, etc. The
prodpcitx hip i'(p1Iciu lor it Mieccssful
biiflnf'f-s this eiu.
Ii ofw-Mif Oller J. .MotolncK, the late
principal of our Hlsli ftliool, Is pre
paring to loinove liin fiimlly to Now
Voi k Mtlte.
The funrial of the Into .Imnese I.uilct
rk will t.ikp place this Ki!dn) nf tor
noon ut a n'llnrk. ui thr icKlelenie of
Clareinc A. Utile, on Wyoming ave
nue The iPiimln, will be Riven builul
nt Sunnysldp leniPtPiy, anil tho Mh
ponlP society will lnnu thai go of tho
Mr. iiml Mr. IMwIn .1. .Inrelen ip
turned on Thur.sdny finni n two dns'
IMt with the foimor'8 mother nt
.lamps Oeubler and Oiliindo I'ntn
stork, rxpiutors of the last will nf
Ijydl.i Mii,n,ciil, decenrcd, will expose
the real estate of the testatrix, consist
ing of n hotipp and lot on Van Tioga
street, to public sale, on SHtuirUy, July
20 nt 1 o'rloik p. in.
Mis r, Dow DelVItt has gone to Cal
oriidri to lslt her sister.
i:. M Phillips, the station agent, will
improve hl lcsldence by having It
raised, and adding now poichei.
Cnids are out iinnnuni Ing the coming
marriage of (icmge Osborne Hklnnei,
of the ilothlng hnii'-p of Skinner &
Peter to Mli-.s Ilaulet IJute, of Tiee
land. l'.i The wedding will take plarp
nt Fieeland on Wednesday, Jul I'l, at
high noon
Misses Cert! tide, Vliglnla and Jessie
I.uckcnlilll ate lsltlng irlathes nt l.e
blghton. Pa.
Kev J. V. Muslna, foimeily pastor
of the chinch at this place,
was a idller In town on Wednesday,
Attorney Charles n. Kittle, of Seinn
ton, is Iipip today attending thp funeral
of his grandfather, the late James Lod
. erlck.
James W. Piatt and family are oc
cupMiig their sunimer icsldence nt
Lake Carey.
Prank Slinpion. n piofesor nt Tlikk
nell unlxeislty, will spend the summer
with his patents at this place.
D.nls Sebrlng, the expiessman, who
was piostrated by the heat last week,
Is much lmpi o od, and will soon be out
5pecial tn the Scranton Tribune.
Nicholson. July 11. Miss I'lhel Stark
who has beiii lulling frlendi) at
Po-anton foi the two weeks, ie
tuined to hir homo Monday evening.
Mi Fied i 'link loft Saturday aftci
nonn foi a ten dnys' islt to the Pan
Ameilcin, Nlagua Falls and Silver
Creek. ,
Mis Silvan gae a ineM de
lightful niusicale at her home on State
stieot. last Tuesday evening. Tho pai
lois woic eiy piettlly doLOiuted with
feins and potted plants. About S 30
p. m the following pi ogi amine was
rondel Pd ' Piano solo, "Taientelle,"
Mrs. (ionelevo F.aket; milmI duet,
"Calm as the Night," Mi. Lewis and
Miss Ulaik; vocal solo, (a) "Sleep Lit
tle llHby," (b) "Who II liny My La
eiuler," Miss Lillian C.ailand. voc il
solo, (a) "Since Fiist I Met Thee," (1)
"Shepherds Song," Mis. Cnnelce
Rakei. piano solo, "H.illct Mlgnon,"
Miss Lillian Titswoith; foIo,
"Njmphs and Fawns," Mls Floieme
AVilkiiis, ocal solo, "Fluwer Song,"
Mi? U S. Stephens; piano solo m)
Nocturne, (Chopin) ()) "Shadow
Dance," (McDowell). Itpfieshnients
were served and a most delightful
time was enjoyed by all. Thosp pies
tnt weie Mi. and Mis. D. W. Titus.
Mr and Mis. IX !. Mr. and
Mrs H S. Stephen.-, Mr and Mis. Le
J)o Karon Mis. i: n Moll, Mrs. II.
P.. Wllklns Mis. W W. Wainer. Mis,
Chailps (lailand. Mi,- c H. MarCon
nell Mis H. K Wllklns Mi L H
Jones Misv nuth Johnson, Miss lleu
lah Mae Warner, Miss Nellie Mack
Mrs l 11 Newton, Mis F. A. Uaker,
Destrojs Drain Cells and Con-
siimi'S Nerve Force at an
Knormoiis ltatc.
Many Cut 0(1 In Kariy .ManlionJ aid Woman'
hond on Account ol NsRlectlngtn Keep
Vitality on tlis High Water .Mark.
In the f.irtorles and woik'hfips, at
the oflii e and stoics es, and in the
hones, ton, people are being' siound to
death hv imp monotonous wear and
tear of unceasing toll. Day after dav,
week In and week out. It Is tho same
stoo of woik and Ubni of excessive
toll 07,1 .struggle, without oppoitunlty
of lerieailon. In the summer. ahoe
all other times, the bunion is heavy to
beai, and many a lctim falls by the
wa oeironie by neivoim exhaustion,
hent failme and physical decline.
It Is useless to talk of lost in the
cooling biepzos of some lake or ocean
resoit The woiid WOik must be done
th toiler niut toll on. Theie is one
method ot teplai ng waited tietve cells
and building up the woin-out system,
nnd that Is by using Di, A. W. Chase's
None Pills after each meal. They give
vigor and tone to the sstem ami pi p.
vent exhaustion nnd piostiatlon-they
befriend 01kln5; people by making
them strong and well, giving new hope,
new confidence and atiougur deteimin
atlon to succeed Tho wondetful medic I
nal power of this gieat medicine. Is
iiemonstiatcrl 111 thotiv.mds of
wheie the wasting piocess has been
stopped and health icstoied by lu use.
Mr. Thomas Summers, of No. ibif)
Jackson street, Scianton, Pa., says:
"Dr. A W. Chaso's None. Plll are a
splendid cine tor nervniiH sick head
aches. Mlno were tenlblo nt times. 1
was nervous nt the same time. The
neive pills weie lecommended to me
and I got a box nt Matthews rtros.'
drug stote, Lackawanna avenue, and
they complet'lv cut.ul the headaches
and nervousness. This, I think, le rec
ommendatlon enough. "
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills f,0 cents
a box at druggists, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co., Tluffalo, N. V. See that
portrait and signature of A. W. Chase,
M. 1 r on tvtrv Hacks sre
Ml" Violence Wllklns, Miss Lillian
(iiiiliunl, Ilev. L. I.. Lewis, Miss Lil
lian Ttlstwotth, of Montrose, and Mrs.
i:. M. Tiffany, of Foster.
Special to (h Rcranton Tribune.
Olb'on, July 11. Tho Fourth mhr
laigoly eelebrnted by the Pattlotlo Or
der Sons of Ameilcn. Proceeds, JlfiT.
Thiee of (ilbson's oldest lesldents
died within tho past week, Mr. In
creiifp UeWItt, Mis. llaymond Scott
and Mr. Heniy Able.
Mis. Ilalph Stoens, son and sister,
are visiting her hi other, Mi. N. II,
Mis. Uveictt Whitney entertains tho
Daddy Is near;
Mamma is a lady,
And that's very clear.
Find the father's face?
Methodist Fplscopal Aid Thursday,
the 11th, for dinner,
.Mr. 1. A. Sweet has returned from
Mis. Alllo Clark nnd two shters aio
boarding at W. C. Claik's for a few
w eeks.
Miss Il.ii t lot Parnos expects to visit
tho Pan-Ameiican In the near future.
Mr. Joshua Utonson just returned
homo, alter spending a lew days with
his fathei In this place.
Mis. Stiles is visiting her sister,
Mis. C C Lupton.
Mr. IJiiliy Sweet has 1 etui nod to bis
home In Chicago, but his sister will
lemain oast for the summer.
Mr. 1'dille Ilaidlng, of Scrnnton, will
spend hl vacation with his parents
In tilts plate.
Our now stage driver, Mr. Wlnfred
Tiffany, boaids nt tho hotel.
Our genial blacksmith, W. It. Ksta
biook, and Mi. Alder Smith, of Plng
haiuton, visited Sage's Pond one day
this week and biought home a large
supply of the finny tribe.
Mis. It. A. liatnnrd and son, Rav,
mo visiting bei patents, Mr. nnd
Mis. F A. Partial d.
Mr. (!us (Jorlsse and friends, of
Monti osp, madp a flying vMt to 'his
fathPis, the Kev. Oustavo doilsse.
Mis. James Hisley icceived a tele
giam ot her mother's death last Sat
in day.
Mi. Alder Smith, wife nnd chlldicn,
aie vlsting her patents, Mr. nnd Mis.
II. A. llai net.
Tho I'nlveisallst Alii society expect
to meet with Mts. C. C. Lupton Thuis
day, July 1&.
Thp Hai ford band spent the over
glorlous at the celebration In (ilbson.
The Hev. James Heiilck and wife
111 p vlsting her paipnts at Hopbottoni.
Mr. Kd. Hainard has moved to ll.11 -ford,
where ho has a position In the
Mi. (ieoigo Pakor, of South Mont
rose, Is vlltlng at George Mnnyer's.
Miss c.ertmde Power hns leturned
fiom the Pan-Ametkan, and repoits
a fine time.
Miss Julia Strockblne has Just re
turned fiom the Normal.
Mr. Alfred Pclcher and wife visited
at W. M. Weston's Sunday.
Mi. and Mrs. C. A. Sweet are enter
taining company from the valley.
Mi. and Mrs. P. H. Tiffany have six
boarders from the valley for the sum
mer, Mr. F. W. Barrett will go to Sus
quehanna Thutsday with produce.
fpclvl to the Semnton Tribune.
Hallstead, July 11. A large horse,
belonging to John Tunney, was crip
plod and Is not In shape for work. The
horse ran a shaip mill or stone Into
his hoof and a lame leg lesults.
J. II. Van Loin has harvested a large
ciop of hay from his faim hero.
Mis. FiPd Harnuin waa visiting In
Hlnghamton on Tupsday.
The- lallioad inpn arp cxpeilendng a
lull In rnilrond business on the Lacka
v 111,11a. The prospects, aie biJghtenlng,
In a slnelo boaid In a bain belong
ing to John Crossen, just outside of
town, the writer counted 5,198 tacks,
which hnd been driven Into the board
by sign posteis within a space of ten
yoais. Th bain Is (dtuatcd at a cross
road and henco Is much used for sign
John Stockholm, of Hlckoiy Otove,
was chnscd by a huge black snake at
his home Thursdny. Stockholm had
st.11 ted fishing and was ciosslng Shny's
Hats when the leptlle came from a
clump of ferns by the madslde. At first
Stockholm in), but the snake gained
upon him at every moment. He then
turned nnd gave battle with a llsh pole.
The snake's neck was broken. Tho iep
tile mcHHUred twelve feet, 0110 of the
laigest killed here lu many years. The
snnke had thiee young inbblts Jn Its
1,'dward Harms has been foreman of
tho chair factory here, during tho ab
sense of Manager Kessler.
An automobile passed through here
Wednesday, and attracted much atten
tion. John Aiken has disposed of hie horse
and wagon to Charles Tierney.
Mr, and Mrs, C, M. Kessler and son.
Donald, have returned home fiom a
vl!t to the Pan-American expo-dtlon.
They say thnt It Is nil lUht and well
worth attending.
The funotnl of J. P. Lodeilek, held at
his home on Thuisday owning, w'ns
bugply nttended by his many filends
and by tho Masonic lodge, of which ho
vvns a faithful member. Hln icmulns
weie taken to Tunkhnnnock for Inter
ment Filday morning. The funeinl nt
Tunkhnnnock will bo In dint go of the
Masonlo lodge. Mr. Loderlck was very
popular, lie came I101 fiom South
Montrose some years ago, lie was em
ployed nt W. J. Day'H moat maikct.
lie Is survived by a wife, one biolher,
one sister and a daughter, Mis. Clar
ence Little, of Ttinkhannock. The direct
cause of death was blood poisoning.
D. W. Jackson, the master mechanic
In charge of the round-home and tdinpq
heio, Is convalescing from a uerloui at
tack of typhoid fever.
Mr. and Mis, Lou Nichols have e
cpntly been vlsltlns at tho homo ot
Henry Met It le.
William llayner, of Hlnghamton, is
the guest of his uncle, Thomas Shan
non, on Chuich street.
Scott Wind, Chules Tunner nnd a
number of other young men have gone
Into tamp on the river at lied ltock.
They have the ground i nicely tlxed up,
and aio enjoying troir outing.
Mis. Cllcn Tiffany and Mrs. Jones, of
Pinghaiuton. weie vifitlng nt the home
of Mr. and Mis. M. S. Lowe recently.
F.verett Aldon, while handling a
bunth of bananas lecently, killed a
laigo spider. It Is supposed to be one
that came fiom tho tioplcs with the
bananas. The spider measured three
Inches acioss the back.
The polos for tho new telephone com
pany have ai lived and aie to be placed
for the wires within a few days. Many
citizens aie kicking because the toun
cll is allow inu tho vailous companies
to deface the liver bank with tele
phone and telegiaph poles nnd whes.
They think the bank should be icservod
for a park.
Riches in the Soil if the Farmer
Wants to Have Them.
Ironi the C'liirigo ( limniilc.
If tho fanner Is to got ilchos ho must
got them out of tho soil. Neither tho
Chicago Poaid of Trade nor the free
1 olnage of 50 tent dolbns will make
him 1 Ifh. Tho hocus-pocus politicians
cannot add a bushel to tho pioductlvc
ness of his land, nor can tho "kings"
of tho corn pit add anything1 perman
ently to the vnliip of his crops.
Having accepted these obvious tru
isms, the faimer will bo Inteiested In
I ho scientific experiments now being
conducted by the Department of Agrl
rultuie, with n view to Increasing tho
corn of this country without
expense or labor. The scientists have
found that by cioss-brcedlng tho nltio
gen contents of the com arc Increased
and the number of ears to a stalk 1110
Increased. Hxpciiments made In grow
ing 10,000 specimens of these hybrids
have alicady demonsttated that It Is
possible to double the yield of coin
troni 'i given number of plants.
In addition to conducting these ex
periments the depaitment Is sending
out some valuable advice to faimcis
In the matter of selecting teed for
planting. This advice Is to go through
the Held and select corn from the
laigest stalks for seed purposes. Not
one farmer In 10,000 over thought of
doing such a thing. The uniform
practice of farmers Is to select the
largest eais fiom the crib for seed.
There's mom money in corn than In
tho piomlsos of politicians. The bible
holds up for emulation tho man who
makes two blades grow where only
one grew before. How to do this Is
whnt Secretary Wilson Is trying to
show tho farmers. In the meantime
the pioducts from corn, such as oil,
glucose, 1 ubbor, celluose, paper and
(lour are being multiplied and their
value Increased.
The time Is coming when there will
be mllllnnH In corn. If Colonel Solleis
were on earth today theie Is llttlo
doubt thnt ho would begin planting
torn on n largo scale.
The value of the corn crop of tho
United States In ISHf) was $6Jf2t0.110,
or more than double the gold output
of the world.
Tlir Indian I. meet of .Ian '21 rrlvri the follow,
ins; condensation of a piocUmation in (lie I.o.i
thnw Heiald:
"Han should not rob the animals ol their own
proper food, and, ol all anlmala, the cow li the
mn.t valuable to nun. 'I lie sellers n( mill,
blacken their souls for Rairii but Ihn.e who
ill Ink milk tin to in the foolish belief that It Is
Rood for them, Before taking any medicine, we
should curelull investigate II. piopcittu, and
who doea n in the rase nf milk? Milk i tlic
natural food of lubes and of ouncr animals; but
wlun adulta dilnk It do. they not theieby en
dinger the life of the autkllnor tall ami arouso
bitter rebutment In the aouls p( the calf and Iti
mother? Beast) havr not the power of speech,
and to cannot (ell men that bv drinklne tow's
milk they will become like miadiupeds. II men
must havr a ftlfrjitlifiilni draiiRht, there air a
thousand better tlilnrra than milk, tn why keet(
(hat? Dcilrit-), tho (erm of life la (oieoidalned,
and it cannot be prolontcd by drinklne milk.
"livery one who. reada (his warnlnu li especial,
ly enjoined (o sbtaln Irnn milk In (ho lutuie.
Clilldren whose parents will not allow them to
drlrk milk will not be stunted, In growth, hut
wilt have their live prolonged and be immune
in epidemic). So it is proclaimed In tin Hall of
l.ood Counsel."
Wnll Street Review.
New oik, .tub 11 Wall Mitrl linl another
limuxf.m nt iiciwin-nut trolif unil nuili' fome
ilrti tuM in tin of Mud Ixfiiti-'
bully lu'l Lien utniril, lliuaillt lonnlilrrtil tlie
MilliiK 1 .unc from Ihikp fpnuLilort ulio Iml
aiinmtiUlril tfitk di who li.ul held on to tlimi
from .1 Inn; anlnlor tlilo In tlif liojm ol iciIIk
Iuk en II11 mid Jnlv ilniiniil, wliltli frmtctlincs
follows t lip .lull' tll.liiiriu mi nta nii.l tlic trnVt
of fumU from (lie inttilor to Ntw York licfoic
lliry Aif nccilfil (or nioiliin; (Ik iitn. Hut
wnll' iineviirrteil ilcirlopnipnM lint' lutpivl 10
(llvnm.iRc ll:U ncn 1hiIiik mid cm 11 (a I nihil e
Miling It, but Hip nn.lorlj Inor mmc ot
thr villtiR l the liullpnlllnn nf llic New Yolk
Iniik. (o (o.lcr 1 fioiiijl(" tiiovrtnoiil nt Hill
time In lcvt nf Up cli!cntlc nf tho money
in.itkri, uhuh pmnilwt to leiuc Intu furcn 1 ir
lit r (Inn 11. nil I hit fill. 'I he ilanngc iindontit
nlly ilniio to the mill crop and thr tlnral of
tnorr tn umie ai a jwitmt Inlliicncr. Ihfl
action "f thr coin ln.irkrt llnrlt tmlay Iml'l rl
a foollni: In Wall Mrcet lint thr crop ulluatlni
hut linn mcr dlMoiinlf.l In the ucck'i btuck
nurlcl One of the miiiuI'cs nt In the con
tc.dcil taiisc nf the tinlilitr ll'iilhlltlmi tnliu
nn u,n Hut rlltiml hid hrnkrn nut lrfli over
the t null ui ol Hit Niiilhrm I'.irlllr. lVtit t ilnl
(0 cnirohoritr thl tin ncvcral The Nortlirtn
I'.iclNV illretloix, it njt polnlrd out, hid met
ami adniiined ,r.trnli nllhout annniinclui; ilia
prrMiiulll) nf the new (uiiiptoml.e hoard, Sen
t.rftlonal rrportn urir turreiit t( ,1 lnimv meet
Ins bcturfn (he tcso ptlntlpjU in the Notthern
Padtle content.
'Ihr scnvitiniul 'Irop In Itntk Islam) rauaetl a
ronjeiline that the puKei Hon ot rurntly ac
nulled larsc holdlic In that pioprily hail tn
do wilh the dr.i-tk' Hinhlatlnn In other pitta ot
the lll. Ihr lln,uhlitlon spent its i:teatrt lone
during the lift hour, when a hill ,1 million
nh.urt weir marketed. A tendency tonird re
lovery then tlecelopeil nlilih tatrled prleei eirly
In the lat hour tn an .itrragr level neir to or
above tlut of latt nkrht. The recovery waa not,
however, held, and tlir close waa unsettled anl
Irreeular with new declines in some ol the prin
cipal .11 live Mucks. Knik Mind reached a
level T'i below lat nlcht; Northweatern, 5;
Iiekawanni, (': St Paul and lnvva Central
prefened, 3'4, Cheaieake and Ohio, Vt; s.
Louis and Mn I'mrclsco rlrst preferred, 3,
and Raltinioie ami Ohio, Pelanara .vud Hudson,
M Louis snuihvvptlirn prefened, ( hteairn and
Kaslern Illinois and (Sreit Sorlhern preferred,
,1 points raili lojpl imIcs today, 1,)p,nni)
The ralboad bond nnrket wis moderately a."
tlve and IrreKulir. Total Mlun r.dr value, if),
5in,non t,nlled Mates old s md Hi" 5i tlrclln-d U
per cent, on the I ill call.
The follow in;: quotations are hirnlshed Thl
Pribune by M. S Jo.-dan k Co., room Tft'TrJJ
Ueara bulldinc Scranton, Pa. Telephone &00.1:
Open- High Low Cloi-
Ins. est. et. Inij.
American 'nsir H Hl'i 13U4 1
Amerlrin lobaieo 1U' HJ'4 r-n 1i
Atililsnn "'i, T 7.1', Ti';
stthison. iv iiio'j inn; o; inn
nronk Iradlon "'i Tn 77 Tx'i
Ball. A- Ohio OT', (i7's IM Pn1,
( ont. Toll-inn Wi' ra, ij m
Ches. & Ohio II 4". 41 41
Chic. A l.t. Wet JJ'i M't 2l 'II
!t. Paul Pd 1W r IViij
ltock Wand HI1! 1"'a HI 1 17
Viet. Triellon lT"i K.'i 1MIJ ir.ii
Vllvso. I'lelflc IW'i in-!", 10J, H)4it
liuis A s.i-h nil, invt tn im
South. 1'atilli- ."l, o'i i'0'j .VI',
Norfolk A- West 4M3 vi 4? 4x
N. Y. Centril Ul'-i 112 IV) 1 ..'
Ont. k Western I-' 1-H i t-ai
Peniia. Itv 14V'i I in 141'i lIlTn
PailHf Mall S W ."! SS
IteadinK Itv 4lj 4i 40 40
Iteadins Itv., IT 7'1 Wi 71j 7U"i
Southern It. I! "'I S' S-H, :is4
southern It. It. Tr , ... M'4 ""1 M S4
Tenn. Coil k Iron hi M 1,11 til
I'. -. Letthcr l' l,Ts l-"', 1.' a
f. s. tiilicr, IT T7i 77'j 7fii Ti
I. s Itubhei iH'j Si' a 'Jn 1
Cnlon 1'aclhc ''Hj lon'i '171; (1-14
(nhn I'jciHc, IT "', 'j fi's
Wabash, IT ID 414 .."'a PI
Western Cnlon !i0' "I S'l1 M'f,
Col Kuil A Iron 101 Klt'a "' m,i
A111.1I Copper 1I7'j 1l" 111 11
People's (.is Il'a III II" Hi's
Knr ."s !'' .17
Pile, UI b7'i Ii7', M ta
( ot. Southern 1 .'a H'a 1-'i H
'Icxm Pat In m's 41 '' "'
Amer. I ir Foundry .... 2'i'a '-''" '- '-'
C. S viffl Co 41U 4Cs 4i'j 4l'i
V. S. Steel Co , IT !H34 !MU 'il 0I'
Open. Hlsh- Low- Olos
W'IIET. inc. est. tt. Ins.
September Tn1, 7I'4 To1 Tt
Het ember "-J ".''a '-'t "J
S'eplrmlier fii'i 6t'i 52'4 fil'i
Deirinlur 5J' 5l'a W'l S4V2
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
First National Hank
Scianton Sivln?s llink
Third Natloml flank
Dime Deposit and Discount Rank..
l'cnnomv l.lchl. II At I'. Co
Lacks. Trust Mfe Deposit Co
Clark k Snover Co., IT
Scranton Iron Feme k Mis. Co....
Scranton Axle Works'
Lacaw inna Dilrv in. IT
Count v Savinea llink At Irmt Co..
nid. Asket
361) . .
l'lrt Natloml bank (Carbondale)
Stardard Dnlllns Co
Traders' National Hank 17)
Sainton Holt k Nut Co Hm
People's Hank
New Mexico Ity. A: C Co....
Pennton Passeneer Hallway,
Mortcace, due injo
People's Street Hallway, first mort-
cacr, due 101 S
Teoplc'a Street Hillway, Oeneral
mortKasr, due n't
Dickson Vlaniifatturins; fo
Lacka Tonnhlp School fl per cent.
Cltj of Scranton St. Imp, 8 per
Scranton Traction 6 per tent
1 102
Scrnnton Wholesale Mnrket.
(Corercled by 11. CI Dale. 27 f.ackowarina Av )
Hmtcr-Fresh, JO'iaJIc.; dairy, fresh, n)ii4
201 ve
Cheese Full, new-, lOtsallc.
Feei. Wcitem (rehl 13',-aHt j nearby 8t
15al52c '
Heans-rer bushel, rhoitc marrow, $2 60a2 61
Pea Beans Per bushel, tholcc mairow, 535a
Medium Beans Per bushels. $2.40ai2 ty
Oreen Pea Per busheles, Jl 40a$l 4?.
Flour Best patent, per barrel, fj u
Bwl Kidney Beam Per bushel, 2.(5i$2J0
Potatoes Per bushel, F5a00e.
Fhllndelphln Grain nnd Produces.
Philadelphia, July 11 W heal- Firm, 'Jr.
higher, comrait ciadr July, (lSljiiiic Corn
Stronff and l',r lucther, No 3 mixed .lull. Sla
51'se. Ojt- Firm and 2 higher, No 2
wliite cbpp-d, .)7Ha1Se Butler Finn, good di.
nmidi fancy western creamer;, in'jo , do. do
prints, 20,. , do. nearby. 22c. Kgc--Firm. fair
demand; fresh nearby, lb i do western. H'ji
Hi , some lots, ll'dc ; elo. aouthwestern, 12'je ,
do. tmithcrn, 12 Cheese-Quiet, but Heidv;
New York lull creams fancv small, ni,iaoir ;
do do do. fair to choice, SUaOc. Heflned Sutrirs
t'nehanged. Cotton -I 1n lower, middling
upland, el 3-lc Tallow- (Julel, but sleadvi
ciiv prime in hlula . i'so., rnunlrv ilo do bar
rels, 45,,a(11e.! cakej, 5'ie. Live Poultrv Quirt,
(owls easier; fowls. I2at2'jc , old roostcis, 7t ;
spring rhlrkena, 1'iaJO. , .prlng iluiks, lO'si'tlc ;
old do., 10s. Dressed I'outtrv -Hun, good de
mand; fowN, tlioite, lit ; do, fair to cood,
lutinijt ; old ronslera. broileii neaib,
i.yi1..-. . ur. i, ilrt . i.e,.'.
Hetelpts-j'loiir, 010 bariels anl SIO.ijOi) pounds
In snLu. uln II Ntlpj.l. h.i.l.. U ...... ,1ij.
lunhelsj nals, 52,010 bushels sliipmenls When,
tin,, p., iiiisiiii., sum, ivu.i.j., uiisneis, oai,
II.0OJ bu.hels.
New York Grain nnd Produce.
New oik, July 11 Flour - i tlve and tirm
at old prncj. Wheat spin m.rkcl ftrini .No 1
red, 71c f. o b, atloat; .No icd, 72e. elevator;
No, 1 .Northern Diilulh, TJ'i, f o, b afloat.
Optlona were gencrallv active and ttioug and
ac. Iilgheri -bilv closed, 711st.; September,
71c; October, "Hit ; December. 7.1c. Corn
spot strong. No, '2. Ut. elevalm; olj.c. f. o. b.
afloal. options viry attive, tln.rd stiong at
ac. net advantc, .lulv tlosrd, M'ir.; Septem
ber, Jl'jc ; October, SHjt j Detruiber, .1le.
Ott pol sliongcr. No '2, sin 11,141.; No. J,
.i;a3bi , No. 2 white, ;i7a1"l-r ; No .1, 3V.C.;
traik mlxrtl western, ai' i'l"c 1 tut k white,
.'.Rallr l)itions ttioug and again higher, In
lliienved bv irop newi Butter -steadv ; cream
civ, Ha-lli'lc i fulniy, llaH'tc , imltaltnn
ciranui), 1lal7c ; state dair, I lalS't . cheese
steady to flinij (amy laige colored. Pi 1 fancy
large while, tie , fancy small colored, "'iai.e ;
fain v small white. O'ta'Jc. Lggs-Irirgvilar,
state and I'rnnavlvanii, Italic ; wesletn uman
died, UalJVji.S western candled, llalit.
Chlcngo Grain and Produce,
Chlngo, .Inly 11. Cattle Ilecelpta, 8.5CV), In
cluding 000 levaiui Steera generally slo ; butch
er) nock steady (or choice, other) slow; good
In prime steers, (fa.lOii 20; poor (0 medium,
H.fiOaS; slnekeis nd feeders slow, 2!3a4 40;
heifer),; cannen, f:a2.n; bulla ilow,
2.40a4.40; calves choice ilrons. olher) i(eadv,
lafi S5; Texai ttrers, f-l.C5i5 520; Texas bulls,
I2.J0a3.10. Uost-ItectlDti todtv, 16.000; tomor-
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Four Lines, 3 Cents for Each Extra Line.
For Rent.
For Reinto
About 1200 feet offloorspace on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power,
finquire at office of
The Tribune.
lOlt HKVI'-IIlgtit rooms. T.H .leftcr-on avenue,
nil modern conveniences I
030 OIHX.V Hinr.B srRKCT, (en rooms, modern
iinpruvcnients; sieam ncai lurnisncu, u,....
deslrable. For Sale.
I-Olt SM.K ery large saddle horse; (horouehly
sound and very genlle. Address W. C, Trib
une Olllce.
FOB SM.K-llie niosl atlrattlvc lots t citv.
1'rcia.olt avenue, tdork above lie school
house. Double lot, I0sl70. gas, wall aewer
pipes laid: only 1,VK). Take I'etersbuig cir
and see thesr splendid lols pply II.
Kaufold, He,, I'rescotl avenue, or 'llionws Bussell,
K.O Harrison avenue.
J Oil SM.F.-slT head work horses, one weighing
LMKI pounds; two pilr tlrlvlng horses
mate bed Can be seen at (ho United States hotel,
147 I'enn avenue.
FOB SM.K -A Cottrell k Sons cjllnder press,
3.UWI, In good condition, new rollers, $.W0.
-.pply Wilkes Barre Times Office, Wilkes Barrc,
row, 13,000; left over, active, SaleV
higher, dosing strong, (op,; mixed and
liuuncrs, .l.oao 10, Knnu tn t'noiic iiphvv, c"
rt so. ropgh heavj, fVSJa'PB; light. JjSOiS.Fi;
bulk Of silrs, 6afl 15. Sheep Itecelpts, 10,000;
sheep, 10c higher; limbs, l.a2"ic. higher; Col
oiadu shoin limbs tin tn $V3", spring Iambi
up tn Wt good to choice wethers, $3 00a 4 40. (air
tn chohr mixed. $.fija4. western sheep, KiiOi
4 40; .vearllnns, 4 21a I 00; native lambs, .7Ja
6; western lambs, f.1 i0a3 4S.
Chicago I,lve Stock Market.
Chieago, .lulv 11 Coarse grains were again
active and higher lodav , September corn tins
ing lalr. higher, and oats "4c higher. Wheal
v.n (U111 In sympathy with corn and oits, and
s-eptember closed Rsi higher; while provisions
weir dull and closed iinchinged to 5c. higher.
Cash tpiotatinns were as follows:
Flour Dull and easy; No 2 red spring wheat,
0'ilfcc. ; No. 2 corn, 401;aljc. ; S'o. 2 vellow,
41'8i' ; No. 2 oats, ajifcc ; No. .1 while, Sl'ialjc ,
No. t (lax seed. SI SS, prime (imothy seed, $4 70;
mes pork, lir,0il4 (0, lird, $00i'2'j. short
ribs, V7.ooii0'i: drv salted shoulders, 7ilaHc. ;
short clear sides, f IDai 50; whiskey, $1.27,
New York Live Stock Market.
....... v.,.1. l.,l. it n...... VAmlnItt slrsdv.
Calves cr.v little trade for stock, barelv steadv.
tommon to prime veals, n T5. buttermilks,
nominal. Oooil dliern Finn. Limbs opened
strong; closed weak and ra-sler Sheep. ?lal J7'a;
tholte. fl .10, ctin. sij.ii; lamii", 11 omi rt, nip
car. ' Hogs Nominally weak on liunaio au-
East Liberty Cattle.
Fast Liberlv. Julv 11 Cattle -'teadv; evtri,
tlslati, prime. "o0i"70, good. 51. Oaiio.
Hogs 'tenh: prime heavies, fi 2IU0.21; heavy
mediums. h,30; assorted mediums, $8..lii9 7'4;
best voikers. M'i0i8.l5; light vorkers and pigs,
Vi.Ti; common to fair vorkers, il 20if 2; skips.
1ih; ropahs. Jl aal T1). slieep lligner, nesi
wethers, 4 lOal JO; culls and common, l "nU
2.ji, jeaillngs, JIVlilW; veal calves, $7a7.50.
Oil Market.
Oil ( Itv, .lulv 11. Ciedit balances. 101 j certifi
cates no'blds or offers Huns. lnl,22l: average,
t8,43j. Shlrmcnti, 7,76G; average, 05,610.
National League.
At Pittsburg H- !' K.
Hn.lon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft- 0 S 1
r,ttsburg 80002 000 S 10 1
Batteries I'itlinger and Kitlridge; Tannchill
and Zlmmer. I'mplics Fmslle and Nash.
At Cincinnati li H. K.
Brooklvn 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 05 11 3
( inein'natl 0 1 O 0 2 0 0 0 ft 4 10 J
Batteries Kllson and McOuIre; Phillips and
Bergen. Umpire Behle.
At Chicago It. IT. K.
Philadelphia ...(10000000301-4 7 2
Chicago 2 0 1 0 0 0 ft 0 0 0 0 3 11 5
Batteries Puzglehv and Douglass; F.ajon and
Kahor. Umpire Cunningham.
New Vork-St. Louis, not scheduled.
American League.
At Boston H. II. i:.
Philadelphia 0 0 1 0 0 1 .1 0
Boston 1110 11 T I)
Batttrles Plank and mith; Winter) and
Schrctkongojt. Umpire Connolly.
At Washington II. II. I.'.
Baltimore 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h (I 2
WiishinEtnn 0000 2 0000 2 8 2
Batteries Howell and Bohlnson; Mercer and
(lark. I mpiie Sheridan and
At Milwaukee n. IT. K.
Cliirige 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 15 7 1
Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 01 6 2
Batteries Katnll nnd Sugden; Iteidy and Con
nor, Lmplic Cantlllon.
At Cleveland n. IT.
Detroit. 1 11 0 0 0 n 0 0 O- 1 5
Cleveland 0 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 U 1
Bitteries-Cronln and Buelon; Moore and
Venger. Umpire Haskell.
Eastern League,
I'rovldenre, fi; Toronlo, 2,
Hartford, 4; Rnrhestei, 0.
Worcester, 0; Montreal, 4.
Sjiacuse-Buflalo, rain.
The court home team has organized as follows:
Bee.e lawls, catcher; John Llo)d, pitcher; .f,
W. Watklns, ilmrtstop; John Von Bergen, (list
base; William Smith, second bane; Kugene Cos
gtove, third base; John J. Durkin, lelt field,
J W. Benjamin, center field; John K. fiaflney,
right Held, fharlea J. Mlrtr, second catcher.
The team is willing to plav (he city hill team,
the l.iuerne court house team or any non profes
sional team under 40 je.irs of aRc,
Chargea Made That Funston Did Not
Discover the Chief.
Arcorelln;- to tho Army nnd Navy
rtcfjlster Issue or June ".'!) Octi. Fun
ton did not discover tho location of
AKiiliiuldci. The atatcmeiit la mad
that Lieutenant J. D. Taylor, of tho
Twenty-rout th Infantry, was the man
who inndo the Important find.
TIip ItrRlster nays;
"Taylor whs In command of r com
pany of his icglmont at rrintab,innan
In the fiistnessos of Caiahullo Moun
taliiH seventy-live miles rrom the rail In May, 1900, one Tiocoplo Lin
Banjran whs appointed chief of police
and pained the confidence of Taylor
to vliom ho made the ptoposltlon that
11 natlvo military band he organized.
Procoplo was sent to Manila under
pass to purchase musical Instruments
and In Tils absence Lieutenant Taylor
learned that the man was In reality
a Major Nasarln Alambrla. of the In
surrectos, and that some of the enemy
were in the nelehborhood awaltlntr a
WANTKD-An Intelligent (Catholic) lady or gen
t If nun lo Oil light, pleasant position,
good pa), If suitable. Addresi 1. O. Box. 20.
Scranton, l'a.
Help Wanted female.
WWTI.D ladles or gentlemen, aalary sevent.v-
five dollars per nonth and expmsm to travel
No canvassing, fifty dollars per month at hmir,
ateaely employment Call at (Irand Central Hotel.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received at Any of ttai Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M.
Central City
ALBEBT scill.tlTZ. corner Mulberry
street and Webster avenue.
OUSl'AV P1C1ILL, W0 Adnu avenue.
West Side
OEOBCJK W. JF.KKISS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
FIIED L. TEBPrK, 7:0 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
CEO. W. DAVIS, corner Norlh Main
avenue) and Market street.
Green Ridge
CIIAIH.i;3 V. JONl'.S, 1517 Dickson
F J. JOHN'S, M0 (Veen Illdge street.
C. LOIIF..N, corner Washington ave
nue and Marlon street.
V. H. KXEI'FF.!,. 1017 lrvlnj avenue.
J. a. & soy.
Rooms and Board.
LABOE front room with board (or two gentle
men, 410 Adams avenue.
Boarders Wanted.
WASTED Table boarder). Mrs. 'lompklnj. Ml
Washington avenue.
Wanted To Buy.
FAfiM WVNTF.D Near Klmhurst. about 2i ancs.
will piv cash Musi be Impinveil Bring
or send (nil deseripllon at oner. It. K. (omegis,
Dime Bank building, Scranton
Money to Loan.
fsMO.uOO TO LOAN'-Lovvest rates; straight or
monthly pajments. Stark k Co.,Traders hi Ig.
straight leans or Building and Loan. At
from 4 to 8 per cent Call on N. V. Walker,
8H-11S Connell building.
Furnished Rooms.
FOB BEXT One large furnished Iront room;
alao one side room, 6-17 Adanu avenue.
I.OmT V gold bulge with the name of .limes
Toriney was lost In Sci inton A liberal ic
w ird will be pild (or its iiturn to ihe Cullierj
Engineer company.
I.OVT On Jul.v 'i. poeketliook e ont lining Lchich
alley pa.s, other pipers ajid ctinenev Be
ward nf flu vCill lie paid for lis return to Tem
ple Iron compin.v, nf Trade liulldin:.
slIHYID-1o the piemlses nf the Moosie Moun
tain Coal conipiiiv, Mir'liwnod. I'a , a Ijiko
grav horse about lluee veam old Owner
havr same bv pajing costs. Moosic Mount nil
Coal company.
WILL 1 M'E confinement cases at my home.
Box h
Situations Wanted.
SirCVTION W WTED-To go out washing and
honing. Washing and nomng taken linnir
also. Call or address flit .North Sumner avenue
sin VTIOV WrhU A woman wants wash
ing to take home. Addicas Mrs. A. U. Kvaus,
."13 Evans court.
biri'VIION' W t.M'KD Bv a lespcetablr girl t.)
do cookinc, can (urnlsli best reieiiiiees.
rieass call at 514 Behecra avenue, lljda I'Jik
Sin MIOV WNTKD-By a ueiod gill tn do gen
et il housework; an give best rcfereiues.
Please call at 5.14 Itebceca avenue, ll'de I'nk.
Ml FA HON W'AMED Bj strong, active, .voting
man, willing lo do any honest work; one
jear's rvpenence In shipping; good lefcrcnccs.
elilirss, II. 1, , earc of 'liibunc (Htitc.
Sll CAT ION' W NIKI-llv a joung man, f i
fii.t-iluss elcnui iplur Addicos "Mdio,"
care Inbune.
SITUATION WNII.D-Dy a )nung man; well
reccinmendd. willir lo wmk at anvtliinc,
cheap, with boaid. Aeidiess K M., 511 Meridian
Sill ATION WANTHl Bv a middlr aged woman
as housckcrpd in wiihiwei's (amil); can give
refeiencc Call en or address M, II , 113 South
ltebecca avenue, scranlun, l'a.
bll'l' ATION W NTKD -It) joung girl as nure.
Call nt Fls Biver street, south side
hlTLHTIOK NTLD-f!lrl wants situalion at
geneial hniiewoik (iood sleail) girl. d
dresa M. Bochloid, Ocncril Ddivciy, Went sido
SITI'.MION WN'li:D A first class roaehman o
lies a situation with .1 private familv
Capable, jober and reliable and understands tlir
biialnejs thoroughl.v , with reference). Addic.a
Coachman No. S.ll I'enn avenue
BOABD OF KXAMINFrfs ( andidalea for Ihr .f
tiro of mine inspectors in the Hr.1 and see
oml inspection dl.lrlcts aro heieby tlat
the board ol examiners appointed bv (lie enurt
of cominon pleaa of I ackawuuna countv vvlll meet
at (he Board o( control room, ( ity Hall, in Ihr
Cllv of Scranton. mi 'luenlav, Jul) 10, lnul, at 1
o'clock p m (or ihr cv.inlnation of sueli caudi
dates as ma befiur them landidai'
will please notice Ibal .'. linn II of the mine
law icnulies. tin in lo piodiiec sillsfictory evi
elence to the boaid ol having had at least flir
5 ears practical experience in the anthracite coal
mines ol I'cnnsjlvania.
l I, UN lllf IIMtllS,
.1 Wills Ol Nil,
jmis f Mortniso.v,
ALEX. Itllll.AND,
Attest Board,
EMU. BONN, Clerk.
call to arms they had conveniently
Aecoidinfr to tho HeRlster, a deserter
from AUnihrlo's pomnuind was forced
Into divulging tho whereabouts of
Filipino documents, and by following
up clewn Taylor found that Agulnaldo
was at Palanderado, Taylor sent all
letters to General Funston together
with Important Information that en
abled the Kansan to carry out his ex
ploit. The neglster notes us a remarkable
fact that Lieutenant Taylor has not
been nicmtloned In the offlclal dis
patches nor shared In any reward for
Aculnaldo's capture.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Thin Pour Line), Cent) for Gich Bttra Lin),
Certified Public Accountant.
i:il MID C. SPAl'I.DI.N'll, 23 TBAUE113 DAN'.;
Lstate Kscliange llltlg , ma Washington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
spruce street, Scranton.
Booms l:, 14, 10 and 18 Burr building.
(Ia(ed on real estate security. Meara building,
corner Washington avenue and tpiuce street.
and counsellom at-lasv. llepubllcan building,
Waslilngton avenue.
sellora at-law. Conimonwealth building, Boomj
10, 50 and SI.
POSPOi, oth fl00ri jiears liulldlng.
of Trade building, Scranton, P).
Bank liulldlng.
211 Wjcmlng avenue.
Physicians and Sugeons.
Ingtnn avenue. Itestdenee, 1J11 Mulberry
(hronli dlseasr, lungs, heart, Mdneva arid
genltn urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Resturants.
avenue. Rates reasonable.
1'. ZEIOLER. Proprietor.
eenger depot. Conducted on the European
pln VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor.
eryinen, store 201 Washington avenue; jrecn
houses, 1950 North Main avenue; atore tele
phone, 782.
cess pools, no odor; only improved pump) cued.
A. B. Brlggs, proprietor. Leave order) UOO
North Main avenue, or Klcke's drug atore, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry Both telephone).
Wire Screens.
Scranton, I'a , manu(ac(urer of Wire Screen).
also ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, ill
Adama avenue.
selopes, paper bags, (wine. Warehouse, 1ST
Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa.
in Scranton nt the news stands nf Belsmin
Bros . 40i) spruce and 3IU Linden: M. Norton,
121 Lackawanna, avenue; I. S. Schutier, 211
Spruce street.
OltPIHNV (Ol l(T .! i; I- state of Margaret S.
h nned.v, l.itr nf Ihr ot) of Scranton, county
cf Laikawanna, drisrd
Bv virtur of en nil, i of thr Orphans' Court
cf I mm eoiinlj, there will be exposed to
public, e-alr, nt Ihe Uhmation loom in thl
Court House, in the eilv el 'nranlnn, county ot
I.iikawanna, md state ( IVnnsvlvania. on Thur.
il.i) the Iwent.v liflli dav of Julv. A D, nineteen
bundreel and on-, at ten o'clock a, m. of said
elav, the billowing pirer ol land and appurldl
finres. to wit- Ml liiat erilaiti lot, piece, or
panel cf Ian I slluitr, Ivtnj and bring In the
Eighth Waul ol tin- e-ily of Seranton, county
of l.ickawanna, and state of I'ennsvlvanla, bound.
id and elrseiilied us follows, to wit Being lot
number thlitirn ti in lilock number sixteen
(11) upon Ihr town plot of the rltv of Scranton,
Intended to Ir elu v leeoided; Is thirlv Ave (S)
feel wiih in In nt on ihr northwesterly slds ,l
South Wasluiiii ii aveniit , Ihe same width in
re ir, on an nlliv .ivlun (Ihl (eel wide for puhlic
use, and one bundle I ami fiflv il.VI) feet deep
along thr in itheasti rlv side nf Biver street. In.
cellicr Willi ilio light lo enclose, nicupj and uss
ten (10) feet in fiont of said tot on South Wash
Itistnn iivenur .md ten i0) fret along the stdr
of Mid lot nn Biver tiret In manner and ferir
Kn sin b ri.-ht is siven In foinier eonvevanees o
siid premises,, Icing thr isamr prrmlsea vrhirn
1-ilward I Walsh, bv deed dated second dav oj
Mirih D, rikhteeii hundiei and ninet.v seven,
and ircorded on Ihr fcmilli div nf Marih A D,
ilchtiin hundred nnd ninet.v seven, in the edtu')
b r thr ireoidini; nf deeds, etc , in and for ot'
eoiiiitv if L.ikiwanin, in dent book No 115.
pate jl etc , sold and convejed to said Margaret
Mott heniiedv. In lee Coal and minerals re
nerved Ml lm nued with i two storied and
biseinent (raiuc hotel, n barn and other Improve,
lerni) of ule Three llr.iinnl dollars at (imi
of ule and the remaindci upon ccnflrmation o;
JOHN T KENNEDY. Administrator.
(II MILLS I. llv.Wl.EY, Attorney (or Estate.
- , I
Vs,.". ".'. -"
Money Will Earn Dig Monthly
Thelnvestor'aFundPajaSeml menthly,
Ihr oleleft established In merlca No certlflcat
holder has oer lost a cent I'avmcnts made ti
all suhacrlhcis every IS da). No trouble Nt
dela Money refunded on demand Writ) te
da for partieiilaia, tiee to any a .dress.
C K. Maikey i. to, Hudson Bld'g , New York.
Rocky Mount, N. C
Water, Sewer and
Electric Light
Yielding 4.40 Per Cent.
Write lor special circular,
Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. .
1 Nassau St, New York.