s THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1901. INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR AMOUNT OF COAL PRODUCED IN UNITED STATES. Total Tonnago for 1000 Wris Largor Than Any Preceding Year Wo Aro the Greatest Coal Producing Country in the World Two Fire men Placod on the Hog Engine for tho Summor Ordor Posted at Binghainton for D. L. & W. Con ductors Other Industrial Nows. noturnfl Juit loniplPteil fo llu t'nltetl Slates KfoloRltiil uttiM'y liot Mint "II let'oids wpiu Imikiti In tho piodui'tion of co.il In the t'nltcil Stale) lu 1'JOO, and this lomitiy Unili tin? oul pio (Hit III? countllrt nf the u 01 1(1. Tin' total output of coal In liiOO was "7, R40.000 shoit toiiH, an Iihip.isi1 over tho lirpccdliiK1 j p.ir of 13 soo.noo toil", or a little oor fi per (cut. The ulitt of this ptoilnot a J.'Di.iJO.miO an Iti dpasp over lSin of SII.MVOOO ot about IB per cent. Tln alup of the io.il piniluct in 1!00 on lioaul .us at thr mines was cciuiil to iii.irl one-tlilitl of the Milllp of Hip total inliiPinl jini duct of tho ITnltcil Slatoo In ivj'i Theic weio only tlute statis 1kxp (oal pio duct In IflOrt uas Ion tli.in that of IS'Ht. TIiijo wcip Mai. land Oipkoh and Ida ho. The last l InslKiilllriint. Imvlng an output of onl ti'iit tons In Isti with no ippoited piodiut in l'Mio Owing to Hip Mi lie In I ho anthiailtp lCRlon lu I,(nnslvanl.i In tho fall of 1000, the piodintlon of aiithiaille (oal dceiiM-pd alMiut :s ono uOO Iouk tons, the piodml beliiK lu l'lOii, r.ftiss 'tsj ions tons, aKahist f.:,"i i,i,iT lone; tons in ISI'9. This deii(M-e was moip than made up for bv an ln lease of ncuh r,:.un.0O shott tons (about 1,'iOOOOfl Ioiik tons) lu the output of bituminous oal In tho Male. Tho IjikoI lm lease in tonnage was made In West VliKlula, that mihIi- . (eedliifr a total 20.000 urn) tons for the Hist time. The net hit Rest i;aln was In Ohio, wheie y.GO'.ns s-limt tons weie added to the pioduet of the piplou jonr. Tlio net K.iln in I,eniulanla amounted to LMuOOOO slnnt ton". Ala bama Is (ledited with u K.iln of VOO.COO tons of about 11 per lent The most notable cotnpaiatUc Rains were made lu Ailians.is, Hie Indian Tenitory, Miihlmn and I'tah In 1SHG, Michigan piodueed les than 100 000 tons, mid the pioductlon of that state had not iincurpiI SO.OOO tons per ar up to that time. Mine then, howewr, the Michigan Holds hae bieii develop ed anil piodiKtlun has Iikh.immI iapldl, until it icaihed .i total of s',0 000 tons In IflOO, a Rain of about So pit (cut oer IS''', whldi in ttun was neatly double that of isis. Pi lor to isrn tticat Hiil.iin w.is the leading1 coal piodiuliiR nuintij of the woild. but In that ear the I'nlicd St.itc took flist place. The ptoducihm of Oteat r.ill.iln In 1100 amounted to LVj.lTO.ldl Ioiir tons, en i'OJ no.rtTi Mintt tons, lomp.uec wltlt with h the l'tilted htates has a lead of 1.1 ::00 nno .short ton or just double that ot the ptei piling car. Older to Conductois. The folowlnR otdet has been poster at HIiiRhamtou for the benellt of Dela wate. l.ach.twaniiR & Western con ductois. A blue fl.ijr by diy nnd a blue llpht by nlRht will be fastened to a post at the tenter of the passenger platfoim In ftont of the passeiiRcr station at 31iiRhamton. Upon the airhal of the painRer trains In the station fnun eithei the Seranton or r.itffalo divisions, this sr. nal will be dlsplavcd, and is a wain liiK for (ondui'tois that car Inspictois ate woiKIiir on tt.ilns, and they will please to not Rive the sIriuI to ilepait riom the station until the ilaj? Is taken down by the car foieinan. When this Is done the Main will he leady to leave the station. This Is bioiiRht about by cclia woiK pf vvatciiiis' and IccIiir cats and will no conduetots the tumble of tunning nver the platfoim to find out wlun the U.tln Is toady, and as thcie has been iiore oi less tumble of late, this plan las been adopted uf handling the tialn? (t this station. Extension of Tiolley Line. The end of this week will witness the opening ot tho I'lvmoulh and LaiKesvlllo blanch of the W,nniitig Valley Ttaitlon t'nnipan.v. The com pany has tuslied the woik thiougli In limit oider and when completed the Iuo will be as line I v (quipped as any )f the othei biaiuhe The loadbod Ih tint of the old D tnd II i" coiupanv line fiom I'lvmoulh o I'oke Hollow, which has been leased i 'ot a teini of oais It was In good Or Pio roe's Fa vorste Prescription Doubles a Mother's Joys and Halves Her Sorrows It docs this by a pre-natal pre paration in which the mother finds aerself growing stronger instead of weaker with each month. Instead of nausea and nervousness, there are healthy appetite, quiet nerves, and refreshing sleep. The mind's con tent keeps pace with the body's romfort. There is no anxiety, no Iread of the approaching time of travail. When the birth hour tomes it is practically painless, the recovery is rapid, and the mother 5nds herself abundantly able to nurse her child. "Favorite Prescription" contains bo afcohol, neither opium, cocaine, nor any other narcotic. Sick women are invited to con Btilt Dr. Pierce by letter free of charge, and so obtain without cost the advice- of a specialist in the diseases peculiar to women, All correspondence strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Mm. Annie Jllacktr, 6n Catherine- Street, Sjrracutc, N, V wtitei. "Your medicines have done woud.cn for roe, Tor years my health was very poor; I had four miscarriages, hut since takisir Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 'Golden Medical Discovery ' I have much better health, and now I have a fine healthy baby, I here recommended your medicines to several of my friends and they have been benefited by them. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure , tUzziftess ajod sick headache. repair and only in a few place were changes necessary. The trolley lino nan been ntrunR fiom poles erected on each side ot the road and Is all teady awaiting the power test. Xew cars for the line have been purchased from u Washington llrrn, two of which have at rived. They have been fitted out with air biakc and newest equipments. The line tins fiom the Plv mouth lines at Pull Itun crossing to Poke Hollow miming through Welsh Hill and LntkcflVlllo. Siipeilntendent 'Wright will take n party of olllclals and guests over the line for a time test on Saturday. Boilormnkors Quit Work. The bolleimakcis who have been at work at the Allls-Chaliuci.s company's shops during1 the past week stopped woik esterday morning, as a lesult of verbal suasion emplojed by the members of union still on strike. The latter met Tuesday afternoon and decided to take measures ipRaidlug the return to work of the Allls-Chal-mei's men, They matched down to the shop nnd met them as they left for the tlu and had a delegation theie again estciday moinlng. The stilkeis mingled with the other men anil so well did they eerclse their peisuaslvo atts that only thiee men entuied the shops and these left shoitly aftei wauls. Two or thiee of the car bulldets who had l etui lied to woik tile out on sttll.e again, and yesterday repotted at the strlkeis' lic,id(tiartPis. Two Firemen to an Engine. After much pctsuaslon on the part of the men, the Lackawanna tailioad has nsilgneel two 111 emeu to each of the big "hog" engines fot the months of .llilv August and Spptembei, This will afford the men much ip llef and luc ldentall.v seive In i tout ing a better feeling among the Hie men It has been ov eptlonallv hard wotk to "lite the liogs," as the men put It, nnd the woik has ipsiilted In lnanv of the woahoi ones being dis abled. In consequence of this oider, a number of new flienien have sc ented emplovinent on the loid. D., I. & W. Board for Today. The following Is the make-up of the IX, I., and W. board for today: stunton, .inij ll, ii(il. I)snV, .It l,Y 10 Wild C itJ. !il-S p m, I' Hi Wotiiicr, 10 p m , A, II Jiouc. Till Ils), ln.V II. Wild ("At. 1 it-3 a in , Willi mi hliln. 1 a m. M .1 llennlsin, )0 .1 m , (. 1 stjpi,.,, i I O I'ltrgerild: 2 p in , I .1 ( o-lollo; 1 p in W I Mnsict , C p in , V. CjwmnUi MinnnlK He Ot in , rji-t .1 11 lliniilKin, si in, Met, n 1 lounfclker, 0 p in, cist, I. orlitit S i m , n,t. W. II Miliols, 7 p m , n Vuu', I. MiVllMri, T p m , tjinj, VU I .hip i p in , C'avtUJ, lhompiin l'us'iers h a in, lloiHcr, lo i in , Hnnoitv, II 0 i in, Vlunn, 7 p in, Mniph., 0 p in, 1 aniping. tip in, V Ui'lflicr I'afiicr 1 iiciiies 7 i m t (iidne. 7 a m, Slneer. 10 i. in, r Niinmn. 5 0 p tn , M (iiilri , 7 p in , Mrliowrn. Wild fits ! sa m . hlnsMrv: 11 i in , f lDuihian; 2 p m. I (,lnlr; i p m , .Mm liivli-i, 0 p in , ,V. I, hrtiliuni. MlIK r. I Mcllnnnrll iml I fioitllc anil ironK will urn 0 I in ullil rit, Iridic ,lul 1.', an I cccij tlilid (In until fnrtlirr notice. Ill ikrnian I'ltilik (nnoian will gn out with Willunt Ivirhv until fnitlier notlcp. Iliikrnuti I iwllc icpoits (or ( W. 1 llrgcriM i omliic tnr I.ittlinn will run iuhtr nt Mcliol w n, hilj II, 7 i in SUNDAY IN SCOTLAND. Much of the Old Time Austerity is Now Disappearing. I mm the loitiiightl Itculcw The bitter obseivanco of the Pab lialli' to use the confession)! language, "the spending of the whole da.v In the public and private eettsps of Divine woiship," used to be ac counted the chief symbol ot the out standing manifestation of Catvinlstlc theoctaey In Scotland. The stranger vvllhln our gates may sav that the "bitterness" is still loo muih lu ev Id em e. The trains that tun on Sunday ate so few and so slow that a visitor to one of the laiger cities on that elav finds himself to all intents and pur poses a pilsonet. (llasgnvv Is the only one In which he can move liom place to plate bv means of the mitnklpil tranic.il S. So museum, llbtaty, ot art gallety, however. Is open to him even theie, the Town council declines to al low music to be plaved In the public pat ks. In lMlnbuigh the Museum of Science and Ait Is open for thiee hours. Hut fot this innovation the public of th it eltv have to thank, not their Town e otitic II, which lefttses to allow Its t ramcars to inn on Sunday, but the Scottish education deparment, nuclei whose contiol the Institution has ie eentlv come. A protest has been made against the "high-handed action" by ceitaln of thn ecclesiastical (ouits, Hut as It Is noticeable for falntness latliet -than foice, and has not been JoliiPd in either by leading pi cachets oi bv leading lajmcn It will be of no avail In other ways a revolt against the tiadltlonal obseivance ot what is now all hut universally known not as the Sabath. but as Sunday, Is spieadlng; It Is tell the moi p fotmldable that It has taken the form not of wends, hut of acts. The ptactlep ot walking on the III st day of the week, for defend ing which Dr. Not man MacLeod, the most popular minister In Scotland, a generation ago, was thtcatened with deposition, Is now unlveisal. Thous ands of joutig men bicycle out of tho large towns Into the country on the day of icst. Sundav golting is allowed by the In-law s of more than one club. The most significant fait of all Is the steady dPdlne In church attendance on the part of even those who aie teckoned not among the ailmlttedlv "chute bless," but nmong the adheients of some denomination or another. Pi llow Ie, a mlnlstei of the united free chinch In Glasgow, and Its mot ptom Inent statistician, Is ciedltcd with hav ing placed the non-chtiicli. going popu lation of the city at, 420,000, or about a half of the total. On March SI a newspaper In Dundee took a census of the attendance at the churches theu over ninety In numbei. In all 31,170 persons out of n population of neatly 170 000 or in 6 per cent attended. Matters are no better In vety many of the lural districts, tho icuelllon against Sunday observance there would seem, from the reports on the subject under which the tables of the chinch courts almost llteially gioan, to he even mote open and Insolent than In tho towns, Tho Boers Defeated. London, .Inly 10 seri" flslitlntr, arrenllnir to a dcipjtcli lo the Pally Ilvpreu from Inrmro Mirquea, has taken plaid between Macliailailnrp and I.vdinliurc;, the Hocrs being defeated with at leakt titty killed. Boer Prisoners Swim Out. nermiida, July 10, Three dorr prisoners es. raped from the detention camp on DirrrlPs Idand last nlaht. they swam tn the mainland and feate not yet beta captured. KNIGHTS OF MALTA. St. John's Day, tho annlversaty day of the order, was celebrated In many places. Crescent comtnnndeiy, No. 138, nt Ilrldgeton, N. J nttended public wotshlp In a body ut the Tlrst Presby teilan church on Sunday evening, June 21. Orand Commander Sir Kllsha S. rornwald, accompanied by a huge del 'gallon of the companions of m Valetlo commanelery.No, 01, at lllooms btiijr, lslted Hervvlck and attended a special service on .Iiiiip 23, In tho Methodist church, where the Itev. It. II. (.'.Illicit delivered a magnificent sei nioii. Tho tiiilfoinicil battalion of John Knos commandety, No. 12, of Wilkes Itarte, gave an excursion by trolley and a boat l Ido on Harvev's lake by moonlight on June 2,", which was welt attended They also nttendpd church on June 21. Those who took pint In the exclusion mode up a purse of ten dollars for the Knights ot Malta litis, pltal fund, as their St. John's Day do nation, "The Knights of Malta Hospital" Aiinounioiuent Cltctilar, No. 2. has been mailed, eind shows a sternly In crease In the fund. Donation day, St. John's Day, Juno 21. caused many amounts to be sent In. Among these was a check for $100. fiom Melrose comnin ndery, No. 1T9, at Hruddoek, with a note fiom Itecottler J. V. Weir, nskint- tint It be lecelveel as token ot the benevolence of the companions ol No 170 St. John's coniiunndery. No. 1st!, at Stiouds-btug. sent In $2u,ani1 Hecoreler l H Michaels expresses the best wishes of the companions for suc cess In the Bteat movement. Sub set Ipthms wete also iccelved from Put Man comniandetv, No. 2S0, of Wll klnsbitur, I'a ; St. Pi-lei's conniiand eiy. No. s0, nt Tntainv; Sir Oeoigp V. I'.aurer. No. 0: and Sir Henry Wood tln::, v. c. No. so. r'tiisndcr commandei v, No. 20, nt riilladelphl i, on June 27, teceived eigh teen tncmhcis, and deteitnlned upon a plan of gteat actlvltyi dining the fall and winter season This pnter ptMni; commniid has set to woik to double Its memheishlp, and will make especial featuies of line degree work and of social convocations. Addresses weto elellvetPd bv Past Commanders I.otenro M DuHols, nankllu H. Ileod er William II. Mouls. J H. Lannlnc, llotacp J. CVmneallv, A. II Arker, Tl P. l)e I .a Hue, Deputy Oiand Com mander (leotgo D. (itoom, Oiand Re corder npotge II. Pletce, and otheis. The annual convocation of the Im pel lal commatidpiy at Glasgow , Scot land, has rpsultpd In the Adoption of a plan for in my visitations that will give new life to subordinate bodies nnd lnplie lenewcd eneigy and zeal In the woik of Malta. The Imperial Uecoiels will be Issued by Imperial Ite e oider Sir AVIllliini Shliley eaily In July. The lclatlous between the Scot tl"h nnd American bodies Is of the closest and most cordial character. Temple conunandci v. No ', nt Oar 1 ondnle, lecelved a class of llfty Black Knlchts on Jttlv 2, when ("It and He e older Sir Clcotge II Pletce gave a full lendltlon of the unwritten wotk. and the Ited Ctos degiee staff of An thuulte commandery. No. 211, of this e Ity. presented that degiee Past Coin mandeis William S Paitlett, P. O. Swattx and It a O. Ives occupied the piltulpal stations. Illnghamton commandety, No ."00, at ninghamton. N. V., will bo Insti tuted on July IS. t Gov ei not Wolcott coinmaiidei v. No. "07, will be stationed at Boston, Mass, on July lo. AVOCA. Iherf will be a peclal ineetlns of the srhnol bind limoriow eeninc. llin lteii;e and I'm r prrformcl in oncral n on Mis Itiiiimiu Wellei, of th Vtt i ', vrvtndiv if c noon f1 im the leitival el I cin ccious Kiowih n the c in t The mariiu.e ot Jlis 11 11 Welter, of the Beaiififiilly Wouen Japanese Mailing Linen warp. Over 500 yards yards on sale at Nineteen Cents a Yard The same matting we have been paying considerably more for. $3.00 and $3.50 Porch Rockers for $1.98. A small lot of quaintly shaped Porch Rockers at a special price. New goods right from the maker not nearly enough of thern to go around. All of Our Real Cheap Lawn Settees have been disposed of so we have reduced our 75c Settees to 59c 95c Settees to 79c SOLDIER BOYS We have thought of you and your en campment. Regulation Army Cot. .$2.93 Three dollars and a half else where. Special Canvas Cot, 89c west Side, n1 Daniel Hnshej, formerly ef West Pittston, Ml solemnlred In llin;hmton on Monday. They are now at the Pan-Amerlesn. After a brief eintern tnitr they will leave for Indian territory, whetc Mr. lluuhea hit a luera tho position. Anni Vlav, the SjraroM danshter of Mr. mil Mrs. (IroiKo llrtdhun, ol "toutli Msln street, Is eiltieall) ill of rcinmlslons, .lames Heebie has returned Imm after spending scleral weeks In Tncland The Aoca haul nac a delightful enneert from T. J O'Mallei'i poreli on 1iieda iwenlna Sineo it Is about the only enjojinent the people can look for In a mall town, the rltlrens should en deaior to liaie a Inn I aland eieeted A few prosreishc jotina; men shoul I take the. matter In charge. Mis. 1'red Uonimermutli and famllv will leuo today for their home In helton, Conn , alter seieral weeks rlslt spent at the horns of Mr. Ilatlln Hell Mr Margaret ftonley paid an official vllt lo Kastern I.ily Iod(( at l'ast Vnd, Tuesday evening, Honesty That Was Not Desirable A hwver took In a new boy the other day, sn I, at he had suffered to some extent from the depredations of tne fonner one, be deter. mlnrd to trr the new bov'a honesty at once, ajs (he Chicago News lie therefore placed a V note under a weight on his dek an I wilk'd out without a word t pon Ids return half an later the note was gone and half a dollar in elher had taken its place "tlov. when I went out I left $.1 undsr this weight " "lee, air: hut jou hadn't bern gone five min utes when i nun en ue In with a hill gilnt jou for 4 M. I guess the change is roirectt" "ion paid the Will" "es, sir, there It Is all reoolpted The man s.ild It had kllppecl jour mind for the pat four i ram and so " lie did not get any futther In fore he nude n irnli for the door. Hut boj is not in the law business any inoie. &lAt)UAtAtt THE MID-SUMMER RUMMAGE SALE OF FINE LADIES' CLOTHING 3 g Today we began such a clearing up of stocks as is ili jl rarely seen. I EXTRA SPECIAL. 1 :- :$ Lot No. lSilk Eton Jackets, all sizes, $4.98. Re- 1 ducedfrom $12.98. f 1 Lot No. 2A11 Tacked Silk Eton Jackets, $6.98. I Reduced from $15.98. i Tailor-Made Eton Jackets, Skirts and Suits almost H H given away. gj i Have you seen our $20 and $25 Imported Fancy Silk Waists we reduced to $5.98? f Wash Waists reduced to 98 cents. i All of our goods must go regardless of cost, as we are J i getting ready for our Furs and Fall Stock. : BRESCH EL, The Furrier j 124 WYOMING AVENUE, 'X Coal Exchange Building, Formerly The Leader Store. S' The Great Carpet More than 10,000 yards of Tapestty, Biussel, Velvet and Axminster Carpets will be offered today and the next week at bargains. Bargains? Yes ! Bargains. We mean what the word implies. It figures conspicuously in the advertising wherever conditions justifies its use. It is the most effective and forceful noun in our vocabu lary. Applied by us it is never hackneyed or common place. Always racy, striking, telling. For ex ample, learn its significance to our carpet offerings. Yesterday our cai pet prices were the lowest in town. Yesterday's prices are now reduced one-third. All the carpets involved are desirable goods. The present reductions simply mean that we are anxious to reduce our extra large stock in order to make room for additional goods arriving daily. AH Carpets Sewed Free During This Sale. rt per yard for Axminister VOC carpets, wiih or with out borders. Finest colorings, worth $1.35. per yard for extra heavy 99C velvet carpet. Soft pile for room, hall and stair, worth $1.40. per yard for Wilton vel 9C vet carpets. Choice colors, superb designs; they're worth $1.00. per yard for ten wire 7C tapestry carpet. Bright and rich effects for room or hall; worth 1.00 and $1.10 s per yard for extra grade 05C tapestry carpet. Bright coloring. For room or hall; worth 90c. per yard for the medium DjC grade tapestry, sold no where less than 85c. Our regular price 75c. :n Credit You? Certainly! mmw 221-223-225-227 Wyoming Avenue WALDRON'S Auction Sale of Horses fssasasassassassassassassassasssasassasassBt MKmmmWdJ faassassassassassasassassassassassassB Thursday, July 11th At Cusick's Old Stables, Wash ington Ave., Seranton, Pa. Opportunity Is Here $1 1 HE V iui.icj.iiy lO.O rug; they're worth $17.50. $1 Q n( for 8ft 5in x I0K IO."U 6in Axminister rug. Rich colors; worth $23.00. rf... -. for 0x12 Axmin- 4)xl.o ister rug. Fitteen patterns to select from; worth $30.00. t- .oi fr 56 Smyrna rug. P25.yO Reversible ; worth $4.00. . for extra heavy, all 0?C wool Ingrain carpet; worm 75c. for flowered pattern, Z1C Ingrain carpet; wotth 30c. All Carpets Sewed Free of Charge During This Sale. TH& n mrmmtMM Smlmm ;PsM5i: utWffii ' Refrigerators And Ice Chests Sizes are hroken, in conse quence price had to break also. $30 kind now. ..$35.50 $20 kind now.. . 16.90 $17 kind now... 14.75 $14.50 kind now 11.98 Ice Chests 3-90 Formerly $4.98. Tha Celebrated Line of GO-CARTS AND CARRIAGES Have felt the keen edge of Reduction Cleaver prices in some cases half. WE MENTION i As a Great Special Value, Our Reclining Go.Cart, Fine Reed Body, Rubber Tire Wheels, Latest Improved Gear, Green Ouaniel Finish, This cart is not equaled under $10.00. Our Price This Week, $5, ,98. Straw Hats New Stock Just Arrived, All styles, from the $i.oa Alpiuc Straw to the $12.00. Panamas. Don't forget we are head quarters for Summer Shirts, Underwear, Etc 412 SPRUCE STREET. Try Our Special 10c Linen Collars Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK P1LSHER 48B to 465 N. Ninth Stroot, ,PA Telcphons Call, 2333. SUMMER RESORTS. Seashore and Country Combined. rrnnfiV. Conn , tin them both and ' tlio nut churning fpot on long Island Snttitil Tun and one hill Iimim from NVvv York, at muutli ol the beautiful Connecticut riicr. Fenwick Hall Ila rim ilttiitlnn and rnmpnlrnrp, all t iniufmi 1 la Hid pTl, and cfrj. tlimc rorntiii iio of hralth and pleasure. Ilitliini;, boating Mum bum lift and tail lmit), iWnns ttlic lipt on the Sound), inline dilunc riit" oil link ind tinniH couit" I e iloni and private liJtln; ro. ni mi Mine. Wiitp tn I I. ChattWil, I'Kltitrtor Hotel .lc(Tcion New ork C . for Icrnw and full partiiiilata. HOTEL CLIFTON, LAKE WINOLA. PA. I inr".t tiumor II r! in mi 1 II til In k 1 f t and ' 111 tl ii 1 it -1 Mill 11 J a in and 4 1 il '. Nnrtlientcm l'onns! 'iiliuaip Lickiuat ui I ii mi tw I cuwnj in Wriio foi ntea, .1 , oon, Prop, VIV YORK HOTELS. WESTMlaNSTEU HOTEL Cor. bixtrmtli st and In ins Plate, NEW YORK. Amrrlcnn Plan, .l 5H Per Hii and lTpardi. 1 uropoaii PI in, $1 C) lVr lj and Lijrds. Special Hates lo laiiulks T. THOMPSON, Prop. JEFFERSON NEW YORK inu.ioi.ioo Viiht mill street. Tli8.ll I I l.KSONii a thoroughly fint-clau tanillriiniltraniteninoi.i nn.rinKi "- mumcniitamailuiiimoflimiryandcomtort. .. iK.i. kir.i ...at .Intel Union oouare, it is within a fw minutea ol tho leading hops, theatre and rlulm European Plan, tl.nu up. American Plan, J.2.50 up. Suiloa with Private Bath, J2.00 up. I or apeclal rates Riildea or Information write join I'. llrFII l.lt, rroprletor 3IBWSCKREDTili For Business Men In tho heart ot Uis wholesale, district. Tor Shopper x mlnutcV walk to Wannmakerai S minutes to 8ioi;ol Cooper's Die Btore. Easy of access to tha Great Dry Goods Storea. For SlRlilsccrs f t - t- f -f f One block from D'way Cari. giv ing easy transportation to all points ot Interest. HOTEL ALBERT NEW YORK. for. lltlt ST UNIVEtlSITT PI Only one mock from llroadway. R00D1S, $1 Dp. prcet Reasonable - Ever .Woman J5--L V a inter i ttK.lnnri a! nutd Lnow Mi-H alioi.tai wonderful MARVEL WMi ling Spray Tlurn. llHjrinr JnJtc nil unit Sitrtian. l!ltvKAf i. v iS ' :- il iioi onTPmruta ililvtmr itiunu, iraicmei j i. . .,,.! rr it II ll'l iimoi ii.!y ili ii u r.i,. miei iiiu nlhr. t.Tit ,.n I ttiililll lOrll lusiralrd lU -wsieJ It Bite, lull partiiularssnd ,1"": iI"i'" Iloom n Timra Mv . New York s Prof.Q.F.THEEL.EJT S?;IS Amrrirs, uuaranirr irr Alton; Mill rrltltfl rtptir.irrrh raM 4 to 1! dtiOEirfMN, ,! Plno4 1'oUoi. NrOD llrhllil), ll Btihood " E. Ill's St F" HOTEL J 4l4-. tn j y if tl Mi MNUkri-kr-Orttn.Kii4rtrl.wriiTrtliBeaU.ABnbI pi pwi-c r pitiral . rlf Irlrtl IV.nrfil -itn nafr."