The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 11, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    w WwWSlRi.' ?
Special to the Scranton Trlhune
Montrose. July 10. MIh Uzsle A.v-
nrs, of WllWcs-n.iitf. Is lltliiK t
the homo of hot slijtet, .Mis. James
P. Tnyloi.
Hon. i: II. Turn nnd wife Iinvo ie
turned fintn a ten-diiy sojourn at Slu
tcrvllle SpiInc, N. Y.
Wilbur S lieiijuniln. of Now Yotk,
is the Kiirit of his slitci, Mi"1 .Tf mile
UcHi'h, at hci home on Lake ineiiur-.
Van (1 MunRcr has ipllnnulsluni hla
position an cli-ik In thp olllie of Hip
United States Kxptoas company in
this plripc.
Hpv i;. K. Thomas anil family weie
KuestB of ipIiiiIm" In Ktrnnton on
Monday and Tuosday.
Mrs IMwIn Ic Kenle, of l'lilludel
phlH, and her iitei-lii-l.iu, Mrs. Jano
Tostcr, of CJieat Kails, Montana, ate
vlaltlnrr relatives and friends in tills
Harry Cook, of Ithaca, N. Y feii
meily of this place, Is In town foi a
brief visit to his filend, Miss Delia
Coon, who has been seilously 111 for
a long time.
J. Mot Ran, of the Sot anion Tilhune,
was tiansactlng business in Montrose
this week
'ompanj C, boys nie RettliiR every
thing In ship bhnpc fni tat p.
Miss Mattlp nilllnus, of Hlncli.initnn,
is isltlliK liei aunt, Mis. William
Beck, at her home on Spline Mieet
Mls-s Jane Slmpsnn, of Silver hake,
was calling on Montioto ti lends to.
John I Admin, of Aulmin, Is a
Kliest at tin home of Pt of. H. K, James
on South .Main siieet
Nathan II. Hufei, a foiniei met
chant of this, plate, but now engaged
in the InsuiatiLP business at Newton,
N J., is visiting his tamlly In this
Two bundled and seventy people
wore in attendance at the Piesbytei
inn Sunday yrlionl picnic at Heart
Lake cstridn. The dav could hard
ly have been llnei and It was gicatly
enjoyed by all.
Mrs 1J. I'. McKeage, who has been
Fojouinltig at Pino Ulutf Inn, Point
Bieeze X. J, has retuined to Mont
joso foi thn balance of the spason,
Btopping at Captain Ileilint J. Mr
Causlnnd's Jli. o. llany McKeage.
of llaiksville. Tenn , lippn a guest
for a few days at Captain' MeCmif
land's and the Mlcs Ashton, nt Ovei
biook, Pa., who have been visiting at
the McC.uisland home, i etui tied home
Mr and Mi. Daniel iMimw an I
children, of Si i, niton weie guests nt
Coleman Dim on 'a this week.
A laige band ot gMH-les passed
through town last ev piling and aie In
camp Jim south of the boioiigli The
men weie In town today with some
"tiadlng stock" houes wlilih thev
neie ti.ving to swap oft with our local
Special to the "Wanton rrlluuie
Haifojii, July in Mis. u S Ahvorth
of Suanton Is visiting filend in town.
Mi. and Mih J Palmer of hiianton,
spent Sunday at the home of 11. A.
Miss Lou P.ogeis is sewing foi Mls-s
liilej, Wriott in Cilb-on.
Di. A T Hiund.iRp nnd Mr. Dala
way, attPiided thp luneial of lieniy
AblPi in Gibson, Satin day.
Ml and Mis Wct.oii Jolleis aiP
visiting theli on In Plainsbnio, N. J.
Mr Jefteib Ih cie k and unable to ip
tuin b"iiip at pirscnt.
In Binglniniton. July 1'ouith. iMil
Pick or Gibson and Miss luU of
Haittnd als-o Mi. l'oi.vth and
MIf.s Affip Allen of Haifoul weie united
in maiiiagp.
The Mls'lonaiv Society of the Con
gregatlnml ihun-h vll mret with MKs
Manzei, WedllPsilaj afteinoun of tills
Miss Nnp Pick el nnd. Jin. Geoige
I Tlns-lfv hip virltlng Mis. Will Hen
n'ng In onneitli tit
Hntnp i hamlici lain ot Sciautnn is
Miitins her patents M J. Chanibeiliin.
Fporhl to thi. s-nnton Irlhun.
Honese-'Mo, July 10 Mr. nnd Mis.
William II nimmle.1i, Mih. T Wallace
Lambeit and (hlldien, left this mom.
ihg foi Brlnui, x ,1, wheie they will
spend the ipmaindei of July. Jli,
Lambert will join the p.ut.v latei.
Mips Sophie KolHei. although still
rcilously ill, In somewhat inipioved.
Jlr Pied B. Jlennni i etui nod today
to his duties In the Nixo-i .ship yaids
at Elizabeth N J.
Jit and JIi. Heniy Schwemby aie
nt tbe Pnn-Ameilcan exposition
The Baptist Soilal club will hold
As a Food -
For the Skin.
To Mrke It Smooth, Healthy -ipd
Beautiful, Dr. Chase's Ointment Is
Hailed by Thousands of Fair Women.
Every woman, no matter how beautiful her
lUn, finds need at tunes of some preparation
to overcome the redness and roughness, and
to cure the pimple, blackheads and skin
Powders may cover up the disfiguring
eruption;, hut can never cure them, and are
pcmivei) injurious
because they clog
up the pores of the
sldn Dr. Chase's
Ointment is a food
for theokln, It is
readily absorbed,
and thoroughly
cures i- each and
every skin disease,
making the skin
smooth, soft and
No woman's
toilet is complete without Dr. Chase's Oint
ment, for besides being the most perfect skin'
bcautificr obtainable it can be used in a score
of different wavs It absolute!) cures eczema,
salt rheum and the itching to which women
ore especially subject.
When the feet are sore and chafed with
walking an application of Dr. Chase's Oint
ment takes out the smarting and allays the
Inflammation in a surprisingly short time.
Then for burns, scalds and every sort of
chafing, irritation or eruption of the skin Dr.
Chase's Ointment affords a safe and certain
:ure, It has come to be indispensable In
tcores of thousandsof homes in the United
ttates; so cent a box, at ail dealers, or Dr,
k. W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N, Y.
a lawn party at George H. Kimble's,
D.vbeuy nventte, on Friday evening.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians
will hold their nnnual picnic in Hel
vlne park on Saluiday, July 13
Ilcv. C. 1.. Pcuy met with n niis
foituno pte-u1ay In the loss ot his
lioiso by death.
The Wnynp county strawberry sea
son has closed. The nop was a very
light one.
The Honcsdalc Industries have, nil
lesumcd opetatlon, with the excep
tion of one or two tutting shops.
Mis Thomas Crossley is seilously ill
at Westbiook's hotel, In Hloomlnjr
Giove, Pike county.
The view ets who were appointed to
assess the damages to propet ty caused
by the new Delawaio and Hudson
Here is Captain Kidd and three of his
the bag of gold?
lailtoid from Wa;,ninit to Pan lew,
awatded Mis. Keene $J."i and Hdwaid
(Jiannls, $on Their fauns aie near
Swm kbainmei's.
The Delavaio and Hudon pamns
tor will pay the Pinploes on the
Honesdale branch on Sntutday next
Sbeilit Aimbmter landed Winans
Hull, the stippoert muideiet of Kdwln
Sflioonovpi, In the county jail on
Tuesda.v. A huge nowd mot them nt
the station to get a glimpse of the
piisonei when they in lived ftom
Sit anion. The healing will be held
at 10 a m. on Thutsday. Hull gave
the hhetltf no ti cubic whatever. Ho
takes the situation vety unconcerned.
Specul to the Scranton Tribune
Dui.vea, July 10 Tuesday nfteinoon
a team nnd a laigu lupwery wacon
In itied with beer lan over the huge
hill In fiont ot the Htodhead residence.
Somo men neat by hurried to the scene
and got th" animals out safelv. Then
theie was, ti seatch for the dtlver nnd
nil was pMitement for a while, until
lie camp along and said he was eating
his dlniiPi in a hotel and that tlio
team had w indeictl away befoic ho
notlicd it The team was owned by
the DunmoiQ Pieivlng company.
Jli. JleJloila, the famous Caibondale
dptpitlve and Mi. McAndtew, thief of
tlio Plttstnn police fone, made a busi
ness call in town Monday.
Jlesdames John Whitman nnd James
Collps isltod Mis. Fied Aytif, of Du
pont. Tupsdaj.
Jlrs, nuilelgh has returnpd to her
lioiui' nt Tunkbannock. after a few
vmpI.s' visit with her daughter, Mrs.
William Shales.
JIlss Minnie Geatlinit is visiting
tiicnds In Wllkes-Baue
Miss Nettle Shales is visiting fi lends
in Shlckshinney.
Miss JIaiv Nolan Is visiting her sls
tfi. Jlis William Watts, of Scianton.
Class No. 7 held a business meeting
last evening and found the icsult of
their social to be $.'.' 6J net. This
ileais thoni of all their debts and will
also leave a snug sum In Hip tiensuo.
The hovs have paid for the lights in
tl.e Jlethodlst Uplstnpal chinch, and
have contributed 515 toward the
chinch debt.
fperlsl to the Scranton Trlhune.
Forest City, July 10. The consecra
tion of Clu 1st Hplscopal church took
place .vestPiday. The comer-stone of
the edifice wns laid In 1S91 nnd in the
past ten eats the congiegatlon, which
Is not a laige one, has done commend
able work, wiping out the last dollar
of debt this spilng. They aio gieatly
giatltled at the accomplishment of this
long-sought-for end. The seivlce be
gan Tuesday morning at 10 SO, Rev.
Heniy I. Jones, D. D of St Stephens'
church, Wllkes-Rane, preaching the
sermon Its puilty of diction and
beauty of thought held the closest at
tention of bib hearets. The seivice
concluded with a celebration of the
holy tommunlon. Rt. Rev. Hthelbort
Talbot, bishop ot the diocese, took part
In tlio seivice and was to have
preached on "The Chmcli ns a Gient
Jllsslonnry Soclet" In the evening,
but a telegram announcing sickness In
his lanilly called liini home in the
nfteinoon, much to the tegiet of the
clugy nnd congregation. Archdeacon
Co.p, of Allien, took tho place of the
bishop veiey acceptably at the even
ing service. Rev. 1'. R. Ratemnu, of
tho Chute h of the Good Shepheid,
Gieeii Itidge, preached on "Stono
ChuichCH and Church Stones." His
sci niou was out of the oidlnnty nnd
was nindo to sparkle with a number
of effective satires on the foibles and
fallings ot tho aveiago congregation.
I.unch was scived for the clergy In
tho basement of the chinch, The
tlergymen piescnt fiotn out of town
weie the bishop, Re. H. I., Jones nnd
Rev. Mr. Stono, of Wllkes-Raiie; Rev
C. W Hoot, Susquehanna, Itev. S. F.
Ualletlne, Rev, F, R. Ratemnu, Scinn
ton. Rev. R, A. Sawyer, Cnrbondnle,
nnd Aiclideacnn Coxe, of Alden.
Jilts Stella Stephens, of Brooklyn, Is
spending the summer with her par
ents, Jlr .nnd Mia. Joseph Stephens.
r W. Blvlns, of Stroudsbutg, ia
visiting in town.
Antone Peitchumne was killed by a
fall of rock In the Clinton mine at
Vandllng today. He was 31 years of
age. A brother survives him In this
place, and a sister and his mother in
Austria., He wns a member of St. Jos
eph's society mid of the Vandllng lo
cat of the United Mine Woikets of
AniPiica. The funeral will take plate
tomorrow at 9 a. in. Services will bo
held in St. Agnes cemetery.
Sons weie botn this week to Mr,
nnd Mrs P. V. ChoeveiH, of Delawaio
street; Mr. and Mts, Joseph Malln,
and Mr. and Mis, John MtCabe, of
Hnllroad stiect.
Kdward U. Dunnur, Jt and Miss
I.euli Weed weie married at Afton,
New Yoik, on the fourth by Itev. Mr.
Can nth. Their sin prised friends will
hasten to extend congratulations.
Epeelal to the Scranton Tribunt.
Ttinkhannock, July 10. Mrs. Thom
as Purdon, of Dalton Is visiting her
parents, Dr. mid Mis. A. 13. Wood
wind, on Second street.
Mrs. Arthur D. Stcbblns, of Hiltt
more, Is visiting her mother at this
Archie Belts, who has been emplojcd
bold comrades. Where did they hide
as a salesman nt Rlnghamton for some
time, is spending his vacation with his
parents on Second sttcct
Jli. and Jlis. A. II. Squler, Jlr. and
Jits. J. II. Hungeifoid, Jli. and Jits.
Anion Hi own and Mi. and Jlis. Tred
J. Hillings left for Atlantic City on
Jacob P. Ripldlnger, vice pilnilpal
ot the Mansfield State Nonnal school,
lias been elected principal of Wilkes
liairp High scliool. Pi of. Rreldlnger
was principal of Tunkhannock schools
at one time, and is spending the sum
mer nt llilb place.
Jtiss Jessie Gnodspeed. of New York,
is visiting tlio tamlly of Captain Wil
liam N. Reynolds.
Jlrs. Finnk Runnell, of Jleshoppen,
is the guest of Jlrs. Stephen Robin
son. JUss Geitrude I.uckenblll Is lsltlng
ftlends and lelatlves at Wllkcs-Uarto
and Pittston.
Arthur K. Rett, of Second street, is
having his lesldence lepalnted. C.
Y. Rlrch nnd II C. Kellogg have the
contiact for doing the woik.
Triton Hose company held an ice
i team festival on tho court house lawn
on Wednesday evening. Tho ptoceeds
will be applied towaids definvlng the
expenses of the company while at
tending the ilienien's convention at
Tioy in September.
Carl D. Dymond only child of New
ton and Julia Dymond, died July 2,
aged eleven months. Little Carl was
an exceptionally bright little fellow
nnd Idolized by patents and grand
Mis. Olen Brace nnd children are
the guests of Mis. Samuel Dymond.
Jlis. i;. P, Djmond has returned to
her home in Plj mouth.
Jangling Nerves.
Aie you initable? Do you sleep
bidly? Is it haid to concentiate ypur
thoughts'.' Is your appetite poor? Do
j ou leel tired, restless and despond
ent? Tiy Llchty's Celery Nerve Com
pound. Ii will do jou mote good than
anything ou have ever tiled. Sold
by Matthews Hios.
Epecial to the Scranton Tribunt.
lUllitead, July 10 1'rank Ciuslin hai been
elected leider oi the ncl organized band The
new band H formed of the mitrrlal tint com
posed the Drlauaip, Lackawanna and Western
band, with the addition of a number of new
iilajciii, Hie Muine band, of llall.tead, is to b.i
the name adopted b.i the new organization. Con
ceita are to be nien in Duflols Kroia cirrv
Wednesday and Saturday evenings and a ac id
conceit on 'untiv afternoon betmen thi houn
of I and 5 o'clock fctata art to be built In the
troie and It will b lighted with electric Iit;h's
Purintr the hot waie last week many if the
tone quanies In the vicinity had to suspenl
operations on account cf the heat,
Herbert 1 vain, the new duel in charge ot tho
i lectin- light btatiai here, la Blilnj the panon
oi tlio clectrli Iik i' umpan a tint clan service.
Win litlier is the jiUnt night man at the
.Ijtnes It. Millard and a party of friends were
at Pace's pond on a flilnng trip lat Kiiday
and Mturilaj. They brought home I use tatclics
of plckeiel and bullheads
Mis, William stack was struck and knorked
down bj a bicjilo rider Mondij. Mrs Staik
w n itaiidins in fiont of her residence on riiuirh
street, when a boy named IIikmII, who wjs nd
I lie on the sidewalk ran into lur an I knoikrd
her down Sli was badly shaken up J he Inly
I an used lad) and the hoik id,ij pime luuu
fill 'there Is an ordinince foibidd m- hliil
ildmc on the sidewalks, but It dues not fcccm to
be enforced.
The following; Hallitcad people wero trans
acting builncM in Illnghainton on Mondaj : tied
(liuiili, Dr. Merrill and daughter. Item, V II,
Helden, Mr. and Mrs, hieiett Mden and daugh
ter, I'rank Jaikson, lluiles I'ipwell, Mr and
Viis. Jo.eph r,rulln, Mi ( T, Mctohmlik,
Olne U-trrhoiit and T II dlajs
The little dauglitir of .Mr. and Mrs John drat
tan was run oier on Ilaiton avenue, Monday,
Mie went to run uos the ftieet and becinin
confiued on at count of getting between the teams
of Piles A llarniiin and ot W, J, paj, rioti
wagon golnjt In opposite dlicctlons. She did not
ee tlie boie of Harnum Ii lllin and was run
tlon n The driver stopped the hnie as soon as
po. idle The htree of Itnnum 6. Illiss was not
Liinuiug at tlie time, othcrnue tho pult muh
iiaio bfcn kcrloiK
new older was Issued Monday and iii-it iilo
eflect immediately on the Lackjivanu. 'Jhi
order lequlrea all faekawann mglnei of tha
S00 class to hae tnn firemen to each englna.
This order Is a big relief for the firemen
Mlis Nellie lierney and Mlsa Jellie fisnmn
and also Mill Tereca Mahoney lelt Honda) for
a tour of the Pan-American exposition. They
expect to be cone about a week.
Some Scranton People
Fully Realize It
When the hack aches from kidney
When miliary troubles annoy you.
There's a certain way to find tellcf,
A eure way to be cured,
Doan's Kidney Pills will do It.
Scranton people endorse this claim.
Mr. S, A. Ronney, of 518 Warning
avenue, employed ns night watchman
ot the Clark & Snover Tobacco Com
pany, says. "I sttffeied with dull ach
ing ncioss my back which was much
mote sevete If I hnd to climb many
stalls duilng the night. I was also
troubled with suppression ot the kid
ney etcietlons, very unnolng nt night
on account of too ftenuent action
I tried a number of so-called kidney
cures and took a number of boxes
of one kind, but I tecelved no benefit.
I heatd so much about Doan's Kidney
Pills that 1 got them nt Jlatthcws
Hros.' diug stnie, .and after taking
them a short time I found they weie
helping me. Plnnlly the pain in my
back left me entirely and the other
difficulties weie ninth Improved."
Tor sale by all dealeis, price no cents.
rostcr-Jlllbiirn Co., Buffalo, N. Y sole
agents for the United Stales.
Remember the name Doan's nnd take
no substitute.
Wall Street Review.
New York, .lul.i in With call loan rates
yielding to ,i lower hcuro, it was neieitlielesj
appirent todij tint uneasiness oicr tho future
ol the inonej market as tho principal caue ol
the tencueJ eaknei in stocks Anxiety on this
point Mas sotreMhat relieved .Msteiday by tho
indications tint .lulv dMiursimeuta were besin
Tins to come friln into the nmket, but It was
levived todaj by tlio encasement for evport of
$.7;o,000 in gold l.lqulditlon vvai in large vol
ume durlnx the litter part ol tho di an I teemed
to come from all quarter The active selling
Iv iommlslon houies reflected tlie ouMiile pub
lie's eliire in tho movement. The larser pirt
of tlie dialincs and tha most notable pile move
ments were in tin same atoiks a for snernl dija
nivt, iiotabh hi Paul, Hock Island, Vtrhlson,
I nlon Paiilli, Vliotirl Paclllo and Louisville,
but the lit was verv cenorall affected, the
eirnest tnink lines hiiinir quite full) In tlio
ilav'n wrakne.s ludicitions went to show that
spcculitlvr buvera of tlio recent pait and even
linn nme boldeii who rffuid o be shiken out
even hi 111 Vim panic weie among tlie t-ellei"
fh Riouinjj toniiition tlilt thire would In
no Mifflilcut eio for mono bifore the fvll
demand foi niovnu- the crops to inciite acllva
speuihtion was bom in upon spirtililon who
woip holdin: laiRO lots In siitlelpition if i mid
summer bu.iitiB; moiement ant tkey threw over
etoiks in laige volume under the ronvittlon
tint monev conditions nnsht bo ivor before
llie.v ne better niin Ilio unbroken drousht
in the corn brlt and an eftott to discount tho
expected unfaiotable sliowiiitr of tlie got eminent
monthlv nop leport wero elements In the weik
lies of tho mirket, but wiro not sufficient to
account for the ceneral weakness shown. Total
alei todav, S75,0y) shares
I lilted Mates lefiindins 1 declined 'J per cent,
on tho tall. The railroad bond nmket was
fain artivo it lower prices, total ealcs par
value, ifl.OJj.OoO.
The (ollowing quotations
Tribune bv SI 5 Jo-dan
Wears building', fccianton, Pa, Visir HIT,
.merirau luhacto Hl'fc
Atchison "i
Mihlson. I'l Ki.l
lliook. Iiadlon 81
Halt k Ohio 104
("ont. Tobitio Ui',l
t'hes. fc Ohio 4flt.
are furnished Tin
Co . rooms 701 7M
Telephone 5001:
HlRh- Ion- Clos-
et. st. in?.
112 IN 1 'j
s-.l HI H!
f-1'4 77 77'4
10 lllOU 1011 j
81 7T'i! 771!
101 01 o-i
17 th", ti7
17 4i3 4)
21'i ' Z2
b'i Kt'i lill'a
14 V3 1 HV. 140
inij in mi;
110 lllllj 101
Ml ns n"4
172 liH 1M
pis', 111115 101
M f: 51
Sl 40 HU
lvi y,i 1 ,j
11 .11 11
14s 14Vj HVJ
.1 ... ,.s
11 4.'IJ 42
7 70 7i.
."2 S1H5 30
Wl Sl Sl
ri. m h2
11 H ll'a
7 77 77
20' '20 '20
IOV4 00
00 00 no
4i'4 :.o 40
02 CO un
101 102 1112
120 117 n
11H 1I2'4 112
41'i fll, fWj
70 hs a
11 n 1.
41 41 41
.11 '20 "0
40 4, 41
0i. n, 51
rhlr (,t Vet "!"
M Paul
... M
Hoik Ihnd , . .
kan k lev , l'i ,
IrfllUS k isll ..
Vlin I lev ltrd ..
Mit Ii leiinn ....
MUkn I'arlflo .. .
"outl! riiltlo ...
Noifolk k Western
. 1IV
. .. Ul'4
... iri'
... is
.... Bill
.11 '4
N ( rntral l'tlt
tint k Western 14
IVnni fit IIS
I'ailfle MkiI "0i
neaduur Hi 41
Heidinc- llv , I'r Ts'i
southern It Tt RJ'i
outhein II II . Pr R.'j
lenti ( oil k Iron i'i'
T. leather 1 v
V, P leather, Pr 7
V " Ttubbrr 2n"4
t nion Piritte 10l
Inion Padfic, Pr (in
Wahi.h, Pi 41i2
Westein I nlon IJU
Col l'uel k Iron 10.V,
Vmal Copper UO'j
People's t,ns ll'i
Vile 4I4
lile, 1st T0i
(ol Soultii'in It'
Texas lMiitu- 4t
Vtner ar Koundrv .. . II1
r. "-teii ( o inu
r. S Meel Co , Pr , ... M4
M".w V.OHK c.iiAiv vunKr.r.
Open. HIrIi. Low. Cloa-
inc. est et. Inif.
.. 00 70 h1 70
.. 71 72 71 72
.. V2 ftU 12 52
. 52 52 52H 52
Hei ember
Ilecember ,
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
MOCK'S nid Asked.
Kir't National Hank 1200 ...
Scranton Nuincs Bink 350 ...
Third National Flank 4M1
Dime Deposit and Discount Bank.. 275 ...
Iccnomv Light, II, k V Co 43
Lacka Trust Safe Deposit Co 150
Claik k Snover Co, Pr 123
fccranjon Iron Kenee k iUx. Co 100
Scranton Vxle Works 03
1 ackuvv inna llalrv ( 0 , Pr M ...
Countv Mvlnus Bank Ar Trut Co,. CM
riit National Bank (C'arbondale) S2'i
Staiclard Prilllni: Co 30
Ttaders" National Bink 175 ...
Kranton Bolt and Nut Co 100 ...
People's Bank lao
New Mexico By. A: C Co 75
Sirantnn Passentcer Hallway, first
Morttrace, due lf20 IIS
rccple'a Mreet Railway, first mort-
case, clue 101? 115
Teoplo's Mreet Ttillvvaj, Oeneral
mortffaR', due 10 t 113
Dickson Vlnnuficturlnir Co jr)
I.acka. Township Miool ft per cent ... 102
Citv ol Scianlnn t Imp. fl per
cent 102
Scranton liaction fi rer cent .... HJ
Scianton Wholesale Market.
(Corercted by 11. C, Dale, 27 lackavvanna Av)
Butter I'lesb, 20aJlc ; dalrj, fuah, 19i
( ltte rull cream, new, 10allc.
Kerb Western fitsh, 13Vialtc. ; nearby atate
HalSl.c. '
Beans-rer bushel, choice marrow, $2 60a2 03
Pea Beans Per bushel, choice marrow, f :
t fin
Medium Beans IVr bushel. 40a1 43.
Oreen Peaa Per bashelej, $1 40a$l (1
I'lour Best patent, per barrel, 45
ned Kidney Beans Per bushel, 2 43a$2 50.
Potatoes Per buvhel, MapOo
New Yoik Grain and Produce.
New Vnk .lulv 10 I'lniii iilvp auain anl
firm at full pilces When pot film, No. 3
red, 7lc f 0 b afloat, So 2 red, 7i
elevator. No, 1 Noithern Duluth, 7Jc. f. 0 b
afloat. Options opened firm, hut later eaaed off
a trifle and flnallv rallied again on ailive cover
ine and closed flrin at !jc nH advanca luly
closed 70,c , September. 70c 1 October, 70c ;
December, 7!c. Corn Spot firm; No. 1 red,
51e, eleiator and 52'ic, f o, h afloat. Op.
tlon market opened stronsr. The close was firm,
however, with wheat c. net advance, Scpv
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Four Lines, 3 Cents for Each Extra Line.
For Rent.
For RemiiL
About 1200 feet offloorspace on
4H1 floor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
The Tribune.
1011 TtKNT-Klsht rooms, 7JJ Jefferson avenue;
all modern convenient es. '
W9 GltEEN mnOK smKCT. ten rooms, modern
Improvements; steam heat furnished; oeair
desirable. II I ' II HI 1.I.J-L1
For Sale.
toil SI.i: six head work horses, one weighing
1.S0O pounds, two pair drivlnnr horses
matched. Can bo seen at the United Mates hotel,
147 I'enn aurmc.
ALCII0N SAI.n-Thuradiy, July 11, at 10 a ni ,
balance of the content of Ihe Westminster
hotel, .12 bedroom suits, 70 carpets, U tables,
ufftru desk, f-0 room annunciator, Uramhall &
llean ranges and btolloi, copper cooking utcn
alls, bed and table linen, pictures, crockery
steam table, plata warmer, Ice cieam fleeter,
roffee mill, scales, minors, elc, etc, will be
sold without reserve. L M. Miona:, auctioneer
l-Oll SU.K A Cottrell k Sons cylinder press,
MOfl. In (rood condition, new rollers, $J00.
Apply W likes Ilarre Tlmei Office, W likes Barre,
tember closed 62o ; October, 62c. : Decem
ber, 52,ic Oats Spot firmer: No. 2 red, 33c ;
.No 3, 8J1 ; .No, 2 white, 30c; .No. 3 white,
C3c; track mixed wctern, 33aJ6c. Options
active, west, and stronger on crop news, but
dull heie Butter Mcadv, creamery, IViIOo ;
factory, 11al3c. ; Imitation creamcrv, 14al7c;
Male dairy', llalMsc Clieese Sleadj', fancy
Urge colored, 81 ; fancv large white, He ; fancy
small colored, 9ac , fancy small while, Pac
1'gKB Irregular, Mate and Pennsylvania, llaloc, j
wiatcrn candled, lU12c. J westein candled, 12a
Philadelphia Drain nnd Produce.
Philadelphia, July 10. Wheat-Firm c high
er, contract ciade .lime, 6hatiSc Corn -Klim;
1 cent higher; Io 2 mixed .lulv, 40a
50l Oats-lirm, c. higher, .No . 2 white
clipped, 30c. Butter I inn, Rood demand,
fancy western creamer, 10c ; do do. prints,
20c . do. reatbv do , 22c. Cheoe (Julel, but
steadv; N lull creims fanev small. ilaOc ,
do do. do fair to choice. 8a0c l'ggs-l'lrm,
fresh neirln, 11al4c , do western, PUjallc ,
do. southwetein, 12c ; do foulhern, 12c Be
fined Sucars -I nclianged Cotton c lower.
middllnj; uplands, 8'fee Tallow tulet and
kliadj , clt prime In hlids , 3e., lountry do
do. barrels, 4a4c ; nkos, 6c Live Poultry
Quiet, easier, fowls, 12c ; old roosters, 7a
se , sprin? chickens, 15a20i , spring ducks, 10a
lie ; old ducks, 10c Dressed I'otiltrt Firm,
good rlrnnnel, fowls choice, lie ; do dlr to
good, 10jl0e , old roosters, fi',-o. , broilers, ISa
25c ; western do., 13a21c.
Beceipts Hour, J.ouO birrels and 1 SOO.OOO
pounds in icks, wheat. .11,1)00 buliels, corn, 15,
(X)0 bushels, oats, (11,000 bushels Shipments
Wheat, 40,000 buthels, corn, 6J.O00 bushels, oats,
60,000 bushels.
Chicago Grain and Ftoduce.
Chicago, Julv 10 On fmther reports of dam
ago bv lot weather, coin lodav continued to rio.
September closed ac. higher despite reports
of rain the southwest, which, however, c iued
a temporaiy reaction. September wheat cioed
c. hlnher, oits werp ic higher and provi
sion clocd strontc at 15 to 50 cents higher.
04i qiolatlons wcic as follows;
Flour l'av; N'o 3 sprine wheit. fila03c ;
No 2 red. o1ic.i No. 2 coin, 47c ; No. 2
jellow, 47c ; No 2 oats. 31c ; No. 't while,
."2i33e , No 2 rje, 4T,4c, No. 1 fliic teed
$1.H, No 1 N'orthwestern, ; prime timothy
eied. $105, mess puk. J14 U0al4 30, lard. $ WV3
a(0, slioit ribs, 7S0iS5O. drv salted slioul
ilei, 7a jc ; chort clear sides, $S33a3 45; whis
kc.v , $1 27.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, .lulv 10 C.iltle Beceipts, 17,000, In
cluding b(X) Tcnan. Choice steadj , others flow .
butchers stock and Tecum stcsdy to slow; good
to prime teer. 53 1510 30, poor to medium,
!00a5 10; stockers and feeders weak. $2 23i
4 40, cows, t2 4Vi5 40, belters, $2tOa3; can
neis, $2a2 10: bulls sinus, 2 40il Ii, calves,
steadv, $4iC50: Texas steers strongs, $.1 2Va3 20,
Toils built, 2o0altn Hogs Beceipta todav,
22 000, tomorrow, IS 000; left over estlmited,
2,000. live cents higher, active, closing firm
Top. ?fl'20j mixed and butihers, 17338 15; good
to choice beivv, V, ')Oa0 '0, lougli bcavv, fi TSl
5P3, llglit, ". 73iOO',. bulk of vilcs. 5 0H6 10.
Sheep lteicipts, 15,000: sheep strong to 10 cents
higher; leadings, lambs, active, 10il5s higher,
epring lambs up to $3 75, good to choice weth
ers, $1t)0a4 3), fair to choice mixed, $3a1S3j
western sheep. $.1 50a4 35, jearllngs, $la4 60,
native lambs, $ta5 75; western lambs, $3 50a5 flj.
Now York Live Stock Market.
New 3ork,-July 10, Beeves Active; steers,
firm to 10 icnts higher; hulls and cows generally
10 cents higher; steers firm to 10 cents higher;
bulls and cows gcneially 10 cents higher: all
sold; sttcra, fl S5i. stags, $1S0a4; bulls, $2 75
3 7V, cows. $2 10a I 75: choice (at do., J4 15al23.
Calves ctlie demand, priies 33a50e. higher;
caN, $1 7Vi7; cull, ila 4 50, butteniillks. K.U
4 12 Sheep 111111. limbs active and 23aVi.
higher on continued siant receipts, Sheep, -W
4 ,"0, no choice sheep here, lambs. $8 5017 75:
one car, 7.S7 Hogs Firm feeling; quoted
at 5t)ji;.tj3.
Buffalo Live Stock.
last Buffalo, Julv 10 Beceipts Cattle, 1'8
rara, sheep and limbs, 4 cars; hogs, 10 cars.
Shipments Cattle, 15i cars; sheep and lamhs, 1
car, hogs, 5 cats Cattle Feeling steady on
good butcher grades. 1 alves N'o particular de
mind, spring lambs, $fl2)afi75, sheep and jear
llngs, M 50a5. tlogs lleaxy, $d 23a6 30, pigs,
$6 JOaS 45.
Eat Liberty Ottle.
East Liberty, .luls 10 Cattle, steadi'i extra,
$3 fia6; prime, $3 fV0i3 70. good. V1 20a5 40 Hogs
Lower: prime heavier. $8 20a8 25, best ?orkeis,
and medium", $8.'!0a8 15, light jorkers and pigs,
$h,".V; common to fair vorkers, $20aO2i, skips,
jiart, roughs, $l75s5 73 Sheep Steadv , best
wethers, $.lsVat: mils and common, $l50a3 50;
jearllngs, ii. 50a 4 30; seal calves, $8 50a7,
Oil Market.
Oil City. Tilly 10. Credit talaneet, 103, eertifl
cites, no bids nr offera: runs, 110,532, average,
S8,ell. Shipments, 67,619, average, 117,703,
National League.
t Pittsburg- B It, K
Boston n 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 1
Pittburs ooon 00000 11 14 1
Batteries-Dlneen nd Kltllldge, Chcsbro and
Zimmer. Umpire Naih.
At Cincinnati B. II. K.
New York 0 0 1 0 0 n 1 0 1 3 0 1
Cincinnati 0 0 ll 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 '2
Battciles lajlor and Bowciman; llahn and
Bcn,en. linpiie Hclilc.
At Chicago- B II. K.
Chicago 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 l) 3
Philadelphia 4 0 0 0 10 10 06 7 O
Batteries Waddel and Kline; Donohue and Mi
Farland. I'mplre Cutiningham,
At St. Louis- B, II I'.
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 7 2
St Unilv, 120 00 000" 8 7 0
Bitterles-lluglies and MiCnlrr; Harper and
Rjan. Umpires Sihrlvcr and Care,
American League.
t Boston II H. y
Philadelphia . 0 1 1 0 4 1 2 1-1! 17 2
Dotlon 3 0 I 1 0 0 0 1 O 6 11 1
Batterie. Fraser and Powers, Lewis and Cilg
er, Mitchell nd bchreckongojt. Umpire Con
noil), At Washington n H, E
Baltlmor 3 0 0 3 10 0 0 03 n 3
Washington 0 0 O 0 0 1 0 0 0 I 3 1
Batteries Foieman anl Robinson; Lee and
Clarke. Umpires Sheridan and Manaitau.
ANTi:D-.n Intelllnent (CathollcT lady or t;cn.
tleman to Nil a light, pleasant pnltin.
Rood paj, If suitable. Address P. 0. Box W,
Hrinton, Pa.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTID .t once, tellable mm as Jinitor at
Lackawannt hospital, Must brlna; lefer
WANTI'.ll-A baker ol ltohtvvasscr's, 311 Penn
WAN.TKD-i.onir filler bum It niakeis, ilsar
packer and tobacco stilppeiJ. Becker llio ,
Oil Robinson street.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTKD Kjperlenced sates ladles (or house
furnishing- and crockery departments, Appl
at office. Jonas Long's Sons.
WANTKD ladles or gentlemen, ulary seventv
five dollars per nonth and expense-i to travel
N'o canvassing, fifty dollar per month at li'iue,
steady emplojment. Call at Cirand Central Hotel
Want Advertisements Will Be
Beceived at Any of tho Follow
ing Drug Storos Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALBERT SCHLUTZ, corner Mulberry
etreet and Webster avenue.
GUSTAV riCHEL, C30 Adami avenue.
West Side
OlORGE W. JENKINS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
I RI.D 1 TERPPE, 720 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
GLO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main
avenue and Market street.
Green Ridge
CIIABI.l 3 P. JONES, 1357 Dickson
F. J JOHNS, 020 Green Ridge street
O. IOHFV, corner Washington ave
nue and Marlon street.
W. II. HN'tPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue.
Booms and Board.
LARGE front room with board tor two gentle
men, 418 Adams avenue
Boarders Wanted.
WANTI'D Table boarders. Mrs. Tompkins, 631
Washington avenue.
Money to Loan.
$300,000 TO I OAN Lowest rates; straight or
monthly pavments. Stark k Co.,Traders' bljg
straight lcana or Building and lan At
from 4 to 6 rer cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
311 315 Ccnnell building.
Furnished Rooms.
FOR RENT One large furnished front room;
also one aldo room. 637 Adams avenue.
W ILL T KE confinement c es at my home.
Box- 88.
Situations Wanted.
SHI vriOS WANTED A woman wants wa-h-lug
lu tike liumi. Addics Mis. A. It l.vaus,
3"3 l.vaus coiiit.
Sin'VriOS WANTEll-By a respeitible girl to
do rooking; can fmnili be reteiinris,
Pleaso call at 534 Ilcbeica avenue, II.mIo Paik
Slll'ATIOS WANTED By a good gill to elo gen
ml houscwoik, can give best rcfeicnees.
Please call at 514 Rcheua avenue, ll.ulo Paik.
SITI'AIIOS WA.Niri) By ationg, active, jonng
man, xiJUing lo do nnv honest work, 01m
jcar's expeiience in shipping, good ictcrcnccs.
Address, B L , caro of Tribune Office.
snUVTIOV WNJFI)-Ily a jnung man, as i
fiist-cljs Henogriphcr Addicss "steno,"
cam Tribune.
Sllt'AIIOS WvNlKD-Bj a jnung man; well
leconuncucWI; willing to work at anvthlng,
cheap, with boatd. Addiess K. M , 611 Vleilduu
SIIUATIOV WAS'lhD-By a middle iged woman
as hoii-ekeeper in widower's fainilv , 1 in gin
reference. Call on or nddiewi 31. II , 143 South
Rebecca (1 venue, Scianton, Pa.
SHI TIOS WHNIH)-Bv joung girl aa nuoe
fill at SB River siieet, 'outh Side.
S1TIA1ION WANII 11-fiiil wants situation at
gencr,il houowoik (,ood steadi girl Vd
dres M Rochford, General Delivery, Hel Sni.
SITUATION WAMI.D A first class eoachman il
sires a situation with a private fiuiilv
Capable, fober and reliable anl understands ih
bualnesd thoroughly: with reterencca Addics
Coachman No 334 Penn avenue
BOARD OF i:.VIINl-R Candidate! for the of
flee of mine lnpecloia in the First and 'ee
end inspection districts aie hereby notified tlmr
the boaid of examiners appointed bv the conn
ef common plcaa ol Laikawanna lountv will mm
at the Board of control roonu, Citj Hall, In the
City ol Scranton, on Tuesdaj, July IH, iqo, at
o'eloik p m for the einilnatl"n of su h oandi
dates as may appear helora them (andidu-s
will please notice that sertlon of thr mi no
law requires them lo produce, satMittorv en
drnee to the hoard if having had it least Aie
jears practical expeiieme in the anthracite coal
mines of Pennsylvania
iOIIS F snvdhi,
V VI I. IIS llirilMlll.-,,
JVMI's I VKinill'-OS,
AI.I.N. Ill IILVNl),
Attest Boatd
l.MIL RONS, Cleik.
N011CE Is liercbv given that on application will
bo made to the governor of Pennvlvania n
Frida), the nincteenlli dav ol lulv, Itifll, Iv I
B leimv-n, James It VIeiis, Chailes V Olve
Georgp B leinnn and Sidney C. Vlens under
tlie act ol asrfmblv entitled ".n act to provide
tor tlie Incorporation and tegulition of reiUin
corpoiations," appiovrd iril 20th. 1S74, and
the aupplements theieto foi thp elurter of an In
tendeil corpoiatlon to be tailed "Thp Peoples
Powder t'ompani." the puiposo whereof ia the
manufacture and sale of pnwdei, dinjimtc and
other explo'ive sultinie, and foi the.e purpn.p
to have, poueis and enjov all the liglils, hemfiis
and pilvileijea of said act of assembly nnd tlie
mpplemcnti theieto
CIURI.LS E.-OIVI'R. Silullor
At Clevelind- R. II 1
Detroit 0 0 0 2 10 0 2 27 7
tie (land , . ni00O010 2-tll
lliilciiei VHller ami Budow; Howling anl
Wood. I mplre Haskell
U Vlilwaukee II II 1
Chicago 2 00100010013 18 ,1
Milwaukee .. . lOOnojIOOOll 4 6 J
Bittcrlei (allahm and ""ugden; sparks and
Maloney. Umpire Lantlllon.
Eastern League.
Woreejter, 8; Montreal, 1,
Trovldenre, 8: Toronto, 8,
Sjraeuse, 8; Budilo, 7,
Ifartfoid, 7; Rochester, ft
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than Four Llnei, 6 Cents for Each Extra Line,
Certified Public Accountant.
niWMlD C. bl'Al'I.DI.NO, 23 TBADhllS B.NC
1'RI.Ill.ltlCK t BIIOWV, AIM'll. B, BEATi
I'state i:xchani;e Bldg , 120 Washington ve.
Civil and Mining Engineer!.
II 1. itWiUIM.. BOD tOXNKt.l, BUII.D1.N0.
Spruce street, Scranton.
Rooms 12, 14, 10 and H llurr building.
tlated on rrat estate security. Mean building,
corner Washington avenue and Sprues atreet.
and counselloia at hvv. Republican building,
Washington avenue.
sellora at-law. Commonwealth building, Roonu
10, 20 and 21
C03P04. Oth floor, Meats building.
of Tiadc building, Scranton, Pa.
Bank building.
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Sugeons.
Ington avenue Residence, 1311 Mulberry
Chronla disease, lungs, heart, kidneys ind
genlto urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m
Hotels and Kesturants.
avenue. Ratea reasonable.
P ZEIOLER, Proprietor.
senger depot. Conducted on tho European
Pln VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor
erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; green
houses, 1050 North Main avenue; itora tele
phone, 7S2.
cess pools; no odor; only impioved pump useti.
A B, Brlggs, proprietor. leava orders 1100
North Main avenue, or Mcke'a drug store, cor.
ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa . manufacturer of Wire Screens.
alo ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 21 j
Adams avenue.
velopes, paper biga, twine. Warehouse, 133
Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa.
In Scranton at the news stands of Rslsmin
Bros, 401 Spruce and 503 Linden. VI. Norton,
'22 Lackawanna avinuc, I. S. Schutzer, 211
Spruce street,
mint of ( iiminon l'lej of Lickananna coun
tv No .10. Vlmh term, 1101 Libel In di
miip, 'lo lames Illumes, the aboip nnmed respondent:
ou .no heicbv notified lint tlie henfT hsvln
1 rt inned the siilprcni snd alias subpoem In
lids mo ' non ct inventus" nnd tlie court bav.
ing oideied nntiu upon 1011 In publication, voi
111c beiel v lotinil Iheielme, to le and appcir
at tho li.xt teim cf i i louit, tu be bejel at
seranton, in said lotmti f laikawanna, on Vtor.
elu. Hip sixlrenlh elii of -epiemler, V I) IfCll,
to aiiiwci (he mtiipljlnt of the ald llb'lUnt
t II sill MIT. Sheri.1
A W 111 111 Mill I
Vttouiev foi Lihellant
vlonev Will riarn Biz Monthly
Thelnvestor'sFunlPajjSeml monthly.
The nldet estat li-lifd in meiira So certificate
holdei has evei I "t cent Pavments mide tt
all subrnbers evriv 13 dais No trouble No
I elelai 3Ionci refunded on demard Write to.
eav fot paitimlais f n e tn anv dires
C. K. Jlackej A, (o, llud.on Bid g , New Yoik.
Inuesinjenf Offerings
Paying 3 to 5.
Canala Sonthsm Railway Co.
1st Mtg 5s, J c I., ignS.
Chesa. & Ohio Railway Co.
K. & A. Dlv. 1st Con. 4s, J & J , 1080
Edison Else. Illm, Co. of New Yorfc
istCon. AUg 5s, J, & J., 1095.
Evans ville & Tere Haute R. R, Co,
1 st Con ,MU di, .1. d J , 10 11.
Iowa Contral Railway Co.
I st Mts .is, J cc ), 19,48,
Mobila fi Ohio Railway Co.
Mont Dlv, lit .Mts js, P St A,, 1047.
it Y. Gis. Elec. Light Heat & p'r.Co,
Purchase Monev 41, p (t A , 1049
How York. Chicago tSSt.Lonis H.R, Co.
nt ntg. 41, a a i , 192,7.
N. Y Ontario & Western Ry. Co:
1st Mts 41, VI. ex $., 1 09 J
Oregon Short Line Railway Co.
istCon. Mts s, J, & J,, 1946.
St. L. Merchants' Bridge Ter'I. Ry.Co.
isf Mtg .is, A ft O , 1930,
Milwaukee Elec. Railway. & Light Co.
6 percent. Preferred Stok,
I'omplete eiescrlptive rlicular of then
and oilier securities ruininhcd upon ap.
plication. .
Spencer Trask 5 Co
27.29 Pine Street,
65 State St., Albany, New York