The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 11, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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a roruLAn clearing i obsr for the njn.
A at of All Who llr Hou.M to lit nt. : RJ
Estate or Other Prirty to sell or l.xititnse. '
Who Want Mtiutlotu or IMp-TliMr nu J;
ertlmtnt Ont Onf Cent Word. Six In"''
tlcm for rixc Cent 8 Word-Kxccrt SltuatKni
War ted, Which Are lncrtfd Her.
WATEroi?tl lor Rfncral J'rurw0Te ','!'
rrly slrl prrlfrrnl. vvirm. I0 per tiiontn.
Mrs 0 A Wallui. corner Churtli trcct and
flaltm nenue,
AntillllM rAtillf C!lll I'.tnlii nf .t.imM MflU
den, late of Ctrl.ondlc city, Lackanan.u
county. deceed. , , ,
ny Mrtue ol an order of the orphin in"" o
Lachauintia count, the utidfrlined, ";""l,n"'
tutor c t i ot the etate of ,lnme MHWJ.
late ol Carhondale clt, In ald count, "'''
ulll fell at puhllc mIc and mitcr to the lilRh'H
tnd W bidder upon the premises hirelnafler
fle-crlbed In the ild city of Carhondale, on SJ
i.irtav Inh II, 1101. at 10 o'clock a m , me
(ollmilns derrihed real etatc, to wit.
Ml that cert tin lot of land eituatrd In the city
ol (arhondale. l.icUuinm lomitj, Ptnnltu
Ililne put ol lot numl'ired .ill en map ol out
Ion of the )elaaie and llud.on Canal tompanj.
rti a tnct of laid In the jiianlec name ot Mary
Hocer Mid part of lot contalnlrjr 11 VKl "quire
feet of mil or thefalmuts and helns lmunde.1
and r!eullieil n (Minn to wit
flfslnmntr In the eaftcrU tine ol an iirrpiur
line, ol the noithetrrlj rormt ol out lot ntmi &21 on Mid tract, foinicrh lc.ied to I "
rick Farlv ind elnce nirrendcrcd h him; thence
In eald line of lane nnilh :i rltcea. ciu
IP Tin feet to a comer, theme It other Ian U
(t Mid Dile-iare and llitdwn ( mil company
toi t!i o desiee, 100 feet, utul south -l"i
ileCtte. wift IP 7 in leet to a tome , and thence
I" cutlet numhered li aforCMld iioith cf !
pieef rt 00 fret to the pbie of h-glnnlns
Onl and nilneial and tn'nlns rlffhl letcned
lnpired ulth two rne and one half etor lrim
t cel.tns; ho ie-
T-rtna of .'e On" hilt down on da ol eili,
tonne on unflrmitirn I Hi nle mil ilelhcij
of the deed II1.IM MOHHIsON,
Admlnlitnloi, c t a
riHRtLs it win ms
Attonip fr hitate
A Heap of Trouble Over Turning on
.ho Water In the Public Drinking
Place The Insistence of the Water
Company on Having: an Additional
MrW Installed Figures Promi
nently in tho Muddle.
The fountains maintained liy thr
Mty within Hlid In finnt of memoilal
mrk nro r.uifin? t'ity Knclneor TtlrU
tn wojiy a bit dm Ins thos-e waim
As n starter It was away behind
sehedule time this season when coun
cils took action looklns to the tttinlnK
on of the watet, and when the watet
was turned on the tioubles of the
cltv ensineer besun The loiintnlns at
either end of the city wete sent off on
their pi rand of bonoflttlns humunit,
but thete'.s a dlffeient htoi to i elate
about the paik tountuinv, Flint, theie
was some nilsunderstandlnK about
whether water was to be tinned on
in the drlnkltiR places foi hot.-es onl,
or both that and the fountains that
fupplles the thltsty public. The iour.
cllmanlc rcoUitlon i-ald tho ttotiRh
only, but when the clt rnslneer com
menced woik to cfliij out this Idea,
one of the councilmen Intel ioed and
dedaied that the watei should be tu n
de on In both places. To be sun of
hli siound the city eiiKlneei held off
for a few das, until Monday nlKht's
meetlns: of Common council, when he
consulted the councilmen who intomieil
ed him that the rc-olutlon meant jut
what It h.iicl, "tin n the water on to
supply the troughs " Mru while the
puhllc clamoi to tin n on the water
fciew loudci and loudei.
Yesteidu. the city eiiKlneei- dliettcd
operations to lommeme at tlie con
nertlons foi the fountain In the,
but he mil, consirteiably ch.iBiinfd
when the water was net (lowing to
find that theie was a leak somewheie
in the supply pipe. Tho iiom dining
the winter caused the pipe to buist,
and Instead otthe stieam going upward
tluough the fountain, It llowerl fiom
the base Opeiatlons wcie then ceas
ed and the tepali man was tailed
In The drinking lountaln In front of
the paik was slen attention In tho
meatlme. Last eai this lountaln was
supplied by the waste watei fiom the
park fountain ThU jeai it was In
tended to hae a direct supply, by
connecting the fountain supply pipe
with the main water pipe. i;.(awitlons
weie made about the fountain, hut
Just aftci tho men united to con
nect the pipes. i;nslncei FiUk. of
the Consolidated Water company i ame
on the scene, and Hi inly insisted on
a meter being Installed to measuie
the water that would pass thiough
the fountain The company last vcar
estimated the tiuantlty ot water used,
hut this year such an nnaiifiement
would not sufflce, Mr. Fiick emphat
ically said, and he lefused to allow the
connection to be made unless the city
complied with the oidei
To be plainer the city engineer found
he was up "against It," no matter how
he surveyed the siound. The fountain
is so located that there Is absolutely
no room foi n metei and tho only
course was to oidei It to be mocd
a few fet in oider to accommodate tho
measuring device that the watet com
pany flimly and resolutely inflated on
having installed.
Argument with the water company
official, was as useless as piotcsts
against the "continued hgh tempeia
ture" of the weathei toiecaster. and the
city engineer made a lrtue of neces
sity, and began to devise a means of
meeting the water company' wishes
and law, However, he Is still flguiing
but It appears that the only court e Is
to move the fountain a few feet, thcic
by making loom for the deice that so
faithfully looks after the inteiests of
the water company
"Whateved plan will be followed, It
will mean an additional outlay ot
twenty-flvo or thirty doling, which is
quite a sum In the eyes of the econo".
mlsti in councils It Is possible, too
that 'With the meter Installed, tho ex
penso of maintaining the fountain will
he gi eater than last year, when the
waste water from the paik fountain,
instead of being dischaiged Into tho
sewor, was piped and sent thiough the
fountain outside, the one that Is now
causing the wony and tiouble. This
watter. een though It was waste at'
r. had to be paid for, the water com-
ladTes can" wear shoes
on Ut fmallcr altjr iidnR Mlcn'a 1'noM.iif a
ponder to I hiKen Into the ahect. It inaUj
tlEht or hcci feci eatvi tliti Instant teller
tn rorna anil hunimvi, Ifa tho creatm lomfurt
illKoery of th ase Curcj and prticntj ,oiCi
h, tlifteri, rilloua and tore pou. fn'l
Vrftt.r.kl.ti It a certain ,ltr ter , ..
trhtnir f?,t, At M ilnusUU and hor itoi'ta'
c! Tltat paekasc I'RI.i: Ir mill. Adduu .
9- UJUUIEU, J.v !Vi .. It
i ' -" -J i
CatBondale Department.
i .1
pany estimating the quantity that flow
ed from the park fountain.
The Man Who Jumpod from Erio
FroiRht Leaves Hospital, Though
Montally Unbalanced.
Frank Konyo the llrle section hand
who Jumped fiom the Kile "ller" nt
Dundatf streel crossing it tew weeks
ago, left Kmeigeniy hospital cstei
day. The Injuiy which Keyna leclvcd nf
fected the brain Hnd he began to act
qucerly and does nat appear to be any
better. He became testless this week
and asked to be allowed to go to his
home. While he was not relched of his
mental trouble, physically he was all
light, so the staff gave way to his ie
quest and he went to his home on tho
WMt Side.
Kcyno left the hospital once before,
a few days after being leclvcd there,
but was taken back by his fiiends on
the same day.
This Article Is What the Crescent
Team Is Furnishing Those Days.
Only Ono Defeat, but This Was
Redeemed in Sunday's Trouncing
to Scranton Team,
In the Ciescent base ball team, Cat
bondale Is fittingly lepiesented in
amateur base ball, and the imputation
which this city has In this alley Is
being well sustained by this otganlza
tioti, CarbondHle has alwnja been super
ior to Scianton In amateur base ball
and ecn the most partisan enthus
iasts in the Uleitilc City weiewlll
Ing to concede this. The most lccent
acknowledgment comes fiom .leiome
1'ariett, the base ball wiltci foi the
Tiuth. who, in his leport of the game
at Lodoie on July 4, saj.s. "An addi
tional cause foi delight was tho fact
that yesterdny was the Hist time that
a Sunnton team emerged vitiations
In a base ball game with a C.tibon
d.ile team." This tiiumph was bhoit
lled and tho ilpcnlng hopes of the
hcranton enthusiasts for a continua
tion of the units of victory sulfeied
u withering blight by the actually
mean act of the Ciesccnts on Sundax.
In trouncing the team that came up
fiom the Klectiic City to add to the
achievements at Lake J.odoie on the
Fouith. The Tiuth'h base ball writer
laid It was the magnificent pitching
of drlllln that did the tilck at Lake
Lodoie, but on Sunday It was the
magnificent hitting of the euncs of
this same (it Kiln, the mugnlllcent
pltchct, that won the game tor Car
hondale. C.riflln'.s pitching might have
been ' like unto bullets emanating
fioin a toil, so tenllli was speed,"
nccoidlng to biothei Pariett, but thU
bullet business was as easy tor tho
Caibondale sluggeis as picking out a
Wllkos-lJ.uie man In u ciowd on
show day. Befoie the fouith Inning
was oei. It was sixes" and "seens"
with til lllln, and he had to bo taken
out ot the box. Sunday's letot,
theicfoie, emphasizes the stiength of
the CiCMcnts and 'twill seie as a
check-rein on the met -enthusiastic
candidates for base ball hunots fiom
the town down the alley.
The Ctescents, ns stated befoie, hae
lost only one game this, and
this Is the one that tho misguided
joutlu fiom Scianton took by chance;
and It will ho only self-appic elation
ten the members to pioclalm that they
pin pose to keep the number of defeats
just wheio It Is.
Manager Fox has not decided what
team will be here on Sunday, as he
has heen Hooded with challenges fiom
Scranton, fiom manageis who aie
eager to see and leant how the game
should Iip plajed, which It Is In Car
hondale. The most taoiable will be
accepted, and duo announcement will
be made thiough the papets,
Smith, the pitcher ot the Ciesccnts,
is de eloping into a cleei twliler, and
appeals to he imptovlng with each
game Cuff and Hadglns hae estab
lished leputatlons and In the threo
Caibondale Is well supplied with plt
cheis, plajeis that aie haidest to sc
enic The peisonnel ot the team Is
Catchcis, Moian and l.otttis, pitches,
Smith Curf. McAndiows Hadglns, Kel
lehei; Inlleldeis, Pldgeon, nogan, Mc
Hale, Mm tay. outlieldcis, Monahan,
Kmmet, Hall Ooirion.
In oider to meet the expenses of
the visiting club, a. chaige of ten cents
will be placed on the bleacher seats
This nominal sum will he gladly paid,
It Is expected, by those Inteiested In
the game, paitkularly when the splen
did aitlcle of ball that is being pio
lded Is consldeied. Games will bo
called at 3 p, m. shaip, heieaftei.
Tho membeis of the descents aie
requested to assemble at Alumni paik
on Filday ufternoon for pi. mice.
Funeral of Mrs, Abbott.
The late Mis. Mai la Abbott, a fot
mer lcsldcnt of this city, who died In
Klmlra, N V. ut the age of 01 eais.
was laid at test In Maplewood ceme
tery yesterday ulternoon.
The deceased leached heie at J.OG
oer the D. & H. and was taken to
the cemetery wheie Ilev. A. 11. Saw
yer, rector of Trinity chinch, conducted
sei vice.
The pall-beaiers weie Rion Clark,
Will Mouls. Fiank Hubbard, John Oi
chaid, Chillies Perkins.
McVornon Boy Goes Home.
Young McVernnon, ihe Forest City
boy who was taken to Umeigency hos
pltal a few weeks to be tieated for
an Injuiy to his eje, wus sent home
yestexduy to his patents with his ec
flight, which was endangeied, fully ic
stoied, The bo.'h ecball was punctui
od by stick wielded by another lad
during a childish dispute.
Drove to Honosdale.
Mr, and Mrs. John Monlson nnd Miss
Mams Ueirlty of Dundnff stieet,
and Miss Julia acuity, a muse
at ncllevue hospital, who Is heie on u
month's vacation. enJocd a clrlo to
Honesdale estci ilu j .
Meetings of Tonight.
Oeorse H. Randolph camp, No. 13S,
Sons of Veteians.
Blanch 33, C. M. 13. A.
Carbondalo canton, No. 10, Patri
archs Militant.
'Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Accused Slnyor of Edwin Schoonover
Will Bo Arraigned Bofore 'Squire
Smith, in Honesdale, This Morn
ing, Whon tho Commonwealth Ex
pects to Establish a Prima Facie
Case Schoonovor's Daughter Iden
tifies tho Chain Dropped by Hull.
Wlnnns Hull, the ncctised slayer of
Edwin Schoonover, of Scranton, will
be ntralgned before 'Sqtilie Smith, of
Honesdale, this foienoon, for the pur
pose of establishing a prima facie case
against him to waitant his Incareeia
tlnn until the grand Jury can pass on
the evidence against him, which will
be during the week commencing Mon
day, Sept 23.
Among the witnesses at today's hear
ing will bo seveinl residents from this
city; Captain Davis, of tho Scranton
police foi ce. who nt rested Hull, and
the persons from Waymart, who ob
served tho accused man's movements
on the day that Schoonover was last
seen alive.
Constable Hdwatd Neary, of this
city, who was retained last week by
the Wayne county ofllclnls to gather
eUdence against Hull, has been ex
ceedingly active since Hull's nricst,
and It Is expected that the witnesses
that he has located will produce suf
ficient testimony to establish a case
against the accused Among the wit
nesses subpoenaed In Carhondale by
Constable Ncaiy ate Cius Messen, tho
Salem avenue Inrber, nnd I'dward
Coddlngton, of the Imperial restau
lant, to both of whom Hull endeavored
to dispose of the watch supposed to
hae boon taken fiom Schoonover;
Wllllnm Box, the livery lruid with
whom Hull lode fiom Waymart on the
day tint ho was seen with Schoon
over. and who took fiom Hull the
knife that Is believed was ued In In
flicting the wounds that caused
Schoonovor's death: Hmery Lee, the
Salem nventte llvetyman, In whoe
custody the knife was until Hull de
manded Its letuin the dv after the
murder, and Martin T. O'Malley, the
Caibondale iepieentntlve of The
Tilhune, who was present at Wav
mait. at the scene of the killing, shoit
Iv nfter the finding of Schoonnei's
decomposed borlv.
Constable Xeatv yesteidav took the
chain that was found beside the knife
that Hull dionned when at rested, to
the home ol Schoonovor's daughter on
Lackawanna a entie, Scranton, for
Identlticatlon "When she examined
the chain Miss Schoonoer, without
anv hesitation, dec bund It was her
father's Just then the thought of the
awful fate that ovei took hei father
cnine oer the young lodv, et power
ing her and caused her to collapse.
Mt Sol Fiihiman. a nelghhnt who
had often observed the watch chain on
Schoonover, ,il-n Identified It.
Tho Man Who Was Struck by D. &
H. Train Mot Disaster Through
His Own Nogligenco, the Coroner's
Jury Say Tha Tostimony and
The coionei'R liny empanneled on
Fundiv to lnqulio into the death of
ticoige Waym.ui. the Dundatf street
lcsldcnt, who was struck by a Dela
w.ue and Hudson ti.iin at the Dundaff
ciosslng on Filday night last, met last
evening in the ofllce of Aldeiman
Jones and nftci listening to the testi
mony of four witnesses lendeted a
vudlrt that AVaman's end was caus
ed by his own negligence. The ver
dict wi3:
"We, the undei signed Jiliois, do find
that t'coigo Wayman, afoiesald. was
Injured by being struck hv a Delawaio
and Hudson passenger tialn on the
Dundair stieet ciosslng. In the city of
Caibondale, In said county, on the
evening of July ft. 1101. at 10 p m .
nnd that he died fiom said Inluilcs
July ti. 1001, nt Caibondale afoiesald
nnci that the accident causing his
death was due to his own negligence
"Edward Ncary, Louis Oramer, Char,
Hoi ton, J. T. McAndicvv, C. H. Kupp,
James F noyian "
The testimony was fiom bojs who
wcie nt the tioslng at the time the
passenger tialn was pulling Into the
yard, and who saw Wayman walking
act oss the Hacks and dlieetlv into the
tialn's way One witness, Patrolman
Caidcn, testified that he saw Way
man about an hour before the accident
and that he was so Intoxicated that
he staggeied,
John Shlnneihorn testitled that the
stieet arc light at the ciosslng was
out at the time the train came along.
Ho didn't see Waymnn. until an In
stant beloro the engine tossed him
off the tracks.
John Toolln told of having seen
Wayman on the tiacks and of having
yelled to him at the train's approach.
Oeoige Rrennan was tho only wit
ness who said nnvthlnr; about the
gates not having been down. He dis
closed the fact, however, Hint Instead
of ciosslng between the standards of
the gates, he went around the further
one, about thien feet north of it.
When Wayman got In on the tracks
he made dliectly tor tho loadway and
was about In tho middle when tho en
jjlno stiuck him
Brennan declared that the engine
bell didn't ring, nor did the wjilstlo
blow, to his knowledge.
Shlimeihoin, when recalled, said
that whon the train was stopped ot
the switch above the crossing he went
up and Infoimed Engineer Drink that
Wayman was struck. This was trio
Mist Intimation tho engineer had of
the nee Idem
Dotectlvo Mai tin Cilppen, of tho
Delawaie nnd Hudson mad, was pics
out In behalf of the company. Ho In
fotnied Coioner P.nborts and the Jury
Unit It was Impossible for tho engineer
nnd Hi email of tho tialn, also tho
ciosslng watchman to bo present, but
that ho wns able to lepeut their state
ments. The engineer said he know
nothing of the nccldont until appilsed
of It by one of tho joung men, shln
neihorn. Ho sounded his whistle and
caused the bell to be wing ns Is cus
toinaiy In approaching crossings
The watchman deciared ho lowered
the gates as customary. Mi. Crlppcn
also explained that there was an au
tomatic linger on tho engine. Ho also
said, Incidentally, that Mrs. Wayman,
the widow of the man who died from
the tnjutles received In the accident,
had signed a release from damages for
tho company,
Ceylon Tea
Bold only in Lead Pnrkrtt.
.)0c, fil)c. and 70c. Per LI).
The Jury retlied nt this Juncture
nnd brought In the verdict that Way
man's negligence was the cause of his
Installed as Clerk in tho Quarters of
Semi-Contonnial Committee.
Pi of. A. Wilson Geary of the High
school has been delgated as the peison
In chaise of the semi-centennial asso
ciation quaitcis which weie opened a
few days ago In the city hall.
Tho committee has made a good sel
ection In Pi of, Goaty who is especially
adapted to the duties that he will be
cnlled up to dlschaige In his new of
The graduating class of nuises of
1001, of Kmeigency hospital, wcie
pleasantly enteitalned at the homo of
Mr. nnd Mi. George Hdmunds, of
Jermyn, Tuesday evening. One of
the most Intciestlng numbeis of the
evening was a vocal solo given by Mls
Maigaiet Davis, who possesses a
sweet and cultivated contialto voice.
The progiesslve euchie coteile was
entertained Tuesday night nt the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. chatles Cavjuioush,
on Dundaff stieet. The two Hist
prizes were captuied by John J.
O'Boyle nnd wife. The gontleman'3
piize was a silk umbrella and Mis.
O'Boyle leceived a handsome lemon
ade set Alter the awarding of the an hour's sociable was li"ld.
The altalr was brought to a close al
ter the solving of light leficshments.
Tho Misses Han let Compania, Nel
lie Biady and Marcy Fltzpatiick, of
P.rldgepoit, Conn, who aie visiting
the lnttei's sister, on South Chuieh
street, were chaperoned thiough the
Bellevue mine, Scranton Tuesday
evening by Hugh Fitzpatrlck. Among
the paity weie. Misses Jlame Doud,
Scianton, and Miss It. McCabe, Xoi
tlstown, Pa., Messrs, Geoige Brennan
and W. P. Fitzpatrlck, Caibondale,
Frank James and D, Williams, Hyde
Miss Nora Nealon, of Church street,
enteitalned htr class of music pupils
jesterday afternoon.
A large party of ladles Journeyed to
Crytal lake yesterday afternoon,
where they were entertained at "Lake,
side," the pleasant cottage of Mrs, K.
K, Morss, as the guests of Mis.
Morss and her sister, Mrs. Hadcock.
News has ben leceived In this city
of the death of Michael Gaffney, which
occuued on Monday evening nt his
late home, 1203 Thompson street.
Noith Scianton. Three months ago,
deceased bad an operation pei formed
on Ills left leg by which there was a
fatty tumor of the muscles removed.
For a time, theie wcie hopes of his
lecovciy until Blight's disease set In,
which caused death. In June, 1SS3, he
was united In manlage to Miss Mary
Coleman, of this city, who now, with
tour children, Maiy, Michael, Kathiyn
and Rlchaid, survive him. One
biothor. Hugh Gaffney, of Wllkes
Barre, also survives, Mr. Gaffney had
many fi lends in this city who will
be grieved to hear of his demise. The
tuneial will take place this morning,
when a solemn high mass of requiem
will be eelebtated at 3 30 In Holy Bo.
saiy chinch. Intel ment will be In
Cathedial cemeteiy.
Ursula, daughter of Jchn Low'a's,
of Boyd's Mills, Wayne county, died
in a hospital In Scranton Sunday
night, aged 2S years.An operation had
been performed for some bowel
tiouble that day. The deceased was
taken over the Delaware and Hudson
road yesterday to Calkins for inter
ment. She was a sister of Mrs. Jot,
eph Holt, of this city.
Band Deader on a Trip,
John Halstcd, who is employed iw
shipping clerk at the Carhondale Ma
chine company, has left for a visit at
the Pnn-Anicilcaii also ot Slckler Ho
low. and D.ilton. His wife and chll
di en accompany him,
Mr. Halsted Is also the leader of
the P. O. S. of A. band, which meets
evty Wednesday nnd Satuiday nights,
and dining his absence a member of
the band will be chosen ito till his
Gone to England.
Mis. Montague Turner, of niver
stieet, nnd children, left Tuesday night
on a trip to Kngland. They will bo ab
sent dutlng tho summer months,
Gono to Middletown.
Thomns Brennan, who has been a
guest at the Hanlson house for the
past week, went tn Middletown yester
day, wheie ho will be in charge of a
force, of laborers encaced In rnnd
J woik on the Ontario & Westem rail.
rend. Mr. Brennan was in charge of
the force which last week completed
the railroad improvements at Wind
sor, N. Y.
Delightful Visit at Fan-American.
Vincent H, Manners, manager of the
Teople's shoe store, returned yesterday
from Buffalo, where hn had a delight
ful visit amid the wonders of the Pan
American exposition,
Mr. Manners glows In his descrip
tion of what he saw at the big show.
"It's a great show,' he said to the
Trlbuno man. "and I can't conceive
how any one could feel disgruntled or
disappointed unless he went there with
that Idea. The electrical dsplay, alone,
is worth tho visit and If I had neon
nothing else, I would como away feel
ing that I was recompensed for my
pain, The music Is a great feature
Sousa and his band are there, also
the Royal Hungarian band and the
Mexican band. While Sousa wiih the
most popular, yet I've heard critics
sny that the Hungarian band excelled
In classical music.
Henry Berry and wife hnvo returned
from Southern Pines, Noith Caiollna,
where they spent tho winter with tho
idea of benefitting Mr. Berry's health.
Tho Browns and Rubbernecks of
Olyphant will play ball Saturday for a
purse of $50. Moran, Loftus, Rogan
and McIIale, of the Crescents of this
city, will play with the Rubbernecks.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Do
laney, on Spencer street, was bright
ened Tuesday morning by the anlval
of a baby girl.
Andrew O'Connell, of South Church
street, has secured a position as dis
trict agent for the "Catholic Light" of
Director of Public Works John 13.
Rocho nnd family, of Scranton, aio
occupying a cottage at Crystal lake.
Miss Mary Baylon, of Fulkei son's
Music stote. Is enjoying her annual
vacation. Miss Grace Hall Is tilling
her place.
Miss Harriot Hutchlns, of the High
school faculty, and Miss Anna Hutch
ins, of tho Globe store, are home from
the Pan-American exposition.
Miss Hannah Tighe, of the West
PIde, a professlonai nurse, Is at Jer
imyn, where she was called to admin
ister last week.
Mrs. Richard Cobbledlck and Mis.
Charles Cobbledlck have returned from
Kngle Bridge, N. Y., where they spent
a month with their sister, Mis. Henry
Smith, formerly of this city. They
were accompanied home by Master
Arthur Talor.
W J. Hamhley, of Iron Mountain,
Mich, wns In town Tuesday. He In
tends taking up his residence with his
sister, Mis. J. T Phillips, on Third
stieet, Jeimyn, Mr. Hamhly has se
cured employment in Peckville.
C. J. Holmes, of Waterbury, Conn ,
was calllnrr on friends In this city
Tuesday. Mr. Holmes was formerly a
local representative for the Interna
tional Correspondence schools In this
Miss Mary It B Jenkins, profes
sional nurse of this city, has heen
called to the home of II. A Lee at the
Mountain house, Cadosla, N. Y. Two
of Mr. Lee's children have heen dan
gerously 111 with diphtheria, but are
now tecoverliig.
The Germanla Singing society will
enjoy Its annual outing next Sunday
Poyntelle has been selected ns the
place for the reunion. A special train
will leave heie at 9 a. m, returning
about 6 p m.
t'ndertnker E J McIIale, of Main
street, nnd Krle Train DIspatcl cr J. .1.
O'Boyle, of Rivet street, were at Crys
tal lake yesterday.
Confectioner R. H. Trallcs, of Main
stieet, nnd Mrs, Tralles, enjoyed a
pleasant day at Crystal lake yester
day Miss Mamie Early, of Seventh ave
nue, Is vlsltlns: In Scranton. She Is
the guest of her cousin, Miss Alice
O'Mniley, of Adams avenue.
Mi's Mame Gallagher, of Scianton,
spent Tuesday In this city.
Miss Alice Qulnn, of Mayfleld, vis
ited frelnds heie yesteirtay.
Miss Sadie Rowley Is the guest of
her cousin, Miss Ethel Morgui.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomns Fox have re
turned from their wedding tour.
Miss Maiy Bryson spent Tuesday
evening with ft lends in Jermyn.
Botn To Mi. and Mrs, Hugh Gil
gallon, of Biooklyn street, a son.
F. 13. Schllllnger, of Scianton, wns
at the Harrison House yesterday.
Miss Maile McDonough, of Pike
street, Is visiting fi lends In Scianton
Mrs, Rollln A Snwjer Is spending
a few days with Honesdale fi lends.
Misses Anna and Mame Grady, of
Mayfleld, weie calleis In town Tues
day. Miss Mame Bergan. of Jermyn,
spent yesterday with friends in this
Mrs. Fiank Stephenson, of Way
mart, spent Tuesday with friends In
this city.
Mis. Peter Kelly and daughter, of
New York city, aie visiting trlends
in Jermyn
Henry Douglass, of Blnghamton,
was among Tuesday's welcome callers
in this city.
Miss Belle Phllbln, of Scranton, is
the guest of Miss Margaret Meehan,
on Biooklyn street.
Misses Gertrude and Genevieve Gil
mat tin are spending tho week with
frlnds In Scranton.
William L. Lewis, of Philadelphia,
has returned after a week's visit with
fiiends In this city.
John Lamb and son, Ethelbert, of
Brooklyn. N Y, aie the guests of
relatives In this city.
Miss Mary Culkln, of West Scran
ton, Is the guest of Miss Julia Kll
hullen, on Brooklyn street
Miss Kate Kennedy, of South Main
street, is visiting her hrothei, J. J
Kennedy In New Yoik city.
Mis. E. Maude Michael nnd Mis.
F. F, Rcsseglner, of South Gibson
weie Carbondalo visitors jesterday.
Miss Mary Yariington, of the La
thi ope Insuiance agency, Is confined
to her home on Wayne stieet by 111
ness. Misses Nellie Brady, Maigeiy Fitz
patrlck and Hattle Campania, of
Bridgeport, Conn., are visiting fiiends
and telatlvcs In this city.
Mrs. Julia Reynolds has returned
from Scianton. She was accompanied
by Mrs, John C. Reynolds and daugh
ter, who will visit here for a week.
Miss Jennie Mirtln, of Now York,
Is tho guest of her aunt, Mrs. William
Mi. and Mrs. It. G. Brown and chll
dren left yesterday to spend a few
weeks with the former's mother in
New Jersey.
Miss Stella Levan returned, after
spending two months with relatives
In Philadelphia.
MHs Lou Hutchlngs left today for
New York, where she will spend a
Leonard F. Vctdery, Real Estnte
and Renting Agent, of Augusta,
Gn., writes:
"With many othets I want to ndd
my testimonial to the wondeiful good
Peruna has done me. I have been n
great sufferer fiom catanhal dyspepsia.
i tiieo ninny physician, visucd n good
many Springs, but I believe Peiuna has
done nioto for me than all of the above
put together. I feel like a new pernn, .
I have taken the Peruna and Manalln
together nnd always export to have a
bottle In my home,"
Leonard F Vetdiuy.
Mr. R. M. Baker, a jnomlnent citi
zen of Buckhead, Ga writes In n
recent letter his experience with Peruna
to build up n broken down system. He
"I can recommend Pot una because 1
believe It to be the best eattnrh medi
cine on the market. My whole sys
tem was out of order and my
health generality was very bad, but
since taking Peiuna I am now en
Joying better health than I can ever
remember, nnd fully believe that
Peruna did the work. I shall alvvavs
speak a good word In Its behalf."
Catanh assumes dlffeient phases In
dlffeient seasons of the year. In the
summer the stomach and bowels suffer
the oftenest as the seat of the trouble.
Peruna cities catanh wherever locnted.
If ou do not derive piompt nnd sails
factory results from the use of Peruna,
few days befoie leaving for her home
In Bermuda.
Mis. Joseph Stlllman, of Philadel
phia, Is tho guest of her uncle, Mr.
James Levnn, of Main street.
The school boaid met Monday even
ing and elected teachers for the ensu
ing year.
Mooslc Powder company paid their
emploves ycstciday.
Miss Geitlo Dix visited Scranton
Mr. Bavatd Hand spent a few das
fishing at Spring Biook.
The pumps In the Delawaie nnd
Hudson and Glenwood collieries me
jnaklng conldeiable headway tho past
few days in lowering the water In
both collieries and at the present late
It seems quite possible opeiatlons will
be lecommcnced In tho foimer eaily
next week. The "nfoiced Idleness of
these two collieries, on which the
town principally depends, has been a
severe blow to tho men engaged In
them, and the met chants also, and
means a loss which will take several
good months' woik to catch up.
Mr. James Robot ts, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Roberts, of North Main
street, and Miss Laura Linderman, of
Archbald, were quietly married jes
terday. They will reside in Peckville
for a shoit time, alter which they ex
pect to make their peimanent home in
Jermvn. Both tho bride and gioom
aie well known In this vicinity and
they have the good wishes ot a host
of friends for a happy futuio.
Mi. and Mrs. Joseph T. Roberts and
daughtei, Mamie, of Second stieet, and
Mrs. George T. Flctchei, of Lacka
wanna, are camping at Lake Chap
man Tho Ancient Older of Hibernians will
hold a public Installation of ofllcei.s In
Assembly ball this evening. Among
the visitors expected to be piesent nnd
who will take a piomlnent pait In the
exeiclses aie the county piesldent and
other county ofllceis. After the In
stallation ceremony, theie will bo a
progi amnio of voeai nnd Instiumental
music, Intei mingled with shoit ad
dresses and iccltatlons.
Attorney Fiank Stncker left yester
day on a business trip to North Caro
lina. Michael Furey, a resident of the
East Side, was painfully Injuied jes
teiday In attempting to boaid a
moving coal tialn he tailed to notice
a switch post, and as he mudo the
Jump his leg caught the post, throw
ing him heavily on the Hack, fiom
which he i oiled down the embank
ment. His leg was badly lnceiated
and It was thought he was also hint
The silk mill, which has been dosed
down the past ten days to enable the
employes to get over their vacc Ina
tlnn, will start up again on Friday.
Robert Maxwell, who has been en
joying the sea breezes for a week at
Atlantic City, Is home again.
Dr. Halpei, of New York city, is
the guest of Jcunyn friends.
The following list of unclaimed let
teis icmalns at the Taylor post office
for the period ending July 10. Persons
calling for the same will please say
adveitlsed and give the date of list.
Domestic Dr. T Grlfllths, Cella. Mack,
Maik Phllbln, Luke Walsh, Foreign
Rosa Tiancesco, Fellxs Reonal, Oram
Rofo, Peter Notlcky, Gotano Cardlnale.
John W Reese, Postmnstei, per E.
The Piohlbitlon league will hold their
hally at Van Hoin'sv hall tomorrow ev
ening. An excellent piogramme will
be lendcied.
The concert and drawing for the
benefit of John Evans, of Taj lor street,
who lost his leg at the Taylor mine
some time ago will be held in Weber's
hlnk on August 13. The pioceeds will
go toward procuring for Mr. Evans
an artificial limb, The articles have
been contributed by the following.
Silver watch, presented by Samuel
Friedman. eight day clock, by J.
Mlltord Moigan. one Welsh Bible, by
John Nclger; one locker, by Neiger
and Powell; fancy vest by Richards
and Wlrth; one silver lined coffee
pot, by a friend: box of cigars by
Joseph Davis: silk umbrella by a
The "Go To" band of tho Methodist
Episcopal church will hold their out
ing at Nay Aug park today. The
special car which will convey the young
people to paik will leave the chinch
corner, Taylor stieet, at 0 a. m , ie
turning at 5 p. m.
While playing with several of his
companions on the Kovser valley
branch iccntly Rnbeit the little son
of Mr. and Mis (ienige Hood of Noith
Malleoli eot had both of his feet lindly
burnt. The voiiug lad was In the habit
of walking the embankment which Is
being placed for the laving of a new
Hack, when not knowing of the dan
gei he stepped Into the heated ashes,
Mis David Davis of West Sciunton
wan tho guest of telatlvcs In this place
Mr Rlchaid D Thomas, tnnueily as
sistant mine foicman at the Pyne mine
has accepted a position with tho Lack
awanna company engineer coip.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J F. Tnjlnr of Main
street left on Monday for a trip to the
Pan-American exposition.
Miss Gertrude Reese Is home from
her visit to Bloomburg, being the
suest of her friend Miss Evans.
Miss May Wells, of Claikc's Green, '
;' Leonard K. Vtrdcry. 'i
write nt once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartmnn, President of
Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus.
was the guest of relatives here re
cently. Miss Nellie Davi. who has been
spending' the past few jcais for the
benefit of her health in Denver, Colo.,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. E. Wat
kins of South Main street.
Lackawannn Valley council, No. SI,
Jr. O. r. A. M., will meet In the Red
men'fl hall this evening.
David Davis, of North Taylor, who
has been spending the past month vis
iting iclatlves In Ohio, has returned
Mis. William Parsonage, of Plymouth
was the guest of relatives here the
foio pait of the- week.
Mis. James Nash Is homo from her
visit at Minerflville, Pa.
Miss Mame Evans, who has been vis
iting friends heie, has returned to her
home in Plttston.-
In St. Patrick's church yesterday af
tci noon at 4 o'clock Miss Mary Casey
was mairled to Martin S. Gibbons of
Dunmoie street, The ceremony was
perfodmod by Rev. John McLaughlin
In the preence of large gath
ering of friends. The bride and
her attendant, Miss B. Norton,
wcr most becomingly attired
in gowns of white lawn with lace
trimmings. They wore large black
hats, Tho gioomsman was Peter
O'Malley. After the ceremony a wed
ding icceptlon was held at the bride's
home on Second street. They were
the recipients of many handsome and
useful piesents. Mr. nnd Mrs, Gibbons
will reside on Dunmore street.
A laigp number attended tho "Moth
er and baby" party held In the social
loom of the Presbyterian church yes
tciday afternoon. The folowlng ba
bies received prizes: Tor weighing tho
most,, Arthur Prosser, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Edwaid Pio.sei; for having most
teeth, Emily Evans, daughter of Mr.
and Mis. William Evans; for crying
least, Glendon Thomas, son of Mr. and
Mis. F. J. Thomas: for behaving best,
Gladys Woolen, daughter of Mr. and
Mis. Thomas Woolen. After tho prizes
weie awarded Ice cream nnd cako were
A band of tho Salvation Army from
Scranton held sei vices on the corner
of Lackawanna and Willow streets yes
terdny nfteinoon, where a laigo crowd
Mrs. A, Berry has gono to Union
dale to spend the summer.
Mrs. Harry Huddle and Miss Nettle
Mason left .vesteiday for Poultney. Vt .
to spend a lew weeks with their sister,
Mrs. W. E. Lloyd.
The funeral of the late William Pugh
will be held from the family home on
Lackawanna street this afternoon at
2 o'clock.
Clarence 13. Decker of New York was
visiting his sister a few days last
week, Mis. W. P. Coon.
Grace, the little twin daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. H. Pariett East, is ser
iously 111 with cholera Infantum,
Miss Smith and Randall have vacated
have vacated the Decker house,
Hlram JClmmeiman of New York Is
spending a few 'days, with relatives
and fi lends.
Mr. Willis Austin of Newark, N. J
Is spending his vacation with hl3
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Austin.
Mr. and Mis. Benjamin Mead and
daughter May attended the funeral of
the latter's biother, Ellas Hinckley, of
Dan Stevens has left for a two weeks'
sojourn with his parents in Wyalus
ing. Jllrs. Wm. Matthews and son of
Scranton spent the fourth with Wal.
ter L. Matthews.
Mr. Chamberlain and family of Wil-kes-Barre
have moved into F. H.
Greene's house.
The Huckleberry crop is being har
vested, It promises to be a large oiip.
The Sterilck Creek colliery was idle
yesteiday for want of cars.
The members of Wilson Flro com
pany nro preparing tor a good old
fashloiied dam bake, on Saturday
evening, July 27.
A horse attached to a two-wheeled
gig. owned by Joseph Fcndlck, ran
away Tuesday afternoon. The outfit
brought up at Pilceburg and was hut
slightly damaged.
Miss Alice C. Moon Is spending tho
week nt the Pan-American exposition
at Buftaln, in company with Mr and
Mrs J. W. P.ukhuist, of Reed City.
Mich., nnd Mr. and Mis, B. II. Park
hurst, of Elkland, Pa,
Krause's Headache Capsules,
were tho llrst hendacho capsules put
on tho market. Their Immediate suc
cess resulted In a host of imitations,
containing nntlpvrlne, chloral, mor
phine and other Injurious drugs, pur
porting to he "Just as good." Avoid
these Imitations and Insist on your
having Kinuse's, which speedily cuie
tho most seveio cases and leave no
bad after oftects. Price 23c, Sold by
all druggists,
.in . i
Newberry Divorce Caso.
Bv KvclmUe Wire (mm Tho Wnchtnl Prus.
MntiiV, li, .Int v 10 It uit unnnnncfd
hu-i toilav that thf rllioiic mlt brnusht by Mi.
Profcsor b, II Ncwbeirj. dmghtfr of UnltM
states White, ulll be MtM out of
court. It is uld alimony hat teen JjrceJ upon,