."? rs.yjuf-ii.asM?!.'!'"-' vvvy. TV 8 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1901V TTfjPr.tdkWT. '- 1t'.Q,4trllXf' MINERS HEARD MANY REPORTS IConcluded Irom Pijte S ) -I- "Hoplne thit (hit will meet with Juf '"' able consideration, we aie, "He.pettinlli, T. II. Mcliolli. .lolm T, Hemp ev, II. W. I'o'tirtrlsht, 'Ihomn I.lruelljn. Henry Colllw. 1. CI. lialllicr, .If hu I'ahi, Thomas J. Hlehsrd., .t, T. Willi nn. Vnthrailte Commit tee Lnlttil Mine Norkcu of America " ii i) .no liner. This letter ilhl not seem In hue an) rlteit whatever on llic eiiatorf, as not imp nt Ihtin rniilrl be tniiiul whn would make a mo(ln In cllchirse the committee fiom further tonsl ora tion of the Milt The Milt which were pird are as Minns i Ilnuw hill 'o ail, pmtldinir for I he election nt the inferiors Mil No -'II. Uxlng cotnpaiit tort out of rilstciice. Mil So 21.', prodding fir n, medic il clrl of mpptles at (ho foot of ejeh rolllcn, and Mil So i. providiiti: fcr tin? (taniplni; of emh Keg of ponder Willi the mine rf tin firm awl the iiumlirr of pound contained The fathers of time Mil are a follow So Sit. IIepreenlatle IVrreherj So. tit-'. Itipiesrn tallie. Half:: So '.'II. HepremnUtlce l.jiniri No. (!, llfpresenlallie (Inner 1he Mil wlihh failed to pis are So sis, '.'1(1 jnd 217 Tliev were Inlroduied In lliprern-atie Drum, Mjhun and belli, recpectlieb. Those Mil, were more stronp.lv oppoed than the ethers and It 1 through no fault if tho.e reentliiif thrill tint thee failed, lire line tlie pawed the home Willi good voir 'Ihe rnale wan the .tumbling' Moil, for all of the Mll mid eien tome of fhoe which paed tteio so amend ed liy the senator thai their author hard' knew them when the senile cot done with them Our opinion of Hip parti In power it tho lenWaline I Hut lliev were hltellncs and mouth piece for the rorpontlon." Our opinion of the Individual scnatoi who wire innlrnlted In them I tint Ihev an not fit to near the mine of illl rrn of thi lommonweilth, lit alone to l.e e lectrd as rej resentathe to enact law for honest pec pie. We hclleie It I 3 eiue fir deep enneetn to (he airrase. lilien of till tite tint It iflalts lire In the hinds ol iludinnetl politicians an I tool if the monei power Ihe Mil tint thei ilcfi it nl are simple ineisiirr for equitable Mhtrm of measuring tlie ioiI mine I and simple till for honest), which, however, n distasteful to mure Ve delimit re tlie partj who wa In power linauv thei defeated our meiure. lilt who, when certain other incisures whlih wete not it all lienrfldil to the hborlnz people of tlie state were presented. pied (hem with ripil tranidt rnntrment. ind filrlv railroided tliein f liroucli the senile md Ihe hone v,our com mlttee will litir roniplle 1 list showing tlie ote on nil of nm lull, mil. according to the den inn of the lit munition. Tine them printed and eiri ulited in Ihe loial of orcanireil libnr throughout the at itc Wo mio,uallficill ion ihmn Ihe enilo lienue not one inemler wmihl m a word agiint the attitude of the lonimittep who held our Mil. In recard to Ihe home, we mint av that we hid frii nil, indeed, and for that rraenn we wih to hue Hie lolril puhllsheil on all of our inrauie Henri Collin lol n I' Keirnri T 1. I.lew elhn, ft .. toiirtrlsht, 1 I). Miholl, J. T. Pempse.i . I'lUjsiDKNTS nnroiiT. I'reslrlont T. 1). Ts'lt linlli in Ills re port statcrl that the icfiilti of (lip visits of coininltlpps of their own men to the ilHtiUt npriatois or mipetln tenclcnts of the coal cinr.lnpr 10m panles hurt hoeti IiIrIiIv unsaiixfw lm'. Up deolaicil that nt thp lust ionpi tlon It !is (IppIiIpiI to 1iiip loinnilt tecs fiom their own i olllet les wiilt upon tlicni In annul. uuo with tlie cs pressccl wishes of the oppiatoisi, lint that wlirn the iiipii met them thpy erp confiontpd with attempts to cvhcIp the main Ksnp. "Itnnrlably," f-.ilil fiesldeiil Nlrli olls, "thpj' mot with Hip statPinent that .a l.ilP of waRCS w.is 'linpossllilp In view of Hip wiikps p ilil h other companies. They iifiiMtl. lnmcMT, to liolrl any liiPPtiliR with the heads of other lonceins to unite on a unlfoim Fcalp or to meet the men as a whole' The district head nHo lepoited on the freneial londltlon cif the district. Since the Inst annual comentlon thcie lias hcpn the wniiiloifiil liu lease In menabert-hlp of fiom K) ooo pild mem bers to H,"H, and In loi als fiom sixty odd IoiIkcs to one huiidied and spcnty two. A year nj;o the ilistilct was unable to put In the Held iiioip than two firRfinlors and thpy had to he puppoited by the national if-snilatlrm DlllliiK the last few months It has been found necessary to lahe the num ber of Held wnrkeis and at piesent has the piesident. seuetary and four board liiembeis all Ooliipr aetlp wotk, and belnp paid out of thp tllstiKt treasury. Tor oier n month $1fi0 a week has been sent to the stilKPiH at Heinlee, nnd It Is likely th.it this rfiipious sum will be lncre.ised. lie lefeiied to the Pllccess of the woikitm caul as er emplinod by the fact that almost pi. pry man and boy etuplmed In Hip dhtrkt colllcilcs Is a member of the union In good standlm;. riXANci:s or distuict Kecretai v-Tieasuiei John T Uouip se's lepoit was iiNn it. id It Kao n ReiiPial fr.unps of thp tlnaiues of the dlstih t tpasiti, and was along the same lines as the ilistilct piesl dent's statement The lepoit of the executive tommlttep showed the wotk donp In tho Held sIikp the Apill ton sentlon at Ol) pliant and lalil stie-s upon the splendid loudlllnn of thp ilis tilct. The convention adjoui nod for tho day about I. DO o'tlmk, and tod.ij will take up a Iiurp amount of new bus nss. Tonioiinw tlie c oinnilttees will icport nnd the tomentiou is likely to b( coiiLluded, nllhouRh the business before the deleKates may keep them lieio till Sallllday All of tho i&poits of jpstciday woip haiuled ou to tho ronunlttee on ulllieis' lepoits estei day. Neither President John Mitchell nor Secretary WINnn of the Mine Woik ers. nriiPd In the tltv to attend the sessions of the convention and aie no lonRer awaited hv the district olllceis Itoth of itsterdiiy's sessions were of the liveliest sent of a natuie and es. tcrday afternoon there were niuneinus speeches by delegates whlth provoked inthuslnsm. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Ihe D. L. & W. Board for Today. Odds and Ends of Labor News. The follow Ins Is tho make-up of the D., L. and XV. board for today. icr-nton, Jul 10, 1001. TUK&D.W, Jl I.V 0. Wild CaU, tJit-8 p. m , (Icoi-rc Thomas; 10 m, J. W. Devlrie. WMW.SIUY, jfl.y 10. Wild Cats, Katt 12.C0 a m . M J llonnliun; t t, m., 1". Ilallctt; 5 a. m , A. 1' Mullen, g a, m , II. OllllKan; 10 a. in , J. II MaMcrf, 11 a. iii , 0. Kearney; I p. m , O. nandolph; 3 p. ni , J, nurkhart; 6 p. in., Jl. I,authnej , 6 p. m , II, Eoherty. EumtnitS, lite, 0 a. m., eatt, J, II. llonnlcan, D a ,m , nest, O. Frounfelker; C p, in, fj.l, J, Carrlgci 9 p. m., W, 11. MOiola; 7 p in , hay Aug, 11. McAllister; 7 p. m., Cujusj, Mc Lane; 7 p. ra , Cayuga, Thompson. rusheri 8 . m., Homer; Jo j ni , I'lnnerly, 11.. TO a. ra., Mora n J 7 p. in., Murph; 0 p. in, Lamping; 10 p. m., A. Wirtcncr, PaucnEer Knclncs 7 a. m., UaHne) i 7 a. in , Elnger; 10 t. in., F. MeDnnnell; i 40 p. m , I. nlnley; 7 p. in., McOoiern, Wild Pats, Weat S a. in,, John fialnpan; S ft. in, & Klnajaley; 11 a. m., A K. Kctchum; I p. m , It. Cutncr; lp.ni, 0, Cue; 0 p. in,, 11. Carmody, " STRICTIY The Confidence Reposed in Dr. R. W. Pierce by Suffering Women. WHEbi a woman first feels backache, nervousness, weariness, bearing-down pains, or other symptoms of derangement, displacement, or female trouble, she naturally turns to seek medical help. But as she takes tho first step she shudders and shrinks back. "THERE'S A LION IN THE WAY" and that lion in tho way is tho dreaded familiarity of the questions, tho indelicate examinations, the offensive local treatments generally inseparable from the "doctoring" of a local practitioner. THERE'S A BETTER WAY FOR WOMAN to sit down in her own private room and write a private letter to Dr. R V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., setting forth her symptoms telling her troubles. That letter will be read by Dr. Pierce in privacy as strict as that in which it was written. Its contents will be treated as a sacred confidence. Tho reply rvvu C $U3t "It is wilh pleasure that I write to you to let you know the great benefit I have received from your medicines, and by following your advice regarding self-treat-cient at hoaie," writes Mra. Selma IiricUson, ot 496 Rice Street, St. Paul, Minn. "You kindly advised me to take Dr lierce's Pavonte Prescription and ' Golden Medical Discovery,' and ' Pleasant Pellets.' When I first wrote you I had been to three different doctors, nnd two of them said I would never get better without going to the hospital for an operation. I just sat down and cried, and said, ' If I hive to die, I will die at home with my two dear little ones.' I had a miscarriage, 111 May last and was weak all summer. Was not able to do anything. If I would get up arid walk to the kitchen and back I would have to lie in bed for a day, or sometimes two days. Last August I picked up one of Dr. Tierce's pamphlets and read of his wonderful work. I wrote to him for information and received an answer within five day? from the day I wrote, advising 111c to try his medicines. Now I have ueed six bottles of his ' Favorite Prescription ' and six of the ' Golden Medical Discovery,' and the result is just wonderful. I did not tell the doctors what I wxi taking. I have not been to any physician since the day I rccived the By IBr R VB Pfos'os fast year fa making good Ms great gift offer of a copy of Tho FsopHa's Common Senso Medical Adviser, FREE to every ana who would pay expense of mailing ONLY Tins grezt work is of especial vsslue to womeita It contains 1003 large pages and mora titzn 7&0 SSiiistrationsm It treats of the great truths of hygiene, physiology, and medietas, in plain fcitgiisha SejtiS 3t' esw'osui stamps for tho book hound in durahlo cloth, or 22 osnia for the boek En paper cavers,, Addicts- SSRa R. V. PIER&E, Buffalo, M V SSP J g"T'. . JJM3"" i J L i ' I a1rrf'?yrte-r ri rVt "" ' nnnriiaiw Oll r M Ciiilei will run 5 .0 luliirr, July !, In plan ol Stanton I. II Sn irIT nml I flilll r.m 9ml rrM, s will run ti j ni ccilil catM HiuimIjc. .Iiih' 11. an 1 cir third da.i until further notice. Ill iVtiiian C. Van Wouncr Itlioits for Ccorae Ihmnas llr.iUinm lllilnul dlhlions reports for . J Mn.li r. Ilr.iki man lrink liomhUh ulll go out wall l.arl.lu until luithcr notlu, (1. Ilimiultt and cn ulll call at train- maclcr'i oltkc. This and That. Thoie vveip no now dovelonnients In the stilKo Munition eMiiday. The bollPi tuuuets met duilnir, the aftPi noon but nothing definite was given out leBitiilltiK their session. The Stanton collleiy of tho I.oIiIkIi and Wllkes-JJaiie Coal company ic Binned wotk Monday, after u Husptii nlon of tin oo months lor niakiiiK ip palrc l.lKhl bundled men and bo aie emplojed The tit i anion local, No. 21, UiIiIkp and Stuictiual lion Woihcas union held a special nioetlnir hint night at Guernsey hall, with about thlity mom beis present. The tegular nipoilng will be held at 7.30 o'clock toniouow night The local's chatter ban now ixulvcd. Mine Inspector Dow ling, of Schujl kill dlfltilct, made tin lunpution of Mono No. 3. Sliver lliook Coal torn. pany, nnd oidoiod woik fiispendtd Thla Is tho collleij In which thiee men lint their lives b it nish of vvatoi borne weeks ago. A body of water Is located neai tho slope, but theie aie no maps of tho old woiklngs, and until theic Is some hafegunrd woik will not he pci. mltted to go ahead. WOMAN AGAINST WOMEN. Charges Thoy Swoia Wrongfully Against Hor at a Trial. Warants charging perjury against Mrs. Jatob Kplleinmn and JIis. Han nah McCieo wcio Issued yestenlay by Alderman John T. Howo at tho In stance of Mrs, IJvn II. Petk. The pci Jui y la alleged tu have oo fOOO &M $to?s a3 RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Eile Railroad, Wyoming Division. Ti lim for llauliv and inteininlnlo pmnla lejt -i i iiilnn Jl lollou.. Ni 2 7 10 a in . No J, S M u in Sn I , " y P in . V . 1 '0 p in Noi J and lliroush irann fir Niw Vml, Vim il- No 1, & li a m No I, m il a in , Nil 6, lli p in .No 7, Ii 1 1 p in 1 1 inn NuJ 5 and 7 ale Ihimuh trains limn Ni i uiU M NIIV ri!VlN Iliiirlim N'i -'t I' 1 in No 2i Ji m Aiibali-No Jl, 1.' 13 p in , No il, lj p ni cm icd nt a heailng- befoio Aldoiman Mlllett, of tho Sixth wind, June (!. lust, wnon .mis .Mctipp nan .mis. tpik iii raigncd for assault and battel y. Mis. Kelleiiniiu and Mrs, Jlrflpp shvoirl Hi it MHs. Vim k sllllil; Mis. KPllciuiau wllh u Imaid nnd that she nWo staiVPd her baby to death. This was all falrfp. and Mis. Kolleriiiiin and Mis. McCIpo Uhpw It to bp fiile, so Mis. JVolv avci.s. A hpnilnc In tho tase will take place today. STATISTICS ABOUT SCHOOLS. Being Collected by an Agent of tho Government. Seneca II P.aln, a special agent of the United States ilepaitment of luboi, wns In the tlty rstPicUi), gathering Mutls tlcs with lefpreneo to schoolcc. Ho called upon Secietaiy V. Xi. Pel lows, of the bo.ud of control, and ob tained fiom hliu flguies with leference to tho nunibei of school buildings, number of thlldicn who attend school and tho salaries paid to tcubcis DEATH BATE ABNORMAL. Intense Hoat of Last Weok Soiious Results, Had The icport of tho bnard for tho week ending July that tho Intense heat of swelled tho death nun of uhnniinally, of health 0 showed lust weok last week Altogether thlity-elght deaths rcpoaod dm lug the weok, and wero thieo Lae of si ai let fever wcio lopoitod, two of dlplitheiia and one of scat lot fov cr, PRIVATE will be written in private and mailed perfectly plain and bearing upon it no There is absolutely no charge for letter. w.- WOMEN have been confidentially treated by Dr. Pierce, and his staff the past thirty odd years, and ninety-eight out of every hundred who have been so treated have been perfectly and permanently cured. There is hope for you however sick you are ; there is help for you however chronic your disease, when you write to Dr. Pierce. YOU WRiTE TO M DOCTOR when you write to Dr. Pierce a doctor of more than thirty years1 experience, at the head of one of the most important medical institutions in tho land. The advice of Dr. Pierce is not to be classed with that offered by those who are not qualified physicians, and cannot give the advice of a physician, although they seek, by cunning advertising to convey the idea that they can. Bear in mind, that the advice of the unqualified woman is just as useless and just as dangerous as that of the unqualified man. There is no alcohol in "Favorite Prescription," neither does it contain opium, cocaine, or any other narcotic. It is strictly a temperance medicine. ffi&zneiJ IRsgM first letter from Dr. Pierce, ami I feel as good as I ever did. Before I had the miscarriage, I was so nervous I had to have some one by my side all the time, even in (lay time, and I could hardly cat an thing. I took treatment from a doctor twice a week, and every time I would" go there I felt so sick, but since I quit all the doctors, and began taking your medicines, I gained right along. I gained forty pounds within the last four months. I weighed 125 when I began taking your medicines (in August) and now I am up to my usual weight, 165. I cannot thank you enough for jour wonderful medicines, and I wish you every success in the treatment of other cases, as you have had in mine. When I think alxnit how I suffered last summer, it seems now like a dream. My aged father was by me all summer, and at times used to get out of patience and say, ' Daughter, what makes you so peevish? What will you be when you are my age ' ? His speaking so would only make me feel worse I did not know I was a misery to every one around me, but can realize it now. I will cheer fully recommend your remedies to all my afflicted friends, for to-day I cm as well and feel as good as ever." RAILROAD TJME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Ralhoad. In 1 tint June 2 imil 'lianu I.ene ii mloir Tor l'hiladeli liu ana New v. oik ill I) ,. II II II , al fi l"i and is n m . mil H, 1 .'7 (lilac U Uiainoui.1 l.'H . unci II il p in. sun dam. 1) A II 1! II . 1 M, 8 27 p in 1 1 r White llawn, UarlcKu and prlmipil prints In the coal unions, vli I) A II It II. illj, -Mi ami i i' p in 1 oi I'utlsiUU, 0 15 a m , 2 IS p in l-or llelhleliein, I'avl in, Heidlni;, IlarrKlmri; and prlnclpil internudiato '(allnnc la II. A II, II II, HI"), 9.JS a in , .'IS. I .'7 (Ulaik IHi tiiond Kxprrra), 11 o0 p m. sundai, 1), A II II It., 0 S a m , 1 i 0 27 p in I'ur 'Jiiiikli.iiiiuiik. louaiida. I'.lnilia, Ithaca, Cicneii and piliulpal luteiniedlate st.itlon, m 1) , I. A S, II. II, SO .1. in., Hi and .110 p m. lor Geneip, Itmhe.trr, lluflfalo, Misara Tails Cliliueo and all points ur.t, vii I) t. II 11 It, 7 l, 11 U in , 1 , .:."! (lllach lliaiiK.ml J. piiM), 7 44, 10 II. 11 :-0 p in, buudaja, II A II. II. II . 1155, g7 p in Pullman parlor nnd kleeplns or Lehleti 't parlor car on all 11 ilin hitween Mlke Ilirri and Neu ork, Philadelphia, Iluffalo and Sut pi ri-inn Iitidsc 1I0IIIN II VMI.I1I II, Cent. Supt , 2(1 Coilland treet. New v,oik lor tlckcln and Pullman re'cnatloni apply ta 101 Ijckawanna uicnue, Mranlon, I'a. New York, Ontario and Wostoin, lime Tabic in I'.llect Sunday. June n, 1j0I, NOIIT1I IIOI Nf) 1 eaie line rrlto I'ulm No 1 No. J No. 7 iiantnii. Cailiondalc, I .ijotui ...111 0 a in 11 10 a, in. 1 iki p. in ... 1 1 p i. 4 II p in (i Oo p in ... 010 p in r ( iilioinlalc. 0 Id n. ni SOUTH noi'NI) leave l.an rilu C.ld Jla. Cnhniidale. Suaiilon ... 7 00 a. ni 7 10 a. m .. 8 40 a in. Mdl a. in 10 id a in l.i p in 1 1" p. in ii p in felNll, )NI., NOIIIU nor.ND luie I-ne liue Siraiiton, Ciiluiiiilale. ( allodia 8. HI a 111. ' 10 a. in 10 Ii n in 7.0H p. in Ar. I arlmiidalc. 7 15 n ni sill. HI IIOI'MI leaie liaio Arrive Cadoila, Cailiondile, Snunlon 7 00 a in, 7 10 a m 4 "0 p m. I' W p in I 45 p. in n 10 i.ilnt Niw 1. a'l week (Iain, and 'i, on sun di, miVo main lino connection fir New m u (l, tllia, Oneida, O.twfto and luteiniedlate pofnti. Trains Von .1 and 4 maVo Wallm, llellil, Ham. fit it and hldiiej innniillnns. lor further Inform itlnn mncult ticket acrntu, I. ('. MII'.HON, fl I'. . New oll. j. i:. M.kiii, r. i'. a , tsiMiitou 99 in a private envelope, advertising or printing. this consultation by of skilled specialists, in M$B$sga FJ "! RAILROAD TIME J A BLES. Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western In in it Dei .', 1100 cnitli le ii. Suiiton loi Niw irk it 1 H In), 5 'A M and 10 ui a in.. 1J 'ji, .1 .J i I ni Phlladilphli n( MiO nml 10 Oi i in , I' i and JJI p in In MinuiMnui; il bin y in Mill, (i c nmiiKitl ilion uL I 10 p ni Vuiio nt llilioUu at II 0. 7 ! in.! 1 1 v. Ii I lv 7 10 p in Virlie nt PliPaililphlj it KM I J nm and 8 2J p ni Vniie fiom Niw oik l 1 III ii.2 and 10 J I a I mi, 1 ii, ill. el, and II M p in 1 ruin Mumd-lint,; ut kfti n ui Ninth I liu "-lt niton tin IliilTilo und inlei medlite fl.illoni it 115, 0 ,i and 0 00 a in , 1 55, S IS and II 33 p in I'or 0-.wi.iii nnd si i iil-c at il.lri i in and 1 55 p in lor I th I it 1 10 a in, and 1 51 p in I'or MonluK'" at 0 Oi) -i in , I0"i and ill p in I'or Niclnl nm at 4 00 and Uli p m I'or llluhjnitii it 10 .'0 a in Alilco In Vranlon fiom lluflilo at 1 2i. 2 6i, 0 4 nnd 10 no u in , .1 .0 and 800 p in I roni O.wcin an I jmcu-e at J . i in U S and 8 00 p in. 1 inui 1 th i at J ." a m , 12 .S nml MIO p in 1'rom Milnilnn nl 7 10 i in, nml (100 p m. I'ioiii Monlio-i ut lot.) a in : 1 '0 and S 00 p in IllooiuMiiirt; Dicliliin leno Sinntnn f . NnrthumlKrlitid, at I II, 10 01 a in , I 11 an 1 3 10 p in lor I'limoiith .it 1 ui, a 10. s VI p ni I'or kiiiK.toii nt 8 10 a in Vrrlio nt Noilhumlieiliiiil at 0 .1 a m , 1 10, .Km an 1 8 II p in Vulie ut klus.inn nt 8 12 i, m Vnlie at Plinioutli it J on. I 12. 0 11 p in Vnbe ill Vianton frmu Noitlniiiit'Cilainl at o I' u in , 1J11, 4 V) nnd 8 11 p in I mm Mission H 11 im n 111 I rom l'l mouth nt 7 55 a. m ; 20 and 5 J5 p. in sfNDW TltMNS Pootb I.emi Scrinlun at 1.40, .100, 5 50, 10 05 a in . HI nnd 1 40 p 111 North Iraic Siantm at 113, 005 a. 11, 151, 5 IS and II .1 in Illooin.lunir DuUkn-Ix'aio fccrantou al 10 01 a in and 5 50 p in Centtal Ralhoad of New Jeisey. Stations In New nrk l'oot of Llherty tttrect, N. II and 8011th I ui) TIVII. I'Vlll.l IN IIIKT II NI! ,ai, 1001 TialiK leaie SViaiiion for New VnrU, Niwirlc, Hiuliilh. riilladelplila, nation, llilhlehnu, 1. Unlowii, Mauili ( hunk and While llawn, it 8 1 a ni.. eii". 110, cviim, loo p. nlt ,mh, dai. 2 15 P in- 1 1 r I'ltutoii and Wilkes Mine, V, a m j 1,10 and 4 00 p in ftunda)., "la p, 111. I'or llalilmore and iihlii;ton und pilnts Siuth and Nrnl ill Ilethlelum, s -5 j, m t j pj und 4 00 p. in SiiiiilJif JII p in, I'or Long Hiaiuli, Oceni llnm, rli , at S51 a 111 (thioimh 11 uli) and I 10 p in I or Keadlmr. Inluncn and llariUlmiR, via l lenlown, 8 J5 a. in. and 1.10 p, m, iMinda)., 2 11 p in Tor rolt.illle, 8 (.1 a, in , 1 10 p m I'or Mountain 1'aik, 8 55 a, in, 1,10 mil 4 00 P. m. TIiioiikIi tickets tn all points ent, jouth and wet at lowest lulu ut the ttatlon ; . 1 1 arfe m t m U? RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule In Effect June 2, 1001. Tiaius leave Scianton: 0.45 a. m , week days, thiough ves tibule trnln fiom Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Fottsville; slops at piinclpnl in teimedlato stations. Also con nects for Sunbuiy, Hanlsbuig, Philadelphia, Balthnoie, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and tho West. 0.38 n. 111.. week days, for Sunbuiy, Hnnlsbuifr, Philadelphia, Biltl moie, Washington and Pittsbuig and the West. 2,18 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.). for Sunbuiy, Harils buig, Philadelphia, Balthnoie, Washington nnd Plttsbuig and the We3t. 3.33 p. ni., week days, thiough ves tibule tialn fiom Wilkes-Baire. Pullman buftet pallor car nnd coaches to Philadelphia viaPotts vllle. Stops at piinclp.il inter mediate stations. 4.27 p. in., week days, for Hazleton, Sunbuiy, Haulsbtug, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. 1 II IH1fl1IM) On M.r I II WOOD, f, 11 I'jm sl Delawaie and Hudson. Ill l.tlect dune P, l'H)l Trains for luiboiidale leaie Siaiilnn al fl "n R 00 b 5J. 10 1 1 a. in . 2 00, 1 29, Jl), j jj, 5 M0 '5, 7 !" u 13' " -" I' '" I '" a in Loi lloni.dale and l.iko lodou, n o, 10 Id u in ; JII and 1J P ! . ,, l'nr Wllkcllalii-O'l'. ,.(, .ll, 0a, 10 41 a In, 1J 01 L. -'!. "i-11- '-'. 1. ! , in it 11. .10 p in ,',r' i'. , ll It point n 13. l) is n m . 2,i, i ; nm'l l' m0 p in foi I'eninjaiiii H I! point -t. 15, 0 .,3, 2 13, 'liU"vllanV and all point north O.W a. in ami J.3J l. an ami o.j- (l N)U. TUSKi lor Caiboiidile- J'. II M a. in, ".u, 3.5.( O.M and 10 12 P v ,, cr VMIkMllarie-'J.-S ar In., IJiftl, 1.5S, a. J', 0:11 aud't.li p. tn I nr lhan) and points north .1 Sip tn l'nr lli.e.dile snl Ul.u Lodoie 8,50, 11.S3 a. in, and 2M p. m. ' .' . ' 'i Straw Hats New Stock Just Arrived. All styles, from the $1.00 Alpine Straw to the $12.00 Panamas. Don't forget we are head quarters for Summer Shirts, Underwear, Etc 412 SPBUCE STREET. Try Our Special 10c Linen Collars Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 485 to 4S5 N. Ninth Btroot, .PA Telcphono Call. 2333. THB 108SIC POWDER CO. Dooms 1 and2, Com'lth BTd'g. BCBANTON, VA. nining and Blasting POWDER MU mi Mooito and Buihililt Worlu, LAPLIN RAND POWDBR CO3 ORANGE GUN POWDER Bleetrlo Batteries. ElotHa Exploders, splodlaa; bloats, Hafety lfas aal Rsiaum Chemical Go.'s cxp"ol7ve SUMMER RESORTS. FENWIGK HALL, ON LONQ ISLAND SOUND. At mouth ot beautiful Connecticut river. The loe.itlon, for health and pleasure, la not equaled by any re sort aloiifj tho coast. Uvery con venience, all tho best atttactloiis. Priviite tlolf Links, Kishliifr, nath lnp, Iloatinpr and Tennis Courts. The flneht inac.iilainlzed roads for dilvliiK and cjclliiB, through tho most charmlnpf country, swept by the btce.es fiom Sound and Itlver. s'evcr hot, no mosquitoes, no ma l.irl i Superior looms, tablo unt,ur jms.sod. IViivvlck Ii two and a half hours from New York by train on tho New York, New Haven anil Hart oid tialn to Saybionk Junction. Six fast tialns Uiillv. Opens Juno 27. Tor fuither Information, .ulilicss J. i:. Chutflelil, Piopiiotnr, Hotel Jefferson, Union Suuaii, New York, HOTEL CLIFTON, LAKC WINOLA. PA. Hmt i-iiininrr II tel in nrtheitern rennyl .jiiu lloM link tea Pilau lie, I.itkauai.ui mil Ve.Urn trni. al 1 aLioriillle I.raiing . i ml ii J a ni an lip in lie (or latrj, t I VV Mnon, Crop Strong; Nerves nre the true source of good, healthy appearance l'crpoiis with hilf-starved nerves al. vv i) look worried and "dragged-out." oucnnnot lie happy without nerve vigor, j oil cntmot be natural without all the powers which nature meant you to have. wm produce n healthful r-tow which nrt canuot imitate They invigorate every organ, put new force to the nerves, el-uticlty to the step and rouud out the face and form to Hues of health and beauty $1 00 per box (1 boxes (with written ciurnnlcel, fc.100 Hook free. 1'l.AL MniiidMs Co , Clevehud, Ohio. For sale h,i John II Phelps, Pliirmaclit, corner Vjcmln; aunnc and bpruie street. BUY THE GENUINE .. SIANUFACTUHUD UT CALIFORNIA PICi SYRUP CO. nrNOITTIIl! NAMK. J"PrTf.G.FJKEtLB27 Jf,W fK 2jrJL ihtlisldpltli I . Only UtrwM S.liUi Ui V jrh liMrlfs. iiwiiiHliiftfi Unhf wall 1 rhaUi T X jfM ill-, I trat-, 4buttsv, Rlool nlma Harft, 'fffjra lchlHtj,Iil 1s.koMl,rifowU AMrtfltirloT Vrf VsJCW miliar , t r ltrlo PirnU A PhmnVrsi OrrtN. tfTf.h twt rurr 1 1 lit H Uji 8 1r prtt ilml M fl jnnl hipUk1 tprrtrtLrmAiijt hm I forl.twk MTralh"ii poMdff ry mfiiUtl t lfftrlfl frutfl. Hallow IhU Pp r.J iiis s SYRUP OF FIGS 1