3 t- "i , 0 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, lOOl- I - WEST SCRANTON TALK OF A BIG EISTEDDFOD FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE NEW ARMORY FUND. Musical Festival That Would Eclipso Anything Heretofore At tomptod in Scrn.nton All-Collogi-nto Toam Challenges the Wost Bids Browns Surfaco Wators Are a Monaco to Public Health Fun oral of FAigeno Evans Other News Notes and Personals. Now Hint tin tltv hns a liullilliiR lntRP enough In tin- new annul to nc cummmlatc hovoiiiI tliniK.iud people at one time, theie Ii talk of holding a mounter eisteddfod tlipieln i-onio time (IllllllK tilt fall or hotldii..v. The pin Joel Im "Hi! in Hit infamy, but will In all luob.ihlllty lie devilnped In due time. Wll'-thei tin eisteddfod will lie In Id foi Hie bonollt of the hi nun y building fund or tinrlt r the imltoi of come ipiiilt:iitlon ' tint been decided, nut If Mich an event tiauuplies It will tin doliiitt'dly .itli.ii t one of the l.iijjeit HKllll)I,iKi H ill the hletoi.v of the ill). TIip piolcet win Hint hinted at I tnonibeiM of the William t'onnell An tlliaelte Clie (lull, which Is the mil pei iniuiont Miclcty cit liic.il slngon now In eMitcnce one of Hie stnwctl ms that Iiiih been made i the ciir.iiiI.i Unit of a peimanpiit niled chulr foi the iuiio-i of piiipiIiik the I'.ui AniPilcim competitions in Septc-mli". This ,mio choir 'o lie icciiiIImI Horn anions the best sliuno In the t i t Win n the pinpoint Annul l'lt"dclfocl Ii hold this united So union i hoii will then be in shape lo uilei competition fiKiilnil all cornel. thiotlRlinut the fulled States, who will hi Invited ic paitlelpate In the .unim. fctivnl. The piojeet will not onl be the moans of laWnc i Milwliintliil sum to help liquidate the annul indpbtediKs.s, but Will alM) seio 111 ottiililiK Seian ton's fame as a musical centie Such a festival on i'hi littniiH day 01 Thanks. rIvIiir clay would pioe an atliai lion wen thy ot patiouapc. Tlicic Is MillklPiu talent In Si iiintnii aUniP to InsiiiP the -m c p. ol Miih an uiulci taking, without InvltliiK ouisiiip conipetltois, but a Hi minim olitoddfml without icimpttliiK i bolt Imhii Tavlor, f)j pliant. I'lttstmi. I'l. mouth and even VllKeu-lini if would .ecin to be a otto Mclcd alfuli. HUYLER'S SCOTCH KISSES ton SA1U AT G. W. JENKINS", Tell-Tale B Summer fash Goods The tale that's to tell is simple. We've enjoyed the most remarkable success in our Wash Goods Depart ment during the season. Sales far out-distanced our expectation, and now that The Clearance Period Has come, we are prepared and willing to be gener ous to our patrons. The selection is still large and there is not a popular weave wanting to make the line complete. 8 Splendid Bargain Lots LOT I Dimities and Batistes A bound less range of patterns and colorings. A full 15c iA grade in either, for , vL LOT II Satin Stripe Dimities Best iSc goods in a beautiful assortment of dark or light llp coloriug. The sale price aZv LOT III Silk Stripe Chnllies The very latest novelties are included in this lot. A fine 3JC 1 - quality for only IOC LOT IV Applique and Lace Stripe Gren adines Assorted colors in stripes and fancies. A -i Q marvelous value at the sale price 1 C , LOT V Mercerized Pongees (equal to silk) in appearance, and will wear better. Full rauge C- of colorings. Were 37c. Sale price Z-jL LOT VI The Genuine Mouseline DeSoie This is the original cloth in the very newest de- 'JQr signs and colorings. A bargain at OL LOT VII Imported Scotch Zephyrs 32 inches wide, and none but this season's designs to -i 7 r offer you. The sale price 1(C I LOT VIII 24-Inch Foulard Silks All :the fashionable effects and prettiest designs. Our A popular 65c quality for only vJC : The Sale Is Now in Full Swing, i. ..l .l HKKM MM B Globe Warehouse This Will Bo a Ball Game. The mucio..i of the Went Hide Hrowna luting the 'irrpput xenson 1ms idiown them to lip wcll-nlRli Invincible, yet theie In nine young men In tlio city who aie hi avo enough to cliallenKe tlipiu, anil If the content I an united It ought to proo Intel estlng. These fhiup nine nung men will play Hip Drowns at Athletic park any Hut uiday afteinoon that Is convenient for both clubs, and the lowers will pa for the huts and balls used, or If theie Is any gate ipcelptn, they will contilhtito the eanip to tin lellof of the maimed and liijuicd la the game. The line-Up of the Hinvei will be as follows: I'lurr. rnlloEP. 1'odlie.n William- I'rliiirtnii rale brr William. lllnoindiiir pltclnr llnrtii Illnolii-liurs tlrt ln-o llrook. I'rllirrtiin wcend In.'O (.iinMrr I'liniilnn lioittnp lllnndlti Coinineiclal tlilnl lime llll .itr rl&lit lie 1.1 lll.ilr I'lllicctnn center III Id (allirrt . I iiIicihIij nt I'rim-jlianl .Ml Held Criitlall W.ioiniiiK utllltj null Coming Home from War. Lieutenant Thnniai Muiphy. of Jackson street, who has been with the I'm t -Fin cnth leglnipiit In the Philip pines foi Ileal Iv two ye.us, Is expected home this week. I If was nntstered out In San rianelspo lecputly and Is now on Ills way J'.nt A lettPi was ipppUpcI from Lieuten ant Muiphy by his father on Monday, In which he stated that he would f-ooti be home Cut poial William .T. Hoyre, of the Nineteenth leglment. who linn wiltteti some IntPiPstliiK letteis for The Tribune. "Ill not be nittteied out until net enr. Disease Lurks in Surfnco Water. If then Is an ordinance compelling piopeit owneis to keep the guttois In flout ot their houses clear ot wppcIs and sin face watei.s, It ought to be l oionsly pnfotcpcl. Within the pint few weeks the gut tits on mali West Sciantoii Mlleoti hap become i hoked up with weeds, thus ciiiislng the surface wnleis to stagnate, and In oiiiequoiue thete Is a stem h ailslng fiom many qu.iitPi?. OIio.i-c links in sin face vntoii, unci If we cannot get sewer facilities at hast the RUttc-13 ought to be kept i lean. St. John's Annual Picnic. The united societies of St. John's (lel tuaii Catholic i hui i h hold their annual picnic yesteid.i. afteinoon and p cu ing at Webei's riovp In Ta.vlor. MuMo was fuinlsheci by the Siler I'oinet band, and the clay was spent In an i n Joyable mannei. A huge nuinber of special ears weie ihaitencl to canv the pknlckeis lo and fiom the gioc. Funeral of Eugono Evans. The funeral of the late malic an ler, Lunelle Lvans, wa lugely attended esteida, afteinoon. The sen ices u n laid at the houe cm i:non stieil, i oninic nc ing at 4 o i lock, and weie i un due ted b l!e. Hugh I)as, pustoi of ariains m the South Main Avenue. Welsh Calvin Intlc Methodist church. Nearly the entire, force of mallear ileis were In attendance, uh a mm It of deep lespect for their deeased nun lac'e. A larRo representation of t'anip &.', I'atilotle Older Sons of Amcilea, of whh h Mr. Uvans wan a member, wen al.o piesent. Tlnee of the pall-heaiers were ce teeteit fiom amotiK the malleatilct.s and tin eo. fiom the lodRe. Intel meat was made In the Wanhliurn Htreet lometciy. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. A well-ntlpndpil ipbeiiiAiil nt Ibn William Council Olee club was held last evening In Ivoilto hall The ulnb has rerelved an Invitation to hIuk at Nay Auk and Connell pai Kf. Mioses Sadie and Kate .Tolinyon, of South .Main avenue, lift vpHtenliiv fur a visit with telatlNCM at SpiltiK Humk TJie Sunday Bchool of St. Maik'tt T.Utlierau church will nlc nle nt X'nv Auk patk tomoriow. Special cats will leave the ehureli at S no a. in. All of the Hoeietles of the elimrh will attend tho e::cniMlon to Lake I.odoie on Thursday. AiiRtist 1,". O.ivld Lewis, of iMwnrds court, Is able to be mound again, havltiK leiov eii'd fiom the effects of an lnjui uis tallied In tho Tajlor initio a few Hicks uko. Mm. William fiilflllhn, of South Kll moie luenup, fill down a flight of wteps leailliiK Into the cellar reiently and sustained .vppio hitilses about the head and hod.v, Hewl Sunt lodRe of Tvoiltes elected the follow Iiik ollliciw nt their meetliiK Monday evenliiK: I'lesldint, Thomitfi It dimes; lce-picsidcnt, William J. D.i.les, lPcordhiK and loucsponilliiK i-e letaij, I'.nld I). Lewis, conductor, .leiemlali Samuels. New olllipis of the Tltst Welhh Ilap tlst Sunday si lined li.ni been electid as fcdlous Siipciintendent. i:au .1. Das, assistant tuippilntcndput, MIh.s Jennie Jenkins, heiretnry, Mls Mny O.uls, tieiiHUiei. Daniel WllllnniH. ihoilstei, John llvans, assistant chor Istei, Thomas O, Thoibuin, oiKanlst, Mlsa i:il7,iheth Lewis, assistant oiKan lst, Miss n.nlimn Lew to, dam keeper, Keese W. Hopklnn. The ruiiPt.il ot the late Mis. Peter (!all,iKliei took pi. ice e.steiday moiii Iiik fiom her home, near the Atehhild mine, lnteiintiit was made In the Tay lor lemetei. .Mr and Mis. William T. D.nls, of Washbtni! stieet, will Ip.ne tomoiiow for a -oJninn at the ."-e.i.shoi e. Miss Ploienie Ilc-s, of Alh.iux . N. Y. In letuined homo fiom a st with Miss Allio Olldoif, of South .Main ave nue. J. A. Savllle, the Noith Main aenue maiketman, has puuhaved the Scau lon lot on the coiner net lo bis lilmc and will etect a .substantial ni.iikut lniilclliiK tbeieon. I)ison No. 1. ,iu lent OhIpi of lllbeinl.ins. Initiated sppi,ii i.mdldates at their meetliiK last epnlliK. The Kawc-Ro CanipitiK club ate m lansliiK for their annual outliiK at Lake 1 11 11 1 1. The lneinbei.s me Many lMwaids, Ldwaid Walker, Kay .Stei ens, Iloj Maddin, Unity Slccn.s and Allen Thayei. The North and West Scianton l'.ar beis" unions have adopted n new scale of pili es, which was rocentl nuauKcd. Mls-.es Psthcr Ile.ucr.s, of Jlaish wocid, and Com .Ihiicp. of South Oar lleld .ienue will spend their ntatlon at West ColotiKiie. N. Y , and tho I'an Aiiicrliau espcisltlon. Mis. William Sant Is vcilously III at he r home cm l'lke stieet. Or. and Mi. Stiuppler. of South Main aenue, left pstetda foi Loo nier. Pa., wheio the State Dental as soc I itlon will meet today. Mlsp (Jwennlo and Anna Phillips, of West L'lin viipyt, aie lsitlng their father In West VIikIhI.i. MNs Minnie Olhei, who has i,opn hfie for the past tlnee jo.tis pm sulup: a i cause ul mudbs, left )exlcidav foi lni home in Colt.i, AVash. MKms Kuphoiiiki filblis and Ileith.t Caison, of South Main nenue, will st fi lends In Johnstown, N. Y. Dr. W. A P.ilne and familv will mne to Lake Wluola todav for the summei. Maty C.ue., of l'lghth and i:nnn Mieets, was mxsteil yesteulay at tho iiist.uuo of Chief of Police JtoblliiR, lunged with selling liquor on Sunday. She w.i heel a hcaiiug and euteicd ball foi her appeal, tme at cotnt. John lMwaids, of Hampton slieet, had his licacl and back Injined estei da b a lall cjf top Lo,il In the Coti ttuiulal mine. John II Devlnp i s at lluffalo attend ing the iuitliiii.il com entlon ot the Ile t ill I'letks- asMiclatloa. Daniel W. I)as and wife, of South 11 de Patk uwuue, will lcae today for a sojoiun at South Cilbsou. KvangelM (!ns Nelbell and two oth er spoakei.s held forth at the coiner of Main ."uentio and Jiukson stiipt last evening and held the attention of a laige assemblage. Mr. and Mr?. Horace Jehu, of Jack sou stioet, will leave today on a pleas ui e tilp to Huffalo, Nlngaia Palls and Canada. lionjimln Allen, of Noi th Hyde Pail; aveiitie, left last night for Atlantic Clt. Ilniiy Jenkins, the diugglst, spent jcstcidnv at L.iko Allel. The Sewing Irele In lonueetlon with the Hellevue Cihlnlstle .Methodist chuii h held a iieain and c.iko social at the cliuiih last evening. Tboie was a stall of fain v and useful in tides tm sale, and also an exhibition of woik clone b the last. Pea Coal $1.60 a Ton Dellveied. to South Side, centrnl city and central Hydo Paik. Addiess oreleis to J. T. Shaikey, 1311 Cedar avenue. 'Phono CCSJ. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. The mombci.s of the llojal Aicanuni will meet la icgular session this even ing In Phaiinncy hall. Patllck 1'. Plaheity, who giaeluated at the state Not ma 1 t( hool, Ii.ih again taken (h.iigu of libs barbei .shop at Pi'.tston avenue mid Cheny stioet. Ho will be glad to meet all hla old filPiicto. Tho i.idlu for a Kim em e battery, which was to be held on June L'S at tho home of Mrn. Piank Deltoi, was post poned until July is, Messm. Hcnij and Hetnian Sehwtn kpr aie spending their vacation at Iloneodale. Heniv Mutchinan will leave tut Ilonesdale today, whcio he will spend his vacation. Ficlliglittath lodge, No. Est, Older of Hail liuil. will nii'Pl In Hattman'.s hall tonight at S o'clock. Mia. Piedcilck Albiecht and son, PtPdPilik, Ji , havo retuineel fioni n weck'a visit at Lake Wlnola SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow a coeisli to run until It urts lirjoml tlic reach of medicine. 'Ihcv ottcn u), 'Oh, it will ttcar awn)," but In mot cases It will wear tlicm nujv f'ouM tin1) 1" liiilucnl to try llio tuicruful mrdiilnc called Kemp' llaUan which ii nolcl on a ioiHIe muianlen to cure, they uouM luuiii'illattly ue Ilia ixcrllrnt ilTict ahir taklnu tho flrt ilofe 1'iliu 'JJi. and tjcx.. Trial tlio tree. At all druzclits. WALDRON'S Auction Sale of Horses BWJHBMttfpHHa. miTH Thursday, July 11th At Cusick's Old Stables, Wash ington Ave., Scranton, Pa. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Stars' Basket Ball Team Moots and Organizos for Ensuing Year. Accident in Clark's Tunnel, TIip North Ihul Htars' basket ball team held a meetliur lust evening In Thomas Johns' hotel and reorganized foi llu ensulnr; jenr, vvlith Itobeit Connolly, the well known basket ball plavei, Its business manager. It will be teinc mbeicd that the Ktai.s gave veiy dever exhibitions in the line of basket ball at the Audltoilum last winter, furnishing gteat enjoyment for the people of this section. The team will be composed of the same plavois this j cur as last, with few exceptions. James lla&well will be manager of the team and Thomas McClu.sky captain, lloth aio well known basket ball play eis, Tho team will line up as follows: James McL'ltisky, light foiwaid, John Skelfcvvtnn, left foiwaid, Frank Kv ans, Daniel Jones and Laudo Jones, lenteis, Thomas Mil'luskv, left guaid; Tliomas Hittleman, right guaid. The 111. st giuue of the season will be played with the Cine kei -Jacks at Lake Lo doie for a pilo of $.'5 on August 1G. Men's Narrow Escape. Tliomas Homer and Paltiik Me Ciitlre, two employes at the Clark Tunnel mine, bad a naiiow escape fiom death ,esteiday li falling down the shaft when eighteen feet below the sulfate. , The men weie Inspecting a new slope which the owneis of the mine aie sinking, and were being hoisted on a lar when the lope suddenly bioke, letting them down with tcnlblc foice, the tar landing at the foot of the shaft. Lath sustained a deep gash In tho head and sevete biulscs. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. Peter Hi Ink of Ninth Main avenue will leave tomoriow lor New Ymk. The diawiug lor gold ,i watih, and a social, foi the benefit of John Tian ter, will be held In St. Mniy's hall on Thursday evening as pievlously an nounced. The committee of niiange inent.s is Mai tin Cavanaugh and duti es H. Uav Is. Tho Cleik's union will hold a special meeting tomoiiow eviiilng In Leonard's hall on West Maikct stieet. All liiem bets a( eranely lequested to bo pusent as business of lmpoi tautu will lie tiansaeted. Miss Nellie Maloney, of Caibondale, who was the guest of ti lends on Mary slieet, 1 etui lied home yesteiday. Stephen Chappell, ol" North Main av enue, will leave tomoiiow moinlng fur New Yoik illy, fiom wheio he will sail foi South Wales, on the "Cam pania.' Jamea Hoyd, of West Maikct stieet, a well known j.oung man of this sec tion, will be united In mairlage to Mls3 Mamie Fintiegan, of the same stieet, thl'i afteinoon at I .!0 o'clock at the Holy Knsaiy cluildi A v0ddlng icicp tlon will bo hehl after the ceremony at the homo of the bible's paicnts. GREEN RIDGE. Mis. P. L llitihcoek, of Washing ton avenue, entei tallied the niembeis of the Lend-a-Hand Mission band last uvoulng. Class No S of the Asbuiy Methodist 1'plscopal church, of which Misses Muttlo Potter and Llla Honey aie tho teachcis, will have an entertainment and lie cteam socdal hi the cliuiih pailois Filclay evening next. Miss Mildred fit pen, who won the ptUo at the niatoilcal mutest, iccently held In lllughamtou, will leilte. Tho young men of the dass an walking haul to make the affair a sueiess The pio- eeds will he used to help pay lot the InipiovementH iccently made In the Sunday school looms. Mi.s. M C Can, of Dickson avenue. Is visiting filenda In Honesdale. Isaac Hailoii, of Monsey avenue, who wandeied away fiom his home last week, and Is still puifeiliig fiom mental alienation caused by the extremo heat, was estcida icmoved to an Institu tion tor tieatmeut. Mr. Hat Ion has been a i evident of Oieeii Hldge for twenty-live eais and has a wide cir cle of fi lends who svnipatlilzo with htm nnd his family and hope for his speedy tccoveiy Mis. Ihnma Camp and ilaiightci.s, lllii and Mailon, ate guesta of .Mrs, J. H. Hobbi, of Penn avenue. Ml?s Amanda Carr, of Million street, will leave today for Pioinpton, Pa., where she will spend the suiiimei. Philip Mattes, who was so badly In jured at Bald Mount last spiiiig.wliile on u picnic, was icmoved fiom tho Lackawanna hospital to his home on Saneleison avenuo last Wednesday. The riiotheihood of St. Paul, of As ian v Methodist Hplscnp.il ehureli, hole) an Inteiestlng meeting last evening, at which tin following olllceis weie elected' Piesldent, J. K Millet; vice piesldent. HtUvaid Ioid; secietary, Mr. Conner; tieusuier, Mr. Filsbee. The bintheihood Is In a llouilshlng toudltlnn. Tho Woiunns' Cliilstlau Tetnp-'ianie I'nlon of Oieen llldge will meet this afteinoon at II o'clock with' the Hvun gcllcal chinch on Capouse avenue. The subject lor today will be "Puiliy," conducted by Mis. JJ. J. Campbell. A Is deslicd, All arc DUNMORE. Miss Lotla M. JIc Hose, of Chicago, delivered a very Inteiestlng addiess last night at tho meeting of the Hp woith League In the Methodist chinch. She til god her linnets to do their ut most for the building up of the society and told of the gieat good that socie ties have done In advancing icgular church woik. Hci lemaiks evidently made a deep Impiession on thoe pies ent, and without doubt will be ptn uuctlve of much good to the society's members John lo v, a miner employed at Cyp sy Clove colliery, was caught by a fall of loot .estetelay and badly In jined. Fortunately no bones were bioken and bis Injmlcs arc not eon sldPiecl dangeious by tho attending pli.slelnn. Miss Hi tic e, of Klngslpy, and Miss Lee, of Steillng, nn visiting their hibnolmate, Jllss Lacy Heal. Mr. and Mis. Levi Yetter.lof Maucli Chunk, have letuined home aftpr a visit at C W. Fiosfs, West I)i Inker stieet. H. I) Ames visited friends In Hnw ley esteiday. .Mr. and Mis Fiank Huckalew, who have bpen the guests of Mr. and Mis M. W. Chembeilin during tho past week, bave gone to Haglesnteie. wheie Mr. rtuckalew will attend a ((invention of Young Men's Clulstlnn nssnelatlon workers, repipsentlng the Philadelphia blanch, with width ho is ntllclally con nee ted. Miss Hdlth Leai n has returned to her home nt Uipp, altel a visit with fi lends In town Messis, A. I'. MiDonoush and C. c Stevens are enjoj lug Pike county bicezea this week. Master Hairy Stevens, of Mai Ion street, ir visiting his uncle at Salem. llev. F. C. H. Die.ver. who lias been spending some time in town, has gone to Haglesinete. whole he will addiess a convention of Chi Istlan workeis up on uilsslonaiy londitlons In China, Duilug his abseiue bis wife will visit fi lends In the w ostein pint of tho state. OBITUARY. AO.NI'S M'tSIsAlU the 12-yeai-old daughter of Mr. and Mis. Mlthacl Mcdiall, died .Monday night at S..!0 o'dm 1; nt her pal cuts' lesldence, aOS South Wcbstcr avenue, of he.it pios ti.itlou. The deceased ghl, who was well liked by all who knew her. Is sur vived by her piicuts, four biotheis, Thomas, Michael, John and James, and tin oo slstets, Muiy. Anna and Haia. The funeral will take place Thutsilay inornlng at IU',0 o'clock with scivltes at St. Petei'H tiitlioili.il. Intel ment will be made In the Cathedtal cemetery. JOSHPH HICHAUDS, aged .'ll p..is, died yesteiday at his honit, -I Ciubett avenue, as a lesult of tubeiculosis. De teased Is silt v heel b bis wife and sev eial chlldien. The funeial will take place tomoiiow afteinoon at .1 o'clock. Kev. D. D. Hopkins will ollldate. In itnnent will bo made in Washhuin stieet ceniPlcty. Joseph, the ln-months-old con of Mi. and Mm. .Michael Meaan, died vestpt day moinlng, nftei a btlet Illness, at his patents' home at Pi le e stieet and Sheiman avenue. The tunoi.il will be held Thuisday afteinoon, with services at the home, and Intel ment In the Cathedial leinoterj. Joseph, the lC-months-old son of Mi. and Mts. James Langan, of South Set antop, died jestcrday nioining at 11 o'clock of convulsions, at his iat cuts' lesldencp, ll!l Hlidi stieet. The funeral aiinouiiceinent will lie published latei. WILIIHI.MINA Kl'UTZ, the infant dauglitei of Mi. and Mis. Oioigo Kurtz, of 1011' Dclawaie .stieet, died jestordav. The funeial niiiiounceiucnt will be made later. Tho funeral will be ptl vate. Funerals. The funeral ot the Into Mis. Piano's Calloiy will take place this moinlng fiom the family icslcleme. Setvlie.s will bo held at St. Josephs eluiich, Mlnooka, and Intcimcnt will bo made In tlui Mlnooka ccnietet. LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS. l.i'.t 1 1 lotiru rrnialiitni; lincjlloel fur at llic rxidiitmi pMoltlip, I ilk iH. iiiih count. . I'd , .liil) l'l I xi, I'oi.nn. i ailing for tlue Icii.mc will plra wy mltrriitnl jii) cho elno n ll.t. I ti II Itlpi'll-, iiosliin.ler. Mr Muluoii, J, I), II, AtclilluM, Jos. vdtir- Kill I llinii, Uoo. HiriMi, A. I,. UiriiM, llioweilngj llio4, s I. Hi It ii, Mu. I.. Iliind), (,co II tool, .leilin lainc-i, II I'oluii, i vine. Ill tomiM, V, Cjiiicntcr, Wllljrel 1,. ( lark. Vlrt s V. Coin, Jll.j I'jiliorlno I jclcn, Ihima I .iILieIiiii, M. V. II, (Jlej. t luil(, w. i:. pjuelicri), Jlr. I'dttUK. lliiiKin, Mim Nettle l'.enn, KiireU l'uli. o,, I'nn l.rlJii, I'iiiI i:n n. Mri. ..i I.IIW, a.Hirury IMetlrlo Cltj loilfcp, , Jh. Vh, MU Miy l'jliy, MUl .J nil i lcrmn, Mu. Mil) . doriliirr, .1. II, (,i.i, l.uar (InM. atrlu, Ml4 Lillian CuUc, l I', (lie cue, MUi MarU (.mill, J. II, (.nleklcin, '.'. Mre. IIiiicIiUoii, l'l ink ounilli, ,1, II, Unfiles lunlcl V. lloilu'hw, (, M, Hn, M. K. Ilrnclim, rrrriiun lluulira. I'lank llol.woilh, Mr. II. Ilnnnlj. Uijitm II. Junci, 3; 'rank Jtlkhu, ils. Itob. full iiltendame viekomc. The Great Store JONAS LONG'S SONS Rockers, Settees, Go-Carts, Baby Coaches, Mat tings, Matting Rugs and Carpets at Reduced Prices. FurnitureReduced Prices. The deep cut in the prices of Furniture ulll cause many lines, the prices of which are herewith Riven, to change hands. Much ol t is Summer Furniture; a good deal more of it will be just as good six months from now as at present, Hut you know our policy: Clean everything out, open the seasons with complete assortments of new goods. You always profit by this method. The following prices will tell why: Rockers Formeily. Now. $3.50 $2.80 3.25 2. GO 2.05 2.00 2.U5 1.80 2.25 1.70 1.85 1.44 1.00 1.30 1.15 00 The above rockers are made ol selected stock, have double reed seats and backs, and arc finished in green, red and natural. Settees S5.D0, now ? 1.00 4.50, now 3.80 3.50, now 2.05 1.40, now 1.10 00c, now 40c The above Settees are the best to be had even at the old price. What must they be at the reduced prices ? Qo-Carettes The best kinds at reduced prices. ? 4.25, now $ 3.30 5.50, now 4.0D 7.00, now 5.70 8.00, now 0.00 10.25, now 8.08 12.00, now 10.50 13.75, now 12.40 14.50, now 12.75 10.50, now 14.40 22.00, now 10.50 i Baby Coaches The kind you ordinarily pay more for. $ 7.00, now $ 5.80 11.00, now 0.00 13.50, now 1 1.08 14.50, now 12.40 18.00, now 15.05 21.00, now 18.05 28.00, now 25.25 Jonas Ij 111 GALL AT OUR STORE HUE ADJUSTABLE fact" ""'.'tjr'ffiM'gWlyyI jy You cannot afford to be without this perfect top on your wagon, Drive In comfort by being protected from the sun. BBTTENBENDEfM Sole Agents. 126-128 rrt IciliiistniH, 1'. June, I' l! Jrnc, W. Jnnrc Aimn Kiniv", (lurlio hnili, (.in. II Ivionc, II I Kiclc.v. Vlivi .Inn' I' line, l.inlnn cV. I ci, Maria I.ouik, Willlim I.l, jr .I11I111 Vi nnniik, J W. Mil. nil Vim I) It. Moi-Kin, Mm. Patrlcl. Murplo, Mr. iini Miiriim. L. II Vlirlln, Sli.i .IiiIU Vlukc;, Jolin II. Mucin, VI, VUikonltt, Mr. Mar A. Mi i'l. ln I' I'lillliin. ' I'ohiII. W. (i. 1'lcrc.c, ,1 I'. I'linp, llcnij l'uti. K. I'lllcrnm. IMiU ltnj, ljto lOlli loin Vol-, IcniM lli-rcl, ht. Wllliim It. Itolnt", I lien It'mUml, (.t. Kiivl, Mm. (i It llr'.iiolik fliirllo -ipicrr. VU Ciilieilne -inItli, Mr. jiul Mr. (I N.lictlcll, T. I. Niilt, lolin iiillli, llcnrv xtmftir, Mr. Soil, .Mn irili htoiev. It I'. II101111.S Mm. Willuiii I.'. 'ljlor, Mm, II lri Vtr Itntert VjKseur, 'llioiius II. VMIIIjin-, rcHtiiMi-tc r, (.iceii rtlilce, IM i Mm II. 1). Mood. Mr . V. Willi., 'Ili.nu ui Wlillr. ""llai Mnan. Mr. 1 II ttlidilici'l, MUs Kalliirliio VMIIIkiih, 1, II, HVIniliornrr, in. VaUk Vlininii a lamp, Mi. tt ucrs, c ire .tohli llic I It ilcrt .urow. ir.VIIW fliiUrppc lllietlo. I'ltltintn S-ihatou. Vn rl.mlr, miijici, Vpranl -ante. 1'ellv Papi. in uni" llle.l, "co-jlloiic l.ulii, Oi.irlo I'iiiIhip, Sniio HI Ziovami Marclilaim, (criica Miurun, Kumc hn iiuiiil. IMiiic-nlco ll'l I'icpo.tu, Urn noi IlitUtJ, lllcaullHO Luminal In. I'Ol.l-II. )rinila Poiin?, Jlaiciiv Kit3liiKI, VMailv. tm OillruliV. In""' Zimli. hilmlir llinla tcvaiz, Jan' riiinnli'. VIm Inliam lVlralllnl. MliU liilHrvc. cinn I ii1iiinK, lolin Hum. bki. Irani. .Sauioiki, Meplicn Maiknwtkl, l.ilil Hall M mi III Mi Mil . .r(an Ilk, Vl.illntt .lura.kl, llilinuki Vnin, Wa.il (Inictlck, llailloinlej llcla, line- IKnaiiic, I'lrlc Wj-II.. linnit Welk, IMIiHak (iemue, Vmlrn llohiin, Vllkc HiicAn, .lolin I'oli.li, Kami Novclko, .lakiili Ore, Andre lllrciijiL, Jowl I lfii kc, hilairjna Moak. wi.M" iinsi STvliny, Vim Vllco S. tmlt, Mi Mm llarlirr, 1 1 irk Hint, Vlia. MjceIc Decker I'J), lliolillt It. I!. aiii (J1, Andra lirnokn, Ml Annie M. I'lcrce, ('. M. txliauacr, U. 0. bilihar.tln. Scranton, Pa, Hattings and Hatting Rugs Reduced Prices Mattings at 2S per cent re duction; in all the newest pat terns and best qualities. Mattings formerly $14,00 a roll. now.. lU.OU Mattings formerly .. $12.00 a roll, now.. ".UU Mattings formerly A 1? 1 0.00 a roll, now.. .Ol) Mattings formerly , $S.oo a roll, now... O.UU Mattings formerly . $7.20 a roll. now... O.40 Western Grass Matting, firmly woven and guaranteed for hard service. Regular price i 40c, now oZC Matting Rugs, an idea that met with popular favor. $1.75 grade now 1 ,jLD $1.40 grade now.... $1.05 A Beautiful Rex Rug, splen didly adapted for porches or summer cottages, size 27x54 1.19 Carpets at Unusual Prices. Bring your room measure ments with you. The lengths run from 10 to 35 yards. Tapestrv Brussels, rcg- -. ular price 85c, now 5UC Longer lengths, regu- .,, lar price 85c, now OoC Remnants of Tapestry Brus sels, for stairs and halls, 50c to o5c Remnants in Body Brussels, lengths up to 20 yards, with hall and stair carpet to match. Sale price VUC AND EXAMINE THE GRAVITY WACON TOP COMPANY Franklin Avenue. ENGLAND'S BIRTH EATE. Its Decline is Beginning to Excite Scientific Ahum, limn III I "itni.hMy lt iev Miico tho p.ir of lssa the fortuity of an KiikII.xIi niiml.iRo Iiiih appreciably declined. The iiiiiuI.ikom In KiikI.iiiiI nnd U'nlos t lut t citc-niioil cluilncr ls.'i to ism) htil)iiiiontly incnlnccd 117 ililldtoit jior iii.u I liifjc. op 117 i luldi oil per 100 umiiluKex; vhoio.is, the ninr tHiKOH Unit oiouiiocl dtiilncj tS'.U to lMH Milihequontly iniidiicpcl only .171 chil dren pei nitiiil.iRo, in :i;i elillelien pop inn iniiiil.tiTos. A ilocllno In the fet til It nf tnillllilKOS equal to ne.ulv flfty olilldinn per 100 iiiuii'I.ircs, nnd tlut dPclino In toitlllty u nicuneil dill ItlK tlio nllitlt perlnd of tlftoon jciii, 1S7. to IS'.', for tho o,n 1S7S Im tlin nieiin of tho pot loci, lS7ti-lSSt, ,tnd isaj Is the nu-.in nf tho peilod isiil-isfl." When olio ohseivi-s thnt iii.uiIiiroi In KiikIiiikI mill Wiilrs nio nun t.iklnr; plneo to tho etont t.i ovei a qu.utpr of a mlllun .veailv, It Im easy to sea th.it Hitch a decline In tho foitililj of n in.ii iIhro ineaiiH an InimeiiHo decline In tlio actual numbur ot diildton that nto lint ii of thei-o nioilein niaiilitKes as complied 1 Hi the iimnl.iRi-H of only flfton 5 ears iibo. Thn .ivohiro nuinlier of ihlldien pto dueod liy i niodein Kienih ni.ti iIhro. U undor thn-o. tli tin tlio number N undor fnin, lth a inaihed tondenoy to liPcomo fewer. The Incie.iHe In our population In Kioatly nldecl hj a low death into, not by a IiIkIi lilith late. DmlliK id on l p.ii the CurIHIi till tH vato litis doc lined in a inurkoil doRroe, vihlclt In icliitlvoly KiPHtof than tho fall lit tho hlith into of any other I'tu-opeau lountry. 'J'hln doclino of the KiikIIkIi. hit til lato liaa boon Kroator ovon than the decline of Piunce'9 With rutc, g s Sons - i" -v jT 1