The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 09, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Laces and Neckwear
Few houses In the lnrger cities car
ry tho line of Laces found in our
Lace Department, from tho cheapest
quality to tho high-priced Duchesse
Laces. All offered now nt Clearance
Bale prices.
Linen Torchon Laces
From 1 Inch to 5 Inches wide
with InsortlnBS to match. Your
choice, per yaid, at c
Tolnt de Gene Lace,ln white and
eciu, wcie 20c to 75c, now. 15c to 50c
Silk Ties
Hemstitched and tucked, were
60c, now 30c
$1.10 Coloicd Jacbots 78c
Nouveatito pufflnp; of Liberty
Silk. In full line of colors, 75c;
special pilco 50c
1.25 Coulcd Silks for 50c
2.25 Tucked and Corded Silk,
nil colors, for $1.25
72-inch Colored Net, S1.00
quality, for 5c
Embroidered Organdie Robes,
trimmed in lace and white ap
plique, wete S14.00; Cleatancc
price T $10.00
Fine Embroideries
At Clearance Sale pi ices.
Wash Fabrics
Scotch Ginghams
Embroidered Swiss
Quantities of beautiful Wash and
other thin dress materials. All tho
choice fabrics of tho best manufac
turers of today. All at Clearance
Sale pi ices.
Pique and Duck Suitings
In stripes and other fancy ef
fects, 12 l-2c quality, now.... 8c
Pongee Suitings
Select assoitment of choice fig
ures, 25c quality; now 10c
Large selections of styles and
colorings, 20c quality; now.... 10c
Lace Effects
In Scotch ginghams, new line
of popular stripes, 40c quality;
now 25c
Sale Began
Superintendent MacLaren Says
Thero Aro Now Ono Hundrod and
Fifty Men at Work in tho Foundry,
Pattern Shops, Boiler and Black
smith Shops Tho D. L. & W.
Board for Today News for Glass
Workers Labor Troubles Aro Dis
turbing tho Iron Market.
Superintendent M. X. M.u I..11011, of
th AlllM-C'hulnifi.f, entei
day teported that a I.uko mnnlii'i- n
men had icsiiiiiod vwr t and .i.vrf he
now ha ahiuit nno luind'rd and I'fiy
employes In tho rotliuliy, pa' tun
tdiop.s, bnller and lil.icl.Miiltli shop.
'flic pattern "hops ci opened jp.
leiday with twelve men, vvhcli s
about half the icRiilav wii'tini; tune.
The holler nhop and iiUi'l.-miltli shop
have hen In iipeiuil in fjr th last
few dasi. There weie i number of
machinists about the uutK yes.ituhiy
morning, but none of h-ni lesumed
work. Some of their labuiera have
done m, however.
At the kiivv.iniiu machine shops
one man went baik to woik ye.stenluy
innrnluB', and nt the car shop, two.
At tho latter plaie, luweer, the
Mrlkeih Miy four of the men working
las.t week lemnlned away. About
twenty-live of the .striking ear build
eiH met ye.steiday morning at 5
o'tloek oil tho Oiehaid Htteet grounds
on Cedar aenue, and theie awaited
the iippCHianco id un men going baik
to the bli'ipp. Intending to use their
perauusivo ni ti le deter them from
any mien puipoce.
Theie wns tiouhle when John Si hin
der nnd Louis Kneller eaino along.
Hot woiiIh pah-ed between tho strlk
ei.s and tho two, and, It Is said, a
stone was thinwu, at whleh the ie
turned car bulldoiN aie assorted to
hne drawn levolvers and, floulshlng
them significantly, asked to bo let
alone. Tho company had a delegation
of special olllceis, headed by ike Selil
man, on the stone, and no active hos
tilities enbiied,
Thero was n general mass meeting
of tho strikers yesterday afternoon at
3 o'clock, in IIulbert'H hall. On mo
tion, it 'was dcelded to ask will
ing to remain out until thp strike was
declared settled hy tho union, to prom
ise It by a rising oto. All present
but three men voted in tho affirma
tive. Committees were appointed to visit
other locals for the purpose of rais
ing funds, and it wrs decided to have
another mass meeting at 10 o'clock
next Monday morning.
Chief Special Agent J. S. Adamsou
of the Lackawanna swore out several
warrants during tho day for the arrest
of men believed to be Implicated In
the morning's disturbance, charging
them with assaulting and lntlmldutlng
workmen, inciting riot nnd disorderly
Special officer McDonald of Magis
trate Millar's .court served tho war
rants last night nt strike headquar
ters upon C II. Campbell, secretary
of the Car Bulldcr'fl union, Anthony
IWlotcrmantel, ,W. 11, Stunton, J, Q.
Satin Stripe Batiste
Best quality In choice new pat
terns, nil the new shades. Clear
ance Sole price 30o
Satin Liberties
Choico array of very handsomo
patterns in small, neat flguies, as
well as tho most elaborate de
signs, $1.00 quality; now 75c
Monseiinede Soie
Very light and airy, Just the
fabric for hot weather wear; beau
tiful floral designs, G5o quality;
now 40c
50c Mousellno de Bicne 20o
Wo have a number of broken
lines of Corsets, not many of
any one style, but In tho lot you
will find all sizes; regular 75c
ann $i.uu qualities. uiearanco
price 50o
$1.25 and $1.50 qualities.
Clearance prico 75c
Wo carry tho best and finest makes
of Coisets on the market. Also spe
cial summer Corsets, all at Clear
ance prices.
Babies' Bonnets
You can always find the daintiest
headgear here for little folks.
35c Lawn Bonnets for 22c
G5c Lawn Bonnets for 45c
85c Lawn Bonnets for 08c
$1.00 Lawn Bonnets for 00c
$1,50 Lnwn Bonnets for ....$1.1)5
$2.25 Lawn Bonnets for 1.75
Children's Hats
$1.00 Lawn Hats for 75c
$1.00 Lawn Hats for $1.30
S2.00 Lawn Hats for 1.00
$3.50 Lawn Hats for 2.70
$5.00 Lawn Hats for 4.00
Silk Gloves
At Cleaianco prices, former prices
cut in half. Come in black and col
ors. 50c quality, now 25c
$1.00 quality, now 50c
Men's Furnishings
Most complete and extensive lines,
are up to the minute in style and
qualities that give satisfactory wear
and gicat bargains at our Clearing
Thompson, H, H. If. Munsabaehor,
chillies Coidler, and Thomas Muuay.
I iieh entered ball for his appenianie
at a healing to be held tonight. A
number of the men claim to hae been
enthely absent fiom the none of tho
D., L. & W. Board for Today.
The following is the make-up of the
D., L. and W. bo.nd for today:
Scramon, Jul 0, lirtl.
Wild Pan I'a-t-S p. m., J. A. Ilii'li, in p
in , II. Hi-l.ira
1UI.MUY. Jl'I.Y P.
Wild C'.il IVt-l.'SO a. in, A. (i llainmilt;
3 a. in. 1', Caw, with 1'. I". Moons' irriv; 5
a in, T. ntpjtuk, .i in., 1'. .m Witiikt;
M a. m, W. Hoar, uith W. A. Ibitliolumru'i
iron, 11 a. in., I). Vallate; 1 p. in, W U.
Iiluir; 2 p. in, A. II. Hump; 5 p. m, M
l'lnnril; 0 ,,, in, W. Klilij.
Niinmlis, i:u. d 1. in. Mkl. .1. II. Hcniilcin;
!i .1 an, (H, (i. 1'ioii.ifilkti, G p. in, ri-1,
J. Caning; '' p in, . II. Miholi. T p m.,
Na.i Auf. I). MiVlli-U'i; T p. in, l.iUK.i, Mi-
.lite, ,' p ill , (iiiui, llioiiipnii.
I'ii!h rs S ii. in., IIiiimi; 10 i. in, I'liiimt);
II .(0 i. in, Morin: 7 p in., Miiiflij; U p. in.,
1 imping; l'l p. in., A. WlJinn
I'.iMiciifrfr limine-" i. in, tiifTnry; T a. ni ,
Miil-it; in a in, 1'. Mi llomirll, 5 .it) p in.,
M llltlill, T p 111 , f . MlliOVI in
Wild I'dM Wist-T a. in., Kctihinr, 10 a. in,
M Ciiiiiuult , - p. in, T HuuUU.ui; 1 p. in,
(inilt'i , 0 p in , J. Ilavtir.
noiiu:. II. II Hi pi upoiti lor T, Mi.
Ilrakcniaii T rjil.llrfonl irpoila (or O. Cisc
Uraktnun Willi an lirrlll will no out 'ilih
IIMiing In Dcikn's pltiio until Dcikrr irportt.
The Iron Market.
Labor tumbles aie tho ihlef toplr
of dlciisdon In tho lion market. The
strike of the Amalgamated Asoola
tlon men may develop Into a serious
iniitlei. Theie Is no good deal of loin
menl on the fact that tho association
schedules wore aiianged with tho Re
public iron and Slcol company without
any difficulty: while theie seemed to
be no disposition to cnmpiomlsn or
friendly agi cement on the part of the
companies in the I'nltcd States Steel
XotwlthMnndltig these troubles, our
local icpoits show that demand con
tinues very laige, and theie aie plenty
of Indications that business will ie
main good for the balance of the
year. Purchasers nie oidcrlng In no
lordanco with this view. Kngineerlng
and Mining Join mil.
For tho Glass Workers,
The following tonceins are inter
ested In the new ointment jar associa
tion; Harzo Glass Co. Washington,
P.i.; Illinois lilass Co,, Alton, 111.;
Tnlter States CJhtss Co., Canton Olnss
AVorks of National Glass Co., Dlth
lldge & Co., Uagle Glass & Mfg. Co.,
AVellsburg, YV. Va.; Gllllndcr & Sons,
Philadelphia; Cumberland Glass &
Mfg. Co., of midgeton, X. J.
The i:. A. Glllender Glass Co, of
Camden, X. J, has been lucniporateil
to inanufactiiie glass. Capital, $100,
000. Incorporators; W. C. Mai tin,
John A Mac Peak, and AVIUani V,
Tho Cameron Glass Co. has been
formed to erect two 0-jmt w Indow
glaps furnaces at Cameron, W. Vn.
The company has been capitalized at
$45,000. Thero aro six stackholdeis,
nnibng them being Edgar Bostock,
formerly manager of the plant of the
Eastern Ohio Glass Co., at Harnett
vllle, O.; Guy l'ateibon, head book
Mid-Summer Clearance of
Seasonable Merchandise
Experience teaches us the necessity of cleaning up all residue
stocks at the end of each season. To thoroughly and effectively
accomplish this in the most expeditious manner we have placed a
clearance price on every item of merchandise of a summerish char
acter, and cut the price so deep that we feel assured our expecta
tions will be quickly realized, To make this sale still more attract
ive we make a general reduction throughout the entire store, offer
ing an unusual opportunity to secure reliable goods much under
actual value.
Ladies' Black Hose, drop stitch,
weie 20c. now 10o
Light Weight and Fast Black'
Hose, weie 30c, now 23c
Ladles' Lisle Hose, in plain niil
fancy stitch, weie 35, now.... 20c
Ladles' Fancy Colored Llslo
Hose, were 50c, now 30c
Ladles, Fancy Hose, also plain,
tans, weie 25c, now 10c
Men's Fancy Hose, weie 30c,
now 20c
Children's Hosiery
Special lot of twenty-five dozen.
Child's Hose, weio 20c. now..lOo
Boys' Extra Value Seamless
Hose, a bargain 12 l-2c
Misses Fine Ribbed Black Hose,
extra value, worth 40c. for.... 25c
Ladles' Llslo Vests, 10c, now. ,10c
Ladies' Lisle Vests, 30c, now. .21c
Ladies' Silk Vests, 00c. now. . .42c
Men's Balbriggan Shirts and
Drcweis, 30c, now 22c
Men's Balbriggan Shirts and
Diawors, 45c, now 37 l-2c
Men's Negligee Shhts, no col
lars, weie 50c, now 20c
Men's Monarch Shirts, $1.00.
now . . . 87 l-2c
Men's Monarch Shirts, $1.00
now $1.20
Men's Monarch Shiits, $2.00,
now ?1.0O
keeper of the same company, nnd
Vm. Jackie, who blowed double
thick place at tho same fai tory. The
other tlueo lneinbeis of the new com
pany aio local people of Cameron. It
Is expected to have the plant leady to
begin operations enily next season,
and woilc has already began on It
A deal was closed last week that
will ghe Matthews. Iiid., another
chimney factoiy. Tho nion lutciested
In this new concern aio men who
have holil positions In other factories
there and all lire practical woiknion.
Orders aie already on hand that will
Keep tho plant busy for ten nnd a
half months. The plant will have a
4-i lug continuous tank and will em
ploy eight or ten shops. The tank
will be of u new kind, patented by
Frank Oith. of Matthews. It will be
tho first of the kind eer put In use.
Aro in Possession.
Tho Lehigh Valley Coal company
look foi mill possession yesterday of
tho collieries purchased by It at Pitts
ton and made Thomas Thomas, of
West Pltstnn, formeily of tho E.etcr
colliery, district superintendent.
David P. Thomas was ordered from
Heidelberg Xo. 1 to Exeter Ttecl Ash.
Win. Tllley, who was nssl.stnnt foie
man at Heidelberg, has been made
foreman. Win. Wallace, who wns for
meily nsslstant foi email at Exeter
inn In statt, was made foreman. Ho
was foimeriy a resident of Luzerne.
Their Quarterly Convontlon Opened
in Music Hnll Yesterday.
Committees Appointed.
One of the most Important, as well
as what Is perhaps the laigest, at
tended cotnentloti ever held by the
Mine Woikers of District Xo, 1, was
opened at 10 o'clock jesteiday morn
ing and will continue until about
Thin sday noon. Xo less than four
bundled and sixty delegates, rcpic-t-euilug
one bundled and liltv-tlueo of
tho district locals, aio in attendance,
About ono bundled nnd sixty loenls
maku up tho district, nnd this Is theie
foi" a splendid lopresentntlon. The
number of delegates piosent is over a
bundled more than attended the
quaiterly convention hold at Olyphant
In April. Tho fact that tho annual
election of olllcets and other business
of the utmost Impoitaiue will bo
acted upon by the convention, Is ac
countable for the big attendance.
Yestei day's work was enthely of the
routlno opening day nnttue, delegates'
credentials being received and com
mittees appointed. Today's session la
expected to be the liveliest of the con
vention, ns the election of officers Is
slated. This will probably be begun
In thp morning, but from the struggle
being made for each separate office, It
hardly seems likely that the matter
will be entliely disposed of during less
than two sessions.
The delegates had all arrived by 10
o'clock yesteiday morning, when tho
convention was called to oider hy
President Thomas D. Nichols, of Xan
tlcoko, who was sealed on tho plat
form with the credentials' committee.
SecietaryTieasuior John T. Hemp
sey and Vlio Piesident Adam Itysca
vage. Tho committee on ciedentlals,
which consisted of Nicholas Durke, of
this city; Michael Hyan, of Avoca, and
Peter Kelly, of Jeirnyn, were busied
all morning in examining the dele
Boys' King Waists, 00c, now. .E.5c
Boys' King Blouse, $1.15, now. 00c
Boys' Mother's Friend Waist,
00c, now 30c
Boys' King Waists, white, 00c,
now 00c
Boys' Balbriggan Shirts and
Drawers, 20c, now 10c
Silks, Dress Goods
Taffeta Silks
Our regular qualities of Coloicd
Taffeta Silks in good lino of shades,
00c quality for .. . .30o
70c quality for 00c
$1.25, 27 inches wide 88c
50o Black Taffeta 30c
75c Black Taffeta 00c
$1.00 27-inch Taffeta 70c
$1.25 27-inch Taffeta 88c
$1.00 30-lnch Taffeta TOc
$1.50 30-lnch Taffeta 1.25
$1.00 Black Surah 70c
$1.20 Black Bengaline 88c
Black Dress Goods
35c All-Wool Serge 20c
30c Figured Mohair 10c
50c Brocnde Biilllantine 35c
50c All-Wool Albatioss 30c
75c Nun's Veiling 58c
50c All-Wool Cheviot 39c
$1.00 All-Wool Fancies 75c
gates' papers, nnd having done a good
deal of preliminary woik, were able
to early repmt that four bundled and
sixty delegates, lepiesenting one hun
dred and lllty-three locals, were pres
ent. President Xlihnls made the follow
ing appointments of olllicis of the
convention: Seigeant at arms, Mai
tin Sheridan, of Scianton; assistant
seigeant at aims, James Phillip., of
Plttston; dooikeepeis, William 11.
Kwiu.s, of Wllkes-Hauo, and John
Kcefe, of Dupoiit. In tho afternoon,
tho main business consisted In the ap
pointment of committees. J'lesident
Xlcholls named the following commit
tees :
Itcolutt-iri". P. .1. Miillanry, Thom.n Puis, W
J. Woiier, Harr l.onsninic, Ihoma Wooiluanl,
Low W. r.ilrficlil. W. 1. Maiklioiw, II.
Ilimuji, lliri llontli, .Inlin riiMrotn.
I,,Kil'itl"ii .Idinc Hnilm, Itlilnril 1). Ui,
Jnliu Cotlrr. Allifit KIiik, Dailil Aslitnu.
Prist Mill, id KrniiPil . I. M lliirkc-, Will
1'inc, Antli nv Vcrncr anil Mm llmltlf
Olrkcrs' Rcpnili llioin.14 llimin, 1' I! ins:
lofkl, .trillion JliDuiuld, Jolin Itucis un.1
Mlilurl U(I inc.
I'cllirv-( jijiIoc Urosn, Waller Ipiih, 'lliomu
Mitijrr, .Nli Inil. is lluikr.
A few short addi esses by delegates
were made during the afternoon and
about 4.110 o'clock the convention ad
journed, to meet again at 10 o'clock
this moinllig. A huge number of the
delegates living In neniby places left
the city for their homes, while others
are stopping at the central city
The Avoca band will give an open
air concert fiom T. J. O'Malley'.s bal
cony this evening.
Miss Eva Luce of Hlalrstown, X. J.,
nnd Mlscs Mary and Ituth Lewis of
Bradford, Pa,, aio guests of Mis. M.
A. I'lock.
Joseph Laverlek of Grove street was
lemoved to Wilkes-Rario hospital on
Sunday to undergo an opeintlon for
J. V, Coiuiboy, M. J. Hyan, John
Sullivan, E. J. Tidily and John Wha
len of the local unions aio lepresonta
tlves at tho uilno workers' convention
at Scranton,
David Thomas, foieman nt Heidel
berg No. 1 colliery, Lehigh Valley
company, has been transfeiied to the
Exeter collleiy, Theie are many peo
ple about Avoca who will be sorry to
leant of Mr. Thomas' lomoval. Dur
ing his stay heio he has made many
friends nnd his services about the
colliery wero invaluable, few accidents
having happened during his Jurisdic
tion. Ho will ho succeeded by William
Dr. J. E. Dougher has leturned to
his home In Midland, Mich, nfter two
weeks' visit at tho family residence
on the West Side.
Mrs. diaries Handeis and daughter,
Mis. W. J. Williams, spent yesterday
with friends In Olyphant.
The employes of the Langclllfo col
liery will be paid today.
Colonel MJirtln left yesterday for
Htirrlsbuig where he will meet tlio
board of paidous nnd Intercedo for tho
release of John Itoblnsou, now under
going it teim of Imprisonment hi the
pc nltcntlary.
The way In which tho Sernnlnn
Traction company Is treating tho peo
ple cm this end of the lino Is unendiir
nblo, Theie Is not an open car be
tween Mooslo and Plttston and tho
rnusehaeklcH they have placed hole
aio not lit to enter. The coiincllnien
are lax In this as well as In other
Silk Grenadines
Wo have the laigest and finest as
sortment of grenadines ever shown
here, many very new and choice de
signs, including floial, scroll, btilpes,
checks, plaids and plain Gienadlncs,
all at clearance piiccs.
75c grade for 50c
S1.25 giade for $1.00
$1.00 grade for 1.25
$2.25 grade for 1.75
$3.00 grade for 2.00
$4.00 giade for 2.75
Wool Challics
35c. Silk Challies 17c
50c All-Wool Challies 30c
70c Silk and Wool Challies 00c
Colored Dress Goods
50c Ail-Wool Plaids 25c
00c Albatioss, new colois 30c
05c Stripe Waistcloth 40c
65c Suiting, 50-in. wide 50c
$1.00 Cheviot Mlxtmcs COc
$1.25 Heavy Skirting 88c
$1.25 Fine Suitings 88c
$1.20. Si. 00, $2.00, $3 00, S4.00,
$0.00 Geiman Linen Napkins to
match our Tabic Linens, 08c, $1.20,
$1.70, $2.50, $3.50, $4.50.
Schedule in Effect Juno 2, 1001.
Trains leave Scianton:
G.45 a. m., week days, tluough ves
tibule train fiom Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsvllle; stops at principal in
termediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia. Boltimoie, Wash
ington and for Plttsbuig and tho
0.38 a. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Hairisbuig, Philadelphia, Balti
moie, Washington and Pittsburg
and the West.
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays,
1.58 p. m.), for Sunbuiy, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimote,
Washington and Pittsburg and
the West.
3.33 p. m., week days, through ves
tibule train fiom Wilkes-Bane.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia via Potts
vllle. Stops at principal inter
mediate stations.
4.27 p. m week days, for Hrizleton,
Sunbuiy, Hariisbuig, Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
.! n in it msi). cit n Msr.
,1 II WOOD, Cm l'i st.
' . Lehigh Valley Itaihoad.
In I licit June '.. I'sJl
'luun t.t'iio vuMon:
Tor PlillailplpliU ami New nrk U II A. II
It II , it 0 4 un I 0 i in , nnil 2 18, I :"
(lllaik Diamom' KvpriM.), Jii'l 11 : p. m. hun
dJi. 1. k II. It. It . 1.5s. -" P. in.
1'ur Milte ll.mii, lljliti'ii jml rlnt'lu
Iiolnta In t lie i ".i I 1 1. 'loin, ill l & II. II, It.
I. Ij, .' is nni I Ji' p. in. For I'otHWllr, u 15 a
in.. '.MS P i
Pur lldlilrlitin, r..i-l"ii, Kr.iilinz, II in Muni;
ami ii1iuIm1 Imoum-iii up kntinm iu n ,v u.
It It.. f'. I'.s J I".. 2's. I -' iHUil. I'll
moml l.xpio), 11.1,0 p in, Mimliis, I), j. II.
Ii It., t IS i in i I 0s. s.-'7 p in
I'nr Timltluiiiiiiili. 'In iihIj. Dliiilu. UImii,
(lonoin ainl piiiuipal liiUimcili tie Ulimw, mi
1)., I.. K . II. It.. tw . in.; 1 W ami .'l.W
p. in.
Tor Ocncu, l!i.tlirlci, lliill.ilo. M.ien 1 I all,
( hlidsn 11111I all points wet, via l ft II. It U,
T IS II V, a in . 1 Js. ' (Hlcl, Dlunnml I
pirn), 7 l. PI II, II. .ID p. 111, SmiiiiIj, 1. & II.
It It . 11 55, S.'J" p. in
Pullman pailur mnl .lccpins r Milch V.illc1
pirlnr tar mi all IiiIiih lutiiron VV ilkr llino
Hiid cw Vnilt, riillnlilplili, lliitlalo anil suv
pinltni llilJ.o
110I.1.IN II W 11-111 n, Cent, bupt., W Coitldinl
tutt, Ntw iik
CIIVItl.Ks s I.Ki:. ili'n. I'a. Al., 'JO Cortlaml
Diet, Nfi. "i
A W M)i:l Villi. H. lib I'a-. Ast. houtli
ncililrlicm. I'a
Tor tlifH ami Piillnun rrci ilinni apply to
KOI l.ultittaiina aicnuc, siantmi, l'l.
Delawaio and Hudson.
In I tint lunc '. 1101.
TialM Inf failiomlalc loaii ,strautnn at fl e,
p.Ocl. 8:51, lO'ri a " '-'",1. -1- '-'. 1:5-'.
5'"' 0.-J5. ":0". U '5. ''-" P ' . 1.1 a in
T'oi lloncilalt! and l.iko Lndorc, n.'J0, 1U.1J a,
in : J II u'iJ ''-' !' '" .
For WllkovHiUB-H 15, M, Sill, 0..1S, 10 11
a in., IJ 01 1'J". 2. In u.JJ, 1 J7, h 10, TiH,
lu-ll, ll:..0 p. 111.
Tor 1. V. It It. point-:IS, 0.3S a. m , 2il,
4:27 and ll'i P ;"
Tor Prnnvb'inU It. It. points 8:15, 0:35, 2:1S,
3-.i3 and fJ7 p in
1'ur Vltiin and all point north fli20 a. m.
ami 3.5J P. m-
I'or railmnilalc S 50, a, m, Sill, 3.5.',
5 .1-' and 10.5J p. in
lor Wllki Haru u.J a. 111., 1J.0.1, 1:5', 3.2$,
6 .U ami h.l- P in.
I'or AllMiiy und point" mntli -3.5J p in
l'or lloi.rxlalo ami l.ako Lcdoic 3,5(1, 11 Z1
a in. and 3 52 p. 111.
Erie Ballroad, Wyoming Division.
'1'ialni for ll.ii.ln and intnim dlnlo imliitit Uai
1 Linton us fiill"i: No J, 7 10 n in 1 No I,
8..V) 11. til. I No. 0, J SI p 111 , No. 8, ft 20 p in
Mu, 'J and 1 llirousli tiuln (or New York.
Arrial-Nn. , (.,! , in , No ,1, 1010 a, 111 1
No, 5, U IV p in i No. 7, I'. l'l p III 'liaim .Nua,
5 and 7 air throtislt trnln fiom Niw ork,
vi'NnVV TltAINS,
Iiqurliiiin No. 20, H a. in,; No. 2J. 2 ). in.
AillaU-.No. 21, 12.15 p. 111.; No. 2J, 3.15 p. in.
Table Linens
Wo have the kind of linens that
overy housekeeper is looking for
and In greater varloty of patterns
than can be found elsewhere.
55o Heavy Unbleached for .... 45c
00c. extra heavy Unbleached
German Linen COc
72-lnch Irish Linen, fine and ex
tra heavy weight, also napkins
to match, regular $1.25 quality
elcaranco, prico $1.00
54-inch Turkey Bed Linen, fast
color, 30c,; elcaranco price. . . . 23o
Hemstitched, extra heavy nuck-a-back.
$1.75 Towels for $1.45 doz.
$2.00 Towels for 1.00 doz.
$3.50 Towels for $2.88 doz.
Bath Towels
$1.75 extra heavy Turkish. $1.45 dos
$2.00 Bath Towels 1.75 doz
Ono caso of extra heavy weight
Honeycomb Quilts, gieat value for
$1.25, sale price $1.00
Flno quality Marseilles Quilts,
worth $2.25, for $1.75
$3.50 quality for 2.05
10c Hook and Eyes 4c
5c Crochet Cotton 3c
20c Dress Stays 10c
10c Corset Steels Oc
Satin and Gros Grain
No. 3, worth 5c 2c
No. 5, worth 7c 3c
No. 7, woith Oc 4c
No. 0, worth 12c Oc
No. 12, worth 15c 8c
No. 16, worth 20c 10c
Large assoitment of fine Fans,
Fancy Ribbons, Diess Shields and
Notions at Clearance Sale Prices.
Embroidered Swiss
Has taken first place among sum
mer fabrics; it is so delightfully
thin and cool. Our patterns aro not
found elsewhere.
July 6th.
Delawaio, Lackawanna and Western
In I'lfrct Doc. 2, 1000
soulli lMic Vranlnn for New Ycik at 1.10,
3 HO, fiW, (.00 and 10 OV a. 111,; 1J.5V, .13,1 p. in
I'or 1'lill.idclpliia at no and 10 OV a. in j IJ M
and 3.JI p 111 I'or MiouiWinrg at 6.10 p. in.
Milk arconnnmlitlon at :!.P) p. m. Arrhc at
lliliokrn at .:fl, TIP. 10.2S, 12 W, 3 1'., I l
7 PI p in rrlc .it Plil'addpliU at 1 Oil, 3JI.
film and 8 ii p In. Airicc from New York at
1 10, O.iJ and 10 21 a. 111 ; 1.00, .V, b U, Ij
and 11 30 p. in 1'iom Miond.liuri; at 8 ( a. in.
North leaic Sirmtcn for Iluffilo and Inter
mediate Mntlon nt 115, 0 3V and n 00 a in i
1 55, 5 IS and 11 35 p. 111. Kor Oittcso and Sra-cii-o
at 0.15 a. 111. and 1 55 p. in. Kor I'llci tl
1 10 a, in. and I 55 p. in. For Montrosj
at 0 O) a ill. ; 1 0", and .1 13 p. in l-'nr N'li I10I.
For. at 1M and H li ) in, Kor llliiKlutnton at
10 20 a in. rric in Vunton from llnff.ilo at
1 .', 2.55, 6 15 mid 10 00 1 in : 3.30 and IW
p ni. Kroni Owoto and praline at J 5i a, in,;
UTi and 8 00 p, in. From 1'tii.i at 2 55 a ni.;
U IS and i.'JO p. in. From Nlcholvon at 7 50 a.
in, and cl 00 p in. Fiom Montio-o at 10.00 a.
ni ; 3 20 and 8 00 p. 111.
IllnoinOiiire phMon I.raie Strantnn for
Nortlmniliirland, at iM", 100", .1 ni ; 15". and
6 50 p m. For n month at 1 0". 3.10, 8 SO p
in. I'or Klnsttoii at NlO a. ni. Vrriie at
Niirtliunihriliml at 0,1V a ni ; 1 10, 5 00 and 8 I",
p. in Uilip at Kingston t 8 52 a. m. Arrlie
at Pliniontli at '-! Oil, IJJ, 9 45 p, m. Arilie
In 'vranton fum Nortlinml'crland at 0 I J a. in ;, IM and 8. 1'i i ni Fiom Ktnuston at
110O n 111. Fiom l'bmuulli at 7.55 a. m ; 3.J0
and 6.15 p. in
Sniilh Leave -uaiilon at 1.10, J.00, 5 50, 1003
a m , 3 3) and '! 10 p in.
North -Ij'.iie Sranton at 1 15, t!S.i a. m ;
1 f.'i, ami II .!' p. m.
Itlnoin-liiii DivWcn Leaic Siranton at 1001
a in, and 5 50 p in.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
Stitlom In N'iw Ywk Foot of Utility Mrcet,
N. II , and oiith Kcirj
iivti; i'viii.i: in 1 i'l'in .u'.ni: -o, loot
Tralni lene N r.inton for New Voik, Viwip,
l.lialiclh, 1'hllJilelplila, l.a(on, llttlilehein, A I
ltiitmin, Vljiuli 1 lunik mnl White II urn, nt R 55
n 111 , eipi w. 1 10, pri'K, 1 00 p. m, &Un
iln, 2 15 p in.
l'or l'ttlston and Wilke lline, 8 63 a ni ; 1,10
and l.W) P l" fcninlav, -.1 P 111
vnr iijlilniorc an 1 Wfeliinstnn ind nolntt
Snilh and Weit li Ilethlehein, 8 VS a. in , 1 10
and l.m) p. "i eiindai, 2.15 p. 111,
For lann: II1.1111.I1. Ocean tlroie, etc., at & 5 j
a. in. cthioii.-li loaih) and 1.10 p in.
l'or ltr.itllns. Lelunon and HairUlmrif, via VI
Iriitown, 8 5.3 a. in and 1.10 p. m, fcundaji,
2 13 p. Ill
Fur I'oit.illle, f 53 a 111 , 1 10 p. m.
For Mountain Fail., ! 53 a, 111, 1.10 and 100
P. '"
'lliniiiih llikrl to all polnti eait, ioutli and
Kiit at loit iali at the kt Uioli.
('. VI. lit in, lien. Pan vEt.
.1. II. Cll.ll VI -FN, Cen Supt
Now York, Ontario and Western.
Time Tabic in lltTeit Pnndiy. June 2J, looi,"
Lene Leiie ,Vrrm
Ti ilnA Si 1 niton. Cnlinnililc. t admii
N.i I ...l(l ''rt a 111. 11 10 a. 111. 1 00 p. in.
To .1 ... I " P- ! I II l in. P in.
.i" 7 . . P in. vr. ('nliniiiUlo.. 0 In p. in,
SOL'lll Ittll'Nl).
Leaco l.eji Vriiie
L'jiljtla. raibomlale. Snanton
a n . 7 00 a 'in. 7 ID 111,
No' I .'.'. 8.10 a. in- I"11' a in. 10 40 a. in.
M, -j ... 2.15 P. ni ion ! in I 15 p. 111
Leave l.eaie Anne
S-irantnn. Carhonddle. (aion
n 0 ... 8.Jia in. UlOd. 111. 10 is a in.
o' 3 ... 7.K) P. !!' xr ' irliindile.. 7 15 p m
o. a ... 1. 1 ,.0i;iu.noiM).
Leave Leaie Arrlir
1 4ilcU. ('viliondalc. 81 unmn
'o 0 ... Tfl0a '"' T,a'1 '
no 10 50 p '" UM. p m . fl r n "'
lraln No. I. an eek ilaja, ami 0, .n mhi.
Aa nuke main line icinnrcllon. fur New Ymf,
"ii).' Lliia. Oneida, Ojwcso and inlnmcdlaie
'"'r'la'ni No. 3 nml 'm'''' Wnllmi, Delhi, Hani
den and M-lnev .onnllw
1.. fiirilni Inforinalion contnlt tiiket ajrlilj.
1 J ' VNDI.IIMIN. (! P V, Niw ork
J K. WKIMI. T ' A , hiranlon.
I klUilrlDKU. !'. II. Ir lrail hcrrUll.t In
4wrrlr. (turifrf. to ,ir !) etftll Irlillr,
l lll.,a.M.lfrfb IUH 4 lo III dk,.lEirM.iltl.fcI
.fXvifla lllx.d I l"". Stncua ll.MHIJ, U.I,'
ILXiuH V rlril Mrl'turti lm rullliii, I dr..lp,l
TT ... ....... ...... P..ri..aT..,l..l.l. J. D...1 1
fipa.lnit.frj a.alrtl ud l.tlrlfln-ftn4. M.nllua rap.r.T
I i , I I
Colored Embroidered Swiss
All In new designs. Were $1.45
now $1.00. $1.10 quality, now OOo.
White Embroidered Swiss
$1.50 quality now $1.25
$1.10 quality now 00a
00c quality now 75a
Colored Pique
In neat dainty stripes and figured.
40c quality, now 20o
Parasols and Umbrellas
Large and most complcto selection
of Fancy Parasols, Coaching Para
sols, Sun and Rain. Umbiellas, in,
black, white and colors, all at clear
ance salo prices.
$1.50 Paiasols for 08o
$2.00 Parasols for $1.25
$3.00 Parasols for 1.08
$5.00 Parasols for 3.75
$0.00 Paiasols for 4.50
Children's school umbrellas, 45a (
and upwaids.
Ladies' Petticoats
Silk Skirts, made of taffeta silk
that will wear, In all now shades and
various qualities, fiom $4.00 up
Walking Skirls
Made of black mercerized Italian
cloth, nicely trimmed, 00c and up
wards. Wash Skirts
Made of fine quality Seersuckei
Gingham, In neat stripes of dlfferenl
colors. Prices 45c upwards.
Muslin Underwear
From tho hest manufacturers, weli
made and neatly trimmed, properly
cut and of fiist class materials. All
go at special clearance sale prices.
Shirt Waists
What's more seasonable than tho
dainty Shirt Waist, styles are all new
and sure to go out fast at our clear
ance prices.
$1.00 Shlit Waists 85c
$1.50 Shirt Waists $1.25
$2.00 Shirt Waists 1.65
$3.00 Shirt Waists 2.50
$1.00 Dressing Sacquc3 75a
Mauur&cturcrs or
N. Ninth Street, SCRftfllONi 1 ft
Telephone Call. 2333.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and In In; VUee,
Amerlian Plan, M V) I'. r Day and I paick
l'uropean Plan, 5100 Pi i Day and Upward!
Special Kates to 1 annum
inj.ini.inn Kint mill street.
The.lLI FI.HSO.N I a thnrouchly flrit-dais
f amily and trannient hotel, offerins at ft mini
innmtmit a maximtim of luinry and oomfort.
(In 15th Street, juiteatt of union Square,
it i) within n few mlnutea ol tho leading
thoni, theatre) and ilnlu,
European Plan, $1,00 up.
American Plan, $2,50 up.
Sulloi with Private Bath, $2.00 up.
1 or tpecitl ratri.guldei or Information write
JOIIY l:. ) VTI'II'I.II, I'ronrlelor
For Business
of. IDs
In the
For Shopper.)
minutes' walk to Wanamakers;
S nilnutoa to Slcce! Cooper's Bis
Btore. Uasy of acceas to tn great
Dry Goods Stores.
For Slshtseers
One block from DVay Cars, elv
Inc easy transportatlou to all
points of Interest.
t ror. Uth BT A IINIVKnSITT TU 4
.1 Only ono Hloclc from llroadway.
t Rooms, $ 1 Up. rVco.I.a t
- 1
iis is