tfPfcHPtyr-ww, rMi!r? THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1901. ,71 V r NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA AN ACCLIMATED ALLIGATOR. Iho Efforts of tho Snnko Specialist Outdono in the Story of Mr. Oris wold's Pot. Fpeelal to the "Wanton Tribune Factory vllle, .lul) .-About orn or eight yeari ngo, Ororfio Oil-mold lincl n young nltlRiitm hkh escaped from Its confinement nnrl took tip Its nbodo In XoUonils Ukr. back of Keystone ncsdemy Nothing a' ei-n of It for tome tlm but tr-re-Mly It lias been teen by Fpvetnl dlffrront put Urn, and much to tho Miipilso of Mi. lit Is wold, one dnv list week, while In bathing In the above lnkf his foimrr pet came up out of thp water and took a sun bath on a log. Mr GiIh tvold gazed nt him for u few moments In surprise, and then tried to ap proach him, but Mr. Alligator gave him n knoivlng look, winked tho other eve and sllfl off Into the water, dis appearing from view. Mr. Oils wold describes him as belnpr about four feet long, showing a gtotvth of about three feet since he escaped The all-absorbing question Is now How did he become acclimated to the ley water In winter'' An alllR-Uor of this sire would be able to tcir one's flesh from the body of cruh a person's limb This Is a favorite bathing place for the towns people and no doubt, now that a man-eater has been dKroxererl thete, It will be less frequented by loveis of the watei. PITTSTON. Frwlil to 'he sVran'on Tribune rittston. .lul'y 8 An elderly look ing nnn whose n.mio and dfsci'pllon oi tuples a plate on th." fakir list of the Lodge of Klks wai exposed heie this moininR by A Maims, exalted luler of the local lodge. II appealed ut A'r Marcus's stoio this morning n nl put up a iiilful tcij of h.ud luck and bogged for assistance on the plea of lodfio ainil itlon Maicus was suspicious and bide the man tall later In the du Mtitiua then looked over the fakir lNt and found the tlescrlption of a man who tallied eaetly with that of the stranRcr. A sample of his hand wilting was identical with tho man's signature at the hotel In which he had icRlstered. When the Ftiangor reappeiicd at the stoic Jl.iutii was ready foi him. He hid a camci.i pet and snapped the man's picture and then act used him of being a fraud The fakir admitted his guilt, and acknowledged that the tlon on the lodRC tiuular wa-. of hlmselt. He said ho had been woik lng the same lacket In all the big cities. When members of tho Ninth Hegl nient weie pi.iitlclng nt tho ililo range nt West I'ittston Situid.iy af ternoon, William Nolan, who was per forming the duties of taiget tcndei, had a nnnovv escape fiom being shot The contestants had been shooting at the live bundled v.uei i.inge, and had just ili.uiRcd to the sl hundted atd lange slipped out to blot out the muks wheie they had been shooting, ami a Wilkcb-Rane man aeildcntallv shot at the wtong lange. The bullet passed through the llm of Nolans hat teailng It off com pletely. Local hoisenian M. I. Pciln will leac toniotiovv for Utlc.i, N. Y, where ho will p.utlilpito In tho rates this week. He shipped Satin day three of his best head of stock, including Exploit Jennie illennon, Sidle 1? ir len and Clesenti). Peiin's fi lends expert to heai a good report fiom him. Jliss llnnii ib Thomas, of West rittston, one of the Garden Village's popular school te.icheis, left this morning with 'Ix Stianton oung la dles for a four weeks' tilp to Western cities. Last week m.uked the passing of the last vestige of a scheme of a lato vveilthv man of this ilty for the es tablishment of a largo summer icsort nt the head of Wyoming valley that would hae meant much to the popu larity and welfare of this vicinity had not death inteiened It was the tearing down of the liigo windwheel or pumping station that hail supplied the water for the residents of Sloc um's village about a half mile below the gap through whlih the feusque hanna enters the beautiful alley of Wyoming A few eais ago James Slocum teputed as one of the inoM wealthy men of this iiinlt .1 pion eer settlei, conceived the idea of the natural beauties of fscovll Island as a resort and he had mapped out a plan for the erection of a laige snniinoi ho tel, the building of attiacthe drive. I The man who can hardly crawl, and has just strength to get through a day's work, ha9 nc strength left for family life. He want to be quiet ; to be alone, out of sight and sound of everybody. What a difference between such a man and the healthy, hearty man, who romps with his children and rides his laughing baby to " Banbury Cross." What makes the difference? Usually Siicase of the stomach, involving the tntire digestive and nutritive system. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. When ihese diseases are cured the hindrance to the proper nourishment of the body is removed and strength comes back again. "I am happto ay I nm Rettinn to feel fine " write Mr A J Vandervrater. of 8rj Wert DlvWon Street, Chicijro, III "lu all I hae taken (it bottles of Golden Medical DHcovery and four or fl e iat of the little ' relicts They Juve done me world of Rood Theie tnedl. cine have brought the great change In me from a alow mope of 1 nun thai could hardly crawl, tired and iek all the time, and could do no worlc. Now 1 en 11 wortc aiecp, cm ana leei fine, and that tired fcellnz it all going away I am very ihaukful that I wrote tn nr 1 Fierce, Hit 'Golden Medical I)lcoery' and hit little liver 'Pellett' have alinort made a new man of me. I feel young at I did at thirty jeart No other doctor for me, only Dr Pierce." Dr. Tierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. ". V. I'lerr.. nuffalo, N. Y. ways around It nnd the establishment nf a trolley line to make It conven iently reached from this city. Tho Is land was to be fitted out as a park nnd several pleasute steamers were to ply the uatrrs of the "crooked riv er " The water supply was to be ob tained from a large aiteslnu well wlili h was sunk, and was Immedi ately put Into use to supply the vil lage which .Mr. Slocum had already commenced to build. One evening close by the very giound On which this giand transitu million was to be made Mr. Slocum was run down by a Lehigh Valley engine and Instantly killed Relatives never made any pretense at carrying out the plans he had for mulated nnd Anally the Sptlng Hiook Water company laid a pipe line to PICTURE Ding, donp, hell, Pussy's In the well, Who put her in? Little Tommy Green, rind the boy w ho who pulled her out? the row of houses which form Moeum vlllacfo, and for the past yeai have been furnishing the water supplv thete At the time they pinchns-ed tho water wheel, but never removed It until last week. MONTROSE. Special to the Pcranton Tribune. Montrose, July 8. ThU town nsiin enjovs its noimnl tempeiatuto, tor which all its people aie trulv thankful. Prof. AV. H Wllbnn nnd wife, of Brooklvn, N Y aie l.itlnsr t'ommls sloneis' Cleik W. A. Titswoith and wife. Dm Inp: a soxem slinwer about noon vciterdnv, JUss Hevsle Mack, who was enpraRed In household duties neur the stove in the kitchen of her homo on Chinch Mi oct, lecelvcd an electric shock which lcndciod her unconscious for some little time and piontiated her for the balance of the du, but did no seilous or pcmi.ment Injury, other people In the nclghhoihood .it the time distinctly felt the shock, but In a lets deirree than Miss Mack. Miss Mollle Smith, who has been vis iting her patents In this place, left to day for naue. Mass, whete she Is an Itihtiuctor In the public school r AV. Ciandall, of Klkland, Pa., who Is now sojnurnlnpr at He.ut lake, was a visitor Iti town toda. Dr. W. It. Dunton, of Oermnntown, Philadelphia, has opened his summer icsldcnce, "The Wajslde," and Is en teitalnlnp; a number of fi lends from the cits . James D. Smlllle, a distinguished New York artist, accompanied by his feons, is utoppinc; at Uosemont. Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Hlichaid, who have been spending several dajs with Monti ose telatlves, returned today to their home In Susquphanna. One of Uncle Sam's heroes from the Philippines nirhed In Montiosc this morning on the Lackawanna tialn, In the pers-on of Pilvate Heibert Shufelt, Company r, Pot ty-seventh leglment, t'nlted States Volunteer lnfanti, who enlisted nt the lecrulting ofllce in Montrose in September, 1839, and soon after left for the Philippines, wheie he was in aitlve service until May last, when he was hnnorablv discharged be cause of disabilities lecelved In battle, having been shot in the light hip, din ing a night attack on Dainga, In Southern Uu.on While In the hospital Shufelt became terribly tun down nnd emaciated, but he Htates that the sol dlers are given the best of food nnd caie and he came out in a condition, as tn flesh, that is all that he could de Fire Aside fiom his lameness, he Is the plctuie of roUist health. Miss Lillian C. Richards, of Reran ton. Is a guest at the home of Mrs. N. II Shafei. Mrs Otis Tl Cook and son, Arthur, are visiting Mr. Cook's mother, nt her home In Lanesborn. rteglMer and Recorder U B Tluffum will represent Rescuo Hook and Lad der company, No 1, of this place, at the Five County Pliemcn's convention nt Ttoy, Pa Union services were held In the Meth odist Kplscopal chutch last evening, and a very able discourse was delivered by the pastor, Rev. Haskell n. Bene dict. V Nelson Barnes and family have returned fiom a visit to relatives in Hush William Leander Post, of Washing ton, D C , Is a guest at the home of D. H. Lathi op. H0PB0TT0H. fpfflal to the Fcranton Tribune. Hophottom, July S. The extreme heat of the past week has been the occasion of some eases of prostration, even among tho country villagers. M. J. Hnitley has been seriously 111 since Wednesday morning, but Is thought to be slightly better, O p Robeits also suffered a paitlai prostiatlon, but Is now nble to bo at the station. Mr. and Mis Lewis, of Piovidence, R. I, are visiting their son, Rev. L. L. Lewis. They are entertained at the home of Mt. and Mrs. E. M. Tif fany. Alden Benjamin met with a serious accident while celebrating the Fourth. A pipe had been filled with powder and placed upright In the ground, and hlle In the act of firing It the pow- der was discharged Into the lad's face, badly disfiguring him and possi bly seriously Injuring his eyes, which have been tightly swollen shut slnco the accident occurred. Miss May Ackerly and Mr. 13. Alex nnder, of Scranton, were guests of Miss Mvia Jackson during the past week. Mt. nnd Mrs. Tiank Hell and Mr. William Harris, of Scranton, visited friends In town July -I. Mrs. I3arl Yeomans Is numbered on the sick list. Mts. Davis nnd family, of East Lenox, were visitors at M. J. Hart ley's on Sunday. FOREST CITY. fpeelal to th Scranton Tribune. Porest City, July F. Misses Belinda Hlggln-t and Mlldted Moran, of Car bondale, were visiting In town today. Alfied Davis and D K. Uramon are In Hlnghamton. Mlw nctilah Hlne, of Scranton. spent the Tourth with I'm est City friends. Snpeilntendent W W. Inglls, of the Hillside company, was here Sunday. The doctors have been busy with PUZZLE. thelr vaccinating needles the past few davs, all on account of the smallpox Mate at Simpson. The LOliseii.itlnn of Christ Episcopal will tako place Tuesday even ing. Bishop Talbot and a large num ber of the ileigy of tho diocese will bo Piesent The rectot, Rev. J V. Btod liead, has prepaied the following oidci of services fm the occasion. 10 SO a. in , consei ration, sermon, holy com munion, pieachei, Rev. 11. L. Jonce, D. D, lector of St. Stephen's chinch, Wilkes. Bane, T.30 p 111., evening pr.ivci and address, "Stone Chuichcs and Chinch Stones," Rev. V. R Bateman. rector Chutch of tho Oood Shepheid, Set. ui ton: "The Chutch a C.trat MIs slonniy Socletv " Rt. Rev. lHhelbeit Talbot, P. D. The choir will be .insist ed by a number of otbei slngeis In rcndeilng the musical piogiamme. H. L. Avery wa tendeied a pleasant suipilsc patty on his fiftieth blrthdav, list week, bv mcmbois of the Baptist chinch, of which he is a trustee. HONESDALE. Special tn the Scranton Tribune Honesdale, July S. Announcement Is made nf tho coming maitlagc of Miss Tcssle Ktllgallon, of Honesdale, and John Pldgeon, of Carbondale. Miss fieitiudo Rockwell has 10 tuined from Auburn, N. Y., for a few months' visit with her Honesdale telatlves. Conductor William Pierce, "of tho Pelawate and Hudson, Is entertaining his brother, David Pieice, of Leavcn woith, Kan. Misses IMIth Lorry, Grace Salmon, Helen Savage, Louisa Rurland, Re becca Thompson, Messrs. William Swift, Pied Mennei, Milton Salmon and P. Suvrtam, composed a Jolly party who picnicked at Beech lake to day. Rev. and Mis Biewer, of Iowa, are guests of the latter's biother. Ml. c . V. Bullock. Rev C L. Percy, of the Baptist church, and memheib of his congiega llon will attend the dedication of a new Baptist church of Blooming (Jiove, Piko county, on Wednesday of this week Many of the maple trees that have shaded the streets of Honesdale for veais have become unsafe by dernv. Dining a spveie shower Satin dav. pait of a large maple was blown down on the Methodist church cnt ner, which completely iblocked the stieet The Misses Tlorence nnd Mabel God win, nf New York cltv, arrived Friday evening to spend the summer with their grandmother, Mrs, Wheeler, on Thlirl stieet. The seven county organization of the Grand Army of the Republic will held their leunlon at Lake Lndoie on August 21. During the severe thunder storm Friday evening, the dwelling house of John Rose nnd Mm of Mr. Keller, In the Cheuy Ridge settlement, weie struck by lightning. The buildings werei snatteren ny tne noit, nut no further damage was done, and no one. was Injured. FACT0RYVILLE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Factoryvllle. Pa., July S Mrs. Walter Reynolds and Mrs. Chas Knapp aio taking In tho sights at the P.ui-Atnerlcan this week Reuben Gardner, who leccntly grad uated at State college, ns an electric al engineer, has nccepted a position nt Schenectady, N Y Mis Llz.le Wrlgley, of Cazenovh, returned yesteiday after spending n week hero with ft lends nnd relatives Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hllenhergei nto entertaining ft lends from New York Miss Blanche Staik has been entet tnlnlng Miss Ruth Bell, of Poyntelle, the past ten davs. Mrs. Daniel S. Spencer and son of Rloomsburg are guests at tho homo of Heniy Pike Miss Alice Dean of New York city Is the guest of her sister Mrs. Helen Wilson, nf Noith Main street Miss Stella Bailey of Waverly, Ta., spent Sunday with her filend Mlse Helen Baid. Mr. William Snnver left lasi'-'Ftl-day for Trenton, N. J., where he will spend n month looking after business interest. Piles Cured After 30 Years. Thos E Wood, $l ITth St , barramenlo, Cat "One 50 cent box el Pjramlil Pile Cure pen"' ncntly ciirrd me of piles for 10 jears I auflrreil, underwent a til slitful operation, nearly died but lailed to imp I J unable to walk when I tried Tuamld Pile ( ure 1 he first application relieed me " All PniRRl.ts fell It. Quickly euus ecetj fottn til pile" Hook free by null Pjramld Drue Ce, Marahill, Mich THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New oik, .lul 8 The action ot prices in to dij'a stock market made it ctldent that verv large financial interest were conducting tome notable operation The cpKode ot the sccenlli National bank failure and tne nini iaiiure in nuflatn hac become aulticlenth clear to indicate that they aie not of prime importance in the Immediate Iomb imohed or In the Immediate collateial oftccts but ai a povilblc fjmptom ol genetal conditions they hac received fcrlous attention 1 lie accumulation ot doubtful teeurl ties baa alnajj proved a consequence ot a period ot indutrial cxpinsinn, hmincvt piopcrlly and the gcneial credit which Ij therchj caused, 'the actual present conditions in fleuniny bears ttrlk ine testimony to this eronomlc law. The btv enlh National bank episode has undoubtedly in rimed a general overhauling of collateral by the lanks ot the Wall street district Not a little liquidation ha I ecu imtnedlatrlv induced as a result. In the ttock market there have been large speculative holdlnct which were withheld from sale onlj b reason of the support which has teen accoided to prices by large indicates and mrnejed interests The Indications wrrc that a rontlrieriblc put ol this suppoit was with drawn todav anil hi Re holdings were dialodccd by the decline In pilees 'which wis allowed to occur The celling w is concentrated in charade r, the bulk of it coming from a few tock exclunge houses which hive often acted for western nut tllt, some of whom had become piomlnent, in the steel trade before the formation ot Iho (.Tutted Stales steel corporation and have been relegate 1 to the backgriund Ince the rise ot that coipors tlon The selling attributed o this source wis eroimous, not on! of the I nited -tjtcs ieel storks themselves but of the inllrovl stocks whiih led the tlunip The inunediite cause ot the weakness of this gioup was the leported announcement bv the Mclilson authorities that freight latea would lie cut In the Chicago Missouri liver terrltor In! 1" Vs the lailroids In this terrllorv ompilc the principal prop ertles supposed to hive been brought Into com munity 01 IntcroM, and as theio has been a largo spci ulatinn in tliein founded on this sup polic,n, the hoitilltv nnnifetcl h a cutting ol lates uiide them pcctiliail vulneuble Thrv led the decline all div with mil occaslouil straggling nllies on covering by lonr tiadei In the tlnil bicik st Pui) fill in extreme lO'5, XllsM)iirl Piiillc, s, nim, Pitlrk, J',, tchl ton, ", and lulled Slites siofj, vUilch hid ollercd some ieltmce iliirlng the di, suddenly dioppul tour points under vei heiv offerin(.s While the geurril luaikct was les acutely if fected thcie w is some shnp looses recorded among tie New Voik public utilities, (hi nin-t piom Incut iiiduslriiN ami Hie cistern trunk lines and toiler Iho declines in these rinsed frnm .1 to T points in the principal c ies mil the mirlet closed ill a scnii-ilcmui ilicd ivuulitiun Total sales, I ins),s1 shum Itallroid bonds weie well, in sinipilhy with atmks lotal site, par value, sJ,0iAit I s icfundlng 2i advanced 'i per rent, on the last call. The following quolitions are furnished Til Tribune I v M s ,lr,lan tt Co, 100ms "'. "' t Ueara building, Scranton, Pa. lelephone 500.1: Open- High. I.ow clos ing. est. eat. ing Vmerlnn Ru-ir Ill 111 110 111) Atchison Mi4 M2 W4 M) Atchison Pr 10)U 1IMU HM', Imi1 llrook. Iractlon fl si4 70' 7J'a Pair, k Ohio lo.i', in.-, lOi'j lot tout. Tobuco S is 1.7 iiT (he A, Ohio 47"j 47'j 1', l (hie A. t.t. West V -! 'it 11 st. Paul I,JS Vl lM's lo"s ltock Island IjO'j 1.1 1I UO han .V.Tcv.Pr dV, i M "',, Louis. .V Nisi 1W' lfroa l(h,, llh.s, Man. 1 levatcd 1JI l.M 1I7 ll Met 'luction 171 171 K.i H.) MUo Paeiflc lll'l 11. 'i lC,it 10 Hi southern Pacflo Si1 ft-", 51 Sl .Noifolk K We.t 40', Soj 4li 50a N Cential !17., l7'j 111 loOi Out K Western ."i3! Ti' .r., 31', Penui It It Ill'; lP'i lim, 117 Pacific Mail 10 40i3 os'4 ..sij Heading Ilv 13, 41', 4'' 4.', Heading Itv , I'r. 70 7P 771i 77, .southern It It '1 3t 51 6 South It It, Pr Ml fui4 i S-, Tenn Coal K Iron .... fii i fi.'i fli t s leather 1 'J II', II n'i I s leather, Pr 7s' Ts", 77'i 77, t S Itubher '21'i I1U S0ia -JOij I nion Paciili- 107 Ills lnj 10J I nion Pielflc, Tr. . ... 00 .i)2 Ri'i Wabash, Pr 4i,s il''h 4IH3 40ij Wstrrn I'nion DJ oj fifli, ol fol Fuel Iron Ill Ut 10 105 Vmal (opper 12.! Ml Ut3 11 People's 1174 117'j 11, HI Irie IJ 4Ji, Ml3 .",9s, 1-ne, lit 71 7ll, f. l'a e T (ol So ll, H3i II II Texas Pacific 44'4 !( Vt 4IV Vm Car Foundry tJ' "-" .VO- TO", I sfP ( o in , 47 u (ut U. h. Meel Co, Pr fmij 0.'', o,i, 01, NLW 0HK filtVIN MVnKFT Open lUch- Low. flos W11HAT ing est. est Ing September 70, 7o 7m i 701 Peeemler 725 "u 7J't 72' cort.v eeplcmber SI M'i 80'8 S11 Scranton Boaid of Trnde Exchango Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. SsTOrhS nid Asked, first National Panic 1200 Scranton Savings lank 3V) ... Third N'allonil Bank 4o Ilime Deposit and Discount Dank . 27J ... Icononiv Light, II K I To 4a laeka Tnist Safe Deposit Co Clark A Snovcr Co, Pr f-ennton Iron Fence K Mlg Co.. , fvninten Axle Works . la kiwinni Dalrv Co, Pr . ... County Savings Hank k Trust Co,. 1 irst National Hank (Carbondale) , Stardaid Drilling Co Tiadert' National Bank Scranton Poll and Nut Co People's Iljnk ,, New Mexico n.v i. (' ( o HON US. Scranton Passenger Hallway, first Mortgage, due 10-20 People t Street Railway, first mnrt. gage, due 1918 People's Street Hiilway, General mortgage, due 1921 Dickson Manufacturing Co . . . , Laeka Township School S per cent !0 125 100 P3 tO 3m) J2V SI) 175 100 130 75 115 ... 113 ... 113 100 ... 102 Lit) ef Scranton st imp 0 per cent 103 Scranton Traction fl per cent .... 115 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corereted by II fi Dale, 27 laekautnna Av ), 20Vaa2lc.j daliy, frMh, 10U JO'jc Cheese-lull cream, new, 10iJlUi .RC1Vcttein It fill, ll'iallc , nearby state, tteans-Per bushel, rholce marrow, 2 60a2nl Pek ' (leans Per buvhel, choice marrow, $2 331 Medium Pean-Per bushels, tt (0a$3 4J. liieen Peas-Per bushelea, Jl 0al 15 Hour-Pest patent, per tmrel, 43 nd Kldnev Detns Per bushel, w 4ja; 50, Potatoe Per bushel, MaOOe. Philadelphia drain nnd Produce. Philadelphia, July 8 Wheat-Pie lower; en. tract gradi lul, iafVOjc Coin le higher; No 2 mixedTMulv, t'JalOc. Oats-lirm and le, h'gher; No. 2 white clipped, 33c. Butter Htm, piintt, le. Iilgher; fanev western cream, er, lH.c.t do, do pilnti, 20c.; do. nearby do . 22c. i:,'S Pull, uncharged; fresh nearby, THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Llnct, 3 Cents (or lUch Extra Line. For Kent. WVWMNAA MM''SAfSl For Rente About 1 200 feet of floor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, su'table for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of The Tribune. I Oil nKM'-Kleht ronm, 73J Jefleron aenue; all modern cnnienlencea ' fOH ni.srroom home, corner Wayne avenue and Putnam tret, hot and mid """ rnre but amall family need apply. I'M wajne atenue. WD OltEK.V mnci; STItKET. ten room, modern lmproementaj iteam heat lurnUhed; ociir. dcilrabte. For Sale. ALCIIOV SAt U-Thuraday, July 11, at 10 a in , balance of the contents ol the Westminster hotel, .1.' bcdioom suit. 7tf carpets, 11 tables, ottliL desk, fOroom annunciator, nramhall k Dean and broilers, copper cooking uttn elK bed ind table linen, pictures, crockery steam Hble, plate warmer, Ice cieam freezer, roflee mill, cale, mirrors, etc., etc , will he told without reserve fc. M. .strong, auctioneer 1 Oil SALK Six head work horses, one weighing l.sno ounds, two pilr driving houcs, matched. tan be tccn at the United Mates hotel, 11 Penn avenue. 10U SUM Vox terrier thoroughbreds nicely maikcd, cheap A. J. Shneil, .U Penn ave. KM nPNI tt lake Sheridan, a very desirable furnished cottage. Call on or address Y, C. Diiggs, Mcholson, Pa 10U hVM. -V pretty saddle horse, seventeen hands high, will drive any way. Address "It." this office. lOlt SvLK-hodA fountain, cheap C. K. Cooper, tot last Market street, Kianton. lOIt SvLL A Cottiell i hons cllnder press, aix3fl. In good condition, new lolleis, $..00 Aipl likes llarre limes Oftlcc, Wilket narre, Pa. U'jiltc, d,. vveslein, llalle . do south western, 12V-C , do soiithrn l.'c Cheese lasler, N Y full cieains, fancy small, 'J'.a 0sc 1 do do d.i , fair to choice, S'ja'ic. lie lined augars-tjuict, but stead. (otton Ue. lower, middling uplands, 00. Tallow Steady. (Ity prime in hhds , 3',r , country do do. bids, 4i 'e , cakes, 5'ac Live poultry linn, good riennnd. fowls, 13c J old roosters, "'basi , spring chickens, ljaJOe ; tprlng duiks, lie , old ducks, 10c. Dressed potiltr t'n chinged, fowls, ehnice, ltc , do filr to good, lOalo'-c, old roostcis, h'-c , broileis, ncarb, 1m2"k , westen do, 1 aiA Itecelpts-Heur, 1,300 birreN, and 000,000 pomuls in sacks, wheat, .,000 buslirls com, 61,0(H1 bushels, oats, 0 000 bushels shipments Wheat ihi bushels, corn, bushels, oats, 8,300 bushels New York Grain and Produce. New iiik, tuly S Hour Weak and 5 to He, lower all aiound, Minn patent, $.IHn!w), 1I1. bikers, 2 M it 10; do. siralghts, ?.! J3al oO, d cxtias, svjsin'iM, do low grades, sjiOiJto. Wheit Spot wcik, No .' led. 7.'e. f. 0 b. atloji, and 70'4c elevator. No l northern Dul nth, 723ec f o. b aboit Options generally weak and heavy all da , closed weak and l?sa2'c. net lowei Jul dosed ,0'ic , Sept, 70!c , O.t, 70V ; Hcc , 72'jc lorn-Spot flrinn, .No 1. 50'ic elevator, and V2',c f. o b afloat Options opened firm and was well siistiiiicd ill eh Closed tlrm at '4c net .advance Jul closed Wsc ; Sept, Sl'ac Oct, fil'r. Oais 101 moncr. No i, Jl'Cc , No .1, 31c , No J white, Sjijc. No. 3 white, 3l'sC , trael, mixed westein, Stat'i'.c ; track white, 31'fcaTJc Options firm and nikher on crop a''vicea and with corn llutter W'eik; creamei, lialOkc i facor, Hilj',.ci imitation cieanur, Hal7c ; state daii, HalS'jc ( heese ljulet; fancy laign coloicd, tic i do do. white, 9c ", fane sin ill, coloicd, Ba9 e ; elo do. white, Oi'i'sc 1 ggs Irregular; stale and I'enni , Itallc , western, uncandlcd, l)al2i2c ; western, candled, lJaH'jo. Chicago Grain and Produce. Chicago, July S lower cables ind excellent crop piospects weie bear fictors in the wheal market oda.v, and September closed an even cent uneler the final ngurcs of Saturda). September coin closed s,c higher, and oats were aTaC. higher, while provisions closed weaker fiom 5 to 30 cents lower. Cash quotations were as fol lows; I lour Dull and easv , No 3 spring wheat. 61 afU'e , N11 I red, filaiS3',c, No 2 corn, 4fiV'., No 2 cl!ow, IhV ; No. 2 oats, 30'iitl'jC , No 2 while. 32'3C , No. 3 while, 31'4a.!2e , No 2 r)e, VJ'tV., No 1 flax seed, $1 B, No 1 northwestern, tl 8?. prime titnothv seed, H 10, mesa pork, 1 1 7iaU W); lard. R 30a 52'a, short ribs, $7 72'ia7 03; di Halted shouldeis. 7a7'4c; short clear ide, JS lOiSji), vvhiske), Jl 27. Chicago Live Stock Market. ( hicago, July 8 Cattle Receipts, 22,000. in eluding 1,400 fexaiis. good to choico cattle, fiim, others, ! , butchers stock, steady to slow, 'lexaiw, steadv, except common, .)20a e)40, poor to medium, jliJlO, ttockeia and fecderv, weak, $2.oal 10. cows, $2 13aliO, Jiflf ers, $2 WHt 00, cmner, 2at, bulla, choice, Aim. others, slow, $2 tOal V), calves, slow, $1 25a 23, Texas tteers, fJ I3a5 20, Texat bulls, J2 Mia t M Hogs Receipts todav, 2S,ooO, tomorrow, ', 000,, left ovei estimated, 1 son, .teael, top, 113, mixed and, $VTOa6 0, good to choice heavy. $3S3aol3, roush heav.v, ii 70a DM, light, $3 70a. bulk nf sales, 5Ma0V SI eep neceipts, 20,000, sheep and lambs. IV higher, arllvc, Idaho range lambs, up to h So (,ood to ehoiee wethers, .' 40al 13, fair to choice mixed, iMaJ73, western sheep, $.1 Hat 13, vear ling', fiftiallV; native lambs, JU5.23, western lambs, $.1 73a 3 CO, Buffalo Live Stock. last Buffalo, lul) , Cattle closed dull, ex-p-it, .trietly fancy, Wfflafi, choice to extra ex port, $S65aS75. good to best, $313a5M; thlp pmg steers, 5a3JV, export bulls, choice, to extra, $lal 23, good to choice hutchera' steers, $1 !5alM3, good to best butchers' steers, !jl 13a 4 10, pood to best fat bulls, $W4 23, jearllng steers, good to choice, J.lf")allO, common to filr -lo, I23eltvfl; fat heifers, choice to exlia, $1 lOalfiO Canidx stock. Calves, choice to e Ira, R.) 53a4 15, good lo ehoiee do, .) 50al 73, feeders, good to cxtra, flat J3; calves, choice tn extn, tiTJirt, good to choice, f3J0a3 73, Michigan calves. $3 50a I 75 Shrcp and lambs stead) , spring lamb", choice to extn, $25aH50; good to choice. $flio23, )carllngs, ?l V)al 75, theep, mixed, -iiOaJt0, export welhers, Hal 23; export ewes, ft 71 llogs Vitlve demand, the mailct was firm and lOilV hlgler, heavy. ? Oifl (3; mixed, 116 (Ox hVi. vorkers-. $6 2016 13, p'ga, 5.30j6J3, rough, $3 50a3H3, stags, $1 50a3 New York Live Stock Market. New nrk, July 8 Beeves, active prlees steady to shade higher; .tceia. ft lOaSFS, stags, (I 73, hulls Wat, low., 2a4 ( alvct-vctlve for all torts, veals opened H hlclier: come late sales, $ 25 higher, butter milks, 75e. higher; veals, $ta6 30, buttermllkt, 2 75aJ 50 sheep and limU Market bil.k on light sup nlvi sheen. 10 to 23c. higher: lambs. W. high er en top grades, under grades, 3ft to higher, sheep, tlal 40, lambs, I3a7, milt, I23al50, few vraillngs, l 50 llogv Maiket 2e hlghei, wes.ern hogs, or iliiiai), (o25, Mate bogs, sfi 13art 33. East Liberty Cattle. I a.t Libcilv, lulv S -Cattle-sfai)e extra, 5V)6sVi, prime, $ HOart ,3, good, jiJOi'ijO Hots Active and higher, prime heavies and mediums, rt2"ao0, be.t vnrkeit, $3 23aH 50, ilght vorken an I pigs, b20ao23i eommoii to fair voikert, Jti I3ab 20, skips, 3a0, tuugh., U 25a3 75 Sheep Higher; best wetheis $33a(, mils and common. I150a2 50, jearlings, (2 50al50, veal calves, J8 50a7. Oil Market. Oil City. July -Credit balaneei. 105; rertlfl. catet. no bids or oflen. Runt, three djys, 2t,. ,vi; average, 3,527. bhlpmenU, three di)l, JM; avenge, 00.612. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Wanted. ATH-An Intelligent (Pmlinllc) lad or sen tleinan to All a Unlit, pleaMnl pnlton; sond paj, It auitahlc. Aildreu P. O. Ilox 20, (crinlon, Pa Help Wanted Male. W.TH-A baker at Uolnwawr'a, 311 Penn aienue UASn D-lmir filler bumh inakern. clear irker and tobaico Mrlppen llccker llio , Oil nohlruon street. PAINTMtS WANT Mi Park. At Lincoln avenue, West Help Wanted Female. H'ANlM-:ood ironers at tvstal l-aundr. WANThP Ladies or gentlemen, salar seven! file dollaia per nonth and expenses to travel No ranvasslng, titty dollars per month at borne, ateady emplnment. tall at Cirand Central Hotel BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Received nt Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALP.I RT SCHLUT7, corner Mulberry street and Webster avenue GUS1AV riCHLL, 630 Adams avenue. West Side OLORGK W. JF.NKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton ' FRLD L. TLRPPL", 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North avenue and Market street. Main Green Ridge CIIARL1S P. JON1S, 1337 Dickson avenue r J JOHNS, fi-20 Green Ridge street C. LORLN, corner Washington ave nue and Maiion street. Petersburg V. II KMPFFL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J O. BONG A. SON. Rooms and Board. LARGE front room with board for two gentle men, 416 Adams avenue Boarders Wanted. WANTKD Table boarders. Mrs. 'lompkim, Mt Washington avenue. Money to Loan. JJJO.OOO TO LOW lowest rates; ttralsht or monthly payments Stark & Co .tradeit' bldg. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN-Quick, stral.-I t leans or Building and Loan At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N V. Walker, Sit 313 Connell building. Lost. IOir black cow, no boins ind m till. Re turn to John ( apcuu, Olyphant, I'i Furnished Rooms. IOU RLNT One large furnished front toom; also one tide room. 537 Adams avenue. Personal. WIIT, 1 KB Box Ss coiiHiicment cases at my home Scavenger. A DlTniGOS CLUVNS PRIVY VAULTS AND cesa pools, no odor; only impiovcd pumps used A. B Hrlggs, proprietor. leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Eickc'a drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Situations Wanted. SirivriO", WVNn-.D-B a jnung man. as 1 first-class ttenogripher Adduvss "stcno," care iribune SUUA1IOV WANIlli-tly a oung man, well recommended, willing to work at am thing, cheap, with boaid. Addicts K. M , 511 Meridian street. blTl VTIOV W N1I.D-Ry a middle aged woman as housekeepci in wi lower's family . ean give refeicnco. Call on or adhe-s l. 11, 115 South Rebecca avenue, cianton, Pa Sill MION WNril)-By joung Kirl as nurse Call at 61S River street, south side MU'AIION W NTI l)-l,lrl wants situation at geneial housework t,ood -tcsdv girl d dreiss VI, Hochfurd, l.rncul Dclivci), Wct Sida 1'ottoffle.e SlTl'MION WANll.ll-V tiit elas coiehman de sires a situation with a pilvate familv Capable, srber and reliable anl understands iIm 1 uine- tlmroiikhlv . wilh leliicnccs. Addicts (oaihman No .11 Penn avenue blllHTlOV W NTI D-toaehmaii desires a sit uation with .1 pinite famll) , capable man, strictly temperate and tellable, with good lelei encci, Addic&s (.oachnun, AH Penn avenue, Lit). BASE BALL. American League. At Boston R II U Washington 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 rv-1 . Boston 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 .1 " '1 Batteries Carrlck and Clarke, Cuppy and Crlgtr Lmpne Connolly. At Phlladlphla- R II F Baltimore 0 0 0 t 1 I 0 0 (V-s 11 5 Philadelphia 0 2 0 0.10110-7 0 1 Batteries Nops and Itohlnson, Plank and Powctt. Umplies Sheridan and Manavau, National League. vt Pittsbuig Brttou n 11 1: 00000000 O-fl 21000000 x 5 Pittsburg Ballerlct-Nh hols and hlttrtdge, Poole atid Zimmcr. Lmplic Naih At Cincinnati- It II 1 New 3ork 11 0 1002 2 0-) Ij 2 Cincinnati 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 01 h 0 llattriles Vlatthewfon and Warner; Scott anl Bergen Implie Itehle. M Chicago- It II I Philadelphia ..0000000010 1 0 Chleagn 000 0 0 000 11-2 10 0 Mattel les DugKlebv ind MeFarland; latonand Kline linplrc Cunnlnaham. t St. Louit- R Ml 1 Ilmiklvn 000 10 203 1-7 12 2 M louis I Oi) I 0 1 I 0 2-0 I) 2 llittrrlcs Donovan and MiGuire, Powell and ll)au I mpire-ll Dae Eastern League, Provlder.te, I, vjontieal, fl. S)ranie, 1, Rochester, .1. Worcester, 2, Toronto, I. Ilattfcrd, tl, nuffalo, 0 AMATUER BASE DALL NOTES. The mpleft of Wentt k Duffy't chtllepge the einpIo)et ef the Clock Tehaceo compmy fo; a gam) of bate ball at Lake Lndort en Grocers' di), July 15. Plena tntwer threuch The Trib une. M. XftWt, hianafer; A. G. Neab't, captiin. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Thin Four Llnei, A Cent for Each Extra Line, PROFESSIONAL. ''Nixwtb'iiAts-st .arfHspHMtJ.J- Certified Public Accountant. l.DWMll) C. SPA11LD1NO, 23 TRADERS tUNix Piiildlng. Architects rnwAnn 11. building. DAVIS, ARCHITLCT, CONNELJj HtLDI.RICK L. I1ROWX, ARCH. P., REAL Kstate Kxchange llldg , 12. Washington at. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. lURDINO, 600 COSNFLL DUII.DINO. Dentlits. DR. C. L'. FILKNI1LIIOER, rAULp IILDINoT spruce street, Scranton. DR. 0. C. LAUDACII. 115 WYOMING AVENUE. Lawyers. HtANK p. nOLK. ATIOnvnY.AT!.AV. Rooms 12, 14, IS and 1 Burr building. f. K. TRACY.VrT'V.COUMONWEALTH DLUO. 0, n RF.PLO0LF, ATTORNEY-LOANS 1SEG0. tlated en real estate tecurlty. Heart building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. MILLARD, WVRRFV A. KVArP. ATTORNE3 and counsellors at law. Republican building, Washington avenue. J1SSUP A. Jlbst'P. AnORNlS AND COtlV. sellors at law. Commonwealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. KDtvvnD w inwpn, attornkv. M3C04, Oth floor. Mcart building. ROOMS L. A WTR1S. AITORNLY-ATLAW, UOARD of Trade building, Scranton, Ta. PATTIRSOV A WILCOX, TRADERS' .VATIONAfc Rank building C COM10YS. 0 13 RIPURIICVN BUILDING A W Bl RTIIOI V, OF1 1CK 211 Woming avenue. MOVED TO NO. Physicians nnd Sugeons. DR W. F. Al LLN, Hi RTuVasTiTnGTOV avenue. DR S W I.'AMOnnvUV. OFFICE 3.19 WASH. Ington avenue Residence, 1311 Mulbirry Chronh disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and genlto urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p m Hotels and Rfcsturants, THE UK CrE. 123 AND 127 FRANKLIN avenue. Ralea reasonable. P. ZriOLER, Proprietor. UK KCR NTOV HOUST. NEAR D , L. & W TAI- sengcr depot. Conducted on the European Plan MCTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Seeds. G. R CLvRP.K k CO, SEEDSMEN AND NtlRS. ermen, store 201 Washington avenua; greet bouses, 1950 North Main avenue; atort tela phone, 762. Wire Screens. JOSIPH KUITTFL, REAR" 51 LACK aTaVeT Scranton, Pa , manufacturer of Wire Screens Miscellaneous. Dill sVIAMNG TOR CHIT DRKN TO ORDFr" alo ladles' waists. Louia Shoemaker, 213 Adsms avenue. MlfiARGHl BROt, PRINTrRS' SUPPLIES, EV- xelopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa. THE Wn.KFSBHRE RtCORD CAN BE II VD in Scranton at the news stands of Reisman Bros , 400 spruce ind 50J Linden; VI. Norton, f.'2 Lackawanna avenue, I, S. Schutter, 211 bpruce street. LEGAL. Iltl MID 01. I WMIN1 IIS (andidates for the of Mee of mine in-pectois In the Hrst and See ond Inspect! n districts uie hereby notified that the boaid of examines appointrd b the eouit ol eiuiinioii 1 leas ol lukiwanna eountv will meet at the lit inl of eontinl moms, ( it) Hall, in lie ('itv if sirinliin, en lursdav, lul IK, viO, at J o'eloek p 111 for the eximmatlon rf such candi dales as ma appear before them Candidal. will p!cas nm 11 1 that eition il of the minf liw rrepiliea t lis 111 l. pioiluee sitisfsetor.v evi elence tn the Imaid of having had at least fle .viars praeiieil experience in the anthucite eoa mines of Pennslvan a IOIIN 1 SNHHR, XK.IIV tmitxRPS. IWHs VOINf, IVMIs 1 MORRISON, Alf RLIILV.M), Attest Bond I. MIL BONN, (leik Till, VNNI M, Ml I IPli of the stockholders it the Scranton Laee ( uitalu companv, for tie election of olheers and transaction of such othi business us mai come before the meeting, wll be held In the otlir of Ihe coinpan). in the mill, on Tucsda.v, Julv Hlh lsil. at 2 p m Ihe S11 niton be ( intain Co, II v PWIOR, S-eretar) FINANCIAL. K. - Vv -k ssvys. S "-Svtl u J K. , XVVNAAA OLDEST! WALL STREET SAFEST! BEST! Money Will Earn Big Monthly Keiurns. The Inv estor's 1 und Pa)s Semi monthly The oldest etaHihed in menca No certifleati holder has ever lost s cent Paments made te all subscribers everv 15 da)t No tiouble N delay Monev refunded on riemard Write to da) for particulars free to any address C 1" Maekcy k Co, Hudson Bld'g , New VorU Investment Offerings Paying 3y2 to 5. CanaJa Southern Railway Co, itt Mtg ss, J. A .1., 190S. Gbosa. & Ohio Railway Co. K. & A. Div. itt Con. 41, J eS J , i98o. Edison Elec. Illm, Co, of New YorK Itt Con, Mtg s J et J , 1495, Evans vllle & Terra Hante R. R. Co, itt Con. Mtg. At, J. et J , ioji. Iowa Central Railway Co. I st Mtg, as, J, & D, 103R. Mobile & Ohio Railway Co. Mont Div., itt Mtg. s. P. &A., 1047. N. Y. Gas. Elec. Light Heat & P'r.Co, Purchase Money 4s, P A A., 1949 Now York, Chicago SSt.LoulsR.R, Co. 1st Htg. 4s, A & ).. I9J;. N. Y Ontario A Western Ry. Co; I st Mtg 4s, M, &.S , 1991. Oregon Short Line Railway Co. itt Con. Mtg. st, J, A J., 1946. St. L. Merchants' Bridge Ter'l. Ry.Co. lit Mtg 5, A &O, i9io. Milwaukee Elec. Railway. & Light Co. A per ctnt. Preferred Stock. Complete riescrlptlve circular of thete and other securities furnished upon ap plication. Spencer Trask 5 Co. 27.29 Pine Street, 65 State St., Albany, New York