The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 09, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    WW' , 4f"IWlfffr f'l
m -
The kind thnt will Inst
nnd &lve satisfaction Is
what wo havo to offer
you. No hotter Hoso
mado thnn ELECTRIC
It's guaranteed. Many
other kinds hero for you
I lect from. Trices,
7c. to 18c. per foot.
Foote & Shear Co.
119 N. Washington Ave
Attractive Warm Weather
Clothing for Little Ones
The rnnlut and mvt CMntrtM vetj
and hands, light In wfleht, ?ri h4lnc a
llltli vnol The fisure iht (low in (nr
mltrj nights, Mttl Preves. .tarkels and
Cnafs in the r)ilwl"Jt rriii.t mitrriiis.
Inlants' Outfit for Jnnt- rperitltj
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruce Street.
Telephone er mill u a postal to coll at ntir and nuMe pri e rn laundering any quality
nr Itinrl tai c or t-vh uiiuins, results guar,
01 Witter riurkP. of Anlihtlil. who it on the
riKri tltr. Slllllnil N.iill, tllC Atililuld
fit tier) contjim ihr mllmin;
Int. litem o I if ip it lull here o( a larinz der
IlinKe tut tru in mlu, is nhile his e.el vas
ut Ihr" I r ( iiini him ti zlit the Amerlr ri
or.ii) jine ilioii I i ihr i.-hillo .ith !H
I itches for the iiunniiiiilii in thief, who whs at
TjMi a' mi tunc Tin' ronitil Iml orrlprs for
the eel to tft imilor nn at on o to onv
the" lirpuclii. Iut ji Hip p.p Muted
Joint in thr trjm pipe up out ar'l thp level
(mp i irn I it The tires wnp circuit from flip
lrun Imileis and thp chief fiiimrrr irportoil to
in- rip'am lint eeiwhini was (.o hot in the
fire loeni that hp mulil not renew the Joint fcr
ui lat turlw hiiur
Thp .apiain flnl not wi-h to hp delated s
ling and ii had im other H.n In nhlili to
Mini Hip ili-patilir- I lirn Mi llurko an I two
fillers vnlunterieil to trv to fi tho Joint at otiu
Ihrt wpip poiinittpil tn niikp tho .11 1 rin pi 11104
nuipcdpd an I the Hp nn nndrr wii In thipp
hours TIip iptiln wa m dclichtrd with thp
work nf Hip ohintppn Ihit hp illpd ill hinds
to inuter and rntnni"nriert thp thipp mpn bfloip
tliP whole hip'i (oinpam lip alsn told tho men
tint Iip wi.iild hap n note ti thPlr Rood work
written in ipiI ink on tin rptoid, of tho three
men mil it n apPii in tho nuil riepirtnient
at Wihiniirn
"Tip ciplain of thp Ni.hille hn sent to
VaMiinston an applhatlon for Mr Ilurkp's ap
palntinrnt a oIIpi, and If thp applintion is
apprmnl ho will lip latoil ai wnter tender, the
mo-t inipoitim po.iiirn in the ficputniPnt, n
ihuh Burke 1.1 llnR "
hPIKPant Ilnhiid I dard etndi relphiated
the twfnt-,irt annltiisiit of hi-, appolnlmrnt on
thr pnliip fnnp Thp his Mnp l0it oltUpr wh
made i 1 iiiolnun lij hrr I'owdrrlx, and wn
the i-ei ml uiPinln ,f Hip my f,nic. 'loin
Thorns win Im Imp fmlip straps on hhs coit
Imp a 1 he fun nun appointnl t gutrd
the cit i prjii.
II fro.!, whine i pnintnii lit m iwistant
papntrcr icrnt of ihp riilirnd wi an
noum.d in ficnl i . riihiine, will pne .Nrin
trn this rirnin; Im ( .mhrldce pnnc, whptc
tbrre will hp n tonvrnti n of Mir dilon pi.Pn
ppr arrnt rf ihc l.ii. He w.U he aiiompanicd
1 Mi C roN
Tr Anni Liw is out of th" city en 3. ix
week' i nati hi
Milium Mfliive, jr , went to New ork ts.
tfrdij aftrrnvn
Dr II n Ware and fimlly returned from
Duffalo xesterdi
Mr and Mi J D hiator lnc rfturned from
their weddinj toui.
C M Hoiej in at riiilllpi JIanor on the
Hudson on t huuit?. nip
Ouiet Ilojart and fiem;e ll.lljtead spent jes
Ifrday ftshin.' at rebhimn
Deruti Cilv (ontiollcr II nth v 1nd amy
are iendins 4 week In New mk
Alderman and Mu, I.iion Kai.snn returned jei.
terdav from the 1'an Amem-n tpnitmn.
Mus Mime nu.hnell left ic.teidi for a mnnth't
MMt with relallMii at I!oiheter and Buffalo
John Koemond, ftenosnpher of the ditrut
federal ..nut u isitlnn' frlmd in runlnue
.1 r Bond 1 Buikmll (.tuduit. I thr cujit
of hn rUMnite, n V lhoma, In thl citj.
Ir B ( lirnond ttorne II I. (.rimtH left
fiterda frr Bulalo, Magna Falls ard tlewland.
The Mi , M1l.1l Hlonnfr and Kdni Inlmtnn
left jesnrdm tn jom a ,nu,e pirtj at Minu.p
M B ( aei, Hipeiintendent of the I.ukawan.u
raihcad iar HUt, .pent jtsterdiy in New
William Kliak, rue ol the pojtofflee cleikt, It
renfineil to his homo on Uitblmin meet hy
Mr and Mr? l.rneu P Tarr hue returnel
urn llopedale, Miu , and ix(eit to make their
home beie
Mlu Amu rtichairtt, of South fiarfleld aunue,
r 1U leae Wednetdiy for Like bhcildan for the
ummer acation
MIm Bne. Unolt, of Olhe tlrct. la horns
from llatleton and Tifeland, wlmo the kPent
the lat mo wetk,
John Mc.Nalh, cf U3 ninli tieet. and CharUi
I'ddore. of Sit, BaMnond lomt, memhtra of the
rortj eerth eslnunt olunt.cis, ate home fiom
ll.e I'hillppinea
Charlea Mcilia and Fori en Carr luic rrtuined
rem Itica, N , liei tliev w.ited Kdward
Hh. formrrli of tin. .in, i,t ,luv proprietor
o( the Leu house, L'nca.
Al. Ooehel. of Prenott aenue, ha leached
1 Ii.1 rnu,.,M'0, ""tr "lnB ,H0 '"' !'
a the Philippine, with the 1 orty third Regiment
Infantry hind 11 u regiment haa a reputation
for ta heavy ln,e, and In belns muittted out
endi the olnnteer leglment.
Mr. Ike l)ala, of lai Vegai, New Mem. u
vliltlnir hit lter. Mm. A tliau, of (!17 Waih
Irgton awnue Mr. Grata 1. alio entertalnlne
her titter., the Mlwe. Julia and Lillian Patlt,
and niece, ML. .leannette Levy, of .New York,
anl Mr, and Mr. Jerome Mjer, of WllktcBatre.
The delinquent city and school tax
c for year 1900 can ho p.ild at the
City Treasurer's ofnee. Three jier
cent was Hrtrtrrt Septomher 1, 1900, and
nn additional 1 per cent, every month
thereafter until paid.
"" U J. Robinson, City Treas.
Eunoral of Mrs. Dlmmlck Will Take
Placo Today.
The ashefl of the late Mrs. Joan rlu
I'ont Dlmmlck, who died In Manchester,
Klip;., June 19, nnd waa cremated, ar
rived here over the I.ackauanna road
at 1I.3S o'clock last nlpht.
They will he committed to the family
vault In Forest Hill cemetery at 8.10
o'clock this morning. The committal
service will be tend by Kev. Mr. Hate
man. The) ashes ate contained In nn her
metically FPfllprl cilfcP. milrtA nf num.
tcred oak, shnpod In minlatute like the
more common styln of sarcophasl,
elKhteen and a half Inches lonjr, n foot
wldo nnd a foot hlsh. Silver-plated
steel bolts hold on the lid nnd on top
of the casket Is n silver plate beailnrj
the Inscription: "Joan du Pont Dlm
mlck. Horn lfith March, ISM. Died 19th
June. 1901."
The fact that the While Star Steam
ship company delivered tho casket to
nn exptess company having no Sunday
Sf-rvho to Scranton, accounts for the
dela5. The relatives took the casket
from this company and cave It In
UinrKe of the t'nlted States Exprens
company, which hastened It thtough to
Its destination.
Mr. Fuller Brings Out Some of Its
More or Less Interesting History
at Yesterday's Hearing.
If It wasn't that thnt very sarcastic
Mr. l'tiller, of the Luzerne bar, was a
MranRer within our gates, some one
mUht lie templed to llse up and say
he wat a hold, unnlce person.
Yesterday, In the hem In? In the
Ttocky Olen Injunction case, before
Judge Kelly, he had the effionteiy to
nttempt to brinp out by documentary
and paiole testimony that Arthur
Frothlnslmm wni not acting In Rood
faith when he piojected a re-etvolr
across the right of way of the defend
ant company.
Why In the world Mr. rrothlnRham
inuld want to block n railroad, ns Mr.
ruller would slly Intimate, Ia not dls
clojod, but be that as It may, Mr. Ful
ler tried to make It appear to Judge
Kelly that It was to block the railroad,
tather than to ionstruct n rctlly-trtily
water plant, that the reset voir was
He showed that, eaily last jcar.
OeoiKC A. I.ce, one of the ptomotcrs of
the now toad, had dealing with Mi.
Fiothlngham icgardlng the pcllIlng ot
a light of way thiough tho timt In
nuestion; that on May LM, of last car,
Mlt-s Annette He.noldp, In whop name
tho propeity was held, made and ac
knowledged n deed to the (.Jleii Illdgo
Ccmeteiy association for this nfoicsald
tract of land; that 110 one could bo In
duced to do any limylng thcie, and the
cemeteiy scheme was diopped, and that
after the ionic of the railroad was laid
out, the tcsenolr was dedicated so that
the hteast of the diun was tweho feet
below the line of the railroad.
The unnlce Mi. Fuller fuither made
It appear that Mr. Frothlnghnm knew,
up is commonlv known, that ,1 lallway
can not p.eicl..e a light of eminent
domain ngalnst 11 water company's
light of eminent domain, and can not
condemn property used ns a builal
gioiilid or place of w 01 .ship.
"Now Mr. Fiothlngham," diawled
out the luconMoi,itc Mr. Fullet, "ou
have, as wo bee, Incot pointed ourselt
as a cemeteiy association and a water
company please toll us when you pro
pose to hae youiself Incoipoiated as
11 place ot woinhlp."
Trior to Mr. Ftothlngham's examin
ation tho defendants put on the stand
H. A. Hoffman, a Wllkcs-n.ine civil
englneri, who told that while ho was
stttvelne for the now load .ruly hint
year he encounteted Mr Fiothlngham
and Ali's licvuolds on tho ti.ict now
in dispute and was told that he
touU r.nt I tin a line thtniigh theie .is
It was a cctueteiy. Hoffman ieiill1,
so ho says, that the law against seiz
ing a ceme'ety for rallioad put posos
was no. operatle until there had bean
some buii.tls made. To this, tame the
icjoinder, so Mi. Hoffman declares,
that "just as soon ns ou people make
n move with jour lallroad we'll hac
some stiffs In thcie, all right "
Later Jlr. Frothlngham took the
stand and denied Inning made thli
nloe quoted utterance, nnd Miss Hey
nolds aeired that she did not le
tncniher any such conversation.
Attorney H. W. Thajer, who diew
up the deed for the tinnsfer of the
plot to the cemetery association, was
called to tho stand nnd ptoduced the
He could not snv that It had ever
been dellveied. The plaintiffs con
tended that It had not been delhered
and that the cemetery pioject was
diopped before the association had 11
single meeting, because It was thought
lest to cut up the tract into building
CJeorge A., Mnlor T. F. Penman
and Civil Engineer nittenhouse were
examined at length regarding the op
erations of the road. They told of its
substantial construction and that fiom
1L' o'clock midnight until (j in tho
moinlng. It was proposed to inn
Height on It with hlg steam locomo
thes furnishing tho power.
At the opening of the honing, yes
teiday, another Intciruptlon came to
slo the plaintiffs a chance to show
that the defendants were still con
temptuously disobeying tho Injunc
tion restraining them fiom going on
tho disputed land, Tho testimony to
ptoe this disclosed that a guy rope
holding a denlck located on an ad
joining tract was recently tied to n
ttee thnt the plaintiffs claim Is on
their land. The defendants will make
answer this morning.
Marriage Licenses,
nthonv Felknwbkl Scranton
Helen Foulaine Scranton
Koheit Miller W'et Srrtnlon
Mi. Martha Jane Ford West scranton
I'etrr Itoslnkn Siramon
Air.le llohlalc ltjiuom
HIU SorulUI suanton
Anna Ukallnka Serantcn
m .
Hanley's Ice Cream
Is absolutely pure. 420 Spruce street.
COFo does not cause Insomnia. Cof.
feo does.
Tho popular Punch cigar Is still tho
lender of the lOo clgais.
rWhen it comes to a question
of accommodation this Bank is
always ns liberal as conditions
will warrant.
The People's Bank
Alleged Slayer of Edwin Schoonovor
Has Been Visiting at Home of
Henry Rodney Since Friday, June
28.He Donios the Murder of
Schoonover, but Admits Having
Boen in His Company Wednosday,
Juno 26 Sheriff Armstrong Will
Tako Him to Wayne County.
Wlnans Hull, of Carbondale, was nr
reatod jestcrdny noon at Mnple lake,
near Moscow, by Captain of Police
John Davis, on suspicion of having
murdered Edwin Schoonover, of Lack
awanna, avenue, whoso decomposed re
main were found at Lnko Lodoro last
Hull admits being In Schoonovcr's
company, Wednesday, June 26, the day
the dead man was known to be at Lake
Lodore, but denies having slain or
robbed him. He takes his arrest very
unconcernedly, nnd although the cir
cumstantial evidence against him Is of
the most convincing nnture, he smokes
cigarettes In his prison cell, nnd smiles
a contemptuous, aggravating smile.
The coat found on him was stnlryd
with blood, but there were no other
apparent Indications of guilt. He was
arrested at tho homo of Henry Rod
ney, the husband of a cousin of Hull.
Rodney l a fntmer at Maple lake,
which Is about four miles from Mos
cow, nnd It Is nt his home that the sus
pect has been since Friday, June 2R, hi
hosts not knowing that the police all
over the state were looking for their
A telephone message wns recelxed
from a Moscow resident by Superin
tendent of Police Frank Robllng yes
terday morning, In which the Infor
mation -was toneyed thnt a man an
swering the descilptlon of Hull, who
hnd, moreover, declaied .such to be his
name, wns at Rodney's home. The de
scilptlon given did not nt all tally with
tho one of Hull which Supeilntendent
Robllng possessed. The stranger was
described as fully six feet In height,
wheioas Hull 1 known to be only of
medium lze. Captain Davis, iho Is
acting detective nt present, by Instruc
tions of the chief, left the city shortly
after 10 o'clock on the quest and, on
arriving at Moscow drove over to the
Rodney farm, where he found Hull.
Walking up to tho young man, the
captain quietly called him, and as he
tinned nround. lemaiklng. "Yes, Hull's
my name," the police ofllcer laid his
hand firmly on his shoulder, and said:
"You are my ptlsoner. You arc wanted
fot the tnuidcr of Edwin Schoonover."
The Rodney family were greatly woi
rled over the aircst, having entertained
not the least suspicion that Hull's visit
had been caused by any sinister motive.
He bad nirlved nt the home, 1'ildny,
June 2S, meeting his cousin, Mis. Rod
ney, for the Hi st time. He told her he
had only iccently ascertained tho re
lationship and, desirous of taking a
llttlo outing In the country, had singled
out bis own family as tho proper per
sona with whom to stay.
Hull was dilven over to tho station
and hi ought to the city by the captain
on a Lackawanna pusher, 1 caching
hcie shoitly after 4 o'clock, and being
met nt the station by Patiolmen
Thomas Jones nnd Sloat. Hull was
taken before Maglsttatc MIII.u, who
icmanded him to the custody of the
W.ijne county official. Ho was then
lemoved to the cential station, wheie
ho wns examined by Superintendent
Robllng. Shetllf Armbiust, nf Wa.vno
county, ni lived In the city during the
afternoon and will leave the city with
Hull this moinlng.
Hull admitted being In company with
a man, nf whose name he claimed to be
Ignotant, but whoso description an
swered to that of Schoonover, on Wed
nesday. June 2ti, nt the lake. He also
acknowledged taking him to his cous
in's for .1 meal, but claimed to have left
him theie duting the nfternoon, nnd
saw nothing mote of him. He ad
mitted having had a knife In hi pos
session that day, but said he gave it
to his brother.
Alter lldlng to Carbondale on a load
of hay and Incidentally quarreling with
the men nn the wagon, ho slept at his
home In Carbondale, Wednesday night.
Tho next moinlng ho ioso eaily, at
tended to some chores, among them the
washing of a buggy, and went to Jer
myn by street car. From there ho rode
to this city on his bicycle and the same
day lode from here to Slmerson's, and
stayed at the latter place Thutsday
night, sleeping at the hotel.
On the following morning he went to
his cousin's and remained there since.
He scoffs at all Intimations as to his
guilt, and defiantly rematked to Super
intendent Robllng: "If I killed tho
man, why should I hang nround hcie,
Instead of getting as far away as pos
tlhleV" A careful search of his person failed
to reveal any money or weapon, al
though Schoonover had over JS0 with
him, besides a valuable watch and
chain, when he left home. Hull was
loughly dicssed, nnd the light serge
coat he woio was stained with daik,
rusty-looking patches of blood on each
"What me these?" asked Superin
tendent Robllng, sharply, 86 his eye lit
upon them.
"Yellow mud," nnsweied Hull prompt
ly. "I hnd a tumble from my wheel
and Hint's how I got them."
Tho stains had soaked through the
cuffs, however, leaving dark blotches
on the lining, and It was very appai
cnt that something of a far different
uatuio than mud catibed them. The left
cuff Is much more splashed nnd bespat-
tcicd than tho right one, and fiom the
condition of each It could be seen that
efforts had been Industriously made to
nmiovo the tell-tale spots.
The wheel In Hull's possession was
at llrst thought to be ono stolen from
A. R. Jones, of the Carbondale Review,
who left It tn front ot the Globe store.
Saturday, Juno 29, nnd It vvll be brought
to tho city by Captain Davis. How
ever, as Hull is known to have been at
Maple lake on that date, he Is removed
fiom complicity in that theft.
Last night Hull wns measured, ac
cording to the nertlllon system, by
Superintendent Robllng, In the pres
ence of Sergeant Ridge way, Rank
Alarm Otllcer Thompsrxi and a Tribune
man Hull wns biought out of his cell
by the sergeant. A handcuff was on
his ono wrist, but in his free hand he
had a cigarette, which he was smoking
in as nonchalant an careless a mm?
ner as though he were not under sus
picion of a most foul crime for which
his neck Is endangered.
He stepped under the measuring
beam, clgaretto In hnnd, nnd ns he
looked nt Iho stein-fated superintend
ent nnd two officers, n smllo actually
crossed his dark face, and through tho
measuring ho continued to smile nt In
terval, as though he really enJoed
the situation. He Is not a particularly
bad-looking fellow, this man Hull, nnd
doesn't look like U10 oidlnaiy suspected
Ho I live feet, seven nnd n half
Inches In height and weigh nbnut HR
pounds. His hair I dark b-own, nnd
his eyes also are brown. He I very
dark, and his features are regular.
The contour of his face I rather boy
ish, tho erfect being heightened by the
smooth upper lip. He formerly wore a
moustache, nnd only shnved It off last
Sunday, which he admitted to Super
intendent Robllng, nddlng an Instant
Inter, n he saw that this act might
be taken ns n partial precaution ngalnst
recognition, tint ho was In the habit
of shaving hi moustache about once
every two weeks or so during the sum
mer time.
On being asked during the measure
ment whether there wete any distin
guishing marks or scars on his person,
he laughed freely nnd, remarking.
"Yes, I've got plenty of scars," rolled
up his sleeve nnd showed a scar about
an Inch long on hi left arm nnd sev
eral smaller ones on his other nrm. He
l 24 enrs of age, nnd was born In
Only once did he evince any signs of
wenkenlng or being touched In a weak
spot. Thnt was when the superintend
ent made refeience to the watch and
chain of Schoonover, which Hull I
known to have tried to dispose of In
Carbondale. When this was mentioned
the prisoner winced slightly, nttompted
no explanation of the circumstance, nnd
then boldly denied ever hclng In pos
session of the articles.
He rested quietly at the ntntlon Inst
night, caused no disturbance whatso
ever, and nppearcd quiet and content
ed, ptcsentlng a marked conttnst to the
prisoner In the next cell, against whom
the charge of drunkenness was lodged,
and whose ciles nnd lamentations could
bo heatd all over tho block.
On These Date3 the Recorder Will
Inquire Into the Needs of Police
and Fire Departments.
Recorder W. L. Council will next
Monday begin a thoiough Investiga
tion ot the Hie department, Its pres
ent condition, needs, etc.
"Wo must do somefhlng," said the
lecordcr yestetday, "to meet the con
ditions which caused the jalsj of rate?
duilng the spring. I can't tell Just
whnt will be clone or what may bo
necessat y until I have carefully gono
over tho department."
About August 1 the Reeo'der w'll
make a close examination lnli the
workings of the police department and
Its general efficiency. Until this task
has been completed he will not tako
up the matter of filling the vacancy
caused by the resignation of City De
tective Moir.
Many of tho councilmen aie opposed
to having the city employ a detective
who Is known a such. They believe
a better system Is to have a man de
tailed from tho force for special duty,
as occasion seems to require.
To Bo Established Hero by the Loco
mobile Company.
The Locomobile company of Ameri
ca has decided to open a factory re
pair shop In connection with tho
agency recently established hero un
der tho supei vision of Mr. Whipple.
The same kind of machine! y used
at the factory Is to be Installed heic,
nnd the vailous sections and paits
uetessaiy In the consttuctlon of tho
locomobile kept In stock. All lcpalrs
on machines In Northeastern Penn
sylvania and Southeastern New Yoik
will be done hcie Instead of at the
Thirty-five Cars Wont Ovor a
Trestling Near Hancock,
Thirty-five cais loaded with coal
were wiecked on the Ontario and
Western load, near Hancock, Sunday,
Tho accident was duo to the hioaklng
of an axle while a long coal train was
ciosslng a trestle near Hancock.
Tho engine had got safely over the
trestle when the accident occuned,
No one was Injured, but the trestle
was badly vv locked.
Accidents of the Day.
James Jacey, of JesMip, a miner at the Ontario
collier, wa je.terday recehed at the I.aika
wanna hospital, mfTcrins firm one of the rnoit
terrible tcalp woundi etr treated at that 'n
Mltutlon The entire top of 111. head had been
crushed In by a fall of rock, and It required
thirty ttltche to close the wound, lie, will ie
coter. oleko FraneuWil, of South Wa.hlnston ate
nuc, whose left foot was crushed by a street
car, Sunday, also reLcUed tiratmrnt It was
found necessary to amputate one cf his toes,
An Italian workman at the Iarkawanna car
thops was painfull) InJuied jelerday morn
ii-jr, while at work. While nsslsllns In moving
a large fheet of Iron, he tripped and fell, re
ceding a bad gash en the lorvhcad and crushing
till hand.
Order Ice Cream
From Hanley's.
Spruce street.
Nono better.
25 c
Per Pound.
We havo plnced on the market
a fine Java Coffee nt 23 cents per
pound, sold ns Couisen's Java,
Whether you buy ono pound or
one thousand, it cannot bo sold
for less. Compare It with 30 cent
coffee elsewhere. Coursen's "best"
coffee, 35 cents, 3 pounds 90 cents,
and Coursen's Mandhellng Java,
3S cents, 3 pounds $1.05, are the
finest coffees produced.
E. G. Coursen
The First Named Young Lady Suc
ceeds In Capturing tho Much
Fought-Over Position in tho Ed.
ucatlonal Contest David Emery
Also Betters His Position A New
Name in Table No. 2 This Morning
Is That of Harry Freeman of
Bollevue, Who Holds Fifteenth
Standing of Contestants,
II thlt wis the last day, thnt would win:
1. Meyer Lewis, Scran
ton 520
2. Henry Schwenker,
South Scranton... 320
3. William Miles, Hyde
Park 237
4. Garfield Anderson,
Carbondalo 160
5. Miss Wilhelmina
Griffin, Providence 115
0. Miss Norma Mere
dith, Hydo Park.. 09
7. Ray Buckingham,
Elmhurst 03
8. August Brunner, Jr.,
Carbondale 81
How many of these will be In Table No,
1 on the closing; dayt
Miss Vida Pedrick,
Clark's Summit . . 62
Frank Kemmerer,
Factoryville 50
David O. Emery,
Wimmors, Pa. ... 45
Arthur C. Griffis,
Montrose 37
W. H. Harris, Hyde
Park 23
Miss Minnie Wallis,
Carbondale 17
Harry Freeman,
E. J. Sheridan, Haw
ley Miss Jennie Ward,
Robert Campbell,
Green Ridge
.. 16.
:: i7.
'.'. 18.
A number of changes will be found
In each of the above tables this morn
ing, the most Important of which nie
tho simultaneous advancements of the
two leading young ladies. Miss Wil
helmina Gilnin biought in 25 points
and goes to fifth place from seventh,
while Mh-s Not ma Meredith brought In
19, and goes fiom eighth to sixth place.
Ray Buckingham and August Brun
ner nie each compelled to tako a drop.
In Table No. 2, David O. Emery, of
Wlmmers, passes Arthur C.ilfns, ot
Monti ose, and 1 now In eleventh
place. A newcomer will be found In
this table this moinlng, Hatiy Free
man, of Rellevue, who Is now In fif
teenth place, but who is sanguine of
being placed much higher befote tho
close of tho week.
There Is plenty of room for ambitious
young people to enter the ranks of the
contestants; no others need apply. A
contestant beginning today with eight
arly subsctlbers, counting OS points,
would have a fiir.t-class title to sev
enth placo In the contest. A full de
scilptlon of the entei prise appeats each
moinlng on tho fourth page of The Til
btinc, or a letter nddietscd "Editor
Educational Contest," Sctanton Tri
bune, Scranton. Pn will be responded
to with a handsomely lllustiated book
let, or a set of subscription blanks, If
you mo deshous of participating In the
Remains of Mrs. Spencer Taken to
the City of Brotherly Love.
The remains of Mis. Spencer, wife
of Rev. David Spencer, D. D pastor
of the Blakely Baptist church, were
buried yesterday at Philadelphia.
Sunday afternoon the sei vices weie
conducted in the Blakely Baptist
church by Rev: Mr. Whalen, pastor of
tho Baptist chuich of Carbondale, as
signed by Rev. George Hngno of Oly
phant and Rev. W. P. Helllngs, D. D
of Philadelphia, brother of tho deceas
ed, A beautiful sermon was preached
by Rev. Whalen on the useful, elevat
ing life of Mrs. Spencer.
In the evening tho remains were
taken to Philadelphia whero burial
was yesterday mado in the Leverlng
ton cemetery. The pall-bearers were
G. M. Hull, S. P. Mitchell, C. M. Hath
away. John Griffiths, W R, Edwards
and John J. Priest, deacons of the
church. The flower-bearers were R.
Hat Season
is here for good. Don't go '
around wearing a heavy hat, ;
telling every man you meet ;
"It's a hot day." Most men ;
can tell a hot day without be-
lng told buy a straw hat and ;
be comfortable. '
Hero are Knox Straws, In nil !
shapes and sizes, S3 and $4.
An excellent hat, either split ;
or rough braids, SI. 50 and S2. ;
Alpine Straws for 81.50, on up '
to S12.00 for xeal Fanamas.
aaair . . -r. i
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
W. Taylor, George Hull, Arthur Wrd,
John Rennle, George Williams and
Stephen Griffiths.
will arrive todny with a fine a string
of horses as he ha ever offered for sale
In this city. See ad. In another place,
nnd look his hoiscs ovei In fore put
chasing. Sale, tain or shine.
P. O. S. of A. Notice.
All members of Camp S72 will meet
nt hall at 3 o'clock thl afternoon, to
attend the f uncial of Brother Eugene
Evans. White gloves. By order of
J. W. Danner, President.
Attest: W. S. Bartlett, Secretary.
If You Have Hendacheg
don't experiment with alleged cures.
Buy Ktnuse's Headache Capsules,
which will cuie any headache In half
an hour, nn matter what causes It.
Price 25c. Sold by all diugglsts.
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming ave.
Picnics and Large Gatherings
Promptly furnished with best Ice
Cream. Hanley, 4.'0 Spruco stieet.
' ' i .
Try the new 5c cigar "Kleon."
The greatest commercial
economist In the world today.
Compared to nny necessary
Investment In business,
theprofitfrom aTELEPHONE
is Incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Manager! office, 117 Adams avenue.
Straw Hats
New Stock Just Arrived.
All styles, from the $1.00
Alpine Straw to the $12.00
Don't forget we are head
quarters for
Summer Shirts,
Underwear, Etc
Try Our Special 10c Linen Collars
Suits to Order
$15,00, Worth $30 00
Pants $3,50, Worth $7,00
Oils, Paints and Varnish
MaIon?y Oil & ManiifacUiring Company,
141-149 Meridian Street.
The Great Carpet Opportunity
Of the year will be presented to the people ol Scranton
and vicinity on
More than 10,000 yards of Tapestry, Brussel, Velvet and
Axminster Carpets will be sold at prices far below mar
ket value. All carpets sewed free during this great sale.
BSrSee Later Announcements.
Good Team
France and Germany are making
a hit in European affairs on ac
count of mutual support. You
give your order to us for your
liquors, and we will make a con
tinuous hit with quality.
! fg
' i
Fancy and j!
: Art Goods Center. j
, .
:: Specials
This Week
t New Duchess Braids
for lace making.
Brlarene for fancy
I shirt waists.
I Your Inspection Invited t
i Cramer-Wells Co.,
130 Wyoming Ave.
Ik sounding the praises of our Union
Suits. They are the coolest underwear
for summer. Always In place, no un
comfortableness with bagging down or
pulling up. Just as cheap as two piece
suits, J1.00 to $4.00 a suit.
"A Gentlemen's Furnisher."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
There la no mystery about the busi
ness of a Title Company. It examines
titles to real estate, standing In tho
same iclatiou to Its clients as an at
torney, and after satisfying Itself that
the title I good, It issues its policy
of lnour.inre to the client. This
policy ot Insurance Is In the nature of
a bond, and affords absolute protec
tion to the client against any loss
by means of defective titles,
516 Spruce Street.
f A. VTalres, President.
A. II. UcClintock,
Vice president,
III A Knapp, V.-rre.
Itilph S. Hull,
Trust Officer.
Merchant Tailor.
319 Lackawanna Avenue.
2 ' yL
of Truth