The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 09, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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IJe cranon ri6une
PoMIhH pilly. Except Sumliy. by The Trlb.
in Pukllihlng Campiny, at Fifty Onts Month.
LIVV'S.' HlCHAfiD, Editor.
0. T. nVXDKK, niuliifu Manssff.
Ntw York Office i 1M Njmiii ft,
- Me Agnt for Korrlgn Ailrtllng.
tnterrd t the TiMtemtc at Smnton, l's.,
fiecood tfs Mill Milter.
Whtn titt will permit, The Tribune In sl-ays
tlsrt to print nhnrt letters from tt trlsnds bur
rif fin cutifnt tnplrs, but Its rule U that these
nut be signed, tnr ptilliratlnTi, by the writer s
ell natry-i and the condition prererlent to se
fftinte is thu ill contributions slull be subject
A editorial rulslon.
Tlir Ft. it niTr i-rtn invvnTistvn
The folloulns t.ible shows the price per lnrh
tarn. Insertion, apace to be used within one yeu:
,niPI,AY. I Paper (Readine I rosltlon
Eew than ftOO Inches
WW Irchrs
W .
" M
l I. . J ..".. ' , .. . . ...
i"t irn or manh, rwomuons ni oonnnicnrn
ind elmlhr eontrlbiitlnn In the niture ol ad-iertrlnpThe-Tilbiine
make a. ihatsc ot J cents
l line.
Rate for ClisMntrl ArhertUlns furnlihed on
Irjrolonel Wlnt should see fit to swim
i river or two. Funnton will do
ell to look out for his laurels.
Questions and Answers.
"V "X" rE ARK always Rlad to 1m-
part Information to the
Times. It asks us four
questions In .1 rmbllnp
Kind of way and, while they are of no
particular Importanrc, we proceed to
answer them In the order of their ask-
(1) Do we approve of the ripper law?
As applied to Peranton. we do. It has
Riven the city an administration sen
f rally i-atlsfactory to the people and
destined, we believe, to be better liked
the older It prows.
(2) Do we approve of the Focht and
Emery street railway bills? We do.
They make rapid transit a possibility
and afford a means of securing In this
city a street railway service that will
fulfil public requirements.
(3) Do we approve of the candidacy
of Rothermel for district attorney of
Philadelphia? We are not worrying
about it. It Is AVanamakerlsm over
apaln and while picturesque Is not like
ly to be formidable.
(4) Do we approve of the rlpplnp of
Colonel Hitchcock? We do not. Nor
of the ripping of his predecessor, Frank
Clemons. And we call the Time at
tention to the fact that the man who
ripped them is ripping- no more.
Anything else?
South African war news will prob
ably have to occupy an unimportant
corner for a few days, until we le.trn
what the polf players ate doing.
The Tendency Toward Suicide.
THAT SUICIDE Is on the in
crease is a fact well estab
lished. Although accurate
statistics of suicide for the
United States as a whole have never
been compiled, Dr. V. S. Crum, of Kast
Orange, N. .1., has collected figures
covering SO years in five American
cities and they are Instructive:
New. New Chi- Phih. Wan.
Teriod. ark. York. racn. delphla. civo.
U71-M ... 11.4 U.l 12. 7.3 jrt0
lKfl-Sn ... 0.3 i2.: n.j 41 ,
1WJ-SS ... 12 1 1IJ M.7 ?r, 3 s
IE'6-flO ... IS 7 liU 1H.1 0 1 "7 1
1!1-!K ... IS ft 10.1 037 rtn 3,"7
ll'.fi-lOnO . lfl.5 23.S 03.0 ,, f. t7'2
It wilt be noted that, while the per
centages In these cities vary greatly,
there is almost n uniform ratio of In
crease. Could the figures of the whole
country be collected accurately there
can De uttle doubt that the ratio of in
crease, would be found to he general
and rapid. Dr. Halg. the well-known
exponent of the ills resulting to health
from the uric-acid diathesis, has re
corded his belief that mental depres
sion and suicide are due to errors of
circulation In the nerve centres, these
errors being due to excessive uric add
in the system, this excess being present
from errors of diet. The Medical Rec
ord thinks it might be worth the while
of some Investigator to follow this
train of reasoning and to ascertain the
kind and quantity of food consumed
In the countries where suicide is most
prevalent; and Its suggestion is cer
tainly a good one.
As a people we give more heed to
the physical care of dogs and horses
than of men and women. It is time for
civilization to remedy its own notor
ous abuses, of which excessive nerve,
waste is one.
It begins to look as though the prom
ising element known as "liquid air"
would never be available for family
Hope for Consumptives.
-JS,HH mountain hospital bo.
A. caiie.n, or rather, the cottage
,""." colony for the treatment
and cure of consumptives,
on Gr$en Mountain In the range ex
tending.eastward of White Haven and
Wilkes-Barre, is now to be materializ
ed into actual existence. As Tribune
readerg.know, from our full report a
few weeks ago, the work of the as
sociation which planned this mountain
sanitarium has been sufficiently fruit
ful In jres.ults, though carried on in
city environments, to more than Justify
the founding of such a sanitarium.
The recently adjourned legislature ap
proprlaJ,e.4.Hth9 necessary sum for
foundlrJJTthe "hospital and assuring Its
The farmhouse on the selected site
will fojm the nucleus or the hospital,
end tedts for patients will be pitched
near that for the present season. The
work Sjr building an administration
building will be presently begun and
that of cottages will follow. In using
tents the hospital colony will bo carry
ing out the samo plan of life for those
with threatened or Incipient lung
troubles that as wo have already not
edwill, under the supervision of
Forei-try CoinmUsloner Dr. J. T. Roth
rock, be made available in t,he stale's
Pike county forest reserve.
This s subBtntlully the same system
nifiUipd of outdoor life and treat-
ment that ha nftnred many such
patlfntH In the Arllrnnrlackfi nnd In
the high yilenteati.1 of New Mexico and
Arizona. It l.i becomlnK every year
more thoroughly understood that con
sumption, taken early, Is a curable
disease, and thnt even In much later
starjes can be ameliorated, and life
prolonged for usefulness.
The Pekln deadlock, as all have sus
pected. come3 from the fact that nearly
every foreign minister in the city has
Insisted upon being' the whole ndmlnln.
tratlon rather than a representative of
his government.
Chlnn at Home and Here.
NOT LONG AGO we had oe
caslon to refer to an Aus
tralian correspondent's de
tailed account sent to n
prominent London newspaper of the
Influence and high mental, moral ami
social standards of the large con?
tlngent of Chinese merchants in Aus
tralia, and of their desire for govern
mental reform In their native land.
Now Sir Claud MacDonnld, Great
Hrltaln's able representative In "the
Flowery Kingdom" has been bearing
testimony that he finds the Chinese
"strong In trade, commerce and labor:
that In Japan they are the accountants
In the banks; that In the Philippines
they are superior to the native race.
There may he a yellow pet II," he con
tinues, "or there may not. but there
will certainly be a yellow wonder."
Rut these tributes to Chinese ability
in Industrial and commercial life will
make all the more determined the
opposition before the next congress to
the organized movement Just initiated
among the Chinese in the United
States against the renewal of the
Chinese exclusion net. Speaking of
Minister Wu's brilliant Fourth of July
address one Philadelphia paper said it
should make this nation "ashamed of
Its Chinese exclusion policy." Rut.
while the American people In general
have n very high regard for Minister
Wu personally, the paper just quot
ed will find very few to share Its con
clusions. President MeKlnley'8 Indian territory
proclamation Indicates that the pres
ent Oklahoma boom will be unattended
by shotgun duels and "desert steamer"
races over the newly-acquired lands.
To Aid Working Girls.
THAT THR long-continued
practice of medicine tends to
inculcate rational ideas of
humanity and to genetate
practical methods of bettering human
conditions Is well established, and if It
were not, the will of Dr. W. II. D.ily, of
PIttshurg, would go far to establish it.
Dr. Daly, whose unexpected MiMde
some weeks ago will he recalled, left an
estate valued at $150.fj00, and all of It
save some minor bequests is devoted to
the "basic endowment, founding, estab
lishment, and maintenance of a home
or homes for industrious girls and wo
men, without respect to age or sect."
After providing that the home is to
be known as the Athalla Daly home,
In honor of Dr. Daly's deceased wife,
it is directed that a proper charter is to
be obtained forthwith by the executors
and trustees. The contributors of $10
or more to the fund for the home are
to he the constituent voters who shall
elect the board of managers annually
from among the ontrlhutors to man
age the home. The will continues:
The aim and effect of the Athalla
Daly home or homes Miall be to fur
nish home, shelter, protection, Instruc
tion nnd Improvement to industrious
girls and women, while either in or out
of employment, at the lowest possible
cost commensurate with maintaining
the proper sense of self-respect and
ambition on the part of the benefici
aries, who shall desire or require the
shelter of a plain, comfortable and
cheerful home, surrounded by good In
fluences, attended by proper nnd whole
some amusement, presided over by
kind nnd friendly guardian onicetp,
known to be interested In the Kappl
ness, prosperity, self-respect nnd wel
fare of the beneficiaries. To those hon
estly out of employment, especially in
shops', sewing and servant girls or
others run down physically by over
work, misfortune or anxiety, there
shall be tho most generous consider
ation given In every way to their res
toratlon to health and industry and
employment secured for them. To girls
who have strayed from the path of
rectitude there shall bo a helping hand
extended toward restoration to the
paths of propriety and Industry. This
class of girls can bo cared for in one
of the branches of the home separ
ately. There shall be evening courses of lec
tures and training during nine months
of each year, given by women who are
experienced housekeepers on the duties
of housekeepers toward servant girls
and other relevant matters. There shall
be lectures In tho same manner given
by women, if possible, who are, or
were, formerly servants themselves,
uppn the duties of the servants toward
housekeepers, one another nnd other
relevant subjects. There shall be lee
tures and other papers read by mer
chants on the duties of merchants and
other employes of f,mnle labor, clerks,
shop girls nnd others, on the duty of
employers to their employes with jofer
ence to their preservation of health,
comfort nnd deportment. There shall
be lectures nnd papers read and train
ing given by competent shop girls or
other employes or those who fotmerly
were such, on the needs, tho duties and
deportment by &uch employes towurd
their employers. A cooking school and
training In all house and chamber
work shall bo a department In each of
the homes.
It Is directed that a system of an
nual cnah bonuses or rewards shall be
established for long, faithful and con
tlnuous service of servant, sewing and
shop girls, If possible, similar to that
of the German Housewives' association,
of New York. The trustees of the home
or homes are to be the Judges of the
courts of Reaver nnd Allegheny coun
ties and tho mayor or chief municipal
officer of Plttbburg, Allegheny, Heaver
and Hiiflcn,
Certainly no better monument could
have been left to Dr. Daly's name.
The agitation for Illuminated street
signs visible at night continues In
New York and will go on until some-
thing Is done to mnke easier the noc
turnal searehlngs of the uninitiated.
One of these djys a similar agitation
will develop In Scranton and' then
councils wilt have trouble.
"Wo forget because we must and
not because we will," wrote Matthew
Arnold. The ever-ctowdlng events of
dally life left few people In nil the land
save the surviving near nnd dear of
the one hundred and seventy-one vic
tims of the awful Hoboken pier flte
of June so, 1800, to remember that cal
amity when the first anniversary of
the awful calamity came. The North
German Lloyd Steamship company,
however, was one of those who remem
bered the victims. A granite monu
ment erected to their memory was
dedicated on Sunday at Flower Hill
cemetery, North Rergen. with fitting
ceremonial. In the plot all hut twen-ty-two
of those who lost their lives In
that terrible fire are buried. The
names of the twenty-two are on the
nronze tablet with the others. It Is
well they should be so given memorial.
All Historic Landmark.
OF THR b-autlftll city parks In
Philadelphia, laid out In
Penn's original plan for the
city and catefnlly held for the
people ever since, Lognn Square Is the
one made memorable by being the site
of the fair, In June, 1S6I, of tho United
Stales Sanitary commission. For a
period of twenty days tinder the heavy
canopies stretched from one to another
of the magnlllclent trees that make
the park gloilous the place was
thronged. The net proceeds came to
$1.010.0;. On the 10th of June the fair
was visited by President and Mrs.
Lincoln, trhe announcement Is now
made that Logan Square has been
selected by councils as the site for
a monument to the soldiers and sailors
of the war for tho union, and it is
also, most fittingly, proposed to erect
there a tablet commemorative of the
great fair and of President Lincoln's
presence there.
Mr. Cleveland, whose letter to The
Tribune we published yesterday, is
very angry at us for quoting the offi
cial report read In the Rrltish par
liament, showing the enormous num
ber of deaths In the reconcentrado
camps established by tho Rrltish gen
eral In South Africa, and Into which
he Ins crowded the Roer non-combatants,
an official report that has
stirred indignation throughout Eng
land. Mr. Cleveland asks whether It
were better to leave the Roer women
and children to starve on the farms
or to "feed them in the camps." The
English people, now that they have
begun to find out what their general
and armies In South Africa are doing,
do not regard the matter In the op
timistic light our correspondent pre
fers. The results of "feeding them In
camps," as told by the official death
lists. Is evidently not accepted by
people at home as either necessary or
in anywise redounding to the national
It Is announced that the site chosen
for the St. Louis exposition of 1903. in
centennial commemoration of Jeffer
son's addition of an empire to the
United Slates, is a most beautiful one.
Rut we beg leave to remark that If
the exposition Is to cover the usual
six months, from May t to October fil,
in that hottest of cities, there will be
a great mistake made.
man roamed nbout unrestricted yester
From the Wllkr.vBme Iteford.
The imeniiity of nun never Ins ilcviaed and
nrrr ill rleui-e a f..lfui under whkh election
pi unary or cenrral, will be honen nnlf ab.o.
Intely honest men can he recuieil tn hold the
elrtion and make the returns, llonfst elections
aie pnihle under any sjstcm, hweer simple
or crud. provided honest men serve on the elec
tlon bo.iida. That is a simple fart, plainly Mated.
From the quirkrneil womb of the primal gloom,
The sun rolled black and hue.
Till I wove him a vct for hi Kthlop breast,
of the threads of my golden hair;
And when the bioid tent of the tiimament
Arop on Its airy pars,
I peniillfd the hue of Its rcntrhlcss blue,
And spangled it round with stirs.
I painted the floum of Hie Kden bowers,
And their leave of living cieen,
And mine were the riye.5 In the sinless ryes
Of Kden's virgin queen 1
And when the flend' art on the trustful heart
Had fastened its mortal spell.
In the silver y spheie of the first born tear
To the trembling earth I fell.
When the waves that huist o'er the world accurst,
Their work of wrath had sped.
And the Aik's lone few, the tried and tiue,
fame foith among the dead;
With the w-rndroiu cleams of my bridal beams
I bide their trnoi vease,
As I wrote on the mil of the storm's dark scroll,
God's (ovenant of peace!
Like a pall at rest on a senscleM breast,
Mint's funeral shadow slept;
Where shepherd swains on the Bethlehem plains
Their lonely vigil kept,
Vilien I flaibcd on their sicht the heraldi bl'ght
Of Heaven's redeemlnc plan,
As they 1 hinted the morn of a Saviour born
Joy, joy to the outcast man!
Hnual favor I show to the lofty and low,
On the just and unjust I descend;
K'en the blind, whose vain spheres roll )n dark
nffj and tears.
Feel my smile, Mie blest smile of a friend.
Nay, the flower of the waste by my love is em
braced, As the rose In the rjarden of kinjs;
At the rbiysalii bier of the worm I appear,
And lo! the gay butterfly wings.
The di'soljte Morn, llkt a mourner forlorn,
t'oneeals all the pride of her charms,
Till I hid the bright huurs cluse the night from
her bowers,
And lead the young day to her arms;
And when the gty Hover seeks Eve for his lover,
And sinks to her balmy repose;
I wrap their soft rest by tho zephyr-fanned West
In rui tains ol amber and rose.
1'iom my sentinel steep, by the night-brooded
I ga?.e with unslumberlng eje,
When the rjnoaiire star ot the mariner
I', blotted fiom out of the iky;
And guided by me through the merciless sea,
Though sped by the hurricane's wings,
Ills companies bark, lone, weltering, dark,
To the haven-home safely he brings,
I waken the flowers In their dew-spangled howers,
the birds In thnr chamheis of green,
And mwnlaln and plain glow with beauty sgsln,
As they nu.k in my matlnal sheen.
0, If suh the glad worth of my presence' to earth,
Though Atful and fleeting the while,
What glories must test on the home .of the blest,
Uvtr bright with the Deity's smile?
' -William Pitt Palmer.
Press Bdreaii af
the Pan-flrnerican
NO AGENT has been as prominent
In the success of the Pan-American
Exposition as the Depart
ment of Publicity under the direc
tion of Mr. Mark Rennitt. The Press
bureau has done some remarkable
work and through Its enterprise Is dls.
semlnated most of the Information
regarding the progress of affairs at
the great exposition.
Just why. however, the Press build
ing was located on the Midway exact
ly opposite Rostock's animal show, no
body seems to have attempted to ex
plain. There Is a force of clerks In
that Press building who have duties
to perform and they do appear to be
very busy. How on earth they are
able to think or write coherently In
that locality passeth the understand
ing of man, or nt least, of woman.
How on earth the visiting representa
tives of the press who are urgently
Invited to use the pleasant reading
nnd writing rooms are able to accept
this courtesy with any degree of lit
eralness Is also past finding out.
In the first place, there are two and
sometimes three or four of the most
indefatigable, Irrepressible, nnd en
thusiastic ballyhoos outside Rostock's
show that can be found anywhere on
the Midway. When the gigantic Indi
vidual with the sad-looking frock coat
opens his mouth the results are appal
ling. When his efforts are supple
mented by those of the other consci
entious gentlemen whet try to be worth
their salary, any body In the vicinity
who Is trying to wrlfp a letter home
to mother or the newspapers, Is pre
pared for an Instant to believe that
there are worse calamities than to be
born deaf. When to their clamorlngs
are added the roars of wild beasts In
doors which are alleged to bo under
process of training, the condition Is
simply Indescribable.
There Is one lioness In a cage ex
posed to the view of the passers-by
that, must be. a trial to her family.
Either she Is an uncommon scold or
else she has the toothache, for she
keeps up such an everlasting com
plaining In a loud tone of voice that
nt times almost drowns out the dis
turbances made by her rivals on the
other side of the bars. Then occa
sionally the elephants behind the
scenes do a great deal of expostulat
ing and altogether tho person who can
compose any sort of a sane letter
across from Bostock's ought to go
out. as a war correspondent or an
apprentice in a bollershop. Probably
it's all right, however. Bostock's is a
good land-mark and unsophisticated
newspaper folk are sure to find tho
Press building. Possibly, too. It Is
generally understood that they will
spend most of their time on the Mid
way. Then it Is close to the East
Amherst gate, which is the most pop
ular entrance.
There are nice people in the Press
building. They are up stairs and
they greet you wearily, but courte
ously. You needn't expect to find Mr.
Rennitt, he Is always somewhere else
than where you are. He is about the
best looking man on the .whole Pan
American board. His understudy. Mr.
Rolles. looks like an artist with his
tawny, pointed beard. A Mr. Hester,
who is several degrees more polite
than Mr. Rolles. is quite the nicest
person there. The duties of the pos.
tlon seem to be making out passes,
nnd as a surprising perecentage of
the attendance at the Exposition has
been "dead-head." he hasn't had much
of a Summer holiday as might be im
agined. 0
Ahout the first thing you see In the
Press building Is a big registry book
on the hall table. It Is temptingly
open for the Inscription of your name.
There is n fascination for some people
In registering wherever the opportu
nity occurs. They Have yielded to
this fascination indiscriminately all
over the place at the Pan-American.
They register in every state building
that has acquired such a volume.
You will even see their names on the
book In the hearse department in the
Manufactures building, where a polite
young man presides. By the way, the
chief attraction here Is a funeral car,
costing several thousand dollars, the
principal recommendation of which is
that its panels are of such highly pol
ished wood that they would delude
the very elect, if not the occupant,
that they are made of glass. I've
never been able to see why this Is such
a wonderful advantage, when glass Is
so much cheaper and doesn't get
So the people have registered assid
uously and with persistence whenever
possible. The women have given
special evidence of the mania. In the
Woman a building only club members
and college women are supposed to
register, hut there are others in the
fat book on the table. It is astonish
ing, the number of Twentieth C.t.
tufy club's which are nourishing in
thl land of ours. One Is consumed
with wonder as to what all these
women do besides belong to clubs.
The very first name In the register
in the Women's building Is "Theodore
Roosevelt," wrlttnn in a Jerky, ner
vous hand, that seems to show Its
teeth. The remainder of the names
belong to feminine visitors.
Oddly enough, the names written
first on a certain day In the Press
register were those of Mary Bryan,
Ruth Rryan, William J. Rryan and
William J. Bryan, Jr. There are some
people who nlways parade their do
mesticity before the public. I'd have
liked William J. better If he had writ
ten his own name first. There were
other Interesting names here, the
residences ranging from Waco, Texas,
to Nova Scotia. One, In delicate, lady
like characters, was that of "Julian
Hawthorne." while Just below was
"Walt McDougall" In the characteris
tic strong hand, familiar to us In the
famous, If irritating, cartoons in the
North American. There Is a great
chance at the exposition for an enter
prising forger to study signatures and
perfect himself in his genteel profes
sion, I was going to tell you about the
bull fight In Old Mexico, but It Is too
late. H. C. P.
From the fct. Louis Mirror.
We are coming to the point st which we sre
prone tn forgive snything to anyone if only the
vile things that he does are done wh cleverness
and courage. We admire the robber's "nerve."
We like the brains that ran cook up a law that
will le(.allie teal. We like a plunderer of the
public if he can Jolly us along with a funny story.
We sre positively d.ft In our admiration of that
ability which wo publicly say is "misdirected."
We sio cairjlne our regtrd for brains too far,
when we aicept any evil thing with tolerance
solely because it shows clever bialn work. "It's
bstter to be crook than a erink, a knave thai
fool," about expresse the moral sense ol the
American "man on the street." The end of such
morality must eventmlly be that the mvn who Is
not t crook Is a crank, whs Is not a knave Is a
fool. The business trickster, the literary trick
ster, the medical trickster, the legal trickster
we accept them all as "all tight" if only they
"win out" by trickery. Of the crook or fraud
or take in any drpirtment of life we say, "Oh,
if. but he gets the dough, ' and that scabs it.
The msn who protests again the donrlne Is a
crank or a calamity howler. The man who be
lieves in the Integrity of motive of anybody is
called a "softy." When one utters a fine senll
ment the query-response is: "What's in it for
hlmt" All the crowd demands Is, that a man
"get there," and then It honors him, blinking the
means by whlih he succeed. How much longer
this will continue none can say. We only know
that the crowd is morally atrophied. The reign
of the smart men is on 11s, which means that
those reigned over sre fools.
Frem the Architect snd Builder.
A btnklng houw for the First Katlentl bink,
A Union depot for all rallreidj which have their
(ermlnus In, er which nin through the city.
A market house for the benefit of the public
and the farmers who supply our people dally with
fresh vegetabls.
A largo school building to b iK'd tn educate
capital and labor, to settle sll diderences by con.
fetence committees.
A large, lie hoti to be filled with Ice to be
uied to keep our city officials eool headed when
they put In force the new ripper laws.
An apirfment fictery building tn accommodate
the manufacturer who has limited capital.
An apartment stable to house the horse, that
fallhful beast of burden.
One hundred brick dwelling houses to rent at
rates In reach ot tint family who ein't afford to
build nor piy the rites ot rent rhirged at present
In desirable residence sections. There, sre hun
dreds of families doubled tip in one house to
mike it possible tn live within their means.
"Capital, where is thine eye?"
An obervatory near Lake Scranton. built high
enough to overlook Scranton. Carbondale, Wilkes-
nan-e and other cities.
A fence fifty feet high. bull, on the city line
around Scranton, painted red, white snd blue,
to remind our citizens that they should not pur
chase In other cities, thtt which our own mer
chant! retail at the same price, and in particu
lar to keep the architects from other cities from
mixing with our home artists, as there are twenty
within our city limits who are ready to do jour
"Plymouth Republican" in the WilkesBarre
One of the peculiar conditions of the public
mind seems to be a deslie to tear down, to take
apart and destroy miny of the good things which
we hive. This point of view is by no means con
fined tn those who are admittedly opposed to some
particular plan or measure, but even those who
favor such things are very prone tn crlticUe and
find fault with details, while the thing as a whole
has their approval and support. With this view o
matters in general, the principle laid down by
Alexinder Pope that "whatever is, is right,"
would read something like this, "Whatever is. Is
wrong." To the right thinking voter I would
My, don't tear down by finding fault and plcklm?
flans, hut rather try to build up by suggesting
Improvement. Remember that It requires more
ability to make than to destroy, and direct your
best efforts to building up, and not to tearing
Our Oxfords
Low in cut. Low in price. High
in quality. Ladies' from 75c. up.
Gentlemen's from $1.25 up.
Lewis & Reilly
Wholesale and Retail.
tt h Go.
We offer an exceptionally
fine line of
Warm Weather
Consisting of Fine Swiss
and Mull Ties, Pique and
Dimity Ties and Stocks,
Persian End Silk Ties, Duck
Stocks and Four-in-Hands.
Liberty Satin Sash
and Neck Ribbons
in an unusually Sue assort
ment at spscial prices,
126 Wyoming Ave
ss&jr i. iAtxLv
Who Wants
$ 1 ,000
For the Work of a Few Weeks.
The Scranton Tribune offers an exceptional oppor
tunity to the young people of Scranton and North
eastern Pennsylvania in its second great
The Special Rewards:
Scholarship In Lafayette College $1,000
Scholarship in Swarthmore College 1,000
Scholarship in Stroudsburg Normal School 675
Three Scholarships in Scranton Business
College, $60 Ench 180
Two Scholarships in Scranton Conserva
tory of riusic, $75 Each 150
Each contestant failing to secure one of these special rewards
will be given ten (10) percent, of all the money he or she turns in.
N. D. The first two scholarships do net includ tnfsls, hut the contestants serurlnj
IhMe will h given ten (10) per cent. n( ail the money lie or she turns in to The
fribune, to sunt in psylng this expense.
Here is an opportunity for some ambitious young people to
earn the best college education without a great amount of effort,
and it is an opportunity that may never be repeated. The Trib
une may find the returns much less than the expense and would
then be unable to again make such generous offers. Such a con
dition will be The Tribune's loss and the contestants' gain.
There are many young men, and young women, too, who
would be glad of an opportunity to "work their way through col
lege," in fact, the presidents of these institutions are deluged with
applications for chances of this kind. Here the work for an entire
course of four yeas can all be accomplished in three short months,
and an education that would cost in cash $1,000 is assured with
out further outlay. Parents should urge their boys and girls to
enter the contest and work for one of the special rewards. One
of the eight is within the reach of everyone who really tries.
Send a letter tp The Tribune for full particulars, including
handsomely illustrated booklet- Address,
Editor Educational Contest,
Tribune, Scranton, Pa.
Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,03).
United States Depositary.
Special attention given to
IXGS ACCOUNTS, whether large
or small.
Open Saturday eveuings
from S to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Connell, President
Henry Belin, Jr., Vice Pres.
Wm. H. Peck, Cashier.
Oil Stoves,
Screen Doors,
Gas Stoves,
Window Screens,
325-32? Penn Avenue,
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Gut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc.
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereatt & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
an Education
Clearance of
Experience teaches
us the necessity of
cleaning up all resi
due stocks at the end
of each season, To
thoroughly and ef
fectively accomplish
this in the most ex
peditious manner we
have placed a clear
ance price on every
item of merchandise
of a summerish char
acter, and cut the
price so deep that w'e
feel assured our ex
pectations will be
quickly realized. To
make this sale still
more attractive we
make a general re.
duction throughout
the entire store, offer
ing an unusual op
portunity to secure
reliable gtiods much
under actual value,
Lackawanna Ave
Allis-Chalmers Co
Succemorn tn Machine Business ol
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton
and Wllkes-narre, Pa.
Stationary Engines, Boilers, Minlni
Machinery, Pumps.