The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 08, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    r y-Hs
- n -(Bot?;nT55"l555J7vittI.'
The kind that will Inst
and give satisfaction is
what wo havo to offer
you. No bettor Hoso
made than ELECTRIC
it's guaranteed. Many
othor kinds hero for you
to select fiom. Prices,
7c. to 18c. per foot.
Foote & Shear Co.
119 N. Washington Ave
Attractive Warm Weather
Clothing for Little Ones
The rcnlcst ami most romfnrtaMe vst
n1 bands light In weigh!, jrt haslnir i
little wool The flame Muht r.mvns (or
sultry niehts, Utile preses, .targets and
Coats in the daintiest toolest materials.
Infants' Oulflti (or June a specialty.
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruco Street.
Tflephone or mail us a potl to call at your
home and quote price on launderins: any quality
or kind r( lace or'nsh curtains. ItcsulU guar
0 o
The young filenrls of Mips Alice Clrif-
fin tendeied her a Mtiprlse patty at her
home on Mons-ey aenue, last eon
lnfl. Tho houts v.vcie pleasantly spent
with miiilL and games. The gut-Ms
Ml sea I.auia Talbot, Jessie Shoe
maker, Itesl St.ic khnue, l'lorenec
Muity, Ktl.el Onnlnn, Bettha Sow a id,
Kdith Dunn. Melon Shurtletf, Katie
O'Malloy, and tinner Seats I.enfoul
Harzler. Aithtir Scholar. Ilobett liaun
hall, Eatl Evans, Stanley Svvaitz, At
Ilngton Rooisp, Boyd XVny and 'Will
iam Mil' hell.
Mis Flnionce How or, of Jefferson
avenue, gave a thimble tea Satutday
afternoon for Miss Sopher, who Is her
guest The guests wete Misses Clam
Woodruff, Margaiethe Koehler, Grace
rtct, Anna Kuss, Huth llanloy, 13un
b'o Lathiope, Helen llulhert, Kllnor
Iteynoltls and lMlth l-'lltcroft, of Pat
oibon, X. J.
Miss Anna Mason, of South Muln av
enue, entertained the niembeis of tho
West tc. anion Tennis club Satutday
es-ening at a pinsroxslve cutluo patty.
Retjerhnients weie served.
MUt Amelia Hai haiaoh, of this city,
nlem of Sol and Aaron Goldsmith,
will be mairied on Tuesday evening
at the Hotel Stafloid, Haltlinoie, to
Hairy Lolie. of that elty. Mr. and
Mrs. Sol. Coldsmlth, Mr. and Mrs.
Aaron' Goldsmith, and Mr. and Mis,
Joseph Levy left yesterday for Raltl
ninie to attend llu- wedding. The
honevmoon of the young tuuple will be
fcpent In Uuioi-
home du' The lultuup In pes to Ite able to
print soma iiiis u( this Mill .
"Two nun, tiriiu minus unvvdi were at Njj
Auk piik s,im,,v ,, jc-jirriUi, tint nf vt.
terdav, .icmnling to the e.tiuiatfs of the paik
officials and the two iioi lOinpinlea niiiiilicnii
full jti.nun lionienl mninin; sllurdiy until
long atiei the miii had -mik to lost Ljke ,
the most diieptalile gift sirinton cci icieited
from 0110 n iu ihitih, fjirlj jlno with
batleia dnj boners, ,unl the SAaii'hoits, 111c
tlan gondolis anl amft dirtlng inpilu
were lar ton tt I" ..iioimnoduic tliusc win,
wanted boat ride with mme on cUe lo uddle
tneir aroe.
"satmdm's tu-h Ins comlnicd tlio park au
thorities tbit inoie oxteii.ho aiioiimioihlii na
inuet be nude tor t lie hither Ordiiiaril, the
big hath houe. with in time hundred apirl
ment is ampli- mltli irnl lo auonunodate all
who i.h In so in luililii.', but 011 ociaiona like
Situidax and tint of lat Ihurula, when the
new rapid turait lumpany biouglu s.iicV) people
from the Uwniiing ill(, on the lint of IU
tfites of Hitei-uibdii Iwlf Ijre cxcuikIoii, the ai
eomtnodalions weie far lioni being sulrlcient.
Walts of two houia wcie not iiniommon to pet
a room, and If It wcie not tint mot of the
hatheu bring ,ion- thru own hithing suits theie
would Inic hern a comnaiitlielv am ill nunib'r
rnjoiins a swim, a- om of tlie mii-t atnngetu
rulea of the burem of pulillc bitlu Is that no sun
ihall be used a remd tunc until it Ins been
allied and sun-dilrd.
"The bureau wipennlenclent will m, numeral
!o the public woiks department tlut it aicept
in nfler iciently icirncd fiom .1 local film to
iulld a balh house of the miil diimnaions and
Ittraitoe design as the prn,ent one In icinlder
Itien of being gUm a ten .war prlulege to (oi,.
luct a furkUh, Kiivsidii and Ilonian hath eel ill
ushment in a pietlj Mouruh building to lie
located between the present and piopoted new
Soat housea. This, it 11 thought, will prncido
111 the drcfflng room tlut will be needed except
n occasions when there aie rurptiomlly big
ronds, and it is hardlv expected that pnni.ion
;an be made at thee times for cer)bod,
"Another hand ball alley will ,e rrecteil next
seek, ju.t nil the picnic groiinb, wh, re the ills,
awd tennis court la lociitrd. hilck wall will
be erected at whit was the net line of the tennla
court and thus a double-faced alley will he pro
vided "Saturdays game of lase ball on
giounda between the crack amateur
Wllkej-riarre and Jcranton resulted in
tlie park
teams of
a Wet or
tor ecrar.ton. mi cflort s be nc rnjde in i,n,
the 6t. Louis team Hop ott here next Wednesday
hlch la an ofl day with ihcm, to play the scran'
tcnlans." Lewli Morrison, famous all over the world ai
the dull in "Uuit," retired to his California
heme two cari ago, alter appearing In thla one
play and part eighteen seasons. After to jeara
of prbate life, It took much persuasion to In.
due, Mr, Morrison to resume hU part of Mephlsto
In "fault." Hut an alluring oflcr of the most
majnlRcent scenery and electrical effects ever c!e.
vised for "Faust" In Its lone "-ireer proved
strong enoujh. And Lewis Morrison himself ap.
rests Merhlstn under the direction of .lulu
slurry next wsson In a splendid new production
of "I'iust," which IncludM a ntr thorsl, lyric
and Ktnlc prologue ot remarkable beauty,
"Commissioner Central of IiiimlErsllon Pow
derly la pursuing an lnvoslliiatlon tint may lead
to furth'r irfnrm In the matter of Immlur.itlon,"
aja a Washington dlpatili. "Some tln.c ko
Commissioner Povvdcrly titrrl a tefutniatory In
Ida home city of Husnton and out of appioxl
matelv one hundred Inmates he tound that M
per cent, were alien, These. Miens abo wete
stivlne sememes for major crime, wulle th"
other 60 prr tent , who are eltlrens of the United
Mstts, weie Imprisoned for minor oflenses.
"Tlila ondltlon Impressed the rommMoner
with the Idea that more care ilmuM be taken
In the admlsulon of foielsneri who do not ba
come dtbeni of the I nlled Satea, and who ate
criminal bv nature or liable to beeonie public
charges. The prenent law prohlblla the admlajlen
of Inimlgianta who hif been conlcled o( crlmfa
In the country Irom which they come, who are
lt,anc or who aic liable to become public charge.
Their condition has to be determined at the
port o( cnlrj, but the commlloner Is natlffled
born the number of aliens fllllnB our peniten
tiaries, jaila, rrformatorlfa, ln.ane a'jluma, roor
hoiues, that there ahould be tome ajalem by
which tire immigrant fould be watched and de
petted If, alter a fhort residence In this country,
he develops .1 condition that would hac pre- his admioion when he flrft lame oer.
"It Is nndeietood that .Mr. t'nwdetly will ak
Cftgrrwi for a tpfrlal fund and authority to keep
track of immigrants and lo deport llirm If within
a vlmrt time the ahow r!demc of not being
aultahlo mstrrial lor clllzrnhli In tills countrs
The (oiniiilwlonir holds that foieigners lomlng
to the I nlted Mates for the purpoe ot making
tis their home ahmild ileclaie their intention o(
bc(oming citizens na oon as the land
"Mnro his dlcoery In Scranton, Commissioner
I'owderly his mide further lmetlgatlon, epe
ilallv In tlir nortlmet. Just now he is miking
.in rxainlmtion of the penal, charitable and re
formatrry institutions In Mlnnrsola, and the te.
mil of his Imcstlgillons show that about the
cine proportion of tho inmates of these institu
tions are allena that he found In SYranton Iho
faet that theje aliens are usually guilty of th
moat heinous offenses is regarded as an argument
In faor of t.ome fuithrr tcstrlctlon upon Inch ad
mlwion or authority to fleport them within
fixed time after they hac been In tills country."
Postoffice Inspector K. J. Fuller, of Washington,
I) (', Is in the elt.
Mrs Simpson, of Moscow-, is the guest of Mrs.
A. M. Majo, of hwetland street.
Charles Corless, of New x.ork ell, Is slsillng
his parents on South Main avenue.
Frank McCann tnd H" P. .loce aie at Uuffalo
slewing the wondeta of the 'exposition.
Maor V:errtt Warren and famllv will leaia
Tuesda for ,1 two months slay in l.urope
Mrs ('. p. Kenvon, of New x,rk stieet, left
otcrday tor a month's stay at Atlantic Cilx
I. II W. Searle, clerk of the t nited sutcj
district couit, was In Susnuehinna, sealctda.
II M finhbmlth, of (ioldsmlth Biothers' shoe
store, left the cit estcrday on a budness trip
lo ricloii.
Mrs. M. K. Itoberla and Mis llei hinl. of I'hil
adelphli, aie ueU of Mm. V. i. Mejaae1, t!
Mulheri stiert.
Itev. and Mia J Frank Mllmin hit" returned
fiom their wedding journey and will i-pend this
week at Lake Winola.
Filnard B. O'llellly, who has been pendin;
the last few rjs with his pirents on Clay aicnue,
has tcturned 1 11 Lock Haven.
Ih I, .Y Duniiell has goe to Clilngo to at
tend a special meeting of tlie fiiand lodge of the
Kulghls of Pilhias to be held there this week.
Mr. and Mi. .loim I). Keator returned home
Siturday eicnlng afler spending the pat ten
dis mi a plejant wedding tour tlirouKh New
oik rlJle and up tho Hudson,
P. F Mcl.oughlin, of this cit, who has been
representing the loirei-pondencc "chools in south
larolina, is now in tho soliciting department of
the I'oilwnouth Mar, Poitnioutli, a,
Mrs. II n, Phelps and nephew, Henj.tmln II
Ihroop, will leave todav for AMrnry Park, wheie
tliev will ppend tlie Mimuiu At tlie paik she
will be Joined by her friend, Mis. Iteru-lnw.
Mm Claia Meniver and Mis l.lh Fuller, two
popular school teachers of (Jieen Tiidge, will le.iv'o
this evening for Thousand Island-., where they
will spend .1 couple of weeks. On their letuui
thev will stop off at flutfilo and take In the
sights of tlie Pan-Amencan evpoltion.
Ml. ind Mis. .1 Scott Inglis and Mrs L. I'
fanfield silled Situiday from New x.oik on the
htiuili for l.urope Mr. login' huthplace H
l!oxbur.vliiie. Scothmd. fter vl-iting ids hi.
hood home Mr lngln and put will vllt rag
land, belind and Fiance. The expect to fpend
some time in P.iii.
Proposition Made to Locate It at
The piopoMtlon to establish the pio.
posed plant of tho Mechanical Kubber
company at Elmhurst has brought The
Tribune the following communication.
I imdeistind the riomotcrs of the Meehinhal
Kubber mill have hid a piopoltion mide them
to locate at Llinhuist. It would lie a fine thing
for l.lmhurkt. Its twenl eight vaiant hoices, all
cliglo detached cottages, would be icpairrd and
every one occupied at onto, .ind twentjtvvi
more boiu-es would be elected to be occupied by
skilled workmen, who come with their tamillcs
en a liie.vcar contract, their avciagc wage being
fiom STjn to yxi per .inuiiin.
Then theie would lie a chance frr the other
vacint piopenies tint arc tor silo and hive
been for .veils, for the otllco and cleric al fouc,
manager and upuintondcnt, that would need
to live time. J hN means better echool ace nn
modal ions, and lighting by cleclilcit foi the
be lough.
All upplics niii-t come fiom Suanlon, w
Smnton U btiieltted b the building up of its
hiihuibs, without adding In its already ovoi
c row fled inwu .ind tenement districts, .vranton
for all its iniitclniii giovvih an I stiength K verv
ciing. trnng, full of life, and it does not need
a vnv vivid imigination to believe that within
tlie next decade a suburb onl seven miles aa,
eight bundled feet hUlur In altitude, comwted
evci step of the w 1 by the bemtiful boulevard,
by lallioad. by two road', will be one with
buanton, and ma jet be its chief pride.
Excursion to Mountain Park.
Tlitiisday, July 11, tho Elm Tark Sun
day .school will go on their excursion
to Mountain Paik. As the fare for non-
members of tho school Is only seventy
(he cents for adults and fifty cents for
chlldien, It Is anticipated that h latge
number besides tho members of tho
school will attend. There xxlll bo plenty
of amusements, bowling matches, ball
game and it number of races. The paik
gtounns are In excellent condition, nnd
It Is an Ideal place to take a day's out
ing, nefieshmcnts can bo obtained nn
Ihe giounds at reasonable prices. Train
leaves Centtal Hallroad of New Jersey
station at 8 a, m.; returning leaves the
park at t p, m,
Mr. John Volknandt, the well-known
harbor of the Dime bank barber shop,
has removed his place of business to
414 Sputce stieet, over John Barnes.
Lemonade and clgats will be furnished
all week,
Tho popular Punch cigar Is still
leader of thu 10c cigars.
When it comes to a question
ot accommodation this Bank is
always as liberal as conditions
will warrant.
The People's Bank
Board of Control Considering Moans
of Relieving the Threatened Con
gestion at the High School Train
ing School to Bo Transferred as a
Temporary Expedient The Es
tablishment of a Junior High
School and the Raising of Gram
mar School Grades.
When the High school opens next
September, It Is expected that not less
than nine hundred pupils will be xeek
Ing nelmlsslon, actotellng to the cisti
mate3 ot the ofllcerw of tho bourd of
How- to accommodate them all Is a
question now petplexlng the biiHtd.
Borne think that by transferring the
training school to other quartern and
using these looms for class-t corns for
High school pupils, the question xIII
be solxed. It Is genet ally admitted on
tho boaid that thlr, will solve the ques
tion for tlie piesent, but some of the
ntembeis ate not content with any
tempotary expedients and ate favor
ing the establishment of a Junior High
school, xv bete pupils from the gram
mar school can take one or two years
ot tho High school courses.
None of the larger cities, It Is con
tended, confine themsplvr to a single
High school. Tho cential High school,
with Junior or sub-dlstt let High schools,
prevail In every city of any size.
Eventually, this must come in Sctan
ton, It Is atgued, and, now when 11
ptesslng need for more High school
accommodation Is upon us. the proper
thing to do, It Is nigued, xxould bo to
establish one or mote of thee sub-dls-ttlct
Piesldont Gibbons when discussing
the matter with 11 Ttlbttnc repot tor, ellel
not commit himself to any pattlctilar
solution of the pending problem. Tho
most economical xxay, he sa.d, would
be to talse tho grade of the Rinmmnr
schools, but this, he felt, xvould do an
Injury to cdticntion, ns It wottlel have a
tendency to ellseouiago pupils fiom
completing tho coutse.
II lb the ambition ot evety student to
reach the High school, and this am
bition Is an ever-piesent Incentive to
eneigetlo xvork. Once a pupil reaches
the High school, he or she can be safely
counted upon to stay there till gradu
ation. The potcentage of xUthdrnwals
fiom school Is largest in tho upper
classes of the giammar schools. Tho.
longer a pupil Is Kept In the grammar
school the gi eater will be the pet cent
age of withdrawals. It may be, Mt.
Gibbons said, that the pupils xxould
come to logatd the High school couises
in tho giammar school as being tho
equivalent of the same couises ns
taught in the High school building by
11 specially f-elected faculty, but the
chances aie they xvon't.
The high and training school commit
tee Is meeting periodically to discuss
this question nnd befoto tho summer
Is over they expect to haxe the best
feasible plan ready to put In opetatlon.
One new teacher has been added to
tho force In the Kngllsh department,
Miss Katherlnc Smith, and three, pos
sibly four, mote nio to be selected.
Has Not Yet Received Any Part of
the Estate to Which He
Is the Heir.
Jerry Coates, tho aged pauper at the
Hillside Homo who last year fell heir
to a fortune left by a ilch but ec
centric female relative, ha noxer re
ceived any portion of the legacy, but
Is still an Inmate of tho home, pen
niless but far ftom unhappy,
From the first the old man declared
that even when ho received tho money
ho would not leave tho Institution,
that the tteatment affotded him there
xvns highly satisfactory and ho wasn't
going to leaxe a good thing to throw
himself upon the mercies of a cold,
cold xvorld, old and xvealt, with his
pockets bulging with coin of tho
He philosophically admitted at tho
time that there xvero worse things
in the xv 01 Id than money nnd that
a few thousand dollats In the bank
might come In x-ery useful as a te
servo fund to draw upon for tho pur
chases of unlimited supplies of to
bacco, with pet haps a different pipe
to smoke every day. He thetefote
told Supetintondent Beemer to look
after his foitune for him, stoically
lit his little black pipe and has not
wotried about the legaey since.
It Is fortunate that bo has not, as
tho money Is tied up by a tangle of
litigation, xvhleh forms a Gotdlan
knot that xxould loqulio mote than
Alexander's swoid to loose, Ktom all
over this nnd other states have ap
peared needy relatives xx Itli claims on
the estate and moreover, as has been
before nanated In these columns, the
deceased xvoman's xx HI contained a
xery peculiar proxlso, stipulating that
a monument must bo erected over her
remains, costing $11,000 and naming
the firm xvhleh should lear tho me
morial stone.
After tho $11,000 requisite- to gratify
this peculiar xxhlm is deducted fiom
the funds, the estate does not amount
to enough to compensate the x-ailnus
needy telatlves, and there has there
fore boon a sttong opposition made to
the will. Efforts aie now- on foot to
compiomlse for a modest $1,000 monu
ment, nnd tin n the balance Into the
estate. In the meanwhile, old Jcny
smokes his little pipe placidly, and
when called a millionaire and capi
talist by tho othor inmates, moiely
grins bioadly and affably.
mi ,.i. i. 1 1
James Kdvvards, arrested by Tatrolman John
McColllgan for righting, was fined $5 eslerday
morning, and Frank Buschally, arrested by tho
same patrolman for tanylng concealed weapons
and drunkenness, was fined flO and his revolver
Sergeant lllchard IMnrards and a squad nf pt
trolmen raided the house of Mrs. Maggie Colhorn,
at 311 Tenter Mieet, jesterday morning, and ar
rested the proprietress and five inmates. The
former was rlned $r0 and the othera $5 apiece.
Andrew Scales, the ccloifd man arrested I rtday
for shooting Peter Thane, of North Scranton,
with a blank cartridge, was dlichaiged Irom ens.
tody Saturdsy, Thane not appearing lo prcler
the charge cf assault before Alderman Howe
A man named John Dean, who resides In North
Scranton, reported the loss of his gold watch at
the central station jesterday. lie claimed that
it was stolen from thC room In the boarding
bouse where he lives, but the police entertain an
other theory,
Hanloy's Ice Cream
Is absolutely pure. 420 Spruce street.
District Passenger Agent Cross
Leaves Delaware and Hudson.
H. W. Cross, district passenger
agent nf the Delawate and Hudson
company, has teslgncd, to accept a
position as Hrst assistant to the new
genet al passenger agent of tho Kile
Mr. Cross will have his headeiuar
tets In Ohlrngo. Hit successor hete
has not been announced.
One Party Went Saturday Another
Goes Tomorrow.
A party of twenty xvomen and chll
dien wan sent to St. Luke's country
home at Cicscts Saturday nnd n
Tuesday nineteen others xxlll go theie.
The period dining which tho visitors
are kept nl the home is ten days.
In sending parties it is so arranged
that at no time during the season
will the home be more than halt
He Spent Two Years in the Philip
pines in the Service of His
Lieutenant Morrison M. Keck, of 1010
Pine street, is back In this city nftcr
almost two years of active service In
the Philippine islands with the Forty
second Infantry, He xvas mustered out
at the Ptesldlo recently, at tho same
time ns Lieutenant Thomas Muiphy, of
thl city, who was with the Forty-seventh
Lieutenant Keck saw haul seivlco
anil plenty of it, but the rough cam
paigning, toiiid heal and rigoioua llfo
luive left nn traces on his strong
physique, and he looks heat tier and
healthier than ever, rejoicing, more
over, In .1 tanned color which shows
tho effects of the blazing sun to xxhlch
ho was daily subjected.
With soldier's modesty, Lieutenant
Keck is icltictant about dwelling at any
length on his own achievements In the
East, but ho Is, nevertheless, known to
have been one of the best ofllcers In
tho regiment. On tho xxay home nnd
nt the Presidio be commanded his com
pany, In the absonie of tho captain,
xvho-iemalned In tho Philippines to ac
cept n government position.
Lieutenant Keck received his com
mission August 30, 1899, and xxas as
signed to Company M. Forty-second ln-
fantiy, destined for the Philippines. He
xvao theie practically ever since, and If
all his ndxentuies could be set forth
nt length there xxould be good lending
matter galote
His leglment xxas stationed In North
ern Luzon, and xxhllo It took part In no
x-ety active engagements xvith tho
dusky enemy, the amiable riliplno
made his ptosencc known on many nn
occasion, and frequent xxete the lively
bitishes and fierce skitmlshes with tho
follow eis of tho only and inimitable
Agulnaldo. "It xxas a continual round
of excitement," said Lieutenant Keck
briefly last night, but tho modest
young ofllcer xvas unwilling to specify
any of the exciting details.
One ot his ndventutes, xxhlch ptom
Ised some doings of a lively natute,
xxas when ho acted us the entlie convoy
of a large sum of gox-ernment funds.
Ten thousand dollars In gold and slher
xx ere glx-en him to convey to different
quartermasters at posts for n contslder
able distance fiom the scene of his
company's encampment.
He made the ttlp by boat, having as
solo escoi t a few not too reliable na
tixes, xv hose duty it was to navigate
tho little vessel, xvhlle tho lieutenant
x niched hl precious charge xvith one
eye and his sallow -looking companions
with the other. Tho trip passed xvith
tuit adventure, however. Tho lieuten
ant hasn't the highest opinion In the
xv 01 Id of the Filipino as an open Held
fighter, and claims that his sttong point
at the xvartlor's game Is In potting a
man it 0111 behind tho bush.
I'aptaln Lomax xxas in chat go of the
company, nnd has now accepted a posi
tion in the civilian service on tlie isl
and,. The company landed In San
Francisco, June "1, tholr trip passing
pleasantly, and disbanded June ".'.
There was one other Scranton man in
the teglment, and bo xxas Robert Vail,
quat terniaster sergeant of Company D.
He xvas formerly a local optician, con
nected with Oscar Hejer, of Spiuco
stieet, and Lieutenant Muiphy declares
that he made one of tho llnest set
geants in the leglment.
"While In the Philippines, Lieutenant
Keck xxas more foitunate than many
of the ofllcers and men, and, leadlly ac
climating hlmtelf to the conditions, ex
peilenccd not one day of Illness. He
brings home xvith him many quaint
trophies of the new possessions. Among
these Is a quaint statuette caivetl out
of wood with singular deftness nnd
sculptinal skill by a native. Another
curiosity Is a Filipino hat. It Ih Just
nbout half the size of a washtub, but
being made of bamboo is very light for
Its size. When placed nn the head it
completely obliterates all Indlxlduallty.
Many other souvenirs of a very In
teresting nature aie seen about the
Keck lesidcnce, as icmemhtaiiccs of
the lieutenant's experiences In the East.
The latter has not yet dotet mined on
hln futute plans nnd Is undecided as to
whether or not he will continue his
martial career.
Order Ice Cream
Hanloy's. None better.
Spruce street
Smoke the Pocono 5c cigar.
Print Butter,
25c Per Pound.
3 and 5 lb boxes, 23 Cents
per pound.
Peaches, Watermelons, Raspber
ries and Currants dally.
Fancy Groceries and Cigars.
Best Goods for Least Money.
E. G. Goursen
The Results of Last Week's Work of
tho Various Contestants Analyzed.
Eight of Them Did Not Turn in
Points nnd Are Dropping Behind.
A Good Time to Enter the Contest.
Standing of Contestants, I
If this was the last day, these would wins
1. Meyer Lewis, Scran
ton 520
2. Henry Schwenker,
South Scranton . . . 325
3. William Miles, Hyde
Park 230
4. Garfield Anderson,
Carbondnle 160
5. Ray Buckingham,
Elmhurst 03
0. Miss Wilhelmina
Griffin, Providence 00
7. August Brunner, Jr.,
Carbondale 81
8. Miss Norma Mere
dith, Hyde Park.. 80
How many of these will be In Table No.
1 on the closing day?
Miss Vlda Pedrick,
Clark's Summit . . 62
Frank Kemmerer,
Fnctoryville 50
Arthur C. Griffls,
Montrose 37
12. David O. Emery,
Wimmers, Pa. ... 35
W. H. Harris, Hyde
Park 23
Miss Minnie Wallis,
E. J. Sheridan, Haw
ley Miss Jennie Ward,
Robert Campbell,
Green Ridge
1 15.
I 10.
I 17.
Miles iaiih the only contestant to
hrliiR In points on Snturday, and so
theie -wete no changes in position In
the Educational Contest. Dutlng: the
past week he scored more points than
any other contestant and gained 37 on
Sdnvenker, who holelev second place, and
40 on Andeison, who holds fourth plate.
Lewis scot eel the next largest number,
53, and diew 33 points fut titer away
fiom Schvvcnker, who follows him. The
contest Is now half over, and today be
gins the second pot Hon of It, Those
who have accomplished icsults the past
week ate as follows, with their dally
and total showing:
Jlon.Tues.Wed Thurs Irl.Sat.Totat.
W. Hllcs ft .. 2 .. .".! 13 37
M. lewis 1 .. ;t 1 11 ,. y,
If. Schwenker...lJ 2 il -Ji)
Miss Meredith . II .. I .. (1 .. Co
Miss lirifHn ... lfl .. 2 IS
O, Anderson 7 fi .. I ,. 17
H. r.ucUinRhain 12 ., 12
V. Kemmrrer... 6 n
A C. firiffls 5 .. .. ',
Mis Ward ..,.. .. 1 1
M 10 .19 17 t3 13 211
Neither August Bi tinner, Sllss Vlda
Pedrick, David O. Kmory, W. II. Har
ris, Miss Minnie Wallis, l:. J. Sheri
dan, nor Robert Campbell turned in a
point last week. And while they are
waiting, those above them are forging
! Straw !
S Hat Season
is hete for good. Don't go
around wearing a heavy hat,
telling every man, you meet
"It's a hot day." Most men
can tell a hot day without be
ing told buy a straw hat and
be comfortable.
Here are Knox Straws, in all
shapes and sizes, $3 and $4.
An excellent hat, either split
or rough braids, SI. 50 and S2.
Alpine Straws for SI. 50, on up
to S12.00 for real Panamas,
Of Office Supplies and Blank
Books in Northeastern Pennsyl
General Stationers and Engravers, Scranton, Pa.
Oils, Paints and Varnish
MaIon?y Oil 5 ManlifacNiring Company,
141-149 Meridian Street.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
further ahead nnd those behind are
catching up and ims-slng them. During
the week Mr. Urunner chopped from
fifth place to seventh and only one
point naves him fiom eighth plaic.
There Is plenty of mom for ambitious
young people to enter the ranks nf tho
contestants; no others ncsd apply. A
contestant beginning today -with eight
yearly subscribers, cotinth.g 36 pnlnte,
would have a lltst-class title to fifth
place In the contest, A full dcscilptlon
of tho entetprlse appears each morning
on the fourth page of The Tribune, or
a letter addressed "Kdltor KelucHtlnnnl
foulest," Scranton Tilbune, Scinnton,
Pa., will be respondeil to with a hand
somely Illustrate d bookle-t, or a set ot
AUhscilptlon blanks, If you are deslious
of participating In the contest.
Sossions of the Board Will Begin
This Morning.
The semi-annual examination of law
students will begin this morning In
the law library at the court house. A
large number of students will bo ex
amined, most of them coming fiom
the law schools,
The examining boatd consists of
John M. Harris, president: W. A.
Wilcox-, and C. II. Bedford, secretniy.
A Letter from Alderman Millar.
Scranton, Pa., July 6, 1001.
Pennn. Casualty Co., Scranton, Ph.:
Gentlemen I beg to acknowledge re
rccelpt ot your check for $41.07. Please
accept my thanks for same.
This settlement Is very satlsfactoiy,
as I did not lose much time as a re
sult of tho Injury to my ankle, and I
did not know you pjtlrl for paulal
disability, so I hope you w ill accept
this letter as an evidence of nppte-
clatlon on my part for your Just
treatment. Wishing you success, I
beg to remain. Very truly yours,
Police Magistrate.
Scranton, Pa.
Picnics and Largo Gatherings
Promptly furnished with best Ice
Cream. Hanley, KO Spiuco street.
Try tho new 5c cigar "Kleon '
H New i!
Department ff
ft When you want some- J5
ft thing to satisfy the "inner ft
0 man" and don't know just 0
JvJ what, look through the J
S& cholco and toothsome va- V
riety of appetite tempters 0
ft we show. ft
ft Every pound of our can- ft
ft dy is as fresh nnd delicious ft
0M. na candy can be made 0
JsJ fresh every day. Jf
g Chocolate Italian Creams
g Pineapple Fruit, H
g Yiolet Creams,
I 20c
M per pound V
Ji" regular price j
Clarke Bros
Worsted Suits, to Order,
$15.00 and Up
King: Miller, Merchant Tailor,
For Ladies and Gents.
Good Team
France and Germany are making
a hit in European affairs on ac
count of mutual support. You
give your order to us for your
liquors, and we will make a con
tiuuous bit with quality.
Fancy and
ii Art Goods Center. J
:: Specials
:: This Week
:: New Duchess Braids
;: for lace making.
Briarene for fancy t
shirt waists.
Yonr Inspection Incited 1
Cramer-Wells Co.,
r 130 Wyoming Ave.
Straw Hats
New Stock Just Arrived.
All styles, from the $1.00
Alpine Straw to the $12.00
Don't forget we are head
quarters for
Summer Shirts,
Underwear, Etc
Try Our Special 10c Linen Collars
There Is nn mystery about the busl
ness of a Title Company. It examines
titles to real etate, standing In the
same relation to Its clients as an at
torney, and after satisfying itself that
the title Is good, it Issues Its policy
of iuMiinnrc to the i llent. This
jiollcy or InhUi.inei' Is In the nature of
a bond, anil affouls absolute piotec
tlon to the client against any los.3
by means of dofeahe titles.
516 Spruce Street.
K A. WstrM, President. IH. A
A. U. JlcCllntocW, Ralph
.Vice president. I
Knsrp, V, Pre.
S. Hull,
Trust Offlcfsr.
If There
Should be
6 Nooks '
You could
afford to
place one
of these
tables in
?r s ..t
finish, heavy mould
ed top, 16 inches
square, convenient
lower shelf., graceful
French shaped legs
not two-and-a-half
but 69c.
' i-f