The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 08, 1901, Image 1

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President McKlnleu's Formal Proc
lamation as to the Settle
ment Is Made Public.
Tho Lands of thoCommnncho, Kiowa
nncl Apacho Tribes Will Bo Open
to Soltlomont Under Homestond
Laws on tho Sixth of August Ap
plicants Must Ropistorin Advance
and Designate What Portion of tho
Torritory They Doslre to Settle on.
Choico of Land Will Then Be Made
by Lot nnd All Will Bo Given an
Equal Ohauco.
rii l lunte Who from The Avs-iuitcd Press
Washington, .Inly ".-The pioeliuna
tl"ii of Ii evident McKlnley, opening
t'i sett lenient tho lands teded by In
lifiii! In the lenltory of Oklahoma,
wis given to the public todax. The
lnoiUnmtlon coveis llic cessions made
1 the Wichita and alllli.itcd bands of
Indians, in a eonhiiiee with the act of
March '1. 1W. and those made by the
i iiiuniachc, Kiowa and Apache tribes
In puisuani'c of the ait of June 6,
The pioelaiimtl'in piovleles for the
opening of the lauds In those roser
xtMlons which aio not i evened, at 0
o'cliick a. in., on the lth day of
August next, the lands to he open to
settlement under the homestead and
town site laws of tho I'lilted States.
The piiiclaiiiatlon says that begin
ning on the loth Inst., ending on the
"Mh. those who w Isli to in. ike entiy
ot laml under the homestead law
shall he legistoioel. The legist ration
will take place at the land olliocs at
lteno and haw ton. The legistratlon
at each otIUe will be for both land
To obtain legistratlon, each appll
laut will lie ic(iiiied to show himself
duly nualltlcd to make homestead en
tiy of these lands under existing laws
and to give the registering oflice such
appioprlate matteis of desci Iptlon
nnd Identity as will piotcut the ap
plicant and the government against
any Inipeisonatlon.
Hoglstratlon cannot be done thiough
the use of the mall or tho employment
of an agent, excepting that honorably
discharged soldleis and sillois may
present their applications thiough an
agent, no agent being allowed to rep
resent mote than one soldier. No
person will be allowed to teglster inoie
than once. After helng leglsteied. ap
pllcants will be gcn certlllcatcs, al
lowing them to go upon the ceiled
lauds and examine them. In oider to
aid thrin in making ,n intelligent se
lei tlon It is cxplli'ltl) stated that "no
one will be peimlttcd to make settle
incut upon any of the lands in ad
vance of tbe oicnlug provided for"
mid the statement Is added that "dur
ing the tlii-t siuy das following said
opening, im one but leglsteied appli
cants will be peimlttcd to make
homestead settlement upon anv of
said lands and then only In puisiiance
of a homestead enti. dulv allowed hv
the loial land ofllieix, oi of a soldiers
declaiatoiy statement duly accepted
hy such oltli ers.-'
Ordor of Applications.
The oider of the applications Is to
li elollvciod by dialing, the plan for
which Is described as follows:
The oider In which the tlist sixty
das following the opening the iegi.s
leicd applicants will he peimlttcd to
make hiiiiicsiead entry ot the lands
opened hcie will he deteiuilucd by
diawings, rm both 111 Heno and Law
tnn dlstilcts. publicly helrl at the
Vnlted States, laud otllce at Kl lteno,
Oklahomii, commencing at 'j o'clock a.
in. Monday, .Inly I'll, J1KU, and continuing
for such pci loci as may be necessaij to
complete the same. The diawings will
be held under the supciWslmi and im
mediate observance of a committee of
thiee pei sons, whine intcgiitv Is sin h
as to iiuike thcli contiol or the thaw
ing n glial antec of Its faliness. The
jnemhcis of thin committee will he up
pojutod by the sccietaiy of the inteiioi.
who will proscribe suitable
turn for their sei vices. ricpaiatoi,s to
these drawings the leglstiation olll
cers will, at the time of teglstnlng
each applicant who shows himself duly
qualified, make out a caid, which must
be signed by tho applicant, stating tho
land dlstilct in which ho elculies to
make homestead entry and giving such
a desci Iptlon of the applicant as will
enable the local land ollice to theie
nfter Identify him. This card will he
at once sealed in a sepaiate envelope,
which will bear no other distinguishing
label or mink than such as may be
nccessaiy to show that it Is to go Into
the drawing for the land district In
which the applicant deslics to make
entry. TIicao envelopes will be sepui
ated according to land dlstilcts and
will he fully picseied and tenialn
sealed until opened In the couise of tho
drawing, as herein piovlded. When the
reglstiatlon Is completed, all of these
sealed envelopes will be hi ought to
gether at the place of drawing nnd
turned over to the committee In ehaige
of the drawing, who in such mannei as
In their Judgment Will he attended with
rntlie faliness and equality of opjior
tunlty, shall piocecd to diaw out and
open the sepaiate envelopes and to give
each enclosed en id a. number In the
order In which tho envelope containing
tho tamo Is drawn.
Tho Drawings.
While tho drawings for the two dis
tricts will bo separately conducted,
they will occur as neatly at tho same
tlnio as Is practicable. The result of
the diawlng lor each dlstilct will be
rei tilled by (he committee to the ofll
its ot thu dlatrlut and will dcteimlue
the oider In whit li the uppllcunts may
make homestead rntiy of said lands
and settlement tliricnn.
Huhicfticnt proceedings arc provided
for an follows:
Applications for homestead entry of
paid lands dining tho first sixty das
following the opening can ho niado only
hy reglstoiod applicants and In the or
der established hy tho di awing. At
cneli land oillic, commencing Tuesday,
August 6, 3001, at 0 o'clock Inclusive,
foi that dlstilct must he piescntoel the
applications of those diluting nutiiliptu
1 to l-'i inclusive, and will bo cousld
oiod In their numerical order dining
the llrst day, and the applications of
those (hawing unlabels 116 to li.'O in
clusive must ho presented, and will he
considered In their numerical otdcr,
during the second day, and so on at
that tatc until all of said lands, subject
to entry under the homestead law, and
dcslicd thereunder, have been entered.
The Total Number of Visitors to
Date 1,770,808 Daily Averago
for Juno 31,000.
fly i:xoltilte Wire fiom The Associated rrrss,
Huffulo, July 7. The total attcud
nnie to date at the l'an-Amoilcnn Is
1, T71i.SC.!. The exposition attendance
began on the 20th of May, but at that
llnio many fcutiues were lii"mpletc.
The avciage dally attendance for
June, Including five .Sundays, was over
I'.l.OOO. The excessive hot weather din
ing the last two weeks has had a do
ten out Inlluence on tho attendance,
notwithstanding Buffalo Is tated as
the "coolest city" by soveial dcgiccs,
on account ot the breezes fiom Lake
Kile. It Is believed that July and
August will easily bring the total to
anovo five millions and it will icrnaln
lor September and October to bring
tho remainder of thp ten millions at
which the status ot the guesseis have
been et. At the Chicago World's
Kali, .is per cent, of the attendance
was dining the last two mouths.
Klght million paid admissions, with
the revenues from eonccsslons, will
lepay the cost of th Pan-American.
One thing that has . -haps counted
seilously against the attendance to
date Is the short limit railway exclu
sion, which gives the holder but one
or two days at the exposition.
Some ot the excursion people have
expressed themselves very strongely
against any ticket having n. limit of
less than fifteen da.vs, claiming that
two weeks Is little enough time for
anyone who deslics to enjoy the ex
position as a festival or to prollt from
It as a great educational Institution,
Special days are now important feat
ures of the exposition programme.
Wednesday, July 10, will he Maryland
Day, with exercises in the Temple of
Music. Tho retail grocers of the
Vnlted Slates, In session lieie, wilt
also have a special session nt the ex
position In the Temple of Music1 on
Wrduesriaj afternoon. Thursday,
July 11. Is commeiclal travelers' day,
when a huge convocation of that fia
ternlty Is expected. About fifty ban 1
and organ tonccits aie scheduled for
this week.
The Klgln band, of fifty pieces, ot
Klgln, 111., will give their first concert
heie tonioi row, continuing for a short
season. Tour other bands will also
give cotii eits. Important dally feat
ures of the exposition are the athletic,
sports In the great Stadium, the water
sports In the Imposition lake, I'ulteil
Slates aitlllery drills, showing the
handling of sea coast defense by ma
rines', dillU liv a t'nlted States life
suing ciew. sham battles and many
other featjies, all of which arc free
to holdcs of admission tickets.
Constitutional Convention Not Yet
Arrived at an Understanding
Concerning Eloctorl Laws,
By l'xrlusive Who fiom The Awmutccl Prrw.
Havana, July 7. The Cuban consti
tutional convention has not yet ar
il1 ed at an undeistiindlng icganllng
the clectoial law. Soveial meetings
vveie held last week-, but many of tho
delegates being absent, the coneva
tives aie quite hopeless with lespect
to the icsc hiding of tho universal suf
lrage clause, and they aio now en
cleavoiing to secute a plural vote for
pinperty holders and for professional
and business men. In this they aio
stiongly oppoucd h tho ladlcals.
An objection has recently been
l.U-ed against ill, iw lug up the clec
toial law until the United States
guv eminent has approved the comtl
tiillon, the argument being that It
would be useless to dtaft laws based
upon the constitution If Washington
Is going to mako changes In this In
stiuinent. Count Do Sugny 111.
11 rxc-lulic Wm1 from Hi .Vmocutdl I'irsi.
I'liiliclililiu, ,lnlj 7 - fount Do Sirii, who
ffirinrrl ciinnuiirlcil tho I irnili iniisci ll'l'jitrrs,
and ttlio lu liroii ill Ikio of tjnlmnl ffM-r, naj
liccn taWn to Mlaiilic! fiij t iccupoi.iii'. When
the iitnl thin citj In M.j llio count
na lck ami j Iminnlljti-lj rnnoud to the
hospital 'llio count will go to Pari in Vucun
anil will Ihrii he inoinotcil to thp lank ul rear
Automobile Accident,
By Km Iult e who from The Aoci.ilH Pros.
ItochMtri, .lul.t ". Piofcwor J. M. I'orlrr, who
In In chdW of tho iltll riminrrrini; ilipartmcnt
of biifajctlo collac at Kaston, I'a., ami M. b.
Wcit, a maililnUt, who mo riilinif In in auto,
mobile en loutp fiom fletrlaml, (I , in Huston,
I'u , went rlotui 1 alcep rnilianlinriit nrar (old.
watrr lat nlaht and wore urtcirl.t Injuod, 'I he
automobile Ml upon Jlr. I'orlrr ami brtnre ho
could cvtrioatu himself he ttai ulnfully luldid.
Snow in Michigan.
Dy r.nliwltp Wire from The AMoolulcd Pres.
Detroit, July ".A cpeoljl from Hnusliten,
Mir It , iji "snow fell hrro and at Calumet
Saturday mornlnir. Tlie Quincy lillla ttnc nlilte
ttltli It carl, but It oon faded attay,"
Profossor Qapp Dead,
1y Kxclutltc Wire Irnni The Aioclatrd Pre.
Ilerlin, Jul.i ". l'ioffsnr l.udwig liapp, of the
L'lltculty of Tuberulii, U clcud.
Services Held In Cincinnati Ncarlu
Everu Hour In the Dau from
mornlno Until Nlrjht.
Tho Pulpits of tho City Occupied
During ths Day by tho Visiting
Ministers It Is Estimated by tho
Locnl Committoe That Thsro Aro
atLoast 10,000 Visiting Endertvor
era Programmo of tho Mootings
of Today.
Py Kielcuhe AMre from The Avoclated Press.
Cincinnati, July ".The Kndcuvorcrs
made Sunday a busy day. From
morning until evening and during
almost every hour of the clay there
wcio services In sonic part of the city.
The clay opened In refreshing contrast
to yesterday nnd the breezes added
matei hilly to inctcase the attendance.
The clay opened with three meetings
of one hour each held In three of the
largest ot thu city chut dies and con
ducted hy the Revs. Floyd Tompkins,
Philadelphia, and Cornelius Wolfklu,
of Hiooklyn. The meeting at tho Con
tint Christian church was to have been
oudticted by tho Hew J. Wilbur Chap
man, ot Xew York city, who Is now
seriously III at his country homo at
Winona Lake, Indiana, but tho meet
ing was not held,
Tho various pulpits about the c lly
vvero ocupled during the test of tho
morning by the 1sltlng ministers,
whose topics woie "Twenty yens nt
Clulstlan Kndenvor." The attend
ance nt those meeting's was large, es
pecially so at St. Paul's Methodist
llplscopal church, wheie the Itev.
Charles Sheldon, ut Tnpek.i, Kansas,
The af lemon was devoted to tin oe
simultaneous meetings lu the Music
hall auditoriums. These meetings weie
classified for men, women and children.
The attendance nt all was huge. Tho
men's meeting In tho auditorium Ihi-
eleavor was to have "becen conducted
by Hev. Dr. Chapman, of Xew Yoik,
but In his nbsencc Win. Philips Hall,
of New York, led It, President Clink
occupied tho chair a portion of the
meeting, Tho meeting was opened
by the Hev. U. I'. Swengel, of Yoik,
Pa., who was followed by Hev. J. D.
Hlackburn, of Covington, Ky. Music
al Dlicctor P. II. Jncobs, of Uroklvn,
assisted by John H. Hills, of fircen
castle, lud., lendeicd solos, after
which Mr. Hall spoke on "Clulstlan
My as a profitable investment."
Mr. Hall's address was btioug and nt
lis conclusion he called upon those
who would accept of a partneiship
with Clnlst to lemnlii after tho meet
ing for further seivlco and many
accepted the Invitation.
Temperance Mooting,
The meeting for women lu Auditor
ium Wllllston became a temperance
men ng. It was conducted by Oener
nl Secretary John Willis Haer, of Hos
tou, assted by Jlr. Percy S. Poster,
of Washington, D. C, who led the
chorus. Miss Giace W. Tteeman, of
Dayton, o icndered several cornet
solos. Addresses wcio made by tho
Misses Margaret Koch. Watervlllc,
Maine, and llhena Mother of West
field. X. Y. The but den of their ic
maiks wns upon temperance, not only
lu the use of intoxicating dilnks, but
of tobacco as vtell,
The attendance at this meeting was
the laigest of the three evangelistic
lu the auditorium Ohio the children
held sway, led by the new field sec
ictary, Claience Hhciuinn, of Lancas
ter. Pa. II. C. Lincoln, ot Philadel
phia, led the child! en hi singing,
Tieasiuer Wm. Shaw, of Hoston and
Miss Kate H. Hans, of St. Louis, m.
dressed the chlldicn, warning them
partlculaily ngalnst clgatcttes and
bad reading. Mrs. Francis L Clatk,
of Hoston, wife of President Clatk,
spoke of the Junior Chilstlan Hudcav
or and Its accomplishments for young
The (lermau Christian Hndeavor So
clety held Its first nicotine in tho
Phllllppus church. Dr. Claiko being
tho principal speaker.
General Howard's Spooch.
At tho conclusion of tho big ntnlltoi-
lum tallies three special meetings wcio
held in the central Clulstlan church,
then In the Ninth street Baptist chinch
and tho Second Piesbyterlan chuich,
all In the cential pint ot tho city. Tho
meetings were large and enthusiastic.
Tieasurer Wm. Shaw, of Hoston, pre
sided at the session at the Central
Presbyterian chinch, nsslstcd by How
F. D, Power, of Washington, D, C
who spoko on the Sabbath observ
ance. General O. O. How aid, of Bur
lington, Vt., then spoko on "Our New
Responsibilities," saying lu p.ut;
since the huoinliur of what Is called blither
nllkl'lil and iluiln? the list Inn driailrs of
theoretic rendition taught In our youni; men in
inllrgca and extended nccunlonall wlih contro
vert) to our thenlosient trniliiuins, it lua be
come the fashion to lay lrcM upon the earthly
life, tho iiatiiullttlc1 llle of nirii, women and
chiMirn, hero and now. Ktcn in mn lust ri
me ns. te niM the Old Tntument (crlpluir. Ulna
Iratlons ubomid ttlikh tbow iiiort leuilliiK of oilier
hoobt and less atuily ot tho lllble. It teems to
bate beiome the rmtnin with our .tnunper cleiuy.
men cpeclall) to treit chllilien and tomln ah
the) do plautj. '1 heir rutin nun nt l uinninl, Hie
ileteloinient Is begun and continued and cu rela
tions fiom bubthood to Ibe klmleif iiiui; fimn
the Uliiilercatten to the eruiiimur nlinol, wills the
Indiutiiul n from lln ciiaiumai tdml
to the nhool, and fiom t lie hlju In
lb rnlleite, araelemle, piofelonal, luile or eiin.
merelal Mane.
I elo not object to the setere nine .m rf the
rptuie text, and the most m-iiIiIiix lutialisa
tlnn as In tthat holy men of old lully wiele
when Ihey were inoted b) fiwl'a lilt .ril, but
1 do dlstltut all fleice tiluinpli ihl li Mine mn.
manifest uhni Ihe) do ho or thin!, tliey hate
4'iottn that Woihlnii'lti tntW .1 K""d iimil Ihat
thul.cipearc did not write the houk, n puled tu
him and that Moses was not the rompoeer of Ihe
Pentateuch. 1 object to the parlltan iplrit wblcli
undeilakea lo wrench from us tint nhloli we bate
loteel anil trusted and belleted In, nnd woiked
tvltli from our spiritual chlldhooel to our spiritual
manhood. Truth wo want. Truth vie vtilccme.
So let in bate the whole truth and send forth
men and wnni'-n Into the Hold jj mission n Ira
ami Diulcitorera to exult the sitlor, and who are
able to teaeli the aimpk' truths t.lileU men and
women need, and proclaim the Rood tidin-M of
(treat Joy coullnuall) and without rescrtatlon At
we proclaim the truth lit our enlarited pojsesslona.
In all our npurscly fettled lountr), amid tlio lietv
and litnnnnt and Mipcivtitlous popnUtlon-s, far
away in Hawaii, fiom ahorc to Mioie of Cuba
and among the Porto Illcaiu and the elcht mil
lions of l'illplnc.5, obejliiff our Matei' last
I'oimuand to preich and teach eterywhere wliit
He taught lilt disciple;, let us see to It thtt tve
Kite no uncertain aound; that we dctitcr no un
certain tiding, no lame uid weak proclamations.
Heeding this method, the old and well tiled
method, the miccodsful method, wc flialt luto
abundant fruitage.
Tho meeting nt the Cential Christian
chinch was conducted by Scciotnty
John Willis Bacr. This was a tempt r
ance meeting, nnd was addressed by
Colonel Qcoige W. Bain, of Lexington,
Ky.; Hev. Anna II. Shaw, ot Philadel
phia, and Oliver W. Stew ait, of Chicago,
The meeting nt the Ninth Stieet Bap
tist chtuqh was for the foreign mis
slonaiies. Samuel li. Capon, of Bos
ton, piesldcd, and the Hevs. J. B. Jones,
of Indiana; A. A, Pulton, of Canton,
China: Willis H. Hotchklss, of Hast
Cential Africa, and W. S. Anient, of
China, spoke.
Tho Visitors.
It Is estimated by the locnl commit
tee that thcie aio at least 10,000 visit
ing L'nileavoici.s In tho city and many
more aio expected to airlvo tomorrow.
The attendance will not teach the
limit tho local committee had made
provisions for, but Ptcsldent Clark Is
much pleased with the tcsults, consid
ering the lcccnt pcilod of cxtiemely
hot weather over the entire country.
The sessions tomot low will begin ns
on the other days ot the session with
eiulet hour meetings conducted by the
Hev. 1'Tovel Tompkins, ot Philadelphia,
and the Hev. Cornelius Woelfkln, of
Hiooklyn. The third one of these meet
ings was to have been conducted hv
Hev, Dr. Chapman, of New Voik, and
the committee has cancelled It for
tlio rest of the convention. Among the
meetings tomorrow will be one devot
ed to a eliscuslon ot " The Twentieth
Century Home."
Mr. Baor's Contract with tho Men
"Will Bo Lived Up to in
Evory Particular.
Hy Kxelutlte Wire from The Assoelattd Press
Philadelphia, July 7. The follow
ing statement was given out from the
ofllco of the Heading ralltoad:
Following the departuie of .Mr. Bacr
for Kuiopo on July 4, .Mr. Welsh act
ing president of tho Philadelphia it
Heading lallioad company took up as
pioinptly as possible the double ex
Ming lu the shops and Uncling that
quite unk own to .Mr, Baer an oider
had been issued which could easily he
Intel pieled by the men ns bad faith
he telcgiaplied to Heading' for those
who had icceiitly come to an agi ce
ment of settlement with Mr. Baer to
meet hlni at the Philadelphia, oflice of
the i'oinp,m this (Sunday) meaning
so that If possible he might demon
strate that thcie was absolutely good
faith on the part ot the company. The
meeting look place and as a result thu
following notice to the shopmen was at
once Issued:
Philadelphia, July 7. 1901. To the
shopmen ot the Philadelphia & Head
ing railway company:
Mr. Baci's contract with xou and all
contracts made by this company with
men lu Its service will be lived up to
In every particular. An oider un
known to Piesldont Baer when malt
ing the contract with you has caused
xou to feel not unnaturally, that them
was bad faith. Had faith with you by
Piesldont Haer would be Impossible.
Men formeily In the shops applying
Monday, July S, for work will tecelve
next pay day, wages for Friday and
Saturday, July nth and fith In addi
tion to what may be duo then,
John lowher Welsh, Picsldent pio
Roportcra at Manhattan Beach Aro
Unablo to Gain Information.
Il.t l.xiluslte Wire from Ihe .Wccliteit Pious
New York. July 7 The Journal and
Advertiser will say tomnriow: Charles
M. Schwab was at the Oriental hotel,
.Manhattan Peach, ye-torday nnd al
though the hotel people had an idea
that he was to be a guest for several
daxs, ho left thcie last evening. Mr.
Schwab would not talk about tho
gloat steel contest.
A man who Is prominently connected
with the Morgan steel Intoiests and
who nnlved at tho Oriental last even
lug, said tho Journal could announce
positively that theto Is to bo a con
ference at Plttsbutg on Tuesday or
Wednesday between lepresentatlvcs
of tho employes of the two companies
whose men aie to be supported In
their demands by tho employes of the
Pnlted States Steel ceirpoiatlons In
In case their demands aio not com
piled with.
It was snld last evening that John
Janett and -Poielfor F. Smith, of tho
Ameilcan Steel Sheet company, would
today meet J. P. Morgan and Charles
M, Schwab li this city to go over a
few points that are likely to be
brought up In the conference.
Ut Pxcluslte Wir' from The Associated Press.
Phlliilelphl.i, Julv 7.-'lhe Ledger tomorrow In
its coal ti 11 Mi' sa ill a)
'Ihe anthracite mil trade I without i lunge lu
ant Imp'Utaut feature. 'Ihe idiauieel pile , eif 10
I I'll Is if I' loll went lute i'l'l.lllill week and
la fully lis nl up In. Ni.liodt iiut longer expects
In kiiiii' tilde lit the I'lllllnir of the pihr. of
mil and Ihe (rule iiinsequenll.t will amlelpile
lln' fuilher adt lines eif 10 criita pi r ton liwnllih
nnd lliis makes Initio.; Iietlei. Hie IiuMiipm is
riilet, lioweter, and Ihe hlpuieiil Unlit loh lit
km and the like, the nulposts lielng now in Ken
erallf full miplj. 'Die IViinlh of Jul) holleliv
pindutid a general iiiiLillment of inlnln;
tliii'iiuli'int (hi aulhraclle llelds, hut hi leafier
Ihe nemo tti'tkln Is expected In gradually ae .
ci.iiiulale stinks In supply the lmicattd demand
j autumn iiprvaihcJ,
The Well Known Tobacco Merchant
and Turf Patron Expires at
Flith Avenue Hotel.
Stricken with an Uraomic Chill in
England Ho Was Advised to Leave
for Homo The Voyage Made on
tho Deuntsland Skotoh of Hia
Business Careor.
Py Kxeluslte Wire from The Asi-oelateil Press.
New York, July 7. Pierre Lorlllatd
died at 2.10 o'clock this afternoon. The
death of Mr. Loilllnrcl took place at
the Pit th Avenue hotel, wh. re he was
taken from tho Deutschlaud when
that steamer united fiom Kurope
July 4. The members of the family
piesent at tho bedside when death
came vvete Jlr. Lorlllard's daughters,
Mrs. T. Sufferln Taller and Mrs. Wil
liam Kent, and th-'ir husbands, and
Plot re Lorlllaid, jr., and wife, and ale)
Pierre Lorlllard III.
Mr, Lorlllatd's iccent seven' Illness
dated from June 20. He was stricken
with an utaemlc chill and was sick for
n week. He was advised to come to
Ameilcannd boarded the Dcutscnlan.l,
but his condition became graver each
moment. His physician, Dr. Kllroe,
told hhn he did not think he would
liv to get to New Yoik, hut
the patient Insisted that ho would. It
has never been thought he could to
cover since his nrilval.
The f uncial will he nt 10 o'clock on
Wednesday from C.race church. The
Interment will be nt C,t eon wood.
Picric Lorlllard was tho eldest son
of Peter Loilllaid, architect of the for
tune which made the family name
famous, He Inherited much ot the
business ability of his father and
maiked suciess attended the commer
cial enterprises which he planned and
executed. At the death ot his father
he received about JI.000,000 nnd an in
terest jointly with his brothers and
sisters In the tobacco house of which
his father had been the head. He
purchased fiom his brothers a con
trolling lntei est. and by shrewd man
agement, greatly Inci cased hi for
tune. He built a handsome ics lence
at Fifth avenue and "Fifty-sixth street
and entertained in a princely manner.
In 1S7J ho became Interested lu the
turf. Ills first gieat hoi so was Parole,
and with Irrapils, in 1S81, he was
the Hi st American to win the classic
Huglish deiby. He xtas also an en
thusiastic yachtsman and once ran
Vesta across the Atlantic1. He found
eel and controlled nt the time of his
death the fashionable resort at Tux
edo, lie was neatly fi years old lie
Is survived by his wife, son, Plerie
Lorlllard, Jr , nnd daughters. Mis,
William Kent and Mrs. T. Suffeiln
Taller. He leaves a large fortune.
Vailous estimates have been made
of the value of Mr Lorlllard's estate,
and while Its exact value at the pies
ent time Is not known. It Is not 'be
lieved that it Is more than $2.',(0O,0OO.
As long ago as 1RS4 It was said to be
from J13.000.000 to JJO.OOO.OOO.
Columbia and Independence Badly
Beaten HerreshofFs New Boat
Ear Ahead at End of Race
l Ktclusltc Wire from The Moclatcd IVm
New pott, H. I., July 7. An unquali
fied victory for the Constitution, an
overwhelming defeat for the Indepen
dence, a most commendable showing
for the old ohnmplon, the Columbia, Is
the record of the first day's contest of
the big sloops In the Netvpoit Yacht
Pacing association series of races.
Piom the filing of the starting gun
which sent the yachts otf to wlnclwairt
lu a light eastcily lueeze yemercluy,
the Constitution field her rivals. At
the turning buoy sho was a little moie
than two minutes In advame of the
Columbia, whllo the Independences was
hull down to leeward.
On the run home tho Heireshoft
yacht shotted her greatest strength,
beating tho Columbia over eight min
utes lu the fifteen miles down the
wind, unci when the last boat built
to defend tho America's Cup swept
acrocs tho Hue, the Uoston yacht was
over seven miles astern,
oirid.M, timi: op 'iiii: uvu:
l.lapsccl ree led
Name Slart. I inlth. time.
Constitution , ft.U.fH fi aS.Oel
Coluinhli 1.MIH7 fiWJO 6.4M1
S. I7.-.5 nee .I.MJ.K) (Did not riundi within
time limit.)
The Constitution heat the Columbia ly y min
utes I'J seconds ottr the whole couuc-.
Steamship Arrivals.
By Excliulie Wire The Associated Press.
Vew 'Vork, July 7 Arrlted: l..t Xornundle,
llitie: Potsdam, llottcrdam and Boulogne. Uoter
- Passed -l, inxei Isuilurrt, llrenicn for Cherbourg
and New ,ork. nlweip .Vnlted: Vaderlatid,
New V. oik. Motillc Arrlted: ( 'lly of llnnic, Netv
ork for (ilatgow- (and proceeded) (iihraltut -willed:
'liate (from l,enoa and Naples), N-tv
V.ork. CJiieenstown Sailed. I inhrU tiroui Liver
pool), .New- oik.
Will Unveil Perry Monument,
Hj KxilualiK Wire from The Assoelalcd Press,
v.iiknhUM, .Ink 7 V number of Japanese war
thlpt will be piesent in addition tn tin-
Vim ru .in tcaishlp undci Hear tilmlul llogira
at the limi'llm.". .lul.t II, ul Kinlh.iiiu, nt the
monument tn eomineinui He Hie landing I hole of
Commodore I'crrt, July It, I'll.
Berlin Bioyclo Itacos,
1y Lxclmhc Wire fiom The oelalcil Tress
Ilerlin, .lull- 7 In Ihe ble trie coinpctltioiia
for the world's championship! wlihli began line
toilat the bundled klloinelie umctcur cliiiiiplon
ship ia,i e wia won by Tints, of Munich In as I 10
mluulcc. Ilonliiitiu, of Paris, fell caily In I ho
race and waa ttrlouilt injured.
Weather Indications Toda) i
1 (Seneral Colonel Wlnt l)lstln(fiilhi'S lllmlf
lu the Philippine.
1-ndeatorcrs Kite n lltisv Sundty,
Peath of Pierre liorillard.
Indian bands Open to settlement.
2 fleneral-Carhemdale department.
3 Ixjialftocliy (lien waler Companj Suit Con
Sermon hy Ilev. I). I). Hopkins.
4 iMilntial.
Note and Comment.
5 local -Plan le Sun district the High School.
Ilesinne of a Week Work in tho l.ilucallonil
6 Ixieal- West Siranlon and Snlnnhan.
7 Northeastern l'cnnstltaiila. and Commercial.
8 Local -Induftrial and I.ahor.
Will Moat at Columbuo on Wednes
day Next War Horses Al
ready on the Ground,
Pa r.vclusite Wire fiom 'Ihe Associated Press.
Columbus. O., July ".Although the
Democratic state convention will not
convene until next Wednesday mnin
Ing, the leadcits and some of the dele
gates aio heic todny. The delegates
meet by congios-donnl dlstilcts on
Tuesddv, when the mcnihcis of the
committees will be selected. As no ef
fott v. Ill bo made to endoise McLean,
Johnson, or anyone else for scnatot,
and as the nomination of Colonel James
Kllhourne for governor is amutcd,
thcie Is no geneial inteiest being taken
In the1 committee on credentials.
Much Inteiest Is being taken in the
selection of menibeis of the state cen
tral committee, on which the McLean
nun have made a majoilty. The Intel -ests
ot Colonel Kllhouine and Mayor
Tom L. Johnson, of Cleveland, as well
as of John H. McLean and otheis, aie
Involved In the netv state otganlzatlou.
McLean will not he hcic.hut his fi lends
ate looking after the teorgaulation.
Mayor Johnnon Is chalimnu of the Cuv
ahoga delegation, but he will not he
heie, owing to the death ot his hi other
lust week.
Neatly all the leadeis of what weie
known as (Sold Demociats aio dele
gates to this convention, and they aie
opposing the platform views of Mayor
Johnson, of Cleveland, anil Max or
Jones, of Toledo, as well as any lefur
ence whatever to the silver question.
Representatives of Foreign Nations
Have Taken Too Much Upon
fly Fxelmlte Wire fiom Hie soclated Press,
Helcln, July 7. A minister of the
great potveis told the tepiesentative of
the Associated IMess today t Iih t a lead
ing cause for the piesent apparent
deadlock was the1 fact that the various
committees had taken to themselves
too much authoilty lu denting with the
Chinese and had niaelo certain prom
ises, dependent upon the Chinese agree
ing to coi tain conditions, which othei
mlnistcio found It lmpo.s1hIc to ac
cept. Another factor of conslcleiablc
Impoi tanee, he said, was tho commer
cial factor, Involving tho tight ot each
government to make Its own tieatlcs
with China and the application of the
most favoted nation clause.
In his opinion the Hist diflieulty can
be overcome shoitly, but the commer
cial Issue must bo eliminated or It Is
likely to ptovc a definite stumbling
World's Bioyclo Record Broken at
Pj Kxclultt Woe fiom i lie Associated Prom
Netv Yoik. July 7 The wink of
Piauk Kramer was easily the feat
uie of the bicycle meet at the Valls
buig Hack today. About Ihe thous
and spectatots were piesent the1 iaco
Kramer won was a ttto-mlle handicap
for piofcsslonals, with twenty-nine
staitors. He was scratch man and
won tho race by thtco lengths In
3..VJ l-o, beating the woilel's icionl.
The old iccoid was I. OS ;.'-,-,, made by
McFatliiud at Washington last yeai.
H. C. Houseman U"0 jaids) was sec
ond. 1. L. Hurley, the netv amateur
champion, bioke a tecoiel lu his tilal
In the half-mile handicap, covet lug
the distance in fS seconds. Tho ohl
lecoiel, made by Collet lust year, was
5S 2-,r seconds. In the, Huilcy
was tiled out, and Mulshed well hack.
F, C, Saw aid, of New Yoik, won It.
Time, 1. 01. He captmed the half-mile
i ace, utter a spltlted biush up tho
stictch with Wan en ZubilcU, of Hut
falo. Tho ttventyllve-milo race, muter
paced, was stopped by tain at two and
a half miles, with Aithur Hoss lead
ing by 130 yards,
m i
Drowned in the Delaware
Py Kxciu-lte Wne fiom Ihe Associated Press.
Philadelphia, .lull i Mucus llcekei, aged -J3,
of tills ilex, to iliowmd lu t tie Hft.iu.oe ih.r
lac ctcnliiv I'.t i lie i.ip-iini; uf a l"at In xshl It
I e- and a companion were sallini;. linker cjnie
here from Llumliciabuii;, .i., wltcri- hit patents
Victim of Acotyleno Gas.
lit Kxtluilte Wite Horn 'Ihe Associated Press.
Vlilwaiikee, -fills 7 W, I' I llceral'l. one of
tin ollinri nt Hi" Ameilcan shipbuilding com
ian.t. who was Injured b an ixplnslou of aeeij.
leiie i;a at his summer lietiic Jl Nac'owicka IUo
Saturday nlcht, died Imlaj.
Jewish Ohautauqua,
fly I'xcluslte Wire 'rom The .Wmatnl Presa,
Atlantle I il.t. .tills 7 The lilih annual sum
mer sVemldi "f Ihe Jewish Cliitit.iipta ais-irty
wa opened this aflcinoou In the loe il stna
Riiin, President of the Society Pi. Maik lllil
nunlhal, of Sect )ok, made Ihe addie, of wel
inue. Her. Pi, 1 1 cur, rf Philadcl,
phia, also spokv,
Insuracnt Leader Bcllarmlno Sur
renders with 32 Olllccrs 215
Guns and Ammunition.
Colonol Wint in Throo Weoks
Cornors tho Insurgent Chief
in Spite of tho Theories of
Other Oflkors That Cavalry Could
Not Bo Used in Eflfectivo Opera
tions in Such a Country Additi
onal Laurols for tho Soranton
lit I'xcluslte Wire from Tli Associated Preset
Manila, July 7. The Insurgent lead
er Hell. ti initio, who has been updat
ing lu the pi ei luce of Sorsogon, sltr
icnderi'd on Tlmisday lust at I.cgaspl,
on Albay Hay, with .-.J olllceis, 'JI5
guns, and .:.(ii0 rounds of ammuni
tion. The Insurgents piesldentcs of
that see Hon of the country and many
Filipinos accompanied Hollatmlno
who gave himself up to Colonel Then
cloie J. Wlnt, of the Sixth cavalry. In
all, since June, l.ns Insurgents have
siirieiideicil In that district. Colonel
Whits' regiment came fiom China
with C.enetal Chaffee. Before dls
einbaiklng at I.cgaspl Colonel Wlnt
went to (Jeneial Chaffee and asked If
he deshed hlni to clean up that pait
of the eountrv. Cleneial Chaffee re
plied: "Ves. Hut I do not command
until July 1." In thice weeks Hcllar
mlnn was eoineied. in spile of the
thootles of many olllceis that cavalry
could not he used In effective opera
tions lu such a country.
The Insuigent nenetal ('allies (who
sin tenilei eel at Santa Ciliz, I.agllli'i
piovlnce, on June Jt) nnd his ft lends,
have offered to negotiate xvlth Jlalvar,
the lustii gent loader lu Southern Lu
zon, for the lattei's suriender.
Former Filipino ollleers who be
longed to Malvar's command, lepoit
that fifty Insurgents weie killed and
that many vteie wounded hy the com
mand of Lieutenant Munaol (?) In a
two days' fight locoutly In the prov
ince of Hatangas. The Twentieth In
fantry has been elrdered from North
ern Luzon to Hatangas.
Civil (ioveinor Tift and Military
Oov'crnor Chnffe,,1 niV wotklng agice
ably together. They ore holding In
formal confei ences, and aro nrrivlng
at mutual understandings, a state ot
affairs hitherto almost unknown heie.
Washington, July 7. A report to
rched at the navy depaitment from
Commander Seaton Schioeder, naval
governor of (iuaiu, Indicates that the
Filipino piisoners of war who wein
sicpoitcd to the island ate cared for
with eonsideiHtlon. They aro
quartered about three miles from
Agnna, wheie Commander Sclnoeder's
hoaeleiuartois ate located, In substan
tial, eoinllioellous and comfortable
punters. Only one death has oc
c lined since tho colony was estab
A Quiet, Restful nnd Pleasant Day
Is Reported,
Py Kselusite Wire from Tho ssoelitei Press
( auton, ()., July 7. A eiulet, i est fill
nnel pleasant clay is icported at the .Me
Klnloy home1 this evening. The picsl
dent and Mrs. McKlnley and Mrs. Har
bor, dining the morning, dieive to West
Lawn cenietciy, nnd placed ilotteis on
the graves of the McKlnley chlldicn
and other lelatlves bulled there, and
"pent the leinalnder of the day at
home. Inning the afternoon they
on the poieh for a lime and seemed
gioatlv to enjoy the cool lit cozes that
swept ovei il. Only a few calleis ap
pealed at the house and they weie In
timate fiieiul or lelatlves.
Tills evening Mi. and .Mis. McKlnley
H.uber and their childien and Judge
Day vteie entertained at illnnei, and
lemalued to spend the evening. .e
plans for lite futiite have been an.
pounced. Mis. MeKlnley's condition
continues fax m able, ami sho has e -perieneeel
no as the lcsult of
the tilpfiom Washington. The wcathei
Is pleasautlx mil.
John Mulick Found Near Wilkes
Barre with His Skull Crushed.
Hy Kxcluslte Wire (rom Hin Assoented I're.s
Wllkes-llai 1 1, July 7. John Mutlck,
a Hungarian, while going to his homo
hi Dicksvllle, near heie. last Friday
night, was assaulted by lootpads, who
lobbed hlni. The man was found tin
ne.t morning lu tho road wlt'i lm
skull ciiished. Ho died whllo bolus
taken to his home.
Two men aro under arrest on sus
picion of being tho mui'deieis.
Mr. Chapman's Illness.
lly IJxclusite Wne from The Associated Tress.
Warsaw lie pot. Ind., .lull- 7-l'nr Ihe flrsl
tlniu since Ihe illness of I Vtilhui ( hapmm
icinmciiiid Hi. slinonntri, who has been in
Klantl.t it his side, lontilit (xpn-sed Ihe hop,x
tint lua pith nl ini.t leeutei', all Uonuli the dan.' r
point la nul tit ilismiI. Ills .it taik haa been
biouisht about fcnm oteiwoik anil mental strain.
I.oial chfi for July ,',
lliuliist timpciiiliitu ....
Lowest icmperaliue
llehlite IliiinWIi.t :
s a, m
s p m
., nt elesreei
.. rd clejueei
71 per tent.
I I rr unt.
I'recipitaliun, 'Jl Imiua ei ded p in., O.ul Inch,
f -f -r-f-r-r-r-r-r -t'-v
WaahliiEtnii, lult 7 I'e recast (or Kait-
ru I'cniistlt inii: (.enenllj fair Vondy
md 'htevd ij , iiinderalc leutperiturei lijht
liol t li tei wist witnsi,
l-T- tft tfl s s