The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 06, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Laces and Neckwear
Tew houses In the larger cities car
ry the line of Laces found In our
Lace Department, ftom the cheapest
quality to tho high-priced Duchesse
Laces. All offered now at Clcaianco
Sale prices.
Linen Torchon Laces
From 1 Inch to 5 Inches wide
with Inscitlngs to match. Your
choice, per yard, at Be
Point de Gene Lnce.ln white and
ecru, weie 25c to 75c, now. 15c to 50c
Silk Ties
Hemstitched and tucked, were
GOc, now 35c
$1.10 Colored Jacbots 7c
Nouveauto puffing of Liberty
Silk. In full line of colois, 75c;
special pilce &0c
1.25 Corded Silks for 50c
U.25 Tucked and Coidcd Silk,
nil colors, for $1.25
72-inch Coloied Net, $1.00
quality, for 05c
Embioldcicd Oignndlc Kobes,
tilmmcd In lace and white ap
plique, weie S14.00; Clearance
price 910.00
Fine Embroideries
At Clcaianco Sale prlcc3.
Wash Fabrics
Scotch Ginghams
Embroidered Swiss
Quantities of beautiful Wash and
other thin diess moteitnls. All the
choice fabiics of the best mnnufnc
tuiers of today. All at Cleaiance
Sale piices.
Pique and Duck Suitings
In stiipss ond other fancy ef
fects, 12 l-2c quality, now.... 8c
Pongee Suitings
Select assoitment of choice fig
uies, 25c quality; now 10c
Scotch Ginghams
Lirge selections of styles and
colorings, 25c qmllty; now.... 10c
Lace Effects
In Scotch ginghams, new line
of popular stiipes. 40c quollty;
now 25c
Sale Begins
Will Begin the 7 . .. t
-st of Next Decem
ber ond Contimu-. ,, .. .
Six Months To
Exploit Southern 1. , .. .
auctions and
Enlatge Pan-Ameiic. ,
Some of the Novelties U
Be on
frcuil C in - ' nli ii e i f IIk 1nlmr
l'hiulptin Aliill ."
h Hi:i lii: statu, ('hiilmtnn
.inJ Iipi stilnnhs hip . ouneitcd
l tioliev nnd j. 1 1 j linos and
nil de-liable point fan be
ip.nlud convcnleiul.v ami iiuliK
lv. OhIiis to tlio llKht riiiiIi. Iintli
nixing;, t.vellnt,- aiul walking i.m be
ImlulRPil In to unv extent, almost with
nut fatlKiic Aiming th iKii'tilm dilves
ato t'lilioi.i I'.nk, Mninull.i ('Piuettiy
and Imposition c,tv. Till l.tttet Is
tlip rite ihoMMi tin tlio mining 'South
Caiollnn. lntu-.t,iui and West Indian
imposition, ' vvlili h to ho hold at
t'liiukston fiom Dim 1, lwi to June 1,
IH'L', and the gi minds nic now being
1'iep.iied and so,.tl buildings ni,.
undei pioipss of pu'dlon.
A lit Iff desulptlon may lip of intei
est. To tho imhltPit In ihlef of tho
I'-spOdltlnii, Hiadfotd I. lillbci t. of .p
Votk. am 1 ihlcll) indebted foi tlio
nivinoinnil.t on which this doulptlon
Is baentl. The site Kivois- a tnut ot
about 1M) mips ot laud on the pastoin
bulk of tho Ashlej nvoi about thtpp
miles from the business ( Piitet of tho
eit and within city limits an ideal
"pot for tho fali land. of es, nnd
tmveis, and guidon. NittuiP has pio
vldcd nlteady a nugulflieut grovo of
live oaks, while on the wt stern side
Hows the noble Ashley llvot, the
Kiounds having a tivei fiontage ot
over L',000 feet, while tho liver at this
point aftoids anchorage foi the largest
vessplD. The woik of levelling and
Madlng i ovot half done, and tho
making of a lako of hoihc thhtv aetts
In extent and the planting of Indigen
ous plants and vines whldi ginw so
vigorously in this gonial illnio, oven
during the wintei months. Is far ad
anced. All this woik Is to be com
pleted together, with tho PNpoMtinn
buildings made le.idy foi occupancy by
Ot. 1 next. About one-half of the ex
position gtounds will foi in a natural
park of endless beaut) Instead of the
usual dusty, blinding, tliesome, shade,
less roadway, a winding path of ono
hundred feet In width will be carried
under tho spieadlng live oakH along
tho edge of the lake, with seats In
shady nooks for rest. etc. Amid oil
this follag will be placed most Inter
esting groups of statuary.
Aside from tho various state build
ings, tho principal buildings will be
eleven in number, consisting of the
United States government, the Art, tho
(Fisheries, tho Minerals and Toiestry,
the Agricultural, the Commetee, the
j:ioctr!cal, the Negro building, and tho
Cotton Palace, besides tho Plaza and
the Midway, leading off fiom the
The lighthouse exhibit of tho govern
ment, with its revolving searchlights,
will 'bojoeated on the wide embank
ment of the lukc, while on the opposite
Satin Stripe Batiste
Best quality In choice new pat
terns, all the new shades. Clear
ance Silo price 30c
Satin Liberties
Choice amy of vejy handsomo
patterns In small, neat ilgurcs, as
well as tho most elaborate de
signs, $1.00 quality; now 75c
Monseiinede Soie
Very light and airy, just the
fpbrlc for hot weather wear; beau
tiful floral designs, 05c quality;
now 4Do
50c Mouselinc de Blene 25c
Wo have a number of broken
lines of Corsets, not many of
any one style, but in the lot you
will find all sizes; regular 75c
and $1.00 qualities. Cleaiance
price 50c
$1.25 ond $1.50 qualities.
Clearance pi ice 75c
We cairy the best and fluent makes
of Corsets on the maiket. Also spe
cial summer Corsets, all nt Clear
nnco piices.
Babies' Bonnets
You can alwoys find the daintiest
headgear here for little folks.
35c Lawn Bonnets for 22c
65c Lawn Bonnets for 45c
85c Lawn Bonnets for 08c
$1.00 Lawn Bonnets for OOo
$1.50 Lawn Bonnets for ....$1.35
$2.25 Lawn Bonnets for 1 75
Children's Hats
$1.00 Lawn Hats for 75c
$1.65 Lawn Hats for $1.35
S2.00 Lawn Hats for 1.50
$3.50 Lawn Hats for 2.70
$5.00 Lawn Hats for 4.00
Silk Gloves
At Cleaiance piices, foimer prices
cut in half. Come In black and col
ois. 50c quality, now 25c
$1.00 quality, now 50c
Men's Furnishings
Most complete and extensive lines,
ore up to the minute in style and
qualities that give satisfactoiy wear
and great baigains at our Cleaiing
.side of the like the MuchliiPiv nnd
Transportation buildings will be lo
cated. 1'hp Cotton r.ilnce will be the most
imposing and lmpieslvp stun Mire,
leallv the featuio of tho expo
sition, and of special inteiest to in.tnu
taituiPis of cotton spinning and weav
ing niathlneiy and mill supplies, It
will contain pot linens of the piodtnts
ot all the mills of the South nnd tlio
iniiihlner) supplied bv eastern mantl
f.utuioi.s fm using tho law matoilal
light fiom the cotton Holds Iipip. The
Cotton Palme, when completed, will
cover i'OOOO sipiaie foot of ground It
Is 1WI foet high and shows a facade of
ovoi ji.o foot, with domes, tunots, icd
tlled niofs, et( , in a tpleal!v southern
.st.vlo of archltoc tuio. Its toutt Is 100
feet In dl.unetci and filled with tiopkal
plants and mi h bed bv fountains
The Agile ultuinl building will con
,',.n 41000 s(iiaio feet of floor aiei
Audltoilum wilt havp a seating
', p" v of fi.iion. The Giand Pi, .a, oi
,,'.,!' Jlonoi, will occtipv a length
iii. 1"1 " "'fltn "f !"l(1 f,' '
and in us , , ulI1 ,)0 beautiful
sunken, -ftn ,,v .,.,, fo(,
w h sloping to...,,, ofrl(nnt
w i nibois along ,, , ,n0Pll
with vinos ,M tie a,., ul of
gieat v.uletv
At the Entianct.
At the entiaiuo of the o,0sltlon
ri ounds stand the Adnilnlst.ltn
building, cov cilug n.OOO .squato :v,t
the Minoials and Toiesti), coveting
an nie.i of .'0,000 foet. and about twen-
I) -two .icies will be devoted to tho
vaiious MI(Iwh) ntliattlons, hoioto
foio so inteiostlng and Instinctive.
Tlio live stock exhibit will cover lx
.l( les,
The Palate or i:tot tilcltv will lie a
piiitlculiiil) pli tuiosquo and Inteiost
lng teituie, with its eleUiknl foun
tains, cascades and ovoi) known mod
em appliance of elect! klty In the
paik aiound the lake there will be a
gland nvenue dedicated to states and
Itles. Seveial of the states of the
Vnlon have alieady signified their in
tention of electing state buildings nnd
make stnto exhibits and have voted
apprnpi lotions for that put pose. In
stead of the nondescilpt state build
ings, so familiar at other exhibitions,
each state will selei t for repioduetlon
one or its most beautiful or chat actor
Istio buildings, Thus, Vliglnlo will ie
pioduie Mount Vernon. New Yoik,
Sunn)ilile, the homo of Washington
Irving. South Carolina. Kdgownod, an
ono of Its many Inteiesting and his
tot leal homesteads; Kentutky, Feder
al Hall, fiom whldi came the humilia
tion for "My Old Kentucky Home,"
nnd Oeorgla will lopiodtuo Dingle
wood, neor Columbus, and so on. It Is
proposed tho government building will
be a reproduction of the White House,
and the Negro building will eniry out
In typical st!p somp well known
southern homestead surrounded by
negro quarters, the whole designed to
show the development of the negio
within the last twenty-five years. No
man of his rooo is better able to bundle
this project than Hooker T, "Washing
ton, the bead of the negio department
Many larRo cities like Baltlmoie and
Philadelphia will be lepresonted In this
Tea Culture.
I'lnehurst tea gardens, tho only com
mercial tea grown In tho Western
hemlspheic, Is a shoit distance fiom
Chin leston. This exhibit will be abso
lutely unique nnd will prove ono of In
tense inteiest to visitors. It will bo
both scientific ond commercial In char
otter. Tho tea plant will bo shown
glowing upon the exposition giounds
Mid-Summer Clearance of
Seasonable Merchandise
Experience teaches us the necessity of cleaning up all residue
stocks at the end of each season. To thoroughly and effectively
accomplish this in the most expeditious manner we have placed a
clearance price on every item of merchandise of a summerish char
acter, and cut the price so deep that we feel assured our expecta
tions will be quickly realized, To make this sale still more attract
ive we make a general reduction throughout the entire store, offer
ing an unusual opportunity to secure reliable goods much under
actual value.
Ladies' Block Hose, diop stitch,
weie 25c, now 10c
Light Weight and Fast Black
Hose, weie 30c. now 23c
Ladles' Llslo Hose. In plain and
fancy stitch, weie 35, now.... 20c
Ladies' Fancy Coloied Lisle
Hose, weie 50c, now 30c
Ladles, Fancy Hose, also plain,
tans, weie 25c, now 10c
Men's Taney Hose, were 35c,
now 25c
Children's Hosiery
Special lot of twenty-fivo dozen.
Child's Hose, weie 25c. now.. 10c
Boys,' Extia Value Seamless
Hose, a bargain 12 l-2c
Misses Fine Ribbed Black Hose,
extra value, woith 45c, for.... 25c
Ladies' Lisle Vests, 15c, now. .10c
Ladles' Llslo Vests, 30c, now. .21c
Ladles' Silk Vests, 55c, now. . .42c
Men's Bolbiiggon Shiits and
Drnweis, 35c. now 22c
Men's Balbilggan Shirts and
Draweis, 45c. now 37 l-2c
Ttfen's Negligee Shiits, no col
lars, weie 50c, now 20c
Men's Monarch Shiits, $1.00.
now 87 1-2C
Men's Monarch Shiits, $1 50
now $1.25
Men's Monoich Shiits, $2.00.
now $1.50
and the Mttlotis priucssos of picking,
ill) In?., tuilug and packing will bo
piactlially lllustiated for the benellt
of vHltois.
This exhibit will bo of great value
as ntteilng a new Hold to Industrv and
capital, and suppl)lng an easy liveli
hood to Idle thousands upon Immense
ti.Kts it now waste lands.
It Is one of the chief pui poses of tho
exposition to iidveitisp the cnoimous
innletlal ltsonuts of the southern
cotintiy and to open a way foi the
melt hints nnd mamitaclutots and In
dustiial woikois of the United States
to onlaigo matkotH tot the sale of
Ameiltan pioducts In tho West Indies
and In and South Anioika,
vvheie they have a population of t
Oto.noo living In lands unsuited to IK"
ptodtittlon of hicadstulfs and meat
and the ttianiifacttii Ing or pilnt cloth
and other textiles, but producing In
Mipoiabundnnt e coftee, stigai, fllilt,
tobacco and other tood of goneial con
sumption. It Is for this leason that
th mine of the exposition it Charles
ton was m.ulp tlio "South Carolina, In
tel -State nnd West Indian imposi
tion." In tlio Cotton Palacp will bo shown
cotton seed le.ulv for plintlng. the
lowing plant Itself, the boll In all
Its ptoccssos of development, the seed
cotton, the lino, model of tho lit vt gin,
the vailm st)l s of bales, nnd finally
cotton cloth as It comes fiom the fau
ti. em tin water fiont. Mono Castle, nt
Havana, will be repioduced In nilnla-
'"ie colon! il lCldoiKP owned bv Col
onel r, -,v wapnor on his plantation
r.mld gloves of rak treos, fiom which
fostooni i beautiful Spanish nun, nro
hanglni'. vv-u i,p (koted exelus'. ely to
'vomin'f, ox no ts It Is oxpectPl that
n any of tin cb,bits nr.d enuiftln
ments of the Pan- iuoilcan, at H'lfta
I". will b- io and add I.fgoly to
tho stite-s r.' which ChaiIi'on i oo
ple feel assined.
City Dlspensaiy Service.
Tlie city of Cliuiloston PVPiy )oar
furnishes a noble (hailtv, gio.ttly to
her (i edit. As will bo seen thousands
ot tho Indigent slik nnd nilllctid are
i eat bed nn 1 the sitifeiingf of the poor,
white oi', .up alleviated.
The cltv s divided Into six dlsppn
s.nv distiicts with dx- dlspensaiy
diugglsts. and to each ono or these dis
till ts a conipptpiit losidput phvsUlan
Is assigned Pay or night, whit or
hint k, the only requisite bring slok
ikss and povett), all uiUi? must Up tin
s'" ored prompth. The servleo is under
the illicit contml of the boit I of
hi.ilth and n tommlttoe of cltlf ns Of
tt.p n.'.OOO jiatlpnts tipnted last far,
ove. 3)000 wio coloied.
Health Districts.
The city Is divided Into four health
districts and the blocks or squat cs are
legul.ulv nnd S)stemntlcally dally vis.
Ited and nt noon ovpry d.i) the Insppc
tois hand In n wiitten lojioit ovoi their
own signatures, ns to tho sanltaiy con
lltlon of tho vaults, dinlns and pioni
Ises gonoially, so as to nvoit the tliead
ful .stourgo of )ellow fov oi and espe
cial epidemic disposes thnt have heie
toforo been so pi evident hoi p.
Magnolia Gardens.
The people or Chat leston nro not
less pi mid of their lovely siibuiban to
suits, than of tho vlslblo icllcs of the
civil war whit h smote them so heavily.
Tho mognoll.i gaidens upon Ashley
river, a tew mllPH nboo tho city, re
veal a ilieiiin of tlio seinl-tinples thnt
t.o vlsltoi should tall to see, also the
Magnolia ccmoteiy, on Cooper Uver,
Boys' King Waists, 05c, now. .85c
Boys' King Blouse, $1.15, now. 05c
Boys' Mothei's Friend Waist,
50c, now 30c
Boys' King Waists, white, 05c,
now 50c
Boys' Balbriggan Shirts and
Drawers, 25c, now lOo
Silks, Dress Goods
Taffeta Silks
Our legulor qualities of Coloied
Taffeta Silks in good line of shades,
50c quality for 30o
75c quality for 50c
$1.25. 27 inches wide 88c
50c Black Taffeta 30c
75c Black Taffeta 50c
$1.00 27-inch Taffeta 75c
$1.25 27-inch Taffeta 88c
S1.00 36-inch Taffeta 75c
$1.50 30-inch Taffeta 1.25
$1.00 Black Surah 70c
$1.25 Black Bengalino 88c
Black Dress Goods
35c All-Wool Seige 25c
30c Figured Mohair 10c
50c Brocade Biilllontine 35c
50c All-Wool Albatross 30c
75c Nun's Veiling 58c
50c All-Wool Cheviot 30c
$1.00 All-Wool Fancies 75c
Morning July 6th,
tlttcc miles fiom the center of the city,
Is of much Interest to str.tngeis. In
Magnolia gardens .tie live oaks said to
be J00 )p!tis old ana so laige in clr
(iimferen(e that seven poisons toiuli
ing linger tips, can hnidly Piiclnie
them, Thotc .no nlso many i.ire plants
and tlowpilng shrubs Hetc .up j.t plghteen to twenty feet high
and a sjlpHdo i's" tico seventeen feet
high and twenty wide, nut the crown
ing gloij of the spot, nnd the sp-dal
Uti.Ktloti aie its gnigeous azaleas,
twenty ami thht.v feet high ind twenty
f ( t tl'ioilgl. it solid masses of blos
soms of til shades of iod ftom palest
pink to deepest cilmson or lilac blue
to pinple. with heie nnd theie it puio
whltp bush will, h in rails spilng rorm
! iieiftct gloiv of color Imagine
broid wilks with the innss-diaped oiks
oveihoid, the fairy lakp and lirldgi' in
the distance, boideiod with these
gieit masses of lose and pink, and
cilmson on each side, thousands upon
thousands of blossoms, puk"d togeth
er, with no gieen to mar their Intens
It), rutin c Ing out and upwaid In swell
ing turves and spieadlng over the vel
vet swttnl piesontlng a spectncle ot
floral m.iKnltli euro that the continent
may be challenged to Altlsts
makp pllpilmnges to Chaileston every
l)llng to pilnt Its wondeiful lloweis.
Magnolia Cemeteiy.
Magnolia coinetetv contains miny
stt'klrg menioilals ()f the iltstlmulshed
sons of Chaileston, who ipst Iipip.
Among them Is tho Confedeiate monu
ment, the woik of tho women of
Chnilostoi, nnd Is n. noble evidence of
their devotion It is a finely exei uted
bionze llguie of a soldier In the Con
fcdeinto unlfoim upon a s(tnie pedes
tal of ginnlte twent) fpot high. Aiound
It are soo headstones mat king the it-sting
plaep ot soldlPis who died In tho
detenso of Chaileston and of a number
whoso loin ilns weie biought ftom tho
Held or Ottvsbutg, through the pfforts
or u lady of the cltv With Its wp'I
planned avenues, beautiful shade ticM
and Its lake, ciossed bote and there Uv
nitistlo bl'dges, Its well k-)t plots and
bnndsome monument!), It bids fair to
i Ix ul In lopittatlon tho
Ilonaveiittiin of Savnnnnh
The climate of chaileston dlffots but
little ftom that or tbp most fnvoied
loialltles of southern Km ope nnd the
gonial contrast which Its mildness in
winter pi events to the flPtce ilgois of
the noith is drawing moie and moie
vlsltoi s ench )oar nnd steadily In
c leasing t popttlniltv as nn Ameilean
winter ipsoit Its population (If'OO) Is
iii,lt!"i, of whom moie than half aie
Public Utility.
The cltv stands on mndo giound, tho
vligln soil until recently was the tlt)'s
pavement Of late the main stieets
liavo been paved with Helglnn blink,
also n new asphalt loadbed is being
made with p.viltes cindets fiom the
phosphate woiks. The clndeis soon
pack Into a Him, smooth roadbed of
)leldlng iron, thnt costs but little
to kpep n icpali, for a shovelful of
fiesh clndeis upon n wnin siot soon
betomes a part of the londbed. Theio
hip miles of fine shell loads for tho
i milage oi blcv do, leading along
hio.ul avenues, lined with handsomo
lesldencps, and thinugh gmves of an
cient oiks dioped with silver moss,
I'ntll 1S97 Charleston had but two
sheet railway companies, tlio cms be
ing of the most pilmltlve pattern,
diawn by primitive steeds, but In iv7
n s)iidlcntn of Ilaltlmoio lapltallsts
bought out the old Iioisp inr stitet
t.i)wn)s of the city and lonveitPd
thPtn Into one of tho most peifcetl)
equipped electric s) stems in the coun-
Silk Grenadines
We hovo tho loigest and finest as
sortment of gicnadlncs ever shown
here, many very new and choice de
signs, including floral, scroll, stiipes,
checks, plaids and plain Grenadines,
nil at clearance prices.
75c grade for 50c
$1.25 grade for $1.00
$1.50 grade for 1.25
$2.25 gride for 1.75
$3.00 giade for 2.00
$4.00 grade for 2.75
Wool Challies
35c. Silk Challies 17c
50c All-Wool Challies 3Dc
75c Silk and Wool Challies 50c
Colored Dress Goods
50o All-Wool Plaids 25c
50c Albatross, new colors 30o
05c Stripe Walstcloth 40c
G5c Suiting, 50-in. wide 50c
$1.00 Cheviot Mixtuies 60c
$1.25 Heavy Skirting 88c
$1.25 Fino Suitings 88c
$1.25, $1.50, $2.00. $3.00, $4.00,
$5.00 Geimon Linen Napkins to
match our Table Linens, 08c, $1.25,
$1.75, $2.50, $3.50, $4.50.
tiy. Tills not only provides rapid tran
sit within the tit), but has opened two
new and delightful subtil ban pleasuie
iosoi ts Chlcor.i Parks about (He miles
above tho city limits on the Cooper
liver, and tho Islo of Palms, described
last week.
Chaileston, thtough the South Caro
lina i.illway, claims the honor of
building the (list laihvav In tho woild
to opt tale over n hundred miles ot
lotd. The original chatter of this
load was gi anted In 1SJ7 for .i load
t" be inn betwppn Chaileston nnd
Hambtug, on the Savannah livei.
Woik was begun In Januaiy, lS'SO.
PileH wetp dilvpii sdv feet np.iit, In
two pat allol lines, and their bonds
bound together by cioss-tics, sur
mounted by a longitudinal wooden l .til
on which was nailed a pleto of
lion, rive bundled dollats was nf
feied by the company ns nptlo for the
best hoisopowor locomotive, nnd was
awaided to one Detmold for a ma
chine that onirlod twelve persons at
the i.ite of twelve miles an hour, but
whldi was never adopted, ns in l'ng
land tho "Itoeket" had pioved so vciy
successful that the eonipanv made a
contiact with the West Point foundiy
to build a steam locomotive that was
capable of mining tin oo times Its
own weight nt at tho rate of ton miles
an hoifr. This locomotive was com
pleted In Dpi ember, s".0, and pioved
.stttcessful. It Is claimed It was the
Tnst locomotive built in the Cnlted
States and was christened "The Host
Pi lend." Soon, however, Its boiler
bin st, nn ncdilont said to have been
occasioned by the engineer fastening
down the safety valve because the es
caping steam nnno.vo! hlin Aftei be
ing lepalicd it was lo-dnistoned
' Phoenix."
Tho leader will note that tho "Host
Pi lend" made het tilal hip over the
South C.tiollna i.illway one )onr nnd
tlvo months of tor tho "Stout In Idgp
Lion" made In I tilal hip over the
npl.iwaiP and Hudson Canal com
panv's iiillwuy nt Kmipsilale, Pa., Aug
IS."), and l tint happy to chionldc
tho fatt, Hip Hon Otis Avpiy, a
lesldent of Hoiipsdalp, now ')3 jp.iis of
age. was one of the honoted guests on
that ottiision, and the onlv poison liv
ing who took that memorable ilde.
Southern Hospitality.
Sotithein hospltallt) In Its peifec
tlon is met on every hind In Chailes
ton, and the vlsltoi who is .socially In
clined will find numerous families, os
podally pi ond of thelt i Ity nnd their
blith, highly educated and finished In
peiy way, Impiesslng ono with their
(oiiiteoiis niannpi nnd that letlueniHnt
bom ot gentle bleeding for goneia
tlons. While Its Inhabitants mo emi
nently sodnl nnd liospltablp In tem
perament, they nte not given to
haughty display.
To be In the best c holes of Charles
ton society )ou must be bom Into
them. Your gl indfather at least
should bo the intioduiei. but gnat
giandfutliPts imp prefeialdp. nnd If
j ou can add another great ot two jour
sodal standing will bo complete
Speaking of families, theio can bald
ly be another tliv wheie families have
for geneiatlott ufter generation lived
the same lives, In the same houses
amid the same smroiiudlngs ns heie
Tho doings and sijlngs of gieat
ginndlathers nnd mothcts and what
happened In seventeen bundled nnd
something. Is he.ud In nullum y con
vocation, as though they wpio but do
ings of )csteidny, nnd tho sti auger
soon hot nines acquainted with thoso
who pissed nwny geneiittlons ago.
Club llfo In Chaileston Is n very
pleasant feuttue. Yachting la cape-
Table Linens
We have tho kind of linens that
every housekeeper Is looking for
and In greater variety of patterns
than can bo found elsewhere.
55c Heavy Unbleached for .... 45o
00c. extra heavy Unbleached
German Linen 50c
72-inch Irish Linen, fine and ex
tra heavy weight, also napkins
to match, regular $1.25 quality
clearance, price $1,00
54-lnch Turkey Bed Linen, fast
color, 35c,; clcaranco price. .. . 23o
Hemstitched, extra heavy Huck-a-back.
$1.75 Towels for $1.45 do?.
$2.00 Towels for 1.55 doz.
$3.50 Towels for $2.88 doz.
. Bath Towels
$1.75 extra heavy Turkish. $1.45 doz
$2.00 Bath Towels 1.75 doz
Ono case of extra heavy weight
Honeycomb Quilts, gieat value for
$1.25, sale price $1.00
Fine quality Marseilles Quilts,
worth $2.25, for $1.75
$3.50 quality for 2.05
10c Hook ond Eyes 4c
5c Crochet Cotton 3c
20c Dress Stays 10c
10c Corset Steels 5c
Satin and Gros Grain
No. 3, worth 5c 2c
No. 5, worth 7c 3c
No. 7, woith Oc 4c
No. 0, worth 12c Oc
No. 12, worth 15c 8c
No. 16, worth 20o 10c
Large assortment of fine Fans,
Fancy Ribbons, Dress Shields and
Notions at Clearance Sale Fiices.
Embroidered Swiss
Has taken fitst place among sum
mer fabiics; it is so delightfully
thin and cool. Our patterns ate not
found elsewhere.
d.illy delightful, ns the water In the
vicinity are perfect for sailing, and
tiuises northwaid to l5eorgotown and
as far south ns Florida are made in
winter. In fact, a jachtsman may
keep his boat In commission the whole
The set v ant question Is as much of
a problem to the Chaileston housewife
as it Is elsewheio, but in a dlffoient
wit). The negroes, it Is univeisallv
conceded, are not fond of work and It
sometimes takes several to do what
wo In the north would require to be
done by one. They are slow In move
ment nnd to accomplish as little as
possible within a given time spoms to
be their chief aim. Foitunatelv, the
southern mode of living docs not de
mand ns ram h servho and prompt at -tlon
as we would lequlie or have In
tho noith. so things move along In a
vpiv comfoi table way.
Then, too, wnges are much lowpr
nnd one can afford to have a number
of servants to do his bidding. Maids'
wages me fiom $" to i" per month:
cooks' from 8 to $10, and butlers' and
coachmen's fiom Hi to $1". The piln
tlpal difficult) that a nortlieinoi would
have would be in the matter of "even
lugs out " Ones,i)s "The onl fnult
thnt Chntloston's seivnnts can pos
sibly find In that lespect Is that thoie
ate lint eight evenings In a week" Af
ter tea the lings of tho outer door on
the porch, or at the gateway aie nn-
swoied by some member of the famllv,
nnd n northerner soon finds that cuds
hip an unnetessaiv ndjuntt foi tailing
save in th afternoon.
thi: pi'Ti'iti:.
Posspssing nil the ndv.intiges of oth
er seapoits. with unexcelled hai bor
and exceptional witer fiont. with new
lints of .steamships established and
ptojeoted, with new railway Intel ests
and combinations, and fi eight organi
sations in the hands of her prngressUo
jouug business men, Chaileston Is in
a position to make herself whatsoever
.she will In the "New South." With an
oppn pott all the j ear lountl nnd Its
nearness to out now nntket In tho
West Indies nnd houth Ameilcm
poits. Chnrlpston is destined to hold a
commanding position nmong Atlantic
comnietclal poits in the twentieth ecu
tuiy. Charleston lit no equal ns a desir
able outlet for the pioducts of the
gieat West Tor example, tho dis
tune e fiom Havana to Cincinnati by
way of Chaileston Is TOO miles less
than by wav of Haltlmoio, r.oo miles
less than by way of Now Yoik, nnd BOO
miles loss than bv wav of Hoston She
has the same advantage as legaids tho
whole of tho West Indies and Cential
and South Ameilca. Hy silling vessel
the run fiom Charleston to the Hrltlsli
ports Is ten days less thin fiom New
Oi leans, nnd this dlffeienco clone, all
other things being equal, Is unfile lent
to di aw the tiade fiom the West and
Notthwest thiough Charleston. The
oil) of Chaileston Is on ontie port of
an extensive shipping trade of Its own,
pnitlcuhirlv In cotton, l c e, lumber,
tai nnd turpentine While the clt)'s
thlor Industilil entoipilso Is the mnntl
fueture of phosphate fertilise! s, thPrp
me othPis well vvoitby of mention.
Here nip pxIpiisIvp iIcp mills. eo fac
foi les, tlu Inttpr having n capacity of
over a hunched tons dally with a
pi be of $J 30 per ton: bag nnd bagging
Industry, wheie J100 000 woith of ma.
teiliil nip joatly used: oil lolltiPiy,
with nn output of $J'0,ooo. lead winks,
with a busness or J125.000. a bieweiy
with nn output of over J100.000, nlso
gov oral basket works and box and en
velope fnctoiles of minor Impoitnnie.
Tho phosphate Industry of South Caio-
Colored Embroidered Swiss
All In new designs. Were $1.45,
now $1.00. $1.15 quality, now 00c
White Embroidered Swiss
$1.50 quality now $1.25
$1.10 quality now OOo
05c quality now 75o
Colored Piqne
In neat dainty stiipes and figures.
40c quality, now 20o
Parasols and Umbrellas
Large and most complete selection
of Fancy Faiasols, Coaching Para
sols, Sun and Bain Umbrellas, in
block, white and colors, all at clear
ance salo piices.
$1.50 Parasols for 08c
$2.00 Faiasols for $1.25
$3.00 Faiasols for 1.08
$5.00 Pnmsols for 3.75 '
$0.00 Paiasols for 4,50
Children's school umbrellas, 45c
and upwaids.
Ladies' Petticoats
Silk Skirts, made- of taffeta silk
that will wear, in all new shades and
vaiious qualities, from $4.00 up
waids. Walking Skirts
Made of block mciccilzed Italian
cloth, nicely tilmmcd, 00c and up
wards. Wash Skirts
Made of fino quality Sccisucker
Gingham, in neat stiipes of different
colors. Piices 45c upwaids.
Mnslin Underwear
From the best manufacturers, well
made ond neatly tilmmcd, pioperly
cut and of iirst class matciials. All
go at special cleaiance silo prices.
Shirt Waists
What's moie seasonable than the
dainty Shlit Waist, styles aie all new
and sure to go out fasf at our clear
ance prices.
$1.00 Shlit Waists 85c
$1.50 Shirt Waists $1.25
S2.00 Shlit Wnlsts 1.65
$3.00 Shlit Waists 2.50
$1.00 Diesslng Sacques 75c
Cor. Shlrrnth 't mil Irvln; Place,
American Plan, 3 JO Per Day aid l'paid
1 tiropean Plan tl I'n Day and L'pwardi
Special Itatei lu taiinliis
los.10l.loil Knot 1 r.ili street.
The .1 H- f Htsox in n thoroughly firat-claii
family anil tmimienthniel oticriniiaiamini
milt., rni Atnfiiiniittn nf luiurv andcomfort.
(in l.Mh simai. Iii.t pant o( ilnion bnuare.
it is within a few minutea of tho leadine
abops, the itrei nnd emu
European Plan, SI. 00 up.
American Plan. J2.30 up.
Suitea with Private Bath, $2.00 up.
Fnr apecial rate cuide or Information write
JOII ! II VII in II. Proprietor
Tor Uiislncs Men
In tho heart ot Uis wholesal
district. 4.
For Sliopiieis -
minutes' walk to Wnnamnkers;
S minutes to Sleuel Coopei's BIr 4.
Btore. Kaay of access to the creat .
Dry Goods Stores.
For SisUtsoers
One block from B'way Car'. El"- .
Ing" easy trnnsportatlou Io all T
points of Interest.
M1W 1U11I1.
Cor 11th ST & I'NIVnrtSlTY TU
Only one Itlock from Iiroadway. 4.
Rooms, $1 Up. viiWL i
lllOkat tlfiw t rt iaaalaaaa nB
gimi 111 ri iiuurn iiiiuiu.,--, 1
n lauincnit'iirrt niirriiunvi ri ir I
uuuufB mm niir-iuum nun
4I" PrpJ.Q.F THEEL.527 BV??Sfil
1 ZfjrA I kllaarlihU, la. (ml; l.rrmkn p,rrltll. Ul
4 jJ Cm,rlf CDtrinlfH h. rur al.a h; nail rrlttl',
A ffH P'.i-.f, rrrl.,ft,r.4lnllldni,)L,M,Mlibu.,.I
tt Njljsct '"'" I l"n. r,oo, 11,11111) Utl HHKbowil,
sbwli tarlrnlv A strirlurr, ' rut llaa i, I n4r,.lnp .
,n,iil.pbrunkrnllrRn H.ailr(irNornTi-.llnioiiltl.4 Poall
Iift,in,,rj mvdlrAlaRl lf,lrlrl YlpnlluM "P" T
Una latRolv icnteiH Imp vchcie in
nilnlni? Hhippini; nmi h.inclllnff thero
nip millions of tlollarx invPKtpcl. The
mil' cotton mill, ivlioie luuuliods of
ncBioifi vvpip jcoIpIv Piniilojed, Iw. ar
te 1 iPppotPd tilalx pioved a fallen p.
Summliik' up ('liaili's-ton's innniifne
toilps, wo ninkc .1 total of ovpr 400 In
(lustilt'M, rmplojhiK lien 7,000 huntlfi,
with fl -',000,000 (,'ipltal ami output of
ovpi $17.000 000. Kxports fot forelBii
nnd domestic manur.u tine In IRoo weio
$14 000.000. and In l0i will reach the
$100 000.000 ill II K
Tor vnhiiililc incnini.inila on Cliailes.
ton, vpi impel fP(tl. I real .-pi fcntli
In thesp luminal iioips, l dcsiip to oc
kiinulcilKc no liuli'liti dncss to foimer
Lieutenant Coventor Alva (!aee, to
(ieoiKo Mm xluill Allen anil nlso to the
latp II. II. Pel.poii, all KentlnntPii ihoi
oucli' com pifi tut with til" city's hla
toiy and dovvupinunt.
4. U. Ulchmund.