The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 05, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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r 'iMwfnni'n-ynrir7)r','''i'f ""v""'iiy'"" v" ., errwv"-
-r " -smyr r
Comparatively Fow Accidonts Ro
ported and on tho Wholo tho Colo
bration Was Rathor Tamo-Shooting
Match and Baso Ball Oaraea.
Funerals of John Dowrick and
Bridget Duggan Lightning
Struck a Wngon Other Mattors
of Intorost.
Things woto quite lively mound town
last night, up to iihmit 10 o'clock, when
tho dlschutgo of tltowotks wound up
tlio events of tlie elity. Soveial acci
dents wete lepottcd, only one of which
was the lcsult of cplolvcs, imil thu
othots were of mi ordinal y liatuie.
A number of s ntmiT men kept up n
continuous Hie of cimkcis mid other
explosives botvvien Unwell K- llmlis'
cigar stoto and Tnli-chlld's hotel, which
finally ieulted in the hic.tklng of one
of the plate glass windows in the clear
store. Thl.s piaUlcally ended tho fu
sll.idc. fine of J. P. "Williams & Hio's lee
neani wagons lnoke down last even
ing on South Main avenue, while hc.iv
llv loaded, and the dilvcr was delayed
In making Ills deliveries. One of tho
wheels eaine olt the axle, and In con
sro,uoneo the wagon was nearly ovci
tumed. Observnnco of tho Fourth,
Yesterday was the tamest and quiet
est rourth of ,lulv In the history of
Went Sri .niton. Owing to the extreme
heat many people lemalned mound
their liome.s, and tho-e who did von
tuie nway either went to Lake Vv'l
nola, L.iKo l.odoie, Like Ailel, Lake
Carey, Hatvov.s Lake or Mountain
At the latter place West .Ser.inton
people eould lie found In largo num
bers, as patrons of Plovver of Iyiick.t
wnnna lodge. Ancient Order of Hiltons,
who held their minimi outing tit that
place. A number of pilvnte parties
went to Lake Wlnola In carriages to
attend the shirt waist dance at Hotel
I'llfton dining the afternoon 'and even
In g.
i twine to the fact that the bae ball
team, vvhiih plaved at Lake Lndoie,
was made up mostly of "West Sermiton
bo.vs. they weie nreonipanlod by miinv
of their friends nnrl ndmlieis I p to
Lake Carey n large paity of people en-
Saturday Sales
Another batch of choice and seasonable offerings
will be on sale tomorrow (Saturday) morning. The
qualities selected are strictly first-class, but if you
want lower priced goods don't go away with the idea
that we do not have them.
Last Call on Millinery
The department will be abolished the first of the week.
About 25 fine trimmed hats left, varying in value $8,00,
$12.00, $18.00. Take your choice of the lot on Satur-
day at $a.o8, $1.69 and OPC
Ribbon Bargains for Saturday
Hemstitched and Lace Effect Taffeta Ribbons, 3 to
5 inches wide, All colors I ()C
Men's Furnishing Department
Among other specials offered see the line of Men's Com
bination Underwear, in feather weight and medium , .
goods, beautifully finished. The suit $ 1 .25
Ladies' Underwear
Special Hosiery Bargains, and a line of Combination
Lisle Thread Underwear in white or ecru, high or low
necks, short sleeves. Value $1.00, Saturday 59C
Ladies' Muslin Underwear
Fine English Long Cloth Corset Covers, new French cut
with handsome Hamburg trimmings. A fifty-cent value 1
on Saturday for 37aC
Shirt Waist Bargains
A choice lot of Linen and Gingham Waists, with deep
sailor collars and full tucked fronts OoC
Notions Department
Another day for Belt Bargains. See our Patent Leather
and Seal Belts for 25c
fVt the Glove Counter
Ladies' "Kayser Patent Tip" Silk Gloves, in black,
greys, modes and tans. A standard 7,-cent clove.
Saturday only 35C
Globe Warehouse
Joyed the day as guests of Mine Host
John Jones, formerly of Jackson sheet.
Tho Lake Ariel delegation was iimdo
up of family groups who make a pi .no
tice of spending the day at this resort
every year. Those who went t Har
vey's lake took ndvantnge of t,io de
lightful trolley ride down through the
Wyoming Valley.
Tho small boy, as usual, disposed of
his allotment of fireworks, and tho
ice cicani mid soda water dispense!
vvero kept busy all day and evening
waiting on tho tiade. Altogether the
day wn pleasantly observed, and
nothing out of tho ordin.ity occurred to
mar tho occasion.
Swoopstako Shooting Match.
A number of local maiksnieii partici
pated In a shooting match at the High
works yesterday, In which $50 was div
ided between the first seven, $!0 be
tween the second live, and $J.1 between
the thlid live, In nccoidaiuu with tho
arrangements of tho match. Tho
srores weie as follows:
van lil 1 1 1 1 1 (J 10
.Ti.lin Win Hewn 1 t 1 1 1 0 1-0
Will 10 110 1 1-3
Flljah VininK 1111111-7
Tom 1-rwN 1 n l l n 1 1-..
H'lllhm llowrll 0 1110 1 11
llaiid 1'nns li 1 1 I 1 1 1 n
Hnid l.lenelljn 1 o 1 1 1 1 1-0
VI. .1. Kelly 1 1 1 1 0 0 a- I
(' I. ('loss 0 11111 11-1
.top Cerlne 1 0 o 0 1 0 it -J
Dick Mormn 1111111-7
(lonier Jones 111111 17
A. .1 Kelly 1 10 1 1 1 l-il
l .1 Sancton 0 0 0 10 0 0 1
n Miootr, 0 1 1 I 1 1 0-1
VV. Vtcn.1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 -S
Tom Padden 11111117
lln Lewis 10 11111-0
Lightning in Bellcvuo,
Whilo a teamster, whose name could
not bo learned, was dellveilng goods
in u house In Rollevitc on Vv'edticMlay
afternoon, lightning struck tho bolt on
his wagon, which held the shafts In
place. The became frightened
and ran away, but was cnptuied soon
afterwaids. The shafts were separ
ated from the wagon and the lightning
bored n laige hole in tho giound, but
the lioise was not lnluied. Puling
the storm a dwelling house was also
sti nek, but tho damage was Might.
Funeral of John Dowrick,
A huge number of friends and rela
tives of the late John Dow tick, who
died fiom the effects of heat ptotin
tlon, attended the funeral servbes yes
terday afternoon at the house on West
Lnikawaiina avenue.
The sei vices weie In chaige of Rev.
Rogers Israel, rector of St. Luke's
Kplscopal chin oh, assisted by Rev. 1 3.
J. Mclfonry, lector of St. David's L'pls
copal church The iuteiment was
made in the Forest Hill lemeteiy.
The pall-beairrs were John Jones,
Joseph Morgan, f'liaile.s Kuhlinan.'vVllI
lam Hollham, William Hrlll mid lluuy
Police Surgeon Needed.
The recent death of Mr. Bridget
Duggan In the Jackson stieet police
station emphasizes the netesslty of
having appointed a West Scranton po-
Ileo surgeon, whoso duty It shall be to
look after all cases needing medical or
surgical attention In this precinct. It
has boon tho rulo for Police Suigcoti
Knlton.of the central city, to look after
this matter, but It is seldom that he
can bo found when needed In West
On many occasions It has been nec
essary to cnll 1 1 local physicians, and
while they have responded, they feel
that such mattcis me out of their Jur
isdiction when tho city nppiopilates
on annual sum for this wmk, and they
1110 not compensated for their ser
vices In tho least.
At present Lieutenant Williams nets
as desk sergeant, captain, patrolman,
doctor and In several other capacities,
and he lias but a half dozen nlllceis
to patiol the cntlio tcriltory west of
tho Lackawanna liver, between Hull's
Head and Lackawanna township,
wherein tipwaids of 40,000 people ie-side.
Clamoring for a Sower.
The lesldcnts of Tilpp pailc nro clam
oring for better sewer facilities than
they now enjoy. H seems that when
tho land company r pened up the tract
they had a private sewer built, but
this has pi oven Inadequate.
A movement Is now under way for
the construction of a sower extending
fiom Cenietety stieet to Lloyd street,
which will Include Pair's Heights,
Tripp I'ark, Eureka. Lawn. Mount
Vernon and Huoiiu Vista tiaets.
(.'ntinellinun McAndiew has the mat
ter In band and will endeavor to got
the matter tluougli coumlls.
Will Sail for Europe
Mr. and Mis. n. J. Hughes, of r,(
Ninth Htoinley avenue, left yesteiday
afternoon for New Yoik, unit will sail
nt !i o'clock tomoiiow moiulng on the
steamer Ktruiln for a slv weeks' tour
through Kugl.ind mid Wales.
It has been thlity j,e.ns since thev
rroscil the Atlantic the last time, and
they anticipate a pleasant voyage.
They will bo accompanied bv Mr. and
Mis Hugh HavK of West Plttston.
Tennis Club's Entortainraont.
The inembeis of the Wet Hotnnton
Tennis club were entei tallied last even
ing by MM Mm ll,i Molt, at her home
on South Main avenue l'.efreshmcnts
weie set veil on the lawn, mid after
dnrk a lliewoiks display was enjoyed,
A number of the P.neqtiot Tenuis club
ii.ade a coaching tilp over the 131m
huit boulevaid, and weie enteitained
with a dance and luncheon at Hchle
be load bouse. The paity letuined
home lato in the (veiling.
Funeral of Mrs. Duggan.
The funeral of the late Mis. Hrldgot
Puggmi, who diid In the J.u ksnn stuet
police station, ok tilted josteidny af
tei 1.0011 fioni the home of deieisid on
True Mivct. Slim t seivlics weie said
In St 1'atilik's chinch by ltev. I. L
Lav rile.
The pall-bimeis weie .Mat tin Hart,
Thomas Mulioney, Thomas ltuh I'al
lick Judge, .lames Hcnnlgan and
liik Tobaii. Jnteiment was made In
the C.ithedl li icmeteiy.
Two Ball Games.
The Aleits defeated the Mnor Top.
lots nt Mooslc ycsteiday by a scoie of
11 to fi
A pkked team, under lhe aptalncy
of Waller Junes, vvent to Woonisbtiig
jiorleiibiy and weie defeated by a scoie
of l(i to S.
Events of This Evening,
The stinkholdris of the A11tll1.11 ito
ramping ilub, of 'West Siianton, me
ieiiiested to meet this evening at the
liiuno of John V) Lewis, on Hampton
stieet, nt S o't lock shaip. All menibeiH
me requested to be piesent, as busi
ness of Important. c will bo tiansaUod.
Mi John Hale will tutertaln the
membeis of the Women's Koielgn Mis
slinaiy soielty of tbe .Simpson Metho
dist i:pltop,il chiiti h at her homo on
South Main avenue this evening.
Lackawanna coiuull, No. n:u, Kojal
Arcanum, will meet this evening In
lvoilte hall.
Coioncr Unbeits will conduit an In
quest at tho JaikMin stieet police sta
tion tonight at S o'lloik In the ca f
of the late Mrs. Urldget lluggan, who
died from the fleets of ,v blood tint on
the btaln, eaued by a frartuied skull,
A mooting of the Loyal Cius-adeis
will be held In Co-opciatlve hall at 7
o'lotk this evening to complete ar
rangements for a lawn sotlal to bo
hebl. In tho near futuio
The Sunday nhonl of the Jackson
Stieet Baptist chunk will go to Lake
Lodore 011 Thuisday next.
The Jlde Paik Father Mathcw soci
ety will inn an exclusion to Smatog.i
on Sept. Ti.
Rev. S. r. Mnthews. of the I'lrst
Raptlst chinch, olllclated at tho wed
ding of Fied Niece and Miss Hesle
AVilllams nt Throop, oil Wednesday
Anthony McAndrow has re-opened
his hotel on North Main avenue, after
linking a number of liupioveinents.
1owanl, the oung mui of Mr, and
Mi. William Williams, of Itoboits
t out t. Is confined to bis bed with a
seveio attack of chicken pow
MM IMna mid Tudor Williams, of
South Main avenue, spent tho Fourth
at Lake Wlnnla.
Mrs (Jeoige lleaih, son William and
Mis Lewis, of South Main avenue, nro
visiting fi lends in New Voik.
Misses Doia Jones and Janet Ahton.
of Plymouth, weie the guests of
I'.aibaia and Lllabeth Lewis, of West
Locust stieet, yestt niay.
Homy Hrunlng, Anh Hiown, lleuben
S"iplcs and Hmiy Miller weie at Lake
Wlnola yesterday.
Mlfescb tJeiliudo Lnonils, of Noith
Lincoln avenue, and Hthel Bercns, of
Jacki-on stiett, uio at Loonils lake,
Susquehanna county, for a two weeks'
Mr. nnd Mis. A. H. fiettetley, of
South Biomley avenue, very pleasantly
enteitained tho West Side Charity club
last ovoulns at a clam dee. Those
piesent wore Mr and Mis. J. S. Loonils,
Mr. and Mis. William Yohe, Mr. and
Mis. Thomas Column, Mr. and Mm.
Wlllard Lanlng. Mr. and Mis. William
Iteese. Mr. mid Mis. Hugene Kiesne,
Mr. nnd Mis. Adam Fr.iunfclkei, Mr.
and Mt.s. Chailca Seeley, Mr. and Mis.
A. i:. Hettciloy. Bessie Kraunfelkcr,
Mctla Fiaunfclker, Helen and Florence
Mr awl Mrs, UMUm Vn, el Hct I'uutun,
J well as tlif luiiiItoniMt, an4 othen
mc Iiivllrd lo call on any diujclst ami get
frm a. trial bottle ot Krni' IUlam for tlia
Throat ami Lung), a irmcily that 1 Ruaiantifd
to rure and relievo all I lironlo and Aiule Coughi,
Atthini, Utonihitii and Coiuuiiiptivn. I'rlio s;v.
and 60c,
The programme for Friday's selling herewith given represents a line of the best merchandise at prices un
matchable. Our Great Friday Afternoon Sales
Are successful because we offer nothing but the choicest goods, backed by our usual guarantees.
Sale No. 1
Begins Promptly at
2 O'clock.
' jp
Houscfurnisliing Goods.
When wo prepared this list of Friday spe
cials, we had tho ailous Summer needs In
mind. A glance will convince ou that tho
prlie.s are extraordinary. Could It bo other
wise when our aim Is to offer you the new
est and best at tho lowest pi Ices.
CLOTHKS LINKS-Maile of the best nunl
Ity of bialded cotton, llfty feet long; tegu
lar aluo 10 cents. Friday's sixty- g
minute price OC
CLOTH KS PINS Made of the very best
quality of cedat; tho kind you usually pay
1 2-H cents a doyen for. Filday's slv-
tymlnuto pilce, 100 for C
colors, blue, olive and dci orated. Tho hh.ipes
me new and the decointlons eiy tasty.
Tho set consists of 1 pitcher, 6 glasses and
1 tray, value, $1,2,', Filday's sl.My- Q-
minute pi Ice OVC
l'OFI'i:i: POTS-Made of opal ngate in
ai lolls sles, value up to 29 cents, fr
Filday's sl.ty-mlnute pilce 1 UC
one'.' They are easy to handle; joit pick
them up, till them with Hour nnd sift It in
a Jiffy, value, 10 cents. Fiiday slty- rj
minute piitc C
DINNnn Si:T 1011 pieces, made of Hngllsh
seiul-poiielalii vItli blown and green uiulci
glaze deioiatlon, also a few blues. If j,ou
are fuinlshing a summer cottage, or If you
are looking for a tine dinner "et to do service
every day In the week heie's jour opportun
ity. Vou iMii count on the set being worth
at least !ftl Filday's slty-mlii- jj Oft
lite pilce the set O.O
flit tin' hnlnlit vvilli Mr IV. k' VT
nil'', Mr jnd Mi. W II Pnk ct II scIhvmi
Tnin Irjrn, ol It intern, cnt tin 1 niiuli with
(,rrn llidti' fiirmN.
Mr iml Mim llorAip small, of Mnwv ivrnue,
an viitintf frlnn) In Ncutnii
Ir WilliHin l.lcncr. ot Mon-ri nimiir, tc
turncil lj-t evening irom a tl.i at 1'itlil in.
Lawn Social Given by the Ladies
Aid Society of M. E. Church.
Police Notes.
The soi lal of the Ladles' Aid society
of the Piovideme Methodist Kplscopal
chinch on the pai.sonage lawn last
tveulm, vvas an enjo.vahle success, al
though the encigelk youth of that
M'Ltlon nearly i.uked tho jieace of
nilud of the ladies with their continual
tiring of blank cattildges and huge
The lawn had .slieatneis of Japan
ese lanterns, and a identlful display
of the nation, il colois gave It a p.i
tiiotlc appemante. The p.istor nnd
many membeis of the iliuich wcio
pi cent and gave coidlal gicetlng to
vIMtois. The pationage of the tables
was good, and It did not take long
for tho icficshiucnta piovid"d to bo
disposed of.
Tho tabeinaile of tho Ninth Main
Avenue Ilaptlst chuich was also tho
siene last evening of mi ko cie.un
social, under the dlieitlon of the
Young People's society, whkh was
also a pleasant suites".
Police Notes.
David Lloyd, m tested by Lieutenant
Dav, tor leiklcss dilvlug. a woman
mid two ihildieu naiiowly cm aping
the bonis of his noise, vvas bofoio
Polke Maglstiate ridler jesteiday
und paid a line of $3,00.
John Duggan and his wife had a
dispute at theii homo on Depot stieet
yesterday. When they wcio biought
Into police couit by Lieutenant Day
and Patiolnian Hockenbeny both
weie adorned with black ejes. The
husband vvas given a knoik down by
the woman Just as the oflliets bioko
in upon them to make the m rests.
Fines of $J weie Imposed on each,
which were paid, allowing the eelebia
tlon of the rourth to futther pio
Miss Lena ("link, of Wood stieet, as
sistant seeietmy of the Young Wo
men's Chil.stlan assoilutlon, Is at West
port, Clinton county, on a visit. Re
foio her icturn -he will lako the ten
das Chautauqua touiso at Hughs
meie. Mr C. R, Sutton and wife, and Miss
Lou Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Will Wolf
and Mis. Stoff and daughter spent jes
teiday ut Lake .Scranton.
Miss Helen Shook, of Noith Muln
avenue, has returned home ttoni Wor
cester. Mass., for a shoit vacation, dur
ing whkh she will make a tilp to tho
Pan-Ainerkan with Ninth Suuntnn
The Knight of the Maccabees Piovl
deuce tent, No, 16.', owing to the holi
day, did not meet last ovenlnc. The
next besslon will bo held tonionow
evening, when several new membeis
will be iccelved.
The funeial of Mis. John Caw ley
took placo yesteiday morning at 9
o'clock from tho family rcsldenre. at
t17 Cheny street, and was attended by
a laige gathering of fi lends and l da
tives, who vvero desltous of paylog
their last faiewell to tho departed
friend, At 0 o'clock the casket was
Begins Promptly at
3 O'clock.
Main Floor
We believe this to bo the best offering ever
made In Scianton; In fact, wo know It Is.
We've mr.iugcd u window display so that
nu can see at a glance Just what theio Is In
the lot. The mateilal Is Tcrcale, tho colors
blue, pink and lavender, nnd the iiniiorim
st Ipcs and llgtiies.
st j s light; values
cenis. j'liuay'H sl.xty
WASH rinnns nijou Fancy Lace Stripe
Coided Hatlste, with ground work of car
dinal, black, navy, pink, cadet, lavender mid
mmy blue. The patterns mo flguics mid
polk.t dots, ltegular pilco l'J'feu. fl
Filday's slty-mlnuto price, each... 3G
UI'ItKAi; SCARFS 'JOO sets alt told,
bought at a quarter under pike and inaiked
for quick selling at tho same price. They
me nliely made, somo are fancy, others
plain with fancy ilguios, and soino others
plain -while. Ftiday's slxty-tnlnuto 'jjj
prhe, per set bt?C
I'.OV.S I'NDKItWHAn Made of good
quality of lotton, ilbbed only. Tho
weight Is just light for wat m weather,
and you can have shirts or drawers, or
both. Friday's slty-mlnuto pi lte, -i A
caih 1-C
of a little surpilse we will put on sale one
i.ise of Men's Ralhrlggati Vnderwear just
heavy enough to be cool and wear well at
the same time. The di.iwers have rein
foind gussets and hlryelo seats, nlw.iv.s
worth Sic each. Triday's .sixty- (,,
minute pilce, each jJC
i losed and the funeral moved to St.
Johns chuii h, wheie a leqiilem mass
was celebrated bv Rev. Father Melloy.
At the com lusloti of the ervkes, the
remains were taken to the Cathedral
lemetery for iuteiment. The Holy
Jtosaiy nnd the Sacred Heart societies
of which the dei eased was a member,
attended the funeral In a body.
All members of the Foiest band me
requested to meet nt Ki .unci's hall
Sat in day.
The iionoral (limit commandeiy, No.
L'"i), Knights of Malta, will meet lu
regular session ut Hartman's halt this
Mis. Mai tin Flaherty, of Pittston
avenue, is setlously 111.
Pea Coal $1.50 a Ton Delivered,
to South Side, central city and central
Hyde Paik. Addiess otders to J. T.
Sharkey, 1011 Cedar avenue. 'Phono
The phnlc and clambake of the In
dependent Fite inmpany wab laigely
nttended jesterday, and solid and
liquid lefieshmentH weie theie in
abundance. Tho committee in chaige
hid splendidly looked out for the
wanks of their guests and nothing was
lacking to make It an enjojahle place
to spend such a day as esteida. The
halt was thionged with danieis until
an o.u ly hour this morning. Plttack'.s
oiehestra tuiiilslicd the music
The Cadet Dium imps, under tho
leadeishlp of the ctu an tempi i am o
wui Iter, John Hughes, made their in
itial appeaiaiuo yesteiday morning and
suipilsed their tilends by tho quality
and quantity of their music.
Rev. and Mus A. J. Haughton mo
spi ndlng sevotal weeks with fi lends in
Cmid i.
F. i:. Semr Is 111 at his home on
Fianklln stieet.
John Kmitiht Is visiting his parents
on Ulukcly stieet.
James Hopkins, of New Yoik city, is
visiting his father, Dr. R. C, Hopkins,
of Drinker street.
T. P. Letihworth, of Chestnut stieet,
Is convalescent, alter his leccnt illness.
MAROARRT SCANl.ON, tho H-.v car
old daughter of Mr. and Mis. MUhacl
Si anion, of :;il Fcidlnand stieet, Ninth
Siidiiton, riled yesteiday, after mi Ill
ness of boveial weeks with plnal men
ingitis, Tho funeial will bo held Sat
utday afteinoou at 2 o'llmk, and In
torment will be made In the Cathedial
m i
Frank Tazolow Drops Into Muske
gon Lake,
Dj T.rliuic Wiro from Tlie Aftouatnl !rrs.
Muskegon, Mich.. July t. Frank Ta
zolow, nn aeronaut fiom (ii.ind Rap
ids, was killed today while making a
cannon panuluito dtop. When tlie bal
loon bar i cached 1.000 feet In height
tho i opes bioke and Tiuelow dtopped
Into Muskegon lake. When It vvas to
coveied, Tazolow V body was found In
a tenlbly mangled condition.
Tassolovv was an assistant of, Pmf,
Meisell and this was his second ascen
sion. Tho accident was witnessed by
thousands of people.
Noarly Five Thousand Spectators
Witness tho Events.
rty KiIiiMe iti (icni 1 lip Amxijtnl Pnw
New nrK, July i lline n likjili- iauns
this afternoon and ocuini; on I lie dale tuik
No. 2
Tho tolors fust and the
up to f0 cents and 73
- minuto prlee,
a bos.
per box
at Manlnltn lluili Tlirro nuih !"
persons jncsrnt liurinx tlio aftrrnonn mnl llic
nunc bv mnnnliglit nl clritil IIrIiIi vvh w It
noiil by 2,V) persons Hie prlmlpil rvrnt
.n ,i tiny milometer purd hip Ih (ncen llnvt,
I'irire, McKiohnn uml binten. llnjt won 1 y
iifjrly .1 mile Jml .1 lialt from I'ieur, but va
illsnU'illliiil ''J' aueiitiiiB avManee from Ills iiu
miUm liy means n .1 stiing aUiheil to the
n ir mra on liU pailns motor, one end nt vvhkli
liot ai aceueil ot linldini; in Ins mouth
Tlie tiling 1011I1I lint he seen (mm the priM
hov, hut the olfulaU My they mw it plilnl and
Heferre Iliinu 'I sqiullHul llnjl rarly in the rm,
but did not notify him until after the iuc -u
oier. Pit no "as ileil.ired the winner, uilh Jl
Idchein retonil and I.intnn tlilnl Vliluhern was
six laps behind 1'ieiec and ihout ten lapi iheacl
if I.intmi when he cios-cd the t ipe VII linu.Iie.
Hie tiltv milen befoie ktoppniR llnjt'a time tor
lift 1111I13 wn 90 0J.
Large Crowds Witness tho Events at
Philadelphia Minister Wu
Among tho Spoctators,
by I.xcIikivo Wire from The .Woiutcd 1'ieiv.
Philadelphia, July 1 The annual
Kouith of July Schuylkill navy icgatta
was held today over the National
couiso 011 tho Schuylkill liver, Tho
lacing, iv 1th but few CM-optlnns, was
good, but tho weathei, to a consider
able otent intoifcicd with the sun ess
of the occasion. Out lug tho
heats in the morning tho weather was
beautiful and a good ciowd of speita
tois weie lined along both banks ot
the Schuylkill. The finals, however,
vveio towed during tlie prevalence of
thundeistoinis vvhiih kept the number
of spectators down to a. nieie handful.
A fe.ituie of the tegatta vvas tho
proem e on the guest boat of Wu
Tlng-fiiug, the Chinese minister, nnd
bis sei.ici.iry. When Mr. Wu was In
vited to deliver tho independence ora
tion, he espressed a desire to see tho
boat r.ues. Tho distinguished China
man evinced much Interest nnd took
delight in following tlio fortunes of
the contending oarsmen. The boat he
was on was not very fast mid in con
hcquemo ho saw only half of most of
the taces. Ho asked to be placed
nboaid the judges' swift launch, so
that he could sco a nu 0 fiom stmt
to finish. His deslie vvas giauted. Ho
left for his hotel bofoio tho last event
had been decided.
The best laco of tho day vvas the
Junior elght-oaicd event, lu wh'-h llvo
ciews qualltled. The race was won by
the Malta Uoat club of this iltv, after
.1 hunt i.icc. A Hiirpilsc of the day was
the dlsquallllcatloii of the Vesper 1 lub's
eight, vvhiih won the w 01 Id's cham
pionship ut Pari last year. Their only
opponent vvas a second new trom tho
same cluh. Tho chuiuploiis appealed to
be "loailng" most of the way and got
Into their oponents' tout so and weie
run into by the second eight. In tho
junior single trial heat lu tho morning
('. P. Mooney, of the Dclawaio Hoat
ilub, Chicago, claimed a foul, but It
was not allowed, as he vvas out of his
own couisc. Ho did not get a plaic.
Tho four-oaied glginco between Haiti
moie, NowuiK. N. J. nnd Philadelphia
ciews was also hotly contested. All
the clew,!, wcr bunched at the tluee
quarter mink and then tho Vespeis and
Pali-mounts, of thistlty, pulled away
and nfter a haul tow the fonner won
by a nose.
All intcs vveio 0110 and a half miles
straight away, and all wete won by
Philadelphia news, except tho Intei
mediate singles, whldi was won by
Krank Vrselcy, of the first Hnhemlnn
Hoat club, of New Yoik; Van C. Hall,
Malta Huat club, Philadelphia, iccond.
Sale No. 3
Begins Pronptly at
4 O'clock.
Boys' Clothing.
Second Floor
KNUIl PANTS Kvcr liear of boys' pants
being sold for thirteen cents'.' Not often
It's only when an opportunity like this comes
our way that wo can do It. Roys' AVashablo
Knee Pants, iiiado of good wash duck and
neat striped and checked ( in dark,
medium and light colots; they aio 1 ut full
sl.o and have good waist bands. Think of
tho pilce ou ustiully paid, 25c, and you vvlli
be able to judge their aluo. FU- f j
day, slxty-mlnute price IOC
NIUHT (iOWNS Ladles' lino quality Mus
lin Clowns, made w Itli tucked yoke and um
brella i utile, good length and width; good
value nt PO cents. Fiiday, sixty
mluuto sale
COMBINATION SALi: Mention's Talcum
Powder and Fairy Soap. If you'll look oil
the last page of the July Ladles' Homo
Journal you'll find a page ad. for Mention's
Talcum Powder. It's tho best toilet pow
der we know anything nbniit. There Is
lots of It sold eveiy day for eighteen cenls
Friday's slxty-mlnute price,
:. 12c
FAIRY SOAP Not quite so well known as
some toilet soaps, but good notwithstanding.
It's made lit the oval shape by N. K Fair
banks Co., of Chicago. L'aeh cake is nicely
packed In ,1 box. It's sold all over Jhe I'nlt
ed States for live cents a box. Friday's
slxty-mlnuto lirice, four cakes j y
PIIRCALHS One lot of percale finish
printed cloth. They come In peitale pat
terns and are specially adapled for ladles'
nnd i hlldren'.s diesses, etc. Oood value at
h') cents. Friday's sixty-minute J I
piko T,2
Peculiar Fate of Two Unknown Men
at Philadelphia.
Dy Exclusive Wire from The Asocited Press
I'lillidilphla, July 1 'lwr men whose identity
is not jit known met death todiy in a pemlitr
iMiimr whilo hallum; on lhe boacli at Washing
ton pnk, .1 pleisure icsort on tlio ev Jerwy
ilinio nf lhe liihnare linr below thU city.
They lull Ktown vseary of kwimming and hid
decided lo tike dlses fiom a number of pillnis
tint piotmded fiom the water Oier thec pit. a cable hid been laid and ven el.e to it
wis a wlie larriins ileeliiiitv to tho pirk
In fome manner the tio eame in contact and,
a the men eliinhed to lhe top ot the pillns,
tliry tniiilud the lalile. tilth men nude a pitiful
in Old fell inlo tlie walir Their bodies wero
itui kit hmuclit to aIioij by oilier bathci. but
lite was cvlini t.
Sail Boat in Collision with a Rowing
fly Ktrliinc Wire from TV Assoeivted Tres.
Tileili, .lull- I Ihrte poisons were dioinied
1 1 tlie liier finntinc Walbililje park today They
are: (ieniire I. llatb, sniiieior of a job print
ill!; nftlce; Helen lliitli, his t.i-ter. VBKle Felker.
'Ihese, with lime nthen1, vvml lo tho park to
ind the tin While takim; a row on the
rner a nil hint cum .o neai lliit a 1 olllcion feuictl and in .1 iu-li to Hi" other nlde ot
tho boit it wis nirtuiued. llic otlms weto
Mini without injui.v.
Killed by a Toy Cannon.
Itj 1 xiln-tto VAlic fiom The .Vvoiiiled Press
New link, July 4. Vlis, Kmnn llsly, "f Nov.
nrk, X. .1., was llot and in-UntW killed todjy
while eatd b. the window in her home omfl
ho.w iciovi the htieet wliire sliootin of mill
uiiiion and had lnidcd it witli ..tones and pieiei
of bad line of theo pieees of leid truek Vlri,
llsly in lhe lu id At the time of the accident
Mrs. Iljli'ii two duiulili u were in the smia
mi m pit kins hunks 101 tin i r mother, scho was
lo Mait for Dnope on Mttmlay to jin her hus
bind, Chnlei .1. 11 li, who 13 abroad with an
other dauKhtei.
In John Eliot's Moraory.
Ily KvlIu-Ivc Wile fiom Tho Vvsocialed Press.
South Xitiik, Mass, duly 4 The two bundled
and fiftieth anninrMiy nf the foundins of tho
town of Natick and the beginning of lohn l.lloi J
luinUiratlons to the lunds of prasincr Indian!
was celebrated today with a highly interet 11;
proin imme of oMrcixiii. Vddrefeia were detv,
eied b I.ieuteinnt (loiemor Hates, of Massaihu
coti. upon milteis, b Vieir (Jeneral
O'iliicii, of lljuzor, on Inillin lamiaces, (,emsn
l.liot, jr., upon hl.s ancestor, John Unit, and by
llr. Kdvuirl l.ierctt Hale.
Steamship Artlvals.
By rvilusuo Wire fiom The Vssneiated Pren
New ork, Julv t Nn Iscel Deutsihlind,
Ilanihini;; l.a ('hirnpicne, llaue rurt flu
in ink, llamliiri: vli I'liuioutli and ( heitioiirn,
IlirbaroMa, lliemen via Lhribouic I.iieipool
Virbcil. T'eulonie, iw 101k Qiiee nion
"illed' Mijistlo (from Liverpool), New York
l.iird I'lwdi I. Hiela;iie, New mk for
lhvre; ade1l4nd, New elk for CherbnurB and
Antwerp ( heiboure Auived: Columbia Ner
ork via riinnuth and lUmbunr, and piocecded.
Murder of John Edwards.
H) l.vcluslit Wiie from The Ashoujied Press
1'eadin.-, Inly 4 lhe boils of John hdwaids,
aced to, a fiimir, of m.mi, h-lnnj, tins tounty,
was found this inrrnln in an empty eistern on
liU inmi.e.. His hc.ul wis teinbh cished "I'll
a knife, lhe con tier's jurv ileculfd it a clear
iie of muidir an I it i sod ane.ts vnll follow
In a few litis I ilu ml. was la.t mn stttlne on
bis pouh Id iui,ht. He Uaiea a wife and fbo
snnll ihildieu,
Dirfgost American Flap.
Ill l.xiluio Wne fiom 'Hie Avoi iaied Press.
T110111 , I'.i , ,lul I illois fmiii nulei arounl
relrlirateil tho liuinli of lu hue mdj) Tha
featuio of the ulrlu 1I1011 wis !h ll.nne of tha
Slam md iiipis iliucit ovei tin town on a
who Miipeudid "om niouuialn to mountain TI14
burner la hiHim) fift .aid in ililmed to b th
laiKUt Vinrilian flat; 111 evlitemr. It is S0 fret 1
aboin the rber fiowins throush the town, and tha '
wire from which it lungs ii 3,:m) feet Ion;, '
a.ssssvv ,