The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 05, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    -wi ',' '''(WW-1 "" ""
This is the trade mark on every can of tiie gcnuinoi
Br. Hand's
Condensed Milk
It indicates the purest milk from field-fed cows
condensed in scrupulously clean buildings, by a pro
cess that preserves all the food qualities to which has
been added phosphates and hypophosphites, the
same food properties found in wheat the greatest
body builders. It makes strong teeth and bones, firm
flesh, steady nerves quick brain and rich blood for
infants and growing children. It is a wonderful
restorative for aged or invalid persons. It is better for
the table than fresh milk
4- V t
win. m: rinin Mi fumnunn' piiMti
unit 11 mill Mill he ( dunng llic belted tci
ton until Sept 1
MANVt.l.RV Mil UNO Th( mincer n( the
Homo for the liieidlee will mtet thU in u nine
t li.O o'cloek. A full alien iantc is reo.ue.tul
It I ., W. I'W l)s The nnplojM nf ill
the UrUu.iir, I.11K inmni ind Western cnllinlo.
down the c )lle will I" ptld Inlij Ceinnirnu
the pi i ir will AMI ill the mini- trotn I nlor
tn North Srantun, including thro In the he).cr
Jlli j
M'liridMIM H 1 fM tl,-l'he remilni of I 1
win sehrounvcre weie briushl lino i-hnillc lfirr
fc o clnek .iml I iVm ilhetl In loiot Hill cent'
ten. where, aftr r a nli it Hrclre li Itec lir
f M C.iffln, it tie I Im I'trk Mcthodltt I pistoial
church, intnnuiit j mid .
lllr I II I'M' Ol'r t! ff .Hffl, nit opeial.on
Mm xomphIic pei(nnned at the II ihneniann In
pit (I "Inn the loot o James Mrt.iniiU, of llhir
Hurt ) impiit Hed I ho pitient win n i i tr 1
a IPtlllB I Ml lit nlulit Ills frnt w, I, ulli
lint ut it l tpe l. in in I lent whlih ctturrrd
frmc tiiiu ten
( 1 IMI D 111 I, MM M 1) il ,,
vlio gip lii iiiiuo n. lUrri Ninth whlili wh
xerc rcidenllt in .tlii. In, I i lii, ,, ,,, uniin)
treited at tho I.j, 1. luai.n i lm,,il il c.i,i,li
morninc lip doelared ho had been kn c Up 1 d'oMi
In anoihpr man and lit. iimml wis e axed In
his head lrlkins tho pacement
0 o
Some Men
I of the Hoti
Tiom now until tho Thlitotnth ronl
mont returns from Us encamp
ment, Captain 1'iank M. V.indlliiK, tlir
quartet muster of tho regiment, Mill be
n very busy man. I'pnn him -will de
volve the bundled nml one detail
with lefetonco to BottiiiR tlio icRlmont
to and ft oin Mt. (iietnii and pioxld
lnpr for housliiK it during the week
that it spends in enmp. (iptnin Vnnd
HnB is not a in the Kti.itd,
liut since lie became u member, when
the Kloietith pioisonil lPKimint
vis oifi,inl.ed in lS'H, no man ins
done better .sen he for it
Captain Yuiidllm; is a natle of Ilni-
lisbuiR. but has Ihul hete the Rienter
part of his life. Jlo was appointed
telejjraph operator at the Provident o
etation of tiie Delaware and lludan
, company in 1SSJ nnd a liitcr was
, niade coal inspector lor the
I company at Wllkes-U me, vvlibh posl-
, tion lie lit Id until Is!).!, when he was
i npoplnted postmaster of Hit anion by
rre.siaent I'leveltmd He seived until
Sept IS. 1S-J7. MiKP j,Ls letlUMiiPiit
from tiie poMotllin lie has devoted
muih of his time to v at loin business
pnterpries in which he i Intel estod.
One of the principle one., is the Cat
luccl Stone companv
John J Schneldti, the sppPt toun
Lllman ftom the ;ieventh waid. Is
one of the nieiubeis of the upper
blanch vho usually has something to
fay when ho ailscs to nddiens eotin
cll. ThouKh not nu oiatm, ho has a
business man's of Mpmnh
nd can KCiiPially be depended upon
to hit tho nail Mpi.tiely ,m the head.
Mr. Schneider was born In lloiiesciale
but came here when he was but one
pear old, so that he is, to all Intents
ind purposes, a thoiough Sunntnnlun
He -was educated In tho Nthnols of
the South Side nnd was then nppi en
ticed to the tlnnliiK tian and, after
I time, formed a paitneiship with his
brother and built up ono of tho very
mbstantlal business houses of South
Scranton. Ho has always been an ae
ive and puhllc-splilted man nnd since
ae enteiod tho city councils ho has
been ono of its most valuable mem
bers. Ho takes n broad Mew of nf.
fairs nnd is not only a ropiepentutlve
of his particular ward and section of
Iho city, but of the city at laige.
AVhcn blR nnd Important m itteis nie
befoio councils for consideration, Mr.
Bchncldor can generally bo counted to
be on the tight flldo and it Is because
Df this that his utteuinces have
iv eight and aro always respectfully
listened to by his colleagues.
Itev, V. C. 'WlnteiH, the pastor of the
beautiful Catholic church at Havvlty.
ivhlch was dedicated last Sunday. Is
in enersotlc young man anil a good
rrl'&t. It Is duo almost cnthely to his
untlrlne efforts that the handsome
rich as cream.
Booklet limited
free mi request.
Scranton, Pa.
new church of St Philomcna has
been eteited. 1'iither AVInteis was
born nt riienilsvllle, husquelnnni
lotinlv, and wn ord lined to tho
ptlpnthood In St Petei's t ithedial In
this lty on July :'", ISSy, by the late
Ht liev. Hlshop O'lliin,
After his onlln.itlon he was, for
about two. oais, un assistant pi lest
tit the tathedial, and dining that
pciloil made nuiiiv win in filetuls In
this cil. 1'iom Iipio he was sent to
Plmoiith, vvheto ho was assist mt to
Ttev Kathei Douolme for ne.iilv eight
je.ns 1'aily in 1So;i n. now p istor was
needed for St PlillnniPii.i's i lunch
nnd rather Wlnteis was selected for
the post.
He found the (hutch at llnvvlev in
ndequatp for tho needs of the pnlsh
and nt oni e began a movement to se
cure tho election of n new building It
was u dlillcult task he cut out for
himself, but that he was equal to It
is domoiisiinteii in the lir intiful
sttiicttire wbli h wis on Mindnv last
di dliated to the spiv lie of the Most
Aldernnu ntto I) Mvets who dis
penses Justice In the Second waul, is
not a man hat nod In the liw, but Is
what the law lontpniplateil on alder
man should be-an evenly poised,
sensible man, who btlngs cnnimou
sene to beat on the disputes that
hrlsp between neighbois He Is nn at
bltrntot whoso s ip advlie has sued
jnanv iersoiis from plunging Into
nifdless sttlfe and his helped to heal
up snips that might have bet oine
gieit gaping woutnls If the weight of
his atlviie had been thunvu In fvvor
of suing lather than against it when
his nelghbot.s tame to him with their
grlov antes
Altleimaii Mjois was born In Ablng
ton township (n IS'ti and when he was
fointeen wens of age be moved to
Piovldeuio nml began to vvtnK in the
Von Moitb bteakei Aftei a time he
bei ime n spi Hon hand n tiie Dela
waie and Hud-on laihoatl, then a
btakeman nnd subsequently a con
ductor, width position be tilled fot
revptiteen t its when he was seveiely
injuied in a wietk. A bieak-tlown In
his heilth follow etl nnd lie went to
California, wheie lie again bet ante .a
mllroad man. Theto he sustained an
other Injuiy whlih deprived him of
put of his left hand After tecover
ing, lie leturned east and opened a
sin ill jh'ikpiv stoic, near the sqnaie
In Povidone", vvhidi lie gave up to
beionie nldeim.iii of the Second ward
as sul'cossoi to I. X, Robot ts,
According to tho Count of Tollors in
the Second District of Luzerno.
Uv ilusle Wirp firm 'Hip Avc itcd l'rr
"Wilkes-15 wie, July 4 Tho telleis
apiiolnted to teiount tho vote in the
Sot oinl legislative dlsttlet for the olllce
of founty eoutiollPi, lepotted todaj
that the result showed A. IX. Dick, of
HnyU'ton. to have u niajotliv of the
votes cast in the county tonventlon
Tiiosda. 'lhe (h.ilimnn of tho con
vention, howevei, has not olllelally
itnuouiKetl the lesult It is .-aid tlieie
Is a nason fot bis not doing so Con
tt oiler J. I), l.lojtl. who Is mniosiing
Hit k's tight to a pint e on the ticket,
onlv nwaits the oppottunlty for an
olllt lal aunoutuemeut
Should ('halt man l.lojd nick
thf tegulai nominee of the tonventlon,
thfii l.lojd, the contestant, will go
Into emit t and claim that tho pin
(codings of the convention weto It
itcular, as the thalinian can only
make such anonuiuomont In the pies
onto of the delegates and vvhllo tho
convention Is In session
Ho Objects to Being Misquoted and
Then Criticized.
Iljr Krlube Wlro bum Hip A'konatnl Prpu
Philadelphia, Jul I 'lhe following
telegitini was leceived this afternoon
at the Philadelphia olllce cit tho As.stxi
ateel Picss:
Snanton Pi , Jul 4, pvit
1updj nlsht. Inly -, at thp tpo,iipt if the
Npvv ork louinal, I ttalPd in jo, r that thp
opprrivlvB heat thru ioiniu lhe loiiulry cat
ol the lloiky moiiiiUlns woultl ociur f r ut loa.t
t lure ill lotm'rr, Pcrpt that tlmndci .limm
mlfclit afford tciiioraiy bipathin.' dU lhe
Sow oik T( ani t lie dlqutihPi thprcfioni
tlili mjinliu- uufalrl n'lliuc me for ihp con
UnU of lntriit'W kim n to the .lournil, allhou.ii
two or tlnec tlaji Imp pai-od ind tho heat n
mains with us, except where trinpuury nllif
nas Ken h) the loial tliowcn picdictpd I
have nude no pitdlttlcti that Hie hot wave would
list a month, ruth a pirdUtion would le tlj
bright cf almitdilj t anl I piotrbt aculnt llic
unfair trpalmcnt ol putting foolish words Into niv
mt utli end then inakliu; tlice wonli tho ball)
cf rditoilal i oinitic lit and icllldnii
(.signed) WillU b Moore
.. i mini
Rnzzle-Dazzle Broko Down,
The iasle.d.i!!.le, Just outside tho
main eutinnco of ,'a Aug pnik, broko
down at ti o'clock last evening, while
Foventy-elght poisons were abotrd
Klght of them tfcelved blight biulses
and all wcte muiu ot lets sovcitly
shaken up.
Only Aflftir Resembling a Fourth of
July Colebrfttion, "Was a Golf
Match and Firo Works at tho
Country Club No Ball Game, Only
Ouo Fire nnd No Sorious Accidents.
Biff Crowds at tho Park and on tho
Excursions, but Most People
Lounged About Homo.
nveryone agreed It was the tamest
Fourth of July known to Scranton.
Thero wtw very llttlo of the customary
cannonndlng to usher In the rourlli,
theio vvnHn't tho semblance of a Tourth
of July event anywhere nbout the city
evcopt that arranged by tho Counlty
club for Its members and tho ex
pected guests fiotn Wllkes-nnrre, and
most remarkable of nil thero wasn't
even a scrub ball game.
Some llttlo excitement Is usually
furnished by tho Plre Fiend on Iho
I'ourth, but, yesterday, ho absolutely
refused to do r thing. Only ono llto
occurred during the twenty-four hours
nnd tint was not caused by fireworks.
Thero was a fire on the "vVost Side re
sulting from flrcorks, but it occutral
nfter 12 o'clock.
The usunl number of Pourth of July
accidents weie also wanting. Third of
July night had a bursting cannon with
serious Injury to two men, but tho
Pout til, Itself, up to n late hour last
night had not nutt United but one In
ddent in the Fourth of July accident
line that was woitli chionit ling.
Scrantonians spent the day at home,
genet ally speaking Theie wits an im
mense crowd nt Nay Aug nnd
several thousand fiom this city went
to the Iako I.odoio unci Mountain
Park exclusions, but the gteat bulk of
the people lounged about the hrme,
nvvnltlng the evening to enjoy their
own nml their nelghbots' tlteworks.
at cot'NTttV cr-un
Theie was an all-day celebtallon nt
the Countrj t Itiu estcitlr.y, golf oelng
plaved (lining the mornl-.g mil aftti
' orn, nntl a lino display of fireworks
being made nt night. liolf isn't tin
essontlnllv Aineiicnn game, but It s a
good bcaltltv spent, and theie weie big
ciowtls ptesent at both matches to
clioei on (he pla.vers with decided In
dependence Diy ontliusiabiu.
It was epet ted that n. golf te mi
would ri me up fiom Wllkos-H mo to
play .he C'ountiy dub lepiesonl.itives,
but at the last moment won I wns ic
ceived thnt the I.ueinites weie un
able to get together their plaeis and
no Inler-clty match theieiote took
place, save a foursome mad h plajed
lu the morning.
In this in itch Pi link Tinner and 'W
W 'Woodtufi', of AVIlkes-Haue, weie
pitted against two local champions in
P r Puller nnd James Mlaii, Jt. Af
ter an pc Itlng and well plaved tiiatcb
the golfeis ftotn I.uzeino won by one
up About twenty plityets took jiait in
the ciglitecn hole luindlcnp match,
which took pi u e during the afternoon.
Law WntkliiH, a voting but vety clever
plaei, was the wIiiiipi with 7J foi the
conisp, while H, C. Shalor came lu
second with 7(1
Following this ensued a ladles' put
ting match, which was won bv Miss
Dale At the night celebiatlon the
giountls nntl dub house piesentctl an
eieedlnglvattiai tivespectacle (stoics
of fantastically shaped Jap inee lan
terns Illuminated the pntch In a blae
of light, and levelled hlindieds of pct
soiis seated about the lawn. Dltectly
In flout of tho dub hou-e seveial men
fiom J. r. Williams .t Hio's stole
opeiated the tliewoiks Peautlful skv
lockcts v,Ul7.P high to the ah, Ro
man caudles belched fottb their llety
contents, pin wlicels whized and
screeched, nnd pointed lights cast over
the scene a vvelid nnd binire effect
At the OHHtoily end of the poich was
fcated I.nvv i Pine's bind, whbli
rendeied an excellent ptogrnmme dur
ing the night their conceit ptovlngnot
the least of the eelebtatlon's fea tines
Only onto in the hlstot.v of Nn Aug
park was theie i crowd time that ex
ceeded that of jestetdny. This ono . .
ceptlon vas on the occasion of the pic
nic In connection with the convention
of tho National As&0( iatlon of Letter
I'anlers, when "5,000 poisons weie esti
mated to be In attendance.
Aceoitllng to Paik fcupeilntendrnt
Phillips, jcsteidnv's nttendnnie was
not much below that of the high-water ticot ill d on tho above mentioned
occasion. Mi Phillips estimated It to
be above 20,000. Policeman Mc
Manama made a similar e&tltnute.
tuoli.pv cap.s cnownnn.
Htipeilntendent Patterson, of the
Pctanton Hallway compan, who jiei
sonally .siipei vised the tialllc,
gave It as lilt opinion that the com
panv entiled 10,000 pasengei.s to nntl
from the paik. Tho four icgular cais
vete siinlemcnted by twelve extias of
the laigcst sl?e These lan at foui-nnd-one-half
minute luteivals nil day
long. 1'p to .1 o'clock evety outgoing
car was Jammed full. Tho same was
the case with the u tinning cais fiom
4 o'clock till 9 o'clock. Not the bem
blance of an accident oi tuned
A enndl put of the etnwcl nt the
paik was nuido up of family paitlos.
Theio w.ns also one Sunday .school pie
nle. Tho ico cieaiii btands, nieny-go-lotind,
tlu-tpo galler, moving picture
show and the Hiooks mine nevei be
foio enjojed such a patinuage, and If
there Isn't nn epidemic of Indigestion
nmong the llhlt In Lake Pvetliatt It Is
no fault of chlldieu whose lunch has
kets bail been more than sufficiently
I'aik Policeman McMannma and I'a
tiolmtin Potter, who was assigned to
assist him, failed to notice at nny time
dining the day nil thing appioaching
a blench of tho peace, and not a single
peison with the first signs of Intoxi
cation wns been In tho paik.
Theie nro veiy few ntti.ictions other
than the natmal ones at Nay Aug
park, but no one will say, aftei a visit
theie e.steidny, that it is not n howl
ing shame thnt the city neglects to ndd
to Its attractions by tho Judicious ex
penditure of a thousand dollars or to
At the llxcolslor Social clubs club
house on Washington nvonue, the
Pleased Willi Oct Service
It has bo far been very grati
fying to the management of
tliis Bank to receive the com
ments of pleased patrons.
The People's Bank.
Pourth was celcbrnted In right meny,
good comrade-like style. A clam bake
and social vveie given nnd tho spacious
lawn was eiowded with guests, The
nffalr wan of a vety Informal nutuie,
Fhlit-walst men and shirt-waist young
ladles being tho prevailing element
among those In nltendnnce.
Musicians seated on tho lawn fur
nished music Ihioiighout the night,
and about 10 o'clock lefreshments
weie horved on long tables In the
rear of the lawn, geneinus supplies of
the inollusk, which gave the affair Its
name, being In evident c. Tho commit
tee In (barge had loft nothing undone
lu the way of entci talnmcnt nnd came
In for Its share of deserved praise,
'fhcie weie many out of city guests
pi esent.
The weather, as told lu detail elsc
wheie, was vciy oppiesslvo.
Puao Foil Into Fowdor Fail.
The ll-yeai-old son of Mr. nnd Mis.
James nevlne, of CJenot stieet, vvaa
frightfully buiticd yesteiday nfter
nnon, vvhllo in tho net of loading a
caution. Pevlne, with somo of his
ft lends, weie celebrating the Pourth
tic at Ciown nvenue, by shoot lug oft a
lingo cannon. They veto loading It
nfter u dlschaige when the fuso they
were using fell Into the powder pill
wlilt It contained about four pounds ot
loc k powdei.
Theie was n tenlble explosion nnd
Jiovlne's clothing was a mass of the.
Pet sous neat by hut tied to his usslst
nuce and toio tho burning clothes
ftoni his hotly. Ho was frightfully
binned about the head nntl body, and
was taken to tho residence of his
brother on Irving avenue, wheie he
was attended by Di. .1. J. Walsh, who
jcpotts hu condition ns very seiious.
Struck by nn Engine
A voting man named William Pos
ter had n miraculous escape fiom
death earlv csteiday morning, while
lying asleep on tho hacks ot tho Ktie
and V oinlng division of the Prlo
railroad, near the company ofllces.
Poster, who Is only IS euts of age,
Is believed to have been celebt. itlng
tht Pout th rather prcmatutely, and,
wotn out by his efforts, sank exhaust
ed on the tracks and was soon fast In
the nuns of sleep.
The whistle and shriek of an on
coming ti.iln nbout 1 .'.O o'clock did not
awaken hint, and the headlight of t' o
engine failed to reveal his slight
fot in lie was struck squaiely by the
engine, but pinv Identlally escaped be
litf ground to death under Its missive
wlicels. Ho was picket! bodily up In
stead and hurled to the bottom of an
embankment at tho side ot the track.
lie fell between thirty and forty
feet, nwakenlng to find himself
bruised in body and limb, nnd the
blood llovvlng fteely fiom a scalp
wound. The tinln stopped, and ho
was tenioved fiom his position at the
foot of the embankment to the cais
nml bt ought to the city, where
the Lackawanna hospital -was notltled
nf the at it dent, lie was lemoved to
that institution and esterday was re
potted to be testing easily, despite his
scalp wounds .ind genet al soreness.
Two Mon Killod.
Two unknown men were killed by the
S.uatogc exptess on the Delaware and
Hudson inilinnd, between ritmrucca
nntl Melto,e, lant night about 0 n clock.
The men veie blng on the
win n the 1 1 .tin t minded the cuive two
miles south of Maiituca. It was Im
piilblo for the engineer to stop the
tuiln, and both men wete inn ovei ami
fiightfully mangled. Prtli weie be
headed. Theie was nothing about them by
which they could be Identitied last
night. The Indications weie that one
of them was nbout 3". eais of age, and
the othei somewhat oungci Neir tho
bod If- an empty whiskey bottle tvas
found. x
Lost Control of Car.
At I o'clock yesterday nfternoon,
Car No 7, of the Scianton Railway
company, in ehaige of Conductor Con
nolly, became uncontiollnble vvhllo
l minding tho turn at Powell's tesl
deuce, on Xoith Main street, Tanr,
anil dashed down the steep Incline nt
a teiilllu late of speed. The car was
an open onp and ciowdod. Mrs. Hot
man Wheller, of I. ukawanna avenue,
this city, was the only passenger hui t.
She was heavily thrown to tho
As soon as the car was gotten un
del einitiol, Conductor Connolly and
seveial male passengois went to the
Injuied woman's assistance hho was
assisted to McDonald's hotel pailois,
wltfte Di. J. I., riilllltlis was sum
moned, who examined the Injured
woman No bones weto broken, but
she had a small tut ntioss the nose
nnd n badly biulsed arm. It Is feated she also sustained Internal In
Jutles. Wagon Overturned.
A wagon loaded with temperance
diinks, belonging to a. W. Schroeder,
ovei tut net! while loundlng a cuive on
a curve In the pic nle giountls at Xay
Aug paik jesteidiy at t o clock. Mis
Catherine land, of West Scianton,
who was standing neai, was frighten
el Into a swoon, and was unconscious
fur seveial bonis.
Dt. Peach, of "West fcranton, nnd
Di. Peck, of Noah Scranton, who hap
pened to be In the park, inlulsteied
to her until the ntilval of the West
rildo hospital ambulance ut fi 30 o'clock,
when sho was taken to that Institu
tion. Theie it was found that tho
heat was laigely icsponsible for her
Minor Accidents.
Miss Ploronce, daughter of Mr. nnd
Mis. Thomas J. Snow den, ot Sunset
nvenue, was qulto sevetely burned on
the arm yesteiday, while helping to
shoot oft n cannon.
Ruth, the 7- cat -old daughter of Mr
nnd Mrs. William J Hi nee, of South
Htoinlpy nvenue, fell down il tllght of
steps yesteiday and fractuied her mm,
Martin Tlglie. aged lfi yeais, of
Fouth Van Htiicn avenue, had both
his hands seveiely burned yesterday
by powder. Ills injuiles wero dicssed
ut tho West Sldo hospital
William Diessco, aged L'8 eais, while
climbing into n wagon osterduy, fell
nnd sustained a compound fiactuie of
his leg Ho witB tuken to tho West
Sldo hospital.
John Jones hail seveial badly lac
ctnted flngeis attended to at the Jjick
avvannti hospltnl yesteiday morning, as
tho lesult nf holding n caution ciatker
In his hand nt tho tlino of Its explo
sion Pied Swaininer was tho net,
with tho sumo complnlnt, nnd shoitly
nftenviuds John Richards entered, as
tho thlid victim nf tho demon Hie
ci acker, his hands also being decorated
with nlco white bandages. None of
tho cases weto of a sulllclently furious
nature to letalu the Injured petsons at
tho Institution.
Sevon Sub-Contractors and Botwcon
000 and 1,000 Mon Employed on
tho Five Sections of the Scranton
PltUton Branch of tho Scranton
nnd Northeastern Railroad Un
less Unexpected Delays Come the
Road Will Be in Operation by
October 1.
Over half tho route of the Scranton
nnd Nottheastcrn Ilallmad comnanv
between here nnd Plttston Is nlieady
gindcd, and tho musoniy wotk nil
along the line Is well under way. The
general conti actor, John II. Lee,
that If the electrical equipment people
cause no ttcrlous delay the load will bo
In operation before October 1.
The work of excavating wns begun
May fi. Tho llguics of the engineers
showed 121,000 .uds ot eailh excavat
ing to bo done, RO.000 yaids of rock to
be cut unci 14.H00 utds of masoniy to
be laid When It is considered that
only two months' time has elapsed
since tho beginning of the wotk, nnd
that half the line Is now In shape for
the ties nntl tails, ono can get come
Idea ot the nggiesstve manner In which
the woik has been pushed.
There mo seven different contrnctois,
or linns of contint (ins, at woik on tho
line, w 1th from 900 to 1,000 men.
M. II. D.ilt. of this city, has the first
section, which extends ft om Klin stteet
Kiutherly tbtee miles He Is doing both
the grading and mason work. Over a
mile of his section is graded nnd the
masonry Is rapidly ncnrlng completion.
Mr Dale Is also putting In a switch to
connect with the Prlo and Wyoming
Valley road at the southern end of his
section. This will be used for bilnglng
In the supplies. Tho switch will be
completed today. Mr. Dale cmplon K0
Joseph Page & Co. nie the contrac
tors on Section 2, which extends from
the end of Section 1 to Moosli, n dis
tance of two miles One mile Is graded,
The 1L'3 men tue now wot king on two
lirge rock outs near Moosle. On this
section Is located the Roc ky Olen Water
company's tract, over which theie are
Injunction pioteedlngs pending.
Section 3, of two miles, finni Mnoslc
to Avoc.i. Is In plunge of Contiactor
John T. Dolan, of Pdlzabcth, N. J. Over
half of this set tion Is graded Theie Is
some extremely heavy work on this
section. Theio is one cut nlone out of
which Sj.OOO jaids of lotk is being
taken. Mr. Dolan has a very large nnd
modern plant, Including engines, cars,
di Ills ami the like, and is cmploing
200 men.
Weand fi McDermott nro doing the
stone work on this section, They eni
plov 50 men.
The section from Avoca to the vli
duct, which will ci oss the Lehigh Val
ley, Delaware and Hudson nnd Scian
ton Rallwny companies' ttackes n short
distance south of the town, Is In ehaige
of John T. Neville, of Patcrson, N J.
He emplo.s 200 men, and has his Job
nearly completed.
All the ma'-onry work from Avota to
Plttston Is being done bv Smith S. Mc
Coinilck, of Hasten They hip now en
gaged with the bulk of their forte on
the foundations of the viaduct This
viaduct will be 700 feet long and S3 feet
high. The lion woik Is to be done by
the King litldge lompan.
P. T. McGowan, of Avoca, has the
work of grading fiom the viaduct to
Plttston, .-ind he has alieady completed
n mile and a half of the Job. He em
plos 120 men.
Piaetlcally the entlte route Is over a
pilvate light of way. The load will be
double-tiackcd nnd sUne ballasted Its
entie length. The tics are to be of
long-leaf ollow pine from Noith Cttio
lliiii. One thousand cai loads have been
ordeiedand are being shipped Ahead
CO 000 ties have been unloaded on the
g ound.
The rails nie to be of ninety pound
weight. They are being made b the
l.ackawauuu lion and Steel cnnip.ui.
The company will commence delivering
them next week, and It Is expected the
l.i lug ot the ttacks will be undei wti
In a foitnlght.
Wostlnghottse, Church, Keir & Co,
of New Yotk, who have the $l,l",00i)
contract for the elettikal equipment,
have englneeis here wotklng out the
detailed plans.
Two coips of suive.vors nie tunning
a line foi tho louto betw ,n Plttston
and WIIkcw-B.nre. It Is confident! ex
pected that wotk on this pan of the
road will be under way befoio the sum
mer Is fai advanced The line between
Scranton and Caibondale will then b
given attention
The Transit Contiaet compaii, whose
piesltlent is C. V Houghton seciettuy
of the Scianton and Northeastern Rail
load compati, has the continit for the
construction and equipment of the road
The contiaet compaii must tutu the
road over complete to the rallioad com
pany. John R. Lee, who Is the gencial enn
tiactoi, ot Held marshal under the
Transit Contiaet cmupau, Is one of
the leading builders of the
counti He nnd his fathci, now do
censed, did tho woik on the Dai.ovlllo
hill section of tho Huffalo division or
the Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern road. He has also built a stictth
of the West Slioie at Lons, N V ; the
Haltlmoio mid Ohio, at Peiovlllc. Mo,
and Chester, Pit , the Chicago .Madison
and Northein.nt Plgln, HI , and smaller
sti etches of othei toads, lu at loin
parts of the contiaet It was also he
who conducted the million, dollai,
twelve-foot drainage sewei nt Roches
ter, legatded by englneeis to be one of
tho most dlillcult Jobs ot that kind that
1ms been done In this countiy. He was
engaged on this Job foi font Cais,
George Fanning Found Dead in Bed
at His Home.
George Panning, si , living on Wheeler
place, neai Hieaker stieet, on the ciiec-n
Ridge aide of the llvet, wns found dead
In bed cstetday afternoon His giand
daughtci, Doia Panning, a oung wo
man of 1" cais, who does set vice In
ono of tho nelBliboilng lamlllcs, had
occasion to go to her homo on some
en and, and, while upstalis, went Into
tho loom occupied by hoi giandpaient.
She was hoiiltlrd to find him sitting
up In bed and apparently lifeless,
An alaini was at onto given, and Dr.
Chailea Thompson huirledly sum
mtined. Upon reaching the house and
eeelng the old gentleman, he pronounced
IBeer Bottles
For Bottling Root Beer, Made In Pints
and Quarts. Lightning Fruit Jars,
Atlns Hason Jars, the Best Made Extra
Caps and Rubbers, Jelly Glasses.
"..... 7 7IAIllfu
vjcu.v. iniiiar ct
We Are Going To Reduce It
If Prices Will Do the Business
Everything In Hen's, Women's and Children's
Clothing ON CREDIT at Prices Lower than
you are in the habit ofj getting when you put up
your hard earned cash.
31T Lack. Ave
Second Floor
Open Evenings
Full Set Teeth
Fit or No Pay.)
Gold nilliiR
bilvcr rilling
..$5 00
.. 1.00
Ion tan lene inur order for teeth In the mornlnc and set them In the ecenini; it de
tired Ml urn!, tic tie b graduate ricntiU of ccncnt.u and abihlj, anl guaranteed tor
twenty l,aniination and estimates Mil 1.
Hours 8 to 8.
The White Dental Parlors,
Corner Lackawanna and Wyominp; Avcs., 0cr Newark Shoe
Store, Entrance on V online Avenue. Scranton.
Largest Dental ttUtlHunciit in the World
1,M)II V
Living In land You
Need the Seashore.
Venwltk, fonn, on Iour I-land 'ound a
mouth of the txautilul I .uinettn ut "in 11
moru att .utims iti'l faiilitus nr lualili n t
pira.uie than anv olhtr Mininier r oit al iu
1 hi bound ot nit in Nt octal) dtmt ne", n
mo.rjuitoc', 110 iM.lam
Most iletralili Iniatmn on the ound or imi
In Veil li tiie most 1 dutiful mintrj i's ho 1
fiom New ork, . Iinuti frem twivit, N
New Uaun and llntfoiil 1 11I1041I
Fenwick Hall
lit all the uvnl puiniiirr iltiutinn, jrivit
coif l)nk, tilrct ioj U lor thicing ni'l cjclnu'
boatlig ind rt-liin I itl iiu pmliun totini
courn, bowling allm and lullliitN flic ho.el
ie (urnUlicil with innate IhIIh cleiatots in I
all molern coucenitiuf, iml .i piles 1 laid
which c iiinot be urj j-wt tl
The oclal iliiiopln-ie, ' are nil th
rciundlngii, is inciting In letimd people 1 1 r lull
piititulirt, nddir.4 I I ( liatlteld, piopu i
lintel .l1ntron, Neve 01 U
New nntl modem. Ileautlfulh Hlt
tl.ited 1100 fcot ttboip eo.i level No
mosquitopo. Oicliestt.t. tennlc bolt
Inpr Culslno tlistt-tl.tus Write foi
(Jcneral Agent (or tho Ujomlig D.lrlct (jr
Dupont's Powder
lllnlnsr, niatlng, "porting, 'inol elevi and th
Itcp.iiuo themiial lompauy'a
fcafet) Fuc, Caps anl I vploders lltom 401 Ion
ncll Iluildlng .bcianten
tiio ronn
JOHN 11 SMITH k ov
IM) mouth
.Wilkes lUru
him, anil p.tve lila opinion thnt
death hml iituilted (nine time pievl
ritisl) Mt r.tnnltip w.ih about 78
old, and was well-l.nown He nils In
app.iientlysood health .voMeidny 11101 n
I11K when he got up, but some time
aftrituudb eninpldliietl of ultknehs and
went upstalih tn lay down fot tome
reel, the membeiK of the laml.v havlnpr
no Idea of the netlou nature nf his
complaint. The Intense heat of the last
few dad was lettptmlble foi his death.
Prostration at tho Park.
MIm Jennie nie hards, of :'3f) Vutnam
nt 1 ret, wan nveirome by the heat nt
Nay Aiib paik about fi o clock hst
rht was taken tn the llahnein inn
hospital At a Into hour last nlsht tdic
wus lepoitcd to bo lestlnK easll),
Man Soriously Wounded in a Fight
at a Picnic.
At a late hour tatt nlsht ,lt was
" 111 Wrnmln Ivamiia
wo. w-i";":.-: SE
1r.Hlt i:rKArill) nd Mini nbsnlulely
without uln liy on Mi wlontlflo mollifd t'tcd
hi us on!. Wo arc not coinpetintc with ihet
ricntd rMabllMimrntit, hut uith tlift iliu dm
tlvM at rtlcrs less llun htlf tlut chars"! hy
them. Ihoc are the only Dental IVcrlois In
hcunton tlut Ime the patented appliances and
Ingredient In evtrait, nil and apply cold irowni
and porcelain ermens (undetectable) (torn natiml
teeth and warranted (or '-0 jcars) without thf
leit pntlclo uf pain
Painless IXtmctinK Tree
Gold Crowns S3.00 to S5.00
Cleaning Toot li 500
Teeth Without Plate $5.00
Sundajt. 10 to 1.
Twenty Oflkca in Hie United itit's.
What is more restful
after a warm day than to
sit out on the porch dur
ing the evening in a com
fortable rocker?
We have a most com
plete assortment of Porch
Furniture. There is a
great variety of
Porch Chairs,
Porch Rockers,
Porch Couches,
Porch Tables,
Porch Settees
A few of these make a
porch look very inviting.
Come in and look them
Hill & Cornell
121 N. Washington Ave.
Grand Atlantic Hotel and annex
1rRln1a Ace and Heath, Atlantic) Oil), X J
blxtli sear. 3Va beautiful toomi ensuite, tlnsle
and lth bath, hot ami cold wa water bathi
in hotel and annex Location .elect and central,
within few )ardi of the steel Tier Ureheitra
Oflrrn .ctial prlnif tatea. 1J to W by week,
ii Ml up b) di) hpetlal ratei to families. Coachej
meet all traim. Wlite for booklet
Alhnlle Cit. N I Oiip quire fiom beaeh.
ev " room annex Modem appointment! I'n.
excelled friiie Hatea, by the da), tl.jn and up.
ward P) tho week, i"-s and upward Capacity,
400 It J. OxLernc.
lepotted hem that a HunK.irlan had
been shot and set lously wounded by
n fellow -counti yintin diulnn a light at
a ilriilu in .lessup,
Tho man who did thn Hhootinfr was
aiiesled by Constable. McHale and at
the last lepoit ho was on his way
with the prlionei to tho county Jail.
Smoke the Pocono Sc clear.
J u.
ia. ijj-AA '