The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 04, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    .. jr&WfflFi&SS&SGGtttiSEn 1
fipeclsl to the Sctaiton Trtlmne.
Montrofp. July 3. What In likely to
prove a fatal accident occulted today,
just before noun, nt l.ounsbriy's hoise
enable, which Is loiaiii on the alley In
the iear of the bikk block on Chuich
. K. B. Wilpht, of Forest lake, li.ul
Just driven Into tuun mid went to the
Motile to put out bin hotse. On enter
ing Mr Wtlght was boiilleil to linil
the sped proprietor of the b.iin, Ueoige
Lounsbery, lying on bis faee, In u pool
of blood, and unroiiM'ious. lie bud evi
dently been kicked In the head by a
horse In a nearby Mall and knocked
fienseles?. How long be bad thus lain
cannot be stated accurately, but a
blacksmith, whoso shop adjoins the
stable, mays be beard n hoise squeal ti
shoit time 'before Mi. Lounsbety was
discovered, end it Is supposed that the
Sijueal and the klik woe simultaneous.
A crowd quickly gnthorcil, and the
Jnjuied man w,is conveyed to a little
Muffy compaitment In the barn, which
the poor old man called "home," vvhoio,
year In and ear out, be cat and slept
nnd lived, after a fashion, and bete be
was placed upon his tude iot, and
physicians weie sumtnoned. Pr. C. V.
Markoy quickly nrilvcd nnd an exam
ination showed that the skull bad been
fractured, the hoist's foot having
struck the man on the light tide of the
forehead and near the temple. After
giving tempoiaty treatment to the suf
ferer, the dor lor oideicd his
to larger nnd more wholesome quat
ters in bis own (the doctors) bain,
where ovci.v thing possible was clone-,
and at this wilting Dr. Mackey is plan
ning lor an opeiatlon, as the only
mean of saving the old man's life, anil
aa to the sliicess of tills last lesort,
the drctor expiesses giae doubts.
"Old Cicoige" I.ounsbeiy came hero
from somen hoi r, the exact location
does not appear to be known, a num
ber of yen is ng i. For a long time he
found employment in one and another
of the hotel barns, but four or live
yen is ago he embaiked in business for
himself, and his cnterpilse has piove-n
quite piolitahlc. Ho has a wide m -qiDlntance
nmontj the faimeis of Hie
fiuriouiiulng lountry nml they have
been his constant patterns. He lias no
fnnill or ielaties. as lar as Is Known,
but the i" ate many who taKo a lively
Interest in the Inoffi nsie old man, and
the legict at his inlsfmtune and piob
able death Is generally regietterl.
The death of Mis. Stephen Daw ley
occurred suddenly nl In r home, on
Ppruce street, yesterday utteinoon. She
had been ill for peveial weeks, but her
, condition wan not conslileied alaiming
and a plivslrdan was not called in until
shortly befoio the end. The luiunal
will be attended fiom the house to
morrow at ti o'clock p. m. Bev. B. K.
Thomas will conduct the set vices. The
deceased Is survived by her husband,
two son nnd one daughtei.
Learning visdom by experience, tbcio
seems to have been a gineral agiee
ment of our boiotigh autboiitles this
year to tuin the town over to the bos
tonight and let the eagle scieam. Lost
year an effort was marie to keep eoiked
the effervescent patiioti.Mii of Young
America, but It pioved a dismal f.iil
ute. Beys will be bojs, and it really
appeals that they ought to have the
right, on the eve of the ever gloilous
Independence day.
Sorrow was brought to many heaits
1 nlhls place by the death of Charles
Harold Blrchaid, the only child of
Editor Henry T. Blrch.ud and wife, of
Susquehanna, which oocrne.l at the
home of bis patents on Monday after
norn, after a four months' Illness of
lnllammatoiy lheum.ttl'iii, complicated
with heart trouble nnd finally lOMiltlng
In spinal meningitis. Haiold was boin
in Montroe thliteen jeais ago last
month, and the earliest ve-ars of Ids
life were spent heie, and since the re
moval of the family to Susquehanna he
has frequently been u visitor at the
home of lelatlves and fi lends In this
place. In his sboit life be bar! gained
much of thks w 01 Id's learning and wis
dom, an 1 while n tbcuough-geiliig and
fun-loving boy, at the same time he
possessed mental attainments, lellne
ment, and an individually, far In ad
vance of what would be expected In
one of his years. In disposition be was
most lovable and was a delightful com
panion. AH these qualities made him a
universal favoiite. The funeral vas at
tended from the house nn Hroad street,
Susquehunna, on Tuesday evening at
C o'clock, and the remains weie biousht
to this place for Inteiinent, hi living on
the Lackawanna and Montrose at '.) ID
this morning. A large number of i da
tives and friends were at the station,
nnd a Ions line of carriages wejp in
waiting. The casket, iilmoct hidden
with floral offerings fiom schoolmates,
teacher and fi lends, was boine to the
hearse by the following pall-beaieis.
A. B. Smith. O. A. Gilbert, XV. A. Tits
worth, H. F. Manzer, ICdgar C'oiileld
and B K. James. At the grave, Bev.
Haskell B, Benedict, pastor of the
Methodist Bplsoopal chinch, conducted
the services, which weie beautiful and
Impressive. Mr. Benedict (list lead tho
hymn "Nearer, My God, to Thee," and
followed with committal servlco and
prayer. The bereaved parents have tho
deepest sympathy of their wide clielo
of friends In this place, among whom
they will spend several days befoie ic
turnlng to their saddened homo at Sus
quehanna. Leo Wh.ilen, a. Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western employe, who re
cently met with nn accident at Great
Bend, In which hie left ankle was pain
fully Injured, Is visiting relatives in
Montrose and vicinity.
The Sawtelle Diamatlc company at
The Want of Working People.
When tho working man or woman feels sick liver, stomach or kidneys
ore out of gear then Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills do a
world of good acting directly on these organs and the bowels.
Mr, L. II. Jljns, 1301 Columbus Avenue, Hay
City, Mich., by overwork ami too assiduous atten
tion to till business, brought on an attaclc ot
kidney trouble, which made It necessary for him
to leave oft worklni; at times. Ho states :
"On the ret.mmendatlon of Mr. Oeo. Leyer,
druggist, of till: place, I purchased a box of Dr.
A, W. Chaso's Kldney.LWcr Tills for my kidney
trouble. They acted to vt ell In relleYlnfc my pain
and backache that I persisted la the use of them
until perfectly cured of my
trouble. I am a well man now,
thanks to the use of Dr. A, W,
Chase's Kldney.Llver nils."
Village hall next week will he a draw
ing atliactlon, as the stars are old ac
quaintances of our people and well
It Is perhaps unnecessary to state
that theic will he no celebration In
this town tomortow Montrose docaVt
cclebiata anything any more.
Spcclsl to the Scranton Tilbunc.
Plttston, July 3. The marriage of
Miss Anna K. Lewis, youngest daugh
ter of Hew and Mrs, Joshua 8. Lewis,,
of West Plttston, to Mr. James Clark
son Law. youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Chailes Law, of Luzerne avenue,
took place last evening nt S.30 o'clock.
It wns an entirely informal affair,
witnessed by only a small company,
composed mostly of relatives. The
cf lemony took place Rt the home of
Cut out these parts anJ place them
noted President.
tho bride's brother, Jay Lewis', on
huzrinc nvruue, nnd the decorations,
which were of dnlMcs and laurels,
while not on an cl.cbor.ite hcale, were
very piftty. Tho only attendants of
tho bride and Kronm as they took
their pIhcm In the parlor, to strains
fiom Oppenhelm's orchestra, of
Vllke.s-Hane, vveio the flower Kill.".
M.irJoik Uooth and Marlon Lewis,
nieces of the bride. They vveio dressed
In white. Tho bride's sown was nn
ex(Uisltc ci ration In white silk Kiena
dlno over vvhlto silk, with beautiful
lace trimming. She carried vvhlto
violets. The cot oniony was performed
by the bible's father and bo was as
sisted by Itev. Dr. ll.irsb.ivv. of tho
Presbyterian church. Until the bride
and Broom .no anions; the most promi
nent society itii,ip ,,f tbp "Harden
VHIhro." althouRh the Broom has re
sided at C.ipltan, Mexico, for the past
tlncp p.ii.h, boltiK In the employ of
bit brother-in-law, T. H. "WatklliP.
Mr. and Mis. Law's honeymoon will
Include a trip to the
evporltlon and a trip alone; tho Great
Lake. They will rc-ldo in Capltan,
Mexico, after Aucust.
Kdwluri OrlKP, of Duryea, a iri-year-old
driver boy, was severely burned
about the bead, abdomen nnd less to
day by an explosion of pas In a mlno
at that place. lie Is being treated at
the Plttston hospital.
Mis, Laura Lambeit, of Duryea,
whom the County Humane society has
decided Is n person unfit to have
charge of her six cbildtPti, has been
compelled to part with her offspring-.
Five of tbtm were taken to Wilkes
H.tne. The sixth child Is confined to
tho Plttston hospital, hitvlnpf. had his
leg crushed a few days iiro by at
tempting to board an elP'ctrlc car.
Mark Aston, of Duryea, who lias
conducted a quick lunch cafe on South
Main slieet, this city, for the past live
months, has mysteriously disappeared,
leaving behind a batch of unpaid bills
and a wife and child in Mrs.
Aston visited the cafe yesteiday and,
after gatbr-ilng In the contents of tho
cash register, pitifully told of her
husband's desertion and his departuto
1 it pints unknown.
Rev. and Mrs. D. M. Opoige nro
spending tho week at Ovvalla cottage,
Lalie AVinoIa.
The West Plttston borough council
vv III purchase a machine for the test
ing of the finality of light furnished
by -lie street lighting company.
That portion of the Susquehanna
river known as "the deep," near Car
penter's farm, West rittston, had Its
annual victim yesterday afternoon,
nnd the first drowning accident to oc
cur In this vicinity this year Is ehionl-
clod. The victim was John Borer,
aged 1.1 years, a resident of Luzerno
avenue, West Plttston. Ho hart been
In bathing with a colored lnd ot bis
own age, and got beyond his depth.
Tho accident occurred at 4.X0 and the
tody was found close by an hour later.
Epeelal tn the Scranten Tribune.
Nicholson, July 3, Miss lithel Stark
Is visiting: in Scranton.
Mr. nnd Mis. J C. Harding and thieo
children and Fred L.iuer aio spending-
Mr. Lev! Elsey, 80S McDougal Avenue, Detroit,
lived for years expecting death from heart fail
ure and Drlght'a disease, but was cured by a few
boxes of Dr. A. W Chase's Kidney-Llver Pills. He
writes t " For years I lived In constant fear that I
should meet death through kidney trouble, I was
troubled terribly by pains In my back and about
the heart. My troubles are now over, for Dr. A, W.
Chase's Kldney.Llver Tills have made me well
again. I will gladly answer any letters about this
wonderful medicine.'
3 cts. a box. All dealers,
or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine
Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
aonio time with frlcndi at Meshoppen.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. 8. Stephens, daugh
ter Helen and son Simpson, nro spend
ing the summer at their cottage nt
Lako Nicholson,
Miss Vlda. 1'edrlck, of Clark's Sum
mit, Is the guest of her friend, Miss
Leona Hillings,
Mrs. K. D. Hell, of State street, en
tertained her sister, Mrs. O. D. Hobcrts,
of Foster, Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H. MacConnell spent
Sunday nt Lako Nicholson, ns tho
guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C, Drlggs.
Ppeelal to tho Scranton Tribune.
Honesdale, July 3. John McGeddl
gan, a Delaware and Hudson track
workman, was stricken down by tho
heat yesterday. He lemnlned uncon
scious until 1 o'clock today, when he
died. Ho was an aged employe of tho
Delawnie and Hudson, and to survived
by a large grown-up family.
Tho hot, diy weather of the past two
weeks has caused serious Injury to the
Wayne county berry crop.
The hot weather forced the closing of
tho cutting shop of Kiantz, Smith &
Co. on Tuesduy.
Tho pupils of Mrs. Jessie Dolmetscb
gave a second recital last evening In
tho music rooms of N. H. Spencer.
together, formins the portrait of a
Little Miss lima Walter, of Scranton,
delighted the audience with violin se
lections. The Wayne County Savings bank has
declared a semi-annual dividend of fi
per cent., the largest ever paid the
Miss Kliz.i 'Wcidman, of Albany, nnd
Miss Maggie Luce, of Tioy, N. Y nio
guests of their cousin. Mis. l'red Law
yer. Tho Maple City orchestra will fur
nish niiMlc for tho Kouith of July pic
nic nt Narrow sbuig.
Tho Texas I-iio company. No. i, will
picnic In lielvlnc park today. Ktee
man's oichestia will furnish tho dance
The Honesdale National bank has de
clared a semi-annual dividend of 5 per
cent, nnd an extra dividend of 2s per
The water motor In tho dental par
lois of Cliui kit Brady went on strike.
A plumber was called to Investigate.
He found an eel, about one foot In
length, had caused the stoppage. Fish
and eels seem to thrive In tho water
main. A mufck tat may nppear nt any
On Monday evening Mr. H.
Uussell dellRbtfuly entertained about
fifty of bis young friends in Liberty
hall. Freeman's orchestia furnished
music for dancing: Dodge Bios, fur
nished light refreshments. A largo
number of older people were also pies
ent to witness the pnjoyment of these
society young people. Thopo present
from out of town were Miss Anna Sal
mon, William J. Welsh, of Scranton;
Clyde G. Outhrle, of Pittsburg; How
ard M. Chandler, of Orange, N. J.;
Caryl Davis and Mr. Fisher, of Wash
ington, D. C.
Krause's Headache Capsules
weie the Hist headache capsules put
on the niaiket. Their Immediate suc
cess resulted In a host of Imitations,
containing nntlpyilne, chloral, mor
phine and other iiijurioui drugs, pur
porting to bo "Just ns good." Avoid
these Imitations and insist on your
having Kiause's, which speedily cure
the most sevcro cases and leave no
bad after effects. 1'rlco L'3c. Sold by
all druggists.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Susquehanna, July 3. The funeral of
Charles Harold, the son of Kdltor and
Mrs. H. T. Blichard, took place from
the family residence on Broad stieet
on Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock. Rev.
I. M. Shlpman, pastor of the Methodist
chruch, oillcnted, assisted by Bcv.
Chailes W. Boot, of Christ Episcopal
church The remains were this morn
ing taken to Montrose, the fomier
homo of the family, for Interment.
The Transcript and the Journal will
not-bo Issued toinoriovv.
S. S, Doollttle, of Deposit, was In
town on Tuesday.
Tho F,rle shops will be closed to
morrow. Tomorrow Susiiuchanna will cele
brateaway fiom home.
Tho Ladles' society of the B. of L. F,
will hold n lawn social this evening
at tho icsldcnce of George F, Esla
brook, Giand street.
A number of Susquehanna boiler
makers, who havo been employed else
wheie for several months, will return
home this week.
Tho Erie will erect a second Iron
viaduct over Nxchange street. The
worh of Improvement goes on.
The Century cluh will hold n social
hop In Hogan Opera house on Friday
evening, July 12.
Tho Susquehanna band left for Nor.
vvlch today to furnish music for the
celebration in that villngo tomorrow.
Tho funeral of Kmcst, son of Mr.
and Mrs. George llorton, of F.lmlra,
was largely attended this morning
from the Avcnuo Methodist church, In
Oakland, tho pastor, itev. W. M. Bou
ton, oftielatlne, The inteiment waa
made In McKane cemetery.
The remains of the stranger, thought
to be Thomas Pugh, who was killed on
Monday night by falling from the top
of a freight car at this station, were
on Tuesday afternoon Interred In the
poor plot In Laurel Hill cemetery.
Wall Street Review.
New York, July 3. Tola stock market vvvs
little mote tliiii non1ln.1l. The volunu of busi
ness was so (.mall that had there hern a wide
price movement little algnltleance, could have
been attached to the fact. The announcement
of the hoard ot governor that theic would be
in adjournment ol the exchange over until Mon
day next was greeted with cherra and there vva
an Immedltf hclwn ol members ol the board.
Only thre who were compiled to stay to chwe
up conttails remained in the bosid room. The
leader in such market aa thrie uaa was United
Slalci steel. The itock reflected deaiiy enough
the disappointment rt holders ol the dividend,
or rather over the wording ol the dividend decla
ration. The omission ol the word quarterly In
connection vvl'h the one per cent, dividend on
the common Mock uaa alleged to throw douht
on the continuity ol the dividend rale thus ea
tabllahed. the argument ol the trirnd ol the
atock that room uaa thua kit to Incieate the
rate aa well ai to decrease it did not rrawure
the tneeulaloia and Ihrv aold the atock freely.
The itefeneil auffered ecen more markedly, de
clining .r irom tne top icvei. ine common ten
1T4 liom the beM. Poth atorka aeenied to lie
without aggrewlve support. The effoit ol lie.
later! Iiorrowem to weme loans to carry over the
lour day Interval until Monday caucd lively
fliiiry tn inonej. Aa bluli aa 20 per cent. n
paid for call loans, and conMderablt liquidation
waa preilpitated The last hour was. In lact,
the mrwl acthe ol the day on the closing up ol
account ami a number ol the leading stocks
were carried doun point or more. Total kales
today, .",.;r,,O0O hares.
The bond mirket uaa dull and Irregular. Total
tales par value, ll.itf.ouo.
United Slates lionda weie all unchinged on call.
lollowlng quolatlons are turnlfhed Tht
bv M. S Jordan & Co.. rooms Tnj 7'1
Utars building, Buanton, Ts. Telephone S0O3:
Open, lllgh- Low Clos
ing, evt, (it. Ing,
American Sugar Ill Ill's lHa Ht'.i
M'i S'i 87's '
Atchison, F'r.
Hiook. Traction .,
Halt, k Ohio
Cent Tobacco ....
flies, k Ohio
f h!c k Ut. West.
...lot 10IH lot 101
... s:4 K! hi RJ",i
...lOrt'i lOolj llV,; lr.'a
... (.9 til'i e'J iw
... aH 'i ii
... 21 211s 1
...lit'4 1" lT.t'i
St. Paul
ltoek Uland V'l'i l') 1-1
Kan. k Tex., l'r.,
M 6.1
PrilJ 1(0
12 1 UIU
Louis. K .N.uli,
Man, V:ievated
Mel Traction .
VlltfO. Pjclflc .
South. Pad He .
N. V. Central
Out A. Welern
.. SO's
.. K
Penna. lly IViH l.V0t
Heading ' !
Heading, l'r "I'a TD'.j
Soul hern It. It 3-l'a lii
Smlhern It. It . l'r S7 H
Term. Coal k Iron "vi "Vi
V. S. Leather US H
t S. Leather, Tr. Tfl TO
t'nioii Pacinc
.liw'i ltH,
Wabavh, Pr 41H
Vetern Union Vl
Col. Kuel k Iron US
lti's iu'.j
Aiiisl. Copper
l-'J'a 1.'.
I'roplea (ijs
Irie, M
Col Soulhem
Texaa Pacini-
Amer. Car foundry
V S cleel Co
V. S. Slecl Co., rr.,
.. ii'4
'.'. iin
.. Hi'i
.. !"
.. 0i
NEW VOflK fill.MV VI VrtKKT.
Open ifKh- Low. Cloa.
Iiuf. t-t. est. inc.
Hcccmhcr .
Scranton Bonrd of Trfide Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Pnr of 100.
STOCK DM. Aiked.
First National 11 ink 1.M0
Scranton Salni; llink 0
Third National Pink 4V)
Dime Drpocit and Dwount Hank.. '.'75 ...
Ikonomv Light, II. & V. 'o 43
Icka. Trent Sifc Drpnait Co....... V
Clark k Snmer Co., l'r l.'j
scranton Iron I'cnre & Mfg. Co H)
Scranton Axle Works 1'j
Laikawannv Dahv Co., Pr in
County Pacings Hank k Trmt Co.. 360
1 li.'t National Hank (I'arbondalc) SJ'i
Standard Prilling Co 'M
Traders' National 1 ink K) ...
Scranton Unit and Nut Co lot ...
People's Dank l.;u ...
New Mexico lly. & C Co T5
Scrinton l'aM'nger Hallway, first
Mm Ittasr, clue 1'ijil 115
People's street Hillway, fiist mort-
(race, due HI1S 115
People's Street Hailwaj, Ceneral
inortRace, due 10't 115 ...
Pickfon Manufacturing Co 1()
l.acka. Townhip School " per rent. ... 1(B
City ol Scranton St. Imp. 0 per
cent 10:
Scranton Traction 6 per cent 113 ...
Scranton Wholesale, Market.
(Corercted by II. f I'ale, '.'7 Lackawanna Ave.)
Ilultcr Fnh, 2ii'saJlc. dab), fresh, 19'ji
Cr,ct.seKull cream, new. lOallc,
j.;K(.sVVcstcrn fre.h, lJJsall,.; nearby etsle,
Dcan-I'cr bushel, choice mirrow, $.'60j.' (Ti
Pea beam rcr bushel, choice inairow, if.'jji
$2. CO.
Medium Bcanv-Pir bushels. ?2 inaJ.US.
Green Peas-Pcr buahelcs. fl.40atl.45.
Flour Hest patent, per barrel, ft. 15.
ned Kidney Hean. Per bushel, 2.45a?.'.50.
Potatoes Per bu'hel, e5i90e.
Philadelphia Grain and Produce.
Philadelphia, July 3. Wheat Firm and 'jo.
hisher, contract icwle Jul), CHiaTcK.. Corn
Oulel. hut atcadv: No 2 mixed Jub. 4ial7c,
(lata Uulot, but alcady; No. a while clipped,
S2ljaUc. Ilultcr Finn, fall demand; lamy
weslcin cicimcr), l'J'jc ; do. do. prints, !!uc. ;
do, iieirh) do 21c Kbrs steady, but quiet,
freh nearbc, lie ; dn. wctcm. 14c. i do. noulli.
weictern, 12'jc; do. Miutlurn, 12c, Cheese Dull
and wrik; New- oik full cicima fancy small,
0',ja9'c. i do. do. do. lair to choice U'J'.tC
Penned hutara (,'uiet, but teady. Cotton I n
changed. Tallow -Meade , clt) irlmo in lihd.,
ft c. ; country do. dn. barrel, 4al',c ; cakec,
5'8c. Live I'oiillrj-Hri'i lair demand; fowl,
12c. ; old rooatei, 7c; spilng chickens, llaicii.;
ducks, PalOo. Hie-Ard I'oullrj Firm and cholco
slock in trood iciuesl. Fowl choke, lie; do.
fair to cond, lOalOijjc. ; old roostciu, hi-c; biuit
era neuby, ljj.ic. , western do., l!a2Jc.
Ilccclptti Flour, l.tflo barrels and l,aiT.0)0
pounds In sacks; wheat, incut bu,hel; corn,
110,W) buliela; oats, 11.0X1. MilpmenU Wheat,
s.oio tiuohcis; coin, buihcla; oats, 1J.W0
New York Grain and Produce.
New Yoik, July 3 Flour A trlde steadier,
but dull. Wheat spot nun, No. 2 red, 75c. I
o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Hulutli, 740. f. n.
b. afloat. Options remained steady to firm all
elav. Closed steady at .aTsc net advance, July
closed 7.1'ic ; Sept., i2Uc, Oct, 72sc.( Dec,
T4lc torn Spot quiet, No 2, 101-c. elevator
and Mc. f. n. Ii afloat. Options opened stcad.v,
but later eased off, Closed easy and paitly ',,c.
ne lower; July closed IS'ae-.; Sept., 50'se.; iKt ,
50',c. Oats-Spot Arm, No. , .IJVie.; No. J,
82c ; No. .1 white, .U'tc ; tiaclc mixed wealcrn,
.I2aii'tc ; track while, dj'sa 17c . Opllnns steadv,
but (inlet Butter-Dull and I arclj steady; cream,
or), 15al9i,:c . laclcny, 12':al5e , imitation
cieamriy, U'al7c; Hate dill), lal"jc. Ch'e.e
Dull and weak; fancy large colored, RTa'ic;
fancy largo while, s'saic. ; fancy small colored,
Pc ; fauc-y mull white, IV, Eu'gs-lnegulat;
lato and I'cnns.vlvanla, liable ; westcin uncJli
died, 10atJ!:c; western candled, Ualle.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, July 3. Higher cables and excessive
rainfalls In the northwest icsullcd In an advance
01 ',c. today In September wheat. September
coin closed lc. lowci; oats were lc. lower,
while provl.lona lost 15c. to 50v. Cash quotations
weie aa follows:
Flour- Ea.) ; No. 3 spring wheit, tUafil'je- ;
No. 2 led, MaittSic i No. 2 corn, ll:atl(,.; No.
2 jellow, llve. ; No. 2 oals, 2s-a.'Je.. ; No. .1
white, S'liiaJlc; No. 2 r)e, 4arv.- No. 1 flax
seed,; No. 1 northwestern, fl.SS; prime
limi.lby seed, fl 21; mess poik, fli.s7salli laid,
f.9.4i'aS IS, short libs, 7 75i7 0.1; city salted shout,
clers, T'ia'ic.; shoit clear sides, fS.25aS.J5; whis
key, fl 27.
Chicago Grain and Produce.
Chicago. July 3, Cattle Receipts, 12,000, In.
eluding f-00 Te varus; ehoUo steeis, steady; otheis
slow ; butchers' slock weak; lexans slow; good
In piime fleers, fl.25,i,40; poor to medium, f 1,10
sS.15; stockeis and feeders weak, f.1 hOii.clj cows,
Ji WalHI, heifers, f2b0al; canneis, iUi 50; bulls
slow, fj 50a 1.50; calrea slow, flaU.2.1; Texas led
steers, fl.25a5.25; Texas grs.t steers, f.l.inal.15;
Texas bulls, f2.50al.5O, Hogs Receipts today,
SO.onos tomorrow, holiday; Kit over, 7,000. Weak
lo $l,12la; mixed anil butchers, tl.T5aA.10; good
to cholco heavj, J90a.12'j; rough heavy, $5.75a
5.05; light, t5.T0aa.O2i,; hulk ol sales, $5 uOa
8 02H. Sheep Receipts, IJ.OcM. Sheep Stesdy to
strong; choice, shade higher; gnu, easier: lambs,
steady to strong; choice up to $1 75; spring up
to (5; good to choice wethers, J3.IOal.15; fair
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Four Lines, 3 Cents far fisch Extra Line.
For Rent.
For Reeto
About 1200 feet oflloor space on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light rruufaeturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
Thk Tribune.
t'OK IIKNT I.V COUNTHY-ColUgo 0 pine lOjin.,
nearlv new, location the beat; partly Mr
nikhed. Will rent lor the acaaon or lonter on
reasonable terms. Addreant U. W. Carllon, Pal
ton, Pa.
KOlt IIKST-Klght rooms, 7J3 Jefferson avenue;
all modern commlrnces. '
hfJIMKR ItKiinKNCK-WIII rent to reponlbl
parlies, pleaaant tumihed summer home at
Plvervlew lirm, sltustrd on the banks ol Sua
quehanna riceri beautiful aceneiyj nrst-cuss
black ba tthlnr, nice boating and bathing.
Itcnteri have rvclmhe ue of dining room, alt
ling rooms and large veranda Tenia very re.i.
oanble. Call or address N V, Walker, Hit Con
rell building, or (M Wsshington svenue.
I'0!t It KT(! room home, corner Wayne avenue
and Putnam alrcit; hot and rold water,
none but amall family need apply. 1703 Wayne
WO OtlKK.V niPOE STItKIX ten rooms, modern
Improcemtntsj steam heat lurnlahedj deslr
desirable. For Sale.
ion SAI.U-A Cotticll k Sons cjllndcr preM.
S.!xin, in good condition, new rollers, .I'M.
Apply Wilkea-Ilane Tlniea Olflce, Wilkes llarre,
I OK SAM: Hound hottrm. Mrlp laid and clinker
built and flat bottom lMiinir buals. Packard
& t'urlla, 15J Chrrry alrrcl, Dunmole, Pa.
Rcnl Estate.
tort HAI.K-flr will exchanse, (be improved
houvt-j for building lots. Apply it. W., 1UJ
Itcck street.
to choke mixed, .!a).75j western fheep, f.1 33j
4.10, carlliiKa, (.l.75al.25; nalbe lambs, f&5;
western lambs, .i j(U5.
New York Livo Stock Markot.
New t oik, .Inly 3. Beeves Markrt slow; steers
Kenerally l'ial5c. lower, choice scarce and not
mcch lower; stccr, H.S"a", ?'; stockers, 4.-o,
bulls, f2T5a10; cows, 2at 21. Calves-Market
very badlv demoralired, piicea 50a5c-. oft; more
than 1,jcjcj calves un-old. Veal. f I.50a5&0; top?,
f52'5; culls, f.'a(.Ji, bultcimilks, fi.JOaJ. Sheep
Slow and caller, lambs depressed and IJaSJe.
ofl; fheep, f C0a.1 ,M; lambs, j5a; culls, fJ W.
Hogs Market easier at f!.2ufl 40.
East Liberty Cattle.
Fast Llheily, .Inly ."..Cattle Steadv; extra,
(5MaA; phime, f 5 Hla.l T5; EO)d, s.ldld.151, llYi
Hull and lo'ver, prime hcav.v, faOlaD.10, ahaoit
cil mediums, bci-t jcikcrt, brsht .vcrkeis and primp
plus, tMllaKOT's; comnioii to fair h"KS, f6an.',;
skips, tl.; roushs, 1 21a5.50. sheep-Dull;
best wethers, $.1 TOal.O; common. l 50a2 DU,
)earllngs, fi.50al 50; veal calves, f)a6.50.
Buffalo Live Stock.
Fast Buffalo, July 3. Rcccipta-Cattle. 40 cars;
sheep and lambs, .1 cars, hogs, It cars, ship
ments Cattle, 42 cais; theep and lambs, 1 car;
hoc, S cam. Callle no trade; choice to cxlra
veal calces, f 1 .7a3 70. Sprint; Lambs Choice lo
evlra, 150al.7.1;export lambs, fl.Tftal eV); mixed
sheep, fcJ.fcOaJ.SO. Hogs Heavy, S0.15; pigs, Jd.Oj
American League.
At H.ton R. H. E.
Baltimore 0 0 10 0(10001 8 3
Boston 2 0 112 1103 ft 16 1
Ba I tcrics Howell and Robinson; Young and
Crigcr. Umpire Connolly.
At Philadelphia- It. H. E.
Washington 12 4 0 0 0 0 0 07 10 0
Philadelphia 0 5 0 .'I 0 1 0 0 U 12 1
Batleiica Mercer and Clark; Bemhard and
Towers, duplies Shciidan and
At Clcvclind (Eleven Innings) II, II. E.
Chicago )0 0 O 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 4 8 2
Cleveland i 1 l O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,1 7 3
natteiics-Katoll and Sugden; Howling and
Ycager. Umpire Haskell.
At Milwaukee (Sixteen innings) R.H.E.
Milwaukee .010 10003000000 05 13 3 .... U 1 0 1 0 0 0 J 0 00 0000 5 1) .1
Batteries Miller and Iluclou; Garvin and Ma
lomy, Lmpiic Cantillon.
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
llophottom, July 3. Miss Inola Dun
bar, of New Yoik, In a guest at the
homo of O. D. Robeits.
Mr. and Mm. Harry Wood, of King;
ley, have moved here, and arc occupy
Ing; Mis. Morris' house.
The Unlvers-ullst audits' Aid will
meet next Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mis. Hilton. The committee
to assist aie Mis. Rhoda Case, Mrs,
Martha Tanner and Mrs. K. M. Tlt
fany. Mm. Cloo Haw ley, of Marietta, Ohio,
was a Euest at the home of Mis. Al
mlra Brown this week.
Miles C'randall, while working; on
Ollcs Caipenter's house on Tuesday,
fell and bioko his arm, the bone beinK
fiactured Just below tho elbow. Tills
Is the second time Mr. frandnll has
sustained tho same Injury, nnd this
the second accident which has occur
red sine? work was commenced on the
house. Mr. Titus bclnfj still confined
to his home by an injury received two
weeks ago.
A dance at Tenant's hall Is the only
celc-lT-ation announced hero for the
Fred Lord and also Miss Je and
Miss Mildred Carpenter pupils at tho
Harfoid Orphan School, are home for
their vacation.
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
Hallstcad, July 3. Miss Emma
WrlR-ht, of Mortrose, Is visiting the
Bacho girls on Mt. Manotononic.
Jesse Van Fleet, several days ago,
killed a monstrous rattlesnake near tho
swimming hole along the Harmony
road. Tho reptile had eight rattles,
Fred Herrlck has opened a flist class
barber shop In tho Orattan building on
Franklin stieet.
John O'Brien, who has been attend
ing college In Maryland during the
winter, has returned heie to spend his
summer vacation with his mother.Mis,
Edward O'Brien.
Mrn. Odendorf and son, of Bingham
ton, are visiting at the pleasant home
of Frank Alymer, on Chaso avenue.
Miss Mary Springer, of Benwood, W,
Va., was man led In Buffalo last Wed
nesday to Mr. F. M. Nowells, of this
place. After spending several duys at
Niagara Falls, the Tan-American and
other places of Interest they returned
here. They have engaged pleasant
rooms at the home of Mrs. John Ty
ler, on Church street. The bride la an
Help Wftntcd Femnle.
WANTKH A competent wonun tn take rare of
two small children out ol city. Address Si
Monroe avenue.
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Eecelved at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALnKflT FCIILUTZ, comer Mulbcrrj
street and Webster avenue.
GUBfAV riUlhL, 650 Adams avenue.
West Side
OEOItaG W. JENKINS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
1"KED L. TEBPPB, T2D Cedar stcnue.
North Scranton
GEO. W. nVlS, corner North Main
avcnuo snd Msrket street.
Green Pvidgc
CHAItLES P. JONES, 1557 Dickson
P. J. JOHNS, 020 Orccn Bldne street.
0. LORKNZ, corner Wsshington sve
nue and Marion street.
W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue.
Rooms and Board.
LAItfit: front room with bosrd lor two gentle
men, 418 Adams avenue.
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED-Tablt. boarders. Mrs. Tompkins, 531
VVsthlngton svenue.
Furnished Booms.
FOB BENT One largo furnished Iront room;
also one side room, CI7 Adams avenue.
Business Opportunity.
PAR'INEU WITH KUO for very protltable and legb
tlmate business. J. E., Tribune OIHce.
LOST 'I he man who picked up tho lady's chita.
laine bag on the corner nl North Main avenue
and Putnam street was seen, snd 11 iciurned to
addicvs in bag or to William Love, KOd North
Main avenue, will avoid trouble-
LOsT A black tow, no boms and no tall,
turn lo John t'apcini, 01) pliant, Pa.
Situations Wanted
S1TI ATION WANIED-By a )oung man; well
recommended; willing to vvoik at an)thing;
cheap, with boaid. Addicts K. M., 51t Meridian
Sill ATION W AVI hi) lly a mlddlc-agcd woman
as housekeeper In widower's family; can givo
reference. Call on or address M. II , 11 boutli
Rebecca nveniie, Scranton, Pa.
fell CATION W WITCH By )oung girl aj nurse.
Call at 8lh River street, South Side.
SITUATION WAYl'ED-OIrl wants situation at
general liouscvvoiL, (.ood leady girl. Ad
dress M. llochford, Ueneial Deliver), West Side
sni'Vl'lON WANTED A flist class coachman de.
siica a' situation Willi a private lauiily.
Capable, sober and reliable and understands thu
business thoroughly; with relcrcnccs. Addiess
Coachman No. yil Penn avenue.
MIT AT ION WNTEl)-To go out by tho diy,
wiis'iing or cleaning. Mis. ltuv.cll, 121U Cedar
SIT CATION" WANTED-Expert bookpeeper wants
set books to maniac not requiring entne
time, trims modciatc. Address I. O. lT., Tribune,
SITUATION WANTEH-Coachman desires a sit.
iiitlon with n pilvate family; capable nun,
slrlelly tempeiate and tellable, with good refer
ences. Addicss Coachman, J.I1 I'cnu avenue,
SITIAITON WANTEIl-Lady would Ilka to pro
cure work by the day, Addic4 101 Apple
avenue, Dunmoie.
SIT tT ATION WANTED By experienced book
keeper, now cinpIo)ed. Would like to change.
D. S., Box 273. Citv.
SITUATION WVNT ED Active .vnung man desirea
position as book-keeper; experienced nnd will
ing lo make himself u.cful. Elmer, Trlbuna Of.
SITUATION WANTED- a conk or chef. Ad.
dies, Armstrong, Grand Central Hotel.
accomplished and pretty southern lady.
Mr. Nowells Is general yardmiistcr, In
charge of the Li-, kawannti yards at
this point, and Is very popular among
tho men. Tho band gave them a pleas
ant serenade Saturday evening.
Uev. Skillet, or Thompson, will acl
diess the family meeting at tho Ball
road Young Moil's Christian associa
tion, Sunday afternoon.
Superintendent Clarke, K. M, Bine
and other I.ackawannn otlleialH visited
Hullstead In their special car, tho
"Comet," Tuesday moiiilng. Hon.
James T. DuBois, of this place, ac
companied them westward.
George Coiey, while engaged In fas
tening fish-plates to a rail on tho
Iackavvannii here, Monday, was struck
by the switch engine and when picked
up he was unconscious. L'pon exam
ination It was found that 'there were
no severe bruises. He soon regained
consciousness and has felt no 111 effects
from tho blow.
Tho new steamer, tho "Omega," Is
to bo launched In tho Sm-auohfinna.
here on the Fourth of July. Samuel
Moore, of the Blnlndealer, has been
selected and lias consented to net In
christening tho boat. This honor was
avvaided to the handsomest man nnd
Mr, Mooro was chosen,
The borough council will meet tomnnovv even
ing. Pnalofflce hours today fiom 0 lo 11 a, in. and
(rem il lo I r. in.
Mis. Mary Mahoney, aged about BO jests, died
at the bom l her daughter, Mis. Dinlel Buck
ley, nl Lincoln Hill. Mrs. Valioney has been an
Invalid for some time, but the immediate iau-o
of her death was heat puctratinii. Besides
Mis. iMvcrney she is survived by three sons in
New oilt and one daughter In Connecticut.
The family came heio from Jrs.up about six
mculhs ago. Tho funeral will take pi ice tn
morrow morning at 9 o'clock. A requiem mass
will be celebrated In St. Miry's church and in
terment will be In Oljphant cemetery.
Mlis Kale Campbell, cl Scranton, was a visitor
In tovn this week.
At a meeting ol (he school hoard held on
Monday evening the following teachers were ap
pointed! No 1 Jlaiy Kearney, Nellie
Dlaon, Ilea Reap, Mary Reap. No 2-EIIa O'Mal
ley, Vina (,lbbnn, .Vlaigvret Healey, Cecelia
MiC,l)nn. No. 3 Alice Morohan, Agnes Clifford,
Margaret Aikmsn, Elizabeth Seahlll; substitute,
Mist Anna Ward.
The Mooslo Fertilising company are kept husy
carr)ing away the rarcases of horses snd mules
that have succumbed tu the esce&aive hat about
Michael Buckley, Jr., Is undergoing treatment
(or rheumatism at the Hahnemann hospital.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than Four Lines, 6 Cents for tlach Hxtra Line,
Cortlfled Public Accountant.
EIlWAItll 11.
Estate KxchanKe Hid?., 126 Washington sve.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
Bpruce street, Scranton.
Booms 12, II, is and 18 Burr building.
Hated on real eatate security. Vttn building,
corner Washington avenue and Epruca street.
snd counsellors st-law. Republican budding,
Washington avenue.
sellors st-law. Commonwealth building, Rooms.
19, 20 and 21,
KB-POI, Oth floor, Mesrs building.
of Trade building, Scranton, Pa.
Bank building.
" ' i in i ii i i I im
Ill Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Sugeons.
DR w. Ii
Ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry,
Chronlo disease, lungs, heart, kidneys am
genlto-urinary organs a specialty. Hours, It
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Resturants.
avenue. Rates reasonable.
P. ZEIGLER. Proprietor.
senger depot. Conducted on the European
plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
cess pools; no odor; only Improved pumps used,
A. B. Briggs, pioprietor. Leave ordrrs 1100
North Main svenue, or Elekc'a drug store, cor
ncr Adams anil Mulberry. Both telephones.
er)men, store 201 Washington avenue; green
houses, 1950 North Main avenue; store tela.
phone, T62.
Wlro Screens.
Ecranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens.
abn ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 212
Adams avenue.
v elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, IS1)
Waslilngton avenue, Scranton. Pa.
In Ecranton at tho news stands ol Rehman
Bros,, 400 Spruce and 5U3 Linden; M. Norton.
(22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzer, 2U
Spruce street.
Honey to Loan.
KelO.UOO TO LOAN Lowest rates; strslght or
monthly pa) ments. Stark k Co.,Traders' bids.
stralglt leans or Building and Loan. At
from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
311.315 Connell building.
court of Common Pleas ol l.iekawanna, coun
t), No. .so, ilauh term, 1001. Libel in di'
To James Thomas, tho above named respondent!
You ilio hereby notified that tho sheriff having
leturncd tho subpnena and alias subpoena In
this co "non est inventus" and the court hav
ing aide red notice upon )ou by publication, )oi
jic hereby notltled, therefore, to be and appea.
at the licit tcim of Mid couit, to bo held at
Strantmi, In said county of Lackawanna, on M"n
diy, the sixteenth diy of beptemlT, A. D. 1001,
to answer the complaint of the said libellant.
C. II. SCHADT. Sheriff.
Attorney for Libellant.
SEALED PIMU'O-iAl.S will bo received at the
nltico ol tho my recorder, Scranton, Ta., until
3 o'clock p. m., Monday, Julv 15th, 1M11, to pur
chi.o twenty city ol M-ranton coupon bonds
live bundled dollars eaih. Bonds dated and bear.
ins inletest nt the rue nt lour per cntiim (l?n)
per annum fiom July 1st, 1'Kil, and ndeemabh
July I, l'U.T. Bund Issued free of all tases, lb
city assuming tin pa)inenl thereof. The oil"
reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
W. U CONNELL, f lly Recorder.
NOTICE is heieby given tint an application will
bo in kIp U the governor of Pennvlvanls on
Frida), the mneleeiiili diy of July, 1001, by ..
II. .Inmvn, James II. Meais, Chutes E. Olver,
(Iconic II Jrimtii ami Sidney C. Mears, under
tho nit nl assembly entitled "Vn act tn provide,
lor the i i "i pout inn and regulation ol certain
corpoiatlona," appioved Aptll -'3lh, 171, and
the supplements thereto for the charter of an tn.
tended corporation to ba called "The People'
Powder Company," the purpotp vvhenol is th
manufacture and sile ol powder, dnamlt anl
other ciploslvo substances, and for these purposes
to have, os.sesti ami enjoy all (he rights, benefits
and privileges ol Slid act of assembly and tha
supplements theieto
Cll MILLS K. OLVER, Solicitor.
BOVRD OF I WMINERS -Candidate for the of.
rice of mine inspectors In the First snd Sec.
end Inspection ditrlit are heieby notified that
the board ol examiner appointed by the court
i( cniiiiiion pleas of l.iekawanna county will meet
at the Board of contiol looms, City Hall, in th
Citv nl Scranton, on Tuesda), July It, 1101, at 2
o'clock p. m. for the cximlnitlon of such candi.
dates as may appear before them. Candidate
will pleasei notice tint section fi nl the mine
law requires thim to produce satlsfacloiy evt.
dene-e to the board of having had at leatt five
)ears practlral eaperlente in the anthraclta coal
mines ol I'enns)lvania
Attest: . , Board.
EMU. BONN, Clerk.
NOTICE IS hereby given that the partnership
lately subsisting between A. II. Rogers an!
. O. Major, boili ol the illy of hcranton, conn.
ly ol Lickawanna and state of Pennaylvanla.
dolpg business under the firm name of Ilogera
k Major, baa expired on this, nineteenth dsv of
June. A. D i''!. and that the firm aforesaid
has lieen dlnolved by muluil content,
All debts owing tn the said pirtnershlp ar
lo bo received by tin said A. H. Rogers snd all
deminda on the said partnership are to ba pie.
tented to htm, the said A. H. Rogers, lor pig
ment. A. H. ROOERJ,
X. O. MAJOR. E. DAVIS. Attorney.