The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 04, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Unfortunate Woman Win Overcome
by the Heat and Foil, Striking Her
Head Against a Stone Wall Cas
per Erwoldor Wanted Mono? to
Oct Harried with and Took It from
His Father's Trunk Barbers Elect
Offloers Celebrating the Fourth.
Other Notes and Personals.
Mrs. midget, of 'Jft.'J Pilco
street, who was picked up in an tin
ion.rlous condition Tuewlny aftei
niion nl the corner of Jackson .stieet
iiiid l'ebeccu avenue, died at nn caily
litmr yctciilny morning In the Jnck
mui etieet station hmixc.
The woman wn.s m lier way homo
when she fell on the sidewalk, stiik
lai? her head against the .stone wall
In f i init of No. la school. She lay In
an unioni Ions condition for about
half (.n hour, when I'ntioliuan Lowry
Mcuied a wagon nnd lemoved her to
thM rttitmn hoiie.
Theie she was linked up In one of
the ci'IN a an niillnniy drunk. Those
III the .station hotto Hotbed (luting
ti" evening that the woman was In
a fri lolls condition. I.leutenant Wil
liams Kept tin io on her dining the
light, when ."he appeared to bo altep,
Towaids morning the ofllier.s he
tame al.iimeil at her condition nnd
took her liont the icll, anil shortly
nftt rwatds her life went out. Dr.
Itnymond was summoned, hut his fcr
lces weie not needed, ns the woman
The body was then lemoved to I'n
dei taken W nibs' b.un, where later In
the day Deputy I'm oner I'ulno pci
fottned an autopsy on the body.
The lesult of the autopsy revealed
the fa"t that Mrs. Duggau'.s skull had
bfen finetuted by sulking her head
against the wall. Death was due to a
blood clot. A jury was empanelled
and an Inquest will be held in the
case tomonow,
De.'i-ased lied alone, hut has two
sons to survive her. The remains
weie piepaied for Initial by Funcinl
Dheetor Wyniln and were taken to
the house dining the day. The fu
neral will probably occur tomonow,
and Intcinient will he made In the
i 'dihedral ccmetcty.
Night Before tho Fourth.
The asual celebration and explosion
The Day
We Celebrate!
V jBHkw,
Of Course We Are
Closed Today, but
You'll Find Us
Ready for Business
Tomorrow, as Usual
Globe Warehouse
of fireworks which nlways attends tho
coming of tho Fourth of July, wan
carried on Inst evening. Cannons were
discharged from the outlying hills,
while Ilrect ackers and other explosives
weto put oft at many points nlong
Main nvcnuo nnd the Intersecting
The lltemen were ready for busi
ness, but their services weto not need
ed. The local merchants report n hit go
sale of fltewotkp, nnd fiom present In
dications young Anietlca will have a
glorious Kouith.
Erweldor in Trouble.
A warrant was sworn out before
Alderman Moses yesterday by John
Krwoldei, of the Sloan Patch, for the
at rest of his son, Casper, charging
hlni with the theft of 55 fiom a Hunk
It the house. The young man, It Is
alleged, took the money on Tuesday,
and tho same evening went to Clark's
Summit, wheie his sweetheart, Miss
Cnrrlo Daly, resides.
The couple contemplate getting
mauled on Monday next, and came
to town yesterday morning and ob
tained a inonlage license fiom the
clerk of the court's ollke. The bride-to-be
returned to her home during the
morning, and when Constable John
I.ante nnlved then' he teamed that
Krw elder had gone to his boarding
place at Hid Kynon street.
He was placed under nriest last
owning and at the hearing was held
In ball for his appe.uance at court.
Barbers Eloct Ofllcers.
l.oenl union, Xo. SI, of the Journey
men Haibois' International I'nlon of
Ametlcu, elected and Installed tho fol
lowing nfllcets nt a lecent meeting:
Pieshlent, John A. Hughes; vlee-ptel-dent,
Kied C. Glnader; corresponding
and financial yeciotury, Hairy 1..
Italney; recording societal y, August
Howei: guard, William P. Schlmnu 1.
Hairy L. Italney was elected us a
delegate to tho national convention to
bo held In Saginaw, Mich., on October 1.
Miss Annie Morgan, of South Main
avenue, the Mioses AVade, of Delawiio
slieet, and Mis Stephens, of Montiose,
left )ostenlny moinlng for a six weoket'
trip thiough Western New Yoik. The
party will visit Niagara Kails, the Pan
American exposition and Silver Iik a
beautiful resoit about sixty miles oast
of Buffalo.
Among the West Si ranton people who
will spend the Kouith at Lake Wlnola
ate tho following: Joseph A. Mears,
(leoige L, Peck. "William J. llotgan
and their families; Hany Miller and
Clndoiella Moise.
The stamp window at the postolllco
will be open this moinlng from b.30 to
1030 o'clock. The canleiH will make
the usual morning delivery.
A number of local hall-tosseip will
Journey to nioomshuig today to play
a game with tho town team. The pli
ers aie: Kellot, c ; Ciossln, p.; (iood
iiian. 11.; .loner, p. s. ; Nealon, lb.; Tier
ney, -b., Mulkl, 3b., C'aison, c. f.; Vail,
r. f . Clark. 1. f.
John Huffman, outside foreman at
the Hampton mine, attended the f uncial
of his mother at Schuylkill county yes
terday afternoon.
Miss Allco Pease, of Cohoes, N. Y
Is visiting relatives on Jackson street.
Knterprlso lodge, No. si, Loyal
Knlghta of America, will hold a le
union at Harvey's lake on Thuisday,
July IS. i:ach member will bo given
two tickets nnd tho widows of deceased
members one ticket each.
Ticket No. ."01 won tho S gold piece
at the tnlllo conducted by tho Anthin
clts Camping club at 11S7 Kynon stieet.
A lad named Wlllard Hughes wos
run over on Tuesday by n milk wagon
and slightly Injured.
A daughter was recently born to Mr.
nnd Mrs. James I'oulkos, of Fifth nve
mie. Mrs. John T. Thomas, of Fifteenth
stieet, sailed from New Yoik yesterday
lor a inree months' visit In Wales.
The remains of nn Infant child of Mr.
nnd Mis. Walter Jones, of 339 North
Oarlleld nvenue, wero Interred in the
Washburn sticct evmeterv vestonlnv
Tin membets of the r?nntur
chuich held their legular monthly busi
ness meeting last evening, nt which
piogiess on tho new chuich was ic
portod. Mrs. ilowinnd D. Thomas and son,
Wlllatd, of Moscow, Pa., spent yester
day on this side.
Hoi n To Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert
Lnnce, of North Decker's court, 11
Mlts i:il7oheth Jones, of Plttson,
called en telatlves on llromtoy avenue
Miss Jane Lewis, of West Locust
stieet, passed thiough the city yes
terday 011 her way from New York to
'I hi (Tn lo.
Lev. II. C. MeDermott. of the Simp
son Methodist Kpi.scopal church, will
deliver an oration at Koicst City to
day. The Diamond Mine Accidental Fund
nnd Local union No. 21:. t'nlted Mine
Woikors of Amci Icn, held a meeting
In Jayne's hall last evening, to make
nirangement.s for their .annual excitr
shn to Lake Lodore on August 21.
The rtystal Social club conducted a
ihnce In Si. David's hall Inst evening.
The Keytone club, of Plttston, wcro
the Hiests of the Crystals.
O. F. May, one of the boaiders nt
Pali-child's hotel, was ai tested last
night for placing potash and sulphur
tablets on the street car tracks. He
left a deposit of J." with Lieutenant
Williams for his nppeniance In police
ccurt this morning.
Mrs. Mrs. Oeoige Hrltton. of Rnad
Incr. Is the guest of Dr. nnd Mrs.
C.eorgc H. Reynolds, of North Main
Anna Pretrokus, of Clenrvlew street,
was aiialgned befoie Alileiman Myers
Lint evening on the charge of larceny
of ?.'0, at the InstniRc of Julius .eg
sus, of the tame slieet. It appealed
that Mis. Petiokus was visiting Mis.
Xeggus, and while the Iutter was In
the cellar getting some at tides, Mis.
Protiokus Is alleged to hae taken the
money fiom her pocketbock, which was
lying on n stand. The alderman, not
finding enough evidence agalnct the de
fendant, dlsi lunged her and placed tho
costs on the prosecutilx.
This nflcinoon and evening the
Ladle.'.' Aid society of the Providence
.Methodist Hplscopal chinch will give a
lawn social on the spacious lawn of
tho cliiiuh parsonage. Stravvbenles,
Ice etoam and cake will be served ns
lunch by the oung ladies of the soci
ety. Thcie will be no in the sum
mer school nt the Raptist tabeimule
today. This afternoon ke ci cam, lemon
ade and cake will he saved by the
younger niembeis of the phjslcnl cul
tuio classes.
Last Monday evening was the closing
evening for the Hiothcihood of St. Paul
nt the Piovldence Methodist Kplscopal
chuich for the summer months. After
a shoit business session an excellent
llter.11 y piogiamme was rcndeied.
The KnlghlK of .Maccabees will meet
this evening in their rooms in the
The Olympla Soclnl c It.b held their
second annual ball at the Audltoiium
last evening.
William Dale, of West Maiket stieet,
left ytsterday fot Km ope, wluie he
will stay for two months.
Mis? Lena, of Wood slieet, i
visiting fi lends In Westport, Pa.
The 10-j ear-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
J. C. Jones was badly injured about
the head yesteiday while playing with
some of his comrades. In a boyish
quarrel a stono was thiown nt hint
and stiuck the lad's head, making a
wound about two inches long. Dr. J.
J. "Walsh attended to the Injury.
John and Jacob Kramer, of Mill
burn, N. Y.t 1110 visiting their patents
on Hlckoty street.
All mcmbeis of tho Hakeis' union
are icquested to meet nt Rauh's hall
Satuiday afternoon at 1 o'clock to at
tend the of their deceased
brother, Fiod Schreodol.
The alaun of file turned In shortly
after 11 o'clock last night from box -17,
at Plttston nvcnuo and Willow street,
was caused by 11 small fi.une dwelling
house cm Stone avenue, owned by Mrs.
McDonald being set 011 lire by caioless.
ly used 111 ew oiks. The blaze was ex
tinguished by the South tic ran ton com
panies before much damage was done.
The house was unoccupied and has
been so since last Jauuniy, when tho
Infant daughter of Flunk Janssen was
but nod to death In It.
Pea Coal $1.50 a Ton Delivered,
to South Side, centtnl city and central
Hydo Paik. Adtlioss. orders to J, T.
Sharkey, 1014 Cedar avenue. 'Phone
The Oieen Rldgo Modern Woodmen
held an Interesting meeting in Mn
sonle hall last evening, despite the
sultry weather.
Miss DrusllU Phillips, of Meylert
avenue, Is visiting lelntlves In Free
Inud. Miss Nellie Rrundnge, of Dickson
avenue, Is the guest of fi lends nt
Falls, Pn.
Mr. nnd Mis. William Qlert nnd
chlldien have leturned to their home
In TamnuRun. after spending a week
with Henry Qlm, of Delavvnie street.
Homer nnd Percy Taylor, of Sander
son avenue, left yesteulny for Cnnuda.
Mall Cnnler Joseph Fldlam left yes
terdny for n stay at Ruffalo.
A team of oxen, such as were com
mon In our grandfathers' days, draw
ing a heavy, broad tread wagon, nnd a
f well os tlio liamhomrst, mil othcra
110 hoilril to oil on any druccltt ami cec
frto a trial bottlo ol Kcni'a lulin for tho
Throat aiut Lung), a rcmcily tliat is Ruauntecd
to cure and relieve all Cluonlv and Acute Cousin,
Aatlinu, UiuiuliUU ami CuiKumplion. 1'rlcu iW,
and lOv,
IT 1
Take Advantage of Scranton
Citizen's Experience Be
fore It's Too Late,
When the back begins to nche
Don't wait 'til backache becomes
'Till serious kidney troubles develop,
rill urinary troubles destroy night's
Profit by a Scranton citizen's experi
ence. Mis. K. Davis, of 91S Hampton
sticct, says: "My klndneyd troubled
me for thioe years, inore or less, with
sharp shooting pain In the small of
my back, less during the day than nt
night, unless I lifted anything or
strained my back or over-e.xeited my
self doing my housework. At night I
turned from side to side, tiylng to
tlnd n comfortable position, and It kept
me awake for hours. Theie was also a
kidney weakness, which wiih very an
noying nnd distressing at all times.
I became so bad that I was contlned
to my bed for over a week and had
to have a doctor. It was then that
I saw Doan's Kidney Pills adver
tised nnd so highly recommended by
Scranton testimony that I was, lu
duced to get them from Matthews
Pros.' drug store. They proved to be
Just what I needed nnd helped me
right nvvny. My hack was better and
stronger than It had been for a long
time and the kidney weakness com
pletely dlsappeaied."
For sale by all denleis. Price f0
cents. Foster-Milburn Co,. Huffalo,
N. Y., sole agents for the I'. S.
Remember the nnme, Doan's and
take no substitute.
swiftly-moving electilct car, ptesont
Ing a striking contrast of the past and
ptesent means of travel, were seen o
Sanderson avenue yesterday nftet
noon. Many of the urchins who
gathered at the watering trough at
the coiner had never seen a yoke of
oven befotf nnd gaed after them In
wonder ns they placidly Journeyed to
ward Scott.
Miss Lizzie Tillou, of Dickson ave
nue, left .vesteidav for Honesdnle,
where she will spend the summer.
When you want lo "cool off" go to
C. P. Jones' Drug Stote, 1557 Dickson
nvenue, and have a "Crystalline,"
"Frozen Mint" or nn lee-Cold Milk
The funeral of the Infant child of Mr.
and Mis. Coniad Schweitzer occurred
from the home, on Di inker stieet,
terday afternoon. The lemalns weie
conveyed to Dunmore cemetery by four
little boy, where Intel ment was made.
Miss Mario 'Webber, of Hat per street,
nccompnnled a party that sailed yes
terday fiom New York for nn extended
Kuropean ttlp.
Mrs. John Palmer visited friends In
MooIe, jestetduy.
Mrs. Rex and chlldien, Kenneth nnd
Hthcl, of Om.thn, are the guests of Mis.
Reuben Moweiy, of Rlakely stieet.
Miss Rinlly Hdgai. of Owefco, Is tho
guest of the MMse3 Powell, of Rlakely
Kenneth Moffatt, of Chcny street, is
visiting relatives nt Mooslc.
Mis. Hcnwood and daughter Anna
aie tho guests of friends In Luzerne.
Mis. Andrew Oliver and daughteis,
of Philadelphia, aie guests at the home
of Chillies Oliver, In (..icon Ridge.
Clayton Potter, of Rlakely stieet, Is
visiting friend, in WUkes-Raue.
Willie, the H-yeai-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Arnold, died Tuesday
night at 11.31) o'clock, after a three
weeks illness with inflammation of
the bowels. The f uncial will take
place Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
from the family lesldence on Pittson
avenue. Services will be held In the
Illekoiy Street Presbyterian chuich.
Interment will be made In the Pltts
ton .. '011110 cemeteiy.
The funeral of Martin Haden will
occur on Fiid.iy moinlng at !i o'clock.
A high mass of itiiulem will be cele
brated at St. Peter's cnthedial.
The funcinl of the late John Dowilck,
who died Tuesday afternoon ns n ic
stllt of the excessive heat, will take
place fiom his late lesldence, 10J5 West
Lackawanna avenue, this afternoon nt
2 o'clock. Sei vices will bo conducted
at the home by Rev. Rogeis Isiael, of
St. Luke's chuich, and Rev. R. J. Mc
Henry. of St. David's chinch. H.vde
Paik. Inteiment will be In Finest Hill
How They Should Be Taught to Ap
preciate Its Woith.
Tho only way to determine the size
of a penny is to handle It; and even
so Its ciictimfereuce will vary accord
ing 10 1110 quality of each handler'
loui'ii, just as the size of the ils
moon dlffeis with dlffeient nv.
Theie are parents who teaih thel
thildien to he economical by glviui
them nothing to be economical with
thus onlniginir unon the nocesxltv r
a light appiecintion of somethln
wuicn to tne child is nothing. Tl
only way to teach tho hoc 01- irlrt 11
M.o of a nennv Is to clve tlm .am
one to spend, so that ho or she ina
discover independently its worth
mat hies or stick nenneimlnt ramlv.
you buy him Just tho quantity of ma
hies or candy you think hn mirhi
have he will forever remnln In In-nm
mice of the value of n penny; also tho
nmount his stomach will hold without
a pntn: two branches of elementa
Knowledge most necessary to prac
There Is no doubt hut American c
di en ate given too much money
spend; not because the handling
money makes them exlrnvarmm
.. .. . ..nH.., .
necnuse iney are not Judiciously llr
lied to the actual requirements
their Juvenile pleasures and pioflt, ni
nt the same time required to rend
nn nccount or tnelr expenditures. '
nntiiie extravacant with mnnnv
mote than llkelv to l.r. nvti n vinm,.
----- - .,.,,
generous and extravagantly kind; I
deed, unthinkingly fiee with his ow
1111 miiiier wneiner it tie in deeds
money, because that nature knows
moderation and Is not nt nil cnimm
with little things; therefore, the fl
step townrd restraining his impulse
tllrnil' tint.i.lna nh.Mtf la n.l..AJ
........ ,,..,,(, v.. ... ....... r ,111,1,111-11
showluir him how much Hipv vc
when ho has to pick them up ngal
Measure a penny by your own nppetlte
nnd you will know how big It Is
(Concluded from Pape 5.1
his hands, nnd nfter tearing oft his
collar nnd nsklng Mrs. Octz to place
It with some clothing that he left at
her house while over on a fishing trip,
he staggered out of tho house and
went reeling down the roadway townrd
Stnples' hotel. During tho time he
wns In the house on this second visit,
Hull, Mm. (letz said, acted mote fool
ishly than before. Ho wore n pair of
goggles which ho didn't have with him
on his earlier visit and ho made ludic
rous attempts to have them hold to
bis noso. He nlso showed her a few
dollar bills nnd a few dimes nnd
nickels nnd threw forty cents towards
her to recompense her for her tiouble.
On his pi lor visit be nppoatod to have
no money.
Leaving Cletz's house, Hull went to
Stnples' hotel, his second visit theie.
This was nhout .1 o'clock, nn hour or so
after lenvlng there in the company of
Schoonnvcr. He was In 111 humor
when ho stnggered Into tho ban 00111.
There weie a half dozen men In the
place nnd they were given 11 good
sized scaie by Hull, who pulled his big
hunting knife fiom his pocket nnd
opening It hurled It Into a coiner of tho
loom, meanwhile dancing lound nhout
In Indian fashion. He asked Rarten
der Pi liner for a chink nnil was given
sonic cider. He demanded nnother
drink, but was denied It. Ho then
went out on the hotel porch, where he
began to doze. Kinployes fiom Rmciv
Lee's livery at Caihondale happened
nlong. This livery was a place whore
he used to fiequent. The men lecog
nlzed him nnd appi eclating his condi
tion in god hlni to accompany them
home. Hull was In a einnky mood,
but finally ho yielded to them and was
helped nloft the hay rigging they weie
The men nt the hotel observed the
blood stains on Hull's shut, but he
vouchsafed no explanation, and his
manner did not Invite any conversation.
As stated In yesterday's Tilhunc,
Hull icached homo eaily Thiusriay
moinlng, but said nothing about where
he had been. Tho watch, supposedly
Schoonovei's, he had with him. hut ho
was as silent about how It came Into
hl possession ns he was about his
movements the preceding clay.
Ho left home e.uly In the morning on
Thursdnv. and when nsked by his
mother where he was going, he an
svvc led rudely: "To h 1, I guess."
The spot where Schoonover's decom
posed body was tound Is about five
hundted feet south of the Lake Lodotn
station, about fifty foot beyond the
railroad -switch that runs past the sta
tion. Jt is a wild spot. In the midst of
a clump of ttees. Where Sehoonover
lay Is not many more than tlftv feet
fiom the lailroad, but the undeibrusli
is so thick that one has to push his
vvny over the small, almost Impeicept
lble path that crosses tho ftpot where
th" dead man lay pi one on his back.
His limbs were sti etched to their full
trt length. One aim Is almost wound
about the small tiees, or hushes, along
the path nnd It Is hard to explain, or
even conceive, how one. If he would
fall limp, could get Into such a posi
tion. The body, as it lay, would IncU
cto that It was diugged theie, rather
than having fallen.
Tho dgl t of tho body was revolting
The ptoce.ises of decomposition caused
It to swell until the clothes weie almost
bursting at the peams. Tho llc.-di had
turned black, and Insects and v. 01 ms
swarmed all over tho remains. The
featuies could not be traced; In fact,
there was no face, the no.-,e, checks and
chin having sloughed away.
The body was found by Oeoige Wal
roth, of Waymatt, and a oung man
named Onrdner, fiom Scianton. For
seveial days there has been an unbear
nble stench in the vicinity of tho body,
nnd this, coupled with the fact that
Schoonovei'.s fi lends came to Wn.vmart
on Monday and lepoited him missing,
led to the se.uch nded in locating
Schoonovei's icmalns.
Tie pockets of Schmuover's tl onsets
weie turned out, nnd his shoes anil
stockings were missing. A few feet
nway his spectacles weio found. One
frame was twisted, not bent or ctushod
as If It was tiampled on, but tathei as
if It was grasped ns In a struggle. In
the other diiectlon, as if thtowu ovet
Schoonovei's head, weie the cue for
Ills spectacles, an Odd Fellows' lodge
manual, a half-used box of cough
drops, a package of tobacco, and two
empty half-pint whiskey bottles. Those
wete inestimably the c ontents of
Schoonovei's pockets. His giny Fedoi.i with blood stains on the ilm and
band, lay n few feet fiom his head.
The Odd Fellows' manual contained
Sihoonovor'tf ceitldciite ot inembeiship
or his caul of admittance to Red
Jacket lodge, ot Factorj ville. Theie
was also tho unused coupon of a 10-
tirn ticket fiom tlte steel win Km to
Lake Lodote nnd a lecel.'it foi seven
dollars, paid to Dr. F. L. Mcfliaw fot
dental woik of date of June 2.1.
Squlio Dlinock, of Wnvmart, em
paneled n Jury, after notifying Com
nor Powell, of Honesdnle, and at t.SO
osteid.iy af let noon, the coioner and
the Jurymen viewed the body nnd ad
journed until today, when tho cntonei
will conduct a post mortem. The Jury
Is as follows: Frank Corson, .Inline
Stephenson, K, F. Ames. Rubbel
Rounds, O, J. Lyons and Wallace
On his way over to Cnibondale with
William Roy nnd a young man named
McCarthy, Hull said something about
having had a tight with some man
who picked 11 qu.inel with his (Hull's)
cousin. Hull also mumbled something
nhout having knocked tho other fel
low out. Hull continued In his nngry
mood during tho ride and taking of
fense nt some that was passed,
he whipped out his hunting knife and
brandished It thteatenlngly. ha suc
ceeded, however, In wresting the knife
from Hull.
Hull has been considered of un
sound miqd of late, or he has been
committing nits that would Indleat"
that the carousing that he has been
carrying on for weeks hns affected
him mentally.
He was seen In Honesdale on Tues
cloy af this week, nnd ho was not only
seen theie, hut figured in nn esca
pade that Is characteristic of him.
Hull has n penchant, almost a tnn
nla, for Impersonating nn officer, nnd
he was tried on this very charge nt
the lecent session of criminal court
in this city. On Tuesday ot this week,
he went to tho homo of Mr. nnd Mts.
Cieorgo Rrown, of Honesdalo. The
Browns 1110 colnted pcoplo and have
been noting nn guardians of the
widow of Charles Major, who lives In
Cnrbondnlo nt present. Hull came to
the Brown lesldence with thrcu or four
Jonas Long's Sons
Store Will
Be Closed
All Day
July 4, 1901.
; For Particulars
Regarding Our Great
See Wednesday
Evening or Friday
Morning Papers.
Jonas Long's Sons
stats or badges of some suit. He
made a gicat display of nuthoilty and,
pulling u handful of alleged legal
papers from his pocket, ho demanded
the child. Tho Browns resented his
Intrusion, but Hull was Insistent nnd
tiled every means pos-lble to obtain
possession of tho child. When he
found he wns woisted, he diove away,
but returned later afoot on the same
In the meantime the nolghboihood
beenmo moused over his conduct and
when ho made another nttempt he was
met by an angry nnd dctci mined re
sistance, and It becoming too for
him, ho fled, with tho thioat fiom Rur
gess Rrown ringing in his that
he had twelve hours In which to leave
the town.
News of the discovery of the body
was first teceived In the city by Su
perintendent of Police Frank Holding,
jr., nnd Miss Hilda Sehoonover, daug
tcr of the deceased. The former had
n telegram from Constable Lafayette
Smith of Caihondale, who vvlied tho
supeilntendent that: "Sehoonover
had been found muidered at Lake
Four telegrams were received by
Miss Sehoonover, none of them, how
ever going Into detail, hut merely
containing tho brief announcement of
tho discovery of the body, and the
last one from Chief McAndiew, of Cai
hondale, stating that foul play was
suspected. Miss Sehoonover vvus seen
by a Tt Ibuno man yesteulny aftei
noon and declared heiself to be com
pletely mystified by the unaccountable
absence of her father during tho last
vv eek.
She slated that he left the city a
week ago yesteulny moinlng, going to
Lake Lodoio on tho St. John's excur
sion train. Since then not a word was
heard from him. The last heard of
his movements from nufddo poisons
was that on the af lei noon of 'tho same
day he was seen walking fiom Way
mart towauls the lake with Wlnans
Hull, after having dined togethei.
The last tlmo Hull wns seen was
that Wednesday night In Carbondiilo,
where he made clforts to dispose of
n silver watch nnd gold chain which
have boon positively Identified ns be
longing to Sehoonover. On Monday.
Charles Miller, of ?.' Washington
avenue, and W. D. Laugorfold, of 317
Presoott avenue, two friends of tho
Sehoonover family, set out to ascer
tain what they could of tho where
abouts of tho missing man.
Resides the revelations given nhovo
they weie unablo to ascertain any
thing. Miss Sehoonover Is suio that
her father never met Hull befoie last
Wednesday nnd Is completely nt sea
to account for the apparent good
comradeship which existed between
them at the lake.
Rdwln Sehoonover was fifty yeais of
age and n carpenter by tiade. He
wns well known both In this city nnd
Dalton, where ho lived prior to com
ing to this city. He moved heio three
ears ago nnd did considerable work
for Contractor John Benore, living
with his vvlfo nnd daughter nt 521
Lackawanna avenue. Mrs. Sehoon
over died a few months ngo and her
loss proved a terrible blow to tlm
husband, who never fully teeovered
from the shock caused by her long
and lingeilng Illness.
lo was a very popular man In Dal
ton nnd among a largo local circle of
acquaintances and his tragln death
was mourned universally yesterday,
Ho was a member of Red Jacket
lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows, of Factoryvllle, and Is survived
by his daughter. .Miss Hilda, and two
brothers, Fied, In Dalton, and Leslie,
In Winnebago, ill.
Miss Sehoonover was unablo to say
yesteiday whether or not her father
had a huge sum of money with him
when ho left home, hut was suie that
he vvoie his sliver watch and gold
chain. Supeilntendent Robllng nnd
the local police woiked busily on the
cave, but lealized that tho greater
pait of the active woik was nt tho
Caihondale end, nnd that Chief Mo
Andrew nnd his men would look after
It. A caielul watch was, however,
kept for anyone answering to the de
scription of Hull.
I'ndertnker tJenige Millar yesterday
afternoon went to Lake Lodore for the
remains and will be In charge of tho
funeral, tho date of which was not
yesteulny announced.
A L'aper.
.Twice VAhitilmiKP njs tliat, though Daniel J
McClltkuiI.h, of I.iuimou, Ii-h toM him a crf't
nunj K"od Minim ell the tench, that 1, mind
ym-blill lie tliluU that the humor of tint uuo
liiu the ton notih,
'luo am lint UiM wcic hilt Ink' with fliouMfu
hmnpcil ori, tin Ir Mjik Iim d incline ho
tttoen their teeth, their rlim on their kneej,
tlirir Inmli Mnpiing iillv dnwn he.hlc Ihrir lfRi.
Ihej "Te din 11-.I11K lie old dairi in Inland,
"Sur-re," mid one, f'r l'apin' th' min of
f'onncmara culd not lc halo. .n' thot lJ thrue,
"I mind me wan hit of a la -id thot wanes
on a tunc thtJilcri I'lpm'. H Taped wan
lqe alter another like .1 kancaioo, and Iiy
Iqic wa Innaer tl an die oilier wan heture II
An' the lasht lapo wis llmt Ioiik an' hard that
whin hi) chtiuik Inn del wint thKC Indu
llitir the kd.d 'Ihev did, Hint
Hie othei old Ud m.r nuoeted III faeo
was rvpiev.ioidoM. lie fUmlj qulted Ins pipo
from hn month and fpat niediuineh Then
w put ha.k hn pipe and pured In lips
" Pilot' VII) fur 1'jpin'," lie aid at tat
"It iiuiIbIiI do for ('onninnr.i, wheie the l'apin'
U not o mm h as it might he.
"Hut now tint )e pake of l'apin' I riinlmher
n 'lippuait nun Hint he w,n the Kr l leiicst
d'apu In tin whole of lielind at thot limn ol
uhiih P pakin'. I in lellln' )f tlm for I
1 1 1 tie tioiy. U.ime nn a lime I me iliot man
maud nop with hit late dive tou'itlnr an' till
hiuli clow .low 11 hv hl lde- nid thot man
J. limpid tivlj'iilue fale haikw.iid thot a what
he did "
pipe thoiishlfiilli apparently ah-oihed in re
dd lion .1 to the uiorlii of that jump,
'Ilia other old tad looked at him riproaeh
fulli. "(liong wld ,e," wilted he "Mt
nine file! Nn nun thot her lived cud mak'
huih a lapu an thot, whol bm-c )c taikin'
rIh ut ;"
"cine, now, whit I'm tellln' vej li tlm
t hi ut It n( the mattir JM a It happened lie
did mak' thot same tape."
"(lionif, he didn't."
"Vh, and he did, thot."
"Hut I my he didn't."
"Vnd 1 Nij he did."
"No man cud her dr (hot thine, I'm tcllin'
. "
"Oh hut there wa a mm did do It. indo
if jeil he -ii,v now I'll trill je hU name"
"Sa matthet atiout hU name. There ou
nher the mou thot c mild d It "
"Hut he did do It, and thot nmn thot did
thot tamo nil jour umle Ilm, jr'cr fathrrs
own brother."
Tho nthir old tad lnugerd hi fhnulders
"My I nele Ilm. nil it' Ah, well, to he ur,
with un av.fiilin'j gesture.
IMw.ird U'n.'tatd, who, when ainatrd Tutdjy
right I'atinlnun Matthew on the iliire of
nKlililie, lui.lrd the hlue coat ileperatrly,
fined M In polue 101111 e.lrrihy moinlnt,', In
default ho wa luinmiltrd to the count)- jail for
thirty dn a,
1hnin 11011, who w.11 arretted at the haekii
wanna Mathm hy Patrolman ltoao nn the rhaiL
of iwaulliiiK tho fpecial nfticir itatinned th
alto wtnl to tho county Jail (or thirty dayi!
default of his fo mie.