The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 04, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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. T" uCiik
Tho kind that will last
and givo satisfaction is
what wo havo to offer
you. No better Hoso
mado than ELECTRIC
It's guaiantccd. Many
othor kinds hero for you
to select ftom. Trices,
7c. to 18c. per foot
Foote & Shear Co.
1J9N. Washington Ave
Attractive Warm Weather
Clothing for Little Ones
The rnnlut and moct Cftmfortahlr vests
and band. Usht In ttelcht vet ln(nj i
little wont The fiaiie Night fjnwna ("r
Miltry nUhlf, Mttle I)rese., Jardeta and
Coat in the rttintlett content milerlvls.
Infanta' Outfitj for June a tpe. nlly.
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruce Street.
Telephone rr r.nll in i postal tn rati at J our
heme and iiinte prlie on launderine any rjuillly
er kind t lace or wsh cuitainj. Kcsulta guar
anteed L
m mm V
$ stociai
o Gossip
0 0
A verry pretty wedding of .1 f.ih
lcnablo natuie n rimed at St Mary's
chuich, Kast Hi UlRpport, I'nnn., at ."
o'clock on AVednevday, .lime ", when
Miss Mnrpaiet ritp.itrli'K, fornieily
of Carbondale, was united to J. S.
Gelm, of Wilkes-Iiaire.
The church was beautifully decor
atfcd vith rnse. tut flowers and sml
hix. The nuptial knot was tied by
3"!iv. Peter lleLenn, teetor of the par
ish. 1 lie Iinprc-xivo t'atliollc servlie
vvlta the tins: was u-cd. TIip bride
voie a white Mlk rowii, cut en train,
vith an of white mous.t.e
llne. de sole nnd et tilniniPd with
white applhiue. and she curled a
bouquet of In lilnl tooes, with white
silk ilbhou sti earners.
The maid of honor, lllsi Marjorle
Fltzpatikk, ulster of the bride, wore
a gown of white organdie, with vvhitn
silk tiiiiiiulnKH, and the bridesmaid,
Miss Anna Ciclher, sIMer of tho kiooiu,
was attlied in white silk with an ovcr
diess of white mulle.
The bilde va? Klvcn away by hpr
uncle, T V. Walker. The grooms
man was Hugh ntzp.ttrlck, a brother
of the bilde, and the ushers were
Gustave fielder, brother of tho groom,
J i:. Leavy and H. U. Btady, of
AftPr the pprPinonv an elaboiate
luncheon was s-ered at the home of
the bride's uncle, wheie the happy
couple leceived the longtatulations of
ft large number or tel.itlves and
friends. Mr. and Mr, (ieli-er ate now
n a wedding trip, vvhldi will Include
Boston, Albany, Saratoga and tho
Pan-Amoiican esposition, They will
reside In Hridgepmt. Both are. well
known in Suniiton.
Last evening nt the Providence Pres
byterian paisonage, In an Impressive
marriage ritual, Ouy 'W. CHterhout and
Miss Phoebe V Smith were united in
holy wedlock in the pies-enco of mem
bera only of tho two families.
Tho ceremony was pinmiunicd by
Itev. Dr. Oulld dutlng which setxlco
appropriate piano (.elections wpio soft
ly played by Miss Oulld. The bridal
couple weie attended by Tied Smith
and Miss Maud Samlet . of llvd" I'atk.
Membeis of the families present weie:
Miss Osteihout, Mr and Mis. p.nld
W Smrth, Mr. and Mis. Will Smith,
Mr nnd Mts. D. Smith. Miss Oster-
hout, Miss Alice Oslerhout, Mr. and
Mrs Joseph Osterhout, Bui ton Oster
hotit, Mr. and Mis. C. Joe Gillespie,
Mr. and Mrs. Khottnn. Miss Jessie
Keefer, Mies nthel Lisell, of New Jer
sev . Rev Dr. and Mrs Oulld.
The bride. Mts. Osterhout, has for
several jeats been the accomplished
soprano of the Piovldence Presbyterian
choir and generally popular In musical
circles in the city Mr. Osterhout Is
a prosperous an hltect of Wllkcs-Bane,
in which city they will reside, Last
evening after the ceremony an Infor
mal reception was glen Mr. and Mrs.
Osterhout by her paients, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Smith, at their home at Main avenue
and Parker street They weie the re
cipients of ornamental and valuable
Elfts from many friends.
Fred J Williams nnd Miss Teresa
O'Boyle, both of this rlty, were mar
ried in the Rplscopal resldpnce on Wy
oming avenue yesterday morning by
Rev. J. J. Oriflln. The bride wns at
tended by Miss Xellle O'Boyle, while
J. C. Ruano was gmomsman.
Mrs. Thomas Phillips, of Lincoln
Heights, was tendered a surprise par
ty on Tuesday, the occasion of her
seventy-fourth hltthday. A number of
her relatives were piesent.
Dr. H, n. Ware lrlt the'rit) jeiterday to ipend
few da a in Buffalo.
C II. Wrlsht, ol 410 Madlinn aenue, hii re.
turr.ed horns from a trip to Chleaso and I.ou.
Mit. O, II Loomla and daushter, lluth, left
the city jetterday (or their tummer homo at
Meahoppen, on the Fuo,tifhanni
fienatnr nenjamin K Kocht, o( I.ewiihurtr, and
. n. wt..inr, i;i ii-i. ii4trn, ninters oi me new
olley compiny, were In the city je&ttrday.
lit Henry Nlemeyer, o W) Madlton aenue,
! tomorrow ror :.ew Albany, Ind , where
vlll tpend a touple ul montha iltins her
dnishtr, Mra. A. L. Zeller, formerly MIm Helm
Mrjer, of thla city.
MIm I.lly I.y, el Capou-e avenue, l visltlnc
her uncle at Piinviutawney, fa,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jrnny, ot iouth Sainton,
li't jrnttidiy (or AtUntlo City.
Major and Mn. J. n. KUli, lla II. A. Klh and
llclrrt Klli are at Ticrton I'aik,
.Mi a, (.curse Phllllpa and tlilldrrn, ct Tine
Urcit, alf aiimmtflna; at Ml. Pixon.
Mla Umc (.llilion, nl I.ifajrtlo itreet, left
jfMrrdjy on a ltajinond-Wliltiomti cxcurilon
IIiioiibIi the wft.
Maik IlilUtrad, r,( Oak ttrrrt, a follrltor for
the ("olllrry I nelnrrr. who hai licon ill In an
hap al at Siinlimy (or two months a ahle to
itti rn home jrattrdaj.
Mr. aii'l Mts A. II ifner line tctutnrd from
their wedding tour. Thfy Mlrd the Tin Amcri
tan, Thomand l.linds Tomntu and Cl"elind.
Mr. and Mr, II itncr will rcalde on Albright ae.
Mr and Mr A V. Kerr, arrenipinled bv Jlr.
and Mrs Is (1 Kerr, MIm Jophlnc i)al, o(
.It rmj n, and MiM llolmen, ot Albany, N. ,
will nicupy the "Ojlaml" cottiRe, .it Lake Henry,
(or the rummer.
Hfcnnlrr ( IlenN l.mll llonr lrlt jeterdiy
afternoon f"r HuHalo, where he will meet Mi
binthrr, ihm I,. Honn, Inrmetlt ol Itroaduay,
thla rlly, who ha been In (nlnridn for the ht
jrar He bn been Kieitlv bfnelllted In health
h hii iiojourn In the wet Iho Me.r. Honn
will Ucw the ondera o( the Pan metican ex
pcsHlon before leturnlng to this ut..
Inspector Directed to Proparo c
List of Buildings Not Equipped.
In accordance Alth tho decision ar
rived at Monday, at the meeting of the
recotder's cabinet, with refetencc to
flre-pscapes, Dltector of Public Safety
Wormser issued the following older
T H .lackton, Itulldine In.pei(or.
Pear Mr ,leae repoit to me whit biilldlnca
(n tho illy aie illihelnjr tho law tcqulrlns
flro esiapea to bo plaeed theieon.
Voira iepcttfullv,
F. I.. Wormer.
Diiector o( Public aIel
As soon as Mr. Jackson has compiled
the list steps will be taken to making
the offending propet ty owners comply
with tho law.
Man Who Has Poisoned Groon Ridgo
Dogs Soon to Be Arrested Somo
of His Operations.
There Is trouble brewing for a man
in the Green Ridge poitlon of the city,
who has for somo time past been sus
pected of being tho peis-on guilty ot
the wholesale poisoning of doss In that
section of tho city. Agent Robeit
Wilson, of tho Municipal league, te
cently lost two tine animals nnd it Is
generally thought that it is he who has
obtained the evidence which Is to soon
result lu tho dog slaor's an est.
The latter has been caught icd
banded In several Instances, anil moie
oer has a daik post stocked with san
guinary tlalls of canine blood. Ho
foimerly acted as n relentless enemy
ot tho dog In Sttoiidsburg. In West
Stranton he has tho iccoid of doing
away with twenty-two dogs in one
day, and also of owning thiity-tlve
scalps of Pine Biook dogs, nnd a latgo
number of central city bow-wows.
He has been seen dlstt Uniting pois
oned meat In Uieen Ridge, and an
analysis of oik .f tho plexes of meat
showed that It contained thiee-fomtbs
of a grain of strychnine. Tho meat
has been found in secial instances on
the steps of houses nnd In front lawns.
The indignation of Green Ridge resi
dents is nt a blood point, as dozens
of valuable mid pettPd animals have
been poisoned during the last few
weeks, and nothing shoit of the se-
crest punishment to the offender will
satisfy them.
Tnesdav night a dog was poisoned in
Its own kennel. The poisoner seems to
have an Innnto hatred for all dumb
tieatuies, as ho wages a iclentless war
not only against the brutes of the
Hold but even tho bltds of the air. A
large amount of poisoned meal has
been distributed by him which has
caused the deaths of numerous birds,
with whoso poisoned cnicassos ho ac
complishes the highly laudatoiy pur
pose of feeding cats Trapping, shoot
ing nnd smiting animals ate other of
his diversions, and one revolting caso
is reported of his going Into a man's
barn, temoxlng a valued dog nnd
hanging It to tho bough of a tiee.
Declares His Arrest Was Part of a
Conspiracy to Provent His
I.Ike unto the dramatic tale of i:d
mond Dantes, dragged to llfo impil.son-
ment, Just as tho priest was about to
wed him to his fair Mercedes, Is the
story of Adolph Sttohl, whose arrest
on the chaige of larceny has been al
ready heralded In tho local press.
He was taken Into custody Monday,
surrendering lilmi-elf when he heatd
theie was a New York warrant heie
for his an est on the charge of stealing
a valuable diamond ftom a Broadway
Jeweler, one Goldman, The pollc noti
lied the New Yoik authorities and
awaited tho arrival of someone with
requisition pipers, to Uko Stiohl back
to the mettopolts.
Yestetday Superintendent ot Police
Robllng received a mystifying telegram
announcing that tho New Yotk district
attorney refused to Issue such papMs,
and that the man should be teleascd.
Sttohl left the station, vowing that ho
had only been anestPd out of spite, in
an effort to blacken his good name.
Inquiry Into the ease teeals the fact
that Strohl will be man led net Tues
day night to tho maiden of his nitrc
tlons, and that a South Washington
avenue neighbor hfls rppeatedly sworn
that tho marriage should not take
place, that he would fnibld the bans.
Tho fact that this neighbor 1ms a mar
llngeable sister and Stiohl Is what Is
known as a "pretty good catch," having
a luctatlve lunch business, may per
haps indicate that tho neighbor was not
altogether disinterested.
This neighbor, moi cover, has soveral
biothets In New York, Intimate friends
of the Jeweler, Goldman, at whoso in
stance tho wan ant was issued, and tho
sudden collapse of the entire case would
seem to give some foundation to tho
theory stated nboe.
Sunday Excursions.
Commencing Sunday, July 7th, and
continuing every Sunday during the
summer season, for tho accommoda
tion of those desiring to spend Sunday
on the mountains, tho N. Y,, O. & W.
Railway Company will run a special
tfaln, nt reduced rates, to Lake Poyn
telle. The grounds and hotel this year
are under new management. Train
will leave Scranton at 8:30 a. m. and
Carhondale 0:10 a. m stopping at In
termediate stations. Fare from Scran
ton, 11.00, and from (Mib-jndale, 60
His Body Was Found in Some Brush
Noar Lake Lodoro He Has Boon
Missing Sinco n Week Ago Yester
day Winans Hull Was tho Last
Person Seen with Him and Suspi
cion Points to Him as tho Murder
er Schoonovor Lived in This City
with His Daughter.
The escapade In which Wlnans Hull,
of Dixon Hill, Uarboudale, flguted In,
as reported in the Carbondalo depart
ment of The Tribune yesterday, ended
In u tragedy.
Yesterday morning tho body of Kd
ward Sehoonover, the Scranton man
with whom Hull hnd been drinking
nnd having a wild sort of celebration
In and about the village of Waymatt
on Wednesday of last week, was found
In tho woods near bake Lodoro station
of tho Delawate and Hudson railroad.
Schoonoer's body, when found, wns
unrecognizable. The tiople I sun of
the past week wrought fearful havoc
with tho remains which were teirlblv
decomposed nnd weto tho prey of all
norts of vermin.
Just above tho waist line was an
opening which was undoubtedly pro
duced by a knife a hunting knife pre
sumably, Tho shirt was numerously
marked with blood stains; the pockets
of tho troupers were rifled nnd tho
shoes and stockings weto removed
from Schoonover's feet.
iiiijiL suspi:cti:d.
Hull, Schoonover's companion, the
pet sou with whom the dead man was
last seen, is suspected of inflicting the
knife wound that Is supposed to have
caused tho Sctnnton man's death.
Theie ato niimeious circumstances
pointing to Hull having been nn nccos
soty at leart. Among these was his
having been seen last In the presence
of Sehoonover; his having returned
a half hour later to the place where
they left togethei ; of his having blood
smeatud over his hands nnd on his
shirt fiont; of his hnvlns admitted
that he hnd a quart el with some per
son, and his display of a hunting knife,
which would be tho only kind that
could cause tho wound that was
found on Schoonover's stomach.
Schoonovei's watch, as sta'ed In
yesterday's Tilbune, was also dls
plajed by Hull, at his home In Car
hondale, on the day succeeding his vis.
It to Wnvmnrt, nnd he wns flush with
money on tho same dav, though he
was without a cent the day before.
Another cltcumstance, nnd the strong
est, was Hull's admission to n filond
and companion fiom Cnibondale, that
he had been In a quarrel with a man
and pulled a knife which ho used on
his opponent.
With all of these circumstances be
fote them, the police of Carbondalo
and the oftlcials of Wayne county havo
sot out to apprehend Hull, who Is sup
posed to be In or about Honesdale.
w hither he went the dav after he nnd
Sehoonover weie on their spree, which
was last Wednesday.
thi: storiks toi.d.
The stoi.o.s which weie told The
Tribune icpresentntivo at Wnymart
yesterdav by panics who saw Hull
and Sehoonover together on Wednes
day of last week, coriespond in most
of the details.
Sihoonovei came to Lake I.odof on
the exclusion of St. John's church,
South Scranton When he reached the
icsoit, he set out for Waymait, wheio
he otue lived nnd wheie his relatives
nte bulled. He visited tho vlllaga
cemptery and then proceeded to Gra
ver's hotel, In company with a farm
hand. Heie he met Hull, who also
went over on tho exclusion. Whether
or not the pair had been together
earlier In the day, no one in Waymnrt
seemed to know. At any rate, they
met at Gruver's and hegan to dilnk.
Hull was probably well acquainted
with Sehoonover. for relatives of Hull
have some family connection with the
former. Sehoonover nnd Hull drank
until their eondutt bocamo foolish,
particulatly Hull. About 1 o'clock,
Sehoonover nskpd for something to
eat, but requested soup, as only th
day before ho had a number of teeth
pulled and was unable to chew any
food, Hull volunteered to take him
to, where he could get soup, and to
gether they went to tho homo of Reu
ben Get, about a block from Giuver's
hotel, Mrs. Getz Is an aunt of Hull
and is also conencted through mar
riage with Schoonover's relatives. Mts.
Getz has a fpar of Hull that Is almost
akin to terror nnd so she expressed
herself to her husband when she ob
served Hull ippllng along the walk
leading to the house. Hull, one time,
stole something from the Getz house,
nnd this, coupled with his wild career,
mado Mrs. Getz fear him.
When the pair enteied, Hull asked
for some soup for Sehoonover, explain
ing why he could not be served nt tha
hotel. Schoonovor. Mrs. Getz said,
was intoxicated, but ho had better
control of himself than Hull, who
showed the ptfects of his protracted
spree nnd was "crazy drunk," as she
cxpiessed hot self.
After being served with the soup,
Schonover paid Mrs. GeU for thei
service, giving her a dollar bill, In
sisting on her accepting nil of It, which
sho did to avoid argument with him.
Schoonver, when he pnld Mis, Ootz,
picked tho bill out from a good-slzed
roll of greenbacks. Hull appealed to
have no money nt the time.
Hull nnd Sehoonover on leaving
Getz's wont to Staples' hotel, fuither
along the stioet. They rpmalned for
a short time, and left together. About
three-quarters of an hour subsequent
to leaving tho Getz home, Hull je
turned nnd sent another thrill of fear
through Mrs. Getz. His hands were
crimsoned with blood and his shirt
front was considerably stained. Thcio
were also a fovv spots on his turned
down collar. He explained tho pres
ence of the blood by saying that ho got
Into a quarrel with "a of
a scab from Honesdnle." He remained
long enough to -wash tho blood from
(Continued on Page 0.
When it cornea to a question
of accommodation this Bank is
always as liberal as conditions
will warrant.
The People's Bank
Not Enough of Money to Fay Orders
Now Being Drawn.
The money In the general city fund
Is piactlcally exhausted. There Is not
enough In It to meet the orders for
the wages of street and other em
plojes of the city, which the tity cleik
if. now drawing as fast as possible.
Yesterday tho city clerk's depart
ment tinned out as many orders as
It could and these wero paid In tho
Measurer's department. They amount
ed to ?4,r.00 nil told.
Many of tho street emploes were
disappointed because they could not
get their ordeis yestetday. They
wanted money for the Fourth, but It
was a physical Impossibility to pro
paro all of tho orders and many of
the men wete forced to wait for a
day or two, Many ot tho orders paid
.vesteiday weto accounts of nearly a
j ear's standing nnd were drawn
against the deflciency In tho Fifth
ward appropriation of last year which,
by direction o.' councils, Is being paid
out of the appropriation for that ward
for 1001. The orders drawn against
!t yesterday completely exhausted tin
Fifth ward account for this year, nnd
that vard will have to get nlong
without any Improvements for tho re
mainder of the year or create a defi
ciency, as was done a year ago.
The only money now in sight to re
lieve the debilitated condition of the
rlty treasury Is that duo from the
tounty as the city's share of tho
liquor liccnto fund.
Ho Made His Escapo from tho Con
tor Stroot Polico Station Last
Sctgennt Richard Rdwards, ot tho
Center street police station, was tho
victim of a gross breach of trust on
the part of a younR ,-rhsoner last night,
whom the veteran bluecoat officer nnd
treated with tho usual kindness, which
characteiles his handling of chntges.
By a ruse tho captive attracted the
sergeant's attention elsewhere nnd then
bolted from sight out of the station
door. He left behind him a straw hat
with the name "Fiank P. McVlttle" In
It. He was anested on Lackawanna
avenue nbout 9 o'clock, as a result of
beginning a ptemature celebration of
the l-'ourlh, and, In true Wild West
style, tepeatedlv fltlng a levolvcr,
which wan subsequently found to be
loaded with blank cartildges.
He was taken Into the stntlon nnd
lett with the sergeant, who, on looking
him over, found his piisoner to be a
t ill, clean-cut looking young man, well
dressed and of lcspectnble nppeaiance.
The night was lather sultry nnd tho
sergeant, compassionately, did not Im
mediately hurtle the outh into a tell.
"Say, cup," said McVlttle, after a
moment's silence, In a paitlcularly
wheedling tone, "let me call up tho
county Jail, will you? My old man lives
near there, and I wan' to get woid to
him to come down ir i .ay whatever
vou want, to let me out of thlfl place."
"All tight," assented tho beigennt,
good-naturedly, "go ahead."
McVlttle then proceeded to use the
telephone, vvhllo a friend of his, who
had followed him and Matthews to
tho station, lemained nbout the plate,
occasionally making a icmark about
the weather. On finishing telephoning,
McVlttlo's face seemed to have bright
ened considerably, nnd ho thtew him
self Into a chair alongside of the desk
at which the sergeant had plated his
weighty avoirdupois. This was all in
side the lion cage, the door of which
was not, however, locked, while the
outside door was wide open.
McVlttle's ft lend fcoon left the sta
tion, and tho ptlsoner kept up a brisk
flro of conversation, ftom tho geneial
enor of his lomaiks expecting somc-oi-e
soon to report with the cash to
sei uie his Suddenly, however,
he .'piang to 1,1s feet nnd, like a flash,
had darted tluough the Iron door of
tho cage, swinging It to behind him,
nnd tluough the outer door Into Center
strpet. When tho seigeant had lecov
eted from the hliock, ho was up and
after him, but McVlttle Is lithe nnd
netlve and nt this Juncture was doing
his bundled jards at about a ten sec
onds' clip, while worthy Sergennt Dick's
massive physique is hardly adapted for
racing purposes.
The seigeant returned to his desk,
and theie found the hat which the
prisoner In his haste had neglected to
take along. In It was his name, and
on consulting a dlrectoty Sergeant Hd
w at ds found that his address was 1106
Wyoming avenue. Kfforts will be made
to locate him and the sellout chaige of
escaping from nn officer ot tho law pre
ferred. m
It Was Presented by Mrs. H. B.
The di inking fountain which hns bctn
piesented to Nay Aug park Is to bo
Known as tho "GeorRp Scranton Throop
Memorial," and Is the gift of Mis. H.
B. Phelps, the bister of the lato George
S, Thtoop.
The fountain will be of lion, finished
In bronze, nnd will bo six feet nine
Inches high nnd twelve feet six inches
wide. It will havo sixteen cups, and
Is to bo delivered about August 1 by
the J. L, Mott Iron works, of New
York, which has the contract.
Diiector of Public Works Roche will
have tho pit and foundation for the
fountain icady by the time it nrrlves,
so that It can be erected at onto.
Try the new Be cigar "Kleon."
The world over makes tho
price. If you dcslro the finest
on tho market we can supply
you. If you want GOOD QUAL
ITY, but not the highest grade,
wo can supply that. Wo mako
a speciality of HIGH GRADE
medium priced lines. Kor In
stance, wo have flno Boneless
Sardines for 25c and other
brands at 35c difference In
pi Ice caused by quality of fish.
Wo also sell Imported Sardines
for 10c, Just as large tin but
not boneless. Look Into tho
matter carefully and you will
find that It Is Just as wo
claim best goods for least
money. Our delivery system
extends for miles In all direc
tions. Kindly order early.
E. G. Coursen
Six of ths Contsstants in Table No. 1
Registered Points Yesterday The
Office Will Be Open to Receive
Points from 4 to 6 P, M. Today.
Tho Contest Nearly Half Over.
Standing of Contestants, i
It thla wia the Lit day, theae would win: T
ralata. V
T 1. Mever Lewis, Scran
ton 4U3 A
2. Honrv Schwenker,
South Scranton... 325 I
t 3. William Miles, Hyde
ParK ivv
4. Garfield Anderson,
Carbondale 162
t 5. Miss Wilhelminn
urimn, arroviacnca u .a.
0. Autrust Brunner, Jr.,
Carbondale 81 X
'!. Ray Buckingham,
Elmhurst 81
8. Miss Norma Mere
dith, Hyde Park.. 74 X
T How many ol thMe will b In Tabls No.
1 on the cloaitig day?
0. Miss Vida Pedrick.
Clark's Summit . 62
4 10. Frank Keznmerer,
FactcryviUe on
I 11. David O. Emery,
Wimmers, Pa. ... 35
12. Arthur C. Qriffls,
Montrose 32
13. W. H. Harris, Hyde
Park 23 f
.. 14. Miss Minnie Wallls,
Carbondale 17
15. E. J. Sheridan, Haw-
ley 6
.. 16. Miss Jennie Ward,
; ; Olyphant 0
'.. 17. Robert Campbell,
; Green Ridge 3
Six of the contestants In Table No.
1 mado returns yesterday, while of
tho nine leaders In Tabic No. 2 not one
sent In a point. That Is hardly the
way to catch up with tho lirst eight.
Meyer Lewis brought In 21 points,
and this morning Is but 5 points away
hhiii inu ouir jimiK. cnwenKer una i
Anderson pnch hrnnpht In Miss I
Gtlflln 2 and Miss Meredith 1.
Contestants who nre m the habit of
calling at tho ofllco to register their
points will find It open today from i
to 5 p. m. for this purpose.
The contest has two moro days yet
to run before It Is halt over. There Is
plenty of room for ambitious young
people to enter Its tanks; no others
need apply. A contestant beginning
today with seven yearly subscribe! s,
counting SI points, would have a first
class title to sixth placo In the contest.
A full description of the enterprise
appears each morning on tho fourth
page of The Tribune or a letter ad
dtessed "Kdltor Kducatlonal Contest."
Scranton Tilhune, Scranton, Pa., will
be responded to with a handsomely
Illustrated booklet, or a set of sub
scription blanks If you are desirous of
participating In the contest.
One of His Pranks Almost Resulted
in a Very Serious Accident on
Adams Avenue.
Tho practical joker who unfoitu
nately labots under tho delusion that
he Is a humorist and tho small boy
who don't know any better but ought
to be spanked on general principles,
wero In eplcntlttil evidence last night,
nnd many of their brilliant pranks nl
most tesulted In serious accidents.
The one particular bon mot, in which
the Joker and omnipresent mischievous
urchin take the gieatcst delight, nnd
which should be tho most emphatical
ly squelched, Is the highly oilginal and
ingenuous device of putting cartildges
upon the sttect car tracks, which ex
plode with an ear-dinning report, which
not only almost gives timid women
passengers hysterics, but often results
In horses taking fright and serious
runaways ensuing.
This was Illustrated about D.15
o'clock last night. In -front of the
Lackawanna dairy on Adams avenue.
A double-seated carriage, drawn by
two horses, had halted outside ot the
place, while ono of tho occupants en
tered tho dalr Tho other two, a
lady and gentleman, remained seated.
An Inbound Dunmoro car sped along
at this Instant and Just as It reached
a point opposite the carriage, there
was a deafening explosion, followed
by another, and a toar of laughter
from some of tho embryo Bill Nyes
who had placed the cartridges on the
The two horses first started violently
and giving a wild start forward,
rushed down the street and across the
tracks In tho Immediate path of the
car. A gteat crowd of spectators had
gathered by this tlmo and many of
them turned their eyes away to avoid
seeing what appeared to be an Inevi
table clash between the car and ve
hicle, but, by what seemed a mlrncu
lous chance, although the two col
lided, no Injury wns suffered by tho
occupants of the carriage or car, the
horses escaped unscathed nnd the car
riage was but slightly damaged.
All-Say Dancing,
There will be dancing all day and
n ght at Laubscher's hotel on the
I Oils. Paints
Malon?y Oil & Maniifactiiring Company,
J 141-149 Meridian Street.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
Order Issued by Director of Public
Safety Wormser.
F. L. Wormser, director of publlo
safety, yesterday Issued the following
OHDCIt M). n,
Mr. Frank ltohllnir, SiirHrlntrnifont l I'nlho.
Sin My attention hi hern railed to tli? fact
that arrtlon 117 of the law regulating nuUantea
H violated lijr tho u o( rvploahra within iht
city limit', 'llieie la UUli-, if any, danger In the
ue of oidlnarv flto irackiis, torpedo?, etc, hut
there it (real dinger In the ie of cuinon Hie
eimken, fm.ill and other cplo.liM that mike
loud renM when touched oil. You arc herrby
notified and directed tn enfone the liw strictly
regarding the ue of explrie of the litter claw
and OKPeclally neir places like linapltals and in
luge gatherings of people. My order of,
V. h. W'ornVer,
Director of the IVpirtment of Public hifcty.
This means that tho big dynamite
erackets are placed under a bnn nnd
that fireworks of all kinds must be ex
ploded at points wheto they ato not
likely to cause suffering or Injtuy.
Superintendent ot Polico Robllng has
instructed his oflleers to see that tho
provisions rf tho ordinance aie strictly
Before starting on jour vacation,
send jour name, occupation, address
and dat of birth to W. H. Booth. 201
202 Commonwealth building, and te
celve rates for $1,000 to JJO.AOO life In
stil mice, good for two, three or four
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. P. & M. T. Howlry.231 Wyoming ave.
Tho popular Punch cigar Is still the
leader of the 30c cigars.
The greatest commercial
economist in the world today.
Compared to any necessary
Investment In business,
theprofitfrom aTEUEPHONE
Is Incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Manager's office, 117 Adama avenue.
Penn Avenue Baptist Church
Lake Lodore,
Thursday, July 11.
Ticketa: Adulte, fO rents; Children, M cents.
Straw Hats
New Stock Just Arrived.
All styles, from the $1.00
Alpine Straw to the $12.00
Don't forget we are head
quarters for
Summer Shirts,
Underwear, Etc
Try Our Special ioc Linen Collars
Worsted Suits, to Order,
$15.00 and Up
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
For Ladles and Gents.
and Varnish t
Wake Up
There is a time for all things
so it is said. Just now it is
time to buy your Wines from
us and save mouey. Our
Are the flu est in the laud
considering the price we ask.
Fancy and
flrf Goods Center. J
t Specials
This Week
New Duchess Braids I
for lace making.
Brlarene for fancy f
shirt waists.
Hour Inspection Lnitedf
Cramer-Wells Co.,
130 Wyoming Ave.
That leads to cool comfort
means wearing our Straw
Hats and Negligee Shirts,
"A Gentlemen's Furnisher."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
Shifting Responsibility
Is always excusable, when It may h
dono conscientiously.
Every owner of real estate carries
responsibilities that do not appear In
his accounts, yet, they are Imperatively
The opinion of an attorney upon the
security of your land titles must he
backed by your own assets.
Ry the payment of a reasonable fee
you may shift this liability on tho
t, R Watrea, President.
A. lb McCllntecW,
. . i'icQ nrcalJeal.
If. A. Knapp, V.-Prea.
Ralph 8. Hull,
Trust Olflctr.
If There
Should be
6 Nooks
You could
afford to
place one
of these
tables in
n t v
finish, heavy mould
ed top, 1 6 inches
square, convenient
lower shelf, graceful
French shaped legs
not two-and-a-half
but 69c.
i v n
I f
l If , I i
I'k j
Am ffc
t-' "' jft-! (V i
jtU .