SJjfc THE SCKANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1901. 3 TKooaiM Spears tongue Known of all people perfect '.camera &SJSt?(3rf CO &Qtowaj&3 amfKflCTAaiuaitavatoa ? Gss&wiMcsy& 44J wss w Talte one with -you on your vacation hiuI have us do your flnlehing when you leturn, All styles to select from at Kemp's Stadio 103 Wjo. Ave. tftttttt : CITY NOTES j SI'Mir w fl MllliV rj-nrr il I I' Robin nniiniiid, W ir riitni-, line ti paced iiu ntrs in lue new (J A 1!. hilt, and will henaftrr meet cicrt satutdi) night, Insliad of cm) other Untied i) nluht. Milt D(.H) IHSKUUT.-MTiion Sdiloss, of W illiamport, ua adJuiiMd a bankrupt In the tlMrift frrhrtl eoutt rlri iHy nnil JiU ease re ferrcd tii llefrrfo In Itankrupti V.. 11. potuei. His liabililica arc ?l,.ll.'...', anil his nsicH 170. Nt M. (II IIMi.-'lho annual outing of the I'enn Annuo iliiinh and tli1 t li v hool will ei rur on llnn-day, duly II. 'Ihe phic nrlettcd Is Like I"doto. Phi' congregation and sdiliath nhool dt Ihc .1h ki-nn Mrcct Ilipllt ehuiih will unite with the I'enn Annuo eliurdi in dm 01 cation. Uier.thud) Is Rnltur. Mil III I5IIV IV ( IIMKJi:. -Wuirn Petri , 1 ill pad en rrt its nt New liiiiham, luuniili nit ant cuetat) of tho Rrilioad ounjt Men'-. 1 litis ti in association or this t its . will tike cliaiL'o nf the tfniim at tho iomi.c mission fur tin next two works. The inke 1 elhnu Inml will awt in the mcctini; this (lenini:. Mllir IV 'INK KM I. Hunt, n iisnn. tin )iMinjr nn of V, Itetison, of .lit Irnnsnn atoiuir, was aitulcntallt ulint in lln' km 1 In tail Mi iultoi, .1 In" icmpiiiini, nt lake s, 1 inlnn luf-dii A I Inlicit idle eartiod In Murium was mililrntjlh- dl-eliin-cd ami the hulli t Imluitl In the hot's lace Iir. II II l.l.t rcmotod (t THE FLORENCE MISSION. Donations Received Recently Are Acknowledged. , The dlt or Int. nf the riorcm Crit tenden inVsInn ptc"-ont tln following. "oiK folltliod ,tt tho follow Iiik ptld'm riuMn!? ot nlelil-s-liiit'., 1T1 conlM etch. juhMms; of hiuiTJu.tldv' rlio!-cs, .",11 icnts piich. nmKlii?; of plnln titiion. 10 rtit! ath. m.ikliiB ot wt'liifss' iti'ionx, 15 fiit't evil-It, in.tkltiK of shltt waists, .'."i lentt, plain hpiimilns: unci stltchlni;, IK tonti per yitid, iMrpot r.tRi" m -ind t-ewed, . (cnf jier pot.nd. They also t;inl"fillly acKnnw lodfrc tho follow 11117 donations. Ho fimti i'iu hondnlo FloiPiitP I'llttPiidm iltxi, coti t.tlnlnjr tli'thlni:. hate, ihk, i-nniiPil poody, shoos, jukots, ( nff re, toa, himai, vostji, towilliiR, conti United d 1. Ct.tnc iM i'n, .1. I! Shannon A Co., Mi. II Al..iUBh. Mi-s liutloi, Mih. riaidnoi, Ml-o- tlo.Msliiaiit, Mis. D.iloy, Mi.x. Chailos l.athioi. Mro., Mis lio., Du.tno lliunphipy; cash (hulld ItiR fund); $.'., V. II Talor; $.'. Alko "Waltz; j-pwIiik ni.ttoilals, Mi.s. AV. If. Talor, nuMt, Aimbttist, fair, Mai bot fier, .lifKlns, Wot tiller, Mix. W. S. DIohl, Mrs W II. (leal halt, Mi.s. ('. "W. Klikpatilok, Mi. I., H Powi.ll, Mo.. James Atohbald, Mi.. II. c. Sandoi?on. Mis. JikIro Am hh.ild. Mis. Ilany fliu Uer, Mrs. V. II Ploico; rientlstiy. pe Ullst and nioriU-al sotvko, fir. Kied rrlcl, Dr. O. 1:. Dean, Dr. Anna Clink, lianel Hour, Mix. (!. "W. Filtz; j.ti.iw lioule.s, etc., Mis. j. I, Ciawfoid, Mi.s. C A. Hun, Mis. if. C. Samloifim, a filond, can niaplo hjitip, Mis. c p. Jones; food,, take, lettuce, etc, Mi.s. C. A. Van AVninier. Hanloy. Mi. Lindner, Mrs. Zeldlor, J. P. Wllll.uns &. Bio,, llolpliicr Hands of (liato ft. K. chuich, Mis. W. T. Hnekett, Dr. G, H, Dean; he ete.un, llanley, I.aikawanna Daily eonip.tliM piilk dall, l.arka wanna ami Ahlnton D,ilr ( ninp.inks, olothlnp, uiuhiellas, etc , a filond, Mis. O. L. Alllch. Alko Waltz, Mm. .1. rhaudlor. 1. H l'luley, J C Sliuputi, Mrs. 11. C. Sandeison, Mrs. Vainej, ANOTHER TRESPASSER FINED. JameB Walsh Paid $5 for Running theOauntlet of tho Guards. James Walsh, who was chaiKod with tie.spass on the Delawaie, Jwckn wanna and Western juemNc, was lined f," jetei(lny by Aldeiinan Millar. Walsh was with Charles llemmluK vhen the latter Is iiUokoiI to have tun the gauntlet of the Riiards mound the car 'shops nnd made his way Into the paint shop, whete the Imported men me housed, Mr. lleinmlnsr was released yester lay, without boliifr lequlred to pay the fine of $10. In default of which he was .omniitted, LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. t'ndfr thli hexllnit ihert lfttfrt of lntfrnl rill he puhllheil whfn iccompinin), for publica tion, by the stritfr'i nime The Tribune don not uiume rwponslblllty for oplnlont hre eiprcued.) Mr. Hemming Returns Thanks. Editor of The Tribune !ir! 1 would like tlirnuah the mrdluin of tour nimble paper tn puhlldr tlisnk the rc.k'er feant t pollre hearlqinrteii fo- refiiKlnir to lod, me up in a cdl on Tuesday tietit niter I had been ti d for,lni? in the I-atkawanna jarda bv Maitlitute .Millar. I)etrrtin Olaike and Seldman look me there aflrr thla decision of the majflntrate, and, aa it was not a police (use, the terneant rffuccd to proce(d in Hie mat ter. I thank him from the bottom of my lie-nit 'the net morning (Wednesdaj) I n taken tn the county Jail by Dctectite Seldman and here again the (juration of the romlnlttal caino In Nothing could exceed the Mndnoes ahown me by bhrriff Sehadt and Warden Simpson and when 1 wis let free at II a, m. no questions were aAcd, I alro ilrtlie to thank the Xewr Jeuey t'mtral and f.aikawanna men, aa well as tho twite limci) and catpentira, who ttooil by mo In thla matter. I'. I), Ileiiintliiar. Bcranton, l'a., July 3. Smoke the Pocono 5c clear. dniqEbe:q mbMfM ssffim mm MM.:n ?LJ p r mb. SMALL CANNON BURST. John Keldnr nnd Frank Word Badly Injured While Preparing to Givo July 4 Salute John Kelder, of 3JI Phelps street, and Pi a nit Waul, of l.aieh sheet. were badly Injuied last nlRht by the bin stint? of a small cannon, whltli they weie loarllim", ptoparatoiy to KMnK a thiindeMous July 1 salute. They were ln.nliiiK It In the field near Larch street and had almost completed the work of chat Kim; It, about S.:!0 o'clock, when suddenly theie was a tle.irenlnir le pott nnd the air wan full of smoke and J.iRKod pieces of fleiy metal. Wind, who was badl Injured the ees and face, was taken to h's liome, while the Lackawanna hospital was notllleil of the lnjutles to Kelder, which were mote .serious. The ambu lance responded and Kelder was taken te the hospital, wheie his left hand was found to be shatteied, and his rlidit hand badly In luted. He was, moi eoer, battel ed about the face and breast. It was found uecessaiv to perform an operation nnd Dr. P. V. liunster amputated the left hand nnd the little linger of the llsht hand. He was as Mstod by the hospital lesldent sui Bcons. DEATH WAS ACCIDENTAL, Joseph Mayzo Was Carolos3 in His Crossing Machinery. Thomas i: Pi Ire, John James, M. F. inlis, 1) W Hums, James Hart and (1 A Williams, the jury Impanelled by Coioiiei Unbelts to Inquire Into the death of Joeph Mii7.e, whkh occutied teiontly at Carlucd's stone y.ud, Is Itorl the m em of the anldont yester day afternoon to moie fully acquaint theniseUes with tho circumstances In the case. Thev learned that Mayze had, thtoiiKh his own taiolessne.s, crossed the machinery while riiunliiK', when he should have gone mound It, The Juiy returned the following eidkt; We' tilul, flKOIilllli.' In the rMildre, lnepli M.iim- uiiir to Ins ilijlli on Nituiilaj mmuiiv, .linn J'l, PkH, In In iiu, riiuhcel b m.idiinei.s in 1 i.iuk Citltiiei'rt tonl phut at Srintiin. P.) . in I it Is our lu'liif llnl Ins death w is altiibuli'd ti his o. n tairle-iviH k i ii 1 1 iiiiiii ml l devhe li. r otiitnuti'il tint will lii iii i tmtli imiiiI the polliilitirs of ut -l till nt FLOOD IS VERY COSTLY. Miners and Operators Both Suffering Heavy Losses. Not eiy satl-factoiy piogiess Is be ing mark- In the woik of pumping out the Hooded (llenwood. Jumjn and Powderb mines, 0f Ma.Miold, Jcimjn and Ciiiiioiidaie, lespei tholy, ami a big loj-r Is dally expeileiKerl 1 the 1,000 ldl. millets and the opeiatois, the lat ter losing both f I oni the Idleness of theli piopei t and the expense of pump ing Immense pumps me kept at woik day mid night, and although the woik has been going nn foi four weeks It will be another foitnight befoie the water will he nil iiilsed, Oxer r.0,000,000 gallons have been raised fioni the rik-nwooil and Jeimyn mines alone since the pumping began MAJOR FISH IS RETIRED. Old National Guardsman Accorded a Much-Soughvfor Honor. The following was sent out by the Assoi later Pi ess lastilght; II irii'liiir', I ill .1,-!iiri il onlrr note Iviird fimn lie lienl juartrra eif the National (litanl of Pi nti-.tltanla pi inure upon the retirnl 1M Moot John II PMi, late of tlie lliliteenth rririment. Major FNh also beais a pioinl tec oid as a e Ivll war soldier and Is one ot the leading spirits In local Giand Army clules, REDEEMING BONDS. Thoy Wore Issued by tho City and School District. The illy tieasmer esteiday 10 'deemerl Jtyooo of the $r.,000 Issue of the dty itindlng loan of lSSfi The Imnrls bear luteiest at the late of 4 per cent, nnd $ir.,noo of them me still outstanding. They me ledeemable In UKIfi. This week the city tieasurer also tedeeined lO.Ono of school bomd bonds of the Issue of 1&SG. They weie fi per cent, bonds nnd the entile Issue has now been tedeeined, WIFE BEATER SENT TO JAIL, She Had Had Him Arrested for De sertion and Non-Support. Snm Kobotskl, of 40B rtnymond court, was sent up yesterday by Al derman Mlllnr for thirty days, In de fault of a $10 line, for assaulting his wife. Tuesday Kobotskl was held in $:oo ball for deseitlon nnd non-suppoit Wednesday nlsht he tinned his wife out of doois after giving her a beat ing. HOSPITAL HAPPENINGS. Oeotire Kline, of Ph mouth, an emplojc at the Atondale collier), had his datlilc broken b.t u fall of link jraltrila). lie was rrmoted to the Moses T.i)lor hospital. 'Ihonui Sarlskus, a at the Piamonil cn. Ilei), had one of his fed badly eruJitd in a mint) uctldrnt )etrrria.v and rereited treatment nt the Moses Ta)lor hospllal, Thomas 1'illihiril, of KdttariUdale, had his foot painfully Injured jealeiday by being run oter by a ear at the Woodward lolllery. lie was removed to thli Muwa Taylor hospital, CONTEMPT IS NOW CHARGED ROOKY GLEN EQUITY CASE TAKES A NEW TURN. Hearing in tho Injunction Rule Is Halted by a Motion for a Rule to Show Cause Why the Defendants Should Not Be Attached for Con tempt of Court-A $25,000 Dam age Suit Growing Out of the Ico Train Wreck of Last Fourth of July Other Court Matters. The hearing in the Injunction case of tho ilocky (lien Water company against the Hcranton and Northeast etn company, was Inter t uptcd yesterday by u motion for a rule on the defendants to show cause why they should not be attached for contempt of court. Arthur Frothlnghtim nnd Annette Reynolds, piesldent find treasurer, u.spectlvely, of the Ilocky Glen com pany, nt whose Instance the motion was made, alleged In their uflldalt that notwithstanding the Injunction of May ::, l'jul, fni bidding the defend ants fiom enteilng upon their land, they continued to work theie nnd oen at the ptesent time have a der llrk elected em the propei'lv. The rule t,n.s granted by Jndg" Kelly nnd made returnable forthwith. Mr. Frothlnghmu testified that on thiee dltfeient occasions, since the granting of Hie liijunr .ion, hi- has seen men t.t woik theie and found, upon inqiilty, that they weie wotklng for tho defendants. Some of them were cutting tiees from the land nn.l hewing them Into ties, Otheis weie engaged In digging a ditch to dlwit the water of Gieen Itun, which the plaintiff company proposes to use to supply Its contemplated lescrvoir. Last Sunday, on the ociaslon of bin last lslt to the place, Mr. Kiothlng hntii, so he sas. found that the emit so of the ciook had be'on completely changed. WHAT FOIIEMAX SAID. On one visit to the ground he met a 'oretnap In charge of the work and ordered him to cease operations, noti fying him, at the same time, of the Injunction. The foreman tcfused to stop anil said: "To hell with the In junction." Mls.s Reynold, who accompanied Mr. Frothlnghmu on these visits, cor johornted his story. Deputy Shot Iff J. D. Ferber testi fied to having served the writ of in junction on all the parlies to whom it was addressed. William Huinslrle, an employe of the Rock Glen company, told of having seen men at woik on the plaintiff company's property nt various times since the granting of the lmunctlo'i. For the defense, Mr. Houghton tes tified that as soon as the Injunction was Issued, he notllleil all the- engi neers and rnntrattois woiklng In and about the Rocky Glen tiact to tense operations and not enter upon the propel ty again until ftttthor notice from him. The work was stopped, he said, nnd If nny men entered upon the tr.n t they weie not employes of the defendant company, as far as he knew. W. F. Rooth, n sub-contractor, who had been woiklng on the Ror ky Glen tract, testified that Mr. llntightnn noti fied him of the Injunitlon and that slnee that notification no woik was done on tho piemlses by anyone In the employ of the defendants, or by nn ono else, as far as he knew, INJUNCTION Ri:SPi:CTF.D. J. 11. Rlttenhouse, chief engineer of the division on which the in question Is located, testilled that no work was done theie after May 2.1, the date of the Injunction, ecept the unloading of some appmattis and sup plies by it firm of sub-contractors from Philadelphia, who did not know of the Injunction. As soon as news of this was In ought to the company's of fice, woul was sent the Philadelphia allies that they must leinove their stuff at once. Thoy promised to do so, and dlrl, but allowed a dorilck to stand with one nf Ifs poles reaching onto the Rocky Glen tiact. George A. Lee, of Philadelphia, one of the dlreotois of the company, cor robi "ated Mr. Rlttenhouse. Major Wan-en ingued stionuonsly that the testimony of the iVIendauts themselves showed that they weie guilty of contempt. The fai t that the dei lick was still standing on the plaintiffs piopeity was MiHIoicnt. h contended, to piovo the defendants contiinuulou.s. Judge Kelly ordered the evidence tinnscilbed and will pass upon the niattet h'ter. The healing on the ltilo to make the preliminary Injunction permanent will bo iesumed Filday morning. Allege City Was Negligent. The R.uher Asphalt Paving com pany, tluough Wells ccToney, hi ought suit ngnlnst the city ot Seiunton es. terdny, to ice over $4,077.47, which Is owing on fifteen dlffetent stteot 1m piovement bonds. These bonds wore given by the tlty to the company to Insure due diligent o nn the pmt of the city in e.olleetlng the nssessnieuts. The company alleges the city has been negligent In Its col lections and heme Is liable on tho bond. In most of the Instances, the alleged negligence was In the tiling of liens within tlie tcqulied time. The claims ngalnst tho property holders nre now baited by the statute of limitations anil the city Is now llnblo, so it Is claimed, for the amount of the bonds nnd Inteiest at 0 per tent. Tlie bonds on which tho suit me brought me Issued for Improvements ni d In amounts as follows: Vine stieot. $100, il?. 13; Spruce street. $100, $,'9 CO; Adams avenue, $.-iOO, $500, $'i00. $178 fSS; North nnd S-outh Main avenues, $100, :2; Penn nnil Capnuse avenues, $417 h,"; Jackson street, $."i00; .leifeison nvenue, $.'ii)0j Washbuiit Htieet, $100, $10.20. Echo of the Ice Train Wreck. The Ice train wreck of Inst Fourth of July on the Pocono waH recalled yesteulj by a stilt for II'.OOO dam r.gH Instituted against the Delawn-e, 1 teknwannn and Western company r Pleased with Our Service It has so fnr been very grati fying to the management of this Bank to receive the com ments of pleased patrons. The People's Bank. by the heirs of George W. Davis, one of the brnkeinen killed In the acci dent. The widow, Mrs. llnchel Davis, for hMpf ninl two children, Jennie, nged 14, nnd Ray, aged 11, avers In her nlll tlavit that (be toinpnny'H negligence was responsible for the accident. It Is tct forth that the train on which Davis was sent out was mnde up of Oitrl'Tii gondolas loided with coal. At Tobylmnna twenty-set. en cms of Ice were attnehed nnd the ciew was directed to ptoceed vlth this train to tlnl Dken. In going down the mountain tl. train ran away, dashed Into a freight train that was preced ing It and caused the wreck In which Davis nnd the others weie killed. The plaintiff nlleges that the train wns composed of an unusual and un safe number of cats; that the locomo tive, cms mid equipment generally weie not In good repair, and thai the nlr-pump on the englil- was defec tive. D, J. Davl s attorney for the plaintiff. Two Charters Applied for. Attorneys Voshurg & Dawson yes let day applied to court for n chatter for the Leggetts Cteek Keg Fund. The board of directors, of the society nre Isaac William, .Michael Neary, Fred W. Nelrty, James It, Davis nnd John L. i:un. Application wns made by Attorney A. W. Rerthnlf for n (barter for the Society Itnllaiie Rlena. De Montenegio Pep'na D'ltnllmt. ot Throop. It is a social, benevolent and fraternal or ganisation. . i i Marriage Licenses. Samuel ('arm rrleeburii Maty V.. Mi mil, Dickson Cilv Midnol Siiklr.iU Ilunmnre 'Hi. n-a Pindall Ol.tphant t.nv Welwtci (Merliout 1713 summit atenue I 'li.n 1 1.' I!. Smith '.Ml.! North Main atrnue Ca-pir iwrlihr UJ0 l'tnon Blreet C.irrii' I,. Paltry ('Ink's Summit COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Mirlln U Urate), a ( ltd wir tderan, was jrstenlay Rtinfrd .1 peddler's lie erne. Stanley MnliNkl, eh need with desertion, nnd frank Itindill, dnrmd with iv.mlt nnd batten, wire' nluised en bail furnished )ejtenlay befoie Juds'c larpinter. RELIEF NONE TOO SOON. Death Roll Had Several Additions to It Before the Rain Came Yostor- day Afternoon. Relief ft nni the Intense heat came jesteiilay, but not befoie the death rate was Increased be and that nnteil In yesterday's Tribune. The addi tional victims whose death can be attributed to the heat weie: Al.'ll'lt .KiM S, .s-werks-oli con ot Mr, and Mrs Vlallii Innn, .i.!'i (.arileld ati line Mils, IIIMIK.I f Dl'Ca.VV, Price liret. Wll.l.VltP M'MIINKA, 1 and-T months old dnlil nf Mi. ind .Mis Jo-tpli MiVenitt, j"i I outth sliei t 1 II III s( mini 1)1 I,, nil l'lm sired, aueit 23 tins Schioedcl was cmplojed as a baker hi Hess' baker), anil was oveicome by tho heat Tliuisd.iy night about VI o'clock. He was removed to ills home, wheie his condition gtevv moie seilous evoiy hour, until at 7 o'clock estenlny nioinlng death lesulted. Deceased came to this countiy about one year ago. He was twenty-live yea is ot age, anil Is survived by a widow. He was a mem ber of the Maker' union. The funeial will take place Satuiday afternoon nt 2 o'r luck. James Hiown, shipping clprk at Me gnigee llios ' paper tvaiehouso on Washington iv "line, was pinstrated by beat while it his woik yesteiday nioin lng. Hi- was lemoverl to his home In West Scrnnton. A short but pir.vidontlal lain fall occurred esteidiiy nfteinoon, and bioke the spell of t"irihle weather which has b.'en playing such gcueiul havoc. Shottly niter 2 oMock the rain began ami thtoughout the nfteinoon It fell at iiiegulnr Intervals, The entile rain fall was but f-100 of nn Inch, but It served Us puipose and caused a most gratifying dowuwatd shoot of the meicuiy which had been sizzling and boiling in ' tlie glass tubes, in a most fcioclous manner all morning. At S a. in. It was ah early SI rkgiees, nci'oidlng to Observer Clmke's ollk'ial figures and at 10 o'clock It stood nt SS, That the sun E"d's Intentions were to keep up bis highly Industrious woik ot the week was evidenced as the mer ruiv continued to tllml. stoadllv until at noon the sultry Ugures of fll up. praied, which meant tliat It was about 86 in tlie street, Scrnntonlans of late, however, dlnlaln tn feel at all iincom foi table when the thouuomcter Is be low 100 ami theiefote the miserable figures of !!." and UG wore supeibly ig uoi ed, and trade at the soda water counteis leeched a tot rifle shoit nun blow . After the Hi st downfall of rain the thermometer sank with beautiful tap kilty nnd at :i o'elork It was onlv 7i above, a fall nf If, degrees, Heio the head of the Infernal weather buieau took a hand, and huirylng Into the 1.1 each managed to chase the mercury back to SO bv I o'clock. At 1 ?,0, how ever, It had languidly fallen to 7S, nnd during tho remainder nf the day, while the air was heavy and oppiesslve theie was a noticeable absent e of the ovei -whelming heat ot the pioeiu'dlug days, HOPE TO STRIKE OIL. Officers of tho Northeastern Pennsyl vania Company Elected A Der rick Erected in Wayne. Spedal to tlie cuui.t'i Iriluine. Iloni'sdnle, July ?,, A ohm ter has bren gtanted to the Noi theaslern Pennsylvania OH conipnny. At a mootlii'r of tho Htockholrleis, held at the A'len housp on Monday, otllceis were .sleeted as follows: President, W, W. Wood; vice piesldent, M. II, Al len; treasuier, Petry A, Clark: secie. tary, W. H. Dimnilck; dliectois, W. W.Wood, M. H. Allen, W. H. Dimnilck, Peiry A Clnik, William F. Rleller, ThnihUH Merllaud, J. J, Cuitls. John II, Weaver nnd Fred C. Farnhnm. Tho dei ilck hns been elected, nnd the company mo cnnlklent of securing oil. FIGHTING AT MANILA. Two Dftttos Engage in Battlo Last ing Forty-Eight Hours. Py Kveliuive Wire from 'Hie Vssoelaled Press. Manila, July ,1 Vu rtiKiirimeiit littlni; two days has oecurrid at point thiit) mllm east of .ainboak'na, Island of .Mindanao, brttteen Datto Tjlm nnd his followers and the followua of Pit .siilitmin. P.illo Tjlm is a of the aullati of .Mlnil.iiuo and Datto Sob) man Is an Independ ent 'Ihe loose on both aides were heatv and th reult of the rnuagrment deelslve. 'I ho saltan of Mindanao, who Is frieldly tottaida the Amrrl tans, piofe.cs lu'iiotame us tn tho iaue of the Oulbrtak bclwuu tlie tttu Ualtcis, NOTHING MUCH TO BE DOING 80RANTON BOOKED FOR A VERY TAME FOURTH If It Wasn't for tho Double Teams on tho Brewery Wagons and tho Ico Cream Factories Working All Night, We Would Scarcely Know the Great National Holiday Was at Hand Ancient Order of Britons the Only Organization to Run a Fourth of July Affair. Ptetty much all tho customary Indi cations of u gloilous new-fashioned Fourth of July for Scranton were In evidence last night, Including double teams on the brewery wagons, nnd, as far its was noticeable to the casual ob server, thete was nothing In the air savoring of tho old time Fouith, when our back-number ptogenllois were won't to regard the day as an anni versary of our lepubllc's bitth, Theie Is to he no patade nnd mibllo meeting with pattlotlc; oiatlons or nny of that sort of old-foggy thing with which we weie, nt one time, won't to Inspire the Using generation with the fervor that hi ought about the first Fourth of July. To be sure the Country club Is going to play golf nnd have a file works dis play, the Ancient Order of Hrltons will have an excursion to Mountain Park, over the Central, nnd the Delawaie nnd Hudson will run an excursion to Lake Lodotc, but It Is quietly ussutcd that none of these events will be marred by the Intrusion of any Hag waving or that suit of fol-de-iol. In one paitlcular, the old-fashioned Idea persists In prevailing. The flie woiks nnd cannonading part ot the old-time progiamme Is not Ignoied. In fact It Is obsetved moie geneially than evet, nccordliif, to the lepruts fiom the hilltops and dcaleis In Ihe woi ks. These latter say the sales this year were the laigest In thiee years, almost equalling theise of the glorious Fouith that was made so much more gloilous by some achievement or other of some Ameilcan soldlets or pallors or some thing like that, some place or other. Just how to account for the Increatd sales Is not In the icndy teckoner, but It might possibly be ventuted that some sort of an obseivante of the Fourth is still an Inclination of the avenge American citizen, and theie being nothing much offered in the wnv of pk nlcs or exclusions, the gieat bulk of the Intending obseiveis have deckled to do their pattlotlc duty at home with lliecrackeis, skyiockets and such like. Iceui"ini oiders furnish a ptetty te llable Indication that It Is going to be a nice tame, home affair, this Fouith of July, Uol. The thiee big nianurac tuiers, M. J. Kell.v, J. D. Williams & Pro. and the- Lackawanna Dalt com pany, will have turned out b noon to day about 4,200 gallons, or neatly ton tons of Ice cteam, and all but about :t5 gallons of It Is for city cuptonieis. Tlie demand for lee cientn Is the largest the city has ever expetlenced. All thiee llinis have been woiklng their plants tn almost their full capacity to take taie of the ti.nle dining the ex tiemely hot days of the past week, anil the extra unlets coming In for the Fourth made It necessmy for them to tefue buslno as eaily us noon cs teiday. At an nveiage pi Ice of $1 r,0 a gallon to the consumer, the city will today get away with moie than $0,000 woith of lee ci cam, piovldlng nl.l that Is put out by the maniifactuieis Is disposed of, and It Is safe guessing It will bo. And this is not taking Into account the out put of the .smaller m.inufac Hirers or tin Ice cream that will be made at homo. About 1 000 gallons of Ice cieam was ouleicd fiom Sir.inton ilenlei.s foi pic -nlcs up the valle.v, but the oidei.s weie cancelled, been use of the picnics being bioken up by the smallpox seme, INJUNCTION AGAINST STRIKING MACHINISTS Courts at Cincinnati Forbid the Use of Violence A Very Broad Order. Ily Kuliisitp Wlie fiom The Associated l'iess Cincinnati, July :!. Judge A. C. Thompson, of the United States couit, today allowed a temporaty Injunction against the sulking machinists. Thu f.ctlnn had been anticipated, and as Judge Thompson Is to said for Ilurope nevl Sound. ty it was expected that Judge Clink would hear the case. When there was a prospect for an iigieinont between the paitles, Judge (iaik left tho city on Tuesday for his home In Chattanooga. Judge Thompson was, thetefoie, called on to Issue a tenipoiaiy Injunction. He said that upon the application and the ntlldavlts accompanying It, n tenipoi aiy oidei would be issued nnd the healing on Us met Its eould be hail befoie Judge Claik next week. The order was a ver bio. id one. It en joined the defendants fiom picketing or patrolling mound the fnctoilos ot the plaintiffs nial from guaidlng the doors or the stieets in front of the fnctoilos and from Intel feting in any wny with employes now in tlie fac tories, either tlieio or at their homes; fiom Intimidating their relatives or inembeis of Jor families, it also for bade the use of violence, fluents or in t'liildatlon to Induce nn) poison to leave the emplo.v ment of the plaintiffs ei to prevent anyone fiom enteilng l.itn their employment. Attorne)s for the defendants com plained that the allowance of a tem poral y Injunction might delay a hear ing upon Its merits and Judge Thomp son theteupon ngieed to hear a motion In the afternoon to dissolve ttiP tem porary Injunction, After an extended lieai Ing counspl for the plaintiffs con sented to n slight modification of that pait of the older, which foi bade the defendants fimn enteilng Hip piemlses of the plulntlfls fnr the puipose of Im pelling their business, A stienuous effoit was made to have stllcken out the order ngalnst "picketing" but It was unsuccessful, No fiulher changes weie allowed nnd the Judge set July 15 for a homing for a permanent Injunc tion. The ouler of Injunction names Uuslness Agent Schilling, who Is In e hmge of the stilkeis nnd a huge num ber of otheis connected with the strike. Will Continue Strike. Ily Kieliialvr Who Irom The Assoi lited 1'icw lleadlnrj, July 3,-Tlic lleadlnir lalbtay shop hands, who ttrtuk ten days aim, and who, yrstrr day ratified an aitieement readied between Chair, man lloscher, of the striken.' etriutite unimiit tee, and I'lesiihnt llaer, of Ihe railroad eonipan), to go to work on 1'rlday morning, held a meet- wmm'mmmMMiwm Beer Bottles; For Bottling Root Beer, Made in Pints ' and Quarts. Lightning Fruit Jars, . Atlas Hason Jars, the Best Made Extra Caps and Rubbers, Jelly Glasses. Qeo. V. Millar & rireworls Today at our - Fireworks Annex, 422 Lackawanna Avenue. And In Front of Our Main Store. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. inn tnnisht ind bj a larce m.ijni lit- decided tn ' lontiiiue Ihe strike Ihe men mv Ihe nunpaui In some irtir ilars has alnsd) bioken its iim ment Tlie s ili'ct.iri' they will now slind out fnr the full ret (ignition of Ihe union. RACE NIPPED IN THE BUD. The New Constitution Has Yet to Prove Her Superiority. lit' Kvclusiie Wire from The Vssoi iated Press Viwport, It. I , -lult .1 I'he new ninett fool. . ConsUi ut ion, his til tn piote ililllillih hit Htipeiloiit) to the ls'fi cli implon, ihe Columbia, fii the Kocond eniittt today bitween the two big r.miB was nlped in the bud, thioiiich tin tinoftidat butkllni; if the ('olunibii's m nllnj-ali whin the ).uhl h id seanely silled thiee mil. nf the rue. 'IIh .runlent took place when tin ImalH wen- Mlllni; veif fist nn the wind, nnd mi diis' were thet lint then- is tonsidiraMe illtln trie of opinion as In wl it the ntitioine would hate been hid Ihet ronti'iiwd en their ten nit'e In at to the first mark, the rai e being- a tiiaimu lar nne of Ihlilt inlhs. Mint iihu follow nl tin boat. Inline thil in the time hhott mitt lln old boat pointed hlithit and tnoteil as fast as Hi. Constitution, while Here an oIIums ttlm ut, npiillt iiilalu that Ihe ('.institution, whlh ml nutteilli liihind, wis tietcrtlieloMS fore n ai bins tin (idiitnbii, mill would hiti ttentuallt lult u hel tn the tirl inalk Hut Ihe auiditit stoppid ill rating for the day after the ).rrhts hid luiu .allniB jut n'tu trill minutes, and asilti lln Coluuibia was tottid bilk Into poit Ihe lue, whlih it i the mhoihI under the auncis of the Vew Vmk V lit i lul. will not lie icmIIiiI, mi that the nevt time tli. two y uhts trt i nm hnlmis thet will lute t h. fiulepi nib ni e as a eouipititnr in i he thrt ran held by the Vwport Vaiht it u inn .ism's iitoni ott this poll nn Situriht lortututdf, the icel ilrrit to the ( nlumlil i was tint eiloii end i in w martingale will be n placed in atnple time for th ratis on r-Jt iniLij OUTLAWS HOLD UP A TRAIN. They Secure $40,000 from the Ej -press Safe. Ily Mxclinltt' Wue fimn 'Ihe Vo, luted l'p ht Paul, July .! eroriliiu; In adtins I,, (hid of I'oliee II (inn. '11 a trnn on tin (i a Northern Ititiuir Seattle Sinuli) itenin? w i lit Id up near W.uiur, Mont, tins atuinnoti bt a kantf of out 1 iws. 'Ihe evpieM Rife was blnttu open and flO.nii'l is eaid to lute be-en snund They Foar tho Beggars. 11) Fxihmie Wire from 'Ihe A-snuatid I'iih. N'iw oik, lul) U l"i jiiiir tint .1 I'iiipnnt Moman, liiulctiint llotiiuur Wooiliutl, I lank Vulidtibilt and ollur niillioiiaiies who ne i ptitid tu arnte on Ihe te.imu lleiitsdilaud to Inuirow' f i oni Kiurpc will be titer run with pei pie with b'e guing missiuns, the otlldals ot the btiatu Kbfji line hate I ike n un-iiil piiiautious to pioteet tin in 'I luy lute eni;ii,iil an etri detail of tutu to keep all pe.oii;i txtcpt thne who hate pj-i i tioiu the pur and others will miel the nic.iiMid mill as tlie) K'i to then lantaRm, For Scientific Reason. V k,rotip nt lri t (ar linn were hiaudin out tide Ihe ham, infilled ill iiliiiiln tains tu 4 t,niii iniphite "Is IIipio ant ilatiifir of a fdlei K' tt tn fchoilid on the-e hue ieitru tar " ufkid the in w man, tltnlill), duriiig a lull n the talk. "Il eh iinds intiidy on the l.'M.r. n plied a sulous liMiKlntc motiinun "mr huts all n' iniuibei about llut iae of i'lendi 1'ite,' don t )'r It was like this," he (uiitinuid, a.l'f 1 1 -ini; the .tiaiiKii "'1'iti' was a conductor, and, while he ktinv his buslniFS douu to the uromul, he was ciitalnl) il toimh proposition, Sirappmir, diluklng and eifslii; all e nue as natutal tu lutii as liu'.itliltiir, and he tarrhil uiotiud a IiIji k iye aa regular a I cirry in) baiU-e llurv pit diy he usid to mike a lue line for n trip girne, ti tn 1 he had cnoin;h eollidnrs ihusitik' him l bid bills to make a low from here to the pouei lioiwe I lute to aat It, but i'lto' was a hiire i niiiish hoodlum" "Was he the Idler that Mt khoikiilr" Inipilied the nodee', "I w h loniiin; I i lint," aid the inotonnaii "(Iiik dat iu-t aftil a blk' l.clTlftot in. i'rte' wis mi tin- hind platform, thinking up oine detlltt) or utlut, whin the car Rate a Kind of luirli U'ollik' ammo a mite and hi liiihbid hold of the ide rait with one hand ami the iiintur plite with the nth er l.tii)lhin.' In'iiu' wet, that lnt dieiiited Ihe iiirienl m'IiiiImh and hOil tolu pas, id uuhl otrr his built, Inm aim to arm. It burned orl hlii Khlit as liik as n tthl.tle, hut 11 m-tu liitrt him a bit, uunnl like it inn alonj the outside of his skill without tiolncr In." "I nier heanl tell of antthlni; like tlnl," mid the new man, In MiipiUe. "How did it conn, the iedrldtt didn't mm li lilniv" "Cause lie was mieh a bad inndiH loi," ieilied the niotorman, and the meet lug adlnurned alne dli. New Oileatia 'I line. Duuoi rat. John Allen on Depew. .lolili Allin, ttliese eaner In congress has miilu ihe li 1 1 ! town of Tiipdn famous, knotty mote eood ntorlea IhJu any other mcmhei ot the Iioiim', Due of Ihe bet III Ida reputory is the lab' of tin' djrky und the possuiu, which tins told In the wnate tloak room the other ill) apioi(n of the utionai;i Sinator Depew la tuipiHwnl to enjoy, but whlih Is quletl) ah. foibed bt his i-rnlor eollrarrue A ne'in rpi euro laiicht a hue lirire pnssiim, nkinuid, dtrssed and hum; it bdoie a hlalm; the under a rei'i Ini: tree, and while It hakinc to a di lettable brown lay down on the pound ami went to j fUcp beside It. About the lime the possum i'VfeAV Co. "iy?"'? .! faiKiti innisODK Arvunoi Wti v, A Revolution in Furniture.... It is furniture made from PRAIRIEGRASS In over three hun dred original styles and designs. Hill & Connell Are showing Prairie Grass Furniture in Chairs, Settees, Tables, Stands, Tabourettes, Couches. Call at 1 24 Washing ton avenue and look over this very artis tic and useful line. SUMMER RESORTS. Seashore and Country Combined. lVtiwnk. (01111, has thrm both and ' the most diaunins spot on I.opk Island Sound Two and one half loans firm New York, at mouth of the biautlful Connecticut liter. Fenwick Hall Has etery attrition and enntenienie all the uinu-e tin tils and sports, and etert llnni; loiidiuite ot lied t tt and plcnuie llilliiiu.', boitiui; (stiaui laiindies und sail, tisliimt: (the Im si on Ihe soundi, i tiling, ililtinc, prlt.ilo golf links and tennis 11 nits i.Uvatois ami uitale baths, looms en jttiitc Write tu .1. V ( liatheld, 1'inpiidor Until .litlii-on New oik ( itt. fer terms and full partiitilara ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. grand Atlantic Hotcl. and annex Virginia Ave and Ileach, Atlantic City, N, J. fcWth )ear, .'I'd beautiful 101 ms ctisulte, slncla and with bith, hot and rold sea water hatha in hold and annex. Inratlon telee t and central, within few .taids of th Mid Pier Orchestra. (Iilirs Rpeiiil .prlmr ratis, $U to i15 by weeks $ ' up b) da) hpedal istis to fimlliea. Coachej meet all ttains. VVtito tor booklet niAiit.i's k corn HOTEL OSBORNE, Atlantic Cite, N. .1 One aiitiare from beach, JSeit 7S room annex- Modern appilntmenta I'n 1 xii llnl senile Itjtil, li) the dat, 1..MJ and up. watd I!) the week, t and iipitanl. Capacity, toil II, .1. (Uioltie. ttn done a lli k little dirk) happeninir that way, Mole I tie pus-mil md ate It all up. 'Ilien he took the hums and laid them down in front of lua .Iriplm; 1 r ot In r. ,'ienul id. lips with pea sum Kiease and uniainl pnsiun cnise over his hnneis when the o nei of the awnko he looked about dared ind muprhed to nnd his piece do rnilimt jr. lie. but the bones liv in front of him, he m't- the ena.o upon hU flnr;eia and laMed It upon bla lips. "Is it poj'lde," I10 Mid, "I dun eat dit uisum wlun I waa 'ileep I Miiell poskiitn 1 t is' poN.tiui and dar U d bones. It aartlntr do hmk like I mm' hab eat him, but fo' (iod dat dir poseum dun hah Vsa 'feet on inv lons'tutlnti din inny nle swsum 1 rtrr did ett befn'," that l the wa) with Ih pew," said the nun who repealed thu tory "He ahniild hate patronage, it looks, as if he did lute intionace, but 'fu' (iod elat dn pat ronJEO his 'e.s 'feet on his rons'tiillnn dan enny nle pitronaBo he ever did have befor'," Lcalle'i Weekly. I tfS.