The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 04, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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fr 1-
A rOPt'!-AB Cl.F.UilNn OUSE for the Uene--"
nt of All Who Have Houses to . j "
Kstste or Other Property to sell or r.Jing . 7
Who Want Situation, or llelp-These small Ad
ve.tlseni.nts Port On Cent a ttord. W '"'",
tlera for Hve rents Viirei-Bf t SltuitKns
Wanted, Which Are Inserted free.
WASTHD-Uood Blrl lor generil l'ft",''",,ki.5,,'1l-
etlv girl pieterrert, uigca. MO per month
Mr, (I' A Uallns, "inir liiutrii ticet ml
Salem avenue
ORPHANS'" COIUIT silX-i'-sUli el Ittries Mul
den. hie of Carhondile tt, Uit.vwn.n
Ilv lrliie ot an order o( the otphms court ei
l.sekananna countv, the uii1rrlariril. n,,"l,n""
tralor o t a of the ente ol James Mid let,
late ol rarboufhle rli. In Mid count. ""f1.".
will ell at public sile and oniiry to the WRMet
and best bidder upon the premises hetelnalter
dMtrlred In the stld ,ltv of f'lrhondtle, "n M'
mrt Jul H l'i. at in o'clock i m . me
following desorlted leal cstue. to ll
All that 'ettiln In' of land sltuitnl in the el'v
of Carbondilr, l.aekiiiina count. I'ennnbinW.
Belrg put of lot numlitierl ?2 on imp ol ft'"
lets ol the Melawitr md llud-on lanil compim.
rn a trael of Imd In the uiirantre mine o! Man
flom. Mid rnr of lot rontilnino J.'.vm maife
fret of lmd or II eiil.out. and being bound-l
and described a- ("Ilium, tn "It ,
Mginnlng in tin ei.lerh line o( un iiresulir
lare at tb nnitrruc-terli orner ol oul lot num
lercd Ol rn ild trut. lortnerlv lei-od tn 1 al.
nik Iirlv and ime siuieidricd h him, llieiue
li md line ol line ninth :n't dealers rat
11 1 Tin leet to a comer, Iheme he other linds
rf Md iel, ir. md llmSnii (mil loinpim
," th i desires, eit pf liet. mid south -"
d'Ctres, ucst HI 7 in lert to i comer, and thence
b out oi mimbeied (2 iloic-itd. north " do
giec ne-,1 ll'i Irrl to Ihr pine ol beginning
OaI and mincial md m nlnte light" ieenid
In'pioM, uih t o nnc atul one lull eton fi mi"
duelling hou,.
Teinu ,,f a!e fine lnlf down on dn ot file,
r i an i on irnrtrnnlirn nt the ule and delnciy
of ilv clecl WII.MXM Mi"inHIiN.
dmini'ti iloi, i. t i
rnnifi ii iionm.
Attorrei lor Ut He.
The Young People Enjoy a Trolley
Mr. M.irfMtet .Morse and Mrs
I.tirli? Harlcork li,io ls.uorl Invita
tions for a tea uhlih they will Rhe
on rlnest.i, Julv in. tit "LakeMtle."
Mrs. .Moise's Mimmot cDttase at Ciya
tal lake.
A meiry patty of ounB people fiom
thl; elty enJo.eil a pleasant trolley
rifle to Olyphant last nlsht The
yonnsr people left hero about 7 4") Pio
fej,or !. C. Firth accompanied them
and when their destination was
reached they tepalierl to MahonV
hotel and until 11 SO enjoved the art The party an I veil
home about 1 a. m. The members
Rosella Burke, Walter Loftus, nila
heth Brennan, Rodeilcl; Ollll. Nora,
O'Neill. Rert c-olllnf. Nellie Uttle,
Raymond F.uike. Nellie Campbell.
James Campbell Maiy Monahan.
John Peel, hucv Byrne. John Loftus,
Hannah Ollhool, Edwaid Ollhool.
Carmel O'Heain. Clarence Mcllale,
Florence O'Neill. Frank Burke. Mar
garet Whyte, Dim Whyto. Mnrpuet
McDonald, Dan Peel, Nora O'Hearn.
Anna F.inell. William Mcllale. Maiy
Kelly, J Hiite Binke The party was
chaperoned by Mlt-ses Blis, Buike .md
They Held a "Boe" anil It Went Up
Very Easily.
The Mitchell Hose company cat. now
boast of one of the Ilnest (lag- poles in
this section of the state. The pole
was si cured a week ago In Wayne
county It is a handsome yellow pine
rtaff and Is the gift of Frank Hollen
back. the geneious lumberman.
Since Its receipt the carpenters have
been dressing It and Tuesday the
members of the lompany held a
"bee" to taise it This was done with
i little trouble nnd s the huge staff
wiing into place three lousing iheeis
nd a tiger weie glen The pole Is
emarkahly free from knots and bends
nd is 103 feet and seven Inchc In
height as it stands. The Mitchells feel
naturally pioud that they have the
finest pole nnd flag in the city. The
star spangled banner will be unfurled
on the new suit today for the first
They Elected Trustees.
The congregation of the Berean
Baptist church held its annual busl
less meeting Monday night. Theie
vas a large attendance. The follow
ing trustees weie eleited for tht com
ing year: A. S. Lewsley, 11. H. Stone,
George A. Davis, Auron Fowler, Wil
liam Howell, H. J. Bly and A. P.
Trautwein. Deacon P. S. Joslln was
elected cleik and A. W. Geary assist
ant clerk.
A summary of the tieasurer's re
port was lead, but as the reeoids are
not complete as yet, another meeting
will be held In the near future. The
board of trustees will meet next Mon
day night to organize.
j Mr. McGowan Injured.
Peter McGowan, a driver in the
'LanreUHlU mine of the Delaware and
HQH.sbnr was caught between two cars
Tuesday and ooth his legs were badly
crushed He was taken to his home
on Woodlawn avenue, where a surgeon
dressed his injuries. McGowan had
been running a. trip of cars down an
incline and had brought them to a
stop near the bottom. He then loosen
ed the blocks and In some manner got
caught between the running cars and
a standing trip.
Was Found Wandering.
George Held, who was employed at
Confectioner Gilberts on Salem avenu,
who has been missing since Friday
nlsht last, was found last night by
his brother wandeilng on Salem
mouninln. The young man had eaten
nothing during this time, it Is
thought his mind Is nffeeted.
Mr. Feeney Recovers.
Chauncey Feeney, who ontered the
Emergency hospital a victim of a bicy
cle accident last Monday r -jht, was
discharged today, being 'ecovered
from th shock.
The Knights Meet,
Sir George II. Pierce, grand lecorder
of Pennsylvania Ancient and Illus
trious Older Knights of Malta, of
Philadelphia, was In this city Tues.
day evening as the guest of Temple
commandery, No. 2SS. Mr. Pierce,
who Is one of the most prominent
members of the order In this country,
came here for tho purpose of exem-
litn,r th UnW'HMon uorli onrl to
CarboncJale Department.
Instruct n class of forty applicants
Into the mvsterles of the hltther de
grees of knlRhthood, which he did In
a very nhle manner. The beautiful
ted crosr of sepulchie dcjrree was put
on the lloor In due form, with Past
Commander IJ. H. Martlet!, of Anthra
cite commandcr.x, No. 211, of Scrnnton,
ms goverelan commander. He was
nhly assisted by Past Commanders
Swart., lilies and seveial others fiom
Scr.inton. Refieshments weio served
at midnight and n social session was
Indulsed In unlll mi early hour, after
which the distinguished visltois de
parted for their homes.
How Indepondonco Day Will Ba Ob
norvetl at tho Prntty Lnka.
Klaborate prepirntlonR Invo been
made for the celebiatlon today of the
Klorlous Fourth beside tho bIioics ot
pretty Lake Lodote,
Mailer's band will provide the dance
muslo and n numher of splendid con
certs, nnd Jar ?s Ooiman, of this city,
whose splendid entering has been am
ply attested, will provide lefteshments.
Conspicuous ninoUK the day's attrac
tions will be the kjiuc of base ball be
tween the descents, the ciaik team of
Caibmiilnle. and a team from Scianton.
Oieat Interest has been shown In this
contest, and theie will be a blp dele
gation of Carbonilale looters to enthuse
the ball tosocis fiom this city. The
Suanton team Is as follows. Kellct,
catcher; Williams, pitcher, Carson,
shoit stop; Thomas, Hist 1mo, Co
lett, second Inse, O'ltellly. thlnl
base; Barrett, left Held- Kami, (entie
Held. Hchlacer. lialit llfld. William
Thomas. uunaRer.
The new steam yacht, "Helen." 10
cently put chased In New Yoik illy,
will be mn for the thst time today;
also the new excursion boat, which
has n capacity of 1,10 passeiiRers. The
programme of the dav will undoubt
edly uttiact l.ugo. numheis from this
Thoy Will Roprosent St. Aloysius
Society at Jossup Convention.
The St. Alojslus Young Mens Tem
perance and Beneficial society have
choen delegates to the First district
Catholic Ttotal Abstinence union con
vention, which will be held In St.
James' hall. Jessup. on Sunday next.
The society will be icpresenteil by
John V. Dei.aney, Joseph W Monnlon.
James W. Toolan, IMuard Golden and
Matthew J. Muiphy.
Postponed Until Some Timo in tho
The annual banquet of the High
School Alumni association, which was
to be held it Fein hall on July i. Inn
been postponed until later in the vai.
The association decided that the
weather is not lavoiable for a banquet
at picsent.
Base Ball at Lodoro Today.
No keener inteiest lould have been
aroused in tontemplntion of .my con
test than that which Is felt on all
sides In this city on account of the
gieat ball game thN afternoon at Lake
Lodoie, between Captain Fox's des
cents nnd Captain Thomas' Sci.mton
Wondeis, for a gold ptize ns well as
for the championship of tho county. It
Is plainly evident that fiom the ng
giegatlon ot playeis on both sides the
battle for supremacy villi be vigorously
fought. While the stikt ndheients of
Sci .niton's craik team aie fully con
fident of their favoiltes' Mteiess, still
Carbondallans, one and nil, who know
the gieat stienglh In eveiy position of
the descents aie equally conildcnt
that Scranton's star nine will lecelve
a thoioiiRli laiiiiplug. The game
promises to be the hottest that has
been plaved in this region in veais.
Tho Delaware and Hudson 5fmpany
will run tialns at In lot lnteivals dur
ing the day, nnd thete will be a large
lepresentatlon fiom all or;r the coun
ty at the beautiful lesort to spend tho
Between 0 nnd 8.
Tho Reynshanhuist Water company
are Riving notice to their patrons th'at
automatic sprinkling (except by meter
and at n late of :!0 cent, per thousand
gallons) will not be allowed in future.
Hnnd ho?e will only be peimltted a
half hour each day between 0 and S
a. in. or p, in.
The circular closes with the hope that
the rule w ill be cheerfully compiled
with, but we hear of niutterlngs In
ceitaln quarters that would indicate a
contrary disposition.
The water whlc1' is now beliis sup
plied by this company Is being praised
by all who drink it.
Uncalled for Letters.
List of letteis lemalnlng in the Car
bondale postnfllce, Julj , 1001, for per
sons unknown: Alex. Arnold, NVthan
Davis, K. H. Rees. J. II. Tripp's Sons,
James Jones, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllllrm
Martin, Mrs. Maggie Davis. Mrs. Mniy
Heath. Mis. H. W. Rose. Miss May
Cllne, Miss Mamie I. C. Kelley, Mis
Llda Pell, J. II. Thomas, postmaster.
Meetings of Tonight.
George E. Randolph camp, No. 131,
Sons of Veterans; Division No c, A. O.
H.i United Mine Woikeis, No, R77;
Bianch No 77. L. C. B. A.; Ladles'
auxiliary. Railroad Trainmen; Retail
Clerks' Protective association, No, lifi,
Carbondale council, No, 921, Royal Ar
canum Fell School Tax Levy.
The Fell township school boaid on
Tuesday night fixed the tax levy for
tho coming ear nt twenty mills, sl
for building purposes, one for the sink
log fund and thliteen tor school pur
poses. The levy Is tho same as last
Choir Rehonrsnl,
During July the choir of Trinity
church will reheuise once a week, viz:
Saturdny night at 8 o'clock.
Notice to Mitchell Men.
Foreman T F. Ileibert lequests tho
presence of tho hose company in full
uniform at 1 p. m, shin p.
A. Bouncing Boy,
Rom, to Mr. and Mrs. Chailes Chap
man, of Honesdalc, a bouncing ten
nonnrl bov.
Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Picnic of tho Throo Hose Companies
nt Killeon's Grove,
The only public even! in tho elty to
day will be the Joint picnic of the local
hofo companies nt Kllleen's grove, In
Biooklyn, The firemen have labored
diligently and zealously for the sue
ces ot the affair, nnd a heaity anil
liberal t espouse in looked for.
The proceeds from tho enterinlse will
he applied to the geneial fund for the
semi-centennial celebration, and this
oupht to particular, ly appeal to tho
Tho Mozart oichestrn will provide
darce music, nnd besides the refresh
ments that will he piovlded, numerous
other attractions will be provided.
Going to Pittsburg.
Patrick Qulnn will leave In a few
days for Pittsburg, where he will take
up his residence He has but recently
leturned from Anaconda, Mont.
Mrs Fred Edwards, of Scranton. is
vIsltltiR her patents, Mr, and Mrs.
Fiank Smith, on Gailleld avenue.
12. D Lathiop, Miss Helen Latluop
and Mailer Edgar Lathrop are this
week taking a trip on L'iko Ontario
and down the St Lawience river. They
villi visit Toronto, Moutretl and other
places In that legion and, of course,
spend a few days at tho Pan-American
in Muftalo.
The congregation of the First Bap
tist chinch villi observe the Fourth
this evening with an Ice cieam social
on their church lawn. The day will be
an eventful one to the coiiRiegatlon, be
cause they ha-e just paid oft a debt
that has been heavily hanging upon
them for a number of yeais. It Is this
that they wish to maik this evening
by publliy 'buinliiR the mortgage and
by holding a Jubilee. The lawn will be
hrt'llantly lighted by electric lights,
and seats will bo provided for the pat
rons An nupmnitcd choir will sing
seveial hymns md selections, nnd bilef
c ongiatulatoiy addresses villi be dellv
eied by the Rev Dr. Whalcn, of Car
bondale, and the pastor After the
burning of the moilgage theie villi be
,a display of Hi ew oiks, A cordial Invi
tation Is extended the public generally.
At the monthly ineetlnR of the Mny
Held borciigh council, held on Tuesday
evening. It was decided to artest all
poisons found tiding blryclea on the
sU'eiifilks. The secietaiy was nlso ln
snjiied to notify the tax collector to
be at the next meeting
A committee, consisting of Buige3S
Sulir. in and Councilman Tempany,
was instructed to count the number of
poles In tho borough. It wns also de
cided that the old bills In lavor of com
mittee woik for councllmcn, which are
Illegal, be withdiawn and that the
wages of the stieet commissioner be in
ci eased to $1 SO per day.
Fied Teiw llllger, the well-known
section boss of the Ontaiio and West
ern railioad, who has not been In good
health for some time, has secured a
leave of absence and Ib now In Sum
niltvllle. N. Y., and will In u short time
go either to Coloiado or New Mexico to
i re upeiate his health.
Joel Moicom, ot Fourth stieet, Is con
fined to his home by sickness.
Edwin Mellow nnd John Oshornc ar
rived home ytsteiday from New Or
ange, N. J., to spend the Fourth with
their relatives.
Mis. Elijah Stephens, of Fourth
stieet, is confined to the house by sick
ness. A child of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Stephens Is ill of measles and a com
plication of diseases.
Today villi be one of tho dullest
Fouiths for many eais to the major
ity of people of the boiough, which Is
the result of the enfoued idleness of
the men and boys employed in the two
collieries which ate partly flooded by
water. The Glenwood shaft lias been
Idle for a month and today the Dcla
waie and Hudson colliery will have
been Idle nineteen days, which is a seri
ous matter to the men and their fam
ilies. While theie is no immediate pios.
peet of the Glenwood shaft resuming
vi oik, it Is sincerely hoped that before
another week the piospects at the
Delaware and Hudson colliery will be
Mr. C F. Raker, of L. D. Winters ,t
Co., and Rev. Stephen Jay, of Ashley,
will leave next week on an extended
trip to California.
Miss Vinnic Wall, of South Main
street, Is xlsltlng her parentb at Cran
ford. N. J.
Dr. Chillies. Price, who lecently gradu
ated from the Unlvcislty of Pennsyl
vania, Is visiting his cousin, Mlsa Mary
McDeimott. of South Main street.
Mrs. Cusick, of Patcison, JC. J., Is
visiting her paients, Mr. and Mis.
Peter Speicher, of South Main sttect.
The funeral of the late William Mc
Andrew was held trom the lesldence of
William Glhhons. on Dunmore street
yesterday afternoon. At 3 o'clock the
remains were conveyed to St. Pat
ilck's chinch, wheie a short service
was conducted bv Rev. John Mc
Laughlin. Interment was made In thp
West Side cemetery. Theie was a
large attendance of friends nt the ob
sequies. The pallbeareis were: An
drew Farrell, P W. Fadden, Thomas
Kelly. Edward Fadden. Patrick Mur
phy and Phillip Hastings.
The Olyphnnt Hose company, No. 3,
will hold a picnic at Electiic park to
day. Messrs Rariett & Flaherty, of Scran
ton, have opened an undertaking es
tablishment In tho Hull building In
Miss Mary I'ettlgiew, of Blakely, Is
visiting Scranton ti lends.
Miss Chailtv Cilppen has returned
home, after sppiidlng n few weeks at
Bethlehem and Easton.
Mrs. Chailes Osti under and children
mo spending a few days with relatives
In Greeen Ridge.
A tiolley putty of vouiig people from
Cuibondalo stopped at this place Tues-
for Children Mother Grav, for vears a nurse In
the Chlldirn'i Home In New York, tieated chil
dren succefulli with a remedy, now piepared
and plared in the drug stores, called Slother
firaj's bueet Powders for Children They are
harmless as milk, pleasant to take and never
fall. A rertiln cure foi Icml.hncu, constipa
tion, headache, teething and stomach dl.orders
and If moe norma. At all druggists. 'V, Sam.
ol, ..nt niKK. Addrts. Allen b, Olmsted, Le-
day evening and spent several hours
in dancing: in Mn lion's hall. They re
turned home about mldnlcht.
Jnme Williams, of Hill etieet, is
very 111.
Mlsa Rachel Kvans has returned
home from a trip to New Tork.
Miss Edward Jones, Miss Mamie
Jones and E, 8. Jones have returned
fiom the Pan-American exposition.
There will be no special Fourth of
July celebration here today, with the
cxiepllon of the Sunday school picnics,
which have been customary for years.
The Calvary Baptist Sunday school
will hold their picnic In the Everlv
ciove. The Methodist Episcopal and
Picsbyterlan Sudnay schools will pic
nic In Atherton's grove. The Welsh
Baptist Sunday school will hold their
outing In the school house park. The
tinman Evangelical church will cele
brate at Schulther's giove; First Eng
lish church, In How en's woods; Welsh
Congregational church. In Everly
grove. The following waitresses and
waiters have been appointed by the
lost named church for the day: Cigar
stand, J. J Morgans, David Bcvan;
carriers, Morris Evans and Davia
Lloyd; Ice cream table, Mrs. David
Llovd, Mrs. Emanuel Owens, Mr? Wil
liam Richards: refreshment table.
Mis. H. P. Jones and Mrs. J. J. Mor
rarr; kitchen work, Mrs. Thomas
Owens, Mrs. David T. Harris and Mrs.
Savucl Evans; vvaltivjssr. Misses M.
c. Vhomas, Mary Jorea, Mary Davis,
V Mil Lewis, Sarah M. Howells nnd
Ella M. Davis; lemonade strn i. David
Lilw.uds. Henry P. Jo e nr.d David
R Evans
The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs John
Indoif, of Taylor street, died on Tues
day, nnd was bulled yeateidny after
noon In Foivst Home cemetery.
David Gilfllths, employed ns a help
er in the Taj lor mine, was quite pain
fu'ly Injured on Tuesday, by being
caught between a trip of loaded cais.
A pictty wedding ceremony wns per
formed at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Schell, of tho Sibley, on Monday even
ing, when their accomplished daugh
ter. Miss Bcrthn, was united 111 mar
riage to Mr. John Davis, a prominent
young man of Brooklyn, N. Y., by the
Rev. James Walker, pastor of the
Primitive Methodist chinch. Mrs.
Charles Weed, ot the Sihlev, attended
the bride, while Thomas Davis, brother
of tho groom, ot Brooklyn, acted an
best man. After the ceremony the
wedding rnrtv and fi lends partook of
a sumptuous supper, provided by the
bride's mother. Tho newly wedded
couple will make their future homo in
Brooklyn, wheie the groom has a lu
crative position.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer T. Daniels have
returned to this town, to make their
home, after spending their wedding
tour In the state of Ohio, where they
were married recently. Mis. Daniels
was formeily Miss Lloyd, of Ohio, and
is an accomplished young lady. Mr.
Daniels Is one of our popular young
men and is deputy clerk of the court
of Scranton. Mr nnd Mrs. Daniels
villi leslde at the home of tho groom's
mother for the future. A reception
was tendered Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniels on
their nrrlval home Tuesday evening:,
which was a cry delightful affair.
Much Interest Is manifested in to
day's handicap quoit match, to be held
at the Parker house, commencing at
fUO a. m. Flist prize, $3.
I Tl
The members of Archbald mine local,
ited Mine Workeis of America, re
ceived their working cards at their
meeting In Odd Fellows' hall last even
ing. The funeral of the late Mrs Edmund
Carter will ocrur tomorrow afternoon
at 2 o'clock fiom her late home on
Main street. Interment will toe made
In Washburn street cemetery.
James S. Inglls, of Sayre, Is spending
the Fourth with his parents, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Robert Inglls, of Main street.
Miss Mabel Edwards, of Glyphant,
visited lclatlvcs in this place yester
day. MOOSIC.
Mrs. Kate Hill left Tuesday for PhlU
delphla and Atlantic City, where she
will spend two months.
The Glen Tannery Sunday school will
hold a picnic today at Church's park.
Everybody Is invited. jf
Miss Elizabeth Gieene is visiting her
brother at AVyomlng.
Misses Lou and Ethyl Hutchinris are
attending the Pan-American exposition.
J,rs. George Grlfrith and family are
spending this week in the country.
The fourtecn-months-old daughter of
Mr. and Mis. James Bioivn, of Mlnooka
avenue, died Tuesday evening about 10
o'clock, after an Illness of hut a day's
duration. The funeial service was held
at the house last rienlng. Inteiment
will be made at Stroudsbutg today.
Rev. nnd Mi,. J. N. Bailey have re
turned from Gibson.
Postofllee hours for July 4 arc: 0 30
to 11 a. m., 6 to 7 p. m.
Robertson & Law paid their employes
Miss Nellie Cooper entertained the
H. G. L. club of West Pittston at her
home on Thursday evening.
Willie, the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. John
Thornton, had one ee buined by a
flreci acker on Monday.
Mis. Fiank Burger and daugnters
were visitors in Scianton on Mon
day. Mrs. Joseph Grcason and daughter
Ella, of New York, were the guests
of Mrs. A J. Cooper last w:eek.
Mr. S. E. Broadhead, of Montrose,
spent Sunday with his grandparents
of this place.
Everybody Is cordially Invited to at
tend tlv ginnd celebration on the
brick M. E. church lawn July 4.
The remains of Mr. Moses Belles
were Interred in Marcy cemetery on
Mrs. William Iikcman and son,
Clau He. have left to spend a few weeks
In New Voik nnd Mahanoy City.
Miss Mamie Monies and Miss Ruth
Whitehead aie spending the Foutth at
Lake Idlewilo.
Clarence Williams Is visiting relatives
at Beach lake, Wayne county.
Mr. and Mis. Ellja Wagner are the
guests of Waymurt relatives.
Stephen Colo and family are spend
ing a few days at Forest City.
(.'. H. Get big, of Aichbald, was a
caller in town yesterday.
Mr. John Weiland lies seriously
at his home on Lincoln street.
Rev. Bentley and Mrs. Bentley and
daughter have returned after spend
Insr several weeks at Lackawanna.
Mr. Ellas Schmidt nnd John Jack
son are visiting friends at Lake Carey.
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller left yes
terday to visit tho Pan-American at
Mr. James WatklnB, of Throop
street, had his foot badly crushed
while at work on Thursday at Stoirs
No. J.
By Eulualv Wire from The Aamclated PreM
Tunkhannock, July 3. Engineer Hollander met
terrible death on Monday nlsht near W'jalitiln?
Hi un employed at engineer ol train No ,!,
ul.lch'piMed through lunlhannock at 12.K a
in. Near Wanting, while p.ii'int a fast (return
train, a projection from one of the car struck
him, cnuhiriK in hl aide and tearing his rltht
arm from II aoekct. He only aunlicd lor a ifij
thott time,
LtfajcMe n t'tatt, of Ltceyiillc, is a illoc
In ton Wednesday.
Marrlarc Ijcenaea were iued on Wednesday to
George U. Drown, of Meshoppcn, and Mln Adelu
Fleman, of Windham! Clarenee A llamn, of
frprlniriille. and Mlw Mahel K. Ilincock. of I'.lk
bake, Frank Poughertv and Ml Orate Shelp, of
Springilllc; William Cook, of Lathiop, ami tMie.ui
Pratt, of Mehoh-on.
The cutler along tho south side of Mirlon
tirct Is being paved by a forio of men under
Mreet CemmUfloner Carpcnlei
Harry Welch nnc! fjmlli, of Mi re, arc vll(ln
friends nnd telatlve t this place.
Miss flrace liorelle, ol Wllkes-Rarre, b the
guet of Mr and Mrs. George I'. Kuti
Mr and Mrs. Thomas Citimin die viMtlng friends
at Bangor, la.
Mrs Samuel Kienliaeh, Is the rsuest of Mr
and Mrs. V., N, Stone, at (huico lake, in ccntul
New York.
The defunct Cr.wtal steam liundry hu been
rcfiifcllalfd with John I) tlronn ai proprietor
and he appears to be getting a share ot the
Samuel S Day, the iee man, Is the hulrt
man In toun. The dajs are all too short for him
In his efforts to supply tho demand for crystal
The postofllee Mill be opened today from 0 SO
to It. SO a. m. snd from 1.30 to .1 p m
There will be celebrations today at Meshoppcn,
Wj alining, Spring! ille and Weit Nicholson
Chlr Kdwln .V. Stone, of the Wjoinlng Na.
tlcnal hank, Is spending a week with his lamily
at Owaseo lake, near Aubnrn, N. Y.
John Towncnd, the tailor, has returned to this
place from Homer, N. Y., snd will open a thop
In his old rooms in the slckler block on Tioga
The contract for fumhhlng the eoal supply
for the borough schools for the coming jcar
has been let to Cuher r Carey, of Bridge street.
The Blaik Diamond Pilot company, of this
place, has Ju't completed the contract of paint
ing the county bridge at Mejhoppcn.
Irving W, Billing", of Nicholson, a well known
buslnosa man and veteian of the Civil war, was
in town Wednesday on a business trip.
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
Harford, July 3. Rev. Mr. Harris, of Welsh
Hill, exchanged pulpits with ltei. Manwell on
M'm rtulh Jackton and Miss Nellie Ticked, of
Scranton, are fpending eoinc time with Miss Pick
ett's slMrr, Mis. Louis ltuidkk.
Joe bneetsrr has secured a position in a meat
market in Setanton
Mrs. Kduaid Mi.ler snd son, Leon, of New
tork, are visiting llarrj Miller.
Mr Krink, ot Montrose, is clerking for U. M.
Harlord Cornet band will furnish music at
Gibson on the lourth.
Gertrude Bonner visited Mrs, H K. IXsbrook
last week on her way to the Tan-American
Mrs Henry Grant, of New Milford. is visiting
the Very sMers.
Rev. rieher and fiTiily are spending their va.
ration at Long Island.
Mr Mackey Is improiing his barn by building
underground stables
Miss Artie Itanom closed a very sucrewfjl
term of school Tncsdiy at the Harding school.
Ice cream and cake ere served
Winlord Tiffany is driving the Gibson stage.
Miss Heed, ot Hallstead, is visiting her friend,
Grace Harding.
Dr Low rev's children, rf Carbondale, are visit
ing their grandpaient, Mr. and Mrs. An Ham
mond. The Orgenf Need
o! fh? N?u) Soiilh
Trom a llecent speech bv Richard H. Edmonds,
Lcitor ot the Manufacluieis' lie cord.
TIIC S.TORY is told that at some coniention
theie was a loll tall of stairs, and a dele
gite Ironi each was required lo tell of the
chief productions and advantages of his
state. The delegate from the Dakota painted a
glowing plctuic ol the waiing wheat fields
stretching for mile alter mile, and with an
abundant harvest, making glad the heart uf the
hajpy farmtr 'ihe tahloinlan told how small
wrre Ihe riches of the gold mines of his state
as compared with the richei of its soil; before
our longing ejes ou eau apjiear the vlne.iards
and the ounce groves, the roses blo-oming be
neath the glorious summer sun of winter dais,
and In jour heart you earned for a home in
such a land (.dorado came, with its story n(
rugged mountains bursting with untold mini rat
wealth. In the long list of states each claimed
a rare combination of natural icsourccs and ad
vantages until Massachusetts was leached Ihe
speaker from that state said: "I have hratd with
great pleasure of the wheat fields of the west,
of the fair Pacific coast land that flows wirh
milk and honey, of the iron and coal of Tmn.
sylvania, and of the south with every advantage
which natuie could bestow upon that favored
land, and 1 rome to tell ou that in my state
we have nunc of these adiantages, but with us
the thief product is brains."
And he was right. It has been said that in
phnting corn the rilgnm Fathers had to drill
holes In the rock and in each hole diop a her
ring as fertilizing agent But on that roik
bound soil the people of that state have built a
civilization which the south may well stud.i
With limited agricultural possibilities, bu.ving
fiom the south their cotton, fiom Penncylvania
their lion, from Maryland and Virginia their coal,
from Georgia their pine, and trom the west their
foodstuffs, and evm itnpoitlng from Canada and
l.urope their mill operatives, they haie estab
lished on this artificial found it Ion an Industrial
sttucture which demands our admiration Their
ihlef product mult have been brains, or else
they could neier have accomplished so minli;
and never has Ihe value of such a pioduct been
more clearly demonrtrated than in Massachu
setts. With a population of only S.'JOn.fM in
1S10, and on this artificial foundation ol Import
ed law materials and foodstuff, Massachusetts
in 159H had an Industrial business which emplojej
a capital of $0,000,000, with a product of $5S,, analnst a tolal capital Invested in manti
facturing in the same sear in the fourteen south
em states from Marland to Texas, of $iT57,nnO,niV),
with a rrnduct of 71,OM,ooo In other words,
the 2,230,000 people in Massachusetts took our
cotton, our lumber, our iron and the west's rood,
itutfi, and produced lJ.non.onn more of manu
factured goods than we pi educed in the south.
- o
Shall It be taid that in the creation of busi
ness the foundation of civilization upon which
must reit our schools, our churches and eiery else that combines to life worth liv
ing- Marsachusrtts has greater brains or puts Pa
bums to betler u-e thsn the South The an
swer mutt bo with is. If we fritter anay cu
time nltli trifles or with crosi roada politics ws
shall lose the substance while graMMng lor the
shadow If we esteem the lawjer, the doctor or
the professor more highly than we eiteem ll e
nan who can chain the lightning and turn it to
man's use, more highly than the engineer who
can open up 1 1.- lirhes of our iron and coil and
told mines, more highly than the superintendent
who can direct the whirling machinery of a cot
ton mill with Us thousand operatiirs, we thill
fail to realize the value of bialns or understand
that education ilocv not ronsivt altogether in
book learning, A few weeks ago three prole,ior
ship, in a Virginia college, each paling W.tflo,
mie vaiant, and 600 learned men applied or
these positions Had there been an equal number
of vacancies requiring tialned skill In the nun
agement of some Important industry In the
Scuth, would there have been eicn len applna
tlens from thoroughly competent men! And .vet
the tialned expert, who In the mine or in the
factory la able to do the work which tho world
requlies, is doing fully as much for hla own
lx rent, his own happiness, ihe broadening ol hit
own life and the sdiancement of the people sur.
rounding him as the man who Is teaching Greek
or Latin.
To soma extent we of the Routli have (ailed to
T. A. Courtrlght, A. R Principal of
the Georgia Noimnl and Industrial In
stitute, nnd editor and proprlftor of the
"Georgia Helping Hand" vviltes the
following Rlowlnc words concerning
Peruna, and Its efficacy in the cuie of
He says: "Having experienced such
beneficial effects fiom the uw? of a few
bottles ot you catanh remedy Peruna,
It affords me nleasuie to add mv tcxtl-
monlal to the long list you must nl-
appreciate these facts Massachusetts his nppre
ctalid them Vrnni the vcrv btginniiig her l'
tle n allied tlie ImiiorlaiKP ot bending fver
energy lo business advancement, knowing that
with the increase in riuploiment and wealili
would tome education and culture rmplojimiit
lust, und then belter rducationil fieilltirs as v
natural sequence. In cicating business we lay
the Inundation for the time and llnineial ability
for education The attention of tin- south must
be focused upen tho fact tint in the coming
.vrais the men who arc to itominitf and emir"!
this section in finance and in politics, In tnann
facturing, In the church and in the school, nn
the bos who today aie being flttrd in technical
schools for managing Its industrial aftuis Our
material adianccinriit an) the put the
people ol the south must play In the upbuilding
cf their own sectim will be in proportion as wo
tend mn energies upon tin hioadul technical
education of the rising generation.
Increase of Cars to Train Load tho
Key to Fiofits.
Call Hoiey in inslees
Ralltoadlng, In Its beginning and
throughout its exubeiant outh, was
a business which made use of nerve,
a big head for pi. inning and plotting,
and a constant slnp-dash application,
after which the returns were pietty
sure. Nowadas it is all as sophisti
cated as a cash register. A successful
year Indicates that nomo one has
taken enormous pains to study the
lUures and that the icsillt of his dill
genie, has be -n a pretty accurate
knowledge of the clars of business that
would pay.
A lallroad can lea freight nnd pas
sengers for a living. The managing
head. In older to dliect the business
ptolltably, must know what it costs
hlin to provide the scrv Ice for w hlch
the public pays. Comon sense and the
Instinct of self-piesi .-atlon demand
th,s course at once, but they aie not
ro forward In suggesting what is to
be done first. How can one come at
such a knowledge'.' It costs so much
annually to maintain the tiack and
the terminals so much to pay the
snlarles of the tialn crews, jaidmen,
cleiks, officials and a law depart
ment, too. How much, then, will it
cost to cany six carloads of potatoes
one hundied and fifty miles out on the
main lino to Herryville'.' The problem
looks Ilk" one by which cunning ped
agogues advise little boys that It is
Impracticable to add hens and geese
together in the same rum, or useless
to seek to know the cont of seven and
seven-eighths pounds of butter In a
catch question where you aio told only
the pi Ice per pound of laid. The dif
ference is that the railroad figures do
show a glimmer of r-t-nsc. Rut this
proves to bo a wlll-n-tlie-wisp leading
nowheie. Nothing can be done with
them until you have .elaiighteieil most
of the items wholesale, nnd have ar
bltraarlly selected a few promising
ones with which to do huslness.
Let us say the line can led, In the
ear 1VO, Sii.noo.OOO tons of ft eight a
dlstanro of olio mile, the work has,
been measured, with this lesiilt, which
stands on tho bonks as oO.C' "ton
miles." The pay for dolrg the work
me.isuied also, aveiaged four mills to
a ton mile, so that the total revenue
from the fi eight business for that year
amounted to $.'00,000. The expense la
to be measured by a unit which Is
called the "train mile." in this in
stance It Is the trelght train mile. The
Immedlato cost of running a fi eight
train a mile can be computed leadlly,
and It includes: Cost of tuel for the
locomotive, and wages of an engineer,
a fireman, a conductor, a couple of
brakemen, and a flagman. The number
of cars may be anything you plense so
far as these expenses aio concerned,
for It will not nffect them much. In
the present case, say that the average
tralnload was 400 tons, a large, but n
iciund flgtlie. Theiefote the number
of train miles that had to bo run to
earn the J:'00.000 was 123,000. Train
mile cost vi as reckoned at 75 cents.
Therefore, we have: Expenses, J9J.750
profit, ?10ii,2;n. Not the actual profit,
to be suie, but wo get on better by
keeplnu; the geese separate from tho
hens, and the figures have their use.
Take the companies report for tho
folouing vear. inoo. The same work
was done, let us say, In r.0,000,000 ton
miles. The aveingo tralnload, how
ever, was nOO tons. No wonder the
road tound itself with more- money
to divide than It had In the ear 1VX.
For, by Incieaslng the tralnload tho
number of tialn miles was lessened,
and tialn expenses weie Inevitably
reduced to tho tune of neaily $19,000.
Thf gross lovenuo lemalned, of course,
the same.
The llguies are disgracefully rough,
but they tell the truth. They shout It
thtnugh a megaphone. Tha way to
mako money Is to Inn case In train
load. A well-known technical w liter
In Wall stieet calls this "tho touch
stone of successful or economical rail
roading." To save train miles is to
save money diop by diop, to save lt
with n suie piomlso of drops enough"
In all to make an ocean.
If You Have Headaches
don't experiment with alleged cur ',
13uy Krause's Headache Capsules,
which will cure any headache in half
an hour, no matter what causes it.
Price 25c. Bold bv all diucclits.
ready have, Judging from the many dif
ferent cases I learn of most every day
"I was Induced to try Peruna hy thi
ndvice of a friend, and certainly bellevs
that suffering humanity would be re
lieved It they only gave Peruna a fill
trlnl. Would that I could frame words
sufllclcnt to expicss my gintltude for
the benefits! derived from its use." F.
A. Courtrlght, Greenfhoro, On.
The most common phases ot summer
catarrh aiocntanh of the stomach and
boivels. Peruna is a specific for sum
mer ratal lh.
Mr. Win. Hobloy, Duqueane, Pa,,
wiltcs: "I am cured of catnrrh ol
tho stomach of two years standing-.
I had it so bad that I could not eat
anything but milk. I doctored with
several doctors and they could glvo
mo lclief for a short time only. I
siw Peruna recommended nnd
thought I would try It, nnd now I
think I am cured of Catarrh. I hnvo
worked two months nnd did not losa
a day."' Wm. Hcblcy.
Mr. Moses F. Merrill, Columbus,
Cherokee Co., Kansas, Rual Route No.
3, writes,
"I lmd been troubled with systemtlo
catarrh. which affected the lower bowels
especially. 1 was troubled with running
off of the bowels and troublesome ca
taithof thebionchlaljuibes which caused
spitting of thick mucus. Since taking
Peruna my Improvement has been
wonderful. My bowels nro regular
as clock-work. I can now eat llko
other pcoplo nnd my vltuals di
gest." Mooes F. Merrill.
If you do not derive prompt and
sntlsfai tory results from the use of Pe
duna, write at once to Dr. Hartman.
giving a full slntemcnt of jour caso
and he will he pleased to give ou his
valuable ndvice giatls.
Address Dr Hcilman, President of
The Haitman Sanltaiium, Columbus,
Cor Sixteenth St, and Irving Place,
Ameilcan Man, $3 .',0 Per Pay and Upwards
l.uiopran Plan, tf 00 Per Da and Upwards.
Special Hates to Families
lott.ioi-ioil i:nt ISlti Street.
The.ll 1 KFKSO.N l a thoroughly flrst-clsss
f smily a nd transient hot el. olTeringat a mini
mum cost anifixlmiimonuxur) andcomfort.
On 16th street Just cost of Union Squsre.
it Is within a few minutes of the leading
shops, theatres snd clutis.
European Plan, $1,00 up.
American Plan, $2.50 up.
Suites with Private Bath, $2,00 up.
For specisl rates guides or Information write
JOIIV i;. ( II1T(II.I1. l'roprletor
it i iTrmnsmaj,
For Business Men
In the heart of tha wholcsala
For Shoppers
It minutes' walk to wanamnKers;
S minutes to Biegel Cooper's Ills
Store, lasy or access eo cuu ticac
Dry Good Stores.
I For SisMsccrs
j. rin. hlnrk from B'wav Cars, elv-
j. lnc easy transportation to all
points or Interest.
Cor. 11th BT. & UNIVERSITY rt
Only one Block from Broadway
D.nm, CI lire lenSIAURANT
T flOUUlS, .PI UU. pricM Kcasombls
iiuuuia, vc s up. pric
sS,4. HV-f-f -f -f-f--f-f -f--
JSProf.G.FJHEEl,527 sTOW
rgU IhiUsltlphU, F. ittlT Ciprm.,1, per Kit, irtf
n trarrlf. rurn.nt?M to rnr In bj utll rrlit
i uttiiiyrts(frHnrutf iaiiianiinirfM,niisii
i Istriroffl A MrlriomUofuttliiir., 1 nit. on-
inarm nsai ' si.i-s- ii..-. iv .--.-... . -. ,.--.-..- - -
.m noting ttrrr nuxllr. ) rlrttrlral fr-nurl. 31 ml Ion i.vt
ss - .- -- - 4
x Every Womars
sV-CS WA UtntfrcMittnn1hniiidKnow
fv .vi WV about the wondnfu
INURVtL Whirling Spray
Tlie new ntlml hjrlnfp . Jnjec
fwnuni nainnn irii -..
M- Mom omenieni.
(lltIDvt iDkiiniij,
A as i .llilt Tor II.
II ti iinfttupily Ihfl
tl tit l HI., n. . Htlnn
nil,, r. hut ktstul JtMinii frr It
iHAiri.tM hool(-iH It cup
mil ntriii tilfirs. nnd tiiit-rtinn In
nli.a.l"tc,nil!i HHyCO.(
noorn sW, Times Hn , .New iajk,
World Changes Contemporaneou
with Solar Activities.
Irom Everjbodj'a Magajine.
it has been found that tho earth'i
magnetic and eleetilcal conditions, an
well ns teirestilal weather effects,
closely synchronize with visible solar
manifestations. Here is the most in
teresting yet most perplexing problem
In the study of the sun: and within
this Is hound up knowledge that may
some day open wide an ample page of
Inestimable benetlt to man. What
bonds theie are between earth and
sun, aside from the matter of light and
heat, may some time cleat ly be learned
and the probability that periodic va
riations of weather are due to these
solar influences Is something that will
be of vast value to understand Di
vining, as it Is vulgaily understood. Is
merely the duping of fools by charla
tans. Rut what If divining be put
mon the plane of science " Today Sir
Norman Lockyer, the British astronn
mer, has practically demonstrated that
certain world changes are simultane
ous with ceitaln solar activities By
slmplo processes he Is able vlrtualy
to forecast the famine and the flood
His deductions nro strong and clear
and hy no means is any condition tak
en for granted. Some time ago he was
led Into this study tiy noting the co
incidence that sun-spot maximum and
sun-spot minimum Intervals of great
est and least activity In the solar body
worn accompanied bv corresponding
dlffeiences in the Indian rainfall. A
scrutiny of the famine commission re
porls for the last half centuiy showed
him that tho famines that h ive devas
tated India during that peilod have
occutred.n tho Intervals between these
two pulses of rainfall. In addition,
extieino low water In the Nile has oc
curred at tho same peilods.
Stabbed to Death by n Sailor.
f)y 1 elusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Philadelphia, Julv .1 -Puling a fight this af.
ternoon on boai J, the llrlllsh steamship Verra,
which is lying fi Ihe f!reenvh piers in this
city, Ruffl l.lovanm, a sailor, stabbed Ilobert
Patterson, ol Newport, Englvnd, Ihe ship's car
penter, with a laMe knife Patterson died within
half an hour attar lb asssuis.
tx l III