SfU Vst, '.''" '-1 tibune. .i- cV'. ,. '.V.v.'-t Jr . -"- 'T c THF; ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THI: COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCJKANTON, PA., THURSDAY MOIIXLMJ, JVLX 1, 1901. TWO CENTS. k:'' i9flMnrfH'iA' v7k. QJ t i Hi I ill "" r- bJdT!b.Vv AJR'n DHiUMwim TKnY HI1Vn'riK"V VTIf : '- iWW rTflTiinnnnwii--iM- - , , , i r..,- ' IM flH 1IM I.M IV IM UM lM - m TMkA. 4n LB.KTV(WIIBn.VVJl TUMLTR lknr yj ' 'sff!!i9vKStDi(3fiSffS99 THE HOT WAVE'S DEATH HARVEST Total Number ol Deaths in Greater New York In the Last Six Days Is 600. RAIN AFFORDS RELIEF Tho Morgue and tho Hospitals Crowded Suffering from the Heat and Fatal Results Nearly as Great in Philadelphia as Upon the Pre vious Days Whon Tomperaturo Was Higher-47 Deaths and 250 Prostrations in Quaker City Tem perature at Othor Points No Im mediate Belief Expected. Pi li bene Him fr in llu Is.oenltd Press in lllllgtoil .Mll .! lint Wtatllor i minuted todav in in 111 1 all mi Hunt cist of the lieitkv mountains, hut up a I il showed some let up fmui the pic W nils (I i.v. K(miiIs ittelvid it the Wf.uhii hi.io tu tonight lum that t m puiarv l "lit f i. imc fi mil thlinili ishnw ei In man totalities. Time .up no immediate plospoitsof ,i geneial lit ink 111 the hot spell inning Hit afternoon shnwcis in the uppei Ohio valley nnil the middle Atlnntli states tausid a de cided full In tpiiippiatllip. Alinnsl shut lai toiiilltltitii an oxptilcd tomoi low, except that Hip aiea oci uhhh the Ktonns in.iv appiar max lip extended. U Hill lip ivaini again In the morning, weather buu.ni nllli laN sa.v, anil the onlj apiueihihle Inealis In tempoia lilies will icsiilt fiom local htoiino New Yoik. Julv 4 At I.'Sn niloik this (Thin mI.i) minnlng It was esti mated ihut the total deaths fioin the heat In the last s das In Cteuter New oik WHS 1)00. New Yoik. ,lul ,-! Italnstoims of to da. with theli t onscqiicnt fall In tom peiatuie, inn u God-send to thp bulk of sweltctlng hununltj In this tltx As fronn as the last stuini of the uftoi linun had paSM'd oei, the ti nipciatilic iinmcdlaleli Ik pin to niond. '1 he wind whkh hlew dining the stonn also c mummied to abate xoiv lapkllv, until 1 assumed the piopoi tlons ot a slight blti.e onlj. These atmnspheile tondl tloiis (uiiplcd with the eiy eonsldei nblr huiiildltv whkh tame as an aflei niath of the dovMtiall of watu fiom tin ilouds, made the Milfeiing almost ah Intense lus it was when the thei ni'imitei had itglsteicd sPual eltgnts lllRlll. Most of tin hospitals aie alieudv uin.ilod to theli utmost lapatitv and n m of (linn hat ueiteil tents on tlieu gt minds fm tlu aiiomiiiodatloiis of the heat ii thus The death nile has iiu teased with Mltli lapldltv tluil tin innigiio is In ing taxed as it ne"i was before, and eveiv avnlUhlo foot of that institution is now uiuiplcd 1 loipses Hospital ntteiulaiils hip lollapsiiif unilei the I'Xtiaoidlnan sualn to whhli thov h.ivo bun Mibjfitid, ami vvue n not foi tho oluilteeis who hne loine to their aid the sltualloii would be gioat 1 cxnggeiatid b entoued neglect of lKat pitlonts U'hough the amhiilatue seivho has hi on augment! d h Hie addition of uu toinobllis, whhli hue been loaned for thr pin pose. It Is Rieatl inadequate The hoi sum used haw bum mo-u .,ue full mused along o piesoiw theli Hamlin, but notwithstanding tills, main of them liae given out, Theli plates aie biing tilled limn outside s-ouues, and so gieit is the s,ant of available animals bet ausc of tile loinblnatlon of hcu and the gilp with whlih New Voik hoises aie af llli ted, that It has been netossati to i-ond to othei ilties to g.t a fiesh Mtpplx Relief in Rain, Winn the ilit downpour of lain f-tiiuk the iltj toda It was aiinni piniod h tliundei and a lui-sUed l,ilf, whli h Mion iPduied the limpeia tiu tltteeii desiees The humldll mi.le the air so sultiv, howeiei, that the gloat leduition was not peieep tiblp to the exieut wlilih most (ipople w mid Imagine At 1.' 10 oMoik p in, the tempeiatllie leglsteieil 31 degiees and half an hour lutu it had dioppod two degieis Then It inntlntled to fall as the lain and wind appealed, and nt i oMoik p. m. it teglsteied onh Trt desiees. My oiloek, howewu, a list of fom degiees wim noteil. An hour latei the teuipeiatuie had diop ped li.uk one point Then It went foi- aid again ami at ." p m It was 77 d.giePH and at S oiloek Ml degieew I he wind and lightning whlih ae lompanlert the lain did lonsldeiable th n. age In the c It . psptu tally out to- aid? llailem Mam ticen, awnings unit buildings weie lujuted. hut no l"HURltleM weie lepoited. Tlete weie SI deaths and 107 eapes of heat pinstuitlons In the boinugliM ot Manhattan ami the luonx dining thf liniiis between 2 a m. nnd 10 20 p. m today. IN PHILADELPHIA. Suffering1 Nearly as Great as Upon Days When Mercuty Was Higher. Hy l.xilmlip Wlie liom Ihf svicmlrd Prem. Philadelphia, July V, -Although tho tunpetatuie did not leath tho lecoid It nuide jenteuliiy and Monday by four degieen the nufleilng fiom the heat and the fatal lesulta fiom the toirld wave weie neaily as gieat an on the two pieloun dayn The maximum temperatuio today was leatheil nt 2 p. ni., when tho weather bureau ther momutei leglsteieil 98 2-10 degiees. An approaihlng thundeiBtorm then Pent the merciirv downward and at S o'doik tonight, when the Htnrin ar tled the teiniieiatuii liad gone down to SO degiees IlumlditN, liowever, tlieu began to )la Us dcadl putt The Hlnim biotight onl u light Khnwei of lnln, whlili was noon (It tod up bv the mm linked Mtieels and Ftut the percent age of humidity f i oni 40 up to 73. Theie was eiy little air stilling and the humid ntinopheie, notwithstand ing the rnmpntatlveh low tempein tuie left the elty still u an tiutnin fm table stnti'. The reeoid of deaths and piostrntlons piomlsps to Pftual Hint of esterday when moie than lift V died and owr 100 tieisous weie piostinted l'p lo midnight the nuiubet of deaths nttilb uted to the excessiw heat repoi ted simp last mldlnght was more than 47 with the piostiatlona over 200. The latter lepoits f i oni the polite stations and hospiiuls will eonsldeiablj ln nease tlie-e numbets. Piobibly the gieatest suffetors fiom the heat next to hlinmultv weie the hoispu llundleds of them have pol ished simp the hot spoil began Many ludiistilal establlshmt nts weie again flther shut down oi winking slioit lioms It was estlmateit that onl oiie-tlllid of the wotklng popula tion of the Kensington mauufat tilling distill t was -it wmk tnilai. In oidei that heat pntleutM i.m be pinmptlv atteiitled to thcillj authoil tles hnw Issued unlets that polkemen inn s(7t ,n,y neat by team s(1 as to get n pillent tt a hospital iplk kl Tents have been netted In wiilous paits of the i Itj, to i m t foi the itos. tt.iteil Ilopntls ft oni Inloilot towns of the state toll of onlv slight model atinii In the eiosse heat of the two piexlous ilis Neatly all upoit fuither jiios tialions, with hoie and theie a death tllieetly attilbutable to the heat Three Doaths. Wllkos-Ilniie, Jul 'I The aoago teinpoiiituir todav in tin Wwunlng allev was inl In the aftnnoon a raln stnim was thieitened, hut It passed around the alley nnd t lie o was only a light fall of tain, whkh did not tool off the ntmosphoio muoli. Time tleittw nie icpoited hen, at tilliulible to the tonltl wave The nanus of the -Withns an Andiew .ol il a lailiotd laboiot; John Sthu hai k n faim hi.nd, and the twn-jeai-nld .son of Mis. 1'iank Thomas, who liatl Just anlWMl fiom Phil itlolphla. Slie took a stieet tar to sit some ielatles, and the child died In her aims llarilsbuig Jul 3 Olouilv skies saed llaiilsluig fiom the full powir of the sun s ias, and the hlghoM maik loioitled b the theimometer was 91, one digiee lowei th.in e.steitl.t's tem peiatuie '1 he local weathei - bureau ptedkts IhiiutleiMtoims tonight and tomoi tow. No heat piostiatlnns onuiioil today. At Pittsburg. Tit tilling, July !! At midnight the tPinrci.itnic stood nt a living flguie--7 tho talus of the da anil night hav ing seived to telleve the toituie foi the pies, nt at least l'p to midnight twent.v deaths and tin t -eight pnistiatlmis, i uiod bv the ht.it, weie lepoited Din ing the htm in whlih passed ovei this soitlon toulgli' llootge Molli, a gmtl iiei, of liosiive township, was Killed b lightning Kansas the Hottest Place. Kansas I'ltj., July .1 Kansas todiy was the hottont plaee In the nited States, l.eavmwoith antl llutililusnn each lepoilfd 104 d'giees in the shade at p. m iVntial Kansas is expin enilng a niai apptoueh to hot winiU 88 Deaths in Baltimore, r.altimoio, Julv 3 Twent.v -si vt n ad dltlonal de.ttlis tioin hiat weie it poll ed to the polite up to midnight tonight. The giantl total thus fat Is eight) -tight deaths. THEY DECLARE FOR EQUAL SUFFRAGE Resolutions Adopted by Delegates at National Social and Political Convention. Bi Ixilusiic Wile (mm lite AMooutcil I'row Ditioit, Midi, 1 nl v 'i Hie (.otonl njtlonal till an I polillnl trnuiiliun aili (Hiil the (ul louill 10.011111(111 ttlldt "Wi iIciItic I r iiiucl Irisljtii ii ind piopnr Hi nil ii in Mnt uii ii, tllrni rn'iiiiiulii n u( un illilitis ( ir of In c, (iiii1 mllrier fir jll iikirtlliM tf n m mint lniiot i Ik I lnn, tiro liom all I lrlUin ln,iiilnil ill.ui or till ul . illmt t.ixallnn lliiniii.li iiiiiivhr liml t lut - lulu i It ma i mil Iiiiiiih taxi puiilli nmililp i f pulilii iitiitiP, on iIlIi! Ihiiii tin, nli innlml ul tin nininini I I i i Ii.iiiii hi, Hie r ivcimmnt, Iioiih rule i ! 1 1 niiiiRi liuika, Kill- iniiniitp inn! vvniktnni i tn. n-Hl Hi for linlii-lnjl lnjuius, ppp).ltiii In inllilnii'iu ami trmpirt .in I iiIiih hj til pan ful hi lilt i il Ion ilimiinl iiu nine rit-liH ami lib ritii for all n lul iniu ho" In tin' pu'anililo to tlio pi H form the ronfrirmc cvpitnl Us iiitiilrninitltin of innnopollm, tho ci ntrntritlon tf t iltli and the pirunt itPi of this M'ltiimunt v di logartl tu Us liwiUr poieN.inis ()ni of tho fiatuiri of tho morning wv.lon n tlio nliliilrmal fiom tho loufrrrnrr of 1'iofivior (' ilolunnon, of I liliaea, lift time lit- va not pfniiltlnl to i ilk on a rrkolntion aftir the pic v ions rpiehtltin hnl liorn movei THE WAGE SCALE SIGNED, Keystone Rolling Mill Offloials Agreo to Amalgamation Associa tion Wages. Hy tiduilve Mlie from The A.ooiatnl Pien l"ittliiir', Jnl ." -l.nlai the oflklaU of tie hi'htono llolllnc Mill cninpani, of lliis i it Imird the inuli;aniatnl aMitlatlnn hjup ugim. merit The din" relations exktlnj hetHeen ilie kev. tlone rompanv and the Nattonil Inhe lompati), t ne of tlie lari;et of (lie ronMUntnt cmnpanlet of the t'nlled hlolen -lfel inipoiatlon, make" I hi' (.iirnlriBT of the mile todiy a HiiinlHiant -it, in view (f Ilie loinplliatlons cxlitlnir hetween the MMalmnitlt'd ain latlon and the Ainerlrin Sheet sled iinnpan.i, anollitr part of the steel luinhlne Governor Wood Has Typhoid Fever Hy I.'xdu.lvc Wire (roni The Amodalcd Ire. Havana, Jul a The linens fiom width (lover. nor Wtinur lia lieen miffeilnir hat been oflklall' dhbiiowd aa t)phold fevtr, I.at night tliu liur a- Ills It, tint today It inodcratid, AMERICANS WIN FIRST CONTEST Unlversltu ol Pcnnsulvania Grew Defeats the London Rowina Glub at Henlcij. EASY FOR THE QUAKERS They Cover tho Course in Fa9t Timo of 7 Minutes 1 2-5 Seconds Lean dor Also Wins Its Trial Hoat, De feating New College, Oxford. Thames Crowded with Houseboats. fly Fxelimve Wire fiom The odilcil Prem llcnlev-on-Tlianies, Kng , July .! The Unlveisity of l'enns.v Ivaiila eievv won Its heat In the i oiliest lor the (liand Challenge cup bote toda.v. The Quakois weie diawn against tho Lon don Hoat tilth's new, olio of the Ptiongest eiitilrs, Tluy won easily by thtte lengths lit 7 mlnutts 1 j-,1 sec ouds. The I.oamler Hoat elllb's new, the plik of the Ihigllsh nunpotltois this .ear, nlo won Its hint It defeated New College, Oxfoul, but In iiiuih slower time than the lVtuisvlvaiiians lotiulud to defeat London, niimily, 7 minutes 9 seiondf. The time, howevei, In tho pitllmlnaiy heat nffoids no lino fiom whk'h to Judge the llnal. Ilk A merit a it eievv won Its heat In gieat stle, and was nexer extended. It Is fieely ndmltted bv thtise who thought the I.eandeis had .i lottnlnty for the Uiantl Challenge cup that the Aineikaus ate extieinely tlangeious. "I don't like the looks of It said the London's tiew t oat h. "1 thought we might be beaten, but 1 never thought the Amoilians would show suih capabilities." The Philadelphia!!", aftci their heat, dKembaiked at their boat house up p.nently as fiosh as xvlicn thev loft It. Theie was no Mgu of ixh nistioii on the pnit of any member of the uoiv. The htioke, Oanllnci, said "We pulled ptetty lively at the lln Nh, hut thoio was no time In the i.ico when we had any doubt about the, re sult " Kills AVanl, the to. uh, said' ' The eievv did the woik today which T expected. Their performanie, I be lieve, was most 1 1 editable. Hut to me It was In no way a suipilse Theie was no ntlvantage whatevei in the sta tions today, ami all the conditions of the into and the man igeiuent win as pi i feit as possible " "Hoi)" Cook, In his llnal comment on them, said "No Ameili.in crew was over nt Henley with better piospcils. They are in splendid condition find lonlltlont They will, in my opinion, moot TMiidcr In the flu lis, when, I fear, the Englishmen will beat them." Opening Day. Today was le.illy the opening day of the gieat n n mi 1 1 legatta lion, al though, owing to the huge number of entiles for the Thames challenge tup, tin eo heats in the tontest for that tiophy weie towed xestetdax. The banks of the Thames were Until, as usual, by ipectatois and houseboats, claboiately dot orated. The attend ance was much laiger this ear than It was last, although tho effect of the queen's death and the Hoor war was still noticeable. The day was lino; tho mm shone biightlv, but there was a t ool bietze. Vciy few Amerltnns were piesent, while when Yale rowed at Henlev 'ho stars and stilpes seemed to be floating everywhere nnd eveiy piominent Aineikiiii in the land was nmoiig the fcpei tatois. The Peniisvlvnnlniis tame down to theli boit house at 11. ID a m. They all dedal ed themselves fit nnd con fident, l.eandei, which wns to meet New College at 12 R" p in., went out foi a spin, but the Peniisvlvanlaiis tiki not embaik till they went to the start ing point. AVhen rmplio Pitman's launch nr rhetl at the stalling point both crows were waiting. The most enioui aging feature was the perfect nont hnlunco the Amei leans showed, In maiked con tiast to both Cornell nnd Vale In pre vious jenis Without delay Mr. rilman sent them on their Jouiney, Pennsvhnnla lowing W ami London 41 At the end of the l'land the Amei leans led by half u lfiigth. Opposite Paw ley couit, whlih tliey did In ."'-'I, tho Ann i linn weie ilear and lowing a little shoit opposite the Leander cm Insure, ami thete the London ciew made their final effoit. Their spin t was in alu, however. The Pennsxlvanla eight inci eased the distance i.ipldly nnd near the giiind stand hit up the stroke to 40 ami then to 4"!, i tossing the lino nt a tot riffle pnee. Theie was piactlcally no cheer ing. BRIDGE BUILDERS WILL WORK Machinists nt Trenton Decide to Call Off tho Strike. Bv rxrlmive Wiic fmm I lit wochteil Prei. Trenton, T, Juli I The hiving matlnn l.tn todjv irartleally tlrtldtd In till oit tlio trlke In thl tlty, the mrrlein llride roinpinv attrtllng to the men'a ileniandii an I t lit Mthenrle in iclilm "oiks Granting t tie men a mn Imnr dt I he biltlgo tuinpaii' intn aitrpted all tlie I lu'iosltions and tin J aie to re.innc woik tho tli.t of the wtek. 'I he Irinton Iron company rrfnml the ilemanli of the Machlnkts' union M.torilaj and a Urike aa Inaugurated here toda. HELD FOR CONTEMPT. Strikers at York Are Charged with Disobeying an Injunction. Ily Fxcliiiko Wire (rum 'Ilie Associated Press Yoik, .Inly 3 Indue Mcwart todij .imiiiioncil eleven ttiiklm; molders to appeir Intuit lilm mi Tuf.ilay next In ihuw tame ulit tln houh not lie iinprisoned fur contempt if tnnil. 11m men are vlururtl on tlie pititltn if tin "ioik Mannfaiturln loinpany vtltli ilulie'liii; the In JunUlon order lued aeilnst tha tliikliv niolil. era and madilnlsta on Juno 13. NOT SHAVED TOR 20 YEARS. Follow Townsmen Clip Him at His Wife's Request. Ily Firluihe Hire from The Aisneistel Prfni Cotirtliind, Vn , July ii Hefuslng to be tinned or have his hnli cut, Hobeit Jolmsnn got so objei tlonable to his wife that she decided somethlrlg ought to be done. Johnson's heard looked like It had not been shaved for twenty wars ami his hair hung over his shoul tlt rs like a woman's lot ks. Mis, John son nskoil sonie of the merchants to suggest u lemetly. rimillv sewial merchants and sales men dot Idetl to plav batbois till ,Iohn-i-on's looks were liinde moie to Mis. Johnson's liking. He wns cnplttictl, and the business: men would not let him go until they had i lipped nwnv the hair and shnxed the great shnggx' beard. Johnson objet led until he saw his assailants meant business. When ho went to the house nobody knew him, and It took his wife some time to loam who ho was. Hut she rejoiced when she saw what had bet n tlone. DUG UP THREE SKELETONS. Indian Remains in Perfect State on Burlington Island, Hi It lne Wire from The Awoclitnl Preos llilstol, Pa . Julv :(. Intonating idles of tin Delnwiue Indians i.io found nl most ilnllv on Tiuillngton Island, oppo site Hilstol It was the only Island above Phil itlolphla Inhabited 1 this tribe A nuinbii of stone tools, at low -htatK, ett , vwie fount', o.v John Ura ttt n, In IS", and slnie that time eMt'i slonlsts hive often ph Iced up at tow heads. A fivv daw ago a pait of workmen, who aie engaged In beautifying the puk, dug up three nkeletons In a pei fctt state of piisenutlon With the skeletons weie many ornaments, in t ludlng some beads PROPOSE TO RESTRICT COAL PRODUCTION The United Mine Workers at Hazlo- ton Tako Action in the Matter. Ik I xiliiMte Wie fmm The Vjtouitci Piki llitleton, Julv i Hellevlng that the pitsent steatly opeiatlon of the 10I lieiies thioughout tho nntluaclte region is resulting in a. supply of toal far in et ess of the demand, and that "It Is .ibsoluttly netessaiy to keep the mar ket In u stead condition In onlet th it they may maintain the benefits tleihttl fiom the power and form of their oi gr.nlatlon" the Tnlted Mine Winkers of the t-iventh dltilit, In louventlon toiln, dei idetl to lequest their dlstilct oillieiM to att with the olllius of Dis till is 'No 1 anil No. ' to adopt meas uits to pievent ovei-pitiiluition The ti mention unanliiiouslv decided that should the tllstilu ixuutlve boirds tall for a suspi nsinn ot wotk to biing about the detldul irstiltH, Dis trict No. 7 will obev tlie older. If any toipoiatloiis iiIum to t oinmence opet ntlons at the epliiitloii of the con templattd suspension, tin (.xeeiitlvo bo irtiw shall oidei mother general closing tlown of all collleilts until the foimer agtee to re'unie. The net convention will bo held at Iinsfoid. LLOYD WILL CONTEST. Not Satisfied with Results at Luzerne Convention, Ui Ftcltisive Wire from Ilie Associated Tress. Wilkes llarre, lull 1 ( utility Controller Iltijtl, ho was i eanditliti' be on the Hepublli in touniy ituventitii vtsttidav fi r iinomiiiatnn, todiy eivid notlrp on the thiamin of the conn Minn, Hi iv II I lend, that le uonlil lonto.-t the rlc'tt tf hi Mtiitsiful rivtl, . It. link, to a l la e on the t it I ot nnltm the vote of the sond Itgii lathe divtrit t wns le i minted Mi Ilovd ilalmed th' tillers could not acree on tho vote in this ih"trkt and tint lc a Ui fiiudid out of at li i-l one huuilnd votes, width, hail tin) lteu couuttil fur lilm, would hau' kUi'u lilm tlie notiiiti itlun (liiiiinin Hi. I lov 1 consulted to a le-eo inl and in u tt litre siti-faituty to both I.lojd and Dirk wire appointtil to count the vote. The) (tuiplilid tlmr woik it a lain lunir tonlslit Ilie Counlv chiliiiitn aiiiiounttd that he would mt make Known the riult until tomorrow. Ihe whole pioitttliiu it un extraor linarv om. and the outcome in awalttd with n licit intend CONFERENCE OF RABBIS. Sessions at Philadelphia Devotod to Routine Business. IW I'volmiu Win fiuin Ihe touated Pre" Plnhdilphh, Julv .1 luiht'H aensioni of the nl, till (tufiiento of Amtiitan nbliis were tit votid prliiclpilb lo loutine busim-n, 'the re I ort of (halt-) liaij, treasurer, showed an ineieaNp in Ihe amount of conference fun K ho fund, on land i it ir auo weie ".It' H llur lue the Jen" yUW was invested at itittiitt Ihe nttlpls for tilt jtar who "l,tJii, lpcllllilurri, ','HJ. ilio funds on hand at the end of tlie jear were f'.w'i, wlilih have I een inirtasnl slnie ihe tiea mer'n anivd In I'lillaileli Ida, bv nthtr funds tnrmil ovir lo lilm, to J,W7. 1'recuit mimbir thip, 111 At tlie iflernoon nt-slon papers were piesented en muiiintr nhools nun afflliattd wltli tonitirirt' tli ns, and rthlts Itil bl ! II iuneel, I'h I), rt id 1 pap r on "lmlaUm md It II. lltjlom J)i viltpmcnt In tho Nineteenth Ctnlui1 " THEY WANT AN INCREASE. Wagon Drivers at Washington on a Strike. Ilv rxdiKlii Wire from 'Ihe .s.iri(eil PieM tklilnstou, Jul) .'I Milku fir an liuuio ot wamit wis iiistltiilrd hue lidai b) Hi uai.tii ill Ix i K if tin. total bitwerits and nlhu woikiiien toii'itittd wltli (lie bnwnltit l tlrlit ns tit mim! an intrene fiom tin to "six ppr wttk, the Mihhinon fit in IU to jl' an I the itilihs Ih,-..i9 frtm l 1 to l He biettir lefuse to cctede to the demands and mime of them aie dilvlni' thilr own wauous Ihe flrikirs nunibir about IVI perons Hie ilrlv -eia uie inembtiii of the lull latlon of I ahor -- Steamship Arrivals. II) Fxdmlie Hire f.om Hie Associated Press New ork. Inly J Clearttli la Champagne, Havre, 1 uit llkmarik, Hamburg via 'l)inouth and ('hcihouri;; Hirbaiii.vi, Itinucn via ( her bnurir Stllesl. (Jerinanii, livtrpvilj henJln. Ion, Antwerp, (dascow rrived: 1 thlopla, .New ork ('urenslown rrlvcdi Teutonlt, New i oik (or Iikeipool Vmthanipton Virktdi St, lniii, .New York Sailed! I'rlcdrlili Dtr (Jroc (fiom llicinen), New oik. BLOODSHED AT TELLURIDE Excitement Prevails fill Dau Over the Riot at the SmiiQQler- Unlon Mine. THE MILITIA CALLED OUT Two Men Are Killed and Several Others Wounded Other Mines Closed Out of Sympathy for tho Strikoru-A Cabin Blown Up by Unknown Miscreants. By I xdiislie Hire fiom Tlie Associated Press Denver, Col, Julv a A special from Telluilde. Col., nays: The excitement whkh has been pi ev ailing all day over the riot In the Smuggler-l'nlon mine Is lapldly subsiding this evening. The 'outtoveisy lias been satlsfat toilly ad Justed for the piesent and even thing Is epilet In Maish.il nnd Sax ige Huslns Kaily this morning word was lecelvetl in tnvn that theie was conslde'tihle shootine going on at Smuggler ami at i o'clock iniiiiv Illinois weie itllo.it. The ttouble Is only a p.ut ot the Htrlke trouble whlih has been bi ow ing for some time. The first tumor to icath town was that eight or ten hail b cli killed, but this pioved not to b- title, lowevei, It Is positive that Will Jordan was shot In the light hip, Charlis Heikei, superintendent of the mine, had his right aim broken and badly shatteied hy a bullet. Shift Boss Nicholson was shot in the head, and J I.ujan, a .Mexkan tilmmer, was killed. .Tonkin was brought to town this af ternoon bv live of the men who weie woiking for lilm on tho Sheiklan dump Shots were exthnnged most ot the morning between the mlnei.s, deputies antl guards, hut at 1 o'clock all was unlet with the exception of stattet ing .shots. A Cabin Blown Up. Some time todav one of the cabins near the oflke building was blown up, but It is Impossible to learn what damage. If any, was done. The I.lbeity llell and Tom Hoy mill ets have prootlcnllv all gone out In sympitliy antl those piopertles ate neaily Idle In the way ot attlve opet 11 th ns. The m.iMii has ot tiered all sa loons to be 1 loved ftom fi p. in. to 6 a. m. until otheiwlse notified. Tele phone xv Ires have been e ut and then has been no 1 ummunlcatloii between the town and Smuggler IHH all day About 0 tills evening the cotpso of a man wns bi ought to town fiom the Unsiii, nnd It was found to be John R 11 them, .1 Swede mlnei, who was killed by the first shot tiled. Hathem was fighting with the union miners. The shei iff of the county in which Telluilde Is located wlted Oovernor Oimnn for tioops to assist In sup pressing the 1 Intel s, A call for the militia to assemble at their nimoiies at S o'clock tonight was Issued fiom tho adjutant goneial's dopattment antl tlliected to the companies at Den ver and Pueblo, CLOUDBURST IN TIOGA COUNTY Small Streams Suddenly Become Raging Torrents Much Dam age to Proporty. Cy I'm lush e Hire from Tlie Aisoented Piesi Wllllamsport, July 3. A clouilbuist west of the boiough of Mansfield, Tioga count), this nfteinoon, caused gieat destiuctlon to piopeity and 1 lops Small stieams ioe lapully and beiame raging tonents. The house of Homy Benson vns swept nwnv and entirely desltovod, th family escaping with gieat illflkultv. 11 D Biennau's house was entliely HUitotinded b water and all the out buildings washed nua. John Clb-oti lost all his outbuildings. The Sun Mill ing tompinj'o limiting mill was dam agtd JJ.OiiO, all the outbuildings being destiojed. All piopertles on Hiool.lv ti stitet, Mansfield, were badly damaged by the tlslng watei. All eiops are le poited gieatly damaged, No lives weie lost, as far as known, SU 8HIH CHIN ADMITTED. Treasury Officials Decide That tho Alleged Outlaw Cannot Be Ex cluded. Ilj Vxilii'lvo Wire fiom Tlie ssot aled Puss Washington, lul) 1 s..int Smetiiv tailor todav telreripli d Ilie imiiilgrit ion mtliorillis at Sin Iraniiiii 10 admit s, sb, ( ml, w, ui been dttalrud time pinding lh settlement of Ihe qutstliill of ills IILllt lo tutir tills rnlllitl) S11 shi 1 bin t m known 111 ( hlua as 1 man of IhkIi alt lii iiu nis I 1I1I1 be has bun tlas.ed ainoiitt the it xitlut'onl-slH who favor the piolu linn mid iiiiomauiurnt of finlcn tia le in Ihe Oilent. Itr Homo time he has been an outlaw and 1 ven effort was made lo wmre Ills depot ti t Ion to ( hlna 'Ihe In isurv oftttiils, howevrr, Imk tlie view thai, as the 1 nlv ofliiiie fomiintitil It ( bin wis 1 politit it tin, In could not be ex ell did and litnto the action liken HOMESTEAD HOTEL LOSS WAS COMPLETE Tho Guests Escape in Their Night Clothes. Ilv I xclusivo Hlie from Tlie ocntid 1'nss Itlthmond, a , lul) 1 Infoiniattoii mebid at the (teneial rfflies of Hie Hot 'pinigH itun pant heie todav show that Hie loss of Hie Hunt Head hotel last night bv lire was lomplele Hie fire started In the bakei) and .piead laphllv 'Ihe guests were pioiupll) notilled and t.iapul, many of them In their nlcht ilollns, and m t of them loitlnK their Jewiln and Hunks Ihtii wem Mvnal mriow r.eapi. vim) piomliiini and wtaltli) guesta wrrt In tlio Imlrl at the Hum Ihe !n is about . noamO lamelv tmeiiil b) insiiranve, Healthy 11 timers ale dolni; tvut tbhiK to assist tliose burned out, The HonicsUad will be rebuilt it once. TUB NKWS TIII9 MORNING tather Indications Toda t PARTLY CLOUDY WARMCR, 1 IJeneral Death llaret of the Hot Have. Itlot at a Mine in ('.dorado (.rnerul (ioinri it Hsshlntton ("inker Oarsmen Win I'ltil Heat at Henlej. 2 Ueneral -Carbondilc Dcpirtnttnt. 3 Lot 1I-C0M1 nipt (.harnetl in tlie Itocky Glen I ipillv I'ise Imllratlons of a lame I'outtlt 4 lditoil.il Note and Comment. 5 btxal Itidv of Idtvard slioonover Pound Near I ake Iailurr, robnlai' Itemlts in Hie r.liiritlnnal Contest, B I out West snnttn and Suhurl 111. 7 lleneral-Nerthri.tern IVnnsjIiinii. Mnamlal and (onimeiilal 8 lorv -"Hon Ills lliide in i Cod Mine " lxertl-es In (t miiiimoiallon of the Wjomlns; M issitie Imliistrht and I ibor MR. WU ARRIVES IN PHILADELPHIA Tho Great Chinese Statesman Will Deliver a Fourth of July Spoach Under Liberty Bell. Philadelphia, Julv 3 Wu Ting-fang, tho Chinese minister, airlvetl heie to night fiom Washington foi the piu pose of dellv cling the lAuii th ot Julv oration at the public exeiclses at In dependence hnll tomoiinw, antl is a guest at the Hotel Walton, nutlet the watchful eje of a cltv detective. In Washington this moinlng Mi. Wu le eched un nniuiMiioiis letter fiom this eitv, In which the w liter In elTi t said that Mr. Wu would luixe to take the tonsetiuences If he tame hue The minister Immediate lv eouimunli ated with Ch.tltmnn John S Hammond, ot the riiilitlelphin count llnianlc lommit tee, anil asked to he lellexetl of the engagement Chaiimaii llammoiid 11s sured the minister that no bodilv barm would befall lilm, and Mi, Wu, upon this assuianee, decided to keep his engagement. Kver slnie Mr. Wu's nnnie was sug gested as the Independence Day 01 11 tor thete has been Individual ci Hit Ism against his being given the honoi. The u lilt Ipal nigiiment was that Independ ent e Day being puiely an Amei It an holiday and Amei lean 1 Itlzen should deliver the oration. Most of the ciltl clsiu mine fiom cleigjnien and nelthi r the city nor Mr. Wu olllc hilly paid any attention to them. Mi. Wu wns met at Wilmington, Del, bv ,1 ouneH's com mittee and esi'oitul to this illy. At Bioael street station ot the I'onnsil xnnla inllioad tlneeof the i it tletttt Ives Joined the puty and actoinpanletl If to the hotel. Mi. Wu was ndveise to detettlve pioteetlon, sajlng that he hail gnat confidence In the Ametlcan citizen and felt perfectly safe without pioteetlon. He said he undei stood that the Fourth of July was a day of gieat rejoicing antl patilotlsm, anil he came here to enter Into the sphlt of It. The com mittee, how oxer, decided th it pru dence dictated caution, anil Mr. Wu xv ns ncconllngly snfely guanled. Tho exeiilses at Independence hall tomorrow will be undei the nuspkes of the tlty of Philadelphia, nnd aie held eveiy jear nt the histoik hall. Mi. Wu will deliver his oration in the moinlng, nnd in the afternoon, at his own reeiuest, he will witness the nn nilal regatta on the r-chuxlkill ilvti, In x hit h oaismen fmm stxeial of the eastern cities will pii tleipato. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ABE DISCUSSED Important Questions Before Pennsyl vania Educational Association, Pi Ixiluslvo Hir from 'lln ssoclated I'rew Plilladelplili, Julv ' -Ihe atlitiidi of tlie pub He toward the piddle si hools and nuril Iiu p. rtatit tuestfons tiirini; tu edueatioii weie th. t ueel it todav sevdon of the I'liin-th 1111 1 I ,n catlonal awotlttlon al the l.irls' Nt nnal sih 'I John Monow, hiiitilnttntliiit of tlie &iliols if Alleklun), rtad .1 papn un "( ritlt im, .1 1 i-t and I Tijn-t. of the I'ulillo sdmolfl" An aitivt 111 ten ft In the 1 loittdiiiKS was m.inili -ltd bv Hit pttlai.oi.uiii lullnulni; the ili-i u-lun of the paper Piofessor Itlix V S hellinir,. 1 1 lie I 11 ver.il) of PenriMhania, it ad 1 aptr tu the "I tililv of tilt- stucii of I ileiiluri ," and Mrs 1 ininx Thorn 1, ol RoxboiniiKh lead a paer on Ihe New and Did Ctiographv " t tlio xfternoon niietini; thtre were tonftr em es in the departments of iluld stub, kuuhi (rutin work, ait, toiinti supirvislou ot sthiuls nnil tho mis-loii ot Kiainrn.ir and lull iiuidiale S1I100I1 In tie evetilni; In tlie nsstnibli 100111 Hi N C htiiaitbr niatle an address on "Inteistale (omit) In school Mlalrs " Ile wis followed b) llr I T Itothiotk iinmiiK-lonii- of foitsliv, who five an illii-traled le e lute on ' iltaiitifnl l'uin-.tl vaila" FREIGHT HANDLERS STRIKE. Ovor 300 Cars Are Tied Up at St. Louis, Hi I xi.hii.iie Wire liom lln- ix.ialod I'rtss st I 011U, lull .1 -"liikini; fnlkht hindlriit In tit iillioael v mis it List si Iouis now nunibir Ton 111111 (if this nunibtr tM) are drliim if tniisfir w irciih, who went out tuda) in jiiipi li) wllh lliell ft How workiiuti Not 1 wheel is inn llur iioiind tlie fi.klit lnds and Mi fiiiubt 1 iu ale in 1 pusiili n m be un b it. 1 Mam if Hum ale Imiltil Willi hulls, vet'ii ilihs an I nlhu piii.hible kiuU I inr thf totil inuniiiiK tf Mi Ike is was In tieaMil to l.sirt men ( leiks tu lln iiuinlu 1 if no, who Weill nut In svinpilht wllh Hie fuiKlit Inn. Hi is, weie 1 111 lulled In Ills total Diput) Vln.hils aie k'Hidiiu Hn udllia. betaiM ihe irepeilv is In tin hands if lln mints No lln blue Ins been li'llid in mil ipurtir, but evtn polite are beitiu: hell In risim at the btati. ns POOL ROOMS RAIDED. Eight Arrests of Alleged Principals Are Made, Hi Mdusiio Who (10m Ihe Woenied Press Ntw oik full t - Ihiee allegisl pool rooms, sltuatce ill the bmir see lion of tlie litv, weie rildid this afternoon al the hnUnie of Hie New ork soilit) foi Hie I nf nieiuent if ihe lilml rial Law Vcrnts of Ihe otel) n iiiplalnee) in the rilslrlit attiune) of tlie pints ind s.Uiant pit Irkt Attome) Sheunan pei.oiulh loiiduited Hit I a Ids In alt, elsht attests ol alleged prinilpals were made and Ihe mm held for ixamliution in polite court. GEN. GOMEZ AND PARTY ARRIVE He States That His Visit to th United States Has flbsolutclij No Political Slonlllcance. CALLS ON THE PRESIDENT In an Interview of Half an Hour Hi Expresses Personally His Grati. tudo to the United States Govern ment for Assistanco Rendered in tho Struggle for Cuban Indepen dence General Fitzhugh Loo's Opinion of tho Patriot. fir Vxilnslio Hire from Hie AssiUUcd Press. Washington, Julv S (ionoial Oomez ami paitx niilvttl at the wai tlepait liieut at 10 M loilnv After a shoi t toilleieilte with the senetniy of war he went to the white house to see the piesldeiit While (Juieial (Joine. was at the tlep 11 tint nt be met (10ne1.ll Mile". Although the toinmander ot the I'tilteil States ninix has been se eial times in rub.i, he ami the coin in iiulei of the C'ltbin nimy never met befoie. Set total V Hunt eseoitetl Cleil ei.il ( lonie. to tlie white house nt 11 oMotk this foi 1 noon The Cuban geneial was at 1 ompanletl by his son antl Seiuu (itiiiils, the pilvate sccre tniy of (ienei.il Wood The piesltlent 1 01 eli eel the pattv et conllally In the ml pailoi The Intel view lasted about half up hour anil at Its conclusion, Clenera dome, leltei.ited thiougli Ills Intel lit c ler tint his mission to this country Is. ill 110 way polltkal. lie iiiine heie to xlslt his old fileutl, Sennr Palinii nnd tleslietl, befoie letiiinlug to Cubi to see 1'iesldeiit McKlnlev, foi xvboni In bus .1 xeiv high legaid nnd to ex. pi ess to him peisonullv the deep giat Itllde he felt foi the assistanco of tht Tnltitl States in the Cub in struggle No political toplts, ho said, had beer tone lied upon dining the Interview xvhlch wns pm clx soclil. The piesl tlent Invitttl (icntial Oomez to be his guest nt dlnnei tonight to meet the memheis of the cabinet now In the city and a number of senatois. Setretaiy Hoot lemaliieil with the piesident for a short time after Oeiieial CJotnez hat' deputed When he left he said thoio was absoliitel) no polltkal slguiflc nite III the visit of Cleneial Gome. The general lie said had never befoie met the piesident nnd the call was one ot jiuie comics) nR Clone ml Gomez did not feel th it lie should 1 ot 111 ri home vv Ithotit seeing President Mt Klnley and paving his lespicts and thanking hltr for what this tenmtiy has tlone to. Cuba. Gen, Lee's Opinion. (ienuiil lTthugh l.ee was among those who lulled 011 (ionoial (Jomez at bis hotel 'Ihe v st mallet that In tel estlng period when Cleneiiil l.ee win the Aim 1 It an 1 onsul geneial at Havana ami (Joint ! was leading the Cuban con tingent In the Held When asked for his xlew of (liiieial (5ome7, (icneial I.i e s.llll "I am one of those of the opinion that If It had not bt en tor Clonic? s Indomit able peristome the dihniis would not have held out until aid tame to them fnmi the I nittil States, it was not so mikh ns a llghtu that he distinguished himself, foi time was not much fight lug to do on 11 1 uge i-iuk', Hut he held on In spite- of all tlNt ouiagenient anil wllh nigged hnni'stx lesistid the ef foi ts of the Spanlnids to bribe him or his gem 1 als Hi even lusm d an onlei' that anv utile or seeking to eoriupt tho Cuban gentials be elicit ami while I was at Havana one of the Spanish olll cets who sought to establish lelatioriH with Cuban ollheis who sought to es tablish lelatlons with Cuban ollkeis aetiuiH.v mfli led death when he fell Into the hiuitls of (iniur). tollmvers It was his s-entlinental peiseveinnte In n forloi 11 hope w hl h distinguished (lumps ami whlih won Cuba hoi Independ ent e " Dinner to Gomez. Washington, Julv ! Ptesldont Mc Klnlev gave a dinner at the vvhlto house tonight In honoi' of cleneial Maximo Clomt? The affair was with out politit al slgniikniiie antl was given as a mtik of touitesv to tho distinguish! d Cuban ami foi the put pose of enabling him to moot some of the otiliiils of this government Only gentlemen weie Invited, the guests In dudlng the nienibeis of the cabinet now In the it, jepn sentatlves of tho niixv ami aimv antl a few others The table was i-et in the pilvate illnlii,' loom The M.ulue band plnved. Atttr the dlnnei, the guests letlml to the poitlio unci enjojed their 1 ignis in the open all I.atei in the evening, (ionoial Gome, and thoso who tame lo Washington with him, letuineil to Washington. Corporations Chartered. Ik I'xtlusbe Wire from The VssniUled Presi llirrbbiutr. lull I ( haitetei Wfre issued bv the state' tit pii limit todiv tu tht follow mis cor 1 1 rations' Wuuii-biro M iiiufai luring toinpinv Hnini-lumi eapllil, 'stititHI 11u111an Mato will' Vllenliiwn tapilal, 7VI1111I People's Huler iitnpini, ( nun iisbuiK. taptal. 1 (loo ( ow inslianneik In It pi 11 hit Mrphone toniiinv, Ituial albv, Vinistioi toiiulv, upltil, sj,ji YESTERDAY'S WEATHEF. loeal dila foi I ilv 1. ll)f Ihjlii.t limp r tine 1 1 wim timini iiuio nl decieet "l eiesrees Iltlatlve llunildltt Sim . M per ient H p 111 .71 per crnt Pn iplt.illnn 21 li mis endtd 8 p in , 0 H inih, nratlirr, pirtl) ibud) -----f-r-f-f-f-r -f -f HVs). WEATHER FORECAST. H'arhlnBlon, lul) 1-loretlst fir Past ern Prnnnkanli. Hann llnirsday morn linsi 'i"l ildj Imil ihunder stormi In af ti'rnoen, Ki lit i.v . (air and warm, variable -( winds. ftt-f-'t--f-f-t--f---f-f'f ---ft J