8 ?HK SCH ANTON TRIBUNE- WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 190L INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR MEN GO BAOK TO THE CLIFF STREET SHOPS. Nearly the Entire Forco Was at Work Yeiterday-Othor Will Be turn on Friday Now Railroad from Wind Gap to Jacobsburg. Tho D. L. & W. Board for Today. Employes of tho Harry E. and Forty Fort Collieries Have Gone Back to Work. AMith exception f tin- return to voik ycHlcrriay itioinliiK f the Rt enter .trt of the woiklliK fir'(' "f the Amerlemi lieotnotlU' company's CHIT utrect ftliops then.' weie no now le plopnientM in tin- strike situation, riactlrnlly all the men repotted for duty, nntl the iciiiuliutnr will icstimo wnrlt nfler July 1. The reMtitiiptlon of woik at the loco motive ilmp did not seem to bother Hie Htilkets to any extent rteiiln na they said that lintltlns elc could bo ox pert ed until nil the- locomotive Pliopi nited as a mill In iiiesontliitf their demaiiilx for the nine hour dn. Tho metal traded count II met yester day afternoon and the Kcdoinl Trades Villon last nlsht hut no liti-lnc" of Importance wax lnin.u td. Anothor Rnilrond. The l.chlKh New KiirIiiihI lJull toad tonipany h.m sutveyed n line fiom Wind (Jap 'to ,Iiiio1h1iuik la Aluta nnd Cln Hllnii SpiliiK to the T.e Jilch i her. M. I'. MtC.rutli litis the i ontract to liiilld four miles of Un load, lie will lieKln uoik luiinecllate ly. The teimlnuH of the load will he near Allentown. The load will i;he Allentown. In which city the tetmlnal will ! lo ratcd. and IleadliiR a shoi t line to the New KiiKl'ind Htate. nnslneer W. J. Vountr is suri.lnB and loiatlm; the line and .1. .1. llleiilzlenian. of Naza leth, the peneial iiReiit. is Rettlnp the ilcht of way fiom Wind (Jap to Slat liiRton. 1'p to date he has eeured rlt,'ht over M miles. The jdtles of Allentown and KeadliiR have offoied laipe M-iluntury suh-crlptlons to the company for an extension In thelt detection. Iron and Conl company who havo been on ntrlke for the last two weeks, ie turned to work Monday mornlnc They went out because a non-union carpenter employed nt the Harry K. mine, and would not join the union, wnn not dlscluiiRod by tho company, This man quit it few days ro and when the strlkets then wanted to ic turn to work they found that ttio company had announced the suspen bIoii of woik Indefinitely. The com pany announced Its wellhiRncss to woik Monday morning nnd the men returned to the mines. THE FOURTH AT LODORE. D L. & W. Board for Today. The following is the make-up of the D., L. nnil V. boat d for today: i Milton, .llllj s, rn it i.-n,.iri.Y2. Wild Calf, l.i-l-' p in, (Scornc Thomas. WKDMXi.W. .11 I.V 3 Wild Pals. l,a,t-12.:,0 ,i, m. M. .1 lli-nnizan, 8 a. m., II. llUhlnsi fl a in . O Itimlolrli. W 1 m.. .1. Burkhart: 1 p. m.. .Mm Vnnlcll ttitli II r.illieans crrw; S p. m., A. 1'. Mulkn, rt p. in , M. laufhntj. f-ummlts, Mi-fi ,1. tit , fi-t, t ILnnlstn, S a, m., vest, l). l'rimiilrlkcr, fi p. in , oast, .1. Carries; f p. in,. fJ'l. w. II. Miholi; 7 p. in, ca..t dom Nay Auc, I! McMIUtrr: 7 p in, wen from Cayuga. Tliompiur, 7 p. m , west from tayiiRa, Mel. inc. Putifi 8 a. in. I'. Mtllinmll, 1(1 a m , S Pinner ; 11 ."a a in, Mi.i.m. 7 p. in., Murpli , 0 p. m., tamping; 1ft p. in , Mldrnir. raitffnsrr Knginr-7 a in. tiilliipy, 7 a. m , P. S-inRcr; lu a, m , l..ntinier; Ann p m.. Mm ton: 7 p. m., 13 Mil.tnoin. Wild Cats, Wol-s i. in , (' Mnslir; 1ft in , John rialiac. in; - p, in , It. Catni r; 1 p in, (I W. F itgfrald. Wild Cats Wt n. in, John lialiatsan; It) a. in, .li'lin flatter, 2 p. in, l t,i-c; I p. m , T. Uoudiunj I) p. in , M. ( atmoily. fill( II. Conductor .1. II. Mil'ami Hint Ilr.ikpimn .lulm Birililf.v lll rrpint nt ipcriiitciulciil s ofluc lft a. m., Wciinorit, .Inlj 3. Hrakiman Kuliard i.iIIhih Mill l mil xvith M. .1. lloiinlj.in in plate of i iril ,nlicus until further notiic. Ilrakniuii life AihIkus will t,ill at traiiimas ttr'a offlcr. Conduilor II, dilllsaii Hill inn No S3 WeilnM Ojj, July H, In 1 1 uc nl lolin Wintry Brakrman 'Inn I iikin will t,o out with I'ciknu on o. ol, July .!. The Most Attractive Place in All tho Region to Spend tho Glorious Fourth. The most dellRlilful plnre In nil the icrIoii to spend the gotlous Fourth will bo by the lakeside of I.ako Isi dore, where every amusement Ik Hit ting the day mny be IndtilRcd In. On the occasion the Delawaio nnd Hud sou ralltoad will tun npeclnl excur sion ttalns at greatly i educed tales from all points, IchvIhk Sciunton as follows: C.30. 'J.ir., 10.13 n. m 12 m. nnd 2.41 p. in. Ii.uier'.s band will furnish tlnnce music; excellent caleiitiR, the new .steamer, low boats, launches, Raines of all kinds, etc. Faro from rfcinnton, "Gc, chlldien, 10c. RETURNJUDGES MET. This and That. A new lodge of tho Car Inspectois' nnd Car Hepaltcis' Association of Ameilca was oiRanlzetl In this city by James JmcKmiii, supienie chief, of Ifitt&biiiR, Ta.The follow Iiir oflkets were elected: .lames Hoon, ihlef iu-i-pet.toi'; Joseph INcmoU, leiorillnt; nnd financial secietniy; Thomas A. Jones, tie.iHiner, ttuslees, Allien Mor ton, (lodlmrt Kclser, Jatob I. Sonus. Tho strike of the bollet makers and hclpeis ot the i;ili iallio.ul ctmipany lias been settled. A lontoreme was held the latter ji.ut of last week at Meathlllo between T'leslileut McNcal of the Hollciin.ikeih' unlnu a mm mlttee from the seveial lndRe.s of Sus itiehHim,t, Hoiucllsillc ami Meadllle nnd the ollklals of the load. Plel dent Mi. Seal teturncd to Snsiiuehanna nntl called ,t. met lllii of the Imal union late si.tlutday ciciiIuk. and it was tlien auuoitmeil that tlte sttlke was settled and all the men will leiurn to work Monihi Julj S. The men Ret home of their deinaiuls The employes at the Hunv H, and the Foit Fuit lollunes of the Temple ' " Corttflod the Republican Candidates Who Will Bo Voted for This Fnll. The return JuiIrcs of Luzerne county met In WIIUes-Haire .estcnlay and counted the olcS inst at last S.itut tlny's llcntibllcau prlinarle. Their work showed the nomination of the follow Iiir candidates; sln'IIT liuiallnii II llitl. of Mnmton. I onlinllir- Utluir lllik. of .hlNoii. Ilmmlir- I! I llnliomli, of it I'ltttnii l'oionrr-1. P. II trill, of Ptwiioutli. suitt'ifi . .1 lliiltcr, Wllkoidtnre The nicetltiR was called to order by County Chalinian F. V. When ton and Ileee Lloyd was elected chalinian and James J, Thomas, seel clary. The follow Iiir resolution was Introduced nnd was defeated after consltletable debate: Kiv unl. lint the tuli of tlie llrpiilillcan par. l knoMii a the t nvtfool miiiiti iiilcs ami aih'pt eil in IV'i, tojiilliir with Hie .iiniii'lnieiit llieiitu, he iilinlidied fr nn aut alter the tlrsl iht of .Imuir.t, li. Phi.', ami that liom and afi.r that tlite the ruh of the UrptiMknn piitj ther eited prior to the ndtptlon of the Mid rule of ls'i'i Mull he the rule of the ItipuhlitJn parti nf l.urrue luiiuii. The followiiiR lCMilutlon was adopt ed: llrolird, lint tlil immntion reoiuuiniN to the tronrnor Hie appuntlnriit of I". W. Wln.it on, rM , to the ofrt. i" of aihllhonal I iur udci foi the lount.v of l.nirne, and to the peoplo of the count) 1 i noinliiitlon and cltttiou. LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS. 1 1.( of letleis iciiialiilns untalleil for at tie Siranlou pmtofliri, l.ai k.i,itnii itiiinl.i, Pa . July .1, l'.MI. Person i.illliu for lhtc lelteri will please ta aduitid nnd Kile dale of M 1 iu II. Hippie, Pontiuivtcr. llul'Ctt Anilitntp. ( hirle-t lllooriii. lli-s .lihiiini IMIimy, K. C Ilarnei, Kirl nurkh.nl, Mi-w lllouhe II. Ilutlrr, Mr. Mrphen Ilaion, Walljfc Pirni", M. 0'PoJle, Mr J. II. Ilurke, J. P. Ili.idy jr. Mrs William faniplicl, Jl. . au limit", J M t'oHird, M. I. taie.v, Jo-tpli Cornell, Miss M ly Crelder, John ( l.intj, .lu-ipli ( orncll, II. 11. Cipion, Mi". Hen C.nd,t Mr. Am le Ilonnell, W. DulT Pilritk liuiin, Miit Molty UunidEan, IIiiiIm K. Iloiifhciti, Walter Iieierciux, W liter I)ju. Priileet Kannltic, ron rosclnun ( MNi Pclu (iillaid, Marilnt flray, Ann (iallashrr. 7hoii is llunlon, ,locph Hani", liinei lltltv, Willlim II. liralet, Mk" Marv llffTorn, Mi" .1. II. Heine, John Himrt,Mi Doii llanei, Mi Plant he Horn. Mrs. Ileatllej, liei.rKo It. Iliuani", llrrhrit lucieni Mia. fl. W. .lone, Xli-s Horente Jones, I' Janir", IMnanl Jont, Mia I. Jones J. I, Jenkiii", MIm Mary J,iuit, Mi. Mai; Jonts. 1 hatleit T. hnappel. Mrs. Phoebe Ludlow Thomas I.anjilou, Mii Mar Landif. Mi Ailluir Mi thurc. 1' M. Mi Moon, 1 lank Millard, MIsh l,i?le Marl. Mlh Mary MiCmnu. K, Mrj, IlieR MtCIine, Miia Minnie Meadnai, I'ei r Mltthoiise, W. Mnoney, Mis Win Mai kintoeli, Mrs .rphia Mn hello, Mlnoshm Murray K ( o , J. tl. Meari, Prank. Jlacy. The (inlj May to, l.iuicncn T. Oleic, dilheit Oilier, hate O'Mallei. Win. O'llrien. Oeoice Phillips, Mis. f! b. Puiinton, Mi. nnd Sirs, Ponler. Jonaj lteed. John 1". IlOrf. Mis M. lllille, l)r Allied Ite.tnohb, Mr J, (iiaie I, Cird, Mra It. II. harl, William shcai, T. Mnipon, Mr. bimon. S-hell Noitllj Co., Mist Kale Milliian Mi-a (intie Manlon, l.dnanl soter, Mi .lelo shook, l'rid Stuciif, 'J limn is Muriic;, P. J i-inllli Mim MaKitie 1homa, Mm (fro. P. 'llioiiin, Jo-eph Ti.tlor, ljlvtin 1otinend, Mia. li. P Ihoniai., John T. 'iht mix, lhomaa (!. '1'ui her, Mm i:. K. Todd. Miit. Ihnnili 1 Irith. Will II. Mini", White .t Middleti.n, hi" Weldon, l.bc Waller, I.. II. Waleia Mr. W. S Weir. Mia llaitmiii .tiauder. 'Illlllll U."t Mni:ii. Mini Mildied WhMler. Phot.'. i oi ii i ii ci,ss Mrn,it, V'nlerpil-e I icm h l lull. John I.. Lewi", riant, Mrs. A. I.,urs 117 .V II.11I1. Pnk aicnue, Toy West Scrnnton Station. J I derdi, Tim Crrrllj. Mls l.mie lonet, II lim. Indscio Jaiuojio Mn N MorKiu, Miss S Morgan, 1 Itohtni. .1. Whillci The crime ol Motherhood. Can motherhood l a crime under any circum stances? Nature saj'S, "Yes." By the sight of the thousand mothers living in daily suffering: by the cries of the thousand children wailing in daily misery, motherhood can be a crime against Nature. Nature never permits ignorance of her laws to excuse guilt or mitigate punishment. The father cats sour grapes and "the children's teeth are set on edge." The mother enters on maternal duties she is ttuGt to discharge and is punished in her own suffer ing and the weakness of her child. The greatest endowment any mother can give her child is a sound healthy body. Kvery mother owes her child that body. It is a bitter thing for the tender mother heart to feel responsibility for the shipwreck of a child's life, too weak to do battle with the gales which sweep across life's sea. The mother cannot give the child what she herself does not possess. The first step toward happy motherhood is health. But liow can a woman be healthy at will? Let a woman answer. A HAPPY EVENT, "I take pleasure in in forming you of the birth of a boy in perfect health, on May lRtli. 1S99, "writes Mrs. I,. 15 Corti, of Wnl tonvlUe, Pa., Hox ?j "I cntinot find words suffi ciently strong to express to you my thanks, for my delivery was nluiost without pain, and when my husband arrived with the doctor the child was already born The neighbors who were with tne, and my hut bind and the doctor could not believe their eyes. Having suffered so ranch before I nccr lielieved myself able to be delivered of a livinjj child. I tell everybody this happy event was due to the help of God nntl of your medicines. Our hearts are full of Rratitudc to you for your medicines, ivhich have Riven us the happincts of having a tiling child of our own, alter so much suffering aud dis appointment 1 recommend Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre scription to nit yottnp; women who are fn the same condition that I was in as one of the best remedies in exist, ence. I have used right bottles and find mjself in perfect health Ac cept my best wUhcs for your welfare to the end of your days." In its sufctancc Mrs. Cor ti's testimony to the value and virtue of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is iden tical with that ol thousands of other women who have been made well and happy by this truly wonderful medicine. No two cases are exactly alike the details vary but the general fact of suffering is always the same, fol lowed by the general result of a complete cure by the use of "Favorite Prescription." woman, and can nay also that we have a hie baby, four months old. When 1 was confined it was just wonderful how I got along, and now I do all. my own work and do not feel tired out like I used to. I have taken eight bottles of the 'favorite Pre. Kcriptlon.' It makes tne feel well nnd strong.'' Nothing else could speak so emphatically in praise of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, as do these testimonials of weak women made strong and sick women made well. It .seems to some women well nigh miraculous, that after years of suffering, and the failure of all medi cines and doctors to give relief, they find a per fect and permanent cure in "Favorite Prescrip tion." But from the medical standpoint the wonder would lie if "Favorite Prescription" failed to cure. It is made to cure as n sewing machine is made to sew, and, it does perfectly what it was made to do. It is not a "cure all." It is a medicine specially prepared to cure the ailments peculiar to woman. It regulates the peri ods, dries unhealthy drains, heals inflam mation and ulceration aud cures female weakness. It invigorates the womanly organs, increases womanly vigor and strengthens the nerves. Thus with those who use "Favorite Prescription," the pre natal period is passed in peace and comfort, the birth -hour passes with scarcely any pain, and the mother is made happy by having a bright, healthy baby, and being abundantly able to nourish it herself. Why Stay Sick? Women suffering from disease in its extreme or chronic form are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by let ter, absolutely with out charge or fee. All correspondence is strictly private and sacredly confi dential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Do not confound Dr. Pierce's offer of free consulta tion by letter with the offer of "free medical advice," made by those in capable of giving medical advice, be cause they are not medically educated. Whenever an offer of "medical advice" is made by man or woman, sec first if the offer is made by a qualified and competent physi cian, before you risk vour health and waste your money. In any case there is no other offer of free consultation which has behind it a specialist in diseases of women, such as is Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., who, assisted by his staff of nearly a score of competent physicians, has. in the past thirty years and over, treated and cured more than half a million women. Write to the docor. There is no alcohol in ''Favorite Prescrin- rJJ.i0.lnw lion" and it contains no opium, cocaine or other I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's I'avonte Prescription and also . T . ' , i; ; me rteasaui reneis,' ana now can say mat I lecl like a new j uuituiii.. fill TUsk- TlTLjt'j . i1 StSQfs. MMS:iiWiaSf'8KLiHS', kz33JIiv5 x. tsoA wswvv.,W v nWD Wmrts3r III "WKlbiJia 'MBfMHI r tlVJBr'KBatMk ' I liS1 1 wm " WAS JUST WONDERFUL." "During my two years of married life I have not had good , health." writes Mrs Daisy Studdard, of coS South E'planidc Avenue. Leavenworth, Kansas. "I was nil run down, and my husband got me to write to Dr Pierce and explain my case to I l.ln, -,1 t. if t, ,,s,.M ,1 ....... 1 f. I ' .. .:.i . 1. 1 .. .,,.. tv v ,t ,v mitiw v.w ,111. lll UUU t3U I lull, 111111, IIUIIIK It is a temperance medicine. L 25,000 Given Away ! In the past year it has cost Dr. Pierce $25,000, exclusive of postage, to supply the demands of those who accept his gift offer of a copy of the " Medical Adviser " FREE. This hook contains 1008 large pages and over 700 illustrations, and is an authority on disease, hygiene, and reproductive physiology. It is sent FREE, bound in paper covers, on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing ONLY. For cloth binding send 31 stamps. Address: DR. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, i. Y. I Hayes & Varley, 424-126 SprnccSt., Between Washington ana Wyoming Ti nil hi mm ttttlttltKntKtKX M M X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X We place on sale today (Wednesday) two of the most remarkable values ever offered in Shirt Waists. We bought them at our own price, therefore you will reap the benefit. A - Q&r 1'bree different styles of waists in lawn, plain and r. yut fnncy colors, with sailor collars; this is our regular $1.50 waist and sold elsewhere for $1.98. 5 At R 1 95 Linen nnd Imported Dimitv in this rt )lAJ U.UU insertincr. nthere with rlittW lot: some with inserting, others with cluster oi tucks. This waist retailed at $2.00. tt K lrSWo would advise an early selection In order to get the v best styles. tt MfetatafctafttafttaftMMfcMfcfc;fcvi;;K)3ittX -M Binghamton Private Training School (or nmiMM, tukinl ami Heal Mutr till ill en M.imi.il 'I r.uiiui.-. I'hjrii.it lulturi', ffilloiorli, Mufii, hinilfiiartrii, Annul.i turn Open joar iouihI (iitulir I'nm inuilciatc. s 1X101 1 ITI I . k2 rjimcn iiimf P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. Allis-Clialmers Co Sun ostitis to M.uhlnc Business of DUksuii Manufiu-tuilng Co., s-u.inton anil WtlUt't-B.iiiP, Pn. Statlonatj KiiRlnet, Machines, Pumps. Bolters, Mining H j? Br" HhBB rflto This Is the way we phoo our feet, Shoe your feet, bhoe your feet, This Is the way Me hoo your feet .With the latest thing in thu market. This In the wny we hoi your foot, Shoe your i'eel, shoo your feel, This Is the way lie shoe your tcet With the latest thing In tho maiket. Thin Is the nay c shoo our feet, choc ill feet, shoe joui leet, This Is the way we shoe your feet With the latest thing in tho nwiket. This Is the way wo shoo your feet, Shoe jour feet, .shoo jour feet. This Is the way we sho jour feet With tho Irttost thing in the market. This Is the way we shoo your foot, t'hoe your li-et, Miof jour font, Thl.s Is the way wo fchuo your feet With the latest thing In the market. BARGAINS Here are two special offerings which are worthy of the attention of shrewd buyers as quantities are lim- f ited. An early inspection is advisable. - feewis, Kuddv), Davies & Vlurph), WILTON RUGS $1.25. Size 4 feet 6 inches by 2 feet 3 inches. Choice line Oriental designs. Real value, $2. - RUFFLED CURTAINS 65 Cents The pair choice grade of Swiss, well made. An exceptional bargain. Real value, $1.00. 0 it Note Our store will close during July and Aug ust on Saturday at noon. Williams k fflcAnulty Ji Temporary Store 126 Washington Ave. J Carpets. Wall Paper. Draperies. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Lehigh Valley Kalhoatl. In I'lfut Juno , 1'U 'Intim l.cur Mrantnn: Kpr rhiUilrlpliM ami Vtv ttk U II k It 11 It, .11 n 43 and t'SH a m . "nil 2 13, I J7 illlwk lihinnnci Kiic), mitt 1 1. .10 p. in. fctin iI.uk. I ill II " - 1 . 27 m l-nr Wliiti" II urn. Ilnlrton unit priiiupal itointt In Hif tml irlon. ia II II. II. It , il 15. I IH ninl I 1' V- in. 1'or rnllsillf. 0 Ij a. in . -' ! i in IVr llrtlililiiin, K.itrn, HciillnB. IlirrUtnirg nml piltiilpil tnlcimciliato Matlon ia I) ,V II. II II . il ti. ' IS a in . i IS X (IlUtk lii iiioinl rpin). tl ko p. m. -iinijt, P. & II Ii II . li n. in I 1 "w. s -" I' ln For limUiannotk, 'IoimihIj, Kliinia, Itlnui, Cdicta mi'l pimtlpil Ininincilntf iitlom, vn D.I. A. W. It. "., W ' "I. l an'! -Mil Tor t.rnot I. I'liilimlfr, IliilTaln, Mamii Kills ( lili.iu-11 nml nil P"iliH !. l I' " It It . 7 4 II Vi J in , 1 . ''"' (lllark. DUninml l.t pntil, 7 IS 1" It. II ' P "' -s"n1')'1. !' I' II II 11 J'. s -7 p in 1'iillni.in l'Jil"! '"''1 l" pi' " ll'lcli Vail. Mrlti tan n all triliw lirlwcon Wllkrsllano ami t V"ik. I'lillatlf'plili, Mulilo ami Sm pint' on IlrltlKf . . ,.,,., , ltlll. I IN II Wll.rtl'lt. lmt. Suiit , '.'i. CiirtUml tlft I, Ni tv l.lk (IIMII.I.s s III., lien. I'as Aisr,, itf Cortland hln ft. Ni v oiU NdNNI'.MM IIKIt. 1H. I'a-.s AKl , himtli nrtlililirin. I'a rtn tnktu and I'ullmin rwmtlurn appl to Cil'l I.itkawanni mnuc, Munlon, I'l. New York, Ontario nntl WeBtorn. Tiino Table In KiTt t Mnnli.f. luno CI, lrl. 1 . Noinn-iioi Nn. I.caic liiatt' Airitn -. i.irl.'ii. (.ill .in.l i le. Jdo-i.i. pi :n i in. II in i in. 1 on p. m ... I hi p. ni. I ii p in I.'"' P. in. I, pi p in Vi ( irl.onJ.ilc.. ti.to ni. MilIll IKIIIM). lAwr l.iMf Aiilm (jiIjui. t'nlionililf. Srantixi. 7 (l a in. 7 in a. in '.'. PI a. in. lu.DI a. in. 10 10 a. in. 1 l"i li. in M P- I" I li p in i'UNDWS Ol-V. NOIIII1 IIOL'MI ,rne Irate rm riuton. Culiondjlp. i.lo.-n ... a) .. in. U 10 a. in, 10 15 a in. . 7.KI p. ni. Ar. Carliondile.. 7.4i p. m. M1LIII 1101 ML ,ratc l.iMti- Arrli (. .id. -;j. Cailiomlile. ifliitnn 7.11 n. in. 7 to a. in, t ro p in I'-W) p ni i. li p in. I.,,,,. No, l. nn wrfk iiuk. aim ii, nn un- im nuke main line i minn tlon ..r Nrw mk cm. ItliM, OiioIiIj, O.wi-jo und InliiinedlalB ''"ruiiiii Nti. :: and nuke Walimi. li-llil, Hjiii ilrn und t-lflnr imini'iiloii. tui tmllirr ii.tiMinatlt.n nn-ult llrkot acmt, .1 '. N)IltM)N. tl I' . Ni Vnk. J. K. l.l.ll. T P. V . srantuii Eiie Rnll ond, Wyoming Division. Trains for HumUv and inli-iinttlljlf point leati' Piranton aa tollona: No '. ".'0 a in ; No I, 8 u a ni i No. n '.' Ji p in l No h, fi M p. in. Siv il and 8 an- llnoiigli tialn tor No oik nlialk-No. 1. li .1. ni , No. fl, 10 .m a m i No fl Slip i" N" '"'' P '" 1'r.mii -Noa. S nd'7 am iliumeli train fiom New oik. v NIUY IIIMNS Hfparturr No UO. 0 a m . No ' 1 p in Aulal.-.No. JI. U !' P ' o "'. '"'P ' hail.'. 11 10 BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTURED 11 Y ... CU-IFORNIA FJO SYRUP CO. tjr mix r. tii i: n a m i:. RAILROAD TIME TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule In Effect June 2, 1001. Ttalns leave Scrnnton: G.45 a. m., week days, through ves tibule train from Wllkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsvllle; stops at principal In termediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington nnd for Pittsburg nnd the West. 0.38 n. m week days, for Sunbury, Hnulsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington nml Pittsburg nnd the West. 2.18 p. m., week dnys, (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbuty, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltlmote, Washington nntl Pittsburg and the West. 3.33 p. in., week dnys, through ves tibule train ftom Wllkes-Barre. Pullmnn buffet pnrlor car and conches toPhiladelphla vlaPotts vlllo. Stops nt pilncipal Inter mediate stations. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Hazleton, Sunbury, Haulsbuig, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. .1 II III "M illNON rim Msr. J II. WOOD, den Pass st Delaware nnd Hudson, In Writ .luno 9, lH. Tuin f r r r.utioniljlf liuto Sianton it fi o, S.oi, :M, 10.11 ii. in. l-'.". l.J'i, i u. J J3, b.iS, G.J3, 7:57, D.13. 1 1 : - p in , 1 Iti a in 1'or llMiixltl.' and Like 1 oiloir, ( :) 10 13 i, m.: 2 11 uml i J' p. m. Por Wllkis Hhii ilsli, 7:4S 8:11. ft 19, ion a in., UOt 1-JS -:'S ' t J7. 1". '''. 10:11, 11. fl P- "! Tor I.. V. It- " polnta-fi:l5, 0 :.i a. in., 2:18, 4 '"7 and U.itO p. m, For 1'innsjlt.iiiU It. II. point 11:13, 9.SS, 2:13, 3: a and I J7 p in 1'or All.any and all points north 0:20 a. m, ami 3:52 p in M1.NDW TltMNS Kor Cailioiitlili-U'Wi, 1M1 a. in, 2 II, 3.5J, 5 ', mil 10. ij p. in for Wilkes llaiiH-tlsW a m IJ 01. t 5S, 3 i C.'U and H.J p. in lor Allnni and pnlnt north 1 JJ p m Kor IIomm1jU and Lake Lodoie - 0 1133 n in and i" p. in Centrnl Enlhond of New Jetsey. SlalloiK ill N'cw York 1'oot of I.ibcity street. N, II . und Snutli Ktri. T1MI5 TMlI.i: IN I.I I I CI .11 NI TO, 1W 'Iraln lfie "Mrantnn lor Nnv iork Ncnark, Kliralirtli, I'hllj.l. Iplil.i. I.alun, II. Ililrhfin, Al loiitintii, Jlan.li ( Imnk ami Uliitr lUirn, at 8 55 a in.. xpi"M. 110. npnu. (in p. in, Sun. tlats 2 15 p. in. Kor PitUton ami VIM.os llano, f.M a m ; 1.10 ami I 00 p. in. t-iinda), 2 15 p in 1'or llallliiioic and W.uliititnn and polnli South and tl ia Htlilrlnm. h. .1 a. m , 1 lo and I no p. m s'iiidi. J li p in. Kor IaiiiB Hiaiuli. Hh-jii liimr rto , at 8 53 in itlnoiiL'h uuili) and I 10 p in. Kor lltadlii'.'. l. lianon und llarrWniic. la A. Untotvn, f 5i a in. and 1.10 p. in. t-umJj.w, "lV. ViiltIHp. 8iM a '" ' ' ,0 P m Kor Monnlain Paik. b 55 a. in., 1 10 and 1.00 Ihrouiih lltkrla lo all polnla rati, louth and tl al lotl lair at tin- tallon, I'. M. lll'nr. t.n. Pan. st, J. II. Ul.lt.VI &b.N, (in. bunt.