THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1901. 31 f NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA FISHERMEN UP AT HEMLOCK ADVENTURES OF TWO OAK LAND MEN IN PIKE COUNTY. Qoorgo Boydon and Charlton All paugh Find a Den of Rattle snakes A Woman to the Robcuo. End of the Strike In the Erie Shops, Qeorgo Cheeseraan's Close Call. Personal and Other Paragraghs from Whitney. (Special to the Sainton Tribune. SuhriuehannH, July 2. The Oakland PuFqufhrinna tlslionnon havo tcturncrl home from tho mountain factness f old riko county, hilnplng tHle. of thrilling nclventiirr-s nnei few fish. Messrs. (".porce Boyden and Charlton Allpnuch nift with a eiuoer cspeilcnee near Pino Oiovo. While- flshlnK for trout In a cieek cmpiyliiK Into the DeUwme llxer, they walked Into a den of irfttlennakcs. The icptlles Inimerll ntely nhowed flight, and the terrified fishermen quickly climbed a hemlork tree, wheie thev remained for Fix hours, Their slintits nttinrtcd the at tention of Sits. Biivden. who lame with H Fhotpun an.l killed the i-even lalto. The half-starved tlshermen descended from the tt e .1 ml the next morning took a ti.iln for home. Tin: di:ath rkcord. Mrc Mary Ann fairlngton, nn old resident, died on Thurs-d.iy. The funeial took place fiom the family residence on Sat in day afternoon, Itev. 1. N. Shlpman, pastor of the Methodist thuich, olllclatlng- After a protiactcd illness of iheuma tlsm, Harold, only son and child of Kdltor and Mis. Henry T. Blrchaid, died en Monday aftetnoon at his home on Rtoad street. Ho Mas a lirlpht. Rental boy, and the parent have the slmero swnp.ithy of the entlie com munlty. The funeral airancements have not yet been made, but the In terment will piobably bo made in MontrOfp, tho foimer homo of tho fa ni fty. Jt'ST Bl.TWUl-.N US. Don't you roam ' you Rot her; Stay at home 'Taln't no hotter. The Ite man Is now having his Inning, while the toal man Is at the seashoic. Times are better. Few people now adays take Jobs. Nearly all of them kindly "accept positions." In nearly all lesnlutlons of con dolence, passed by fraternal associa tions, it Mill bo noticed that the soci eties "bow to tho will of Divine Provi dence " It Is very kind and graceful In the organizations afotcsaid, all the ramc. O, for a lodge In some vast ice houte! Health note: "Stick to your llan- nels!" Upon a hundred hills the Incund and broiling farmer Is tickling the earth with a hoe. and legating the picila tory and voracious potnto hug Mith Paris green Juleps. Vegetation jumps Joyously. THE K.N'n OK TIIIO STRUCK. The six months' strike of the Krle holler makers and tnelr helpers has been amicably settled, and Hie men Mill return to work on Monday next. The non-union men will leave for Xmv York and other cities Mithln a few days, The settlement of the contention is received Mith great satisfaction by our entire community. And now let the band play! PARAGRAPHKTTHS. An Italian laboret, on Saturday morning, narrowly escape ' drowning. While bathing in tho river, near the Erie car shop, he went Into a deep hole and was down for the second tlmp when some boys, by diving, brought him to the surface. The physicians had hard work to restoie him to consciousness. Oakland was, on Monday morning, the scene of another drowning accident. Two little sons of Kilo Kn glneer Oeoige Ilertou, of Klinira, who M'ere visiting licie, weie playing about, a boat punt of the Susquehanna-Oakland river bildge, when Kinest, tho younger, aged S years, went Into a deep hole and was drowned. The old er brother, Robert, also M-ent down, but he Mas rescued and soon icslorcd to consciousness. The body of little Krnest was leeovcrcd. The funeral and Interment will probably take place In Susquehanna. It Is leported that the Krle shopmen Mill again be paid on Wednesday. Several hundred members of a New York singing society, en route to tho Pan-American exposition, on Sunday, .ook dinner at the Starrucca house. No fresh-air children have, ns yet, arrived in this vicinity, CHKKSKMAN'S CI.OSK CALL. George Checseman, who lesides near the Cascade, had an exciting adven ture Mith a hlaek snake on Thursday. He was at work on the farm, Miien suddenly from a clump of bushes a big THERE ARE MANY ROADS. The Finger Posts Marking the Many By-paths of Present Day Troubles Seem to Point the Same Way. Lack of Nerve Force. Day by day tho columns of this paper bring now evidence from Scran ton peoplo of tho great work btj'ng if ne by Pr. A. W. Chase's Nervo Pills, tVhy they accomplish so much Is easily txplalned they atv prepared vlth an sye single to restoring nervo force, lhey accomplish this objpet. which no other medicine In the world hns ever been ablo to do; that's why hundreds of Scranton people offer their teatl mony. Mr. Samuel Rogers, of No. 128 Hydo Park avenue, Scranton, Ii says: "I Mas In a run-down condition, head aches, nervous and sleeping badly and the appetite poor. I was told of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nervo Pills and got a box. As a icsult I sleep and eat well again. I am very much pleased with them and glad to ipcommend them to others. This I can do conscientiously." Dr. A. W. Chase's Verve Plllr are sold at 80c. a box at dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Fee that portrait and slgnaturo of A. w. chpn-. M. D are on ev.ory package. black snake sprang upon htm nnd colled about his person. It was a big one, measuring six feet six Inches In length, and as large around ns .a man's aim. It did the squeezing act. Clieeseman's big dog seized the snake about the middle In his mouth and broke Its back. Then Cheesomaii went and resumed his light against tho po tuto bugs. Whitney. ALUMNI REUNION. Graduates and Teacher of Brooklyn Graded School Hold a Ploasant Session. Fpeclsl to the Scranton Tribune. Brooklyn, July 2. The tenth annual reunion of the graduates and teachers of Brooklyn graded school at tho Tewksbury house last SaUuday even ing was a very pleasant event for alt who attended. About forty Mere pros- PICTURE "Old woman, old woman, shall we ro a-shearing? "Speak a little louder, sir, I am very thick o-hearing." Pind her daughter. ent, Including twenty-six graduates, si teachers, besides fotmer ntudents and friends of the schrud. A short business meeting was hold, Mr. Bruce floodrlch, 'On, presiding. Uo ports of ofllcer.s and committees were given. lie.-.olutioiitt were passed ex tending sympathy to tho husband, par ents and friends of Mrs. Ira Johnson, a member of the class of '91, who died Apill 10. After tho business meeting the company adjourned to tho dining room whcio a delicious spread await ed, to which all did ample Justice. Prof. (Jeorgo A. Steams, who for five years was principal of tho school, nct pd ns toastmaster. Ho expressed pleas ure at meeting with so many of his former pupils and after some very appropriate remarks, he introduced the speakers. The toast to the honored guest was given by Ml.'s Gertriide Waldlc, '01. She gave a c irt history of the life and aehlevcmei of Miss Alice l.oe, 'S7, Mho Is now Veacher In Carcnovla seminary. Miss co has won a desirable reputation as a teach er nnd also as an author, and her Alma Mater In the little village of Brooklyn, as well as at Kingston and at Syracuse, may Moll bo proud of her. Miss l.oe Mas unable to bo present, but sent her renponso, a bright witty paper, M'hich Mas lead by Miss ICthcl Moiling. Other subjects Mere treated In a pleasing way by the following: Miss Aliva. Ooodrlcli. 'S9, on the subject "Teachers of B. O. S."; Mrs. O. A. Stearns, a favorite teacher, on the subject, "Students of B. ti. S," Her talk was excellent and. received with applaus Karle Alney, on "Unlearn ed Lessons"; I.ouls Geie, on "Kxpan slon." Miss Bertha Sage, '99, gave some "Ktpeiicnccs at School" in an Interesting manner, A paper by Wini fred Martin on "Sights Abroad." was read by Maud Waldle. These, with some music, closed the programme. The guests then spent some pleasant moments In conversation In the parlors and on the porches until the midnight hour gavo warning for departure, and as they left for their homes, they felt that Indeed It had been an even ing to be remembered. WAVERLY. Sr'flal to the Sainton Tribune. Waveiiy, July 2. An excellent patriotic program has been arranged to bo given on the Methodist church lawn this evening at 8 p. m. From 0 to S. a social time will bo enjoyed at which seasonable lefreshments will bo served. 1'ior this entertainment, nn offering will be received at tho en trance. On the afternoon and evening of July 4, lefreshments will aso be served with light luncheon for those who de sire. As 8 o'clock served oteam will be given after which Judge J. W. Carpenter, who was reared in this section, wilt give an address. When many of his old acquaintances Mill be present to listen. m NEW M1LF0RP. fpulil to the Scranton Tribune. New Mllford, July 2. 13. T. Tiffany and daughter, Clara, of Harford, were guests in town the forepart of the week, A. C, Barrett called on Jackson friends recently. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Hogers, of Kl nilra, were In town Thuisday. George Smiley, of Susquehanna, Is a guest of Dr. and Mrs. G. P. Clements this week. J. W. Coleman and wlfo attended commencement exercises at Waverly Inst week. Miss Bertlce Carpener was a guest of Montrose friends the flit-it of last week. Hobcrt Frlnk nnd family are camp ing fit Middle lake. Miss Uva Schlppert Is in Jersey City visiting relatives. Kdward Finch, of Washington, D. C Is a guest of relatives in town. Ten youne ladles of St. Mark's church picnicked at at Rock Bottom on Tuesday. I,ou S. Brown, of Sayre, was in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Kane entertained Miss Katherlne Holmes, of Bingham ton, last Sunday. H. A. Shclp, of Rochester, Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Shclp. Sylvester Lewis, of the township, Is qulto III. Mrs. Jay Vnll, of Scranton, Is visit ing her mo".cr In New Mllford town ship. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Scnnton Trrbuns. Tunkhannock, July 2. Mai Ion D. Betts, formerly proprietor of the hoetl at North Mehoopany, and more recent ly of a hotel at Peckvllle, visited his brother, A. K. Betts, at this place, oer Sunday. Mr. Betts has sold out his hotel business at Peckvllle, and will go to Port Jervls, N. Y where his sons aie engaged In the mercantile business. Miss Ruth Piatt Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. J. K. Peck, at Kingston. The Wlnola Woistcd Yarn company hag closed Its mills for one Meek, while tho annual cleaning up is going on, The work will rc-commence on Mon day next. A license was issued on Tuesday to Ficd Crlspell and Miss Olive Miner, both of Beaumont. A party of Nlcholscn Free Masons visited the lodge at this place on Mon- PUZZLE. day evening, and on their way home, after the meeting was over, one of their wagons, containing several passengers, was upset while rounding tho shaip turn In the load, In front of Shaw Bros.' store, at East Lemon, and tho occupants thrown out. Shields, Jr., a prominent stone dealer of Nichol son, who was the owner ot the rig, sustained a fiactuie of the collar-bone and also a broken arm, while tho other occupants of the wagon were more or less injured In theaccldent. Newell A. Doty, of Mehoopany, was doing business in town on Tuesday. A largo number of our people Mill go along with Triton Hose company to attend the Fouith of July celebration at Meshoppen, The last train, a spe cial, will leave Menhoppen for this place at 11.45 p. in. on Thuisday. County Commissioner Kdw In Vaughn was at his duties In the court house on Tuesday, after recovcilng fiom un Ill ness of several weeks' duration. Mr. Kyte, of rittston, wns calling on friends here last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Piatt are taking In the slghlh at the I'an-Ameiican ex position, at Buffalo, this week. THOMPSON. Epeclal to the Scranton Tribune. Thompson, July 2. Tho local preachers of this town havo arranged for nivaehlnrr hervlees nn iho nlil raim. ground July -1, morning, afternoon and evening, itev. jjavitl will speak at Orson in the foicuoln. Mrs. Ooar IlTnes of East Ararat died at that place this morning, Mrs Sue Wiighter nnd daughter Bessie of Ssqehanna nre visiting re latives In Thompson (his week. Ellis Cheesbro of Jackson Is repoit cd seriously III at his home. Linn Spencer and his slstei-s Mr Iia and ipm left yesterday for a visit at the ran-Ametican and Niagara Falls. Their father G. F. Spencer of tho Ppencer Steam Heating Co., K thH no'i'ina for Scranton on a bul n's n:p. "ur ".ntmaster i. v. was distressfully sick yestciday but is easier today. Mrs, Thomas Walker, who has been so seilously III foi u week or more. I still alive, nnd tnls awakens fin hopes that she may recover. Dr. W. W. .Me.Niinium Is ciu-rtaln-l-.g Ills pnients Mr and Mrr. Demson McNainiua of Lonux. John Wnhburn whose Illness was reported In theso Items died early Sun day morning, ar.ed r; years, le-tvliiK u Ml low and tin op daughters. Mrs. Frank Allen and Mrs. John Welch of East nt and Mis. Hohert Leuch of this loioiich. His funeral was held this forenoon in the Fre Ba'Hist church of which he was a mnii ff. Hi p.v-tor Itev. W. H. Leach p-e.-.h d tho sermon. Hew B. F. Larahee read tho scrlptuies and Rev. Tower offerced pi ayer Yf.. tho hot v ave reached Thrum son but 01 degiees In the shade Is thn highest point reached by the thei mometer. ii. K. Gelatt left this morning for f-ulllvun county, Pa,, where he has quite extensive lumber Interests. Tho prospect is that the fruit crop will be very light through this section. Tho farmeis are beginning their naying eariy tms year. KINGSLEY. Special to the ScrantonTrlbune. Klngsley, July 2, Lee Merrill, of Brooklyn, was a recent visitor In town. Harry Adams Is entertaining his cousin, Leo Adams, of Scranton. Miss Nellie tioss, of Blnghamton, is a guest at the homo of her brother, J, B. Goss. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. McCarthy, of Hall stead, M'ero guests of his parents Sun day and Monday, Mrs, W. W. Adams Mas In Scranton Monday, Mrs. K. 13. Brundage has returned to Harford. June 25 a daughter m-&s born to Mr, and Mrs. S. Van Loan. Mlfcs Adelaide Joffcrs has been grad uated from a four year course of study at Syracuse university, and has ob tained the degree of Ph. B. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. N'ew York, July 2, Probably the all embracing topic ot the weather U the sutflclcrit explanation of all tint tailed for notice In todaj'a stock market. 'I lie attendance at the board tell In the malleit ot the summer and buslriewt Ml to In significant proportions, the recording ol transac tions ol "odd lota," or tola ot leu than 1") shaic. was iraumed lor the first time alnce bttsl new on tho exchange reached abnoimal propor tions oiler the election bat (all, quotation weie tnado ol bid and asked prices where no transaction could be cflccled. The movement ol price in the few actie flocks una alio barren of eignltk'ancc. There la not entile ficedom from apprehension over the labor outlook In tho Meet trade, but Wall street has airlvcel at n convietlon that In IU pretrnl phase the desire for a vacation (mm arduous work plaj a large part In the action ol the men and that the crucial stage In the eontio very will not bo deflnluly dculopcd until later la the jcar. Willi tho dat'a business below 200,0 ) shares and the prospect o( continued hot weather, unani mous approval was given to a movement tn re quest (he governors to reconsider their refual In adjourn the exchange over from 55'cdneriay, Juy II, at .1 p. m., to Monday, July 8, at ID a. m. Total silex today, lfl7,M0 shares. The bond market Mured In the dutlnes and heaviness of the nlock market. Total aalea par alue. l,:,6j,(X). United stales bonds were all unchanged on the last call. The (ollowlnu quntaliona Trlhunc by M. . Jo-dan Wean building, Scranton, r, Open- inc. . ... i.!.,..i 11,1 Co., rooms TM 7'i , Telephone 6003) llleti. Low. Clna- em. American Sugar 143; Amerlian Tub 1 ceo 13n'4 Atchlaon MTa A((hlon. It nrool. Traillon Halt A Ohio , (Vint. Tohmrn ( hea, A- Ohio , Chic k fit. Weat. .., St Caul Rttk Ilaiid Ixiuls. K Nah Met. Tratllnn Man Klealed Mlasn. racldc southern I'aciMo .... Norfolk k Wcslern .. N V. Cenlral Out. k IVeatern .... Tenna. II v I'acinc Mall (leading It' Heading Ity., Tr., . Southern II. R .oulhe,n n. II., Tr., Temi. Coal fc Iron .. t". S. leather I-. S. leather, Tr., t'nlon Paclflu Wahavh, Pr Wealern I'nion Col. Fuel k Iron ,,. Atml. Conner Teople'a Oas li;4 trie Kile, 1st Col. Southern Tcxfl Tieiflo Amer Car Konndrv . 1'. S Steel Co U. S. Steel Co., Pr., NEW YORK CHAIN MARKET. Open. High. Low Cloa. WHEAT. log. rt. eat. lng. September 71H 71Ti 71i 71T4 Peumber 7.1 71 73 74 CORN. September 1'i'i JOTa 49U ROi; Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. . Hid. Aked. First National Hank I'm Scranton sating (link .150 Third National (link 4") Dime Deposit and Diacnunt (lank.. 275 Economy Light. II. k C. Co 41 Laika. Tnit Sac Co 150 Clark k Snnter Co., I'i 125 Scianton lion Ernie k Mlg. Co 100 Scranton Axle W01M P I.ackmanm Dally Co, Pr 4') ... Count s.iings Dank k Truvt (5i.. SiV) Kltt National Hank (Carbondale) 31 Slardard Drilling Co 3D Trader?" National Hink 175 Scranton Holt and Nut Co IM l'eople'a Hank 13D ... New Mexico !. k (' Co 75 BONDS. Scranton ('avenger Hallway, first Mortgage, clue 1020 115 People's Street Railway, filft mort gage, due 11)13 115 People's Street Hallway, (leneral mortgage, dire V'.W 115 ... Dickson Manufacturing Co H0 Larka. Town'hlp School 5 per lent. ... 10J City ot Scrjnlon St. Imp. (! per cent 102 Scranton Traction 6 per tent 115 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corercted by II. O. Dale, 87 Lackawanna A'.-.) Huttcr Wall, 20'4a21c; ilair, frcoh, lliji 20!,c. Cheese Full cream, new, lli'jallo. Egg 5Veslcrn fresh, 13',ialk.j nearby slate, Ual)ac. ... . , Heana-Per bushel, choice marrow, $2 80a2 r5 Pea Beans Per bushel, choice marrow, ?2.55a $2.(0. Medium Beans Per bushels, S2.IOa$2 45. Creen Peas Per bushelrs, J1.40a1.45. Elour Best patent, per barrel, $1.15. Red Kidney Bearu Per bushel, 2.4Ja2.50. Totatoes rer bushel, 85a90c New York Grain and Produce. New York, July 2.- ITour Dull, but (airly ateady; Minnesota patent., If3.70a I.IMj Minnesota bakers, S?jo.iJ.15; winter patents, -.J.(.0..0'); uinter stialghls, H.I0al.5D; winter extras. $2.5ua 2.S5; winter low giadei, W..!Oi2,40. I1e.1t -Spot firm; No. 2 red, 7.5se. (, o. b. afloat-, No. 1 Northern Dulutli, 73'.sc f. o. b. afloat. Op tions opened steady, cased nil later, but lull'' .1 and closed flim nt 'if. net advance. July t.o.ed 72Hc; Sept., 71'c; Oct., 72V.; Dec. 71c. Corn Spot firm; No. 2, 4''V. clcialor and 50V. f. , b. afloit. Options opened ejlei, but eventu ally recovend and clo.ed firm 'jc net higher. Julv dosed I'.'Uc ; V pt , ."n'si". Oata sprat quid; No. 2, if-i'-i ; No :!. .t:c , No. 2 white, ;;j'ia.mic.; Nn. .". white, ."125ii.; hack mixed xvpstern, 32a'U',c. ; rik white, ,'U'ja 17c. 4)p. IIoils quiet but otcult. Ilutlei -ijniot ; ireainei, ISalO'iv.; laclory, lJ',4il5c; Imitation creamer, riVial7c; tlate dairy, llalVjc. ( lieee Uull; (amy laigo coloied, Ic. ; (mey large whit., Oc. ; (nncy small colored, fc. ; (amy Miial white, (v. Eggs Steady; stale and Pcninjlva'ila, llal5i.j wi'xtcm uncandled, 10al2'.c. ; western landlcd, I3al1c. Philadelphia Oraln and Froducs. Philadelphia, July 2. Wheat One cent lower; lontiact grade Jul, fVui.l'c. Coin '.c. lower; No. 2 mixed July, tnalic, Oat Steady; !.o. 2 white dipped, 31ic Wool Unchanged Butter Him, good ilcinancl; fancy western ireanier, 10',sc; do. do prints, 20c ; do. neaiby do., 21c. l.'ggs Stead.v ; (reih nearby, lie; do. western, 14c; do. snuthwci-tcrn, 12'c. ; do. southern, 12c. Cheese Easier; N. Y. (nil 1 reams (ancy small, 9v. ; do. do, do. (air to choice, D'ia'fcc He gued Sugars (uiet, but Heady. Cotton I'll changed. Tallow Steady; city prime in hhds., 5',c; tommy do, do in barrels, 4sarie.i cakes, il-c. Live Poultr) Stead , (air demand; fowls, ll'al2c. ; old losters. 7i ; spring chickens, 12 20c ; ducks, flilOc. Dres.ed Poultry Film; good demand; fowls choice, lie ; do. fair to good, lUilO'ic. ; old tonaleis, n'je. ; broilers ncaitiy, lia25c. ; western do, Eiaiic. Receipts Flour, 1.6i barrels and 1, 178,110 pounds In sacks; wheat, 18,000 bushels; torn, UI.OOO bushels; oals, 10,000 bihhels. Shlpmenlj Wheal, 3,000 bushels; corn, 119,000 bushels; oals, M,(J00. Chicago Grain nnd Produce. Chicago, July 2, Advances from Frame re porting damage tn crops there caused a rise of 'Ja'ic today In wheat, Sipteinber corn dosed 'iaV. higher and oata, 'jc. higher. Piovlsions co.ed weak and 5 to 22',c. lower, the latter being Iho loss on September pork. Cash quota tion were as follows: ' Flour Dull, easy; No, 3 spilng wheat, 6Safi.)c ; No. 2 red. flHia'jc.s .,0. 2 corn. 45V'.; No. 2 jellow, 4l1ial3V ; No. 2 oata, 27ftc. on traik; No, 2 white, (liWe.i X". 2 xahlte. 20!,a1O';e.; No. 2 rye, 47c! good feeding barley, 47a51c. ; No. I flair seed, $1.M; No, l Northwestern, $!.(; prime tlinolhv, $I.R0a(.35; mess pork, flliUjlO; laid, f&.filVjtVn:; dry sailed shoulders, 7;aVjc; short ilear sides, $.'.31; xvhlkey, $1.27. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, July S. rattle Receipt. 3 500, In cluding 000 Texans; native and Texas .teera weak, butchers' stock steady to alow; good to prime tteera, $5.20aH.25; poor to medium, ?I.0j5.1O; linkers and feeders weak, sJ.&0jt.ia); cows, 2 (O alA5; heifers, (J.Ua5; cannera, $Ja2.M; bulla, C.50al.l50; calves stead, flafi.ll); Texas feil steers, Cl.25a5.25; Texaa grata steers, M50al,15; Texaa bulls, H h0.i1..V). Itogs-Recelpts today, 18 000; tomorrow, 30,000; left over, S.Onrt; alow, top, $0.20; mliivi and butchers, lr.5SOart.15; gf.od tn choice heavy, t5.Wao.20; oush heavy, $5 eOa 5.00; light, 5.f0a10 bulk of (ales, (5 95a.07,, Sheen Receipts, 13,000; aheep gool native sheep steady; western weak; spring lambs steady to strong, other choice steady; good to choice wetli- em. mi. ins. 111!? -!'i Ul!i l.'IOVfc l.'tfi'i 13', IW,4 87t fett ..ioi lnui io ioi(, .. sii ! M! ..107U in;i; pi;i; 07i .. fiS'i 6?', (W4 HOj .. 4SU 41; 49'i Ji .. :c; sin 2.i 21 ,.171'i 17t 173i 17ti ..155 1M 153 15 ,.tiV lOT'; 109 lOT',i ..17.1'i 17.15; 173li 17374 ..1J5V4 l'.M',; lil'i 121 ..noli 120'i, hi r."j',j .. Ml T, ,5S1i 61 .. 5i's 87, siij 41; .157s; 15U is;v usv; .. M ,Wi .1J7J SB ..1.51 15i 15ii 1.50'i .. 41 41 41 41 .. 4!4 4ii'; 45i 4 .. 70 71' a Til Tt'4 .. s.i r.ii; s.ii rm; .. 7'i S7U M S7i; .. e'' Tn1 hi'a 70V4 ..; us ii'i is; .. 7a(, 7A, 7S' 7sT ..ia; inou in, im .. ii'i, 411 41 41 .. M ni o-jti rijij 111 1101. nn, ..IJJV4 1.M l.'JI, lit 11 . 1I7',4 11s 4ili tl 421, 4-:'i 7lt 7J 7I, 71', H4 1". ll, 1,5 4ti 45 4l,i 4P; :12'A 3r Ml, 4 l'i 471, 4 M ns-V 91 Q'-V THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Four Lines, 3 Cents Ur Each Extra Line. For Bent. For Remit, About i2oo feet of floor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturlng. In eluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of The Tribune. FOR HUNT IN COL'NritY Cottago ol nine loomi, nearly new, location the be.t; partly (ur nlahed. Will rtnt (or the season or longer on leasonablc term. Addicsst II. V. Carlton, Dal ton, l'a. 1011 IIE.NT-Elght rooms, 73.1 Jeltcraon avenuej all modern conveniences. t SUMMER RESIDKNCI-WIll rent to rctpotulble. parties, pleaaant lurnlshed summer home at Rlverview (arm, situated on the hanka of Sua Ouehanna river; beautHul scenery: flrit-clasi black bavs tlhlng, nice boating and bathing. IlenleM have exclusive use ol dining room, lit ling rooms and large xeranda. Terms xery rev soanhle. Call or address N. V, Walker, 3H Con rell bulldlnr, or W3 Washington avenue. FOR RENT C-room liouse, corner Wayna ivenua and Putnam street; hot and cold water; none hut small (amlly need apply. 1703 Vajnt avenue. Olt OREEN RinnE STREET, ten rooms, modern Improvements; steam heat furnished; detlr deslrsble. For Sale. FOR SALE-A Cottrell k Sons cj Under press. 33x31, In-good condition, new rollirs, V". Apply Wllkes-Harre llmea Office, Wllkes-Bane, Ta. FOR SALV:-ltnund bottom, strip laid and clinker built and flat bottom fishing boats. Packatd k Curtis, 153 Cherry street, Dunmore, Pa. Real Estate. HANDSOME TI.OT at Factoryvllle, beautifully situated; few minutes (mm station. 1 ox esses lovely xlew ol surrounding country. 55111 cut to suit buers. Prliei xeiy low. Address 55'. T. Ilackett, Heal ltatc, Scranton, Ta. FOR SALE-Or will exchange, five Improved houes fer building lots. Apply M. 5V., 113J Reck atreet. ers, $.i.50al 10; (air to choice mixed, $3a3.75; weaterrf sheep, $3.25a4; jearllngs $3.75al.l5; native lambj, 3.25i5.10; western lambs, ft lOaS. New York Live 8tock Market. New York, July 2. Hi eves Nothing doing, (eeing stead. Market flat; almost no de mand; (ew good veals sold at $5 50; buttermilks, iiominil; nearlv 700 calves unsold. Sheep Dull and barel tcacly; ihoiie and extra laml about Mrad; nllieia lower to sell; medium to good sheep, f3a.l50; medium to choice lamlw, 5.37Vaa (1.3.5; one car extra, V'5. Hogs Weak to 10c. lower; western hogs, o..,0; state liug, K'.t1', choice light, y.50. East Liberty Cattle. Eist Liberty, July 2. -Cattle -steady; extn, $5.'lafi; piime, 5fl5u5.75; good, 5.35aj 55. Won Mow ; prime heavy. 4.l5a(i.20; best heavy yoik en and asorted me-liiiin., rt.l0i.15; coiiunnii to Iilr vorkeis, Va6,lo; pigs as to quality, $ft.lOa 0.15; skips, H7.5a5.75; toughs, l.2.5a5.(A S'-ccp Dull; best wethers. .1.75v'I.S.5; culls and v.iiu nion, $1.50a2..'i0; jearliiigs, $2.&Oil.50; veal calve, 0a6.7S. Buffalo Live Stock. East Buffalo, July 2. Recelpla-Cattle, 101 cars; sheep and lambs, none; hogs, 2 tars. Ship ments Cattle, 10 cars; sheep and lambs, none; Isngs, 3 cars. Cattle Nn change; nominally; pring lamb., $fl50j (1.7.5; mixed sheep, $J.90a4. Hogs-Heavy, $.20; pits, $0.15a8.20. Oil Market. Oil City, July 2.-Ciedit balances. 105; no trad lng In certificates; shipments, 117,203; runs, !V 602. m BASE BALL. National League. At Boston R. H. K. Cincinnati 0 10 4 10 10 3-10 15 3 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 01 7 :i Bitleries llahn and Bergen; Plttlnger and Kitlridge. L'mplia Nash. At Brookljn- It. II. I.'. St. 1vuis 2 2 0 0 0 0(54 7 0 Brookljn 0 0 0002O-2 7 2 Batteries Powell and Hjanj Donovan and Jli (iulre. I'mplre Snjder. At Philadelphia R. II. K. Pittsburg 1OO000O4O-5 11 2 Philadelphia. 0(11110000-3 9 2 Batteries Philllppl and Zimmti; M hitc and McFarland. Lmpiie O'Day. At New York- It. II. K. Chicago 0 10000101 3 10 II New York 2 0 1 0 I 0 0 fl 12 2 Ilatteriea Hughes and Kling; Pliyle and 55 ar ncr, I'mplre Cunningham. American League. At Baltimoic 11. It. II. Boston 0 0 a 0 2 11 0 0-10 It 7 Baltimore 3 2 0 10 0 10 18 II 2 Batteries Winters and Schreckongojt; MiCIn nity and Robinson. Umpire Manassau. At Chicago R. H. E. Detroit 0 2 00002 5 7 Chicago 02010 3 7 1 Hatteriea Sievcr and Ruclnw; fiilfflth and Sul livan. I'mplie Haskell. At 55'avhington R. II. E. Philadelphia 10 0 1.110 0 15-15 II 1 5Vahinglon 1 n 1 3 1 1 0 0 -10 i 2 Baltcrioi riatt and Powers; Patten and Clark, Umpire Sheridan. At Milwaukee H II. K ncveland 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0- 11 12 0 Milwaukee 2 0 0 0 0 110 0-4 ti 1 H.llerie Moore and 5ood; Han ley and Ma lone, Umplic Cantlllon. Eastern League. Buffalo, 3; Sjracuse, 2. Rochester, 5; Piuvidrnce, 10. Montreal, 5; 55'oreestcr. 1. Toronto, 11; Hartfoid, 6, HALLSTEAD. Special to the Scrantcn Tribune. HalUlead, July I. Eugene Compton last weclt btoke hia right wrist. He attempted 0 board a fi.t moving Lac'tawanna tialn at New Mllford, homeward bound from attending a ball game theie, when he was thrown against the tide of the cjboce to that hia injury was received, Mini Lorctta MiConnack giaduited with honors frmn the school she waa attending in Scramon lait week. Harry Kapp has seiuiel a passenger run on the Lackawanna road (lining the Pan-Ameilcan ex po.llion. Mlsa Laura Robinson, o( Hlnghamton, was the guc.t of Mra. (Iroige Ward la.t week. Mr. John t'onley Is entertaining Mlsa Mary Carter, o( Hlnghamlon. William Knoellrr is having his home on Main street handoinely fitted with a modern bath room, Charlie Tanner, Jaik Nannery and Jim (.luslln vrero recently li)lng experimenla In baie-bacl; ildlng, 'lhey were all mourned on the sanij ho'ae, and the animal tlrco. ol hia load and kicked them oft Into the rcj'l. Nannery is laid up from in. juries received. Owing In the misfortune they will postpone their circus tour. Prof, and Mrs. 0. E. Moxley returned hone last week from a pleasant tour ol the Pan-American. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. HOY WANTED Brow na pharmacy, Washington avenue. W'ANTED-llright joung man to travel (or large Boston flrmj i and expenses! rapid ad vancement; must have f 1A capital. For Interview address "Responsible," tribune Olftee. WANTED Experienced porter, must be capable, reliable and have At reference. None other need apply. Jonas Long's Sons, Help Wanted Female. 55'ANTED-A second girl. Apply 5'cdnesdar morning, July H, In Mrs. Henry flelln, Jr., 417 Jefferson avenue, or by mall tn the same address. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want AdvertUementi Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M. Central City ALBERT RCIlt.UTZ, corner Mulberry street and 55'ebster avenue. OUSTAV PICIILL. eViO Adams avenue. West Side GEORGE 5V. JENKINS, 101 South Main South Scranton FRED L. TERrPE, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Market street. Green Ridge CHABLES P. JONES, 1557 Dickson avenue. F. J. JOHNS, 020 Green Ridge street. 0. LORENZ, torner Wellington ave sue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. H. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore , J. O. BONE & SON. Rooms nnd Board. LAROE (ront room with board (or two gentle men, 416 Adams avenue. Boarders Wanted. 55'ANTED Table boarders. Washington avenue. Mrs. Tompkins, 531 Wanted Board. 55'ANTED Hoard in country (or a (amlly o( live, where Iherc are no other boarders. Must lie near Scianton and have plenty o( shade. Ad dress 301 Seventh street. Scranton, Pa, Situations Wanted. SITUATION 5VANTEI)-By .voung girl aa nurse. Call at 81H lllvei street, south side. SITUATION WASTED-GIrl wants eilnitlon at general hnii.ewoik, t!ood steady girl. Ad dress M, Ilothloid, ( Delivciy, 55 est Sid Piwtolhce. SllUATION 5VAN'IED A hrtt cla-s coachman ite. si its a ultiialloii with a private (ainll.v. Capable, yober ami leliahle nnd understand thn linsinem thoroughly; with lofcreiiccs. Addni Coachman No. 3.(4 Penn aveiiiu-. SITUATION 55 ANTED To go out by the diy, wishing or dialling. Mia. Rusnell, lil'J Cedar avenue. SITUATION 55'ANrED-Exicrt bookpeeper wanU set books to manage not requiring entiiu time, teims moderate. Aeldiera I. O. U., Tribune, SllUATION 55 ANTED-Coaihnian drsitea a sit. union with a private lamlly; capable mm, Urictly tcmpi'iale and tellable, with good relcr euies. Address (.'oaihmin, 331 1'cnn avenue, UHjj S1UAHON WANTED-Lady would like to pro. cure vvoik by the day. Addrcsa 401 Apple avenue, Diinmoie. SITUATION WANTKD-Uy experienced book, keeper, now emplojcd. 55'ould like to change. 1). S., Box 273, City. SITUATION 5WNTED Acllvo joung man elesirea position as book-keeper; expeilemed and will ing to make himself useful. Elmer, Tilbune Of fice. sriUUTON 5VAM'KD-5s n cook or chef. Ad dress, Armstrong, (iiaml Central Hotel, SITUATION WANTED by a woman to go out by day washing, ironing or cleaning. Pleaso call or addles Mrs. M. llus-ell, l.'ll) Cedar ave nue, clt. SITUATION 5VANTED-lly a joung wonun, with child thiec e-ars ohl, as housekeeper or hoiiacwoik. Address, 730 Kressler couit, City, LEGAL. IN Tilt: DISTRICT (.OURT of the fulled Stalei for Middle District ol lVnu.lvania. In Urn matter of It. L. Ilartiautt, llankiiipl. No, 1 In tiankrupti Noliio is heicby given that II. h, llatliauft lus tiled his application in t lie abuvc si. 1 ted mint, a.king lo be ili.ihargrd aa a bankrupt from all debts against his rstate, nnd that .1 hearing will bo hail nu the above stated petition bcfoie his honor, It. W', Auhbald, dl-llld judge, on Ihe hftenlli clay of July n.xt at ID n'dock a, m. It. A ZIMMERMAN, Attorney for Petitioner. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that an application wilt be- made to the gnvetnor of Pcunsivaul.i on July 22. 1!J1, by Com ad Scluoeilei, Clinics Hnbliisiin, 5Tctoi Koih, Emil SihlmpQ and Leo. pnld Schimpfl, under the act of asscmbl eutilleil "An Act to Provide Ioi Ihe Iiicorpoialion and Regulation of Ceitaln f oiporallom," approved April 2'i, 1874, nnd the supplements theiim, fur the charier ot .111 Intended coiporatlon to be ealled "The Roaring Hiook Land Inipiovement and sand cmnpanv," the diarailer ami object o( wliiih Is the puicha.lng ami selling of ieil estate, and hand fiom leal estate, and l"i these put poses lo have, possess and eniny all the rights, benefits and privileges ol said ait ot assembly and supplements thentn, 5VEI.LES k TORIU.Y. Solldtois. James Barber, while In swimming recently, stepped upon some sharp stono and seveiely cut his foot. He la able to bo out ot doora again 011 clutches. 55'. J. Day lias been making Improvements upon his house on Railroad street, occupied by Mr. 5. 111 Aulen. The partitions arc being changed so as to alter the rooms. John Tanner waa fishing, in Pjge'a pond on Monday and brought home a laigc airing. Piepaiatlona lor a big time here em the Fourth aie being made. There will be several hill games. Time will alto be a dance in Du Hols dove and a paiade, fireworks and other attractions at the It. It. V. M. f. A. S. S. 55'rlght was in Ilariisburg all last week looking alter the inletesta ol Susquehanna count v concerning the enlargement of this congressional district. Through the efforts ot local pollticlvns and of Ihe representnltvii, the propose il enlaige. merit of the dlstiiit waa defeated, so that tho district now- remains Ihe same, being the smallest ellslllct in the state. Fiank Allen riled here at the homo n! Ins son, JiiiIhoii Allen, on Spring larm, al 1 o'clock Satur day He had surteied Ioi a long time I10111 cieeplng paulsls He la survived by seven) son. and one daughter. Mis. Bennett, of Cnnkliu. Rev. Einest Colwell picaihed the funeial sermon, The lnii tail tcivlici weie held In Haabrnok (ems try, tireat Hend. A letter from Rev. J. s. 1'acan, who ii louun.' Europe, savs he arrived in In good health and will leave London this week (or Rome, Ite expects to return In August. All the Hallstead stores will close at noon on Ihe Fourth, an as to allow the clerks and pto prietora lo enjoy the celebration. The new-steamer "ill be launched en th? I'uJfth of July, Captain will officiate at the wheel during the trial trip. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Than Pour Lines, 6 Cents for Each Extra Lint. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Publio Accountant. EDIVARD C. SPAULDINd, 23 TRADERS BANtf Building. Architects ED5VARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELl. building. FREDERICK L. BR05VN, ARCH. R, REAL Estate Exchange! Bldg., 128 55'ashl8Rton tve. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. 11. L, IIARDINn, 60(1 CONNELL nUlt.Dt.NO. Dentists. nn. 0. E. EILENBEnoER, PAULI BUILDtSO, Spruce ilreet. Scranton. DR. 0. 0. LAUBACH. 115 WYOMINQ AVENUE. Lawyers. FRANK E. BOYLE. ATTORNEY.AT-LAW. Rooma 12, H, 10 and 18 Burr building. F. K, TnACV,ATTV,COMMON55'EALTH DLDO. 0. B REPIX50LE, ATTORNEY-LOANS NEGo! tlaled on real estate security. Meara buildior. corner 55'ashlngton avenue and Spruce atreet, YYII.LARD, 55'ARREN A KNArP. ATTORN15Y9 and counsellora at-law. Republican building, W'aahlngton avenue. JESSUP k JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND COUN. sellora-at-law. Commonwealth building, Roorru 10, 20 and 21. ED5VARD 55'. THAYER. ATTORNEY. R00M3 wsi-wji, oth floor, Meara building. t. A. 55'ATRES. ATTORNEY.AT-LA5V, BOARD of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON k WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Bank building. C. C05IEGYS, 013 REPUBLICAN BUILDINO. A. 55'. BERTHOI.F. OFFICE MOVED TO NO 211 55'yoming avenue. Physicians nnd Sugeons. Dn 5V. K. ALLEN, 513 NORTHASmNOTO avenue. DR. S. 5V. L'AMOREAUX. OFFICE 331 55'AStl Ington avenue. Residence, 13U Mulberry Chrnnls disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and genlto-urinary organs a specialty. Hours, ; to 4 p. m. Hotels nnd Resturants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 Fh.lNKLIN avenue. Rales reasonable. P. ZEIOLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L. & 5V. PAS. sengcr depot. Conducted on the European Plan; VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. A, B. BRtGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no odor; only Improved pumpa usad. A. B. Briggs, proprietor. I,cave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Elcke'a drug store, cor. ncr Adams anil Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. G. R. CLARKE k CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NtlRS. erymen, store 201 55'ashlngton avenue: greta hoii'ca, 1950 North Main avenue; atora tele phone, 7S2. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 611 HCKA. AVE., Scranton, Pa,, manufacturer o( 5Vire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; al-o ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 21 J Adams avenue. MEOARriEE BltOS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN. v elopes, paper bags, twine, 55'archouse, 130 55'ashlngton avenue, Scranton, Pa. THE 55TLKESBA1IRE RECORD CAN BE HAD In Scranton at the news stands o( Reisman Bros., 400 Spruce and SOJ Linden; M. Norton, t22 Lackawanna avenue; I, S. Schutzer, 211 Spruce street. Honey to Xoan. 300,iXx) TO LOAN-Lonest rates: straight or monthly patnenta. Stark k CoTrader' bide. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN-uick, straight leans or Building and Loan. At Irom 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. 5Valker, 311-115 Connell building. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Ono large (urnlshed front room; also ono side room, 537 Adams avenue. Lost. LOsT 5, black cow, no horns and no tall. Re turn to John Capcuu, 01 pliant, Pa. LEGAL. NOIH E IS hereby given thet a mietlng of the stockholders of tho Collleiv Engineer Com. piny Is called by older of the Hoaid of Directors tu meet at the oihce of the company. In Scran ton, Pcniis.vlvania, on Monday, August 29, IX1! at two o'clock in the alteinoon. for the purpose c( taking action upon the pioposcd inciease In Ihe eapital stock of the sild company from ono million Ave hundred thousand t$l,sno,(inO) dollau In Ihieo million (.!,lK,',(x)) dollars, and ti transact such either business as may be biouxh beloie said meeting. ST5NI.EY P. M.t.EN, Secretary. Siranton, Pa., June .'llh, Hail. HOARD Ol' F.XA5I1NERS- Candidates (or the of His ol mine In-pectora In the First and Sec. ond Inspection districts are heirby notified thar the hoard ol examiner appointed by the court ei( common pleas ol Lackawanna county will mecjr at the Hoard ol control looms, (ity Hall, In the Cilv o( Scranton, on Tuesday, July lrt, 1HJ1, at 2 o'clock p. m. (or the examination of such eindi. dales as may appear belore them. Candidates will please notice that section rt of the mine law icqulrea them to produce svtlstacfory evi. dence to the boa id of having had at least Ave cars practical experience in the anthracite coal minea of Pennsylvania. JOHN F. SNYDER. VAUGHN RICHARDS, JAMES YOUNG, J55IE-J E. MORRISON, ALIA, RUHLANi), Attest :- Bwd. EMIL BONN, Clerk. JvOTK E IS hereby given that Ihe partnership lately subsisting letwcen A. II. Rogers and V. 0. Major, both ol the city of Scianton, coun. 1 of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, doing business under the tlrm name of Rogeis k Major, has expiied on this, nineteenth day of June, A. D lll'l, and that the firm aforesaid lus been eii-solved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership arj (0 be received by the said A. II. Itogere and all deiiixnds on the said nartncishlp aie to be pre. rented to him, the said A. 11. Rngets, for pay ment. A. II. ROGERS, N. O, MAJOR. WALTER E D5VK Attorney. ESTxTE OF ARMINDA NEIT.D, DECEASE!) Letters testamentary on the estate o( Armlndx Necld, late ol the (Tty o( Scranton, deceased, have been granted tn tho undeislgnd, to whom all persona indebted tn said estate are requested to make pajment, and those having claims or demandi, to make known same without delay. C. M. NEELD. II. C. REYNOLDS. II. C. REYNOLD, Executor Attorney (or Eatate. IN REl ESTATE OF DANIEL 5V. SULLtVAvT To 5Vhoin It May Ccncrrni The Oiphana' Court ol Lackawanna County has granted a rule to show cause why Maty Sulll. van. executrix ol the laat will and testament o( Daniel 55. Sullivan, should not be discharged. Returnable to next Argument Court. MARY SULLIVAN, II. 0. REYNOLDS. Executrix. Attorney lor Estate.