The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 03, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Attractions Offorod to tho Public on
Independence Day Donations to
St. Patrick's Orphanago Acknow
ledged Offlcors of Ripple Division,
Bona of Temperance Installed S.
H. Adams Complained That Tools
Owned by Him Were Stolon from
n House at Llncolfc Heights.
Aldetm'in Krllv l.u 1 Ills hands full
ytfllriduy in disposing of suits and
countrr-milt, In which both John Copl
ack, of Ta.vlni, mikI Michael Savage, of
1.uzmiio stieet, worn tho lotliit
It seems tliiit Savage boarded with
Coplack unci when the funnel li'ft his
boarding plue ho Infi nil unpaid bill
amounting t" seveinl ilollai" Coplnek
had a art mt lfiid, e lunging Savage
villi defintidltig lilni. mid the nldoi
limn give Judgment fm the amount.
Then Savage Imil Ceijilae k in tested
fur tho liteenv of some clothing which
was held In lieu of the tinpnlil bo.nd
bill. U'hrii till" ease was disposed of.
Cnpluek Imil Savage- iiiiftid for ills
nidoilv ondtii t mid iiiaMiu. t lireutj
Jlc was hold In ti.ill
Copl tck was then imixlcil it t the In
Mupcc of Savage, who e lunged nlni
with at"-. tult and buttot, making
thieuts, ellsoidcih londuil, Hand, and
M'iciiiI oihei things. Ho was tlnod $"
and (lists on one thai go, and hold in
tiW on anotln i.
More Tools Stolen.
S. 11 Adams, of I'.Ti Pltlstnn n cmio,
ropoitod lo Lieutenant Williams last
night that a set of his tnids hud boon
Molcn fioin a now house on which he
was working in l.lmoln Heights
Tho tools aio as follows. One piano,
onr brain and bit, two i hloK one
eompns, sLicw dilvoi nnd nm car
penter's suw srt. Any Infoi (nation io
gardlng tho then or tho tools urn be
lonimunUalod to tho polleo head
quat tots.
Whoie to Spend tho Fourth.
Many people aio In a iu.mdai n to
how they will fcpond the Fourth of Julv,
but It will not bo a haul matter to do
tcimine. If tho selection Is along tho
lino d sunuuei io.sntts '1k season at
Like Wlnol.i piaiiu.illv opens tenant
low nnd tills jil tun seine .spot in bo
loailnd ousdv n i.ul oi chic lo Tho
The Holiday
Trade Rush
Is now in full swiug, and we're as busy as can be in all
departments where holiday outing supplies may be had.
Shirt Waists and Wash Suits are phenomenally active
and there's a reason for it. We've got the patterns,
qualities and styles that knowing buyers want. The
Hosiery, Glove and Notions Departments are also taxed
to their utmost, while those in search of fashionable
headgear at the lowest passible cost, are reaping a har
vest in our Millinery Department. It's the same way
with the men, among the Gents' Furnishing Goods, for
this is an age when right styles and extra values are
Bat Perhaps the Most Interesting Item
Of Store News Today Lies Among the
New Creations in Ladies' Neckwear
k Window Full of Latest Novelties
taits Yonr Inspection Today and Tomorrow
While a few extremes for lovers of pronouueed styles
a . may be seea in the department besides all the popular
ideas that have hit the people's fancy.
Full Hues of Fancy Ties in Lawns, Batistes, Mulls,
P. K. Linen and Wash Silks, especially designed for
the holiday trade, and at prices within the reach of
people of moderate means. Pique stocks and the "New
Amazon" Collars, with just enough mannishness about
them to be interesting. ,
But mere talk on Ladies' Neckwear is just so many
. words wasted. Every day brings new ideas from the
many artists who give up their entire time to the crea-
tion of novelties and their work must be seen to be
Globe Warehouse
easiest way to get thcro Is by way of
tho Delnwaro, Lackawanna nnd AVest
ui n rnllrond to rnctoryvlllo nnd Gard
ner's 'bus lino, or by way of the Le
high Valley jallroad to Falls station.
A largo crowd will go to .Mountain
rntk with the Ancient Older of Hilt
nni, when trains will bo tun at 8.15,
S5", 11 n. in,, 1.10 and 1 p. m. Special
trains will also bo tun to Lake Lo
doio. The nttmetlons In the city will
bo limited, and ploiieiiio-seokets will
find enJoiiient at the above mentioned
1001 ts.
Donations to St. Patrick's Orphanago
The boaid of ellioetots of St.
Patrick's Orphanage m know ledge with
thanks donations from tho following
persons dining the months of May and
Mrs. Mii:ihcnn, Plttston: Patrick
rawinaugh, Mrs, Donnhoo, Mis. James
Carlln, (loot go T. MeCnith, Miss Hllii
McCarthy. Mears & lliiRvn, Mis.
'I nomas Knno, lless's bakei. Miss
Mary Canavan. Mm J J. O'Hn.vIo,
John Dlskln. Miss Magglo niskln. M.
J Kelly, Mis Mlohael MoGarry. 'old
ler's bakeiv, Aflss Maiy 1. Koofo,
William Hnnle.v oaleiei; St I.eo's
tmlalllon M 1 1!elll, George Keller,
Mrs. W. 0'Hilen. Claiko Hio William
l'ow lor. Miss ho Mmplo. Mr Peoney,
of No lit sohool, Willlain Hol.tnd.
J. II WHW.AN, Sceiotniy.
Installation of Ofilcors.
Tho following nUleois of I'.lpplo
division. No 4.'i Sons of Tcnipoiani'o.
weio Installid at a mooting bold In
Moigans hall Monday evening.
Wot tin piesldoht (Virllold Jones,
vvoithv assistant. Pavlel H. Williams;
locnnllng siiibe. Ai thin lloffnian, lln
unelul sdibo, lsnae Pavlcs, S. Y. I.
W Joshua 1'lliiM, assistant molding
scilbo. Uees Jones, tteasuioi, John W
Thomas; diaplaln. Thomas Hoboits;
londuitoi Hoatike Moigan, Inside
sontlnol. John D Wlllams, outside
st ntlnel. Aillmr Thomas, till-too, leo.
H. n.iK
Mooting of Diamond loenl. No 21",
rnlled .Mine Woikors of America, this
evening In Ja.vno's hall
Tho Cr.vstal i lul) will conduct a ball
nnd wall contest In ft Davids hall
this evening The latter will bo foi a
pi lo of $"i Tho Ko.vstoue club of
Huston will nttond the dame.
Mt. and Mis. H. M. Kohnstaniin, of
Tlcxk Mitel, aio lejolclng over a new
aiilval at tholi home.
Mis, .lames Jpienilah, of I.afa.votto
stieot, loft .vestotday for a visit with
his daughter. Mis. y, h. Wilght In
New Yoik oltj.
Wallace (5. Mover, of I.afa.votto
stieot spent lat ovenlng with l da
tives In Nliholson.
Mis Itoliorl J Williams and d.iugh
tot, Kloreiue, of I.afa.votto stieot, re
turned homo esterday afternoon fioin
a visit vvltli filends In Huffalo
l!ov J P. Molfat and Ue. i:. A
I'.o.vl will exchange pulpits not Sun
da The annua) oiui.slcm of the various
lltiptlst Young People's unions of
Northeastern Pennsylvania will ho run
to (Hen Ontiko on Attjrust 20, over the
Central Railroad of Now Jeisey.
James Klnncrty, of .Sixteenth slieot,
who has boon employed nt the Siian
ton stove vvenks for many oars, has
embarked In the stove and stale ic
paltlng buslnoss for himself.
Aithnr, the jouiig son of Mr. and
Mis. tloorgo Chase, of Noitli Hromloy
avenue, fell fioin a liee on Monday
and fiactured his aim.
Miss Marlnm Perry, of Hampton
stieot, Is visiting filends ut Mt, Po
cono. Mr. and Mis. James IMvvaids niul
rhlldien, of Kingston,' have tetuined
homo f loin a lslt with relatives on
Division street.
Miss I.elln .Million, of Third slieet,
has returned home from tho Lock Hav
en Not mal school,
Master llernaid Kumincr, of North
Lincoln nveuue, was tcndeied a sur-
pilse pai tv lei ently.
Tho regular monthly meeting of the
Pit st Uaptlst chinch wilt be held this
ev enlng.
Clarence Davles, Misses Stella Mur
lav nnd Lllzabeth Williams, of West
Sci anion, weto miiubeis of this jcai's
gtadtiatlng class at llloomsbuig State
Normal sohool.
Mis. (leorgo Plohler nnd daughter,
Anna, of Noith Sumner avenue, are
visiting l datives In Taniniiua.
Miss May Sullivan, of Vv'est Lacka
wanna visiting In Now York.
J W. ItlttenhnUM', of Nnilh Mnln
nveuue. Is the lotall nici
cdiants at tlazleton.
Tho longiogatlon of St. John's f!er
niaii rathollu chuidi will picnic at
Weboi's giovo In T.tjlor on Tuesday
Mis. J. L. Ueaveis, of North Itebecca
avenue, is sojourning In Ciletibuin.
Sei vices over the i cumins of the late
I'.eiijamiu Hughes vveie conducted es
loiday afloiiioou at the hou-e on
Hampton stieot, by Kev. D. D Hop
kins, pastor of the 1'list AVelsh Hap
tlst clinic h. Intel niont was made. In
tho Washbuin stioet cetneleiy
Tho nieinbois of Waco council hold a
soc I il esini lust evening after tho
regulai business mooting, at which
lofieshnionls wore seived
The lo t1 baiher shops will bo open
until midnight tonight and will bo
closed all day tomonow.
Clinics nnd Jabe Ciook. of Coal
dale, aio the guests of their hi other.
W. P. Ciook, of Noith Hyde Paik
Tile members of local union. No 121,
l'nitod Mine AVoikors of Ameilca, ip
coivod theii walking caids nt a moot
ing of tho union in D. D. Hvans' hull
last evening.
Walter Jones escorted a patty of
llloomsbuig State Norm il school .stu
dents thiough the mines last evening
Itev David Jones and fainllv. of
South Line Din avenue, are sumineilng
nt Lake Winola.
Mt.s J J Itobeits nnd son, New Ion,
of South Main avenue, and Mis (J. .
Williams nnd daughter, Maigaiet, of
Koik stieot, will leave this mottling
fm a tin co months' stay at Middle
Ciinnvllle, N. Y
Misses Anna Hoik her and Hay Coiey,
ol J.icKson stieot. will leave tod ij
for a vNIt nt High Palls. N. Y.
T K. Itev nobis and f.imllv aio so
lemming at 'Wooddalc cottage, Olb
Min, SitsiUehann.i count
Funeral of Mrs Williams.
The fiiueial of Mis Umbel "Williams,
vc ho died at the Moes Tfihu hospital
ol iioutalgla, Satuida, was noli ! at 2
o'clock estoidav afternoon, with ser
vices nt the Ninth Main Avenue Ilip
tlsi fibeinaelc The sei v ices ven con
ducted b.v ltev Di It H. Jones, of the
Welsh c'ongtcc.itlonal diuich and I'ev.
A II, Smith, of Hie Ninth Main Ave
nuo Baptist chiiiih, of villi h the de-ceaf-ed
was a devoted member tot a
number of oais.
The floial emblems vveie maiij and
beautiful The cliolis of the Welsh
I'oiigicgatlonal and Hapllst diurdics
had i hai go of the ringing. Mis. WU.
lams was well known and lospoitoel In
this dt.v, and this was attested by the
laige attendance' at tho fuucial. Ilei
Jovial and happy disposition and kind
heart won fm hoi man filends, who
tnouin hot death
'J Ik loniaiii' who viewed bv a laige
number of fiioncb. tiom IJ o'clock until
I. the casket being closed eluiliig ei -vices
Tlie pall-beaiotH weie dlles
t'liik. Pied Phillips, Hcnjtmln .lames
and John Danvots, Internum was
madu in the Wis-hbuin ntifot comoieiy.
The r, idles' Aid society of the Piovl
deueo .Methodist Kplscopal cliitich will
hold a lawn social tomonow allot noon
and evening, July I, on the paisonngo
lawn, leo ei earn nnd cake will be
poi v eel
Thom.i.s Powell, of Summit avenuo,
is visiting filenus In Fae loiyvllle.
Miss (Jeoiglana c'laik, of Chinch ave
nue, is spending the .siimmoi with da
tives In Scott township
l.ouls I.inkj, of Matatnoias, pike
count) , is tho guest of Mi and Mie.
Mm lay Kennedy, of Chinch avenue.
William Davis, of Wavno avenuo, has
returned fiom New Haven, vvheto ho
Is a student at Yale college.
William Dale the Wcj,t Maiket stieot
biker, will leave tomonow fen a two
month.'' Kuiopeau tilp
The liaibeis' union of this see lion of
tho city met in I.eonanl.s hall last
evening. The meeting was hugely at
tended, and subjects foi their mutual
benefit weio discussed.
Pea Coal SI. 50 a Ton Deliveied.
to South Side, central city and central
Hjde Park. Address ordeis to J. T.
Sharkey, 1314 Cednr avenue. 'Phone
Ycbteida meaning at ! o e I; all
that vu nioital of the late John Alios
was laid to icst In the Twentieth waul
it motel The home of tho beieavod
lnmll, on Illiili stieot, was tluongcd
with filends and lelatlves lot hums
pievlous to tho time of the tuni,il, At
9 o'clock tho casUet was closed, and
the funeial moveil to St Maij's c nttieh,
vlme a lermlem mass was I'debrateel
by Itev. Petet Christ, who -pi cached n
bi Iff set mon, dining whldi he spoke
feelingly of tho death and orfeied con
soling woiiks to deceased'? patents He
asked those piosent to lcmomhti the
dead joung man In their piaveis At
tho conclusion of the seivlces tho io
mains weio taken to the c motet The
members of SI Peter's oclet, who at
tended the funeial In a bod, acted as
Tho funeral of Mis. Anna flltte was
ii well is tho liiiidjomcst, mid ellirri
ire hailed to tall on any dru'clit and Ere
frco a trial liottlg of Kcnip'a llilim lor I tie
Throat and Lunga, a irmcily Hut 1. KUJuntccd
to cure and rrllctc all llnonli and Acute) Cuujli,
A 1 1 1 1 n l . Iliulahllii and Cviiunilluii, 1'iku Ja,
and iCte.
held ftmn her late rcsldeiitc, on Maple
street, jesterday afternoon. Scrvlce
over tho tcmalns wore held nt tho
house by ltev. Schmidt, of the Chinch
of Pence, nnd Intel ment was made In
the Plttston avenue ccmotoiy. The
pall-boaiots weio John Likes, Joseph
Kintner, Adam Kllllnn and Peter Clay. over the remains of Henry,
the elpht-.v car-old son of Mr. and Mis
11. K. Doll, weio held eteielay at 12
o'clock, alter which the lomalns were
taken to Wllkcs-Ilnnc for Intormont.
Members of the bo's Sunilny school
clrs weio the pall-heaieis.
The ineiuheis of Council No. 8J2,
Cult d Amotlcan Mechanics, met In
regular session last evening for Instal
lation of olltceis. Tho meeting was
latgolv attended by tho membeis of
the oidoi.
The memhets cif the Scianton Choinl
union met last evening at tho old
chinch on Hlckoiy utieel. After the
meeting, lofteshments weio set veil.
A. J. Pattlo, of Hinoklyn, N. Y, Is
visiting filends on thls'sidc.
The Misses Julia lluuim and Hosp
Ilamm, of Plttston avenuo, will loavo
today for tho exposi
tion. DUNHORE.
Picnic and Clambako.
Tomonow, July I, will bo fittingly
relebinted by the membeis of tho In
dependent Hose company with a nltnlc
and clambake at Kc.v stone hall and
gaulcns, which Is expected to uipass
all former events held by these popular
Tho committee that have the affair
In ehatge have laboted earnestly and
ate ptepniod for a ast assemblage of
guests. Hvciy possible foim of amuse,
ment has been piovldod fot the enjov
inent of guests, mid a clay with the
fit omen will be one long to bo toineui
boi od. A llist-dass oichestra will fm
nish daucini,' music; In the sp.ulouti
The llninii baud of forty pieces has
ni tanged to give an open-nli iimceit
on July I at tho Independents' plcnlo
at Kestone pirk. This organization
has locently engaged Pi of. Uodnej, of
Now York i!t, who has leoiganlzod
the band and Intends to make It tho
peoi of any musical nggiegation In
Lackawanna count. The speclallv pie
paicd piogiamme should be heaid by
an loveis of niiisie.
In connection with their monthly
business meeting tho Kpworth league
conducted an entottaiiitnoiit anil so
cial lust evening. Tho entei talnment
was shoit. but the members Indicated
that each poison well tleveived tho
applause thev leeelved Miss Ihnnia
Hone exeeiiteel a ditllcult piece on tho
piano, and hot pia Injr .showeel that
she Is no amateur In tint ait. The
vocal solos bv .Misses Ilitby Yost anil
Kls'lo Powell weio veiv Hue, and show
ed caieful training. Miss Ktliol I.llch
enhnn ledtod In a stilling manner
that beautiful poem, "The Whistling
Uoglnient." At tho conclusion of tho
piogiammo he cream and iako wcie
si'rved, and all agiood the meeting was
a suiooM- in oveiy way. A pleasing
fiatuie of the gftheiing was tho line
singing by tho League choir, ilov. t5.
W. ChadwicU, wlio was to deliver the
addicss, was detained at homo by the
Intense heat.
Tho funoial of Kithoilno s-clivvolter
will tn,p fiom tlie lesldonee of
hoi lathei, Ceauad Schweitoi, on Hast
Dilnkoi sticel, this afteinooii nt 2
o'e loi k
Ileniv Itoilwav, of Salem, was ai
rested ostenl,iy afteinooii by Ollb or
Piank Sm e o, for being diunk. Ho
was placed In Jail foi the night and
will be given a hoiilng bj
Htusehel some time toili.v.
Wo iln not want to lepott a teillblo
stioet eat aicideiit In Dtinmoro, but
fear it will be neceaty If mote caio
Is not eveiclsed In tunning the m inv
o.u s at ound the ' i oi not s " The speed
is entiielv too laplel foi safety.
The men in v In the thoi momotor
at Hone's drug -toie was Kept busy
Hstottlay going up and up until HU
In the shade was touched at 1 o'clock.
Later In the afteinooii Km email Woit,
of the Neptune Hose compaii, eiy
tliouglitllllly eooleel oit the "Illinois'
bv testing several lite h.vdiants. Pin
tunately none weio found fioien.
'I ho Woman's Homo and Koidgn
Missionaiy society of tho dieon Itldgo
Piesbjteilan i lunch will meet In tho
loctttio loom of the ihutch this aftei
nooii at .", .'0 o'llock
The ifgular monthly mooting of tho
Woman's Missionaiy society of the
A.'.nuv Methodist ehuih
will bo hold this afteinooii, Instead of
Thin -day. The meeting will be hold
at tho pusonage, A full attendance
Is dish eel.
Mi- Lena Johlei, of Sandoison ave
nue,, Is visiting flienels in New- Yoik
e itv.
Miss Matv Wells, of nio.ikor stieet.
has i etui nod fiom a shoit stay at
Pleasant Mount.
Van Allen Thomason, of Noitli Pink,
left .vestotday foi ltutfalo, N. Y.
The )oung ladles who seivod ho
cieam and cake at the Oteon Itldgo
Piesbjteilan i hut eh last evening vveie
wdl pationleil, nnd a neat sum was
lealled. Tho pioceeds will bo used
for nil-slonaij puipo-e.s.
PATIHCK JIOWATtD, a foi tner icsl
dent of nuntuoie, died In New Yoik
Monday night ami his teiiMins will be
hi ought heio today, i caching Scianton
nt 1.,'0 o'clock. Tho funeral will be
held at 1 o'clock fiom the resldeneo
of John Manley, on Hast Di Inker
street. Deceased lott the boiough
about a ear ago lie Is suivlveel bv
thii'e children, Helen, Kiancls and
Itichaid, two slsteis, Mm John Man
ley and Mis. Michael Munle.v, and one
htother, Oliver. Deceased was about
41 e,us of ago and was employed as a.
stieot car eondtictoi In Now Yen k.
JIHS, JOHN f'AWLKY of B17 Hiook
stieet. died yesterday noon nt M
o'clock after a one das Illness, the
causo of her death being heat pios
tiatlon. Deceased was 4.1 veais of ago
and her death brought gilef to n laigo
iiumbei of 1 1 lends who loved hei for
he i aiulahlo natuio unci sunnv dis
position. She was a member ot the
Holy llosaiy, and Sancd Ileait so I
etles of St John's chinch She Is sui
vlveel by a husband and two chlldien
Mamie and John, Tho funeial will
take place Thuisdny morning with set
vlccs in St John's chinch.
JOHN C. LAVULLH. of 160S Pios.
pee t avenue died Sunday aged BJ joins.
He Is suivlveel by two elaughlots, Mis.
P. J. McCaun nnd Miss Anna Lav olio;
two slstots, Mis. Peter Walsh and Mis.
Matgaret Caiey, and one binther,
Michael Lavelle, of Mooslo Tho fun
eral will take place this moniln? at
!l o'llock fiom St, John's chiiiih, Hi
teiment In tho Cathcdiul lemutciy.
of Many Kinds.
1 1 HAT Intel est Is Hfo ainonc
mcmlieiH of the Scianton III
iclo cluli over the pool loilina
mint iiiaugiiiatod tlicio mid
cveiy night numoioiis spectators
watch the pxpeitH of tho dub as they
study out complex shots anil gracefully
drive tho Ivoiy sphoics Into tho
Thteo now tabiis weio nut Into the
dill i oralis last week. Tvv pool
Uhle-fi and one l.lllatcl table There
ate .iiiincious loveis of tho nt
pool i mong the nicmber.s and ui range
iiionts weio Immodlatcly put under
way for a tourn imont, J. W. Diuen
btuy and H. H I'tyor taking an active
intoiest In stinting the contest.
Sov oral ptizes aio oiTotcel for the
best playing, as a losult of which the
weak Is fast and ftulous. Thoio aio
twenty-four onleilos, nnd as It Is a
handicap mat h .ho contestants aro
ni tanged into foui dasse's, each man
to shoot one bundled balls. The first
mulch took place Kilday night and the
tout l anient will piobably last sevcial
v eeks.
Base Ball.
BftAY, the heavy hitting outllolder
anil captain of the lifayelto base
ball team of 'PO Is pla.vlng In the
outllcld for the Atlantic Ollj team.
Tlicio must bo sninethln es
sentially wrong lu the makeup of that
1 hliadelphla Ameilcau League team,
for no matter how haul the plajeis
lino out tho ball It seems almost Impos
sible for them to a game On
Saturday last they made twonty-thtee
hits ngalust Hiltlmoto, Mctlraw's men
having eight bingoes less, and jet
winning And on Monday the Athle
tics stacked up nineteen hits against
Washington, could only tie tho
gnme. And in Mondiv's game a huge
per cent, of tho ill Ives were for oxtia
bases nt that L ijeile and Sojbold had
homo inns, Cioss a tiiple. and Cioss
and He) hold two baseis. milj Cough
lln of this city was In evidence nt
tho Washington thlnl coinoi and
bioko off a single, double and tiiple at
bat leading his team. Milllgaii who
pitched heio last season, was In the
box n shoit while foi Philadelphia but
lethed on account of the boat
Tho pee utailtles of hashall vveie
nrver binught Into luller piomhieuie
than Sunday when the Now Yoik
Until see onil In tho National League
race and onlj a few points behind
Pit (slim g idajeel and weio defeated by
the llobokou soml-piofesslonnls, i-s
wns tlie suite, Paulkner the Hobokon
twirler completely inystliylng tlie
fil.ints' sluggeis Al Selbach who the
day befoio made two singles and a
biaco of thieo baggeis against Chicago
was completely mj stilled, sulking out
live thins
Davo Kttll7. Is making good with the
Athletics both in the Hold and at the
bat anil Is mot cover running the bases
well, His follow collegian on the team,
Hayden, the Pulversity ot Ponnsjl
vniii.i pi, ocr lias taken an awful slump
In both batting and lieddhig
Lu of Washington Is loputed to be
the baldest hitting pitcher lu the Am
eilean league. If be ean glvo joung
Miiligau any points on the batting
game he Is good.
Pit (shut g has bought Shot (stop Louis
fair fiom the Schenectady team. Can
was loaned to Tiov dining tho season
by Schenectady and plaved a lematk
ablv sttong game In the absence of
Toinmv Leadi be in.ij bo phved nt
thiid base nnd Wagnei chased back
lo bis plai e Pi light Held, despite tho
lact tho laige Ilomis has boon
phOing is well at Ihlul as he plajs
anv position In-hle or outside of the
Tin io was a gioat slugging match
at Alb.inv Sunday betweon the homo
team and Cottland, the opposing New
Yoik league nine. Tho Cottland pi ly
cis billed Pitcher Uiuldoiham for
twonty-ouo i tins and twenty-live hits
He Is the pile hot who for many veais
was eine ef the steadiest and siuest
twlilers lu the Hastetn league, but ago
Is evidently beginning to tell on him
Ho was caught dining tho game by
Mllleilck. who was one of Pcrantou's
backstops last season. Six of the
Coitlandeis' hits weio homo inns and
s two baggeis. Itlglit Kloldoi Hill
led with tho stick, but was closely fol
lowed bv Pitcher Cooper. The fmmer
was six times up and made a single1,
two doubles anil two home inns Coo
per had two liomeis and two doubles
Jlmmv Dean, of this clt, Is plajlng
second base for Cottland.
This his been n gloat year In pro
fessional base ball for joung plajeis
and the "phenoins" have boon ninny
and most successful. Chi 1st v Mat
thew sou, of Pai totyville, iwlio seems
to have caught his seeeuid wind and
won thieo games foi New Yoik last
week, Is the piemior joungstet, and
Plank and Wlnteis.the two lietlvsbuig
c-olloglaus twilling for the Philadelphia
and Boston Ameilcan leaguers aio a
pair of othois lln i per, of St. Louis,
Is piesslng Matthew son hard foi the
pitching honor of the National league
and Crollus is winning lain els in Hus
ton's light Held,
Tho niniiv loenl filends of Walter
liuiiihnm, the voiy competent base ball
manager who gave Scrantnti sin h an
excellent team last season, will bo
glael to hour that tho man who plajod
In sm h hard link heto has now se
emed a good beith. He Is managing
lliockton. In the New Hngland league
Young Wlntei.s, the Ciottjsbmg col
legian, who is pitching for the Roston
American league, won his fifth conser
vative gamo jestorday breaking Hal
limine s winning streak.
ON 11 S. HAHLi:. of Detroit.
piesldent of tho League of Ameil
can Wheelmen, lecently mot the
local wheelmen of Huffalo foi tho pur
pose of oiganlzlng the various dubs
and individual wheelmen of the eitv
Into a unllled body for the fill thoi lug
of tho league meet to bo held In that
dty dining die week beginning Aug
In ipspeuisp to the call Issued by Col
onel C Leo Aboil, Louis Debo. W J J
Kutile and otheis, a large iiumbei of
wheelmen assembled fn the boaid of
tiade and a voiy enthusiastic meeting
was tho i exult. A L A W local inn
sulate was foi mod which if conducted
upon the lino suggested will become a
power among tho ex,al bodies and will
recrtvo tho Individual sup,oit of local
wheelmen. It will be known as the
United Huffalo Wheelmen.
The following ofllteiM weio eloe ted
C Leo Aboil, piesldent: Louis Debo,
vlio-picsldent; W. J. j. 'Cuiulc, none
turyj II, L. Duer, treasiuei.
As a National Holiday can bo better enjoyed by
looking well td'the warm weather needs that are made
for summer comfort. Can we help you to remember
some of the things needed to make the days pass pleas
antly ? New Belts, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear for Men,
Women and Children, Books for Summer Reading,
Hosiery and Underwear, Shoes and countless other,
items that will add to the sum total of the day's enjoyment.
Shoes and Oxfords
Ever had an opportunity of wearing a pair of Jonas
Long's Sons' Shoes? We'll tell about two or three
styles today.
Oxford Ties for Women, made of patent leather over the
newest lastx. If there is a thing that makes for shoe . -. -.
perfection you will find it in this oxford 5.UU
Oxford Ties for Women a little less expensive although
they'll wear just as well. They have the new toe shape
and Cuban heel X.5U
Oxford Ties for Men in Velour Calf, Patent Leather
and Vici Kid, well made in the newest toe and heel v
shapes X.OU
Millinery.all Kinds
Keady-to-wear Hats in great
variety; some at $1.69, others
at $1.90 and so on up to $4.98'
Ladies' Sailors at 19c, 35c.
39c, 49c, 75c and 98c.
Children's Flat Hats, trim
med with flowers, rosettes and
velvet ribbon. $1.50.
Children's Flat Hats, trimmed
with wreath on rosette, 39c
Flowers Reduced 2SC qual
ity now 10c; 39c quality now
Jonas Long's Sons
Aeldiccos vveie made by T'i evident
Kaile unci Al. M. Heldlnc,'. ji chief
consul of New Yoik slate
Tho I., A. W. incident exploded
hlnielC confident that the Io.iruo will
ldclc up aK.iln its old stioiiRth. "It
hooiiis just such a BiitlioiliiK ns the
wheelmen will enjoy heie," bo said, 'a
meet combined with the X (' A, lace"
will bo like old times, nnd. louplod
with tho attiactlons of the exposition,
should dmw thousands of eye lot s. The
lodKiio will Fiirely icRaln Its old mem
bership, for wheelmen must appieclate
that in union only Is tbeie stioiiRth '
'Dm Inn the wist thieo months," con
tinued President 1'urlo, "I have tra
veled over n latse part of tho l'nitod
Slates and Canada, and I ran positive
ly stale that everj ccllst who enn
leave homo In AilRilst Is comiliK to
Huffalo and that It behooves the I. A.
W. to take nelvautrifie of this fact '
Consul Holding eeonded tin- piesl
dent'.s wends nnd also ftntheiod tlie
eaiise by piosentlnq: tho treasurer with
a $"0 gold eoititlcato as ,1 nucleus for
the meet committee's entertainment
Colonel Aboil In addition to bolus
President of tho United Huflnlo Wheel
men and c'liniimiin of the local entei
talnment committee. Is ulsei clialiman
ot the 1. A. W. National l'an-Anieii-can
All of the ptnnilnent clubs weio lep
losenteel and many of tho old Unlets
weio present ut the mcctliiK anil evet.v
thliiR points to one of the largest and
most Inteiostlnpr meets hold in the hls
toi of the lcfiRue
IMouaid Taloto, the diminutive
r'len, of the Haines in Iiir team,
has boon t-Iek for two weeks ovvIiir to
tlie uuceitalii climate whlih has pie-
ailed since' his 111 rival lu Ameilia. Ho
has started well by winning n 1.110
ti mil i'ieice and Caldwell A lepoit
fiom Haltlmoio yesterday states he Is
riillng again and going voiy fast. The
vvuitli foiolgnor will follow tho 011
tlie eliciilt utiaiiRoet for the paco-fol-leiueis.
On Jul v I, nt ileveie Heaeh, Mass,
Pjiluo) Jenkins, of tho Columbia
lug to 1111 and the KiirIIsIi 1 hamplon,
will ess.iv to follow the puttering mo
tor machines for the tlist time. Yes
terda he tiptoed to compete tbeie in a
llve-tnlle paced race against llelillo Mc
nutlle who makes his initial appeal -aiuo
of the MMson. Tho 1,100 will bo
best two In thieo bents of live miles
each, paced b motoi s
fJasco.vno anil Jenkins, the KiiRllsh
tillers, tnembfi.s of tho Columbia lac
ing team, piomlse to bo well toeelved
by tho Amoilcnn uieo going public.
II0II1 ate nbove the average In ability
and aio most dolei mined to make their
wov In this iounti. l.inlen Oiognet.
th Kioneli npi Intel, of tlie Cleveland
1 icing team, Is sloivlv loundlng Into
ihape The thioe men wete honored
with positions on tho toatn of tho
Atnoilean Wcoo company ntnl aio
anxious 10 hold up their end.
o mie e c suf ui have the .spilnt races
been of lute up thiough Now Kngland
that main of il.c piotnoteis want 111010
dales on tho g.-and rlieiill than it Is
possible foi Ihem to get. New Haven
nnd llnitfoid hive had ice 01 el break
ing c tow ds
Indianapolis shows groat Intoiest In
ejdn lining. Tom liny took the New
bj Oval ttiiek and by good adv 01 Using
gained U10 Intoiest of the public. A
meet postpnni d twice diow 000 pen
pie, and now Indianapolis is lo have a
number of fliht class meets with the
voiy best of talent. Tho spi lutein of
the eastern counliy have been nui
nt Isoel by ninny libetul offcis from the
ifwislor capital. ,
The Ameilcan chumilon of 'OJ was
- - Newest Styles.
Velvet Belts
They are about as new as
anything in lhe belt line. They
are made of fine black velvet,
lined with black satin.
The buckles are oxidized and
Another style is made on the
same plan although of less ex
pensive fabric,
Tom Monaich Coopei, who was Bald's
rival of tho pievlous yoai. Cooper la
27 jeais old, weighs 17b pounds in
ti. lining, and is the ilehcst bicycle,
rider in the game today. Not only has,
the Detiolt repicsentative home $10,000
worth of stock in tho Detioit Tele
phone lonipanv, but his cement busi
ness nnd vailoits other entetprlses, if
sold, would piobably net him about
JfiO.OOO, most ol which has been won
ntili tlie aid of his stiong logs. Cooper
holds the twn-mlle paced recoid in
competition of .1 1,:, the llvc-mlle single
pared lecoid of 10 16, while his 1 52 l-.i
Is tho fastest time from sctatch ever
miide In a mile handicap Last year
Cooper went to Km ope, wliete he bent
oveiy splinter of note, including Jnc
eiuplle, whom he defeated In the Grand
Prl do Imposition, t'oopei's host sea
son of lacing was ', when the end of
tho season showeel hint to have cleat ed
over $11,000.
Sports in General.
THIIHK OPi:Ni:r at Jackson, Mich .
.vesteiday 11 f tot noon the four
days' tiottlngund pacing meet for
which niopatullons have been In piog
less since last fall. The entiles In
clude many good hoises and the out
look Is btlght for a .snoco;-.sful meet
ing. Yestculay's end included tho
following events- Kice-foi-all pace,
2.10 Hot. anil 2 JS tint
The hull, ilia lieittlug eiieult was
auspiciously luaugiiialeel witli a thteo
das' meeting vvlibh opened at Tcire
Haute Ind , jestoid.iv A number ot
good hoises will follow the cin-ult,
which Include Minnie, Mai Ion. I.og-
nnspoit, Indianapolis Hvausvlllc, l.a
fajotte' and other loading cities of tho
One of the most notable shooting
tournaments ever held In tho Pacilla
Noithwest openeel nt Iivlugtnn. Oie,
todav under tho auspices of the Mul
tliomah (ilia dub. Tlie paiticlpauts In
the pii'llmlnniy events Included nearly
one bundled ciack shots fiom Wash
ington, Oiegoti, Idaho, Montana and ,
Hrltlsh Cnlunibln, tho most of whom
came fioin Walla Walla, wheio they
took pail last week In tho Noithw ost
ein tournament. The tournament will
continue tlnoiigh tomonow and to the
wlnneis will be nw aided a number of
valuable tiophies together with $1,000
lu cash pilzes.
The annual tournament of the Cen
tial New York Golf league opens to
day on tin links of the Hlmlia Ctnin
tiy club Today and lomoitow aie be
ing devotod to the team championship
contests Tho finals will bo played
Satuida. Among the- clubs well rep
lohontoel In the tournament ate the
Alb.UO Counli.v 1 lull, the Oti-ego Golf
club, Wanalvo Golf .lull of Tienton,
.Sadnriiioila Golf edtlb of Sv incuse Jef
feison Counii.v club nnd nochester
Counliy 1 lull
The aelvutico guaid of athletes has
leached Hulfalo tot the all-around
championships of the Ameilcan Ath
letic union, which will bo the big
rouith of Jtilv alti.iilion at the Pan
American exposition. The high stand
ing of nuui of the nthletcs entered
for the vailoits events gives ptnnilse
that mote than one- lecniil will ro by
the boaid The totii'iiament will lit
pulled off lu the Stadium and will
cotnpilse tin' following events. One
bundled vaids tun, putting Hi-pound
shot, tunning high Jump, MO-yards
walks, tin owing iG-poitud hummer,
polo vault, U0-aiclH Inn die, throwing
Sfi-pouud weight, 1 tinning broad Jump,
one-mllo run. A number of hnndlcap
track events will also be decided.
Lj. Tt&bL. rfi-