The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 03, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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The Young Man Is Sought After to
Explain His Conduct While In the
Company of a Man Named Sohoon-
over from Scranton, Who Has
Been Missing Since Wodnesday.
, Wlnans Hull, of Dixon Hill, who lias
been In heaps of trouble for a young
man Is before the public once again.
Mb latest escapade has had a sensa
tional coloring given to It, but when
the facts are sifted It seems to be
hardly any more than another ex
posure of his weakness when placed
In the midst of temptation. What led
tn the highly colored stories that have
went round the town was the circum
stance that a man, a Scranton man,
named Schoonover, who figured In the
episode with Hull.has not been seen
since Wednesday last. When he was
observed with Wlnans, both of them
were stupidly Intoxicated. Hull,
however, has not been with Schoon
over since Wednesday night, and on
Thursday morning his mind was not
clear enough after the night's debauch
for him to recall where his boon com
panion had gone or what happened to
The same day, Thursday, Hull left
home and has not been seen nor heard
from since. His mother, while not tin
iccustomed to his sudden leaving
home, Is more worried than usual ovr
his absence and she Is fearfully con
cerned over him.
Hull left home on Wednesday morn
ing last and said he was going to the
excursion of St. John's chinch, South
Scranton. which was held at Lake
Lodore. He had no money so far ns
she knew, his mother said yesterday
to the Tribune representative, and she
was somewhat surprised when he 4e
lared his Intention of going to over
the mountain.
At the excursion, Hull met the man
from Scranton. Schoonover, the one
whose disappearance set afloat the
stories that he had been beaten and
robbed. The pair according to the
stories that have been told the police
department and Hull's folks, by
Schoonover's friends, who came to
Carbondale In search of the missing
Scrantonlan, weie drinking together
at Staples hotel at Waymart and that
Schoonover was seen last in the com
pany of Hull. That night, Wednes
day, Hull was found in a drunken
stupor on the porch of Staples hotel.
He was located by some of the em
ployes of Emery Lee's livery of this
city, who, when they recognized him
carried him to their wagon and placed
him on the lop of a load of hay which
they were taking to this city. When
Hull was aroused cm reaching this
city, ho wandered to his parents home
on Dixon Hill. The drink that ho had
taken had spent Its Influence, but ho
had no recollection of what had hap
pened or at least so pretended to his
folks. He had a watch which his par
ents knew was not Ills own. This Is
the time piece that. Schoonover, Hull's
companion had with him nnd which
the police of this city, were asked to
recover by Schoonovcr'c friends,
Hull offered no explanation as to
how he became possessed of the watch,
but hastily prepared to leave homo
again. His mother remonstrated with
him, and after advising him. begged
him to reform. Hull, however,
brushed aside his mother's entreaties
and hustled out of the house. He
has not been seen since, nor heard
from, but the mother believes he went
to Honesdale, where he was promised
a position about two weeks ago with
the telephone company In that bor
ough. Yesterday Hull's house was visited
bv a man who left a card on which
he wrote the name of C. W. Miller, and
his address as 337 Washington avenue,
The stranger represented that he
was a detective; that he was looking
for Hull to learn what he knew of the
disappearance of Schoonover. who, the
alleged detective said was his cousin.
Hull, the man said, had been seen In
the company of Schoonover on Wed
nesday. Schoonover. at the time, had
n cons.lderable sum of money with him
when he left home. The stranger said
that while Hull perhaps did nothing
that was criminal, he was wanted to
throw fome light on Schoonover's dis
appearance. The family was unable to give Miller
any Information ns to Hull's where
nbouts. The visitor also sought Chief
MeAndrew and acquainted him with
th story of Schoonover's disappear
ance, of the loss of the watch, which
It was heard In some manner had
come into Hull's possession, and of
Hull having been seen drinking with
Schoonover at Waymart on Wednes
day. Chief MeAndrew and his ra'n are
on the lookout for Hull.
Hull has been drinking heavily since
his release from Jail several weeks ago,
and has acted queerly for some time.
A few weeks ago he was employed by
the Carbondale Telephone company,
but was discharged for having tam
pered with two of their subscribers'
Chauncey Feeney at Emergency
, Hospital Suffering from Shock.
Chauncey Feeney, who resides at 15
vyoodlawn avenue. Is at Emergency
hospital, the victim of a bicycle ac
cident which happened after 11 o'clock
An, Monday night.
The accident happened while Feeney
tvas coming from South avenue Into
Main street. The polo of a wagon,
which he didn't notice, struck his
;hest, producing severe shock. Dr.
Lowry attended him.
Death of a Child.
Margaret Furron, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thedoro Carpenter of
Belmont street, died Monday evening,
Her death yas brought about by a
brain trouble aggravated by the ex-
Mremely hot weather. Had the little
foe lived till August 17 sho would
Usi Allan's Fool-Easi In Your Gloves
, A lady wrltesi shike Allen's Foot-Kaie
info" my slo and rub a little on my hand. It
ssves my Rkrtcn by ahjorbing perspiiatloii, it
ti mct dainty toilet powder." W ( cite the
attention el physicians and nurse's to the absolute
fjmple sent yicEU, Addcc Allen S. Oln'uted!
1.- KuV, '. V
rnriljr u, v.ur... tlui.M, ut, i. y;, Abbott,
W Jt A r,hlcen cHnle. iyi "it It a ffranJ
cwAfraWll), I am imlns It tonstanth- in ,v
" Ail drua inrt din tm.. n i (..
Catfeondale Department.
have been three years old. A short
prayer service will be held nt the
house thin afternoon nnd on Thursday
morning the body will be taken to
Unlondalo whore services will be held
at the home of the deceased's grand
father, Elijah Carpenter. Hurlnl will
be made In the Unlondalo cemetery.
Thomas Lowis of Fiko Stroot,
Stricken While nt Lako Lodoro.
Thomas Lewis of Pike street, a mem
ber of Trinity Church Suday school,
was overcome by the heat 'while at
the school excursion to Lake, Dodore
Dr. S. Ij. Halley, who was on the
grounds administered to him, and ap
preciably relived him. When the suf
ferer reached thla city, ho was taken
to Emergency hospital, where the
tieatment he received further restor
ed him. He will be able to be out in
n, few days.
Miss Buollah Stovens Who Eloped
with Herman Swingle Is Forced
to Leave Her Equally Romantic
Lover and Return to Her Homo in
tho Jersey Meadows.
The last chapter of the romance of
Miss Uuellah Stevens, tho .lersey lass
who left her home In the state of
well developed mosquitoes and sum
mer resorts, and eloped to this city
with Herman Swingle, a Carbondale
young man, was written yesterday,
when the girl's aunt. Mrs. Mary Stev
ens, reached this city, and after a
heart to heart talk with her romantic
niece, took her away from her lover
and back to her home In the Jersey
Mrs. Stevens, the aunt, Is a woman
of few words, but of a whole lot of de
cision, and this the lass appreciated,
for she made no protest when her aunt
came on the scene, though she ex
pressed her sorrow because of the sep
aration In a copious flow of tears.
When Swingle left the city building
In the morning ho came to say good
bye to the maid who loft her home for
him, and this was tho cause of the
overflow of the girl's emotions. She
weeped and wceped and weeped some
more; then she ceased, gave a few
heavy sighs, made her toilet anil left
In company with her aunt over the
Delaware and Hudson on the 11. -0
They Will Proceed to Enforco Early
Closing Movement,
The Clerks association at last night's
meeting, took steps to cause tho two
merchants who are violating tho early
closing agreement to close at 6:'Jfl each
evening. Th" hour agreed upon.
The action of the clerks was brought
about by the removal of the com
plaint from the Merchant's associa
tion that there were a few stores that
persisted In keeping open after hours.
The committee from the clerks was In
structed to wait on the two merchants
complained of, a Main street dealer
nnd one on Park street to observe the
agreement. If these two recalcitrants
refuse, then the committee Is em
powered to bring their names before
the Central Labor union for action at
Its coming meeting.
The clerks also Installed the recently
elected officers last night.
David Wash, the retiring president
conducted the Installation.
Frank Boylan was appointed the al
ternate of David Walsh, to the conven
tion of clerks at Buffalo on July 9.
Notice from Postmaster Thomas Re
pealing Postal Business on That
Postmaster Thomas has issued tho
following notice anent the business
hours nt the Carbondale postofflco on
Thursday, July 4:
July 2. 1001.
United States Postoflire, Carbondale,
Lackawanna county. Pa.
Fourth of July, a legal holiday:
postofflce lobby open for general busi
ness from 7 a. m. to 12 o'clock; 3.rt
p. m. until 6.20 p. m., for lock box
owners only.
One general delivery of mail by ear
lier. No money order or registry
business done on this day.
After the first collection from street
boxes persons should mall letters at
the postofflce box for prompt dispatch.
J. H. Thomas, P. M.
Lawrence Gilloran Who Was Oporat.
ed on for Appendicitis and Andrew
Giblor of Jermyn, Go Home Cured,
Lawience Ollleran, of Dundaff street,
was discharged from Emergency hos
pltal, whither he went ubout three
weeks ago to 6eek relief from an at
tack of appendicitis. He was operated
upon, the appendix was removed, and
now Mr. Glltcn Is on tho road to per
fect health.
Andrew Cllblor, the Jermyn resident,
who was picked up along tho roadside
In that borough, while seized with n
convulsion, and taken to Emergency
hospital, rallied sufficiently to bo bent
to his home yesterday. He was not
wholly cured, but was strong enough to
be removed. He was very weak when
taken to tho hospital, nnd was suffer
ing from general peritonitis, the con
sequence of recurring attack of ap
pendicitis, The operation which was
thought of has been put off.
P. O. 8. of A. Social.
The Installation of officers of the
Washington camp, P. O. ti. at A., was
scheduled for Monday night last, but
It had to be postponed until the next
Monday because of the absence of the
Installing ofllcers. However, as the
members had assembled to enjoy the
evening It was decided to hold a social
hour. This was pleasantly passed and
ended with tho serving of refresh
ments, Ice cream, cake and lemonade.
Homo frsm Hospital,
Martin Hollnlck. tvho went to Em
ergency hospital a few weeks ago to
seek treatment for an ailment of the
stomach was discharged yesterday,
gteatly Improved.
Thonc :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Dr. H. V, Logan of Scranton, Visits
Simpson, Confirms Diagnosis of
Small Pox Oases and Orders Quar
antine to Bo Rigidly Enforced.
Carbondale Board of Health on
Dr. II. V. Logan, of Scranton, dis
trict Inspector of the state- board of
health, visited the village of Simpson
yesterday afternoon, Investigated the
supposed cases of small pox, confirmed
the diagnosis of the physicians In
charge of the case and ordered the
quarantine that was ordered by Dr.
John S. Nlles, president of the Carbon
dale board of health to bo rigidly
Dr. Logan was summoned to Carbon
dale yesterday afternoon by Dr. Nlles,
with whom he visited the company
houses at the Northwest breaker In
Simpson, wheie the Toolan and Doud
families live. The condition and ap
pearance of the patients, Mr. Toolan
and Mrs. Doud, led Dr. Logan to pro
nounce the cases as small pox, and
without any hesitation.
In accordance with Dr. Logan's In
structions, arrangements were made to
have the quarantine strictly main
tained, and a guard was Immediately
placed on duty In front of the houses,
which adjoin each nther. Two other
men were also employed, and the three
will relieve one another every eight
Orders were also Issued for the vac
cination of the residents In the vicin
ity of tho Infected houses and through
out the village.
Earlier In the day Dr. Nlles had a
talk with General Manager Frleder, of
the Klots Silk mill, where a number
of girls work, who live In the same
row of houses as the Toolan and Doud
families. He asked that the girls
whose homes are In this row be re
(I'tested to lemaln at home for the
present; that they he directed to be
vaccinated, as well as the other hands
of the mill. This Mr. Frleder agreed to
do, and he nlso Indicated a spirit to
co-operate with the officials In every
way in order to prevent the spread of
the Infection.
Mr. Toolan and Mrs. Doud have, It
Is believed, passed the crisis of the
disease and It Is not deemed necessary
for a physician to visit them.
As a precautionary measure, owing
to the nearness of the locality of the
disease, the Carbondale board of
health re-Issues through the press, tho
admonition It gave several weeks
ago, when small pox was prevalent In
Luzerne county, that the residents of
this city bo vaccinated.
This request, which Is In tho Interest
of the public health, the board hopes
will be met with a general compliance.
Dr. Nlles left the city last night for
his summer home for a week's rest,
but on leaving he deputized Dr. liar
pet to net In his stead as president
of the Carbondale board of health.
Stovo Dyor, of Scranton Railway
Company, in Town Settling with
All of tho sufferers of the street rar
accident at Jermyn last Friday night,
when a defective axle threw the car
off the rails and over on its side, have
been recompensed for the Injuries they
suffered and tho lot-? of time that they
sustained, with the exception of one or
two, and settlements with these nre In
The settlements were effected by
Steve Dyer, of the claim department of
the Scranton Railway company, who
has been In the city for several days.
Today he will make the last settlement,
with the exception of the case of Mis.
John Maze, of Clark avenue. Mrs.
Maze wa the worse sufferer, her
shoulder having been thrown out of
place and her system helng severely
shocked. Terms of settlement have
been suggested which are being con
sidered ry the Maze family.
Mis. Maze continues to Improve. The
displaced shoulder has been set In
place again, and her nervous system le
gradual! being restored.
"Jake" Mendelssohn, the Mayflcld
young man, who was pinned under the
car, Is slowly Improving,
Wm. Collins, a Traction Conductor,
Operated on at the Hospital.
William Collins, of Brooklyn street,
a traction car conductor, was operated
on nt Emergency hospital during the
early houts of yesterday morning for
the removal or his vermiform appen
dix. Collins' condition was grave when
taken to the hospital, but last night
he was ns comfortable as could be x
peeted, Collins wns taken sick on Sundiy,
complaining from a disturbed stomach.
Monday he grew worse and the family
phyrlclan. Dr. A. F. OUlis, was sum
moned. There were Indications of grave
abdominal trouble, and he was hustled
off to the hospital about 11 o'clock that
night. An examination by the hospital
staff revealed that Collins was suffer
ing from an acute attack of appendi
citis. Ho was Immediately operated
upon, The appendix was found to be
badly Involved, an abscess having
formed, which would likely have pro
duced septic poisoning if left undls
turbed. Gone to Coxton Lake.
Dr. John S. Nlles and family loft
yesterday or their summer home which
Is on Caxtnn lake In Wujuo county,
among the prettiest of numerous small
sheets of water over the Mooslo moun
tain. The family will remain for the sum.
mer, but Dr. Nlles will be gone about a
w cek.
Working in Philadelphia
Morris Kelly of South Church street,
who was one of the hands laid off
a week ago at tho Delaware & Hudson
shops because of scarcity of work, has
secured a good position at his trade
In the shops of tho People's Boiler
works in Philadelphia,
Merchant R. J. Kllhullen, of South
Main street, Is the proud possessor of
one of the handsomest read horses in
town, which lie purchased Monday.
Vardmaster J. L. Cole, of tho Ontario
and Western, has purchased a hand
come and speedy horse and new buggy.
Mrs. Michael Wahl, of Edgerton, had
her husband arrested for assault and
battery. The case was tried before Al
dcrman Atkinson Monday, but there
being no evidence against the defend
ant, ho was discharged.
Proprietor Williams, of the American
house, Is suffering from an injury to
his eye that Is causing him concern.
An oculist from Wllkcs-Bnrre was
called In consultation Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Farrell, of May
field yard, have returned from their
wedding tour, which Included Niagara
Falls and the Pan-Amerlcon exposition.
Hon. Alfred Darte, Orphans' court
Judge of Luzerne county, spent the
Sabbath with Mr. and Mrs. James
Thompson, on Church street. He re
turned to Wllkes-narre yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnf.on, of
Church street, are rejoicing over the
arrival at their home of a nine-pound
baby girl.
The United Mine Workers of Amer
ica Local 877, will Issue the working
cards for tho next quarter on Friday,
July 5, Instead of July 3.
James Gallagher has again taken up
his home In this city, after several
monthfl residence In Oneonta.
E, H. Dowe and wife left yesterday
for Washington, where they will reside.
J. B. Cotter spent yesterday In the
Electric City.
Mrs. Theodore Townsend spent Sun
day at Jermyn.
Thomas' Payne is confined to his
home by Illness.
Miss Maggie Howley, of Brooklyn
street, Is seriously III.
Father W. A.' Gorman, of this city,
Is spending a few days In Scranton.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. O. Mellen spent sev
eral days last week at Asbury Park.
Thomas Donnelly, of Brooklyn. N.
Y Is the guest of Frank Kelly of
South Main stnet.
Mr. and Mrs. ?. E. Lathrop returned
Monday from their trip eastward.
They were absent about ten days.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hoi
lenbeck, on Oak avenue, has been made
happy recently by a bouncing baby
M. J. Murphy, of Harte's store,
Maylleld, formerly with the late James
Barrett, Is 111 at his home on Green
field avenue.
Professor B. E. Pitts and wife, of
Scranton, formerly of this city, are
spending h few days In town with the
latter's mother.
MIsn Nellie Irwin and Miss Rose
Lawless, of Scranton, nre the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Thoma3 Murphy, on
Greenfield avenue.
Miss Elizabeth McCabe, of Bingham
ton. N. ,Y., and Miss Agnes McCabe,
of Simpson, are the guests of Mrs. J.
B. Cotter, on Summit avenue.
Miss May Gregory, daughter of Pro
fessor W. P. Gregory, formerly of this
city, now of Brooklyn, N. Y Is visit
ing Miss Katie Solomon, on Oak ave
nue. Mrs. Hobart nnd daughter from Chi
cago, and Miss Styles, niece of Mrs.
Hobart, are visiting Mrs. G. Dawson
nnd Mrs. Robert Wheeler, of Columbia
- m
About twenty graduates of. the Jer
myn public schools met in the High
school last evening, In response to the
Invitation to make arrangements for
holding an alumni banquet. After a
short discussion, permanent organiza
tion was effected by the election of the
following oftlcers: President, Wllllsm
Kennedy; vice-president, Arthur Win
ter; secretary. Miss Annie McChrone;
treasurer, Merton Wheeler. A consti
tution and by-laws were afterwards
adopted and committees appointed, who
are to report at a special meeting to
be held next Monday evening.
Speaking of the smallpox cases, last
evening's Truth says: "The report of
the Archbald cases was made known
exclusively In the Truth yesterday In
the Archbald correspondence." We beg
the Truth's pardon, hut that Is not the
truth. The report of the Archbald case
appeared first In the Jermyn and May
field Items Monday morning.
The Hit or Miss Cooking club were
pleasantly entertained yesterday after
noon at the home of Miss Laura Hill,
on Main stree.
The postofflce will be closed tomor
row, except between the hours of 10.3ft
and 12 o'clock In the morning and 2.30
to 4 o'clock In the afternoon. No money
order or registry huslness will be trans
noted, but all malls will be dispatched
ns usual.
John Murphy, a man residing on the
East Side, found a purse containing a
sum of money Sunday night, which the
owner can have on application by prov
ing ownership.
Mr. and Mis. Philip Baker, of Main
street, are at the Pan-American exposi
tion. Invitations have been received by a
number of people In this vicinity to the
wedding of Joseph Tennis, jr.. and Miss
Minnie Reynolds, both well-known and
estimable Jermyn residents. The cere
mony will take place at Butte City,
Montana, on the 16th, where both now
Thomas Meade, of Avoca, and Thom
as Hockaway will pitch a game of
quoits In the vicinity of the Sweeney
house on the afternoon of July .
Mrs. Frank Barber, of Green Ridge,
was a caller here yesterday.
Frank Jones, of Second street, lias
taken up his residence on a farm near
Mud pond.
Mrs, James Mann and daughter. Liz
zie, of Fourth street, spent Monday vis
iting Dunmore friends,
Mrs. William Morgan, of Mayfield,
left Monday evening to join her hus
band In Colorado.
Mia. J. M. Graves has returned home,
after an extended visit to Lancaster
county relatives.
The barbers will observe tomorrow as
a general holiday, but will keep open
until 11 o'clock this evening.
Prof. Andrew Glblln, leader of Col
llns band, has returned from the hos
pital, where he has received beneficial
treatment. He will be given a trip to
Atlantic City In a few days, through
the generosity of Major Collins.
A Polander employed by the Oly
phunt Water company on the new
water lino In Blukely wns prostrated
by the heat while nt work yesterday
nfternoon. He was removed In
Sweeny's ambulance to his homu in
Prlcburg where ho rcelved medical at
tention. The funeral of the lato William
MeAndrew will take place this after
noon nt 3 o'clock from the residence
of William Gllbbons on Dunmore
street, t interment will be made In
St. Patrick's cemetery.
Mrs Henery Berry spent yesterday
with relatives at Carbondale.
Martin McClane, of Dunmore was a
caller i town yesterdu?.
Mrs. W. L. Broome and son, Victor
Broomu who have been the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Crlppen of Grav
ity street, returned to their home In
Utlca, N. Y., on Monday.
Mrs. B. E. Klngslcy and children left
yesterday to spend a few weeks at
Miss Mame Snrge left yesterday for
Harvey's lake to spend a week.
Willie Price, of Lackawann street
has returned home rom a visit with
Nantlcoke relatives.
Mrs. Ann Carter, wife of Police Offi
cer Edmund Carter, passed away at
her home, on Main street, at 6 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, after a lingering
Illness. For thirty-two years she had
resided In this town, and In that time
made numerous acquaintances. De
ceased was born In Pennacnlr, Wales,
fifty-eight years ago. She was gener
ous and charitable, nnd was esteemed
by all who knew her. She Is survived
by a husband and two daughters and
one son Mis. Charles Atkins, Miss
Jennie, of this place, and Benjamin
Carter, of Prlceburg. Funeral arrange
ments will be announced later.
The funeral of the late Moses Belles,
of No. 4, occurred yesterday afternoon
and was largely attended. Burial wns
made In the Marcy cemetery.
Members of the Anthracite Glee club
have begun uctive training for the Pan
American eisteddfod In September,
where they will compete for a prize of
5200. The party Is under the direction
of Prof. D. E. Jones, Mus. Bac.
The societies of the St. John' Ger
man church, of West Scranton. nre
making elaborate preparations for their
outing to be held In Weber's park, Tay
lor, on Tuesday, July 0. The excur
sionists will come by trolley and have
engaged a numher of special cars from
the Scranton Traction company for the
occasion. An admission fee will be
charged to enter the park. The ticket
will entitle the holder to a chance on
the $10 prize. Refreshments of all
kinds will be served on the grounds.
All are cordially invited.
The Archbald mine local, United Mine
Workers of America, will meet In the
Odd Fellows hall this evening, Instead
of tomorrow evening, owing to the
Fourth of July falling on their regu
lar meeting night.
Taylor lodge, No. 462, Knights of
Pythias, and Mlnooka tribe, No. 217,
Improved Order of Red Men, wilt meet
In their respective halls this evening.
The barbers of this borough have de
cided to close their places of business
tomorrow, July 4, and to oblige their
patrons they will keep open until mid
night tonight.
At the handicap quoit match at the
Parker house grounds tomorrow morn
ing tho first prize will be $3. Other
prizes will be offered. Distance, fifteen
yards. Other agreements governing the
handicap will be decided upon by the
The various Sunday schools will hold
their usual Fourth of July picnics to
morrow. Richard Howclls has moved his fam
ily to Winburg, Pa., to reside perma
nently. Mis. Walter Lewis, of Plttston, was
tho guest of relatives In this borough
on Monday.
Rev. C. B. Henry, pastor of the Meth
odist Episcopal church, attended the
session of the Methodist Ministers' as
sociation at the Elm Park church yes
terday. PECKVILLE.
Mrs. William Peck nnd daughter,
Etta, are visiting relatives at Way
mart. W. II. Storrs, of Scranton, called on
William Allen yesterday.
With the material for a first-class
base ball club in Peckvllle, there Is no
reason why a club should not be organ
ized. Think It over, boys.
The youngsters are making great
preparations for the coming of tonight,
when cannons and crackers will bo
brought Into play and the night made
hldcoils to those waning peaceful re
pose. Uncalled for letters at Peckvllle post
office: Jennie Howells, Mrs. Merltta
Mack. Miss Bertha Cobb. Mrs. W. F.
Walters. Carl Brown, Peter Cawiey,
Frank Sharp, Rees Williams, esq..
George Burt, William C. Padget. II.
Meter. Foreign George Bogan, John
Hacko, Gulseppe Armzearnl, Ellek
Toby, Mike Badonko, Spuanzeln Oro
zit, Danko Jemonsnky, Sante Mon
acebll, Artcgganl Atessanatl.
Messrs. 'Delbert Knapp and John
Pearl have returned after spending
three months In Philadelphia.
The Epworth League huslness meet
ing will be held this evening-at the
home of Mr. Charles Snyder of Dia
mond avenue.
Mr. John Ward of Philadelphia Is
visiting friends In town.
The alumni of the high school will
hold a banquet In the Auditorium this
Miss Ella Cole of Dunmore spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. James
Master William Snyder Is spending
a few days In Gibson.
Rev. J. N. Bailey preached two very
eloquent parrlotlc sermons Sunday, in
the M. E. church.
Tlfo high school Is soon to be treate
ed to a new coat of paint.
Mr. John Lewis of Plains visited
town last evening.
Mr. E. C. Berlew has moved his
family to West Scranton.
A zero social will be held In the
Baptist church. Thursday evening.
July 4. All are cordially Invited to at
tend. F. J. Walker's Sunday school class
of young ladles will hold a lawn fes
tival In the grove opposite the home
of Harold Parker. All are Invited.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lance will be
gin housekeeping next week, In Car
bondale. DURYEA.
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
Duryea, July 2. Mrs. Burleigh, of
Tunkhannock, Is visiting at the home
of her daughter, Mrs, William Shales,
of this place.
Mrs. William Gearhart and Mrs.
Frank Lane were callers In Scranton
Don't forget the Ice cream social of
to. 7 class of the Methodist Episcopal
church on July 4., Benjamin Richardson, of this
place, Is visiting at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. N. G. Evans, of Green
. i.. am .
The effects of an exclusive diet on
the health could be discussed learnedly
and at length, says Dr. H. W. Wiley In
Everybody's Magazine. I mean by an
exclusive diet, one consisting only of
vegetables or of flesh, or of vegetables
Special Diseases of Men
Do UtfW Cento r
Not tlWBkmL Them
Scatter JiBHPliK on
Faculties?'HJy Specialty
AI..V 10u V ,ufffrini? Irom tny disease or condition pccullir to men, or It you
uuiripolnteit In not petting ri'tTMnc-nt. cnre, I want you to rcme and hae
i,c ... .v .,,,ttiK m ,ci,t,iii,t. ..,c, j iii, juu o rcniB unci na e a social nn,
7a -, ' r"1 "N'ln to you MY SYSTEM OK THKATMCNT, which I have originated
n t. ii p' "" my who,f 1"c' "P'ence In treating ipeclal clleae of men. I hava
3v( Pecinc, tree lamplM, trial treatment or electro medical combinations or similar
enrl 'hlch do not and cannot cure dlieaws peculiar to men, My education, my experl
v?,,,'. "V eonelnce, my reputation condemns all men o.ujrkery. It von will TV m
'','',' wl,l tle .von FUKF. OF CHAttnE a tliorough nertonal examination and an honcat
will . 1 yn"r "" " J'01' "' lncu"''le I will tell you an, and adviso you no that you
,' Lnot be humbugged by unacrupuloin practitioners who claim to cure all. If alter exm.
cli. ',"' "'"' you c',1',rl. I WH1 Imure you ol a permanent cure. Inasmuch as I will
Jr 0U wr"'"i guarantee to refund you every cent ou have paid me tn cue I tall to
f. t j"' ' ,,,,'' nn c,19"!' ,or medicine, a they are always Included In the
in "J '"d yu know to the cent, betcre you start what your whole treatment it going
0 co". nd I MM make no fake promises as to the time for the sake of getting you a
Patient, as I promts' only what I can do, and do as I promts;.
UNNATURAL DtSCHAROF.S stopped In 8 to V days.
EMISSIONS arid Drains stopped In $ to 15 days.
ULCERS. I care not of how long standing, ! will dry them up it inr
STRICTURE cured without cutting or dilating,
HYDROCELE or any awclllnps or enlargement reduced at once.
IMPOTENCY by my eyatem of treatment Is curable Irreipctthe of the time nandir.,, or
your age.
nLADDER AND KIDNEY dersnjements by my system ol treatment show signs ot Im
provement from the very beginning,
RHEUMATISM, being caused by Impure condition of blood, la cured permanently by
SPECIFIC RLOOD TOISONINO, permincntly cured without the use of Iodide of rotaah
or Mercury.
WRITE If you cannot till. All correspondence strictly confidential and all replies sent
In plsin envelopes. Inclose 2-cent stamp to Insure reply.
OFFICE HOURS, 0 a. m. to S p. m. and 6 to 8 p. m.i Sundays, 10 . m. to 4 p. m.
Perinnnenily Located nt
Rooms 208-209-210 Paiili Buildini,
426-428 Spruce St., SCRANTON;' PA,
Money Will nrn Big Monthly
The Investor's Fund Pay Semimonthly.
The oldest elabllshed In America. No certificate
holder has eer Inst cent. Payments made to
all subscribers ecry 13 dajs. No trouble. No
delay. Money refunded on demand. Write to
day (or paiticulais, fieo to any addre.
I' E. Mackey 4: Co., llud-on Uld'g., New York.
I $55,000
Rocky Mount, N. C
Water, Sewer and
Electric Light
Yielding 4.40 Per Cent.
Write for special circular.
Rudolph Kleybolte & Co.
1 Nassau St., New York.
Before buying, send for catalogue.
Ceneral Agent for the Wyoming District for
Dupont's Powder
Mining, masting. Sporting, Smolclcsa and the
Repjuno Chemical Company's
Safety Fu$e, Caps and Exploders. Itcom 101 Con
nell Building .bcuntcn.
JOHN ft. SMITH k SOS ...
exclusive of nuts or fruits or cereals.
Personally I am no believer In exrln.
alvc diets. All tho jiliiclilc of rom-
paraiivo anatomy teach us that 1111.11
Is omnivorous, and If there
comparative anatomy the natural
tastes or man would lead to the same
conclusion. Man Is naturally 11 cos
mopolite, and to bo able to rnt nil i
one of the conditions of being able tn
llvo anywhere. Ko that the natural
food of man Is what he can Bet. onie.
times it niav bo llpsh onlv. i.nniilmiu
only vegetables, and generally all kinds.
There may be many cases of Imllvu
ills who thrive best on an exclusive
diet, with those I have 110 quarrel, if
they liavo the been ablo to find out
what Ih hpr fnr thorn, tliov hnvo l.ort..
extremely fortunate, if they have the
strength of mind to use this best, they
ought to be congratulated. If they
have the moans and nnilortiinllv tn irot
It, they ate to bo envied. However,
tney are scarcely in ne accorded tho
right of prescribing and proscribing for
all mankind according to the dictates
of, their own Idiosyncrasies. My belief
is that neaitn and longevity, upon the
whole, nre best secured by a mixed
I diet.
htte been
MiiunfacturoM or
480 to 4R5
N. Ninth Stroot,
Telephona Call, 2333.
Booms 1 and2, Com'lth BTd'fr '
lining and Blasting
MeU at Mooslo ana Itusii dtli Works.
Sleotrlo Ilattorles, KlootrlaExploiltrt,
exploding blasts, Safety Fuss aai
Regauno Chemical Co.'s
You who once possessed sturdy phys
iques nnd steady nerves, but now hive
insufficient physical force to properly
attend to ordinary duties; you who
luvensenseof "all-goneness'rafterthe
slightent exertion; you who are dull,
languid and old in spirits at an age
when you should be full of physical fire;
you who may feel that your life is not
worth the struggle there lsa scientific
means of redeeming all the precious
powers which seem to be entirely lost.
Have cured thousands such as you.
Don't experiment with your health or
money. We will take the risk. If six
boxes do not cute you, your money Is
returned. For years we have been
curing men on thete satisfactory terms.
SI. 00 per box, A for fr')00 mailed In
Plain package. Book free. Address
ual MtvPiciNC Co., Cleveland, Ohio,
For sale by John II. Phelps, Pharmacist, corner
Wyoming enue and Spruce street
"S Prof,G.F.THEEL5273tfr7Ift
J5Tfl, l'. Oil Gtrnii LVprrUlM (si
Lltltrutt, Lit, Ahum, Hloo4 pottos, ftrroii,
2 PtbUllj.l o.l JUhdikhM trlrortl A MriMur'
1 OF
IS nl!