t,n taf, iTf,4jji)m0 " r. ( A 1" US vs --.wHi.jj THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1901. j Oillce: BURKE BUILDING THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE a rorPLAn tleahiko house for ih W: " tit of All Whn Have Ilou'ta to Hert, Real Palate or Other Property to Sell or Bxilunse, or Who Want filtuJtloni or Ilelp-The small M veitltementa Crt One CVnt a Word, '"'?! tlona for Five Centa a Wrd-ETceL.t Sltuatteni Uarted, Which Me lnertfd irte. v, W.XTFD-r,ood clrl for Reneral hoiwwMk. ehl crlv slrl prrfrirtil. waw. $10 r" """"; Mr 6 A altera, rorrcr rhiirch lreet nil fjlfm aenu. A ROMANCE SUDDENLY HALTED Herman Swinglo, of This City, and Miss Buelah Stevens, a Little Lass from Jersey, Who Won His Heart, Halted by the Police in This City While Eloplng-Tho Old Story of the Course of True Love, Etc, "What the poet said about the course of true love not running smoothly was given anothei vet Ideation In the case of Mis Buellnh Stevens of Richards, X J , nntl Uermnn Swingle of this cltv. who bad .ill of the lomance taken out of their lose Ftoiy by the Intel -ference of the pollre depot tment of this city e.nlv esterday morning flw Ingle Is ,1 voting man 21 ears old, whose home Is in Carbondale, wheto he is emploved by the Delaware and Hud son compinv In the wteek oiew of Bernard Rrennan Thtee weeks ago he depaited on his vacation, going to Atlantic City wheie fate brought him In the company of Miss Stevens who pays she Is Just It! though she s said to be even two e.ns voungor than this Sly Cupid was about and he pioved his skill as an archei for with in a few dajs there were two young people planning to worship befoie 1I nen's shrine, Swingle and his fair Bue lah Parental objection, however, was feared, and to get away from this ob stacle they planned an elopement. Swingles thoughts turned homeward, and soon he and his piospcctlve bride were speeding awav fiom the Jeisey meadows and towards Carbondale. Thev reached heie on the 1131 Dela ware and Hudson train Sunday night, and Swingle, tilled with hopes of the future, hustled after a cab to take his fiancee to his mothers home. Here Is where the romance wan dealt a fell blow A telegram was received shortly before their arilval, which was sent bv the aunt of the eloping Jersey maiden. appillng the police that she was a runawaj and to hold het on her arrival In this city Patrolman Mc Andrew located Miss Stevens In the depot, while her galluit .over was In seatch of the cab and when Swingle letuined he was Inform ed that his promised wife would have to remain In the care of the police The painful tidings weie iceelvcd philosophically by Swingle when he saw tint objections were as senselesi and useless as piotests against the f-eranton man's 'continued high tem peiature' weathei So he, too, went vlong with the officer Sw Ingle was not depressed by the mdden bieak In his piogiammc, and so was exceedlnglv hopeful that after he storm would come sunshine and hat he would eventually be wedded o the little lass who won his heart. CARBONDALE TENNIS CLUB. Innual Tournamont at the Court on North Main Street July Fourth July Fourth will be an lntetestlng d&v for the Carbondale Tennis club, for It will be the occasion of the an nual tournament, an event that Is al wavs keenly anticipated by the deft handleis of the lacquet who belong to the club The piizes that have been offered have quickened interest among the contestants and some clever plavlng Is looked foi Play will begin at S a m and will be jestrkted to the membets of the club. In th singles the (list pilze will be n handsome military biush and case, while the second pilze will be a solid silver match case. In the doubles each winner will receive a tiavellng case The plajers have heen classified as follows First class Altken and Ruth erford. Second class Sw Igert and "I wrote Dr. Plorco regard ing my oaso, and rocolvod a prompt reply, froom" " I endured nearly four cars of suffer in.T," writes Mrs. J. L. Myers, of Washington, w. Va., "caused principally Irom improper med ical attention after the birth of a child, and female weak ness, resultinc in a complication of dis eases. Had a terri ble cough and an incessant pain and soreness in lungs. Was reduced in flesh from 184 pounds to about 100 pounds in eighteen months. I had no appetite, and became so weak and nervous I could scarcely sit up. I ' rloctored with our home physicians for two j ears with no benefit, I was finally induced to try ur. Tierce's medicines. J wrote to Doctor Pierce regarding my case, and re ceived a prompt reply, free, advis ing the proper medicines for my case. After taking four bottles of Dr." Pierce's Favorite Prescription a 11 d four of his ' Golden Medical Discovery,' three doses each day, also taking oue bot tle of Dr. Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart-Weed and some of his ' Pellets,' I ceased coughing, and am now enjoying splendid health and have gained thirty tive pounds in iveight. I again feel like my former self, thanks to Dr. Pierce and his great medicines." - Sick women are imnted to consult Dr. fierce by Utter FREE. All correspond--ctce sacredly confidential and all wont anly confidences guarded by strict profes sional privacy, Addtess Dr. JZ, V, l..- 'D...!. Af V fJ$2) ll'l I, r MWl lLMm w2S. j Tt'.wji lyr'ffrT miii ijti -tttric, iJiijjuiu, it, J, " I 1 Carbondale Department. 1 I Lathrop Third class Morgan, Oliver and Oeaty. Fourth class Jones, Hot tew, Shepherd and Ait. Rutherford. Crane will be scratch man. The singles will be matched ns fol lows. Ait nutherfoul s Shepherd. Crane s Geary, Altken s Rettew; Lathrope vs. Jones, Hwlgett s. Oli ver; Rutherford s Motgan In the doubles Lathi ope and McMul len will play Swlgert and deary, Mor gan and Oliver will play Crane and Lathrope, and two players not yet se lected will play Altken and Ruther ford. The fall tournnmont for the cham pionship cup will be held on Labor day and will be made one of the fea tures of the semi-centennial, thete be ing entries ftom all over this pait of the state The cup Is now held by Carlton Shafei, of Montiose. COUNCILMANS DOINGS, Tho Common Council Met in Special Meeting and Conducted Much Business Regular Meeting of Se lect Council. At a special meeting of common council list evening, the ordinances Introduced by Councllmen Piigllano and Whitfield to place ate lights on Fallbiook and Park stteet respec tively was approved by the light, tire and water committee and the ordi nance oidered pilnted the poll tax or dinance. Introduced bv Janicn Thomp son, of the select, passed Hist leading and Second leading unanlmouslv. The ordinance to peitnlt tho Klot? companv to erect a flic alaim box at their own expense was leferred to the light, flic and water committee. Un der the head of new business a com mittee from the Mitchell Hose com panv appeared and uiged the council to lepali their hose caiilage Fire Chief Mc.N'ultv was called and stated that he would order the necessan ie palis piovldlng the council would authorize him to do so and tho price they 1110 willing to expend for the put pose After much discussion the (lie chief was authoilzed to go ahead and have the carriage ropaiiod Resolution Intioduced by Xc ilon to piovlde a sulfate sewer on Aichbald street, between eighth avenue and the Selgel piopeit. was lefeued to the street committee The committee repotted favorably and tho council ap pioved forthwith. Council then ad journed to meet on Monday nest. Select Council. Light, fire and w.iter committee re potted favoiably on lesolutlon to place flte hvdiant near Anthony Walsh's property on Powdeily stieet. Council approved the action. An oidlnance oiderlng the stieet car company to have their track placed In the centei of Belmont street, between the points of Clark avenue and the city line w is also nppioved and 01 deied pilnted A lesolutlon was passed to tut 11 on watei In the diinking troughs between the houis of 6 a m and D p m The appeal of Martin Dougheity to have a tine refunded for fas-t dilvlng on Belmont stieet, was lefeued to the Judiciary committee and the city so licitor The following weie passed upon favoiabl: Authoring the use of a room In the Municipal building for the use of the Centennial committee. The city cleik was authorized to ciown and ditch Clark avenue. City clerk was empowered to secure eighteen assessment books A communication from John Rafter, of South Main stieet to have an ami cable settlement of bis damage suit was referied to the city solicitor and the judicial y commmlttee The ordinance to compel the tran sient letail merchants to pay a city license was referred to commmlttee, and being nppproved was passed 011 first reading Requisition of city engineer passed by the common was concur! ed In. Joint Session. The Joint session to pass on bids for lighting the city building and hose houses was presided over by Munition. Those absent weie Common Council men Stone and Murphy and Selec; Councilman Batttle On motion of Mr. Kennedy the bids weie icferied to the light and vval-r committee to re port forthwith The bid of the Carbondale Gas com pany was as follows- $; jn per I ono feet total cost foi one ear, $461 75 This gives the following -11 lights ct building 11 lights .1. poMofflee, 13 lights Co'umbla Hose house, and )7 li1tt Mitchell This wis c'ulned ti be a saving of $100 per veir Tint of the Lackawanna Valley Light and Heat company was as foi lows For one ear, hose house incan descent, $5 per month; city building, $27 For three yeirs, city building $25 per month; hose houses, $4 50 per month The committee turned In a repoit by ChalimanJ D Davis as follows That the bid of the Klectilc Light com pany be accepted for the hose houses, and the lighting of the city bnildlng be given to the Oas company The ie port was accepted and the council, on motion of Nealon appioved It, In the Metropolis. Arch Ball, of Gravity stieet, left yesterday morning for New York city, where ho will visit A. Tallman, for merly of this city, for two weeks. At a Dedication. Very Rev T F Coffey. V. G, was in Haw ley Sunda attending the de dication of the new St. Phllomena's Catholic church at that place. Homo from Buftnlo. City Solicitor R. D. Stuart and wife arc homo fiom a ten days' tilp to Buffalo and the Pan-American exposi tion. Family Reunion. The Felton family reunion will be held at the home of E D. Tanner, or Haitford, on Wednesday, August 21, 1001. Pitcher O'Gara Hore. "Tommy" O'Gara, who has been do ing some fast twirling for several Yoik state towns, is home for a visit. Thone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 NEWS FROM THE TEXAS OIL FIELD Josoph Powdorly, of This City, Brother of Commissioner of Im migration Powderly, Writes of His Experionces Among- tho Toxan Dis coveries Chanco for Diamond Drillors from This Section to Secure Work What Mr. Powderly Says. Joseph Powderly, of Terrace street, thlfl cltv, who has been in Texas for the pist three ears, In a letter writ ten fiom lagle Pass, to his family, sends news of the rich oil field that has been struck In that land of prairies. Mi Powderly has become 11 member of a company that proposes to develop lands which have been found to con tain oil, nnd his letter conveys valu able Information to diamond drill men, who, he says, have eplendld opportun ities for employment thtio Just now. In his letter, Mr Powdeily says. "About the oil lands and oil companv I mentioned In a foimer letter, we are to meet and organise a company to night We met last Fildny evening and formed a tempotary organization, with Judge Snyder, t'nlted States con sul In Diaz, as president "You may let the pi ess have the news thit I, In company with n few others have secured a lease on about two thousand acres of oil lands In JCavalla county, and that we are about to commence boring, just as soon as we can gtt tools on the ground. My leason for making this known is that In this way we nny get some offers for boilng fiom experienced drlllets. Just now it Is hard to got good drllleis heie, because of the demand foi them at Beaumont The article might saj that we aie toady to teccivo bids for dilll Ing a 1,500 foot well "The Infoimntlon I want from Mr. Lov eland is How deep ho can drill with a dlcmond drill, and what size hole he can dilll, also his pi Ice per loot for dlffeient size holes, and about what piogress he can make per day "The oil indications aie very good, and theie were and are sevcial ex peilcnced oil men from California se eming leases adjoining the lands we sec uted. "TMete are thousands of tons of as phalt in sight on the land, but another paity has an option on the asphalt until September 15." Mi Powdeily writes Interestingly of the observance of the Feast of bt. John by the Mexicans. He sajs of It: "Yesterday was the Feast of St John, called by the Mexicans, San Juan. Their way of celebrating the da.v Is by riding around on horseback, one of the paitycirtylng a live chicken. All of the others strive to catch the head of the chicken as they pjss the man who holds It The rider who tan catch and pull off the head of the chicken as h rides past the holder Is eonsldeied the hero of the da, and 1r entitled to wear the bloody head as a tti.phv. "I foigot to mention above that the man who holds the chicken Is gener allv the best mounted of the lot and usually ildes at the head of the part, nil ot the others sttlvlng to llde past him. Such Is the sport with the Gi eas els I am getting very good health now and don t cdtfer any inconveni ence fiom the heat." CARBONDALE VS. SCRANTON. A Great Fourth of July Game at Lake Lodore for a Gold Prize. The most Interesting game of ball thit will be placed this reason any where will be that on the Lake Lodoie diamond on July 4, between Caibon d.ile's crack team, the Crescents, of which Mr P. r. Fox is manager, and the best team Scianton can pioduce, of which Mi. William Thomas Is man ager. It will not be a contest for a prize alone, but will serve to show the lelatlve strength of the two star teams ot this region. The game will be called at 3 p. m, and there will be no end to the crowds that will go over to the lake from this place to witness Cai bondale wallop Scianton. The Car bondale line up will be as follows. Loftus, catcher; Cuff, pitcher; Mc Hale, short stop, Hodglns, first base, Rogin, t-econd base, Murray, third base; Monahan, left field. Emmett, centre field; Smith or Hale, right field, Pigeon, utility man. CENTENNAL HEADQUARTERS Will Be Open in the City Hall in a Few Days. The headquarters of the Semi-Centennial association will be opened In the city building today or tomotrow. The quartets will be those formerly occupied by the Lackawanna, club. Furniture Is being placed In the rooms, and there will be a cler) In attend ance daily, to give what Information may be sought on centennial matteis Tho executive committee will meet in the new quartets this evening, Bank Declarea Extra Dividend. The First National bank of this city will achieve an exceptional recoid this ear, by leason of Its conservative methods of management. The direc tors met yesterday and declared an extia dividend on its stock, which will make a total of 10 per cent. In divi dends for this ear. The bank's offi ets are correspondingly gratified over the Increase which warranted the ad ditional dividend Admitted to the Hospital Mrs. John Tulley was admitted to Emergency hospital yesterday morn ing to receive treatment for rheuma tism. Home from the West. Thomas R Durfee and, A. F. Gob hart at lived home Saturday night from their western tWp lror about USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE A powder to be thokrn into the hon Your frt frel Nllfn,1 nennu and hot, and gft tlrtd rarily If o li annrttng leu or tight than, tr Allfn'a 1'ont.fcaie It coola the fen and nukea wilklna; eay Curta awollen, aweatln Itet, ingrowing naili. bllatera and cjlloui pon ttelioet coin and bunlona ot all xin and glei nst and coivcrt Try it todij'.sold by all druzRtita and alio itorea for JV. Tiial pack. let UlUK. Addreu, Allen S. Olnutrd. Le Roy, N Y. two months they hive been touring several ot the western states, and for two weeks past have been viewing: the splendors of Yellowstone park and lclnlty. 'Both feel much benefitted by the trip. SOCIAL EVENTS. A party composed of Rev. John White, Mrs. E. J. Mcllale, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O'Boyle, Mrs. Joseph Relrdon, Mrs. William Graham, Mrs. B. J. Mur phy, Mrs. John White nnd Miss Julia White, of this city, and Edward De vine and Miss Mary Devlne, of Provl drnce, R. I., enjoyed an outing at Lake Chapman yesterday. The Magnolia club, one of the city's foremost social and musical organiza tions, will conduct a social In Burke's hall on Wednesday evening, July 3. Many Invitations have been sent out to friends of the club In other towns, and the event promises to be a most enjoyable one. The choir of the Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmcl are planning1 for a fes tival, which they will conduct on the lawn of the churchyard on July 4. There will be all the seasonable deli cacies furnished to patrons and they will also entertain at a social to be given by them in Buike's hall on that evening. A Golden Wedding. John Burns and wife, who was Miss Anna Doyle, of Clinton, celebrated on Saturday a rare event, the fiftieth an nlvoisary of their marriage. The event was observed at the Burns Hnmft In fllntm Vo.ma i.rtiin... ana was attended bv thror, n.rfltion of I iho fnmiiv ' the family Mr. and Mrs. Burns received fifty dol lars In gold, besides other offerings. Present were: Mrs. James Bums, of Thompson. Mr and Mrs. John Scott. Mr. and Mrs. E J. Burns, of Carbon dale, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moran. Miss Kate Burns, Joseph Burns, of Clinton, children, and Gussle and Ter esa Burn., of Thompson; Robert, Basil, Hstella and Alice Burns, of Carbon dale, Harry, Thomas, Mary, Annie and Walter Scott, of Carbondale; Joseph and Russell Moran, of Carbondale, giandchlldien, and Patrick Burns, of Clinton, Mis. Martin McGulre. Miss Kate McGulre, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hoban, of Wllkcs-Barre, Mrs. Michael McDonald, Carbondale; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doyle, of Waymart; Mrs. James Dovle. of Clinton; Mr. and Mis. John Dojle, Miss Saiah Doyle, of Car bondale. Joint Meeting. The members of the Baptist Young People's union of the Berean Baptist church held a joint meeting Sunday with the Junior society. It was the list session before the summer vaca t on of two months. The societies Intend to meet again In September with renewed energy for Christian and social work. Bridgeport Visitors. Thomas F. Walker, brother of Dis trict Superintendent Terrence V.Walk er, of the International Correspondence schools, a former resident of Carbon dale, but now of Bridgeport, Conn., Is visiting among relatives here. He Is accompanied by his niece, Miss Flta patrlck. Visitors Return Home. Mrs. George Lazarus and daughter, Louise, Mrs. C P. Shaw and son, Floyd, of Kingston, returned home esteiday, after a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, on Gilbert street. Mr. and Mrs V. A. Swingle spent Sunday at South Canaan. Back from Buffalo. Carl Roeslger is back from Buffalo, where he bang at the North Ameri can Sangerfest and Incidentally viewed the splendors of the Pan-American ex position The eisteddfod In which he took part was one of the most auspi cious musical events ever held In the Rainbow city. Today's Excursion. All arrangements have been made for the joint excursion to Lake Lodore today of the Sunday schools of Trin ity church of this city and Christ church of Forest City. Bauer's or chestra will be along to help provide amusement and a number of other at ti actions have been arranged. Bicycle Stolen. A. R. Jones was in Scranton on Saturday and left his bicycle standing for a moment at the curb In front of the Globe store. When he jeturned It was gone and the police are now look ing for the thief. Sottled. T. P. Riley, agent for the Scranton Traction company, was In the city Saturday and effected settlements with a number of those who were in the street car -wreck at Jermyn on Friday night. Gone to Housekeeping. Mr. and Mrs Peter Krantz are home from their wedding tour and have taken up their residence In the E H, Burke house on South Church street Their trip Included New York city and Buffalo. Visitors from Schenectady. Frank Gates, who Is employed at the locomotive works at Schenectady, N. Y , Is the guest of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Gates, on Blrkett street. Ico Cream Social. An Ice cream and cake social will be held at the Congregational church this evening from 5 to 10 o'clock. At Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Stevens, of Summit avenue, drove to Crystal lake Sunday morning, Pay Day, The employes of the Temple Iron company were paid on Saturday. THE PASSING THRONG. Miss Katie Tighe, of Plttston, spent Saturday In this city. Miss Nellie Irwin, of Scranton, Is visiting relatives In this city. Miss Ann Harte, of Cottage street, and her cousin, Miss Carroll, of Ne braska, are visiting In New Yoik city, Mrs. Henry Watts and daughter, Margaret, of Scianton, are guests at the home of L. A, Roberts, on feouth Church street. W J Spall and daughters, Lucy and Ruth, of Eighth avenue, will leave on Thursday for 0 few weeks' visit with friends In Pittsfleld, Mass. Mrs. Theodore Hesslnger and sons, Albert and Harry, from Cleveland, O., are visiting at the home of the for- mer's parents, Mn and Mrs. D. P. Lewis, on Park street. Engineer J. H. Llngfclter left yester day morning for Elizabeth, N. J., to spend a few dajs with his bt other, S. F. Llngfclter, and other relatives. Miss Mamie R. Moran, ptofcsslonal nurse of the Manhattan Eve and Ear hospital of New York, formerly of tho Emergency hospital of this city, re turned to New York yesterday to te sume her duties after spending a month's vacation at her home In Green Ridge, and with her class mate, Miss Sophie Mahoney, of Church street, this city. JERMYN AND MAYHELD. Health Officer Graves yesterday Is sued the following notice to the people of Jerniyn borough; "Owing to the fact that smallpox Is prevalent In Archbatd, but two miles distant, and that it Is a highly contagious and virulent disease, It Is of great Importance that all un necessary communication between the two boroughs should be at once sus pended. Since vaccination Is the only preventative, all residents of Jermyn who have not been vaccinated should be vaccinated as soon as possible, and those who have not been vaccinated iflthln four years should be re-vaccinated. J. S. Graves, Health Otllccr." Mr. William Walker, of Mayfleld, who in a few days will sever his connection with the Hillside Coal and Iron com pany, under which he has been district superintendent of the three local col lieries for a great many jears, was vis ited bv a number of the foremen, clerka and vvelghmasters on Saturday even Ing and presented with a roll-top desk and chair, as n mark of their appreci' atlon of his treatment towaid them and the high regard they entertain to waid him. The presentation speech was ahly made by J. E. Sullivan, and Mr. Walker afterward replied and warmly thanked the donors for their kindness. The visitors were afterwards served with Ice cream and other refreshments, and spent eeveral hours together pleas antly Mr. Walker, who teccntly ten dered the company his resignation, will leave In a few days for Pittsburg. He will be succeeded here by Mr. Gal lagher. of Mooslc. There will be a public meeting of the graduates of the Jermjn school this evening, for the purpose of making ar rangements for holding an alumni ban quet. The meeting will be held In the High school 100m at 7 30 o'clock The committee have not had time to call upon all the graduates and they thcie fore take this means of asking all, whether graduates of the High school or those holding diplomas from the school before the existence of the High school here, to attend tonight's meet ing. The Fourth of July will be a Glorious Fourth Indeed for the congregation of the First Baptist church of Jermvn On the evening of that day their debt. which has hunc as a heavy burden over them for a number of vears. will be wiped out, and It Is their purpose to carry out the resolution of their pas tor, made several months ago, to cele brate the happy event by publicly burning the mortgage. The Ladles' Aid society xv ill have on hand a quantity of Ice cream, which will he served upon the lawn, and there will be a display of fireworks also. Twenty of the girls In the silk mill were vaccinated yesterday. The Children's day services in the Primitive Methodist church were large ly attended Sunday afternoon and evening. All who took pprt did excel lently, and reflected much credit upon themselves and those who have Inter ested themselves In training the chil dren. Miss Bessie Bennett, of Second etrett, wns visiting In Carbondale jcsteiday Isaac R. Benjamin, of "Vandllng, was calling upon Jermyn friends yesterday. Mrs. Howell G. Reese and two chil dren, of West Scranton, were yesterday guests of Mrs. T. E. Griffiths, of North Main etieet. TAYLOR. The Children's day exercises at the First Fnglish Congregational church, Fe-ltbvllle, were held on Sunday even ing. The musical part of th pro gtamme, under the dliectlon of Eert Prestwood, was well rendred. The choir, althourh young, Is making rapid progress and promises much In the future. The programme rendered con sisted of the following1 "The Happy Children Band," Sunday school: re sponsive Scripture reading, school: chonib, "Hozanna to Our King," church choir: recitation. "The Child of Bethle hem:" chorus, "Nature's Many Voices," Sunday school; recitation, "The Lily of the Field;" ,olo. "Happy Little Daisj ," chorus, "Workers for Jesus," primary class; dialogue, by five little girls, solo, "Once a Sower Went Foith Sowing." recitation, "Children's Day;" bass solo, "All Hall the Power," John Crocker, recitation, "License to Sell." duet. "Tramping Through the Woods;" reci tation, "Be Grateful," Ray Jones: chorus, "We Bilng Our Offerings." choir; solo. "When I Shall See Him, race to Face," Rev. R. H. Butland: recitation, "The Messenger Boy." Oscar Morris; chorus, "Lead Fs, Savior," Sunday school, addrets, Rev. R H Butland. choius, "Bring the Bells," choir Much ciedit is due Mr. Bert Piestwood for the able manner In which he conducted the exercises. Moses Belles, an old and much re spected resident of No. 4, east of Greenwood, and well-known here, died on Sunday evening, after suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia Deceased was 77 years of age, and was held in the highest regaid by his many acquaintances. The funeral will be held this afternoon Services at the home at 2 SO p. m Interment will be made in the Marcy cemeteiy at Old Forge. This evening's meeting of Pride of Lackawanna lodge, No 18, American Protestant association, will be of Im portance and every member Is urgent ly requested to be present Now that Street Commissioner Har ris has been making Improvements on tho rojds In North Taylor, It would also be advisable that the borough council authorize Mr. Harris to lay the contemplated ciosswalks In the differ ent sections In that vicinity, especially on North Main stteet No better time than the present could be selected for the work, as the roads are in a favoi able condition. There will be a handicap quoit match at tho Parker hoube, on Union street, Tourth of July morning. Tickets are now on sale for the union excursion of the Baptist Young Peo pie's union of tho Welsh Baptist churches of Northeastern' Pennsyl vanla, which will take place at Glen Onoko on August 20. Tickets may be had on application to the pastor, Rev. D. C Edwards, and John C. Richards, of the local Baptist church. Adultb, $1 25, children, 75 cents Acacia lodge, No 579, Fiee and Ac cepted Masons, worked the master Mason degree on several applicants last evening. Tallle W. Jones, of North Taylor, was aprolnted by court last week as guard- DRi WELLS LETTER CONCERNING PE-RU-NA She Says : ''Your Wonderful Medicine Has Saved riy Daughter from the Grave." Anna Wells. M. D. Anna Wells, M. D., writes from the Park Gate Hotel. Chicago, 111,, the foi lowing letter to Dr. Hartman concern ing his world famous remedy, Peruna: "I thank vou most heartily for the sample bottle of Peruna. I prescribed it for my daughter (Miss E. L. Hus ton), who sadly needed It, as it had proved. I was utterly hopeless and dlscouiaged. Nothing we gave her would give her an appetite. A ner vous shock received two yeats ago prostrated her. All the consulta tions end advices of biother physi cians had done no good, until your Peruna was advised. Ian over the children of the late D, M. Davis. Dr. J. W. Hous'r. the popular phvsl clan, had one of his hands buined quite badly in discharging fiteworks at his home, on Main street, on Saturday evening. The laftle for the benefit of David Powell, who was Injured In the Arch bald mine, which was to have been held on Saturday evening, has been postponed until July '0. Mlfl Sadie Goidon, of Scianton, vis ited relatives In this place on the Sab bath. Lily lodge, No. 010, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet this evening In legnlnr session Lieutenant John H Harils. who has served In the United States lcgulara for the past ten jeats or moie, has le turned home, his term having explied Mr Harris is the son of Mi. and Mis. David T. Hauls, of Union stieet. D ALTON. Postmaster Frank M Tiffany as. sumed charge of the postofflce here on Monday morning Miss Sallle Whcr, who has been acting as assistant post master for some jears, has been 10 talned. Mr. Brown spent a part of last week In New York city. Mrs. E. Palmer Smith entertained on Sunday her friend, Miss Monle, of Scranton. R. N. Dershlmer has returned fiom State college, and has accepted a posi tion with the Scranton International Correspondence Schools. Mrs. II, D. Swartz visited her pat ents In Scranton last week Attorney Paul J. Sherwood, of Wllkcs-Barre, spent Sunday with his brothet here. On Friday evening a unique event took place In the Baptist chtiich, when all those having talents gave reports of the amounts leallzed In their In vestments. Fifty pet sons had been In vesting talents to the amount of ten cents each for the past three months, nnd a sum of $.'20 71 was letuined. Each one told how the had mado their money, by making sunbonnets, apions, sweeping caps, candy, handkei chiefs, selling plow bolts, hair iccelvers. Ico cream, bread, doughnuts, broom bags and other useful articles. The laigest amount was turned in by Mis. Theo dore Miller, which was $15. A short llteiary programme was rendeted, In which Mrs. Fred Snyder and Miss Lena Northup ledted, Marjoile Stone sing and Meiton PurU and Maui tee Dean played two banjo duets. The proceeds was utilized In palng the full amount of the cost of the new barn recently eieeted on the parsonage lot. Jesse- Cooper left on Monday for Northneld, where he goes as a dele gate to the convention thete fiom Wjomlng senilnai y. The Ladles' Aid society of the Bap tist church will hold a festival on the lawn of Mis W. A. Dean on Fourth of July, all day and evening. Ice cieani, cake, bananas, lemonade', sandwiches and many other things will be on sale. John Swartz Is making arrangements for a parade on Fouith of July, and will furnish wagons for all children and otheis who desire to Join the pro cession The Baptist church was crowded on Sunday evening, when a patriotic ser vice was held. Patriotic songs were sung by the choir and congregation. Miss Marjorle Stone sang a solo, en titled "Our Dag, ' and Miss Dubois tang "The Red, White and Blue " A quaitette, composed of Hairy Finn Mr. Nicholson, Maurice Dean and Walter Purdy, tendered the "Sfar Spangled Banner" The Declaration of Inde pendence was read by Miss Mabel Purdy, and Miss Lena Northup recited The address of the evening was made by Attorney Fied E. Scott The Women's Christian Tempeiance union will hold an Ice cream social at the home of Mis. O. W. Mason, Friday evening. Eveijbody l.s ccudlally In vited to attend. lia Kresge, who has been seriously 111 with pneumonia, Is recovering. William Von Storeh, who Is a foic man for the Lackawanna railroad at Richfield Junction, spent Sunday with his family here. The contract for the addition to the school building has been let to Dally Bios,, of Clark's Summit. The plana for the addition have been piepuied b Charles Von Storcli Flank Tiffany has accepted a posi tion as dilver for C. D Finn & Co. OLYPHANT. On Saturday the Emlyn lodge, No 19, True American Ivorltes, of this place, dUbandcd and the membeis, sixty In number were Initiated Into the Knights of Pythias lodge by the oflieeia and members of the lattei lodge. The Initiation het vices began at 2 p. in and weie continued until after mldnlsht Refreshments were beived during the evening John Y. Williams, of Lee Park, who has been visiting friends on Susque hanna stieet, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs F. J Thomas spent Sunday with Providence friends. The condition of Mrs. Spencer, wife I of Rev. Dr. Spencer, who Is seiiously "She can now "at heartily of solid foods she had been, not living, but dying 011 liquids; sleeps good; was troubled with Insomnia; menstruation easy and comfortable: had suffered from dyamennrrhoea and ovaritis. She Is now on the third bottle. "I vvlrh this letter could reach the whole world for the sake of brither physicians, their patients, and the dis couraged class who are nobody's pa tients. "With all my heart I think you. Your wonderful medicine has saved my daughter from the grave. I am pi escribing It light along for my pa tients, ond find that It soon begins tr give relief." Anna Wells. M. D. Dr. Wells' daughter, Ethelyn Leslie Huston, was late asoclate editor of Btanns Icono clast, and Is now on the editorial staff of tho Chi cago Chronicle. She says: "I have used Peruna for nerve exhaustion and lack of appetite. I find it invalu able." Ethelyn Leslio Huston. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Pe runa. write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will bo pleased to give you his valuable advice gritls. Addiesa Dr. Hattman. President of Thp Haitnnn Sanltailum, Columbus, Ohio. Ill at her homo In Blakely, remains unchanged. Mr and Mrs Rlehird Evans have returned from their wedding tilp. Mrs. Douglas Coles and children, of Philadelphia, are visiting relatives here. Hon John R Jones and family re turned home jesterday after a week's visit at the Pan-Ameilcan exposi tion. Mrs A. D. Haines visited friends at Jermyn on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs T B Brown were visitors at Hvde Park on Sunday. Miss Mar Rogan Is spending tho week at Haw ley. MOSCOW. Sunday morning Children's Day ex erclses were held In the Methodist church and weie largely attended. The chutch was decorated -with ropes of daisies. On the stage was a bank of feins and laurels, a cros.s of evei gicens and daisies, also many bou quets and potted plants The service was opened with a .song by the school, followed bv a icsponslve leading and praer by the pastoi. Rev. G. H Pren tice, after which the following pro gtamme was rendeied. Song, by tht Sunday school, recitation, "Chlldien's Day," Mabel llathrlll, dlologue. "Oh! Robin Dear," Lama Chubb and Levi Ware, solo. 'The Holy City," Mis Worden; exercises, by five gills, Mai garet and Marv Warden. Mable Chubb, Elsie Lovcland and Lou Travis; motion song, three girls. Helen Dixon, Freda Hinds and Lou Travis: dialogue, "The Little Foxes," Max Bush, Allen Clouse, Russell Seglln, Willie Ehtgood and Ralph Wardell. song, three girls Lena Dixon, Mary De Peu and Jessie Ttavls: recitation, "Our Heroes," Frank Noack. exeiclse,. "Garlanding the Cross." ten girls, le cltation. "Keep the Path of Honor Bright," Glena Miller: ex-ercise, "Loyal Soldiers," prlmaty class, song, by the Sunday school iccltatlon, ' Thy Came fiom .leiusalem." Grace Ed wards, solo, Mis Worden: song, by the Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs John Grimths and chil dren, of Scranto.i, weie enteitalned at the home of Mrs. Fannie Blown over fcuuda Howard and Mary Yeager. of Gteen Ridge, called on ft lends here Satur day. Mrs Saie, of Sttoudsburg, Is visit ing hoi daughter, Mrs. Nathaniel Eschenbich Mrs. Hoi ace Jones nnd son. Law rence, are spending a few days In Dalevllle. Howaid Robinson, of Scranton, Is visiting ft lends In town. Mts. Hajwood and daughter. Miss Lulu, aie being entertained at the home of the formei's slstei, Mrs. Al bert Miller Mrs. Vaughan was the guest of Scranton friends over Sunday. This (Tuesday) evening Miss Lotta M. McHoso, of Ohio university, the missionary compalgner for Honesdalo Dlstilct Epworth League, will speak In the Meathodiht church. All are In vited to attend. Miss Alice Wells, of South Canaan, is visiting at the home of her brother. E. N Wells Rmember the Fourth of July cele bration hero. A fantastic parade will take place In the morning Dinner will be served In Russian park for 25 cents. A A. Voshurg, of Scranton. will deliver an oration The amuse ments will consist of various games. A good dlsplav of fiieworks In the evening. All are Invited to come and have a good time. ACTYLENE GAS INVENTED BY ACCIDENT. In the heat of the electric furnace, lime and coal combine to form calcium cat bide This, slacked with water, re solves Itself Into lime and acetylene gas Acetylene Is one of the most fascinating of lllumlnants. Its flame, composed almost entliely of purple ravs, glows white to the ee, and is many times as brilliant as that of street gas. Yet no way has been found to make It available for geneial light ing, It is used in Isolated plants, but better appliances are still needed to lender it afe and satlsfactoiy, Mr. Wilson, at his old mill In Virginia, made calcium carbide by accident, and dlscoveied It only when a piece, kick ed Into the stream, began to bubble furiously Oas-makets paid him half a million dollars for his patents, be lieving that acetlene could be used as a substitute for naptha as an en rlcher for water-gas. They were tils apointcd. There aie mlllons still wait ing for the man who finds the needed substitute. Ev et ybody's Magazine. Kiause's Headache Capsules weie the fltst headacho capsules put on the matket. Their Immediate suc cess icsultcd in a host of Imitations, containing antlpyrlne, chloral, mor phine and other Injurious drugs, pur posing to be "Just as good." Avoid these Imitations and insist on your having Krause's, which speedily cure the most severe cases and leave no bad after effects. Price 25c. Sold by all druggists. hthe-bn I, Huston.