8 INCREASE IS RATHER SMALL STAMP BUYERS HOLDING BACK FOR CHEAPER ISSUE. Annual Report of Collector T, F. Penman Shows Thnt the Incroaeo for tho Year Just Closed Over the Collections of Lust Year Wat Kept Down Considerably by Closo Buy ing During Juno Distant Brew ers Put to an Inconvenience by Lato Arrival of Stamps. Accompanying la tho report of Kcv enue Colleclnr T. 1'. Peiiniun, of tho Tuclftli illBtrli-t, for the yi-nr ending cstenlay: - a : - r v. : Z'-i S1 ""5 X "i . 3 5 S ? . - .z a -r : i : 'frf' j" ."..! ggJiHBaiSr.SSS. i.w Silt a ay a V S s ;i a 5 .H:B&5i'K-'Si f . X 7 5 5X ?J -. ? s .-! Ui'V iV'5"V7l '""I'lflt. ?! .r.iaii;-".'!-- RSiis'STSZi'Si s?U! Srf'S'iifi'1 Vi ' Cigars. Tobacco. 4. ti j. - II -i i 2 - U I' -I'.-!'.- ! if. Special. t. t S - J! j! - .i n a .r. i lloctimentarv. C J. T -irfilllA S-irt - ii V. ? rJ V S n V ? ,- ft, -NC x 4. Fiopiictniy, T g It It -:.' riain. VI. it yu Loss. : t h V .: ti r - ; 2 s y ft i . i t -r .; l-c -J f y :! p !i y y' '9 r. j ?. a t w I i it r. ii4s ; SCSI'S. tt: ft i. . C-- Tin- Increase of lfiOO ovor the prr-cerl-liiK year Is not as largo as It natural ly Fhould have hern. In anticipation of tho reduction in revenues which goes Into ett'ect today, the lilpr stamp purchasers', p.u tlc.iiln.ily brewery and rlKar men have been huylnc close, the latter contlniiiR their purchases to such stamps only as were needed to release hurry-up orders. HI'Kit STAMPS. The beer men bought $6,000 worth less of stamps last month than they did tho cortespondlng month last year. It naturally should be Just the levcrse. Of documentary stamps only $.VJ10.:!3 worth were purchased as against $1", '.62.61 worth in June of last year. In proprietary stamps the purchases of .June. 1901, were $307.71, as against $;:o7.7t In June. 1900. What the war revenues amounted to can be Judged from tho fact that the collections for the year ending Juno 30, 1S9S, were only $S31.I15.-ir. In one year they jumped to $1.S77.7S:.3.1. The year Just closed showed a further In crease of $32,754.1. Collector Penman and his full force were busy all of yesterday preparing lor tho issue of the new series of stamps. At midnight the office was opened to accommodate brewers and others who needed stamps for the day's business. Tho new stamps did not arrive here until 10 o'clock Saturday night. As a I'onscfiuence they will not be distrib uted in tho Lock Haven and Kaston unices until some time tills afternoon. This will cause no end of embarrass ment to tho brewers In those districts. .Some of them, no doubt, bought close during tho week with a view of hav ing no old stamps on hand when the cheaper ones were on sale. These brewers will not be able to do busi ness until tomorrow, unless they suc ceeded yesterday In borrowing old stamps from dealers who have some lift over. Ktn with this . xpedlent they will be put to a hardship as old stamps cost I'.", cents on the barrel more than the new ones, the old rate being Vi with a 7',i per cent, discount and the new rate $1.60 flat. The Wilkes-Harre office was sup plied with tho now stamps last even ing. The Krantz brewery at Hones dnlo hail to have a man drive over with thu stamps needed for today's business.' 'He left here shortl after midnight. HKCOVKIIY OP HUHATKS. Regarding tho recovery of rebates Collector Penman gives out the fol lowing circular: ClllCVbAlt Ml. i'1 IIIIPKMPnOS" or UOCTMKM'UIV AMI PHO litlOTAHY .STAMPS. Treasury ncpartnieiU, Odite of the t'cmmlionr of Internal ItMcmie. Washington, II. ('.. Maicli 2'- 1001. To Collectors ol Internal Ucvcnur an. I otlirri Concerned : I'mutd documentary ami pcoprlri.iry ktamp', iuued under the problon ol the "War lleiemip Aft," approved June 13, lfs, for which the own era may have no mo nuy he ledceined, hut in nil 'talcs there will be deducted the percentage, if any, allowed the puichuter Application for the redemption of bucVi ttampa should he made to the collector of internal revenue fiom which the fame were purchased, who will cupply the applicant with Form S3 and ncccitary Instructions relative to the preparation of hla claim. Claim for the redemption of adl.e.he docu mentary and pioprletary itatnpi, if puichau'd fiom a collector, tnuit contain his tertlflcute as to the dato and amount of purchase, If pur. chared from a dealer lu itainp, such clealei's certificate aa to the date of rale to chiinant, and tho certificate of the collector u to date of sale to the dealer must be furnUhed, Stamps that are not in the same condition as when tued will not be redeemed utilew their condl. tion ii satisfactorily accounted for. Poeumentsry and proprietary stamps can be redeemed only when presented. In quantities of 13 or more face valine, and no claim for the re demption of or allowance for such stamps can he aJUmcd unless- presented within two years after the purchase ol said attmps from the jrorern. ment. All claims for the redemption of stamps In prlntfd on checks, drstts arvl other Instruments must le entered of iccord and forwarded to this offtco hy the collector of the riuitilet In which the order for the Impr Mm nf the stamps was purchased. If the claimant resides In a district ether than that In which said order was pur chased, his claim should he pi. -pared and de posited with the collector of the district In which he resides, who will esamlne said claim .and see that It Is properly prepared In all respects, and cue It to he Investigated ami certified by one of Ills deputies, w far as practicable In that dis trict, and will then forward It to the collector of the district In which the order for the live prlntlne of the stamps was Issued, who will furnish the additional csldence lequlred, and for ward the claim to (his office with pmper certifi cate and leeommend.illon. When clalma aie pre sented by any person or firm other than the one for nlmm the older for Imprint tnjr was Issued and whoc names or title does not appear upon (he pupcts on which the atamws are imprinted, the claimant, in addition In the certificate ol the collector and deputy collector aforesvld, intut satlsfjctcrlly establish the fad of owneishlp of the stamps and fuinlh a certificate of s.ile by each owner of them from the time of ther pur i base from the person or Attn for whom the Older for Imprinting was Issued. The owneia of Imprinted Instrument, checks, dralls, etc., who ileslir to base the stamps there on redeemed must, In addition In filing claims as aforesaid, forward all such Imprinted instru ments tecurely packed to this office. Packaars containing the same should lie addressed to the commissioner of Intemsl revenue, Washington, 1), C, nnd each package should he plainly marked with the name and address of the owner who made the claim for ledemplion, and a state ment of the number and kind of instiuments con tained tu the package. Stamps for each claim should be packed separately, and no package ehould contain stamps presented lor redemption on inoie than one claim. I'nder tho law and reg ulations all stamped Instruments and all im printed checks, ihalls. etc., presented for the redemption of the i.tmps thereon must, when the stamps are redeemed, be reta'neel wllh ii claim; Iheiefore. no such Instruments can be re turned to the owners thereof. All packages ol stamps papers and stamps for wauled to this otttie for redemption should be tuiiMiillled by espress er rcgl-tcred mall, and all cien-.e of forwarding same niut be pild lij the claimants, as the government Is not au thorized under any circumstances to pay such evfcni-cs or any part thereof. Collector are Instructed to see that claims are comple-tcd In full compliance with law and regulations before the tame aie forwaided to this otflre. J. W. v.orke-s. Commissioner. CI III I'bAll NO. Cn.1. I1KDK.MITION OF M' sill's" HV HANKS OH STA- TIONilUS. Treasury Department, Ofllcc of the Commissioner of Internal ltcvenue. Washington, !. C, June 1, ll. A stationers 01 the otheevs cf banks cannot generally nuke nlflilavlt that their eutomiis arc not Indebted to the I'nlted Wales, that they nrc the linni tide owners of the stamps presented (or redemption, or to such other (acts as nie ncc-es-fary to the suppoit of claims, they cannot be leeognlreil as elul.v i,uallfied agents tor the presen tation of claims for their cifetmncrs. Hanks or slatloncis may, ho-vevrr, purchase Imprinted stamps which they procuicd and i-old to their customer", and, as the bona hdo owneis theicof, present claims in their own names for the re demption of such stamps without irgaid to the number puichased bom each customer. In all ca'cs wheie claims ate made by banks or stationers for the redemption of stamps thui pun based, it villi be necessary. In addition iv evidence now icquiied In support of claim, for caeh claim to be aieoinpaniod bv a ccitlticilc duly signed hv the paity from whom the stamps vveie purchased, setting foith the absolute ealc and transfer of Mid stamps to the claimant. Also a schedule piepared by the claimant showing, as to the stamps purchased fiom each customer, the- name of the oion from whom the stamps vveie- puichased, the date of the order upon whleh they were imprinted, in whose favor the order wa Issued, he name of the collector who issued the came-, and of the eonlraUor who im printed the stamps, and the number of stamps in each lot purchased. Any number of such pur chases may he covered by one claim, but each lot of stamps purchased fiom a customer should be wrapped separately, and the package toniaikeil that it can he Identified on the schedule and by the eeititleaie of sale, and all the stamps cov ered by one claim should lie placed together In one package and be maikciUor identification ami forwarded as In other cases. Stamped checks may, when It Is desliable, be detached from the books and foiwarded with claims for the ledrmptlon of the stamps Iheieou, and the stubs be retained by the owners. Adhesive documentary and pioprietaiy, or other revenue stamps, should nit be Included in or presented with claims for the redemption of Im printed documentary stamps. J. W. Veikc-s, Commissioner. nKDKEMINU STAMP. Documentaryand proprietary stamps can be redeemed only when presented In quantities of $2 or more, face value. Beer stamps can be redeemed In any quantity. In tho matter of the rebate on cigar and tobacco stamps, attached to un broken packages, the claim for rebate not face value must equal $10. The l eduction In tobacco stamps Is 2 4-10 cents on each pound, and on cigar stamps CO cents per thousand. Pased on these reductions, a dealer would have to show at least 41C pounds of stamped tobacco or 17,000. stamped cigars for any rebate. If his attached tobacco and cigar stamps added to gether will call for a $10 rebate he Is entitled to the same, Just as If cigars or tobacco alone were equivalent to the minimum. The Inventory of stamped cigars and tobacco must be made today, and the claim for rebate must be In 'Washing ton within sixty days. The Inventory can bo tnndo by any two disinterested citizens of the dealers' selection. They must not be employes or relatives or in any way Interested In the dealer's business. The now stamps were placed on sale at midnight when tho oillces were opened with tho full clerical fotce In attendance. Several brewers' repre sentatives were on hand and pur chased a largo number of stamps. Tho last customer wns served about 12.20 o'clock. DEAD MAN NO GOOD. Dunmore Man Allowed His Suicide Father's Remains to Go to Potter's Fiold. Three weeks ago George Ciuzlg, aged 50, and his son, Anton, aged 30, ar rived in this country from Austria and took quarters In a boarding house. In Dunmore, One week ngo, today, the father left the boarding house and nothing wns heard or seen of him until Saturday morning, when he was found hanging by a. thin leather belt from a tree In Oypsy Grove. The remains were given in charge of I'ndertnker Golden. The undertaker prepared them for burial and sent word to the sou that they were ready to be conveyed home. The son sent back word thnt he would not receive the remains. Accordingly they wero burled In the Potter's field of a local cemetery Saturday evening. TO SEND EDNA AWAY. Application was made to Judge Ed wards Saturday by W. I), Hunt, of West Scrunton, to have his daughter. Edna Hunt, sent to tho House of Tlefuge ns an Incorrigible. A hearing will be had on the application July U. This Is the 13-year-old girl who was arrested In the company of six youths In a box car, on the Ml.. Pleasant switch, two months ago. THE SCRANTON INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR END OF STRIKE SEEMS A LONG WAY OFF. Effort to Have a Conference, with Pre sident Truesdale of Lackawanna Wai Not Successful Men at the Cliff Street Shops Held a Meoting on Saturday Tho D. L. & W. Board for Today Flgl tl fj Fire in Jorsoy Mine Hard Coxl Trado. Other Industrial Noter, The stilklns car builders of the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western ltiillroad rompany met yesterday af ternoon In Kconomy hall, nnd after hearing the report of their delegate.who was In New York tho greater part of last week, decided by unanimous vote not to tetttrn to work. The report of tliflr delegate was a full nnd explicit one, and revealed the following state of affairs: On Monday, President Truesdale wan waited upon by a committee represent ing the striking machinists and ear hulldciti of the Lackawanna. It con sisted of President James O'Conncll, eif the machinists; J. M. Ford, a member of the machinists' executive board and himself superintendent of constructing for J. A. Hobllng's Sons' Wire com pany, of Trenton, N. J., nnd a member of tho board of chic federation. John M. .Mulholland, president of the Allied Metal Workers, wan also present, und the car bulldets' local delegate was In closo touch with tho committee. They saw President Truesdale and were Informed that a conference would be impossible before Saturday. Nothing tuoie; passed until Saturday morning, when the committee received a mes sage at 11 o'clock to the effect that President Truesdale refused to meet the committee, as they had been guilty of bleach of confidence and conspir acy. Beginning today the local car build ers will make an effort to enlist the aid of the Lackawanna lallrouders, and if necessary the men at the collieries. A special meeting of the striking em ployes of the American Locomotive company's (ilff street shops wns held Saturday af tot noon In Ilulbert's hall, and n vote taken on the matter of ie turuing to work. It lestllted in a bal lot lu favor of lemalnlng out until the elemands have been compiled with. There was an attendance of about tlfty per cent, of the shop's employes, the greater part of those present being machinists. The bollermakera, who, it was rumored Friday, would return to work today, were only meagrely rep resented at the meeting. A large num ber of pickets wcto a'ppolnted to watch the shops today. Chairman Campbell yestetday received a letter from Chi cago, beating the news that the doss Press company hail s-ottled with its men. The Hard Coal Trade. The demand for hard coal, pnrtlcu latly at Kasteiu points, shows as yet but Uttlt) of the "midsummer dullness" so prevalent at this season In l'orn.er yeats. A heavy tonnage Is going from the mines, and practically all of this la taken, the roads as yet blocking, very little coal. In the West, trade shows little 1m ptovement at Lake .Superior points and It Is plain that a lot of anthracite will bo needed there before navigation closes. In Lake Michigan territory de mand from dealers Is strong, but ns yet this demand has not resulted lu a pro portionate Increase In arrivals at docks. At lower lake points dealers nnd large consumers continue to lay in supplies. The movement up tho lakes from Buf falo Is not more than normal. Freight rates ate thirty-live cents to Luke Superior points. In the East, demand Is still strong, particularly fiom points beyond Cape Cod, and shipments from Philadelphia and New York hatbor points are hoav), though tlicie in less new business than last month. Demand Is likely to fall off more nfter July 1, when prices will bo only twenty cents below the fall fig ures, and dealers who have not bought will think of walling awhile. The July prices for free-burning white ash coal, f. o. b. Now Yoik har bor ports, will be: Broken, $3.S0; egg, $I.0j; nut and stove, $1.30. At present egg and stove are the sixes In most de mand and doaleia frequently find these sizes vciy hard to get for immediate delivery. Engineer and Mining Jour nal. Another Raise in Price. According to lumow. there are to be some Important developments In the general anthracite situation In a very short lime probably during the week that Mr. .Morgan returns to this coun try. In addition to a further advance of ten cents a ton In the price of coal, there Is to be, so tho story runs, a le adjustment of the capital stock of a number of the co.il roads. Erie second preferred stock Is slated for retirement, while lu some manner there are to bo change In tho Lehigh Valley and the Jersey Central of ad vantage to tho oilier coal roads. Philadelphia Stockholder. D., I. & W. Board for Today. The following Is the make-up of the V., U, and W. board for today; suanton, .Inly 1, i:)l. M'NIiAY, .irNU -M. Wild Cats, i:a,l8 p. m . liberty; 10 p. in., William Hoji, W. A, Bartholomew's cicw. .MONDAY, Jli.Y 1. Wild Cala. l'ast lJ.3el a. in., T. MiCailhy; .1 a. ni I". l Mcvens; J a. in., M. Staples, T. I'itrpatiiek's cirvv--, in a, in., J. A. llu.li; II a, in., M. liolden; 2 p, in., .1. II. Mastcit,; li p. in., A. (i. llammitt. Summits, Ktc 0 a, in., east, .1, Ilciinlfun: S a. in., est, (I. 1'iouiifelkcr; li p. in., cast, .1. CarrlKe; P. .. cast, W, II. Mi hols; 7 p. in., east from Nay Aiifr, I:, MiAlllstu; 7 p. in., vve.t from Cayuga, Thompson; 7 p. in., west fiom Cuyuira, Mil.ane. 1'inhfri 8 a. in , l McDonnell; to a, m,, S. rinuert.v; II. "0 a. in., Mnran ; 7 p. in., Mmphy; (J p. in., iJinplnifi JO p. in., Widener. l-avenger Knglnes 7 a. in,, (iJtfnry; 7 a. in., P. Singer; 10 a. m., Laiilnirr; 'i.'iQ p. m., Man. ton; 7 p. in., t! Miriovein. Wild Cala. Wcsl-lil u. in., .1. Ilinlij ; II a. m., K. Cae, wllh T. Poudlcan's clew; 2 p. in., O. Case; p. in., SI. Cannnily; 3 p, m., John Hal ter; (1 p. in., A. I.. Kelelum, Mvrin:. el. Vi. 1'itrcerald and new will urn fl p. in. summit In place of Ca-inir and crew, June SO, llrakrman lllnehart will uo out with Ca.lner in plain of I), Hauls until feather notice. Plymouth Mlno Fire, Very little headway Is being gained In fighting tho Jcisey fit o at Plymouth. Tfivre nre over nnv men employed In 1 the extinguishing of the blaze, but It, TRIBUNE- MOXEK-f; seems all their efforts only go to keep It at a standstill. The work is so arduous that a num ber of the lire-fighters quit every day. KNIGHTS OFMALTA. St. John's day, June 24, the S53 anni versary of the Institution of the Order, wus celebrated by many commands: In different states. Chosen Knights com miindery, No. 174, of York, Pn gave a fine entertainment In Malta Temple, at which How Sir James ll. Boughtcr, fltand Prelate, delivered an nddress on "Tho Day AVe Celebrate." Ornnd War der Sir Horace W. Crlder extended the nddress of welcome. A drill by the uni formed companions, ttneler command of Sir Major A. If. Hnber. was a most picturesque feature of the program. Hc-'rlta,tlons, vocal and Instrumental music, and songs by the Malta Male Quartet, were admirably rendered, nnd the event proved to bo one of tho most Interesting evr given by this en thusiastic body. . Fidelity Oommandery, No. 171, of Coatsvllle, Pa., on June 22. ndmltted a class of forty companions Into the higher degrees, after they had all traveled the first degree. The cere monies were conducted by Urand Re corder Sir George II. Pierce,, and a delightful collation was spread at mid night. The Order of tho Ited Cross and Sepulchre will be conferred In full form on an early date In the Grand Opera House, when the class will com plete their admission ceremonies. The membership of this active and In fluential command now numbers over one hundred and sixty, nnd another class Is being considered. St. John's Day having ben set apart as donation day for "Knights of Malta hospital" fund, ninny contributions aie being sent In at this time. Among those received on tho eve of that day, were annual contributions from Chosen Knights Commander, No. 171, of York; Kdltor Sir C. Arthur Lutss, P. C , of "The Illustrious Knights of Malta;" Sir John S, Mundorf, P. C and wife, of York; lienrard Commander), No. SO, of Weathetiy: and Sir John (low land, Past Grand Commander, of No. oS, at Phllllpsburg, Pa. Massachusetts celebrated St. John's Day In great style. Thirty-six of the fifty-four commauderles stationed In that state contributed to a common Hind, and visited the Willows nt Salem. Three bands of music took part In the parade, and Fmmanuol commander) of that place acted as the escort. Athletic, sports and a ball game were features of the day. Dele gations were present from Maine, P.hode Island, Connecult and New Hampshire. A beautiful display of ilreworks occurred both In tho after noon and evening, and a largo at tendance was present. John Knox Cnnimanelery. No. 12, at Wilkes-Harre, Pa., nlso celebrated tho founding of tho order, by attending church on Sunday, Juno 23, and a largo number of its 331 members were lu line. In uniform. Rev. Sir Willam II. Hlller delivered a most Interesting special sermon to his fraters. Sir William Wallace Commander). No. SO.", will be stationed at Ironwood, Michigan, on July 8, by Sir William B. Young, assisted hy the degree staff of Eureka Commander), No. 1'JO, of West Superior, Wisconsin. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western In r.ffect Dec. 2, 11)00. South Iz-ave Scianton for New York at 1. 10, 3.00, .;a), S.IK1 and I0.U5 a. in.; 12.55, 3.S.! p. m. Kor Philadelphia at i-.no and 10.05 a, in.; 12.5J and 3.33 p. in. for Ktrouilshurrt at 6.10 p. m. Milk accommodation at 3.10 p. in, Airive at lloboken at 6.S0. 7.1?, 10 2S. 12.UR. 3.11, 4.49, 7.10 p. m. Airive at Philadelphia nt Mm, 3.21, (".) and 8.22 p. m. Arrive fiom New York at 1.10, fi,3' and 10.23 a. in,; 1.00, 1.52, fi.l'l, S.45 and H.mO p. in, From Stroudsburg at S.03 a, m. North Leave Scianton for Buffalo and inter mediate stations at 1.15, .3J and 0.00 a. in.; 1.R5, 5.4s! and 11.35 p. m. Tor Oswego and Syra cuse at 0.35 a, m. and 1.55 p. m. For t'tlea at 1.10 a. m. and 1.35 p. in. Kor Montioss at 0.00 a. m. ; l.Ol and 5.4S p. in. Kor Nichol son at 1.00 ami fi.15 p. in. Kor llinghamlnn at 10.20 a. m. Arrive In Scranton fiom tlullalo at 1.25, 2.65, 6.15 anl 10.00 a. m,; 3.30 and P.00 p. in, from Osuefto and Sjiacuse at 2.55 a. in,; 12.3S and 8.00 p. in. I'mm t'tlea at 2.55 a. in.; 12.3S and S.30 p. m. I'roni Nieholson at 7.50 a, m. and 6.00 p. m, from Montroe at 10.00 a. m. ; 3.20 and 8.00 p. in. Illoomsburg Division Leave Scranton for Northumberland, at (5.45. 10.0.1 a. m. ; 1.1.1 and 6.50 p. m. Kor Plvinouili at 1.0.1, 3.40. 8.50 p. m, Kor Kingston at 8.1(1 a. in. Arrive ul Northumberland at f.:tt a. m.; 1.10, 5.00 and S.ll p. m. Aulve at Iviiw.ton at 8.52 a, m, Anive at PI) mouth at 2.00, '4,32, 0.15 p. in. Arrive in Scranton from Northumberland at 0.42 a. m. ; 12.31, 4.50 and 8.45 p. m. I'mm Kingston at ll.to a. in. I'rom Pljmoutli at 7.65 a. m. ; 3.20 and 5.25 p. m. fsUSDlY TRAINS. South-Leave Scranton at 1.40, 3.00, 5.50, 10.0,1 a. m. , 3.33 and ".40 p. rn, Norlli Leave Scranton at 1.11, fl.35 a. m.; 1.55. 5.4s! and 11. 85 p. m. Dloomshuig Division Leave Scranton at 10.05 a. in, and 5.60 p in. Central Eailroad of New Jersey. Stations in New Ycnk Koot of Libeity street, N. It., and South Kciiy. riMi: taiuk in i:iii:cr jpni: so, moi. Tialns leave Siianton Jor New Yoik, Nevvail:, r.liiabctli. Philadelphia, Laslon, Ilethlehem, Al billow, n, Munch Chunk and White Haven, at 8..V1 a. in,; rpiei-s, 1.10; cxpic-u, 4.00 p. m. Sun davs, 2.15 p. in. Kor I'ittston and Wilkes-naue, S.51 a. in.; 1.10 and 4.00 p. m. Sundajs, 2.15 p. in. r.i- nalllmnre and Yia-shini-loii and points South and cut via Bethlehem, 8..15 a. in., 1.10 and 1.00 p, in. Sunda., 2.1.1 p. in, Kor lxinc IliJiiib. Ocean drove, etc., at 8 55 a. in. (tluoiigh coach) and 1.10 p. in. I'or Heading, Lebanon and llairlshurg, via Al Irntown, 8.55 a. m. and 1.10 p, in. Sundajs, 2.15 p. in. Kor Pottsville, 8.5.1 a. m., 1.10 p. in. I'or Mountain I'.lll., 8.55 a. lu., 1.10 and 4.00 P. m- Through tickets to all points east, south and west at lowest rates at the station, c. i. nt irr. om. p,i. Agt. .1. li. OLHAI'SKN, (ieu. Supt. Now York, Ontario and Western. Time TMc In KfTrtt Sunday. June 23, 1001. NOHTHBOI'N'I). ,tie I.cai At r I t Tialns. Scianton. Caibondale, Cadosh. So, 1 ...R.io a. in. 11.10 a. m, l.irt p. in. No. ,1 ... I.") p. m. 4.tl p, in, fi.flO p. m. No. 7 ... U.l' P. in. ! l.'aihondale,. 8.16 ii, m, bin Tii-nnwM). I.cne l.cai rrii Cadosia. Coihomljle. Scianton. Xo A ... 7.00 a. m. 7.40 a. in. No. ... Ml - ni. 10.01 a. m. 10.K1 a. in. No 2 ... S.IS P. I" l'm ! ' Mi 1. m. fcUNIIAYS ONI.V, .NOIITII nOl'M). I,civ l.savp rrlp Si-ranton. CarbondJlf. Cadosin, No. o ... S"u '" 91 " "' I"'1'1 " I". No 5 ... 7.t 1. ni. Af. t'aibondale.. 7.13 p. lit. souriiiiorxn. Iaif l.can Anive l.'adosia. C'arbonilale, Siranton No. fl ... "," " ' "'I0 a. in. No. 10 .. I.M P in. fi.0"1 !' " 'Mi p. in. Trains No. 1. an wrfk Uaj, and 9. on Sun. dais, make main Hni- tonuritloiu lor New Voils city. Utlta, Oneida, O.wego and Intciinedlate points. Tialns Nok. 3 and 4 male Walton, Delhi, Ham. dtn and Sidney lonneitiona. Kor (nillier Intounatimi onntt tliVrt atrints, .1. C ANDKII.-ON, 0. I'. A.. Now Yolk. J. K. Wi:i.MI, T. P. A., hcranton. Erie Haihoad, Wyominu Division. Time Table In I'lTect Sipt. 17, 1800. Tialns (or llawlry and loial polnli. tgiined Inc at llawley ilth Krle latlroad for New York, Ncubnre and liilriinediatc point. Iea &ian. ton at 7.M a, in. and 2.U p. m. Trains unite at Siranton at lO.tf 1. ni. and . V,1V p. m. i Vjtli ' , SUMMER RESORTS. Seashore and Country Combined. I'mvvlek, Colin., Iu.s thrm both anil ' I lie most dunning spot on Long IsUnil Soiinil, Tun ami one lull ln.nrs fiom New Voik, at mouth of tlic beautiful Connecticut river. Fenwick Hall Has every attuction anrl convenience-; all tbp ainiiseuienU Jiiil sports, and rveiy tlilnc cniiilutivr of benltli anil plcisiiii, KaUilii?. bojtln? (steuiu bundles ami s.iil boats), llslilni; (die best on Hie Sounil), c)ilini:, rliivmsr. piiv.ito u-"H linKs and tennis couiis. Klevators uml private btlis; mollis en mile. Wilte to .1. I. ChatHelii, Proprietor lintel .lilleisnu New Yolk city, lor teuns and full particulars. 8 HOTEL CLIFTON, LAKE VJINOLA. PA. New nnel modern. Beautifully sit uated. lSOi) feet above sea level. No mosquitoes. Orchestra, tenuis, boat ing. Cuisine first-class. Write for uites. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. QRANP ATLANTIC HOTEL AND ANNEX Viminla Ave. nnd Pe-iih, Atlantic City. X. .1. Sixth year; '.U 1-e.iuttful rooms ensuite, r-lnsle and with bath; hot and cold sea-water baths in hotel and annex, boutiuu select and central, within few yards of the fetrel I'ier Orchestra, Oltri.s special piins rates, $1:! to $15 by wick; SIM up by day. Special rates to lamilics. Coaches meet all trains. Write lor booklet. CIIAIILKS C. COPB. HpTEL OSBORNE. Atlantic City, N. .1. One square fiom beach. New 75-room annex. Modem apiHilntinents. lln. excelled service. Hates, by the day, $1.50 and up. waid. Hy the vveel., is and upward. (Jatucity, 400. H. J. Oabornc. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule in Effect June 2, 1001. Trains leave Scranton: 6.45 a. m., week days, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsville; stops at principal in termediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia. Baltimore. Wash ington and for Pittsburg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (.Sundays, 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and tho West. 3.33 p. m., week days, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia viaPotts vllle. Stops at principal inter mediate stations. 4.27 p. m week days, for Hazleton, Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. ,1. II, 1HTC1IIN0X, On. Msr. .1. II. WOOD, ficn. Pass. A?t. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In KtTnt .lime 2. l)l. Tiains I.e.c Sci.inton! Kor Plilladelplii.i and New Y'oik via ft. f; II II. II., at IU5 and !).1S o. in., and '-M3, 4.47 (llluk lliainonii IlvpiTM), and ll.U) p. in. bun dam, I). & II. II. .. 1.6S. P- m- Tor Wlilte Ilaun, Hazleton and principal points in the cojI 101,'Ioih. l.i ll. k II. II, II , il.lj, 'J. IS and 1.-7 p. in. I'or l'ottville, U. IS a. in.. 2.1S p. m. I'or llethlilieiii, Daston, Iteadinir, Ilair!biirj and principal intrrincdiate stations via l). k II. II. II., II.43. B.3S a. in.; 2.1S, I.-J7 (nt.ic If IMl moml Kxpiess), 11.30 p. in. Sundays, I). Si II, II. It., O.M a. in.i 1.S1, .'-,7 p. in. Tor TunUannock, Towanda, lllinlr.i, Itliac.i, (leneia and principal inlrriiiedlatp stations, vi.i I)., I,, k Vi, it. K., S.0S u. m.j 1.05 and J.W p, m. I'or (enea, llocliesler, Iliiflalo, Nlar-ara Falls, Clilaco and all points wet. sl.i D. k It, It. It , 7.4, U.S5 a. in., 1.S8. 3.8.1 (lllark Diamond V. preM), "Is. 10.11, ll.'M p. m, hund.iii, I), k II. It. I!.. 11.51. S.27 p. in. Pullman pallor and sleeplns or Leliish Valley pallor cars on all tialius between Wllkes-narre ami New Yoik, Philadelphia, llull'alo and Sus pension Bridie. ItOl.I.l.V 11. WH.nrit, Cent. Supt., 2il Cortland street. New Yoik. CIIAHI.KS S. MX. On. Pasa. Agt., !fl C'ortlan.l street. New Yoik. A. W. NONNI'.MAIIIKII, l)iv. P.i-s. ArL, South ndhleliem, Pa. I'or llekcts and Pullman reseiiatloiii apply to S09 Laikawanna atenue, Scranton, I'.i. Delaware and Hudson. In Kttect Juno 0. 1D0. Trains for Cailiondale leave Stianlnn at n:"0, 8:00. 8:5.1. 10:13 n. in., l'-MO, lrJO, 2:11, a;52, 6:21), tl:25, 7:57, 0:15, 11:20 p. in., l:lli a. in. i'or llonesdale and l.jko I odoie, 0.20, 10.13 a. in. I 2.44 and '-' !' '" lor WIIKCS-liailc iiiij, :ss, n;ii, u:.is, iu:i a m 12:0.1 H2i., 2:1s, a:33, 4:27, 0:10, 7:IS, 10:11, 1T.30 P- m- Tor 1.. V. H. It. polnt-fi:43, 0:33 a. in., 2:15, 4:27 and 11:30 p. in. I'or Pennsylvania It. It. polnU-fliH, 0:33, 2:13, 3:33 and 1:27 p. m. I'or Albany and all points north 0:20 a. m. and 3:52 v. in. hl'NDAV TI1AINS. For Carbondale 8:50, 11:31 u, in., 2:11, 3:5., 5:52 and 10:32 p, in, For Wllke-Ilane-0:38 a. m 12:0), 1:53, 3:23, U:32 and 8:42 p. m. I'or Albany and points north 3:52 p. m. For 1loi.cv.lulo and !.kti Lodoic 8.50, 11.33 a. m. and 3.52 p. in. in r r m M, --w a I, f - "i'sC'WWWMay WB"r' Evrybody. iBHll Uneeda Jinjer I H WtfllULJat9$lM vNiMmM?r!3mM . A Tli. mntlirr want H'llIfflBa SK 1 'JaHawliiHKS i liii It '1 fi IffiL t'iem r comPany m Ujwu(raK!BVffiPyV tui'illt wiPtk expected. The father D 1 Wr iWlrmtSSSSt1 ' WL 3Jr likes them to nibble Iff I IK. f mW!ftBm !mJmmt? bctwcen mca,s- The ffl I Wi fJp i j3'm lUflyU 'MBUKKBBBKBUUM!''iMMiimy children make a N Ilmitifllilic''i wholesome meal of u ulJBvlll them. Everybody HI 'Hilr'liiPH ays U"eda M 1 flBHIQHM l J,nJer Wauf-" I tmM.'MWiMmlltl tmUMMti national biscuit ffl wls? v 'ljj'Wty5:!:ss- Urweda Biscuit J -. si4 - H - BARGAINS -- Here are two special offerings which are worthy of f the attention of shrewd buyers as quantities arc lim- J X itcd. An early inspection - WILTON RUGS $1.25. Size 4 feet 6 inches by 2 feet 3 indies. Choice line Oriental desigus. Real value, $2. RUFFLED CURTAINS 65 Cents The pair choice grade of Swiss, well made. An exceptional bargain. Real value, $1.00. Note Our store will ust on Saturday at noon. & Temporary Store Carpets. Wall THB MOOSIC POWDER CO, Booms 1 and'2, Com'lth BTd'g. OBANTON, VA. nining and Blasting POWDER ltt al Moosto and BruliJal WotlU, LAPUN 4k RAND POWDBK CO3 ORANGE QUN POWDER Beotrle Batteries). Rleotrlo Kxploiars, xplodluz blavfla, Hfoty Pus ami Repauna Chemical Co.'s man BXPLOlV FINANCIAL. V.--"V-N'' OLDEST! SAFEST! BEST! WALL STREET Money Will liarn (He Monthly Kciurns, Ttielnvestor'aFundPayaSeml-montlily, The oldest established in America. No certificate holder has eicr lost i cent Payments made to all subscrlbtrs every 13 dayi. No trouble. No delay. Money lefunded on dcrnaml, Write to day for particulara, fiee to anv address C. I'. Mackey k Co,, Hudson ntd'i... Sew cil.. 5 Water, Sewer and Electric Light BONDS. Yielding 4.40 Per Cent. Wilte (or spcdal circular. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 Nassau St., New York. Williams I $55,000 1 I Rocky Mount, N. ft, I - l - - r - H - H"l"H 4-H is advisable. - f t 1 close during July and Aug- 5 126 Washington Ave. Paper. Draperies. ? i Lager Beer Brewery MauufisCtiirow -r OLD STOCK PBLSLER 435 to 455 , SCRANTON, PA N. Ninth Stroet Telephone Call, 2333. Weak Nerves People cannot help worrying when their nerves nre weak, That feeling of languor, dullness and exhaustion Is the tearful condition which often nre. cedes insanity. The power to wort or study diminishes nnd despondency de presses the mind ulght anil day. It you nre Mifferfne the tortures of Nervous Debility, Ihete Is oo knowing how soon you may decline to something more horrible, nut you can get well. The youthful Mrength. buoyancy anil happiness can berestoied by the useol They have cured thousands, and we have so much confidence In them that we give an Iron clad guarantee with a Jo 00 order. Sent anywhere In plain package 11.00 nrriu.s- illioTFa fnr SYOO. Hook free. Address, 'uau Mcoicine Co., Cleve-1 land, unto. For tale by John !!. Pheli. Pharmacist, corner Wj pmlng a.rmie and Spruce, street. TRIBUNE WANT ADS, BRING QUICK RETURNS McAiiulty liii. i fegg ; ' ,!r? - -Vst-v ,