The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 29, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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fptelal to the Scrintcn Tribune
Montrose, June 28. The mercury
registered 94 degrees In the shade yes
terday afternoon, and the temperature
ts praetlcaly the same today. This
extreme heat Is very unusual In Mont
rose, but even now life Is made endur
able by a refreshing mountain breeo
which tempers the toirld days and
makes the air ically delightful after
Our photographer, E. D. Bronson,
has Issued a lino protfollo of photu
prnphlc views of "Beautiful Mont
rose." The board of medical pension ox
nmlncrs for yus'iuohanna county met
In this place this week and examined
a large number of pension appli
cants. The Montrose base ball team will
play a game at Spilngxllle on the
Fourth of July, with either the West
Auburn or Lemon nine, for a jnlze
of J10.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Corlleld
leave next week for Buffalo to at
tend the great exposition.
Miss Mattle Davis, of Scranlon, was
the guest of Miss Lizzie Dimuw this
Heglster and Recorder B. B. BufCuni
and wife have icturned from a
to the Delaware Water Ou p.
Miss Addle Keclcr, of Blnghamton,
is visiting at Deputy Sheriff F. L.
Mrs. C. T. Hayden, of New York, Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Haw
ley at Maple Giove farm.
Miss Edith Bronson has been at
Buffalo to the exposition and Is now
visiting friends In Wyoming Vouiity.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hltchner. of
West Plttston. visited their daughter,
Mrs. W. H. Conklin, In this place, this
Miss Kate Doollttle. of Winner,
Neb., and Miss Bessie Wilson, of
Factory vllle, vere guests at Dr. J.
C Wilson's, on Maple street, this
Vt eek.
Miss Matilda Halsey. nf Philadel
phia,, is the guest of her aunts, the
Misses Biddle, at their home on
Church sticet.
. Mrs. Lillian Lindsay and chlldien,
of Wyoming, are visiting at the home
of her patents, Mr. and Mi. Fiiend
Holllster. on Lincoln atomic.
William M. Post, eso... is viewing the
Bights at the Buffalo exposition.
Hon. James W. Adams, of Brooklyn,
was a visitor In town csteiday.
The ladies of the Piesbyterian
church will gie a patriotic, or ted,
white and blue festival, at the chuich
chapel on Tuesday afternoon, July 2.
commencing at fi.M o'clock. ' ki
cream, stiawbeirles and cake will be
served for 20 cents.
The formal opening of the Lakeside
Country club has been postponed un
til next Monday afternoon, July 1. At
that time all members of the club and
their friends will bp made welcome.
The excessive rains pi evented an ear
lier opening of the club house and
Charles Van Scoten Is recovering
from a seeie attack of tonsilltls.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison S. Conklin
have leturned from a week's sojourn
at Atlantic City.
While fishing at Jones' lake, near
this borough, a morning or so ago,
Tt. M. Bostwick caught a wall-eyed
pike that measured twenty-four
Inches in length, and D. V. Oaidinei
pulled one in that measured twenty
The death of Eri Newcomb, an old
resident of this place, occuned on
Tnursday morning at the home of a
relative, Fiederick Powell, at Foiest
Lake, wheie Mr. Newcomb went sev
eral weeks ago on account of failing
health. The deceased was a tailor li.v
trade. He was unmarried and was
about 75 years of age. The remains
will be brought to Montrose for inter
ment tomorrow afternoon.
Miss Maud Loomis is visiting
friends in Sayie.
Archie Devlne, of Hush, is the
KUest of his sister, Mrs. Oeoige II.
Frazier, at her home on Wilson
In pursuance to general ciders, No,
", the Veteran Oiganizatlon of sins.
lueh.inna. county met In the aibitta
tion room In the court house in Mont
rose on June 27, 1901, at 1 o'clock.
The meeting was called to order bv
Geneial M. H. Van Scoten. Thei'e
was a goodly number of officers unci
comrades present. Geneial Van Sen
ten stated the purpose of the meeting
was to fix time and place of holding
the next encampment of the organiz
ation. After discussion, on motion the
time was fixed as the ssth, 29th and
30th of August next ami the place,
unanimously chosen, was Montiose.
The different phases of the encamp
ment weie discussed at length, some
necessaiy committees appointed, and
the Indications pointed to a oiy miu
cessful, enjoyable and pleasant lime
nt the coming encampment, which no
urn somier within a tadiiis of
miles can affoid to miss.
6ifclal to the Sirantcn Ttlhunc.
Thompson. June 28, Mi, w Mis, ..
H. Crosier aie attending the Hahbaih
school noimal at Heart lake this week
Prof. B. V. Pease, of Unlisted,
called on his biother, Fied Pease, ,,t
the postofllce, Wednesday.
Mis. Partildge, of White's Viilky.
who Is visiting Mr. and Mis, c. M,
Lewis, accompanied them to Bingham
ton yesteiday.
Mrs. Albert Bailow Is called to
Windsor, N. V toniortou to attend the
funeral of her nephew, Mr. Wall, who
died veiy suddenly,
Mrs. Judson N. Bailey, of the Melh
odlbt Episcopal paisonagc, Moosle, has
been a visitor at nest Cottage and at
Mis, Esell titoddaid's for a few dus.
She went over to Gibson this afternoon
to visit her mother,
A letter fiom Nov. J. M. Con oil, of
(he Jackbon chaige, who Is visiting his
parents In Schuylkill county, bilngs the
news of the death of his niothei since
he reached theie. Ills health icmalns
much the same ns when heie,
Liveryman James Bums and fumllv
will attend his patents' golden wedding
in Clinton tomorrow,
Mie. Thomas Walker, whose Illness
was mentioned In tluse Items, is iy
low. Her chlldien, from Now Yoik, Al
bany and other places, aie by her side,
anxiously watching her stiuggle for
life. Dr. Peck, of Hu&quehanna, has
been called to consult with Dr. Mc
Namara In her case.
'nun Vihbuni. of the township, is
reported setlously 111 with hemorrhage
of the lungs.
MlfB Nellie Clancy visited her father
In Oakland last evening. He is giadu
ally falling.
Mis. M. Hobbs and Mis. Henry Fcts,
of Cllffoid, are visiting the fonnei's
brother, Oenrge Wallace, nt his daugh
ter's home, Mis. lta Latham.
J!ev. P. tt. Tower will go today on a
business tllp to West Lenox.
Nelson Foster Is In Ulbtnn today.
Thompson has had no licensed hotel
or saloon for thiec ycais, and for two
yenm It has not had a pauper, and con
sequently no poor tax, and thus may It
ever be, Is the wish of eveiy good citi
zen. Jeiome Houghton, a feeble-minded
man at Jackton, committed suicide by
Parmer Jones is
ou see his wife?
hanplng yestetday afternoon. His wife
di'Hl seve'.il caip ago, since which
time he had lived alone. He served in
the Itebelllon and liglitfiilly dtcw a
pension. His mother and sistei survive
him, living at Susquehanna.
Special tn the Seranlon Tnliune.
Hnpbottoin, June 28. Mis. Geoige
Coray Is spending a few weeks, with
her nieie, .Miss Alta Finn. The fol
lowing guests weie also enleitalned
by Miss Finn on Wednesday, Mis.
Dr. Shnonmaker of New York, .Mrs.
Monroe Whitney of Chicago, Mr.
Edwin Corny of Altoona.
Mis, Sehoonmaker and Mis Whitney
are spending a few weeks at the home
of their patents, Mr. and Mis. Utley,
In Lenox.
Mis. J. H. Tiffany
week at Heait Lake,
is spending the
as the guest of
Mis. Haivey Tiffany.
Itcv. Lewis is spending the week at
Nicholson, nssi,tlng with the prepara
tions for children's day, which Is to
he obsoived Sunday morning.
Mi. Many Stanton, of Athens, Pa
and his biother Eugene Stanton called
on fi lends in town this week.
Mis. Julia Wilmaith and grandson,
Guy, recently visited Mrs. Wilmai til's
daugbtei, Mrs. Candace Lewis at New
The meeting of the schol board ap
pointed on Wednesday evening was
without lesiilts, only three membeis
of the boaid being piesent.
Miss Mabel Evans, who
visiting Miss Alia Finn
Thui.-day evening to her
has been
home in
Mis Lilian Bryan mul Miss Sadie
Sager sang at an enieitalnment at
Ileai t Lake, Thursday evening.
Chicken thieves lelleved Herman
Smith of his (lock of poultry one night
this week.
O. W. Strupples had gieen peas and
new potatoes from his Harden last
Sunday. Mr. Stiuples evidently gets
up a little eat Her in the moinlng than
his nelghbois.
Spec iat tn the Scranton Tribune,
Cniondale, June 28. Mr. and Mis.
Edwaid Morgan, Kp a leicptlou In
honor of Mr. and Mis. II. E. Morgan,
last Wednesday evening. The newly
mauled couple had i etui nod the same
day tiom their wedding trip after
visiting the Pan American exposition,
Theie was a large number of Invited
guests ptesent. and the occasion was
a delightful one,
Lat Tuesday, Miss Mary Diminick
was mai tied to c. It, l.aniereiix, of
Dundaff. This is his second launch
ing on in sea of matrimony.
Mis. Edward Morgan Is entertaining
Mrs. and Miss Lizzie Edwards of Car
bondale. The Ladies Aid soi lety or the Metho
dist clinch was enleitalned at the home
of .Miiiuiio Bounds, last Wednesday,
Rev. D. D. Jenkins, will occupy a
pulpit In Carbondale nevt Sunday.
Mis. Phoebe Caipenter and her
friends nre still prospei ting for coal.
Miss Edith Sirtlth Is home tiom
Geoige Bayless anil family have re
turned home to Glen Hazel, N. Y.
Miss Frank Lewis visited friends In
Seinnton this wee,
With the exception nf Bev II. J,
Crane's family Miss W, Giiffln, Is the
only lepiesentative our town has at
Heait Lake,
Several of our young people attended
the commencement exerlses at Vnnd
ling last Wednesday evening.
Stephen Bionsou lost u valuable
hnise after a very brief sickness one
nltrht this week.
Judd Cable spent a few days lately
with his puieiiiH at Walton, N, v.
Mrs. Duglas Coleman, lourned the
beginning of tho week, utter visiting
ft lends in Pleasant Mount,
Special lo the Scrantoa Tribune.
Fleetville, June 28. Miss Carolyn
Pateiton and .Mr. call Tiffany have
leturned from Bucknell for tho sum
mer vacation.
Dr, Albert H. Brundagc of Biooklyn,
N. Y., visited A. W. Hrundage this
FiyMMy'ap ti ' ' nfffti - m m yi
week and left his two children to
spend a month in the couttfry.
Very few attended the Ice cream
social at the M, E. church because of
Miss Jeannelte Cure spent Sunday
with ft lends In town.
rtomo of those who attended chil
dren's cxoiclsos nt the Baptist church
last Sunday evening were disappoint
ed, being unable even to And standing
loom In the hall. The church was
beautifully decorated and the program
wan can led out with not u single
bleak. Only children took part and
many were the comments made nbout
the good voices of the young singers.
Fpeclnl to the Sersnton Tribune.
Factoryvllle, June US. At n recent
meeting of the executive committee
nf the Lackawanna and Wyoming
Musical Alliance, It was decided to
hold the Alliance Oct. 22 to 2."i, Inclu
sive. Prof. Bowman, of New York,
will bo the director again this year.
Miss Blanche Stark leturned fiom
East Stroudsburg Thuisday evening,
whore she had been attending com-
cutting grass. Do
meiicement exeiclses of the Normal
si'hool at place.
Childien's Day sei vices will be held
nt the Methodist church next Sunday.
Mis. Anna Shales Is at Peekvllle,
visiting i datives.
Tier. E. Hulley will occupy the pul
pit of the Claik's Green Baptist church
next Sunday.
Mr. and Mis. Hany Wilgley and
chlldien, of West Seinnton, are visit
ing lelathes hoi e.
Mr. and Mis. N. A. Oaidner will go
to L-ike Winola next Monday and oc
cupy their pleasant cottage, "Wood
holme," for the next two months.
Special tn the lirinton Tribune.
Honesd..Ic, June 2S. Captain N. E.
Blgelnw hail his company nut on
skirmish d i 111 last evening. The com
pany appealed In their new set vice
it n I Tot in.
The cake sale which takes place in
the Piesbytei Inn chapel this Satiuday
afternoon, is to proem c funds fot the
needy in our community.
John E. Richmond now draws the
leins over a handsome spin, one black,
the othei chestnut son el,
A number of the Honesdale factoi ies
will dose down next week tor icpaits
and the Fourth 'of July vacation.
The Eiie will run nn exclusion to
New York July I to letuin July 5.
Faie. -'.
Hoiace T. Menner and family and
L. i). Uose and family expect to occu
py their cottage at Elk bike during
lh" month of July,
Attorney M. 10. Simons and It. H.
Blown, with their lamilies, will spend
the month of July on their fnim on
the shoies of Elk lake.
The condition of Edwin F. Torry,
who has been scilously ill, s much
Supei Intondent Manville and the
chief civil engineei of the Delawaie
and Hudson came over the Honesdale
branch In their observation car this
Special tn the heranton Tilbuno.
Biooklyn, June 2S. Mis. John Hcain
and daughter Isabelle aie spending the
summer at her husband's mother's,
Mis. Tlizah Heain.
Stiuw benles aie i Ipenlng. Mr. E. S.
Eldiidgn shipped iifteen bushels last
Tuesday: Mi. Eugene Snyder, seven
teen, and Mr. E. L. Werton a huge
quantity. Pickets aie busy today.
M. W. Stephens spent Sunday heie
with fi lends.
Mr. Shook, a founer teacher of this
place, was a pleasant caller here over
lla.vden Van Auken has moved buck
to Biooklyn, and Is tiying (turning
Miss Uiilh Austin Is spending some
time at the home of O. M, Dolowny.
15c v. 11. I.. Huberts pi cached in
Spilngville last Sunday and culled on
fi lends Monday.
Mifi. J, M. Iloper stinted this moin
Ing for her home In Lincoln, Neb.
Flojd Itoper N visiting idatives and
fi lends in this pi ice.
The Ladles' Aid society of tho Meth
odist Episcopal chinch met with Mis.
Luther Ely on Thuisday afternoon;
Fannlo Staunton Is Luilng for the
motheiiess chlldien of her biother
Mis. P. Kearney attended the funeial
of a lelatlve at Stioudsbuig last Wed
nusday, Miss Jesslo Hardenbeigh has letuin
ed fiom a visit atthe homo of Mlna
Lou Bogeis, at Haifoid.
Mlto Lizzie Fianu left on Thuisday
for a few weeks' visit with fi lends at
Sweet Valley. v
Miss Bessie Buckingham Is visiting
Miss Sehlnnerllng at her home In
Mr. and Mrs. Lesslne and son, f
East Stroudsburg, vveio (he guests of
Mrs. p. Kearney nn Thursday.
The strawberry and Ice eiemn social
on Dr. Knedlei's lawn on Tuesday
evening was well attended and u de
light ful tvenlng was spent. The
veiniida was decorated with Japanese
lanterns and pieseuted a beautiful up-pcaiunce
Wall Street Rsvlew.
New York, June 29. A dront ndvanc In prices
of etocki on the iliv ul a (allure ol an Important
stock exchange ami n the riay folloninR lbs
failure o( ciearltiB house bank Is an anomaly
In Wall atroel. Thin anomaly in tho movement
of pricca is undonhteilly due In pirt to the tact
that (he heats were over confident In their antici
pations of the cited ol thev adverse factors. Tho
cirly strength In the m.itkct was Urgely due to
the technical explanation that (he accounts ol
the (ailed llrm, which were clowd out under the
rule, were alnmst wholly on the short side ol
(he market. That Is to saj, slocks had to be
bought under the tide lo clear the contract, thin
cieitlng a (orred demand whlrh kept up price.
'1 lie linn's accounts uneieil n lair asortment ol
about nflecn ol the epmilitUe stocks on the
euhuige and the liitil number ol slnrei linusht
in (or their m count .imoiinleil lo Jl.l'n), loaclher
Willi U.""" 1'ir value ol hnmb. Apparently the
only stock rolcl tor Ihcli account was pas and
electllu coinpjny ul llerKcn enmity. Hie iloino.
Hon of this inlrrpilm! had been jlleil by the
(lint and the coininnn supposition In Wall ftre.-t
win that Its heiurltles llgtirrd In the collateral
nl Hie fl.iino.unu loan b) the sevenlli Sitlonil
hank, which was the tilled (auie ol tint lunkV
siKprndun. 'I he ecvele londemiiillon evpiesi'd
bv the nunptiollcr n( Ihe uirremy ol the i"b
literal o( that loin and Implied In the ilcuiliu
house oenuiiltiee In Ihcli ietual In nlt the
bulk Iclt Jkci.v little ilcnulid (ni Ihlv ntnck whin
It was olTeieil mi the I'vilnnao tor Hie .ucn'int
ol II, vliiiitiind ,M I'nttipin.i. On Mmidij id ll"
w,ck It enld on the eMliitisc ut lol'i. Hie flrt
sale lodij nl .ton eh in wan .H "'I c.ih 'Hie nevt
lie was at ."IJ iii-Ii and the stud. Mili-crpicnlly
snlil ill IU'j wn. While lli jrttleinelit
nl Hie tlrin't slock exchirgo ronlricti wa lu
1'ii'giers nllirr hinli'0'e was nlnmsl at a t ui'lMitl,
'I lie evpeil iHim aniniu traders was Ihil with the
iiiiiidilluii ef the eeltli-iiicnt pllcn would ns
awaj again, but nlbr Ihe ale undir the ru'e
hid ce.ised tn nuke their ippeiralin' on tin! tape
the money laic began lo jleid, under laige olTcr.
iocs o( loin.iblc (iiliib.
'Ihe loierlng movement In the last hour wai
the inn.i .utile clurlim the diy mid rcsultcil In
rtlablHiing .1 Inal level ol yUe, whiih is
qiille crniiilb a pidnt or nieie ibnve lit 11UI1I.
'Ihe tiinl imi-pli in in toik 011 the advilue w,rc
Althlsnii mid si. Paul, whlih gained -2 en It.
There weie gilus of two points or over, al-o. b
Louisville, Krie fnt pieteirrd, (hli.igo, Indian
npnlN and l.nulavllle, l.ickawaniu, Denver and
riio lirande priferied and Illinois Cenlial, Kvini
Vllle and lent Haute ne tl pilots over Hi- ie
icnt pievdlins bid. Aitinng Hie specialties liter"
weie gains ol J'j lo .'I1! bv Tcnneee (ml. Cob
oiado I'uel, Noilh .lneiicni, Deneial Kleilru
nd l.lm-cd prctuicd. Total files to
dav, V,(iOi shin a.
The bond mirket was dull, but pibcs adv. lined
In evnipilhy with atocks. Total ales pir value,
I'nlleil Stales bonds were all unclungcl un Hie
lasl call.
The following qimlitlnn" arc Inrnidind The
Tribune bv VI. s .luidin k Co, innius 70", 7C0
Mcars bt'ildiug, hcianlon. Pa. lelephnne JWI
Open- High- Low ('Im
bue, e-t. el. inz.
American Sii.mi llt'i H'i'4, IM1! Ill's
An, ci ii. in 'Inbicco l"i' l7'i l.'.''i 1 1'2
Atilno'i 'ii 1J nvi -Mi
Althi-oii. Pr HIP", in."i W 101's
Preok I'riKlion -1 l'i SI J'-
Hill. C Ohio IW'i l.i;i2 HH', 107'j
(nl. lobiico i'.73i 1,1 h?1! 1I5
I he A. Oh! ts lU t JS
rhic. (it. we-t -u'i jpj :i"i .tin
M Pud 17J1! 171', 17 I7I'S
Hoik Wind T.7 fi7 1" Ti7
Kan. ,. lex.. P HJ'a n i.l'R HI"'
l.-ui fi Vi-h tnn Hoi, lii.ii, llili,
Man 1'levaled 121H lV4 lil3 ?t
Met, Tridion I7l'i 17l tTlj 171'..
Ml'-n. P.lilfii 1.1114 lili4 121U', Uli,
"011th PiiiIIm "ill .V"4 iS '
Nnrtulk , We-tnn .!'t ! .M'i ii'a
. V. Ceiitnl r,7'i V,- I" riis
I llll , He.lrTil '.tVj .' .'l5 .I'i'i
Peniii. iiv fio mu iM) riiu
I'.nilli Mill II I.' 41 12
Heading Hv r, VI l'i I"
Holding Hv , Pr 7 7'i 7 7'l
VMitheni II. II I", "'I, :t2J'v M
"niitl.eni It II. P -ii'. sfH -i.'4 7ci
Turn C11.1l v. Imn !7' H l7'l i'
I . Ii-.illie lt It 11 II',
C. S l.elllier, 1 7'' 7'!",. 71.I1, 701,
1 11I011 P.iiiHf Ml ltnij tn.i4 lllisfi
I mon P.uiflr. Pi., .. .'!'- nl 'rfl'. 'i
W.ibi.h, Pr 12 l,ig 12', Hi',
We-teiii I 11I011 'i2i, 11 028 H'J
Col Kuel ,C- lion 112 IT, Hi 1l'i
1111l. Cupper I22t 121 12l,a I2t'l
People'. i;.is 11-. lli, n? 1ISi
Trie 42 IP, II', U
I'lii', l-l 711 71 7U1, 7",
Col mthern Il'i ll'i If, I4 1'iiifir II ; 111, 4im
1nr1 (at roimdiv 2 i1- .IP, .12l4
I', s Meel Co. .." IS', 4' l' 4 rtl
V. h hieel Co, Pr ')', 'Cl w. 'r
xi.w onix mmikui1.
Open. Ili'h- .i,v . Clos
Wlir.AT. iug. i-.t r, mg,
.litlv 71', 7I, 7P't 7I1
Sepleinber 72 72'8 TJ'i ll'i
I'llv 47'i 47, 47'i I7'l
.September 4'i l!,s 45'i is'U
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
I'll-rt NlllOtl.ll Hlllk
Niantnn Sivings II ink
Third Nitionil Hiuk
Dune Pep(.,it anil Di.imint tin.,
Kllillnlliv l.igltl, II. .1 P. C 'ITu,t lie ITcpn-it Ci
I I. irk k miniver Cn , Pi
sii.inliin linn l'tiiii .- Mig. Co....
Niiitlou Axle Wmki
I. ,ik ivvaniu Pun Co, Pi
I 'mint v Mvmg, II ink . Tiu-l Co..
t-1 1 t Nitional Hink (C.iibondile).,
M.iiiihrd Diilllug Co
Tiadu.' Sttinnil Hink
Niinton Hob and Nut Co
People'-. Hink
.New Mexico Hv. fc C. In
Nnnton 1'i-r.ensvr Hillwiv, Hist
Moiicige, due PUD
People's Street Hiilvvay, rtr.t innrt-
gage, due P'tS
Perplc's Mreet Hiibviv, lieneial
morlgage, due 1'1't
T)uknn Manufacliiiing Cn
lacki, Townshlp Mlmnl .', pel tent.
Cu.v of cranloii t. Imp. (I per
Scianton Tiaction (1 per cent
Hid Ak.i
27 5
Mil . .
... '!2')
1 71
... 73
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corercled by 11. ft. Pile, '27 l.iiktuanni .V")
llutlei Kich, SH..I2U.; dill, fii..h, pul
20' it.
Chico Full creim, new, 10'iiUc.
Kggn Wctern frcnh, 13!-ilK ; nearly slats,
fioans-Per bushel, choice marrow, ?2ooi2.i;"
Pea Deaiu I'cr bushel, choice maiiuvv, J2 Sja
Medium Beans P'r bu.hels. S2, (0j?2 13.
diem Peas Per lnilices, fl.lUal.Ci.
Hour Hest intent, per b.inel, fl.13.
Kid Kidney (leans Per bti.hel, T2.IJa?2.50,
Potatoes Pci binhel, eSaWe,
New York Qrnin and Pioduce.
.New uik, .bine '2. Klmu ijuict and uler,
MluneviU pall nl, l.,UH.(r0. Wheat -.-pot vvi-akj
.No. 2 led, 72c, (. 11. b. .illinl; .No, '2 led, 7.asi,
elevator. Options wile ginciilly weak .ill 1I.1.V,
t lusliu; ea,v at "SiaV. nel diillni', .Inl.v ihiiol
i.lUci 0it 72'jc.i Oct., i.'V ; Du , 7l's.
Coin hpiil stead.v ; No. 2, Is'c, elcv ilor, .!
UK: f, u. Ii, nilo.ii, Options win opened imm, but
wiiii f.iill.v rtiad.v all iliv, ("o.i d lead ,il 'so.
lifeline, Jills cln.iil I7",i.i N.'pl , Iski Oil
hpol dull, No, 2, ,I2'-.i,j .Nu. ,1, ,12c J So, 3 whilii,
ai ; No. :t while, .12!. 0.; tuvk iiiivul vvi.tuii,
:2.Ui:i.i link while, .'i2'-il7i 0l i..ns iptlet,
but fti'.ol.l on crop new.., Putter I lint, ileum.
ri,v, 13.1 1H! ji. I liilni.v, 12'viI'k.; iniltilion
iiiameiv, l.i!jil7i., elale il.iii.v, ll.ibl.i. Llnvij
Meady; I.iikv luge lobued, U!;i'. ; iimv Inge
while, l)',-c; limy riu,l loloinl, !)a8i'Ji,; (uuv
Mitall white, Olia'i-1, rum; .uie ,nn
Piiiii-ylvaniu, lljlllii.; ui.irrn umaiidlcd, lla
liir., ; vvc'stc'in laiullid, ll'.j.ilk.
Philadelphia Qinui and Product
Philadelphia, Juna 2".- Wlioal -',i, lnvvir;
contiact giadu .bine, 7li7l'..i.; .lull, 71171'ic,
Coin hleadv i ,Nu. 2 mixed June, lUaln'jc. ;
Julv, (o!iHi'jc, Oalo-lulct, but stcadv ; .Su
while 1 lipped, .'y!.c. Ilutlei I'iim, gnoil il, .
liuiidi (amy uialtia iieamei.v, I'.l'ju, do. do.
piinl, Itit.J do. Iieailiv, SUc. i gg steady;
llth ni'Jili.i, lb, J du, wcslrin, lie ; do, eoiali.
vvehlcin, 12!ii.; du. boulherii, 12c. I heee
Mi'jd) ; X. , (ul) treaties Unv; null, y.i'iIjL ;
dei do. do. lair lu choice, l'.J'Jlji lU'liiici
huijais Uncliaiisc'd. Colton 1-lu, uvci; niid-dlili-
uplands, Id 1 lUe. Tallow I'llln; tlty
pi line in ihd., 5J.'i!e.: toiinliy do, do li.illil,,
4,?a3!ii-,; caken, 6'ji'. Live I'uiiI(i)-I'iiiii, isoml
demand; (owls, ll!jiU ; nil loo.teis, "c; epiiii;
ihicktns, 12a'2Uc.; iltieka, HjlUc. Du-Kced 1'oullrj
Finn: (owls iholcc, lie. J do. (air to go'l, Ui
lulje'.; old icoslem, b-.c. ; biuilcis neaibv, Isn
'25c; vvi'Dtcrn do., Ma22t.
Hi celpts Flour, 2,il barrels and I, l.".;,iW)
pounds in tack; wheal, bu.hels; lorn, v-!,-CUM
bushels; iuls, 11,010 bushel. Mifpinm -Wheat,
0,1 ") biblula; torn, 102,0X1 bu.-hcl; ojld,
10,OUU bushel..
Chicago Grain and Pioduce.
(hivago, June is, -Hiat luleii wcik (odjy
cm lowci cables and Hue uup prvpccU. bcplem.
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Thin Pour Lines, 3 Cents lor Each Extra tine.
For Rent.
For Reeto
About 1200 feet of floor space on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
su'table for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
The Tribune,
l Oil miYI'-Kltfht room,, 7.U Jefferson avenue;
all modern tci'vettleiues. I
I'Olt lll..r-ln llillin, inllige of nine rooms,
neirl.v new ind pirll.v furnished, liest loia
Hon In town. I nr the- ce.eou or longer. Apply
0. W. Carlton, Dallm, Pa.
1-011 ItC.ST-Colfage at bake Wlnoli. with all
modern Improvements and two bolts. Apply
Trecl It. sinrk, 1 radii,' K liullliui
TOR I1KNT-41 mom hoiie, corner W'avne avenue
and Putnam strut! lint and cold water,
note but (-mall family need apply. 1703 Wayne
WO OIUXV niDfir: smurr. ten rooms, mo'lern
improvements ; steam heat lurnUhed: destr
desirable. For Sale.
Kill Ml.i: (IIKsP- I combinitlnn pool and lilb
Hind tabic, I'ssT feel. 1 ink extension innins
table, l12, 1 coiltei chlni closet, oval oak troni,
Oill Webster avenue, lit).
For Sale or Rent.
tOIt .s.M.I, (III II I'M' A cottage In Klmliurst,
with biru, null and good waicr. 'leims to
Milt. Address Hi. Iliteson, A,7 Washington ave
nue. 1 OK s.M.I. OU l!i:M'-Double hou-r, all im
pn veineiil. Ilenl, loW). Cash price,
$.1,1(10. MJ llaillvill aVCIIUC.
Rooms and Board.
LIIGK (ront rorm with board (or two gentle
men, 410 AiIjiiis avenue.
Bonvdoro Wanted.
WANTED Table boaiders. Mrs. Tcmpkins, 531
Washington avenue.
Money to Loan.
JlnVWcl TO 1.0 X I.oweit nles; straight or
monthly pn.vments blark & Co .Tradeis bldi.
ANY AMOL'.NC OF MONTV TO I.OA.S-IJuick,,:l l Ii an, or Hiiiloing and Loan. At
lioni 4 to 8 pel cent. Call on S. V. Walker,
S1I-JI5 Connell building.
I.Osl'-ltdween irintmi and Piovuleiue, a long,
tan i idniiri eon. PiihIli will he lew ml -il
mum leliiinina to (. P. Mitthevvs &. huii, JI
l.k.iwuiui i avenue.
IOr-t Niv Alii pnk Ihlll-div, two gold
iln.-, tontiiniiia ivvii opiU each. Itcnvald.
Iiiiinte .il tilbut c om c.
Situations Wanted.
. .... - .- i
sin MIIIN WMi:i)-lii go mil b) 111" d'.v,
v'.i-'i.ngoi eUaniiig. Mis. Itu eoll, 121'ICedu
Mil V1ION WAMKD- l.sput bookp'eper want,
-et bunk-. Iii milllgi' not icqiliiiiu illtlie
lime, IrniK model m. Ainlie s I O L., Iribune.
MlllA'IIO.N W AMI.Il-liiicliiiian ilesins a sll
itiliou wilh a 'i'- taiiiii) , eapilile mill,
-lilcilv limp iili- .Hid luiible. wilh gi oil icioi
enees," Addic, Couhiititi, ,IA I'eiin avenue,
.Mil Alios W VMID- bid) would like tu pro
line vvuk bv the dii. Ail'lie'-a (nl Apple
..vei tie, IIiiiiiiioii.
Mil VIIO.S W VS'II.D- III ep iieiiccil Inok.
kicpti, iinw iitipli'vcd. Would like to el angc.
II. , 11" -27", t II).
111 VI'IOS W WIIIll -Velive vi.iing nun iliMre,
i. mini h b'ik ketpii; evpiilinuil .Hid will.
big Hi make luni-cll w lul. hlmei, Tiibune Of.
Mil VTIO.N WAMI.D- s a emk or ihrf. Ail-ilii'-s
Ailii-liuiig, Ol Hid Centul llnlel.
Ml CAT ION WAS I Ml bv .1 worn in tu go nut
bv ilis w.i-liing, iteming in lc mine. I'li.i-e
eall in .i'!Ju --. .Mi-. Vt, Unwell, 1211 Cedai ave
line, eit).
bill ATIO.S W VMI.II ll a voiitu- woitiin, with
liiild Ihlee )i.ii- iild, .is linit,eke?pcr o.
huuse'woik. Addie--,, 7.." Iviei-lvi louit, CM),
bei i nt ii was iinih insid Oit-, wen' a -hide low.
ii; whili piovi-i'ii. i '".nl iiiiihaugel to ii'.
lower. Cih ipi'italinit- wtte .is lulbiw -.;
lToiii ltiiil, wi ik, Nn. 2 -plin,' wheat, U2i
Ci'ii' J Ni,, -2 led, hill1,! , So. I mm, I2344l i'nc :
.So. '2 vdlim, I21,e i .Su, 2 oil-, -27'tic.; .So. 2
while, .'il'-jill'ii,; So. ,1 while, tsi. i in'ji.: No.
2 in, l-il"e i No. 1 l!i sCiil. il,", ,N'n. 1
S'oiihwe.iein, -1., pi line llniolhy seed, M.'2"i.i
I. oil; ine-s pmk, Ml "nil in, laid, .i7'..iM);
rhnit rib., "Mulis.pi; ilii -iltrd "hoiildeiii, Hal
'iC eliml ileal side-, -. !.!.. I "i; whi-ke.v, t1,'27.
Chicago Live Stork Mniket.
(hh.igo, .luno '" C,illle-lt'iiipl, 2,.'il, in.
i billing .Vhi IVsiii", ihoiei ,teiis sli'iil.v; uiheii
weik; biilihiis' stnek .ibuut r,teailtv ; Tcvins
hteid): p'lul to luitut' -irii,, i..,; pool
In iiiriliuni. si.iii", 'J't ti.iKtii. anil feeder-i-l iw,
2.7.mI.mi; (owr., "2 7lil7,i1 helfei-, 2 7,"ii"i.U;
i .huh in. "2i2.7"i bull, nl" ilt .iiadi, 2.7,iil i'l;
i.ilves low, lii'.VI, levii fed -tills die- up to
tt.n; l.'2ia'i U; len gia- leu., .!.! i III;
TV.H bull-, "2,7"iil,7.'i. lings Itlielpt. tndiv,
I'l.KKI, Ioiiioiiiiw, I.'.ihui; hii nver, IVJIKI. weik,
ibiiiig about stead) .11 deillne, I'np, H.iJ'ai
nilvnl and 1111111101, ?.r.iii Ipji good to ihoiiv
liiavv, "il ul.22' ; nuigli hem, "1 r.-,,.', ir,; lnhti
"i Mrail.111, bulk nl lli', -.'i 10 HI. 12' j ."heep (i .
ii'ipls, .".uoili kIki'i .ili'l limb-, weik; slipiu.;
lamb.-, "'ii'i III; g I In ili'itie wellnj-, !Uli;
lib t) ilioiti' Iiiivul, ".IIHi!"'; wesleni -In" ,
.l.i,"nl; vi.iillna-, -.I'hIii ; niilve Iambi, ;l iVa
oOj, vviMilli lambs, rl i"..u
OU Market.
Oil (Ml), June '2- Ciulil lnliiiie, K irtlu
late-, mi bid. Mil mini-, 121, uV2; uvti.ige, 'JO,,
esj. linn-, lle,J7; avn.ue, i,7lU.
Special to the Fcranton Tribune.
W'ulMi Hill, Jnnu 3s-An pxt'olleiit
pot mon on the "P.irriblo of tho Hnw
cr" vv.iH dollvereil lui-t .Sunrlity niorn
Ini? by Itov. It. M. Harris, of tho (.on
grogiKlnnul chin til.
.Mis. P. V, Powell and riiiiiBlUor, of
Kcmnton, nto vhltlnsr hd" P'lU'nts, .Mr,
ami Mi, itlchiiicl D.ivlo, of (his plucc,
Pi of. John ltli'linuls has just closcil
a Hiiuvft-Hful M'hool term at ("limit
llencl. .Mr. lUdmrcls Riinluuteil the clai-3 In tho hlstoiy of tho
.Mr. anil .Mis Kilvviml .Moig-an, of
Unioniliilo, ven In this plntc tho foie
part of (ho vvpt'k,
,Ms,s Sarah Under, of Carbonilnlo,
vls-ltPil friends here dm tin? dm week.
Mis. J. S. Owens t-pent the week
with tjoiantiin iclatlvc?.
.Mis. D.ivid nk'hiiuis, of this place,
is anxloiibly avvriitinsr the 111 rival of
het i-on, Hubert Rlthurds,, and tumlly,
of Australia,
M.MMIMl HCOnKM'i: -Will rent lo rcpomlhle
piille, plexatit liirnblieri smnmer home t
lllvrrvlevv laim, silinled on Ihe banks o( Nis
qiitliaiiii.i rlveri beiulllnl wctieiyi flr(
black biss Ibhliig, nlio bolting and bitlnng.
Iblilers hive culudvc ue nl dlniiiR room, sit
tine looms and luge vri mill. 'Iciih very lea
seanble. (nil or addtras V. . Walkrr. all Con.
i ell building, or Ml Walilnglon avenue.
Help Wonted Mnlo.
DAMIKIt WA'Ti:l) Apply ill Dime Pink lurbcr
CIVH, MMtVICi: (Inurnment portions About
l,Wxi iippolntmenls made lisi .veir. Piob
ably lt),l)iK) this veil. Only u 1 0111111011 sihool
cdiuatlon ipqnircil. Cat ilogue ol Inforinallon
(rce. (.'otumblan ('oriispondilieo College, W.1-I1.
IliRton, P. V.
Help Wanted Femnle.
WAN I'KD-llv luge luiiuifielnr), nn Intelligent
woman with sill iipllill ie,.atit nitl'lile
work (110 iiiivalng)i ! week and evpen-iv,
with Bdv.iiieeinenl. I'm Inlrrvievv at home, ad
drcts A Mfg Cn., 'I illume Oldie.
WAMT'.D-Cyinpi'tiiil innk ami lii.ndress. Apply
at iVI'i Moiune nvintt.'.
i:.M'Kllli:SC'i:n Olid Inevperlencril Hon
wanted at Snlnmon's slilit I.Klory, 1IMJ.I
Franklin avenue, third llooi.
llM'llillllSCri) nvei.ill operator wauled who 1.111
act as (oiclulv pply ftoloinon's factoi),
1.IMU 1'ianklln iiunue.
Agents Wanted.
WASTKD Men and women agent, iptli k-velllng,
high ilas, iii'iliidical lllg luniuil Inn.
Fprague PublMiliig Coiiipinv, Detroit, Mich
..r r V r
Salesmen Wanted.
WANTKP Silemian, -;V mnnthlv and evpenses;
permanent. Iri) .Surei) Co., Itochcftcr,
N. Y.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M,
Central City
ALP.ERT SCIII.UTZ. corner Mulberry
etrcet and Webster avenue.
GUblAV riCHhL. UJO Adams avenue.
West Side
OLORGK V. JKNKINS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
FKLD L. Ttltl'I'i:, 72'J Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main
avenue and Market street.
Green Ridge
1557 Diekson
V. J JOHNS. 020 Green Pldgc street.
C. LOHKNZ. miner Wasliinstoo avc-
Due ami Marlon street.
W. H. KNKPrUb, 1017 Irving avenue.
J. G. BONE k SON'.
Real Estate.
KOlt hLK lilt i:.CIIN(ii:-liieat naciiri'e, valu
able W'aslilHRton avenue piopeily lu iinliil
biisinevs neitiuli. Acilie-a imninliatcly W'. A. P.,
."ei.inton Tiilimie.
1011 SM.K-Or will evct.ange, five impioved
Imu-e, (01 buibling lul. Appl) M. V., lUi
Peek j-tint.
HANDsOMi: PI.OI' at 1'actoi) villi', brautifully
-itiiited; (evv minute" from hlatimt. Pos-i-.-es
lovely view of -iirioimding eounlry. ill
ut In -nit buvei-. Puces veiy low. Address
W. T. HukeK, ileal fctite, Mrantoii, Pa.
?l.roo-lluvs six-rooin, nnle noie, good well,
bot lims'200, bciautoit ttrcct, Dalton, Pa.
W'clls k Kcator.
?l,'iO lluis building lot, 40x1.10. W'hcelcr ave
nue. Wells k Keiiler, Burr Iluildine.
?2.oti0 Bit), double houc, 7 rooms on a side, all
improvements, exeept sas. Dean street, I'rovi
deuce. Wells A Iustor.
MIAI.KD PIIOPIN.M.S will be icceived at the of.
nil- u( tin N union 1 nor ni-eiici 1111111 1.
oVloik, 1 1 id is . Julv .lili, loi the moling of the
ih.ipi-l .11 IlilNidi- II e, in aediidiiieo wilh iho
eiciilli.ilii.ii and iliiwingi. in Ihe Itanda of the
.ucliiicii, K. If. 1)ii, 713 C'onnill building.
A uilitiiil cheek In the mini of one hundred and
llllv dull 11- I- In be uiiluMil with each bid,
which Mini -lull be (oitelled lo (ho dtntiiit ill
i.i-i' n( iifn-il or nini-i-ion on (he pirt o( the
ri.iievful liuMrr tu ivecule contiact svitlun ten
da)., .tftei Ilia aw.iiihng ut the sime. The right
to'iijeet an) m all luiN N wkiviiI. lly orelcr
of the ton 1' l)i-tiiit.
(. I, (ilbl.ispii:, .seirelary.
TIIK DM.TOS' .( 1100b llOI) will leicive
bids until Jul) n, at 7 p. III., on an k-ue o(
live tliuu-inil doll 11- nl bonds. For pirtmiUra
aililiees Funk M. Lolvin,, Dillon, Pa.
NOl'll'i: To the nvvneis nf proper!) iibutling on
Wa-lilniin fictl lielwceu umiicr avenue ana
Van linn 11 .ivetiiti.
Then- N piitdiiig on us-.igi' in city councils
of Ihe ell) of Mrinloii, Pi., an ordinance,
entitled, "An oidiniiue piiividlng foi tho paving
of W.i-libinii etioci liilwein Milliner avenue anel
the W1M11I1 -ide ol Van lluien avenue with ihe
lnt iii.intllv of vllrilled brbk on .1 ccnirete base;
ao prnvliliiig (or (lie wiling o( uirbotones on
njid ireit hetwein Ihe point" iiimed, providing
iii.iniiei ul a-ie-J-liig and iiilleitiiig cots o( said
inipinv intent-, aiul iippiniiiatlng funds to pay
(or I lie fame," being (Tic n( .elcit Council Nn,
12, PHI. The following i 11 iop) of the petition
for ciid iinpiiiveinint" with Ihe names o( petition
eis: To the llnnoiable the elelt and Common Coun
cils u( Hie t il) nt Sianlon.
The undersigned nwneis of pinpeity abutting
on Wa-libinii i-t 1 i-i I beiween Siiimirr avenue and
the vu'-tulv iide nf .iu lluien avrmie lespeit.
fully petition )oui hoimi ilib bodies Out ciid
stie'et belween III" pnilil" 11 lined be paved with
vlirltiid briik nn a uunule liie; thai iho Minn
be el wilh tiiilbtiiiie sn lir as nui".ir,v; that
the cil u( linpioviiiient be asses.ei agiinst aim!,
tin,; owners aeeiiiiliug In llm (not lion(
nile, Tint -lid .i"-c nieiil be made pjy.
nbl.i In tin irpnl .1111111 il Inst illitienls; and
that lh. puitiim i( eild "triet ncciiplrrl by
Iho li.nks and r.idln'S nt the clicft railvvav bo
ilediiilril In 111 Mid aeviuent3 agiia-t abbut.
ling I'wneis ami mlliiteil from laid street rail,
wav ininpiiiv ami lint the contractor bo icijulred
tn'glvc .1 live )o.u guiunlee tn tho city, and
Miur pelilliimra will ivei puy etc.
Will llll Panel 217 ft
;. W. i:v.m 100 It
lilw.nil i: Divls W it
John M111I1111U im It
John Jamliii 2 ft
II. UiW-, 1l111inl.l1 Hit ,0 ft
Aron James , II ft
Itoger Kvans duilnisli urn , 45 It
Joiie- ,V llin-l.inl , , PI It
V.. I.iiniir, l I. .V W. lUllroad 1, (t
I). K. Ilughis , .SO It
F. I.. Phillip', M.nlc Paik Cmulcry 10. ,,841 ft
W, II. Diva , HU ft
i:. Howell ,, It
Mrs. Ilichel F.vaus by W. Ili)dii Kvana ,.,, ,".0 It
W. I'. Duls ,.. -V) ft
Peter l.uvembeiBcr ,,,...,,.... ,.,,.,. 21 (t
diaries A Wm ,.,,,,. '21 ft
Kobeit Itiibrits .,., 44 It
Mi., mi.iIi Nliholai, per D. J. Matou,
lieoice I onpei, Agent ., ...,, I0 It
Wm. II Wilghl .,..,,,,..,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, 41 It
John II Hughes , ,.,, 60 It
Published iii puuuamc ol llcsolution oi City
M. T. I.VVIXLL', City Cleik.
iscranton, Pa., June 21, 1WI,
NOUCK IS hereby given that Iho partneuhip
lately bubslstlng between A. II. lingers and
fi. O. Major, both of the illy o( heranton, eoiin.
ly ol l.aikawanni und btatu of Pennsylvania,
rlolng business under the firm namo ol Itogera
k Major, has expired on this, nineteenth day of
June, A, I). 1'icT, aid that the Hrm aforcilid
has bien dolid by mutual tonsent.
All debts inking to tho ald psrlncrshlp aro
Pi be- iccvived by tbi kald A, H. Ilogers and all
driiuiidi on Ihe fjld pirlnerdilp arc to lie pie
irnted to him, the tjid A. Ii. Itogers, tor par-U'tnt-
WAUXR U. DAVIS. Attorney.' ' MAJ01t"
Insertions 25 Cents
Than Four Llnea, 6 Centa far Bach Eitra Line,
Certified Public Accountant.
i.mie i.scnange mug,, ivjb wtsninglois v.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
Spruce street, Scranlon.
Rooms 12, , lu and 18 Burr building.
dated on real estate security. Mem buildlntf.
corner Washington avenue ind Sprue street.
nd counsellors at-lanr. Republican building,
Warhlngton avenue.
aldavv. Commonwcallh building. Rooms'
10, 20 and 21.
WW 004, Oth floor, Mcara building.
of Trade building, Scranton, Ft
Rink building.
211 W)oming avenue.
Physicians and Sugeons.
inglon avenue. Reaidenee, 1319 Mulberry.
Chronic disease, lungs, heart, kidnc)s and
gerlln urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Besturants.
avenue. Rales reasonable.
P. ZEIfSLER, Proprietor. .
senger depot. Conducted on the European
plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
cess pools; no odor; only improved pumps used.
A. B. Brlggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100
North Main avenue, or Eicke'a drug store, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones
erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; green
houses, 1950 North Main avenue; atore tele
phone, 762.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens.
also ladies' waista. Louis Shoemaker, 211
Adams avenue.
vclopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse. 1J9
Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa.
In Scran(on at the news stands ot Reisman
Bros.. 400 Spruce and 503 Linden: M. Norton,
S22 Lackawanna avenue; L S. Schutzcr, 211
Spruce street.
Furnished Booms.
FOR RENT One large furnished front room;
also ono side room. 537 Adams avenue.
NOTICE Tc owners of property abutting on
snuih Main avenue (rom the south curb lins.
o( Osford street to the north curb line ot'
lliinplon street.
There is pending in city councils of the citj
of heranton, Ta , an oidinance entitled "Ars
ordinance prnvidmir (or (be paving o( Souiht
Main avenua (rom the south curb line of Oxforri
street to the north curb line 0! Hampton btreet
... .... L. . tt... f 1-I...IA...1 U.l, .... 1
Villi llie I1I1DI. i"r.ii hi ...,uv-i uuva i i
concrete base, also providing (or (he setting ot
curb stones on saitl avenue between the points
named, nrovlding m inner o( nsar-intr and collect-
ing eorid of Slid impiovement and appropriating
(units to pay for the same," being File ot Se
lect Council No. 13, 1101. The (ollowing is 3
copy o( (he petition for eald improvements, wlta .
mmes o( pe(l(ioncrs:
To (he Honorable, (he Select and Common Coun
ells of (ha City of Scranton. Pa.
Gentlemen: The undersigned owners of prop
erty abutting on South Main avenue between
Oxford and Hampton stieets repeet(ully pelition
your honorable bodies tint the said avenue be
tween (he poinls named be paved with vitrified
brick on a concrete bae and that (he am
lie net with curbstones to (ar as the same may
ha neie-oary; that tho eovt of said improvements
bo awessed against (he abbiittlng property owners
ai cording to (he (ect (ront rule as determiner!
bv the Citv Englnee of Scranton, Pa,, (hit th
assersment for slid improvement be made navablrs
In five rnui! annuil installments and petitioners
will ever puy, elr.
I). D. Evans, 60 feel, 4. South Main avenue.
D. V. Evans, 45 feel, 511 and 513 South' Main
D. D. Evins ft Co., 45 feet, 507 and 500 South!
Main avenue.
U P. Evans k Co., St feet, 512 South Main aves 1
T. F. Mason, Agt., 63 feet, 401 and 403 Soulii
Main avenue.
IT. Mcls, M leet, 327 nd 320 South Main avenue.
Willis m Diclclnick, 28 feet, 3H South Mlin ave
nue. 1
John T. Williams. 32 feet. SIT South Miln avenue.
P. i Strutipler. D. I). S., 37',j feet, 403 and 111
Buittli Main avenue,
Thomas W. Pvvis Klate, by D. J. Davis, 40 lect.
.'HO South Main avenue. ,
Marv II. Mott, 100 feet, 412 South Main avenue. '
Martha I.'. Ilelser, by A. T. llcisci, 70 (ect, l';J
South Main avenue. ,
S. E. Maon, 100 (ect, 430 South Main avenue, '
William Leber, '22V feet, 3(7 South Main avenua,
Fred R. Leber, 22'i: led, 3(1 South Main avenue.
S, E. Cork's, W feet. 31! South Main avenue.
Jenkiu Lewis, 40 leet, 4.'1 and 421 boulh Mala
William it. Williams, SO (ect, 3.15 ami 3a7 South
Main avenue.
Thomas K)nou, ul feet, 322 and 3.' South Ua:q
W. II. Wiekizer, 80 feet, 330 South Main avenue, 1
1'iinaril Robcrls. SI left, !outh Main avenue. 1
V. A. Frie'rirr, 12d (cet, 410 to 411 South Mllrj
Stale nl PiiinsvlvanU, County of Lackawanna, si.
Hctoro me, the subscriber, a notary public m
and for said state and county, and residing ir
the tity of Scranton, personally appeared T.
j'ellovva Majon, who, being duly sworn accord,
ing to law iliposetli ami ns that he was per
botnlly pirseiit when taih and all the signatures
to (ha above and foregoing pelition were made,
ami that the nmo are the actual 'signatures 'of
(lie pcrtous vvhoee names appeared under sale)
petition. T. K.I.LOWS MKSON,-
hworn and nibserlbed to bcfoic me this, tweu
tythird day ol April, 1W1.
E. 1. FELIrOWS. Notary Publlci
T certify that' lha names attached lo this peti.
(Ion represent a tn,ij)riy pi (eel frontage betwecti
Oxford and Hampton Mrcets.
( lile! Engineer B. O. E.
Fublished in pursuanca ol -resolution o(. city
council. W. L. CONNELL, at) Bccorder.
ecrutco. Fa. June Si, 1901.