The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 29, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Eloctrlc Olty nnd Hydo Park Lodges
Name Their Officers for Coming
. Year Neighbors Quarrels End Up
In Law Bults Tennis Club Sched
ule for This Aftornoon Funerals
- of -Thomas Sheridan and Baltz
Gothler-NoWB Notes and Per
sonals. Two local organizations elected oui
cers ,)ii!t evening for the ensuing your.
At a meeting of Kleetrle City lodge,
Knights of Pythias, held In Ivnrlte
hall, ilio following were selected:
Chancellor commander, Kdwurd Hub
erts; vice chancellor, Krcd Dlchl; pro-liili-,
Morgan ThoniiiM muster lit arms,
William U. Thomas; master of ox
cheiticr. Louis Christ : keeper of records-
and seal, William Christ; Inside
guard, Henry Kline; outside guard,
John- Nelpor; trustee, Kdinllnd Thom
as; muster, of work, Kdward 'I'homas;
representative to grand lodge at Al
leiitn'wii, ,. I.ouis Christ. The ubove
nuiricd o'llheis -will bn Installed on
Thursday, .Inly 11.
Hyde Park Indue, X". W, Knights
of, met In Masonic hall and
elected the following oflleors: Chuucel
loi;. cniimiuudci-, .lohn Miirchunt; vice
chancellor, William II. Williams; pre
late, David Havls: Inside guard, Theo
Vhllns, Howon; ontslile guard, AV. J.
Jenkins: maMer of work and trus
teee, Joseph Oliver: representative to
the grand lodge. Frank II. Phillips.
Four proposals were received and
thtee new members were balloted for.
Riding on the Sidewalk.
The lirst victim of the recent order
Issue by the director of public safety,
prohibiting bicyclists from riding on
the sidewalks, was arrested yesterday
afternoon by Patrolman J)avid Davis,
on South Main nvenue.
His name Is Kocco llurhondy, and
he lives on Moosle street. When ar
raigned before Police Magistrate Da
vies, lie pleaded guilty and was .sen
tenced to pay a line of $:J. This lie
paid and was released.
Neighbors in a Quarrel.
Mrs. Mary Kendrick, of Aswell
court, wlici was lined $10 by Alderman
Millar, spent two days In jail, and
also furnished JtlOO bail on charges
Popular Saturday Sales
These sales have become a marked feature iu the close
of the weeks business of this city. Our aim is to
select the goods most sought for, and place them on
Sale for Saturday Only
At prices so far below the regular figures that the
saving effected will be appreciated by our patrons.
The list for this weeks Saturday sale is in our opinion
the best we have yet offered, but of course, you must
be the judge.
By the way,
The Millinery Clearance Continues
We're giving up that department, and expect to get
the room now occupied by it, for departments that de
mand more space. Millinery on Saturday for less than
half of what it cost.
Ladies Shirt Waists
A splendid assortment of
ine waists that sell regularly
for $1.25 up. Will be offer
ed on Saturday at 98c. The
styles include, West Point
waists, fancy colored ging
hams, linen waists with fancy
collars, etc. Choice of QCp
..any style OL
.The 'Notions Department
, -This department is always
jattractive, because,' there's al
ways something new to look
atv Belts have first call this
week, The variety is limit
less, and styles are all 'l C(
uew. See our line at J
Corset Department
' Women's Health Corsets,
No need to tell their merit.
They're known from one end
'of-the country to the other,
tn'd are a universal favorite
-with ladies who seek comfort
and style at a moderate cost.
.,Tixe standard 'price every
where is $1.25. Price QQr
floi.' 'Saturday only,..,.. 7CH
Globe Warehouse
jg?Mj, . --tjBM'.., .- - wtvja
preferred by Mrs. Llzsslo Shuy, her
neighbor, claims that site bus been
discriminated against, and last even
ing upepured before Alderman John as
the prosecutrix In a case against Mrs.
Hhc alleges 'that the children of both
women engaged In a quarrel, and that
when she Interefcrcd, Mrs, Shay ana
her two daughters assaulted her by
dragging her around by the hair.
As an evidence of this fact, who
displayed a bunch of halt' which bad
beeti pulled out. of her head. After
hearing the case, the alderman held
Mrs. Shay In $300 ball.
Children's Day Exercises.
Children's Day exercises will bo held
nt the First Welsh Congregational
church tomorrow morning, com
mencing at 10 a. in,, under the direc
tion of Prof. David Jenkins and Miss
Annie T, Humphreys. The following
programme will be rendered:
Si'iijr, "The W.ililiwfiril" Choir
IliMilIng t Sclptiire.
lUptbm of Cliililirh.
I'l.i.irr , r,tnr
HrtpOlUlV? Itl'.lllillL'.
Itrcil.illoii. "'I lip ClilMirn'. D.iy"., .Scroll l).lcs
Sonir, "The I'li-t t'hll'lun's lljy" Cliolv
IttciUtlmi, "Tho I.jihI ul llje-aml'llyc,"
Thomas Joiim icti, "My l.lf' Illoilncn Lewis
KxHii.-r, "Ten iMilint" 'Jen hoys unci girls
Hc-lioM-hc Ite.iilhii;.
Smiic, "l.lllc Clillilicn, I'imIo the S.ilour,"
lleeltiitimi, VV.iIt Itijr to rirnw"....Li.lo Morgan lofi, "Out' Cniiip.iw" l-owls Davles
llei'ltotlon, "ScM'ii Tinioa Two" Kilna 1!iiih
Smie. "thir 1'r.ilv" Cliior
Iticil.illiiii, "A Menace" Rittli Tlx.iliu.-t
Iteiitatlon, "tlnmliR" ('eoijd.i aMsten
It'-cil.ilimi. "CiowIhk" MjirjiioL .Stcet:3
KviMi-iso iiml lti'."ii)iise, "The Flowers,"
night r.uu
Itecilntion, "Uliouslni; a (inlile," Darin
Iteeitatini I'.Me Irene Criig
Heeitaioi M.iipaiet .lenMiu
Sum.', "Omv.inl We (Jo" Choir
Iteeitalion, "Small lli'RiniiiiiR.-,"
I Mil li (irithlhs anil Killlli
Kxni'isr, 'Teifeit Men ami Women."
Mv Hoys anil Glrli
Itei Hatlon, "PaMes" Maigaicl
Itecit.illoti, "lliuli Iileal".l!wlailys Lillian .tone?
Song, "The I'IpIiN Ale All White" Choir
Suiptiire ItcolliiL-, '1'hilipi'i.iiH. ill, 1,'S-H.
JAriricc, "Ilefoic the OlIerhiB,"
CroniHell l).iic, Viola Ui.nn, Alma Jones anil
Mary D.nies.
Offerhni for Sunday School .Mission Wotk.
Sontr, "I-'orwaiii lie Our Watchword" Choir
Wost Side Tennis Club,
The following games will be played
this afternoon by the members of the
AVest Side Tennis club:
Min'i Sinsles'-ReoiRe Waters and Herbert
.Mixed sincles Mivi Sl.ihcl t'lniat anil Cliarles
K. Daniel'.
Mieil lnutile Cilna Kians, Palmer Williams,
Laura Patios, .lohn It. Kilai(1-. '
Two Funerals Yesterday.
The funeral of the late Baltz Clothier
was conducted yesterday afternoon
from the family residence on Jackson
street. Tho services were held In St.
John's Gorman Catholic church and
were in charge of Hev. F. A. Fricker.
Members of St. Joseph's German Uone
liclal society and the Hydo Park Shaft
Ladies' Hosiery
A beautiful assortment of
high class hose in stripes,
faticy figures, etc. Best half
dollar hosiery for Sat- '1Q
urday only
. Fast Black, full fashioned
hose, worth 370 in extra
sizes. On Saturday Cf
Men's Neckwear
We are today arranging for
Saturday's trade, the most
extraordinary neckwear value
ever seen in this city. All
the fashionable styles jCn
See our special Neg- Cff
ligee Shirts at JUL
Wash Goods Department
They came to hand yester
day, consequently you know
that they are new, A full
and beautiful line of Silk
Ginghams, same as are sold
at 50c. Price, Satur- 'IQp
day only..
Accidental fund wore In nltendaitce In
largo numbers. Tho palNbearers were
selected from tho societies, and Inter
ment was made In the Cathedral ceme
tery. The pallbearers were: OcorRC John
son, Mathlas Hcbticldct',N'lcbolas Flsne,
Michael Cllnsncr, Joseph Charles and
Itlehat'd Ulnell.
Tho funeral of tho late Thomas Sheri
dan was conducted yesterday morn Inn
from the on Hampton street, a
reiitilein mass wns celebrated In SI,
Patrick's church, ami Interment was
made In the Cathedral cemetery.
Tho pallbearers wore! John Harry,
.Tamos Harry, Anthony Duffy, Hcrnarcl
White, James Ulbbons, Thomas Sheridan.
Other Women Quarrel,
Mrs. Theresa .Sheridan, of Luzerne
street and Sadlo place, had her nclKb
bor, Mrs. U. M. Murphy, arrested for
disorderly conduct. Tho latter was
lined $1 and costs.
Mrs. Sheridan also hail Mrs. Mary
Ann Hnnuon arrested for malicious
mischief and making threats. She
waived a hearliiK nnd entered ball.
Kev. If, (.', MoDormott, pastor of tho
Simpson Methodist church,
will address the moetlnff at the Ilnll
road Yntuifr Men's Christian associa
tion tomorrow afternoon at n.4r o'clock.
Spcelnl music, will be rendered by tho
Simpson mnle iiurtotte.
The dancing season will open this
evening at .Lake AVInoln, when Hatter's
orchestra Will go to Hotel Clifton to
play. Tomorrow a bunch of the Klco
trlc City 'Wheelmen will make a club
run to tho lake and spend tho day
Prof. David Owens, of Xo. IS school,
spent last evening in Wllkes-Harre. Ho
will umpire the game of ball today at
Lake I.odorc, between the Alerts and
AVest Side Hrowns,
Miss Helen Thayer, of South Main
avenue, Is visiting Miss F.sther Kvans,
of -Westerly, Ithode Island. They wit
nessed the boat races at Xcw London
on Thursday from a steam launch.
J. S. Swisher, of South Main nvenue,
made a business trip down the valley
yesterday afternoon.
A special meeting of the AVest Side
Central Republican club will bo held in
the rooms this evening, on several 1m
lioi tant matters. Kvery member is
urged to attend.
Degrees were conferred and several
candidates were adopted at the meet
ing of Panooka tribe of lied Men in
Ited Men's hall Inst evening.
A regular meeting of I'nltod Mine
AVorkers was held last evening In
Jayne's hall, and another local will
meet this evening in D. D. Evans' ball.
Attorney Charles 15. Daniels, of Di
vision street, spent Thursday In Wilkes
Barre. Dr. B. O. Heddoe, or South Main ave
nue, has returned homo from a short
trip to Philadelphia.
An enjoyable surprise party was held
on Thursday evening at tho home of
Fin-man Spencer.
John Williams, of Filmore avenue,
fell down stairs In the Colliery En
gineer utllce recently and sustained
painful Injuries.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jones, of Iowa,
arc visiting nt the home of William J.
AVilliams, on Twelfth street.
Arthur Iteeso, the violinist, of La
fayette street, has accepted a summer
engagement at rialntield, X. J.
Kvau M. HViins and son Ellsworth, of
Philadelphia, are visiting AVest Scran
ton friends.
One of the new telephones has been
placed In tho station bouse.
Llewellyn Lewis, of South Hyde
Park avenue, a private in the Seventh
regiment, United Stales light artillery,
now stationed at Havana, is home on
a month's furlough.
Mksscs Christina Shappert, Lena Koch
and -Mamie Frank have returned homo
from the Hutfalo exposition.
James Grant, of Cameron avenue, is
homo from college at Raltlmore.
Miss Mary McGonigle, of Scranton
street, is the guest of friends in Car
boudale. The choir of St. Patrick's Catholic
church will conduct a country picnic
on V. J. Johnson's lawn, on North Ha--becca
avenue, July 18, 17 and IS, for the
benellt of St. Patrick's church.
Mr. and .Mrs. D. P. Ellas, of AVash
burn street, attended the Connor-Mor-gnn
Wedding at AVllkes-Carrc on
The services in tho Hellenic AA'elsh
Calvlnlstic Methodist church tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock will bo In tho
English language; in tho evening at ti
o'clock, In the AVelsh language.
St. Mark's Lutheran congregation
will conduct an excursion to Lake Isi
dore on Aug. 1.1. On July It the Sun
day school will spend the day picnick
ing nt Nay Aug park.
Tho Sons of Temperance Glee club
will meet for rehearsal tomorrow af
ternoon at :!.:i0 o'clock. A full attend
ance Is desired,
The First division of the Electric
City Wheelmen club run will leave tho
club house at I a. m. Sunday, In
chnrgo of Captain Lotss. The Second
division will leave at li.r.O, In charge of
First Lieutenant Hen Allen and Sec
ond Lieutenant Rhys Harris.
Tho Sloan colliery has shut down for
repairs. The shaU will be re-tlm-hcrcd
and now guides put in, Tho col
liery will probably bo Idle about three
John J, nurkin, of 1102 Luzerne
street, was held In $.'500 ball last even
ing by Alderman John for assaulting
and threatening his wife.
Tho property owners of North He
becca avenue, between Lafayette and
Swetlaiid streets, are anxious to have
a grade established in that block, and
a petition signed by a majority of
them has been placed In tho hands
of Common Councilman AVIlllnm
Dr. Philip J, Davles, of South Main
avenue, a recent graduate of the Med-Ico-Chlrurglea!
college, of Philadel
phia, hns been appointed one of the
twenty-four resident physicians for
tho Philadelphia hospital, the largest
Institution of its kind In the United
Navajo tribe, No. 103, Improved Or
der of Red Men, met last evening and
listened to tho report of Joseph T.
Phillips, who represented the lodge at
the grand council meeting, held recent
ly In Philadelphia.
David Williams, of South Mutn
avenue, has returned homo from
Hloomsburg State Normal school,
whero lie played on the base ball team,
A young duuehtqr of Mr. and Mrs.
William K. Davis, of Lafayette street,
stepped on a needle yesterday, which
penetrated her foot, An operation wus
h In loio (or all who uso Kcmp'j misjm for
tbo Throat and Lungs, the gicat guauiitccj
remedy. Would you believe that it i sold on
Its merits and any druggist Is authorized by ths
proprietor ot this wonderful remedy tojdve jou
a tainplo bottle tree? It never fails to cure
atute or chronic coughs. All druggitta tell
Kcinu'a Dalsam. Price 29c. and Wc.
You Can Cure It.
A New Cure for Catarrh In Tab
let Form.
The old lime treatment lex ralairh wi In Uic
(orm of iloiuhf or !pra; later on, Internal reme
dies wcie uhen wllli irrealcr uc-ee, lull beln?
In ll'iiild or powdeied form were Inionunlenl
n,id weic open to the utmc objection to nil liquid
remedies, that k that lliey loe whateier medb
tltial power they may had on exposure to
the nlr.
The tablet la the Ideal (mm In which to ndmln.
Mer medication, but until reiently no nit-ecssful
catarrh tablet had ever been attempted.
At this wrlllne, lu.wctcr, a imut excellent and
pahlable leinedy lor catarrh liai been plaiod
before tho public and aold by drwntlati, called
Mtiart'n Cartarrh Tahtrta, compo.rd of the most
rece'it tlUcnurlrs In medicine for the cure ol
ralnnh, nnd roulls fiom their ujo have been
highly Rratllylnir.
K.tu.ilf.1 Cltanh Tablet contain principally
highly concentrated antiseptics, which kill the
calnnli genus In the blood and mucous mem
brar.en, and In this rciqirct nro strictly sclentllb
and modern, aa It has been known for some cai
pant by the ablet phydtlans that the most sue.
tewfiil calairh treatment was by Inhaling or
spraying antlsepllc.
The use of Inhalers, douches and tprajs, how.
eer, Is a nuisance mid inenmrnicme, and nunc.
orr can In no wise conip.uc with the same reme
dies gben In tablet form, cither In cfllcaey or
A clerk In a prominent Insurance olflce in
Pittsburg lelates his e.pcilcnee with Stuart's
Cartanh Tablets In a few wolds, bill to the point.
lie says: "Cutaiili been almost constantly
with me for eight years; in this climate it seems
impossible to get rid of it. I awoke every morn
ing Muffed up and for the fiist half hour It was
c-omtli, gag, expectorate and sneeze befoie I
cculd squaie myself for my day's work: no appe
tite, and a foul biealh, which annoyed me ex.
"1 UM'd Sluart's (.'.itarih Tablets for two
months nnd found them not only le.Tint to
take, hut they did the businew, and can sin
cerely recommend them to all catarrh auftereis."
Druggists sell Stuart's Catanh Tablets at M
cents for full sized paikage. lliey can be car
ried in the vent poiket and n-ed at any time
and as often as nece-saiy. Cuaiautecd free from
incline, mciciiiy or any mineral poison; abso
lutely safe.
Mrs. Anna Hubert, of Meadow a-o-nue,
mot with a painful accident yes
terday xvhlle walking about her home.
She stepped on a large nail, which
pierced through her foot and came out
on top of it. Dr. .1. .1. AVulsh was
summoned, and after removing the
nail dressed the wound.
The nnmeday of Ilev. Peter Christ,
pastor of St. .Mary's German Catholic
church was, as usual, elaborately ob
served by the members of his congre
gation yesterday, and by the children
of St. Mary's Parochial school. In the
evening the members of St. Mary's
church serenaded him.
Joseph L. Albrecht, the well known
tailor of Cedar avenue, has returned
from a week's visit nt tho Pan-Amorl-can
exposition and Niagara Falls.
Mr. Kolhe and daughter, Lizzie, of
St. Louis, are the guests of Mrs. Hen
rietta Hess, of Pittston avenue.
The Misses Sarah Flaherty and An
na b. Manley are visiting friends at
A baby son lias arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. ratrick Walsh, on
Pittston avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Knill Hess and family,
of Peoria, 111., tire visiting Mrs. Hen
rietta Hess, of Pittston avenue.
Miss Dora Grifigs, of this side, Is
spending her vacation with friends In
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Rarty. of litis
Pittston avenue, are rejoicing over tho
arrival of a baby son.
Otto Robinson entertained the mem
bers of the .lunger Mnennerchor at
their rooms last night, on the occa
sion of his twenty-fifth birthday. Thp
evening whs spent In the most enjoy
able way by the members who xvero
present In large numbers. Brief ad
dresses were made, and after a lino
literary and musical programme had
been rendered, refreshments were
Morgan Sweeney, claim agent for the
Scranton Railway company, and Miss
Mary McHale. a toucher In No. l!
school, were married Tuesday aftor
noon In St. Peter's cathedral, by Row
.1. A, O'Reilly. Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney
ore spending tholr honeymoon at Buf
falo. Pea Coal 151.50 a Ton Delivered.
to South Side, central city and central
Hyde Park. Address orders to J, T.
Sharkey, 1011 Cedar avenue. 'Phone
Superintendent K. D, Bovard will hold
an examination for provisional certifi
cates iu the High school building on
Suturday, July 6, beginning nt !) u. m.
Candidates will be furnished nil neces
sary stationery.
Mr. and Mi. John Oughten and four
sons, of Philadelphia, are guests at the
homo of Royal Tuft, of Blakely street.
They are en route for Big pond, iu
Pike county, whore they will spenil tho
Dr, II. 11. Kly has moved his resi
dence from Cherry street to tho corner
of Taylor avenue and Mulberry,
In Scranton, whete tho doctor hns
opened oil otllce,
Miss Grace Stanton, of Whitney's
Point, Is vlsltng her cousin, Mrs, R. D,
Antes, of Green Ridge street,
John Mrlnk Is summering at Big
pond, Pike county, where he has a lino
summer residence.
The Tripp Avenue Christian church.
Preaching moinlng and evening by the
pastor, Rev, .1, D, Dabney, Morning
topic, "Tho AVItness of tho Resunec
tlon;" evening topic, "Christ, the Cen
ter of History, Crown of Nature and
Center of Religion." Sunday school nt
10 o'clock; men's meeting ut 6.45 o'clock,
Kveryono made to feel at homo at all
the services,
The Kltht Methodist Kplscopal church,
Itov. Charles Henry Newlng, D. D.,
pastor. Morning service at 10.S0 o'clock;
evening service at 7.30 o'clock, levell
ing service only 45 minutes during tho
summer. Morning subject, "Exceeding
Abundantly;" evening Mibject, "Amer
ica." Sunday school at S.30 p. m.j
prayer meeting at 6.30 p. in.; mid-week
church prayer meeting, Wednesday
evening at T.IS o'clock.
v r
Officers Elected nnd Reports Made on
the Work Done Ooorgo H. Brown
of Church Avonue Injured by Fall
ing from a Building Progress of
tho Work of Laying tho Pavo.
Marriago of Miss Eva Millard nnd
Gomer Richards-General News
Notes and Porsonals,
Tho Ladles' Aid society of tho Provi
dence Methodist Kplscopal church hold
tholr annual mooting at tho church
parlors yesterday afternoon. Reports
showed tho society had a prosperous
year and had oontrlbutcd largely to
wards the welfare of the church. Ofll
cers were elected as follows: Presi
dent, Mrs. M. K Sanders; vice presi
dents, Mrs. C. V. Hallstead, Mrs. Mll
ton Rhodes and Mrs, Ulorly; secre
tary, Mrs. Kd. AA". Benjamin; treasur
er, Mrs, Charles Shook; chairman of
executive committee, Mrs. O. A. Cure.
The executive committee consists of
sixteen members.
The ladles decided to hold a lawn
social In the parsonage yard on tho
afternoon nnd evening of Thursday
next, July A, when they will serve Ice
cream, strawberries and cake.
Brown Injured,
George IT. Brown, n xvoll known car
penter living on Church avenue near
Clean-lew street, Is suffering Intensely
from Injuries received on Thursday af
ternoon In falling from the scaffold
ing of a new ''house being built by
Henry Knufhold In Petersburg, on
which he xvns working. Mr. Brown
fell fully twenty-live foot, striking on
his side upon some lumber. No bones
xvero broken, but there has boon an In
ternal Injury which causes alarm to
his family nnd friends.
Mr. Brown xvas removed to his homo
and Is under the euro ot Dr. Kay.
Laying the Pave,
The paving contractors on tho North
Main avenue Improvement have pro
grossed with the concreting and laying
of brick to Reese street, and the end of
the avenue towards the city line shows
a wonderful change over the old con
dition. City Knglncer Phillips is giving close
attention to tho work and is on the
nvenue every morning by 7 o'clock,
nnd spends a considerable part of the
day In observing that the work is be
ing done in a substantial manner.
Richarcls-Millard Nuptials.
Tho homo of Miss 1-2 va Millard. Ml
Throop street, xvns the scene of a
pretty wedding AVednesduy evening,
Juno 20. xvhen her sister, Klizubeth,
xvas united in marriago to Gomer
Richards, of AVayno avenue, Rev. A.
H. Smith officiating.
The couple xvero unattended. The
homo was handsomely decorated with
potted plants anil cut (lowers. The
bride wnro a beautiful dress of xvhito
French batiste, trimmed xvlth lace and
ribbon and carried a bouquet of xvhito
roses. After congratulations, dainty
refreshments xvero served and a pleas
ant time enjoyed by nil until train
time, when the guests took their de
parture, wishing the bride and groom
a prosperous voyage through life xvlth
Just clouds enough to make a. glorious
sunset. Many useful and handsome
presents xvero received.
A lawn social was held at tho home
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomas, at
Belmont Terrace, last evening, for the
benellt of the AA'olsli Congregational
church. There xvas a largo attendance
and the cool breezes of the evening, af
ter tho sultry heat of tho day xvero
comforting to all. A party of young
ladles assisted Mrs. Thomas in serving
The ladles Interested In the xvelfnre
of tho Young Women's Christian asso
ciation xvero engaged yesterday iu call
ing on subscribers to (lie maintenance
fund, meeting with, considerable en
couragement. The xvork of tho asso
ciation now seems to be moving along
splendidly and the rooms are having a
keener appreciation than at any pre
vious time since their opening.
Mr. and -Airs. H, F. Babcock, of
Church avenue, are entertaining Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Bortroe, of Ariel,
AA'ayne county, whoso marriage oc
curred on AVednesduy, and xvho aro
now on a wedding trip In this section,
Arlio AAr. Crossmnn, of Throop street,
Is visiting her uncle, U. A. Smith, of
New Mllford.
Tho entertainment given by the
"Brownie Band" of the Welsh Con
gregational Sunday school at the
church on Thursday evening was fully
as successful and as enjoyable as on
tho first night of Its presentation.
Another largo audience xvas In nttond
nnec and manifested their pleasure In
repeated applause,
Mrs, Charles Emory, of Church ave
nue, has gone to Scott township to
spend a few days with Mrs, George
Services nt the Memorial church to
morrow at the usual hours. Preaching
by the pastor, Rev, AV. F. Davles,
Communion after the evening service,
Bible school at 2 n, m, Rehearsal of
Children Day's programme after
school, Condctor, Gcorgo Davles.
Tho lawn In front of tho Church of
tho Good Shepherd presented a beauti
ful appearance last evening, with ar
tistically grouped tables, beautifully
(spread, Japanese lanterns strung iu
every direction overhead, and gioups
of people seated around the tables, It
xvas tho occasion of the annual lawn
festival of tho A.'oung Men's club of
tho Church of the Good Shopherd. For
years this event has been greatly en
joyed by tho friends of tho club, and
about four hundred persons were served
last evening. The committee In charge
xveio George Parsons, F, AV, Goodall,
George Cook, J. llannen nnd Mr. Ogles,
bey, Tho proceeds of tho evening will
bo used for the support of an orphan
boy In North Carolina, who Is being
educated by the members of the club.
Mrs, Charles Whitman, xvho has been
the guest of Mrs. M. It. Kays, will re
turn to her limnu In Newark, N. J,, to
day. F.lllott Stone, of Philadelphia, is vis
itlng at the homo of his aunt, Mrs. M,
H. Kays, of Sanderson avenue.
Lovcll Lawrence, of Delaware street,
has gone to Hamburg, N. J for the
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Winters, of
Cupouso avenue, will leave for the
Pan-American exposition and Niagara
Falls today,
It Pays
To Listen
When We Talk
Read carefully the following special
prices for all day Saturday. Don't be
without a freezer July 4th when you
can purchase at these prices :
Peerless, Iceland
Size Shepard's Lightning
2 qt. 1.50
3 qt -7?
4qt.. 2.00
6qt 2.50
8qt 3-30
Foote &
Cnncluilcil fiom l'ase 0.1
price on tho Nowman and Jlackawnnna
stock, Mr. Watklns stated, that they
sought to gain control of tho Cherry
Klvor company by distributing among
themselves the stock for xvhlch Messrs.
Simpson, Council and T. 13. Jones hud
options for.
Major Oakfonl, the president of tho
company, testilicd, among other things,
that ho xvas out of the city, inspecting
tlie company's ptoperty In West Vir
ginia, at tho time tho alleged irregular
meeting xvas held, June IS, and that ho
leccivcd no notice whatever of Its be
ing called.
On cross-examination, Mr. Price
brought out tho admission that the
directors la the early days of the com
pany wort; wont to meet Informally;
that sometimes they mot without any
extended notice.
Tho next hearing xvas fixed for Tues
day, July Si. The defense will then bo
heard, tho plaintiffs having rested xvlth
tho right to call Mr. Peck, who was ill
Luke McLoughlln, of Taylor, yester
day brought suit for $10,000 damages
against the borough Taylor for In
juries sustained by being thrown from
his carriage! as a result of his horse
stepping into an unprotected excava
tion on Main street. M. F. Conry is
tho plaintiff's attorney.
Thomas F. McDermott, treasurer of
Wlnton school district, tiled his bond
with Prothonotury Cnpcland yester
day. It is In the sum of $20,000 and
ha,s as sureties Michael Gallagher,
Thomas J. Mack, John J. Sxveoney, B.
J. Cummlngs and John I.angan.
The respondent in tho divorce case
of Almond F. Tripp against Viola
V. Tripp made answer yesterday,
through Attorneys Vosburg & Daw
son, denying generally the husband's
charge of unfaithfulness, and particu
larly tlie charge In xvhich Asa Wolf
is alleged to have figured.
found dead in bed yesterday morning
at 8 o'clock by his son, Dr. AValter
Fordhum, at their homo on Cupouso
avenue, Green Itldge, He was 70 years
of age, and had lived here for forty
years. Death xwis due to heart disease.
Dr. Fordhum hud not been well for ihe
last two years.
His early life xvns spent at South
ampton, Mass,, and he was educated at, Mas.;,, after xvhlch he studied
dentistry, which profession ho prac
ticed during all the years he xvas a
resident of this city, Dr, Fordhum as
sisted in establishing the Green Blclgc
Presbyterian church and was ever an
active worker In its interests.
The deceased xvas twice married. His
first wifo xvas Miss Sarah Isaacs, xvho
was tho mother of Dr. Merrltt Ford
ham and Mrs. li. Stanley Hlxler, Ills
second wife was Miss Ida Pratt, of tills
city, who tiled about three years ago.
She was the mother of Dr. AValter
Fordhum, Mrs. Arthur Dunn. Master
Bruce Fordham and Miss .Mabel Foid
luiiu, Tho six children survive. Mrs.
Hlxler xvas married at the family home
last week and was on her wedding
tour. She has been summoned home.
Dr, Merrltt' Fordham Is a resident at
ftio Janeiro, Hruzll, and came hero to
attend his sister's wedding, lie xvent
to Philadelphia this week to take a
steamer for hl home, nnd xvas there
apprised yesterday of the death of hs
died Thursday evening at 7 o'clock
ut her homo in the rear of 713 Cedar
avenue, old age being tho cause of
death, The deceased reached tho high
ogo of eighty-seven years. She xvas
a native of Germany, came to this
country about forty-live years ago,
and lived In South Scranton about two
years. Sho xvas ailing for tint last
year and Thursday evening death
came peacefully and relieved her from
her sufferings, Sho Is survived by ono
daughter, Mrs. John llerzog. The fu
neral will tako place, this morning at
!) o'clock, with services In St. Mary's
church. Interment will be mudo lu
tho Twentieth ward cemetery.
MRS. MARV MULLOY, wife of Pat
rick Mulloy, died yesterday afternoon
at 1123 North Main avenue, after an ill
ness of a, few days. Sho Is survived
by her husband and the following chil-
White Mountain
Fuller Co
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place,
Amoiican PLin, $:i.."0 Per Day and Upward.
Kuropean Plan, $1.(H) Per Djy and Upwards. '
Special Itatcs to l'aniilica.
loa-lOI-lon Knot IMIi Street.
Tho .HSl'KERBON Inn thoroughly Brst-elais
On 1Mb Street, nut oast ot Union 1"";
it is xvithln a fow minutes of tho leading
shops, theatres and clubs.
European Plan, $1.00 up.
American Plan, . 2.50 up. .
SUII8S wun rrn ...., "- --
For special ratc,tuii!s or information writ
JOIIX K. t'H.Vrrim.H, irnpnmnr
- --''
For Business Men
Tn the heart ot tha wholesale
Fop Shoppers
a .. Hf.ll. ,m HT.namalf.M.
S minutes to Siegel Cooper's Big
Store. Easy of access to the sreat
Pry Goods Stores.
For Sightseers
One block from B'wny Cars, giv
ing easy transportation to all
points of Interest.
Cor. 11th ST. A UNIVERSITY Pli
Only one Block from Broadway.
ROOIIIS, $1 Up. Prices Reasonable
riien: John, Anna, Kitty, Mary, Thom
as, MarRuret, Patrick, William, John
and Susie, and the following hrothets
and sister: John I'ulkln, New York;
AVilllam I'ulkln, iiuffalo; Michael ful
kin, of tills city; IIurIi Culkln, of this
city; .Mrs. Michael Murray, Murrays
ville, Cal and .Mrs. John O'Neill,
Stocklon, t'ul. The funeral announce
ment will ho made later.
trolman Fceney, of the police force,
died yesterday uinrniriir. after a hrlof.
Illness, used ti! years, She Is survived
hy her hushand and tlie fallowing chil
dren: Sadie, Stella, Patrick, Hubert
and James: also several heathers and
sisters. The funeral xvlll take placo
from lice late residence, RSI Third
stieet, tills inornlm,' at 0 o'clock, xvlth at Holy Cross chinch,' Inter
ment in the Cathedral cemetery.
Plttson avenue, died yesterday, after
an illness of several months. She xvas
the daughter of Mrs, John Curran.
Tho funeral announcement xvlll ho
mudo later.
Tho funeral of the late Mrs. Mar
Bit ret Caffrey, of Phelps street, xvlll
take placo this afternoon at - o'clock.
. i
She Was on Her Way to Visit Her
Miss Minnie Haltelle, of Newark, N.
.1., mot sudden death nt tho Moscow
station of the Pelaware, Lackawanna,
and Western company about
1 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The
young xvoiuan, who was a suffeior
from quick consumption, was on her
xvu y to Turuervllle, to visit her uncle,
James Sayre.
She arrived on the li.Sfi train and
was then feeling exceedingly weak and
fatigued from the ride. A few mlnutca
after leaving the train, being assisted
hy hop grandmother, Mrs. Itachel Meo
hau, who accompanied her, .Miss Ilalt
clle died, Coroner Itoherts wus notified
and tho remains removed to John
Sayre's home. Yesterday tho young
wonmn's brother arrived at Moscow,
and In tho afternoon the remains wero
shipped to Newark, Miss Ilaltclle xvas
but 17 years of age, and hud been elck
a week,
e Ponaion Granted.
Hy Diclmivc Wire (mm The A-wcutcd Press.
Warhinistun, .lime US. A pension of $9 has been
granted UillUm Icmilncf, ol Jubilee; also Que
ol 12 to TtiQunj Ul, c( I'rUtjburff