The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 29, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    KTF w"'W."3f5?,'T-3f'i irffurtm, Tt-'T vV y tj B'ttrwJ i i"?1 - "'
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-3" -n
$ the s
the Monr.iw hardware sions.
It pays to use the
White Mountain Freezer
for at less labor and less
expense it produces tho
best results. Tho White
Mountain has triple mo
tion which pioduccs
smoother and finer ice
cronm than can be made
by any other freozer and
does it In half the time.
Sizes, 2 quaits upward.
Foote & Shear Co.
IJ9N. Washington Ave
Attractive Warm Weather
Clothing for Little Ones
1hr rrotcst nnd most comfortable vcsti
an I hituK llplit In weight, yc t having i
little enl The Oinze Mght Gons for
mlliv nl!it. Little l)rr"cs, Jackets and
( mt in the rtalntlist roolot lnitcrhls.
Infonti' Outfits for June a rpcclilty.
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 5pruce Street.
Telephone or mill U! i iinstjl to rill it our
rnu anri quot price ni liunderinc iny quility
r kind of Jjit or t-JMi curtains. HcaulU guar
Toh the Iiieine immty Itrpulilicins wl'l
ote frr men to iunin-e the lirpublii in cuuntj
ticket for the fjll lhe candiihlci who are leg
ieterctl ue
Mirrirt Ifnitlun It Pan , Mutton; faolomon
Dcrblc U.ti
Iterriler I 0 Ihnc , Hilotnn. lee Hoi
cemli, Wc-t rittbtin, II in .lonri, Wilkc- Pure
fonlioller V I Dick, II iletoii, W ilium
Dnet, llilet n, I I) I loirt, Wjinnh?, Alicd
peso 1! c . 1 1 m I rut
Coronn l)r 1 1 liichl. PlMiinnllii Dr 1'
Hiif W Minimi;, 111. I I M u, Aldin,
Dr. I W. Meivell, Wilkn Itiiu
-Miroi i -. I) ltuitu, I. fcn itli, Wilkes
l)elc?itcs to titc con i ntiim-1 n-t diitrut,
ripn W, II Met utm, bcoid ill
trui, I W li.n-, of Mlim, O C Vo.ter, of
ft I'ltiaiun, siuli di--triit, 1' Ij Kellj, A'h
The iirik i inn ppell In? jo-ultcil in tie re
appcinnee npin the cit stiects of i litqe num
hfi of the j;niu4 lietno Flnttus it-tu-, to ii-c
om' W.lcr Ii lis litin A Iho mcrciirv
fliirlKd oier the 11 in irlc II foucd imiii I linn
to ihiuii aMile I U eoit md 1s 1 lesult tho fhirt
li-t i i nuit ippi ued in all his clorj 'lhe
(Amnion .cn-e Tnd .ineiil prutii iliilit". of this
stile of dicf-, hi- I tii imply ilenion-tnted du'
ins the week md iluie the shirt iil-t mm for
niil hid ffn iIim ipte- its ndiocites aie now
tnan in nunil cr nnd lun 1 in tinging its piaisc-
trnn' the iti eien ndiutes fmni Weslenn
nniiPiMti in tie tli-s ot '01, Albert I.I nd
oiper, i fount t 'u intnn luij, took liishet
honcr h-t week lie iili be renieinheud In
mini as the ilidicloiun of the cl i . of '05 in the
Srjntin llisli ulunl Mis euellent iccoul is 1
ftndent in the nniur-iti ilco fecuied his elec
tion to the I'lii r"tt Kippi socicti.
John "Manley, a l)l,icknilth lesldinp;
on Lticli stioct. ias micstcit ostel
flay, at the Instance nf his sister, Nel
lie Manley, w ho thai sos him Ith ab
bault and hntteiy.
Aliss Manloy claims tint her litother
became -violently eni.iKerl at a chance
rental k "-he made on Thui-sduy nlsht
and sti tick hei in tho face. Jlanley
enteted bail befnio Mnrrhtrato Howe
for a heailng on Tuesday night.
Tho N. Y., 0. & W. K. R. Company
his issued a oty paniiihlet cov
ering all details ulathe to tho Pan
American loitlon, one featuie of
tvhkh is the Infoimtition glien as to
the hotels and boat ding houses at
Buffalo, nldiossGs of same, i.itcs pel
week, nnnilioi of people accommodated,
etc., The company has placed In .spi
Aice a tialn lcaing Hcianton at 4:00
p. nt , stopping at all stations on heian
ton Dhi&lon which makes thtough con
nections fot Huffalo. It has also is
sued ti New Yotk city "Hhopplng
Oulrle," Mhkh is lcplote with aluable
infoimatlou. C'uples of either pnmph
let can be .scented by culling on any
", & V. agent, or by sending two
cents postape to
J. i:. AValsh. T. 1'. A..
No. do. West Lackawanna avenue,
"' Scianton, I'n,
m i
The New Yotk, Oiittulo and "Western
IldllioTd rompany has Ismicd a ery
nrat pamphlet cociliig all details tcla
tlvo to the ran-Ameilcan exposition,
nna featuio of which is the Infotmation
given as to the hotels and bout ding
houses at Buffalo, addi esses of same,
idles per week, number of people ac
commodated, etc. Tho company has
placed In set vice a train leaving Scran
ton at 4 p. nt Mopping at all stations
on Scranton division, which makes
through connections loi Huffalo. It has
Issued a New Yoik city "shopping
guide," which Is lcplote with valuable
Information. Topics of either pamphlet
can be pecuied by calling on any On
tario and Western agent, or by send
ing two cents postage to J, I, Walsh,
traveling pabsenger agent, Mki West
Lackawanna avenue, Scianton, Pa.
It Is Unauthorized.
The largely published statement that
the Kc stone Republican club, In con
neition.wlth other dubs, will give an
inclusion duilng tho early part of next
week Is unauthorized,
(Signed) Campbell Hughes,
Has abundant capital and our
facilities, we believe, to be the
best. We should be pleased
prove to on our superior service.
The People's Bank.
Thoy (Java a Recital at the Cottle
Rosidonce Last Night.
Margin et Clarlt gave a piano recital
last night at tho losltlence of . C.
Cottle, 644 (JlrtV avenue. They were
assisted by Mlfs Margaret Mitchell,
soptano, and William Jones, tenor.
The playing of Miss Clark's pupils
demonstrated tho thntoughncss of her
methods nnd her ability to Impart,
not only tho technical part of music
but to Insplie the pupils with the Ideas
ot the composcis whose works they
Interpreted last night. Tho pro
gramme, which was brilliantly ren
dctcd throughout, follows:
reiki riietps
Mirjoilc llinkln.
Alpine Horn ....Schrlncr
t'loisle nnndle.
I.a Clgile nichmin
Annie bchcucr.
d) Vfll'c Iturand
(b) ncI.wh Ncvln
M.nlnn Watklns.
Dnet, "Adieu' Mcolal
.IK Mitchell and Mr. Jonm.
Marclic Fantutlo Pirgicl
Chirlolte Xurflieh.
Tlic 5alloiv nohbearu
Cencilce Cottle.
Dorothy Smith
Stella noir.
The Fountain I?enM
Horoncc Adjms.
(a) CloMrr Polls ItfKl
(li) Mazurka Walker
Kittle Humphrey.
Slue Song Rlcga
Mr. tone.
Glitter Gold nohm
Louise blroheclccr.
Sounds at Dann Sudds
Kittle Mitchell.
March Triumph il Sheldon
Harry Humphie.
Two I.arks Lcelictiky
Chiilotlc Zurflieh. A
Your Voice Danza
Mi- Mitchell.
Darlings Little Barlings Give Up in
Despair Pursued by a
Ill luck is put. suing the Dai ling and
their little dai lings. Last week. It
will be lemembeted, that at Wllkes Mi. and Mrs. S. F. Darling vveie
ai tested on a chaige of poisoning one
ot their employes. When they piovcd
themselves guiltless of the alleged of
fense, they found their show disor
ganized and their ticasury depleted.
They settled up their bills in Wllkes
Haiio and came on to Scianton In the
hope of doing enough business to
sntiaie their bill posting and other
pi e-contt acted debts and put them
selves financially on their feet again.
They pitched their tent near the
Stni ges paik grounds Thuisd.iy and
Thutsday night attempted a pei form
ante About $1 came in nt the cn
tiance and I, "00 bojs under the tent.
The bojs saw that the clicus fone
wa a lather limited one and pio
t ceded to take advantage of It to
work olf some of theii In-bred ntls
chelf. The performance was broken
up and one of tho performeis, a young
man, was hit on the head with a
.stone, sustaining a pilnful wound.
The propiictots decided not to at
tempt any further perfoimancps, but
wait around for help. An angel, it Is
.said, has been seemed and ttta cli
cus will probably stait out today for
Yotk state, with tho hope that the
ciosslng of the state line will cut off
the hoodoo.
Constable W. II. Thomas has at
tar, hed $300 vvoith of the ponies and
paraphernalia at the instance of RIH
Poster John G. Rces-e. Attorney Fred
H. Stark, lepiesenting one of the em
plojes, n. K. Johnson, had a J300 at
tachment Issued against the show yes
toiday afternoon.
Battalion Adjutant W. E. Gunster
Receives a Commission,
Walter 12, Gunster, battalion adlu
tant of tho Thirteenth legimont, le
eched a letter jcsteiday from Adju
tant Geneial Coibln, announcing that
ho was commissioned a second lieu
tenant in the United States army
June 21, and that his commission
would be forw aided In a few dajs.
Lieutenant Gunster went out with
the Thlitecnth during the fapanlsh
Ameilcan wnr as battalion adjutant,
and upon his letutn was continued In
this position In the teoiganUed Thli
tcentli. When In camp with the Thlitecnth
in Augusta and It was evident that
that command was to be musteied out
Lieutenant Gunster made application
to bo transfened to the legular -sei-v
Ice. His application was presented
by C'ongtohsman Connell with en
doisements fiom Scnatois Quay and
An older to icpott for duty at some
.specified time and place will likely
accompany tho commission. As jet,
Lieutenant Gunster rias no idea of
what his assignment will be.
By profession Lieutenant Gunster is
an attorney, but his tastes run to
the mllltaiy and It has been his am
bition for jcais to he commissioned In
the legular service. He Is a young
man of excellent parts and his tecord
In the militia is an exemplary one.
He can bo counted upon to win for
himself an enviable reputation In his
new calling,
- .
It Was Conducted at the Adams
Avenue Chapel,
A very successful tlueo days' sale
of needlevvoik, etc, was brought to a
close Thursday evening In the Adams
Avenue chapel. Gteat credit Is duo
to tho young ladles of the congrega
tion and those who diiected their en
orgies, and to the men's society, who
also had a booth of their own, for
the devoted way they have woiked,
and all aie to be congratulated on
the success which has attended their
Tho Rev. James Hughes desires, In
the name of his friends at the chapel,
to thiink the tradespeople of the city,
who so generously contiibuted articles
for sale, and all others who In dny
way assisted to "make the bazaar a
For the Benefit of All
Who wish to attend the dedication of
tho new Catholic church at Haw ley,
Sunday, June 30th, the Erie R. R. Co.
will run special train ftom Washing,
ton avenue station at 9 a. m , and
returning leave Hawiey at 6:30 p. m.
Fate for round trip, $1.00.
Marriage Licensor
Lorem VVaiiel ,., .,,., Iactiwanni
Sophu Lea, ..., LacUnn
IU. Frank Jonathan MUman ., Pottlll
Joicphlno I) Lets Scranton
Fifteen Persons Injured at Jermun
on the Scranton Railway, Com
pany's Line.
AH of the Paisengera Wore Moro or
Less Seriously Injured The Injur
ies of Jacob Mendelsohn of May
field Aro the Most Sorious Both
of His Legs Are Badly Crushed.
Tho Hotorman Escaped Without
Injury, but Conductor Brownell
Had His Back Soverely Strained.
Fifteen pctsons, comprising nil the
passcngcis on a south-bound car ot the
Scranton Railway compiny, which left
Cnibondnle at 7.45 o'clock, were moic
or less badly injured In a wreck which
occurred on Mnln stieet, Jermyn, about
8.10 o'clock last night.
Tho car, which was in charge of Con
ductor Brownell and Motorman Cobb,
came down the hill to the north of
Gann's hotel at a pictty lively clip.
When just opposite the hotel the front
axle broke, sending the car off the
Uack. It ran for about sixty feet along
side tho lalls and then tinned com
pletely over on Its side, dumping the
fifteen passcngeis Into a promiscuous
The startled screams of tho passen
gers quickly attiacted a number ot
pei sons, who assisted In helping out
those who were unable to ciavvl out
themselves. Those who vvete seriously
lnjuied wcie taken Into the hotel and
into the home of John McGoff, where
they were caied tor until medical as
sistance arrived.
The list of those sciiously injured, as
far as could be learned, was as fol
lows: Jacob Mendelsohn, Maj field, both
legs badly ciushed.
Mrs. John Maze, of Belmont street,
Carbondale, shoulder broken and sc
veic biulses.
John Manloy, of Jessup, back sprained
and head badly bruled.
Miss Minnie Rlvcnberg, 01 North
Mnln stieet, Caibondalc, nose bioken.
Miss Dennis, of Washington street,
Carbondale, severe bruises on the head.
Others who vveie on the car and who
sustained more or less bevcie biuiocs
and slight cuts fiom broken glass ivvete
as follows: Rev. M. D. Fuller, of Jer
myn; Thomas Hunter, Andiew Patten,
Floience Van Gordei and Mis. Bnci,
of Carbondale.
The motoiman escaped uninjured, but
Conductor Biov.nell sustained a badly
stiained back.
Mr. Mendelsohn, who is probably tho
most badly injutcd, was on the rear
platfoim, icady to alight, when the car
overturned and was pinned underneath
the car. It was several minutes befoie
ho was taken out.
On Monday He Takes Up the Duties
of County Controller The
Auditors Continue
Net Monday, July 1, County Conti oi
ler E. S. Jones w ill enter upon the
duties of his new ofilcc. While the cat
penteis aie picpailng peimanent quar
tets for him in what was the arbitia
tion loom, he will be located In Sheilff
Schadt's piiv.ite office.
Contioller Jones will have John Mol
lis as his deputy, and Chailes Savage,
of Dunmote, as chief cleik.
The announcement that County Aud
itor W. E. Johns would bo chief cleik
Is euoneous. Mr. Johns and the other
two audltois, P. W. Costello and A. E.
Klefer, piopose to serve out their
Their teims o.plic Januaiy 1, 1903.
They claim that It is mnndatoiy upon
them to continue in office, as the ac
counts fiom Jnnuary 1, 1900, to tho
piescnt time aie yet to be audited, nnd
theie Is nothing In the law that will
penult the contioller to imt upon old
He must pass upon bills before they
aro ptld. The audltois pass upon them
after they have been appioved and paid
by the county commlssinncis. The
vvoik of auditing Is always about two
yeats behind. The last lepoit of the
auditors was for the year ending De
cember 31, IMS, They ate now vvoik
Ing on the year 1900, and when this In
completed they will take up the year
1901 up to the time the controller stmts
in, This work, the audtiors say, will
not be finished until late in the year
Auditor Costello will be a candidate
on the Democratic side this fall for the
ofilco of controller. Should he be elect
ed, he will, of course, jetlgn the office
of auditor. This will leave two audi
tots to finish up the vvoik.
Services Were in Charge of Odd
Fellows and Ezra Griffin Post.
The funeral of the late Henry W,
Llttell was hejd from the family jesl
dence, 330 Madison avenue, and was
attended by a great number of the
ft lends of deceased, who were eager
to thus evidence their slncete souow
and appicciatlon of the loss suffered
by the family. Robert Bums lodge,
Independent Order of Odd Fellows,
and Eia Gil 111 n post. No. 139, Grand
Aimy of tho Republic, In both of
which Mr, Llttell was an active mem
ber, were in charge of the funeral
services, both at the house and the
Bev. Dr. C. M. Glflln, of the Elm
Paik Methodist Episcopal church, de
livered the funeral sermon, and his
words were simple and eloquent. He
spoke of the splendid life led by de
ceased, and administered comfort and
solace to the members of his familv.
Take the Trick.
Or If undecided nbout an optician, why
not go to one that makes glasses?
Hours, !) to 5. Harris' Drug Store.
The lodge membeis and veterans ac
companletl tho funeral to the Forest
Mill cemetery, wlieie the tomalns
were Intoned, an American flag en
veloping tho casket. Three olleys
weto discharged over the grave by a
firing squad. The pall bearers vveie
chosen from the veterans nnd Odd
Fellows. Theto was singing nt the
grave by members of the latter order,
and nt the house oenl selections vveie
icndcicd by Mrs. Chailes Wattes and
Mis. Kenwood.
City Solicitor Watson Says There Is
an Act Which Provides for a
Board to Serve Three Years.
City Solicitor Watson has discovered
an act applying to cities of tho second
class, providing for the appointment by
court of a permanent bontd of viewers
to assess benefits nnd damages caused
by public lmptovements. This net, he
says, was lepcaled by tho "ilppei" hill,
but has been lostoied to the stntute
books by the "chnsci," which Is now a
It was passed In 1SS9, and is a geneial
act legulatlng the contiol and impiove
ment of streets and the constiuctlon of
sewers in cities of the second clnss. It
ptovldes that the city solicitor shall
petition the couit of common pleas in
Januaiy evciy tbiid year for the ap
pointment of a bonid ot thiec leweis,
who shall serve for three yeais nnd
whose compensation shall bo fixed by
This boaid of leiveis shall assess all
damages or benefits which may icsuIt
from the opening of a sttcct, fiom the
construction of a pavement, or from the
construction of a sewer and make a
report, which is continued by councils
instead ot by court, as at present. Pei
sons have ten days after the picsen
tatlon of this repoit in which to appeal
and court has the light in case such an
appeal is taken to either refei the ic
pott back to the vlewcu-t or to appoint
a special board.
Il is believed that If a peimanent
board of viewers was appointed with a
salary fixed by councils, the city would
bo -aed a consldeinblc amount evciy
Solicitor Watson has dlscovetcd no
later act modifying or lcpenllng '.his
ict In question, nor has ho found any
Supreme comt decision affecting it in
any way. He believes that It ift in
force and that couit can be petitioned
at any time to appoint a board of view
ers under Its provisions.
The act siys that court shall he peti
tioned "In January, 1S01, and cveiy
tlueo yeais theieaftei," for the ap
pointment of tho boaid. This would
have made last year tho pioper time to
petition, but Mi. Watson holds that a
vacancy exists by the ci cation of the
boaid with the signing of tho "chaser,"
and that couit can bo petitioned at any
time to fill this vacancy.
A Few Extra Copies Left Which Can
Be Had for Twenty Cents Each.
Tho Tribune's Tenth Annivei.sary
Souvenir has been leeched ery faor
ably and many pleasing complimonts
have been extended, both personally
and tluough the pi ess. It was an ex
pensive work to be given to our sub
set ibers, nnd one which will remain in
tho home for yeais, as the contents
were not only interesting but valuable
front their hlstoilcal nature. Realising
that some of our leaders might wish to
secute additional copies to send fi lends
residing out of town, an extia number
was printed. These sold i.ipidly and
wcie nenily disposed of at twenty cents
each, which was the actual cost of pio
duction. The few icmaining aie offcicd
for sale at the same pi Ice.
The Most Attractive Place in All
the Region to Spend tho Glorious
Tho most delightful place In all tho
region to spend the goilous Fouith
will be by the lakeside of Lake Lo
doic, wheio every amusement bclilt
tlng the day may bo Indulged In. On
tho occasion tho Delawaie and Hud
son i.tllioad will mil special exclu
sion tiains at gieatly leduced i.itcs
fiom all points, leaving Scianton ns
follows: 6J0,, 10.1J a. m , nnd
l'.41 p. m. Bauei's band will furnish
dance music; excellent cateilng, the
new steamer, low bouts, launches,
gnines of all kinds, elc. Fate ftom
Scianton, TJc; chlldten, 40c.
Over nnd Over Again
we've proven that our flannel and
soigo hiilts at $7.50 to $15 aie the most
satlsfaetoiy Raiments s-old in this city.
Theio's nothing but pialho for them.
Out boys' wash suits at 50o to ?i.r.0 ,uo
the talk of tho town. Ulthatds &
Wilth, 3J6 Lacka, ave.
Trotting Races, Binghamton, N. Y.
Ticket agent of the Lackawanna lall
load will sell special exclusion tickets
to Blnghnmton at into of $1,90. Tickets
on sale good going July 4th and Rth
and returning July 5th inclusive.
Try the new 5c cigar "Kleon."
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Indian River
Finest Flavor,
Small Core and the
Cheapest to Preserve
Buy Now.
E. G. Coursen
Tho Three First Leaders Have
Scored More Points Than All the
Rest of tho Contestants Together.
Miss Wallis of Carbondale Made a
Slight Improvement Yesterday.
Contestants Should Report What
Points Thoy Have.
Standing of Contestants, f
If this wis the last day, these would win! T
X 1. Merer Lewis, Bcrnn-
ton ill
X 2. Henry Schwenker.
South Scranton . . . ava a
3. William Miles. Hyde
Park 172 I
I 4. Garfield Anderson,
Carbondale 14U
X 5. Ausrust Brunner. 'Jr..
Carbondale Bl
X 6. Ray Buckingham,
Elmhurst oi
X 7. Miss Vida Pedrlck.
Clark's Summit . . Hi
X 8. Miss Norma Mere
dith, Hyde Parle. . eu f
T How many ot thre will be in Table No.
1 en the closing dny?
4 0. Frank Kemmerer,
Factoryville 53 T
4. io. Kiss Wilhelmina
Griffin, Providence. 50
11. David O. Emery,
Wimmers, Pa. . . . 35
i 12. Arthur C. Griffls,
T Montrose 32
X 13. W. H. Hatris, Hyde
Park 23
14. Miss Minnie Wallis,
Carbondale 17 t
X 15. E. J. Sheridan, Haw-
ley O T
16. Miss Jennie Ward,
Olyphant 5
17. Robert Campbell,
Green Ridge 3 T
The voung men and women In The
Tribune's T'ducatlonnl Contest seem
to be undaunted by the extiemely
waim weather, and eveiy dny some
of them lecoid the fact that thov are
earnestly wot king to better them
selves. Yesteiday was another good day.
Lewis brought in one point, his near
est rival, Schwenker, turned In 24 and
JIllcs also reported with 3. This in
defatigable trio have alieady scored
moro points than all the lest of the
contestants put together. Ray Buck
ingham, of Ulmhuist, sent 18 points,
and he is now tied with August Brun
ner, jr., of Caibondale, for fifth place.
Miss Minnie AVallis, of the Pioneer
City, is four points neaier Mr. Harris,
who holds thlitecnth place.
On Monday morning, following tho
usual custom, the complete scoie of
each contestant for every day of this
week, will bo pi luted. If a contestant
has points and has not yet reported
this week, It would be advisable to
turn them in, so as to have the name
appear In this summary.
A contestant beginning today with
six yoaily subsciibois, counting 72
points, would have a fiist-class title
to seventh place in the contest. A
full desciiption of the cntei prise ap
pears each mot ning on the fourth page
of Tho Tiibune. or a letter addiessed
"I'dltor Hducatlonal Contest." Scran
ton Ttlhune, Scianton, Pa , will bo re
sponded to with a handsomely illus
tiated booklet, or a set of subscription
blanks if you nie desiious of patticl
pating In tho contest.
i Things
That Make
Men Cool
Theie's a noticeable differ
ence even in the outward ap
pearance of Knox Straw Hats.
That difference means greater
head comfort, moie style and
more hat economy. Rough
Hats, $3; Split Hats, $3 and
Other good hats, SI, 50 nnd
hot day anywhere if you
wear one of our Negligee
Shirts with cuffs attached,
Madras or Cheviot, 81,50 and
SHIRTS are as popular as ever
coolest looking summer
shirts worn, 1,00, SI, 50,
Some new plain colors here
at 81.00,
WMntn Av,
jHir Q3'iliW
m vv9"inffl . iv-
I Oils, Paints and Varnish I
MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company,
X - 141-149 JVleridian Street. T
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
New Revenue Stamps to Be Put on
Bale Promptly.
On Monday tho rate ot tho lcvenue
tax on beer, tobacco and cigars
changes nnd stamps of n now Issue
will bo put on sale at the office of In
ternal Revenue Collector T. P. Pen
man, and sold In accordance with the
lower rates now pervalllng. Owing to
the anticipated rush tor stamps on
Monday, occasioned by the fact that
not a single one cap bo sold until the
opening ot the fiscal year. Collector
Penman has decided to waste not a
second in putting the stamps on sale
and his office will therefore be opened
promptly at 12.01 o'clock Sunday
night, and stamps dellvcied to cus
tomers. As has been stilted In detail, In these
columns, the new revenue law effects
large changes In the price of stamps
on cigars, tobacio and beer, and local
manufactuiers nnd bi ewers aie theie
foio mote than anxious to avail them
selves of the new Issue. By the office
being opened Sunday midnight they
will be enabled to lay In a stock of
stamps pait ot which they can utllle
on their shipping, eaily Monday motn
ing. The reduction in the lcvenue
consists of "i cents on a barrel of
beer, 60 cents on a thousand clgais,
and 2.4-10 cents on a. pound of tobacco.
Sacred Concert by the Celebrated
Maple City Band Next Sunday.
At Lake Lodore next Sunday, Juno
30, the celebrated Maple City band, of
Honesdale, will render a sacied concert
at the beautiful resort. The Delaware
nnd Hudson will run special excursion
trains at greatly l educed lates from all
points. First class cateilng, boats,
launches, merry-go-round, etc. A most
delightful place to spend the Sabbath
in the cool, shady giove. Fare fiom
Scranton, Vh cents. Trains leave Dela
ware and Hudson depot at 8 50 and
11.33 a. m.
- m
Low Fares to the Pan-American Ex
position via the Lehigh Valley
Five day tickets, good only In dny
coaches will be sold Tuesdays nnd Sat
urdays from Scranton, at tho rate of
J6.00 for the round trip.
Ten day tickets will be sold every
day, good on any train except tho
Black Diamond Express, at tho late of
18.00 for the round tilp from Scian
ton. Westminster
auction sale of bedroom suites, 2,000
yards of carpet, chairs, tables, blank
ets, sheets, silverware, ciockery and
household articles. E. M. Strong, auc
tioneer. Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming ave.
Tho popular Punch cigar Is still tho
leader of the 10c cigars.
The greatest commercial
economist in the world today.
Compared to any necessary
investment in business,
theprofitfrom aTELEPHONE
is incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Utniger'a office, 117 Adtmi avenue.
Before buying, send for catalogue.
H. S. QORDON, a'.'&'u',;'.
Worsted Suits, to Order,
$15.00 and Up
King Miller, Merchaut Tailor,
For Ladies and Gents,
ff"i"Mii"ii' I1." Mf
'gil'l i-ti I H II.
Wake Dp
There is a time for all thidgt,
so it is said. Just now it is
time to buy your Wines from
us and save money. Our
Are tlie finest in the land
considering the price we ask,
U -r Vl9MPTlVTT'l'T'lMtliV tttfttttlf
Fancy and
Art Goods Center. J
Special Today
Our exclusive line of
handsome made
Sofa Pillows !
Sec Window Display
Cramer-Wells Co., J
130 Wyoming Ave.
Is seen only on the face of the
man who is comfortable.
Others may suffer with the heat,
but you will feel comfortable ant
carry a happy smile if you wea'
our Summer Weight Underwear.
"A Gentlemen's Furnisher."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
Shifting Responsibility
la always excusable, when it may b
done conscientiously.
Every owner of real estate carries
responsibilities that do not appear In
his accounts, yet, they are imperatively
The opinion of an attorney upon the
security of your land titles must b9
backed by your own assets.
By the payment of a icasonable fee
you may shift this liability on the
h. A. WatrM, . Knapp, V.-l'res.
A. II. JlcClintotk, Italpli &. Hull,
Vite president. Trust OtScer.
"From the prairies of
America to the homes of
the world,"
In Cofor Beautiful
In DesignArtistic
In Use Comfortable
InDurabllitu-LIke Iron
In Price Reasonable
It is adapted to all
places and particularly
useful and appropriate for
and porches. We have a
complete line.
Hill & Connell
iji N. Washington Ave.
' V