The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 29, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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WlWfmWWfsv'' '
''y&i" 'Vr'' ''"'"f,'!'j'H:yS.
Speaks a tongue
Known of
perfect camera
at ';'
8H1V3 GBflMs$OSta
So atouM?
use w
Take one with you on
your vacation and have
un rlo your finishing
when you return.
All styles
to select
Kemp's Studio
103 Wyo, Ave.
PAY DAYS. The Dflinare and Hudson com
pany pild yesterday at C.uhnndalo Xo. 1, I'ow.
dcrly.C'oal Brook and Clinton.
I. .1. Unban has appointed Rev. Bernard O'Rynio,
formrrly of PitlMon. as additional a.-sUtar.t
priest at t. Peter's cathedral.
fit ".V. I'M I) MIOOT.-The sciond ol tin- series
ni clay tarjet eents for the Tetcrs Cartridge
cf.mpjny trophy will he held this afternoon at ;i
n'tlock on the scr.mron fiun Club ground, Dun
mere. TO 00 TO I.AKK AKIIX. .lames Forkan, for years employed by Ilanley, the citricr,
and at the Jcranton i luh, has been tnearred tor
tile eafon at the Hotel Pines, Lake Ariel, which
opens on Mondiy.
10INT KXVI'nMON. the (onziepation and
Bible school of the .lackson Mreet Biptist c-hili i-li
will unite with the Penti Avenue Baptist chinch
foi the annual excursion to Lake I.odore on
Thursday, .June 11.
man will be at M. Luke's ParUli Ilou.-p cory
day, commencing .Mondav, .Inly 1, fiom f to 10
ei'cloek, to teceixe applications for M. Luke's
Summer Home. The home opens July 6.
Fine nnd Cheap.
Misses Fine Red Meicerlzefl Hose. 21 c
Boys' Heavy Black Hose Viic
Ladies' Black Grennadine Hose.
iseconds , 12 o
Ladies' Fine Grennadine Hosv....25 c
Ladies' Polka Dot Hose 25 c
Ladles' Fine Fancy Hose, all col
ors 2."ie and 50 c
Ladies' Fine Vests, 2Jc goads, silk
trim 15 c
Ladles' Vests, lace trim in o
Ladies' Vests, silk tape 15 c
Ladies' Vests, silk ribbon 15 c
Ladies' 25c Vests, line Mercerized,
silk trim 10 c
Special prices Saturday only.
Mears & Hagen.
Fire Crackers to Be Distributed Free
from 7 to 9 A. M. on Independence
Lewis oV Urilly, the always busy shoe
dealers, will, as has been their custom
for the past twelve years, sive to the
hoys and girls on July 4, Independence
Day, between 7 and n o'clock in the
morning, at their stoics, 114 and 116
"Wyoming avenue, packages of fire
crackers free. The store will he closed
all day excepting the hours above men
tioned. and during those hours no goods
will be sold. Ample arrangements have
been perfected so that every boy and
girl who calls at the store will be pre
sented with a package of fireeruekeis.
No matter how large the ciowtl, every
one will bo supplied, as the stock of
firecrackers will be so large that dis
appointment will be impossible. The
firm of Lewis & Reilly are alwpys gen
erous to the little folks and take pride
In pleasing them. The boys and glils
of the entire valley are Invited to ho
present on the morning of July 4 and
receive their present,
In Photography Photographs Made
at Your Home.
For the benefit of ladles who may de
plre to .it for pictures, in a number of
different ccstumec without the annoy,
ance attending the bringing of their
wardrobe to the studio Schriever has
arranged to accept a limited number of
appointments to perform the service at
their residences.
Portraits made by a window, accord
ing to the new methods used by him,
possess a fascinating charm, unknown
to pictures made under the light of an
operating room; besides, this photo,
graphic Innovation permits the Indi
viduality of home surroundings to con
tribute fto the originality of the cam
era's production. ' '
'Portraits made a'l home"' Is a reign
lng Ned- York success and the accom
modation )s- offfred by Schriever, so
that ScJ-antonlans may not lack what
the metropolis enjoys,
Talk he matter over at the Gold
Medal tudo or by 'phone.
At Piprce's Market This Morning
Vi'e otter the finest and fresljest vege.
tables of the season. Green and wax
beans are especially fine, and prices
are verj reasonable, Nearly all vege
tables are jjrown which we offer
today, f'rulfe of all kinds In season,
especially becrlea.and pineapples. Fancy
fresh egps and' butter, table delicacies
of all descriptions. Telephone early If
you nrejunRbJe to call, and your order
will havp best attention, We have both
phones nit"acjomp"eieitt corps of clerks
to attenq to your wants. W. H. Pierce,
110.114 pienn: avenue,
i SOci a Chance.
Good cnerA .s7. Best make. S. T,
Hays, 922 Olive street. New telephone,
2777. :, ?
Oxford Day. .. .
Tomorrow will be oxford day at Ma
hon's Sh'oe ;Sore, , ) "'
u.:,4 iw.
VirlnnrrSc Clear.
reit affWMIv7..u
Kmtzjar .?. 'ii
,! il f
EywrS? s i i
f V lifsWtW
. .
Director Roche Tells Sewer Contract
ors That They Will Bo Hold to
the Terms of Their Contracts.
Director of Public Works John E.
Roche had a heart-to-heart talk with
nearly all the contractors doing sewer
work for the city, Thursday afternoon
In his office. The contractors had been
notified early in the week to appear
on that day, and all were on hand
with one exception.
Director Roche Informed them that
hereafter they will be held strictly to
the terms of their contracts, and that
he will light the granting of any ex
tensions of time by councils unless in
the case of a rare emergency.
He pointed out that the cost of em
ploying sewer Inspectors Is gradually
mounting up to such nn extent that In
some Instances It amounts to as much
as IB per cent, of the entire cost of
constructing a sewer. This, Mr. Roche
informed them, was duo to the care
lessness of the contractor, who In many
cases make no effort to hurry a job
along, relying upon their "pull" with
councils to get an extension of time
whenever they need it. '
Tne contractors admitted that Direc
tor Rcche's ideas were correct, but Im
mediately proceeded to "get back" at
him by pouring out a tale of woe about
the laxity on the part of the city In
collecting sewer assessments. That
Director Roche was impressed with
their arguments along this line is evi
denced by a statement he made to a
Tribune man after the conference.
"I feel," paid he, "that the universal
kick made by the sewer contractors
about the laxity in the collection or
sewer assessments is a just complaint.
I believe that the city officials intrusted
with the work of collecting these as
sessments in the past have been lax
and careless in many instances, and I
believe that those now doing the work
should resolve to make an extra effort
to enforce the paying of these assess
ments by the property owners.
"forac of the contractors tell me that
in the past it has been considered finite
a favor if n notice was sent to a prop
erty owner telling him that his assess
ment was due. Kveryhody knows the
trouble these men have trying to se
cure money on their estimates., and
that when they do got it advanced it
Is not until an almost ruinous discount
has been deducted.
"These dillicultles nnd trouble; are
foreseen by the contractors when they
bid on sowor work, and I believe that
there is no question hut that their bids
are higher than they should be as a
consequence. I believe that if wo hold
every property owner strictly to ac
count for the prompt payment of his
sewer assessment, the work of con
structing sewers could be done any
where from one-eighth to one-quarter
cheaper than it is done now."
Contributions for Its Support Re
ceived Up to Date.
The summer homo at C'rcseo for
women and children will bo opened on
July 6 next, and will ho presided over
by Mrs. Weeeden, who so fully won
the hearts of the inmates last year
by her kind, gentle and loving care of
them. The treasurer of the Men's
guild acknowledges donations to date,
as follows:
June 11 Fiom a I'licnd $ 2.'i (JO
June 12 From n I'ueiid 1U IX)
June 17 l'rom Mr, (luilcs .M. llairii .... 5 IV)
From Ch.nles I), Sanderi-cu ,' i)
From Rkhaid (I'Uiien S 00
From Mr. Kate (i..l'ike 11)00
June 20 Fiom Mr. II. 11. Staik 3 00
In Memory of L. 11. C 23 00
June 21 From Mr. Henry fielin, jr 10 00
Fiom Mr. P.. V.. I.ooniU 5 00
From Mrs, Mary T. Phelps lu) 00
From linn. W, J. Lewis fi 00
From Major Kierett Wauen 20 00
From Mr. Willi un II. Taylor .... 10 00
From Mr. S. II. Thorne 10 00
From Mrs. James W. (,'arney .... 5 00
June 21 From Mr. Walter L. Matthews .. 3 Oil
From Mr. XI. II. Dale 5 00
June 2.1 From Colonel L II. Hippie S no
June 20 Frem Dr. William Zaehmin 10 Oil
From Jlr, Thomas II, Walk Ins ... 10 00
From Colonel I.. A. W.itres .... 5 00
From Mr. J. J, Williams MOO
June 2S-From "K. II. W." 25 00
Fiom "XI. I'. n." 3 0i)
June 29 From Mrs. Anna K. fcimpson ,,,, 5 oo
Total ,...?3I0IV)
In Labor and Xlatcrials Imperial Paint innv
pany, paints, etc; Jacobs k Fatold, wall paper;
Williams 4- XlcAnulty, wall paper; Woelkeis Ic
Bellman, maton work; Fred Kluek, paper, paint.
ins, etc; George Jlcnckc, paints.
These donations afford an excellent
start In the homo work and as It Is
desired to increase its benellts by ex
tending the season somewhat later In
September, It Is hoped and urged that
donations will continue, to the sum
of 11,000, which will be required to
that end.
Flannel Suits
are the most popular hot weather
clothing this summer. We show the
finest patterns and have them In price
from $7.50 to $15. Come In and see us
tor nobby, up-to-date garments. Rich
ards & Wlrth, 326 Lacka. ave.
Silver Xake Assembly, Silver Lake,
For above occasion ticket agent of
the Lackawanna Railroad will sell
special round trip tickets good going
July Sth to August 23 Inclusive, and
returning up to and Including Septem
ber 1st, at $7.20 for the round trip.
A Royal Array
of summer oxfords at .Mahon's Shoe
Store. 32$ Lackawanna aVenue.
Congressman William Connell, O. D.
Simpson, T. H. Wntkins, W. G.
Parke, J. W. Oakford and C. P.
Davidson Among the Witnesses.
Control of $75,000 Worth of Stock
and, Incidentally, Control of a Mil
lion Dollar Lumber Company Is at
Issue Bad Faith Charged,
Never, possibly, before In the his
tory 'of the county was there such nn
array of prominent citizens partici
pating In a legal proceeding as there
was yesterday In the first hearing be
fore Judge Carpenter In the equity
case of C. D. Simpson, William Con
nell and Thomas E, Jones ngnlnst the
Cherry River Doom nnd Lumber com
pany, C. P. Davidson. J. W. Oakford,
D. B. Hand, C. D. Jones, F. L. Peck
and others.
Among the witnesses were Congress
man William Connell. C. D. Simpson
nnd Thomas II. Watklns,.of Simpson
& Watklns: Major J. W. Oakford. C.
P. Davidson nnd W. G. Parke. Oth
ers who were Interested spectators
were H. H. Brady, jr., C. D. Simpson,
Attorney Ezra H. Connell, Alfred Con
nell, S. M. Parke, A. H. Law, Walter
Brlggs, Charles H. Welles, Thomas
Spraguo, Dr. D. B. Hand, A. D. Dean,
L. J. Williams and C. D. Jones, ninny
of whom are stockholders In the de
fendant company. Attorney Harmon
nnd G. F. Randolph, of the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad company, were also
present as witnesses.
The attorneys In the enso are Major
Everett Warren and James II. Torrey,
representing the plaintiffs, and S. B.
Price, George L. Peck and Robert
Peck, representing the defense.
Major Oakford, who is one of the de
fendants. Is only such In his capacity
as president of the defendant com
pany. Personally he stands with the
The cause of the action was given
In detail, in The Tribune of June IS.
Briefly, It is as follows: The Cherry
River Boom and Lumber company was
organized early last year, to develop a
77,000 acre tract of timber and coal
land In West Virginia. The incorpora
tors were C. P. Davidson, C. D. Simp
son, J. W. Oakford, Henry Belin and
F. L. Peck.
The company was Incorporated with
a capital stock of $1,000, but this was
eventually expanded to $1,000,000, and
the work of putting It out was begun.
Various local investors were interested
and Induced to take stock.
When the company was about ready
to begin business, the directors deemed
it desirable to interest the Baltimore
and Ohio people in the enterprise, and
a committee, consisting of Messrs.
Oakford, Simpson and. Peck, waited on
President Cowan, of the Baltimore and
Ohio, and after somo months of nego
tiating, succeeded in making a very
favorable contract.
As a means of helping on the nego
tiations it was decided to let somo of
the Baltimore and Ohio officials into
the company, and Mr. Simpson was
given three calls for $75,000 worth of
the stock, at par, the calls to be good
until the end of the year 1901. Mr.
Simpson disposed of these calls to
George F. Randolph, of Boston, Mass.,
an official in the land department of
the railroad, and his being interested
in the company tended to help along
the securing of the favorable con
tracts. This action on the part of Mr. Simp
son was ratified at a subsequent meet
ing of the board of directors.
Mr. Randolph held the calls for a
time and then assigned them to C. S.
White, of New York. Later on, Ran
dolph bought them back again and dis
posed of them to the plaintiffs. They
sought to secure the certificates of
stock covered by their call, but not
withstanding that the board of direc
tors had ordered the president and sec
retary to save $75,000 worth of stock to
meet these calls, the certificates were
not forthcoming when the calls were
presented. Major Warren and Mr. Tor
rey waited on Secretary-Treasurer
Davidson, Juno IS, and again on June
15, and offering the par value of the
stock in legal tender and agreeing that
the tender should be n continuing one.
Jlr. Davidson refused to turn over the
stock to them, but Instead is intending
to turn it over to other parties.
June IS, a meeting of a majority of
the directors was held, at -which the
action of the previous year in assign
ing $75,000 worth of stock to C. D.
Simpson, to he disposed of to railroad
officials, was rescinded and it was
voted to dispose of the stock to friends
of the directors present. Mr. Belln and
Mr. Oakford, the directors who were
friendly to Messrs. Simpson, Connell
and Jones, wore not at the meeting and
received no notice of It. The notices
were mailed nt 5.40 p. m. The meeting
was held nt S.30 o'clock the next morn
ing, To prevent tho company from turn
ing over this stock to any parties other
than tho plaintiffs, Injunction proceori
Ings were brought, on Tuesday, Juno
IS. Judge Carpenter granted a prelimi
nary injunction as prayed for and a
rulo to mako It permanent. The rule
was made returnable yesterday morn
lng. Before the hearing was begun yester
day, tho plaintiffs amended their bill
by adding a paragraph setting forth
that they purchased the options on
calls because they wanted the stock In
specie and not for the purpose of re
sale or speculation; that compensation
in dumages does not offer an ndequato
remedy, and that at all events there Is
no certain way of determining I ho
value of the stock at present. In suh
stance, the amendment Is a demand for
specific performance of contract.
The answer for the defense was filed
yesterday by C, P, Davidson for him
self, as treasurer, and for tho com
pany, Its averments are substantially
set forth In ihcse paragraphs:
Your respondents aier and allege that C I),
Simpson has not in aeionlance with the teuns
of the resolution inteicsted outside parties In the
Are calculated to insure prompt
and efficient service In every de
partment of banking. Perhaps
you would like to try us.
The People's Bank
Cherry Rivet Boorrt and Lumber complny own
er of It stock, by mean nl Mid option, hut
Iim caused them to iMljn to himself or other
friends, who were stockholder In the Chetr.v
Ilher lioom and Lumber rompany, for the purpose
of obtalnlnc; eontrol of (lie majority of Hie capital
tock of ald company, Against the Interest and
In fraud of the rlhl ol the other stockholders.
It u.n expressly sreed at the lime said resold.
Hon was passed, Aug. 22, tOOO, that C. t). Simp,
son w acting: In the Interest and for the benefit
of himself tnd other stockholder. And we er
that the Mid C. U. Simpson, under tho terms of
(he resolution of An. 2i, 1100, was a trustee for
slid defendant company, and In hi attempt to
ohtaln any portion of ld seven hundred and
fifty share of stock I Riillty of a breach ol trust.
We deny that the company ratified any act, or
any option or option, glxen by O. D. Simpson
for the benefit of hlimelf and oilier persons who
were themsehe stockholder or directors of the
Cherry Itlver Boom and Lumber company, and we
verily believe and nvcr that the options men
tioned In the bill were not glien In good faith,
In accordance with Ihe lerni3 of the resolutlm
of the board of director, but were given Icr the
purpose of securing the aeicn hundred nnd fifty
share of stotk at par value, tor and In the In
terest of C. D. Simpson and oilier stockholders,
to obtain control of the capital stock of the
Cherry Itlver Boom and Lumber company, In Eo
lation of the term of the resolution above re
clted.For this reason we he refused aid do
refuse, to Issue stock to the holders of said op.
A TENDER OF $23,000.
We admit that certain person, on behalf of Ihe
plaintiff, tendered to the treasurer, B, P. David
son, one of the defendants, the sum of 5,(00.
We admit that he declined to tccelve die mrnoy
and refused to issue the stock to the plaintiffs.
We deny the allegation of paragraph ninth of
the bill, and aver that the plaintiff have a full,
complete and adequate remedy nt law; that the
capital stock of the Cherry Blver Boom and Lum
ber company has a market value which can be
established by competent proof; that the said
stock lias sold on the market in the city of
Scranton, and It market price ia from par to
tlSO per share: that the capital stock of said
company consist of ten thousand shares, and that
It ia held by numerous people residing in the
city of Scranton and elsewhere.
We admit that a meeting of the board of direc
tor of the Cherry Klver Boom and Lumber com
pany was held on the eighteenth day of June,
ll.ul, but we denv that it was Irregularly and
Illegally called: that at the time for .vhlch said
meeting was fixed, June IS, 10I, at S.S0 o'clock
in the fornoon a majority of the hoard of direc
tors, to wit: C. P. Davidson. V. li. Peck, 0.
II. Jones, D. B. Hand, C. S. '.Vonl.vorth nr.d K.
S. Peck, owning and represjitliu: a l'r ma
jority of the capital stocks Issu'd, who, will, the
rive persons above named, are nil the directors ol
said company met in the office of said company
nnd unanimously passed a icaolilinn awaiding
the stockholder the right to puivluje among
themselves the stock which Simpson, Connell et
al. claimed.
And wn further aver that this court baa no
jurisdiction In this case.
The bill is defective tor want of legal plaintiff.
And we further aver that the said bill is not
sufficient in law. The plaintiffs have a full, ade
quate and complete remedy at law, and aie not
in need of equitable relief; and we pray the same
advantage of this, our answer, as if we had plead
or demurred to said bill, and pray to be dis
missed with our reasonable costs and charges in
this behalf most wrongfully sustained.
Mr. Jones was not in court, having
gone abroad, but Mr. Connell, Mr.
Simpson and Mr. Watkins went on the
stand and told the details of how they
came into possession of the options.
The purpose for which the options
were given to Randolph having been
accomplished, and he being desirous of
selling the options, offered them to
Mr. Simpson one day in New York.
Mr. Simpson called up his partner,
Mr. Watkins, and asked him if he
would take half of one of the options.
Mr. Watkins said he would be glad to.
Thereupon Mr. Simpson bought one
of the three calls, paying $10,000 for
it. On his return home, Mr. Wat
kins gave him a check of $5,000 for
a one-half Interest in It.
Mr. Watkins corroborated Mr. Simp
son and further stated that at that
time tho control of the company was
not a matter of conflict.
Jlr. Connell stated that he, too, was
innocent of any conflfct for the con
trol of the company when he bought
tho call. Ho bought some of the stock
early in the history of tho company
and from time to time made other
purchases in small lots when oppor
tunity presented Itself, sir. Belln told
him that an option for a $23,000 block
of tho stock was offered for sale by
Mr. Randolph, and advised him to
take it. Jlr. Connell sent for Major
Oakford and asked his advice as to
whether or not lie should purchase
It. Major Oakford told him the option
was all right, and Mr. Connell there
upon bought It. He was annoyed, he
said, when he learned that he could
not get the. stock. He had not tho
slightest Intention, he said, to seek
singly or with others, to gain control
of 'the company, and know nothing of
any "muss" among tho directors at
tho time he made the purchase. Mr.
Connell further stated that he did not
see the option. He heard Randolph
had a call on a block of desirable
stock and being advise that the call
was' all right he purchased It and pre
sented payment for tho stock certi
ficate. All three witnesses testified that
there is no fixed value to the stock.
Its par value Is $100 a share but of
fers of $200 for it have been refused.
Mr. Watkins added that the present
litigation makes the value of tho stock
more '.speculative than ever.
While Jlr. Watkins was being cross
examined by Jlr. Price, he was asked
concerning the purpose of a proposed
trust voting agreement.
"Tell him. There's your chance.
Tell him all about It," Interjected
Major Warren.
Jlr. Watkins proceeded to follow
his attorney's advice and thereupon
tho concealed Ethiopian emerged from
tho paling.
Jlr. Watkins' disclosure was In effect
that a plan was proposed of forming a
big lumber combine to buy out the
Cherry River company, the Lackawan
na company, which operates in Potter
county, ftnd the Newman company,
which operates In Mississippi. The par
ties on the defendants' side In the pres
ent proceedings are largely Interested
In the Lackawanna and Newman com
panies, "This band of conspirators here," de
clared Mr. Watkins, with some warmth,
"were working at night to fix an arbi
trary figure on tho price the stocks of
the three companies should be held at
In the merging, i was willing that the
matter should be left to any set of
fair-minded men, and suggested Jlr.
Jones and Jlr. Peck as two of the men,
they to select a third. I objected to
Mr. Davidson."
An underwriting syndicate was also
proposed, Jlr. Watkins went on to say,
This syndicate was to be composed of
responsible men, who would buy In for
cash the holdings of any of the stock
holders In any of the three companies
who might not be satisfied.
The other faction listened to Mr. Wat
kins' plans for effecting harmony, hut,
as he put It himself: "I now learn
that I was wasting breath." The
Davidson people had already formed a
company to syndicate the three com
panies, under the name of the United
States Lumber corporation. It was
that they might arbitrarily fix a com
paratively low price on the Cherry
River stock and a comparatively high
(Continued en Page S.J
The Puplli Q&ve a Splendid Enter
tainment Lait Night Before An
Audience Which Completely Filled
St. Paul's Hall A One Act Oper
etta Presented by ,a Largo Cast.
Diplomas Presented by Rev. P. J.
McManus, Who Also Made an Ad
dress. The ninth annual commencement of
St. Paul's Parochial school, connected
with St. Paul's church, Green Ridge,
was conducted last nlgnt. m the spa
cious hall under the church, before an
audience which, despite the great nnd
nlmost overpowering heat, sat through
to the end of tho long programme.
Both tho graduates and tho other
pupils who participated In the exer
cises displayed a degree of efficiency
which told bettor than words of the
great care which had been taken by
the sisters In charge In preparing and
drilling them, and which spoke vol
umes for the work done during the
The programme was opened yvlth an
entrance march, played by the follow
ing pupils: Violins, Masters A. Grow
er, E, Blake, J. Walsh, E. Murray, J.
McTague, F. Lutz, C. Loftus and the
Misses M. Ferguson, E. Kennedy, L.
Powell, C. Kelly, M. Dwyer, F. Toll
man and J. Howley; mandolins, N.
Cadden, N. McDonnell, M. Wakefield,
N. Croghan; guitars, F. Wakefield
and A. Lynottj piano, A. O. Connell.
The members of the graduating class
filed on the stage to this march, and
after an opening chorus were present
ed with the diplomas by Rev. P. J.
JlcJIanus, tho pastor. The members
of the graduating class were as fol
lows: Regular Academic Course Francis .Toseph Grat
ton, Joseph Krands Danner, Mary Cecelia Eapan,
Mary Theresa Kelly and Agnes Mary O'Donnell.
Commercial Course Mary Theresa Kelly, Acnes
Mary O'Donnell, Mary Cecelia Kagan, Lillian
Adele Dietsel, Norah Asnes Pace and Anna
Alojsius Itoche.
The little girls of the school, attired
In dainty white dresses and white
stockings gave a pretty action song to
music furnished on the piano by Jlar
garet Johnson, and following them Jo
seph Francis Danner gave a declama
tion with fine voice and spirit.
One of the features of the pro
gramme came next, a debate by the
boys on the question, "Shall Our
Mothers Vote?" All of the larger boys
of the school took their places on the
stage In the form of a semi-circle with
Robert Loftus presiding as chairman.
The discussion waxed warm and spir
ited and points of order immeasurable
were raised, the majority of them by
"Tom Slowboy," a part very cleverly
taken by Aloyslus Grower.
After a dumb bell drill by tho small
er boys and a reading by Francis J.
Grattan, a pretty little one act operet
ta, entitled "Snow White and the
Seven Dwarfs," was given by the
school. The scene was laid In a for
est and the principal characters -were
Impersonated by JIIss Mary Barrett,
Miss Florence JIofTitt, Thomas Fay
and Thomas Brock.
The other children took the part of
the dwarfs and of the forest children.
- l il 4 lk AA ili A IA $il il d d lir il A
I Special Bargains i
1 Saturday and Monday 1
loo pieces beautiful new Neck Ribbons, pure silk,
soft finish, all late pastel colors, white cream, light blue,
light pink, rose pink, rose, geranium, violet, navy, nile,
grass, etc, 25c goods. Special 1 OC
White Lawn Collars prettily made up with val.
lace and insertion, a 50c collar. Special OOC
Velret Ribbons Black satin back, not the best fi
grade, but good enough for wash dresses. Apiece.. .. 1 oC
VelTCt Ribbons Full line best at the lowest pricos.
CorietS All fine grade and popular, makes in the
longer lengths at half price.
Lace Insertions Beautiful line of White Linen
and Black Serpentine Insertions at Sc, 10c, 12 c, 15c rn
and up to OUC
All Parasols at halt price.
Umbrellas, fast black, natural handles 39c
Umbrellas, black twill silk, new handles $1.00
Umbrellas, black union taffeta silk, $2,00 grade. . . 1.50
Palm and Japanese Fans, large 3 for 5c
Shirt Waists Just receivad 300 Fancy Stripe
Madras and Percale Waists, all sizes, choice styles, a
lot of waists made to sell at $1.00. Our price 59C
Lot 2, made to sell at $1.35. Our price 75c
Wash Goods
Lace Stripe Grenadines White and colored
grounds, with stripes and figures. Were 35c the first -
of the season. Now new styles, at laC
Swisses White and black fancy iajc
All of our desirable 39c, 45c and 50c fine Colored
Grenadine Silk Stripe Ginghams, open work goods... J,OC
Dimities Another iot of Shear Fine Plain Dimities, 1
all the new shades , , 1 xaC
India Batiste Fine firm fabric sure to wash and 1
wear 1 Z2C
White Pique 34 inches wide oc
India LlnonS See the qualities at 0l3, SC, 10c, ,-.
12c,15c,I9cand 25c
White Lace Stripe Mnslins, Dimities, etc, for .
waists, Sc, 12J4C be, 25c, lip to 5(JC
Counterpanes Special at 69c, S9c, SK00
Mears & Hagen
415-417 Lackawanna Avenue,
a? UUiiilflL 1 UITIL
Some folks sny any old thing w'ill do for tho country. We
beg to differ with such people. Poor goods are dear nt any
price. Good goods, well bought, are cheap, If in need of any
furnishings for the summer home, cnll inj look them over as
there is no argument half bo convincing ns tho evidenco of your
eyes. Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Cans,
Stone Water Coolers, Mixing Bowls, Kitchen Knives, Silver
plated Ware, Ornaments, Plncques, Pipe Racks and other neo-essaries.
Geo V Millar &
VJt-U. Y. iTlllltUl VX
On July 4th We Will
Celebrate the 125th Anni
versary of the Signing of the
Declaration of Independence.
OUR FIREWORKS ANNEX is filled with
the articles necessary to fittingly celebrate this
great event.
every description are here in great numbers,
We have made a special feature of an exten
sive line of Fireworks, Novelties, Set Pieces, etc.
The kind you used to go to New York for.
(Fireworks Annex.)
422 Lackawanna Avenue.
All were prettily attired, and all sung
the tuneful choruses of the little op
eretta with a dash and rhythm that
was most acceptable.
The exercises were brought ht a
close with the singing of a. valedictory
chorus and a very brief address to
the graduates by Rev. P. J. McManus,
who gave them a few words of en
couragement and advice. Ho made his
remarks brief on account of the ter
rific heat prevailing in the hall.
Special Excursion to Chatauqua,
N. Y.
Ticket agent of the Lackawanna
Railroad will sell special excursion
tickets good going on July 5th and
26th at $13.15 for the round trip. Tickets
sold on July 5th will be limited for to
return August 3rd, and tickets sold
July 26th will be limited to return
August 24th.
The Great Auction Sale
at the "Westminster is etill drawing Im
mense crowds and socurlng great bar
gains for the bidders In carpets, bed
room suites, tabic linen, etc. E. M.
Strong, auctioneer.
Co 4 Wyomlnj? Arenue
VU. Wilkin nJ Look Around i
ScottJ Co.
For the balance of the week
we will offer special values iu
Aith plain and hemstitched
tucks, lace and lawn insert
ings, etc., at
98c, $1.50, $1.85, $2.25,
$2.85, $3.95 and $4.25
Materials, workmanship and
fit as near perfection as pos
sible, and prices lower than
you will find on any similar
Special sale on
Ladies' Mercerized
and Wash Skirts
At 98c Each.
Worth $1.19 and $1.25.
2 1 6 Wyom i ng Ave
Straw Hats
New Stock Just Arrived.
AH styles, from the $1.00
Alpine Straw to the $12.00
Don't forget we are head
quarters for
Summer Shirts,
Underwear, Etc
Try Our Special 10c Linen Collars
Pocono Heights floiise
Accommodate 50; modftn improvements; trout
ttresms on premitei; terms moderate; best rei.
crencea. Send ior circular.
Samu3l Edlner, iVt, Pocono. Pa,