fgpF'v-'v'-fr$ix-" 1,1,1 KMi it?isJ?rflwis??S(jUi'l -- Vf &&F& THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1901V 5 mmiti- rrmim sask w Hon. nnrt Mrs. Wllllnin Connr-ll nn tcrtalned a number of Ktiesls Inform ally Thursday night at their residence on Vine Htroct, In honor of Professor and Mrs. Willis U. Moore, of AViihIi iiiKlon, D. C. AniotiR those present were: Mrs. Hamblen, of Spokane, AVash.: Colonel and Mrs. K. 11. Ulpple. Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Olllln, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred AVooter, Mr. and Mrs. r. H. AViinon, Mr. and Mis. A. 10. Cou ncil, Dr. and Mrs. AV. CS. Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. C. AV. l-'ullon, Mrs. Helnz Thompson, Mrs. .1. U Council, Mrs. C. 15. Council, Mrs. C. H. Penman, Mrs. J. S. MoAnulty, Miss Kllztibclli Thomas, Miss Floroncp Illi-hmond, Mls Jessie Dlmmlck, William Dlm nilek, Mr. Dunwoodle, Mcssis. S. II. Htcvens, Theodore K. and K. H. Con ntll. Mrs. Moore left yesterday for BIiik hamton. Professor and Mrs. Moore will so to WashliiRton on the Fourth, where the chief of the weather bureau ! called because of the absence of Sec retary AA'llson, of the department of agriculture. The marriage of Miss Josephine Lees, of this city, to Ttev. Franklin J. Mllman, of Pottsvllle, will take place today at noon In St. Mike's church. Thcio will bo no bridesmaids. The ushers will bo Messrs. V. P. St much and J. A. C. Gllmour, of Pottsvllle; AV. It. Pierce, of Philadelphia, and Franklin Howell, of this city. The bride will near prarl-gtey crepe and real lace. At the conclusion of the ceremony which will be performed by Hev. Dr. Rogers Israel, rector of Jft. Luke's, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Godfrey will give a breakfast at the Jermyn, when the guests will chiefly Include the Spinsters' club, of which the bride-elect Is a member. Among those entertained will be Itov. Dr. and Mrs. Israel, Mrs. A. K. Pettlgrew, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pierre, Mr. and Mrs. George Sharps, Mrs. M. M. Torrey. Mr. and Mrs. Kareker, of Pottsvllle; Miss Gertrude Itlce and Miss Halght, of New York; the Misses Pettlgrew, Miss Edith Jones, Miss Elizabeth Uiee.Miss Freas, Miss Short, Miss Penwarden, Miss Resslo Dean, of AVllkes-Uarre; Miss Margaret Torrey. Miss Katzenbach, of New York, has boon the guest of Miss Boles, for sev eral days. Miss Katzenbach was an attendant at the late Dr. Maltble Bab cock's church, and greatly admired till" celebrated divine's wonderful abil ities. She formed the habit of taking note during his sermons, and lias quantities of material which will be of great value to his biographers in pre parlng the volume of sermons and thoughts which they are to publish. Mrs. F. D. Rrowster, of Jefferson avenue, entertained the B. M. club with a dancing party on Thursday evening. Those present were: Mabel Fnrdlmm, Bessie 'Townsond, Louise Connolly, Helen Chamberlain, Marlon Matthews, Kvelyn Matthews, Mary BII-.S, Kunlce Tatlirop, Evelyn Jones, John Price. Honey Price. Mark Phil lips Walter Phillips, Harry Connolly, Uay Sanderson, Culver Hurley and .Mai old Wells. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Godfrey will en tertain an end of the week house party at Lake AVInola tomorrow, when among the guests will be; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Healey, Mrs. Geoige Highflcld and daughter, Mrs. AV. M. Torrey, Miss Halght. Miss Rico, Miss Dean, Messrs. Franklin Howell and Leonard Knapp. Cards have been received here an nouncing the marriage of Miss Nettie Payley and Mrs. Fred AVoodworth, both young people of Carbondale. The ceremony was performed In Blngham ton on Tuesday. June 25, by Rev. Dr. Floyd. Miss Alice Matthews will have as her guests this week two young ladles who have made many friends here on former visits. They are Miss Kirk, of St. Paul, and Miss Williams, of Brook lyn, N. Y. Select Councilman Thomas O'Boyle, of the Eighteenth ward, was married at Mlddletown, N. A'., Thursday, to Mrs. Smith, of that place. They are ' spending their honeymoon at the Pan American exposition. There W a new entertainment com mittee at the Country club now. It consists of Mrs. H, II, Brady, jr., chairman; Mrs. AValter Klntst, Miss Clare Reynolds and Miss Hunt. Mrs. T. IT. AVatklns entertained a few friends in formally Thursday at her home on Monroe avenue, in honor of her guest, Miss Downs, of German town. Mr. and Mrs. AV H. Sadler enter tained the CliHtilaunua circle at their homo on Main avenue Tuesday night. Miss Elizabeth Howell gave a porch party Tuesday morning In honor of Miss Downs, of Germantown. MovcmcMs of People Miss l.illlo Maikcy was In Montroo ye.tctdiy. Ml. V, 0. SSclmtlvr lias tctuuii'il (rom IIiiIIjIo, Mr. ('. H. Penman returned frcitt ll.iiii.burg lat night. Mr. ami' Mis. John (!. Sherwood lave returned limn llostuii. MIm Holes will so to Like Geoige for .1 fort. Dlght next week. Attorney 1!. Winnikk, of Iloncvlalc, spent )cj. tuday In Die, cit). Miss Amy Jcsup Is visllimj filcnds in JCevv oik and ltlnlty, 'ths Mies Arilib.tttl will visit blend In rough kcepslc net week. Mis. It, M, f-'irantnn lias relumed fiom a visit In llaitmid, Conn. Min. Jean Halght, cf New York, ii the guest )! Mrs. r S. fiodfiey. )r, It, II. (Iibuoiur, o( Wyoming avenue, spent yesterday In Hum-.dale, Mr, Mlnfterl Noil hup his returned Iron Btifliilo, itier n few das absence, Mr, S. V. ll.i)i'S will go to block Island this net-k fur the bloe tliliinjr. Vt. W. a. I'lilton left jestfiJy '"' salmon Billing tlip in Now ScotlJ. Mr. Arthur Jtoiiimus, of Uroolllne, Mass., Is the cuot of Mr, Mav llessell. Mr. and Mrs. f.ion Levy snd family, of Wilkes liatrc, ro visiting in IhU illy. itev, Ur. Mtl.eo'i and family have gone to Kast Hampton, I I., for llm Duniincr. Mis. lloraie J. (Ilbhoni, of Wyoming avenue, U ik-ltlng t Syiacme and Ogdcnsburg, Dr. Herd Hunt, wife and (hildren, are vUltin,; the I'an-AiuciUan eioltlun at IlufTalo. Dr. CI. t'. and Dr. C. I.. Mill and I heir wives returned home la.t night fiom rToilda. MUs Agnes l.anlhan and Miw Ueitruclc (.'a.ldy, I .WUW'JSaaUt vvlva lute beta tin fc-uetti ot m m &tyzx&0XvaX the Mlw M.ihon, o Mulberry street, returned lioine J rtercl.iy. Mm. .Mm Knltltc, ot Jefferson avenue, sailed for llcrnuiny on the Vnlcrl.ind, Wednesday. Mm. Albert Miller, ol Moiow, vim Hip guest of Suanlon friends tor wwernt clays this week. Ml Annie llrowslri, of Montrose, Ii the gtiMt of Mr. and Mrs. Ilrewster, of ,lclfcrmi avenue. Mu. .f. (I. Mjcn and JIIm laima Jeanette My er., of Chlcaito, are iltlng Mm. Albert N. Kia. iner. Mm. T. II, Jonlin, nt f.ipoiup aM?nue, Is en lirlnlnliiK her mother, Mrs. Margaret Golden, of I'.IISOU', Itev. Ilr. Mcl.eod and family will leave the city eaily next week lor the s-ahoie, where they will summer until September. Mm. William Poole, of 62.1 Olhe street, mother of W. N. f'ootc, will spend the summer In Millb .1 ii and W.wnlnc loiintlo.i. Mlt tiertiude (iulld uml Mr, Ilurnham (Juild are attending lommeniement cxercltes ot Walton Ainilemi, .Vow York hlate, Atihrman and Mr. M.vroii Kavnn will teaie the city today fur llulfalo, wheie tliey will spend twu wieks III llewlng the sights of the cjiposi. lion. Hon. W. .1. I.cwH, ari-ninpanlid by lilt daugh ter, Mm. Arja V. I'owill, i tourlni; Colorado. They wilt Mt Diincr, .oadville and Manlton Sprlng. Mr. snd Mm. N. I!. Hire, who have lold their ebter nienup home to Ml. (!. C How, will go to lliitlipjitcr ne.it wiek to visit Mr. and Mir. S. P. Tenner. Hon. W. It. Montgomery, Mlw Mlule and Nellie Montgomery, ot Miner, and Mrs. I,. V, Manjer, of Philadelphia, are xMling Mrs. A. H. llobert', V'li (.ipoU'fH aenue. 1'iof. 'Micron (I. (Minnie, principal of the Momie m hool, was nn 'lhurilay awatihd u stale lertirleale by the bond of examineta of the Kast Stinuibhuig Notin.il schnnl. Among the giadu.ites o( niooni.bur Stalp Nor mil school llils jr.ir nic MKh A-ellne Millett. Slill.i (.'. Murray, Jliw Kbrabetli iWlllarru and CI in in i' .1. Dail-i. of tlhs city. Itov. Dr. ami Mm. KuIiIiihiii wilt leave on Moil day fur lllmk Island. Dr. Hoblnson will return and ncitipy the pulpit of the Second l'rcb.tcrian ihuicli tluough the month ot September. ! HER POINT OF VIEW ! This visitor to the Pan-American exposition should not return home without going out to East Aurora to see the Jloycroft printing shop, and most of all Elbert Hubbard. Now East Aurora Is seventeen miles away from Buffalo. A'ou go down town to the Union depot and buy your ticket on the New York, Pittsburg & something or other railroad. The al phabet is so nearly exhausted In giv ing the initials of this railway that I really cannot rememher all the rest. AVhatever window you select at which to buy your ticket a polite mnn will tell you to go to the other. It will cost you just ninety-two cents for a return ticket. Then you join a group with lunch boxes and note books who look as If they were going In the same direction and you wait until the noisy man at the gate yells, "Ebenczor and East Uo.ir." "Hoar and Ebeue.er!" then you rush for the little train composed of an engine and two cars and you are on the way. It lies through a pretty country this way, rich market gardens where women toil in the hot sun, Holds of wheat and rye and acres of buttercups the hay ciop of western Now A'ork being chiefly butteicups and daisi this season, to please the eye of the ran-Amcrican tourist and the summer boarder. The train slops for an Instant at Ebenezcr, and you find yourself humming the old Methodist hymn. Here I raise my Kbineer, Hither by thy help I've ionic; Anil I hope, by thy good plea-uia, Safely to auivu at home. to the tune of (!o tell Aunt Hhoda, Co tell Aunt Hhoda, Co tell Aunt Ithod.i, Her old gra.v goov is dead. As a child, the mental picture of raising one's Ebcnezer was that of Hy ing into a rage, and for the life of you the impression that it is a cairn "f stores, a monument to mark one's safe journey or one's growth in grace, will not be fixed. Ebenezer N, you notiee, a modest little village of three houses and a station. There may be more dwellings beyond that gtoup of trees, but you prefer to think It Is no larger than It seems, i'ou speed on and at the next stop the conductor remarks nuletly "Kast Hoar," and you are at the end of the expedition. There may be other villages down the tracks where the train, now nlmost entirely empty Is leisurely travelling but you nre of the opinion that lliete N nothing beyond East Atirotn. That it Is the end of the universe and there Is no future, no past, nothing but eternal pe.tce and test and Kast Aurora. It is n pietty little village, wide of street, and deep of shade and green of earth. You wnlk up the way beneath gigantic trees, past a blown church of modern architecture until you come to another chinch. The mas sive stone woik, the quaint gables be neath spreading elms immediately ar resting your attention. If you are a Philistine, you know ut once that this "church" Is the Itoycioft printing shop, that you ate brushing Itoycioft grasses and breathing tho perfume of Hoy croft roses. A'ou enter the wide urehed entrnueo where conllng fiom the intense, beating light of the sun your eyes at first can only see a dim cool dlstaneo a vast oakfii door swung open against which Is trained In Hcmhriimlt tones tho HgiitP of a Blii. For an Instant sho is a part of tho plctuie, the cop. pery gleam of her hnlr, the rich color on her lips and cheek, the white throat the graceful head, melting into tho soft back ground in a succession of delicious tone effects. Hut she steps out of the frame and gieuts you graciously and gradually you nre conscious of tho strange, beautiful surroundings of which she Is a part. The walls, aro panelled In oak of i Ichest grain. Unpolished, golden and soft it opens endless vistas of coolness broken by the green of open spaces, the heavy oaken beams nbovo your head, tho deeper oaken tints be neath your feet. At the other side of this great living room Is the famous Hoycroft lire place built ot lleldstono reaching to the ceiling and flanked by heavily wrought and-lrons of curious design. The centre of the apartment Is oc cupied by a huge" lound table such as King Arthur and his knights must have leaned upon in the shadow of the Towers of Cnmelot. AVas It, too, strewn with wondrous volumes, Illu mined by brilliant tints wrought out in some old monastery and bound In dull 'greens and browns ns soft as a baby's hand? The furniture everywhere. In Hits de lightful place Is niitdo ot heavy oak and fastened together with wooden pegs, no nails or glue being Used. Masslvo chairs and desks! seals lit for some A'lklng of old, carved book cases and mantels fascinate the gozo on every side. In this great, cool twi light room tho sweet summer day seems like a chnpter out of a legend of some dim unrememhered castle, wheie time Is not calendared and life Is a dream ot other years. Photographs and drawings brighten tho wall spaces! Jars of field blos some stand In tho window embrasures and everywhere Is rest. In the work shops proper, ficore.i ot busy bauds arc Illuminating, painting, folding and marking the Philistine, the "hlt tle Journeys" and other books and pamphlets. In these room1', too, there Is a soft, cool dimness, and the faces bending over the tasks are happy faces, as of those who truly are bless ed In that they "have found their work." The beautiful girl with her copper brown hnlr and Hurne-.Tones brow, guides you whither you would go. She Is only a village maiden, she says, this tall, stately young goddess. She found her work In Illuminating the exquisite books which nre sent out Into the world. She learned to do It swiftly and well. "And because they say I can talk," she admits, naively, "I am sent about with visitors to see the shop, We will now go to St. Jerome's studio," she ndds placidly. A'ou must know that everybody, ns in the promise of heaven, has a new name. It bus a peculiar significance and dates back to some period in the career of the worker, who, perhaps, entered the place sore of foot and sore of heart, buffetted by the wot Id and baffled by fate. Here he litis found peace, rest, affection and re spect, and here be lingers in the shadowy halls with n dread of the glaring world, a shrinking from tho outer tumult. St. Jerome, with his dark, curling hair, bis wonderful eyes and his beau tifully poised bead, seems not only to have found his wdrk, but bis niche. Somewhere back in the distant years he was the boy, Jerome Connor, bear ing the burden of being misunder stood, beating his hands againt the walls which closed him about. He found ElGcrt Hubbard and the free dom of eternal life in the work of his soul, for he fashions rare models of his fancy and expression of his love from the clay on the long table, and the marble in yonder block. A'ou see Elbert Hubbard looking beyond and through you from the niche above your head. You see the sculptor's wife in her splendid southern beauty. A'ou see the Good Cray Poet, with his bent brows and tho small daughter of the Hubbard's, the little "Edition de l.uxe," as they call her, the curve of the childish lip caught so sweetly In the clay, the lock of soft hair care-sing the lineless brow, and you are glad that St. Jerome Is alive. He must have had a reincarnation from some far-away Florentine artist of buried ccntuiels and holds the dark beauty and the facile touch of his race as a heritage. Then there Is the art workroom, where the illuminated designs aro completed, whete with artistic f Inge is the young girls paint the quaint similes of thought in lettering and borders which so delight the eye of the connoisseur in the Hoycroft books. A'ou aro told that all these designs aie Hie conceived by "Sammy," the artist, whose perfect taste and judg ment nre acknowledged In the world of artistic bookmnklng. A'ou want to see 'Sammy"; you have been shown his photogiapli and have seen many of tho superb drawings from his pen cil, so you want to see "Sammy." Finally, up in a tower mom, dusky, cool and full of Rembrandt tones, you see the artist. AVhen lo! AA'hat do you suppose? AVby, "Sammy," the head of the establishment as legards the art work, Is Mr. Samuel AVarner, of Scranton, born and reared In this city nnd connected with several well known families. He is a step-son of the late Charles De Tong, and a son of one long connected with the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western rail road. Mr. AVarner has not been n resident of Scranton for several years as his art studies in Boston, New A'ork and Europe have taken him away since boyhood. He was here on the occa sion of Mr. Hubbaid's vllt and lec tin o in this city, and keeps up nn Intimate friendship with Mr. Itobeit Ailains and Air. John Bralnard. He has great ability and no doubt a great career, as he Is a young man with ambition, His most recent work In cludes splendid drawings of ihe por traits of celebrated composers, for the "I.lttle Journeys." They are drawn with a free, bioad touch and the ut most feeling. He has made a study of old missals of the monasteries and the work of Floicntlue lllumlnutors of far-off centuries. Mr, AVarner lias been nt the Hoy. croft shops for two or three years. Mr.' Hubbard discovered him In Bos ton. H says that Scranton people never stray in tins direction of East Aurora. I cannot speak of "All Baba," of "Exhibit A," "The Bed One," and many other characters known welt among tho Uoycrofts. I cannot tell how the neat, beautiful woikrooms, from cellar to attic, Impress the visi torthe bowls of red clover blossoms on the desks, the great pitchers filled wiin daisies, tne pictures, the pianos, the air of peace nnd happiness which seems to pervade the buildings of all these 1 may not speak today; last of all, the spirit of Hoycroft, the genius of the place, must como In, Bight here let me correct a delusion Hint seems to have been sun end abroad through some malign agency. it is to tiiu effect that Elbert Hub bard has cut his hair. Ho has done nothing Of tho sort. It brums In classic wnves to his shoulders, as It has hung for some years. Ho cap still be compared to Buffulo Bill in nun respect, only Buffulo Bill, in prl vote life, wears his tresses tucked up beneath his hat in a compact little wad, much ns wo tuck m th iimi chlldton's flaxen locks In hot weather. Apparently Mr, Hubbard's favorite garb lor hot weather Is composed of corduroys, a belt about his waist nmi a shirt of fcoino darkish material. Ho is picturesque and magnetically at tractive, with those strange, dark, searching eyes and that fleeting smile. Ho says there Is no devil but fear and It Is evident that the evil bplrit una been cxorvlsed in tho Hoycroft bhops, unevenly inc uanner over them is love. Saucy Bess. 4"iV 4 4 44 4 4"fr 4 SCIENTIFIC SALAD "Inaccurate knowledge Is a dangerous thing, Ho In all thlniis let us be accurate." Headers ol the Salad would greatly aid me In my lak by ,'sklng questions (not netes. wrlly for publication), which If possible will l.e answered In full In an eirly Iviij ; the Wteklv Ralid and their receipt acknowledged Immciilately by mall. All such cninminlia tloni must, however, M tuaDer ot course, bear the writer's correct name and addriss as otherwise they cannot be taken Into ion tlderatlon. Modern Gunshot Wounds, DK. II. 1'. HOIUXSO.V (Annals ot S'urgeiy, rebrtnr)) "i"1 smns up his conclusions In an arllclo on "(lunvhot Wounds In the Filipino American Wan" 1. The modem gunshot wound Is generally neptle, and should bo treated on this supposition. 2. Asepsla U duo chiefly to the ehaiatter of Ihe bullet, and the early appli cation of flrsl-iiM drculng; ami. In a, minor de gtep, to the velocity of tho projectile. 3, Pri mary hemorrhage 'rom modern gunshot wounds Is exceedingly rare, the hlood-vcscls being din plated rather thin cut by the rapidly moving projectile. 4, 'Hie "explosive elTect" of the modern bullet Is much lesa common than recent military literature would Indicate. Thin pecil tier ilctruclho i fleet Is produced by the char acter of the tissue struck, as well as by the gieat velocity of tho bullet. 5. (lutishot wounds of chest aits rarely Infected. Simple antleptic tieatment, with aspiration of pleura In cases ol severe hemorrhage, Is all tint Is ncoissar. 6. Gutthot wounds of knee Joint aro usually aseptic, but, if infected, demand immediate amputation lo save life. T. Hxclston of elbow Is alwajs a Justifiable operation in levere shattering or Infec tion of that Joint. Hesectlon of bones of other Joints la rarely necessary, craslon or amputation being preferable. 8. Injuries of net via from gunshot wound ran often bo benefited by opera tive interference or resection. 0. In modern military surgery, abdominal section for gunshot wound Is not justifiable; the patient's best ihai'ie of n cowry lies In conservative treat ment without operation. Medical Lake In Washington. At an hour's journey troni Spokane Kails Is Medical Kike, In the city ot Mlddlebaugh. Willi. Ill .1 very short time a considerable ettlement has been (..t.iblished on the borders of this lake, 'the town has wide streits, excellent shops, and many neat dwellings. The alleged cuiatlve prn pertien of the waters of the lake have been the Incentive to this remarkable growth. The lake cowrs an cxlint of over a thousand acres and is encircled by low wooded hills. The watem are hi Id to hold In solution salts of sodium, polos slum, lithium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and aluminium, also sulphur and borax. A great va riety of ailments have been reported cured by bathing in the lake, ililif among them being lhiuiiiatism and certain disciics ot the skin. One of the prcprrties of the water is thai It forms a lather whenever it is agitated violently or rubbid quickly on. the hands or the surfaie of the body. No fl-h or other living tiling cm be found within these waters, and the lake itself is rather repul-lve and muddy In appearance. I'ae toriis lmc been established for evaporating the water and packing the salts obtained. It is the intention to nuke Medic-il Lake attraitive, in the summer H'ason especially, ns a health resort for the citizens of Spnkano Tails. Rattlesnake Poison and Leprosy. Dr. Adolph .Meieondes do Moura, of Sao lMiilo (llr.ml), contributes a piper on the application of uttlesnake poison to the ure of lepro-y to the Ceiiniu Mediti'l Weekly Journal. 'Ibis poison has ban neil for a. long period liy tho natives for the treatment of skin dis eases and even leprosy. Jlany wonderful cnies of Iepeis through rattlesnake bites having been nporleil to him. Dr. de .Mum a set himself to make' investigations. II" pxpeiimi'iiled villi Ihe poison on fifteen Iepeis, and he Ins come to Ihe conclusion that the lepra Inhere ulosi, if not lomplieated Willi another disease, is unable by its means. The, jiublieallon of Pr. ele Moura's paper his ainu-i'd much interest in t lie matter in medical cin Ii o. Pinfi"v.nr T.eWin, of Berlin, discusses Ihe sub. jeet in the same number of The Weekly .lnuir.al. While he contends from "a priori" runsideia lions that the lattlenakc poion is not a true antidote, nevertheless he aeimits that it may have u temporaiy eilict un the disease, and consideis the matter woithy of investigation. Thermal Death Point of the Tubercle Bacillus. 'I In- iceent experiments at the Wisconsin Agri cultural Kxperimental station, as set fnith in a piper by .Meissis. Htisscll and Hastings on the "llierin.ll Heath Point oi the Tubeicle Haullus," eeullrm thoae previously maele by Professor Tlico. buhl smith. In every case the tuberilc bacillus as determined by Inoi illation experiments was ilostrojod in ten minutes when tuberculous milk wan exposed for (hit length of lime in a tightly elo.seil commercial Paste uiier. That Is, at a temperature not ci ceiling (IS degrees C. ; but when milk is cxpo-ed under londitions that per mit the forming of pellicles on the surface the bacillus may resist the action of licit at 00 de. e,iees 0. tor a cninideiablo period. To thorough ly Pasteurize milk without injuring its creaming picperties or coulsimv it Is nece.s.siry to heat it in cloi-cd l'asteurlzeis for at least twenty mill ules at a temperature of GO degiees ('., under which condllicius the b.ieteiia veil! be eeilainly elotiovcd without the- milk being injured in any w ay. Fossil Bacteria. A I'lemli savant, II II Itenanll, has been eon. ducting lor some vcais past a btudy of the min ute cMg.nii.iMS to be found in the' lonibiistiblc fcs-sil.s, and has ice cully published .1 superb vol. nine, with fllii-.ti.it lf plates, giving the results ot his Inve.stlgalions as liny now suiud. Mo.-I In- j tere-silng among these results Is the diseoveiy ol the enoiiinius iiiiiiipiuy oi iiioso microscopic baeteiia which have Income so highly Interesting lei medical trie me ficuu Ihe pan which they have been found lei play in nearly evciy foim of disease to which llcsh Is lull, M. H.iniilt has funnel these1, In e ounce lion wllh ollui uiimile oigaiilsnis, thioughout the entile range of fo. nil vegetation, fimn that of the most lecent pelt deposit-, lo that of the cailic.st coal beds ii.id bituminous M'lil.-ts of Ihe eaiboiilfeioiis age. More stuprii-lng lill. he has funnel that the a. linns palieo7r.il- Hints tint occur in ceitain coal InsliH and other deposits arc a rich source of fj-t-ll in!ciorgaiil!.m9. Thc-o Hints contain all runner of vegetable tissues, and M, Renault finds these p'l incited Willi baeteiia and fungi, 'Ihe silica lias prcM-ivril eveijthliig with gieat ev urtiu'M-, and Ihe lll'MiMtions of micioscopio or. ganUuis in this matrix aro Clinch clearer thin thoe f i m Ihe fossil rouihiudihli'S, Some of these are older than the coal iiicimiiis. Electricity in the Lighthouse Ser vice of the United States. The estimate of what is requited to siippjvt the light house ten he ol this eouiiliy annually is in the nelghboihood of $4,t00,U". It is Mid fiir rioie money Is pent by Ihe 1'nllrd stales trail hi any other louutiy in tl i Improvmsnt of ihe fcivlie. Tlie Hghlliouso board' lus been expeii minting extensively with electric ll.uhlighU, for the purpino of udoptlug a uiilfoiiu t--tem of Mgnals along nil tho coasts. The gieat trouble in sueli a fc.-tcui Is to find suitable variations el lights to give sillois a spccillu knowledge of Ihelr wheiiabouts. ('oliiied liclils ale objectionable, fur both tdatliuiaiy and hVhllghts, from the fait tint at a critical moment the navigator, Ihiuiigli rotor blindness, may mUtake theli meaning. It has often tuppence! tint signal lights have he. u misread In this wav. It is a much moie dif. Hi ult thirg to test navigators as to color-blind, licit than It is lallioad employes, so tint It's iltpeiidcmo is being placed on lolorrd lights now than ever bifoie. Neatly all (iituie lightships will have an electric plant on board lo furnish milk lent illumination to warn klilps of the hhoals. The (hips wilt be piovlded with hollow lion maks, and at the top of each will be grouped half a dozen Incandescent lamp.-, each of 101 lumllcpowcr. In every case theiu will be 4 duplicate tct of electrical appaialus, so that if one should be ileiaugtd by lightning oi other eani.e thcio would be no intiiiuptlon to the il lumination. II. I.'. Walsh, writing on this sub. Jen, ais that t lie modern lighthouse not only wains mariiuis of daiigciK, but Is Mippn.-ctl tu tell them exactly where they aie, Thl U done thicugh a )leni of cin trie light tlaahei, uc lording to whiih each lighthouse ciulU a iirtahi Store News for Saturday. Boys' Clothing Saturday will be an Interest ing day in the Boys' Clothing Department. t We'll tell you about five lines today. You'll find many more just as interesting. Boys' Caps Made of Wash Crash in Eaton and Golf style, plain and mixed colors. All sizes ji5C Knee Pants A special lot of Knee Pants, made of wash fab rics, in new colors, including plain linen and crash effects. Sizes three to ten ,- y"rs 25C Straw Sailors Chilren's and Boys', in all the newest col ors; short or broad brims. Large assortment of colors X5C Boys' Suits $1.98 Made of light weight fabric, in plain blue and neat plaids and - checks. All extra well made, in large assortment of patterns; 8 to 15 years. Values up to t Q $3.00. Saturday price p 1 ,Vo Boys' Waists Boy's Laun dred Shirtwaists, in good variety of colors and patterns, in both attached and detached collars. The price.... 5UC Concerning "Oxzyn" Balm That you may the better know the merits of "Oxzyn" Balm, a demonstration has been arranged for, beginning this morning. "'Oxzyn" Balm has the endorsement of Lillian Russell, Lucy Cleveland, Hilda Clark, Cora Tanner and so many other beautiful and famous women that the claims made for it must be respected. It removes pimples, blackheads, sun tan and blemishes of all kinds. If used according to directions, and not satisfactory, the return of the empty jar will insure a refund of the price paid. "Oxzyn" Balm has undoubted merit. The demonstrator here will make this more than apparent. Special prices during demonstration; Large Jars, Usually $1, Jonas number of m.is of Unlit, fulloweil by total cillpe, and then liy oilier tl.ilii''. llaiiiiiM.v limits Kivc the key lo cull liulit. By ii'fciiliiK to thin iluil llic n,u ig.iloi r.111 tell lli-t.intly what, llclit he is sailing abreast. In fail, elee tuiiiy will noon lie iihtalleil in all liglitluiii-cj wheie the flash system is in iw, ilNplneiiiB lite picent tlnik-liuht maihinciy for piodming llio llj-liing rITeits. KffurM aie tiiinc made lo ion. struit niailihiery vvhlin villi unioiate cledrlu tiim-nl liy the .lUiun ot the waves. If mull a method oiild lie made piaitlcalile it would le. dine the annual co-t of the coastal signal senile very mati-iially. "Bonzoline" Billiard Brills The Kionini; scuclty ol ivoiy will inevitnlily In Ink lou7ollne lulls moie and moie into uo in liilliird rooms. The ivory halls used in the ri-iint ihanipioii'.hlp inatih ueic alteiuard sold for 11 guinea, nmi a i-et that Ins been In use for twelve months and un he irlled upon to Keip true Ik almost priielcM. Then- i an lin-iri'.--iiii abroad that tho llilllllil assoilatiou is opposu! to the Use of hoimiline halls, but The Urn Id of llltllaiils deilau-s that this Is not mi. ll i.s laiely, iiideid, that a bonollne lull grts out of bhape, and Ihelr absolute atuuaiy is an Immense point In their favor. On this aiiouut they are iiille unequalled for pool and p.wamlds, and in a veiy fiw.lt. lis' time it is quite certain that nolliini; cl-e will b used for those (.Mines, Then, iioiy balls are ntteil.i iiseles in u linipna. turu like that of Adiia or India, llonollne halls, oil Ihe tontiary, Mi-ill In be unaffeiled liy heat or rulil, while il Is another (.111. ill point In their titer Ihat they ale (oloied all through and never mod anjthlni; in the way of ii'-deing. 01 loiu.-e, Ihey 1I0 not "plat" exailly like Ivory bills, and a wick or two of uleady practice is nues-ary in older to ateiistoiu one's self tu llu clunKV. Women as Telegraph and Telephone Operators. 'Ihe (iiiplo.wiiciit of women In Ihe lelenraph and telephone Miviies of 101111I1I1.S outside tho llidlid Stales, it is stated In the dlflueiil con sular lepnits, Hut the admission of women to the lelettiapli emiie dales bad. about thlity rii3. Tlie iliief reason of Ihelr intioiluUlon into IhU ilidu-tiy was Ihe steady rediiitlou of tho rales of the Itlogiaim and the le.ulting lie. ci.slty of iheapu laboi. It was al-o found, however, that women weie better titled for the leli phone tenia- than mm, Only 111111 au fin phv.ed In sumo lauopea'l ollUcs, Olilung which are thoe ot Tuikiy and (Irecic, and Montenegio, In llilgliun and Spain women are fllll i-.iiplo.veil In the lilegiaph civiii, hut new appointments un- no longer made, Kor admission the 111 tin ir. tiulirmuit l.s undirslood lo be thai Hie pel -on must have a than irionl nnd good health. In some (ounllies, smli as lioimin.v, Au-tl i.vlluil gary and Snltuland, 011I.1 pei.oiu without bodily ilehits are admitted, while in t'lamo Ihe authoii tles demand further that the applliaiils have 11 minimum height of Hie feet, the samo minimum height bilng loqiilted in Dngland for positlom In piovinci.il liliis, lowiii and lillagtg. In (iei many the jppliiant must be .ili.olutill lice of dells, and both (leiinau mid 1'ieiuh legulallons also demand tint he ha mill been tlued or pun-l.-lied by any public inurl In Vidoiia the appli cant has lo be llfe-iniiied. 'llu- minimum ag for admission wiles In ihe dlftiiriit lounnlc, be t wen l ami IS .vcaic and the niavlmiiui n,e, uheicWT MipiilJtcd, 4'i .M-als. u (Miptloii I. made in Iie1111111.il while ihe maximum ae for admission Is put at ;:n icais. In tonic loiiutiics, for In.tamo (iuiiialiv, Hull Hid, Japan, ,cv Soillli Wall, Niw Zealand and Victoria, Hie applicants must i-ilhir be iiiiuunlcn 01 ildldl s widows. Other loimtrliK, liU- Iti.s.-la and Dugliiil, in', demand that the iaiidi'1 lie lie immillii-d or widows, wlilili win also Ihe ia-e In Spiln as long 08 women wen- adinlllul. The t'ruuli icgu. latlon.s do not miitaiii a .pedal paragi ip'i ielal ins lo i-.vil life, and iiuiriid wvmui, yiil, JObsiONS As usual Saturday shoppers will find the store filled with Summery newness. Goods for summer com fort are arranged so as to make choosing easy. The Soda Water Fountain Is at your service every minute. Regular Dinner, Lunches or Ice Cream served in the Restaur ant. In many departments special lines of merchandise will be sold at reduced prices. We'll mention a lew today: Satnrdaj's Shoe Special AT 4 Jfk Ladies' Shoes and 1 .4U Oxford Ties made dongola and vici kid with light or heavy soles, military heels and the latest toe shapes. I For Ladies' High Grade 1 ,y Shoes and Oxfords. If you are particular about your shoes this will meet every requirement. There are several different styles in all sizes for one ninety seven a pair 2AA I HIGH UU VVUIIICIIS .90 High Grade Shoes in all sorts of leather. Hand sewed welts in the lasts, toe , and heel shapes. Men's Furnishings. Night Robes made of good qualitv of muslin, nicely trimmed, 50c, some have collars, others are plain. Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, good weight drawers have bicy cle seat, 39c. The Peyser Negligee Shirt is a winner. Have you seen them ? If not drop in today, $1.00. Suspenders, select assortment, 25 and 50c, less or more if you wish. 84c Smaller Usually TRIAL JARS, 25C. Long's Sons widows, as well as divoiied women, an admit, ted lo the senhs-. In nearly all cases, however, women have to quit the servke after they are married. In Sweden the emploje- may remain in the hen ice aflei mairiage, piovidiug the litis band is al-o imploccd in the telegiaph senile. This rule obtains al-o in Itu-l.i, Itoimunl.i, llul gaiii and .New South Wales. Duly in llelgiiim aie the female implo.tes allowed lo mairy. In Ilaly .1 sluing ineenliw is given to elllcienl and faithful si-rviee hi .1 mle that only the female iniploie-s who haii' he-en appointed superintend ents aie allowed lo slay in Ihe smice after mar-riagi-. In Knglatid the einploves who many re ceive on letlnng an inililimiliialion in the form of a moiilir.s f-alaiy loi each ,vear of active ser vice. The aveiage working lime in the clilfer enl countries vaiic ln-luieu seven and eight H'Mjis. fu mates couiitues women are em ployed during the clay houis, while at night lime men take their places. In Italy the landld.ites must speak and write l'leiich as well a.s Italian. The b.ime rule holds good in Holland, wheie in addition they have to have an elcim ntary knovvl. edge of the tluin.in ami MnglUh languages. In Sweden applicants have to have a ceitain knowl. edge of 1'ieiuh, llnglMi and ficimau. Mail Tubes it Necessity. Tho ailioii on the part of the I idled States senate In foiling llu- .ibaiiilomii! nt of the pneu matic toll.- null feiiicc- by piovidiug no appro, pilalioii fur il tliu-alein lo vvmk a tcrlous injury In the sei vice In (his city, sai.s the I'liitaeli-lphi.l Iteioid. cc Hiding tu I'o-tuiastir llleks, the el ite limy of Un- Mnici- will be haiiipen-d lo MH'li an evt'iut thai ll will nuke .1 veiy maleiial dif. fciciice in tin- handling and delheiy of mill. The' nultir is of Mich iimineiit In the 1 illens and the liiisiinss 11 nullity id the city that rosliiia.-.lii Hicks was veiy outspoken legiulins Ihe nee e -oil! of not only maintaining Ihe tube iscnleo iilriadj In opuatioii lieu-, bin uf extend ing il lo all pails cd Un- illy. Tho flopping of tin- lube .s,isluii ill IhU city, Mr. llleks elidaieil, would make a vat difference In Ihe handling of mill. II could belter be illus trated, he said, b. Ihe fael lb it it would make Ihe dlllciiliie between Iwc-lto wagons ami eight wagons, In other wolds, It was like handling goods by whole-ale and hiiidlilig lliem b.v ulall, At tlie pit-sent lime lli.-i.- un- in Ihls elty tubes (oiiueillng with the llooi.e, Hie Heading Terinliiil anil Ihe llmail stierl .lalloii. At pus rut llu- co-l of maintaining llie-e tubes is nun ll less than would ho the pulling oil and main taining of c-vlia wagons to lake Ihe pi lie ol Ihe tuhu. The- posliiiastcl thinks ll jilit pn.-dhlc th.it Ihe senate m.i.t iieoiisldcr its ailhm and giant (Hough of an apptupllallon lo keep the pic-Milt sj.lilu going. Non-Permanence of Weight. SMciue foi 1'ih. ii. lu-ll, has Ihe following iiiteii-Uug iiii-iiI-! upon boiue ovpci Intents by llcul-Ucillei- which, llle otheis In lamdoll, eim lo show Hut some 1 lit 111 ii .i 1 le.iitiiins .lie acieiuipauled li,i .1 blight e hinge of total weight 'Ihese cn Illinois hive hull lute lic lid bv some le-liiweu as Ihiowlug doubt upon the .uluui of the coii-i nntloii mallei. 'Mils avium i not, liowevci, liicompatilile with viilallon ol total weight ill eh-111I1 al 01 even in physical changer. If it should bo lound, foi example. Ihat the weight of a gi.'ii .iiiioiiut n( bad and of 4 ghin ami mil of ovjgeii vuileel with plijslial uml iheuilial loiidltioiis, ,1 stand ml -late of lead and a l ill. laid stale of o)gin would hate lo Would .ilwa.is have In be ueishul, and Hie prin ciple of Hie 1 iiii-i nation of mailer would have lo bo n-.lalid In lliii ioim: Civ c 11 mi iiimli bad and mi nun ll ovigeii uieasiiKil In weighing under si a nd j id ioiidiihii, then, whitev-i changes lliis- tuluianii uiiduuo, the amniuit of ceih is lound tu be uiiihiiuid If both ari hi 1 light bail. In .l.ll dud londliioiij and wi-lglnd. Vail.itiiu of weight with pli.islial and 1l1imU.il iu.dltl"iu woull, iu di'iilit, Hiiow light upjii Scranton, June 29th, 1901. 1 j Millinery j The Millinery department will be a nice place to stop for a few minutes on Saturday. We are adding new things all the time. Ladies' Shirt Waist Hats, nicely trimmed with silk, in many different ideas, $a.o8 $45. ft" Ladles' Untrimmed Shirt Waist Hats, 69c. Children's Leghorn Hats, ready to wear or made to your order, 75c to $3.98. Children's Canton Straw Flats, trimmed with wreath of rosettes, 35c. Books for Summer Reading Copyrights $1.10. The Crisis Churchill. The Puppet Crown MacGrath. Hel met of Navarre Runkle. Sir Christopher Mrs. Goodwin. Richard, Yea and Nay Hewlitt. Babs, the Impossible Sarah Grant. Ralph Marlowe Alice of Old Vincennes Thompson. Old Bavens Leary Edwin Asa Dix. Riddle of the Universe Haeclcel, Shirt Waists New Assort- menta. New assortment of White Shirt Waists ready today, all the newest ideas in tnis lot. popu lar prices. Jars, 50c... 44c b-ss-y-vv-sfsfsfVsrv--rfsssfvsf-fs' READ Chickens Come Home to Roost By L. B. Hllll.s, Described by more than one hundred critics, "The great est novel of the age." More natural than "To Have and to Hold," and far ahead of "Janice Meredith." 100.000 ALREADY SOLD And selling faster than any other novel. Isaac H. Blanch aril & Co., Publishers, New York. Can be had at Reisman Bros. 4o5 Spruce Street. the nature of gravitation, but if suili a variation should dually be eslahli-heil it would have-hut little, dlstiiihlng itfrit on tho received notions ol Ihe indestructibility of matter. The largest Dry Dock In Kussla, llu- lliisslait guieiniiieul intends to build a tiiu: dock at Vladisvostoik, al the mouth of I In Amour river, capable of taking the largest ship afloat, the length being slated at ill) (eel, si,is Kiiglmeiltik'. The Iliis.slaii authorities. popoe a'no in elect at the samo plan- ample shops and foundries, I'ailiculir attention 'will bo given tu gnu 11111.1111; unci the iiiamifaituie ot nmokelcsi powder. Definitions. IIIVKT- s I line nine! before remarked that, those terms whidi are in common tio ami vvliltii t-crry one knows aie llu lery one which am Ini iiiosl dimiult to clelliie. and il is amusing to ob fine1 tin- perplexlr.i e-f a mmlilnUt, or Instance, ulu 11 he is asked in give- a definition of a rivet So, b.v iniiist nt fivei.il meehaiilcs, I give a definition ol this uulvnally Used loiivtiuiliu pan In genual meiliaulis. A rivet is .m elongated piece of malleable melal muall) wlh .1 head at one cud, which U iliiven through .1 hole ill two pleus cif liullrlal whiih il is iulFiidi-il In fasten togetliri, the piojeitm,' end being hamuli lid mi as to fouu a head simi lar to the one alit Jill 011 the other end, Hum 1 limbing Hghllt Ihe two pieces of material. Ilislead of heads the lint may ha split for 4 ihoit distance at one 01 both uids and the sepa rated poilloiis m.i.i (lieu be mined ocr In eilhei side and I1.11111111 ud or pieved to attain Ihe same ohjid, nameiy. lo Minili fasten or unite two separate pieces of nuleii.il. Tho trim Is iheu-. hie Irgilimatrli u-"l also in incUpliorli al lan guage when we tjj thai we "river our alu-n-lion" 01 ''riiet our Irirndshlp." L'arl Seller, M, I) Mnhon's Oxfords raptlv.iti' Hip eye nnel satisfy In wear, ,Sl.0t, l.'-'5. ,I.C-0, 12.00, $:'.50. Muluin'd Shot; Store, 328 Lackawanna avenue. tf -'I II -.."