1 - -Mv-J-fl':'Ts?S'idiwtfff "-tv,,tr,'W1iti?ty-ir Tt,t f i-Tjflrj.:v: "i"trti iiifiiirtfrw'sr'' iw' -ijRfsst -H-rj. t-vv j of-r f ".tv',nwy75? "x- y-tPpP' " "s'yT(-- -i!) v-" CLOi THE SCRANTON TRIBUTE- SATURDAY, JUNE 2D, 1901V injpoifrtfsip-w 'frptTtn!yf.' i '- V 66 A Summer Holiday, Submitted ABOMTARY flgute wim standing outlined against the shadow oi sulioundlhg trees. Hla ill ess und i.p pouinnoc wore that lum moil to the seeker fur summer lccioutlon, und the wheel from which he had Just din mounted was leaned against u neigh boring tree. Taul Uenedlet, the young nun atniid lnj thttr In musing uttlttiih, was n nicmbni- fi .. r.ir.plnR party at 1-nkt lainore, one of those hcaiitlful gmt's of nature with which Noithciatoin Fennsylynnla In so genciouily endow td. The scene on which he eased mood ily, while he fanned hU heatM Inmv. might will entnpttiie one whose thoughts wete In moii'il with nn tine's melodies. The August sun had lately Mtnk behind the wooded hills which bonleied the w ostein outline of tin lake, and gnrfroous bannois of crimson and gold, In ovei-i'hunBlng paimtainii of fonn and color, weie r"l!eelcd train the sky upon the ilppllng watei. The blirls among the treetojia weie ilnqllif; thelt evening matin..', nnl 'i distant whlppoorulll was wending louh an evening call. Added to this was the musical dip of oais, and now und then the sound of human olces cuir.o float ing auioss the water, as .some foating party added Its note ot melody to the getieinl theme. But In spite of the environments, Taul Uenedlct'f f.ue wa.s no: that of one In liannnny with his sutrmii.illngs The lathei Ihiro, full lip:, which usual ly wore a cheering, kindly smile, veto completed into a haul, cynical ex pression; the knitted blow and viiRue unsccliiR look ol the blown eyes indi cated that the thoughts weie tumul within. Nestled among the tall bhch an 1 maples, nt a litllj distance fioir. the shoie, stood Oiay riwan Cottage, and heie Miss Annie Ronton was entoit'iln ing a small pai ty of friend, of which I'aul Ucnedict was 'one. Anions the guests, c.urylng sunshine in her lace whcie'er she went, was Muzic Dennie, the meny, uiicfiee ilaiiRhter ol a prominent banker of Kniitlt.li!. l'.iul Benedict's father was supoiintuidciH of of the D. t t toal mines at South Fail Held, anil Paul, who acted as his fathers bookkeeper .mil conlldi'iitial c'leik, luul, sometimes, 'o tiaii'-act busi ness with Mr. Dennie, whiili cillt.il him to the lattei's homo. In this way the j.outig people weu fie'tuentlv thiown Into each othois .ni-lolj, and while on one hand llieie had spuing up a feeling of deep adiiili.iilun .in.l genial friendship for the manly, soboi minded Paul Benedict, on the .'Hit, the fair joung lace, the leady niiith, the wlty lepaitee, h.ui come to mean much moie than passim; It lend.ship; and while he had not openly ileclaied his loe for her, tli ! N a subtlety ol undei standing ljetwecu congenial minds which needs not the medium of specrh to lovcul the woiklnss of Ine inmost soul. It was with the antl 'Ip.'tion of gen uine ploaMU" that he ha.i contemplate 1 a week spent in her society, as tin. guest of tlieii mutual fiienil, Annls Benson. Then, why till-, cynical cuil of lip and fiown upon tin' open b:o..' Two Loats aie toming .slowiy towaid the thoie. In one ho ie'-igiv'..s the form ot Mazle Dennie, and lacing her, idly to.vlng with the oais, sits Peny Holden, a cousin of Annh Benson, who Is cnjoing his aunt's hospitality. A giaduate of Andovei- a eai suite, and now about to become a member of the law Hint of Law son & (ii.i'.es, I'ury Holden, with his fair, handsome face, his dashing elegance of manner, and fascinating conveisatlon, had at once become a foimldable llval for the af fections of Metric Dennie: he neenis, as It wete, to have uuuuisd the citadel by stoim! It was this which had sent Paul Benedict spinning away oer soli tary count! y loads, seeking to diive out the beau's tiniest; tills which had closed the windows of his soul to the beauties with which limine Is letting down the curtanl of the night. But, listen! What is that ciy of tlb tress? What tragedy of ilte or death Is inti tiding upon this quiet scene.' In the boat which had appioaehed neater the hhoro ieie seated Mis. Ben son and It tie daughter Huili, with two young ladles who weie towing the frail craft, in attempting to change posi tions, the boat had been given a sud den lurch, which thiew little Ruth and Madge Carter Into the water. Both young men heard the uy and saw the accident, but be 'ere- Peicy Holden has given motion to his di If t- A Child's Cry Pierces the mother's heart like a sword. Often the mother who would do every thing for the little one she loves, is ut terly impotent to help and finds no help in physicians. That was the case Yflth MrSj Duncan, whose little one was UlUlUtl UllUll Willi scrofula, But fortunately she was led to use Dr, Tierce's Golden Medical Discov ery and so cured the child without resorting to a painful operation. The great blood- ' purifying proper ties of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discover' hnve ,been proved over and over again in cases of scrofula, eczema, eruptions nd other diseases which are caused by n impure condition of the blood. It entirely eradicates the poisons which feed dlseaie, and builds up the body with sound, healthy flesh. "My Hltle daughter became nfflictcil with cronila, which affected her ejes," writes Jin, AKJic wuncau, wi .Jinimicm. neuasuail lu , Attt.f .She could not tear the light for over a year. We tried to cure.lter ejes, but nothing ilut.uny good. We hail nur home phjsklan ami he adrised us lo take her to nu oculitt, as her eyclidt would hae to be 'craped.' They had lcowe ao tlilcl. lie thouyht ie would never Tc-over her iisht. A there was no one cite to whom we could apply my heart sank within DiK,' t went to jour 'Common seme Medical Adviser.' read your treatment on ocrolula. get. tiiiR the properties of medicines there adUted, With five bottles of ' r.oldeu Medical J)itcoery I have entirely cured my child 1 Honing this will be of tome use to ou find a blessing to other sulfurr, with heartfelt thanks, I remain." ' Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Tellets are eu excellent laxative for children. They nie easy to take and thorough itV-V'dlon". ' PPwE ar Abigail oneeNouoH, in The Tribune's Short Story Contest. hoat, Paul Benedict 'has leaned Into the water, and Is' frantically foielng hln way to the spot whence they have sunk from sight. In an Instant self Is obliterated, every nctve Is tense for the ulfort which lies before him. Ah he ncars the boat the cuily head of Ruth Is Just rising ftom the dark water. With one hand giaypltir? Ilrmly the bodice of her frock, n tew strokes or the free arm bilngs them to thti side of the boat, nnd restore her to the frantic mother. But now for the greater effort befoie him. Will he ho able to save the di owning girl, who lias a second time sunk out of right? Can he do It? But ho does not nsk. Watching where the water last closed oer her until the half unconscloud foun again approaches the sutface, he grasps her at the hack, attempting to support her thus until the boat, now diawlng neai, may give assistance. Hut with the fien.y common to tho di owning, she clutches him about tho ncc. and drags hlmdnwn. Those watch ing tiom the boats feel that both are diowncd, but the stiong" arm and dauntless coinage of Paul Benedict are not to bexleteated, nnd nt last they again ilse to the surface, this time so near the npptoachlng bunt that with the tardy assistance ot Percy Hoi; den she Is lifted, unconscious, and placed In Mazle Dennle's arms. A second time Peicy Holden leaned out to assist tho now exhausted res cuer, but not so; his hold upon the boat side relaxed and he sank back Into tho water. Kor another he hnd gladly nt copted his assistance; for himself ho could not. When after a few si conds of exhaustion he was seen to turn and slowly -swim towaid the shoie, there was tho light of newly awaked emotion In Mazle Dennle's countenance. .loy and pride in his br.ivciy seemed still half mingled with fear fear that she might yet lose something which had suddenly be come precious in her sight. Among the pleasures planned for the guests of Gray Swan had been that of a tiip to the Kali field mines, with Paul Benedict, to whom cveiy cham ber of thof-e gieat undergiound caverns was familiar, to act as guide. On Kiiday mottling, all haing rccov eied f i om the effects of the Incident Just i elated, rjiay Swan Cottage was a scene of activity at an eaily hour. A picnic dinner In a gtoe ovei looking the valley was n featuio of the day. All hands weie husj In packing the baskets of goodies and putting In tead-lnc-s other ncccssoi les for tho day's plcasuie. By ten o'clock the paity weie at the station, whence a shoit lide by trolley would biing them to their destination. The mm nlng was fair, nnd as the swift lljlng tiolley sped onward, ocr hills, with glimpses of blue mountain chains bejond, and down the alles, decked with Ileitis of waving coin, Joy and gladness .seemed evident eveiy wheie. The bieezc that swept thiough tho open tout 1st car, causing hats to loso their balance, and tossing into dlsti acting confusion tho ringlets sur lounding the fair young faces, seemed but In keeping with the icckless gaiety which had taken possession of all nilndti sne one. To Paul Benedict tho life beneath tho giound suggests too much of haidship and suffeiing for him to contemplate it een trom a dis tance, In the spit It of mltth evident among his companions. It Is with evi dent ellott that he meets the talllery and jesting woids of those about him, for his own thoughts awakened dur ing the piecedlng dajs, helps to out weigh the buoyancy of spirit which na na e would fcugge.st. Noontide finds the party dining be neath tho shade of oaks and pine ttees, which clothe the hills on the western outskiits of the town. The view which lay betoie them was indicative of a diffeient life than that tiom which a two hours' i Hie had tianspotted them. That, a fairyland of beauty nnd plcasuie; this, a land of stein reali ties acthities and toil. Long black mounds of culm lay stietohed act on, tho valley, with heie and theio a tall black bieaker rising like dink skeleton llgures fiom the sui rounding blackness. On the not th orn and southern hoilzons distant wteaths of smoke nie Issuing from other skeleton llguies, nnd other black mounds, these constituting the only visible eldence of this monaich of Industilos, which, hidden In the deep bosom of the eaith, has honeycombed for many miles the Lackawanna val ley. An King at the mines, the paity aio taken down In the little lion cage to n depth of soveinl hundred feet. Al though they Unci tho atmospheto some what lepulsivo to nosttlls accustomed to the sweet-scented air of vetdant hills, and the gruesome darkness send ing "cieeps" along their spinal vette brae, yet the splilt of tho weukest does not taller. They aio bent upon teseatch and adventuie, nnd to what young being, filled with the abundant vitality of healthful life, is thoie not fascination in eaith's mysteiles and snuggles, oven though death and de sttuctlon aro mingled In Its conillctH? Kor a few moments they watch tho foiiom-looklng mules patiently plod ding back and fntth with their bur den ot black rocks, only woiklng out their llvrw In daikness, anil yet filling an impottant putt In this bulled world of activity. Down where the great steam pumps aio forcing out the water they ato told of an nniloi ground flood. How a tlft n tho earth above had once let a toirent come pouting Into the mines, filling tho wtuklng until men, mules and niachlnety weto all alloat, und gtavo disaster was only prevented by cutting a now channel for tho mountain brook, which had by ciiunco found so deep a bed. As they penetiatu a long low cham ber, fiom which the iuIucih nie busily bieaklug out the black diamonds and doll voi lug them, to tho waiting tais, they engage in convocation one whoso bent form and scaried fmo Indicate long experience In this hidden lealm of chance nnd labor, Whon asked what caused the scais which seamed his cheek and btnw, he turned und point ed to a deseited chambei. "Some locks fell on mo down In thete." he said, "and these ute Ihu minks they gae me." When prcatod for further details, he told how a heavy blast In an adjoining Lhamher had caused the unsuppoitcd roof of the low w oi king to iiiie In. How the pas. t,i',-e wis tilled with iucl lor stiuh it distant e that for ttnee days they weiu ImptUouei) behind the wall with two dead lonmules In their misl, and ili.U his own sun had died when help 99 T wns so near that they could hear tho voices of the workmen who were tear ing down tho blockading rooks. It was only nn Incident of mine life, told without emotion or mention of the ngony of hunger, thirst and pain enduted, nor tho keener suffering of the long suspense. Uncli group ot mlnciH could disclose some tale of adventure, sometimes wolrd or gro tesque, hut often suggestive of widow ed wives and sorrowing sweethearts, and tho stolid heroism of a commun ity of men who know no fear and slit Ink not "front danger. The vlsltois came at last to the mouth of a low dark channel which Paul Benedict tells thorn opens at a distance of two bundled feet Into what hnd been tho l Idlest vein of oie In all the wot kings In the company's pos session. Peering Into the Inky darkness of tho nartow channel, a dim light which mudc Its way down thiough ventilat ing shafts and a distant slope Into tho spacious gullet y beyond, enticed a portion of the patty to pi ess forwaid Into the low passage hofoio their guide could say them nay At a won! of warning tho more prudent ones with drew, but not so Peicy Holden nnd Mazle Dennie. Calling to their com panions to await their return, they press forward with heads bent low to escape the toof. Kor half an hour those left behind counted off the min utes Impatiently, thinking that when left alone they would soon lettiin; but to Paul Benedict, who knew too well the dnngeis of the trcaciieious foul damp, the minutes ' seemed like hours. He rcgietted that ho had not rushed forwaid and foicibly dniwn back the girl who had so thoughtlessly embraced the greatest danger. Becoming convinced that they had fallen victims to this deadly clement, ho directed tho lemalndor of the patty to nticond to the suifaco and make their way to the opening of the slopo leading from tho laigor channel. If he did not meet them theie, they should apply for a rescuing paity, who would enter the mine fiom this outer pas sageway. Ho then ptessed forward into the low channel, sea ice dating to Inhale the stagnant air, lest he, too, should be stiicken down befoie he had lesctied her he t-ought. When about two-thlids the distance had been' pass ed he came upon them, both uncon scious, and ho feaied dead. In an in stant he wns canying foiw.trd the trail girlish foim; and in a moment moie had t cached the bto.ulcned mouth of the channel, but none too soon; for his own breath came in slioit, con vulsive gasps, and Ills bialn .seemed reeling. When he had i cached nosh air beneath a eutilatlng shaft and found by hasty examination that life had not gone out fiom Mazle Dennle's bieast, then a momentous question presented It&olf. Should he leave her here upon the damp eaith, and at the peril of his own life ictuin to the les cuo of the man w ho had pushed him aside and supplanted ,him in the thoughts of her -whom he loved? Or should he cairy her torwnid to the waiting lrlcnds and dispatch a icscu iug party for the other? Koinier ex perience told him by that time the foul damp would have completed its deadly wotk. Tho pale, still lonn be foie him appealed to him for caio, and een now Peicy Holden might be beyond recall; but in his inmost soul he felt the impulse of a duty to be pertoim, and though featan was whis pering in hks ear, the Chi 1st piinci plo within him tiiumphed. With gi eater bravery than is icqulr ed to face a cannon's mouth, he ic tiaced his steps, and In a few mo ments brought to tho foot of tho shaft his now unfortunate ilval. Klfteen minutes later Mazie Dennie, stll unconscious, was placed in th aims of her waiting friends, but when a half hour later Peicy Holden, icvived by the fresh air ftom the shaft, was assisted up the slope, she was sitting up with pulses again active, and a catriage was waiting to convey them to tho station, whence they would ic turn to Lake Lanoie. When Paul Benedict had seen the light of con sciousness in Mazle Donnio's eyes, and know that his piesence was no longer noccessary, he had withdiawn to or der a carriage, and with the cnnlngp came a note to his hostess saying that it would bo impossible for him to le turii with tho party to liiay Swan Cottage. It was a quiet parly which i etui nod that evening, nor did the following day find tho occupants ot Giay Swan in their usual mood. To Mazle Dennie life eomed sud denly to have lost Its cliaim. Why had Paul Benedict loft her thus abiuptly, whon she would havo poured out to him tho love and gialltude or her very soul? She had thoughtlessly trifled with his affections for the pleas ure of the hour, but not until tho passion of love had taken conscious possession of her own heait did she realize the pain her tilfllng may havo cost. Not many days elapse befoie a lottor finds Its way to Paul Benedict's desk, which occasions his lettiin to dtay Swnn. Again he stands at twilight looking out over tho beaiititul expanse of wa ter nnd watching the Incoming bouts. But how diffeient to him now nppo.ufl the scene than when thus viowed a week before. Tho low sweet music on tho summer uir, tho tints tellected ftom the toso ate sky, ate but a lefleetlon of tho waimth and gladness tilling his own being. And to Malo Ronnie, w hosn boat Is slowly diawlng near, the woild once mote seems fair, and the stalwait llg tiro -waiting on tho shoie, tho noblest specimen of nntuio's handlwoik, THE HOBO TltEIGHT CAR. How to Get a Maine Centinl Car Homo from Wnco, Texas. Carl lioiry in Mii:kc'. The car accountant is a tUal in stant e of development in tho lailm.td business. In the tally das ho did not exist, Tho supeiiutendeut was supposed to know In a general way what was being done with the company's tuis. The- ciihtom was for tailioads lu can tlliiiugh fielfiht as fur as the end of their own linen In their own cms. Then It was nansfetted to the cits of the foreign lino und vn assisted on the next stage to its destination So ;uuoh time however, wns lott lu making the ti tun teis that the ne-'d.i nt thlppei.i foict'd viuin the tatltoid.' a depaituie which has now become their nmcial custom. Railroads permit all loaded cars to go through to their destination without transfer, and allow one another a certain sum for the use of the "nrs. This rcfliiltB In scattering th cars of tho different roads over every ecCilon of track In the country. It produces tho extraordinary processions of tnany colorod travolotH from distant lands that delights the eye of youngstof? at a railroad crossing. In theory, the cnts nre permitted to run thtotigh over 'fotclgn roads to their destination, on the condition Hint on their arrival they shall he unlo.tdcl piomptly and started on the Journey home. In prnctlce, the ft eight agent Is apt to use the cars that aro most handy, rcgnidloss of their ownership. An agent In Minneapolis would hardly think twice before tilling up a Maine Central freight car with a consign ment for Manitoba. The ngont nt Manitoba would not surfer a pang ot conscience If ho found himself stulllng the same Maine rar with a rnigo of supplies, for Waco, Texas. Thus are begun tho wanderings of a car t'i which, If It wcro not for th( car ac countant and his memoranda, there would sometimes lie no end. It Is by no moans easy to bring tho wnndereis home. When the Maine Ccntinl'B car accountant learns trom his icpoits that nU car Is being unduly knocked about on foiclgn loads his first news Is that it has spent weeks in the yards at Minneapolis. A truccr is at once forwarded to the transput ta tlon ucjnrtnient of the t.tllioad which Is believed to bo Holding tho car. By this time the car is on Its way to Manitoba. A tracer follows It thete, but with tho similar result that tho car has been dispatched for the South west. A letter to tho company opc'tut Ing tho lino out of Wnco nrlngs tin answer to the effect that the car s thete, but Is being held to awnit the disposition of tho consignee, or that It Is cilpplcd nnd has bc-n ittn Into tho shops for icpalis, or that It has been loaded again, In w hlch case tho com pany piomlses politely to unload it and send it home Immediately. Then the car Is piomptly (-witched off on to a branch lino for some local conslgnco and Is not heaid of again except by tho needy agent who captured It until It turns up In a tall-end collision In tho state of West Vhglnln. Luckily It is not a bit lnjuied, und Is able to con tinue its wanderings, puisued by moie and moie vlgoiously worded corres pondence, until somebody sends It home. WOMEN IN KOREA. Lower Class Must Work, Upper Class Must Be Entombed. Amu .Vorthcnd Ilciijiinin in Aimlcc's. Wo may say without hesitation that tho lot of the Koican woman is the most pitiable, just as tho position of her people is the most deplorable, In the K.ir Kast. Uvory dcgi ailing idea emanating from China is here can led to an otieme. Tho wife is not more than a chattel, seldom scon before the m.iniage, which is ai ranged by a "go between" (as in China and Japan), and after niarilago to talk to her even Is a dogiadation for the husband. In the lower classes she must wotk, work, wotk. In tho tipper classes she must be entombed. A few instances will give point to these facts. In tho city of Kusan, In tho southern Korea, there lived a Korean wife of tho upper, though not the noble, class. She had boon i cach ed In her homo, which was her prison, by some young women missionaries. One night, with tho consent of hor husband, they planned to take her to visit the Japanese settlement neai by. It lay only half a mile away, but the woman had never seen it. This event took tho place in her life that a trip abioad does with us. She said that for many eais she had scon nothing moie than the roof of her husband's house. Now she had something to think of until sho died. A Koiean gill has no name. She Is known as So-and-So's mother, when .she becomes married and has a son. Her husband calls her by her son's name. A husband In Koi ea is entitled to a divorce on the ground of his wife's incompatibility with her mother-in-law. The professions of sorceiess, Buddist nun and dancing girl seem tho only avenues by which the Koiean woman may escape her bondage. Though In some cases tho adoption of Christianity has led to a better state of alfniis, yet tho attempt at innova tion seems almost hopeless. A young Koiean couple in Kusan had become Chilstlans, and tho husband, being the right hand of one of tho missionaries, went with him on long nips into tho country. Ho had fallen In love with his little wlfo a very unusual thing anil, in his treatment or her, wished to emulate the example of his foiclgn fi lend. When ho and the missionary found that they were to be In a cer tain village for a few days, they sent for their wives. "Where do you wish to go?" Inquir ed tho father-in-law of the Korean girl. "To see our husband," was tho re sponse. Thereupon, he forbade his daughter-in-law to take the nip, saying that his son would bo the laughing stock of the city, and ho could not ullow her to cieato such a scandal. On another occasion when this same Koiean husband was away, he wioto a letter to his wire; but tho father-in-law was ashamed to glvo It to her, declaring that It was n violation of all Korean custom. Tho women lu this country nro often unhappy nnd Intelligent enough to renlUe tho misery of their position. In a way, they aio moie spirited than tho women of tho neighboring coun tries, for they havo fits of uucouti oiled cnger, during which they tear their hair, cut themselves and generally make things fly. At such a time tho husband may use much hasto and tact In getting out of tho way or he may retaliate by some eitectlvo blows, or later by a dlvoice. It Is an Interesting fact that, while as a nation tho Kor eans ate least assertive, Individually they aio mot a apt to glvo way to violent nuthuists of temper than either the qhlnoso or Japanese. When a Koiean woman Is deeply incensed sho reduces eveiythlng to a simple equation, fotgettlng lu her fuiy tho teathlngs of Confucius, and her con tuties of subjection. Wo have it In us to wish that all Koiean womankind would rise up In simultaneous ttenzy nnd tiamplc the tdd older ol thliigh to death under toot. I cm Imagine the whole army of Korean men set ambling hastily to cover! Insomnia is caused by a deiangement of the nerves. Llchty's Celoiy Notve Com pound is un I'xtiac't of celeiy combined witli other etllcatlous medical ingtedl entsi lesultlng In u neivo medicine of i .ii t- villus, a lid wondeiful lu its prompt and soothing dilative effects. It will make you sleep, t-old by Matthews Btos " The Man Who Dreamed. IT WAS A bright spring nftcrnoon, nnd Wnrgrave wan sitting before his easel on tho lonely shore at I'etiolth, putting the Mulshing touches to a small plctuie. He was a ninn of about 3r, his hair Just tinged with giay, yet not old In ap pearance. lie laid down his hiush, anil pulling out his pipe, proceeded to Hll It lols uicly. Piesonlly he wnp roused from his re flections by the sound of a light foot step, nnd looking nround, ?nw .1 young girl nppionchlng him. "Not lea time yet, Joan?" he cried. Sho smilingly shook her head. Sho was a pretty ghl ot 21, with shady gt,ay eyes, nnd a complexion as tiear as tho Cornish air Itself. Sitting down on the ledge of tcck beside him, sho gravely criticised tho canvas. "What pay you, O child ot the sea and winds?" he asked with a glance at the btlght young face. She turned to him enthusiastically, a flush on her cheeks. "I think It's splendid!" she cried. "The best you've dono since yott'va been with us." "Only fair to medium, T fancy. I've never got bevond thnt, you know," ho milled thoughtfully. The girl glanced at htm, nnd saw Ihat he wns gazing seaward In vacant fashion. Instinctively sho knew tho bend of his thoughts. "A failure couldn't have dono this'" she said gently, her eyes on tho pic ture. Ho gave a slight start nnd laughed softly. "Thank you, little girl," he crlod. "But even your kindly comment doesn't alter the one great undeniable fart!" "What war. tho life you mnpped out?" she r.sked quietly. A momentary gleam kindled In his eyes. "My dreams? Oh, the usual ones of the joung man who does not know tl.nt the thing that has been given him Is not genius, but only a tiny spnrk of It. I was to be a big artist, paint wondeiful pictures that would bring me lasting fame and position. I was to lead a dazzling life, see tho world, mlv with Its masteis, explore Its tt ensures." His voico came to a stop. The girl watched him with beating heart; be was staling Into space, a far-away look In his eyes. "I had another a little later!" he went on in a low tone, "r wns still to do all these things, but not for my own siko alone to win a woman." He paused and noticed his pipe had gone out. Mechanically his lingers felt for another match. "Yes, I loved that woman, Joan!" ho continued. "I assined her confidently that I would woik like a slave to achieve success, that In a short time I would accomplish this and be able to mai ry her." He g.uo a little low laugh. "Koitunatclv for herself, she know better, nnd foresaw my futuie with admliable clearncssi. Slip settled tho joint bv marrying an extiomely weal thy man." The girl raised her head. Sho was a trifle white, but ho did not notice It. "And you never di earned again?" she asked slow Iy. "No, as tho years clilfted on, a calm philosophy fell on mo. until now ou see me as I am, my very small private income and tho proeeds of soiling my pictures to tho dealers just en abling mo to lead a life In a quiet, out-of-the-way place like Penelth." His eyes icsted for a moment on tho clear loofs of the tiny town, then he turned lound quickly to her with a smile. "You see I am reconciled now," ho said. "Tho months I havo spent here, living in tho house with ou and your aunt", have been the best thing in my life. We've had a jolly time together, haven't wo?" Joan mse to her feet. Sho was smil ing npw, and tho color in hor cheeks had deepened slightly. "Yes, we've got on well!" she said. "I must tun on now to see about tea mind you aio not more than a quaiter of an hour," sho added In a laughing tone of command ns sho hurried away. She walked swiftly alone tho road to the town, her h"nd bent In thought. The daughter' of a Cornish eloigyman, Joan Hesketh had nn his death found herself pinctlcally penniless. She had gone to living at Penelth with her aunt, who, owing to a stroke of ill-fortune, was obliged to let a por tion of her little house. Thus It was that AVaigiave. the artist, had come to live with them some IS months ago. What his piesence now meant to the glil, sho hoiself only know. She hmshed a tear from her eye as sho ontcied the house. "Ho only dtenms of the past," site inurniuied, a half sob in her voice. "Ho will never know." A few minutes later Wargr.ivo was plodding leisurely along the road, his easel under his mm. Looking ahead, he noticed un open enrtinge sweep iou,nd tho ciuve, and us It came nearer he .saw theio was only one occupant, a lady, ditching sight of hor face, he gave a start of suipl.s.3 and came to n abiupt halt. She had seen him, too, and had give nn rrder to the coachman, The next moment the (nrilngo had diawn up In front of him, and. with white face, ho v as stnring at tho woman who so smilingly held out a hand to him Sho was about 30, i-omnikubly handsome, and diod In thu latest fashion, "Not due to Kate," she slid laugh ing at his sin prise, "I saw ono ot your plctiiios In a London shop, in quiied tho address, and fame- down specially to this remote spot to find jnu" She opened tho can Inge door. "I have to lotuin to London tonight. I want you, for the sake of old times, to come to tho hotel and havo ten Willi me. Will you'"' Ho got In beside her and the cinlago tinned. In u few minutes they woto sitting alone in tho long dining loom of the bote). He had not tasted the tea sho had handed to him, but was It'okiug at her Intently, his eyes tak ing In .HI the details of hor nppo ir.ince. She had tPinoved her hat and coat, and sat before him, a smiling vision of magnificence. "And what has happened to jnu?" she miked quickly. He geve a llttlo shiug of his shoal, dots. "Nothing; I am where I was a do-urn jeai.s ngo. evtcpt that new-I know." He pau-ied. then looked neios at her. "And you?" fc-iio l.f-nt a Utile (not the tnhl" to waids Km. "I tame down lo tdl vou'" shs said in a low olte. "Vniu'tl.ut Inn Iv en ditfl two yens I Mil f" J7iln, :-nt a wealthy woman" the was looking mtaigrht Into hU Special Diseases of Men IS MY SPECIALTY. Faculties IHiP If you irf MifTcrlnc from any dlrav or comlltlon iwnllsr to mn, or If you hire tim dlsappolntfil In not grttlnR a rftmnnent cur, I want jou to rome and have t social chat lth me. t will Mphln to yon MY HYRTKM OF TItKATMENT, which I have orl(tlnafd and dpteloptd after my whole life's experience In treating special dlseatea of men. I hava no held, pprrlflnt, dpP f.impli-, trlil treatment or electro medical comblnatlona or similar devices which do not ami rmnot euro dleoe peculiar to men. My education, my experi ence, my conelence, my reputation conilmms all auch qnackerv. If you llt pay me a vllt I will Rte you Fttt.n 01-' CIIAnni. R ilinrounh persoml elimination and an honeat opinion of jour cae. If you are Incurable I will tell you so, and advise you ao that you villi not he Ininilnimteil ! unscrupulous petitioners who claim to cure nil. II after exsm i "I? you, I find you citrahl', I will Injure you ot a perminent cine. Inismuch as I will Rhe yon a written Riiirmtee to nfund vou etery tent jou have pnld me in cno I fall to effect a cure. I matte no chirce for medlttnes, as they nre alwiya Included In the nominal fee, asked, and jou know to the icnt, lied ro jou start what your whole treatment It going to cost, and I "will make no (vise promises as to the time foi the sake of getting you U patient, as I promise only what 1 can do, nnd do as 1 promise. t'NXATURAI. sri!A0KS stopped In S to 10 days. HMISstONS nnd Drains stopped in S lo V, days I'l.CKRS. I care not of how Ions standing, ! will dry them up at once. ETniCTtinK cured without cutting or dilating. IIYPnOCKI.E or any swellings or cnhrBcmcnts reduced at once. IMPOTENCY by my system of trestmnt la curable Irrespective of the time atandtna; ot your age. nbAnnEB AND KIDXF.Y derangements by my sjstcm of treatment ahow signs ol im provement from the very beginning. RIIF.UJIATISM, being caused by impure condition of blood, Is cured permanently by me. SrF.flFIO BbOOD P01S0N1N0, pcrminrntly cured without the use ot Iodldo of Potash or Mercury. WRITK If vou cannot call. All correspondence strictly confidential and all replica sent In plain envelopes Inclose Scent stamp to insure reply. OFFICE IIOLItS, 0 a. m. to 0 p. m. and 8 to 8 p. m.: Sundaj-a, 10 a. m. to 4 p. n, DR. MACKENZIE'S DI i Permanently Located at Rooms 208-209-210 Pauli Buitdln;, 426-428 Spruce St., SCRANTON, PA. TAKE ELEVATOR. eyes, and he gave a slight start. TJt tei lin; :t soft exclamation, she rose fiom her seat and stood by his side. "Yes, in those old days, Austin, you loved me!" she ciied qulekly. "You thought me heartless, but that wasn't ctultc the riKht word. I loved you, but knew- my tompeuiment. I wasn't born to bo the wife of a stuiRcrlins man, poverty would have made me miseiable, wo .should both have been exttemoly unhappy. I did what you know married a ileh man. Now I am lice, I come to you again ; It Isn't too late, Austin; we aio almost young .still." He passed a hand over his fore head. "You would bo willing to mairy mo have me live on your money?" She laid a hand gently on his shoul der. "Money Is 'nbsolutply of no conse quence to me: that part of tho ar langomont would never cioss my mind. We may not love ns we did, yet think what it would mean, Austin! I should havo the husband I would hnve chosen jou some of your dicams realized. i:-erythiner thnt lies at a rich man's hands will be yours you can leave this itariow life for over!" lie did not speak. The suddenness of the thing had set his brain In a whiil. "ff not for love, an artistic comrade ship!" sho paid softly. "In the days when we were together you gave up your last penny to sntisfj my whims; now 1H me show you tho beauties ot the world let ns enjoy them together. It Is not good to seo j-ou here with all your ambition hilled!" So she talked, and ho listened with tho blood thiobhlng thiough his veins. Presently sho had tn go, and ho ac companied her to tho nation. Then, when the train hnd finally vanished from sight, lie tinned and walked down to the seashoio. If ho consent ed, he wns to go up to London tn-moiiow-, they woto to be man led and Immediately to start for a long tour through Italy. Ho strode up and down the lonely snnds, lighting tho thing nut. It was all so curious, so unuttoinhly pttungo, He knew that (he love that he hnd (men for her was dead, stamped out the inni i IiU-'o with Vansltntt hud done that. Ho might Ilk" hor, hut ho could novor love her again, Tint she did not titd- that sho was piopaied to bo satisfied with nn "aitlstli com tadeshlp" i he had said --n hei-selt', o made up Ills mind Willi a jeik. and walked swiftly back to the llttlo house. Ho found Joan alone, and a. sudden hesitation seemed to creep over him. "Joan," he said nwUwardly, "I am going to London tomortnw must leave you," Hho bent over hor brol;, "Kor good'.'" sho .-aid In a quint tone. Uo gave a little nervous laugh, "Yes, fop good, I'm afraid.'" The glil inso from hoi seat nnd moved tn tho door. Mio know what had happened guessed Instinctively who tho woman at the hotel was. "You will like to got into the big woild again." Mio said with n bravo sniilo "I must tell mint " Tne net mmnliiT hn took his do. pnrtuii'. Joan hnd somehow mistaken tin time, and wn-i nowhoio to be found when he left the house. With a cuil rus feeling nt depie.-slon lio iiuido hi- way to tho station and took Ills seat ill nn nnpty third-class cninpai tnient Almost -i1- tho n.iln was on tho point of nt. tiling he saw it slight llgure up Ih.ir nn tho platfotm. II was Joan, and hli' came bieathlcssly up to tlm i ..1 1 la qo. "liood-bye." she talteicd, bnldlnq: out hep hand to him. Ho w u'lied mil. ami g asplng It, In ikd dovtn on the rpniined face. Tho whlotlo Miunded, and she wlth diew ln'i- hand gently "1 hopo vnii will be hapi v," sir? hi k thed nt'iuulously. Ilo m tin Sty fy HU vvlth tears, and siidilenlj, a If a i ut tain bad boon swept away Imn 'Mr brill', bo Know. T,,r n iln inovd lowly limn iho i platiium. Hid If stood ,.t the wliidinv. frazlns mutely at her. As the station I Center Them on My Specialty HI OFFICES : II Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 43B to 455 . SCRANTON. PA IT. Ninth Street, Telephone Call, 2333. CpS Prof.G.F.THEEL527KlM ! rJ rhllailtlphli, 1'a. Onlj (Itrmui Bptrlilkl lf x fejl Amerlf. OuaranlfM teorlby wall Prhttf IX JjXCL niff4,(frehffUf4to10dyv)IifMi,ibiiM,i lffi)"l Polton, Vrvoni Debility, tail Munhood llUHft a r If or f If A Strlrtiirft fao futtUt), Cndeflopf ImvBU,bbrankMi I nt on. Hmd for Sworn TMtlraonUli Boki Trspol5Kirry mrdlial1 mil rlwtrlMl fraud. Mention pipr.J j a) . . I MM BrThpm, ftnv flnflMulpM lira (nconvenlcnre. nftec"?lmn I in srMcb 1'opitllia. C.',ul',7 uebs anil lulccnona tun. Ever Woman i i n.i!ri n,..l .Vnnlil bnnn Ji-- - - ." .'.aV about Hie wonderful J. 1 1 ,n. . MARVEL Whirlinq Spray Tliencw vsln.lHjrlnsr. 7nic. -Cj . MOlil'ii' .vflion. iirsi -i.i. t unvriiirm. iir. iDitlnllf, I'atciitcU.J 1.4 Kfel f" llll-i ll'IH IMIPI'I lMlllM.. .-infl utliir. tttu enil st i utir tte I iHHik rt-tl i trt l ul run . iln.ilili.m I .illf Itoom fifll. Times Pile, finally vanished from sight he sanH down on tho seat, dazed with his dis co c t y. It was near 0 tho same evening, nnd In the slttlnp mom of the little house .loan was slttlns alone, very white, very, mlsrinhlo, Presently tho clock! struck tho hour, nnd as the last chime died nwuy the door opened and a man eiiteiod tho iiiom quietly. He looked tiled und pale, but a quick light earns Into his oyos ns ho saw the girl. He caiuo sli.iUht to her, "Theio was no Joan lu tho bis woild!" ho said simply. "I only real ised It this morning." S-dio looked at him situ lied, then as their oyrs mot In sw If t understanding, a swift Joy inn tliiough hor "Your dionms''" she whlspoied. "Knr tho moment I was made enough to think I eould lenllze them at the openso of my selt-ieFpcct'" he crlect bltuib. "J'hank Hod, I nvvoko In time'" "Hut tho wondeiful life you have al vnyt. longrd for?" ho murmured. "n empty shell without tho one wondeiful thins' Don't Ffnd me away, .loan." he whlipoied, pleadingly. "Let mo Miiccfttl fm Just once!'" Htio smiled back at him through hor mist of le.us. The man had not come back In vain. Clilbert Jiayle, In M. A. 1'. 11 baa ben lepoited thnt $15,000 of the .tute appinpilatlcin to riayie hos pital will be med for tho maintenance ofr two jeaife, und the lenrilnlng $10, tioa will be expended tor netfosary Itr. piovements on the Institution. is m tho i'"r' i''iS no " JC--"V-- lifnrll f 'Vv i.lt Kites 'Jf dirt, nnns In. IX - 'n ii nit i.i. -.. w ,y New York. -""