; i i tribune. . THI: ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TWELVE PAGES SCRANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, JUNK 29, 190.1. TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. FOUND DEAD IN BOX CAR ft Sailor Believed to Be Tlmothu AlGGarttiu Is Murdered In Blnnhamton. MYSTERY OF THE CRIME Examination of the Body Proves That He Had Been Killed by Two Shots from a 32-Calibre Revolver. A Pawn Ticket Pound In His Pocket May Reveal the Man's Identity. Kpcchl to the Scranton Tribune. Mnghanitnn, X. Y., Juno US. A luko sailor, believed to bo Tlmoth)1 McCar thy, wits murdered lust hIkIU In this e'ty and his body was found In a Lack awanna freight oar this moiiiliiyr. A veil of mystery hangs about the mur der, but there are clews which may lend tn the discovery of the perpetra tors of the crime, though at present II spoiiis doubtful. About U o'clock this morning a switching crew employed In the yards if the Lackawanna went to the cast end Hwltch to pick up a freight car which was near the factory of Cran diil. Stone & Co. Karly this morning it had been taken from the Syracuse tracks In the vicinity of the Stlckley Rrandt chair factory and kicked up to the main lino switch. When the yard crew wont after the car one of the men looked Inside and there he saw in a heap In Hip corner the body of a in. in. Kxamlnatlon showed that ho had been killed by two shots from a 32 lallher revolver Hied into his left side near the heart. The bullets either passed through the heart or severed the main artery. The car was brought down to Lib erty street and Coroner Smith and Chief Moore were called. They exam ined the body and car and found a black slouch hat and a small blue cap, which was of a boy's size. The re mains were removed to Strait's under taking rooms, and there a more thor ough examination was made. The man was attired in a pair of sailor's tiotiscrs, brown coat and vest. The body was piofiisely tattooed and upon th" breast was the French motto, "iJleu et limit droit." Disability Certificate. In his pocket was found a seaman's disability certificate signed by William tirlflln, master of the port of Kuffalo. The certilicate was made out in the name of Timothy McCarthy, and It uus stated that he was 2S years old, had ilaik hair, blue eyes, was 3 feet, G inches in height, and was tattooed on the wrists. The certificate was dated May .0 last and showed that the bear er had been employed as a wheelman on the Monteagle of Oswego. It was also stated that Timothy McCarthy had been in the I'nlted States service twenty years. The description on this paper corresponds somewhat with the description of the murdered man, though it might have been more ex plicit. Hesides the certilicate. there were found tea cents in money, an outfit for tatooing, razor, a copy of the Leader of last Wednesday, a copy of yesterdays' SeranJon Tribune, a bit of looking-glass, a mutch safe, tobacco and a handkerchief, as well as a pawn ticket that may assist In establishing the man':! Identity. The pawn ticket was given by Frank X. Forsler, Hi Kast Sonaca street, ISull'iilo, last Tues day, and showed thai the bearer had received ?: for a suit of light clothes. The pawn ticket was number ,'i'.. Coroner Smith saw the body at it ii'cIih k and thought that the man could not have been dead more than eight hours. The murdered man was seen about the yards yesterday, lie Inquired of some of the railroad men if they had seen his partner, also a sailor. From what lie told the rail mail men. It was evident that the two had been travel ing together, anil he let his partner h,ie a dollar to go and get something to eat. A Probable Quarrel. It is considered a probable theory that the partner did show up at tho box car In which tho two were stay ing late in the evening, ami then a quarrel ensued, In which McCarthy, if that Is his name, was shot. As the car was on the Syracuse tracks until this morning, it Is probable that the .shooting occurred in that vicinity, Last night when tho searchers were near the factory of Crandal, Stone it Co., looking for the body of James Morlailty, a sailor entno along and remained there for some time, lie told those present, iibuut being en gaged on the lakes, and gave pointers as to hifw to search for tho body. Detective Stephenson saw him there, This morning about ".so o'clck l'o llcenian ilanloy was coming from his home with his wife, and at the cor ner of Chenango and Munsell streets H. man accosted them, asking tho offi cer the time of duy and the name of the street. Ills description tallies al most exactly with that of tho sailor on the river bank last night. Pollen man Hanley was attracted to the man by his peculiar actions. He hud In his hand a copy of the morning paper, which he had probably stolen from home porch, and It'ls a theory that this was McCarthy's partner; that he had shot him while the car was on the tracks in that vicinity, and had como out on Chenango street to avoid being seen. Policeman Hanley was in his citizen's clothes and accordingly did not strike the man as being an ottlcer. lie had picked up tho morn ing paper, probably, to learn if the murder had been discovered. This man was short In build, wore a soft uit and a small badge upon his vest, mil his face was covered with a neck's growth of beard. STORMS AT ST. PAUL. Genuine Tornado Does Much Dam age to Proporty No Lives Lost. By llvrliulva Wire from The Associated Press. St. Paul, June 1!8. Heavy slornw, with more or less damage, are reported all over this section this afternoon, and the loss will run well up Into the thou sands, while a number of people have been Injured and many live stock killed, The worst storm was that which passed through a large district south of New Richmond. It was a genuine tornado, and did much damage to property, but no Uvea were lost. On a smaller scale It resembled the tornado which swept over and destroyed the greater portion of New Hlchmond two years ago. Over a dozen farmers have already reported the loss of a part or all their buildings, windmills, live stock, machinery, etc., and the loss there will be heavy. In some cases the buildings weie crushed down and in otheis swept away by the wind, while Hood damage was reported elsewhere. Kaln fall of nearly four inches is reported there. A tornado Is also reported to' have caused much loss about Star Prairie, some distance to the north of New Hlchmond. Hector, Minn., reports all crops destroyed, six miles north of there, by a destructive hailstorm. Hlrd Island and Montevideo, Minn., both sutfered considerably. In these two cities the storm was very threatening, but only minor damage was done. GERMAN AND FRENCH FLAGS INTERTWINED Oood Feeling Restored Between the Two Nations by an Automo bile Race. By Kxclnsiic Wire from The Associated Pre. Berlin, June 28. Tho automobile race from Paris to Berlin Is responsi ble for the fact that for .the first time since 1S70 French and Herman Hags are peaceably Hying together In Ber lin. The tri-color is seen on nearly every street, and on the hotels, and it has even been raised over public buildings. The French and the Ger man Hags are intertwined over Hie gate of tho barracks of the crack guard du corps, where some of the competing auto cars will be housed to morrow. The entire city of Berlin Is agog with excitement about the race. The contestants are due here tomorrow. Bets are freely made on the winner and M. Foamier is tho favorite. The police of Berlin are tonight making extensive preparations to safely han dle tho immense crowds who will wit ness the finish of the contest and to avoid collisions and accidents. There are thousands of visitors in Berlin from outside points and two trains have arrived from Paris, bringing those Interested in the event. A succession of minor accidents marred the middle stage of the race. A petroleum motor blow up while ap proaching Uusseldorf, and its occu pants were slightly injured. While (lie French consul, with a party, was going out to meet the racers, his car overturned. Count Do Perlgord, the fourth racer to arrive at Aix In, Chapello was so seriously ill from tho strain that he has been compelled to abandon tho contest. TWO BODIES IN A DRIFT PILE Identification Impossible Coal Op erations Resumed in Bluetields. By Exclusive Wiie from The Associated Prr". Illuelleld, W. Vn June US. Two boilles were found In a drift pile at Landgraft today. They were so far decomposed that identification was Impossible and the bodies were burned promptly. The railroad and liulstrlnl situation Is Improving rapidly. It Is expected that tho Norfolk and West ern railroad will be In shape for a train to get through tomorrow, al though about forty miles stilt remains to be connected, owing to loss of bridges. A number of coal operations re sumed woik tills morning and loaded over -00 cars, Ilalnstorms continue to visit tills section and while they do not cause very high water, they delay work, The telegraph lines have been got ten up as far as Vivian, It was more dllllcult to run this line than It was to construct It at first, as In many places the Hood washed the soil to the bedrock and poles could not bo set. NORTH POLE EXPEDITION. Baldwin-Zeigler Party Will Leave on July 12, llundee, Junp ti.v-The Ameiica, the llaghp of the lliMuin-KelKler North polo rxpeilitlon has left here from Tlunisoo, Voivvay. 'I'lif llalilvvln-Kclgler evpcdllhin Hill ptnbably lulu I'miu Josel land July 12, The lluee ves. nla of I lid expedition, the Amciiea, tin llel(;ln uiul the t'llthjof, will leiide.iinis licit! before that elate. Kvel.vn llahjwiu will Join the KrllliM ut Troui-no ami will ilun go m villous points on the White, sea and emhaik tJ iloss. Shot at a Steamboat, fly Exclusive Wire from Th As-sociited Press. Louisville, Ivy., June ii. As the Louisville and Kiansvlllo mail steamer, Tell Clly, was baikim; out from Schooner Point, Iml,, eliiilnir the nlKht, two well known shanty boat nun tired on it with a rifle anil shot gun. Slany of their shots passe,) timing h ill," pilot bouse ami upper vvoik of the lio.it, but no person was wounded. No cause for the (hooting h kiiowu. Americans Beat Pacemakers. By Exclusive Wire isom The Associated Press. Henley, Lnu'land, June M. The Pennsylvania unlvetslly i uw luil a icmeiktble fast tiial to. day. paced by the famous triple scullers, (iolUu, Sullivan end 'fount. Pulling foil -two stiokes to the minute tliiouglioiit, t lie Americans beat the paee-makci; by thrc"Uirters of a length, ttliii.li no other right was ever able to do. WAR AGAINST CATHOLICISM Will. It Is Believed, Result from the Prolect ot M. WaldeGk- Rousseau. LAW OF ASSOCIATION BILL Now Only Awaits the Signature of President Loubet The Abbe Gay raud Says the Law Is a Stigma of Shame Upon the Government. Count De Munn's Opinion. Ily inclusive Wire finin Tho Associated Piess. Varis, June 28. The premier, M. Waldock-IJoussean, has carried the most important project ot his minis try, the law of association bill, which now only awaits the signature of President Loubet to become law. The chamber ot deputies tonight, In a sin gle session, definitely adopted tho bill as amended by the senate, by nil! to 219 votes. Several attempts wore made by the opposition and socialists to again amend the bill; but the chamber, in every case, supported the ministry. The Abbe Gnyrnud, (Catholic no publican), said the law would remain a stigma of shame and opproblum upon the government. The Abbe Gayraud was called to order1. Count Albert De Mutt (Seine ct JIarne) declared the bill to be the be ginning of a war against Catholicism. M. Itibol, (Pas do Calais), slild he would not support the bill because It was inspired by a policy of hatred. M. Waldeck-Kosseau, replying, said the law would be applied vigorously, but not In a spirit of persecution. The vote on the bill was greeted by prolonged leftist applnusc and shouts of "Viva la Kepubliquo" and "Viva Waldeck-Rousseau." PARDONS ARE REFUSED The President Not Disposed to Re gard the Applications of Ellery P. Ingham and Harvey K. Newitt with Favor. Ily i:xclu--ic Wire from The Associated Press. Washington. June 2S. Tho applica tions for pardon of ex-District Attor ney Kllery P. Ingham and ex-Asslst-ant District Attorney ilarvey K. New itt, who were convicted and sentenced to two and a half' years imprisonment for their connection with the famous Jacobs' counterfeiting cases in Penn sylvania several years ago, have been denied by the president. When the papers in the case were sent to the president, they were ac companied, at his request, by an opin ion from the attorney general, lu the course of which he says: "It will bo seen that aside from the qualified reassertion of their plea of not guilty tho petitioners set up but one reason for pardon i. e., their dis barment from the practice of law which they claim is a greater punish ment than their Imprisonment, a pun ishment not provided by the act of congress, 'which the trial judge could not have considered when he imposed tho sentence.' "I have weighed these suggestions deliberately and with great care and with a mind disposed toward discov ering in them merit "The more I regard thoin the weak er and more Inconclusive they appear. "Certainly It Is true that the acts of congress do not provide for the dis barment of an attorney who commits a. crime; no more do they provide that a minister of the gospel shall bo stripped of his cloth or that a great moral or social leader under like cir cumstances shall bo dethroned anil cast out In disgrace. Congress lias no function In such matters, Society has Its own way of protecting Itself; Its own system of rewards and punish ments. "Tho petitioners' disbarment there fore, was no part of their sentence. It was the commendable act of the Pennsylvania courts to purge Its bar of those who had brought discredit and shame upon It, Your pardon could not restore them to practice. This Is a matter solely for the courts which took action, "Tho suggestion that the hlgh mludcd judge who Imposed the merci ful sentence In this case could not have considered the posslhllty of their disbarment needs no comment, "In my Judgment there Is no reason why tho petition should bo granted and I therofore recommend that it bo denied." Stenmship Arrivals. fly Exclusive Wire from The Associated Piess, New Voik, dune 23. Cleared: I.iicania, Liver pool; Amsterdam, Rotterdam via lloulague; IVnn. MlVJnla, Hambitrc:, llaie Arrheili l,'iUl. lane, .N'ew York, ll.imburi! Arrheili (li.il Nald enee, New Voilr, (Senna Arrived! Ti.ii New York l.i Naples. Moville Sailed! Anihoril (liom (iliHtow), New York, Southampton Hailed: Deutscldand (fiom liamburi;), New Ymlc ia (Jlwboiirc, Hiowhead I'assedi (icorgla, New York for Liverpool! Siilly l'jt-H-il: (iroNr Kiirfmst, InW York for Cheibourp and lliemeu, Ule of Wl(rht I'ji-ed: Potsdam, Itotteidam for New York, Glass Factories Closed, Ily Kvehiilve Wiri from The Associated I'reis. Piltsbuiir, June SA All the Hint kIj-.s fJftorlea of the country operated under the ejle of llio Ameiiean Dint lilJvs Workers' union wilt dose tomorrow night for periods ijiikIm fiom lour week to two months. I'ully IO.ikiO men and boss uill enjoy the ni-tninary tummer vacation. Will Encourage Naval Militia. Ily Kxelmlie Wire fiom The Atwelaleit Press. Wadiington, June 25. The nuy del mi I mint to. day eute out a statement to I lie eftett that It is ready to chc every encouragement tn the naval militia, 'ibis sua tailed out by ieirt that the department ha decided to abandon the iiillilia. INDICTMENTS AGAINST JOHN J. SOANNEI,!. Now York's Fire Commissioner Un der Heavy Ball. NVw York, Juno 2S. Two Indictments were returned by the grand Jury today against Klre Commissioner John J. .Heannell, charging hltn with neglect of duty. Another Indictment was re turned jointly charging Commissioner Kcannell and William L. Marks with conspiracy. It Is alleged that nearly all supplies for the lire department have been purchased through Marks. There aro three counts In tho In dictments. One Is a charge of evading the law, the other Is for defrauding the ity, and the third Is neglect of duty. The Indictment against Marks charges him with connivance with Commissioner Heannell to defraud the city by selling Inferior goods at tho highest pi Ices. It is also chnrged that the commissioner gave Marks exces sive commissions. Bait wns fixed at $2,r,00 each and was furnished. SEEKING REMEDY FOR SOCIAL EVILS Prof W. E. Bemis Believes That the Masses Should Be Organized. fiy rxctuslvc Wire lrom The Aisocialed Pies. Detroit, Midi., Juno 28. "Unification of Reform Forces and Organizations," In Its various phases, wns the subject discussed at tonight's meeting of the second national, social and political conference. Trot. Secly. of Ohio uni versity, the first speaker, advocated direct legislation, the adoption of which, ho said, would result In reform ing all the social and economic evils that exist at present. 11. Gaylord Win shite, of os Angeles, Cal., argued for the co-operative system as against the competitive wage system, and assorted that three years from now the co-op-enitive system will be recognized as the remedy for present economic, con ditions and will bo generally adopted. Prof. AW U. Bemls, of New York, discussed trades unions In reform movements. Jto said: "In older to progress socially and economically!, we must educate and or ganize, and I think that the unions are giving men lessons that will help greatly in organizing the masses." Discussing Prof. Penils' paper. Rev. Mills, of Chicago, said that labor must follow tho example of the great trusts and by becoming political masters of the country make themselves an inter national factor. , Miss Mario C. Tirehm, of Chicago, talked on "The Itetution of Temper ance Organizations to Kconomic P.e fnrni," and the subject was extensively discussed from tho floor. A. M. Webster, of Grand Rapids, made a plea for the leforenduni and urged the organization of a society to propogato this doctrine. DESPERATE NEGRO KILLS TWO MEN. Several Members of a Lynching Party Come to Grief. Ily nvclusiie Wire fiom The A-'ociated Piess. Panther, W. A'a June 1!S. Peter Price, a negro, cornered in a house by a determined baud of infuriated citi zens bent on meting summary justice to him, charged with Insulting a lady, In his desperate efforts to escape, cut and killed George Hooks and F. M. Mo Gran and seriously cut Chuiies Davis. Tho murder occurred at lager, a small town live miles south sf here. Price, on seeing his pursuers, toolc- refuge In a small room In the rear of a saloon. The mob battered down the door, and as they entered tho room Price threw himself at them with the ferocity of a tiger, with it knife in each hand. Hooks and MeGran fell to the Hour. Two re volvers in the ciowd were discharged at Price, Indicting but slight wounds. With one desperate swing of his knife lie laid open Davis' abdomen, and then leaped from the window. He was puisued and captured by olllcer.s iiio hurriedly sent him to the jail ut Welch to avoid the vengeance of the Infuri ated populace. Hooks and MeGran were both well-known citizens, and in dignation runs high. SUICIDE OF AN INVENTOB. Irving Smith's Hopes Destroyed by tho Wall Street Panic, Ily i:ilu-sivc Wire fiom Tho Aviclated Pro'. New Yoik, .lime 'JS, Irving ('. Kuiith, M jean old, an imentor of a number of steam mid elec. trio engines, committed buicidu today by shoot, ing liliii.iclf In I lie head. The Northern I'aclllc pinie in Wall sheet rained a firm vtldch was In have lliiauced one of Ids In. vi lit Ions, an electric motor, to abandon the pro. jut, and llil.s in. Hie him despondent. To Strengthen tho Knights of Labor. Ily Kuiiitlre Wiie from The Associated I'ies, New Yoili, .lime iS. The flit nf a seilcs of miet nicctlnss to formulate a plan of aitlon for tint purpoMi of htrcuHthenlnir tin) Knigliti o( Labor was held in this city tonight. It wa.s at tended by a laigo number of pioinlnent members of the organization, icni'reiilln- all lli bodies of the IviiIkIiU of Labor In the nictmpnlltaii ilis. 1 1 let. At the conclusion of the meeting the an. liouncemeiit was made that nothing hut u pie. Ilmiinr.v dl.-i u..,.n of the ni.it 1 1 1 .s to bo taken up tool, place. Manager of Erie, fly Kxliulve Wire fiom Tim Assochled Press. Cleveland, .lime 2.". It was annoimuil in Kile l.illiuad chiles today that Clinics It, I'ltdi, now ucimtiiI iiunager of the inslcin ditlsion of that load, has been made t'fiipial mauaiier of tb enllie s.lcm, and that John ('. Moonhead, now giueial mauau'cr of I lie (lido division, lias been sell i led alslant geneial manager. Albeit A. Mltvbell, who has hem siipeiinlendeut of motive power, Ins Ijien sljled nieihauical guppilulendcnt vvtli ofttics in New Yoik, ami the ollue of npcr inlendint of motive power ban been abolished. Ship Load of Gold, Ily Kscliiiive Wire fiom The Associated Press, Seattle, Va.-h., June :& The lcamship City of Seattle nulled fiom kagvvay this afternoon Willi 175 Oattkon pa.-sen;(crs and a large amount of licaMiic. Tlieie was nu bank of .company gold. It Mas all peisonal llcasiuc. 'I', S, l.lpnj hinught Ill.Vimi. I'uiscr Paimalec had bags in wldili he estimates llnic aie 7J,0U0. Many of tin.- pasMiixiis had gold In their talc luonii of which they would nut make uu estimate. M. DE GIERS RECALLED The Russian Minister at Pekln Has Been Transferred to the Post at Munich, Bavaria. ACTIVITY OP ROBBERS It Is Reported That the Chinese Bandits Have Seized Eour Walled Cities in Manchuria Prince Tuan and Duke Lan Arrive at Their Place of Exile. By Inclusive Wire from Thi Associated Press. St. Petersburg, Juno 2S. M. do Glcrs, the Russian minister at Pekln, has been, appointed minister of Russia at Munich, Uavaiia. Shanghai, Juno 28. Tt Is reported here that bandits have seized four walled cities near Mukden, Manchuria. According to advices received hero from Slan-Fu, tiling Sing, president of the board of civil appointments, committed suicide when tho Dowager Empress stigmatized ns treachery his advice that tho Chinese court, return to Pekln. Tho taotal ot Shanghai, Sheng, at the request of Liu-Kun-KI, tho viceroy of Xnnkln, visited all the consuls to day and urged that, ns the foreign forces were leaving Pekln, they ought also to evacuate Shanghai. The consuls are referring the matter to their respective governments. Pekln, June 28. News has been re ceiver! here of tho arrival of Duke Lan and Prince Tuan at Ulumskl, Turkes tan, in which place of bandishmetit "hey have been sentenced to reside. A Unsslan consul is stationed at Ulum skl. lie will notlfj; the Russian gov ernment should the' bandished Chinese leave that place. SCENE IN SPANISH CORTES. Silvela Attacks Ministry for Not Preventing Creed Conflicts; Madrid. June 28. The discussion ot the religious conflicts In Spain led to such a tumult In the chamber of depu ties that the sitting had to be tul journod. Senor Silvela led the attack on the government for not preventing reed conflicts, but his remarks vere drowned in a storm of Republican hisses and protests. Tho minister of the Interior, Sonor Moret, promised to protect Catholic religious demonstrations so long as they were not of a political character. NATIONAL TENNIS TOURNAMENT Miss Jessie Moore, of Ridgewood, N. T., Is the Victor Other Games Played. fly Ilvclusive Wire from The Associated Pic". Philadelphia, June 28. The principal event In the women's national cham pionship tennis tournament today was the final roud between Miss Marlon Jones, of Nevnda, and Miss Bessie Moore, of Ridgewood, X. J In which the latter came out tho victor. The weather was extremely warm and both players were almost exhausted when the match was finished. The two players gave the best ex hibition of tennis ien during the present tournament. In tho first two sets Miss Jones played by far the stronger game and In spite of ' the swift and well placed drives of her opponent, kept n good length ahead and any allowed Miss Moore live games In the two sets. The third and fourth sets, which WPtit to Miss Moore, were more evenly contested, Tn the fifth and deciding set It re peatedly seemed as though Miss Jones would have to default, as she ap peared to bi almost exhausted from the heat. Miss Moore kept up her strong game and won the set, ti-:t, and the match, three sets to two. In the men's singles, "V. J. Clothier, the local champion, bent It, D. Little, of Princeton, tho Inter-colleglatu champion. The match between Miss Moore, challenger, and Miss .Myrtle McAleer, of Pittsburg, the national champion, for the championship of the United States, will bo played early tomorrow afternoon. Summitry: Killed by Lightning. Py Inclusive WIiii fiom The Associated Press. Pittsburg, June 23. Diirinx a short but vicious htoini today linlitnlnjr shuck a law oak lieu In Itivcndde Park, under which II rs, V, II, Young and hr four children were eating a pie. nio lumhenn. ticortto Young, aged six yeais, was Instantly killed, Norman, a jouncer biother, was lendeieil unconscious ami will probably die, Mr. Young, her a-jcai-old daughter ami an 111' fant weie sevuely shoiked, but will lecover. The Meteor Damaged, Ily Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Kiel, June Ji.-The Meteor vva.s seveiely dam. au'eil dining her passage fiom Kuxland. Conse. iiiently Ijiipcinr William entered I he Idiini In today H'k'.illJ. The Iduna anived at Tuicimuule at ft oMoik this ntlcutoon, the u inner lu a Held of folly-three yacht. The empeior steeled (lie j oi Id himself through, a rough sea. Cricket at Philadelphia. Ily inclusive Win from The Associated Press. Philadelphia, June 23. The Canadian cricketers began a two days match with the llelinont clicket eleven at lllmwood Iodic. When stumps ucre diuv.n tonight I lie vlsltois had scoied IS,') mat for Die nisi innings and llelinont had gathered bit inns for the Ions of seven wickets. Canton Homo Ready. Ily Inclusive Wiie from The Associated Press. Canton, 1)., June 23. President McKlnley's borne is now in leadlniicna (or (lie arrival of the family, which will be inly a few dj.is hence, lb. MiKlnlcy ill be warmly welcomed upon her archil. TIIK NEWS THIS MORNINfl Weather Indications Today: LOCAL RAINS. 1 fteneul Sailor I'oiinil Murileied In a llnx Car. Ituisliin Minister lle-citled from China. War Against Catholicism In Kiiincc, batge lliokenigo l'lnii I'ull". 2 tlencrnl Carbond.ile Department, 3 Oenernl Charleston a Treasure I'ifhl for Stu dents of History, Commencement at St. Paul's School, 4 lalllorinl. Note and Comment. 5 Local Social and Personal. 1 One Woman's Views. Sclentlrle Salad. (1 Local Prominent Men at Law. 7 Local ritteen Persons Injured In a Trolley Wreck id Jermyn. Kiliie.1tlaii.1l Contestants Hard at Wnilc. S Local West Scranton ami tiiibmban, 0 (ieneral N'orthe.itein IViui-jlvatiU. Financial and Commercial. 10 Story "A Summer Holiday." 11 Local Sunday School Lesson for Tomorrow, Itetlgloiis .Vews nf the Week. 12 Local Industrial ami Labor. (Jossip of the (iuard, Klre Department Matters. JOHNSON OPPOSED TO MONOPOLY He Thinks That Equal Taxation Will Do Away with the Evils of the Combine. By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press. Detroit, June 28. "I am one of those,'' said Mayor Tom L. Johnson, of !Iee land, before the national social and political conference at Its opening ses sion today, "who believes that the greatest evil thteatenlng this country today Is monopoly In private hands." Mr. Johnson thought that the euro for monopoly was equal taxation, and said: "The day that the evils of tax ation in this country are cured, the day that all classes of men pay the same rate of taxation, that is the day this country will be able to conttol these monopolies." There were less than one hundred people In Philharmonic! hall when President Wl tweed Pomeroy, of Xevv York, called the conference to order, and introduced Mr. Johnson as chair man of the session. "The Function of tho fiiurch in Furthering Kquallty," wa.s the Hist subject on the programme, and Jtcv. H. S. Blgelow, of fincinnntl, and Dr. Alexander Kent, of Washington, pre sented their views ot the question, after which It was debated from the floor. "How to t'se the Press," was discussed by James K. Sorlpps, of Detroit, who frankly admitted he did not know, and "Willis J. Abbott, of Ann Arbor, while George 11". Sibley, of Washington, and Charles B. Patterson, editor of the Arena, discussed "How to Une Books and Pamphlets." m KOTHERMEL ACCEPTS. Will Aid His Fellow Citizens in Throwing: Off Philadelphia's Yoke. Py l.xclusive Wiie from The Associated Pre-s. Philadelphia, June 23. District Attorney P. V. Itothermel, jr., who wxs last night named in I nun meeting as nu independei t candid, lie for distriit attorney against John Weaver, the nominee of the regular Keiiiililliaii organization, was for mally notified of his selection today and in lepiy accepted the nomination. His letter of acceptance is biief and leads as follows: "r.dvMiid Shippen, Hsu,., and I'ellow Citii-eiN in Town Meeting Assembled: (ientlemen: Your letter of even date received, Tlieie can be but one answer: I would be fal-e to honor, duty and true citizenship should I lefuse to lend my every cflnrt to aid the palilulic and linsellbli del oi in hut ion nil the. pait of me fellow eitlens tit tlnovv oil the joke of coiinp, tlon under vviilili Philadelphia so woefully suf feis. I accept your iioiiiin.il ion for the ilMiirt attorneyship ami place myself uncouditlouallc at your service." SAMUEL GOMPERS ILL. Well Known Labor Leader Buffers from Concussion of tho Brain. Ily i:cliisivo Wire fiom Tho Associated Pie. Washlnglon, June 23, Samuel Rompers, pi est. dent of the American rcdeiatlou ot Labor, is lying dangerously ill at his home In tills illy, suffering from condition of the bialn and a poi. slide fiactutc of Hie skull, While his condition is ciltlcal, his physician a.vs lie will piobahly recover. He was Injured last nluht as he alighted (loin n car on which he had taken his two clilblieii for an outing, MISSIONARIES NOT MURDERED. The Belgians Have Not Been Mas sacred. ny Inclusive Wire from The Asoii.ited Piovs, Pckin, June 28. The governor of Shan HI prnv. ince says in a message lo Li Hung Chang that the Itelglan mUslouailcs have not been massacied. According to a dispatch to llio Associated 1'ie-s from Pekln, June '.i, tho Hclglau minister at Pckin that day sent a messenger tn Sian Kial with Instructions lu veilly n icpoit of the mas. tacre tlieie of four llelglau mivionarles, Jack Daley Knocked Out, By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press, Wilmington, Del,, Juns :K f.'eorue SM'addui, of New Vol I,, tonight knocked out Jack Daly, of tills city, in the ninth I omul of what was sched uled js a llfleen round Indit. Mcr'addcu had all the belter of the tight liom I lie liil lound. Italy was knocked down right times in II. e ninth lound befnie be received the right swing on the jaw- which put him nut. The men fought at PIS pounds, ' Damage from Fire. By Kiclujlvo Wire fiom The Associated Piess. St. Petersburg, June :!. A fire at Tsarililn, a (oi tided town in the cm eminent ot Saiatova, iwisumed scvcial sivv mills, twenty our timber laden barges; and the limber depots and iptav on the Volga. The ilnnage Is placid at ii.Omi.ik'l roubles, anil it Is leportrd that several lives wcic lott In (lie the. DEATHS OF A DAY. Ily Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press. Cedar Itipids, la., June 2'.--T. S, Parvin, grand sccictaty of the Iowa Masoniu liund lodge, died today, lie was one of the most widely known Ma.vuis In the co.intiy ami piubably the last of the utigiiiit pluuuu of loy-a. ASSIGNMENT OP BROKERS Wall Street Failure Directly Con nected with the Suspension of Seventh National Bank. MARQUAND IS CLOSED Since the Closing of Bank the Fail ure of the Firm of Brokers Was Bolieved to Bo Inevitable Assign ment Made to Frank Sullivan Smith No News Regarding the Seventh National Bank.' Ily Exclusive W'liu fiom The Associated Press. New York, Juno 1'S. At 10 o'cloofc today the stock litoklnts- and oanklnjr firm of Henry Maniuand & Co., at 160 Hroadway, announced Its assignment. The failure Is directly connected with that of the Seventh National hank, which suspended payment hecauso of loans of $l,i;oo,000 to the linn whose fc curltioH were not considered of proper value hy the controller of the currency, .Since the suspension of the hank the failure of the linn wns believed to he Inevitable, although the Krcate.st efforts were made to Ret financial assistance. KnotiRh aid was In fact obtained to de lay the assignment until today. Prank H. 1'oor, the Junior member of the firm, made the announcement he fore the opening of tho stock exchange, and later It was announced on the floor, where Immediately a large number of stocks and bonds were dealt In "under the rule" for the benefit of the sus pended firm. It wa announced also that the assignee wns Frank Sullivan Smith, of fl-l AV'all street. The assign ment was without preferences. Mr. Smith, the. assignee, and repre sentatives of his lawyers, Strong A I'adwaliader. took charge of the affairs: of the firm, and' at once went over tho books. There was no excitement at tho ofllces, but a constant tieam of sym pathizers poured In who talked matters over with Henry .Marquntul and Mr. l'onr. Tho latter appeared to have re covered from the nervousness .which has marked his demeanor since the bank failure, and seemed calm and col lected, fie had no statement tn make, but at lO.'lo o'clock the following by Henry "V. Taft of counsel for the firm was given out: We cannot tell tho condition of the film just at present. We had not had lime to make any examination of the books, and, of cnni.se, am JKiioraut as In the exact status of a (Tails. Wo will not be iiblo to delenulno what Die assets and liabilities nie for two or throe daen at least. The situation so far as we have hern able to rie teinilue in the slioil lime at our disposal simply depends upon the manner in which the secuiities which are held for loans may tie disposed of, par. tlcnlaily the inaclivi- sciuiillcs. So far as can he jiitlgcil by a ueneial view nf (lie situation, cvei.vlhlnK looks f.iioiahlc. I can. not say whether or not the Him will lesimie. That will depend entirely upon tin" situation de. veloped by the ev.iniiuatlon nf the hooks. Thy principal ipiesliiui is on the leaiialion of col lateral held for loans. I uudeistaml that there is a Ioiik ll-l of Iheiu and lint It will recpiira come time lo make a schedule of them. No News Regarding the Sovauth. When asked as to whether or not the creditors of the firm would suffer large losses through the failure, Mr. Taft re plied: "I do not think so. I'nless tlieie should he general slaimhter of the securities held for loans I think the creditors of the firm will come out in good shape." There wns no news today In connec tion Willi I lie suspension of the Sev enlh National hank, The temporary lecelver who was In charge said thoie was nothing to be made public today. flenrge V. Adams, the cashier of the brink, gave out the following card to. day: Mewrs. Ki-kine, Hew III, Hindi Kelly and l.nr. f!i7i Seniple letiied as dim lors of lhe Seventh National haulc in January last and -line that time have had no i, III, ill council Ion with the s.ijd bink, This statement Is made by rea-oii of publi cation in vaiious papom thai the above named Kcntlciticn weie lonnecicd Willi the puwnl man aiciinent of the Seventh National hank. (Mulled) (leoIKe W, Adams Cashier. Assistant Postmaster .Morgan said Hint the pos-tollice was now uslnc, the Mib treasury as n temporary pi k of deposit, instead of the Seventh Na tl. uial hank, and that oorythln was goiilg aloiur very smoothly. There is a, margin of iihoitt S.Vi.nim, he said, lit tween tho postal depo.s-ltH In the bank at the time of tho failure and the ju.Mi.. 000 government bonds put up by the hank us (security, Creditors Safe. Frank Sulllvtii Smith, assignee of the firm of Maniuand & I'd., wild this af ternoon that ho had been going over the books and list of scout Itlos of the firm, but that probably several days would e!upe before a .statement could he given. Mr. Smith said Mm linn had many excellent securities, and added that lie had called petsonally upon Hie creditor Interests, reiiuestllig them not o saerillce any of tho firm's securities which they held as collatcial for loans, Mr, Smith further said that under tho circumstances he did not think any ot the eredltois would sutfer. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. local ilila for June '.!?, fU: llltiheat lemperaluie , !1 decrees Lowest temperature , ,,..,,... 18 degiecj Itrlative Humidity: K a. m 73 per cent, K p. m ,... nil per cent, Pieiipltal on, -I hours ended X p. in., 0.U4 inch. IHH WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, June '.s. -Forecast for l.'aslern Pennsylvania: Local ralm and s- probably thunder storms S-'aturdayi show. 4, era and cooler !iiudjy; fie-sli southerly windi and squalls. t t T 1 1 t . T f f t "f. f t t t