FS!?i ii$ vii&vv'jjrgw-r-nffi' tp mtrpf3$y vr v"r fiit?'Vf 8 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1001. WfrT t r.VrC'llT INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR IMPROVEMENTS ABOUT THE D. L. & W. MINES. Many Changes Aro Being Made Un der the Direction of Superinten dent Loomis Tho D. L. & W, Board for Today No Change in the Strike Situation Meeting of tho Bridge Workers Female Organ izer of tho Clerks Is in the City. Other Industrial Notes. Tho Cnal Trndo Join mil nys In mi nrtlclc on Inipiovoim'iit.s being- made by the Delaware, haulm wanna ami "Western company "This company, through the super intendent. 15. II. l.onniK Im mnkliiK two quiet luilluil departuies fioni tlmc-woin method. Instead of lining their shafts with timber, ns has been the uUHtom, they am using- enneieto lth expanded metal, liy tho use of this expanded metal It becomes prac tical to rellno an old shaft at a eoui jiaratlvelysmall expense. Tho aio now re-llnliiK sin old .shaft with cniieietc twelve Inehes thick In conlunctlon with expanded metal, ami e-speilmenls have (IcmoiiHtiatcd th.il they obtain a shaft lining- with much gi cater tensile strength than they vnulil by using jilne tlmbei.s. They am able to do the work much quicker, theieby niotdlui? tho necessity for Klmttiiif? down the mine for a long peilnd, and the woik Is done at a cost that computes favor ably with that of pine timber lining, and when the woik is completed they have :i peimnnent Job. This plan of construction lias neier been used In this connection befoie. and It Is be lieved that its intioductlon will fill a long lelt want. "Another dcpaitme fioni tho tlnie iioin custom Is the election of an elect ilc.illy equipped bleaker: ouch machine being dilicii bv an Individual motor. In speuUlng of this Mr. Loomis .stated that from the flgincs they had made, tho cost of equipping a breaker in this way would not cieed the cost of equipping a hieaker with the neces sary engines, shafting and belting, as by dispensing with the shafting and belting they would bo able to effect quite n saving in the use of timber in their construction, as they do not have to build as heavy: the motors being direct-connected. By equipping a plant In this way they will elTect a big sav ing in tho use of steam and eentuallv in localities whore they have a number of brcnkei.s their intention Is to opct.ite them with one centially located elec tric plant. "In addition to the indieal departuies mentioned above, they are electing new boiler plants with a capacity of over 10,000 hoi so power. The pi ineipal idant Is to he located at the Hampton mine, with a capacity of r,000 hoise power. It is proposed, -w It li the steam geneiatert .it this plant, to furnish Mcnm to sK diffeient collieiies, the openings of which aio conveniently near. "Tho Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western have al.so under way, and the oiigineei.s aio at woik upon it, a plan to change tho ilialu.igc, whcioby It is proposed to centralize all their water in what Is known as the ICeyser Valley, to one common point, or "sump." and then hoist tile water with onot moils buckets, Instead of pumping it to the sin face ftom the dozen differ ent points as at pioseut. Hy this ai jangenient they will abandon tho use of between thirty and foity pumps, tonic of which aio of good size. "The Delawaie. I.aekawana and "Western is intioducing electricity gonei.illy in its mines; using it for haulage put poses, pumping, plane hoists, etc,, and have lecently Instilled in their mine at Avondnle the largest rlectilc pump oor elected In tho world. This pump has a capacity of 1,000,000 gallons per day to n vortical helghth of S00 foot. It was manufae tuied by tho Jeansvllle Iron Woiks Co." Status of the Strike Thete weic no now developments in the strike situation yesterday, and local niattois now soein to ho at a lest tenipoiiii Uy. Master Dulldor I.. T. C.uilleld, of tho Delawaie, Lacka wanna and "Western R.ilbo.id com pany, Is back tioni Saiatoga, where ho attended the convention of the master bulldots, and spent pai t of the day at Maplowood. Tho stiikois aie now eager to oou fei with tho nuthoilllos of the Anioil c.in Locomotive company, In older to nuive at a settlement of the dilllcul tie.s existing at tho Cliif sticot shops, lit case of a confeienco, theic aie like ly to bo Immediate developments, as the local shops aie the only ones opci nled by tho combine at which a stilko is In pi ogress. Thomas Mageo, one of the sti iking machinists, was aiieMod estetduy at tho instance of John Hon" and John "Itoss, jr., who aie now walking for the Dickson .Maiiufiicuiiing (iimpau.v. They chaigK Mngoo with tliiealenlng them and with culling them vile names on tho stieel. Heft, who bus woiked tor the Dliksnn lonipiiny for over twenty yeuisuiu! who letuinod to woik nfter helng out u lew weeks, said that Mageo bad oven gone so lar as to go to his homo and tin oaten Ills wile. M.tglstiutn Millar, beloip whom the LUbo was tiled, held Mageo under $:!00 bonds to keep the pe.ue, and an opted llumpluey It. ('implied, tho machin ists' leader, as his bondsman, stating that ho believed Mr. Campbell did not :ountcniinco such tactics and that he would see that Mageo did not indulge them In tho tuture. Bridge Builders' Meet. A special meeting of tho Ibidge Builders' and Stiiiutui.il lion "Work irs' union was held last night In Guernsey hall. It was attended by a sirge number of memheis, and us a result of the session the moiuheishlp vas increased by thirty applicants. The charter of the union Is expected here by next Fiiduy, Female Organizer Here, Miss Emma Lemphcte, the female national organizer of the Cleik's as sociation, left the city lato last night for Bradford, after spending several days investigating locul conditions. Last night, In company with John II, Devlnc, of the local Cloths' associa tion, she visited Noith Scianton and addressed a meeting of the Cleiks' as sociation of that section. Miss Lemphere, in a conversation with a Tribune man, said: "I have found everything in splendid condition In Pennsylvania, considering the fact that the organizations tuc all pi ac tually new ones. We Jmve done noth fw pm yat In this locality tovvurds All Ages and stages ol Life Have their periods of weakness and peril. From childhood to old age, from the "infant puling in its nurse's arms" to the "lean and slippered pantaloon," each period of life sees humanity at the 'mercy of chance and cir cumstance. The condition upon which a man lives and thrives is that he protects himself from the attacks of the myriads of germs which imperil his health. Keep the blood healthy and the body is healthy. The blood is the river of life. It nourishes every organ of the body. Let the river of blood get tainted and the body at once suffers in the organ most susceptible to attack from disease. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery fortifies the body against attacks from disease. It does this by purifying the blood and eliminating the waste and poisonous substances which form the breeding ground of the germs of disease. It strengthens the digestive and nutritive system so that the body is adequately nourished. It increases the activity of the blood-making glands, so that the body is strengthened by an increased supply of pure blood. To this is due the wonderful cures of blood disease, nerve disease, heart disease, lung disease, and diseases of other organs, performed by "Golden Medical Discovery." It cures eruptions, because it removes from the blood the foul conditions which breed skin diseases. It cures nervous diseases and heart "trouble" by invigorating the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition, and so giving the body the elements of nutrition, out of which strength is made. It heals weak lungs by pouring into the enfeebled organs a tide of rich, red blood. Medicine cannot make blood nor make strength. Blood and strength are made from food. But food only makes blood and strength when its nourishing elements are extracted and assimilated. "Golden Medical Dis covery " invigorates the weak stomach, so that the nourishment in the food is extracted and assimilated, thus making blood and strength. Ninety-eight per cent, of all who have given the " Discovery " a fair trial have been perfectly and permanently cured. There is no alcohol contained in "Golden Medical Discovery," neither opium, cocaine, nor other narcotic. Let no dealer, for the gain of a larger profit, rob you of the cure you seek by offering you a substitute as "just as good." There is nothing "just as good" as "Golden Medical Discovery." " Lf irojn - v Z5Ccw- He Wasted Monesy. "I am bound to say that if it had not been for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, I would have been in my grave two or three years ,tgo," writes Mr. Daniel A. Carter, of Yost, Rowan Co., N. C. Six years ago last Augnst I was attacked with malarial fcTer; was in bed nine days, and then taken with chills. Had this six months. My spleen became enlarged, and I vyas in bed off and on for four years. I went to the doctors, and some of them said I had dyspepsia, others said I had liver trouble. The last doctor I had called it chronic liver and stomach disease. So I paid out money and nothing did me any good. I borrowed one of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Advisers from one of my neighbors, and read about the Doctor's success. Last August, two years ago, I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's medicines, and used ten bottles, and now I can do as big a day's work as any man. I am 32 years old. I now weigh 1S0 pounds." ZZ. Coughed Night and Bay. "My wife was taken sick iu August, 1897, and was sick for five or sir weeks," writes William Huelbig, Esq., of Benton, l'ranklin Co., Ills. "The doctors and neighbors pronounced her trouble consumption. I had two physi cians but they dtd not do much good. She coughed night and day; could not lie down for coughing, and she got very low. I thought she never could be cured. Then 1 got four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and she took the whole of it, and is all right now. She is stouter now than before we were married. If it had not been for Dr. Pierce's medicines, she would have died in a short while. We caunot praise this medicine enough. She is taking care of the baby and does all of the housework, including the washing." The Best Blood Purifier. "This is to certify that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the best blood purifier that I ever used," writes Mrs. M. Hartrick, of Demster, Oswego Co., N. Y. "It is about three years since my health began to fail. Last September I gave out entirely with what the physicians pronounced enlarge ment of the hver. Conld not do anything ; my back pained me all the time ; the doctor said I must not ride ; in fact, I could not ride nor walk, nor hardly sit still ; could not lie on my right side. I commenced taking the ' Golden Medical Discovery ' and Pellets ' took them for three months, until cured, and still continue the ' Pellets.' I will be glad if I can do am thing to help those who are suffering. You can publish this letter if you think best." S2S.OO& GIVE, Last year. This year as much or more will be given to the people who ask for it. DON'T YOU WANT YOUR SHARE ? You can have it by sending a request to Dr. R. V. Pierce, for a copy of his great work, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser. Stamps to pay expense of mailing ONLY, must accompany each request. Exclusive of the cost of mailing paid by those who asked for the book, it cost the author, Dr. R. V. Pierce, over $25,000 last year to carry out his agreement and give a copy of this book to all who cared enough about it to pay the bare expense of mailing. The "Medical Adviser " contains 1008 large pages and over 700 illustrations. It is the most prac tical work on hygiene, physiology, reproduction, and medicine, ever offered to the public It tells the plain truth in plain English. Send 31 one-cent stamps (to. pay expense of mailing ONLY) for the "Adviser" bound in strong and durable cloth. Or, send 21 stamps for mailing, and obtain the book in paper covers. 4.. Address: DP. P. V. PW.PCF.. Ruffnln. N. V. I kw-'WlfvV.4 fonning an association of the oung women employed In stores, but expect to soon get such a movement under way. in other sections wo have nu nieious fcmulo mcmbei.s and number thousands of them in our national or ganization. Miss Lompheio'.s homo is In Cl.ilei burg, 111,, and sho is ono of tho young est org.inlzoi.s in tho countiy. She will leturu heio later In the year. D., I. & W. Board for Today. The following Is the mnko-up of the D L. & W. boaid for today: TiiriMivv, j I'm: lt Wllil Cm i:.i.t-S p in, T. MiCaitli). lltlllW. il'.m: . Wild Cit Put IJ (0 ,i in., Jl. MipliM, with T, llt(iilil(k'i uru; ii i in, r I". Siphons; l'J ,i. in , M .1, IIiiiiiLmii; II J. in , M. CoMm; J p. in, (', W, Dunn; ( p. in., A, (!, llaiiimilt, hummiU, etc li J, in., (ail, .l.nnra C'jiiIc..'; 8 a in, ucst, 0, I'roiinfc Ikn ; l) p. in., r.ut, J llHiuifc'dii; t p. in, rail, Y, II, Miliols; 7 p. in., east f i nm Sty Auk, i:. Mc MlUtrr; 7 p. m wrft fli'in ('a; us i, Thoinp'Oiij 7 p. in., west from IMiir.i, Milane 1'iislim S j, in, I', Mc llonnoll; 10 a. in., S, Klnncrt); ll.sn a. in., Mor.in; 7 p in.. Miirph) , 0 p. in. I.iiuplne; in p. in.. Whlrwr. I'assuimr I'liislurs i a. m , J, lijITiir-); 7 a. in , I'. shiver; 10 .i, in , Latimer; S.oQ p. in., staiilou; 7 p in, .1. .1. Muir.iv. Wild CjN Wc-tr-T a. in., A. I'. Mullen; S a, in, A, t: Kolilum; 11 a. in, )', Will; J p in, ('. Miitln; I p. in, J. II JklViniij O p. in , John naliagjn Norm:. W t WatM and iw UI1 urn 11. '0 p. in. wllil tat .lunu '27. W II ll.ii tlmlnmrw with 0. Hartholnmcu I clew "ill inn U n. m uihl eat, .tunc S, In plaip 01 .1, II, snuiU ami irew, anil will alternate witli su.uu'b iii'u on tliU run until fuilhcr mil ko. II .1 l.aiUn ami iron will run it a. in. u 111 cat, .hint- ', in plate of I', liillisau ami irnv ami will nllrruitr wllh fllllluau ami new on ihls tun until further notke. Drakriiiin .1. Smith will ko on with John Baxter, .tunc '27, until further not lie. C. W. Dunn will uport ut tupirlntciiJint's off.ie, 'J u. in, 1'iiila.s luuc -3. Tiy the new 5c cigar "Kleon." NINETY-THREE DEGREES That Was tho Highest Point Reach ed Yesterday Week's Weather Has Beon Very Warm. Yesterday was the warmest day of the warmest week that has mused rills of peraplintlon to tilekle merrily down tho backs of unhappy Scianlnu Iana this summer. Tho olllejal ther mometer of tho local station of tho weather buioau, stationed high on tho summit of tho observatory upon the (,'nmicll building's mnf, shaded from all artificial boat, true nnd unvarying in its stateniontH averred that at -::iO o'clock tho sun-god vwts dilvlug his (lory chat lot Ihinugh the atiuosihoio at a clip of ulncty-tlueo degrees, This was tho highest point reached but all nf lei noon tho nieicuiy con tinued to bubble and sUlo over tho ninety mat k. And this was on tho of llclal thormumotiii, etc, which hasn't tho ilery air lislng fioni led hot pave ments to icckon with and tho other genial accossoiies to tho simple i.tys themselves, The theruinnielci.s hung in fiont of ceutt ul city places nf busi ness gave much hlslui tendings as a lesult and thoso who .stopped to gavsn plaintively at thein wont lnvailahly upon their way, wiser and yot sadder persons. The lowest point yostoiday was seventy-four degiecs and consldeilng tho fact that It was only about S o'clock when this was the leading, the llguies do not rcpiesent exactly what might bo known as a filgld illuuitlo stnte. Tho aveuigo teiiiporatuie for the day was elghty-tlueo and oue-lialf de gtees, und while Obsoivor C'lnik, casually temarked that he didn't con sider it' purtleulatly 'vvatm, still most of the coat earning, heated looking individuals who weic on tho stteela during the day will beg leave to dls puto his nsseitloii. Tho week has on tho whole been pietty waini. Sunday cighty-onu dc giccs wus the highest tempciatute und HENRY BELIN, JR., Uencu! Agent foi Iho Wjomlig Dijlrlrt for Dupont's Powder Mining, Illa'.tliiz, Spoiling, SmoKiIosii and the Itepmno ( licinkal C'ompinj'a HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Futc, Taps nnd I'xploilers. IUoni lot ton mil llullJliv .bt-untcn. ,ir.i;ii:s; TIIOS. lOrtP I'iltfton joiix n sjnrii & so piimoiuh W. l. MUI.UUA.V Wilkea-llarru seventy-two the avoi.igo, Monday the flguios woro eighty-three ami soventy tluee, Tuesday clght.v -eight and sov-onty-two, and Wednesday nliicty-oue and smenty-sovon, which with yestei d.iy's llguies give an nvoiago tor tho week of Just about seventy-six, (Jeoigo Wall.uo, coloted, nil employe ot the It.u her Asphalt company, was overcoiuo by tho bent while working on Washburn stieet, at 1 o'clock yes terday aftoiiioou, but uftci an hour or so was nhla to go homo tinusslsted. CALL AND BUNK MEN MET. They Elected Officers at Session Hold Last Night. A meeting of tho call and bunk men of this city was arranged for last night at the rooms of the Firemen's Itellef Association, on Spiiuo street, hut only a small number vveie present and no definite action amis thcietoie taken on tho uiuttoiK of foiemost luteiest to the mcmbois. They oiganlzed, however, ami elect ed ollhert). I). J. Huike, of tho Wll llam Council Hose company, was chosen picsldeut and James itlgel, of tho Nay Augs, sccietary. Only a few of the companies weio icpiescutcd, thcio being only about twelve men picseut. 'Another meeting will bo held next week. Pocono Heights flofcse Aiiflinmoihlri ,10; mnilun InipiMdiienli; tmut ttn inn on picnil-os, tunic uiuiluaU, Inol r ( cniKCj. Siml fui liuulu, Samual Etlinsar, f't. Pocono, Pa, BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP S FFBOS . . MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Str.NOTIJ T11K X1MK. Straw Hats New Stock Just Arrived. All styles, from tlje $1.00 Alpine Straw to the $12.00 Panamas. Don't forget we are head quarters for Summer Shirts, Underwear, Etc 412 SPRUCE STREET. Try Our Special 10c Linen Collar E. iiis Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 43B to 455 N. Ninth Street, Telephono Call, 2333. PA THB IC POWDER CO, Booms 1 and'2, Com'Ith B'l'd'f. BOBANTON, PA. nining and Blasting POWDER MsAa at Mooile and Ruihdala WotlU. LAPLIN RAND POWDBR CO. '3 ORANGE QUN POWDER Ekotrto Batterlei, Elattria Explodtrs, zpladlag blaiti. Sofotr Vx aaa Rfliaum Chemical Co.'s vx The Blues U one signal -vthicli foretclU physical decay. Another Is pale lifeless skin. The muscles shrink nnd become flab by; the body becomes enuchtcd, nnd there is ail early tendency to round shoulders. 1 he step lncks elasticity, the neres become weak; mental and physical activity arc n burden. This condition Is called Mi vous De bility; It is. cured by the use of They feed thehuntrry nerves, revive the weakened organs and make life brighter nnd sweeter to any man or wom-m v. ho has suffered from physical drains. SI.IHI per box; ! botes (with legal mi-irautti; to cure or refund the money). g'llW Hook free. 1'fcAl. MhOIClNB Cn , Cleel.ind, Ohio. For sale by John II. rhelp3, I'hirtnaclst, corner Wjomliit' ateiiuo and bjiruie street. jn Prof.Q.F.THEEL,527,?hr R rJ rhlladfl'ihln, la. Oiilj litrniAa hpetUlUt In W ZJ) Amrrlfa, lJortnlt to run- tlm by tutll I'rlitt tArSm i lilkCMT, rirrfcitt aiiuivi, nioot romin, Trou, 9 Dfhmij.l ol ninnooi,(riroreiitrtirirmre(ior tV-,LWHl iiltlngt LndfuloprnTtt A bhrunkm Urgtnt, Frb7iiM curt J 4 to lOdtj'o.SAjrm irnrtlrl V 0 7n( hdiiittal tiprrlrnrr U ttrnmnx. Nnd for hook "Truth1!-! poalair rj mrdtral & rtfftrlfal fraud Station tbli paprT K I fell WMf -r J Uoeeda Jinjer i i - -tiAi4