The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 28, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Bpeeial to the Scranton Tribune.
Tunkiitinnock, June 27. Attorney A.
H, Mi'f'ollitin, of Monti nap, was doing
buslncHtf lieio on Thuiwlny,
Knink FiriinrliiRO, of Soninton, vis
ited Ills mother tit this pluco on Wed
nesday. Some time ngo a petition wan pre
henteil to court, itHklnn; that Nicholson
township he divided Into two election
districts, hut the viewers reported
ntrnlnst such atlon and It Wmh not
clone. At Juno term, the court fixed
the pollliiR place at the house ot An
pon Stephens, in hopes such a dispo
sition of the matter would satisfy all
parties, believing It to be a central
Mrs. Corey U Krcsky nnd family,
of Scranton, are visiting lolatlves In
lidward Uuffsmllh. the Mill City
butcher, was a caller In town on
Rev. 11. H. "Wilbur, of the Methodist church, will spend the
month of July visiting friends In his
old homo In Otsego county, X. Y.
Arrangements have been made to
run a special train between Tunkhan
nock and Snyre on the night of July
4th, In order to accomodate those who
attend the celebration at Meshoppon
that day.
George La Rarro, ot Scranton, was
calling on friends here this week.
The funeral of the late Oscar O.
Ktser will take place at his late resi
dence, on Putnam street, on Satur
day afternoon at 2.30 o'clock.
Mrs. Jennie Thompson visited
Vllkes-narro on Thursday.
County Commissioner Kdwln Vau
ghn n, who Is suffering from appendi
citis, is reported to bo much better.
Epccial to the Scranton Tiibune.
Susquehanna, Juno 27. The Oakland
cunespondent of the Depo.slt Journal
is ichponstbic for the following: "Dame
nunior has it that a pastor of this
vicinity is soon to wed a Deposit young
A gospel meeting will lie held in
Thomas Glover's grove, near Ararat,
July t.
In the Avenue Methodist church, on
Pnd.iy last, seventeen persons were ad
mitted into full menibcibhip, and a
number on probation.
On Tuesday eveninsr, thirty-two Sus
quehanna Modem Woodmen visited the
Deposit camp.
The vicinity of Locust Hill was vis
ited by a very heavy rainstorm last
Thioughout this section the hay crop
will be uniireeedentedly large. The
apple crop will lie Miiall. Theie will lip
berries and the smaller fruits in abund
ance. Theie are 113 pupils at the summer
school for Sunday school workeis, at
Heart lake. The school will close on
The Century club will hold hops dur
ing the summer.
Albert lAilkenbury and J. V. Ballard,
of Susquehanna, and Clarence Wright
and Horace Custis. of Washington, left
this morning for the Pan-American ex
position. Prof. H, N, Barrett, a former able
and popular principal of the Lanesboro
High school, has been selected princi
Hot Weather Clothes.
It's a special feature with us at
this time of the year and we pay par
ticular attention to this light weight de
partment. The new arrivals this season
retain that style and workmanship that
has made our Ready-to-Wear System
so popular, and whether you want a
Flannel Suit, a Serge Coat, Duck Pants
or a White Vest, it's here in the newest
style' and honest qualities at a reasona
ble price.
Flannel Suits with patent waist
S"".!!0 6.50 to $15
Blue Serge Coats, with double
strapped and stitched fc "J 4- d c
seams, from P LU W
Boys' Summer Wash
Cents to
Means Smart Clothes
pal of the Jonnyn schools, for three
At the Tabernacle Methodist Kptsco
pal paisonago In Blnghamton, on Tues
day evening, by new Dr. Wilbur
Hagor, Krlo Knglnoer Bryson M, Mom a
nnd .Miss Anna Ottlngcr, both of .Sus
quehanna, weie united In marriage.
Principal H. M. Pease, of the Hall
stea'd High school and a candidate for
county superintendent ot schools, was
In town on Wednesday.
Kallroad matters on the Jefferson
branch nre quiet.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Dttryca, Juno 27. The election held
Tuesday resulted in a victory for the
Hepubllcans. Dr. A. J, Burlington
was elected burgess by a largo ma
jority on the Republican ticket, and
nil the councils went Republican.
Jackson succeeded in defeating Ste
phenson by a majority ot eight on
These young ladies have graduated.
Can you find the college president?
the Democratic ticket and Gilboy de
feated Thomas Martin for auditor, and
William Rlttlo was the man for police.
Mr. Johnson Randall has been ap
pointed to succeed Mr. Gallagher as
superintendent of two collieries of the
Krlo Coal company In Avoca. Mr.
Randall has only served on the com
pany a short time, but has in that
period been promoted twice.
Don't forget the ice cream social
of class N'o. 2 of the rresbytcrian
church Friday evening, to bo held
on the church lawn.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Lockville, June 2S. Lieutenant Les
ter Race and family attended the sol
dier's reunion of the 'Fifty-third regi-
Have you seen
our showing of new
wash suit fabrics in
the French Blouse?
This season they
are decidedly new
and novel in color
combination. Some
have been taken
from the latest
French Fashion
plates. See our
window displays,
At prices from
$2.00. $2.00 to $3.50.
Samter Bros.
Leading Outfitters.
ment at Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Jackson's,
Harvey's Lake, last Saturday, and re
port a very pleasant time.
A goodly number from this placo at
tended Hie llornl service at Centre
nioroland on Sunday evening.
Frank Waller Is seriously lit with
blood poison.
Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Lynwood, ot Ply
mouth, Is visiting his brother, Boyd
Miss Carrie Rcrlcw has a fine eollec
ton of rambling roses and mnny homes
ot the sick arc presented with line bou
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Hopbottom, Juno 28. A pretty wed
ding1 occurred Tuesdny at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Oailoy, when their
only daughter, Minnie, was united In
marriage to Parley Wright, of Ln
Orange, 111. The ceremony took placo
at 11 a m Rev. A. O. Austin officiat
ing. The bride wns simply but beauti
fully attired In a shere white gown
nnd carried white roses. She was un
attended. Thn decorations which
fornio'l a setting for the scene consist
ed of potted ferns nnd roses, with a
suspended bell of puro white, suggest
ing wedding gladness, About thirty
guests were present, chiefly lolatlves
of the bride and groom. Among the
mnny useful nnd beautiful gifts re-
celvcd by the bride were $63 in cash,
.silver tea set,- butter alsh, bread tray,
solid silver spoons and many beauti
ful pieces of china, glass and table
linen. At 2 p. m. a large party of
friends gathered at the station and
enlivened their departure with abund
ant showers of rice ns they boarded
the train en route for the Pan-American
exposition. They will reside at La
Grange, 111., where the groom, who was
formerly a Hopbottom boy, has lived
for the past three years. The best
wishes of a host or friends go with
them to their new home.
Marie Antoinette Fete.
Pari', .lime 27. There was a charily fete today
at the Petit Trianon, mide hmous by Marie An
toinette. The (etc was organized by the Coun
tess de Castellane and other society ladies.
White Duck Trousers, cut according
temhs,f..!!..,!f': $1 to $2
White Duck and P. K. Vests, either
single or double- t -f fc -j eA
breasted ? LO 4)O.OU
The "Golf" or Rus
sian Blouse
Is the most striking novelty we have
introduced this season. It's different
from any novelty we have shown,
made up in the best quality crash,
madras or wash serge. See the sam
ples in our show windows. From
Atterbury "
Weans Smart Clothes
Wall Street Review.
New Vork, June 27. There was iiille a lively
spilling mit ot stocks tor n time today. as
risult of the sii-peiiion ot Seventh National
l).itik, one ot the minor member of the Clearing,
lloiuie association, owing lo the action by the
lutitrullcr ot the curiemy, but the maikcl it no
lime approached unj where near to demorallia
tlon. The ilrop In ptltes was, however, very
general nnd extended to oer three points In it
number of the active stocks, which
hue been 'rcLeut favorites In the undulation.
St. Paul, ttnloii l.u lllo nnd Manhattan were the
dement sufferers nnd Mlvouri Pacific and Texas
Pacific! also got olt lather eailly. The latter pait
ot the i!.M-, however, was stiong and gcneril
iccovcry which practically wiped out Hie earllir
lce and eslnhll.hnl coi.slderable gilt" for some
leading slocU I'nlon Pacific, St. Paul and
Metropolitan iallw.iv were the only stock among
the leaden which failed lo benefit fully from
thl late recuperation In the market. The
brai3 were an active factor during the rolling
movement and their buying to cover bad con
siderable (o do with the late rally. Theie was
an opinion prevalent that aomo of the large
financial interests were taking advantage of the
low loot of price". Ilut this opinion is hardly
consistent with the manner in which (be price
were bid tip after the pre3suic had relaxed with
pilpable disinclination to secure stocks. The
suspension of the Seventh National bank came
us a surprise niter the tiding ncr ot IU affairs
wlildi was effected eterdiy .uul the day befoic,
as It was generally suppourd that friends of the would supply sufficient resouices to carry
it through. The worst clfeclK of the failure
had been dlcounted on Tuesday during the
period of tiusplclo'U conjecture, when rumors
were rife of far extended banking difficulties.
The cllcbiures since made of the bank's nf
faira and of the character of the securities which
had Involved It in Its difficulties served to
give some confidence that the trouble was local
ised as those securities were not dealt In on
the exchange nnd arc not widely distributed.
The Incident was found nevertheless to create
an unpleasant impression and served to inten
sify the pinch of the money market Incident to
the turn of the hilt jear. Tho market closed
very dull, but firm at the recovery. Total alej
today, bTI.TOO shaus.
There was some selling of railroad bonds In
sympathy with stocks, but other mortgage is
sues advanced. Total sales, par value, $2,O2.".,O0O.
L'nlted States bonds were all unchanged on the
last call.
The following quotations arc turnlOied The
Tribune by M. S. .Ionian k Co., rooms 0."-"C8
Wears building, Scranton, Pa. Telephone 500.1:
Open- High- Low- Clos
ing, est. est. ing.
American Sugar lllU 145"t Hi Ut
Aiiht. Tobacco HI lW.i K4 lM'a
Atchison M.i fi.Ts M3i MTs
Atchison, Pr. 103'i 101 1W4 10.1s
Hrnok. Traction fit's W HH2 li
Halt. & Ohio in; lOIli 10(1 KM'-i
font. Tobacco fll'.i tK (ir',4 U9
flies, k Ohio 4SH 47s 41
Chic, k Gt. West 24ii 2t'j & I!tV6
St. Paul 17.) 174, 170)i 172
Uock Island l7i 167'i 101 IIW'4
Kan. & Tex.. Pr V,2 fii dli 2'&
lKui8. k Nasi KXH -OfU 107 105i
Man. Klevatrd 124Vi liV.i 121'i lH-
Met. Traction 17S14 1744 172'i 17:t!
Mio. Pacific 110' 110 US 120H
Soutliern Taclfio Si SS'a A7VJ 5S'4
Norfolk k West flli fllTs SO fiHi
N. V. Central 15$ l.W'i 1M74 l.'rt'i
Ont. k Wetcin Wl'.i M'Si 3Vi2 :iu'
Penna. It. II 1".0H 130U 11') IJflVi
Pacific Mail 41 41 41 41
Reading It. H 44'i 4i 4 1"'8 45
Reading Ifv,, Pr 7H 7Si 77U 7S'l
hcuth. R. R.. lr. fW-J M4j tiTs RiiU
Tcnn. Coal k lion .... W!'K O?-1; BS 1.7
V. S. Leather 13i 1S4 l.TJ
U. S. Leather, Pr 7S'i 7SV, 7'8 7ff8
tr. S. Hiihber !l'i 2I8 21 2t
I'nlon Pacifio HW'i 110',8 07',i 1IW8
Union Pacific, Tr !H1 !KVi OO'f, !1'J
Walush, Pr. 4i 41 41'3 4U
Western Union 112' j 0.H4 n 02',
Col. Kuel k Iron Hl',4 ll'i'4 1I0H lll'i
Amal. Copper 122 122Ci 120 122
Pcojilc's (ias H7's HS'i llc'i US
Krie 41, 42 40-i 4P&
Krie, M 7(1", 71 i 7i)',8 70t.
Col. So llli IHi 1IV1 HVa
feas Pacific 4li 4'. 4l?i 41
Am. Car Foundry :1 :I2 .W.i 3IJ
U. S. Steel Co 4S'i lv1 47'i 4S',S
V. S. Steel Co., Pr OMi OT 078 09
Open. High- Low- CIos-
WHKAT. ing. e-t. est. ing.'
.Inly 7IVa 741i 74H 74i
hept 7.1 7JU 72)i 7J',8
July 47 475h 47U 47'i
bcrt 4S?i 4Si 4ii i&
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Rid. Asked.
First National Hank 1200
Srranton Savings Rank KM) ...
Third National Rank 40
Dime Dcpnilt nnd Discount Rank.. 273 ...
Kconomv Light, II. k P Co its
I.acka. Tiiist Safe Cu ISO
Clark k Snover Co., Pr 123
Scranton lion Feme k Mfg. Co 100
Scianton Axle Woiks 03
Lackavvanm Dairy Co., Pr 40 ...
County Mvlngs Hank k Trust Co.. SfiO
Fhst National Rink (Carbondale) S2i
Standard Drilling Co .' SO
Traders' National Bank 17)
Scranton Holt and Nut Co 100 ...
People's Rank 130
New Mexico Ity. & C. Co 73
Scranton Pacngcr Railway, first
Mortgage, due 11120 113
People's htreet Railway, first mort
gage, due 101S IIS ...
People's Street Hallway, fleneral
mortgage, due l')U 113
Dickson Manufacturing Co too
Lacka. Township School ." ppr cent. ... 102
City of Scranton St. Imp. (5 per
cent 102
Scranton Traction 6 per cent 115
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corercted by II. 0. Hale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.)
Ruttei l'resli, 20',ta21c; dairy, fresh, lOlja
Cheese Full cream, new, lOJjallc.
EupjWcstein fresh, Ui&allv.; nearby state,
Reans-Per bushel, choice unrrow, ?2.60a2.CS
Pea Bean Per bushel, choice marrow, J2.33
Medium Reans Per bushels, ii. 10a$2. 15.
Ultra Pcaa Per bushelcs, J1.40a1.45.
Flour Best patent, per baircl,
Hcd Kidney Beans Per buahel, 2.4Ja?2.S0.
Potatoes Per bushel, S5aWc,
New York Grain and Produce,
New York, .lune 27. l'lour- Market was more
active and stronger on spung patents. Wheat
snot firm; Nc. '2 red, 77'sc. f. o, b, afloar,
anil 73V. elevator; No. 1 noithcin Duluth,
75)sc. f. 0. b. alloat. Options firm and active;
doted turn at IhZ'inc. net advance. July closen
Tt'iic.; Sept.. 73 c.j Oct., 7J',:c; Dec,, 71e.
Corn Spot steady; No. 2. 47'Jic elevator, and
lSVio. f. 0. b. afloat. Options opened firm and
t'clil steady; finally xlcldcd a trifle hut closed
Heady at a putial Uc net decline. July
cloacd 47''. ; Sept., 4s8c. Oats Spot steady;
No. 2, 42',$c.; No. 3, S2c; No. 2 white, 3Jc;
No. 3 white, ;:21jC, ; track mixed western, .121
!JUc. : track white western. S2a37c-.: track
while state, 82',sa37c. Options quiet, but steadily
held. Butter steady; western creamery, 13a
114.I do. factoi.v, 2;dl3ir.i imitation
creamery, lllialic; state dairy, llalbtiv.'.
Cheeo Unsettled; fancy lare, colored, OCia
V:.; fancy large white, tHjc. ; fancy snull,
colored, 0?ia9ic ; fancy small, white, U'iaOHc.
t'ggt rirmeri 'fate and Penna,, UalCCc;
we, tern, uncandlcd, llaltlc; western, candled.
Chicago Grain and Produce.
Chicago, June 27. Higher cables and a good
export demand caused an advance of ic. toda
in Sept. wheat Sept, coin closed Ua)c. loncf;
Sejt. oats, 'talic. down and piovUions from IV
to 3 edits lower. Cash quotations were us fol
lows; Flour Dull; No. ,1 spilng wheat, 62',fea6fl!Sc.;
No. 3 ted, o7a67!ic: No. 2 corn. 43c.: No. S
jellow, 4Ja:!?c. ; No. 2 oils, 2n!;a2i!jc'.; No,
a vvldtc, C0',ii31c; No. 3 white, 27?42Sl3c, ;
No. 2 ijr, 47c. J good fedllng barley, 47a51e. ;
fair to choice malting, 47jMc. ; No. 1 Ban seed,
fl.Si; No. 1 noithuestciu, l.SS; prune tlmottiv
seed. $.li; ine-s poik, fll C0ull.C3; lard, S.&)
aB.fi2ia; liort ribs, $7.90a8.10; dry salted shoul
iitu, 7a7',ic; sboit clear tides, -S.43aS.53; whit,
key, 11.27.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicigo, June 27.-CattIe Receipts, 8,500. In
eluding 400 'Iciiiii; steers, steady to slow;
butchers' stock and Tcxaus, steady; food to
piime steers, f5 33a8.33i poor to medium, W.3i
a3.M; stockeis ind fredeis, slow, S2.83al.7b;
heifeis, fr2.75aj.23; cannvis, -.'j'2.70; hulls,
choice, steady; otheis, weak, $2.00ai.60; calves
about steady, $I.J0a0.50; Texas fed steers, ft.23
a5.JU; Texas bulls, &3.50al.l0.
Hogs Receipts today 22,000; tomorrow, J8.UJ0
(stimated; left over, 4,000; opened stronger;
dosed c.ticr; average, steady; top, $6.27t;
rough heavy. 13.3a3.93; light, $3.S3a6.1S; bulk
of tales, tria0.13.
Sheep Receipts, 12, mm; sheep, slow; ewes,
weak; (horn lambs, ttiong to 10 cents higher;
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Four Line, 3 Cent (or Each Eitra Lino.
For Rent.
For Rente
About 1 200 feet of floor space on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
suitable for tight maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
The Tribune.
SL'MMI.'ll ItKSIDKNCK Will rent to responsible
parties, pleasant furnished summer home ut
Rlvervlew (arm, situated on the banks of Sus
quehanna river; beautiful scenery; flisl-class
black bass fishing, nice boating and bathing.
Renters have exclusive use of dining room, alt
ting rooms and large xcrand.i. Tenia x'ery tea
ananble. Call or address N. V. Walker, 314 Con
rell building, or 0.(3 Washington avenue.
l'OK ItllNT IIoue, BIO Jefferson avenue. In
cluding steam beat; 15 per month. In
quire of II. G. Dale, 27 Lackawanna avenue.
FOR RKNT In Dallcn, cottage of nine rooms,
nearly new and partly furnished; best loca
tion In town. For the season or longer. Apply
0. W. Carlton, Daltcn, Pa.
J Oil RENT-Cottage at Lake Wlnola. xrtth all
modern Improvements and two boata. Applf
Fred H. Stark. Traders' Bank building.
FOn RENT-fl-room house, corner Wayne avenue
and Putnam street; hot nnd cold water;
none but small family need apply. 1703 Wayne
a L'nnna
029 GREEN RinGE STREET, ten rooms, modern
Improvements; steam heat furolahed; detlr
For Sale.
6O0. A CilANCi: ticod camera, 5x7, best make.
S. i. llavs, 1122 ouvc sticct. ;cw iciepnone
FOR SALE CHEAP 1 combination pool and bil
liard table, 4!4xt feet. 1 oak extension dining
table, 4x12; I corner china closet, oval oak front.
BOl Webster avenue, city.
For Sale or Bent.
i'or sai.h nrt np.K'T Doiihln house, all im
prcvements. Rent, ?l.0O. Cash price,
$1,100. MO Harrison avenue.
FOR SALE Oil RENT. New double house oi
Ridge Row, adjoining residence of J. H.
Rlssell. Eleven rcoms on each side. One side
rents for ?.i0. Price, $S,00O. G. F. Reynolds,
Connell building.
Rooms and Board.
LARGE front room with board for two gentle
men, 416 Adams avenue.
LOST Hctvvcen the Albright library and 215
Chestnut street, $; a $5 bill and a $1 bill.
Finder please communicate with J. P.T., Tribune.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTED Expert bookpecper wants
set books lo manage not requiring entire
time, terms moderate. Addrc.- I. O. U., Tribune.
SITUATION WANTED Coachman deslrca a sit
uation with a private family; capable man,
strictly temperate and reliable, with good refer
ences. Address Coachman, 334 Pcnn avenue,
SITUATION WANTED Lady would like to pro
cure work by the day. Address 401 Apple
avenue, Dunmoie.
SITUATION WANTED Uy experienced book
keeper, now empliocd. Would like to change.
D. S., Box 273, City.
SITUATION WANTED Active young man desires
position as book-keeper: experienced and will
ing to make himself useful. Elmer, Tiibune Of
fice. SITUATION" WANTED A: a cook or chef. Ad
dress, Armstrong, Grand Central Hotel.
SITUATION WANTED by a woman to go out
by clay washing, ironing or cleaning. Please
call or addrcsa Jlrs. M. Russell, 1219 Cedar ave
nue, city.
SITUATION WANTED lly a joting woman, with
child thiee J cars old, as housekeeper 0.'
housework. Address, 730 Krcssler court, City.
spring lambs, xery weak; top, $3.75; good to
choice wethers,; fair lo choice mixed,
$.'!.50aS.OO; wctern hheep, iM.OOa4.13; jcarlings,
$l,il.tO; native lambs, t4a5.25; western lambs,
Oil Market.
Oil City, June 27. Credit balances, 105; ccr
tificatcs, no bid. Shipment-, S2,.'I76; average,
82,358. Buns, 97,012; aveiage, 83,03,1,
National League.
At Philadelphia (first game) It. H. E.
Chicago 0 30000 1307 12 3
Philadelphia 2 4 0 1 B 0 1 2 x-18 22 2
Hatlerics Eason and Kllng; Donohue and
Douglass. Umpire Cunningham.
At Philadelphia (second game) R. II. K.
Chicago 0 0 00 0 00.103 10 5
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 x 4 5 3
latteries Taylor and Kling; Duggleby and
McFailand. L'mpiie Cunningham.
At New Vork (first game) R. II, E.
Cincinnati 0 J 0 4 0 0 1 0 1-7 13 3
New Yoik 0 4 0000 00 15 11 3
Ratteiies-llahn and PciU; Dcbu.y and War
ner. Umpire Dvv j er.
At New Vork (second game) It. II. E.
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 3 3
New Vork 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 .x-4 0 I
Uatterics-Phllllps und Rerccn; Taylor and
Warner; Smith and Peiu.
At Hoston- It. II. E.
St. Louis 1000020 12 100-7 14 6
Doston 0 4 1 0 0000 1 I 0 1-8 10 4
Ilatterics Sudhofi, Harper, Murphy, Powell and
Nichols; Plttengcr and Klttlidge, Umpire
At Brooklyn- R. II. E.
Pittsburg 20 t 00 301 0-7 4
Brookljn .....4 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 x-8 12 2
Batteries Chesbro and dimmer; Mclimei, Kit
ton and McOulre. Umpire O'Day,
American League,
At Raltlniore n. I, r..
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 10 3 1-3 12 2
Baltimore ...5 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 x-0 II 4
Batteries Plank and Leahy; McGinmty and
Robinson. Umpitca Manassau and Connolly,
t Washington- R. Jl. U
Boston , ,,,,,,0000000000 7 0
Washington 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 x 1 8 0
Batteries Lewis and Crigcr; Lea and ClarL.
Umpire Sheridan.
At Chicago- R. II. K.
Cleveland ,,,,, 00000000 1-1 7 1
Chicago ,, ,1 0 0 10 10 2 x-5 10 1
Ratleries-Hoffer and Wood; Kstoll and Sug
den. Umpire Cantllllon.
At Detroit- IL II. K.
Sliluaukee .,,, 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-3 10 .1
Detroit 300000001-4 0 2
Batteries- Sparks and Connors; Cronln and
Buelovv. Umpire HaAill.
EaBtsrn League.
At Buffalo (first game)-Buffalo, 2; Provt.
dence, 0. (Second game)-Buffalo, 5; Provi
dence, 1.
At Montreal Montreal. 8; Hartford, 7.
At Toronto Toronto. 8; WoicesUr, 1.
At Kochetter Rochester, 13; Syracuse, 6.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTF.n Competent rook and laundress. Apply
at 5:13 Monroe avenue.
EXPERIENCED and Inexperienced operators
wanted at Solomon's shirt factory, 131-13.1
Franklin avenue, third floor.
EXPERIENCED overall operator wanted who can
"act as forelady. Apply Solomon's factory,
131-l'U Franklin avenue.
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED Tsble boarders. Mrs. Tompkins, 631
Washington avenue.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Beceived at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M.
Central City
ALBERT SCHLUTZ. corner Mulberry
street and Webster avenue.
OUSTAV PICHEL, 630 Adams avenue.
West Side
GEORGE W. JENKINS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
FRED h. TEBPPE, 720 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, comer North Main
avenue and Market street,
Green Ridge
CHARLES P. JONES, 1537 Dickson
P. J. JOHNS, 920 Green nidge street.
0. LORENK, corner Washington ave-
nue and Marion street.
W. H. KNErFEL, 1017 Irving avenue.
Real Estate.
FOR SALE Single house, fiOl Webster avenue.
Ten rooms, steam heat. 0. F. Reynolds,
Connell building.
fl, 000 Buys six-room, single house, good well.
Lot 100x200, Scranton street, Dalton, Pa.
Wells & Kcator.
- i
$1,800 Buys building lot, 40x150. Wheeler ave
nue. Wells & Keater. Burr Building.
$2.000 Buys double house, 7 rooms on a side, all
Improvements, except gas. Dean street, Provi
dence. Wells & Keator.
Honey to Loan.
$300,000 TO LOAN Lowest rates; straight or
monthly payments. Stark k Co.,Traders' bldg.
straight leans or Building and Loan. At
from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
311-315 Connell building.
ORPHANS' COURT SALE-Eslato of Maigarct R.
Kennedy, late of the city of Scianton, county
of Lackawanna, deceased.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Lackawanna county, there will be exposed to
public, sale, at the Arbitiation loom in tho
Court House, in the city ot Scranton, county of
Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, on Thurs
day the twenty-fifth clay of July, A. D., nineteen
hundred and one, at ten o'clock a. 111. of mid
day, the following plcco 01 land and appurten
ances, to wit: All thai certain lot, piece, or
parcel of land situate, Ijlng and being in the
Eighth Waid of tho city of Scranton, county
ot Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, bound
ed and described as follows, to wit: Being lot
number thirteen (13) In block number sixteen
(10) upon the town plot of the city of Scranton,
Intended to be dii!y recorded; is thirty-five (35)
feet wide in front on the northwesterly side of
South Washington avenue; the same width in
rear, on an alley sixteen (1(1) feet wide for public
use, and one bundled and fifty (130) feet deep
along the northeasterly side ot Itiver street, to
gether with the right to cnclo-, occupy and le
ten (10) feet In front of said lot on South Wash
ington nvenuc and ten (10) feet along the side
of said lot on River street in manner and form
as such right is irlven in former conveyances of
said piemises,, being the same premises wbicn
Edward J. Walsh, by deed dated second day of
March A. D., eighteen hundred anil ulncty-scven,
and recorded on the fourth day of March A. D,,
eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, in the office
for the recording of deeds, etc, in and for said
county of Lackawanna, in deed book No. IIS,
page 55 etc., sold and conveyed to said Margaret
Scott Kennedy, in fee, Coal and minerals re
served. All improved with a two storied and
basement frame hotel, a bain and other Improve
ments. Terms of sale Three thousand dollars at time
ot sale and the icmaindcr upon confirmation of
JOHN T. KENNEDY, Administrator.
CHARLES L. IIAWLKY, Attorney for Estate.
NOTICE To the owners of property abutting "n
Washburn stiect between Sumner avenue and
Van Buren avenue.
There is pending on passage in city councils
of the city of Scranton, l'.i., an ordinance,
entitled, "An ordinance providing for the paving
of Washburn street between Sumner avenue and
the westerly 6lde of Van Buren avenue with ihu
best quantity of vitrified brie k on a concrete base;
also providing for the setting of curbstones on
said 6treet between the points named, piovidmg
manner of assessing and collecting costs of said
improvements, and appropriating funds to pay
for the same," being File of Select Council No,
12, 1001, The following I a cop.v of the petition
for said improvements with the names of petition
em: To the Honorable the Select and Common Coun
cils of the City of Scranton.
The undersigned nwneis of pioperly abutting
on Washburn street between Sumner avenue and
the wcsteilv side of Van Buren avenue respect,
fully petition jour honorable bodies lint said
street between the points named be paved with
vitrified briik on a eoncietc base; that tho tame
be set with curbstone to far as nrcessary; that
the cost of Improvement be avite.secl against abut,
ting owners acvoiding to the foot fiont
rule. That said a-cisment be mada piy
able in ten equal annual Installments; and
that the portion ot said street occupied by
the (racks and sidings of the street railway lie
deducted from said assessments against abbul
ting owners and collected from said street tail
way company and that the contractor be required
to give a live )ear guarantee lo the city, and
your pelltioneis will ever piay etc.
Ntllsm Farrel 247 ft
0. W, Evans im ft
Edward K. Davis 4fl ft
John Merchant 100 ft
John Jamicson 25 ft
D. Davis, Administrator , 50 ft
Aron James ,.,..,.,..,, 41 ft
Roger Evans, Administrator 45 ft
Jones k Rinsland " It
E. I.nouilt, I)., L. .V W, llallioad ,.,11.1 ft
I), i:. Hughes 50 (I
F. L. Phillips, lljdc Paik t'emeleiy co. ,,841 ft
W, II, Davis , Hd fl
E. Unwell 50 ft
Mis, Rachel Evans by W, llajeln Evana ,.,, 50 fl
W. T. Davis ,,,, ..,.,,,..,,....., 50 ti
Peter l.tiieinhcrgcr ,,,, , ,, 2) ft
Charles A Y003 .,,.,..,,..,,,,,..., 21 ft
Robert Robcils 41 It
Mrs. Sarah Nicholas, per I). J. Mason,
Geoige Coopei, Agent 150 ft
Wm. II. Wiight 41 ft
John It. Hughes ,,. 60 ft
I'liblivhrd in pursuance of Resolution ot City
M, T. I.AVEI.I.E, City Cletk.
Scranton, Pa., June 21, HOI,
NOTICE IS hereby given that the partnership
lately subsisting between A. II. Rogers and
N", 0. Major, both of the city of Scranton, coun.
ly of l.ackawanni (ml slate of Pennsylvania,
doing biuinris under the fiim name ot Rogers
k Major, has expired 011 (his, nineteenth day of
Junt. A. D. 1901, and that the firm aforesaid
baa been dissolved by mutual consent.
All debts owing to the said partnerihlp are
to be received by the said A. II. Rogers and all
demands on the said partnership are to be pie
sented to him, the said A. 11 Rogers, for pay
ment. ,A. ti. ROGERS,
( N. 0. MAJOR.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Thin Four Lines, 6 Centi (or Each Bt(r Line,
r" ii ii-i-.-i.1ii.-u-m-Lj-jJJnjJ
Certified Public Accountant.
r.sisie Exchange nidg,, 12a Washington av.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
Spruce street, Scranton.
Booms 12, 14, lo and 18 Burr building.
' v" mi csiaio security, steara DUllolna.
corner Washington avenue and Spruce street.
mi c-ounseuors'Si-iaw. nepuoiican ouwaing,
Washington avenue.
sellora-st-law. Commonwealth building, Rooms
ID, 0 and 21.
0O3-OO4, 6th floor, Mears building.
uc iraae nuiiaing, Bcramon, n.
Bank building.
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Sugeons.
Ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry.
Chronic disease, lungs, heart, kidneya and
genltO'Urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Resturants.
avenue. Bates reasonable.
P. ZEIOLER, Proprietor.
eenger depot. Conducted on the European
plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor.
rcss pools; no odor; only improved pumps used.
A. B. Briggs, proprietor. I.eive orders 1100
North Main avenue, or Eicke'a drug store, cor.
ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones.
erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; green
houses, 1050 North Main avenue; store tele
phone, 782.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens.
also ladies' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 211
Adama avenue. '
velopes, psper bags, twine, Warehouse, 13C
Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa.
In Scianton at the news stands of Relsman
Bros., 404 Spruco and 503 Linden: M. Norton,
(22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schuttsr, 3U
Spruce street,
Furnished Rooms.
FOR RKNT One laige furnished front room;
also one sido room, 537 Adams avenue.
NOTICE Tc owners of property shutting on
South Main avenue fioin the south curb line
of Oxford street to the north curb line ot
Hampton street.
Tin if- is pending In oily councils of the city
of Scranton, Pa., an ordinance entitled "An
ordinance providing tor Hie paving of South
Main avenue from the south curb line of Oxford
Miect to Ihe north cuib line of Hampton street
v-ith the best quality of Vitilfled brick on a
concrete hac, aim piovlding lor the setting of
nub stones on said avenue between Ihe points
named, providing manner of assessing and collect
ing costs of said improvement and appropriating
funds lo pay for the same," being File of Se
lect Council No. IS, 1001. 'Cne following Is a
copy of the petition for said nnpiovements, wjth
names of petitionee:
To Hie llnnoiahlf, the Selec I and Common Coun
cils of Ihe Cilv of scrnntim, Pa.
Gentlemen:--The umleisiuneil owners of prop
ertv abutting on South Main avenue between
Oxfoiel and Hampton streets icspeetfully petition
xcuir honorable bodies that the i-ald avenue b
'tween Ihe points named be paved with vitrified
brick on a imicrMe base nnd tint the same,
be 6ct with ciirhttnif-s tu far t$ the same mty
be nece.-.sjiv; that Hie cost of said improvements
be ossrssed "against the abbuttlng property owneu
accoidiiig l the- fert fiont rule as delermlned
by the Citv Enginee- of Scranton, Pa,, thit the
adornment for said improvement he made payable
In five equal annual installments and petitioners
will ever pray, ete-,
D, I). Evans, 50 feel, 4'iO South Main avenue.
1). D. Evam, 45 feet, 511 ami 51.1 .-south Main
D. I. Evans k Co., 4 feel, 607 ami 800 South
Main avenue,
I). D. Evans k Co., 21 (eel, 512 South Main ave.
T. F. Ma'son, Agl., V) feet, 401 and 4Q1 South
Vain avenue.
If. McU. M feet. .127 and 320 South Main axenil.
William Dickelniek, 2S feet, 345 South Main ave
nue. John T. Williams, .12 feet, 311 South Main avenue.
P. F, Struppler, D. D. K.. 7!i feet, 400 and 411
Smith Miin avenue.
Thomas W, Davis Estate, by D. J. Davis, 40 feet,
V.O south Miin avenue.
Marv II, Molt, 100 feet. 442 South Main avenue,
Martha II. Ilelser, by A. T. Heiser, 70 feet, 4tJ
South Main avenue.
R. E. Msson, 100 feet, 410 South Main avenue.
William Leber, 2'2'i feet, :)ITfouth Main avenue,
Fred It. Leber, ii'A 'eel. 310 Soutli Main avenue,
H ;, Corless, 50 fert. 331 South Main tvenus.
Jenkin Lewis, 40 feet, 421 and 422 South Main
William It. Williams, 50 feet, 3.15 and 337 South
Main avenue.
Thomas Ejnou, ia) fret, 32 sm 324 South Mam
W. II. Wieklrer, SO feet, 330 South Main avenue.
Edward Roberts. 25 fret, South Main avenue.
F, A. Frlcker, 12.1 feet, 410 to 414 South Main
State of I'riiiis.vlvanli. County of Lackawanna, ss.
Before me, the t'.btcrihrr, a notary publio in
and for said state and county, and residing Id
the city of Scranton, personally appeared T,
Fellows Mason, who, being duly swore accord
ing to law dipostih and says that he was per
sonally present uhrii each and all the signatures
to the above and foregoing petition were made,
and thst the unio are the actual signatures of
the persons whoso names appeared under said
petition. T. FELLOWS MASON,
Sworn and subscribed lo before me this, twenty-third
day of April. 1W1.
E. D. FELLOWS, Notary Public.
I certify that the names tttached to this peti.
tion represent a nnjojity ot feet frontage betwewo
Ojlord and Hampton tlrtrtt.
Chief Engineer B. O. t.
Published in pursuance of resolution of ett
council. W, L. CONNELL, City Recorder,
g,-rlna, P-. Juns 24. oni.