The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 28, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    "S T.TP1!
"pvTT i ' if-' ' ' rWvX-'V'tFV
Closing Exorcises Hold Last Even
ing in the Basement of tho Church.
Addresses by Misses Anna R.
Hurst and Alice O. Caroy Rev. J.
B. Whelan Adds His Blessing.
Names of the Graduates and Honor
Students Young Lady Injured.
Sloan-Central Excursion.
The llftocnlh mm mil commencement of St. Patilck's piiioehlnl
school weio hold In the basement of
the I'huii'h lust evening and wete at
tended by nn assemblage that mm
plctcly tilled tho seating i'iipiitlt. A
temporal y stage was elected In the
loom, which was tni petcd, and tho
ilin oiatlnns of daisies wete tastily m
liniRod. The opening number was a selto
tlmi bv the school oiiheslin, which
was dcPily executed. The pluots
weie: Violins llliii"! It. .Ionian, M.
tillioy. T McCoy, Mnslets 1 -Met tale,
J, Kennedy. T. Rlttenhousei Velio,
Miss A. .MaiK, mandolins, JIihIph J.
lillnipy, C. I..i N, Msos M. Cuslck,
M. (Jitlnniin. .M. Olhnv, J". Ruikc;
b.tnjos, M.islcis R. McCaiiu, .. Dc
vlnc, .7. McKouuu, .1. C.affni'V, F. Ci.iff
iiev. llli A. Iltust, A. Caiey;
giiltuts, Misses I, (iaiieinnllei, A.
Coopci, M. Cannon, M. MtOi.un;
piano, Miss S. Aitliui'.
The nliitalniv address n,n Riven bv
Miss Ann. i 15. Hiust, who extended a
mdl.ll gieetlng to tht pnenls and
friends of the selinliiis piescnt. Iter
itmuiKs wete couched in esi client
language, showing .1 keen sense of
tho appiPtlatlon of her task. The
giaduating tlass wns altoiwatds pie
spnterl with old medals bv Father
Those derointed 'with gold medals
wete Misses Alice Caiey, Anna Ilmst,
Jlaiv McAiidiew, Mack, Aim v
Jordan, Teiesn McCov, Alke Cooper,
Kiithciine Hlggins and Doi.i Riddle.
Alastcr John Gilioy was aw.nded a
Bold cioss for painting, and Miss
Genevieve Devets locelved a gold cioss
foi good tonrliiLt.
The pttzes tor lPBiilnr attendance
were aw.ntled to Alisses Kate Ke.n
ney, Helen McAndiow, Nellie Gcnlty,
Nellie Langan, Annie Hlggins, Alice
Olltoy, Vpinnkn Jletl.ile, Annie Me
Hugh and Nellie Timlin At tho on
oluslon of the aw aids, the stif-p was
ion SAIL' AT
tilled with upwards of a hundred lit
tle girls, i1ictctl In white, who sang
a dcseilptlvo Bplecllon called "Robins."
Their vvotk wiim highly connnoniliible
for such juvcnllp vocalists, anil their
singing displayed careful training nn
the putt of the Slateis who picpaied
thpin for tho work. They weie nc
rninpnnlpd on the pianos by Misses
Mutgiirot Gllroy and Molllo Jordan.
Then caino nn equal number of little
bos, wealing tall hats, white waists,
blink knee pints anil e.o glasses.
They sang an bumniotis (-election en
titled "Tn II Top I Hit," which pin
vnkpit much luiightct.
Tho little nil ssps again appealed, In
a pnntnnilmo called "Gossips." This
time they vveiof attlied In rallto
diessps and white caps, went lug
Blnsses and enriylng hnnd lings. Thoy
pel fanned icmnrkablv well thtollgh
oiit, without speaking putts, and their
gesticulations weie made In pet foot
hatinotiy. 'I'ho nccoinpanlsts were
Allssps Cooper and Quitman.
This wns followed by a ery clovor
lv pxettilpcl nillltaiv di III by u num
ber of boss, (Itessed In blue 'and Riay
iinlfoims and raptalned by 'l'homas
Alcttugli. TliPlr perfoiniance was tiuly
leiiiaikable for bo.vs of their age, anil
tho executions vvpic leehed with much
dellglit by the .spectatois.
At the com liHon of tho evolutions
Muster .lamps Alcttugli leclted "The
Mine and the Clinv," tn title diamutlc
stvlp, Hip lpoltatlon being lntetspei.sed
with ohm lisps by the company of lit
tle soldlcis, the selections being "The
Star Spangled Rinot," "DMe," "Ral
Iv 'Hound the Flag, Roys," "Httiinh
for the Flag," and "Home Sweet
After a selection bv the oichcstr.i,
in opptetta was presented called "The
Mountain Queen," In which the chai
acteis woie assumed bv AIlss Alollle
.Ionian as the Aloimtaln Queen, Miss
Teies.i Me cay, the Ojpsy Queen, and
Miss M. lleesp, the Faliy Queen. The
ptoditctlon was Rlon In n IiIrIiIv ci ed
itable niannei, and was Inlerspetsod
with pietty music and bright leelta
tlons. Tlie valedictory addiess wns dcllv
eied by AlKs Alice G. Carey and her
language was rhnlie and effotthe.
In tlosing she asked Father Whelau to
confer his blessings on the giaduates,
and aftei this was done, he took oc
casion to compliment the young ladles
on thpir achievements.
IHp said t hell learning had been
n nulled by h.ud studv, and now thev
nio railed upon to take up the more
i-eiiotis studies of life. Tho Chilstlan
teacliing and tiainlng thev liae ic
eied will enable them to tight the
sins of the woild, and go forth to con
iuei otlier foes The eeiclses woie
closed with a fatewell cl.ibs song by
tho giaduating class
templed to lido the machine and fell,
dislocating her ankle, Dr. Gcnrgo IJ.
Reynolds wns called anil attended her.
Sloan-Central Excursion.
The annual exclusion of the Slonn
Coutinl Mine Atcldentnl fund will be
run to Like hodorc tomtit unv nininlng,
leaving the Dclnwaio ami Hudson sta
tion at T..I0 o'clock. Httmltcds of peo
ple fioin tho Kovser Valley section will
spend the day at this populai jpoi t,
and tho piomotois anticipate that It
will bo one of tho largest exclusions of
the season
Dining the tiny there will be nlhletlc
and aquatic toiitct-ts, mich as foot
lines, boat iace, etc., and the West
Side Hi owns and Aleits base ball clubs
will battle for a pile of $10. Holli
teams nie inadp up of some of the best
amateur players In the city, and tho
contest piomlscs to bo lntotestlng and
Special meeting of Panoolut tilbo,
!mpiop! Older of Heil Aten, In Itetl
Men's hall, miner of Alain avenue and
Jackson attcet, 7..I0 p. in.
Kpoclnt nicellng of Local No. 211,
t'nllod Atllie "W'otkeis of Ainerlia, In
Jnno's hall, Jiuksuii sticet, T.!!0 p. in.
An Unfortunate Accident.
Miss Helen Atay Reese, of "U Chest
nut sticet, n membn of the giaduat
ing class of St. Paul s paint hi. il (school,
met wlih an unfoi titnate aei blent os
tetrlnv which will ptevent her pattlci
p.itlng In the school cxciciscs this af
leinoon and evening.
Among the gi.iiliiatliig jnescnts slio
leiclved was a bicile fioni a lel.itive
In Xew Yoik, mil jesteiday she at-
Popular Saturday Sate
These sales have become a marked feature in the close
of the weeks business of this city. Our aim is to
select the goods most sought for, and place them on
Sale for Saturday Only
At prices so far below the regular figures that the
saving effected will be appreciated by our patrons.
The list for this weeks Saturday sale is in our opinion
the best we have yet offered, but of course, you must
be the judge.
By the way,
The Millinery Clearance Continues
We're giving up that department, and expect to get
the room now occupied by it, for departments that de
mand more space. Millinery on Saturday for less than
half of what it cost.
Ladies Shirt Waists
A splendid assortment of
5ue waists that sell regularly
For $1.25 up. Will be offer
ed on Saturday at 98c. The
ityles include, West Point
waists, fancy colored ging
aams, linen waists with fancy
tollars, etc. Choice of QQf
iny style OL
The Notions Department
This department is always
ittractive, because, there's al
rays something new to look
it. Belts have first call this
reek, The variety is limit
ess, and styles are all OCr
lew. See our line at Jv
Corset Department
Women's Health Corsets,
vjo need to tell their merit,
They're knowu from one end
if the country to the other,
md are a universal favorite
rih ladies who seek comfort
itid style at a moderate cost.
The standard 'price every
rhere is $1,25. Price Qfip
or Saturday ouly OV
Ladies' Hosiery
A beautiful assortment of
high class hose in stripes,
fancy figures, etc. Best half
dollar hosiery for Sat- 'JQn
urday only atL
Fast Black, full fashioned
hose, worth 370 in extra
sizes. On Saturday '-
only iJ
Men's Neckwear
We are today arraugiug for
Saturday's trade, the most
extraordinary neckwear value
ever seen in this city. All
the fashionable styles ""
See our special Neg- CAf
ligee Shirts at 3UL
Wash Goods Department
They came to hand yester
day, cousequeutly you Icuow
that they are new, A full
and beautiful line of Silk
Ginghams, same as are sold
at joe. Price, Satur- 'IQr
day only C
Aiinngpinents lmo been made by
the- committee In cbnige of the Ancient
Older of Hi lions' exclusion to Moun
tain Path on .Inly I for four .special
lialns dtnlng tho da. The will
leave the Ci nttul Hulltnml of New .lei
sev Million nt S 1" 11. m., the Meiotid at
It a, in., the thltd at 1.1" p. in., and the
fointli at 1 p. in. 'fills society holds
the ictoid foi the Idtgest apinblage
eci guthcicrl together at Mountain
Waco council will conduct a mem
bets' social In lied Men's hall after
their meeting on Tuesday evening,
Julv 2.
The mcn.ljpis nt the .TacKr-on .Sticet
Hapl'st iliuuli bold a business meeting
last e Piling and appointed committees
to for the annual eeiiislon to
Lake l.r.doio on Tlntf-div. .Inly 11. in
conjunction with the Sunday .srhool of
the I'piin Avenue Baptist ihiiirli.
Miss Maiga et .lones, of Hock stiret,
is leeching tieatment at the Moses
T.tvlot hospital loi hip allllction
Woikmen ate engaged in pl.u lug a
rlntilar cinb it the rntiipi ol Wat-h-btiin
stieet and South Main avenue
Mis. Saiah Kwins, r AVashbtiin
sticet, vv.ii opet.ited on at tho Scian
ton pi hate hospifil on Wednesday by
Ui. 1"). ,1. JenUins and Dt. Giant.
Miss Bessie, daughter ot .Mi. nnd
Mis. AV. CI. Dinlpls. of South Main
p venue, his letuinctl home fiom Mans
field State school.
Mis Moig.-n II. William, and son, oi
Wilkes-Banc spent Wodncsd i Willi
Wct Sainton icl.itlvcs
D .1. Walteis, (ho window -diessri at
JUC'aiin's cash sioie, is tecelving much
pi. lisp lor in ailistlc display of .snap in
the windows
Mi. and .Mis Chaile. Wenzel and A'pnPi and on Vlctot, ot West
I.tckawanni avenue, aie among the
vifltois at tho n eposI
tiou. Local union, No. 107' I'lilted Mine
AVoikeis ol Antpiic.t, will meet in I) D.
Cvans' li ill, South Main avenue, to-
moiiow evening, and give out woiking
cauls to tnosQ not In posesssion of
Miss 51, n tint. Hughes, of IMoonisbuig
Stale Ncimal schuot, loltn ncii home
bust evening.
Misses mil .Mid Mabel Hancock, of
Hi nun sticet, will spend the nel two
vvenks visitingtelathes In Philadelphia.
The Hpwoith le igue and Sunday
sihool ol the Hampton Sticet Metho
dist ibiticli will inn an ex
clusion to ll.uvej's lake on Wedncs
d ty, July 21.
James Got man, of llaleton, Is visit
ing at the home of Pattlck C'onwa.v, on
South Miotnlev avenue.
St. Petet's Total Abstinence and Be
nevolent soc let, of Bellevue, will 10-
eive holy r oininunioii in a body .a
Holy fiosh chinch biuidav moining at
7 o'clock.
Tho fiineial of tho late H. A. f'laiuot
was pilvateh condtit led li om the liou&e
on Ij.itavptte sticet cstcila moining.
Bev. II. i McDetmott odlilated. In
teinient wis in ule In the Dunniuie
ic.iiclei .
St. I .mi's, battalion and St. Paul's
Pioneer mips met Iiim ovenitig In uvu
lar session and liaiisaited business pet
tainlng to tltcli lespoitlvc otgania
tions. Tlie Motheis' jewels woie ontet tallied
at the, Simpson Methodist HpNcopal
chinch jPhteulaj atteinoou with music,
tee cicani and cake.
Modern Woodmen of Amorica Held
Enjoyable Session Last Night.
Other News Notes.
The thrifty people who attend these weekly sales know what big opportunities await them at
Our Great Friday Afternoon Sales
Perhaps you are not among the number. If not, it will pay you to look over this list carefully. Surely the
temptation to buy will be strong to resist. Tho list is full of suggestions for Summer comforts, the merchandise,
the test and tlie prices unmatchable.
Sale No. 1
Begins Promptly at
2 O'clock.
In Basement
Housefurnisliing Goods.
Tin If ty housekeeper? will take advantage
of this gipat .sixty-minute wale. If you woie
to bttv Just one of each of the Items offeted
vou would be .suipifsed at the big saving
that will lesult.
SAD IRONS Mis. Potts' genuine Kntor
pilso Sad lion, with a never-known-to-bteak
handle. Theie aio three lions, one handle
and one stand to the set. Value n
$1.'J-i. For GO minutes "C
WASH TUBS The well known Cony In
tin or sles, sold i cgulat ly for fiOe. to !')c.
On sap Friday for t0 minutes
GARDHN SHTS For chlldiott, es, nnd
older people use them too for the (lower
gat den. They aie just thp thing; thpie Is
a hoe, a take and a spade, all nicely fin
ished. Don't compare them with the ordin-
ii y set, because these ate woith at least
lfi cents. I'tlilay, fot CO minutes, tho
TAiP.LH GLASSKS, or Glass Tumblers, it
matters not May be .von've btoken a half
doon since our last tumbler sale. If vou
buy dining this sale It will cost 12 cents to
leplnce them. Fi!rla, for CO minutes,
TP.A KBTTLHS Kvoty time mju bill
water in the old tea kettle .von've .slid, lo
oiu self, of routse, "I'm going to get a now
tea kettle when I go to town" Two o'clock
Pi id .v would bo a good time to get one.
They are an all-copper niikle-plated te.i ket
tles In sizes 7 and 8 They ate worth 7 (").-,
up to $1 25 Ftiday, for CO minutes., "t
fiillj guaranteed fteeei. made bv a concetti
that tinilei stands bow. Fom rpiait
slo Piiday, for CO minutes
shades' f.uiev decoiatlon. This Is an ctra-
oidinaiv value Just 2". doen sets; s sCts
nnlv to a t iistonier. Filday, for one
hoiu, the set
Sale No. 2
Begins Promptly at
SUGAR Rct quality of gtantll.ited sugar,
put up in five-pound bags One bag only
to a customer. Ftiday, fot bO min- C-.
utes JZZjL-
COrFEE Ai bin kit's Coffee the genuine,
put up in one-pound packages. Onl tin ce
packages to a customei. Piiday, Or'
foi dO minutes '4'
Main Floor
SHOES We'll call the following n one
hour puigiatiime; there's live numbers In It
Values up to $l.J"i. Ladles' Dongola. (1
foid Ties, Ladles' House and Dtess Slip
pers, Misses' Shoos In Rlaek nnd Tan, Lit
tle (feats' Sptllig HppI Shops, Little Uoj s'
Shoes, on sale Filday tor slty mln- f
utes V7C
MEN'S SIllRTS-'Pieked up a lino of Men's
Pcdfoid Cold Shlits the other day Rcdloul
sbltts aie nlwavs woith fifty rents, that Is,
If they aie the light Kind; these aie.
Filday, CO minutes, each
Second Floor
TELESCOPES Made of heavy lanvass,
with good leather coinois, btass livotod,
heavy swell handles, cvtia. heavy slinps;
'scopes .no all cloth lined and eti.i deep
and wide. In 'JO or U.'-lneh sl.e. Cfir
Fiidav for CO minutes 0"C
cloth, In blaeK Ofoul, medium gtey and
hi lek. The skit t is made with fine gotes
and comes In all lengths fioni n) to 11. Eight
inws ol stitches aioiuid the bot
tom. Filday for one bom
flain Floor
DRESS GINGHAMS A fine Madias Dies
Gingham suitable tor Ladles' and Chlldien's
Dt esses, Shltt Waists, and Men's and Roys'
Shlits, etc Vou can have them in tliecks,
stilpos .yul plaids, in light and medium
colots. legulai value 10 cents. Til- C3
d,i for one hour vJ.jC-
Second Floor
CORSETS Some nio tho Kabo for L idles'
long and medium waist toilets, also high
bust, lilplcss, with shtped shoulder sliaps,
also some sti.illit ft out higli goted jou'll
piv $1 .1 p. tit up to tlie time the hell taps.
Vor siMy minutes fioni that lime
the '11 be
Alain Floor
EMRROIDERIES A llllle suipilsp for Ft 1
il.iv slioppets in einbioldoiies All the new
est pdlteins, good quality and good width.
Mavbe thev '11 all be sold dining the tit st half
hoiu, so don't del.i. Fiiday foi one 0',y-
hour O2C
R1P.HONS ThPte have bren so many good
values in ilbbons litel that we'll have to
tempt vou with some liettei values In the
lot vou'll find plain coloied t ihbons, all
wiiltlts, also some exquisite tancy coidod
ilhbotis, cvoiv lolor sou can think of.
Ftiday for one hour
Sale No, 3
Begins Promptly at
4 O'clock.
Second Floor
Boys' Clothing.
HOYS' WASIIARLE SPITS lit 20 different
patteins, light and daik eolois, huge Nallor
collats ntul deep Khleld fronts lip ttly trimmed.
Pants have best waist bands and taped
scams, slos .! to !) je-ns. Materials are
plain Clash and Ducks In plain blues
nnd browns, also fancy sltlpcs. Regular
value "r cents, rild.iv for one JO-
'"' 4oc
NlGip GOWNS-Mado of good quality
Muslin, nicely tilntmed In high or low neck.
This is at least a ITi-cent saving on CSflr-.
each gown. Filday for 00 minutes.. DVC
Main Floor
irMRRHrLAS-Ladlps' 211-lneh rmbiellns.
the cover Is made of motcetlcd fabric, all
have steel tods with pe.ul and silver trimmed
handles. AVondct if thpie will be any left
after the sale.' Not If you find out how
good they inc. Filday foi sltv 1 -jf
minutes 1 jj"
RAT1STE AND LAWN A conihliHition of
"0-Inch Ratlste and to-iiuh Lawn and .12
lnrli Pen alps, nicelv assorted In light,
medium nnd dark gioitnd. lcgular value
up to 12',!. cents. Friday for sixty C3.-,
minutes O4C
Second Floor
SKIRTS For Hdies made of fancy Per
cales, In blue, pink and livendct stripes,
ovetvone Is made with deep cot tied 1 utile
and nlccb finished. Ftiday lor one Lr
hour 09C
WHITE APRONS For children, 111 ulc of
fine giade livvn, uicel ttimined with cm
bioideiy nnd late. Fiidav for 10
one bout JtjC
SLIPS Infants' Long Sllps.-iade of Flench
long cloth, piettilv liemstiti lied yoke and
nicely finished lulllos. Ftiday for 1Q-,
one hour )OC
ve.iis, they liave n joke of fine embroidery
and tucks, tlie skn t h is a deep hem. jo.
Filling for one hour 50C
Main Floor
tlasp, good qiKilltj in tan, mode, brown, giey,
bl. 11k and white Regular value I'lc. j
Fiiday lot onu limn Zi)C
Globe Warehouse
Pi evidence camp, No. 01.". Modem
Woodmen of Aineilca, had a (.esslon
last night that was not wholly given
over to lodge woik. They bad an
iibundiiiuo of the lattoi, however, In
the Initiation ot tho nrw niembei.s,
which was done with coiisldciahlo eclat
dchplte tlie waitnth of tho evening, and
tho candidates weio given the insu
lt tics of the Woodmen In a manner
that will be long icmciubrietl by them.
Following the lodge s.c.sson tlieto was
a Koclal hour, over which Veneiablo
Counsel Otto D, M.vci.s iuesdd. Ad
dtesv1!. welcniitde by Edwaid E. Roba
tlian, of II) ile p.tik .mi; John R.
Hughes, ot lit pen Ridge tamp, and
otlicts, Mombei.s ot the Woodmen v.eio
piewont fioni all tho camps in tho city
and fioni IVtkvlllo and other platen up
the valley, and all had a thoiouglily
good time. The coiuiulttco in chaise
ot this pait ot tho evening's, eiiteitiiin
meiu wue .Mp.s.sih. Fled H111 tell, Reit
Stevens ami .Millaicl Fuhiln.jei, and
they hud the he.uty co-oppi.itlon ot all
the mc'iiiouis in making the vlbltous loel
at home.
uhli llnee nlhets molested Powell
Smith, who lives 011 Feioin.ind sticet,
a couple of weeks ago Tlie paity
stoned Smith's hoiifac, bioaking wln
dowfe and soilously wounding a child
with one ot tlie .stones they but I'd.
Smith ame out with a levolvei and
dtove the gang off, but Mai tin letiiir.'d
also with a gun and canted on things
with a high hand for a time. Then he
got away. His companions weie ai
leslecl the next day and wete glad to
.settle the case b palngtheli pin lata
shaie of the damages done, Mai tin
kept away until Mottdnv, when .111 olli
cor caught him. He became stubborn
In the aldei man's ollice and, aftei a
.show of Independence, took on the pait
ot a clam and itfu.sed to answer ques
tions, lie was rleelaied in contempt
and committed In default of flue. Jle
will an.swer at toutt for the attack on
Smith's house.
Martin Now Fieo.
Edwaid .Martin Is no longer locked
up, of his contempt of the
majesty of Aldciniaii Mveis' toiiu Foi
two das he was willing lo pine awnj
in th st itlon, ititliti than pay a
fine of $.' toi defjlug the ailthoili of
the aldeiintin, Then his wlfOMiuglit tils
lel-ibo, and seeming Michael Moian to
become. Mai tin's boiKlniian and to pay
the tine and costs, had hoi husband ie
leased xesteiduj.
Martin lives on Putnam stieet, but
U In (tore for alt xvho use Kcnip'1 PjUam for
the 'iliroit unci I uii.'S, the glut KtuuntccJ
remed. Would )ou bcltcVQ Hut It Ij mjM pri
Its uiciiU and an) ltui;i,bt li autlioikcd ly the
propiictor of IhU wondciful icnud) tu i,iic jou
a tami'lu bottle ficct It ueur faiU to iuic
acute or liionlo coujlw. All Ururi,LU t.i.11
Kuiiji's DaUaiii, price SJc. uml Wt.
At the homo of Mi. and Mis. Rlchaid
Thomas, of liclmont ten ace, an io
ci earn social will be held this evening
for tlie benefit ot the Welsh Congie
gational chinch..
The chlldien of the Welsh ConglP
gatlonal c liuic'h icpeated tbcii cantata,
"Ibownles Hand," in the chinch pu
lots last evening to a huge audience.
Ex-Judge Lewis, of Edna avenue, and
dailghtci, Mi.s. Powell, of tho reiuial
city, have left for a tiip tluough llio
Attorney and Mis. A. A. Wishing
li.ue returned fioni liuttalo, wheiu
they liavo lioeu dm lug tlie p.ust two
w ccks,
Dt. II. Ressey, ot Cliiuih avenue, Is
In Haiilsbiug,
Jli. and Mis. Joseph Osteihnut, nf
Oak stitet, havo 1 etui tied home, aftei
spending the past two weeks at Mld
dleton, Conn.
Pi of. .1. H O'.Mallev have It-It tor
Stioudsbuig, lo attend the giaduating
exeuisos at the si hool in that place.
Pattlck Flaheity is one of tlie gradu
ate s.
Miss Reitha Smith and Cl.ita M.uc,
of Diue.i, ate the guests of Miss Anna
Cotcoian, ot Plltstou avenue.
The nienibeis of Ciciieial Giant c 0111
mandei.v. No. 2J0, Knights ot .Malta,
will meet In tegular fosslon this even
ing at S oVlotk in Haitinan's hall.
Pea Coal $1.50 a Ton Deliveied.
to South Side, tenttal city and tentral
Hjdo P.nk. Addioss 01 dots to J. T.
Shut key, 1011 Cedar avenue. 'Phone
The euteitalnment which was given
last evening bj the ihlldieu of St.
.Mao's English and Geimun school at
St. M.uj'h hall, on IllcKoiy stieet, was,
ns usual, voiy laigely attended, th"
hull being uiiablit to hold all who do
shed to gain admission. The patents
of the ihlldieu weio piesont in l.tige
miiubt is to listen to the exicllciU mutt
beis of tho pi ogi amine, which opened
with a electing song pl-nillilly nuns
by the gills' and bo.s' cluss, iibout
llftv voices stions-. Then followed 11
piano duet by the Misses A. Wintei
and L. Rosai. Anion? the many iutei
csting niuubeis on the piogi mime was
a di.iiua 111 two acts, eiititleit "Doktoi
Pus-thins unci Seln DIenei," bv the Hist
l)o.vs' elat-.-i. They made a (le tided hit
and weiu tendeied a lousing lecuptiou,
as was also the pantomime, "The
Mls-ei's Kuppei," width was plajed In
elegant stlu by the senior class. The
piogi.unmc closed with .1 Ciciniau f-oug,
"Zebu Klcinc Negcilelii," h the tnlnl
bovs' thtss. The entertainment was
well lendcicd tiom beginning to end,
and u .social was held utter the conieit,
Prof, .lolutbon fiunisliiiiK the music.
.Mai tin Flahcily, ill. Donahue and
Commencement Exercises at the
High School Class of Seventeen
iRoceiverl Their Diplomas.
The annual commencement exei clses
of the Dunnioie High school weie held
last night in Washington hall and
notwithstanding the extiemo heal, tho
hall was eiowcled with 11 lends and
iclatlves of the giaduates.
The giaduating class uiiuilipis srv
enteeii, divided as lollowsj Couunei -
lal ionise, Misses Eva Cleuy, Maiy
G, .May, Katheilno A. Iliiggpity, Xcd
lle O, Clink, Helen II. O'.M.tlley, Mai
gaiet A. Mclllll, llnnie E, IVideu
nmp, CatltPiIno .1, Cotcoian, N'elllo O,
Duffy, .lames .1, C'auol, U1lte1 E
l.lsk, Pattlck J, Still kc.v ; uKishiial
eoiuse, Misses Agues Gilllgail, Sain
Rine, Jeiiulo Davis, EUinor Mutiiliy
and Eail Allemose,
'I'ho exeiclses who opened bv the
singing ot tho class song of welcome,
mid "Oh, Lovely Night."
Miss Saia Rune's, tliu salliliitoilaii,
welcomed tho guests of tho evening in
an unusually happy imiunci, Dining
lier leiimiks flio laid gieat stiess
upon tho iudlspeiislble value of the
pitblie sehools and diow 11 blight pie
tut o ot our counlrj's tuluip, under tho
iulluence of the public school educated
Miss Agues Gllllgan, the valeillttoi
iiili, disc mused iipon "lliu Inlllieile-o of
Good Lltetatliio'' She dwelt upon tho
Kicitt good that conies to Iho-o who
lead tlto best books and the luipiiui
that good liteintuie leaves upon oveiy
one and evety eoiiutiy whit hi It
1 eat lies, The lomalnlng liilliibits of
the jnogiuinnio weie exceedingly well
lendeted and showed tlie lesult of
1 ai etui haloing and painstaking woik
on the pint of tho pupils.
The full piogi.imuici was as fol
lows Saluttttni, Sauili Hi j no; lead
ing, "Sheinian's Maieli," P. St.n Ke- ;
essasj, '"Power of tho New Cciitui,"
Jennie Davis; 011UI011, "Advamc of
Journalism," 'Walter Llskj 'Mom
Rise," (A. C-sbtilkit), ilass; essay,
"Wanted 11 bo," Elciiuoi Mtiiphy;
leading, "The Second Tiial," Mai
Maj ; leading, "As the Moon Rose,"
Nellie Clink; "Down lu tlie Dewy
Dell," (II. Snuit), fluss, oiation,
"Monioe Docti Inc." Hail Altemos; es
sav, "P.usiness Htlucatlon," Eva
Cleiuj; "The Fislieiiuon," (C M. Cl.i
Intssij, class, valodictoiy, "Intliieiico
of Good Lltei atllie," Agnes Gllllgan;, Kev. G. S. Wouipi ; piesenta
tion of diplomas, A. G. llaggettj, sec
taiy of school hoanl; faiewell song,
A Nanow Escape.
Heniv Sh.ifler, nf Di Inker stieet, in
eompanj with lossrs. J, S Xuilleih.Ai
iiolil Zuilllelh and J. C, Rutetman, had
a 11,11 tow escape ttotn death near Fac
tcn lite on Wednesilav night. The
p.utv weie enioulr- for Like Shctldan
and when ue.11 the plaeo nanied while
ctossing a i.illio.iel ti.ttk became
ilninitd at tho nearness of .111 ap
pio it hlng U.1I11.
In theii haste to cioss, the wagon
was ovei tin ned and tin- occiiputts
wete tin own out, lotliinately not in
tin- path of tho oncoming tiiiin. ,T, S.
Km filch suftcietl a eoiniiouiid ftae
tuii' ot a leg while the otheis escaped
with a few minor btuises.
'I hn lmr pnl-oner I-. iRiin it work l'nui ilns?
cm it- rqoilul puiviiiul on I null uttcct lual ccn
Mk, Pu inn. if li Km iviinie, h viiitinK
f 1 U in Is -it Id in -il ilp.
Ml-i Ml Imiliiiil, if Dohiv no Rllc-tt, U
t-l K- 111 1 1 1 1 tT IUII Mlki, With VlO.tllW fllllllK
surL.-iin I I, lit 1, nf the IKIiujio itnl lhul
(1 11 11II11111I, 111 ule 1 thine,' trl tu Xintitli .us
( i 1 11 1-1 1 ,nl a, 1 at I S(peiia'. '
Sluilllll till Wl Itlll'l I.IM- lllllliMslllt UiU (cn
llU' tin lie en 1111 iinl tiiieu li'lh il nf
tint Viiiiiu" V u' 1 1 11 1 j uf ilif Chiirtli ot the
(,11 il Sliqihinl UII he In lil In tho dull looms, 111 1 1 nil till' 1 lllllill I lull
O O, HSSEE, until teccntly a divis
ion supeiintPiideiit ot tho Lehigh Val
ley ltiilinad, tiled esteida atleinoon
about 2 o'clock at Ttiiikhaiinot k, aged
,M veals, Althniigli he had been tuit
tlited to his bed mote 01 los for the
past mouth, ills mttdltlou was not con
sldeied alaiiulilf, until a day 01 (wo
ago. The Intel nieiu will ho at Suiin -side
teinelei, Tiinkliaiinoi k, wheie tllet
family has a lot,
of John Cnlleilv, died nt lei home, 111
Phelps stieet, esieicln inclining, alter
a In iff illness. Deceased was aged SO
1 ins, and had been a life-long icsi
deiit of this elt. Site is siuvlved bv a
hilsbiiud and one son. The tiineial will
lake Satttdav atteiiinon at I!
o'llock, with seniles at St. Petet's
1 atlieilial. Jnteiiueut will be made in
Diuimoie Catholic t'eiuetc'i.
CHRISTIAN RIEL. an aged icsi
dent of South Sci.tiitou, died Thtlis
day night at U o'tlmk, at his icsi
dentn on Piospetl avenue, after a
week's illness. Deeeascil was (,() jeais
ot age, and about lour jc.iis ago had
H pin ul lie; stuikle, Hutu vv tilth ho
never amy iccovcicti. Ho way a 1
Size 9x12 feet,
These are specially selected
Rugs. Their colors and de
signs are the perfect repro
ductions of Persian, Kermau
and Tabriz Rugs.
to get them at specially re
duced prices.
124 Washington Ave.
member of tlie Gei mania Reiteilclal
and ilaimonia nn Idles, and an active)
luenibei of the Cliiuih of Peace He
Is suivlvel b a widow and the chll
dien, Philip. Chi 1st, Katie, (loitiudo
and Genige iie The iiiuetal will
take plain Salillda.v attotiionii at J
o'cloik Hoiu the fiunllj lesltleuie, with
sen Ices hi tho Chun li nf Peace, In
tel incut will bn 111. ule In the Pittston
avi'iiiiu c eintitei
DENNIS ROLAND, an aged lesldent
of South Si 1 anion died vety suddenly
eail.v steida nitnnlng at tho homo
01 his sou, John D, Kotitnil, -'.'0.' Pitts
toil nventie Dei t,is d had been blind
for seveial jiais. He was TS je-ais of
age and Is siuvlved bj tho following
sons and ilaughtei.s; Joint D Roland,
.Mis. David Whcluti, -Mis Ellen De
Pew, mid Mis Dwjet, of Riook
ln, N. V.
Tho of Thoin is Shetidan of
or. Hampton stieet, will take pUco
this niiiinlng at 'J o'clock in St. Pat
ihk's Cathedtul. liitctmciu In Cathu
dial temeteiy,
Jm rv t jb,-v.
A. .. &AAttA L.