The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 28, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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To-day's Milk
, is not so good) to-merrow's oriam will not be bitter
than Dr. Hand's Phosphated Condensed Milk. Reduced
from the unskimmed milk of clover-fed cows canned
in a building scrupulously clean.
The addition of phosphates and
hypopliosplutcs to
Of. Hand's
Condensed j
makes it ideal food for children
building strong bones,
teeth, nerves, rich blood,
solid flesh; the greatest
restorative for workers;
aging persons, invalids
equal to a diet ot
whole wheat.
Mnlccs roireo harmless; everythliiKbettor.
llooldct liy mfill free.
Scranton, Pi.
CHALK TA1,K -Hrt. 1!, I'. V. I'icrrc will
Site ino of hn Inlpn'-tinj; thilk tillvs hI the
Ititiuc .Mission, I'l.inMir, jituuc, lliis cumni;.
1'AV DAYS l lie IPlawirP anil lluclon pirl
rtirdi .it the Hultiiiioic No. 2, Hiltlni'tn
'jiumi'l. Lonwiliim, White Oik untl .Itimjn
I'insinv coui'i.i: vi.iini:n-i'uni, .
luiinir ami Mi-s Helen IVInlirc, lintli of I'llNtou,
ttcie .te-toidit .illLincion unhid in hiuii.i-'l' lit
Aldi'imiri Ituililt.
NMVi:H-IIV 'lONKJIU'.-'Ilie Inilcpc-nde'i.
Oh'ii of lViiiteM will lelilti.ilc llmr tliii.l
ci tin- ctenmsr .it then lull in II. e
(,iiriii-.i.i IhiiIiIiii,'. All ii.milnis with t licit (Wi
llie;, md hicnil-, .nc intitiil tn .ittciid.
CI I' llli II M. Hluli- i.iiriciiing an ae at
the Iiekiu.iuni t ir hoi jo-It nil." mummR,
t. I'. 'Iliomn, .in rinplo.ic, iufl'ilnl ,i seveie cut
li en oiu of lii li.imK tr i-liiiir it 111.
in jut io tcecitiil ticilnirnl .it, tlic I.n k.iw.inni
1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 .1 1 .
( lil.'llinll'- PI 1 1 1 ION.- An" pet'
tn 11 in liihl.iupli.t .i .tiMridit llkil with
"!' ik i: . It. i-L.nle, nf the leilcinl iIl-IiIu
i'iiiii, in tin of i;. !-. kl'.nl ind of ll.11
ri-liiir., In I'liil.iikiplin l 1 1 ilitm -.. 'liny
lire Asmn Hun, Ciii-i lluu. ,fc Greumtcr, and
(.'ii'Sfttill V. .i-liluni
I'lil -i:Mi:ii WITH A WAICH -Mm Zlilmm.
the piipiiLir tii'iMiiei r.f the I'liemlv
(oiiipin.v, j! li-t luclit prrti'nlril with a h mil
smut! mild w.ikli In the 1111 111I11 w of hU emu
piny .it liU hitine 011 Wilwtir attune. 'I he
preieiititlen .-pcieli u.h madi- by .loipli Dinner
anil w is feeliiul rpipnndrd In l II r. X.iilinin,
who (iileil.tlmil (he nit nil. ri-, uilh a ln'.iiilluil
1 ci .iM.
)!'(! HHOKTA" I. r 7m drill, the i-tilo
man, Is at Iih home on 111 jv atenne, FiilVeniij;
fiom a broken leg Vt iIiicm! i. nmht lie w.k out
diitiiu at l'.u Inn till- with Arnold Zinlliih, J.
C. rtiitteifleli' nnil llenrc Miifn-. V tiiey weie
ciosmic II12, Lit K ict inn i anil Nestci.i
ti.nki tlic.t ,m .1 tialn eume tliiudiriug atoms
.mil la-dud the lionet to ei ipe Imnj run down.
'Hie gate a jump ami got the ran last
olf tl.c tuck, lint in iluinj; o tlie oliit 1 wi.s
ttpet mil Hie lnen thioun out. Mr. urtleili -in-tainiiig
a broken le.r, lie w.ts bioiuhl lo Ills
Lome in Him ill jiiluili).
IVtcr Mobil h, wlm lite neir Mount iln I. lie,
t h .nulrc! itcnliy ill the inflame of Mr
It. lliiugin, who rliiuM liim with I'liiiUv
In Ins cliililren ami Willi pointing fm "lit at
thun. lie will b gitni a In.ning tonight be
foie Migilnle Mill 11.
.inil"ilnlt iiiipsim Hie roloreil joitl: anet
oil on the tluige of liuen, wa .entemeil to
ii moitlis in Hie county jil et(nhy lit
Migi-lr.itc Mill 11.
Westminster Auction Sale
of lit'riromu suMos 11,000 yards of cir
pot, ('hairs, tiiblrs blankols, wheels,
hilvt'iwai'P, I'nicKcry ami l.mtsuhold ar
tklfv, - J, SltoiiK, aucllnnour. '
Smoke t lie Toi'ono 3c cigar.
V l V i V l Viz i d S V Vl i U v V V V Vi
I Special Bargains i
1 Saturday and Monday 1
100 pieces beautiful new Neck Ribbons, pure silk,
soft finish, all late pastel colors, white cream, light blue,
light pink, lose pink, rose, geianium, violet, navy, nile,
grass, etc, 25c goods. Special 15C
White Lawn Collars prettily made up with val.
Lice anil insertion, a 50c collar. Special 35C
Velvet ItllllJOllS Black satin back, not the best Q
grade, but good enough for wash dresses. Apiece.. .. 1 oC
Velvet Millions Pull line best at the lowest pricss.
CODClS All line grade and popular makes in the
longer lengths at half price.
Lace Insertions Beautiful line of White l.lnen
and Black Serpentine Insertions at Sc, 10c, 12 c, 15c
and up to 50C
All Paiasols at hall price., fast black, natural handles age
Umbrellas, black twill silk, new handles $1.00
Umbtellas, black union taffeta silk, S2.00 grade.. . 1.50
Palm and Japanese Pans, large 3 (or sc
Slllrt WalStS lust receivsd 300 Fancy Stripe
Madras and Percale Waists, all sues, choice styles, a
lot of waists made to sell at $1.00. Our price 59C
Lot 2, made to sell at $1.2 5. Our price 75c
Wash Goods Ne0Aday's
Lace Stripe fireiinillucs White and colored
grounds, with stripes and figures. Were 25c the first t
of the season. Now new styles, at 15C
Swisses White and black fancy iac
All of our desirable 39c, 45c and soc fine Colored
Grenadine Silk Stripe Ginghams, open work goods,.. x5C
Ulmltles Another iot of Shear Pine Plain Dimities, t 1
all the new shades 1 2aC
India Batiste Fine firm fabric sure to wash and t i
wear I 2C
White IMque J4 inches wide 0c
Illdla LlnoilS See the qnalities at (Jc, Sc, 10c, -
12c, 15c, Hie and 25c
White Lace Stripe Muslins, Dimities, etc., for
waists, Sc, Viae, 1.1c, 25c, up to .... ., 5uC
Couuterpanes Special at (Hc, 8lc, $1,00
IMears & Hagen!
Judge J. W. Carpontor Rules That
the Defendant Must Cease tho Ex
cavations Which Threaten to Injure
the Property of the Plaintiff An
swer Filed in Three of tho Suits
Brought by the Rocky Glen Water
Company A $20,000 Trespass
Suit Other Court Matters.
.linlKn ,j. w, ('iirppntpp yc.Mtculiiy llloil
tho foltowltiB oiilnlun In tho equity i-msc
of Mnry Gunlcy iiBiiliitt Wllllinii Klist:
-l.iiy (Iniiley . William Klinl. ht. u. liny
lenii, IMI. In eipill.t,
Fmm Hie pliaiHiigs niul pvlilencp In Hill t!
I tlml the lollottlin: fii.l:
1. .Mary (ianley, Hie plalnlltr, 1 Hie owner
In foe of it lot o( l.iml iliiile on the norllicrl
kIiIc of IV ir street In I tit? ut.t of ScrJiiton, fotty
feet in width nml one limnluil unil tlxl.t feit In
ill pth. It It linprnwil ttilh a ir.nne iluelliu
Ilium; In chi' lltrn.
J. 'Hie (lefrnibnl, Wllllnin Klrrt, is Hie ottnnr
of Iho lott ailjoltilni; the pliliillli't mi tlie ttitt.
erly siile, ami for some time pat lie Ins been
encilJeil In eMawtim: on lilt lot4 to .1 ileitli
ol f 1 mil tttinty In Ihlity fnl for the pnipinc of
tukliiK unt .1 Iml of s.itiil uliiili l.nilillln Hie
hiiifaii', nml In ilolm: mi lie Iih approulicil o
11, .ir to the lilainlltrn linil Hilt the toil nf M
lol hit anil iliil ilmtn m tint tlio upper
smf.iee line of silil oxen.ilion, at one point, U
ullliln aliont four feet of pl.ilnt ill's hntl, .mil If
Hie event 11 li Hit should lie pinsiiid futlier in this
illrritlnn Iheie is dm'ir tint the snrfji e of
I lie plalntin'K land tlll alnlf Into -.iiili rtUtJ
lion .mil iliini:;!' her lol
Tho plalnllir fill d her Mil ill ulileli slie prated
lint Hie ilefindant ntiulil I'" lilt.ilnfil In In
Jnwtion from iiinllniiin to rvcatate and lemoc
Hie nirfiie of hl.- lot. She :ilo nkiil Hiat I lie
unit .iiintain and ikleiinlne tlie dim mis uliiili
il (l.llmiil .iu li.ul Mhl.ilnul in I lie tlcpri
ciition of Hie value of her pioprity, by rei-on of
the eiiit.itlnit ttlilili the di fimlant lids liere
toloie iloni, and Hut the defendant lie torn
niiiidul Id I' iv her null amount.
I pon I lie lii'iting, liimeur, lit r roniicl ttitli
ilntt tlie iiuistlon of dniUKes, and we line
Hierefore to i oilfiller only the ipieftlon of tie-lU-hl
of 111- phlntiir lo hate tl'e delendant en
jmniil from eea itii.u on Ids lot so near to
lnrs as to eane the soil of I er lot to sulfide
and fall into fuili exratilioii.
An oniHT of land Ins an in donlited ni;li'
to hate the soil of Ins land snppoitid lit the
i-oil of Ins m iuhhor, and one l.r.s nu iljjlit tn
! exiatale his otr. lind as lo depiite tl'e
olinr of this lateral support. U iei and Ilrlls
ppeil, l I'.i. BM; Altttatei ts Woods, 1 V.,
.V f. II.
It is also settled tint this rule (liinls only
Id snppoit for the ground in Ms t'ttnrtl state,
.mil dins not inelnile Midi support for the pin.
tietion of lnildini;s or ntliei stinelmes pined
upon it. MiHittlpan ts l'ott, 11') I'a. I.v,
The latter rule, howeter, is not .ippliiahlc to
Ihis rase, for Hie navon Hilt the clnuclir
cf Hie hoil of Hiee lot., as shown It Hie
rtnlinrr, is snili tint if tne exeatatlin: win li
is lieinu' done hv the difemhnt f.honld lie i un
turned tnuaiil the pljmlllT's I mil miicli nearer
Him it now is, .it one point at least, tlie soil
of her lot would neresaiily fall and lide into
sniti e(. nation etin if Dure wire no !mildiin;s
upon it.
I'he hw cites lier Hie rixlit to lute lier land
fiiiportnl I'.v tint of Iit neiijlilioi, and ii lie
wishis to remote this nitnial snppoit lie must
piolcit Iit land from the injury ninth would
result from so tloin.
I am of opinion (hit Wirr and Hells' appial,
supi.i, .'Oieim this ta-e and tint the ikfriiihiit
should lie lesirainetl from niimni;, evtatitin
nml blrippim; his lint) so neir to the pliinliU's
lind as lo tike aw ly its natural lateial support,
nml i.Miss lit r liml to slnlc or fall.
It is ordertil tint nolue n' the filini; of this
rpiipnu be t;iten by Hie prnlhonolar.t tn (he
pirlles or llieir tnunsel, and if no iveeplitns
Hiintii be lllid in the proper ofllcc within tin
tiits ifter suih notiio fiml ilano will be cn
leietl Hieieon.
And it is further onbitJ lint eoun-el ior
ilalulilT piepiru ami siilmil dull in.-ie fir ,1 W. Cirpcnlcr, A. L. J.
.lime 7, l';fll.
415-417 Lackawanna Avenue,
Three Defendants Make Answer.
The Contrnl Vnlley nallm.ul com
pany, tho Connell Park and Speedway
Sti'eet Jtallway company and the
Tram-It Contract company yester
day tiled answer to the canity
stilt lirniight hy the TtneUy Glen
"U'ater company nprainst them and the
Kciiinton and Not tlruestern Italltoad
company, and Contractoisi John It,, John T, Dolan and Joseph Vane.
The still was brought to restrain
the new tiolley company from en
tcrlnw upon a tract, ol' land kat
Mooslc which was owned hy Annette
Reynolds and which she turned over
to the Rocky Cilen Water company,
ol' which she nnd Aithur Frothlng
ham aie tho pi'lncial owneis.
The water company dedicated the
liact for leieivolr purposes, The
trolley company had aliemly surveyed
a llRht of way through it. The
water company claims the trolley
company has no right of eminent do
main and at all events such right, If
possessed, would not extend to this
tract, as the water company had de
dicated the land for public use as a
rrseivolr and made It Tree from the
operation of tho power of eminent
The answers of the three com
panies filed yesterday aie for thn
most p.ut denials of the averments
of tho plaintiff, The Transit Contrnct
company's answer lecltes In addition
to the formal denials, that befote en
tcilnpr upon the tract hi question the
Peranum and Northeastern Railroad
company, for which the Tumult Con
tract company Is wniklufr. offered a
Mifllclent bond to Indemnify the own
eis nf the tiact for any damages that
might acciue, but the bond was le
fuscd and tho court has been peti
tioned to acept the bond for the com
pany. The answeis were prepaied by At
tnruejs Read & I'etlt, of Philadelphia;
.liiines K, Hurr and Joseph O'lirlen.
of this city, nnd Henry A, Fuller nml
F. Jl, Wheaton, of Wllke.s-llarre. The
plaintiff company Is repiesented by
13. C Newt nmb and Wlllaul, Wuueu
& Knapp.
C, V, Houghton, president
Tianslt Coutuict company j
i'ennian, pieshleut of the
Talk ftnil Speedway company,
V, Houghton, secietnry of the Central
Valley company, make the allldnvlts
in the answeis.
or the
T. F.
and C,
Hearings Before Referees.
The cam of Nelson, Slouls & Co,
ngulust Joseph and I.lzzle I.ahotsky, of
Till nop, was hentd ye-sleiilay befoio
Itefeiee Joseph Jeffteys.
Tho plaiutllf company Is trying to col
lect $150 from Mrs. I.ahotsky, for a bill
nf goods sold in her huslmml and his
paituur, .Mis. l.ahoUky, who owns teal
estate, euuiantced the account of her
husb.tud'H firm with Miller & AYatts,
the piedecessois of tho plaintiffs, Tho
husband's Hi in continued to do business
with tho succeeding lirni, and got Into
their debt to the extent nf $150. They
aio now trying to hold Mid. I.uhotsjky's
piopcity for the. account. Mn. l.ahot
hky ilcfcnds on tho giound that she
only guaranteed the account of her
husband's Hint with Miller & Walts,
and that tdm can nut be held fur any
debt conlrntled with their successors.
II, I). C'ui-oy represenlH tho plaintiff
tonipnny, and Taylor & Low Is tho de
fense. Attorney rlcoigc 8. lloin, sitting ns
refeiec, hen rd the case of It, Knglniuler
& Co itgalimt II, OoMsinlth it Co. tt li
u suit growing nut of a ttausaetlon In
chlldien's clolhlng. The goods were io
nised on the giound that they wnie not
what vnt ordeied. The seller refused
to take them back nnd they were sold
hy the i'.i lit oiid company for fi eight
and stoinge.
W. It. Olllosple, ot t'lttstou, sat as
referee In a damage suit brought by
Henry ItowelK of Taylor, against the
City of t'lttslon. Charles K. JJunluls Is
attorney for the plaintiff, and City
KoKcltnr (leoigo O'llilen for tho defendant.
Two Now Trespass Suits.
Suit for $110,000 damages was Insti
tuted yesterday by John Murray and
Martin Mutiny against the Greenwood
(o'tl company. C. II. Super Is tho plain
tiff's attorney.
John Murray Is a lii-year-old boy,
and Martin Murray Is his father. The
hoy wii working for the company us
a driver's helper, In April, 1899, nnd,
while In the act of hitching a team of
mules to n trip of cats, the mules
(tinted up and he wins thrown under
the cars, sttffeilng the loss of his right
L)r, J. J. lliennau, of Jackson street,
brought suit against the Scranton Rail
way company for $5,000 for personal
Inluiles nnd damages to his buggy, ie
sultlng, its Is alleged, by driving Into
an ungual ded excavation, made by the
company, on North Main avenue, near
Hull's Head, in May, WOO. Kvmi Thom
as is the plaintiff's attorney.
School Teachors Havo to Go to a
Bank to Have Their Orders Cashed.
Treasurers Are Complaining:.
City school teacheis who were paid
yesterday, had to go to the Thlid Na
tional hank to have llieir otders rashPd.
The school dlstilot ttensuiy is depleted
and the city was unable to loan It any
money, as has been the wont In such
emergencies, because of there being but
veiy little cash In the municipal strong
bow Tho school board artanged with
the bank for a tonipotaiT loan of $15,
000 to meet salary and other piesslng
claims during the Intel I in that will
elapse befoie tho tax duplicates :ne
ready for the eolleetois.
Tlie city had only $12,000 at Its com
mand, yestoulny morning, but during
the afternoon, in i espouse to a lequlsl
tlon fiom Tronsuier Robinson, a $l!O,000
check was tecelved fiom County Tieah
urer Scianton to apply on tho S13S.000
that was still owing the city from
liquor license lunil.
This makes f:0,000 Uiat has been piid
ocr to the city, thus far, by Tieasuier
Scianton. Tioasmer Robinson is com
plaining that it is not dealt out moie
liberally. Treasmor Scianton points
out that ho has already lemltted as
much as Tieasuier Kelly paid over al
together laj-t year, when the levenue
lioin liquor licenses was only $68,000, as
against $lfi4,Go0 this ea under the
doubled lee.
When the matter of tl.c complaint of
Treasmor Robinson and the treasuieis
of the oilier municipalities throughout
the county was laid befoie Treasuter
Scranton, yosteiday, he slated that
tn. dor the law this money is not due
to tne municipalities until September 1,
and that any payments made by a
county tieasuier befoie that date aie
by way of accommodation. The short
age in the city tieasury, Mr. Scianton
explained, was due, not so much to ihu
want of the liquor revenue, as it was to
tlie fact that the delinquent taxes are
held up by tho dispute as lo whether
the treasuier or the delinquent tax col
lector should collect them.
Of the inonejs collected this year
fiom liquor licensee, $lii,nii0 goes to the
city of Scianton: $S,000 to the city of
C.nboudnle: $3T,Tiil,10 to the bmoughs
ami ?.:,lin.20 to the townships, a total
of ?J14,13y.K0.
Committee Reports That $3,117
Was Cleared Members Lunched
with Colonel L. A. Watres.
At a meeting of the executive com
mittee in chin ge of tlie opening' of the
aimory was held yosteiday atternoon
and lepoits heaid which showed that
the satbuaetory sum uf $.1,117 was
cle.ued by the big ball. The commit
tee lunched with Colonel 1.. A. Watres
al tlie Scianton club, and alter dining
conducted the business meeting with
Major J. W, Oaktoid In the chair.
Captain 1J. 11. Atherton, the hard
woiklng chalimun of the sale of tick
ets committee, icporrrd receipts fiom
the sale or tickets as being $4,IL'S, and
lecelpts fiom the sale of boxes, $:i,2U0,
a total sum of $7,i;js, wblch when
$l,.'ilt expenses were iledueted leaves
a net balance of $:!,1I7. W. CI. Parke,
Lieutenant W. II. fiunster and A. G.
Hunt weie appointed tin auditing com
mittee to look over the treastner's
books nnd the accounts of the tickets'
Colonel Watres thanked the mem
beis of tho executlvo and other com
mittees for the cate and eueigy they
had evidenced, and deflated that In bis
opinion (lie committee was too valuable
an adjunct to the regiment to allow
It to be discharged, lie asked that It
be continued and this was by unan
imous consent conceded,
A sub-couuulttee was appointed con
sisting of Colonel L, A. Watres. T. II.
Watklns, Captain K. M. Vundllng, A.
G. Hunt and Captuln I), It, Atherton.
This committee will consider tuture
plans and teport at a meeting to bo
Killed by the chilli man of the coin
inltlee, While the monetury lesults of
the ball weio not as large us bad been
hoped for yet It was the unanimous
sentiment of t lit committee that gen
eially speaking the atlulr had been
a success.
Those piesent at the meeting weie
Colonel L. A, Waties, Major J. H.
Fish, .Major AV, S. Millar, Joseph Levy,
Conrad Schtoeder, Colonel C, C,
Mattes, T. IL Watklns, .Major J. W.
Oakfoid, Captains r. H. Atherton, W.
II Tajloi', Lieutenant W R. Guuster,
Captain W. A, .May, Albert G, Mum,
Colonel lleiman Osthous.
Aio calculated to Insure piompt
and elllcient set vice In every de
p.utment of banking, I'eihaps
ou would II ko to try us.
The People's Bank
MiiilrtiU1 irrllitts lire usually Irksome tunc lions
lo allin I nnd a tiling lo atold If possible, hi
sltlklnir tutilrntt to this was the iIiwIiir In Hal
sltrii I i.v the itlutlents nf Mr. Walldiis' ouil
fluilli) lut nlfilit at Oolli'RO hill In an rtitlup
si i .He Auilluue, whlili tared Hie ncillnu unit
t it ml Ifijar tapiill.t nf litis spat Ions auditorium,
'Ihe rullal opened by Hie rettlal tlinms, nlmtlii';
111 faullless ntjl.t .iml piled "Tlie 1'llnrlm Clin,
ins" nml "t'lowneil wltli the Trmpcsl," sclee
tlons fiom op-ras by Veull, The brllllinl iru.
Kiamme was mule Inkrestlnic by the artistic
t otk of Mr. Watklns' ndtaticeil pupils. Not only
were the numhiis well Intcrpicleil, but In listen,
lug olio win iilillgnl to note the authority and
rh)tlimie aneiil, toiielhrr willi the dlttlml cnuii.
(.lalleii and rxpirsslon wllb whtcli rath number
was Rlvni. (
The tnt soloist was Mitt .tetsle Ilrlsllry, who
ilLplitnl it gaod stane ptccni:e ami a welt
lialneil tohe wlileh lut mtle tast prnKrcss lntu
last jear. Iter ttiuliiR of ".My Heart at Thy
Stte"t Volte" was well teerited. !, O. Wlncke,
trnor, aat.R In swert tohe and taste, "The Dla
lnl srp." whlih wnR well milted to his voice.
"Whin We lote," Rltrn tiy Mliw Kdllli Kowler,
In a pure, rleh fonlrallo toke of volume and
power, was ircrlvetl with fator. A pretty soiu,
"In (Ly etltlt'," wan sunie l.y Jllss Mary .Nl
land. She dlp1ayeil a volie ot qrrat llexlbllily
and wide langt and easr of tone produrlloii
that wan it'lre-liiiif. Mudi applause followed
this rons Winn Shields smir hla sonic In ex
crltrnt tolee anil sl.tle, portiat ing his teacher's
excellent method.
The recllal ihoins aroused the audlenec to n
IiIkIi pitch of enthud.Kin by their rendition ot
"Hie soldiers' Chorus," from the opera "I'ausi."
Ihe inirtld tlijllnii, the attack and precision
were almost peileil, 'Ihe whole chorus was
same IhioUKhoul with crcat spirit. "In Dreams,"
an rxtpiisite hour by Tostl, was sung by flinlel
tones with line at.tle nnd feellnir. Mr. Jonra'
tolte Is a pure, hlcli tenui. The nest seleitlon
was a powerful nuinber from the opeia "Pon
( arlos," known as "O Don 1'atnle," glien l.
Mlsa Katlirtn Moniran In superb Mike and with
clnnntlt' intensity,
'llto mtiet lallid, "I'orcotten," was much in.
Jilted, as Funic by Miss (lihhoiui, who a
contralto tolce ot (treat (ullnif.s, II has a ajm
pathetle quillly, will adapted to the prcper etc
ciillun of tills fatotite ballad. Mlsa Teresa M.
llanawaj's thinning personilltj and prelty tolte,
together with the, thaiailcr of her song, "The
Spirit of S'princ" made a dellRlitful Impression.
The audieme flioweii much fator at her singlnsr,
which Ins considerably broadened in stjle and
epresslon. A maRiiltitent basso Is Klnjcl Hfber.
lite, who slnps with tasle and much feeling,
lllit sonir, "I'alria," ttaj well adapted to hit
voice and stjle.
The celtbialed ".Tewpl Sonir," from Oounnd's
"t'aiist," brought out the beaulirs ot Miss Msr
tin Millliewa' vocallrailion in all Its brilliancy,
This aria presents technical difficulties far fiom
bring nrnamenlal and are ued bj Hie composer
as vehicles foi the Illustration of passion, pleas
uie and piin. Mlsa Matthews, by her splendid
voice and artbtie at tie, made n deep impression.
The trills were clear, tight, jojous and rlpplini;,
the runs clear, exact anil secure In time and
pitch. She was applauded to the echo.
The grand finale, the last or Hie first act of
"Lohengrin," sung fnl the first time in Siranton
hv the recital chorus under the magnetic baton
of the indefatigable director, Mi, Watklns, was a
glorious ending to a brilliant recital. Ihe
chorus this year is not only capably balanced,
but II is i splendid bodt of vocalists, of whom
S'iraiiton can proud. The tenors and
Ihsmw, with remnant vcurcs; the net, quality ol
the altos, and Ihe in inner in which the so.
pnnos .ill.iiked Him lush nntc, mule Hie whole
eminently til tt tl for Ihe high standaid of singing
called for by this master woik of Hie great
Wagner. The highest praise of their wonderful
achleteinent is Mi. Watklns just due. The solo,
isis for the cpiintelte were .Miss .Matthews, Miss
Mongan, David Stephens, Will Watkins and .lolin
W. Jones, at hinds the solos leceited
their full meastue of arli-tie interpretation. The
accompaniment for this chorus was plajed upon
two pianos by Miss I'ioience If, Richmond and
(Tillies l)ofi5.ili), in a most piaiscuorthy man
ner. The other capable acrompunisU weie Mis.
I). B. Thomas and Miss Ito-e Conway.
'Ihe ('utisiMVatori of Music his marked the
close of a must suc,nful gear's work bv a
series ot si closiu; inilals in Hie auditorium
or SI. Luke's Pnish house, (he li-t reeilal of
the si lies ln'ing giviu I it evening to an audi
cure tthiih pitked the hniiso
'lhe-e niitils have bun unique in (he luge
niiiubr nf sliiilenls who have appeared on eaih
prolamine, the iimfoiin excellence exhibited in
Ihe pi i.v ing ot slwlnls rf all ages, and in Hie
exposition of Hie splendid elleels lo be obtained
fiom the use of s,.eial p:anos at Ihe simo time,
or ensemble plating, a.'ide fiom the customary
l e of Ihe piano as a solo Instrument.
The piogrnnine of last evening was o ananged
thai pi. mo solo mimbi m alternated with ensemble
numbers, the most of Hie latler being peiformed
at six piinos bv twelve pla.tcis. Tlie soloists
who appi'iied in pietns of vai.viug difficulty were
Slisa Mif Iteilfoid, .Miss llaigaret La.v. Miss r.lhcl
Itevau, Miss Nonin .I1 ill-. Miss Lillian Krauter,
VIks Mir.v Kotvlci, Miss Iv'llli nine Ibeks, Mks
llililegaul Conrad, Miss niia Voiis and Miss Mary
1', Wageiiliiusi. I'our .voung ladies, the Miste
faiolluc N'lUlTu, I'.lfiiila Sjbester, Marjorle Hob.
iilsnn and S'uie Watklns, rentlered the Clementl
Sol'jtlm In U, npna ati. in unison at four pijnos,
and six little ink-is plaved in Ihe mine way
siveral pieces from lliiiginullrr'i opus 10(1 fiom
mt'iiinry, and with a degree ol aicuraey astonish,
lug in suih toiiii,' studints.
1 lio niseinl'le or sitht iilaing selections,
wlm 11 were pli.ted by live climes of twelve plaj.
vta eacli, .mil a Imj's class of eight plajcis, weie
the War maich from "Ilieni," by IVagnri;
(iilop, opus "), li.v Din.i; "On the Carousel, '
by Woin; "I'oasiliig," opus ITS, by (Jmlltt;
"The (llp'j- dill," by Noill; "On Ihe Lake,"
ami t'i I'ustlllleiii, by Volknnnn .fiom opus 11);
.Mia hiilliaua and Maren, lioni opus 1.0, hv
Von Weliei, and fiiantl .Vljrch, fiem "Tanuluue.
her," bv lliclnid Wagner, All these nunibiii',
nml especially those- by Wagnir, were received
with in iikeil fit or bv the audieme, 'Ihe ulif value of thei-e pieces pi'iloimod in lids
way was shown bv the deep Inteiest of lie
pi i.ti is and Hie accurate time and expression.
Sptelil mention should he made of Ihe pla.
lug of Ihe filst iiiom tin nt of a inueeitit In O
Mijor, by Mrirt, bt Miss M iry Wagenhurst,
the aiciuipiulimnt plivnl on u suoud piano
bv .Mr. I'liiuinglon, and the oiihrslial tiltli
pla.tul at four other pianos by the Misses Prencli,
llinwuing and Hone, and Mi. Iliillmaslei. The
illflkult solo jui t was plated by MUs Wagon,
hursl Willi adequate tulinlque and Hie plaj Ing of
Hie railui7i, esji.v I ill v , gj( cvidcuco of llu
highest iniisieiaiilt qualitits,
'Ihe "Homage a Handel," by Moscheles, vviit.
ten for two (iliuo., wus pined at six pianos,
li.v tho MK-ej rri'iicb, llrowniug, Hone, Wagen
liiiisi, k-i.-i. I'tnniiu'toii ami llulimastcr, 'I his
was one of Hie most delightful nuitilii is on a
piograuuneof muisuil meiit ami formed tvltli tl'e
iii.mii fiom Tannliaii.ii. & lirilliiut ending lo
an ambitious cum (it
'I he liflh ami last nf the season of cln-ing
li-iilals In llio Southwnrth studio pupils will be
givtn at 'iivvrir, this evening, Following I.
Ihe programme;
Sonata, litai mov f input Ileelhoven
Miss Noiiua William.
Adagio I'avoii , Moraif
Mls Muilrl Weston.
larglietto, Alltiu I'oluca Kuliliu
Mi-s nullelle llanis.
Amoietle, op. irj , Iliedermaim
Mba Cilia lllne.
(a) f'onfi mIoii .....liojiMj
(li) l.iilblo ,, ,, su,it
.Mi.i Mina I'lank,
.Nciituille, ,, Join I'll Id
Mlj Trllne Slonl.,
lutermezo , , I'hhri
MPs Mini Ito-j.
lhlotly ,,,, Kiuc.t I'ohl
Miss Leila Woodiuir.
ilsf (lurlltt
Mis. Ann Itoheitsou.
Si herino, op ol, No. U ,,,,IUndriHk
Miss Mart O'Malley.
In Tvtilhiht, lueltiily .......Hinsil ali
MIks llarel l.ll.
I'no .Vult llloltee , ....Sniiih
Miss Helm (llbhous.
inlin Kiuemhie, fj ivottc ....Coiiaul
Misses I urj I, Waller, Id user, Mr. IlodrUucr
Itustic Dimes ...t'ouin
' MUi 1'iliu K. Sinilon.
Tarcntcllo in ) b 1 1 a
MIm I'lvreiiic Kline.
(a) VolUlied.
(b) Impiomptii Schern, our hand, Nicotic;
Miss Laura Mc-ldrum, .Mr, Xi'iiiuu 1'iliiicr.
An Opportunity
You do not get every dny to buy Importers' Samples
for One. Half Their Real Yalue. No two pieces alike.
Twenty.flve Cents will buy Vases, Jardinieres. Candle
Sticks, Ash Trays, and a hundred other odd and pretty
Br lea-Brae. These are not old stock, but a forerunner of
what will be in market next fall. There is just as great
an assortment in larger pieces for 50c, As there are no du
plicates, Come Now.
Geo V Millar & Co IM Wyoming Awnne
VICU. V. ZTJLIliai . VU, W.Ik In .nd Look Ar.undi
Here are two special offerings which are worthy of
the attention of shrewd buyers as quantities are lim
ited. An early inspection is advisable.
$ 1 .25.
Size 4 feet 6 inches by 2 feet 3 inches.
Choice line Oriental designs, Real value, $2.
- .
65 Cents
The pair choice grade of Swiss, well made, An
exceptional bargain. Real value, $1.00.
Note Our store will close during July and Aug-
ust on Saturday at noon.
I Temporary Store 126 Washington Ave.
Carpets. Wall Paper. Draperies.
We Are Going To Reduce St
If Prices Will Do the Business
Everything in Hen's, Women's and Children's
. it k.M.i . r. - r-: f ..,.. 4-1.. n..
doming UIN UKC.UI I ac rnwa uuww niaii h
you are in the habit ofj getting when you put up
your hard earned cash.
317 Lack. Ave
Second Floor
Open Evenings
full Set Teeth $5.00
(Fit or No Pay.)
Gold Filling 1.00
Silver Filling SOc
Tllliril lAHUirin ami filini alunlntily
uitlicillt plfn lit em" lite Ftlilltllli liirtlmd. I Mil
liy in unit lie .ir' nut compctim,' ttilh ilii'ii
tli ilalill-lillirlilP, lint ttltli'ill- dm .it limit li'-i lluu lull lint iluipil v
them 'lli"i .lie iliu cult Doulil I' Hints In
N uiiliii! lint li.itc t lie p.ilcnlcil iippli uiui .iikI
iiiiidituli in cvtuil, Idl ind .ippl.t Kcdd inittiu
niul ihip1iIii cnittm (mull Inl ild.i from
ln-ili .iml u.iniiitiil mi vu )i,ir ttliliout til
li.i-t pjill. Il nl piln.
I'aiulc-,s lv;trictinK Free
(Jold Crowns $il.00 to $5.00
CIciiniiiK Teeth , 50.
Teeth Witliout I'lutu $5.00
ciii ran Irtvc tour i.hIci (or if 1 It in Iln' moinlii!; .iml si t Hum in Hi.' rtrnliu il de
el ceil All ttork clone Ia' crjiluili' iKiiliiN u( riciliuiti Jinl alulil.t, and t,'d (or
mcnly )mi'. lUamliutlon mi J isiiinaka 1'III.K
Hours -8 to 8. Stiiuluyi 10 to 'I.
The White Dental Parlors,
Comer l.iickitwiiiinu and Wyouiiiig Aves., 0er Newark Shoe
Store, F.iitruuce on Wyoming Avenue, Scranton,
Twcnt Olllcis In Hip IJnitf.J ittis.
l.tiKiftt 1.'iiUI IMjiiIMiiiioiiI. in llio Win Id
Co l'o jcrtid dec at I. 11. btctcw'.
Marriage Licenses.
Fiauk U. Yoiiiik l'ltts-tnn
M, Hi-leu WlntPis .,, Pitlstnii
Wlllluin Knunel. Jr.,
Not tli Kllmoro avi'iuui
Masslo Rellly lliiltlo stirot
Willi. mi 11. Hnltlmin.
11.01 WiibliliiKtim avi'imo
Hrlilget ti)liiiul....uJJ Moi Htiuia
Aiulicw licicfiHU' SciMiiton
Catherine) A, Xcj.iry Hir.tntoii
tiulHe'iip Si'liii ,.,.OIil Fciiko
Husailu Lui'iui'dl OKI Foigc
Court House News Notes.
Attorney 1. F. l.cmgliiiiii nppllpcl to
I'ourt fti'iiluy fui' a I'liiutcr for th
St. Kifplion tin' Martyr Hctii'llolul soul
oty, of Uiiiininip.
Tim lip.irliit.' in tho equity I'Uho (if c,
U, Slinp.son ot al. iiKUlust the C'hi'rry
VMIvy Hiniiii ami l.uiuliur company el
al, will t.iUo pinto tmliiy.
Pension Granted,
fHy KmIikiic Who limn Tlio Awoiulcd l're3.
t.liln.'toii, Juno 27. -A litmiun of ?IJ .1
inoi'tli has lnen ('laiiUd Hat id li. Hill, ol Du.l