The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 27, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    -tJ -
of having doctois' bills
to pny by drinking im
pmo wntor. Use a Cham
pion Water Filter on
your faucet nnd you will
bo taking no chances.
Clear, puio water Is tho
result of using tho Cham
pion Filter.
We can supply you
with tho slzo you wish.
Footc & Shear Co.
119 N. Washington Ave
Attractive Warm Weather
Clothing for Little Ones
The rwlet and most comfort ible vesta
unci biiuK llclit in vvclcht, jot lii inpr a
little wool. Tho flauo Night Oonns for
Miltrj nlshts, Little rirc-scs .Ticket ami
Coat In tho rhlntict coolct nnterliK
Infant?" Outfits for June a bpctialty.
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruce Street.
Telephone or mill lit a postil to oil nt 3 our
homo and quote prkc on linnrlerinfT any qinllty
or kind of lace or Mh curtains. ItcsuIU guar,
The ChntaqtM Lltciaiy anrt Scientific
chclo anrt .t lew otitMde It lends weio
tho Bursts, 1111 Tuesday evening, nt Mr.
and Mi.. Y. II. Sadler, .it their pleas
ant home on Main avenue, the occasion
being tho dosing assembly oC tho ninth
season ot that oiganUation. Tiio so
cial foinialitlos vvoio rlellghttully Intel -peised
bv musical selections liy the
MKses rtentley, Jackson, llenvvoocl and
Mi. Huslaniler. An inteicsting paper
ot 1e.1l 11101 IL was ioad liy Mib. Sadler,
In which ho pave a spicy, limning if
sume of the nine yeais of tho Electiic
(.help's life. Later in the evening the
ciicle piesonted an attiacthe appeal -ntiee
alinut the tables In tlie dining
loom uheie a collation as onjojod,
and vvheie C. II. Von Stoich, esq , wit
tily acted as toastmaster. On tho
pioginmme tho toasts woic: "Tho Oc
casion," "V. S. lluslandct; "Our
Class," Mr. Henwood; "O111 Clcigy,"
Miss Benedict: "Our Guests," Mis.
Bicck: "Our "Work," Mis. Cuter; "Our
rail," Mis. Tluslandei; "Any Old
Thing," Geoigo Bonodiit. Rev. Dr.
Guild, a guest, also made hi lot 10
niaiKs. Those piescnt vvoie:
MI--, Allrtlalit. Mi- Anilcrcon. Mrs. Prcck, M'-i
Rentlcj, Mis? Tlciiedicl, Mr. Connor, Jin 1 ilith
IVIi. MK, 1'i.h, Itehcrt, M10, 1 i-.Ii. Ml
fJillftpu , Mi, Gillo.pic, Sli.s (lOctznian, lir.
fiforse K. t.uild, .Ml. .md Jin llcnuoocl, MInJ
Ilcimnnr, Pr. Ilnllistcr, Mi. and Mi-, lliii iinlcr,
JIrP .lick. on, Mi.? Jnckann, Mr. Juk.on, Mr.
Meiter, M1-1 Pickett, Helen and Until 'idler.
Mi. and Mi., bltne, Mr. uud Mis. C. II, Vun
Class Xo. 11 of the Notth Main Ac
nue Baptist Sunday school was ontoi
tained bv their teacher, Meiton Kin
cry, at his homo on Chuith avenue,
Tuesday afternoon. Games and mu
sic weie Indulged In, making the after
noon a very pleasant 0110 to those who
attended. Those piescnt uoie: N'aotne WIIiiiik, Alice Chippell, liic
Powell, Ilachcl Doibhlu, I'hoebe Hiuke, l.utU
Williams 1 dna Miciinin, lennle In.., Kniiiii
Cojlc, Mm ci let Jackson, I i..u- llonlind, M md
hvant, llattic Davis, llattio 1 11111, lievlo IIoli
bins, Ituth Hill, Nellie Hill J ml (.eoife-lanni Claik.
John McDoiioubIi, ol Luzerne sued, ij criou.Iy
ill with appendicitis.
Mis. N. A. Warinan, of Montio-e, wis In the
citj .tteida.t, the suet of Mr1". 1'iikciins.
County f ommixi'inntr John J, D111M11, J, I!.
fiafTnc.t and John Lo.wie took a tiip jcatcnlj) to
Lake I.odoic.
llvt hitheilne Valict, (laughter of r Sheillf
snl Mrs. John, J. IjIicj, la home hum NjMittli
ncadcm.i, Itochestci,
Penjimiii F. Mivcj, ol Wllkc. Bine, president
of the 1 11eriie Cmintj Asioclalion of I'll tun i
cists, attended the MiKcnni lluiett wedding' In
this city et(idiy.
Mr, and Mr incrnt O'Connor, ol N'rw oik,
are ilsltln Mi. oronnoiV tistei, Mis Julm
Iturnelt, of linden tticct. Mis, Otomur wj
formeily Ml.-s Kitty Hut.
finest 'iliiele, l.dniuiid lliiele, Albert Mo.-cj
ami Midame an Den llcude, loin well known
local muslclan3, lco todiy foi (loohcn, Va., to
accept a summer portion tlicie,
Mr. and Mis. S K a;lind. of m Clay ae.
nue, aro rntcitainiiu Mr ahnd'n yiarenu, .Mr,
and Mrs. W. A W.oliud, of flnllUothc, O, and
Ids lnothci-ln law, )i. 1.'. F. l.aiuly, of Clnilu.
nati, 0.
Special Xow Entes via the Lehigh
Valley Kailioad to
Cincinnati, o., account riul&tlitn Kn
deavor rotnctitlon. TKKel.s on salo
July 4th, nth, and Dili.
San I'lanUscn, C'al., account Up.
woith Ueagtid nieotinR, TIchetH will bo
on sale ftorn July Uli. to July l.'tli., in.
Coiihult UeilRh Valley Ralhoad
agents for paitlcului.s.
Steam Heating nnd Plumbing,
P. F. & SI. T, Howley,23l Wyomlnc; ave.
Can Wc Serve You?
In tendeiing our services, we
feel sure that we can serve you
acceptably, Shall be, pleased
to hear from you.
The People's Bank
The Xrw York PrfM of laH Sunday contalred
the follnnlnq; about Till I'.wn Moigan, belter
known here a Tallle Morgan!
"loll IVtt Moipan U ft imnj aided man. He
Im rxtraotdltnij tnmlca! r;lft, Ideal
nnd Is 1 incti(il nun of affalii. In addition
tn all IliU ho Im .1 wondeiful plijlque, for lie
nrely l known to lake .1 holldiy. He I' illiudor
of iiiuelp In (hean llioe, h comldeird Ihe
iarnetl nllitloui summer leiott In the United
blilr. In tie fpicinu auditorium, whkli has
tonifortahlo tlnlrs for 10,000 poisons, he rUcj
on nn nteriwo tcnt file lupte loncrils oath
season. 1'or thea he cnsicjes the brt sololsUi
from the clt), nnd It Is considered a xlep npwird
In piofefslonal life when a sinner Is rntnitcd to
nine at an (kran Orovc lomert. Ills iliotus Is
rei Milled fro 11 all puts of tho cnuntrj, and
numbers about 4o0 solcei" lleldes this ho has a
rhlldrrn'a chorus of 11 thousand sokes. In the
Itntruinentil department of his woik he nea n
larco pipe orRin, four Riniid plmnj and an or
thcslra of twentj (lie fdeies, .Mr. Morgan Is the
origin iter, piesldenl md director of the iniisUal
organlratlnn known as "The Chord I'oderitlon
of America" 'I be purpose of this fedentlon 13
tn foim joims peisons' thoial soilctles In
thurcbes, and rich rummer to bold a large tnml.
nl fcctlial la'tlng twenty dijs In Oiean Clou1.
Hits has proied m Immense success.
"flip West Knd (" union, numbering otor
.100 meniheis. and width gale lit winter Oiul'a
"Holy Cits," Itossliii's "Slnbat Mitel" and other
greit woik, bis Mr, Moigan for Its dlroitor.
Al'o In lllibeth, .V. J., this able leidcr Ins
trained a large thorn In the whiter, and he ilo
Is director of music of tho Wet Knd blanch of
the oung Men's Chnsthii nswhlion One of
the pet projects of Mr. Morgan's buy life Is bU
roricpondonce school of music, which Is an Idci
of his own, and to which be glCs lilt personit
fiipcril.lon. 'Ibis method now Is known the
woild round, ind more thin 10,000 persons are
lcirnins in ditlcicnt pirts of the globe bj
The fict tint Mr. and Mrs X. i:. like line
sold their beautiful home on Wib-tcr incline
and ire nbout to irmoc to Cillfoinla is iindci
tdood with legret by .1 large tliclo ot frlui Is
Mr. like Ins fur some jcirs felt a gicit dc.ire
to tike up his residences in I.os Angeles, and
now tint surli a step his been decided upon be
Is to giie up po..e..on of his present houe in
the c.our.e ol 1 forlnlsht. The new owner, Mr.
lto'o, will occupy it Immediately iftcrwaid.
Mr. ind Mrs like will friends and rela
tors and then go to the PiivAnicrkin cspo-d.
1 ion. lemng foi Los Angeles where thev line
bought 1 hrcu plot of gioiind, on which they
arc to build 1 iciv clegint residence. Mr. like
is 1 nun who.e life nid experiences Into bom
unique. He won distinction in the Cull wir
and ifterwird becime 1 pioneer In gold mining
ill hvka Ills integiity of piiipfuc and indniii
nitablc energy fimlly won him 1 grcit fortune
in New Mexlnn mines, nnd be has bid mun
jeirs of quiet enjojment of bis wcllt. Ills
knowledge md judgment of precious metals ind
their location arc locognizod In the grcit mining
world md he Ins often been a-ked to decide the
placing of enormous cipilil. The wondeiful
ability which be possesses 111 tins direction bis
sued locil intere-ts in' western icntuies nmre
thin once Pntli Mr. Iiice ind Ins c-timiblo wife
will be miv-ed in tins community.
Hon nit hard Isrenin ind Mr. "null" Puiliain,
of Hock Springs, w joining, line been in the titt
for tetei il chjs pi.t endenoring to interest eit
cm cipitilKIs in the iMolopment of laluable
nulling chim. 111 the Wyoming gold flebls Mr,
hecmn is 1 fonncr scrantonian nnd brotlicr of
Hueli hcrnin, of the btronton rnu.fer enmpanj.
He went we.t feieitl jeirs ago ind became one
of the Micccful and wcillhv pioneers He In.
served two jean as maior of Hock Sprins? .m(i
is counted inioug the moat progrcuc citizens
of Wyoming. Mi. Duilnni is 1 tjpical wc.tciner
of iii'goil per.onalili md geinil temper uncut,
ami is thoinughl aiqiinnted with all detaiLs of
gold mining fioni the "guib tikc" to tho slimp
They Have Been Issued by Colonel
L. A. Watrea What They
Two icghnontcil 01 dots woic cstci
drty issued, tho one 1 elating- to woik
at the ilflo lango and tho other a
biief connnand which pieionts tho
ciowding of the annory duiiiif; di ill
nights bv an at my of small bojs. Thuy
aio is follow:
Headquailcis lliirlccnlh Iltffmcnl, I im tl Untitle,
.V. Ci. 1".
itrmton, IM , June u, 1001.
Regimental Oidci No. J.
Omce of the Itegimcutal Inspector of ltillo
Clrculir No J.
Candid itcs for tlie 1 iflc teim will meet tor
prictup it the I)uk.nn City, 1 ndi, I unc
2s, 00I, at 1 o'clock p. 111 Tin j will inott
theicuflcr nt mch dtles is miv be igieeil upon
'Hie tc tin to lepie-ent tho thirteenth re-urn nt
it the M lie 111 licit to Ic held .it Mt. (irclni,
IM , in f-eptembcr, will be tekcttd bituulij p.
tn , July I '.
Liriulii No. 3
Tlie imti lies for tlie "stillwcll Trophj,"
to bo shot according tn turns ind conditions in
ncunccd in Cnculir No. J, ltegimcnt il Oulcis
No. 41), Scnes of lriOO, ,iip hciebf scheduled to
tike place at the Pick.on Cili ringe at ,'i o'clocl;
p. 111 on the following dales: Situnli), July
il, I'iOI, Sitiiidn, July 1), l'Kll, Siturdij, Aug,
S, 0fl, batuidt), Aug, 17, l'WI, batuiclaj, All,-,
21, 1'JOI
The.e dites nre fixed utbci enlv bcciuso of i
pro.pictio leini which it is Imped iniy bo
fenned to compete at the Inteinitionil to'iuni
meiit to be bell at bet (lilt, N J , Aug. . 0 tu
bept. 7, loot, lewis ft Caitcr,
Iirst Went, an I Inspector ot Hide I'latlicc.
By oidcr of
l A. Watres. Colonel.
I). II. Atheitnn. 1IJ11t111t.
HeidqiiarleiaThiitccnlli Itigiment, Till id Ilugade,
N'. (i. V.
Si 1 inton, IM , June 23, 1001,
Ilrgimentil Outers 'o .';.
The senior officer in ccinmind at the annty
will upon rtery drill nlsht post a guaid at eaeli
entrance, and cm hide all under fourteen jears
ot ace, unless accompanied by their pircnts or
euirdnn. This order mii.t be implicitly obejed.
liy order of
Ii A. t aires, Colonel.
p. B. Athcrton, Adjutant.
Given by Ladies of Grace Lutheran
A eiy unique and successful soph
.social was fihen lust conlnK by
nvo ladlos of Grace Uuglish I.utheiaii
chinch. The pingiammc follows:
Piano isrdo, "An Mitin" Ml IKiltlc Kline
01al Solo ,.,.,,,., .Mrs, M, II. Citey
llumorUms ami I'laiioisms Mr. Wctou
l'honogiapli leiome I1UI1I111;
ncal Solo Mrs. h. II. Wailn;
Musical t'cift rm nice nu (ioblcts Mr. Wc.itun
Aftnr loudeilng tho abovo pio
gfaninio tho audience was served with
m'leshmonls. ,
Vfindejbilt Sampson Is Nov Charged
with Larceny,
Viiudmhllt 'Sampson, the coloietl
youth who was iccently lelcused fioin
tho county jail, was ngaiii at tested
jcsteiday, cluuged with stealing- a
stun of money horn the show case of
Mis, Joseph WelHbeiger, who keeps a
small btoio nn Raymond com t,
Mugistiato Millar, after n healing,
committed Vundei bill to tho county
Jail In default of ball. Ills mother,
who was lieiself iccently ai rested, sat
thiough tho lieailng with a look of
stolid liiillffoienco nnd when he was
led off by the constablo didn't even
say good be.
Cofn seived fieo at Jonas Long's
Sons and I. II. Stevens.
Try the new 5c cigar "Kleon."
Board of Examiners of Applicants
for Mine Inspectorships Arrango
for Examinations Two to Bo Ap
pointed for FIvo Yoars to Succood
Inspectors Roderick nnd Pry thorch
WhoBo Terms Are About to Ex
piro Appointed Inspectors Are
to Servo Out Thoir Terms,
Jitlv Ifi, at a p. m In the council
chain licia at city hall, lias been lived us
tho time and place for holtlltig the cs
antlnatloti of applicants for the posi
tions of mine Inspector In the Flit
and Second Anthracite tllsttlcts, to
succeed Uduatd Roderick and Henry
O. Piythctcli, whose tcims nio about
to expire.
Tho boaid of examlneis consists ot
John F, Snyder, Sciantoti; Vaughn
Rlchaids, I'lkebuig; James U. Mor
llson, Caibondalci .lamca Young, Dun
more, luid Alex, Ruhlaud, Old Foi go.
Umll Bonn Is cleik of the boaid.
Slessis, Roderick and Piythoich nie
candldivtcs to succeed themselves. It Is
iindetstood theio aio a number of other
applicants. A provision ot the law ic
qultes each applicant shnll hao
had Ihe yeais' actual expoilenco In
coal mining.
The bond passes on the papcis of
the applicants and after niaikiiig thorn
nceoidlng to moilt, submits them to tho
governor. Tho governor appoints fur
live j oats.
AVhoeor aio selected to succeed In
spectot.s Roderick and Prytheich will
servo until Jnnttaiy 1, 1107. The Gni
ner bill, making mine Inspeclois elect
ive, and which goes into effect Janu
aiyl, 11102, piovldcs for four inspectors
In Lackavvunna county Instead of two,
as at piescnt, but in anticipation of
Intet veiling appointments, a special
provision v, as made that all appointive
Inspeclois, in olllce then or to be ap
pointed in the lntoilm, should seive out
their tetms.
The Hist election under the Gatnei
bill Is to take place at the November
election in 100J. The candidates must
pa's an examination befoie tho exam
ining boaid to piovc their Illness.
A Lady Who Wants Her Identity
Kept a Secret Has Donated tho
Necessary Money.
A Iidy, who desiies to have her
name Kept Horn tho public, has unti
tled Biiectnr of Public "Woiks John U.
Roche that she will pieseut a foun
tain to cost not mnio than $'00 to
the city, tho same to he located In
N'ay Aug paik.
Diioctof Itotho lias accepted tlie of
fei and is at piesent consldeiing a
number ot designs tor fountains sent
him by tlie .Mott lion woiks, tho larg
est manufactuicis ot iion fountains
In the eountiy. A glance over these
designs and tho appended pi lies,
shows that a eiy handsome fountain
tan bp pi at mod loi S'iOO, one that
will in every way enhance tho beauty
uf the paik.
Dhoctor Itotho Is also t onsideting
the advisability of constituting- .i
small ito water di Inking fountain nt
tho paik, after a design which ho
has in his possession. This pi ov Ides
for the constitution undeigiound of
a lault In which tho ice is placed
upon the top of j, coll of water pipes,
so that the water Is always Kept cool.
The' plans for tho ennsti notion of
tho aiuatlc guidons hnvo been caie
fully gone over by city Unglnecr
Phillips, and Ulioctor Roche is only
waiting woid legai cling tho signing of
the "ohnsci" bill belore ho adveitises
foi bids. As tho chaser ptovidos a
distinct method tor tho awnidlng of
contiacts, collecting the ambiguity of
the "ilppoi" bill, It will bo impossi
ble to adveitiso until It Is discoveied
who is to open the bids and with
whom they tue to be tiled.
Wife of Ex-County Treasurer John
Smoultor Died at Nanticoko.
Mis. John Smoulter died suddenly in
Nanticoko Tuesday night at 10 o'clock,
while she was -visiting at tho con v 'lit
ot the Slsteis ot Hetty lit that place.
.She was -1! jcais of age, and huu been
In poor health tor some time, but w is
able to bo nbout. Tuesday evening edio
left her homo to visit tho Slsteis ami
while theio she was taken suddenly 111,
dlng boloie mcdlcul aid could icacli
her, lleait disease v as the cause n
The decased spent all hoi life In Nan
tlcoke and pi ov lous tn her inai lingo
was Miss Shea, u sister ot Patiick
Shea, now deceased, but dining life one
of NanticoUeV most piomliieut citizens.
She was a woman of many heautltul
Halts of rhaiacter and -its cliailtably
disposed, and her sudden death will bo
a sovoie shock to her family and tnose
who weio acquainted with her icul
worth as a woman.
About fifteen yens ago the was mar
ilcd to John Hmouller, who was at ono
time tic.isutcr of Liueina county, and
.io Is sinvlved by him ami by twj
(i.uighlcis, aged 11 nud Vi jcats, She
leaves no biotheis or sistt'ts. Thtimni
D. Shea and Chniles A, rihea, the at
toiuejs, am her nephews. Wllkes
liuiio Rccoid,
Figures Submitted to tho Board of
Tho bids ici el veil for tho 50,000 pon
cll pads which the school bo.ud la to
puichaso for tho next bchool year mo
as follows; R. U. Pieiuioisast, $11 per
thousand or $700 tor tho cutlio Jot;
T, U, Pi Ice, 515.50 per tluiusaud or
1775 tor tho entlio lot j Reynolds Hios,,
$11.90 per thousand or $713 tor tho en
tlio lot,
Tho bids for 500 gross of Dixon lead
pencils weio as follows; Thomas U.
Pi ice, $JI5 per gloss or $1,2.23 fop the
entlio lot; Reyonfds Uioh,, $2 10 per
gi oss or $1,200 for the entlio lot,
These bids will bo consltleied by tho
supply commltteo of tho boaid, to
gether with the bids tor the coal and
wood, at a mooting to bo held, piob
ably tomoriovv night.
Kiause's Cold Ctuo
for cold In the head, chest, throat or
any portion of the body, bieaks up a
cold in 21 hours without intetiuptlon
to work, will prevent cold i( taken
when tlrst symptoms arpear. Price
25c. Sold by all druggists
I citl lined by our new process nre lm
tinvlous tn action of Ind wain. rUttvlflllT.
WW" 1'tlMI'S ate made especially foi mining
woik! glie better ntlsfiUlon, and lul long
er, thin any other. Our new I OUNDHV
linss and linn, Is now In operation, "Hood
casting! when promised."
Scranton Steam Pump Co.
Telephone, flreen nidge C2 1.
Pupils of Albin Korn Entertained
Last Night.
The pupils of Albln Korn gave a
pianoforte lecltal in Guernsey hall last
night before a laige nnd appreciative
audience. Mi. Kotn showed tine tasto
and discrimination In the airangement
of a ptogranimo for the occasion, and
the playing of his pupils reflected gtcat
credit upon his ability as a musical In
stiuctor. The pupils wcto assisted by Miss Llda
Garagan, of tho Second Piesbytoilan
chinch rliolr, whose cultivated contiulto
voice was heaid In several selections,
including n beautiful ntla fiom Vac
caj's "Gtlllletla and Romeo."
Among tho pupils MIsh Aldana Szlu
pas ptnhably i))nde Ihe gieatest hit
with her delightful and btllllnnt ien
doilng of C.ntlett's "Gland Polka De
Concert.'' Th'j other pupils who pat
tlclpated in tho lecltal weio Miss
Mm Inn Smith, Miss Florence Rafter,
Mis. J. G. Senmans, Miss Agnes Little,
Mls Kmnia Schnell, MIsa Kate Davis,
Miss Helen Nevvcomb, Miss Fileda
AVigner, Miss Hello Post, Miss Iloi
tense Slssenbeiger and Kelstutls Slu
Committee Will Recommend That It
Be Divided Into Two Parts.
Reason for This Action.
Tho members of the license commit
tee of tho select count il rrvt last
night In the munlcipil building and
after an hour and a half's fuither dis
cussion of the llcon-se tax ordinance,
decided to lpport tho mcasuie nt to
night's meeting- of the select coun
cil, without amendment, but with tno
suggestion that It ho split Into two
pai ts, each to bo acted upon separ
ately. The committee decided not to submit
for the consldeiatlon of council the
nmendemont ngieed upon at tho meet
ing of tlie committee held last week.
These amendments weio taken eh.ugo
of bv Chali man Cosgtove, who wasn't
at all pleased at tho action of the
lost of the committee and who in
tends inti diluting them on his own
The suggestion that the committee
loconimend the dividing ot the oidl
nanco into two paits, one to include
only the piovislons legaidlng the
taxation of eoipniatlons and tho
other to include all tho other minor
piovislons, was made by Mr. Menl
man. He said that tho main foatuie
of the was that poition
which pi ov ides tor a tax on the im
positions and that it would bo unwise
in his opinion, to endanger tho pas
sage of this pint of the ordinance by
including a whole lot of other loat
ines, which wcto bound to cieate an
opposition ft am a whole lot of citi
zens, who would be aflected one way
or another.
Messib. Costello and Sclnocder co
incided with him and It wa.s decided
to so lecninmciid. Ml. Costello
thought it would bo wise, on account
of tho license tax nidiii.iucc now
pending In common council, to have a
coiifeience committee, coiibi-sting of
mombois tiom both blanches, to de
cide upon either one of the oidinaiuos
Instead of attempting to pass two
conflicting measuios.
This suggestion met with the ap
pioval of the other mombois, and it
is pinbablo a resolution will bo
lntindiucd tonight piovldlng for the
appointment of such u committee.
Bishop Hoban Is Expected to Make
Announcement Today.
Tho four new priests otdnlned last
Thmsday will celebrate mass next
Sunday at the following chut dies:
Rev. Stephen O'Roylo, St. Maiy's,
ilkes-Ruio; Rev. Joseph Kelly, Old
Koige; Rev. James To noli, St. Uco's,
Ashley; Rev. John 1 lout on, Nit hnlson.
These assignments aie foi next Sun
day only, and aio made to penult the
pilosis of those pailshes to attend the
corner stone lajlng lit Haw ley. It Is
expected Jllshop Hoban will, today,
announce to tho new pilosis theh pei
mauent appointments.
Rev. Father Foelo, of Nicholson, Is
to be pastor of the now St. Mink's
church at Inkeiman, ami Rev. Father
Quliiuail, of Piltston, will have charge
of tho now palish at Wjnmlng, which
was foi met ly a mission supplied fiom
the Plttston ehuicli.
Hoth branches of councils meet tonight,
Itccltil of pupils of John T, WatMiio' ttudio in
College lull.
The Ladles' Aid mcicly of the All houls' t'nl.
rr..tlUt chinch metis with Mrs. J, J. Tteid, Ail
Adams avenue, this afternoon.
Attornojs Cornelius lomeevs will deliver an
addicss tonight before the members of Sainton
c mint il. No. 021, llojil Vicinum, in Odd I'cllows
hill, on Wjoniing avenue,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Indian River
Finest Flavor,
Small Core and the
Cheapest to Preserve
Buy Nona.
E. G. Goursen
Tho Hot Woathor Seemed to Be Too
Much for the Contestants Yester
dayBut Thirtoon Points Separa'te
tho Holdors of Bixth and Tenth
Places Subscriptions Should Bo
Turned in as Soon as Possible.
Standing of Contestants, f
If this waa the last day, these would win
rolnts. X
Meyer Lewis, scran
ton '
Henry Schwenker,
South Scranton... 274
William Miles. Hyde
Park m T
4. Garfield Anderson,
Caibondale 140 T
5. Aucrust Brunner, jr.,
Carbondale 81 T
6. Ray Buckingham,
Elmhurst 63
7. Miss Vlda Pedrlck,
Clnik's Summit . . 61
8. Miss Norma Mere
dith, Hyde Park. , 55
How man of these will be In Table No.
1 on the closing tla ?
0. Frank Kemmcrer,
Factoryville 52 I
10. Mis a Wilhelmina
J Giiffln, Providence. 50
11. Arthur C. Griffls,
Montrose 32 X
I 12. W. H. Harris, Hyde
Park 23
13. David O. Emery,
Wimmers, Pn. ... 15
I- 1 A -mr.'-- stir, ,- -,,
. aulas jtumnie warns,
Carbondale 13 &
15. E. J. Sheiidan, Haw-
ley 6
16. Miss Jennie Ward,
fOlyphant 5
17. Robert Campbell,
Green Ridge 3
"William Miles gained tlnce points on
eveiy one of the leadeis in Tho Til
bune's Rducational Contest lesteida.v,
by vlt tue of the fact that he was the
only one of the Hit of seventeen who
bi ought In points. The o.xtiemcly hot
weather was undoubtedly the cause of
the unusual falling oiT In lotuins.
Only thlitccn points sepaiato tho
hcildeis of sixth and tenth positions,
and It is not Impinbable that there will
be i linages In tho two tables
bofoie Satt.iday night. Some of the
contestants fe.u that othois .no hold
ing back points. This couise Is un
wise, especially when tho contest has
a number of weeks .vet tu uin. Attci
a subset iber has paid lor a paper nt
expects tn get it as soon as possible,
and sometimes complaints . ic made lo
the oflice by these Mibsctibei' that thev
have not lccclvod theii papei. Of
com so, ns the has not been
tinned In, no infoimation as tn the
cause ot tne tioublo can be glvon at tho
A contestant beginning today with
six jeaily suhsciibeis, counting V-'
points, would have a fiist-class title to
sixth place in tho contest. A mil de
cilptlnn of the enteipiiso appeals each
mninlng on the loin th page of Tho
Ttlbune, or a letter addicsscd "Kditor
Rducationnl Contest," fcciantnti Ttl
bune. Sciaiiton, Pit., will bo lesponded
to vvltlia hantlsonielv illustiated book
let, oi a set ot Htibsciiption blanks If
inn aie deslious of pailicipating in the
Miss Spring Jumped or Fell from a
Lackawanna, Passenger Train.
Susan 15. Spilng, the woman who,
It was said, jumped tiom the Lacka
wanna passenger liain near Heniy
illo Thin sday afternoon last, died
about ' o'clock Tuesday morning at
Stioudsbutg liom tinunintle fevei,
btought on tiom the Injuilcs sustained
li oni her tall. Tho lemains weio
taken to her late home, Hast Thlity
sixth Htieot, New Yoik,
Miss Spiing, whose ago was dl
yeais, .sustained seveio Injuilcs about
tho head, face and shouldeis tiom her
fall. Sho impiovcd nicely until eaily
Satin day evening, when ,i i elapse nc-
Ever have
Collar Troubles
Trouble to find the par
ticular shape you wish,
in the proper height?
Ever try here? Well,
we've a knack of cur
ing collar troubles, and
its no trouble to do it.
Such a collar stock as
we cany isn't to be
found everywhere
every wanted sort and
no trouble.
. T
AK&T U XlfflfrK
f T WMMittn A.t.B
t"f-f-f-f-f-f -f-f"f--'- -f-f-f
Oils, Paints and Varnish :
Malontjy Oil & ManiifacUiring Company,
J 141-149 Meridian Street.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
cut red, from which she never rallied.
Painlyzatloti ot the entire system sot
In and It was Impossible for Miss
Spring to partake of limit lshmcnt or
to perfoim any ot natuto's functions.
A brother of the deceased Is certain
ho says, that his sister did not leap
fiom tho t wilu. He thinks that whllo
passing fiom one car to another a
sudden lurch tlnew Miss Spring fiom
the plntfoiin."l am fully sntls''d that
the affair was pttiely an accident,"
he says,
Sacred Concert by the Celebrated
Maplo City Band Next Sunday.
At Lake Lotloro next Sunday, June
30, the celcbiated Maplo City band, of
Honesdalc, will lender a sacred contort
at tho beautiful resort. Tho Dclavv.uo
and Hudson will tun special excursion
trains ut greatly reduceil wiles fiom all
points. First class catering, boats,
launches, inerry-go-rouiitl, etc. A most
delightful place to spend the Sabbath
In the cool, shady giovc. Fate from
Scranton, 75 cents. Tialns leave Dela
ware and Hudson depot at S.30 and
11.3J a. m.
First Presbyterian Sunday School
Hxcuislon to Heart Lake, near Mont
rose, on Filday, June 2S. A delightful
ride of about forty miles to a beautiful
lake situated ahout 1,600 feet above sea
level. A special tialn will leave the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
lailioatl station at 8.30 a. m nnd will
stop on ling signal at Glonburn nnd
Daltou. All membeis of tho school are
can led flee. Others can purchase
tickets nt tho rate of 75 cents for adults
and 40 cents for children. Train will
leave the lake for lotuin trip nt 5 p.
in., and will stop at Dalton and Glen
burn upon notice to conductor.
The Maitlnnri Diivlng Pink will cele
brate .Inly 4 with two good laces, L"JS
class nnd 2 20 class; also foot races, bag
wicos, vvheelbaiiow tares, tla light lit e
vvoiks, and other amusements. Din
ner and lelteshmcnts served on tho
Tremendous Crowds
At tho 'Westminster Hotel Gioat Auc
tion sale. Today, Caipets, Bedroom
and Dining r.onm rixtuies. Bat gains
for all. H. M. Stiong, auctioneer.
Dilnk Cofo. Your phjsiclan recom
mends it.
The popular runch cigar Is still the
leader ot the 10c clgais.
The greatest commercial
economist in the world today.
Compared to any necessary
investment in business,
is incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Manager's olllce, 117 Adams avenue.
Ran Out of
itraw Hats
New stock atrived yesterday.
We now have all sizes and
Best $3,50 Split Straw reduced
to $3.00.
Largest line of Summer Shirts,
Underwear, Neckwear, etc.
Worsted Suits, to Order,
$15.00 and Up
King Wilier, Merchant Tailor,
For Ladles and Gents.
Your opportunity ; you sel.
dom have a chance to get
such Wines, certainly this
is an offer which speaks
for itself.
Claret and Sauternes from
$3.24 to $13 per case.
:: Fancy and
:: flrf Goods Center. ;;
. . '
:: Special Today ::
:i Our exclusive line of '.'.
handsome made : ;
Sofa Pillows i!
1 Sec Window Display!:
f Cramer-Wells Co., f
130 Wyoming Ave.
Is seen only on the face of the
man who is comfortable.
Others may suffer with the heat,
but you will feel comfortable and
carry a happy smile if you wear
our Summer Weight Underwear.
"A Gentlemen's Furnisher."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
Shtfting Responsibility
Is always excusable, -when It may b
done conscientiously.
Every owner of real estato carries
lesponslbllitles that do not appear In
his accounts, yet, they are imperatively
The opinion of an attorney upon the
security of your land titles must to
backed by your own assets.
I3y tho payment of a reasonable feo
you may shift this liability on tho
TITtE iUAl$Nflr
Aahdtbost C-
IX. Watrea, President. III. A. hnapp, V.-rrM.
A, U, JicClintock, Ralph &. Hull,
VkccicslJcnt. Trust Olflcur.
You Can't Get
When you buy old furniture
at Auction Salas there's sp
much repairing to be done
after the additional expenses
are figured out you could have
bought new goods for less
than the old cost you.
In Bedroom Suits, selected
from a carload recently re
ceived. Suit with Oval French
Beveled Mirror,
Golden Oak finish A ne
) pieces 1 v." 5
An Hlaboratefy Carved Suit
of three pieces,
large mirror, best CA
casework ZZ,D)
Solid Oak Suit o eight
pieces, mattress - nA
and spring., xy.UU
Highly polished Quartered
OaU Suit, equal to nA
any $50 suit. Price oJ.UU
.-V k ix.
i !. ,?15y (totnUlAlli ft i