The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 27, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    !j!!TT-7-.'t'''i-i'-' v'i'5-"'" wnwprfvw msiw VKfrs" "' -Ti
J 1 .
Oitlce: I
mm mwr.
A roruun ctxAntxo house for the uem.
A tit of All Who Hale llmncs to Men I. Rel
Folate or Other Proper!) to ,U or KxilnnM, or
Who Wont Situation! or llelp-Thete Smil Art
rllsemenl Cost One Cent a Six Inier
tiona for File Tents tturd-Kxcept Sltiialieni
Warted, Which Are tn-ertcd tree. vxv.v,
W.VXlMl-riootl clrl for Kcnonl hnii'PxxorVc. ebl
erH Kir! preferred! wwi. P" n ion"
Mrs C A. Walter, corner Chinch tiet and
Sjltm avenue. .
IS RKl FSTATE of laniw Midden, laic of Cr
hnndile lit. Iitknianiu coiin. y"n''
vanla, deceased. letter! ol itlinlnWritlon. ' .
1 Imlnc been entiled to the nnderflKiied. J
person! hnlns chlms iciln-l the ;l'l ",1,,7i
pifent them lor piMiient, ami ill P?1'01"1, '"
debtee! 'hereto will pleie nuke Itiiiiinliite ' V'
ment to Wit MAM MOHIllJ-O"..
AmninWritor C T A , Cul ondilc. 1 a. 11 imnTov. vttomei for unte
ORt'llvXV rOL'ltl' .l,h-rrtito of lime Mad
den, latr of tirliondaJ- ill. I.tili '"'
rciinti. dercucd , , ,
pi xlrtuo of an order of the orplnm court ot
lacUnanru count, the under-lsncd, J'lniim.
truer c t i of the ojtite ol lame Madden,
lite of Carbondilc rit. In mid rmintl. dece ai' I.
will roll it public file mil outci to the "IR1;
and het bid ler upon the premise hereinafter
tle-rrihed In the ild rltx ol rarhondile. on sii
uidd' .lull H. lKil, at in o'clock i. m . "'o
fnlloiilne dctribed real eMite, to iilf
Ml that certain lot rf land situated In the elt
ol cubondile, laeKiinnni lonnli. Pennljinti
Pcinr put of Ini numbered .! on map of tuit
ion of the Pelnnro in I Hud Mi C anil compim.
on a tract of lint! In the innanlce nun" of Mi"
Pnirr. Mid part ot lot eontaininff !-'. j"0 -quale
feet ot hud tr lhciibout. and b-ing botmdM
and described H follow, to nit-
rcKinnins in the ei-terli line ol -in litOKiiUr
line, it the nortluiesteili coiner if out lot niim
Itred )2 on -aid trut, fonneili le-i-erl In I -ntk
l-illi and Mnce aiiiiewlertrl hi Mm. Hit nee
In Mid line of linn noilh :'i deiuei-., ei-t
111 7 Id feet to i turner, thence In other lanrt
of end lelritne mil llmb.nn mil t milium
rr i til fl ileal cc tit V frit, nid south Jl'i
depues.. ue-t HI T lit feet to a toinei. Hid theme
In Mil lot numbered J? ilore-iid lifilh M de
creet, uen 111 bet lo the pine ol liecinnin-
foil md niineri! md wining richts re-eiiid
Improied ith mo one mil one hilt cton fume
duelling hnine
Tern, of silr-One half down on dn of s-ile.
tabnte en cnnmmitirn of the -lie md deliicr
if the dee I WIIMM MO!IHIC)N.
ilniini'tntoi. t t. a
Attoinei for 1 "till.
Charles M. Hngan Protests Against
the Grading in Front of His Fath
er's Home and He and City En
gineer Kupp Come to Blow3 They
Battle Until Hagan Is Forced to
Betire The Dispute.
Quito a t'i7Z of ceitcmont matkftl
the npeninc of thr cl iy estouU on
Ten ace stieot, riliectlv behind St.
Ro.e chinch
It Mas a ilTh hetweon t'ltv niiKl
nerr Kupp and rlntlos M
that c.itted the stii The city pngi
neei was on the cone to diipct toinp
of the ctifPt comniH'-ionPi's foito Mho
came to rlo riouniiifr and riitchlns in
fiont of intl in the kinltv of the
home of the ouhk man iho tigtttcd
in ih pcltpment.
ThP Ilnstns clalmpcl tint Hip ei'v
v as ttpspassinf: on thpii pioppit I'll'
city engineer and stieet commissionet,
rn the other hand, In'-istPtl tint the
i tv uas within its lights nnd that 'f
Riivbndv was tiesp.T.1 ing, Hiigan wis
the guilty one. Heie uas a dlffeienco
of ojiinion A diffeioncp ot opinion,
houeer, is what makes noises lace,
sas Piirldpn'l'ead Wilson, and In this
cae it made a fight.
Aftet i tilt between Commissioner
fCillppn and ollg JIi II lgan, Iheie
.Aere some u nm echames between
the httei and the i it engiueei-, so
warm that Old Sol, who was just be
inning his da's liolk with hunnn
itv felt istonished .t himself and
Mood still in his shame and pnib.ii
tassment Pmallv niatleis leacliPd a
tllma and the pah weie at Ptch
other fo aithflv and xigoiuusly tint
one would belieie the plnical cul-tu-Nts
wpip holding high eainUal.
Ci Engineer Kupp is a big mm,
nilghtv big, and it ipquites ,i whole lot
of resolution to stand helot e him
The spoctatots say that Ilagan laiKed
this itbolutloii. especially when h
'Ized up the stieet commlssiunet's
foicc?, and when things vopmed to 'be
going the cltv engineer wav thete
was a siampoi lug, hut it wabii't th"
lattet did it Ilugan n.-tieated,
and the c!t engiucpi temaltiPil, his
men continuing with the u owning nnd
ditching they spt out to do
Mi. Hasan's Pls!l1u is that lie was
struck fit. st and the hlow which felled
him war fioni ,t btoue tin own by
some one in the ciowd.
Dorranco Buckley Burdetto, Other
wise "Dorie" Burdick Calls and
Mnkos Explanations.
The Tilbunc had a vlsltot thi.s wpek
Iwhn thteatened to do dlie things be
oi p his coming, hut who left with
,'the best kind ot an ImjirPsslop. of The
Tilbune, paiticulaily the Cat hnndale
j-lepaitment, and as pi oof of his suml
tffellng for this paper he left his otder
'to hae the paper sent to him at tho
Dundaff postofllce until ftutho.- no
tice Dorrance Buckley Butdette, of New
'ton I-ake, was the caller, but "for
short" he Is called "Doiie Butdlik."
He objected, however, to having hh
name appear thu In ptint, and this
was one of the objects of his lslt,
to collect the way In which It ap
peared In these columns litht week,
and to have It lead Doiranio nuckli-y
'TJfirrancp came to town jesteiduy
jwlth his bhotgun and his dog, Zip, and
;ho caniei a-gunn,lng for The Tilbuu-i
man, who last week spelled his name
"Dnrle," and who said he woto "an
cient, overalls and a Hough Hldeis'
hat." The oseialls weie not anilent,
he said, they were only thiee weeks
old and had been washed twice. The
-Tribune, accordingly, acknowledges Its
ri)r of Judgment and takes this
jneans of redeeming the good name of
7?Ir. Burdette's wearing appti e,
lis? Allen's Foot-Eosi in Your Gloves
Udy units. "I ,hake Allen'i Foot L'aie
Tnto my sloiea and rub a little on my hind,. It
aia in sloies by absorbing pmplrotlon ,
it a moat dainty toilet ponder," We iniite the
attention of piiiiciam and nurses to (ho absolute
purity of M!n's Hot hase. Dr. l' Abbott
editor of the Chicago Clinic, ut: "It it t uunj
rraration, I am using it coiutantti- in my
practice." All druj and ,hoe itorc sell It, Ik.
Wmple tent HIEK. Addrei Allen & Olmitcif,
le u"t. S. V.
Catbondale Department.
As to the Hough Hitters' lml, Mr.
Btiidette was willing to concede that
perhaps It was one ot the pattern of
this lCKtrltitc hand of llghtets, nftcr
he Bared on the picture of the hat
worn by Roosevelt, the Hough Hitler,
ns lit iodo at the he id of his
chargei s, and which hangs over the
desk of The Tilbune man.
Mr. Butdette had a low other ex
ceptions, which weie plated on Hie,
and ho had discussed the matter pio
nnd con he conceded that The Tilb
unc man m ide a "pretty good story"
out of the black panther-skin episode,
which was In The Tribune last week.
Mi. Btlidetle Incidentally showed that
his sense of humor was keen enough,
and that he had n becoming hensc
of appteclatlon of the stoty In which
he and his panther skin flgutPd.
Up had the panther skin with him
nnd he infoimed The Tilhune man
that ho "still ppislsied It was a pin
then skin, a black intither skin, and
that the state of Pennsjlvanla. paid
$25 bounty fot "nm."
Mr. BurdPtte finally left, gatheied
up his gun, which was In two pIpcps,
his panther skin, thiee of four copies
of ThP Tilbune containing the story
of the panther skin, called his dog.
Zip, and left, nftpr leaving his sub
scription for The Tribune and aver
ting again that the htoty was "all
St, Rose Academy Pupils Repeat
Success of Tuesday Night.
The pupils of St. Rose acadeniv lnt.t
night lepeated the success of Tucsdiv
night, when thov delighted a ctowdod
audience with their lenditlon of tho
numbeis ot the commencement pio
gi.imme. Conspicuous among tho splendid
numbeis of tho evenings ontoitaln
mont was tho e.tlut.itoty which Am
hiose Battle doIKeied in niinlv stjlc
antl which won many encomiums. It
was as follows:
Iteieiend I ithcr-. Pi ir l'.nciils mil I riendi
The blight -mile of iltititiin iihuh hernia on
the fire of euh pupil of tt Ilo-e tell-, ou lion
Bieilli lie ipprecnte loin pie-cnee hue tnnlclit
If our .loulhful efloii lo enteiliin ou do not
nitct i our t ectitious. t tnt ou will pndon
tho Indent, ulm, dfler n lone lnd -iiduoiis i
bittlo with silence, nts md olosie-, fill-, lo do
ju-tiee to himself iilun he Mind-, on the thic-,
hold of i bricht i icilion l-, eiet lomu
bent thrilN mill npluit it (lie pit-peit of -o
long a holidi, but foi the ihv. of l'ml tliU hip
puips U tinned nub ciicf, ml lie lij i-,i(le
tun book more iclmiintl thin on loiinn oiti.
sion, for ne ale not i-utiincd bi the fond Inpe
tint the prolden ilns of s,pirnil)ei W mid iu
tncllu- our fnoNtep.. lo Ihe den old uaileinv
while lie luve rprrit r.o mini hippi thi
We me non leiiins Ihe siieet lurbor tint has
slirlteicil us n kindli. Hid nell foitilled, 'ic
triit, no about to fue the liiKeilnn ti of life
Wc ktnii, den fiicniN, lint loin pood iiihe Mil
pruci-. iltenil u, md nhile no ljiin lukonie
0u, ie thmk inn loi thciu
Deal pirrnt-, lie net uu lulh i feelins nf
deep pntitndi , crititude foi tlip oppoiiuniti
mu hue pnen iw of ir iim Incr not onli i ptv
Ural, but i Citholn, rdiii ilmn ln our fulh
tulnes to (,od liieifier jnoie hnu IhoioiiRhl
lie jppirinte 1I11-, piiiclr-. boin
eri lrieinid anil ih ir pintoi, ne hue otlen
iitliomcd nil in our tli loom, uhcie ,unir
thtennir uouK tf tinuui ueuieiit ner inpi,cil
Hi In do em lnt milk stju moic loidnlli ne
nehonii ten line lonichl We Hunk ion for
the I indh inttret ion hue eei liken in our
nelfiie, md ue tint tint loin beimlution nill
at( iiipini in ! no en Mtlh In 'true, not fi i
Ihe i ( ri-li il.fe limeN of unildlx htniu, but Irr
the lnphlci (inn of immoil ilili
One moie, den fi jend-. in the nunc of m
timpinioiw I bid ion ueleonit Wrlnmi
Willie Campbell Gets Lost and
Wind3 Up in South Canaan.
Willie Campbell, oung son of .lames
Campbell, of stieet, had quite
an exneiienco this week He stiaed
olf wth a companion, got lost, ndes
with a f.iimet to South Oman, and
aitei causing1 his ptients a heap of
wuu and loiiietn, i.s lin illy testoicd
to them.
Young Campbell commeiued his ad
entiue lij ti.nellng to Xo I pond with
a bov a ten eais oldei thin hlms If.
While thev weie onjo,lng themsehes
at the pond, a fatmei's wagon came
along, into which oung Campbell
climbed to hao a lido The wagon,
Instead ol loming Caibondale wa,
went oei to the rotinti, stopping in
Muth Canaan, wheic tho joungster
totintl he was alone and fiietidless
Young CimphiUV spit its dtopped with
the shades of night, when he loallzcd
his plight, and he was In a f vat fill way
when ho lealied his scpaintlon fioni
his paientx. rinallv, woid was sent to
lilr father, who hurtled out of his lnd
at :; o'clock Tuesday moining nnd took
himself post-haste to his wandetlu
b(i The wcip two glnd he.uts when
the lathei and son met. nnd thcio was
Incie.ised Joy when the youngster was
home at last.
Well Known Couple Wedded at
The nuptials of Miss Xettle Baley
and Fted Woodworth.gteatly esteemed
oung people of this city, weie solem
nized on Monday In Blnghaniton, at
tho residence of Rev Di Floyd, pie
siding elder of the Wiomlng dlstiict
ot the Methodist chinch
Mr. and Mis. A W. Rnyley of this
city, patents of the hi Ide, and Mr, and
Mis Robeit Baley, of Avoca.were the
only witnesses of the ceremony
The hi Ide woto a becoming tailor
made tiavollng suit of blown, with
black li huntings, with hat to mutch.
After tho eei oniony the couple slatt
ed on their wedding lour, which will
Include a ist to the Pan-Anioilcnn
Ml. untl Mis. Wonduoith mo con
spicuous In Caibondale society, and
they have a wide elide of fi lends heio
who with that their pathway tluoiigli
life will be stiewn with loses,
Mis. Woodwotth has been n member
of the Methodist chutcli choir for sev
eial eais, and her husband is one of
the piogiesso business men of the
Home from a Monnstery.
William Schlmmel. of the Fianclscan
monasteiy, Washington, D C, aue
home Tuesday, or u month's islt with
his patents, Mi, and Mis. Fiank
Schlmmel, on r.tlbiook stieet.
Florence Mission Circle.
There will be a meeting of the Flor
ence Mission circle on Filday aftei
noon at 3 o'clock at the Baptist chinch,
The annual election of officers will oc
cur on this occasion.
Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
It Thremtoned to Explode in the
House of John Norris on Clarko
Avenue, While Mrs. Norris Was
Proparlng Supper.
An oil stne nrnted a stir In the
hoiiRp of John Norris, on Clarko ave
nue, near Belmont stieet, last evening.
It was responsible for the turning In ot
nn al. inn of lire fioni Box 15. and the
damaging of a few household goods,
and the most boiIous. tho painful,
though not dangerous, binning of Mis.
Xonis and her daughter Jessie.
Mis. Xonis was picpatlng the even
ing meal. She was bent ov er the stove
when a flame shot out and filghtened
hor. Believing that she could hustle
the stove out befoic It would rlo any
damage, she grasped It and tan for tho
jaid. On her wav out another flame
shot from the stove and caught her
about the face nnd hands. In passing
her daughter, the little one came In the
wav of the flame and was f lightly
The caipet was burned hero and
theio by tho dropping oil. Tho curtains
on one of the windows was also burned.
Mi. Xonis was In Pott Jet vis.
Tho Mitchell Hose company tespond
ed to the alatm.
They Hurl Stones at Delaware and
Hudson Trains, but Come to Grief
at tho Hands of Constable Neary.
Detective Mai tin Ci ippon, of the
Del i vv aie and H nelson company, has
been besieged with complaints fiom
tailioad tiainmcn who have been stoned
as theli tiains pissed through the vil
lages south ol Caibondale, during the
past two oi thiee weeks
'I ho stoning was done by hris, and It
has been paitlctilailv dangeious since
the schools weie dismissed and the lads
have been given widet scope to their
bovlsh spiiits. The Delawaie, Lacka
wanna and Western ttestllng at Win
ton has been a favoilte spot toi the
joiingsteis, for bote they i ould stand
and lain down theii missiles on the
helpless tiainmen in the passlns ca
bocses On Ttiesda.v of this week the bojs
weie at theii dailv haunt, and they had
a "bo.vs' picnic" in making tnigets out
of the "btakies" It also pioved a sid
and fatPtul dn, foi Constable Xeai,
of this clt, happened to be tiding on
the caboose ot Conductoi Swingles
tiain, when they sent a volley of coal
and slate aftot the Hjing tiain. The
constable was olf the tiain in an in
stant and up the hank leading to the
nestle befoie the lads could lealUe
that they had been detected. Theio
iasa luuiiing of J-mall feet, butXeiiy
was too lleot-footed lor them and ho
oveitook two ot the lads, who gave
theii names as John Mai tint 11 and
Fiank McCiulio This was whit the
constable wanted, and In the evening
Detective Ciippon caused waiiants to
be suoin out lor their anest befotc
Aldeiman Jones; also foi Fiank Men -ella,
whose identity was disclosed by
hls compinlons.
The wauanLs weie given to Con
stable Xcaiy lor sen lie.
A Woll Known Resident of Canaan
Who Had Many Friends Here.
John Harmon Sv ingle, of South Ca
naan, well known In this city, passed
av.i Monday.
Death was due to old age, he havlnc
leached the advanced age of St! eais.
Mr. Swingle was boin in South Canaan
and was one ot the oldest nnd most
highly legaided lesidents of Waiie
county. Ho has been for many yoais
a slnteip member of the MPthodlst
t lunch ind In his jounger da.vs was
an actlvp woiker.
Mi. Swingle is survived by live sons,
Stu.iit and Ttank, of South Canaan;
Jncob. of Now Jpispy; David, of South
Canaan, and Thomas K., of this city,
who i uns a stoio on Paik
stieet; two daughtets, Mis. Caioline
Swingle and Mis, William Tellshaw,
of South Canaan. Among the other
putvlvlug lelativos ai e five giandchll
dion, l': Mis. Benjamin V. Watklns,
Mis. John Kaso and Thomas Couit
lighl, of South Canaan, and Mis. Uvan
Tucker, of Pittshuig.
Tho funeiat will be held this after
noon. At 1 o'clock set vies will he
held at tho homo nnd at o'clock In
the i lunch. Builal will be made in tho
South Canaan cemetery.
Glowing Description of tho Staff
from Wayno Independent.
The Wnjne Independent lias the fol
lowing glowing account of the flag pole
which has been betuied for the Andrew
.Mitchell Hoso company of this cit:
A flag pole, slNty-hve feet In length,
passed tluough Honesdale last wepk
en loute tor Caibondale, It is doubt
lessly intended to elevate and make
moie palpable the patilotism of tho
Pioneer city on the coming Fouith of
July. "Sink or awlni, live or die, sur
vive oi perish," the esteemed citizens
of our tielghboilng town can point with
pi Ide to at least one fair object, a flag
polo that giew on loal and patilotic
soil. Now, let It ilse! Let It Use, till
it meets the sun In Its coming over tho
heights of the Mootlcs! Let the eailiest
light of the ever glorious Fouith of
July nun nlng gild it, and tho palling
day linger and play on Its sunimit to
the gloiy of the ensign that floats fioni
it on the bieee to the denUens of the
fall city over which rtetdom'a btand
aid is initialed,
Alumni Banquet,
A meeting of the committee appoint
ed at the Inst meeting of the High
School alumni to .mango fur the an
nual banquet of tho association w,i3
h"ld at tho High school building Tues
day night Tt.t mutter was tlminughly
discussed and the plans lonelily out
lined for what piomlsea to he the most
successful and elahoiate banquet In the
sorlotj's histoiy,
Another meeting of the committee
will be held In the cential building on
Thin sday night, when the plans will
bo peitected. A full attendance of the
committee is deshed.
Advertising the Bonds.
The city cleik has placed the adver
tisement for bids on the bonds that
0 HI 1
Is to Disbelieve the Evi
dence of Your Own
It's Scranton pi oof for Scranton peo
ple. It's Scianton pndorsatlon for local
l cadets.
It will stand the most tlgld Investi
gation. Mr. H. D. McGowan, shoemaker, of
010 Swetland stipot, says: "I had a
gieat deal of pain and enduted it ns
best I could. I think it came fiom my
vvoik and my not getting proper exer
cise. 1 got Doan's Kidney Pills at
Matthews Biotheis' diug store and
they pioved an excellent remedy. The
kidney secretions ii'ed to be thick,
stiong and unnatuial, but Doan's Kid
ney Pills promptly leguiated them. I
can lecommend this valuable remedy
to all who have backache and weak
For sale bv all dealers. Price, SO
cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, X.
Y., sale agents for the United States.
Remember the name, Doan's, and
take no substitute.
are to be issued to cover the cost of
tho pioposed municipal water plant.
The bonds are to he of the denomina
tion of $1,000 each, 145 In number, and
ate to run twenty yeats, twontv-tive
in eacli setles up to 50; 30 In the thhd
seiics, nnd 45 in the last.
A cei titled check of $500 must accom
pany each bid.
Visited the Schools.
The Fell township school board, on
Tuesday, made its annual tour of in
spection. Many impiovcmpnts of more
oi less Importance weie planned.
A Sewing Bee.
A sewing bee. maiked by a number
of highly enjoyable incidents, was con
ducted jesteiday afternoon at the home
of Mis. Dletrlck. on Belmont street.
In Dundaff.
Mis May Pengelly and Miss Etta
Foltz were in Dundaff yestetday, at
tending tho Epwoith league convention
at that place.
M. L Baitett and son, of Scranton,
weie in town yesteiday.
Miss Meehan, of Wilkes-Barre.visited
in Caibondale yesterday.
Roy Hollenbeck, of Copeland avenue,
spent last evening in Jeimn.
Joe Wilson, of Wllkes-Bairc, called
on fi lends In this city Tuesday.
Mrs n S. Mi eis. of Coining, X. Y ,
Is the guest of trlonds in tills city.
Walter Mills spent icsteiday fishing
at Newton lake and returned with a
line moss.
Thomas ,T. Folan, steieotper for tho
Scianton Tiutli, was In the city for a
shoit tiino ipstciday, vi bile on his way
to Lake Lodote.
Miss Winified Higglns, of the South
Side, who has been attending Xaaieth
convent at Rochester, is home foi tho
summei vacation
Mr. James P. Sampson, a widely
known nnd highly lespeeted lcsident
of Second stieet. celcbiatcd his slt
sth birthday a few days ago. In
honor of the happy event a party,
consisting laigely of his chuich class
and his immediate lelatives, gathered
at his home to do him honor and spend
a few enjoable hours together. The
patty was all grouped upon the lawn
and photogiaphs taken, which will be
long lemlndeis of the happy occasion.
Lunch was seived on tables sptead in
the shaded lawn, and the choir of the
Methodist Lpiscopal chinch and class
membois, with oignu nccompaniment,
sang several well known hymns. Mr.
Sampson bears his jears splendidly,
and was voiy happy in the company
of so many of his fi lends, many of
whom he had been closely associated
with in chin eh and social life for
the past thlity leats. He has Jteld
several local offices and places of
ti list in sectPt oiganlzations, all of
which ho has tilled with fidelity. He
was generously lemembeied with nu
merous pi esentvnn tho happy auulver
saiy of his biithdav, and In the eaily
evening, after benediction by Hev. Dr.
Fuller, the guests depaited with the
wishes that Mi. Sampson might live
to enjoy many other such happy occa
sions. Andrew Glblln. a well known local
chataeter. was seized with a catalep
tic tit nnd fell head-long into Rush
btonk cteek ypstPrday afternoon. Ills
condition was such that it was
deemed advisable to remove him to
the Caibondale Thueigency hospital,
wheie he was taken.
Tho Twentieth Century Sewing cir
cle will meet this afternoon at the
home of Mrs. M. J. Shields, of Main
Sidney and John Wateis, of Fourth
stieet, left esterdny on a ten days'
visit with fi lends at Kingston, X. Y,
Thomas Mellow, of Second stieet,
has seemed a position In the machine
dopaitnient of tho Hendiicks Manu
facturing company at Carhondalo.
Piof, neauiiiont, of Sctnnton, was
in town transacting btttViesb yester
day, Henry Moicom, Edwin Mellow nnd
Samuel Sampson ato expected home
tinui New Ouinge, X, J,, to bpent tho
Fouith with their patents,
Miss Belle Brown, of Norwich, X,
Y, who has been spending a week
at the St Oeoige Hotel, with her
father, Ontailo and Wostein Dos
patcher Blown, will letuin home to
day. Mis. J M, Sherwood, of Foutth
stieet, jesterday suffeied from heat
piosettatlon and ha'd to obtain medical
Joseph Biay, of Feikvllle, a for
mer Jermyn lesldent. spent jester
day heie vvth lelatives.
Cieoige Sensing, of the St. Geotge
Hotel, circulated among Archbald
fi lends yestetday.
A Urge number of Jermyn and May
field people attended the St. Rose
academy commencement exercises at
Caibondale Wednesday and list even
ing. The Misses Maty Rowland, of
.Termyn, nnd Nellie Dempscy and Julia
A. Donnelly, of Mayfleld, weie among
tho graduates.
Alfred Mountford, the capable bar
her, who has for some time past con
ducted a shop on Main street, has
moved to the WeRt Side, Set anion,
where he will conduct a business.
The congregation of the First Bap
tist church will hold a festival on
the Fourth of July, when Ico cream
and other seasonable delicacies will be
on sale.
Miss Mana Sprlcher, ot Parsons, 13
visiting relatives here.
The annual commencement exercises
of St. Patrick's icademy will be held
In the Father Mathew opera house this
evening. A most attractive programme
has been at ranged, which Includes se
lections by the oiohcstrn, songs, dillls,
and a dtiima, entitled "lone." Tho
event promises to bo very Intel estlng
and enjoyable. Tickets are fot sale at
Watklns' drug store.
Mis. M. B. Hull and daughter, Miss
Clara Hull, left -yestoidav for Xew
Yoik, from wheto they will sail nn Sat
urdnv for Httropc.
"Miss Helen Kennedy, of Uioen Ridge,
Is spending a few dajs in town.
Lackawanna lodge, Xo. 161, Knights
of Pythias, elected the following offi
ce! s on Tuesday evening: Chancellor
commander, John Pettlgrew : v Icp com
mander. Daniel Tuttle; prelate, John
Steed; master of works, TMward Jones;
keeper of recoids, A. D. Haines: master
of finance, A. S. Zerfoss: master of ex
chequer, James Nichols; master of
arms. William Leek; Inner guard, J.
Btooks; outer guard, Louis Zakon;
trustee, J. R. Seymour; lcprescntatlve,
Thomas J. Williams.
Joseph McCann, of Hill street, em
ployed as a driver on the lock dump at
Xo. 2 collleiy, had one of his legs in
juied by a mine car jestoiday. The
joung man wat removed to his home,
wheie a phslclan attended to his In
juries. Tho fountain on Mahon's square,
which was damaged some time ago, Is
being repalied, and will be ready for
uo in a few days.
There will bo a. special meeting of the
Lady Ellen Penman lodge of Rebekah
In their looms this afteinoon at 2
o'clock. All members are requested to
attend, as business of importance will
be tiansacted.
Mi&. Patrick McGlnty, of Dunmoro
street, is boilously ill.
Miss Ddlth Evans attended the Con
gregational Sunday school convention
at Taylor yesterday.
The exhibitions of Darling's Congiess
of Trained Animals on the base ball
park jesterday afteinoon and evening
was witnessed by a multitude of people.
At the Nye lesidonce on Grove street
on Tuesday morning, Miss Hannah
Nje. an accomplished joung lady of
this town, was united in mairiage to
Fieeman Ferris, a popular oung man
of Pockville. Rev. John Thomas, or
the Pockville Baptist chinch, peitoi ni
ce! the ceremony. Mr. and Mis. Foi
tis depaited on a wedding tour whith
will include tho Pan-Arnei lean expo
sition, Xlagaia Falls and Cleveland, O.
Tho alaim sounded fiom box 21 at
an early hour yesteiday moining was
on account of a slight blaze in the old
structuie, owned by Mrs. Williams,
which was destioyed by the a few
months ago.
Miss Elizabeth Jones, of Xoi th Tay
lor, and George Hvans, of Main stieet,
weie united in maniage at the Jackson
Street Baptist church patsonage, Hyde
Park, by the pastor, Rev. Thomas do
LJtuchy. Miss Rnsotta Fiancls attend
ed the biide, and Chailos Cuttis acted
as best man.
Thomas, son of Mr and Mis. John
Glbhons, of Oak street, mot with a
ety painful nccldent yesteida, bv
being tun down by a l.ugo biowetv
wagon of the Hughes Brewing com
pany of Pittston.
St. Joseph's church, Minooka, was
the scene of a voiy pietty wedding
at 10 30 a. m yesteiday moining, when
Mr. James F. Timlin, one of our most
popular young men, and Miss Maiy J.
Loughney weio united in mairiage by
tho Rev. Mr. McHale. of Pittston. The
bride and her attendant, Miss Sadie
O'Malley, weie handsomely dttlted and
piesented a most chaiming appeal -mice.
The groomsman was Thomas
McLaughlin, of Avoea. After the cere
mony congiatulatlons weie extended
the newly wedded couple, and later
they lepalied to the hilde's home
wheie a wedding dinner was seived
Mr. and Mis. Timlin depaited for tho
Pan-American exposition and other
plaios of Intel est.
This afteinnnu will occur the mar
riage of William J. Hoskins, a popular
loung insuianco agont nf this town,
and Miss F. Beatiice Metz, of West
Scranton, loimeily of L'astnn. Tho
ctiemony will be peifoimod 'in tho
Goiman ' Lutheran chinch, West
The piogicssive euchio paity, held at
tho Immaculate Chinch of Conception
on Tuesday evening, under tho aus
pices of the Ladles' Catholic Benevo
lent association was a giaud success,
both socially nnd financially,
Tho funeral of Mrs. John Hodge will
occur fiom her late home on Washing
ton stieet this afteinoon. Sei vices will
be lipid in the Calvaty Baptist church,
of which the deceased was a faithful
member. Rpv. Dr. H, H. Hauls will
oftlclate. Interment will bo made in
the Foi est Homo cemetery
All monibeis of Pi Ido of Liekawanna.
lodge, No. IS, Ameilcan Piotestant as
sociation, ate tequested to assemble
at their hall at 12 30 o'clock sharp to
attend the funeial of their beloved sis
ter Mrs. John Hodge.
Mrs. Hany Powell, of Pittston. visit
ed her sister, Mrs. John B. Daniels, of
Main street, yesterday.
Mis. James Heimlgaii.of Main street,
Is home from a two weeks' visit with
lelatives in New Yotk.
The following guests at the John-stou-Sniith
nuptials of Satutday, weio
not Included in the list piinted in
Tuesday's Tilbune; The Abington
families lepiesented weio Smiths.
Deans, New tons, Uurdicks, Millets,
Caipeutets, Stevensons, Paikcis,
Lelghtons, Noithups, Colvlns, Men
tions, Ktitnns, Phelps, Stones, UcU
vvnids, iBedfords, Kennedys. In some
eases- sevetal monibeis of each family
were piesent. Fiom Pittson, Mis. Io
nian Diake, Miss Dtake, Miss Don.
From Wilkes-Banc, Mrs. Henry V.
Palmer, Mis. Katheiine Seaile Mo
Is caused by a derangement of the
netves. Llthty's Celeiy Netve Com
pound Is an extiact of celery combined
with other efllcacious medical ingiedi
ents resulting In a nervo medicine of
raie vlitue.and wonderful In Its prompt
and soothing cuiatlve effects. It will
make you sleep, bold by Matthews
Peruna the Great Tonic Cures
Catarrhal Dyspepsia of
Miss Kathleen Giaham. llfti Florida
Ave, N. W. Wash, D. C wiites; "At
the solicitation of a filond I was ad
vised to use Petuna and aftci the use
of one bottle foi dyspepsia I felt almost
entirely cured. I take pleasuie In rec
ommending voui lomedy to am one who
needs an Invigoiating tonic." Kath
leen Graham.
Dr. S. B. Hartman, Piesident of
Ohio, a prominent authoilty on
take chaige of ns many cases of
to him during the summer months.
Hartman, Columbus, Ohio.
Squlte S W. Arnold, accompanied
hi Messis. X. H. Johnson and Joseph
R. Boll, spent lestciday neiu Pleasant
Mount, ti out tlshlng. The paity ic
tutnod last evening with woll filled
baskets. The 'squlie, who Is an old
time manlpulatoi of the i oil and a
gieat lovei ot the spoil, pioved to bo
the champion ot the p.u tv, catching
seveial of the speckled beauties that
measuied twelve inches hi length.
The genial 'squlie smteied gieatli on
account ot an acute attack ol iheu
matism, bi ought on by the excessive
swinging of his aims lighting mosqui
toes, which attacked the paity In
droves along the
Dr. and Mis. J. R tiiovoi aio spend
ing a week at Buffalo, attending tho
Pan-Ameilcau exposition.
Tho Wilson Fiio company, at a
meeting held Tuesday evening, decided
to hold anothoi of theli gtand clam
bakes on Satuidav evening. Jul J".
Mr. and Mis William lett es
terday to visit l datives at Wotccstei,
X. Y.
C D Kellci is quite ill at his home
on Main stieet.
The small hoy with his pockets lull
of llreciackets aio numerous these
da vs. (
The load machine has passed over
the length and bicadth ot Main stieot,
gatheilng up tho loose stone and mud
and depositing tho same in the middle
of the stieot, much to the dotiimout of
bicclo i Idei s and dilveis of vehicles.
Last Tuesday morning, at the homo
ot the hi Ido's hi other at Tayloi, Elmer
Fiemont Feu is and Miss Hannah A.
Xe weio united in tho holv bonds of
niati imonv bv Rev J S Thomas Ar
tec the coiomony was oci the com
pany weio seived with most delicious
lcfieshnionts Tho bildo and gioom
loft on the 1 JO p m. tiain on an ox
tended wedding tour, including tho
Pan-Arnei lean exposition Mr. Fen it
is a native of Pockville and one ot our
slaunchcst citizens. Mis ! orris has
boon assistant postmlstiess ut Peek
ville foi some time and has won tho
esteem of all Their mnnv ti lends
wish them a long and hippy man led
Mr. Fiank Catlondor and mother.
Mis. judson Callondei, returned ves
terday fiom Woicester, X. Y, whoio
they have been visiting the Rev. and
Mis. W. J. Guest.
Special to the Scranton Tribune
Monttoso, Juno JO The lemains of
Mis. Stanley T. Wlllett leached Mont
lose Monday evening, on a
tiain, which lett heio for Binghamion
at 7.o0 p. in. On the tiain weie Wil
liam D. LusU, fnthot of Mis. Wll
lett; Chief Justice J. B McCollum, A.
H. McCollum, ex-Judge Daniel W.
.Seaile, W. D. B. Ainoy, esq,, William
H. Tin i ell and Hany A. Lons. At
Blnghaniton, it was found that the
lemtiius, accompanied by Stanley T.
Wlllett, husband of ttiP deceased, his
fathei. Block Wllloti, nnd his slstei,
Miss Eveln Wlllett, had ah each- ai
ilved on the Delaware and Hudson
inilioad ami the tinnsfer to the
Lackawanna had been an aimed fot
by O, A, Gllboit, vice piesident ot tho
Fltst National bank of Monti ose, who
had gono to Riiighanitnn on a pi ov ions
ttain. Among Blnghaniton fi lends at
the station in that city wote Major
Jeiome De Witt, Hon S. X Mitchell.
Fied Mitchell, Stieet Commissioner W.
K. Caipeuter and duties Kcelei.
On leaching Monti ose, tho lemains
weie at once taken to the Lusk lesl
dence, on Lake avenue, whoio tho
taneial was attended nt fi o'clock yes
tetday afteinoon by ,u immense con
cent t-e nf fi lends,
The spi vices began by Rev. E. A
Waniner, in whlto inbn and blaik
stole, leading a poitlou ot the Psalms,
commencing, "Loid let mo know my
end, and the number ot my dais,
that l may be ioi tilled how long I
have to live" A quai lotto, consist
ing of Mis. Lena Wainer-Daunie, Miss
HlUnbetli Post. Ml. Van Gansbook,
.Mungor and Mr. Hoiboit niowstei,
lendoiod the h)inn, "O Paiadise, O
Paiadise, Who Doth Xot Clave for
Rest." Tho appointed lesson was
load fiom the Fltst Epistle to tho
Coiinthians, Uncouth ihaplei, J0..1S
veises inclusive. "Ahldo With .Mo,
Fast Falls tho Even-tide," was sung
by the clinh, and Hov L Benton,
D. I, pastor of the Flint Piosbitoi
ian chuich, lead an ntiglnal poem,
composed by a tilond nf the tamlli at
the time of Mis. Wihott'.s cliilstenlng.
when an Intant This closed the sei
vlces at the house, and after an op
l'oitnnlty was given to view the le-maln-,,
the i.isket was home to the
heaise hy the pall be.uei.-, Geotge H
Watious, William H. Tuirell, Hany
W. Beach, Joseph It. Beaidslee, M.
La Grange Gilllls and H Wlllett
Munger, passing through open ranks
of a icpiesontation fiom the local cir
cle of the Kings' Daughters, of which
For Ills Peculiar to Women,
Peruna Is an Invaluable
l,, i"t"ririrS
Miss Floicnce Allan, 75 Walton Place,
Chicago, 111., writes: "As a tonic for a
woin out sjstoni Peruna stands at tho
head In my estimation. Its effects aro
tiulv wondoifttl In lejuvenatlng tne
onllio sjstoni. I keep it on hand all
the time and nevei have that "tiled
feeling" ti- a few doses alwavs makes
me feel like a dlfleient woman." Flot
piicp All m.
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
women's catanhnl diseases, will
femnle catanh as make application
Advice fiee. Addiess Dr. S. B.
Money Will Earn Big Monthl)
Tlielnic'lnr'sl'iiniiPiit.Semi month!-.
The nlilcjt e-t il lMieH in Vinorin Xo certificate
lioblei lin eici lnt a cent Piimenti made to
nit Mib-4iibci eici 15 dus .So trouble Xo
ilcUi. Monei icfunrlo) on I'emii d Wilte to
ilj for piilUiiliii., fno loam iiddrc
C i: Vtackei Co, IIiitNon lllrt'p . New Yoil..
Bond Offerings.
Paying 3 to 5
Biookln Edison 1st 4s.
Chcs. .S. Ohio, R. cv. A. Div. 1st Con
Evans & Tone Haute 1st Con fis.
Iowa Gen. Ri. Co 1st ."is.
Louis, X A. &. Chic, Chic. S. lnd.
Div. 1st bs
Mexican Cential Ry. Con. Is.
Mlssotui Pacillc Tiust 3h
Minn. Gcn'l Elec. 1st Con. js.
Mob. &. Ohio, Montgomery Div. 1st
Rlo C.i.indo Wostein 1st Is.
bt. L. lion Mt. i. So Refd 4s.
Cnniplite t miilai I Ht on Applkition
1001 (Pocket Edition) Now Beady
Spencer Trask & Cn
27-29 Pine Stieet,
f, state Street. Alb in, X V ISLAV YORK
Mis, Wlllett hud been a membci.
These weio Mi- Fanny Tlci and
Missos Kittle shaici, Anna Tvnoll,
Annie Uiewstei, Janet MiCausland
and Hi ace Camp, i-.u h tanilng a
bouquet ot daisies and ovoigieons
which wete subsequently tin own Into
the oiieu gi aio aftei tho casket had
boon deposited thciein
The long piocesslou wondod its way
slowlv to the tomoteiv, which was
loathed just as tho sun of a beautiful
summers da was sinking to lost be
hind the western hoi Uon, and a.
peaceful hush was ovoi all, as in soi
iow and silence, sivo foi tho voice of
tln cleiqviuan, the lemains ot till'
doaily beloved .voting woman was
gently given Into ihe keeping of the
eaith, until called foith mi Rosin i po
tion moining. Rov. Mi. Waniner
lead the tonitoillng vvnids found In
Job, xl: J"i-Jii, and tollowed with the
Loid's Pi a oi. Collects and ncnedlo
tion, The giavo was a mass ot flow -eis
and Pieigipon1-, and the floral
pieces weio gieat in number and
olaboiato in design.
The lemnlns or tho lain Davis Dlm
ock Seat lo i eat lied heio tiom Wilkes
Ratie, via the Xanow Gauge lalhoad,
shoitl after ." o'i lot k .vestoulay attei
noon, acconipinlod bv lelatives and
fi lends fiom down the v.illoy, and
weio met by mnnv fi lends of this
place. The lemains weio taken di
rectly to tho cemoieiy, wlieio the
hilof, impiessivo committal scivIcq
of tho chinch was con
tinued bv Rev. E A Waninei.
Mis. Gooigo Rprlell and Miss Dnia
Seining, of Rush, have been visiting
at Mis. A. Beck's.
W D. U Alney is engaged In tho
ttial nt a lawsuit nt Tnwanda today
Rov J B W'alteis, tho newly ap
pointed pisloi of Ziou chinch, Is a
biother ot Bishop Waltois.
Isaac Pennv packer, the well-known
author of Iladdonlleld, N. J , and fain
lly, have at lived in town for the sum
mer and ato stopping at Rosomont.
Tho maitiago of Miss Loh fi valine
Haw ley to Mr. Joseph Castor, of
Biooklin, N. Y. took place at 10 30
o'clock this moining at Maplo Ginvn
ffiim, tho homo of the hride's pat
ents, Mi and Mis, C. D. Hawley, Rev.
H R, Benedict perfoimlng the ceie
mnny. Mi nnd Mis Cistor left
Monttoso for a bilef tout, after which
they will tesldo In BiooVlyn.
Fpeelal to the scranton Tribune.
H.ufoid, Juno ;ii Fiank ' Pierson,
of Si i anion, made a lmslne3 tilp to
(Ills plate on Filday last.
Miss Lulu Matthews, daughter nf
Siipoillltoiidoiit James Matthews, nf
tho Soldleis' Oiplmii school, leeelved
tho gold iiipi'.iI nwaided h tho Mnns
lleld Notiual school tin the v lass of 1901,
.Miss Hettle Caswell, of Thooklui, 3
visiting lelatives In this pi it e
Rev Dr. Hodes, goneial jorrotaty of
the Sunday school nninial, deliveied a
voiy able seimnii in the Methodist
i lunch, Siinda, Juno .'3
E E Jones, Hev J P Manwell, Ger
Undo steams and Lilliin Tingley am
aittnding the Siinda school uoinial at
Ileal t lake
Mis J, P Manwell and mother stait
ed today for Massachusetts, their foi
mer home.
Biuei's band, of Sriantnn, and a
hrgo number of ftlends of the Soldiers
Oiphans' school weie entertained at
that plate jesterday.