1W5S T.xi :wwSl!4T (raHffWBtRWWI ',' t-' ";'," ?r -" i - ",- ,:' j v-5 JJO " r? KJ1 ,! " i I ! 1 ''i ributte THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS, SC ANTON, PA., THURSDAY MOKNLNG, JUNE 27, 190.1. i TWO CENTS. - . ill I s DAY IN THE LEGISLATURE rt Large Number of Appropriation Bl Is lor Private Charities Re ferred to Gommittees. OBJECTIONS BY GORAY Ho Believes That Trolley Promoter Should Fay Clerical Expenses. Report of Conference Committee on the Capitol Bill Rejected by a Vote of 61 to 119 Senate Changes in the Apportionment Bill. ly Kxclusiic Wiic from The Associated I'io. Hnrrlsbtirg, June I'D. At the at'ter iDiin session of the house its notion on i large number nC the appropriation Ills for private charities wns adhered o nnil the measures were referred to '(inference committees. The cnminlt :nes will report at the evening session and the Indications nre that the ses sion will continue until midnight. The senate bill providing that no corpora tion or limited partnership association organized for manufacturing purposes, whose manufacturing plant, or plants In whole or In part are or may be leased to another corporation or limit ed partnership, individual or individu als, shall by reason of such leasing be deprived of the exemption from taxa tion upon its capital stock or any part thereof to which, under existing laws, it would be entitled If such lease had not licen made, passed dually. The senate resolution placing at the disposal of the speaker and president pro tern the furniture In their offices in the capitol was concurred in. Jlr. Corny, of Luzerne, raised the point of order Hint the resolution was In enn llii't with the act of isn.'i requiring dis carded state furniture to be sold at public sale. Acting Speaker Vouchees ruled the point of order not well taken. The senate increase in the appropria tion hill In the University of Pennsyl vania hospital from ffoS.OOO to $100,001) was concurred In. When (he senate amendments to the general appropria tion bill weie taken up for concurrence. Air. Coray, of Luzerne, called attention In the item appropriating Sl.SOn for i lerical and Incidental expenses of the hoard created for the examination of letters patent relative to the granting of charters for elevated and under ground railways for the two lineal years ending May :sl. 1!)0;:. He said the trolley promoters who secured val uable franchises from the stale under the rapid transit bills should pay the clerks of the state department for ex tra services in preparing these papers. Bill Goes to Governor. The amendments were concurred in by a vote of 1"7 to ::,". The bill now goes to the governor. Those voting In the negative were: Messrs. merman, Brcnnnii, L. D. Ib-own, Purnett, Cast lie r, Cooper, Corny, Creasy, Dlxtm, Fake, Foster, Fuerth Ciuenther, Tlnag, Hays, Hell, Hitchcock Hoch, Ikeler, Albert W. Johnson, Irwin X. Johnson, Kirk, AIcLarn, Alc"Wliinney, Slayne, H. Frank AUller, Moyer, Xuflzsingor, Osier, Palm, Paul, Jlndgers, Roth, Snulbh, "Westbrook. Air. AVillard, of Allegheny, called up the report of the conference commit tee on the capitol bill. Air. Holl, of Philadelphia, opposed the increased appropriation from $4,000,000 to $4,2r.0, 000. He said the advocates of the bill agreed when It was on thtrd rending in tho bouse to limit the appropria tion to Jt.000,000. The people want a capitol that Is a credit to the state, but they do not want a useless ex penditure of money. The congres sional library at Washington cost only Sii,:U)0,noo, and $4,000,000 is more than Is necessary to eicct a capitol commen surate with the dignity and wealth of the commonwealth. Tho report was rejected by a vole of (ll to 1 lit. and tho bill was referred back to the conference committee. The report of the conference com mittee on the judicial apportionment hill was ndopted by a vote of J!IS to B:l. Tho bill as ndopted provides for only one judge In Cambria county. Mr. Ford, of Allegheny, moved that the bill Increasing tho salary of judges In counties having a population of aver Mi.000, be reconsidered. The mo tion failed by a vote of i!3 to 7:'. Changes in Apportionment. The senate this afternoon dribbled iiwuy the tlmo without doing anything until nearly 5 o'clock, when it took a ipui't ami passed a number of hills and adopted several conference reports. The louse hill providing an additional Judge n Luzerne county, which was defeated it the morning: session, was reroiisld sred this afternoon nnd was passed by a vote of 40 to 0, These house bills wero nlso passed anally; Detaching Carbon county from the forty-third Judicial district and erect ng a separate judicial district. Authorising county commissioners to evy a tax not exceeding one-tenth of )ne mill per dollar nu the assessed ,'alue of property in each county, for the purpose of creutlng a fund for tho relief of honorably discharged Indigent loldlcrs, sallots and marines, and for indigent wives, widows and the minor shlldrcn under 15 years of age of in dlgent or deceased soldiers, sailors or marines, The conference report on the house appropriating $11!9,500 to the Norrlstown Insane hospital was adopted. The senate withdrew Its opposition to the house amendments to tho senate bill, appropriating $1,000,000 to the public schools to make up for the gov ernor's cut of two years ago, and the amendments wero concurred In. The bill now goes to tho governor. The conference report on the notion Mil, regulating the manufacture and sale of "process" or "boiled" butter, whs defeated. The bill Is now dead. The house having refused to accept the congressional apportionment bill us miido up hist night, the vote by which tlie conference report was adopted this morning was reconsidered and the re port sent back to conference commit tee. Tho bill wiih again reconstructed and sent to tho printer. At fi.HO Information came from tho house that It Insisted upon Its amend ments to the Fox rnpltol bill. Mr. Fox moved that the senate recede from Its non-concurrence In the house amendments and that the senate con cur In the same. This was done by a vote of .'17 to 0 nnd the 1)111 now rocs to tlie governor. The report of Hie conference com mittee on the congressional appor tionment bill was taken tin at the evening session and adopted by a vote of IBS to 54. The reports of conference committees on the following appro priation bills wero ndopted. K.iiip hospital, M.1.0M; Heaver hospital, 'J.OOO: Western Pennsylvania InMlliition for Deaf nnd DiiiiiIp. !l ,!!()! I'iIIkIoii hospital, M.VKK1; St. .Mm (ienei.il hospital. Allosheny, $t:,IK); ll.tr iMiiiib lioplt.il, SJIO.OOuj Philadelphia Polyclinic, $I.-.,(H The senate resolution authorizing the governor to appoint a commission to represent Pennsylvania at the St. J. rails exposition, wan concurred In. The house adjourned at midnight until 11 o'clock tomorrow morning, when tlie usual closing exercises will bo held. Speaker Marshall will be presented with a magnificent dinner set of Haviland china nnd a silver service. The clerks will bo given purses of money. The house will ad journ finally at noon. Governor Stone expects to stait to morrow for a short fishing trip. On his return Monday he will take up a multitude of bills left with him for his action. Work in the Senate. At the night session of tlie senate the reconstructed congressional ap portionment bill again came up and the report of the conference com mittee was adopted by a volo of ".". to 10. The .negative voters were Heinle, Herbst, Higgins, Miller, Xeely, Stiles and Wentz, Democrats; Alatson and Williams, Quay Itepubli enns, and McKee, anti-Quay ltcpub llcan. The report now goes to the house. Five of the six Philadelphia dis tricts were rearranged. The iirst dis trict was not disturbed. The other I've, according to tlie latest make-up, will be as follows: Second district Kightli, Xlnth, Tenth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Twentieth and Twenty-seventh wards. Third district Second. Third, Fourth. Fifth, Sixth, Kleventh. Twelfth, Sixteenth, .Seven teenth, Klgliteentli and Nineteenth wards. Fourth district Twenty-eighth. Twenty-ninth, Thirty-second nnd Thirty-eight wards. Fifth district Thirty-first. Twenty-fifth, Twenty third, Thirty-third, Thirty-fifth and Forty-first wards. Sixth district Twenty-second, Twenty-first. Twenty fourth, Thirty-fourth, Twenty-seventh and Fortieth wards. Other changes are as follows: The entire county of l.uzorene is to be the Kleventh district. Fourteenth dis trict shall be made ufi of Wayne, Sus quehanna. Wyoming and Pradford counties. Six teen Hi Northumberland. Alontour, Sullivan, Columbia. Twenty first Center, Clearfield, Cameron and AlcKean. Twenty-second Westmore land and Potior. Twenty-seventh Armstrong, Indiana, Clarion, Jeffer son. Twenty-eighth Mercer, AVar ren,. Forest, Venango, Klk. All the other districts remain tlie ramo as they were agreed upon last night. The conference report on the judicial apportionment was adopted with only one dissenting vote that of Air. Herbst. The bill now goes to the governor. Tho vote by which the "boiled" or "pro cess" butter bill was defented at the afternoon session was reconsidered and the bill was passed. The Warren Insane hospital appropri ation bill wns nlso passed finally. The conference report on the bill au thorising the election of one justice of the ponce In each ward of all borough divided Into wards was defeated. Of Interest to Veterans. Tlie bill making nn appropriation for n monument at Slilloh, In memory of tho Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania regi ment, created some discussion among tlie old soldier senators. Air, Comings, of Warren, a veteran, moved that tlie senate iccede from Its amendments to the bill Increasing the appropriation which was opposed by Air. Williams, of Puller, another civil war veteran. Messrs. Quail, of Schuylkill, and .Mil ler, of Cumberland, two more soldiers, nlso took pari in the discussion, but Air. ('innings won out by n vote of 2:1 to IS. At this point tho members i tlie senate enjoyed a little levity. U was started by Air, Kmery, of Aler cor, reporting fiom committee, with amendments, Hie senatorial apportion ment bill, I'nless all rules were thrown to the winds the bill could go no further than second reading, Tlie leg islative apportionment bill was next re ported out and then all tlie ballot re form, hills, Including measures intro duced by Messrs. Flint, Perkelbach, Herbst and Neely and Vandyke, of the house, were unloaded fmni the shelves of tho committee on elections, much to the amusement of the senators, A recess for an hour was taken until 10 o'clock to enable the Itepubllciins and Democrats to bold caucuses for the nomination of candidates for president pro tein. for the senate of Ifto.'l, At 10,10 tho senate took a ivceos for half an hour, but It was 12.20 a, in, when the lieutenant governor called tlm senators to order, The table was cleared of roinniuiilcutlons from (ho house announcing the adoption of the conference reports passed by the sen ate. After u few nonsensical resolu tions wero rend, Intended only for amusement, which Is a usual last, night Incident, the cenate udjourned until 11 a. m. Kvery bit of legislation has been cleared away and the only thing re maining to ho done is the usual pres entation of gifts. Machinists Strike Is Off. Ily Ricluiive Wire from The Associated Prtss. YorW, June 26, The ktrlke of the union nu. rhinitis ol York tame lo an end today, when formally, behind clocd doors, the strike wa declared olf, No statement was, Kben out, buL " it believed the ttnkcit scuicd none ot llieir demand. 'I hey will eo hack lo work as they aiu attested as Individuals by the tains. AN OCEAN LINER LOST The Lusitanla Wrecked with Five Hundred Passengers Aboard. A STRUGGLE ON BOAT Missed mrse in Tog and Kan on Newf ndland Coast Passengers Panic- irlcken Emigrants Use Knivei in Fight for Boats Belief That Several Were Drowned. Survivors, Almost Naked, Landed Through Surf on Hocks nnd Hauled Up the Cliffs. By Kxcln.sWe Wire from The Avnclfllcd Pre?'. St. Johns, X. V., Juno 2(!. The steam ship I.usltnnla, under charter lo tho Klder Dempster company, and bound from Liverpool to Atom real with 500 persons aboard, missed her course while bound round Cape Pace, and ran ashore just before daybreak this morn ing, at Senl'o Cove, twelve miles north of the cape. A heavy sen was running, and the passengers became panic stricken. The rougher element in tlnj steerage fought for the boats, nnd used knives against the crew, who were un able to subdue them for some time. When the frenzied men bad been over come the work of saving them nnd tho women and children was begun. The boats weic lowered and dispatched to the shore. It is reported that one was capsized, and that the twenty persons In It were drowned. That report, how ever, has not been confirmed. On the contrary in dispatches received at the offices of tho line here It is said that all the passengers had been landed safely and the crew was standing by the eliip The place where tlie lusitania ran ashore is twenty miles from a tele graph station, and details of tho wreck are, In consequence, difllcult to obtain. It is known, however, that the vessel ran over a reef near where the Scot tish King was wrecked and hangs against a cliff. At the hour the first dispatch was sent she appeared to h holding her own. but it wns feared thai she would become a loal wreck. A se vere rainstorm prevailed nil night, with high winds and a heavy sea, and In the latest reports received it Is said she was breaking up. that her fnreliolds were full of water and that her cargo was being salvaged. There is hope of saving the effects of the passengers, as where possible they were stowed above decks. Six steamers nre now on their way from here to tho scone of the wreck. It is expected that the rescued passen gers will bo brought hero tonight. Passengers Asleep, Tlie passengers were asleep at the hour of the disaster. The first nollco they received that anything was amiss came In tho form of a severe jolt, which hurled them from their beds as the vessel rasped over the rocks. Many of them were bruised severely. They nil hurried on dock In their night clothes and n scene of groat excite ment followed. Hundreds of frenzied men, women nnd children wero clam oring to be saved, while tho crow tried to pacify them and launch their bouts. Tlie mnle passengers, in their attempt to seize tlie bonts trampled the women under foot and, as said before, fought the crow with knives. Some of the more cool-henilod assisted the crew In the effort to get out the boats. Ono boat was upset and its occupants were Immersed. It Is still supposed that some of these were drowned, but that point has not been definitely ascer tained, It Is certain, however, that one boat, having nu board twenty per sons, has not yet been reported. It Is supposed she Is adrift in the fog and that may have given rlso to the re port that twenty persons had been drowned. Tlie women nnd children rescued were almost linked. Drenched with spray they were pulled up the cliffs by the coast people. Some of the boats were smashed In the surf while attempting to land. Their half drowned occupants Jumped for the rocks and held nu shivering with cold until rescued. This morning tho un happy survivors, after shivering for hours on the hilltop, wearily tramped several miles In their endeavor to reach the houses of tho fishermen, which they eventually succeeded In doing. They are now sheltered there, Previous to reaching the cliffs tho passengers passed two hours of terri ble anxiety on the wreck. The I.usltunln belonged to the Orient Steiuu Navigation company. As said before she was under charter to tho Klder Dempster line, and was to have been transferred to the new Franco American lino on Monday, She was under command of Captain AIcAloy, a well-known, experienced and greatly trusted captain of tho Klder Dempster line. Her passenger list shows thnt six cabin, fourteen second class and illl steemge passengers were aboard, The I.usltnnla wns built nt Liverpool by Laird Pros. In 1S7I, She Is ;itu feet 9 Inches long, has 4t feet 3 inches beam, and Is L7 feet 7 Inches deep, Formerly she was In tho Australian service, Shu sailed from Liverpool June 18. Wages Will Be Advanced, fly Eihuiie Wlie fiom Tlie Associated I'icsi. Cleielanrl, ()., June 2fi. 'Ihe Cleiclaud t'lly Hallway company, belter known a Hie I. Idle Consolidated ioiiiiany, of uliiili Senator lljniu Is president, jnuoumed today that Ihe uJKr of all conductni ami luotqimcii who have been in the seiviee of the company two yean or more will be advanced, to take effect mIIIiIii a few days. Detail.) ol lire proposed liHieaso hate not yet been made public, m . Nominated by Governor. lUrrUburc, June 26. (.'overnor .Stone tnnlshl cent to Ihe keuale tho nomination of William N. Topham, ot lieinuutown, Philadelphia, lo he diieilor of the niutical kIioo! at Philadelphia fur tho term of sis jcars. YALE COMMENCEMENT. Degrees Are Conferred Upon 570 Candidates. fly tirelustve Who from The Avoolalrd l'ie. Sow Haven, Conn., June yd. The one hundred nnd iilnety-nlnth commence ment of Yale university was held to day under tlie most pleasant of condi tions. President Hadiey In his annual address referred to the changes In the course of study in tlie academic de partment by which tho old principle of a fixed curriculum hns been entirely iibnndoued ami also dwelt upon ma terial Improvements in the universities which are made possible by recent gifts. He spoke briefly of the signifi cance ot tho bl-eentennlal celebration. Degrees were conferred upon f"t! can didates. Among the honorary degrees conferred were the following: Doctors of divinity Rev. W. Af. P. Faunce, president of Ilrowii university; Jtev. .1. At. Taylor, president of A'as sar college. Masters of arts Tlev. Harlan P. Peach. IJ. A.. Yale 1S7S; William K. Dodge and Theodore L. Devinne, nil of Xew York; James Hougtelllng, Ph. IX, Chicago, a founder and first presi dent of the St. Andrews Protherhond of the Protestant Kplscopal church, and Ulfford Plnchot, 11. A., Yale ISSit, chief of the division of forestry of tne department of agriculture, Washing ton, in addition to these, I lie honor ary degree of master ot nrts was con ferred prlvatlni on F. (1. JCowhiiuIs. member of congress from Nevada, and Hew Klmer K. Smttey, Ynle, 1890, president of the University of Wyo iiih.g. Tlie Yule commencement concluded today with a full statement to the graduates from President Hadlev, of the amounts subscribed for the bi centennial fund. He said: The plan adopted by tlie committee c.Oled for an expenditure for land and buildings of ?l,lh.'i, (). A enr n(jo baiel.v half of this Mini bad been secured. Ten ihys no Sir.S.WK) remained to he rai.-ed. This has today been nccimiplMirri with the addition (if the laiRC plfU which have been made tor (-pedal purposes durinpr the continuance of the ub.scriptiou-. and it make it icrtain that with (lie proper effort we shall reach the fund of $.;!,0no,000. This fund contains no laijjfr sift than Sl.W.noO, and 1,700 or more graduates and fi lends of the imlilution are on Ihe 1M. Promi nent anions those who mnlrilmlcil to tlie mk(0s of Ihe endowment are: II. C. 1). Hoi den, who not only cao KKI.UiKI but itnnl his peisan.il ctloit mi'-pai'iiicly; I'rediriek Vanderbilt and .lames .1. Hill, who iran- MOO.nOO each; tlie MNses Phelps Moke, wlio gae the adminMi.ition building, thin inntrthiiling fully $01,000 lo tlie general ob jot; Chailes and iaiward llarkness of New Voik, who traie .in,(KX) each, orisin.illy, besides Ihe jrilt of S.i!."i,iX)0 fiom the third brother, and who in tlie oineiRomy at the end each contributed $10,(100 towaids innking up the deficiency, and tlie Jen. ninns family, of New Yoik city, who added to their itift of some iJliO.dOO an aetixe pcn-onal inter-e-t in tlie whole nutter; finally MU.OOO jjiveu by (ienrgp ISIhs shoilly before his death ami paid to us out of the (stale. President Dudley announced that the estate of the late William Lampson, of J.eroy, N. X., will probably yield $.10,noo, an Increase of $-5,000. He nlso referred, to the gift of Airs. A. AI. Byers, of Al legheny, Pa., and stated that the amount was 5100,000. SENATOR SCOTT TO BE PRESIDENT PRO TEM Nominated at Republican Caucus at Harrisburg Last Night. My i;.oluHe Win fiom Tlie Associated Pres, Harrisburg, June 20. Tho Hepubll can senatorial caucus tonight nomi nated Senator "John Af. Scott, of tho Sixth district, of Philadlephin, for 1 resident pro tern of the next senate. There were twent-six senators pres ent, twenty-four Quay Hepubllcans, and AlcKee and Afagee, nntl-Quuyltes. Air. (irady, of Philadelphia, presided, and Air. Vaughn n, of l,ackawuuuu, acted as secretary. Air. Scott was nominated by tho retiring prosoldent pro tern, Air. Sny der. This being the only name pre sented, Air, Scott was unanimously selected. The follow In,; slate committee of nine was npji nted by tli I'h.'lr: Snyder, of Chester; Iveyser, Philadel phia; Alntson, AlcKean; Sproul, Ches ter; Ileidolbuugh, Lancaster: Vare, Philadelphia: Stewart, Franklin; Fisher, Indiana, and Stlncman, Cam bria. GLASER ATTEMPTS SUICIDE. A Tobacco Salesman Jumps Into Sus quehanna and Resists Rescuers, Ily Kelube Wire from The Asoclaled Pievi, Wlllianispoil, I'a,, June 20. W, (', (baser, of I'ltUbiu;;, a traiclim; a)esiuau for the IIKli lliotlurs' Tobaico lompany, Wheeling, W. Va,, made .1 dctpeiato attempt to commit tuicidc lo. day, He jumped fium Ihe .M.ukct street bridico into the .Siwpiehauna rber and tried lo diown liinwlf, lie icaistcd reeue, but was luauglit In hore after a lleico stiuccje with enteral youni; men uhu went to Ids aviUlanie, Temporary insanity is atciihcd as tho causa of (ilaMT's attempt In take bin life. Steamship Arrivals, Uy i:cluslve Whe fiom Tlie Associated Press. A'ew York, .liiiio !!0, Ariiwil; Uemluitlou, Antwerp; lath:,iun, Piemen. ('It-am! l-i llrrtaiiiic, llavie; Columbia, llamhuifr. Sailed: St. Louis, Koiithauipton; Teutonic, l.lu'ipool; Vadcrland, Aulneiu U Chcihouri,'. Southampton Alllledi St. Paul, Xtw York. Silled; lineup, nlii Lulu, (rum lliemeii for Xiw YuiK. Hotter. djiH-'Aribi'd: Maaxl.1111, Xcw Yoik via lion. Inline. Q'ireuttoMii Sailid: .Senia, l.iicico fm New ork. Marine Is Drowned, Ily llxi Ill-he Wire fiom Tlie Associated IV". Philadelphia, June 20. (Vnporal 1'Muk (belly, it Lebanon, Pa., a I'nltcd Stales limine attached to the rccclvlnt: i-lilp Yankee, at Ihe la'amie Maud navy .laid, was dronurd while suiniiuliii; in the Pclawaio rber todiy. lie was seized with (ianitj and tank, DEATHS OF A DAY, Ily llfiliiilip Wire fiom The Associated Piess, Tuukhaunock, l'a., June 2d. Oaiur (1. Hser, rX'Miprriiitrmuut of tho I'emisylsanla and .New York dhbJoii of the'Uhiuh Valley lalhoad, died at Ids home in Tuukhaunock from mi illness which bcxan 1att Aiuriitt, Air. IWr was born at M.imh (.'hunk, In ls'il, and woiked his way up from en and boy through, Miuc.'.-ivo ofliiea ! Ihe pa.lt Ion of division upcrintcndent, lie uxs well kuouii all alunj Ihe line. Tlie (uncial will be held vu Satuiclay. 13 KILLED IN A WRECK ft Westbound Wabash Express Train Grasbes ThroiiQh a Trestle with Fearful Results. STRUCTURE GAVE WAY An Engine and Pour Cars Drop Into a Ravine a Distance of Eighteen. Feet In Addition to the Killed Fifty Passengers Are Injured. New York Man Among Them. Trestle Undermined by Bains. The Dead All Italian Emigrants. By Kicluslre Wire from Tlie Annocialed Press. Peril, lnd., June -0. While the west bound Wabash limited was running under a full bend of steam across a short trestle nine miles west of this city, nt 1L',30 o'clock this morning, the structure gave way nnd dropped the engine nnd four curs to the bottom of a ravine eighteen feet deep. Sixteen persons weie killed and at least llfty Injured, Including Mrs. AVIlllnm Col ten, wife of the general superintendent of tho Iron Mountain railwny, and John Ickes, of New York. All the killed were Italian immigrants, who were en route for Salt I.,ake City, and It has been Im possible to ascertain their names, be cause none of the Immigrants speak Kngllsh and their interpreter is among the dead. Following I a list of dead: MIIS. MATTIi: CUl'SI.', wife of .loe Cmse, of New Yoik: the latter was injuicd. Miss PAXXIi: Jinil.OIC, of Xew Yoik. Lllfil llOXt, Xew York. KIVK ITALIAN' HUN', names unkn.ovn. TWO ITALIAN' WOMKN, names unknown. TUULi: TALI AX 1)AH1K. Partial list of the injured: .Mr.s. William rotten, wile of Keneral superin tendent lion .Mountain Hallway, badly biub-ed. Three ehlldien, names unknown, seceiely bullied. David Acnew, Cieen Oak, lnd., rislit arm injured. John O'Mitni, Denver, linht leg binken. Unknown Italian, Xew Yoik, liiclit Ick and right side manclrd. Xleola I'olua, head and shoulder bulbed John Icke?, Xcw York, head and body bitiised. Anna .luber, hi. I.ouis, head badly lirul.-ril. Joseph Pnxa, Tiinidad, Colo., head and left foot injured. Herbert .Menser, liilKdale, Mich., fare cut Joseph Ciie-c, Xew York city, head, body and left leg bruised. Mrs. Joseph Ciuse, head and body injuicd; will die. Ceorco II. Milner, Dalton, 111., left leu broken. John P. Williamson, Itnwlins; (been ()., news .icnit, both arms, both leg.s and right shoul der blade broken. E. P. ClatiRh, Toledo, O., head badly crushed, riirlit shoulder blade broken. 0. A. Thompson, I.itlle Hock, Ark., head and body biuiAed. William Iliode, Angola, lnd., fare nil, ( harlrs Flanagan, flagman, body briii-ed J. II. Lmks.-l.oKaipoit, lnd., traveling .salesman, slightly biuiscd. J. F. Under, engineer. John Ad. no.-, liieinaii, both from Pour, s (hailea Liigenbiihl, West llnboken, X. J. J. II. Wilkcn. Lara.ictle, lnd. Walter Laid, Waba-h. lnd. The Urv. J. M. WaHi, Logan-poit. (' 1. Home, Logausport. John Derwinnis, Plttsbiiig. J, II. Wood, Logan-poll, V. K. llrownell, baggageman. Toledo X. II, Kandeis, Stoninglon, 111. I'laik Taylor, Log.inspoit. Lxpies.sin.in, mine not learned. Makeup of the Train. Two sections of train No. :i, one com ing from Detroit and the other from Toledo, were consolidated in this city Into a train of eleven cars, making up tlie flyer for Its journey to St. Louis. It consisted ot a combination baggage and smoker, day coach and emigrant coach, three chair cars, three sleepers nnd tho private ear of General Super intendent William Cot ten, of the Iron Mountain railway. Having left this city one hour late, the train was run ning nt n high rate of speed when in plunged through a tretle which had been undermined by the recent heavy, rains. Owing to the momentum of the train the engine appeared to leap near ly across the ravine, plunged Into the soft earth on tho opposite side and fell buck to the bottom. Engineer Butler and Fireman Adams were thrown from tho cab, but no' eriously hurt. The express car and t first chair car were telescoped. The t, algront car, followed by two choir curs, went down on the left .side of the track and tho tlrst sleeper pitched forward upon the mass of debrUi. lis windows nnd trucks were broken, but none of the occupants was Injured. Tho remaining curs also left their trucks, but wero not badly dum nged. It was In tho emigrant day coaches that most of the deaths and In juries occurred. Aid was summoned by telephone from this city, and within a very short tlmo almost every physician in Peru was aboard the relief train on its way to the scene of tho wreck. Appeals were sent from this place to other towns along the 'Wabash railroad, and relief and wrecking trains were sent out from I.ogausport, Peru, Lafayette and Dan ville, 111, ("ass, the station near which the wreck occurred, is only five miles front r.ogansport, and several aniliii lanees wero sent from that city. Farmers Aid in Rescue. .Meanwhile bands of farmers, with torches and Improvised litters were at work seeking out the injured, whose cries were heard In the wreck, Tim dead wore left where they lay, With the coming of daylight the full extent of tho accident was first realized. Tho dead were lying In almost every cor ner of tho wrecked cms, and the In jured, who had been tuken from the debris were huddled In groups on tho embankment, pleading far the rescue of their relatives and friends. A relief train, which left this city Immediately upon receipt of the news of tho accident, returned at 4 o'clock with twenty-seven of the Injured pas sengers, nearly hulf of whom were women. These were taken at once to tho General hospital. Thiee bodies those of uii llullun mun and two villi- THE NEWS THIS MORNING Weather Indication Today: PROBABLY LOCAL HA1H9. 1 Ceneral Xo Ansl.stancc Needed In the Flooded Minefield Ifeglon. Oiean Liner Lost OH Newfoundland. Thirteen Killed in n ltnltio.nl Wreck. Work of the State Law-Makers Completed. 2 (leneral Cflibondatc Department, 3 Loral One Day's Itecoid ot Weddings. 4 Kdiloilal. Xote and Comment. 6 Loca!--l).itc (or Holding Mine Inspectors' Ex amination. West Side Young Man (id ins on Contestants in (lie Contest. 0 Loe.il Welt Scranlcm and Suburban. Financial nnd Commercial. 8 Loral Industrial and Labor. Court Proceedings. Convention of Sunday School Winkers. (Iron who had died on the way ar rived on Ihe train. Conductor Hrownley, who wns In chnrge of the train, is uninjured. It wns Impossible for the engine crew to prevent the accident. Heavy foliage lined the banks on both sides of the culvert, the npproach to which was over a "reverse curve." Tho night wns very dark and the engine was well out on the trestle before tlie structure gave way. St. Louis, June 2C In tin oillclal re port of the wreck made to President IJnmsey It Is stated that thirteen Itnl inns were killed, three probably fatally and eleven seriously hurt nnd thirty one slightly bruised and cut. A woman passenger Is missing. Of the total killed and Injured seven were employes. Only one body, thai of Fanny Muehl vlc, address unknown, has been Iden tified. According to the olbclnl re port tho wreck was caused by the washing out of a culvert. BREAKER BURNED AT WILKES-BARRE Two Hundred and Fifty Men Have a Narrow Eacape Forty Muleo Thought to Have Perished. Ily I'.xclusiie Wire limn Tlie Associated Press. AVIlkos-Biiire, June 26. Shortly ni ter noon today the large breaker over No. i mine of tho Delaware anil Hud son company caught fire. Tlie flames spread rapidly to the washery, engine house, fan house, and then eat their way down the shaft. In less than an hour the breaker and all the other buildings in close prox imity were in ashes. The burning structures were situated Just outside ot the city limits, but this did not prevent the Wlkes-Bnrre lire depart ment from responding to a call for assistance. Tlie llatnes hud made such headway, however, that the lire men could do nothing to stny their progress. The officials of the mine were quick to net In the work of rescuing the 2."i0 men in the mine. With the aid of tlie telephone they were able to send down a warning before a rescuing party could go down In the carriage. As many of the men ns possible were hoisted to the surface In the car rluge. while others escaped through another opening In the adjoining mine. The hoisting engineer remained sit bis post until the roof on the engine house over his head fell In. The rejoicing over the escape of all hands was turned to sorrow at " o'clock, when the rebitlvesof Corne lius Cannon, John Bruko, Peter O'Donnell and Louis Diigdale, re ported that they were missing. As the ah- current had been cut off by the burning of the fan house It was thought the men had perished. Hut an hour afterwards the four miners appeared on the .surface. They bail made their way through some aban doned workings lo an opening. It wan a long way around nnd they wer.i greatly exhausted when the sot out 'Forty mules uro still In the mliio. It Is thought they all suffocated. The fire Is said to have been caused by an over-heated journal In Mi" en gine room next to tho breaker. Tho loss Is placed at $100,000. Six hundred and fifty men and boys arc thrown out of work. THE PROHIBITION STATE CONVENTION Will Meet at Harrisburg Today Mr. W. W. Lathrop, of Scranton, Mentioned for Judge. fly nxcluie Whe from Tlie Associated Press. Harrisburg, June 26. The Prohibi tion Ktnte convent inn will meet In this city tomorrow to nominate cniidldales for Htato treasurer and Supreme court Judge. Among those mentioned for Supreme judge are W, V. Lathrop, of Scranton; Kmniet ( .Nlcliol, of Wilkes-Iiarre, and 11. 1.. Itoblnsou, of I'lilontnwn. Leo L. (iruuibliie, of Lebanon, Is spoken of as tho possible candidate fur stale treasurer, Tlie convention will bo culled to or der ul 10 o'clock by State Chairman Jones, The addiess of welcome will be delivered by Itov, Silas C. Swallow, of tills city. The response will ho inside by Homer L. Cassel, of Pttshurg, This evening the oratorical contest louk place In the board of trade auditorium, itepi'csentutlves fiom the lending col leges competed for ihe prizes, Thursday evening there will be a mass meeting ut the same place, at which addresses will be made by .Vu tionul Chairman Oliver YV. Stewart, of Chicago, and K. L. Kuton, of flus hing. Victim of the Fan-American. By Kxrhuite Wire from Tlie Associated Press. buffalo, June 2!. - Vndirw Jones, known profes sionally us Teddy Oiiiri, at nick bicycle rider, died today fiom iujinies inched on June ,1, ulien he attempted to ride Ida wheel ovr a foi.vo"t clilf Into u laku iii the wild ujut poiU at the I'au-AuicrKju. ASSISTANCE NOT NEEDED Reports ot Loss ot Lite and Pro- perm in the Bluetields Reaion Greatly Cxaooerated. FIFTY THE DEATH LIMIT Tho Coal Fields Will Not Be. He stored for Many Months Governor White Issues a Notice to tho Pub lic in Which Ho Gives the Opin ion That the Stnte Will Bo Able to Take Care of Flood Sufferer. Dy r.chilii! Wlie fiom The Associated Pics. Itoanoke, Va June 26. The news from the flood-swept district In West Virginia shows no reasons for In creased estimates of either fatalities or property losses. Fifty Is the out side limit of lives lost. Four more bodies have been identified at North Fork. They are: AI. dteverly nnd wife, colored, from Washington county, Vu.: Dug (bilnes and wife, colored, from Pulaski county, W. Vu. The reports from nil over the sec tion nro to the el'l'ecl that while many poor people have lost nil, yet there Is no danger of suffering j"or want of food. It Is believed and from the evidence of destruction on every hand t'ho be lief Is well founded, that the coal field will not bo entirely restored for many month. Xo bodies wero found during tho last night or tills morning. It Is im possible to give tho full list nf those who perished from the fact thit-t many of the bodies were burled without Identification. Tho efforts of tlie Inrgo force of men at work now nre directed toward re-establishment of communication. The property losses hnvc not been ex nggeruted, but if Is not thought that outside aid will be needed, as the coal companies are taking care of those of their employes who wore despoiled by the Hood. Two carloads of provisions and other supplies for the needy in the coal fields from tlie Xew York Journal, passed thrugh Konnolcp this afternoon. Wheeling hns nlso sent n. carload of provisions around by way of Kenova. The repairing and construction force reached Vivian from the east today. Tlie track between Davy and Vivian is still In a very bad condition. I'p to this time the list of dond re covered amounts to eighteen, seven nt Keystone, four at Algoinu, three at Kckman, two at rihawnce and two at Laiulgruff. These do not include a, number who -were buried without be ing Identified. Several more coal op erations begun loading today. .Many nf the wrecked and damaged cars have been picked up and are being sent to the shops here. Telegrams ex tending aid continue lo come in, but none are being accepted. Governor White's Letter. Charleston. W. Va Juno 26. Gover nor While today issued the following: To tlie Public. Advii es lecciveil fiom personal representatives (ant In Kc.ii.tonc and the Ihnuled diatiivt In Iho I'lat Top iCKinu aie t the eflect that the lo-.) of life will not cm ceil lifly and lh.il theie is no (listless which cannot bo pioiided for by I ho homo people and no need nf outside help of any kind, The ol)ei.s of help fiom all over the num. Ily have bleu gciieioiis and are highly appre ciated. If II should develop that aid fiom Ihe outside l needed I will take neC-nion to infolin (In1 people of West Yliulnla ot that fact. In any event I feil .sine thai Ihe eillens of Ibis utat.j will he willinc and aide to Mipply any uid Iliac may be ueided. A II. White, (inveinoi, INGHAM AND NEWITT CASE. But Little Hopo That tho Prisoners Will Be Pardoned. By Kxelusive Wire from The Associated Press. W.i.JdiiKtnu, Juno "0. I.ate lids aftnimon AI-(r.rui-v- licnei.il lvnii: said that this umillcation for pardon Hied by .Mes.is. Ingham mid Ncwiti, who were (omhlid about a .ic.ir aso of allnnp'- iui; to biilu. an ofluer of (lie I mint .states in tlii fauious J. cubs counfiifi'itim,' c-i-i', nf l.atir.i.-t'T, Pa,, would not h bioiuilil to the pioiilenl's at tintiou cvir.t by his llhe president') dliei lion. It is a rule of the ilepailiiient lii.il ill tile aliMiuoof favorable leiouiuiendalloiis lor pinion., appllcallons frr Ihe iamc mo .simply filed and are not conshhred either by the attorney RCnual or ilu- prcslchnt. In Ibis case Ihe trial Jiulirc has leporlcd Uiu ra-e without (omiurut, as has tlie lulled Miles attorney who louducted the (.ie. I'nder lhe. clriiiuistanies the incident's attention would not bo callid In Iho iac cxiepl by ids oilier, 111 any event .Mr. Kuo bald no decbloii will b reached wry toon. m Oil Controversy Settled. By Exclusive Wire from Tlie Associated Press. Austin. Tex., June Si. The Texas Supiuno moil today iindeied an iiupnil.int decision if. feclini; the oil ludustiy. Tlie louil decided that. Ihe state has no intciot In mineral land kohl to actual Klllus from the tchiml land domain. This M'ltles ii luutnnri.'.y mailed by Ihe diMOv iry of nil at It auiiiont and other places In Tex n, Plow Trust Organized, By KwIihIip Who from Tlie A.oci.itrd Pie". Tieuton, X. J., June iii. The Ameiicin I'hixv company, upllil. un,iMl, was incoipoialrd her today. The principal obicl ol Ihe lumpany 'il be In aboili nint of Hie. plow (Oinpjiiiej of tlie I idled Matis. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Iliiihe-t liniperatmc l.owett lemperaluie , llelative Humidity : tt ile-recs l7 dt'BU'i'S a. in ..., Gil per cent, K p. in SI per cent. I'lecipitatiun, : bum nided S p. in,, Hum; xu-ather, pailly cloudy. V-H-t t i-H--f sr--WEATHER FORECAST, Washington, June Uii.-Foiccat for Daelciu I'euuvtbauia: Partly doudy and piolubly local lams Tluusdiy; f'ridiy, fair; (outiimcd hluh temperature; xuit- able wIikli. 4- l f.fTt t.tt ..