(r w" "vav' j.0ju -v' Ml ?i oivit-w''"' M!y$:i T?5r"'VK SftfrfyH1 -s "- Vix. iJ -4 (rfi?JU','Tlt'Si!'3-Wi " Hi v-JIWfV'ili-JTWritMfttti a "vr - THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1001. -.' NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA ELOPED WITH HER GRANDPA STRANGE INFATUATION TBEDT. GRAVES. OF Edward Oheesoman of Gulf Summit HftB Btrango Adventures with Bnakes-Erlo Placoa More TrainB on the Road Miss Muffot in Greon Apple Timo-Fate of Colonel Frisk's Private Palaco Oar. Special to I ho Scranton Tribune. Ssfuchnniui. .lime -" Udwnirt Choescituin, of liulf Summit, a few days slncr killed two black snakes and a iMttlehnnkr. The hlacksiiiikes allow ed IIrIH, and but for the asslntunco nf his do?-. Oherscniuii would have been second In the llRht. One of the hltick Fiialses nipastucd lv feot thioe inches in length and the other hIjc feet ten inches. The uittlei' was .1 uni.ill one and was easily Muiqulblied. Mr. Choeieninn has had queer nil entiirces with snakes. A few ye.ns since he noticed that one of his cows Rave ety little milk, and he set about to holse the ni.steiy. One morning, while llellng behind a lop-, watching the hold, h was nntonlshed to sec .1 big lattlesn.iko ci.iwl fioni tinder .1 lntk and begin milking the ow in question. Cheeseman att.icked the Lit tler with a 1 lub and soon placed it hoi du 1 oinbut. The 1 ow missed the companionship of the snake fni a lew davs and lefUKCtl to eat, but in a week .she lesumcd the business of pio riuclng mllK. UI.OFIJD WITH GHA.NDDAUGHTi:n It Is repotted that Fieri T. C!i.ios hah been sentenced ftom Bioome cotin tv for falling in love and eloping with his granddaughter. Gi.ixos, who is said to be .1 foimcr resident of Klgin, Illinois, came into this section tluee eais ago, and a short time after mai lied hlh boatdlng-housc mlsticss. Later he fell In loe with his gianddaughtei, Delia II. to Vandeibo, and the couple eloped. They weio puistted and oei taken by the Itate wife and giand mothei, who caused (liases' anest on a chaige of abduction, the gill being scaicoly Id Mis. CJi.ivcs is now suing for a dhoice. The gr.indd.uightci di claies that on the epiiation of Giaos' sentence she will many him. Xi:VS MATTUUS. Twelve non-union boilcrmaKeis left heie foi New Yoik city on Mondav. The Lhle on .Monday placed seveial summer passenger tiains on the load The Biookhn Saengoibund, 400 stiong, en route to the JtufTain epo sition, took dinner at the SUituec.i House on Sunday. Tew towns In this section will cele biato the ''ever gloiious." Aie the heiocs of '76 foi gotten? The Kile is gieatlv Impioving Its Jeffeison Division loadbed between Forest City and C.trbondale. The stent Free Blelhodist canip jneeting will ho held at Thompson this year and hotcaftei. F. i: Diush, of Oakland, a few days ago caught a nine-pound eel in Vie iivci. It was ovci nine feet long. Ji'Ni: JOTTINGS. Little Miss Mllffrt, bhe sat on a tuftet, Eating green apples one day. The colic to chide her Commenced pain inside hoi And now she's in glory to stav. A btairucca church will hold a "111b bei" social, wheie jour pocketbook will be stiotchcd for .ill it will stand. Trlday was the longest day. The "shoitcst" is the day befoie Chilst mas. When the grippe gets complicated with suit Id? it geneialh- pioies fatal The mosquitoes aie once moie book ed for the season at the summer 10 soits. A foolish Blnghaniton woman has amputated seveial toes in oidci that her feet may be smallei. She ought to get a Job switching in a lailioad jaid. PASSING HVIINTS. Hon. Anion .1. (.'ununing.s, of Now Yoik 'lt, will niiho at Columbian Grove about July 10 to spend the suni mn. Colonel Jim Fisk's piivatc palaco car is now used on the Uile fib .1 tool car. "To what base uses," etc. Twontv-ono special Mains, caiiylug visitors to the Pan-Aiiiotican exposi tion, will pu.s.s ovoi the Hilo this week, The N. fi. V. Amoiu Singing soiletj, of Neuaik, N, J., and the Society of civil Hnglueets, of New Yoik city, passed west on Monday, en loute to the Pan-American. The bchool eshlblt of the pupils nf Laurel Hill building commenced on Monday In the Hlirioall block, Kilo avenue, nnd will continue dining the v eek. just nirrwnuN us. The boom that makes tho most noise doesn't always catch tho nomination, The dog poisoner has a habitation In Onrbondulc. Teio may not ho an extra heated coiner in hades foi wife beaters and poisoners of dumb ani malshut there ought to bo. Politics lis ,..i) slates, hut the voteis have tho slato pencils, Those who talk most and loudest about ministers forsaking theli pui pltB for summer vncutlons and 1 all against them, mo the voiy ones who generally fall to attend sen Ices in Bummer or vvlntei. Straw bonles aie now line and plen tiful and so laige it seems the bottom of boxes ought to he lowcied just a little to gc-t them In. Speaking of di Inking, it may he oh served that the chap who can "take It or let it alone," almost always takes it, "It is never ton late to mend," but a man cannot expect to have a button cowed on after midnight. On the whole, it might be better not to do without dynamite, so long as legislatures lermtln. Whitney, PUBYEA. Friday, while stealing a tide on tho Wyoming Traction comnanv's irnllnv cars in this, place. Daniel, the son of jts. j nomas Williams, sustained se- Le Injuries by having his foot run , Dy me car. He was taken to Dr. itrus store, where the injuiies were found lo he seiloue, Liter ho wuh removed to tho Plttston hospital. Claes No, i! of the Piosbyteilan Sun day school will hold an Ico ctoani social Filday o onlng on thochuich lawn. All are Invited to attend. Tho Ladles' Aid smloty will conduct a social this (Weduesdiij ) evening at tho Iioiiiu of Mis. (iemgo limy. He ciiam, cake, etc., will be icncd. All aie coidlally ln Itcd, Class No. 7 of the itilck Methodist Iwplsropal Sunday school held 11 busi ness meeting Mondav evening and com pleted 111 lanRomcnts for their second annual sm lal oil July 4, Joseph, tho voiingHon of Di. and Mis, J. A. Iluillligton, while visiting his giandmothot, Mis. Jones, of licndham, became sciloiHy ill with scailet fevei. He still lenialns in aciltical condition. Mosdnmes John I'. Dills and Joseph MncCatnpbell and Honice Dlll visited at the homo of tho fonnei's biothoi, Jumcs Ciowc, In Dupont, on Monday. HONESDALE. Sprclil to tho hcrinton Tribune. Honesdalc. Juno 21 Mis. Harry Giettcr nnd slstci, Miss Florence Volght, have gone to Chicago, where they will spend two months with fi lends. Honesdnle defeated the Aichbald team In a game of ball on Athletic P.uk S.itutday by a -;coic of II to 6. The icgular communion son Ices will bo observed at the Piosbyteilan cliunh nct Sundav. Tho Schubeit Conceit companv will appear at the opeia house Fiiday evening, Juno JS, under the auspices of tho Haptlst cliun h Tho idiot committee of tho Cluistlan Jmde.ivor society will hold a, cake .sale In the Pieslnteiian chapel net Satur day afteinoon. Tho Gibson plctuies given in tlio opei.i house on Fiiday evening weio exceedingly lino and pleased a laige audience, who .110 indebted to the voung ladies of Giaco chinch foi their success! ul elfoit. Mi. and Mis. H. W, Rowley have re turned ii 0111 their wedding tout. They spent Sundav at the homo of Mis Row lev's mothci. A new time table went Into effect vosteiday on the Honesdalc bianch of the 1:1 ie. Tiain No 130 will leave the union station at - 10 p. m. instead of 2 0.', and Main 101 will airlve at 1 53 p. m. instead of 1 r7, as foimcily. Auditor General H H Haidenborgh and Hon. L Fein th lelt this moinlng to ontci upon their lespectho duties at HaiilsbuiR, It being the last week of the legislative session. Tho membeis of tho Roval Aic.inum and tlioli fi lends celobiatod the twon-tv-fouith annlvoisaty in their hill last evening. The funoial sei l es of Haivey Bishop were hold at ins late residence on Sunday afteinoon. Rev. W. H. Swift, pastoi ot tho deceased, conduct ed the sei Ices. Intounent was made in Glendyheit: cemoterv. County Piesident II. Stink, of Sher man, visited the Honesdalc Christian L'ndeavor societies on Sunday evening With tho Schubert conceit on 1'ildav evening tho Ilonesd.ilo Opoia house will be closed until Septcmboi, to 10 open with a (list class atti.iction. Changes me to bo made in the house which will make it more atti active foi the coming season. Next week Man ager Slhei stone will leave on n west ern tiip, which will Include Denver, Salt Lake City, San Fiancisco and oth er points of Intel est. Miss Anna Salmon, of Scianton, Is the guest of Honesdnle friends. THOMPSON. Special to the Scranton Tribune Thompson, Juno 25 The show or that passed over Thompson last Fii day night was heavily suichiaged with elcetilcitv. It stiuck Fiank M. Lewis' new house at the peak, but stiange to sav all the damage it did was to lift a few shingles and was away without leaving a. tiaco of whlthei it went. At Noith Jackson, C. S. Rt j ant's bain was stiuck ami damaged to quite an extent. Mr, and Mis. C. M. Lewis and Mis. G. 1. Clink, attci spending a few davs with fi lends at Whites' Valley, letuincd tills nftetnooii Miss Maud Wiightei, of Losteishiie, Is the guest ot hoi cousin, Miss Maud Tnllman lor a time. Rev. A, D. David spoke on Tem perance for the Hpwoith League, at Jnckson, Sabbath evening. His pulpit hoio was supplied by Rev. Tow 01, who also pieached lor Rev. Mr. Fiench In the afteinoon. His. Him let Washbuin, of Rothel Hill, was In town vosteiday with a uato ot lino stiawbeulos ot hor own Ri owing, Mis, A. C. Foster Is in Ringhamton today and wU attend the giaduatlng eeu Ises thoio this evening, her nlcco being one ot the giaduates, Mis. Fiances R. Dcmaiay Is impiov ing tho appeal anco of hor dwelling with a co.it of paint. Miss Nina Man Won went to Rlng liamton today to spend 11 week with fi lends. Mis, Thomas Walker is quite sick at this wilting. I). L. Demoney, of Deposit, N. Y was a pleabdiit caller at Rest Cottage Satuiday, Pi of, J, A, Tucker, of Jackson, and Miss C01.1 Davmoii, of Jounjn, have been clotted teacheis of our guided schools, A good endoisement of their work last teini. Mis. A. W. Gates lias leturned from a two weeks' visit with her chlldicn In Sct.inton, N. S. Foster alnd family visited In Gibson Sunday, Carpenters have commenced tho erection of the addition tp J, P, Ly deu'a residence, sprTngville. Eptolal to the Scrantcn Tribune. Sprlnsvllle, Juno 23. If indications nio woith anything, this town will see a lurgo ciowd again on tho gloiious Fouith. Theio is a fino list of attrac tions, Including tha balloon, which goes up at i.id p. m. Charles Culver and family, of Now Milford, visited at tho home of his fa ther, S. O. Culver, in Mils village Satui day and Sunday. A special meeting of tho Rebekahs was called for Saturday evening last for practice In the beautified work. Theie will also be a meeting for the samo purposo on Satutday evening next. Saturday last the second ball nine of Aubum came over and plajed with the Sprlngvllle teaitb nnd went home with tho fxor" against them to tho tunc of 13 lo 16. , 1 J 1. 1. iii.u nnd wife" visited with ftlomtn out of town over Sunday. Alfied 1j. Rlslcy, 11 Mi met' living near Kasson Corners, look a heavy cold on Saturday, Junu 15, and tho t"t ilnv 11 doctor had In bo miiin 1 On Mondny Ills case was dlngnoicd na lliilut in .11 ill el IK 1 ul . Illl'llt I'O Mil' t'Ot pvimi t"'t "I I'1 " ' night through, but Saturday ho seemed better, and this morning lie is still alive. j, L. HulUm Is fotcinan at the Lynn milk station, nnd he and his nssslst anl take tin ns In going thoio to do tho iifteiuoon woiU, 0110 going ohu week and the other the next. This week tho Cltlons' band has hired J. V. Dowltl, who will slay with them until nftor their .Tilly 4 cclobt.i tlon, llo has been with the bojs on seveial occasions. The hand has s-e-ctiiod a liugu giovo to hold their eclo biiitlon in, and thoio Is 11 good ball giound attached. A dancing platfoim Is to bo elected and It will be tun afternoon and evening. Tho thlid annual icunloti of Com pany C, Two Hundred and Thlid P. V will bo held ut the homo of Asa Stevens, L-iko Caioy, on the llrst ThuiKilay In September. There are quite 11 numbei of tho bovs In this vicinity who 111 0 lnoKing foi ward to the event with much ploastuc. A lot of woik has been done by tho band hov.s to have a crowd hero July I. Tho hotel will make the money and yet will pledge nothing tow aid ex penses, oven going so far as to oiect a dancing platform and piovldc some other entei talnmont. PITTSTON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Plttson, Juno 24 Thomas Gilchrist, who lesldcs on Railroad stiect, this city, was up befoie Aldcnnan Hvans, In tho Tenth w.ud, this afteinoon, on the chaigo of laiceny, and tho poison fioni whom ho had stolon an nmount of cash was his own fathoi. Ho was sent to tho county Jail, In do fault of ball Rumoi has it that tho West Plttston band, which was oiganlod about n. j oar ago. Is soon to disband. They have been able to 1 ilsc only $200 nf the $C00 pui chase pi Ico of their instiu- 1110111" Yesteidav moinlng Mis. Hllaboth Koch, aged 7.1 vcats, attended divine sei v ico in St. John Luthoiau c lunch, on Weed stioet, as had been hor cus tom foi many eais. As she was passing out of tho building at the close of the sei vice, she hesitated .1 moment to pass tho time of dav with the jdtiltoi. As she was about to leave him, she fell to tho flooi dead, fiom lieait disease Mm Koch's health had been poor for seveial months past, Tho lemalns weio taken to the homo of o-Chlet Thomas Wil liams, on Linden stioet, West Plttston, whcio sho had lesided for je.us. The funeial will take place Tuesday aftei noon at 2 10 o'cloik, with Intel liient In West Pittson conieteiy. One of the surviving clilldiou is Fled Koch, .1 Plttston insuiance agent, and .1 sln gulai coincident is that about tluee o.us ago his motlioi-in-l.iw died in tho same manner In the Welsh Con giegatlnnal chinch. While 1 tossing Main stioet at 3 o'clock this afteinoon, Mis. Huiko, a niiddle.iged Inkeiman lady, slipped on tho pavement and, It is fe.ued, dis located hoi hip Chailos Moielock, of Mill street, while at woilc in tho coxton yard of tho Lehigh Vallov Rallioad companv S.ituiday afteinoon, had his head squoecd between two c.us, and 10 ceived injuiies fiom which ho died In the Pittson hospital 'vestotday. William G.illaghci, a member of a West Scianton base ball team, had one of his logs bioken dining the game with the Riothots' team at Haintown vcstoidav atteinoon. Tho Injured limb was leset at the rittston hospital, and the joung man lemoved to his home As ,1 jcsult of a qu.uiel, Michael Tila has a bullet hole clean thiough his head. The shot was Hied from a lev oh or by John Glllon, who has es caped. The men had heen in 1111 Ital ian hoai cling house and had been chinking licely. Tila may lecovci. The Fiist Congiegational c hutch, in West Pittston, has pui chased a Boethoen 01 Ran. It will he used for tho Hist time next Sunday. Tho L'pwotth League, of tho West Side Methodist Hplscopal 1 hutch, held an enjojablo social session at tho home of Geoige Bossnid, on Yoik ave nue, this o onlng. i:-C01111clI111an Homy Knowles was able to be out today for the flist time In two weeks, owing to an Injuiy to his tinkle, on which tho door of a height cai fell. HOLLISTERVILLE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Hnlllsteivllle, Juno 21. Mis. David Oluistcad died at her homo heio June 10 at 2.50 o'clock a. in, aftei an Illness of the weeks. She was 11 quiet and peacetul neighbor and will ho gio.ulj missed. Tho lunutal sen Ices wore conducted in the Methodist Kpiscnpal chin 1 h heio at J.J0 o'clock Satin day afternoon. Rev. H. A. Quliuby, of Hnmllnton, otllclated, assisted by Ro. Fisk, of this place. Rev. Quimhy se lected lor tho basis of his lomaiks Heklel, !l-lb, He spnko voiy Impios slvely and highly eulogUed the titfec tlon of tho deceased for her family. Tho funoial was hugely intended by lelntlves and h lends in this vicinity and fiom it distance. Tho 1 cumins tested lu a black casket, which was shewn with beautitul tloial tilhutes. Deceased Is suivlvcd by u husband and eight clilldiou; Mis. Onen Sliaip, of Maplowood; Mis. How aid Mooio, tho Misses Reitha, Caule, Coin, Hael, Fiances, and Mr. Hail, of this placo; also by an aged lather, Mr, Shales, of Pitston, and thieo Inothois and tour slsteis, Tho pall beaieis weio H, Lown, of Diinkei; G. V'elth, C. Fiance, C, D. Mitchell, J. Van Slcklo and N. l!ion, of this placo, Intounent was made in Hnlllstei vlllo cemeteiy. Tho Cliildien'H Day exoiclses tliat woio held in tho Methodist Piolestaut chin ih jesteiday weio laigely at tended, Tho Child! en's Day oxeiclses in tho Baptist dun eh will be held on the oOth lust. Tho Ladles' Aid society of tho Methodist PiotosUnt chinch will moot this Wednesday af ten noon. Mr. and Mis. il. J. Mitchell and grandson, Goidon hong, Mi. nnd Mis. ha Mitchell and son Rule, of Scian ton, spent last Sunday at their home heie. Mis. Oilando Riown, of Scranton, has been tentcjrtdlned for the past foitnlght at the home of her daughtei-in-law, Mis. Cairie Riown. Mr. Arthur Bunnell, of Oarbonddle, was a lecent guest at the home of his grandparents, Mr. und Mis. Albeit Myers. THE MARKETS. Wnll Street Review. New York, ilune 2.1. t'rliri ol Mocka re nctci) Mniply Inilij 11ml cure 1 in lid ilnun under Midi iictivc nclllng m ha not been seen ill the market tor ceral wrek put. llih ilotclniiment 1II1I tml mike llwlf felt until late In the ilu. Theie Hue 11 ronllnuit aliKht ilriblilo nl atock on the iniikit, tmiler whlcli pricci alowlj, but prctl li ullly jlcMeil, except lor n few ipcilal can whcio i ileiiillory jpcciilitloit for the rle ien trrcil on whcio biijini? wai Imluieil by iausi Inilhlilinl lo the Mtok. IIich' cro cnllielj ttllhoiit Infliicnro on tho KCiicral lll, A iilher Rrher.il temliiui lo re nicer from oma opening rledlms I111I tho eiUe takrii oil it by the tlrxt bulletin niinouncemeut nf I tic Mipinion of 1111 iiupoilml Ii ink In help kIu. Hit! cutiixc ot derm in bmk aliaies for the lait tew tlic-c lin Inillc iteil nn uiKCltled comli tlon ot HlT.iIri In (,'eimauv mil today's occur rence nroue apprrhcnxlnn tint the romlna; feml 111111t1.1l rrltlementa In lleilln mi) bo tho occasion of 11 11101c or lei extendi il iolliipc. 'I Iicko eonillllons nude Hie npcr-utilltc mind femltho nnd laic In the iliy wlien rumoM benan to i t r ul 1I0 of local limkinc lioiililci there w ix n llcelv pllllne; nut of Moikt alt tliiounli the Hit. 'I he Iicim inidc the mot of their unex peeled npporlunlt) md oltcred prlcex down boldh while t tic ruiimn cip al the IiIrIi tide of 1 xa. Itcratlnn. They nucccedctl in bieikluK tlinnmli Hie dcfoiwi which bid been cdiblMicd by tlio bull leirleii while they were aa for their Muallnui nnd henv top lois ordcrn were nn cnieicil. Mm kx with nnv lamo apeculallce if 1 mints In them neie mnt naliirally nfleited. s, Paul md MIourl 1'ailflo weio inmpliuoiu In the decline, nn were ft number ot Iritx promi nent flnikx. which were marked up In the early dcilhiirs. 'I he diop In M, I' nil extended to 5 points. When the nature ot the ImeUifiatlon bclnir made by tlie deirlnc house association became more nictu itelc known and it wa.c an. nonnicd that no nitinn would be neceniarv there wax llcclj sciamblc u the put of the pro fistlonih to cocir St. I'ml rccoccred J'5; Mlxnoiiri I'acinc, 2'i, nnd Mmhattan, J'a Hut the closing was not (no from fcccrlshneM and mux inthcr IrrcRiihr. llic bond mirkct wax nffrclcil lw the lato ell Inc. but In 1 much less decree thin MockA. Total sahs par vilue, J.',Ti'0,0(x) I'nlled slates rrfunrilnj; 2s md new 4a ad cnried U per lent, on the last c ill. Tho following qnntitfnn Tribune b VI. S .Jordan & Wears building, Scranton, l'a, e. Amciicin snjir IIPs American Toliicco 1 n AkliNon s Mi bison. Pi 10"i llrooK Trillion s'i Hilt A Ohio 10ii Cont, Inbnio I'l1 ( bed A. Dlnn 1i7s ( hie K, (it West Ti's St Paul ITU's Hoik Mind II SVi Km A. lis , I'l M loms ,V Nih W) Man I leiited IJ7 are lurnlhed The Co , rooms- 705 706 Telephone 500.1: Well- low- Clos Csl. et Mil llrt S- lilt'. 80, 107 07 incr 1111'J 1 ' Pi's 10-1 10sl4 1 1.1 40' s 14 lUtij S7 10 1 u SIV. 107U (S 4iii 21 174'f, IrV '-.7 ' -M'J 177U llkS't III B.J n-'Vi 11014 los'i no 1 121'. 12 Met 'Iricllon ITV3 Miso I'liiH.- IJPs 17U UlH 00, ii HO I7'i III 4J lo's fO i"s s7 7o'i IPs 171s IIS r.sii i-i'j 1" iu'i lifllj 4l'j H'l 7s' 2 i, Sl., n 1 . ifi ;o , 21U 1078 'IK i2: 0! 110 Ul IH.'.. ti 70 IPi r, ."1'3 IS OS 17' 110i o'" 'i2i-15-.I, l(it 1'il's 41 'i 42 70 .,! S7 OS 11-4 71 2IU 100', 001 41 'IUJ 112 12Pi lis 42'i 70 n t.'s "2 V 03 snulb Picih Norfolk A Western V. (cntnl Out 4. Wectn .... I'cnni Hi 11'j .1 1 . 17 .1 .ri 1'uific Mill 41" llcidllicr He 4' 's ltr hIiiilt Hi , Pr 7i"H siiiihcin It It l'i southern It It . IV , ... s7 I cum Loal lion .o't I' s Irilhrr Il'i lT S leithir, 1'r , .... 7'i I s Htibl.oi- jj I ninu I'mlio Ill's I ninn Pu ilk, I'r 'II wjIii-Ii, I' I. estctii t niori fii4 IIP4 Id's II 01, Hi'.. .' I1') II 71 IPi t"7s I 4'i now. (Vd I tiel A. lion ..11 i'. .IJ.!'i ..1li" . iru .. 70i, - II' .. H.'j 111al C oppet People's Cm I 110 I ric, 1-1 Col Southern It is Pit ifii .. 11101 Cir I nundr 1" s srcl ( n . ., L'. s suol ro, l'i , l'ls Oil Ml OHK (JltMN MMtKKI'. Open llit.li- low- Clos inir e-l il ins 7 " 7 ln 7 .'4 7 ns . 71, 7Ps 7Ps 71, Will r luh Sipt c mt. lull 47'1 47'i 1711 47' Sept s, 4S',8 Is), . 4b- Scranton Boaul of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. SMKlo I 11-t Nitiotul llank sii.intuu sjmiiks II ink I In 1 il Nitional 11 ink Dime Deport md llisiount Ilink.. 1 connnii Light, II. A. 1 ( o l.uki lYust bifc Deposit Co CI 11k A, sii0cr Co, l'i Si nnton Iron Ionic .. ll Co ... siimton Axle Wotks laikananni D.liit (0, Pi Count Sami;!s Hink L Tnl Co . 1 ii-t Nitionil Pink (Ciibomlilc).. Stir dim Prillinir Co liidciV itiouat 1 ink sirinton Holt and Nut Co People's II ink New JIixro K, & (' Co H0M)s .Sirinlon Pa-scnacr lt.illw.n, tust Morliripc, due 1020 I'ecpleS street ltailu ly, flist mi rt- .Kiso. due 101S People's Street ltiilw.it, General mortgage, flue 11 Puk-on Mnmifaitiirlin; Co 1 uki i'onnsliip School .1 pel cent. Citv of .sennton St. Imp. 0 per unt fciunton 'tuition 0 per cent 111. I A-ked 1200 . . .10 4S0 IG 110 l.'-l 1(10 llj 10 SlO 171 100 ro 115 115 115 100 102 102 115 Scianton Wholesale Mmket. CCorcrcted by H. C Pile, 27 Iatkuwanna Ae) Hii'.Ur I'resb, OS.c.; dalrc, ficah, 19-j0o. 1 lire-t 1 nil 1 ream, nen. lli'.illc. 1 EKs W ostein flesh, liV.ulli., neaiby stale, Hial5c lA.njPi-p liiiohel. choice inirrrm. s(0a2n Pe Uiani l'ir bu-hil, iliolic nuirow, Jjjja ?JH 'Medium Hems Pi.r bu-,helj. S2 10 if 2 15. fircin Peas Per busheles. fl.40il P. Hour Heat patent, per narrei, si ij Ilfil Kidney Ueana-l'er lniihel, 2 I5a2 50. Potatoes Per biMiel, PliOOv. llciinuda Onloiu Per bushel, $1 50afl CO. Now York Grain and Pioduce. New oik, .lime 25 I'lour Weak md CilOe, lower; Minncsoti pitcnt. ssl70aJ05, umtcr pat. tuts, .iWil'JU, wintu bti lights, SilUaiJO, winter eMias, ii 50a2 S5 wluat -No. 2 red, 1V.1, f. n Ii. nllodt, No i red, Tl'fce. eleator, No t Noilherii llulutli, 7K. f. o. b. alio it Op tioiii opcied ti) und iru buelv steady nil th, tlosul casj at '61V11. net decline. July ilocd 7.1'si i Sept., 7-V I Oil,, 72i4c; Dei, "l".c. Corn Spot tiimj No. 2, it'n. clewtor, nnd IR'8i. f. o, b alloit Options opened eu-y, but tin lib' iccomed come of tho Irus Closed lcllb ! 'si'ic mt deiline. Julj clo-ed I7'ic,; Sipt, I1V.1 ; Oit., IsUc Odh spot dull and e.ifv i No. 2 oats, J2i : No. .1 oits, Jl'ji j No. 2 white while, Jli., No. .1 xxliile, .Ul.c . tuck mlMii western, Jl',.aUc , (tack while, 2-iJ7i, Options qiilit xnd rilher ea), Ilultcr Steadj j westiin in .Hunt, 15il0o ; do. f.utoij, iji.a l"iic ; imlutlon cuainery, lT,.tl7i,i btatj daii), llilsi'.c Cheese -sicad) ; fauij laigo lolorcd, Dsai : do. lo. white, Discs fuuy smalt tolored, naO"i',, do. ib white, l U!)ai , I'BB' t inn i stitii ami I'lnn-jhiinl 1, ll'silu : west cm un.mdlcd, 1 lal Ju , Mistein iiudlcd, ll';c. oau, 2"'j.iJ6i. No, 2 wldte, 2J34e.; No. .1 wiiite, KijJUl'.i J Nn J i)e. J7l,; Nu. I (lax seed, il hS; miss poik, $.11 7.ra II so; laid, 7'abRU, i.itiit libs, ifsiS JO ill y taltcd shoulders', 7a7f-,i ; ehort ileal, ?.50aSc,0 Chicago Live Stock Maiket. Cliltago, June '25 Cattle Heccipls, 2,0i0, In. rlmlint, tiOO 'Iimiis; geneully atcad i 'leans full) (.teadc: giuil lo pi lino elcciti, a150aUJO, pool to indium, -fl 0a5 10, taoikus and (rcderi Mow, 2 00alM, iow, if.' 75 1 1 'JO, hcileid. 2 76i 5l,i, idnnin, 'a2.7o; nulls slow, $2 75a(-0, ultis. tlrm aitlu, ?lafiO, lexas fed bteon, $1 2ja5 10. 'lca giivj steus, t-IG0all0, 1ca lulU, $-2 73j'I75 llcii,s-ltcicipl-i loda), It Onu, toiuoriow, o,i, cslimateil; left over, 2000, 5 to 10i-. hlsliei; ad Ho. higher pilus -,'"ec September. Ibli, top. fiSO. luUid and butchers $5 OOi6 22 Hi. i eood to choice heaij, $6 0Jat.50. rough hca5. 5 00a6; light, fSWaai')! bulk of tales, $dl5a8 20. Shcep-Kccelnts, 10,000, ehcfp alow; epring Umba Arm; active clipped limbs slow; other stead; good lo choice uclheri. $l 4 21; fair to choice mixed. ?.! U5al; western theep, $lal25; -.carllng. flal 50, native lamba spring, up to $5 75; -flat '-'5 , western latnbj, fja3.25. Chicago Grain and Produce, l lilcago, Juno 2 1. lower cublcs and excellent nop piospeils weie iigaiu I ho ttcakeiiing faclox In the wheat nuikit lodit, Sipl, eluded iat, lowrij Sept. coin ta?c-. lughcij and oats V liUlur. I'lutblous closed 5j10i. lower. L'uili uuolatlons wire as follows: I lout Dull, weak. No, 2 rpiius wheat, 0Ti(a n ; No. J, mV'.aUi' 1 i No. a nil, i.l407'c s Nu. 2 Loin. 41Wi : No. 2 ellnw. 411C.L . Nn 2 THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thin Tour Lines, 3 Cent.x lor Each Extra Line. For Bent. For Reeto About 1200 feet of floor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturlng. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of Thh Tribune. foil MAT House, BIO ,le(Tcron avenue, in cludlmt steini lieal; )' per month In quire of II, (t, llalc, '27 I.ji k itv.inn.i avenue. A hltY dcxlrablo furnished cotlane for rent nt lake hhirldan. fall on or addict 1'. C. DrlttRx, Nicholson, Pu. IOII ltl.M In Hilton, lottnue of nine loouix, nearly new and pirt.y fiiinlxhed; best Ion. tlon lu town, lor llic season or loiiRer. Appl CI. U. Carlton, Dillcn, l'a. VOll nilNT Fnrnlxlieil hnme sullnble for smill family. Inquire 1710 Moniey avenue. rOll ItrST-Cnllat;e nt I like Wlnoli, with all modem Improveinentx mil two boats. Appl '. n. oihtk, iraucis name nuinins fOll TtlAT flroom hotiie, corner Wajne avenue and Pnlniui xlrutj hot and fold water, norc but small family need appl). 170.1 Wayne avenue f20 (JUKIIN Rinnc srmiBT. ten rooms, modern improvements, steam heat lurnlshcd; deslr desirable. For Sale. CAIUIMii: I'UNTS-llalf n million: bext xarle Ilea, $1 W) per 1,000 . A. TilllnB.liat.t, La Plume, l'a. 1011 .-M: Trunk for 'lie nt a biiftain, onlv brin uied time, nlxo hdv's wheel In good londitlon. Addirss, "flunk," care tribune Of Ik i For Sale or Bent. 1011 "Mi: OU RUM Double home, all im- puvc its. Ilcnt, 100 C'atli price, $.,luo SO1) Harrison avenue 1 Oil SAM; Oil IlKSr. New double bouse on ltid(,e How, adjoining leaidenii! of "J. 11. Risf-ell 1. lev en rt oms on each side. One side icntx for $.10 Prin, s,000 O. F. Itcjnolds, Ci nncll building Benl Estate. IMMJMlMi: PICJT it Ficlorvville, beiutlfully tituitud, few minutes from station Pos esses lovelv view of Mirioundlnc; countrv. "Will nrl to suit buveis Puces or low Addres 1 lljikctt, Heal l.stalc, hiranton, Pa 1011 sl- Siii(,b house, 801 WclMci ncenue. Ion moms stiam lint (I F ltevnohls, ( iimiill building ?1,C00 Dujx six room, single noiisc, Rood well, lot 100x200, fctranton street, Dalton, Pi UclU A. Kealor. $1,S90 ituvs buildins lot, 40150 Wheeler ave nue Wells i. heater, llurr Iluildlni;. $2,000 Dux s double hoiie, 7 roomx on a side, all improvements, ecept gas. Dean strict, l'tovi dence Wells i, hiator Money to Loan. ilONL to loan on Improved citv leil estate III.XIIY Bl UK, .in. cms ii wii.i.f.s THOMAS SI'RVCiUi:. $300,000 TO LOAN' Lowest rates; straight or monthly payments Stark & Co., Traders' blje; ANY AMOUNT Or MONFY TO LOW Quick, stral,-;! I leans or Biiilmns and Loan At from 4 to 6 per cent . Call on N V. Walker, Jl 1 315 t'onnell building Wanted. W AMI I) I obex md gentlemen for poiminrnt positions, loi il woik, V.000 pit month, 7.00 per mi nib md expense in tiavel pplv aflei. iiloik or eveninnx 11. M Sinderx, Irving Hotel, 'ci anion Pa. Booms and Board. Kill RIM Two pleasant looms, with hoard, Mittiihlc foi gentlemen or hdiea All ion eniinies ulJ Wains avenue LAHGi: front room with board for two gentle men, 410 Adams avenue. Furnished Booms. DOR RFNT One large furnWicd front room; also one side room. 517 Adams avenue. v Lost. LOsI bilk lined undiced kid chiving glove In llic JtOO bloik on Ceil ii avenue. huitanie lew ml foi lelurn In (enti.il Peunlvania lelc. phone I xilimge, 117 Adtnis avenue. Buffalo Hotels. HOI 1 1, 1 I.MIIlTllsr, lliiO llo, N. 1., dueillj in limit of I inioln I'aikwiv inliinio to epoi tlon, in full clew of nlghtl) illumination-, and all pjioticlinic tllpla)s Rules, fl 00 up. Proposals. Nxwx V xtxxarxn Kxi IHi: DM. ION M'llOOI, RORI will icielvc bids until .lull o, al 7 p m , on an ivue of live thou-, nut doll us of hiinils lor piiliiul us addicss lnnk M. Lolvln, faeiretarv, Dillon, Pa. Situations Wanted. Snt'AllON' WAMI l Coichmin denes n sit uition with .1 pi IV lie Until, vupable man, atllilly tcnipcute and icliable, with good lefei lines. Addicts Ciuiliiiun, J J I 1'inii awiiui, Citv hlll'AriON WAMI D Lady would like to pro nun work li llm di.v. Addiies 1U1 Apple avenue, Duninore. bnimiO.V WANT IH-II) experlemed book keepci, now cmplojed. Would like to change. J), ,s, llox J7l, til). bin'VIION W Nli:il-cllvo jnimg man desires position ax book keiprr. cioi Uncoil and will ing lo nuke hlmselt useful, llmei, 'tribune Of tin. blllAriOV Mhl)-s a cook m iliel. Ad dress, Aimttrong, duinl Cinlril Hotel. hill VTIOV ffxMI.IMI) a joung nun us cleik or helper in a gtocci) or genci il ttore; his bad eleven vcjh rpericuic- and lau give the beat rifi'imic. binillj lempeiatc and lionet. Addiess . V. 7 , Dalton, Pa. blJt'AllOV WAMtl) hi a woman to go out .) day washing, iionlng or ileinlng Please call or address ilrs M. Russill, Ul'J U.lar avc nue, til), bill AIIO.V WANH II-H) a )oung woman, with ihlld thiee jcars old, as homckerper or liousi'vvorb aumiim, i" ivivoa.rr vuuii, t-iij Buffalo Live Stock. Fast RiilTalo, June 23 HucIpU, i.illlc, none, sheep and lambs, noc, bogs, .1 cars. Shlpinruu Cattle. none; sheep and lambs, none; hogs, 1 car, faille there were nu thiough sales or re ceipts toda) and demand wax light, Calves ( holec to extra, $3 8.5a8. Spring lambs, i'i 13i 6; lambs choice to extra, $3 13aS .'3; sheep choice lo extra mixed, fj 73aJ 00 ilegs llcavv, 3 30, pigs, fr 20a8 J3. Oil Market. Oil Cit). June il Credit balances, 105, certlft. cates, no bid bhincnts, lli.Jos; average, SO, SCi; runs, lOJ.tO'J, average, Sl,liO. bill AllON' WAMLD An experienced loaihman -would like a situation with a piivatc Ijinllj limpiralf man and a er) uiilul driver; un dirslaiidi gmeral woik aiound a piivatc place, ivilli rcfercms. Adduss, Coachman, oll I'cnu u venue. 3 More Help Wanted Hale. lllll.l' W'ANrntJ-iwentytUo laborers at Collier) 1 nglneer's new pilnler), joining nvcnuo and Ash street, this morning. W'AM FU Hatcjinen. traveling or local: weekly s ilary paid. llcrrlik Seed Co , Rochester, Help Wanted Female. W'ANTI'll llxperlcnicd second girl. Arply at 110 (Jiiliuy avenue. W'ANrilll-Competent cook and laundiesx. Ap ply at A 13 Monroe avenue. Boarders Wanted. W'ANTKD-Table boarders. Mrs. Tompkins, 631 Washington avenue. LEGAL, CI1V ORDINANCi: of City of Siranloii, Pcnn)l v.mia. AV ORDIVANCi: Providing for the lev) and Collection of a llcen3o ti In the ill) of biranlnn Re it ordained by the select and lommon conn (lis of the ill) of bcrunton, and il is hereby oidaincd by tile authorlt) of the sinie, that cvery pcrsou, film or corpontlon engaged In, or about to engiigo In, anv culling, xocatlon or buslnos named in this ordinance, hill proiurc tt llieno from the lit) In.i-uicr and pa) lor the same nt the following ratex iispei tlcclj. bectlon 1. Ml person who sell fruit, flxli cege tables and olhir prodin Is, not of thdr own raising, fiom cirt or wagon, fifteen dollars per annum for ciili xchlile All persons whoislull peddle and sell flsb. fruit, vigclables or any other pioduit, not ul their own raising or any merchandise not of their own manufacture, from bag, biskil, crato or otherwise, ten doll irs per annum Any pirson, not a regularlv licensed merclnnt pi)ing slate license, nigigid in silling l'i ml, vegetables, fish oi other products not of their own mixing, on inv street or thorough! ire fiom stand tcmporiill) ended nn xaiant lots or in front o! slotex or othei utritittui, shall piv annually tho sum of llltcen dollais, samo Mull not be lovtrcd bv peddler's licence Any pcison Felling patent medicines or other in.iniihi turril pioduits b) inv ot tlio mollis men tioned in above siction, liilecn dollars per un num. All peoiirt lkcn-ed necoiding lo above provi sions shall not be illowul lo lonte within 100 feet of riguhrl) licensed stoics or to is in tin standing for nioi than live minutes it one time. hoc. -' No license shall be griutid lor less sum linn herein specified, whether the simc Is taken out .it the beginning of the license )cai or at any lime thenaflir. Sic .1 Ml innual liiin-e tnxes except is hire Inifler provldul shall be due mil pu lblc lo the i ill triasunr on Un- first Mondav of piil, In tacit trui, und if nut paid b) the fifteenth di) of April, tho cily tieisiirer 'hall mnki' out I llt of all persons who nuj be liable for said license fix as provided in sution 2, and give Allien dajs writin or printed notice to all delinquents to piv up If at the expiration ot taid notice mil one tlull have dcfiiilltd, suit shall be brought for tin- colli i tlon of the same It shall be the dul) of the food inspector or any ofHicr of the polite dipaitmint lo Inspect i tics intl meisiuix u-id bt inv )iiiins licensed is pionded in Section 1, mil lo see 111 it thev compl) wllb tin. stito Iiws in icgard to Rime '1 1 ill) treasiuci shall kiep a book, wheiiin he slnll utoril ill lit civxch isiied mil lluir num ber, pinvidid in stitiou I, and be slnll futiiUh the polic dipiitment with i iopv of -.jim, nihl h shall furnish i uh ipplltint, whin lliense is giintid r nil vnr, with i tin sign for vehicle, whtih slnll icad. "-Miauton I'm I. nemo No ( ), iu ( )" s,nl,. to b. di'plivid on w igon in ill lit) slcht mult r pinalt) ol hiving li tei.v nvoKid All olhirs with i tin Mgn, IiiiUp or billion at leist two jncliis in diamitir Hid ing same as il.nvi licasurer slnll lcnitv oi fuini-li npplicinls wilh Mgn oi ludi,e whtn lhe same slnll Imp bicn lost oi ihsliotcd, ivuliiiio bung given to lint t licet, mil I fie chilled for Mine nut lo ixticd to-.t ot saiui' Anv pnsou so linn-iil, who slnll loin his bull,! or sign, upon dilution, Mull forfut Ilu licmsp Su I All peisoiis ihsiilng lo engige In .in) biisiuiss ax provided for in Sei lion I, slnll pro tore i liutisi fiom tin. cm In isiucr btfore at ttmpting lo t iiga.c m slid business Su ,1 Whoivu slnll Molilt anv of the pin-vii-ionx of this oiibiianci- sh ill on convbtlon Ihireof In fon lhe uioidir oi any aldinuan of tin tilt be piimMiid bv i flue of not lesx Hi in ten doll lis nod not moil thin oiu hundrid do lirs md in difiult of the patment theieol slnll be inipiisuiied In Ilu- inunlv J ill until such lint1 is pud, nut ixiieding llmlv dajs Su. I. All ciilliiiiius oi pills of oidiinnoex mionsUtcnt hucwilh be and the Mine ire here in rcpeilul bei 7. lhe thiol of police shall at all times Inve polui at headqii liters mil at the valimis pieclnils i iopv of tins' oi ilm i in r mil It shall bo the dulv of the police to etc Hut the piovi idoiis of this ordiuiuco ill c louipliid wilh in delill I Ins oiiliinnco slull like eflect immediately upon Us pa-ssii,! P.issul Common founul April 10. loot. P. K. CM PIN. Piciidrnt. Pi.--.ed Selcit Council, Miv Hi. 1001. C. 1. f IllllKNDKN. President Piiblishtd ill piiisinme of i resolution of utj councils M 1'. L I I LI , CUV Clerk. Scranton, Pa , .lime 2'i, 1001 SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Mllll'l'. 'If ownois nt property abiilling on boutli Main annuo fnm the south mil. line nf Oxford si net to the noith nub Una of Hampton strict 'I line in pending In citv u.imills of the div ot Sunnlon, Pi, in niilininte intllhd "In oidlnuiue providing foi lhe pivlng of Soulli Main avenue fiom the south tuib line of Oxford stieet lo the noith nub lini of lliinptnti street villi the bist ipulilv of itntlid biiik on i lonuete bi'e, ali pinvuling for lhe setting of null htonex on ild avenue between the pointi named, piovlding niaiiiiu ol assisting mil colleit Ing iosIs of said liiipiovuntnt and appioprialing funds lo pi) for the ciini," bung I ile of s,. lrct Couiull Nn 1., 1001 lhe following is 1 iopv of tin p.litlon lor said improvements, with names of petllioneis: In the Honorihh. lhe Silut and Common Conn ills of thn l ilv of mi iiilon, Pi (lenlleniui- lhe und. ricned owneis of prop crtv ibulting in South Main ivenue hetvvrei Oxfnid and llimplnii slieels icsptclfiilly petition tour lionoi lblc bn.liex lint the said ivrniio hi 'tweru lhe pilnls mined Ie pivul with vllilfleil brlik on il lomiile bi-e and tint lhe snnii Ie set with iiuh-tnirs hi In ns the same miy bo noirsMiv; hit Hie cost of said Inipinvtmenlx be .iesid'.iBaliist tlio al.bultiiig properlv ovvnen niconlliig lo lhe det fiont tide as ileirrminril liy the Cilv Inginre- of --iranlon, Pi . Hut tlio asscsniieui for Mid impinvenient be made pavible In five equal anmnl In.-I illnienla and petitioners will ever piav, i Ic D l Lulu, .'.0 fret, 4 0 "Joulh Main avenue. 11, l, I'v me, 43 (eel, 311 and 311 bmlli .Main ivenue I). 1) I'vain .s. Co,, 43 feet, S07 and 300 South Main avenue, I), ) l.vanx A. Co., 21 (eel, Dli boutli Main ave- T, 1'. M isoii, Agl , 00 feet. 401 and 101 Smith Midi avenue II Mil. 30 feel, l.'7 and iJO nulh Miln avenue. WIIII1111 n.ilelnlik, 2i feet, il south Miln -ic- line. luliii T Willi mix. I. Icel, .III Soulh Main avenue P, l. Miuppler, fi D h, i7,f. flit, to1) and 411 smith Mliu ivenue, "lhonm W Dims Istalc, b) D. J Rills, 40 fed, t. 0 smith Miln avrnue Mary II Moll, 100 fret, 1IJ oulh Miln ivuiue, Jlaillu I llilei, b) T. lleher, 70 feci, LI South Main avrnue. S 1'. .Ma-nn, Itnl feet, 410 Hmilh Main avrnue William lcbrr, '-." frel, 317 ."-onllt Maui avenue, I red It. I rhcr, SJ't feel, 111 bnulli Slain avenue, S I' Corles, 50 feet, ..II Niulh Miin ammo Jcnkin Uvvis, 40 feet, til and Ul t-nulh Main avenue William II Wllllanw, 50 lift, ."13 and .117 bnulli Main nvi mil' Ihoma. l)iioii, Ml Icet, B.'J and l.'l South Miln avume, W" II Wiekirer, SO feel, .VO Soulli Main avenue, I dvvard Itobeits. 2i fut, .south Main annuo 1. A I'rlcker, lit feet, 410 to III .south Main avenue Male of I'unmlwnli, Count) of I iikiwanua, s, lit (oio nu. the k.ibscribir, n nntai) public in oud foi said state and lonnlt, and residing In the ill) of Siranlnn, personally appeared 1. 1 1 Hows Mason, who, being dul) sworn auord. iiu- to law ilcposeih und si)s that he was per. sonall) pieseut whin rach and all the slgnaliins to the above and (on-going petition were made, ami that Iho samo are the actual signatiucs ol the persons whose names appealed under said petition. r. ti mows Mns, Sworn and subscribed to before me this, twin t) -third da) nf April. loOl 11. I) IH LOWS, Nolai) 'Public. I retllf) that the names ittaihfl lu this pell tlon represent a imjority o! Icet frontage betwein Oxford and Hampton streets josfpii p. niiiiirs, l hid l.nginccr B. O K. Puhllshcd in pursuance of resolution of city council W. Ii. (.vlNNHL, City Recorder. Scranton, Pi , June 21, I'M. DIRECTORY. Insertions 25 Cents Thin Pour Line, A Cents tor Eich Ettra Line, PROFESSIONAL. fc m. i,,isiihBM"Lf-JufcrJxn-CXfXJ Certified Public Accountant. LIIW'ARI) 0. Uiiildlng. Sl'Alll.UI.SO, 23 TRAUKRS BANrJ Architects tlltt'ARn II. DAVI3, ARCIUTKCT, CONNELb building. KRKDKIIICK L nitOW.V, AnCII. D, BEAti Fstate Kxclnhge Rldg , 12 Washington vo. Civil and Mining Engineers. It. h ItAlllll.Sd, 608 CON.SKLL BUILDINa.. Dentists. DR. O. tl. EILEXnEROEn, PAULI duildino, Spruce street, Scranton. DR. O. O. LAUBACH, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. Lawyers. FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 12, 14, 10 and 18 Burr building. F. K. TnAOY.ATT' Y.COMMONWEALTH BLUO. D B REPLOOLU, ATTORNEY-LOANS NFOO Hated on real estate security. Mears buildlnf, corner Washington avenue and Spruce atrtlt. MILLARD, WARREV & KVAPP. AHORNEY9 and counsellors at law. Republican building, Washington avenue. J1SSUP A. JLSbltP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN- scllorx at law. Commonwealth building, Rooms ID, 20 and 21. LDWMID V. THAYER. ATTORNEY. R00M9 003004, Oth floor, Hears building. L. A W'ATRIS. ATTORNEY-Ar-LAW, BOARD ot Trade building, Scranton, Ta. PATTPRSOV A WlLCO, TRADERS' NATiONAli Bank building. C COMFQYS, 0 It REPUBLICS BUILDINO. A. W. BFRTIIOLF, OFFICE MOVtD TO NO. 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Sugeons. DR W. Ii ALLEN, 6U NORTH WASHINGTON avenue DR. S W. L'AMOREAUxT. OFFICE 330 WASH ington avenue Residence, 1J18 Mulberr). Chronlo disease, lungs, heart, kidneyi and genito urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to i p m. Hotels and Resturanta. Till; PLK CAFF. 123 AND 127 FRANKLIN avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZFIOLER, Proprietor SCRANTOV HOUSE. NEAR D , L. & W. PAS senger depot. Conducted on th EurpD plan VICTOR KOCH, Proprittor. Scavenger. A. B BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no odor; only improved pump usid. A. B Rriggs, proprietor. leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Elcke's drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones Seeds. G R CLARKE & CO , SEEDSMEN AND NURS erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; green houses, 1050 North Main avenue; store tele phone, 762. Wire Screens. JOSFPII KUETTFL, REAR 611 I.ACKA AVE, Scranton, Pa , manufacturer o! Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRFSSMAKIM3 FOR CHILDREN TO ORDLR; al'o ladies' waists. Louie Shoemaker, Si; Adams avenue. THE WILKES BxKRE RFCORD CAN BE HAD In 8iranton at the newt stands of Reiimin Bros , 400 Spruco and 303 Linden; M. Norton, 22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzer, 211 bpruce street. LjEGAJU NOIICE l'o the owners of propeity abutting or Washbuin sticet between bumner avenue and an Ilurin avenue. 'lhe re ix pending on passage in city counctti of Iho cil) of bcranton, Pa , an ordinance, entitled, "n ordinance providing for the paving of Washburn street between Sumner avenue and the westulv side of Van Iturcn avenue with iho best qinntitv ot vitiidid brick on a concrete base, also providing tor the setting ol uirbstones on said street between the points named, providing manner of atsxjiig and collecting costs of said Impiovemenlx, and appropriating funds to pa) for the same," being Pile of Select Council No 1.'. I'lOl. Iho following ix a copy of the petition for said Improvements with the names of petition err,: 'lo lhe Honorable the s0lctt and Common Coun ells of the ( ilv of Seranlon The undeislgnid owners of property abutting on Washburn sheet between Sumner avenue and the weslirl) side o! van lluren avenue respect fully pelltinu our honorable bodies that said street bitween tho points named be paved with tilulird brick nn n concrete bise; that the same be set with curbstone si far as nreessar) ; that the cost of impiovement be asseued again.t abut ting owners aeioidiug to lhe foot front rub'. 'Dial said asrment he made pav abln in ten equal annuel Installments; and that the poilloii of said street occupied bv the liaiks and killings o! lhe street railway be elediieteil (rem slid acxsuicnts agalnct abbui ting ovvncis and lolleeted from said street nil nil) companv and that the contractor be required to give a live )eai guaiantee lo the cit), and jour pelllloneis will ever rray etc Ulllim r.iir. I 217 ft II W, I. tans 100 It ldnaid 11. Dims 48 ft .Inlm Merchant , 100 II .Inhn .limletnu '-"i ft II Davis, Ailnimii.tr Hor 50 ft Aron Jamex 4 ft Roger Evans, Adminlslratni , 4S ft Jones A Illn.l.llll fi II E. loomls, I), L. fV W. Railroad ,1-1 tt D. F. Hughex 50 ft I' L. Phillips, II) do Park Cemetery ro. ,.S43 It W, II Dills 161 ft 1'. Howell 50 ft Mis Raihel l.vans b) W, Haydn l.vans .... 50 ft W, T, Davis 0 tt Peter I.uxembergcr ,,.,..!, 21 It I harlrx oos , 21 (r llnbcit RobciU II (t Mis. Sarah Nicholas, pel D. J, Mason, (icorgc Cooper, Agent ,,,, 150 It Win. II. Wright , 41 ft John It. Hughes 60 ft PuhlMicl In pursuance of Recolutlon, ot City Counills, M. T I.WhLLE, Cily Cletk. Sirinlon, Pa , June 2t, 1101, NOIICE Is hereby given that the partnership late!) siibaUlin between A II. Rogers and N O, Mioi, both of the city of bcranton, coun I) of lackawanui and state of Pennsylvania, doing biifiniss under the llrm name nf RogeM A Major, has rspiied on tills, nlnelrrnth day ol lime, . D IOcm. and that the Arm aforesaid lu brrn ilissnlvid by mutual consent. , .Ml ilt bis owing to tlie said partnership araj to be rcieived by tha said A II Rogers and all ilunands on the said partneiship are to be pie scnled to him, the said A. II Rogers, lor pay incut A II. ROGFRS, S. O. MAJOR W VI.1KR I' 11 UK Atlorne) tSTAlE OF AHMIN'DA NI.EIP, DhCFxbED letters testamentary on the estate ol Armlnda Kccld late ol the City ol birsnton, deceased, have been granted to tho, underslgnd, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make pajment, and those having claims cm demands, to make known same without deity. C. tt. NEbLD. Jl. C. JttYNOLDS, II C ItlANOID', Lecutorf. Attorney for tstatc. IN RE; TbTvuToF DAMtL W. SULLlVAv! To Whom It May Concern: The Orphans' Court ol Lackiwsnna County hi granted a rule to show cause why Mary Sulli van, eiecutrix of the list still and testament of Daniel W. Sullivan, should not be duchtrged. Returnable to neat Argument Court. . MABY 6ULUVAK1 II. O. REiNOLPb. Executrix. Attarnev (or EstaU.