The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 26, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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H't iv
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Or, The THner's Daughter.
Submitted in The Tribune's Short Story Contest.
IX u , n mnull nilnlim town
In inn thciiHtPin J'eiinsjlvunln, In
the cnr 1SH0, llcd Daniel Miu
gan, with Ills wife ami two
tluiighlcis, lalllh iiml tllniljs.
Mr. Muigtiu wits Aineiluin-boin,
lull of Welsh descent, and li.itl
been, fur oxer a quintcr of a tontuiy,
entiling a tunifoi table living fin him
self anil family, Inning tlm real ncecs-
RlllleS Of life, tllOUgll llepillCll Of ItH
lUMlrlra, by digging for "black illu
nitiiHln" In a neighboring iiml mine.
He hail, villi the help of his hanl-uoiklng-
ulfo, by fitigul llilng ami
caiofiil CLonomy, been enabled to .save
enough to puiehiiso a little homo of
their own, though at tho time our stoiy
opens a small moitgnge lias menacliiR
them, and at limes Ihieatcncd to oici
pouor them, alter all theli effoits.
UrWlli, the oldest tlmiRlitei, now a
beautiful gill or seventeen, was tall
mill fall, with eves u blue as the
violets iihleh bloomed In such pto
fuslon' mound the outsklits of the lit
tle town In whli It she Hied. Ciladjs,
the joungor one, the spoiled, petted,
wlirul baby or tho household, was now
neaily twelve veins of age, and while
she tilled all with whom .she came
In contact, the sceptic .she swajed was
m weighted with love that no one ac
iti"ed her of being nthlti.ity. The one
gieal i tiling passion of this gill, who
Is to take no small p.nt In oui nui
ratlio, was loe foi her sistei IMIth,
illadis was as let it plain uiide eloped
glil, with cms and ball as lilaek as
midnight, and a stiangcly beautiful
lomploxlon, mj d.n K and ilih that she
lhid been nliknanied 'CJjpsi." These
sistns weie as utteil unlike in dis
position us in looks, foi while the older
one was modest and letiilng, nlwais
llilnkliiR of tile b ipplness or othci",
and whose gieatest fault was hei Ini
plltit eonlldenio in all who ptofessod
liiendsblp for bci. The oungei one
bad a homing s0 full of legal giace
and haughty pi ide that she might have
been taken foi a dauglilei of nobility
instead of tho child of a pool, hiiid
w oi king niiuei, who bad just enough
book-Ieai niug to convince him
mote would be Infinitely bettct, and
till him with n binning desite to give
bis children the advantages of a thor
ough edttc Uion And to this end, even
now, he and his faithful wile weie
livliif, to plan some iuij by which
IMIth could he sent, lot a j,eat at least,
to a neiglibniittg scmlnaiv. Night
aftet nigh' did these devoted parents
talk and plan and wotiv ovei tho
dtuatioit, not wishing to aioir-e anv
l. No hopes in the oi lite al
ic.idi oagetb ambitious glil, and as
.( the whole scheme had been
tullv kepi Horn bet. and nevei had she
ilantl In hope that dip would, one day,
enti i Wvoming Scmlnaiv as a pupil,
l.ul even now Hie kttei was on its
wa that was to mike a gieal change;
in tho home lire ol this Inmost but
liiiid-vvoikiuR lanillv. And one moi n
ing In Muitli, just as the bluebiids
and lohltis, blest li ii blngeis ol spline,
b gan to make thch appe.uance, and
instil into the must illsi omaged and
glooniv licnts a teeling ol lenewed
hope and anticipation of bottei divs
ahead. Daniel Moisan ivvnki to tlnd
himself ,i lich man
A wcalth iclatlve in Wales hurl died
and loit an loitune to he di
vided between the tilt to mils of ills
onlv biothei, and Daniel .Moigan w,is
cine of these. Tho news spitMii thioiirih
the iiuiet little town like wlldtlie And
null it was Known In eitij i itilil on
tiie stieel, and neiispupeis gave
leu-Uln .mounts of the wondeitu! good
to. I li in that had lome to one who,
aftci woiklng lwent-llve cais as a
mine, i . w.u now able to linv the whole
town of I? in w lilt li he hud lived
in sin h htiiuble i iKiiuisiaiici"
Xou. niv (latightc"," said he to
Uditli one dav .1 few uedtc. altci lliolt
ood Mi tune had come to thfiu,, "theie
is no IKed ol loiiRt i delaj. Our liuis
iheilshed hopes i in lie icalied. You
shall take the suinniei to hiiomo at
i ustonied to the iliunge in out dt
i and put outsell In leadi
msj, mid In the tall, at the opening
of the sihool ,m,ii, ou shall inki
Al'mmlng huniuaii, not foi one .vc.u
rinl, but foi the lull ionise. And
(hulls diull lie put mutt i tiie laie-ul
liainliig ol a thoiougbl.v competent
"Thank urn, lathei," IMiih leplled.
"I shall ti and Impinie the nppm
tunll when It comes, as It will be
the Itillllluicut of mv heait's deslic."
li, what air i until s Huso two sH
tets built in the weeks that followed,
The humble home had been e bunged
foi one moie In keeping with theli
i hanged i In timsiaui o- and a.s they
went fiom loom to loom in theli beau
tiful home in West I'itlMon on the
banks of the Susquehanna: as tht
saw their poot, haid-woiked lathei
able to enjoy the ease ami lomfoit ho
s liehly dosetved, and theli mother
ovet. seeing but not doing the diudgeiy
of the household, they .said to tliom
suliis: ".Study we have uioiything
that Is neiessaiy to out,
nnd wo have nothing else to wish foi,"
.Hill, alas: tor human hopes and plans,
A blow tin mote bitter than poveity
watt hanging over the innocent gills.
Imagine, dear uadei, a night In
eail June. Tho moon wab just begin
ning to show Ith fate, like a gnat ball
of llio above the custom hoilon. The
Misquelmnim livei was sleutl uiud
fts way thiough tho AVjomiug Vulle,v.
ptst the homo of the .Moiguits, w libit
flood wlieio it (oititnamlcd a giand
view of this beautiful htieam, 'I'hu two
gills, nim so fall and giatctlll, the
otl.ei tio daik und piuud, vveio walking
thmugli the spue Ions giounds, con
votslng In low, hushed tones, and with
fcad and iiiinIous faces ghuulng veiy
otten towaid the house, as if it could
tpll them what they longed to know.
Yes, i,oi low Ii.ih followed Joy and pros
polity In quick succession, Mis. Mor
gan, who has battled with poveity
and enduied liatdshlps of eveiy de
scrlptlori. lies in hei IumiiIous home
dying. Yes, dying; for although the
doctor hat, oideied peifect quiet, as she
is sleeping the sleep that means life
ci death to her, jet ho has given them
no hope that she will ever awaken
again In this wmld, Oh, how ihuk
and uttcily hopeless the woild looks
now to l'dlth anil Oludys Moigan, us
they walk towaid the house ami with
a shtiddei glance at tiie dim light that
comes 1 1 om their mothers window.
Daio they go In? They hesitate for t
moment, and then with softened tieud
they ascend tho stone steps and stand
on the bioad eiuuda. At that mo
ment the tlooi Is hastily opened, and
the doctor motions them to tomu In.
A3 they unci the dooi, he. sajs to
llifin kindly, for his licait nthea fot
these poor Hit lelirti oiips who ato so
soon to suffer the gt cutest loss that
(an come to a son or daughter: "Ho
In live, my tutor git Is, and come with
me. Your mother Is djltig."
Then the long-pent up Rilef can no
longer be lesttalncd, ti with a wild
ei y Gladys lushes past tlto doctor and
throws hei self on her knees by her
mother's bedside, crjlng out: "Oh,
tuothci, come back, conic back! AVo
cannot give you tip!" while Hrilth, less
excitable than her slstet, looked Into
tho doctot'.s face, and with tcais
sticamlng fiom her ejes, sas, im
plotlngiy: "Oh, doctoi, itve mv
mothei! We cannot live vithout hei!"
The poor stilckcn husband sits by
tho bedside, holding his wife's hand
in ono of ills, while he shaded Ills ecs
with the othei. The ilutteilng bieath
gicvv slimier and shottei. and In splto
of teais and piaycis, supplications
and entieatlcs. the gicat glim icapor
tine her iiithlesly fiom their cm
biace, and luiKlened on his way to
seek anothPi victim.
Over a join bus passed tinny since
the death or Mis. Moigan, and once
moi e we look into tills home, l'dlth
had insisted upon giving up tho Idea
of going away to school alter
mothers dentil, and had installed her
self as her fathers housekeeper.
CilurHs wnk attending high school, and
making l.ipld pingiess In her studies.
As wp look upon the fnlt face of Kdlth
.Moigan wp notlie that although It Is
a tillle oldei and mote set ions, then
s- a new light In the beautiful cei
and a soil and tender expression plnjs
mound the dimpled mouth as she
thiows a light scaif .11 omit! her sbotil
deis and stmts down towaid tho liver
blink, wlieio at a lomantlo tivstlng
pluco sho knows she will meet the one
she loves best in all tho wot Id; ono
who had told her that this night lie
had something to say to her which he
imild say easici undei the light of
the moon in their old ti.v sting phuc,
than undei the glaie of aitiliclal light.
So sh had piomised to meet him,
knowing full well what the message
wad he bad for her, and wondeiing
just how she would answer the ques
tion which he had alieady asked in
oveiythlng but woids, and which she
kne" be would ask in woids tonight,
hoi "king amour men" Handsome,
llght-beai led ltov Slatlngton, who has
been boatding in the pi. no dm lug the
stimmet, and making love most aident
ly to ptetty Kdlth Moigan. The moon
is just rising again. Tho night ic
nilnds bet stiangolj or tho night over
a e.ti ago, when thev waited foi tho
news that neatl.v bioke theli beaits
when it came She tuod to tdiakc ofi"
the toelinr, and to foi get the squow of night in the jov of the ptesent.
But, siiangeh enough, the ptesent
ment of anothei sad blow scorned to
cling to hei. "I will hunv on," she
said to bet self, ' md llo.v will soon ban
ish this foolish pieinonitlnn." And .she
h.istened down tho tamiliat path until
she saw, at the spot whcte thev weie
.11 ( ustonied to meet, two fot ins. One
'li" iccogni.ed as hei lmei: the other
was ,1 stiangci to hei, a iiiiim man
whom sho noii" loinenibeied to have
sun. hiie sorilv turned to one side
and stood in the shadow of a tiee,
thinking she would mil show heij-olf
until the stianger had gone away, and
as their oiccs floated towaid bci she
would have moved r.tilhcr awaj, loo
hniioiahlo to listen, had not hei own
name, spoken 1 the stianger, atttact
ed hi 1 iitleutlon md held lit r tooted to
the .spot. What she hcaid was this:
"15y the wav, Matlngton. r lieai j on
aie going to many tills Kdith Moigan.
How is it ,"'
"Man j hoi 7 Mali! She is just the
subject foi a giant! Ilittation, but as
foi mil thing funnel no, thank jnu. I
am going hai k to tiie it y tuiiini 1 ow , so
1 suppose ibis will be out last meet
ing, anil as it I-, ttcatli time 101 hei to
be li'Mo, vjui hid beltei bo going I'll
meet miu at tie hotel in an horn, and
tell ion how she lioie the news of our
I.Ike a dove that has been plotted to
the licit t bv the at c hei s anpw, the
pool stm ken gill .sunk to the giound,
as the man, whom she had believed to
be the veiy soul ol honoi and puiitv
and 1 1 ill li, walked impalieutlv in the
(ip)iosite diieetion, thinking to meet lie t
un the wav.
Middenlv, julile 1 11110 to tho itscue,
and the one thought 01 IMitli Moigan
was to get awa, anywheie to avoid
being seen. He must neiei know hei
he tit was biokeii; no, lie should neiei
look upon hei laco again. Kite Iirts hot
head and tiles to INten, but hei
thoughts are all ihaos, .She lilts hot
cms to tiie stall) -lit heaven, and
sllentlj hnploics help fitnii lllin wlio
alone can help in such houis as this.
Suiely the stats neier looked down on
a sadder sight than that lair joung
glil. whose golden head was bent In
such unutteiable souow. Slowly .she
t'lo'e. and lautlotislv she w ended he
way thiough the slnubbuy that giew
along the ilier bunk, away Horn the
spot which should live in her menioty
a.s long as niemoiy should lust, as tho
plate wlieio the gieatest haptiiuoss of
hei ouug life had tome to her, nnd
now wheie, too, the cup of bltti'iness
mid souow had been chained to tho
veiy dieqs.
How site got home, she neier knew,
but as sho toileted Into the open door,
up the winding stair to her own mom,
.she was closelv followed by her sistei,
who had caught one look at that
(hooping flguio and ghastly face. As
soon ah the door of tlieli own 100111
luid closed behind them, (Sladvs Mid:
"What Is it, IMIth, dem? You luuo
heuiil bad news,'"
"Yes, Oladys, I have lieaid news
that has biokcn my heatt nnd tnkeu
out ot my lite cvpij thing noitli llvlns
And jet, dear leadei, slio la not alone,
llundieds of glils as lining, beautiful,
innocent and tiiiohavc the satito thing
to suffei, wlillo they who nro tho cause
of It all uio being llonUcd by so-called
Slowly, but Miiely, tho stoiy was told
to the jouiig sistei, who fain would
have laid down liei life to have biought
back happiness to the sister blio loved
so deaily. but IMIth Moigan had le
telved her death-blow, and In splto of
all that loving hands could do, or lov
ing lit aits devise, tho scvoied strings
of that biokcn heait could never ho
gathoied together again, and befoio the
bluebiids and mhlns came again, IMitli
Moigan was laid beside her inoll ei.
Her pooi father, who had aged veiy
lapldly sliuc his vfo's iliatli, seemed
to lose all power to lally aftet this sec
ond blow, und tho wculth ho had un-
Wonwns' Three
day when the girl becomes rt woman; the clay when the wife becomes a mother; the day when the change
of life begins; those arc womans' t.'hree days of destiny. At each of these periods of functional change
the balance of health, both
. t 1 . t
tnere may dc nysicna, depression auu uiirauniia, norror oi mina ana anguisn oi Doay.
No argument is necessary to that woman needs to exercise the greatest care of her womanly health
during these periods oi tuncnonai cnangc m orxicr to save ncrscii trom tne serious results wnicn so oitcn toiiow.
There is a medicine for woman designed to help her in these critical periods. Dr. Pierce's Favori
Prescription has helped and
It is not a cure-all. It is prcpated specially for woman's peculiar ailments and acts with wonderful
healing power upon the deHcate female organs. It regulates the periods, heals inflammation and ulceration,
cures female weakness, and invigorates the entire womanly organism. It makes the baby's advent practically
painless, and gives abundant vitality to nursing mothers.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a scientifically prepared medicine, and within the scope of its purpose
it is without a rival in the lasting benefits it confers upon weak and sickly women. There are many medicines
offered for women's use which seem helpful because they relieve pain and stimulate the body. But their effects
IIotdB .iHwi1 vLirtmrf
Partial view at the InvalMi Hotel and
Dr. R. V. Pierce,
A Maiden's Suffering
" It gives we mncfa pleasure," writes Miss Klla Sapp, of Jamestown, Guil
ford Co., N. C, "to thank Dr. Pierce for the great good received from the
tise of hii 'I'avorite Prescription' and 'Golden Medical Discovery.' I had
suffered for three years or more nt monthly periods. It seemed as though
would die with pain in my back and stomach. I could not stand at all
without fainting ; had given up all hope of ever being cured, when one of
my friends insisted upon my trying Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. With
but little faith I tried it, and before I had taken half a bottle I felt better,
had better appetite aud slept better. Now I have taken two bottles of ' Fa
vorite Prescription' and one of 'Golden Medical Discovery, ' and am happy
lo say I am entirely cured, and all ilonc in two months' time when all
medicines had failed to do any good at all."
A Mofwrs Pangs
"I would like to express my gratitude to you,for the benefit I have received
from your wonderful medicine ' Kavonte Prescription, ' " writes Mrs. H. C.
Anderson, of South Britain, New Haven Co., Conn. (Box 33). "During the
first month of pregnancy 1 could not keep anything on my stomach. Was
so sick that I had to go to bed and stay for Meeks. I tried different doctors,
but with little benefit. I rtad about many being helped by using your medi
cine so I thought I would give it a trial. I began to take your ' Favorite
noKMni receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing ONLY It contains 1008
pages and over 700 illustrations and gives invaluable council to women Send 21 one-cent
stamps (cost of mailing
bindingc ctl u uii Id luliiff them .sueh li ip
liliics fceiueil to him now a nulluii
niueltiM), anil hut a low months mine
i lapsed iilicn another i-'tuie In thi
leiueloiy, another empty ihalr m the
home, and (llails .Moi Kan icalUed that
Mio was alone In the uoiM at louiueu
jcuth of aprc, .sole heltci-s to hei fulliei H
Immense mi tune, iihlili, iiLeotillni, to
his will, mis to he ilellioied to her iiu
lottulllouallv on Iter eighteenth hltlh
ila.i. In' the 11101111111111', Mie lias to
make her homo with an old ft lend or
hoi paienl.s, a la ci . 11 hum her lather
had named iu her Kuaulian and ex
ecutor of Ills c
Sl euis haie eonip and Kotie olnec
Daniel .Moi sun n as laid bchido his iiio
and duiiKhtci, and let us look in aalti
upon our Glads, now a thoiouhly
edueated and accomplished ouuk lady
of twenty lleiiutiful, MiuhboI bi-aiitl-ful,
.she lelKito queen of toilet, and
thiiURh Houdlit aftei lij the veiyeieant
of 111,11 1 luueiihle joiuifr men, Mio Iiiih
louiulntila eiltablo kebcij,' until iilth
In a lew months, And now people weio
beRinnlm,' to t-ay that her uild heait
11 ns melted at lust, and that lto Slat
Ins ton, a man 11 iloeti cais her .senioi,
was. the lui'U.i man, and that Mio 11 ho
had been bo ptotid am! haiiKhty and
told and distant towitul cvoi other
btiitoi hail allowed him to nhiupci
lionoed 11 01 ds In hot wllllns ens, and
even now lie lb In the tlnming-ioom of
liei' guai dlaii's home, nalthifr tot hei
vim hut ptomlbed that on thl.s nlslu
Mio would gc I1I111 the aiibwer that
meant lite ot death to him, Ah he
waits, ho heath oltes. In an adjoining
loom anil, looted to Hie .spot, ho m.
"Vnu uiUbt not detain me, gundy,
for .Mr, Slatlngton Is Halting loi nto in
the iliauiiig-iooiu. Vou Know, I am to
glio him his .inswei tonight,"
"Vcs, (iladis, I Know what that un
bwer 11 III lie, Vou u III many lilni and
go tiwuy und lcaic Ub."
".Mairy I1I111V Bifti' Ho Is Jtibt tne
Mibjcit for a giaud lllitntlou, hut 101
anything fmtheis no. IhaiiKs I'll see
ou again In u bhoit time, and tell sou
jrf UHmpso of a trcutiitoiit-i-ooiu, in Im alius HoUsl uiul Surgical Institute, showing Electrical, v " jMl
of mind and body, is disturbed. There "may be only weakness and nervousness, or
It 11 1 i t i 1
healed thousands of sick and
Sargkal Institute, Boalo, N. Y with portrait
.Ciiiet Consulting Physician. "
ONLY) for the book bound in paper, or 31 stamps for durable cloth
Address.- DR R V PIERCE, Buffalo, N Y
how he heais the uens ol oui bepu
ulititi," and blie glldeu Into the 1 00111,
With hliiueheil i.ue ho nppi inched
hei. "Km tlod's sake, (lladjs Moigan,
tell me ou weie jesting. I lieaid tiie
i 01 ds ott hpoUe just now. Oh, tell me,
jnu iime not In e.itne'stV"
"Hut I 11 us in out 111 st, Mr. Sliitlui,
ton. 11 ,iou lieaid iu woulb, It is ueul
less to lojicat then), Vun lime m au
suoi', llood-ulglit."
"Hill tu!" ho 01 led. "Vou haie led
1110 011. Oh, Cilailjb, iclleit eie ou un
der bo ciuel a iletlslou. 1 lay the llibt
ual loio'ot my life at out ted. 1 "
"Hold, sir," bhe tiled, nitli an ini
petlous iiaie ot her J uwelli d hand,
"l.lhten, SK eais ago, 11 lieu I f-aw
my only sistei die nitli a hinUen heait,
I lowed she should bo aieuged, haie
piayed Im this horn lor ,si eat.s, hut
mii.'i In my wildest die, mis did t think
my piajei Mould he bo lully atmweied
tlod lias biought It about oieu sooner,
11101 p iiiiitpleto than I ltaio dated to
hope. If I cause you one hour of suth
tigouy as sho tuti'iueil, 1 am 1 oittent, It
Mm Hie and suiter on tountless ages,
I shall he heltei tontcut. M woik lb
ended, Uood-nlglit."
Tiie inluiites latet the shaip lepoil
of a pistol iuu; thiough the,
Hoy hlatlugtoti had taken hl.s own life,
and (ho millet's dauglitui 11 ah aicnged,
How a Typical Western Desperado
Came to Deseived Grief,
A most pxtiuoidiuaiy chautetei 11 ho
actually attempted to leiuodel the Mest
lias the Mai(ills De Mines, iiho tilul
to estahlksli In the lt.ul Lands 1111 Im-niPlit-o
fitsli-uieal iudilbti to 1 ouipoto
with the paiklug hoitbe.s of Cliliugo.
Tlieie Is a plctuicbiiue btoty of this
iiohlcman's ctiaonlluaiy teaicei in
Hi ei body's Magazine by U. Ogden,
the tli ht time the episode has been told
with towaid to its poetlo and lomautic
Inteiest. Heio is one oiteipt:
A t ot tain "Had .Man" Kfiunlgan
undei took ono day to foicMull Uie
evolution of eientb and niiic Mcdoi.i
olt the luiip, He had it gilci.ime
agaliMt the Inhabitants. Ho he ties-
Days ol
suffering women.
are not permanent. When the power of their opi
ates and stimulants is exhausted the old condition
returns and usually in aggravated form. " Favorite
Prescription " contains no alcohol, and is absolutely
free from opium, cocaine, and all other narcotics.
No woman need despair of a cure of the dis
eases affecting the womanly organs if she will
give " Favorite Prescription " a fair and faithful
trial. The most obstinate cases yield to the
action of this great remedy.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by
letter, free of charge, and so obtain the benefit of
the advice of a specialist in diseases of women.
There is no similar offer of free medical advice
which has behind it an institution like the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. As
chief consulting physician to this institution, as
sisted by his staff of nearly a score of specialists,
Dr. Pierce has in a little more than thirty years
treated and cured over half a million women.
All correspondence is strictly private and sacredly
confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief
consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and
d . SureiCal Institute. Buffalo. N. Y.
Prescription ' in November and I had a nice little baby girl in February fol
lowing. My baby weighed over eight pounds. I was only in hard labor
about one hour and got along nicely during confinement ; was up and dressed
on the eighth day. I neier had the doctor with me at all ; just the nurse and
one or two friends. My friends thought that I was sick a very short time. I
think Dr. Pierce's Favonte Prescription is indeed a true 'mother's friend,'
for it helped me wonderfully. It kept me from having a miscarriage. This
makes my second child ; with the first one I did not take ' Favorite Prescrip
tion ' and I had a niiscarnage. The little one lived just about two months
and she was sick all the time. This last baby is as plump and healthy as any
mother could wish. She is about three weeks old now and is gaining in flesh
ciery day."
Changs of Life
Mrs. M. Barnes, of Balls Ferry, Shasta Co., Cal., writes: "My physician
said I was suffenng from the effects of 'change of life.' I had heart cfisease,
womb trouble and rheumatism. My head was so dizzy I could hardly stand
up. When I began Dr. Pierce's medicines I improved right along. I took
seven or eight bottles of the 'Favorite Prescription,' a teaspoonful three
times a day, and the ' Pleasant Pellets' at night. I feel as well as I ever did.
I take great pleasure in recommending Dr. Pierce's medicines to suffenng
women. I think they are the best medicines in the world. I can't say
enough in their praise. The ' Favonte Prescription ' cured me after I had
been sick for two years so I was hardly able to be about."
teuiled fiom the east-bound passenger
tialit one Sunihiv afteinooii, took pos
session of the depot, ill 01 e Hie tele
giapll opeiatot out and pi 01 ceded to
amuse hluisell bj 1 licking the kes.
Tlnee weeks hefote, "Had Mun Kin
iilgan had been "on a teat" at .Medina,
Ho iwuuleii d otf towiiul thu ilier and
iient to sleep in tile weeds, Some of
the found hint and touched
bis hair nitli a pair of sheep-shoain,
That is, they dipped ii dosp on the
hides 01' his head and left It long on
top. As tho bad man's hair natiitally
stood on end, when he awoke ho
thought lie lias a Sioux filter. Ho was
not of a tomautle stamp, as a teal
had man should he. Shoit was Klau
tilgan, led-faied, sandy-lialied, eiook-ed-nosed,
SatUsiled at length that lie had sue-
ceded in tauslng a suiabli.iip sonie
Mhete along the, by his Indus
1 1 Ions woiklng of the inhttiiments
Vhllllllgan stinted out to settle his bill
ilguhisl the town. As he went out of
the depot to the platiouu, he saw half
ti doon men, headed by the telegiaph
opctator, mining towaid him, It was
riannlgan's ell that made hlni laiuous.
When ho sail the appioadiing dele
gation lie let go 11 bttlng of jells, put
ting in the punctuation minks with hl.s
big loioliei. The men letieatcd hut
1 It ill and Klaniilgaii Intieudied him
self In a dltth beside the lalltoad, fiom
iihiih ho lould sweep the enllie ill
lage, Theio iiuhu't nilieli to toiei Jtibt
a low of poor little shacks fining
the i.iilioail, the paikiugliouse some
what to the left aud almost bojoml
iniige, and tho htiik ihuith with Its
glided 1 loss, Hj the time riaiiulgaii
Mas toiufoi tably bottled time lias not
a thing thing iu sight In Medoia
"I'll bilng '0111 out," said the bad
man, ti. lining his weapons on the un
ptoteited windows, instead ol lititig
Ing theni out he droio them to thclt
lellaib. ('Inn kllng to himself, lie
dli hied his attention between the lino
of bhantles and the slaughter-house.
Kor 11101 e than an hour the. bad man
continued the siege. Then ho began to
the of shooting away his ammunition
ut .something that wouldn't shoot back.
The iliuiih offeted loin windows with
whole glltletlug panes, lie aigueil that
pet haps the pi lest would tome out lo
pioteel hl.s piupeity if no one else
would, so he began pliklng out the
window panes, one b one.
Tliu set uiul pane had seiniil iiash
ed upon the tloor beloie the .MukiiiIs
de Mon.s, 11 ho had been siting on his
lei.inda watdilug the homhaidmeut.
spuing to his feet. He inn lo the gate
whole a hoise, .-add led and hi Idled,
stood Halting. The nest moment lie
was splashing thiough tho tiier and
galloping towaid Hie spot 11 hei e Klan
iilgaii lay 011 his stomach, bki.iim ,t,u,
l)c Motes dismounted 11 hen he te.iehid
the lalltoad einh iiikiueut and stinted
on a inn lor the had iitaii loioliei in
hand. He appioadu d Khiiinigiiu lioni
tho u. u, so that thai gentleman did
not hear his foot-stops on the suit
eaith until thu mauiuis was within two
yaids of him, It was then too lat
to get one ot his guns into 111 thin in
the new iliieiliou, and beloie the bad
man toiild think twite the migi
l'i 111 humii hud him by the tollai ami
was pounding his head against tho
"Vou inisoialilo sioundiPl," the had
mail heatd lllltl sa, "nu ma bieak
all the windows In Medoia and shoot
in sl.iuglnoi -house full of holes; hut
11 lieu ou tin 11 jour guns 011 thin
llttlo dirndl jnu'tl Just as noil tin it
them on mo1"
The despot udo was ilis.nmeil ami
hitilued 01 01 to a deput sheilff, -who
tamo tiawllug out fiom undei m de
pot platiouu, whete he hud been tilug
to make a tunnel to open air through
which ho might shoot.
He Lives in Daily Honor of Assassi
nation. 'lliuiieli llulul lUmiil (iiiiilnii, iwe.t Hi-.iincii
of liUtun I'lllni in (iiunlni; in uudlj vet jiij
iliamt Willi lilni in the nlmilo ink vuiiild li it
W A llUlllt ll lilllll III lllCM, I iikciic I'
l.,li 111 I uijl'oihi, ljL-J.iiio. ll wiul. I lie .1
li jiiii of tiiwjiilUr, ami llm ino-t IojiIiiI ut
dramas at ihjt 'lirrer ef nun, u( illraso, nf llio
uUmitio v( iut,un.', ol aught tpclllns "Jcath,"
-"" "w- om m
ik Hie nut in tlii' iiilUn' iliirntti that iluiin
unci nil tin olliti -Oni'iliv
ll luiiliin, llio lliiiu'irlin Oiiuiul
l-l, h UllHld illlulllllll.l 11 tin piliu Hi"
i nit in linn-nil tliliu', h I'lofisni 11nl.. n
liul In 111 lliilul's I11I111, mil sun 1 tluu ilni'i 1
1111 iiitliniti i.'iiili niliirilh, linn, tin -nlun
tiiriuil in ilu urn ,'" ml in tlu .1 1 ii t mt ut 111 1
mill ml him ti, ntln' I lie kiiiiiI tnnk 1 -1 p
IhiKuiiiI iimI lultiil 11 ll.'lil li liifnu Ihilnl
ripitril ll' milii, simp iphiIi Oik u ho
liul In 1 iiimi iml, uiul tliH tluu llio null nliotnl
I'iiiIin-ii I 111. Inn w i ii-tnililiiil it tills ml.
linn nf .iImuIiiii priHir In tin" iihin' iih.ilo
hull 1 In hi lliihil Miitlul, iml ii,iincl h
luiniiiil nfnn lint I"' wMinl to lnm 'lillli in
1 11 r, tint in nub lp 11 1 nt li , lfu nniilil'ii
ik 1 I In uiiihI In 11 llio, tho trii-ll il u.liilil t"
liinii. ,iml llulul Miulil un iii'nltli the ''mil
wirjtuui, xi iiiliu h iinih 1 the liuprrvii 11 tint
Hi u'liinl Iml 101II i.mi l)nl ihi. tlilul iom.
inn i u i In In t ikin liln ill v
Win 11 tli- Mill in Iml tniMiiil ihU lllln 111111I
It ik 1 . hi limtul tho inultaMi In sit iiniin
hiin nt 1 lillli' tihlo' .iml hue mijic lit, Sow
tin Mill 111 iI'hs nut I ike milii, rn no ror-ot In
ullir hi. 1 ii ti .1 no llio huvil un lit llio Mil.
I iii'k 1 Hum, hut Ilu ,int(wn wa, net iuul in
i-KillL' un luiih- in w lit 1111 liitu Mill lie uki lt
nut ihiiik ilu in n ll n is iml le Ujii(il nvir
till tililo tn null mi III mi-mi. ,i in I lll.ll
till Mill HI W'H (II III! till Ills lllll'l ll ll
pllhft, llil I..U V lillli III' ..ISIUII I't lIlL
linnihss nil tii-int Iniikiil tn him IiKi tivn
II ilii ti
I In 10 l m il mill that in umlortt in llic n( (lis
lius n In u It li. u Mull u( tin luluio find tunc
li. in uf I. iil nil Ilu imipii ii-o tli. rir, ami
impuiiiiiiriiH in miiIiii) Muiiii, mil Icn.tlim
tin uu.iti lit if 11 i.i.i. li, II, U, Wiliy
iu l.wiihuuTs M n, iiiie Hut 1111 mm in
the fill 11 1 o will l 1 nun nan in h, fu f.n u Ml)
Ilium, mil) an hlli ui-li, Inn llio nihil hlnti vv 1 1 1
In 1111110 tnmnum In tin uan li nun t hei 1 ii
mi ilmilil la 111; III. williuiit In iltli ami t.fiij.tli,
Imni tiie point il ii uf nun ntllit.v, i ml
tn he ilo.niil I'lit i iiiiiil I ' mailo fm JI10
u 1111.-, mil natnii millio, if liknii; oft tho nl I
(hi ilotupll H tn hi miio-i null.! lomnnmloil
fn in tho nun Kuiumii puinl ( iIim liul (
thu I'M 111111 un iiiUM In a hjm nihlo
llo lUm: iml tniik l his iiiiiihno I, he U nf
inirn iim' n Niiltt) Hi 111 the juiiiik man, an I
tin juiiiii; man lmei Mud hii linn -i Ic lioni
ill kinliiiiint, the Irno iiiilplo 1 f ' n "iiom y
had iu In Itllovo that nun luiihl Inv jiut at
line as lie 1 an he i Mutlir iml an clh roi.
Irthutor to human prorus.