wx&QMMsm: prjt'Tfvtfi? THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- WEDNESDAY, JUNE L6, lool. 'tiWWP wwrn! Ezzzzqr- - p-z. Otitcet BURKE BUILDING FENDER SAVES CHILD FROM SERIOUS INJURY Young; James Marloy of Blrkett Btreol Buns from HI Play Direct ly Into the Path of ft Traotion Car, but Is Picked Up by the Fonder Ho Was Painfully Bruised, but No Bonos Woro Broken Anothor Lad Shot in tho Leg by His Companion. A tragedy of tho tiollcy was piob nblv aveited on Belmont street on Monday night, by the presence of the fonder on h Traotion tar, Into tho path of which S-ye.u-old James Mailcy inn while at plav In the lo.idvvay with a number of companion. The boy and his playmates made the d'UiRCiou selection of tho stteet foi thtli playKiouiul. The pot iuii neai V. R. Mot lis "tote. Mai ley i" lomplns about and In his childish sloe ho seemed to lose Ills seme of danger and In setting away lioin one of his playmates he lan dltoetly In fionl of a tiollev tat. The niotortrnn hart nn diance to stop or iever.se the uir, and It seemed as though the playful boy was to meet an awful fato. Tho ten lu nate piosonco of tho fonder piuved tho Salvation of tho bov and ho was picked up and pi evented ftom real fill Inlury, If not death, 'Vhen tho motoininn 10 tolled young Matley he was out of harm's way, though ho complained of pain from In a I' e wheie the fcinlei stiuck him. It vv.is foaied tint ome bones weie hi okon, but v hen the fony was taken to the oinee of Di D L, liully roi examination the suigcon oould locate no fi.ittuie Tho bov, however, was noivous and dlstuibod, but this was all he appealed to be Buffeting fiom, beyond th hi ulsc. Tho Toy Pistol Again. A toy pistol in the hands of a fiolic ome boy is capable of considerable mischief, and thl simo kind of toy and the same small boy sustained theli leputation on Monehiv evening, when in-pai-old Joe Sweet was uont to the doctoi's with a snnll quantity "f stone that came fiom tho afoic-ald toy pis tol. Sweet lives on South Chinch stieot lie had a to pistol that pi o bled abundant diveiion while it whs being put to Its oi dainod put poses His companions, houevu. took to expeil montlng and theiehv hangs this ttile. The pihtol was janimed to the top of the bm el with wto bits of stone, big enough, how o oi. to biing disaster to i small bo. oi a big bo foi that mattei To ee bow the thing would go on, ono ol Sweet's companions pulled the tiiggei. Tho pistol wont off and aftei theio whs a howl fiom Sweet He was in the way of the "to" and some of the "opci intent" onteioi' into bis leg. lie was taken to tho oflko of Dr. D U Biilcv, who had to make nn inci-ion to lemovo tho piece of stone fiom tho bo's leg. There is a small wound left, which ymiiip; Sweet will have to muse for a few days, and which will piubablv eive as a re minder of his toy pistol expoiioncc. ODD FELLOWS DAY. Lake Lodore to Be tho Scene of nn Interesting Event in Odd Follows Circles. Tiidny. August 2", pinmises to bo nn inteiesting day at b.aKe Lodoic. It will be 'Odd Fellows' Da." at that delightful .spot ooi the mountain, and membeis of thr oidei will bo at ti acted fiom all puts of the alloy, OUe Leaf lodge, Xo l.ci, of this oily, will conduit the exclusion, and the members aie alioady hustling foi the event. Tho featuio of the day will bo tho confoning the dogieo or chivahv. The cpreniony that accompanies this de Brie is beaut if nil v impiosslvc The last occasion was at K.n lew two ve.irs ago, when it was tonfeited be foie je-vetal thousand people. The desiee can bo. conferred but once In soetal yeai.s In the t-aiiio pai t of the state, and Ulivo Leaf lodge la i uirespondlngly appiedatlve tint It is to bo given undet its auspiceb un this occasion. A CHINESE SOCIAL. Epworth League Affair That Prom ises to Be Highly Enjoyable. The Upwnith League will hold a Chinese social In the lectuio mom of tho Methodist Kplscopal chinch this venins, which ptomlses to bo an on Jojable nftalr. Tho following piogiammo will be given: Vocal duet, Clain Bronson, Lottie AVikox. leoltatiiin, nmnia Blaii : paper, "China Need," V. H. Bionson, tableau, voc.it t,olo, Mlna Finnk; papei "Out Opportunities, in "hiiia." Elizabeth Thompson; vocal iuet, May Kllpatilck, Mr. Claik; let or from China: tableaux After the enteitalninent, tefresh nenta will bo seivod A sllvoi offer ng will he taken at the dont for the lenefit of the famine suftereis In Jhlnn. To Attend a Commencement. Misses Mniy and Madeline Walker, if Washington stieot, left yesterday nor'ilng for Stroudsbuig to atloiiil tho omineneenient exeiolses ot tho state ornial school theie, Miss Agnes Valker, their sister, Is ono of the graduates. Meetings of Tonight, Boaid of health. Wm. H. David,' post, No, 1ST, Oiand vrmy of the Itupubllc, l'jimeor castle, No, iOZ, Ancient Oi ler Knights of the Mystic Chain, Fidelity conclave, No. 1J0, Improved iieler Ueptasophs. Rev, M. 0. Elliott's Vacation, ltev. M. C, i:illott, of the Klut Con givgatletial chuich, has been giauted a tlnee weekV vacation, and goes lo Join USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE A row tier to be shaken Into (lie shoes Yuur (eel feel swollen, ncnous al hot, and act tiiod tiil. If )ou hive tmjilliij; (oil or t Is lit timet. 'ty Mini's Koot lasc. It iool$ the feet an 1 Tialcs ujlklnj C4s.. funs fuollui. iucjllnj let. ingrowing; nail, hlhtcri and ullnit, ,ois, F.elieus ccrn and bunlont ot all uln and thej not and romtoit. Trj it torfaj, &oM lo all dii:,UU and thee ttoirs (or 2V. filal pacL ice 1 1(1 1'. ddrcts, Ulcn a uliutcd, Lc itiv, ti y. ' Carbondale Department H 1 bl wife and dalighlor at "Oak Levi I," tho oountiy homo of I. It. Lmtletbach, esq., In fat i oil county, Mai land. Mr. Klllott will seek loot and tpi'ot lido dm hi!,' Ills vacation, thereby hoping to lognlii bin Htioimth, nftei the ety trjlng walk tlnough which ho lias pnsud. Ilev, .T, .1. JonklnM, of t'lilomlalo, wilt look alter Mr. 1'lllott n liiloicst' dtli Ing his ahsciHo. nnd will pi i null both morning and evening next Sunday. Mi. I'lllott will toturn In time to of tlolnto at his church, Sunday, July II, COMMENCEMENT DAY AT ST. ROSE ACADEMY Exercises of tho Class of '01 and of tho School Carried Out Most Credit ably Before an Audience That Filled St. Rose Hall The Pro gramme of tho Night's Event. The commencement exorcises of the class of '01 of St. Hose Academy weie olweivcd last evening In rit. Rose hall. Tho piogiommc included, as Is cus toniaiy, oxoiclses by the younger pu pils of the academy, who last night woro given good scope tor the nutill tlos which have boon developed through tho taieful tialnlng ot the Slsteis. Tho halt was lesplcndout with de eoiatlons and lights, and it was i low tied bv tho patents and fi lends of the giaduales and othoi pupils, and who weie given many oppoitunitlos to ipeik kind woids of the jouug people The pi ogt amine, which will also be lopeated this evening, owing to the onui ninus demand lot tickets, was as lollows. Salutatnt.v, Ambio'-c Battle; "In tho Time of Roses," Minims: piano, Miss Maiy McOouly, confei ling of medals: ouhestia selection, piano, Miss M.ny Moian. violins, Mas teis i:. Can oil. II. Qulnn, J. Loftus, W. Smith. O. McHale. Miss V. Claik. A. Mm rill L Dov Ino Juvenile can tata, "Tho Little Cvpsv", plino, Miss Mary Itoulnnd. Hovs' rli 111 Recttn tion. Master Adam Schaff: piano. Miss Mary Rouland, iolins, i; Can oil, r. Claike LesIIoutcs, scnlois Olils' il i ill -I'iino , Miss rioronce McHale, violins, i: Can oil, F. Claike Valedio toiv. Misses M.uy L Ooidon, Saiah H McCany, Rose V. O'Romke. Faio well, class 1101 IIinn, school. AN EVENING OF MUSIC. Splendid Recital by Miss Rose Con way at Haydon Evans' Home. Miss rtoce Conw.iv, of Scianlon, teachoi of the pianotoito and oiganist at tho Chinch of tho Holy Cioss in that cltv, conducted a iciltal last evening at tho homo of hoi tone hoi. Piofcssoj Ilndn Kvans, on Laiuol stioet Miss Conwaj, who, tlnough constant stildv an I cKvotion lo hoi ait, his aihlevcd Known loi one ot hoi eus, -iistniiic.il liei leputation and won new adiniioi.s and fi lends list night, which was hci Hut appeal ance In Caibon dalo. W. J. Unbelts, ot South Scianton.who possesses a iiiltuicd voiio ot gieat powoi, was l.eaid with splendid eltoct in live niitnhci.s The piogi iiniiio vvas as follows: (j) Vndinto (li) Vliii'Clto from boinli (it 10, Nn i Wnlicr (c) V d-c, V lid M i . Uumi) (I) Tllu-.llii01CM no ' C lowo (li) In Vuot o( Inmlii Ikuu , Bcithoicti Mr. Ilolicrt. (a) Inipinniihi diutirit (lii MiuiKa Mr-ln (i ) Wlilni-. schumirm Mi-s ( mitt iv W il In lioil hionlzcr Mi. ltclitii- ( i) B.in iinllc Ituhrnstrln (li) I'olKi Ijililkaw-KI Mi1- ( nmij, (II Viin.n I,.ipi rrlln Mn-iit (li) smiOM llio Cclli l,a ll.illoii Mi. Itulieil-. IMonai-', .No 2 Chopin Mis.-, 1 Pirn i. CYCLE CLUB ENTERTAINED. Guests at the Home of Geo. S. Kim ball on Spring Street. The members of the Caibondaln Cy cle club enjojed the vvaim-heaited hospitality of Cleoigo .S. Kimball, at his bountiful lesidenco on Opting stioot last night. This is the tliiid or foiittli of tho tioats which Mr Kimball has given tho club since becoming its president, and on each succeeding occasion tho membeis me given moie evidence or tho foitunato selection thoy niado when i hoy called Ml. Kimball to dlioct tho affali.s of the club. The chief iiumbei of last night's piogininmo was the lectin o of Dr. Wheelc. on "Modem Suigor.v," Dr. Wheeler has been heaid befoio on this subject which ho ueats In an Intoiesl Ing mannei, and last night ho in creased the number of admlicrs of this sublet i. The quartette, composed of H. V Claik, Russell Shopheid, Chailcs Bild gott and W, A. Claik, sang soveial se lections Mr Kimball was oxceedinglv solici tous of his guests during the social hour. Theie was an Impiomptu musi cal programme, dm lug which tho as semblage sang "Ameilca" to a violin accompaniment by Isaac Singer, which was tloveily executed. Chailcs Ri id sett sang a solo and acoigo Jamos gave a piano selection. The Misses Moras Entertain, Ono of tho notably pleasant events of the social season wan the tea given Monda afternoon by Miss Mois.s and Miss Lots Moiss nt the hiudsoino Mots homestead, north of tho city, Ncaily bovcnty-ilva ladles paitook of thu liospitallfi of the Misses Mm.ss. Among the out ot town .ucsts weie; MNs Hind, ut Flushing, L. 1 ; Mis. Jackson, Miss Jackson, Mis, Aloiuo Moiss. Piolil"liie; .Mis LaItuo,8ciaii ton; Mis. Richmond, Mis. Tiacy.Miss Claia Richmond. Richmond 111)1, Set anion, and Mis. Day, Nowaik, N. J. At the Pan-American, Dr. W. J. Baker and Mis. RaUer will leave today tor a ten davs lslt at the Pan-.moilcan exposition at Ruffaln. Will go to Housekeeping. Oeoige Lance, of feiillivan i Ryan'r, who was mauled at Vlaik'b, (Summit, iccentlj, Is back trom his honeymoon, and will begin housekeeping: heie. 'Phone $ NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 MAYPIELD RESIDENT KILLED BY D. S H. TRAIN Michaol Olenicz, of Hill, Jumps from a Coal Train in Front of Passonger Train No. 15, on the D. & H. nnd Is Instantly Killed Ho Was Re turning fiom tho Funoral of n Countryman, Who Met Death in Edgerton Mino, Mlohnol Olonloz, of Mnylleld, a minor employed In the Urle mine at that place, wai stitick and Instantlv killed by passenger train IS on tho Dolawaio and Hudson rallrond shoitly afti'r 3 o'clock yesteiday atternoon. Olcnlcz mot death nbout thico hun dred feet south of the Maylletd sta tion, and strangely colncldently, It wai while he vvas lettunlng fiom tho fu neial of an acquaintance, Antonio Cuclla, who almost met a lolont death by being caught under a fall of coal In the l'dgerton mine. After tho funeral, Olenicz boaided a coal tialn which came to a standstill bolow tho Mavfleld station. He Jump ed fiom his place on the coal car, and aftei alighting stopped on tho tracks In fiont of tho passenger train, which was just beginning to slnckon Us speed as It itemed the station. Olonlcz's act was so sudden that It gave tho engi neer no time to chock the tialn, and the unfoi lunate in in was hut led aside and landed alongside of tho coal tialn. His head was feaifullv ci ushed, both logs weio binken, ono arm wns also fiactuicd.and his side was tonlbh con tused Theie weie only fcoblo Indica tions of life when ho was i cached and ho o.xpliod Immediately after his body was located. Olenlcv lived on Hill stieot, May field, not fai fiom wheio he was killed. He vvas about I!" jo.us of ago, mar ilocl, and loaves two ihlldten beside his w Idow. 'Squhe Mendelsohn empanelled a jmv composed of Thomas Btuke, Pat llck McDonald, Peter Gilgallou, John Williams and William Jones. Thoy found that Olonlcz's death was acci dental A PASSING SOCIAL. An Affair That Will Take Place at Berean Baptist Church. An unique social affali will take place at tho Retoan Baptist chinch this evening, in tho chinch pailois Tho voung people have ananged for a 'pissing" social, which moans tint all w ho atf nd hi lug some ai tic le w Inch thov think will add to tho moi i imeiu of tho occasion In being ' paed along ' Admission will bo ton cents. Light lefieshments v. ill follow tho piogiammo of musical numbeis, which Is as fol lows: Piano solo Annie Lewis Recitation Maile Robinson Vocal miIo Blanche Cob In Recitation Llla Stone Clailonotte sole H J. illy Vocal duet... Lucy and Annie Mllligan Recitation Mis. H. Cornell Piano duet, Maude Haigh and Blonc he Colvin Vocal solo fiiaco btono Recitation Helen Watklns Piano solo Alice Piice RAILWAY MEN'S CLAM BAKE. Annual Gathering That Is to Take Place at Lake Lodore. Tho nnnual clambako of tho Older of Railway Conductois, No lot! will take place at Like Lodoic on Tluusday, August JO. This is an nffaii that furnishes un limited fun and ploasuic In the lail load men and theii tamilles and fi lends, and it is alwajs a gieat sue cps& This ear thete will be nothing lacking, and tho giovo of Lake Lodoio will no doubt contnin a gieat, jo'ly cioivrl of oxcuislonists on the above date. Older No lnfi of Railway Conductois ombiaces In its nitmbeishlp all of tlw lailway men on the Pennsylvania di vision of the Delaware and Hudson, and this will mean nn attendance fiom points as far down the valley as Wilkes-Bauo. Jeisey Visitors Willi im McLoughlln and wife, of Patersnn, N. J., aie in town for a few days, as the gii"st6 of M. F, Nearj. They have been at the Pan-American tor some time and Just stopped off hne for a few days, while on their v ay homo. Mr, McLoughlln, of the H. .1. Bunnell Rleetilcul company, had been placing his goods bofoio a convention of i.illway supeiintendcnts at But falo. A New Sunday School. The local Piosbytoi laps have startol a Sunday school In Caibondalo town ship on thi Ciicentleld load, near tho homo of William Lane. Tho flist ser vice vvas held Sunday and tho large attendance gave a xeiy encouraging outlook. Spi vices will be held each Sunday heieaftor at ;i p. m , and will bo in chat go of niembeis of the main school. Malta Degree, The beautiful malta degree was con foiled on a number of candidates at the logulai mooting of Temple com maucleiy, No -jdi., Ancient Older Knights of Mntta, last evening. Ciiand Recnider U.oige H. Ploice, of Phila delphia, who was to have been present to foiifei the higher degiee, has do tened his visit until Tuesday evening, July .'. THE PASSING THRONG. Ml.s Ida Pot hick, of Honesdale, Is visiting ti lends In tliia city, Mis, C, II, ninnson and daughtei, Lena, uio visiting lelutlvcs in Sidney, N. V. The hou.scc of John Camcion, on OIL belt stieot, aie being Impioved by new pouhos. Di. and Mifc. Ibikur '(111 ?pouJ the coming week ut the Pan-Aineilcan ex position. Royal Foster, of Plttston. spent Sun day .ml Monday with his patents in thlK dty. Mt.. Will "Wagner and chlldien. Uthel and Newell, aio visiting fi lends near WayniRit. John Hvans Is home from the Boston Conservatory of Music to spend his summer vaiatlon. Misses Hannah and Margaiet Kit- leen, of Brooklyn street, spent Sunday with Archhald friends. Mr. nnd Mrs, D. Klaier and dnURhlor, of Klzortown, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Mclgft Abbey. Contractor A. !!. Tiffany Is having his residence on Blrkett Terrace beauti fied by a new coat of paint. Mrs. F. Purdln has returned to her homo on Gilbert street, after a, few weeks' visit nt Tunkhnnnoek. k Mrs. Irene McCotlum, of Montrose, In vUltlng nt the home of Attorney II. O. Watt ous, on Dai to avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Rotirke have re turned fiom their wedding tour. They will loslde on Wyoming stteet. Mis. H. Illsted him returned to her homo In this city, after a, few wceka' visit In Honesclalo and Waymnrt. Miss Caiolyn Stevens loaves today for a visit with ft lends In Unnosdntc, nnd befoio icturning home she will visit In Haw ley. Miss Millie Ooarhart.vvho Is employed as BtcnORiaphcr In Now York city, la spending her summer vacation with f i lends In this city. Mr. and Mrs. II, Wright have also rMurned from their honeymoon, which was spent pilnclpally at the Pan American exposition. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brcnnan, on Canaan street, wab made more happy yesterdny morning: by the arilval of a baby hoy. Miss Virginia Stevens has returned to her homo on Summit avenue, after a two weeks visit with fi lends In Honcsrlale and Prompton. Mr. and Mis. H. H. Lewis, of Union dale, and Mrs. Klshpaugh, of West Vli glnia, wero the guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Lewis over Sunday. Mis. William Wells left last evening, over tho Erie, for her home In Anita, Iowa. Mis. Wells Is returning after attending the funoral services of her husband. Miss Nellie Veronica Campbell, of Chinch street. Is ltlns her filcnd, Miss Frances Roland, of Scranton, who giaduatod fiom tho High school last Fildav evening. Mi. and Mis. John P. Budd, of Reach Lake, aio tho guests of the lattci'fl brothci, Frod Sluman, on Thoin street. Thoy arc or. their way to f'oloiado for the benefit of Mrs Budd's health, which has been quite poor for tho last yeai. Thoy loft last night over the JJiIe for Denver. JERA1YN AND MAYHELD. The Jormyn school hoard held an ad journed meeting last evening, at which all the mcmheis weio present. Mr. Wnteis on behalf of the building- com mittee, reported a number of repairs needed, which weie afterwards au thorized to ho done. Mr. Morcom ad vised that the it on fence be scraped and painted. The book and supply committees both repotted pt ogress, and a motion that the school funds bo de posited in the Mlneis' and Mechanics bank was adopted by a six to thiee vote Ex-Tronsuiei M 01 com asked that his bondsmen be leleased and his bond lctuinod, tho request being gi anted. The assessment for the com Ing year was. placed at IS mills; 10 for schools, 5 for buildings and .1 for spe cial pin poses, same as last year. The election of teacheis was then taken up Mr. Blake alluded to the abusive terms applied to a poition of tho board In lctteis which had lecently appealed in hoveial of tho papers nnd spoke strong ly against tho scun lions aiticle reflect ing upon the principal of tho schools, which had appealed In tho Hlmli.i Telegram, and cone luded his speech Viy making the election of H. N. Barrett as n'llncipTl lor thiee school teinis. Mr. Giant objected. While he found no fault with Mr. Ranctt as a man or as a teacher he did not believe In the thrco-ycar toini The yeas and nays having boon called the motion was c.u lied, with 0110 dissenting vote, that of James T'dmunds. A motion was then made that the boaid adjoin n for two weeks. Tho motion was stiongly op posed and a yea and nay vote deolcted the matter In favor of the adjourn ment, tho voto being as follows: To adjourn, Moicom, Ciawfoid, Waters, Rlako. Dopew ; against adjournment, Oiant, Kdinunds, Collins, Hunter. Tho Mayflold band will glvo an open air conceit tomonow evening, on tho lawn of William Walker, when the fol lowing piogrammo will be ployed: Mai oh, "Hall to the Spli It of Liberty," Sousa; oveiture, "Beautiful Galatea," Suppe: waltzes, "tjourlee d'Avrll," De pret; "Spanish Beauty," Moiceau Cai ncteribtique, Stlckney; medley over ture, "A Suio Thing," DeWitt; "A Little Bit of Rssonco," a two-step odd ity, Koltinsou; "Star Spangled Ban ner." A number of ladles fiom Joimyn yesterday had the privilege and pleas uio of Inspecting the conservatory and giounds of Mr. Hendricks, of Carbon dalo. The party vvas conducted through tho gioundr and conservatory by Hen ry Hemelrlght, to whom they wore in debted for tho aftei noon's pleasuie. Those who composed tho party were: Mesdames W. C. Nicholson.. Wlllman, Badger, Battcnberg, Coon, Sampson, Houghton, Swlck, Paiks, Downing, Mosler, Biay, Winter, Hemehlght, Swlck, Barrett, Dodon and the Misses Grace nnd Goitle Vail, Kate Sampson, Tamma Mosier, Maigaict Thompson, Hdlth Bray and Constance Houghton, Mike LeiieA a Hungatlau lesidont of May field, was instantly killed yester day afternoon near tho Mayflold depot. The unfoitunato man stopped off a coal train light in fiont of a north bound passenger tialn, He Is survived by a wife and two young children. Bookkeeper McGlnty, of tho Nelson Morris wholesale, moat house, lias Just returned from u two weeks visit to the Pan-American exposition. During his absence his place vvas ably filled by his brother, James McGlnty, of Oly phaut. J, J. Miller, of Main street, yesterday piesontod his daughter, Floicneo, with a lino upright piano, Mrs. Y. M. Taggait, of L'ldoia, Ia Is visiting her paients, Dr. and Mih. S. D. Davis. The ice cieam festival, under tho auspices of tho Ladles' Aid of tho Primitive Methodist chinch, will bo held tomoirow evening. Mis. Thomas M, Gilltlths, of Herond stioet, lotuined yesteiduy fiom Atlan tic City, wheio sins has been for tho past tin 00 weeks, . OLYPHANT. In cninmemniatlon of the tenth an nlveioiuv of their man Inge, Mr, and Mis. H. J, Hull entoi tallied a number of poisons at their tcsidoneo In Rlnkf ly Monduy evening. The Intoiloi of the houso was prettily dccoiatod with palms and (lowers. Tho evening was delightfully passed with cards, music and other amusements. A delicious icp.ist was served. The host and host ess weio the leclplents of many hand some and useful presents. Tho guests weio: Mr. and Mrs. Capwcll, Mr. Rey nolds, Factoiy vllle; Miss Blanche Hull, Donald Hull, Mh-ses M.uy and L'dlth Hull. Robeit Hull, Miss Helen Hull, Aithur Hull, Mr. and Mrs. John Hull, Miss Maiy Van Cleef, Gieen Ridge; Mr. and Mis. T. J. Paisoiib. Mr. and i .. .,' TEETH 3 j-jl We extract teeth, fill teeth, and npply pold crowns and bridge work, with- fa out the least pain, by a method patented and used by us only. When the Im- '& pression is taken in the morning plates will be finished same day, if desired. iwiniswwi'iu 3 pDpp No charge riVUU ingWheti Wo give a written The fact that this is an nes.s under the laws of !20 ofilces, Is a sufficient that we Do Exactly at WD MAKE A SPECIALTY of Gold Crown nnd Bridge Work. This Is a system for inserting artificial teeth where one or more are missing without tho use of a plate. This work Is most beau tlful nnd cannot be detected from the natural teeth. When properly done, wl 11 last a lifetime. Call and see us opcr ' ate. It will bo a pleasure for us to carefully examine your teeth and tell you exactly what your work will co3t. No charge for this. Hours, 8 to 8. Sun- 9 uu.ys, avi iu 1. 9 a i The White Dental Parlors hMrs. J. A. Hull, Dr. W. L. Van Bus- klrk, Dr. T. L. Van Sickle. Mi. and Mrs. George Hull, Misses Agnes Hull, Flota David, Lucy Hull, Sadie Lllll brldgo, Alice David and Mary Hull. Darling's congress of tialned animals will bo ut the base ball paik this after noon and evening. Admlbslon, 13 nnd 2", cents. Misses Hdlth and rtaehcl Hvans at tended tho recital at tho Scranton Col lego of Music Monday evening. Loo Lyneh loft yesterday for Boston to spend tho summer months. Mis. J. A. Shultz and children have leturncd fiom Now York. Thoy were accompanied home by tho tormet's father, Bernard Levy. The Biowns will cross bats with the Brothci s' team ot Plttston on tho local giounds Thuisday, and on Satuiday thoy will play tho Crescents of Car bondalo here. The Delaware and Hudson company paid their employes at tho vailous col lleilos in town vesterday. Misses Mary and Sadie Rogan at tended tho Rogan-Gaffcny wedding at Scranton yesteiday. P. J. McGintv has returned home from Mansfield, where he attended the commencement exorcises at the state normal school. Miss Maiy nutledgo. of Plttston, spent Monday with friends In town. Miss Nettle Mason and her guebt, Miss Nellie Brent, of Wilkes-Banc, spent yesterday with Jerniyn fi lends. Mis Hdward Jones and dauglitci, Miss Mamie Jones, of Blakoly. went to Buffalo yestcidav to visit the Pan Amoi ican exposition. Miss Rachel TJvans left yesterday to spend a week in New Yoik. TAYLOR. In honor of her sixth birthday annl-eii-nry, Mibs Maiy Harris, daughter of Mr. and Ml.s. William W. Hanls, was tendeied a paity on Monday atter noon by a number of her little tiiends and associates. The afternoon was well spent by the little ones. Refreshments weio seived. The little folks present weio: Misses Nellie, Geitiude, Ada and L'sthor Lewis, Saiah Jenkins, Maiy and Winifred Harris. Maiy Kvans, Lillian and Myvanvvy Davis, Elizabeth Will iams, Myvanwy Phillips, Maitha A. William--, Melba Kvans, l'dlth Thomas, and Masters Steve Bennett, Eugene Rossar, John Jones and Samuel Jcn-kiiK-. The maniago of Mr. James r. Tim lin and Miss Jennie Loughney will oc cur this morning at the St. Joseph church. Kvoiy member of Minooka tribe, No. -M7, Improved Older of Red Men, is re quested to bo present at this evening's session, as business of impoitance will be tiansacted. The tuncral of Mis. John Hodeo will bo held tomorrow afternoon from hci late home on Washington street. Tho Aichbald and Pyne mines of the Lackawanna company aio Idle for re pa I is. The benefit drawing and entertain ment for Mrs. Goodwin has been post poned fiom Thuisday to Friday even ing. July Ti. All membeis of Lackawanna lodge, No. 18, Ameiican Piotestant Ladies' association, aio lequestod to meet in their rooms this morning at !.S0 o'clock, to make auangements lor the funeral of their beloved sister, Mis. John Hodge. The Antluacltc Glee eluh will meet tomonow evening In their rooms In Llewellyn's hall at 7.30 o'clock, on Im portant business. Mts. William Ganswer and chlldien, of Lincoln Heights, weio the guests of her mother, Mis. John Hughes, of Main bttoet. Th Lackawanna Telephone company had a gang of men engaged In stilng Ing wires for the placing of their tele phones in this town. SUSQUEHANNA. Special to the. Scranton Tribunt Susquehanna, Juno 21. A number of Susquehanna boiler makcis aie in Meadvillo today, attending a union confeionce. Fredcilclt Teal spent Sunday with Bliighamtou t datives. Chailcs n, Whitney, of Llmlia, spent Sunday und Alonday at his homo In this place, Fred O. Mai tin, of Deposit, was, on Sunday and Monday, tho guest of Sus. quehannu lelatives, A Susquehanna delegation on Sat urday lotuined tiom the Pan-Amcil-can exposition, Tho Union boiler makeia deny tho cmient teport that tho committee of local business men will visit Now York ut their instigation, The committee, ncveitheless, will confer with Piesldent Underwood in tho near futuio. The Avenuo Methodist cliuicli will hold mi lio cream social in the chinch basement, July 4. A delegation of UiIq cngltiecis on Satuiday afternoon accompanied tho lemaius of the late Engineer Judbon Lov eland fom lioinellsvllle to Susque hanna. A largo delegation left today for Hoait lake, to attend the summer school for Sunday school vvoikers. Tho Fox family leunton will be held at the resilience of A. O. Fox, at Locutt Hill, on Monday next. nov. Dr. and Mis. J. L. Williams weie at Troy, N. Y., on Wednesday, wheie Mr. Williams officiated at tho marriage of Miss Gertrude M. Shields Note Our Prices for Perfect, Full Set Teeth (that fit) 3old Fillings Silver Fillings Gold Crowns Teeth Without Plates $5.00 CUtnlrg Teeth 50s for Palnlew Kxtraot- CnCD- Other Work Ih Done. "ICC guarantee for 10 years on all work. 0. Incorporated Company doing btisL this State, and operating a system of O guarantee of our responsibility and 9 We Advertise. " 1 Corner Lrkwanna and Wyoming avcnui o Newark Shoe fitorc Scrinton. LarnMt dental concern In tho world. 20 otflcc In United States. Incorporated. and William F. Her. Mr. Her Is a nephew of the officiating clergyman. At Dopow, N. Y on Thuisday next, Miss Carroll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Weiss, will bo united In mar riage to Robeit W. McDonald, of Hoi nellsv llle. Isaac Bond, tho Eile's master me chanic In Iloinellsvlllo, is In town to day. Tho annual commencement oxoiclses of Lauiel Hill academy will bo held In Hogan Opera houso on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. A splendid pro giamme has been arranged. The remains of the Into Erie engl neei, Judson Lov eland, of Hornells ville, were on Saturday afternoon in terred in Eveigieen ccmeteiy. The Susquehanna hand w ill this evening hold a social hop and open air conceit Tho annual congiegational meeting, for the purpose of electing trustees, will be held in tho Piesbyterlan church on Thuisday evening. OLD FORGE. Rev. Bontlov and wife are visiting Mrs Bentley's father, Mr. Thomas Robinson. The ladles' Mlssionaiy .society will moot at the home of Mrs. It a Poitor, on Thursday afternoon. Miss Jennie Wlldrlck Is spending a few days with fi lends In Avoca. A supper w 111 bo served at the home of Mis Gcarv Giay for tho benefit or tho L idles' Aid society, on Wednes day cv onlng, Juno 2i Ico cream and cake will also ho solved. Everybody Is cordially Invited to attend. Arrangements- aio bolnp made for a grand oelcbiation on tho Brick Metho dist Episcopal chuich lawn July 4. (Mline Stadies of fltiman Nature One on the Fiofessor. Picsiricnt l.bcit, of II mini, told thu story at the Cornell dnh ilinuir the oilier eccnins: " fiicnd of mine, i college piofessor, went into i nonilcil retiuianl in New oik city for lmiUicon one lot djy lnt rnminrr lho nrRro in cluie of Hie Ihr inniloi whcic the hat j.liclus tnod wi-. nn IntilllRcnt Woking fellow, md lit? licm and smile were nut of the ohacqui on-, etupiil Kind -o oftin .ifTrttcd liy colored waiters and doormen in lintel' lie took my fiicnd'i 1m t anil ice no check for it in return. n hour latci, when the piofesor nine out of the dining loom, the ntKio Rhnceil .it him in a lompiclienihc i, turned to the shclus and luuded him his lint. "V,y fiicnd U i man who piide himself on his pourn of oli-i nation, and the negro's ability to rcmcmlicr to whuh rich artnlo of clothing licloiiRirl suuik him as lulng something vciy winderful. 'How did ou know tins was my hit!" lie asked 'I didn't Know it, fall,' wis the reply. " 'Then whe did you jicc it to me(' the pro. dor iitr-dUcd " Tcijuc ou cic it to me, sail.' " Boston Jouiii.i1. A Misnamed Tiain. He had dihen fiom i liukwood h unlet to the t-tatlou, md aflcr making an il luiiy of tlv con ductoi boarded the Inln for Philidclphla Wlrn well on the way lie stopped the bluc coaied ofhiial and alcd In all terlmi-.nes: "I'm ocilei liungrc, 11 yt tell me jest wheie the rjtin' .ai V" "There Is none nn this tnin," was Hie answer. "Its 'hut run does not rcqiiiie it " 'Huh!' fciunted tho miutionci "W'icli o" yer keers is the one ihil ye jest loll atouud in an' tin ii and twltt yrr cheer an wn yc plci"i Hon't Iinaglno thit, liciu-.c I've never went nllroidin' Jtoio 1 don't know nil about thee tlilnm." "m prohilily me in Hie Pullman. c luvcn't anc ulluhcii," "Well, bu'elln' scjiiithcil W'cie's ci tlgir Hind, to' 1 kin le buy In' i weed an' llghtm' up!" "Wo don't have such t thing, min " "An" ye'o no pl-ic fcr mc to git my shoes shined, ur be sine!" "No, nil." "Course, I'd he cruy tcr think yo might have a baibci lad abuam " "We bKcii't am," The ruial gcnlleTiin eubjeLled the conductor to a menacliu .-crutim tiom head to foot and bnk ataln, Then Ua drawled out in an ansiy, di-appolnted trne ol voice: "Will, miiIi i In' loiunieil! I thou;ht yo said this wiu an accoinmolatiou train!" One on the Summer gill, One of thee mils nt in i himmmk on a Hollywood piarra when a tuiiimcr boy in a 1,1 ly Milt tamo alone. Ho looked iinliupp, 1hi clrl looleil at lilin fclMdoutlc, and spied a button of a pittcl tliade in Ids lipel, "A new kludi'' nho asked, inquiringly, "What Is It? lUe )o bwoin oft or aie you'a son l tuinrililiic oi utherJ" "So," he in-wned shortly, "I've Joined a P-on't Wouy ( luh " "Hheii did yon joint" shea.kcd "lho diy afici 1 met you," he rcjoln-d ilcuily, Her Revenge on Papa, In a iiil.iln I'uiiivh u)l town lives a Utile girl who liai i pi ii Hi it was horn in l.nglanl Hie i xii iiitcii-c Mnrricin, and liei pipa d. Hslns i terse hei by tilling hci Hut miiuc iliy lie will talf her In I upland, wheie, a-. Hie daughter of an rnglUhiiian, the will be icing nlied us an l.nglUh girl 'Ihls.nukca her vciy unhappy Tlic pipa dellgHs lo annoy his dauslitfi also h uKrring lo Hi first piesldent ot tin I nluj States as '0 Washlnsfton " he think, it is extremely ilhrc-pilful to say ' ( " instead of l.coige," nnd it docs not mollify licr in the lecst to b told thit Washlngtcni wj acnis limed to write his nunc with the ilmplc inl Hal "0." fills littla Anrriian eels even with her Fn,' llih papa sometimes fchc i. fond of leading stories v( the colonial and revolutionary uiiiod. 6 Painless Dentistry $5.00 $1.00 SO $3.00 to $5.00 ? jfl PLATES N U DCflli. nbUUlt)t & FINANCIAL. V.".i. OLDEST! 3AFEST! 3EST! WALL STREET Money Will Tarn Big Monthly Returns. The Ini est cr'a Fund Pay a Scml monthly. Tho oldr-t ilih!lhcd In Amcrlci No certificate holder has ecr last a tent. Payments made to nil subscribers every 15 days No tiouble No delay. Money refunded on dennnd Write to day for particulars', flee to my nddres9 C. II. Jlackey i, Co , lludon Wd'g , New Yotk. $55,000 Rocky Mount, N. C, 5 Water, Sewer and Electric Light BONDS. Yielding 4.40 Per Cent. Write (or special circular. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 Nassau St., New York. .Not long ago she lead one of theso stories, an I in the book she fund 111 illustration vvlm.li lleised lur very much. Calling her papa to hrr ship the pointed out 1 piUure of a ship's deck, with a inn on his knee peeping down a dau opening in tho floor. "flo you sec this picture, papa!" she asked. "V es, dear " "ft is the picture of an Ameiican warship.'' "I sec" "Do you sec that hole where that man U peeping downf" "ii, dear " "Well," siie cvclanned triumphantly, "that hole is full of bloomin' Liighshmcn " Harpct'i I!j2iar. The Invitation Accepted. "I was stumping Pennsylvania during the last lanipaign in company with Gencial Gobin," said Kepiiseiitatlcc Olmsted, of Ilarnburg, recently to the Washington Post "I had never acquired a Knowledge of Pennsylvania Dutch, and f,eneiu fiohin impressed upon mc the adcaniaRC lint would result fiom such an aitomplishmcnt. Oi ns-ionallv on our stumping trip he would under take to teach me soniilldrg of that language, and I flaUucd myself that 1 was making prellv good piorc-s &o conhdent liad I become of tlw advantage ot speaking Hutch thit befoio wu iciclied a town I would generally ak him in tiaih hip some ood Dutch phrase that I could weave into my remarks "One diy, 111 pirlicnlar, which I remrmbri, ntn when we weio taking a carriage drive scveril milts oier a inuntrv roid to till in engagement. When the spues of the town were in view It 01. c iircd 10 me to request Oencnl Gobin lor i p'uaso ot Pennsylvania Dutch that I could rcp-it before my audicwc. Ho icspondid rcidily an I aclvUcd mc lc say, 'Wis nempst' at ihe clo 0 of niv discouic, "Delighted with Hie suggestion, I addressed mv audienie 111 enthusiastic terms, mil csicludcl with this eloquent evordium: 'f-riends and fel low citizens, put yom cioss at bead of tho ticket, stand by the flag, and patilollcally sup. port the ltcpubliian piny Wa.- nimpt!" "such a rush for tho aonn in followed tlu close of my speech was, I believe, never bcfor witnessed in tint section of Pcnnsylvanii lbs little phrase which ftoncial dnbin tauaht me 1? the Pennylvanli Dutch foi 'What will you luva to takr-V and it actinlly cot me "-IS to settle with the delighted proprietor of Hut drink ei. labllsbment." Loid Salisbury ns a Dresser. Heie Is an amiMiig and characteristic story of I oid NilMniiy, It Is known tint the premier i most larclrss in his drrs., and that he Is much too seilous in Ills mind ind occupations to luv much rcgaid foi the nicicly cciemonlal side ot life. lor homi years Ihi-i failing pioduced no evil results, for 1 cid hallahmy had a faithful valit, who looked after Mm, but one unhappy day tie valit loft, and lord .Salisbury was rcduicd to his own icsourioJ It wis levee day, and the min ister was In the midst of serious business up to lho last moment. Ho rushed home, turned nut a laige bundle of unltoims, of which, of course, lis his a quantity, and took the first t lut came in Ids hind, with the astonishing icsiilt that lie wore a loat that bclon.-ed to the l'.lder Itietlucn of Trinity House, a deputy lieutenant's pair of tinoseis, and i hat of lho P.oyal Vnheis l.vcn that vvas not of tho woistT lie woie Ills garter "n the vvion,' side, and thliiBS leached Ihelr cllnnx in the waistcoast, which, elating fiom an citlbr and less loinsiitlo period or his life, left hv twccn it anl Hie linuscr vvlul was once laltcd, in tho caso 1 f mother parliamentary, "a, lucid irlerval," .New Lncland Vlagatine. Identification. There aie not nany men who are better known in Dftinll than Delcctive Pat O Nell. He has two boy of whom he Is justly prouf, Ihe other day he wis walking with his to um, unit, mooting several friends, he sloppid tn talk with llicm 1 he h"js weie, dieted cv aitlv Hut fame way, and lo the outsider they looked as marly alike as tvvu giapcs in a In nih. " Sru they twins, I'att" asked one of tin flillldi lib, no." replied Mr (VNeil "Well, bv (.eorgc, I ilon't sec how von (ill them aput,'' vcntuicd another of the friends. Oil, that's easy," taid I'll "IliU one is 3 and the oilier Is years oM " "No, papa," rcjme1 (he Iitlei of (he tw beys, "he's 0 and I in S " Detrult I'ree Press. A Ctushing Betort. loole, Hie great aclor, was the guest of a wealthy banker at Ins iountiy house U dinner a dispute arose between Ihe actor anl a young nobleman who sought to disparage t'oot ly asking what his father was " tradesman." said Feotc. "Then, sir. It's, a pity he did n t make you one." ' vnd puv, what js your fither, my loidt" "My father, Mi Foote, wa, a gentleman " "Then, my lord, it's a pity lie did not mike you one,1' IB&aL- 2 , jHo I'BlLiM.i-pMiii. w 6