t'tC! rJW - -'o"V,f?tel.7tS'"fcti.f !' PAf?.T'!57irie75?7ra;'t'iJlIl( .? ;t .?- -,t.,i"' v e; - v TThv? , . ' , 'v ribtttie. tronton flout 'fiiSttUiKtffgi i i-j ' j 1 THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. SCIUOTON, PA., WHDXHSDAY MORNING, .fUNE 20, 1901. TWO CENTS. TEN PAGES TEN PAGES TWO CENTS. GOV. NASH IS RENOMINATED He Is Aoaln Ghosen as Standard Bearer bu the Repub licans ol Ohio. CARL NIPPERT FOR LIEUT. GOVERNOR !he Heat Intense and Speeches Wore Cut Short by Chairman Hanna Other Business Conducted with Dispatch Comment Is Caus ed by the Nomination of Nipport in Place of Lieut. Governor Cnuld well Anti-Saloon League Not Suited, Ity nclu-iic Wlic from The Associate! I'im. Columbus. O., Juno a:.. Tho Ucpiibll- ci.n state convention mot licrc today ml nominated the following ticket: jovcrnor, Lieome K. Nash; lieutenant 'overnor, Cnrl Nlpiicrt: Supremo judge, J. L. Price: attorney general, John M. .Sheets: clerk of tlic Supremo court, l.awson K. Ihner.son; state treasurer, Isaac A. Cameron: member of board o public works, AV. (.!. Johnson. The convention was in session from 10.10 to 1.10, breaking the Ohio record by completing its work in three hours. The Intense heat was prostrating, and Chairman llanna not. only cut short his own speech, bill also those of others, and then dispatched business with the utmost speed. In those three hours the convention nominated a full slate ticket, adopted lis declaration of principles, endorsed Joseph I?. Foraker as the Kcpuhliciin candidate for re-election as I'nltcd States senator, completed the party or ganization for the campaign anil trans acted other business. Of th'o seven nominations, only three were new men and one of these. Nlppert, for lieuten ant coventor, was nominated without opposition, after Meutonuiit (iovornor Caldwell had declined renominatlon. Xash, Sheets. Cameron and Johnson were renominated for second terms without opposition. There Mere free-for-all contests for the nominations for Supreme bulge and clerk of the Su preme court. It had been currently reported that Crew and Crltchlield were on the Han na slate for these two nominations, but Senator Hanna vigorously denied tak ing any part whatever in the contests lor these two places. The vote showed that Price and Knierson had formed a combination that worked successfully for both of them. Judge Trice, of l,liui, has been on the common pleas and cir cuit benches, and Kincrson has been prominent in polities in Kaslern Ohio for years. Nippert'a Nomination. Tito nomination that caused the most comment was that of Nlppert In place of Lieutenant Governor Cald well, the latter being the only one who was elected with Governor Nash two years ago, that was not renomi nated for a second term. The state nntl-salnon league caused Caldwell to run several thousand behind his ticket in 1S!W, and had vigorously op posed his nomination. There were frequent calls for Caldwell in the con vention, but ho could not be Induced to take the platform. While the dele gates were calling for Caldwell, Chair man llanna made Caldwell a member of the committee to escort Governor Nash to tho hall to deliver Ills speech of acceptance, and while this com mittee was out Chairman Hanna promptly called up the next order of business and State Senator Nipport was nominated. Nlppert has been principal of schools in Cincinnati and police prosecutor there, Like Cald well, ho Is liberal In his views and tho state Anti-Saloon league express their displeasure because Nlppert, in tho last legislature, voted against tho Clark local option bill. Meantime, The representatives of tho liquor Interests left tonight for home very much dis pleased over what they term tho en forced retirement of Caldwell, while Hev. M. Clark has been renominated In Columbus for the legislature and several ftcpubllenn members who op posed the Clark local option bill have been defeated for renominatlon. Senator -Foraker was accompanied tonight to Cincinnati by a largo dele gation. Senator llanna and Governor Nash went to Gambler, where they nro to deliver addresses tomorrow nt tho commencement ot Kenyan college, OHIO REPUBLICAN PLATFORM State and National Administration'8 Policies Endorsed. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Columbus, Juno 25. The report of tho resolutions committee of tho Re publican stato convention, which was adopted unanimously by tho conven tion as the platform oC tho party in Ohio, reafllrins tho Philadelphia plat form, pledges undivided support to iho Republican party, tho iitugulllecnt achievements of which, it Is said, have added luslro to American his tory, and under tho administration or which the United mates has becnnio a world power, Industry has revived, plenty has succeeded want and our export trade leads tho world. Tho gold standard Is specifically In dorscd. Further strengthening of the navy, legislation looking to tho res toratloti of tho merchant murine, tho speedy construction of nn American ship canal across tho Isthmus are de clared to bo Imperative needs. In regard to combinations of capi ta the platform says: "Wo recognize tho right of both labor and capltul to combine when such combinations are wisely admin istered for the general good, but com binations which create monopolies to control prices or limit production ara an evil which must bo mot by effec tive legislation vigorously enforced." Congress Is asked to renew the hu mane and reasonable laws and treat ies for the continued protection of American labor. That plank hns par ticular reference to the expiration ot the Geary act. A ringing tribute Is paid to the sol diers and sailors of the United States. Attempts to deprive any citizen of his right to vote under the constitution Is denounced, nnd tho demand Is made that representation In congress and In the electoral college shall be based on the actual voting population, propor tionate reduction being made for any state In which the right of suffrage shall bo denied, except for crime. Lynching Is denounced in unmeas ured terms. Victory for tho American arms In tbft war with Spain, it Is asserted, lijw brought the blessing of liberty to mill ions of human beings. Tho principle that congress hns power to govern the new possessions according to the needs of their people, and in tho Interests of the people of tho United States, is de clared to have been upheld by the Su preme court. President JIcKlnley Is lauded for tho "prudent and successful management of American Interests in China." It Is declared that the nation's pledge to Cuba Is being faithfully kept, insur ing freedom nnd Independence to her people, who, it is ndded, are today en joying more prosperity than ever be fore. Tho Cubans arc congratulated upon "wise and conservative action in favor of a stable government." Porto Itieo, it is sold, Is flourishing beyond nil former experience!: Ha waii's entrance into full territorial relations with the United States gov ernment has been marked by the most marvellous progress known In the his tory of those islands. In tho Philip pines a "wicked insurrection has been .suppressed," nnd "civil government, contemplating the largest practicable degree of homo rule, has succeeded military control. Personal freedom, with an equality of rights heretofore to them unknown, is secured to every inhabitant." All those things are declared to bo duo to the "patriotic and brilliant ad ministration of President McKinlcy." who, in "facing unforeseen and grave responsibilities, has met them pru dently, bravely and successfully." Governor Nash's administration of tho stato government Is declared to have been "wise, able, prudent, honest anil economical." Full and cordial approval is ex tended to Senators Foraker and llan na. Senator Foraker is declared to have rendered "splendid and conspicu ous service in our country, and we earlestly indorse him for a second term." The platform closes by again pledg ing loyal support to the principles of its declarations and to tho party nominees. STRIKERS HAVE NOT BEEN WARNED New Jersey Central Officials Protes. Against an Item That Is Unfair to the Company. My Exclusive Wile from Tlic Associated 1'iovs. New York, June 2.". A dispatch from Wilkes-Tiarro yesterday stated that the Central Railroad of New Jersey had warned the strikers at Ashley shops to return this morning or consider them selves discharged. Charles If. Warren, vice-president and general manager of the Central road, declared today that the refer ence to his company is erroneous. Ho says his company sent no ultimatum or statement, and has not had any negoti ations with the men since the shops at Ashley were closed on May 20, after tho strike. He protests that the Item is un fair to his company. BRYAN NOT A CANDIDATE ' And According to Mr. Mack He Has No Presidential Choice, 11 Lulushe Wire fiom 'the Associated Pics-,, Xluffalo, Juno 2.". The following over the signature of Mr. William J, Bryan, appears In tho Times, Mr. Norman K. Mack's paper, this after noon: "1 am not only not a candlute for any olllce, but 1 have no candidate In mind for any olllce. My interest centers in principles, and men are Im portant only as they aid in carrying out those principles, "Tho Democratic party stands for dollnlte, positive principles, and unless I mistake the sentiments of tho masses, the voters will Insist upon adhering to these principles in spito of tho threats of organizers. Thoso who argue from the standpoint of ex pediency will not have Inlluenco with tho voters, becauso no one can say what Is expedient. We may deserve to win and yet lose, hut it still re mains that to deserve to win Is tho surest road to success," DANGER OF OVERTRAINING. The Speed of Americans Is Admitted by the English at Honley, Hy Kirlihhp Wlie from Tlic Associated I'rcsa. Henley, Fngland, Juno 25. 'io fast practice spins of the Pennsylvania University crew puzzle the Kngllsh ex ports, who say tho American form Is faulty, but that their speed Is un deniable. Kills Ward, the coach, and Managers Hart and Fuller havo been warned against tho danger of over-truliilng tho Americans, who nro doing much more work than tho Leumler oarsmen. It is said that Yale and Cornell made a similar mistake, m Bills Signed by Govornor. fly Kxtliuhe. Wire fiom Tlic Avuieiuleil Vims, IUiiMjiiic, .lime 2.5.-(,'ou'nior Slonc todjy ilgi.cd Hie following bill:- Authorising ritrri tors of township? having a population of over 1,XiQ to employ j tupcrvUlns prinelp.il of tcliooU, Authorizing the I'llUburg exposition society to Increase. Its tctiled IndcbtcducM fiom $200,000 to $000,000. llepcaling part of the teioml piovbo of the first tertion ol the jet of July j, iwil, relating to the punlMte of supplied fur thu Statu huanc husulul at Wanen. FLOOD VICTIMS NUMBER SIXTY The Latest Estimate Given In as to the Loss of Life in the Blue fields Region. FEW WILL BE IDENTIFIED Most of tho Bodies Found Are Swollen Boyond Recognition, Many of the Bodies Seon Floating Sown the Rivor Wore Washed from tho Graveyard on tho Banks Between North Fork Junction and Keystone Norfolk Railroad Com pany Making an Effort to Opon Communication Botwecn tho Affected Districts nnd the Outsido World. l)y L.velushn Wire from 'Iho Associated 1'rrsi. Hluoflcld, W. Va Juno 2,1. Another twenty-four hours has passed and the full extent of the vast damage done by tho flood cannot yet bo accurately stated. All over this section there is great relief expressed a,t tho an nouncement that tho loss of life Is not so great as at first believed. The loss of life Is now conservatively estimated at about sixty. .Many of tho missing who were mourned as dead by their friends, have turned up. Six bodies were found yesterday, but they worn discolored and swollen beyond recog nition. it Is now highly probable that very few of the dead whose bodies are found at this late clay will ever be Identified. A letter today from Keystone says between ten and fifteen people were drowned and forty houses washed away at that placo. Tho people are hard at work clearing up the town anil repairing damaged buildings. The re port received here yesterday that the father, mother, one sister, two broth ers and a sister-in-law, Willi two chil dren, or J. W. Crntty. of the Norfolk and Wester" railway, were drowned, was a inlstantA Mr. dotty Is now in the coul fields and telegraphed today that they were nil safe. A gentle man arriving in this city today from the stricken section gives as an c planaliou for the reports circulated, that great masses of human bodies were to bo seen floating around in the water that there is a grave-yard be tween North Fork Junction and Key stone, which towns are about a mile apart, and at which point tno storm was very severe. This grave-yard is near the bank of the river. AVlien the flood canio the graves gave up I heir dead and added greatly to the number of bodies seen. Efforts to Opon Communication. The Norfolk and Western F.nllrnnrt company continues to make every ef fort to hasten the opening of commu nication between (lie affected districts and the outside world. Laborers are going in a stream and many hundreds more could be used. The work of clearing tho debris goes on night nnd day. A thoroughly equipped electric light plant, consisting of three cars has been provided. 11 is capable of fur nishing forty are lights of great power and is equipped with a huge search light that sweeps the country around for a mile. Wrecking trains complete ly manned continue to arrive. They have been sent by connecting Hues to aid In clearing the right of way and rebuilding the tracks. A carload of covered wire, like that used by the army has been received and Is being laid on tho ground to complete the broken lines of telegraph wires. This wire can be laid in water and works as well as when stiung on poles. It Is expected that a line ot wire will be ready for uso Inside of forty-eight hours. Tho estimate made by the railroad ofllclals Is that 0110 line of temporary tiaelc will be open as fur as tho east of Vivian yard, Including Klk nidge, by tomorrow night, and it is thought trains can be gotten that far. General Hoggs, private secretary to fiovcrnor White and Adjutant fioneral Hudson are here looking Into tho necessities for a relief movement. It seems to bo tho general opinion that there will bo no necessity for calling out tho stuto guard as the railroad- and coal com panies havo sulliclent systems of polic ing tho devastated district. A great many of tho coal mines will havo their damage repaired and bo ready for shipping somu tlmo before tho railroad Is In sudlclent repair to bundle tho output. The people Of tho storm-swept sec tion appear terrorized nnd their excite ment Is so Intense that they are really helpless as far as work Is concerned, In this section of severe thunder storms each Hash of lightning and peal of thunder Is enough to causo paiilo. The dead, as fast as found, are being hastily burled and many times tho spot Is not marked, Urldges on (lie Hiiniuniv.i creek and Klipplng branches are, with ono excep tion, all replaced by temporary trestles. At Bramwoll tho bridge over milestone Is being erected by a fotce of men under the direction of .Superintendent Needles, of tho .Shenandoah division. At Cedar iilufte, sixteen miles west of Tazewell, seventeen dwellings were swept away, hut tin lives woro lost. At Pounding Mill, four lives were lost. Kuohe, a small town seven miles west, with almost completely destroyed. Hav ens, two miles west, was badly dam aged and many buslncra houses were destroyed, The damage to country roads will be not less than $50,000, The Dead Recovorod. Uelow Is given tho names of some of tho dead so far recovered: Nellie Smith, white; Annie Smith, white; Charles Kheely.t white; Mrs. .Wi'oy, colored; Sam Pnludcxtcr, colored; John Hal lard, colored; TSottle Drown, colored; Trlii!,', colored; Jacob Xillllu, ol- nri'd; John Hannlsler, colored; mother nnd ha be, unknown. KILLING ACCIDENTAL. Homor Bliss Admits That His Fath er Did Not Commit Suioido lly i:.ululvo Wire from 'Iho A.viocl.iteil I'ivm, Mt. Clemens, Midi., June 25. Homer UIIhs, who was arrested several days ago on suspicion of killing his father, wIiofp badly decomposed body was found on his farm, confessed to the killing this .r-Vernnon, nutintalnlng, however, that It was accidental. Ac cording to iHlsa confession, he found his father, June 3, about to commit sui cide. In thu struggle over the gun ho had, It was accidentally discharged, Homer says, Innantly killing tho father. The next day Homer burled tho body, leaving It In the grr-'ud until June II, when he exhumed Placing It on a wheelbarrow, he 7 .ved It to the Kpot where It was f nil last Saturday, llore he proppr it against a stump and tledi the gr to a sapling, to make It appear his fattier had committed sui cide. REV. JOSEPH COOK DEAD Tho Well Known Historical Writer and Lecturer Expires at White hallHis Great Popularity. Il.v txc lnlo Wir.'' fiom Tho A-Aneijlfil Pro's. Whitehall, X. .' . June 23. The Rev. Joseph Cook of Ticondcroga, a prom inent historical writer and lecturer, died last night of Hriglit's disease. Tile Hev. Joseph Cook attracted wide attention by his so-called Monday lec tures, which ho delivered IlrsL in Bos ton and then in other cities, from 1S77 to 1SSS. These lectures, which covered a wide range of subjects, from biology to "current religious perils," "con science" or "socialism," owed their success to tho special appeal which the speaker's methods made to the popu lar Imagination. They have been col lected and published In book form, In eleven volumes, numerous editions of which have appeared In England. Joseph Cook was born in Tlcouder oga, N. T., Jan. 2fi. ISI1S. lp was tho son of a. farmer, but he exhibited a passion for reading from his boyhood. Once, when he was fi years of ago. he attended an auction of a. district school library anil bought every book of merit in Hie collection. As a reward of good scholarship he was offered his choice hot ween a -watch and a. cyclopaedia, and be chose the latter, lie entered Vale lu 1S.1S, but, his health becoming impaired, he left early in ISfil. Two years later, ho entered Harvard as a 'junior anil was graduated in 1S6.", not only receiving high honors but carry ins off several prizes. Mr. Cook then studied three years at Andover sem inary adding a fourth year for special study of advanced religious and philo sophical thought. A license to preach was granted to him, but he declined all invitations to any settlement as pastor. He preached in Andover during ISfiS 1S70. and was acting pastor in Lynn, Mass., in 1S70-IS71. Ho then went to Kurope and studied at Halle, l,olpsie, Merlin and Heidelberg; then travelled in Italy, Kgypt. Creece, Turkey and northern 'Africa. Iteturnlng to the United Stales near the close of 1S7.1, be became a lecturer on the relations of religion, science and current reform. It was at this period that his lectures, which he delivered at Treniont Tem ple, Hoston, became widely known as "Huston Monday Lectures." Although delivered at noonday, they drew audi ences to tho full capacity of the hull, which seats :!,nno. The lectures were reported in many newspapers. During the winter of 1R7S-1S70 he con ducted a Hoston Monday-noon lecture ship and a New York Thursday-evening lectureship, besides tilling a large number of engagements. His discours es were never taken seriously from the, viewpoint of sclontilli! research or depth of analysis, but he had a re markablo facility for handling lan guage, and his topics wera always chosen with an eye to popular Interest. His lectures ha.ve been likened to the reading matter iu a certain class of enterprising American newspapers. Ho had a deep Insight Into tho human na ture of his audiences. He knew how to hold their attention and to make them come again. It was this quality which made his lectures so famous that lu ISS0 he received an Invitation from abroad which resulted In his cele brated lecturing tout around the world. lie made lit." public- appearances In flreat llrllalu passed several months in (lerimiuy and Italy and went to India by way of (Jreece, Palestine nnd Kgypt, From India his tour extended to China, Japan. Australia, New .ca lami and tho Sandwich islands, re turning homo by way of San Krau clsco, In Japan lie gave twelve lectures six in Knglish and six through an in ti'i'preler to audiences composed chlelly of Japanoso students, teachers and public men. Ills lectures havo been published In oloven volumes and havo appeared lu ninny editions iu Kngland as well aa In this country. Ho took a prominent part lu "Tho World's Parliament of Religion," held In Chicago lu connection with tho Columbian exposition. Slnco thou ho litis pot boon prominently before -tho public, Corporations Gharterod, lly i:cliitlvc Wliu hull) The Asnii.itFil Press. 1 l.i 1 1 i-Tnii u , Juno "'- t'hnliH uoio U-nol by Iho onto ilepjiliuciil toddy In Iho lolluulnj (.uipoullons: 'the Uilloii ami Mi.tion Hill Sheet ll.illujy Liiiiip.iny, to IhiiIi! .1 line from Ahliu .nul Col, Unhide tu Sh'iinn Hill, .1 tlUtaiuc ul tucnl four mile.,; i.ipil.(l, Wl,i). The I. inn, (ii.nl.vtille anil UYoti heater Hallway riiiiipan.v, to luilhl a lino from I. Inn In We-l-i holer. .1 iIUIjiko uf ten mile; ciplUI, u".ll". Tho Centre .nul Cle.nllplif Street lljljy com. p.u.y, to luilhl :i ic.nl from Morrl-dilo to ll.u-oli, u illxUiU'O of clown miles; ejpllul, W1. The i:.it fiiilo Street K.illway company, (o luilhl tun inih'j of ro.nl in the city of (.'lic&li-r; upiui, $r.',im I Bifj Medicine Company. Py Exelusbc Wire from The .Vswlalcd Preu. Pout, Del.. June '.'J. -The Ceimini Mcilulno ami UiuiiU-.il ioiiip.in.v-, ot I'llblmit;, uplul, ijOCOnw, ttuj Iniuiponlnl todjy. THE GENERAL APPROPRIATION BILL PASSED It Carries More Than $15,000,000 to Defrau Expenses of State Government. OTHER BILLS CONSIDERED The Conference Report on the Com pulsory Education Bill Is Adopted. A Measure Permitting Recorder of Cities of the Second Class to Ap point Sealers of Weights and Measures Senate Bill Increasing Salaries of Judges in Counties Having Population of 80,000 Pails in House. fly Exilmho Wire fiom The Associated Press. Harrisburg, Juno 2.1. The most Im portant business done at tho afternoon session of the senate was tho final passage of the general appropriation bill. It carries more than $15,000,000, to defray tlic expenses of the execu tive, legislative nnd judicial branches of the stato government. Tho senate appropriations committee added about twenty-live amendments to It, In creasing the appropriation about $H8, 000. There was no discussion and tho vote was 11 yeas with no negative votes. The vote by which tho conference report of tho Philadelphia fee bill was passed at the mornffiff session of the senate was reconsidered and the bill was sent back to conference. It was amended so that cities co-cxtenslve with a county shall only bo affected, and it was again reported back by the conference committee. The report will be adopted at a subsequent ses sion. The conference report on the com pulsory education bill was also adopted. These hills were passed finally: House bill appropriating $."),000 for the erection of a marker In memory of the American soldiers killed at the battle of llrandywlne. Amending the act relating to the appointment or inspectors of scales, weights and measures, so that the recorders of second class cities can ap point the sealers. House bill validating acts done by corporations before the rccon'.ig of their charters. In the House. The following senate bills passed tin ally: Knlarging the jurisdiction of com mon pleas courts: authorizing the con demnation of real estate needed for tho use of state normal .schools; authoriz ing county commissioners to maintain and assume control of township ami borough bildges over forty feet In length and providing- for the rebuilding of any bridges which may be destroyed and the building of new bridges. The following senate appropriation bills passed finally: Monument to the Tenth Pennsylvania regiment, $2.'i,000; St. Joseph's hospital, Scranton, $1,000; Home for the Friendless, Scranton, $1, 000; State Klsh commission. tSO.noo; Philadelphia protectory, $10,000; monu ment to (.Inventor Curtln, $10,000; Nason hospital, flouring Springs, $o,000. The following senate bills also failed on final passage: Authorizing James lluss, of Harris burg, to bring suit in the Dauphin county court against tho common wealth to recover the amount of his bill for furnishing supplies to the leg islature of 1S07 on Its trip to New York, Tho Wnshbunio lull, providing for tho Inspection of boats on tho inland streams of Pennsylvania. Allowing a notary public to own bank stock. Increasing tho salary of judges in counties having a population of over 80,000. At Evening Sossion The following senate bills passed du ally at the evening session: Regulating the fees to be charged by .sheriffs, nnd providing for tho collec tion and taxation of the same. Authorizing tho grading, paving and curbing or macadamizing of streets and alleys which may bo lu whole or lu part tho boundaries of boroughs anil lirst-class townships, by joint contract, and providing for tho payment of costs, damages and expenses. Authorizing lownslilps to enter into contracts with any poison or corpor ation to mipply water for llio protec tion, Conferring upon residents of Penn sylvania the like exemptions from lien, levy and sale of their property on Judg ments obtained hero for causes of ac tion arising on investments made else where, as Is allowed by the honiesteiul or exemption laws of tho state, terri tory or county where tho causo of ac tion arose, or tho Investment wa nmdo to citizens thereof, Tlic senate bill, making recitals in deeds and other Instruments of title evldouco of certain facts iu actions in volving tho title to land or where tho title to land Is drawn lu question, failed on Una) passage. Tho senate amendments to tho bill creating a separate Orphans' court In Lackawanna county were concurred In. The senate amendments to tho bills milking appropriations for a state homeopathic Insane hospital and a free hospital for consumptives were also concurred In. Adjourned until 10 a. in, Wednesday. Computo Votes for State Treasurer lly llxiliiihe Wire fiom Tlic AssooUled 1'rcw. lljllUhurs, .1 line 2". At ,i uui-iis of the Itepub. lkjn iiunilieiM of I he limitc uai held todjy, 41 wlikh lUpu-M-iilatm's l.i-anl, of lii'lijn.i; 'I'lioiiu, ot Center, und 111 J hill, uf l.jmutei", urie nominated to open uud compute I he tnte-i fur Utu tu'djuia- u( thu next general vK-Ulun. THE NEWS THIS MORNING Weather Indications Today! FAIR: VARIABLE WINDS. 1 tteneral Victim of the Virginia l'!ood, tloirrnor Nnili lttnomliulcit by Ohio ltepul)- I leu M. Work of the Slain beuMators. New ('ongresslonal Apportionment. 2 (lenerul Curliond.ile Department. .1 Story "AuriRcd; or, tlic Miner's Daughter.'1 4 Kdllnrlal. Note and Comment. 5 bocul (io.sslp of the Sportlnf? World, 0 I.oe.il Commencement nt St. Cecelia's. Il.inipiet ot tho IIIkIi .School Alumni. 7 Local Harford School Chlldrrn Made Happy. l'lORtest of tlic Kriiicntlnn.il Contest. 8 Local West Scranton and Suburb in. 0 (Jeneral XortheasUni lVnnsybanU. rin.mc.lal and Commercial. 10 Local Court Proceedings. Number of June Wedding. LEHIGH VALLEY SHARES ARE SOLD The Delaware Lackawanna and Western and D. & H. Among the Purchasers. rty Kxclusive Wire from The Associated Press. 'Philadelphia, June 23. The Press to morrow; will say: It can now be said that the shares of tho I-ehlgh Valley Kallroad com pany have been purchased by a num ber of railroads whoso lines are con nected In close relation with the 1-e-Iilgh Valley property. Among these purchasers are tho Philadelphia ami Heading, the Urie, the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, tho Central Railroad of New Jersey and the Dela ware and Hudson. All these com panies have bought a certain amount of the shares of the l.ehlgh Valley and will hold them as i investment. Tho Packer estate, which for many years controlled- the Lehigh Valley, and at one time owned outright ISO.or.o shares has sold to the parties named, through bankers, the whole of their holdings ami the estate does not hold a share of the Lehigh Valley stock. A step iu tlic direction of -a more formal adoption of a permanent policy in reference to the future nf the Le high Valley railroad had just been taken In the election of 10. 1!. Thomas to tho ehalninnshlp of the Lehigh Val ley board of directors. Mr. Thomas, until recently, was the president of tbo Erie railroad, and he has lately been mado chairman of the directors of that road. GOVERNOR'S APPOINTMENTS. List of Officials Confirmed by the Senate at Harrisburg-. fly i:clu-io Wire from Tno Asnnelateil Pre-. Harrisburg, June 25, (jovernor Stone today sent to the senate the following appointments: Charles Millar, Franklin, major gen eral National Guards of Pennsylvania, July 25. 1000, for five years. John W. Heliall, Nnrristown, briga dier geireral, National (Juards of Penn sylvania, May III, 1Sf9, for five years. Israel W. Durham, Philadelphia, Insurance commissioner, May, 1000, three years. Frank Iteeder, Kaston, banking com missioner, Oct. .1. I'.iOO. four years. T. L. Kyro, West Chester, superin tendent public grounds and buildings, four years from April 21. ISM. James K. Roderick, Hazleton, chief bureau of mines, May 2, 1S09, for four years, James Campbell, Pittsburg, factory Inspector, three years from Jan, 15, 11)01. Hubert W. Urowulee, Washington, commissioner National Ilimd, throe years from June 1, 1000. John Hamilton, Stato college, secre tary of agriculture, four years from April 25, ISDO. Jesso K. Cope, West Chester, dairy and food commissioner for four years from Juno II, 1000, To bo inspectors of the Kaslern peni tentiary for the Eastern district of Pennsylvania, for the term of two years fiom May 31, 1001: Conrad B. Day, Philadelphia; (lenrgu Vaux, Philadelphia; Alexander rialfour, X'lill adelphla. William O. Huey, Philadelphia, to servo for two years from June 25, 1001, and James (lay to serve for two years from Juno 25, 1901, to bo trustees of tho Htuto Institution for the feeble minded of Western Pennsylvania at Polk, for the teuu of three years from the dates sot opposite their names, icspectlvely: H, M. Jackson, Apollo, May 1, 1M9; Thomas H. Sampson, Oil City, May 1, 1S9U; Samuel 11, Miller, Mercer, May 1, lMWj J, N. Davidson, Allegheny, May IS. 1S09; William T. Hradborry. Alle gheny. May Kt, 1R99; John A. Wiley, Kinnklin, May 1, 1900; Clem-go V, Dav enport, Meadvllle, May 1, 1900; S. H, Church, Pittsburg, .May 1, 1901; W. J. Uliikuley, Franklin, May 1, 1901. To bo trustees of tho state hospital for Insane at Wan en, for tho term of throe years from the dates eot oppo site their names, respectively; V, II, Osteiiiout, Itldgway. Juno 10. 1899: S, it, Mason, Mercer. June 10, 1S09; S. W. Waters, Warren, Juno 10, 1S99; Charles C. Shirk, Krie, Juno 10, 1900; (icorgo Lewis, oil City, Juno o. 1900, and John F, Drown, Clarion, until Juno 20, WJ, vice J. Wilson, Ciroonluiul, resigned. Milling Trust Organized, ny Kscbubo Wire from Tbo Aoelaled I'rcM. Philadelphia, .liiuo :!").-At u meeting of t lie Kartell) Hilling: and Kxport mmpan,, .in nipjui.. ,il Ion icicntly mg.iul.i'ri, Hut took our some thirty nt Iho leading Hour mills of IVnu,.tbani.i, I In following illieiloii. uiio elected toda) : W. ti. Auricmchl, jr., Ni-utmi .Ijikwiu, D. It. I.nihcl', of l.jmaeri II. C. Nile, of '"k; Senator 1 1. Laub.uh, 1'nllcd Stale Ticitoiiirr J. V. Finney; C. II. I.uilier, of l..iii(.i.-li'ij C. b. Il.irpei, II. N. (illt, ll.inmer; II. T. lluul and I). K. Small, of Yoik; Noimaii llroy. of Camden: K. K, Freed, ot l.ausdale, uud P. Hik, of ILriiMuug. Miss Knight Engages a Lawyer, London, .lime 2"). -MU 1'oilii Knight, Ihc Aiucrlian aiho.vi, liai engaged Sir Krinairi Claike, the foiiuer mlkltor s;cucial, as coiuimI in Iho Milt for lucutli of piuiuW' whh li she Iu3 brought uguhisV the Duke in Mauclutter, THE CONGRESS DISTRICTS ARE APPORTIONED Senator Gradu Files Bill IMIno New Allotment o! Congres sional Districts. SOME MARKED CHANGES Lackawanna in the Tenth District. Luzorno Apportioned in tho Elev enth and Sixteonth Districts. Wayne, Susquehanna, Wyoming, Sullivan and Bradford Aro in tho Fourteenth Northampton, Mon roe, Carbon and Piko Will Consti tute tho Twenty-Sixth District. Philadelphia and Pittsburg Ap portionments, fly nxulmlic Wire from Toe Associated Tress. Harrisburg, Juno 25. The session of the senate tonight was devoted wholly to tho concurrence of amendments in serted In senate bills by tho house. All of tbo amendments made by the house to various bills passed by that body today were concurred in. Mr. flrady, of Philadelphia, tiled tins conference report on the congressional apportionment bill. Tho bill was iuito extensively amended by tho house, and the conference committee mado further changes. The bill as it now- stands Is us follows: l -1st. :;rith, niitii, ::oth, 2fiti,, rib w.iuli of I'lillidclnhi.i. 2 i!nri, 3nl, llli, .".lb, Sth, nth, loth, 27th and filth n.il.k of Philadelphia. ,". i:illi, 1ltli, Kith, SMIi, 'Jlth, Stth wurl of Philadelphia. l-llth. Ilth, llflli. IMh. lTlli, ISth, 'J.llil, -rjtli, illi-t w.iiil.4 nf I'hll.idi'lphi.i. .V- intli, -i'ml, :sinl, .r.tli, STIli, fist waul? of l'hiladelphh. (i -liM,' 'J-tli, aitli, iHwl and oath wards ot Philadelphia. 7 -I'lieitrr ami Pel i are rountles. S-Mnntgnntciy and Ducks counties. V- bancMt'i county. ill-Lackawanna county. II 1.11ci nc, CM ept that potion bins noith and wt't of the Sii-.inieh.inti i liver. VJ Sr I111.1 Ikill county. 1-1 licliigli and llciks rniintii'i. Jl-w.ijni., Siw!ir.imu, Wi"Piiu?i Sulliun and Ilriidfoid counties. la Tiog.i, Potter, Incoming and Clinton coun ties. l(i -. Northumberland, .Montour, Columbia coun ties, and .ill that poition of lauoiiio i utility ly ing norlli and wot. of the Susquehanna, liver. 17 -IVny, .bmi.il.i, Huntingdon, Milllin, Kullon, t'laukliii, Snwlor, 1'iilon counties-. IS Dauphin, 'Ciinilioil.iiiil, l.eb.nliin counties. la Cumin hi, lll.1ir.1u1l lledfoiil immlies. Jil Yoik and Adams counlies. !!l (Viitii', Clearfield, c.iini'ion, Klk counties. 22 Westmoreland, Indiana, .lelleiwm counties. !Bl SmnciM'l, I'.ijitte, Cieen (ounlies 21 -Washington, llc.ncr, Laurence, counties. 2.'i -Llil', Cl.lUlnlll 101111110.1. 2d Noilli.iniplon, Momue, Carbon, Pike counties-. 27 Arm-bong. Iluller, Meuir counties. 2 - McKcin, Wanen, forest, Vcirangn, Clarion counties-. 2:1 City ot Allegheny and all town-hips and biitoiigln'l,ung noith of tho Alleghiny and Ohio rhors in Allegheny coiiuly. :i)-2(Hh, 2l.st and ;i7tli wards nf PillMnug, city of .MeKccsport, boroughs of Hraddock, La-t Mi. Kec.-porl, Last I'ltt-lmrg, IMgewnod, LlUabcth, .North lliaildoi-k, Oakinont. Pltcairn, Wllklnshiu;; and W'ilmerding and tho townships- of llr.nldnik, Lliabeth, I'orward, Lincoln, Xoitli Vcrmillei, Patlon, Peon. Plum, South Vcrs.iitlo.s-, Merrcit, Versailles and W'ilMns ill Allegheny county. .il-lst, 2nd, Hid, llli, ,-ith, mil, 7th, Sth, alii, iniii, nth, 12th, 1 ::tii. nth. Kith, luth, nth, tstii IMh, 2.iul wank of Pittsburg. :i2-22nd, 21th, 2.1lh, 2Hth, 27th, 2sth, Sfltli, Mb. Hbt., aiml. .1id, "1th. .Villi, "fith and !Mli w.niLi of I'ilNiurg and the limoiigli of Cnrapnlis Ciafton, C.unegle, Dupiesno, K-plen, Llliott, Creenliee, Homestead, Kunxtillc, Monlimtli, Mi. Olher, Miiuiiiill, McKees Itoiks, Oakd.ile, shcil 1I.111, Vest Liberty, West lloine-.te.nl, H'e,t ;iz.i belli and the town-hip-i of Ilildwiii, licllirl, Cics. cent, Cliatlieis, Collier, Klndlay, .leffeisou, Lower St. Cliir, Mlfllin, Moon, Xoitli Pajelle, .Neville, Robinson, Stone, South r.i.vetle, Scott, Snow den, Cnion and I'pper St. Clair ill Allegheny county, The report was laid over for print ing and will come up in tho senate tomorrow for final disposition. SENATOR FLINN RETIRES. Will No Lonfjor Head the Anti Quay itos Henry His Successor, lly LmIiisIio Wire fiom The Associated Pros.), Harrisburg, June i;5. Senator Will lam Fllnu, of Allegheny, resigned as chairman of tho anti-Quay Uopubllcan organization of senators and ropicsen tatlves at a meeting tonight, ami Sen ator J, Hayard Henry, of Philadelphia was chosen Ills successor, Mr. Klinn recently retired voluntar ily from tho chairmanship of the lte publicau city committee of Pittsburg, and will not be a candidate to succeed himself in tho senate at the expiration of his present term in 1'JO-'. Trusted Treasurer Missing, lly Exclusbe WirJ from The As-sociatecl Prei, Akron, 0 .lime 2-1.- It N i-taled that note? amounting lu WO.uun, tdlegid in linn been foieeil, hoc been iliin,ni'il oulsiandiug by otti cials of the kioii VainUli loiiip.iny. .1. II. M- 'i Mm. hi'.isiiHT of Ihc imiip.uo, ii 0JI1I 10 lino hu'ii missing for a wcik. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Lmal 1I.1I.1 for .bine 23, 1!: Highest tcnipeiatiiie Ss deuces, .ouet tiiupeiaturo ,, 37 degicct Itrlulitc llumidil): 8 a. u .,. ia'' per tent, S p. in It per icnt. Piciipilaliou, 21 bonis ended S p. in,, nono; weather, ilc.n. i i -- - f WEATHER FORECAST, f Washington, Juno 2". l-'oreca.t for -f- f Lastein IVnns.Uijiiu: Pair and con- 4- f tinned wmiii wcjihir Wednesday and piolublv 'I liiiii-il i . variable wlmU -- t-H--t- -f -f -f-r-H- ' ..r