The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 25, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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A.ONTROSE. In the . r intnti Ttllntne.
Mniltinsi . .1III1" a I. -I'diy t". mtxll
nell, in'tiiinpaiilpil liy Ills tluiiRlitcr, wilt
n pitiiiilnoiit Auliuniltr In town iiuluy,
I lev. Cimiiro Smith, ii well Unnvvti
cfilmrvl dlv lilt', (if Cm tliiinl, X. V., H
visiting hW nioilti-r, .Mis. Hetsoy Smith,
in this iiliii'c
rinncp! (!, AIIimi lias Iicpii appoint
ml ROcri'liu-y of Hi. IMnl'st Htimliiy
pi honl, ko 'iu liniflippk Murmur,
1'. II 'Walsh, ol' Kiitrin, spoilt Sun
diiy Willi rih'Mtls lit tills pliicr.
MIm Itp.txlp U'pIcIi Iiii" kiiiip to fill-,
foul, to spend the ittiiiiiuur with
ft lend..
Tito tower on Hip cotnt Iiiuiop, which
wmh diun.mrd hy llirliliiiiitf " f"W
ltlslltEt UK", Is liPlllfT 1-pp'lllPi:
MIph Jlllllll lip Uiixluli-k U
of Mr. iiinl Mts. liorilou I).
Mr. iiml Mn. Chin Iph Y,
111" s;tot
Hindu, ill
111 iidhoail
eclr-ln-ilcd Hip tltli ty-llftlt niinlvcimiiy
of MtPli ln.iri lnso at tliplr Iioiiip nit
Smith Clietty street on Tliiii'"iliiv IsiM.
P.irloy Wright, of ("Mill iik'. fontiPily
of Unphnltoin. Is uulllim on frlrnrH in
Montic-e Indny.
Mr. anil Mr. V. 11 Ppiiii, sr., rr
tiitnccl Indiiv fi mil l!iiiKliiinitciii, wheip
tliry spent Stindny.
riintoKinplipr Hioii.oii was at Bhm
hrfmtnti on bimlnpss Batnrrlay.
The iniipral of 1 ho Lite D. I). Sphi-Ip
Mill lie held at Hip residence of lila
"Nter. Mis. Hetty Miller, in WIlUo-s-T'.uip
at IL'.:'n o'clock toinni row, .limp
l!o. The i phi. ilns will Ip.ivp 'lllps
Riire at I "0 i. in., ln the l.c'lilpli
Valloy i .lilt niiil. for Monttosp, wltctp
intPt'iiiPtit will lip made.
l.ynian It Pk-Itott, oiiRiii.ttor of Hip
"Mnnliosp WondPl" potato, was exhibiting-
Minip llnp specimens of Hip
vntletv Hip last of tlto week, lino,
unoolh ttilioib and fully rlpp. 'I'hpy
iveio Hip product of plants that had
lippn crowinpr only about live weeks.
Children's day eoreipps liy Hip ,f
iilhii Mpthodist Xlon Sun
day school, took place ypslprilny, and
an attractive programme was tendoied
in a most plensinp, manner.
Mis. Xm mail Stewart is lii.iUlim
tapld process toward rocovoiy lioin
hor initiiios, 'I'Iip stitches In Hip
wounds wpip taken out liy the physi
cians .M'tprd.iy and the healing lit o
rfss Is e.peitorl to bo speedily coin
plotod. Jloino grown stiawlioi lies in groat
nlitiiidanoo and ol llnost quality aio
now senilis: In I lie Monti ose 111,11 kct at
1(1 cents a qnat t.
Mi. and Mis. John I-um-Ii and son,
of Now Yoik, lisne at rived in Mont-to-e
fur the Milliliter.
John Haines, of llingh. union, was
the Sliest of Deputy liogisloi- and 1!p
corrler AV. XoKon Karnes on Satin day.
Mis. K. 11. Ti no expects to leave tri
llion ow lor Sliitorvlllo Spiings, X. V.,
whee she will spend soveial weeks lor
the honellt of her health.
John JO. Sweet, a htiident at Yale
i ollese. is spending ft- poition of his
aid t ion at the home of his mother in
the township, and visiting other tela
Hves and liiend.i in this place and
Fpreial to the Sirintnn Tribune.
Finest City, June LM. Tlio
Sunday school ot Km est City, will pic
nic witli the .Sunday school of Tilnlty
chm oil, Caihnndnle, at Lake Lndnip
on the second of July, A game of
base hall will bo pla.ved between the
boys of the two school.
Tlio FoiOht City band is cieclliis- a
building for itself on Susquehanna
stiecl. It will bo a one stmy altair,
1S.:i) feet.
Merchant M. lleiuller is tn.ikliiK ex
tensive lep.iiis to his stoic building.
Mis. L,. 13. 1'oiMmt, who has been
sntfei lug fuim sliock, incidental to the
derailment of a stteot car at Hlch
tiiondalc "'odnesda, is now much Im
proved Hip is at the homo of her
patents, .Mi, and Mrs. D. 15. Hoekor,
at Whltp's Valle.v.
The tent gospel meetings have been
postponed, owing to the small pox
Kiiic 111 the Ltiy.pi no legion, wheie thu
tent is now located,
Jill 17 will be a led letter day In
Toicst City. On that date the tlnce
hig uuuei's' unions will hold a monster
picnic on the gionnds minss the rlvei,
vvhicli it is expei'teil will distance all
One hundred dollars hoi ill of Hie
wotks hao been ordered for Koie-t
City's Koiutli oi July ci'lehiuliou,
which Is to be conducted hy the Meth
odist chin eh. A botiutltiil dinner will
be served on the chinch lawn during
the day, the niale liiembeis of tlio
church acting us wallets, and an ma
tlou will be deliveied by Itev. II. C.
MeDermott. of Scrantou, in the ulter
nooii. AVOCA.
Thom.i? MiMilhili has been ap
pointed foieiuan at Spauovv ville t-ol-
Left with the Conviction That There Is Not Power to
Go Ahead It Hay Be Mind Confusion or Muscle
Weakness Waning Strength or Prostration
How Scrantonians Right Themselves.
The business man who finds himself
nepiivea ot uw usual imsiuess nine
The workiugtnini or woman who finds
milium y lanor pioniuiieo aio sine-
tiui-ki'd it may i-oino ny tno way or
Bleeplcts nights, languor, Hugging np
polite, poor digestion, easily pM-ltcd,
tioinblliig hands and limbs,, of
mubculur power nuuihness, llutteriug,
jialpltutlng heart all point to tlio mm
great cause, lack of nerve force, To iu
btoio It icitulich the, liitlui'iice of the
great discovery, Pr, A. "W. Cltase's
Nftve Pjlls, and that Is the seciel of
their wonderful Biieioos they win
etieiigtli for depleted oigans.
Mr, Thuiniib Suiumeis, of Xo. liiI9
Jackson stieet, Scrimtoii, Pa., sas.
"Dr. A, AV. Chase's Nerve Pills am a
splendid cino for nervous sck lieud
nclies. Aline woiu terrible? at times. I
wuh iicivous at the same time. The
ncivc pill.s wcic U'coiiimeuded to me,
and I got a box at Matthew b Ilros.'
drug store, Xo. 320 Lackawanna ave-
nue, and they completely cured the
headaches and nervousness. This, J.
think, la teconuncmiatlon enough." ,
llory, Xo. 1 P. II. O'llilen has been
ic.ippulntcil foicninti.
TIip marriage of Miss Xelllo Dnran
anil James Mtiudy, of I'ltt.slon, Is nti
nouitcefl to take pliiee. tills month.
!'. S. Clink, Mat tin King and 1. It.
McXtiliv linve lolurned front Mnni
llel d Xoiiual school.
.Mrs. W. U, Wllilntus and two sons,
of Kith IIIII, Missouri, in o guests of
Mi. and Mrs. cimiles Sunders.
William, the i:!-io,n-old son of Mr.
and Mis. Ilelioit Jumper, of I'lttston
township, died on Satin day evening,
after .stiffcilng sevpral years of spinal
tumble. The funenil will lake plaiu
this afti'inomi.
Miss Klla ICarly teturned to St. Vin
cent's hospital after spending several
days tit the family ro-ddcnio in Hie
Xorth Knd.
Miss Viola fipnlile is visiting irionds
in riieon flldgo,
Mr. and Alts. ft. K. Maiioy ale visit
ing friends In Painted I'est, X. Y.
Two Italian luboims on the Kapld
Transit contract, .sin'oumbeil to the on Saturday. It was several
"Willv boy, Willy boy, where are you going?
I will go with ou, if I may."
"I am going to the meadows, to see them mowing,
I am going to see them make the hay."
FmJ the farmer.
hours befmo one of them ictutned to
I'atiick Cm ley has been aw aided the
contiact of c onsti in ting the ciilveit to
be elected on the toad near liiuwns
ville. Tlio woik will bo begun this
week. tic IMnaids, tllive Mor
gans, Umothy Cullch and UeatrUo
Littleton spent Sunday witli Miss Jllr
della Deeblc.
Mr. and Mis. 1. lew oily u and son, of
XantiooUe, .spent Sunday at the
I Jew oily n residence, on South Mam
stieet. u
Com t Uvlngslnne lodge of Foiesteis
will outeitain Kthan Allen lodge, in
odd Fellow. s' hall, on Filday evening,
July .1.
Head Feels Like Buist'nj.
Ma.vlie you woio out late hist niglif
If you had taken a Krauze's Headache
Capsule befoi" letiiing your head
would lie i ool and clear this morning.
Take one now and ou will be all light
In an half hour. Pi Ice i.'e. Sold liy all
Special to the Soranlon Tritmne.
Ilopbottniii, Juno -I. Mlws Minnie
I'.allov gave a tea pailv Thuisday, at
which the lollnvvlng ladies woie pie.s
ent. Mi.s. II. M. Tiftany, Mis. V.. M.
l.ooims. Mis. Hail Yeoinau'.s Misses
F.liiMboth Heitch. Mai Ian Titus. Sadie
Sagar, Alto Finn, IJlliau Hymn, all
of llophoitom, and Miss Hose Lynch
of clink's Summit. Soveial piosonlh
woio lett as lenieinbtances of Hie da,
this being a tin ow oil to lilends whom
Miss Minnie Is about to leave behind,
tor a new home.
Mis. Klisslu.i Cmey is visiting her
sistoi, Mis. Mary Stciliup.
.Mr. and Mis. K. M. Tiffany ate visit
ing .Mr. and .Mis. Whitney, at Sheiinan,
X. V. They will visit the Hiitl'aio o.
position hctoip leiurning home.
Ml.sses Candace una MelW Hiovvn
visited t riends In Hingliinnton on Satui
U.i. Alls. Paul Hraidsle.v Is f.tiug tit
tlie homo of her patents al OMvego, X.
The Ladles Aid .society wlijili met
Wednesday, witli Mis. lMwin Smith of
Lenox was espei hilly enjoyable, the
This is the shape and design of the
genuine Dr. A, W. Chase's Nerve Pills,
All nthois nio imitations and dais nut
use tins design,
Do not allow any dealer to substitute
a nlffeient design tiom the above. We.
all dealer, nr Dr. A. W. Chdso Medicine
Co., Butfalo, N. Y,
pleasure of a liner Itlc being added to
tlio social pttjoyincnt. The pioceeds
of the day were over seven dollars.
Tito school board have finally or
ganized for the piesent year with (lie
M.iino ofllcn-H iih last your. President,
O. P. Tiffany! saerotiuy, J. tt. Tiffany!
trcasuicr, 1'dwuid Conrad. Several
itppllcatloita hnvo boon submitted, but
no teachers have been appointed. A
meeting has been appointed for Wed
nesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Myinn Tlltts are both
ennllned to -the house. Mrs. Tltu.s by
Illness, find Mr. Titus by the injury
to his ankle received some time ago,
Mis, Ceorgo Carr and son, Miller,
ate visiting lelatlves nt Strnudsbtirg.
Mrs. Jumps I Olcksnu entertained a
ninnber of friends at dinner on Krklny
of last week.
Mrs. Mary Union entertained lust
week the following persons; Isaac
Dean, Scrantou; U Miller ittul daugh
ter. Kttn, Byion, X. V.: Mrs. l-'lnra
Walter, Seranton; Mrs. Artless Shear
er, Scranton: Philip Colvln, Cedar
Ita plds, Colorado.
'I'. J. Foster, of Scriititon, lias movpil
his family In one of Mr. Carlton's
houses for the summer.
Mrs. P. H. 'Wclthasse, of Syracuse,
X. Y Is vlslllng frloinls in tills pl-ico.
Miss Mary Dickson has gone to Itut
falo, X. V., to take In the Pan-American
cvpositlun slgUis, and Mdsn
Hllabolh Dliksou Is visiting i datives
in Morristown, X, J.
Tlio Hi st qiiai telly communion ser
vice of the confoienco jear was held
.cstcrday in the Methodist church.
Presiding1 Illder Floyd had chat go of
the service and pieaclied in the ab
sence of the pastor, Kev. A. AV. Coo
1 er.
All iiei.soiis holding talents for the
Haptist cliurch ate ieiicsted to lettirn
tliem with the money made in Invest
ment at the cliuieli on Friday evening
of this week. Theie will lie a brief
pi ogi amino leudeied and an admission
of 10 cents will be charged.
Meii'linul Fied llieeu lecently lost a
valuable hoi, so.
Chlldi en's day exercises in the Hap
tist chinch woio quite well attended
on Sunday morning. Tlio chm oil was
delimited with firm pis.
Mis. Dora Smith who has been io
sldliig in Now Ynils slate for sonic
time, lias lotuined to her homo here
ami will spend the summer with her
Mis. i'eiiy Chaiubets, of the vicinity
of Capvv ell's hall, will servo a supper
ue.l Wednesday evening at hor homo,
lor the benefit of the Ladies' Aid soci
ety of the Haptist church hoie. F.vory
body is cordially Invited to attend.
Sir. and Mrs. Fied Palmer enter
tained, on Sunday, Dr. and Mis. llar
ler, of Nanticoko; Piof. Jamieson and
.Miss Louia Nieliell, of Set anion.
It. i Kiesge is finite 111 at his home.
The oung daughter (if Dr. Van
Slckle.of Olyphant.wlio is' spending the
summer heio with her giandmother,
has been set Iously ill with diphtheria,
lint is now impiovlng. A trained
muse is in attendance.
American League.
U ItnMOIl - K 11. i:.
fiiui.iii'1 - ii -j ii i i ii o i-r u i
n,-i(,i an i) ii i n n 0 o- i : t
llillrno Moo ir ,-uul WikhI; Mililicll an i
N liiiikoiiKo.-l, l. inpii c
Vt l'hll.iii!.h:.i-(ll iniilnu-)- It. II. i:.
l Iiic.-iii . . II n 0 0 I) 2 I 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 7 ! 'J
I Mil 1 1 ... i 0 0 0 II 0 0 (I II 0(1 U 0 1 ."I 111 I
llmr-rio-1 illaliiii ami Miiku; 1'i.icr anil
I'uuia--. I nipiiL Lintilloii,
At lUltimorc It. II, II,
Poirjiit ltionnnoio s u a
llilllmori' ( li .1 0 0 J 0 3 17 'JJ I
ll.ittiriM Miller anil llurlnn; I', Jlc
(iinnllv ami Itobin.-on. I niiiin Murniaii auj
M W.islnnsloii II. II. i:, 1 0 0 n S 0 A (I 0 U JJ
Wadilngtnn 0 t 11 0 0 0 I 0 II S S 3
lljttcilr-3 lliisthiKJ, llittlfj anil -Malomy; I.pc
and CIjiK. I'lnphe
Nntionnl League.
t l'lillj'lcliliia-(l'ii(l e-iiiio) it. II. .
f ii ii i mi tii ii a o a a ii nil a o 8 l
I'lillidi'lpliU 1 I) 5 '.' 0 0 (KO s n a
Uullf-iics Ililin iiml I'iiK; llugkliy ami ill -I'jrljiul.
Uniplie CunniiislMin.
Stcoml game It. II. K.
I'liRiniull 0 0 I) I) 1 0 0 DO- I .' ti
I'liilaililpliU 3 0 ii .1 a 3 0 I'J ii n
lUtlcrics- I'hilllps ami llneni; While ami
Doujjlai. I'mplie L'uimu liliain.
At noston- II. II. 11.
I'ili.-iiuii: Ii2osioio-)i li n
Ito.-tnn , ! (I n I (I o n 0 0- 3 S .'I
llattrrlfa i'liilllppl ami .liiiiiier; Dlmcu an, I
Mpran, I'mplii! liwjcr.
Al Niw Voik- It. :.
St l.ouli ,,001)020000-2 .'i I
Ncn )uik 0 li n 2 0 0 0 0 1 J 8 4
lialtrrirs-biulliofj ami lt.tan; Uittlicwton, How
ciniaii and Winner, rniplic ftmlic,
VI UrooMjn II
( hit is , n n o n n n i n n i
lti.uti.Uii n n t on n n t i
II i:.
) 1
8 1
llaltnles Waililell and Kahoc; lliwhcs jnd Mi
l.ulje. Umpiic O'Dai-
Eastern League.
Montreal, 3; Sjracuvc, 2.
TortTto, 7; I'lovidrnct, S.
Iloilutlcr, i; UartiQid, 3.
Wnll Street Review.
New 'N Dtk, June UI. 1 lie loik"iiiiilict tii.tln
lalntd lt walllnir nltlttulo today. 'I ho wii.illir
ilai ol loom tniletJ who operate from iliy In
thy were illnporil tu fell Hie nntket thl-i iiinitt'
liiK on the illsippolntlim MiowlniJ In ulc bv 'It'
mdij's littil. vtjlcimnl. St l'anl iiml I iij'Mi
I'atllic nne lnol ionilCiioinly arlcttrJ ) Ilns
nelllnif, m lieltiK inot HVely to plow vulner
able on actnnnt of the reient cnmiriciable niiecii
latlon In tlioo ftoik. I.lttle fnceev, however,
uai had In UlilndKliiR any IioMiiirs ot the floika
and loverliiff liy the heiri was In evlilcma Hler
In the ilav. A fiuilt miiiiticr of -Jocki hid run
Idcrihlf 'movement on lauie-", hut
In thoie iiNo the protriolonal hand vmh een
In the realllii(r on the tnov entente. Nnr
folk .t Western vvji -old don niter the open
luff on the n dip of dainnc to ptnpeil by the
et Virizinli llooda. New nrk Central flmwed
feme ntir-ngth on vamie t ilk ot the toiiilnit
ileclaratioit of mnie liglit.-! foi tlio atoiMmldcM.
Illinois (Vtitrnl ,m lonlldently liotndit on tlio
ceiural coti-ldcratlnii tint It w.n low In pro
pnltloii to ntlnr ri till t itryitiK rouR The tbe
In Misir v,n due to tlio mljmtnutit of inlie-i
of the prodmt to u pully l) the dlllcii'iit loin
pinlo". Minliattnn vv n a feitiuc on lellei.Ued
riitnoM tint It Hill be le.ned to .Metriipnlltin.
Itfiiral llleitrli' v.n llfled ll'a by .1 llulit (lis-
I d, but tented ,1'j. On the oilier Intnl. ( ".
nndo fuel, .ifter felllns down I';, Hilled "'a.
but did not bold the rillv. 'Jlieie a tt obaip
adiaiKc of '( in Minneapolis St. I'ml anil "atilt
Ste Vlarie luelened, w II limit explanation. Mlnne
aioiia and M. l,oull dioppul Intk 2'i on reill?
Ilr,'. It van mii li Individual i.iu'ei Hut Itidiinil
any tonideriihle pilie nimenietil .iiivvvlietr In
the lint, loininlnnion bon-o binlues.n wan it l
si ind.itill mid lirnkiu nlllm vine ilc-uileil "
llllle piollt in olleiid b.i the Inarki t that im
diflii ult.v u.m found In -ennliiR the adoption
by the member of the nm I. enihanne of a ree
cminenditiou to Ihe snvrrimm tn keep the px
ihanse deed on 1'ildaj and situtdij, Julj 5 and
li. Total silm, lill.nni) vhaicn.
ilitlti(nn in r.illrnnl Imieln wan nlnn of vety
mndeiale propntinin and prlecn moved nin'owly
rithir w.i.v. Tutil fden pir v line, sj.ilAonii.
I nlted st.iten ,is coupon declined 'H per lent, on
tin- List call.
The follnulnir nuol
.ire tiirnih'd The
Co . looinv T01 7(0
,.l...l... fliiOl,
Tribune by l. P. .lot
dm fi
on, t'a,
Uears bulldilip, Siunt
cirpiioiir ii'"'
Inc. Illdl
ei. i i. u'u.
!u no's'j
SS-., SS f-V.
Amerif in SiiKir ...
Ami'in in 'i'ob at o .
Atchison. I'r
Prnok. Tuition ...
Halt. . Ohio
('out. 'I'obnio
1 lirn. A: Ohio
f Int. : (it. We.t.
St Paul
linik Mind
Kan. ,V Tev , I'r., ..
I.uuln. tc N" i-l
Mm. i:ie,iled
Viet. ri notion
Mis-o. I'.ultlc-
.South. Paeilio
Norfolk k VV extern
V. Y
Out. & We-lern ...
I'enni Itv
P.uinV Mill
Itc-iiiing Itv.
Iteidin? I!., I'r , ..
Southern 11. It. ..
south, m H II.. I'r.
Trim. Coil fc lion ..
I s; either
I' S. Leather, I'r.
I", s. HiiMmi
1'nioii l'.Kilie
t'nion Pii itk, I'r.,
W llnsll, P
Wrslrill I limn ..
I ol I'uil lion ..
ip il Copper
I'rople's (,w
I lie. 'M
I ol smijjuu,
'Iea-. I'm ill
nier. ( .u roundrv
I' s sierl Co
I', s. Mri'l (o . Pi.,
101 '-i ID". lfll'n 10
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m:w oiik nit vis MitKi:r.
clpi ii llisb- I.ow.
itu. e-l. eM.
.. 71 7l'i 7Ti
.. 723 72i8 72'
f-ept ....
Scranton Board of Tiade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
SIOl lis ,. Ak,d.
1'iint .National II ink J2tx ...
Si t.mlo.i Sivuih-n II ink 1,0
'lliiul Vahoinl II ink s0
I'inie Deposit ami l)iM.ouut llank.. 2u
lainomv I.ilif II & P. ( Hi
I oka Tnist s,i(,. DepoMt Li 1'iU
( laik L. Miovcr ( ii., I' 121
s, union Iron IVme .V. Vtiit, Co Ion
Ni.iuIoil le Woikn ol iw.intn Piiiv I o., Pi li)
( niintv aviinta llink , Tnist Co.. Pol)
lli'l Nation il II ink ((..uluinil lie) :.'1
Miiidiid I i 1 11 intr Co n
'hadiis Natiouii ttiuk 171
.Siiinlon Holt iiml .Nut Co inn
1'iople's Hank 1,0
.New Mimio ltj. iV. C lo 7.1
I10.N l)s.
Siiiitnii Passenser lliiluji. fiist
Mmlease, due 1IU0 Ill
Pecpli'.s .sirivt lt.illu.iv-, lust
gajo, due lots
l'erple'n Hint Itillwav, Cmeial
iiioit;a;p, due I'i'l Ill
llli k-on Manufjcliiiiuc: In phi
batkl. 'I'ownM'lip silmol .1 pel teiil. ... 102
( ii v of Mianton M, Imp o p, i
n nl 102
Suanlcn 'liictiun n pel teiil llj ,,,
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrrcted by II. 11. 1'ile. 27 I.icki.anna Ave.)
Itiittci 1'ic-li, 20i2(),ic. ; dilrj, fie.-li, ltl',ia2A.-.
( u (., fid I cream, new, lO'iallc,
I.RJJs VVe-teiu (Hill, ll'.jJlli.; neaiby hiate,
lti-aim-rer bu-hel, iliolic ininoiv .2fifli2(i'i
IV.i lli-ans l'ei buhel, choke maiiow, 2.jja
Jlediuin Reans lVr litidiiln. ?2 I0a$,
(ileili 1V.H I'el liliaielu. rl IOisI ,1,
riuur lte-t palent, pel burel, $1.15
Itid Kidnev lliiin Per bushel, 2 4ja-f2 SO.
Potatoes I'er bu-hel, fiia'jQc.
I)"liiiuda Onions 1'ir bu-bel. l,Ma1 CO.
New Yoik Giain and Produce,
Vvv Voik, -lune 21, I linn I i,v ami j,lun u
file, V heat t-pol hliud,v; No. 2. 75c-. f. o, li.
.ilk, it; No. 2, 71V. eUv.itoi ; .No, I .Noilliun
Diiliab, 7l"ii-. t o b. .itloat, Options opined
hi i. ul . Inn i-oon vleldtd mid iln-ul mther vveik
at 'aUc- net deillue, July clooui 7acm.i S-ept,,
i2'ie.i Oct., 72nc'.! Du., ".i'lC Corn sput
ea j .Vn 2, lilji. elevator, and l!i"c'. f. o. li., Opliuns opeiiul In in and higher, but
latir broke ami iloaid ei,v at '4aa,c. net ad
value, .lulv ilo-cii t;1sc. , ipt., ts'ji'. ; Oct ,
P'jc. ()atji--siiot (lulls .No. -2, 2'i ; No ,1,
u2i: o, 2 white, :iJi(2',e J No. 2 white, W'ii i
tuck iniiiil urrlrni, ;.2aU".-i ; track white,
b'2'ja.'Jic'. Options ipilet and ra.v. Iliiltir-rinii;
weMern creaiuei.v, ISal'ie i do faitoiy, 12'5alJc j
imitation cieameiy, rt'al7c. : blip) dalrv, Hi
J'je. Uieeee Miong: fancy lame loloiui. ONi
TOi,; do. do. white, OHaWii-. ; liney small ,ul
end, 08a9?4C.; da. do white, O'.,i0?c. j;jri;s
Klriuer, btate and IVim-jHauiu, l.l'iallc ; weit.
tin uncaudled, llalSo ; wrsleru candied, ll'jc,
Chicago Giain and Pioduce.
CIiIuko, Juno 21. On repoit of pood irop
prnipcits, teplcmber wleat tlosul today liiUi.
jivvei, Hiptnuler coin ilo-ed ',i lower, naln
who '.ji'ic, lower and piovisieiw 5 to 10c. hlgii.
rr. Cali iUoi.uiona woe m lolloua;
IToui-l'.iv j No, 2 niii wlicat, tf0lj.l(,7e ;
Nu, ,1. lllallc-.: ?o, 2 led, in!aG7'i.c' i N'u. 2 coin,
4,c,j No. 2 jellow, 4ia',Ji-, ; .No, 2 oals, 2')iu' i j
No, 2 white, aoa'je-; No. white, 2aai.i2H4e. j
No, 2 ije, 17c- j lair to choice millini; bailee,
4"iV2i'.; No. 1 II u seed, -pt hS, No. 1 .Noitii.
vviMini, SIM; mes pork, VII. Wall Sit laid,
SH'l'jJS.SO; nhort riln, j23i drj siilid shoul.
deivi, 7a7',e. ; thort dear Milu, -s,5ujs (,u wills
l.vv, $1.27,
Chicago Live Stock Maiket
. v, tt.., umwi T-iiui-M nui4a necc-ipiy,
7,iii)0j toiuoiiow, lS.imo. etlinaluli left over,
&,b0(). lite cmW IiIuIhi, top, 121; mixed and
I...I.I..... CI w-. .11 in. ...! ... .!.!. --... e..
fiai.,., lau .i iiiHtit- luiiiii, f. injd I , WCaieiri
ahecp, f tit KO; .vcarllnsn, ?l pvil.tO; native lambs,
?Ij12.1; weoteui lambs, pnn; lambs up Id
5.75, iJa5.2i,
Buffalo Live Stock.
Buffalo, June 31. CjUlr iWtite, Arm; choice
to extra poit cattle, gj.Siavi; good to best,
lliitauo, June 21 Cattle HecclpU, ,u00, In.
rliulinir l.'OU Ti'aim cliolie slieis, ttead , otli
eii', weak; luiulm' tioik, steady iu hluu;
ihoiio Tcau. slradv ; others, slow; good tu
inline itiei,, ij3 50ai)...0; wor to medium, sl.Itji
!M: tockiis and feeders, slow, $2U0.Ub0j cowl,
tU.'i.J, li-iiiis, lf.'.70a." J1; cMiiicio, 2a2.7a,
bull., -2.;o.i I tai; ialns weak, j la 1.2.1; Texai
fid leirs. l2'uj.lo, Tevaj uu-n alien. si.Su.i
i in. o... .. i. eiTi.. i
,.u,i,,i,?,'j u, a..'!", i,f viivico ni-aiv, ijnn
1.21; ioukIi lieav.v, JlSJaVOJ; Unlit, .sj.Mah.lO;
bulk of i-alos, 10;a.0. bheep Hneliits, 20,001);
tlnqi iiml limbs, ilioiir, elcain; nlliers weak;
aohll Iambi llli tu SIM), (.cod to cbolic wcthvis,
Ct.t M. I.I. .!...!. 1 it-.. ... ...
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than f-'our Lines, .1 Cents for Cch Hxtra tine
For Bent.
For Reeto
About 1200 feet of floor space on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Knqtiire at office of
Thk Tribune.
tOlt MAT- I'umM.ed home nuilnble for small
faml!.. Inqulte 1710 Muniey avenue
ion llI'M-fiillaitc -it Like ttlimli. with all
modern ImprovimeriU ami tn lii.ui. Apply
I'red It. Mail,, Iridu,' Itmk bulldliu.
I'Olt HIAT-flinoin houe, inrner Wa.vne avenue
and Pulmim aind, lint ntul i"ld wilri,
none but tmall famllv need appl. 1T0I Wayne
029 nitCII.V rtinoi: srnKI'.r, (en roomi. mndern
Improvements; steam beat furnlahcd; dcilr
desirable. For Sale.
G'AMI.Uir. PI.VNTS-IIilf a million; best v.irle
tiej; 11.(HI pel l,(W. W. A. Tllllnslnst, l.l
I'lume, I'a.
l-Oll s..t,, fninK for mIc al a barpraln, only
tiem u'ed oiiee; nUo Inlj'i wheel in Rood
trmlitltii. Ail(Ilr.-, "Iiunk," c-ire Tiibuno Of
fice. TOlt SAI.II-M lllchlind faun, near Diltvn, one
lire aoiiel woik horse, one bay nine, with, two hay cull", rue wncl toll, four com,
two heifer, one larze market w.irou, with plat
fm in sprint-, one lop htiegy. Appl.v at firm, or
1'. II. demons, mi Mears luiildlns, Scranton,
For Sale or Kent.
loll MM! Oil m:r-iiimldp hoiw, all Im
pn veininls. Hint, sW.oo. Cash price,
fl.loo. nh HuriiMin avenue.
I'Olt MIX Olt lll'Af. New double hon-e on
ItbUe I'ow, adjoining leslduuc of J. II.
Dissill. Kiev en Koins on eaih side. One wdo
icnts for I0. Piiee, sv,,(KW. (!. V. Itejuolds,
Connell building.
Beal Estate.
I Olt SM.i: -s.ine.le lioiisn, W)l VVcb-ter avenue.
"Ti'ii looms, strain Ileal. (!. 1". liejnoldi,
Connell building.
$1,000 H113S six-ionni, sinsle iiou-c, pood well.
Lot lOOvJOO, buantou itreet, Dalton, I'a.
Willi A. Keator.
l.sOO bulldmit lot, 10x110. Wheeler ave
nue. Weill A- Heater, Htirr Iluilding.
J2.P00 Iluji double hoiiie. 7 rnomi on a side, all
improveuu nt s, eveept gas. Dean atlcet, 1'rovi
ilenii'. Weill A, Kiator.
Money to loan.
&10NKV to loan on improved city leal estate.
.i 10,000 TO I.OAV Lowest rates; straight or
montl.l) pajments. Slark A Co.,Tiadi'rs' bldir.
stral;;! I Irani or Iliuluin? and Loan. At
from 4 to 0 pe.- cent. Call on N'. V. Walker,
3II-.U5 Connell buildlnir.
Booms and Board.
1011 MINI' Two lle.imt loouw, with lioanl,
mi i table for centletnen ot ladies. All ion
veniiuics. fiKI Adims avenue.
LAItOi: front room with board tor two gentle
men, 110 Adaiui avenue.
Furnished Booms.
l'OIt ItrXf One large furiiNhed front loom;
alao one side loom. 0J7 Adams avenue.
Situations Wanted.
S-lli'A'IION" VN'I 111) Active voinu; in in disirei
position as buok-kerpu; epeiiincid ami will
ing to make himself iiaiful. Klniu, Tiibune (It
lie c.
ill I VIIO.N .ln:i)- Vs .1 conk in i hel. Ad
lii-s, AiiiKtioin;, (iiaiid (iiilial llolil,
bill ATIOX VV A.Ylj:i) 11 a 0ung man as cleik
or helpci in a gioci or giueiat uie; has
hid eleven (.ns expeniuie and can give Iho
lust reftitme hlinlly ttiupciatu anil honest.
.Vildiesi A. . 7. , Dalton, Pa.
bill .VI ION AVI I.I) bv a woman to go oul
b dav walilug, liunnu m i U inlug. Plia-,0
all cu addiesi Ml- .VI. lln-- II, Ui'j Culai ave
nue, eilv.
bill A'! ION W Wil.D llv a jouiig woiniu, Willi
illlld llllio c.tls old. as lioilsekerpei u.
liou-cwoik. Addiiia, 7.10 Kin-ter loml, CM.
bill A HON" VVAN'II.D- u exierieiieed loaihmaii
wuiild like a situallou with a piivatc lamil),
'l(iiiniato man and a veiy eaiilul drivel ; mi.
ilu.-l.lliiN vvmk a l on nil a piivali- pl.ui-,
with iifeliin' Addifss, (uaihnian, Jll IVuu
blll'A'llO.N WA.VII.D-Hy a widow wouiin lo
go out bv di.v VVa-lniig, iionlng or cliauing.
I'lea-i- i .ill or Jildiem, ills. Itilisill, Jpi Ledit
iveuue, eit,
bill ATlllN VVAN'li:i)-lty nudilleagid woman i
hoiiMkeepu In widow er' lamil ; can give
refiiemes Addiisi J. II . 1 Tvu-nl.tlilid tn-ei,
buantou, I'a
blll'ATlOS' WANTI.D-11 a oiuig man to go
lo tome Mininiil le-uit iiml ait j ,i holt I
rleik Im tbo oumuiii. Mriitly (einpeiale and
hone-,1 ,i an furnish best ot lefiuncM'. .1, D, K,,
'Inliuiio iiHn.e.
bill V'liON NTI.D l)n.ssmakri, good litlei,
tiom Phlladelplna, desinsa tew eiigageminls;
$150 a ill) "I vull taint vvuik lioiiir, Addi(-,
11,07 Dukbou uvenui.
bl I CATION W AVIIID Hi- a fn.t dasi book-keep-il-
witli lUbtuu )eais evpilieine, lo woll,
two or three boura dail.v on a set of books in the
ult; leiuii vci) leasouable. AiMrrMi, l.vpeit
Tiibuno Olhce.
HHSl' CLAsS COVCIIViVX deslu-1 a situation
witli a piivate faiull); well i iti it iiei-cl and
a capablo mini ftm 1 1' tempei.iie and undii
Hands gtnctal v.oik about piivate plair, Ad
diess J, K im I'enu aviiiuc.
AYli:i)-Mtuatlou aiouud genllimau'H piuu i,r
janitor woik, s. II. II., UK) WclMir avuuu-.
bUl'A'llON WAMI'D-Uv v oiing man lu ilo
anv kind of work m vvoiklrg in piit,.m faui
ilv in'iliiving a gioiery vvj.-oii Addioi cue of
James lllocli, lear if lilU I'liio kind.
SIH'ATIOM WAS'll.n-I) a man gi.idiniro"r
la)Ini; sidiwalk, or living duns o, eulting
lavviuf. or an) kind of woik. Call or addiic Jdy
Piovidenic load.
bill 110N' WANIIID.-Triislwoilli, U'haT,iV
)oung man, good habiti wants poller woik.
(iood piiniiau. fcalaiy oi(ional. 'i'libtwuitli,
'tiibune Olilic,
JJlOa'.Si; t.hlpplng tie'i, ijial-JV; evpnit hulls,
t hoie i- lo eslla, J J.i; good In iliolic butiliris
oli'irs, JrUaa'i.lJ. (.oud lu lust bulebus eliu...
sd.lOal 'i good lo bit fat bulU, lal.JV, voat.
inj; tteiit, good to elioke-, j 'j); good to ihoiio
tal iu, ll. I0.ll; tat luileii. tood In ihoiu,
1 60.1 1 7.1; do. loiniiion to lair, UtJ'i; talvea,
ihoue in evtia, iflJaaiM; good lo ilioiic, .5 ioa
C.T5; Mieliiguu cuius, W.Til. blieep and Lambs
Maikel wllboiit urticiilai fealuiei.. Wind i
lambs ihoiio lo etu, l 60al &.; good la diolee,
it 00il.b.j; e.iilings, V5a3.ij; tpilng laiulu, .i 'il
ao. blieep Cliolic lo i-Mia, lal.-.'l; good lo
dioiie, fl.T3al., lu.u, fco.ijaiiiai,
liilvnl. Ifil-JJaasO; .vmkeis. MJViU,X I'lgs
liSOaO.'iO; rouglu, 55(ij.5.7j; laji, bi 00a 1.73.
Oil Market.
Oil City, June 31. Credit halamcs, 10J; ccrtifi
talcs, im bid bhipments, Ult.T.M; average, sj,.
11, Huns, 158.H3; avcia;?, b,Ui.
10 ( l!M WIM, be iald for Itlbuno ililed Ike
0, Istio. 'Itlluinc OllUe.
XNI'CD-llniap nml buggy tor the summer by
getitlennii who lit ri three tnllei finin llli
vvoil, and vvlshei to dilve luck utal fnilli inclin
ing' and evening. Will piv moderate pilcc.
Addreis l. K, I'. O. Hot 170, f-crintnn
IV.WTilll I, idles and nenllrmen for perininriit
pmltlnlii, loi il woik, .vipo prr nioiilh; 7i 00
pn- tuiiilblauil I'vpensoi ill liavel. Applv aflei.
iii'iim oi evenings. II, VI, binders, Irving Hold,
Niatilnii I'a,
Help Wanted Male.
VI A.VI IMl-l'nrler, St Cliitln Hotel.
WANTIlll Kipirie-Keil birlender; luirfled linn
pi i loi l I'd. II, Ttlbune Ofllee.
WAMKD Silrsmen, triii'llm: or loeal; vvi-ekly
snliry paid. Ilertlck beeil Co , flodicstei,
N. Y.
Hol3 Wanted Female.
V VNTi:i)-Kperlrnied feoml girl. Apply
:"() Quiniy .nniuc.
MA.M'lll) -Competent innlc and laiinilriss. Ap
pl) nt ftr, Vlomoe avenue.
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED Table boaiders.
Washington ntciiue.
)li.. 'lompklns, Olt
LOST-bllk-llned iindrps.eil kid ill Iv log glove in
Iho L'liOtl lilo. k on Cedar uvinue. buitible
reward for return to Centinl l'enn)lvanl.i 'lelc
tdione Kvchiuge, 117 Adiins iivenue,
NOI'll II li bereb) given tint the pirltieililp
lately subsisting between A. II. lingers and
O, Major, both of t lie illy ol bcianlon, loun
tf of laikiwanin and statu ot l'emis)lvaiili,
doing business nuclei the Hun name' ot Itogcis
& M ijor, liu explic-d on this, ninelienth day of
June, A. I). Vil'l, and that the ill in afoiesild
lias been ilissolvid liv mutual (uiisnit.
Al! dibts owiiu' to I In- f.iid pirtnershlp al
to be teu-ived li) lbs said A. II. Jtngus and ill
demands on the .slid piilneiship ate to be pic
tented to hint," the said A, II. Hotels, fur pa)
luent. A. II ItOliLlls,
N. O. .VI A.I I) It.
WAI.'ir.ll i:. DWI-J, Alloine).
NOIICK To the owneis if piopcrty abiilling o-i
Washbuiu stierl bit wren buiuner aviniie and
Van Dunn avenue.
There is pending on passage in illy roundls
of the lit) of beiaiitou, Pi , an ordlnaiiie,
entitled, "An oulinamc piovldliig for the pavliu
of Washburn slieit between buiunir avenue and
the vveslerly side of V in Huiiu avenue with iho
best quinlily of viliilled biirk on a conirele base;
alo iuovlibug fm tin- sitting of curb-duties on
nid stud bitwien the polnls namul, puoiJln,'
luaiiiur of assessing anil lolltituiK msts of sild
liiipiovtmeiils, anil uppiopn iting funds to pa)
for the (.ami-," beuu 1'ile of belect Council No.
li, I'Hll. The following is a uipv of the pililiou
for slid Impiovimriils with Hie nanus of petition.
To the llonoialile the Stint and Common Coun
cils of the I il) of s, union,
'the Ulidirsiguid nvv lien of pinpuly abiitlitu
on Wasbbutn htuet beiweeu uiiinei avenue and
Iho vvisleilv Mile of Van Ilium aviniie repu I
full) petition oui honoiablt- bodies lint Mid
fliccl be luce n lie points named lie pivnl with
vitiilUil In 111. on i toiiuile Ih-i", lint the unc
be kI Willi c iiili.-liini' so as nenssir); tint
the tost of impioveininl be iissessnl aa'aml itnil
tuig oivn, is molding to the fool fnuit
lule. 'lint slid .! iii( nt be- in nio piv
ai'lo in ti ii iipiil niiuuil iustallmciits; and
I Is it the portion of slid ituet oieupinl In
tbo Lh and sidings of Hie silica rallvvav hi
dccliKlnl ficm sild ii", s-nicnts agiin'-t abluil
ling ouiurs .-mil lolhelnl fioiu sud stmt nil
wav iniupaiiv and lint Ihe (onlrulor be iicpiiud
lo give a live )i.u guaiautie to the ill), and
)our pcliliuni r.s will cvei nay do.
Willam r.iud 217 H
(!. W. Lvans 1UO It
lilvv.ud K. Divis 40 It
John Vleidnnt Kl ft
John Jamieson ,. -" ft
II. Divis, .Vdiiiiiiilialoi , ft
Aloll J tines ) ft
Itogir ll. in-. Vilmlui-liatoi !' ft
Jones A' Itin-liul .- s", it
1' I. lulling. I). I. A W. Ilallioad Ill 11
1) II. Ilughis "a) It
f. 1.. I'lilllips, llvdo I'aik (iii.lii) e SI I (t
W. II. Divis loi ft
i:. iiovtdi : it
Mis. Itadiel I. vans by VV. Ilavdu Kvans .... VI it
W. T Davis o" fl
Pdii l.utimbeiger -"' ft
( bailes A Voos '! H
Itobul Kobells II II
Mis. sii.ih Mchola-, pu- II. J. M.i-on,
(itoige t oopt i, Agtut IV) it
Win. II. W light ) It
John It, Hughe SO It
I'ubli-lud in pilisuiuic' of Iteiolllliou of Cily
VI T. I WDI.I.i:, City Cluk.
Siiuiiluii, Pa., June it, 1101.
NO I Hi:-'IV oiviun of piopeily abutting on
boulh Milu aiinue finiu Ihe siiuth euib llu"
of Ovfoid stieel lo the ninth null line of
Hampton slit el
'iliue Is pending in iliv roundls of Ihe ulv
of Suaiiton. I'a. nil oiilinauce enlitbd "Ml
oidinanie providing lor Ihe piving ot boulh
Miin ateimi' finiu the soulli (iiib hue of Otloid
stid't lo Ihe iioilb nub line of Hampton slieit
villi the best iiuilily of Vltilhnl bink on i
lomiete line, al-o piovldliig fm- Ibe setting of
iiiib stoms on slid avenue belivcin Ihe poinli
miiuil, piovidhu minnei of ue-,lng and lolled
iug insls of slid luipiovimeiit and appioprintlug
funds lo iiy loi Hie same," being Pile ot s, .
kit Cimndl No li, 1001 Ibe following is i
copy of the pililiou lot said iinpiovtiuents, witli
li lines of pelllioiieii.-
To the llonoi.ibb-, Ihe Selnt and Comnion Colin.
ills of the ( Ilv ot bcraiitou, I'a.
(It nllclimi: Ibe undii-iigiiid ounces of piop-
eitv abutting in South Villi iveuue belwen
Otfoid and llimplon stieds leM't'dtullv pililuui
tour honoiablo bodies lint Hie said ave In
iwieu the points niiiiid bo paved with mulled
In ill. on a 1 1. in ulc base uid thai Ihe taiuo
bo m'I witli iiulistoies mi In .is the wine lim
bo neifoarv; chit the (o-t of mil iiupioveini ids
bo a-sesseifag iln-l Hie .ibhiiltlng piop(it) ownns
iiiioidllig lo Ibe fid limit Mile as ddruuimi!
In the ('II v Kiigliiu" of Siijiiiim, I'a, lint Ibe
..( suu nt for faid iinpiovemrnl be made pi.vable
ill five npiil niiuuil iiistalliueuls ami pelitlonns
will nil- pi. iv. I'll
II, I) l.vans, .Ml het, -I'D s.iulh Main avenue
I), I) l.vau-, l.'i fut, All and M.I Souih Vlaln
an nue,
1), I) Plans A Co., ti fed, tn" and 500 Soutii
Main uvenue
I), 1. I.v.uis A lo., 21 fit, ti South Main ave.
T. I". Vlason, ',l , (il feet, IDl and 101 south
Mam avenue
II Md, .10 fid, .1-7 and .I21 Soiuli Miln avenue.
William D.tkdnlik, 2S led, Sid boulh Main ave
nue Join- T. William'. J-' feet. ,"11! South Miln avenue
I'. T. shupplir. ), ). s !,7'a fut, iut) and III
soiiilt Mi in airline.
Thomas W ih, IMate, bv I), J. Davis, in (ed,
VI south Miln avenue
Mm II. Molt, 100 feel, II.! sonlli Main an line
Maitln I' llcwi. bv . T. Hd 70 fut, I I
boulh Main an nue,
S P. Mii.nii, liM) feci. I 0 s.iuili VI icn avuiiie
William libu. -J-'1; fu-t, 117 south Mam aviniie
Vied It. Idier, "ill led, ill1) South .Main avenue,
S. I! ( orlev, 01 feet, Jtt South Vlaln avium'
Jeukiii Lewis, 40 fut, lit and 1JJ South Main
William II. Willi nits, SO fed, .";." ami 3.17 Souili
Vlaln av t mi .
'I boons II) lion. "I fid. "'! and 3! Suulli Mam
W II Wiikiir, SO fiel, .".ill Soutii Main avenue,
rdwuid Itolulls, 'J' fed, Smith lliili avenue
l". A I'llikii, lit fut, 110 in 414 South Miln
im nue.
Slate of I. nits) haul i. (omit) of l.aikawanna, n
lldoli" ine. Ibe sicli-iilbii, a notai) public in
mid for said state and muni, and lesidiug in
the dl) of be union, peisoually apptarnl T
t'dlows' Mason, who, being llu!) sworn acinic!
mi In livv diposeili and sjvs that lie was pit
aonall) iesent when eadi and all the signatuiei
to the above .nid (oiegoing petition were inide,
mid that the aiiu me the adual Kiguatiui'S of
Hie iHinoiis vilioio iiaiues apieaird under said
petition. T. ri.l.LOWS M S0V.
bvvnru and sulisuibrd tu before nio this, twvn-f)-lhilil
day ot Apiil. IH0I.
11. I). ITLLOWH. Notary Publli
I eertlf) that Ibe names altaibed to Ibis peti
tion irprewnl a iiujirii) of feet frontage bclwccn
O.vford nd Hamilton streets
JOsLI'll P 1'lllll.irS,
( luef Insinrcr II. (1. Ik
rubliihrd in purnnnie of risolution of eity
ccuncil, W L. lONNhl.L, (tty llccorder.
bcunten, I'o., June SI, 1001.
Insertions 25 Cents
Thnn Pour Lines, A Cent! for Bitch Ultra Line,
Ccrtlfled Public Accountant.
i,".,!)" C Sl'Al'l.nlNO, 23 TnAl)KR3 BANK
niiw-Artf) il davim, AiiuiurKCT, connixii
rni:i)i:iii( k l. nnowv, apcii. n real
l;sMe llxdnnge Illdg , Uil Wishlnaton .
Civil and Mining Engineers.
nit. o. i:. liiLKvtinitdtiit, i'aulT nuiuiiNoT
Spnue street, bi ran tun.
Kooma 1.', h, iu and 18 llurr building.
!1 "' '1"A('y.A,ri'v,(oviMo.N'wi:AL'rii dldo.
Hated on real estate seiurlty. Mears building,
corner Washington avenue and b'piuce street.
WIM.vrtl), WAItltLV A. KNAI'P, AfiOn.VKYS
and counsellors at-lavv. Itepubllcan building,
Washington avenue.
sellnrs-at-law. Commonwealth building, Rooitu
II). L'O and il.
TOI-MI, Oth lloor. Mean building.
of Trade building, heranton, Pa.
Bink building.
a. w. ni-RTiior.p. onici: moved 10 no.
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Sugeona.
DR. W. E
Ington avmue. ' Residence, 1J18 Miilbcrr).
Cluonic! disease, lungs, heart, Mdnejs and
genito urinary organs a specialty. Ilouis, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Besturants.
avenue. Rates seasonable.
P. iXIGLER, Proprietor.
senger depot. Conducted on the Euiopcan
tdan. VICTOR KOCH, Propnetot.
eess pools; no odor; onlt improved pumps used.
A. B. Itriggs, proprietor. Leave ordcu 1100
North Main avenue, or Eieke'a ding store, ior
ner Adims and Mulberry. Roth telephones.
erymen. store 201 Washington avenue; green
bouses, I'JJO Koith Main avenue; store tele
phone, 782.
Wire Screens.
joi:pii KUErrEL, rear eu lacka. ave,
Scranton, Pa , manufactuier of Wire Screens.
ulso I ailicu' wais(s. Louis bhocniaker, 212
Adams avenue.
t elopes, paper bags, (wine, Warehouse, ISO
Wasliinglon avenue, Seianton. Pa.
in Scranton nt Hie news stands ot Reisman
Hros. 400 Spruce and 501 Linden: M. Norton.
''.'2 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. biliuUcr. 211
Spruce street.
IN HE: Incorporation of Electric City Com
iiiuilii v, No, J77, Ancient and Illustrious
Hide i, Kmgbls of Vltlta, ot Nianton, Pa, In
Comt ot ( oiuuinn Pleas ot Lackawanna county,
No ::,, biptnnbii ti-un, iwi.
Ncilice is In ub) given Hut an application will
will be made tu the said cmut or a law pidge
Hun of, on the thiid ilav of Jul), A. D. lCOt.
at II o'clock In the fniiiinon, under the Ad of
Assimbly of the (.omomvrallh ot Prnus)lvania,
rntilkd, "An Ad In piovide foi (he- miorpoi
ul ion and iigulation of irilaiu coiporalions,"
appioved, Aptil -'nil, 1S7I, and the supplements
thtielo, Im the mailer of nn iatendrd icipora
lion to bo (.ilbcl "Elutric Cily Conunandei).
No 177, Am ii 1 1 and Jllii-stt toiist Older, Knighin
ol Malti, of -Miami li, Pa.," the diararter and
objti I of vvbiih an io maintain a sodel) for
biiietldal and piuietllve puipo-is lo its mern
lull fuim liiiuis lolleded therein, said funds
to bo iimiI in assMiiiK the members ill time of
sitkiiess and dUabilll), and aiding their
families ill if dialh, and for thee purposes
lo have, pots and onjov all the lighls,
liinchlH anil puvllegis nf the said Ait of As
s, mbly and lis supph meitts
'Iho piopo-ed diartii Is now- on file in Ihe
Piolhoiiotai.v's ollue ot the i-aiil court, No, 3i,
bipluuber linn, l'"'l
.1. I.'. W'ATKINS Solklloi
'IIIE ASM L MI'I'IIMI of Hip sloikbolders of
the Siiautnii late ( tirtalu lompan), foi tie
ilu linn of olliurs tint Hanadlon of Mich olliet
business us ma) ionic befoie the meeting, will
be held iu the- nhVc oi the coinp.iin, in the null,
on 'luesdav, lul) liith. I'iOI, at a p. in.
I lie biiililon Lace ( 'ill lain, Co,
II. W TAM.OR, Seircuiy.
DtilTttlo Hotels,
IIO'lEI. El VlliriM', llutfalo, , Y, dltectly in
In, nl of I lucolii Paikway inliauce tu ojpoj'
Hon, in full tlivv of i.l.-litlv illuminations and all
piroteihnlc dipla)S, llaln-, rl.OO up.
V. V N X "
SAFEST! Money Will nam Bin Monthly
nccTI Returns.
t) to 1 ! The Inv cotor'es Fund l')s Seml-monlhlj-,
The oldest established in Vmerioa, No crrllflealr
boldri lias cvu lot ,1 cent Payments made tn
all sulisiiiheis I'M ly IS da9. Nn trouble. No
ill lay. Money lefuudeil on denial d, Wilte to-
day for piilliulais, lien lo any address.
C E, Maekey A Co., Ilml.-oti Illd'g., Nevr Yoik,
Bond Offerings,
Paying 3 to S
lli-oolvlyn Kdlson 1st U,
(.'lies. & Ohio, It. & A. Dlv. 1st Con.
Kvans. ."i Tpho H.tute 1st Con. 6s,
Iowa (Sen, Jiy, Co, 1st 5h.
Louis,, N. A, oi ('hie., Ohio, & Ind.
Piv. lbt 6s.
Mexican Contial Hy. Con, 4s.
Mlnbouil l'.H'ilU: Tnist fss,
iMiilll. (ien'l l-;iec. 1st Con, 5s.
M(il, & Ohio, JVlontffoniety Dlv, 1st
lilo Uranrto "Western 1st ,
Bt. h., lion Jll, sS: Ho. UcM. s.
Coinplele (luiilir Lilt on Application,
1001 (Pocket Edition) Now Ready
Spencer Trask & Co
27-20 Tine Street,
tt Stl bltcct, Albany, N. Y. NBW YORK