W r fl( ewttfj t'OT'V ' THE SCRAISTON T1UBUN1S-TUESDAY, .ILiNE 25, 1901 i T 4 "M "' - T" TeKoOAHffl SjaeaAs a tongue known o all people y. perfect camera sitZ&pfoGC Co afflgifffomua rstlsS aasLJUJmta tuas w Take nut' with voit on j dill" vaiiilloii ii lid have 111 do uilr llnWhlilK when you ict ui Hi ill styles to select from at Kemp's Studio IIKI Wyo, Ave. ttttttt I CITY NOTES : ..- " WP Oil. WIN IIM. Iklift ' )t wnii (I. .ill pilntlnir iliwciil oil In Mm 1 Hi" nuil illusion. Nil '-'. II" Imlilir ot Hi 1 1 1 U t ua-, I! W. Cox, of -im slum liv i-"iin. No !' . Ill, lllUllmll 111 lllllllllillill! Illgllllll', t'l lhn . ill PI IIM VMM lN KIMIINI II- I ml Kiopp I m In nniiiiiiiK f.i up I'''' I'J'llii'" I"1- luinuil linn if Hi Nipiimc I n,-ini compiin, hiiitiL- bom olliml i litltir nntl mure luci tliie- p.-itlrn No olio lis i- Jt t linn ml i lil-t u ic-i i Wll I. Vl'll Nil I I Nl 11 l t ii in cui- nf tin -i i ititi ii tn up Cult" rs' a-oi iillon In hi I'M i(iiin' it Js iliiiilnl In ilttnil tin' fiineiil ot Hun Mo liirinl.il iil'l litntlici, (5nlrp. I. iio-i', al i i in twin fitin Ins I t in hil on Willi n hllOCI, IllllllllOll. I lit s (111 Ic.lm Mcli ilit Ii, of ,1 -.miii i thiiri it the Mcniik (ink ntlluri, nii iiu-licil neniM t ilin- In i mini n (" tinl.il iflcinoon mill Mi-liincil i loinpoiinil Im lino ot tin il,hl Iob lie u is (akin to the I u 11111111 lio-J't t I (1)1 Ml IWVIINV110N ('mill) Miprnn liiiil.nl i f -ilmo1 I (' 1 nlnr (otnlniloil t vim iiilioni of ipplii ml-" for tiitliri-' puiii-i.ni d i.itill, in, it Ohplnnt ii.totilii lomniniis lie ill ci mint t Minllii oMininitions it Moj-n, an I i ii I litlit , it Mihouk i lcjls' 1 1 1 1 ' 1 I NIN(! Coioncr 11 il.nti will uinliiu in tiiiiifM in tho iilututtinn mi in I 111. u nit lion-, it iiilo. k tlii-. ritiiiii.' in tin iio if Iniiil I ilh the voiinir nun wlio Mi" f. un I ill nl oi Ihi i iilriinl (inks l.iucith tin Millliti Hemic nl lining nail 1' V lVs -I he Ih I in up mil IIu 1-r.ii mm I in ml vclmlii H the Minim, I ri,si 1 1 -, (ink, IMikMin mil on sioit.li mint - I In Kill Mill I III. ill 111111 Hill W I -III II lOllipilll mil pll toil n 11 (In nn hie, Vilt hniih Illl . II ill .ii M lima. I'ifuli, in ml Wo. in ml 1..II1. Mi lls U I "Ii lllltl I. HU1- llieie will h l I fin in III. iliin-. m nne ilnpil, u N.h k (-li.il, Ii.iIii, Ii nioriow anl IIiiiimIii. "-I.i will Iip.iii it ml 7 p in Ml nliil -I will I., v.lii it liv- thin iiwil.it ilue lu in mi jnl i iki will hi -in cl mil i ipnitidi will -iim i nil eiiim' Mil PI UHim spiiM lln pn'pii nf Mi" sinnl Pic-ln ti u m ilmnli Ml. -lllplll.l Iim iiitiin: In lluni I P.jliodi, lotin ill simiil Mini in ol the 'liinlin N I, Noiin Mens Ihii-liin i i nl urn, f. i Mwril Kir- i-.mittil with l:ri II I n Mill-, ihe minimi unmili I, ,ii il ii In. i- nun ii-i.lnu in tin- illi. 1 II I II I'M II KIN l!o-.oe ( 1 wis llnl .lohn I hliu-lon, of -me I . ii ii.li. Ill iiltonl roiinli, who hue lien nimliKtliu i 1 ii-im l mlei lln In in ii inn t 1 1 ill- A. Km-lon lihil ii uliiilni 1 1 1 it ) in lmil inptd ii'leiilii in t r .li-tin t lulu il loinl I In' i ie w i- H n lint I. Ketnie in llinkiiipui Inn- M Hill, of 'Uimiili Ihe lul'ililiis jre -J i.l IT, ami Ihu fs ll, Slil". Ill 1, 1 M Ml! IRNI'I II- Mi linpmlint I. il iMtte tnn-fii hi u-t hmt mill' tlnoiuh i ii dlUe ol Ml. M II lloluile Mr ( C jlo-i, -upeiiiiti lull nl of Iletennie mil lln 1-on i nipini. In- pun hi-.il the eleint u-iil.nie of lr N I Iliu, on el-ln Tieiine Mt llo -will -.ion tike p i -e ion of lhi- hf mi , iihhh . rln rf tin' ino-l (i linn ill IllM hlH- III mil i ii "-iinili.il, iinloilmiili Ii, I- In hi-.. Mi lli.e lie will tike lip hi- li-lilillu in In n pill, till i'OI'O stiiiil tin1 ill .lima-. I.iiiir's t-oiis. Smoke the Poiono Jc elsar. X f $ 1 50,000 EGYPTIAN PORTLAND CEMENT GO. First AlortgaKc, 10 Years, 7 Per Cent. Sinking Fund BONDS Dated August, 1900. Due August, kjio, Interest Payable February and August. Trustee Union Trust Co., Detroit, The Company own In f . e simple S(0 uues of the must uiluablo ninr and elay lauds, loaned near the dt of IVnti 11, lift miles fumi Uetiolt, on the tlliind Tiunk iallio.nl, anil hue illldei 1 niistiurtloii a thoiousjhly up-io-ilate mill, with .1 ilull.s iapaelt. ot J.OOd b.uieN. The Value of the h.if. been pn.ssed Uion by theli eimlurei.s-, Mpssih of Chii.tBO, in iliu follow Ins; lotti't. 1 j.iplUi. I'trtlJiiil ( .nifiu 1 1 :Pl ji. I'iriMii'i i.nifiu 11 , 10 ,1: 1 111, in No 71.' I 111, in (ientleiiifiii I oinpniiii; nun .1 mr inpu.i, in lieu: in it Hut ,.m mnri of inni I ,-nlon in,i Ilolh, Midi , Kiiitin pioprillr Iwn tint .ion l.m upon thrin umliiinl mill In pioihup j-,;iiii,. (ientleiiifiii ( oiiipliini; iiiili .i mr inpu.i, m ("I'J lllllll- Ol llllililbl Ki "is I.'IIO.IIU ..IO.lt. ( iiialilriing Iliu iiilnul lit 01 tour prnptiliti. in I then pioslnnti in i.mUt.t uii.l the lu. at lei nf Hip ( rinent pljnl nliuli oil nil irulinu, lie In lit u Ii 1 1 n,i .shnil.l pi culm o iiinint a tlicjp i nl ion point in tills inuiili) llic lint of .Kim pinperliis lit lln' prirfl.t lime, iiiiMiil' ullonjiiip mr jiii urlllion in lliL. marl, ulilili mai csi.l. Inn whitli the diillinui tin iml ili-ilii.., nii.l whidi we luu no u ion in lelien iloc exist, -imld Im cnmliluetl sift I) ilirfn i.,uiiiiU' d J'l.iido uno I his jinoiint tun at Ihlit) (cntii pn lunil iionhl he r.V),oOi) lj (Villi 't t i'iii ,..,,., ,- . ., - fciibiiillllnt; Ihe uhoio we iiuuin DUtalni Li Itobrit , Hunt. The loinpuny ( lalms to be able to niaiiuf.u tine a Imiitl of tin. iiisrhest Biade Poiilund Cement at ti iniiiniuiii mst of r.u (eiit-s. whiih, ,u ptcent pilies will net a lituids.01110 pioflt, Jt'ull p.utldil.u.s on application. We otfer tho aboio bonds at pai and Intel est, with u tMinus of nftj per cent. In the capital fatoek of the company. ) EW3 wmm M,rTh f cSll 1 i ' rflV Ikjy j' ' 7 Uki COAL AND POWER. Six-Sevenths of the Hent Value of This Fuel Wnsted. Cniil N kltlK (i)ilii. ".14 I'. I". Cole iiinti In i:am. lioih'i M ikiiIiii'. Wluihei we can uso Menu ciisliios, tlKtili1 oimliii i. Kiw (iiglutM, (iiiii-pit"-"i(l nil 'iiKlii'". or othi'ts to iline thi' whi'ils of imliisti, the one Rieiil SDIIIC ( (if Otll'IKl Ii ( o.il, J'hc IiiiiiUkiI liilllloiii tons nf io.il a (iii :iit mini il ami tnniiioi t'il to keep the wot Ill's fiitiiiiiui'S aillow. Allow Iiik foi the iisii.il wiiile In inln IriK. this nu mis u "-ollii iii,is nf tii.it that iiiinsiiii's half :i mile 111 ItnKtli, In c.il Ii. .iihI thli knesi.. Out' huiulii'il tliotis.inii men woikcil thlitv mi, it Is estlniiiteil, to hiilld the pviamid ul Cheops; and et the niiiiunl output of eoal Is equil in hulk to two hiiuilicil sin h p.M.llllIllsl 1'iuler the best loliilltlnns, we waste siN-spM'iith ol the heat alue of thlh fin 1. and it may talilv he estlmati'd that in Keneial piaitiie lutidly the llfteinth pait nf Its ahle Is lealitd loi in tuiii wot k Fleie, then, is a field lot the Bi'iiiils ol the Imentoi wide enoiif?h to satisiy tho most .tiuhltldiis I'iist, the task Is to ili.iu ri tun toil --iiiiu'IIiIiik like Its leal aliP' In woik, anil next to llnd a siitistltuti' to pioMilo against the lime when the -tnieliou'-es of io.il, pe lioleum, linluial k.is, and other fuels shall he emptied. Thomas A. Kdlson, whose aihieemetits in applltd sclent e h.iM' left him without a pet i , and Nit ola Tesln, tlu ijn'.it neiiomaiuci in til., hid ul ehitilrit, li.nc set for iheinseUiM the task of sol Ihjj this ptonli'in, .mil mit;litv men ol m leiire in Iui ope aie win kiiiK tow aid the same end. All. IMSon'-. nm It. to llnd a w.ij tuwaid j,ieat(i nonomy in the usu of fin I. A bin lii'tlul of in.tl, he has dc (l.ned, sliuiilil ililve an evpuss tiain ticini New Yoik to Philadelphia, and a few ions bi siitiuient foi t lie oi.au su, unship, whm now hei hitnkiis must liulil thousands That llieie is hope fur thnso who seek hiKhoi iionoinks in the dlieit iit-e nl luel is e lined In .iih.mus al iead. nude Tin hollet and steam eiiRlne of a ientui .iro lit its b. st, was (apableot Ki Inp b k k but sis. pel init ot the ineijiN ol the mil, while toda the letuiii lounteen pet icnt and dial uuiuil into tuil-R.isis piom- is(s 1(1 Ril still liiAhi i lesults, wlicu Usui tlitoiiKli t lie medium ol t;as engines, t li.ni tan be had b iiiinlii,; Us licit Into steam Someihinir ot what we should lie able to in imiplish is Indicated b tlsuii'- In eeiy pound ot mal lesides an cnei,; whleh siiontisis epies-, in lioal units o nh of whli h is i.ipable ol lilt iiiK 7TJ pounds one loot hish. An aei ae ipialuy of i oal louiali s UO.noo luat units, iipii'senthiK in loimd numheis in.POU.UOO loot-iiotinils of eneiKj. AVliat woik a pound ol mil should ,,i m.i In' hulm d In lomp.iiiiiK these Hkiihs with those wlili Ii iepi"sent the labia of tunii and ot a hos(. A lind-t ai ih i, makinsr his we.uy tilps with hilek and moilai, c limliitir .slabs oi a laddei. will in a il.i of 'en houis ioit .'.OnN Odd loot-pounds, (me pound ot mil but in d iiuilei pel fei i iiiiidilions would do live times as niiieh woik A lioise iltawlns" h ait oi plotiKh cpenis l',lll,iiflli loot-pininils in he eouiie ol a il.i s wink. The hiuiiiiiK ol one and oiio-huiii tei pounds ot iual .should do as nun h Charged with Hooping a Speakonsy. I' Hi it U (Ink of Ku-ir in Mill, w i- ine-iul 1 1 I iiuhl In l.iintPiimt lln mil I'ltrolm in Itn..-, lIllUill Willi kl'ipill, I -pukll-l III in- mini -Mi In Malum in Miii-, Company Property Itoheit V, Hunt .v. Co , li.lii.il Mi h, Ian .",, pull Iiiki iiuiiiioir. I). mill, in lino II11II1I11 hei; in n ilu.t our mnri of mm I nilon im! Villi Mil 1 1 ill v li'il'irt limit v c, fifl Broadway, X, v., AVIIkes-nnne, rarbondalo, Ii 5 and ti, Coiniuofurcnltl. Bullddig, Scrauton. WILL WIND UP THE CONTEST COMPROMISE PROPOSITION TO SAVE EXTRA COSTS. As It Matters Nothing to Any One How tho Contest Will Result, It Is Proposed to Do Away with tho Examination of the Ealloti and Thoreby Save $10,000 Stenogra phers Bill Will Amount to $24, 000.07 -Total Cost to Dato $00,-000-Othor Court Matters. It Is 11101 c llinn likely the I.aiiRitnrf Kelly eleetlon contest Will be tei min uted this week. A plan to this end, pioposed bv some ot the pal lies c un let lied, his met with the appiovnl of two of the Indies and Is to he mtb nilttrd to the thlld 11s soon us it 1011 feienee can be hud with them. To follow the leKllhif ioiue for deteimlnlim; the eonlesl would hivohe nn eNtt.i epenilltuie of ahoill JIO.UOU aicoidliiB to a eompututlnn made bv foi mer 1'to.sldent .Itldge Aidibiild. The lepoit of the exanilneis nieielv Khes the iiames of the oter. who, In their opinion, weie disqualified. 'I'hcie weie 2,101) of these. It now deVoKes upon the mini to ko thlollKli the "a) 000 bal lots In the l.'.l! ballot boxes, select the J.400 lmil In Hots, find out which .imlld lie the billot was for, and in ike the iieces-taiv substiaitiiilis. The onlv thitir? all Hi's i utilil efleet would he to asieilaln whethei Jt was Kelly or l.aitKstalf who was elected tteasiuei. As All, Killv has set Mil out the teim and thete Is no law in the land that i an depth o him of a dollm ol the emoluments the olllte (allied, nelthei he. Ml. I.nmjstalf (.. aiiMine else for that matter, cues a a lap what the ballots show. 1'uonAHiii: cotiusi: The onlv (iiiestlon now at Issue !( whether or not All. l.uujstau showed that theiewas piobable( ausefor hiliiK' iiiK the contest. It, in the opinion of the com t, theie was (Dutiable i.ilise. the tolintv iiui't (kiv the costs It theie was not (uobtble cause, All. I.ans slaff and the -duncis ot his (ictitlon will be i.illed u(ioii to ()iv the (osis. If the costs ale put on the tount, tivumitieis, stenoffia()heis, witnesses anil constables to whom fees ate eom inp.ue assmed of Innntdlate pajmeiil. If thev li.ie to wait foi Mi. T.angslalf and his jietitloueis to piy the costs, thev iiiny, they lem, liae to wait (liilte a while to colli it their fees. It Is almost a pi.u thai eei talnlv that while the (ontestant did not invalidate enough of his oppont nt's otes to oei- lome his majorltv plus the hid otes the opponent showed wen t ast foi the contestant, still the contestant showed that theie weio hundiuls of bad ote-' i.ist against him, and, in the ees of tile law, this Is all sttfliiient to wai rant Iim jutlf,es in s.ijlrrf theie was ltohable caue tor the mutesl This bem? the use, It Is piopos.-d to have ei eh side admit a ceit.ilu num ber of bad votes, the lespondent .is .suni)ntr the biRgest shne of them, so that his liuijoiiH will be cut down to mtt low niaiin. This will then be ii'pnited toimalK as t-ie lesnlt ot the mutest, anil the judsts w ill dedaie th it Ihe le-ult shows the (ontestant had piolmble latise lot lustiluliiiK the pioceedlns, and halim had (nobahle (ause. the iouiit. .mil not he, should paj the iosts. Till: TOTAL lOnT-J. The latest ( (imputation on the total amount of the ( osts places the Iiriiic at about $iiii (lull The two eviinineis hue tiled ,1 hill foi 7-! dis' woik at $10 apkio a day, ot Jlt.-li.O. The two stenoRiapheis aie woikhiK on theii bills and will tile Hum lod,i or tomoiiow. '1 hell (lalms will total up to $.'1,(100 !7. Wliat the witnesses will di.iw fiom the lieasiii and what the constahlis who sei ed the subpoenas will get is still lonjeituial 'I'hcie wi:e 1 ! "00 wltiifM-es iMimined and thev ale entitled to $1 loi e.u h time the apiieaud. .Some ol tliein ap pinied thiee times, and many of them .il tei heliifV disqualified bv one side Wile i ailed on In the ollli'l, with a hoie ol h.ixint, them fine the defect wlihh they admitted on theii Hist e iimin.illon. Keiv wltuiss IhliiK out side of St r .nit mi, p(tpt those fiom railiond.ile, who weie esautlned in ("aibondale, Is entltlnl to sK tents a mile loi Haul. The uinstables who set veil the subpoenas ate iIiiIiiiIiik fin lents tot eadi pel son subpoenal d, lit -sides the Hsu il mlle.iKe, Appended is a table kKIiimt the t osts known oi estimated, upon wliidi the LOinpulallon aboe-iiit nilon is based, lwniinirW I! I mi- S7J0 rxuiiimi I I l"k-n ski oi i In i lohn I nloi ., .. ski o,i iphu I' llilleiihti); Wll in.-' In" Will,-.-' Milt ! Ciii-I ililtt (..-' ( oi.-t ililiV Mill i.i I Ink ul the iniiil-, tit .. ,. 7,' il I'ii ..,, IJ ONI 11 UK) 'jtimi i,7,i) .. .. -' lk) ., ,, l mi "Inlil si, ;(i This, ol ionise, dors not Im hide the cost of the woik et leiualnliij,' to ho done and which .IiuIk1' Auhhald has r-tlnmiid will tost $10,000. AN I.MMIIN.SIJ TSK u Men ot the Immensity of the woik done by the exanilneis and t-ten-omaiiheis tan be miliiiil fiom a 1011 teniil.tton 01 the laic that the el deiKe when tiaiisi ilbed iniitle thlity one uilunies of son panes eat h III the Hist tlfteen oliinieh theie aie foil wonls to'a pane To save eieiises Ihe last st,.,ni uduiilis weie lpe M illicit with 1,000 winds to the pane The tliiit-oiio uilunies contain . 100, Ihiii wnuls, The tiausci IIiIiik wiih done 011 lilplliale The 01 IkIuuI was 1 Ii.iik id foi at the late of fifteen leutH pep pane, and the two 1 oples at the i.ite of ten cenls per pane They also put In a cbaiKo of $'1 each a ilu loi -t.'ii ilu.s.s Hient ill l.lklllK' testlmniiN, The Is i'-w I lllllg- p.ipei, lilone iiist $IS, cat l)in paper msi $S0, and illilious top tho is ii.-w illiiK' nun hint's, $ it, The (outest was Instituted In Alaidi, 1S'S l.'Ilileeit iiioulhs weie i-peul In Hiking testimony, and then a cai was used iii b the exanilneis In mnkinit their lepoit If the (OnteM Is allowed to inn Its mume iiuotliei will p.u-s be fine it Is llnalb detei mined. Suit for Big Commission. Albitiatfius Italph I. l.ey, y, Al. Iluiincll and Wallet 1. Hill weie en B.iKed esteiday in takliifr testimony in .1 suit for $15,000 whit h Allehael (ii lines ilitlniH oi o. S. Johnson is .1 commission for si'lllng- the .loluison lollieij to the (lieen Ititlso t'oal com I an.. All. til lines in 1i9T had autlioiity to iii'Kollate tlie sale of the (olllciy, One of the patties with whom lie negotiat ed wits Hon. W. h. Council. In lbOS l)Mp3 ' An Excellent Combination. Tito iiletisntit method ntul benellclal elteets of the uoll known remedy, Syittfi op l'ldB, mnnufactnictl bv tho CAi.irotiNi.v I'm Hyjtui' Co., illiistrato tlicMiluoof iibtnlninir the liquid laxa tive piinelples of plants loiown to bo meillelnully laxative nntl ineHenttng them in tins form most refreshing to tho tsisto mid acceptable to the nyuteni. It is the one perfect Htrongtlieiiing lnxa tive, I'lpanslng tho system clTectunlly, dtspellln(r colds, he.idnchrs ami fevera gently yet pi omptly nnd oniibliiije ono to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on tho kidneyH, liver and bowels, without weakening or hritatltig them, uiako it tho ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing figs are used, as they arc pleasant to tho taste, but the medicinal qualities of tho remedy arc obtained f 10111 senna and other 'aromatic plants, by a method known to the Camfukxia' I'ia Syhui Co. only. In order to get its beneficial elVeets and to avoid imitations, please remember the full ltiimn of tho Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN mANCIBCO, CAT. LOUISVILLE. ICY NEW TOHK, N. T. Porn do by nil DrupRlsts PricoMu. per bottle. ATr. Johnson feinted a company with Mr Council and otheis as the sloek holdns and tialisfeiied It to the eol lieis. Air. fli lines claims the sale of the mllieiv to the mnipain was the if suit of his negotiations with Alt. funnel, Atr .lohtisou contends that the sile of the piopeilv w.us taken out of Air. Oi lines' hands lonsr befoie the foinn tion of the lompanv was thought of and th it In this Intel Im time were 4",0fl0 woitb of nnpioiements made on the piopoi tv. Atloinev II. W. Tliau'f lepiesents Air. Gi lines. Air. Johnson's attorney is ex-.ludve II. A. Kn.ipp. Released on Bail. .lospiili lliid.il.ii Hz. the hotelkeenet from the IthlKC, neat Aichbald, who Is .11 1 list d ot .tKi,ialetl assault nntl bitten on Joseph Pletio, was icleased on ball U'sleidav, the ntteudliiR phjsl (I.111 ieitifliiR that I'letto is now out ol (ItuiKei Hill In the stun of $1,000 was fiunlshid befoie Judge Cnipenter bv John AIIkIIii. William i; J.twls, who is dialled by his wile i.ith unfaithfulness, tleseillou and suteU, was leleasid oil $1,000 ball, fiiinisliul lij Al. A. Dona hoc. Hearing in Equity Cases. The ((itll suit or Joseph F. (Illtov, tiustii .iR.iiust Kteemau Earned, et al , w hit li was s0t down for yestetday befoie .Inline J. W. f.npcntei, was I ontlmiid bv . iki n mi nt, with a iew of luiiim? the ( ase dlsposul ot witli ope heat Iuk at the net tei 111 of ai ,u- I I It'll t inni t The hcaiinj-s In the soils of ('. 13 .Simpson, William I'onnell anil f. Ji Jones .lK.ilust the Cheiiv Vulle liooni and lannbei 101110111, f. P. Davidson, et al is sk down tin Fi lilnj next Le foie Jlldse C.n pentei Mamage Licenses. 1" Willi 1111 h-i " 1 'Htii I mini I Nip" s 1 inttii lo-iphS llin Oliphmt Ni 111.' 1. 1. Iliu .. su inion Iriiiti-i l(,t. CJ I'ni-ptel inline Mine N. 11. .11 .1 . ( liuij stir t lini-i W ilhic sir,nini, Kiti llillion "ci niton I'. Iil.lv l oie siiii Noli li III 111 Poiiill Miii.w'.i 1 1111. s I'. I'iiiiIiii IjiIji Mm I lun.l.ii'i Mino.l 1 Williim N Wiiiltrnnilu Siiinttm ( Kin 1 1 lie ( moll sLrUion I nil ml I Mil 1. -hi (.leu II11I liir.n(t 1' Milln-kn It-Mip liillill I. Sou 'Us llionk -tint itu l!t-u . e!i lliook -luct lliniiii- I' Diu'.in s, Mnt,ii Mju ( ml. 11 sinnlon I Inn 1 litiiionl lull.- HIiKtli llniiiuli N11' I nlor I .Im II II. ... in "ill. I likiwiiilu jm nui' I Illi 111 Clilfnti r.u 1 si,,,,, n.iui' l.hii I' 'li limn s 1 ml, n Mm (.llirill siiiiiiii I 1I11 ml lulli Pill-ion Mm M..1I.- 11I1I.1II llioini-r kin- (jiI.oii.IjIi ( ithiiin.' ( infill ( nli.nilih Willi nil II M.uin inl, .ml ile Williilmliu Cup inn , s, iim,,, COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. I'm -nh nl lnl't I .In ml' is illi i.iliiu- ihe s'i il. It II 1-111 i lli.il! 11.. .1111, 11. .1 III. 1,1 hi Ih i- Iiuhl in limit in WilLts Unit I. lil-.. 11, In (nihil, 1 if W mrlt I" 1 oiilIi, till. I III- l.'.ii'l it-lenlji li i- .i.iii.i, .1 In IiiiUp ( Jipuilii li.-lei s,,m. jini I (' M11 l,i.i no hi- tint lii- in tho Sinn 01 .mm sun in 1. pit iii iv j- in-liiiiliil .ii-ni.IJi hi Ml.. llul (,u.i' I. I'teU foi lohn I te.li tliu Ui-i I ul.ni iiiiu .inline 111 iilu'liu 111, in n inlil 1 hi-e, w ison mil InjtJ oi piotliteo iniiili It in iliiimil line llltilli neitil tu. 111 on. if his loininls-ioii ii nl In tin li.iiHi.li until. 1 1 lit- nf Old 1 iii II app. 11 . Ihtii. is in mini nut. In Olil liua' nnl.liu il in otldi-t In liut. k Mcr iithnut .1 liiillM' Jlnl tint out' lit llie l.ilelt lilt II M IS pit t.l il lip hi 11 inll-ljhii ,S lie 11J1 Ulil ll. intn Ihe huitiiji tu puhlU ULilihlts II' 11111I1I ntt pn the lln J I"' I 111- out lit wis mI?i.I Mr (aisle tliiim Ihe 111III1 mil jllf.ii II U4M Kl.l. il lu the nun 1 1 r 11) w In lit it wis I1I.U1, WHAT OUR COLLEGES COST. John (illnitr Siiul in Ain-ht s In lilts in of Mi; ll.n.ks h is liittiiMini; to (oii-itlir tin io-t if lolliutt iii.tinilit 11 liut in 11 iiulile lis lu nuke up uui initiils ii- to win lln 1 01 not il piiN 'IIu 1. 1 mm. Is iml hnihl Inc. mi' i..iil-.. at tI 1 1,0 ) tM), lt. inuiliiettic I111.K .11 s (sunn mm, lln Miuilille qipjulih .it JII.ihui mil Hit. Inni I a lion- it .'l,(iooiKi, ulule lln lulul nm 1110 nf lliun .ill i- sJl Kio.U") lint I- 1 11 il .niii in 1 . 1,111111 llun Hit il,Uieuno Ihe i)or ptoplt ol lie 1111 ul Nm nk 111111M alii pn iiiln lln p. lit! li i ot (lie iiuliuptili? ill 1 1,11111 III iilmli llo lull I"' lliuiiu tu win Hill is jii illiliiillijllll,' lonlu-t Ihe iiliulc II until uis s',nrs),(ioi) ainiiulli foi ils liis'h 11.I 1. In. ilio, 1, lln nuliopnlil in tit) ul" lie pills ,'t, (hi.ikii .li.nl.i ill a vJine liut mill rr'M on the luiiQUin I (Jiuj no KilUgo nun mr pUiul potin iiipt in tin puiMilt if liiioiihiLi' inni In u.i til ip.iiiiiiiit Whin inirjuii is t i.k-lli, hiuliii itliiiiiiun 1 iimul le 1111 that it tube' u lu i a now ipuit on il. Filipino's Liberated, W jhlPKt(in, Itine il -The wr Jipiilmenl las liutlo pnl. Hi .111 outer K'liiil In litliiu) Ui Ki ll 111 on Mi) J). lil.eialin- .Vl I ilipino prioiiers to t-pttiJll) irUiulie Ihe mricn.h'l anl aiicpt jim of the mini i.'iil) if the 1'iiitcil Mules In (,un III Mjh.iiiI.i, ii.liHiijniliii; Iti-iiisenl fours in Ihe iitiiliiios of IUUjii nntl Xoiihoali', ami (1il1u.1l Ijuiiii, loiuinji ilini; in tin piuvinuj vt UuUian anil l.uiuj UljJ. TEACHERS ASK FOR MORE PAY PETITION PRESENTED BOARD OF CONTROL. TO A Request for Twelve Months Pay or a Twenty Per Cent. Increaso Is Made - Salaries in This City Comparod with Thoso in Pittsburg nnd Allegheny Bids for Light ning Rods, Coal, Wood nnd Sup plies Opened Teachers' Fay Roll Passed. 1'iof. Daniel A. Slone. ptluclpnl of No. "I sihool, leiitesenlliiK the le.ichci.s of the dlv. last ulitlit piesented to the ineli'bcis of the boaid of tontiol a peti tion asking for n twehe months' sal aiy at the same late now paid for ten mouths, or. If this Is llleRnl, leuiiestliiB a Kcuenl liieieiwo of twenty pel tent. In the Miliules now' paid. This petition Is slimed, necoidliifr to Pi of. Stone, b all the teachers In tho city. It sets loi Ih .statistic m showing that the salailes paid teaehciH In eiaiiton ate lower than the .salailes (mid ti.iclieis In the othei seioiid-claus cities, it mIiows that the aeiiiRe sal 111 y paid Kiianton teueheis Is $VJ.JJ per month, us miupiiiiil with $63 01 lu PittsbtiiK and $" ."J lu Alleijhcio. In piesentini; the (it llllon Piof. Stone made a lew icmaiks. In whidi lie pleaded not foi himself, he vale, but foi all the teueheis of the til ho aie iindeip.ild. Tlie demand as a Just one, and he had no doubt hut that It would be gi mted bv the boaid. The tenth eis weie asUlug notliliiK width lould not be Kt anted, he said. The petition was it'dhed and lefcned to the te.ich eis committee, the nieinbus of which bodv will (.itetully lOllbldei the (impo sition. PAVOU TiKMITXlXG HODS. A majoiit. of the inemheiH of the boaid seem to be In favor of putting IlKhtnlniT nids on the schools Hids foi the luiuishitiK of tods eie opened last nlRlit and the anti-llRhtninK iod side soiiKht to li.ne consideration of them postponed. The othei .side won out, howeet, lth one ote to spate. The bids licehed weie as followfi' He bin n, Hunter .. Co, Phlludelphlii. 'i tents pei foot; J. (J. Kcen, Phila delphia, 2i cents pei loot, JJ. V, Piear, Tiinkhanmn k, 17 icnts per foot. Air. Kes tiunlslied u 1 ompilitlon lth ills bid, showiiiR the i ost of eiiulppiiiK the following buildings lth lods. So. 4, $S1 No Jb. $lS, Xo .IS, $2.' I Alt. Hafkei inoptl, as soon as the bids hud been tead, that fuithei eou sitleiation of tlini be postponed. He said that he believed that theie eie not live men on the boaid who favoied llKhtnltur iod, and said that the bole inattei should lie killed olt at ome The motion to indefinitely postpone as lost b tlie following vote Vti- I lain in, II I 0 lillei, linon, llr O'Milli), Mn, Jiui', 1 uin, v, Iim fi r, lliiler - n N iiSlnre-, Plilllip- (. ililt 11, Kuilie, enl-, W il-h, lumiuns, I jiuni, s(mjNS, 1 (onartl, (,il Ion II The bids weie lfffiitd to the build ing committee ith institutions to in lug in ,t estimate of the piobable lost of equipping all the s( hools in the cltv ith the lorts. The lollowlng bids foi mal weie le eched: I VI Mm 1 v 1 n-t ili-lini l-iie'ti llun pn, s1 7". pit ton, ii, sj pi r ton liiliitl liinli ins I n-t ili-niif lueu th 111 I ti, s, 10 1 ci Im, u sj pi s, I,,,,,! iii-hitt I uutr III 111 ii, l., pej, sj lluni ib-tii I I iim thin pi J, s." 1", p. 1 s -, Willi mi (.ihnne I n-t ili-lntt ln.ir llun pi 1 si in, pei, sj 0", I I ii-umus he f oinpini l'11-t tli-trnt I.ner thin pi 1 -.J. pit, s.'ji llilul ili-liut. I n'i r 1I1 111 1 . 1 v , ; pi i, sj -, linn- lieiinti I u-t ili-liut I lUei 1I1 m ii s , l" 1, -' In iKwheit, si '1 I In 1 .1 1I1 11 11 1: I men linn I -l, pi 1, sj; l.u. I !.. u, s n Uui foi I01111I1 tlntuil Mint is ihou Inn (Ink liiimil (oj! Coinpuii llilul tli-tnil lumr Hi 111 1 1 11, s.'.u, p, 1 -J 12 Pont Ui tin tilit. I lieu llun ti, 'v" 1"', pi, sj 1 I inn- I linn I .until tli-lntl. I aigi 1 thin p 1, s. J", pn, sj y, VI. I lln lib Cud for 1111 ot the ile-lrul-I tie-er linn pn, si pi 1, J n MID RIUlXTRD. The bill of M( Manama 1? fo as ieeeted beuiuse 110 101 titled 1 lu i k ai -(ompanltd It 'Ihe oilier bills weie le fetietl to the supply committee, as weie also the follow im, bids foi wood: 1 11111 I li mi "lil 111ml s pi iiuilon Inni, kiii.llin moil, s.t ( tun ion loul, .uui si 70 ll 1 111 11 11 h ul hint- hi 11 in. 1 M ,1, Miiuil, s7i p, r tu.. Ion I 'ul, nn) l '.') pri one Ion Iml, (.iiulliiij; nooil, s'7"ipu liinlin h.ol itol s VI it r t lit Ion Inni, M I I tu 1.1 v -I pn iiu.l, no -p.iljl Kin I ot 110.1 1 1, 1 i-ii of hi nl miiithniii! The annual lepoit of Allend.lllte Otlleei Alaitlu Joii wis (iiesentetl and showed thai iliulilK the ear he ntte-niled to the discs of SI I pupils, made 'il'i visits tn biilldllihs iiuii .Vis, vWlts to homes A niiiuhei of bUN loi supplies were iiieivid and wile lefened to the .sup ply (ommillee The (over such 11 iiiultllude ol Hems Hint thev t annul be acttii upon lntcllleiill until sin h time as the have been i.tiefully tab ululed The It. libels' p,iv loll tin Ihe month just puiled vwis pnssid, us was asn the Janllois" and olllieis' pi 1 oil, CHIVALRY UP TO DATE. Illustiated in the Quixotic Caieer of MaiqtllB do Moies. (i W ()t,tlii) 111 llniiiuli Mi.jiii. The Aluiqllis D(. Aloie.s was n stiiinn III ill, who (.line into llie West 11s a fantiiHlln shadow out of iiuotliei woild, and tiled to tashlon tin big, law (oun tl llltel llie Ii.lllelll ol tilings he knew It was iii.s aiuhltluii to 1011111I a gieat Aiiieih.in house lu llie Had Lauds He was ulilili, as he slew his 1111111 lu tlie Kid Lands, tioiu ambush while lead lug a Pieuch iullltili. eii illlloil In TiiiiIm something luoie than 1 oil 1 ,euis ago. Ills widow now udv nines ihe el 1 i 111 ihnl he was the vliliin of 11 miispiiacy on the p,ui ol leitnln 1'ieiidl Roveiniiiuiit oflh lals lie in Kill! lepK mbeii'd In tlie Had Lauds wheie Ills giceil iiiaiiHion stiiuiU louel and weatliei-'Stalucil oil the 1)1 .tK .slant side of a tieeless buile and his abal. tolr, wiud-li.iuiited .uui fulling to tie i,i nmiks the low bulk ol ihe Little Mi-.-uiiil. The lines ot uupiolltle .soil oei whli li lie in Id u loi ill) ,i) .slill We Are constantly adding new ac counts and our business ib in creasing at a veiy satisfactoiy rate. Possibly you aie think ing of joining us. The People's Bank. UmiMMMuuiuu Fruit Spoiled How do you expect some of the Fruit Jar Rings sold today to keep your fruit? There is not enough rubber in a dozen to make three good riugs. Why buy thetn when you can get one dozen HONEST RUB- 3 BERS for 10c,packed in a neat box? Your g dealer should have them. :mmwmmmmwMutwmmfmi On July 4th We Will Celebrate, the 125th Anni versary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence. OUR 1-IRhWORKS ANNKX is filled with the articles necessary to fittingly celebrate this grejt event. FIREWORKS, FLAGS AND BUNTING of every inscription are here in great numbers, We have made a special feature of an exten sive line of Fireworks, Novelties, Set Pieces, etc. The kind you used to go to New York for. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. (Fireworks Annex.) 422 Lackawanna Avenue. Auction Sale Extraordinary Contents of Westminster Hotel, 217-219 Wyoming Ave, Scranton, Pa. Commencing Tuesday, June 35, at 10 a. m., Continuing from Day to Day Until Stock Is Sold. Sale to consist of the furnishings of nearly 101) ItooiUS. Com plete bar outfit Back bat, front b.ir, pumps and counters, lunch refrigerator, floor linoleum, ceiling fan, screen partitions. Cash Register. Office fixtures Writing tables, chairs, desk etc. 10 Large Pier Mirrors these are all French plate and large enough for bar rooms. Dining Room 25 tables, 2 side boards, silver wale, crockery, glassware, table linen. Kitl'IlCIl Large 2 fire range and boilers, 1 steam table, 1 plate warmer, coffee, tea and hot water urns, carving table, cooking utensils. One Square PiailO. Pailor Furniture odd chairs, couches, lounges, tables, etc. 7O Bed Koom Suits All kinds of woods, hair mattresses, pillows, bed linens, toilet sets, etc. Thousands of Yards of Carpels. Wardrobes, separate bureaus, wash stands, etc. This is the largest sale of the season and those desirous ot furnishing or refurnishing their homes should take advantage of this opportunity. Sale Absolute. Terms Cash. 'I he house will be open for mspect'on from 9 a. in. to 3 p. m. Monday pieceding sale. JOHN JERMVN. bear his nniue, .iml i attic men smile I Kilml and point out htic ami Uui.' fi.iL,iuents of the wiie tomes he built. When llie .Muiquis IJe .Mods looU poscelou nf ids JO (Ifil) at ics in the Had I. imls he piot ceiled lo put up haibttl wiie fellies. i.w ol the 111 si to mi t 1 this innovation in the Had I. mils win a liliutei named PianU O'Donncll lb was headlnfT In loi Ihe ilvei one due and almost lell limn his hoise lu astonishment when he siw the in w lente. So Kie.lt a his sin pi Im he could not (.ill to iiiiml auv apptopiiaK oaths Ile t 111 (he wilt' Hint lode on touatils .Medina in client e. Tliei li.l.l lit in llieie who was i, sponsible im the lut.'iili ot Hail I. anils eiitiuelle ami m cullttl on tlie iiianiuis .!, paidnei, whal 111 llie do .ou mean b puttlu' up llun It me he ileniiiiitli il. wilh an iiijiiied uii D. .Moits ieplui'1 that lie was nieith ftiitluK his own piupeiiv, us was ins torn u. in ( i llinl lauds, "Wtll, l just (ill a ap in Hit hhiiiU-ft-hhlllU tlllllKUp vomlei on the 1111 " suit! the hiiniei' delliuillv 'an' thai " the Wll v I'll luat Volll It me w In m t i It comes in in wax. "The ni't lime on ml m fenn " l)c .Moies raid, without ihuimilli; t olm oi sIiowIuk the leant sn of niiL,et " shoot oll on s,hl i)';oiiiii ll's Jiw It II, ami he lool.eil ill itlilllt lllent tioiu one lo uuothci ul' the men who Mood .iioiiml. 'I'heu 'n llniiiuli ti his iioise ami unit' uwa. III t'd too soldlei'n llie, lie Mm e,s lould mil, lot' a linn, 1 1 tin i .. nm lie hliiiseli to Weslcill lllilllliei of si.un' Ul loin; I. IlIKi' Willi llle-lllllis He i ull.-ltlel i .1 It iiltuei llii'i iiiiKenilt ill. mil ami un t..iis,iiiiu In no in ouiitei with O'UiillIK II, the llltlKlllls ami the hlllllel ii banned scvei.il shots wllhoui eltml 111 II llt'll ol 1.IK" llie llulll' lllllll swum; his hois,, about mid Millopid towaitl the i ami), some miles distaiil O'Doniit'll, whooping iiiul sliootluK piu.siitd, iiuiiKluliu; his uihcsui lu I ell eat V." Ihc. tieiiitd .Mednia O'Doniit II slopped oil lilt lop of tin hill iiiul He Mints went nil, i ill III, al c. mill, (he I-'ient Inuiili wciu lain Ills lent pu'senlh eineidl with II iiipioi. Wilh tills ill hand he made im () Diillliell Alll lelllt'lll lit Ihe sijjul ol llie long shai) Mi mil appealed to lake 1'imii llie hlllllel all i ei ollet llun ot Ills psos "lis i use llie.' lie ..iid, iIIrbIiik Ills heels Into the I Ills ol bis biomlio alld llllf,Klll(,' III'' UlllllilIsS net U lonvtihl llie tlllilht he inonii'lllailb iNpeitei lo feel between his sholllilei blades lie e'dtped mill n moil h leat-on ol his Hiipeihn nKlll lu kiiIiIIiik his lioise ov ei the bioiieii Hiiiuiul SpiiuBfiolrt Bank Closed, llj Fxrliuhe W'ir. from The Awodtlrd I'rn' W j-hlnelui bint U Hit' I'.unl.cii Njliuiul lul k Of SUli.llilil VI i. , ll.lS l.illj) In f n i lu I b.l lliltillull of lln' iiilllllliollil uf I III' lllirtlll) ii'inii l irpuii fiom llml. I v j tn I in r ( iiiiniiuliaiii .liuuliik' Ihe lunl. In I" iii-oliinl. I lli II i'i' .tr u I ri ii jipunaril luupuiiri nttlici llie fjil.no of tin I. j uk i tlii.t in ilcpiii alon uf ki tiliiliri J in I i((.i( I.iJili Id ii.iii.inin ami liulil liltiaN li.Miml lluii liiumiil ic.ua-il.llil) II i imt l.rlicuil Hut the Iom! tu ilcinilurj will be Urt,i. 5. Inexpensive Porch Furniture There is nothing neater in inexpensive porch fur nishings than the Grass Cloth Upholstered Fur niture. It is finished in natuial wood, and in col ors, and is particularly adapted for Porches, but is equally suitable for Summer cottages. We have several styles of Chairs, large roomy Rockers, Settees, Stands and other suitable articles. Hill & Connell ui N. Washington Ave. SUMMER RESORTS. Living Inland You Need the Seashore. I'liD k. I i un on Ion,: Mini Soumi, it in, ah nl llie luuliitil l miitcdtiil im i, n.i limn' ip 1. 1. on. un I en iliiii'i. in liilili Jul .!i i.-uro ilnii jm uili.r minim r kqii nlvnj Hi. kuuiiil ti iniiil No .man (limpm-', in uin.ipiltue, uj ii-lam Mo. I iIinIiiIiIp Inmiion n tin .omul or liiri lil kul . Un iiimi In i. mini tun. lit, i'i ll).in fli in Nen ull. , I huili!. limn Ili-lon, N .., Nrw lliun ami ll.illfil.l ullioi.l Fenwick Hall lh (II tho u-u.il suiiiinir attriillons; rrh'te e'olf link, pirlnl toa l loi tliiiuu Jul i.mI'-' l.ojlir,' mill li.hliu. 1 ill.ii. pjilliiiiH, l.i.iu-i lllllll I, l.i.Mllll.- jllOH Jill IllllidltlJ I lie li"(il i fiirnlvliril null pilule' liltl.t. dridlom ml ill niiiilctii i oni i nil in Co -uui t.u.pUc3 i ubk wliiili cinii.it Ih .iiiM9.ril I lif not id jlino licit , ui arc all tin- i roiin.lii.iji, U Iniilin.- lo icluml P'OI'le. lor full pal lit ill jr.s. jil.lifK ,) I' Uuttkl'J, liopiit,ior Hotel Jcflcrou, .Nm oil