The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 25, 1901, Image 1

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r 1 "IS
rwo CENTS.
rwo CENTS.
it Is Impossible to Obtain Much
Information from the De
vastated Regions.
While tni Property Losses Have
Been Immense tho Number Drown
ed Are Now Placod at from 60 to
200-Milos of Railroad Track Has
Beon Washed Away Tho Com
panies Rushing Supplies and
Material to the Scone of Disaster.
Statement of Mr. Stewart.
lit I i Inslie Niip ftuni 1 hi? Vssoiulul Press.
Roanoke, Vii.. June 21. Thoto has
I it i i very llttlo news loielvod today
ft oin llii West Virginia Monil. One
liiiln iMino in this unci nonii. l)ill nut
imii'li now infoi million could lie Kiiiiiod
'i mil the pnssengei -. Tho ttulns nit
nulling ft mu Hluctiold .uid Funis,
.vhioh places im Just outside tin1 ler
ltor visited hv tin- oloudbuist on lust
Saturday morning. All day long todny
Itounnkeis who have li lends .mil loln
Uvos In the Holds niul the coal
iipelntois lieie nlm have lalgo llllllll
iltl Intoiosts In tho devastated stilp
have boon llngeilng iiioiiiul Hi" i.iil
l oiid station awaiting Hip aiiivul of
i hi liclnlPil ti . in. These people, mak
ing ituiuhios concerning Ives niul
pioppily, h.iP been besieging till' Illil niul onnmioiolnl telegiuph olll pi
Mine p.nly this mot ning. Tho wires
lit lug itll down west of Hluolleld save
i no ulto which goes through to Funis,
but is being used us a ti.iin wire, pio
vonled the pnhllc lioni gaining any
iiildltional ij.ii (Icutaih. How niiitiy nrp
doad is not deflnltply known, ami II
up c-vnilly will ho several days ,ct
liofoio the exact uiinilior nu ho given
out .- hut llio in Ions reports
i'l iioul.itioii liPieai-e that all the way
from .10 to 200 poisons have hoen
ill owned. It Is piobablv sate to as
sume the lornier llguios as being moi e
in in l collect than the latter The
damage to )inpei't. will amoillit to
liuiulieds of thousands of doll. us.
.Miles of i.iilioad tiuck .'lie washed out
and gull lies have been eieated.
The devastated section ooveis an
fit cm of ahoiit twenty miles west of
Uluolleld. It Is n very ii.uiovv valley,
nil much wider thnii a street In
Mime places.
c' mines aie siutteied all along
the load. Ke.siine, the town lopoited
to have heen so gioutly damaged, anil
at 111 st helioved to have heen wiped
out of ostoni e, is a village ol he
twieit 2. Win and :', mill people, and is
lniill .ilons- the n.ii urn- vallo.v and on
the ships of the bliills. All lepmts
agree that between 2nu and "ml houses
weie swept nwa III the Llkhniii val-
v. Inn of (iiiu-e not all the occu
pants weie diownod.
Rushing Materials and Sttpplies.
The people .no lushing mu
tiilal and supplies to the Llhhiiiu.
Hie Imuiliid and tllly laboieis i.iuie
ill ovei the Roanoke and Southern to
da.v on all omi.i tialn and went west,
ii ml neailv all the woiK tiains on Un
load it t'e hie soul to tile F.lklim II
.1. V. Ciott.v, a lliemnn mi Hie Nor
folk and Western load, who lesides
ill this- clt.V, leeelved a message es
tfidav fioin I'.lticllolds tliat 111 Hither,
mother, mie slstoi, two biolliois and
slslei'-in-law, with hoi two chlldlell.
Ai'lci Inst 111 the llooils Sullied, IV lit
Ki stiue. .Mr Cintiy's people Hv oil In
the i enter of the town. The Western
I iilou tologiaph otllciuls in this ilty
su.v that the situation sn far as get
ting news fioin the leirltory west of
I'.lllolleld Is ciiiii eilieil. Is unchanged,
and tiiej lnie nothing new to gle out.
K II. Stow.nt, n well-known filiul
tuie doalei in this city, was in the
midst of all the stoim and tiaeed
op foot iieai ly the whole of the route
devastated. .Ml. Stewart had heen
awuv mi business and was lotuinlng
linme on a tialn When his Main
k aolied Vivian, W. V.t ahoiit y
o'i lock Sultliday nuirnliig, water al-j'-ady
tovoied a huge pmtloii of the
v.itcl and the tiaiumeu Knew that no
i at titer piogiess could lie made. The
train was pi, i( oil at the highest pnlut
In tho .vaid. lEalu was coming down
in tnrionts and while ill the train Mr,
Stewart saw ahmit thlrtv tins wiihIiciI
fioin the and cnnled nw.iy by
the rushing turients, laige tieos up
looied tioaihy, while liotises, bildges,
liiniitiito, wont whliling by in the
water. As Hie Hood ineieaseil, the
water cut a oliiinnel on tho other side
of the tialii. leaving It iictweeii two
sti earns. Then It was decided to take
out those passengers who wished to
leave the tiulli and a lope was at
tached to the tot ill of one of the
Kits and to a ticc on the hank. Among
tho passongeis was a lady, who, with
the assistance of seveial men, win
gotten sntely to tho tuuk. A number
if iiiiii had narrow escuues trutu
Irowiiiug in malting the nip.
Theie was a let up in the lain ami
tho Hood subsided about noun, and at 1
o'clock .Mr, Stewiut ami aiotliei pas
senger loft the tialn ami started to tho
tn?t station, Keystone, live tulles ills
tant. .Mudi of the tiacl; uud seveial
titidge.s hud heen washed mvnj and tm
tllp was made with illlllciilty, a
portion of the way on tho nack ami
the balance on tho bluffs alontr the
i auto.
Estimate of the Dt owned.
.Mi. Stowatt says ho saw a number
if impses along the loute, but does not
t oik mote thnn l'oity people weie
wiied. When lie jeaehed Koystonu 3 o'clock, he found that a iiiiin
t -i of iHllldlntjs had been washed
nuav, and it was estimated that along
the whole toitte of the stoun between
son and WO houses had boon can led
unuy, but the occupants of niau of
them had escaped to the hills. He tsaw
one erv lingo building go down with
the Hood. Most or the buildings, how
ever, were small affalis. The coal loni
pntilos lost heavily on biltlgos and sup
plies. At Mnnls the depot was washed
away, utid yestotdny vhen .Mr. Stuw
ail loft tho sale hud not boon found.
Ho walked fiom Keystone to Ihinls
yesterday and was taken fioin then? to
Itlueticld, artlvingat Itnanoke today.
.Mr. Hlowinl's statement ean he lo
lled upon as being a tritthrttl stiiiy of
the Hood and the mint complete state
ment so far given out.
An ofllclal telegram fiom Imnls sa.s
the water enitie In a wave I'lid so sttd
ilen that people could not gel out of
the wuy of It. The water lose to a
height of s feet In llility minutes.
The following short statement to
night by one of the genoial ollleers of
tho Norfolk and Western uilltoad sum
niai'lsilng the Hood .situation In the
light of the latest despatches, was
given to the Associated 1'iess;
"Itostoiatloii of telegraph Hue de
velops that damage by flood Ihiough
i oal Holds was oMiggeialed. Loss of
lire will not exceed si.ty-lhe or sev
enty, and damage to piopcrty. Includ
ing lepairs to r.tlhoad and coal opera
tions, will not exceed live bundled
thousand ilolliiis. It is expected the
ii Iroads will got Hues opened thiollgli
toinonow or ne.t day."
Colonel Hewitt in Charge.
'hailestown, W. Vu., .lime Jl. Col
onel .lolm Hewitt, atliii'iioj at Urani
woll, hu,s been dlieetod hy the seeto
lar.v of slate, in tho absence of the
gmeinor. to take full charge of tho
situation in the Hooded dlstiitt. A
company of National Ouaids has been
in del ed to assist. Alote t loops will bo
Kent as soon as possible.
Supply tents have been oi doled. If
theie is any gieat delay in opening
i.illtiiad communh ntlon, lcllef wagons
will be sent oei land.
Rain Falls in Torrents Damage
Estimated at at Least
Hy l'vililxop Wiip tiom 'the A-.ou.l(i'il Pus.
rtlea. .V. V., June :M. A rainfall
approaching a cloudbuist. caused at
least $ Hl.OOU damage to New Uullltl
Satin day night, llain had heen fall
ing some boms ami Dually eiiine down
In giea!. ton cuts. A leservolr, a mile
west of the village, gave way and Its
contents swept down on the illage. A
tanner living near had lidden ahead
warning people of the danger and sev
eial vacated their houses. Two build
ings weie swept away and the debris
fluated down and clogged a stone an h
way under one ot the streets. The
water pouieil over the aieh, bieaklng
In the doois anil windows of business
pku es and sending their inmates to
upper stoiles. The basements and
lowei Hoois of tho hotels, shops, stoics,
banks uud eveiy business place in
the village weie Hooded and goods of
all kinds weie destio.ved. Two of the
main slieets weie gutted out to a
depth ot ten to lltteeu feet, pave
ments walks, tieos, fences, porches
ami lawns weie tout up and washed
away uud seveial buildings wen?
moved timn their Inundations. About toot ol r.iilioad tiack was also de
slioved. Soon aftei the rlouilbuist a
heavy hall stoim set In. It bioke
many panes of glass in houses and se
veioly damaged faun piopeil.v, tutting
i urn and other ciops so that they aie
mined. Tieos aie snipped of fiult
and many blanches aie bioken. The
loss of el mis will be enormous.
The Paymaster Is Soundly Lectured
for Borrowing Government Funds,
111 Will' lniill 'I In- AwimiihI I'lfS-l.
Washington, .lime -4. -Societal y Long
tod. iv addiessed a I opt Inland to I'a.v
inaMiT .lolm It. .Mai tin, ot the uav.v,
who i ci cully was louvlited b louil
uiaitlal at the I'hiludelphla navy yiml
ot a vioUitiou ot the statuti In legal il
to the u-e ot goveuimeiii ti'uds for pii
vate put poses. .Ml. Long's letter mains
some genoial statenienis .is to the n-r-.i
of siiiipulous line in haiiilliug govern
ment tuiuls, and sa.vs, in p.nt:
h miis nut tin' i eo ef in. m,i ilui ,vuii, l.iii ii a
VII plljllll'. II III .Mill llllil III Ullil'lUi-,' lilt i ho
Mlllll' Hull UMllll ll.lll' Imll .1 i-lhillJUt'.
I hat .inn lutl - -.Hiiiis ni t mills iktulitn iL
linn ininiiiiiiil In Hi ike il gtio.l ii nf no Miimini'.
Vim n In in 1 1 lain ul I he jih.ui, i s a, " "
tin uli ul' lliiini'ul 1 1 it in u im-iw el iiihlli
tut .Is I-. iii'iir iiiiiil. Suililni; i.iu he iiuiii' ilt .
niiirililii' .11,0 i uii.lui in' lo (i.iuil .mil ill lih. i
liuii III ill In ili I hi' iloni, on l mi rliulittv, I"
Mull llll-ll-f ni Inul-. It s,l"l Iim lll.Jliilii il,
lilt li s-,,(hh; jidI iho ni vl nlip Is . mlnvlniirn,
llllil II, illljllll, lllllil llllH 111 I'll ll.ll,ll in thli
our iiihih uoil ihjuiui niul iipuiuiioii
i.iiiiiul tni .i i id mi nt In' n'.iiilul ui .i ju-lllk.iliuu
u( imir luiMiiiuliu I. It inn In', .mil Is uin-I'li r.-il
In (lie 111111111111-1,1, in jiiiIsIhl' ul .nun inutile,
lllll 111)1 III lis lOllil) llllllllDII u( juiir ulflll'l'.
The in ctlsed ollhor Is loleased Horn
uriesl and lestoied to duty, the court
having leionnneuded only a lepiiiiuuid.
Businees Troubles Oattse Suicide.
lIiiu WUtt fioin 'I'lu' 'ioiJtid 1'ini
Stu' Villi,, iIiiiih 'Jl. -t lull) i II, lim, tin'
inn, mil lur Hie Vim i i'ijiIIhi; .in. I i:vuut
ll.lllpllll. shut llltlbdf in tile It'll lillj.-t Mllli ,i
iiiDlur tliik iiltdiiuoii. lie iliui In lull' a iliiiliir
ioiiIiI lie Itibini'x lloubli'S uru
lluiiiilit id Lo tin lan-e nf the nilmh'. n .i
Hi ,vmi4 nhl jml iiiiiiiul. .Iiet lii'fnli' lie l,lli'.
hliiMlf in. t hnl Ik'iii illinniil lur Mi lint Jml
tor a linn lii'i' lull
Instructions in Morrison Case,
III l.viliisOi' Wirt? fioin 1m i,vnjtei I'nM
l.lil.ii.ul'i. kin., lime 'Jl.- 1 mlitf Vil.nuii null)
il.'lliunl hit iiirliiiitliin In llio inn In I he in.
Dill llljl ul Jii-kh Vluiil.,1111, i.n he ilume nf
killing Mm. I Ijij UIIo.i Cj-IK'. I'l.i'.v iiul.v it
iii.-ihli ii Mi. Muiiisun In lie lOllliiliil u rilliei
Hut nr M'leml iletiiie iiiuuUi on mioiu un Ihiul
iliV'Itu iniiislJiijhln.
Author Plays Sti Part.
B, KxInJip Wire from 'llio A ciatcd I'riM.
I'lilliutlliliii. Iiino SI. "In I.n i," i) new iuiii
ulv hi KU'jnor Mi rion, jutlior of 1 he "D.iliy
l'liini," js given iu Hist ii'itorin.ince on anj
Uze ttnlclit at t lie I'jrk Ihi'jlci. MI- Mouun
I'ljinl the 'iiiiil'j iuit. Hut )( I'jhii i'
llllil, k luuJoilllo iUi, 'Ihc I'Ijv mjilc i pru.
uoumeil bit with the Utg uJicutc utiscut.
Measure to Increase the Appropria
tions Falls in the Senate bu a
Vote of 16 to 25.
The Carbondalo Hospital, the Penn
sylvania Oral School and the West
Side Hospital Rsmemberod in Dis
tribution of Funds House Passes
Senate Bill Establishing Houses of
Detention for Dependent and Ne
glected Children Bill Providing
for Soparate Court in Lackawanna
County Goes Over for tho Present.
11 lvilniie Wire hum 'I lie AsnoclJtiil I'lM
Ilarrlsbuig. June lil, The summons
sent out by President I'm Tom Snyder
liia week had good effect, thete being
only tlnee absenties when the senate
was convened at 8 o'clock tonight.
Senator Kemoier, of Noi thainpton,
who has not been In the senate since
the early p.nt of .Tuiiuaiy, was in his
i-eat. Me Is almost blind, and was ltd
to his seat hy nis son.
Lieutenant Governor fJobin, who litis
been on a tour of the Pacific coast, was
alpo piesent.
Among the bills lead the .second time
was the. general appropriation bill,
which caiiles mote than $l."i,00U.000 for
the expenses of the executive, legisla
tive and judicial blanches of the state
Mr. Ulce, of Minks, offeied an amend
ment iucieasing Hie public school ap
piopi iatlon for the next two youis fiom
$11,000,000 to Jlt.lnO.OOO. The amend
ment was deteateil by a vote of It! to
-'.", as follows:
li h- Cnidi in, Diuri, IMineli'ii, Hum,
llirlit, KeimiK rer. Lie, Mi Kip, Miiiiii, Jlillri,
Sniiler,, WVi,, Wellu, .iit-li.
N.I.I-, Ilukillnih, HomI, Ihiilki', ( inning-,
I linn, I'l-lnl', l'rilil, l'uv, (,i nil, (tun-hiik,
Ilimh, Ke.ii-ii, Mat-on, Vliichlhiiinnii, .Neeli,, Skiiii, S(ile, sdin'ituii, st,,,,), v. ne,
aui;hin, Walihinn. W1II1.1111-, Wooil '-'
After the bill had been parsed it
was leeomniitted to committee and
later was again lopoited out, this time
with amendments. The pi inclpiil
amendments aie these:
Iucieasing the uppiopi iat Ion lor the
daily and lood department fiom $J."i,-
000 to S.w.onO; creating the position of
slenogiapher to the i hlef of the liu
loau of mines at a sahny of S1.00U a; and iucieasing the contingent
fund of the factoiy Inspector lroin
$.:,000 to $.",1)00.
The appiopciation of IJO.OOO to the
h.nbor master of Philadelphia for a
in w boat was lcilmed lo $Ji),Ono, It
having beon a typogiaphii al erroi .
The bill will come up tor hnnl passage
Among the other bills i epoi ted fioin
committees was the Vuudvkc piiinary
election bill. It was amended In com
mittee so that the uiles governing tlie
sever.'it political pintles In each coun
ly shall piov.iil as hoietoloie. This
piaotionlly defeats the purpose of the
Tho house bill, making It unlawful to
soil tobacco to children under Hi ye.n s
of age was also lopoited favorably.
Bills Passed Finally.
The following house apptopriatlon
bills wete passed finally:
(iliiw ( lly i ollii,!'. Mi li ei imiiilv, S.'"i,in1;
Wi-t SMe svuntmi, sl'i.lXHlj (In Mir
ho-piul, slIOU); Wllliisliillg hn.pil.d. I'.Onfl;
Sl.ile college, vIm,1i; (li.nili li.) Nur
i iisiiiu n, sji.iuk): llnlli i' I uiiiiii ijenei il,
s,',,hm, PuiiMilh' Iio-iIi.iI. i-.n,iiimj woiinuie.
him I Chil.lii n's Aiil Mil n li, sl.l.iij; .Viii iln.ny
Cui nlj Vi-uii.itinii (oi llio Preii'iiliun uf Cinellv
In llillillin, sj,ihiij; Wuin.m'i Hi. UD'Op. illiie In is-
1 ii.ll, l'hil,iilclilili, JI,'IHI; lo lliii lupuiti ipliii U
ami gi olugu ll Mil I oi of the hi, lie, in to-opei .
inn viuh tin' 1'iiltnl giohn'iul suuct,
iI'i.ihhi: Hume nf Hit fl'.uil Sin plienl, .V1h.liini,
).', leu; sllintl,n li,)-,h,i, I'lnl.iil, Iplil.i, Dunn.
I'i lui-.i U.inia 111 fm in xlieut .it Mni.'liu.i. '-II.I.-KM;
L'hihlrn' Jlotiieop ithie, I'liiljilil
phi i, sio.tmil; lli' .Vl.iklnllr li.i,,
l'ltirhiinr. sn.uOO; tiiiiioii'l.iml lio-pitjl, si, ,
Ii0; Ciiliuiiilali', S.1T.0.M1 ; ( Inistt in H.
Until linpn il, shiruii, )1'-,IKJ, sliiiuiuii Vjlli v
ho-pltal, New (.J.tle, si-,,ohi, Vliailillle f ny
hi.-piul, M .',&); s,llI1(ll. li,i,.i, Vleiihllle,
i',.'mli llotnit P.nki'1' li(, saUp, -,(xii;
1 1 list i "s suite m Iuiii fm the ( lilonlc limine,
iI,ihK)j s.n i. l.iinii i V.,iluni, UjirMiiiiK'. sj-,i,,,
Oiki lliil-e uf Hie liuml shrih( ul, Phil nli Iplil i,
'rl.tinii, WmiiaiiV siniihun lluiiienpitluv hu-iiiil,
Phil nli Ipliij, sr,,ooo.
For tho Oral School.
l'iiin.,ilwiilJ llul sihuol (or the De.if, s,,m.
inn, s -, !;-,; 'u.ihl hiipital, (.iilule. V-',ii
I'lnljili l.hli I'ul.uliiiio jml College for ilniliul.M
in Meilidne, M'i.UXJ; liu.pitil d. intiiifiil, .l.f.
feoun Miilhal mlhite, sl"is,(xlj fur the eieetlnii
.11 llitli.-hlir' uf ll inuniiiiunt In (he UHlliui.i n(
illillll 11)11 11... ul (illtrlllIK, ,Clhl; iu.. ll,-
pjiiinini II ilini m.iiin lolli'iji', I'litlnlil
pliij, jjli.rioi); lur I he iieulm uf .i iiiuiiuiu ut
in the uuviianl uf the I'lCcti.iluiin ilinuli at
.MlUille Spinii,, I illiil.illaiiil lunnli. te the nn in
nry nf coldii is Innioil Ihuein, '.U'), kit! liming
( 1io-iiIjI, i,itiO, Sinn liD-pllal, I'll tl i
ihlphli, stn.iHKi; Mate luaitiitlun fm ruhle
Mil ilnl uf Wistein t'liiihiliilnij, t'.lil.juil; Pins,
tun lio-pllal, tI'i.iii'I; Willi inepnit hn.iilal, '
lKI slate llu-iitll for Insane, llniilll.'. 7;.uii,
Male llosplial fur ln-..ine. Wainii, v.o.'.ii-l, I i
iiinniy (,1'iii'ul h.-'lul, ll,.V"i, VU hi i.. pun h'
i,1jI, ji7,'.uii; Ih.iH'i' .ilh'.i liu-plial, Hi an i
lunnli, H-.1): 'oi ho.piial, s(,,-,(kj; imiii.
rjlimla n luiiiuli'O, lliniliiih'luii, s;,i,7.j s,
l.uki's lloineui.itliii huj(llil, I'lillnlolplila, JU.
m). Vhdinit till iiikK.iI ii), Phil nli Iphia,
i'iii,ikhi; Hiailinir i,nnO; sialu m
plul, VsIiIjihI sthinlkill lounii, l.;i,U': .lew
ih h.i-Hiil. I'hllailelphli. ilii,nnn, M ,lu,.'ili
lio.-illj. KtailliiK. HMKHJ; Mini hiepnal,
Wilkes Dane, .'i,0n0; luniioiaihie Meiliial an I iui.i, Ite.nliiig, fll.onil, Willis.
Un (it liu.-iiil il, -'i,(W; liu-iii.s ot ihc I ni-ui.-ili
nf I'liinvjrlv.inU lur the lue nf Hie I ni
uuili lioItal, Srlim ixmJ; si. Jo-eili'i hospital,
Philadelphia, 10,0n0.
Tho uppioiulalliiii for the national
faun school at Dov lestown ami the bill
piovhllng for a sopaiate court In Lack
awanna county went over for the pie.s
ent. bills wctc ulso p.isscd lliijlly
by the aenate;
llnne hill rrgiilitlint the lollrcllon ot county
tines In third i Iim i Itles
HuiKi' hill amending ail nit niillioibltiR tho
inrintlloii uf paitlleri-hlpt in vililili one nr more
nr all uf the i 11 triers m.iy limit tlnlr ll.iliillly
fur the id lit of the putncrxlilp tn the niiioniit
nf the mlKcrlheit, so us to everpt mid
evilinh all linlil.Inir nnd tlll't t uinp.iliir-s (loin
the hetidlt nnd npil.llinn ot the Jut.
Smite hill, mi ait tehllni; to the Hen fort "I
ir-ihlln ihihi'ii In aitlnns nt livv nnd Ihe rlteit
tliueof and r tiling llho flnll In nude pllllos
tn t oi lain iitiln.
The senate adjourned until 10 o'clock
tomorrow moi nlng.
In tho House.
In the house tonight Mr. llllss, of
Delawate, reported finm the nppiopi I
n t Inn lommltlee a somite hill appropii
Htlnjr JIJ.OOO for a tablet to maik the
giavo of flovernor Itltnel, In the
t'hm i'h-ai il at Jtt. P.ock, t'uinbeiland
cotinly. .Mr. Ullss moved that the tule.s
be suspended and that the hill be Im
mediately lead the first time. Mr. Har
rison, of Philadelphia, objected, and the
bill went over until tomorrow.
The senate bill tepeallng the local op
tion laws in tho Fifteenth and Twont
n En t li wauls of Philadelphia failed on
linn I passage.
The following senate bills passed fin
ally: suppleim-iiL lo the ait of Mauli 'ii. U, lesil
lalmg tin pinuiiM nf juliu;i uf the pene mil
alileimiii In (.1-1- ot tiivpi.., tuner and 1 1 lit
vtilhoiiini; cuipmatiuiis ni (.'.mired uilili'i the
lain of I'uin-i li.ini i to inireae or ilmiilii-li tin;
pit value uf the di'ius of thin i (oik.
Vutlinrirhig appeils hum Hie iIi'lI-ioii nf Hie
viaioiH loulU of (.ominoti phas In llvN-llll'nL of
la i en to Hip S.ipicnie iniiit.
lii pealing the I uv iuii!itng the inniinnn pleas
JntUks o( Alii gtieny loiniti Id vi-it. Mui!an.i
IP lurni m hool nt htated pi noils.
Anthoiiins mrporitloiis orgmbed for pintU
to puichise. hold. ell. ns-mn, tim-fii, mort.
nine er pkde oi othiiiii-'e di-pu-e e( Hie shires
of i.ipifal slot 1. or of anv honds, ffcurithn 01
nidi in is of inihhli'ilnii ireatul hy any nthei
LiilpOl ition.
I .mfiiiiinr jini-illeHiin upon the coiiiN of
ininintm pleas of Hie lunnths to atithmie the
.iihptlon uf ihihlrui In the slid loiinly li.l a pel
urn Iivimr in annllier si ite, upon pititiun of
illlirr pnent of .snfh i Inlil.
Providing for lemivlnif the pinrrpilhig of
luiuehlp i onl loininivioniis in 1 1 v ing out, open.
Ing mil mating loids.
rslahlivhin in line-, of Hie mt nnd seto'id
i li.: a house uf dilintton for debniiienl, de
piindrnt niul inuhitid ihihhrn.
Tlie senate bill any
municipality to connect with tho sewer
of any other municipality for sow-ago
pui poses was amended to apply to
townships of llio first class, ami passed
thitd leading.
The tepoit of the eonfeionce commit
tee on the liuliei.'il apportionment bill,
which was defeated last Thuisday, was
reoonsldPied on motion of Mr. Hung,
of Schuylkill, and thou leferred back
to ( ninnilttoe.
Adjoin nod Until 10 o'clock toinonow
A Posse Serving Notices of Injunc
tion Is Chased from Matewan
by a Mob.
Hi llviln-iie Wile fium I he V.-oi i ited Puis.
Huntington, W. Va., .Iiine Jl Today
a posse of deputy I'nited Slates mui
sh.ils, led by A. C. Iluffoid, ot I51tte
Held. weie ihod on by the stiikeis and
fori ( il to flee ft oin the coal Ileitis at
Matewan. The deputy m.nshals wetu
seeing not I os of tho Injunction which
had been issued by .Judge Jackson.
Yesteiday notice had been served on
the stiikeis of all the i companies
but one, and that was to be solved at
the Lick Polls Coal and t'oke company
at Thai Iter. Today they attempted to
serve the Injunction papeis at the
Tluicker collier . A mob followed, en
laged to despeiatlon at the swooping
character of the injunction.
One leckless fellow tired the (list
shutand quick as lightning the moun
tain sides echoed with lesouiuling le
ports that followed the ciack of twenty
or thilty lilies. The deputies weie
forced to take i el ago In flight and then
bin eh" est aped with their liven. The
nli Ike situation is assuming- a filght
ful stage. Sheriff llattleld has with
drawn all his deputies, bei atise it is
said he does not believe in the police
being used to put down tho slilko. The
United States muishats have been lelt
alone, and after being eliased tiom the
fields today il is believed that they will
be stiongly loinfoKod and ready to
fight when they again appear to en
fone the IiiJuiK tlnn. The tililkeis ate
also being lelnfuued,
The Episcopal Church of Nowark
Will Look Into tho Matter.
(li IviliMie Wile (iuiii 'llio .Woililid I'll"
Xew Voik, JiuifSI. 1!. . I.liidithuiy,
as counsel for the llev. .lolm Kellei,
uniintlliet'd today thai Die Lplscopal
i liillili ot tho New ink dlmesn will in
vestigate the eliinyes made liv Mis.
Thomas (1. Murker against Mr. Keller,
"it Is by no melius sine," said Mr,
Llndtibury. "Hint Mr, Keller will instl
itttu any suit lor slander against .Mis.
liuiker, Tho chinch will, howevoi,
make a thotoiigli Investigation of lur
tsory, A eunleiemu of .Mr, Kellers
I'l lends wilt lie called and will dei hie in
what form lo hi lug this matter ollh hil
ly befoie the chinch aullloiltles,"
Mrs, MuKinloy's Condition.
hi l.vilu-iie Win- tiulli 'the v-niialid l'ie
Wai-hinmnn, lime Jl I'ur the riial tune slike
Mie ".is hiuiulil liuiiii hum Cihiuiiiij in i vn
lu hie lonililion. Mi Mi Winh'i ludai wis aide
lu u" iluiMi fllll" and Join Ihe pumlini iilille
Hie llllil at hlliilii'iiii. she uniaiiieil ul i lie
l.ihle lui ,oiiie lillle lime and II. en lelniliut lo
hi i luiiin. Appau n I l.i, the not fatiipinl hi
llio i VIM iM'iimn. Hi, llivii cjld t ciiiii hi the
ills iinpioiin leadil.
Anti-Clerical Rioters Dispersed,
H.i I. vlii. no Wiio f i Din The vssoiiiiiil I 'rev-.
M ul i ill. lime Jl Hie inli cliikal iloleu who
paiadiil the lUuls Sumlji liuulln,- "limn tho
lunifiils." and who his-ul the Infinta l.-ilnlli,
noiiiiiil a iiioij.lcr.i- iim ini; ll.o niuht. 'Iliei
ueie Inulli ili.pi imi h) the polke.
Monarch of Portugal at Madeira,
fly Kidushe Wire from The Awoclitnt I'ten
I'uikIiiI, Island of Madura, lone '.'I. (he kin:
and ipKin nf I'urtn.-jl .uiilul hue null), 'llil-i
il llio ht time any Purlui'ie inonauli Ids
lUiud Madeira 'Hie lunii Ismail) duoiutul and
their niJK'iUis met viith a htart) iticplion.
Tlieu Gapturc the Ohio State Con
vention In Session at
After His Defeat He Addresses the
Dologatos in a Vehement Manner,
Hints at Intrigues and Local Im
perialismSenators Hanna and
Porakor Loudly Cheered as They
Came Upon the Stago Senator
Forakor's Address.
rtj tisrlutlti. W'ite from The Assnrlated Pre
Columbus, O.. Juno 21. The llepub
licati state convention convened lieie
this afternoon with a largo nttotidance.
At the confetences during the fore
noon, Intel est conteied lu the eonttol
of the new state committee, tho con
struction of the plat lot in and the light
that the state Antl-S.iloon League was
making against the le-iiomluatlou of
Lieutenant (iovernor Caldwell. The
Issues on Caldwell and the lesoltttions
are still being agitated tonight, but
the contest for state committeeman
resulted in what is called a unanimous
victory for the Ilauiia men, which
Include the friends if Oin ci nor Xash
and othcis. The result assuies the
le-pleetlon of Congiessman Dick as
elinhman of (he state executive com
mittee. Charles Foster, ex-sectetary of tho
tieasury, ex-go vei nor, ex-congi ess
man and for many yens a delegate
at Lugo to national conventions, was
defeated for member of the state cen
tral committee because of his opposi
tion to Senator llanna. Kx-flovernor
Bushnell had beon elected as a dele
gate and had been made chad man of
the Cl.nk county delegation, but at the
nipetlug of the delegates of Ills dlstiiet
It was foimully announced that he
would not attend the convention. His
friends gave some very pointed lea
sons for his absent e. After his defeat
Foster vehemently addiessed the dele
gates of his dlstiiet on cHipies ami In
trigues and on the dangeis of "local
While the Hanna men capiat oil all
tin- i omniittees they gave special at
tontioit to the committee on credentials
as well as lo the state committee, so
that none of the Dauglieity contesting
delegates could be seated. The hit go
auditorium was etowded at 4 p. m.
Senatois Foiaker and Hanna weie
loudly cheeied as they came upon the
stage together. Neatly all the Ohio
Republican congie.ssmen and nieinbois
of Iegislatuie and other loadeis weie
seated upon the laige platfoim. over
which weie displayed tho portialts of
(Joveinor Xash ami Senatois Foraker
and Hanna.
Hon. P. V. Hiiit, cliaiiiniin of tin'
state committee, In a brief
.speech, congiatulaled the Republi
cans of Ohio on the lestill of the Ohio
campaign last year and piedicted vic
tory lor Hits ear. Then he Intro
dtued Senator Foraker, who was most
enthusiastically leeelved, and spoke as
Foraker's Address.
Senator Foraker said, lu p.nt:
Oin- iiiipioaihliig i lei Hon villi he the nin-t im
pnitant In hi lids in the Uiiilid state:. It
is Imt a Mate i lection in name, 1ml il mil ho
ihstinilly national in huth ihai.utor and iui
poitame If we vvniihl loniinne uui pn).iciilr
vio nnisl nphild the poliiiis that (,'ive il, to unlit
.nid In pie-, ne oin liiuiiiul honui ne mils'
keip out of pun 1 1 the pnty tint de.tio.ud the
one mil thieileniil the ollnr. 'I his is no time
to d illy with fun trade, nvive nee silici oi pet
In .speaking on national Issues,
Senator Foiaker said thai if Hie uet
Ohio iegislatuie should bo Deiuociailu
tho state would have but one Republi
can senator and not nunc than twelve
ItcVuhllean cougiessmeii, losttlting In a
not loss to the Republicans ot twenty
live votes iu cougiess during the uol
decade. "It is this fact," said the
spoakei, "that gives tho campaign
upon which we aie entering its na
tional chui actor and tin lists upon us,
whether wo would have It so or not,
the discussion and consldeiallou ot na
tional questions; and il Is (or tills
lenson that eveiy vote cast lu our
state next November will bo a vote for
or against the administration of Wil
liam MoKlnley, just as ceitalnly and
emphatically as though ho wore again
our candidate this year, as lie was
last: tor wo must of necessity, by ;hn
action we take, endorse his wink iiipI
glvo lilm enoouiagemeut, or iW'iedlr.
his recoid and embarrass his efforts,"
Senator Foraker was fietioiitly iu
tcriupteil, not ' 1 1 1 1 V- with uppluuse, imt
iil-o wltii domnnsliatious, notably
when lu tho com. se of his .speech lie
"Tip' flag would stay witeievei it hud
been planted."
The convention adopted lilies sub
mitted hy Coiigiessimui Dick and then
the vice piesldeiit, assistant secte
tuilos and iiiembois fiom the vinloits
iiiinillittees of the tv only. one emigres
slounl dlstilots were announced and
tho lonventlon adjoin neil until 10
o'i lock lllllllll i nvv
The committee oil pel nuuieiit or
Ritulyatlou tonight sieted Senator
Hanna fur penuuueiu ihaiimait and
continued the lest of the icmpoiury
oiganlz.itlmi. Souutoi' llanna will ad
diess tile couveiitiori nit taking the
chair toinonow.
Lieutenant llovetnor Caldwell caused
a stir tonight by announcing that he
would not he a candidate for leuomi
nalloii. This ended the cnnfeiences
that have been in inmost continuous
sessions the past two das. When
Caldwell declined leiiomliiatlou, (ieoige
H. Cox. chairman of Hamilton i aunty
delegation, suggested State Senatoi
Cail Nlpport, ot Cincinnati, to a con
I'd cm e of the leadets, and thete is no
doubt hut that Senator Nippon will be
nominated for lieutenant governor.
Weather Indications Todai i
t (ietiii.i! Ilniiim Mm ('nitnii Hie Ohio Statu
(.'oin pillion.
Sunt NoA nf Hie flood,
lllll tn xi liunl ppinpi I illnin I'dls.
Aihlhiil Hay lo lie Unrtid at Clcvrland.
'J (trniMl t'nhonilile Depailinrnt.
.( I.nial-Wlll Wind I'p the l,aimt.i-lvi'lly Klcc
lion Cnntr.t.
t'ilj Tiaiheii Ak for More I'.iy.
i I'dlloilal.
.Nolo and Coinmeiit,
fi lomt-Xiw I'llln Ipll Silrileil tor the lliuli
hnihis s,(i pallium In the IMueitlonal
fi l.oeal Wist Nroilun and Snhiiihin.
7 (leneril Noilhi'.isliin IVtih-.v1v.iiiI i.
8 I oc ll Indiistilal niul l.ll.ui.
Two Persons Are Dead and at Least
Thiity Are Hurt-Reliof Train
At the Scene.
Hi Kvilnsive Wile (mm 'Ihe Am i it. .1 I i ( s.
Plttsbtug, June 24. Train No. 2.1,
west bound, known as the Cleveland
ller, on the Plttsbtug and Lake File
load, was w looked at Monuca, about
thirty inllcs west of heie this evening,
and at least two poisons aie dead and
piobably thh ty hurt.
The dead ate:
J. W. cr'.IM.IIM, menial! of the tiain, lived
at JliKi.'s Hoiks, Pa.
I.VllltV (in LAW IIV J III. ( K, hiKuaKe nn-tn,
of Ml Wiisliliinlim. Piiv,mg
Tho Injured, so far as known, ate:
Mit. linns- bio, Washington. Pt , aim hioken,
hurt intiinalli.
.Mis. Ahiia Mills, llellaiu, Dine, 1 1 and hind
int, noi hi nous.
Hi i. A. II. (Hun, Unit Chui-t iuIIis''. I'ltl-lmi,
-iali ivunnd and -nle hull.
.Mm I oin B Piikin-, I leu I'linl, (),, hid -i lip
iiuund nid IhotiKht lo he hint inliinith.
VV. W. slephins, CU ul uui, head hull, not
vt nous.
Mi-.s- I. in i ltOse, Coitlmd, (1, nitn Innken.
,Vi-s VI iv Clilili lull, I mil. in. I, I), piustialed (u'ln
hhei k
II. I, VI mill, mid ihik, I ishun, ()., aim, side.
and kg hiin-id
,1 nuts lliimn, engine, i, nniu'slun, 0, I. ir, aim
ami he ul hull.
.1. V. .Ionian, Nui- I I'tle. he id hint.
Tuo men, mini's tinknniMi, takin tu ttoihe-ter,
Pa,, liospilal, may .!.. ,-
Fiom passeugeis, it is learned that
the (tain while going at a voiy last
speed uui into an open switch at
Monaea and the entile tialn went over
an embankment some twenty-live loot
high. Lvei i ar was turned over, two
going over tv Ice.
I'ho "(Iyer." v hicli left here at 4..n.0
for Cleveland, had Its coaches well
llllei! with pas.' engers, and tin won
der is that t'leio weie not moie fa
talities. t'linningham, when taken
lrom the vvioek, was lound to be hoi -ilhly
ei-tished. His death must have
been Instantaneous,
As, soon as the news of tho wieck
teached the city. Supeilnlendent Vohe
.summoned a coips of ph)slclans and
took them to the scone on a special
lellof train. This train lelnrned here
with the dead and a number of tl.j
iujilied, when anntliei- tialn was at
once despatcliod lo Monaea. whiih
gives eurienoy to the leport that many
moie aie hurl timn as yet has been
made known.
The Pennsylvania University Crow
Makes Good Showing at Henley.
Conditions Not Favorable,
lly I'.viln-lie Wiie funn 'Ihe ,-ui Inul Puss
Henley, Hnglaud. June J t, Some last
trials weie achieved this afternoon,
the Pennsylvania iinivrisft riew do
ing best, covering the full couise iu
T minutes ::-,', seciuuls, and half the
ionise lu ,1 minutes 2.1 seconds.
A number of Itiltlsh oarsmen, who
accompanied the Americans, (onsld
oi oil the trial to ho a leniaikahle one.
The Pennsylvaniaiis woto hy no means
lowed out, They pioceeded to their
boat house, half a mile further on,
befoni slopping. Tin- conditions of
wind and water weie not I'avoi.ible to
the oarsmen. The Louiidors did the
couise iu 7 minutes and .1.1 seconds,
so the Amoiloans' chames aie regind
ed as good.
Enroute to New York.
Ill- Kmlmlie Wire fiom The AwHiitiil I'lin
Vu Until. .Inne '-'I Hon lolm II u, iwth
Mis ll.ii, the Ml. .s II n, his ilniiihlei,, and
Claiime lll.l, his n.n, hit hue null Hie iiliuin,
nf Vdilhiit S llij on Ihe 7 ID lulu for ei
Vulk. 'Iho pal 1 1 miiipii'il Iim piiiale tar, .1
liaiiini; loom, in iilinh ni' ihe l.innl.i, and i
umlilnation hnllit pirlur ear, on Iho lluui of
uliiilt tin ial. t iini'l.
Ni iv Sulk, Inne Jl Ihe pun ;u uinpjili in,"
Ihe I. mil nf Vihlhut S ll.n iiiilvnl III lliu iliy
(iiiii Nen Maun at lids uiiiiii. I'lllun
iniinilis lain the tuo u..n.his In ivlihh llie.i aie
tiaiellnir vieie .illaihul In the lu'-li'in mill tialn
nnd pioiieilul In ( leieliml. Vuiio ( the p n ly
lilt the nHiliii..
Bills Signed by Governor,
U.i Klihislie Wire fioin Tla VsnOi'laied 1'iess
II iiii.-liutf, .Inne -j-l (iuii'inui su,m lodiy
kIuiiuI the hill t.King all unions, iheiks. iluulii.-,
nnpoiis, pass hook nr ntln I papir iipnsinlini;
liases ut i milium nf nn nnploie nm paid in iah
li Hie fiiipl'iie oi nn lulu is nf his fjlhlli: In pin
vide (or .1 1 1 pull tn ili. amlllor cenci il of ihe
.mie and for the fnline In nuke 1 1 puns 'Ihe
iinviinor abu ii.niil ihe iniiiinuni rtohiiioii
inning upon Ihe piosidtni Hie pu.inution of ( u
niul .Ijini'S M Hell In he a hnuadli r tantia! In
Hit UkillJI J I mi of Ihe I mini si,i,
General Wood 111.
Ill Dulilslto Wiu fn.lil 'Ihe Vssniiand I'liss.
Il.iun.i. Inne '.'I 'llii loniiitiun of lienual
Wood, who fur Mnal itai ha- hun nileiiii;;
lu in an ullaik ol Llip ulul malailal dm. iililill,
huMiiir, did Hut 1 1 upt hi i.lliiial dulii, is vvoirr. Ill, foil U luiuidi inhl.i lilthei
ttiiL'ht inul he iui toned l lake hL hod. mu
Kieii Vlajui llui v.ii.l, Ihe' alii inline phi
iiull, lu.s J.llbld ahrvlnlt ll.-t lllll i 1 tilt- fCVcr
The Famllu Leaves New Haven with
the Remains ol the lll-Fated
younrj Man.
It Is Not Thought That Mr. Hay
Will Resign the Position He Holds
in tho Prosidont's Cabinet Many
Important Mattors Will Engngo
His Attention Notes of Condol
ence Continue to Come In.
Hy Kviliune Who fium Tin Ass.u uud Pips..
Washington, .Mine 21 -The slate de
paittiH'til this evening leeelved limit
Mi. Ilabcnek. societal ,v of
.Mr.llnv, wiio was with him In New
Haven, n tetoginin slatliig (hat the
funeiul of Adclbeit Hu.v will be held at
Cleveland and would bo stilctl.v pi 1
vale. No olllclal topieseniatlvos would
be espei tod. The time of the fiinei ll
i-s not given. In view ot this ieiie;.l
fiom the sicielitry, the slate dop.nt
nient will deslgimic no olllclal to at
tend the limoral. Among Ihe messages
of sympathy lorvv. tided to Societaiy
Haj b.v foielgn govei iinit ut.s and dis
tinguished poisoiiage.s Is one I mm tho
I'.iltish govoininent. Voiy niitlliall.v.
following the lenlble beie.tvomonl of
Seuetaiy l.y. niniois spuing up and
oil ciliated lieie today that he would
itult tho cabinet in c onsenonoo. It may
ho stated, however, that fiom the piesl
deiit down, "voiy olllclal acquainted
with the secretin y and his methods oC
thought is satisfied that he will nut
give away to his loss, but rather will
seek to llllil fotgetfttlness from his ,u
tlictlon In tenoned application to work.
The secietary has In hand sevetul
nuileis of negotiations that aie very
near to his heait. For instance, he has,
after the most exhaiihtlvo Investiga
tion and sounding of senatois, satisfied
himself that he has been able to llnd a,
111 m foundation on which to elect an
other canal unity to teplace the Huy
P.nmcerote tie.ity that failed, and one
that will bo almost certain to command
the appioval ot the senate. It Is his
ambition to leinove absolutely as a
somee ol possible conflict In the futiiie
the nilsuudei standing lesultlng fiom
the model li elloils to apply the Cl.iy-ton-IJulwer
tieaty lo the conditions of
today. This object Is almost within
i each, he feels, ami his fiicnds and in
timates lieie aie satisfied that ho will
allow no piivate alllictlon to inteifete
with tlie i oiisinnm.itlnn of this plan.
May Tako a Rest.
It is ontholy possible for Societaiy
llui' to secuio a lull oppoi tunlty to
lest ami leoupoialo fiom the blow of
Ids son's doatli without saci Hieing the
chain e of lompli'ting the negotiations
for this tie.ity iu season for Its sub
mission to congi ess at tlie nevt regttfai'
session. Indeed, he alteady had begun
to plan for an absence from Washing
ton fiom e.u ly iu .Inly until about the
middle of next tall and he might have
planned to go away at an even culler
dale had he not desired to icinaln at
tlie piesldoni's light hand until .Mi's.
MeKluley's condition pel mined of her
leniovnl to Canton. Tlli'iefoie, ll I i
said at tlie state ilepaiiinoiu theie Is
no good reason why Ihe sociotarv
.should return to Washington hefon
iiet fall, by which time it Is conti
di'iitly expected he will be able to un
dertake without sacrllloe .ill uf the du
ties of Ills olllco. In this state of nr.
fniis, the (illieinls fool winiant"i in
denying thai thou- Is any foundation
for tho minors of the Intended teslg
natiou, The tieasury depai tliienl on Satin -day
had i oinplotod the settlement of
the in counts of Adelbei t Hay, us
I'nited States consul at Pietmla ami
warrants were drawn lor V-'.7.S dm
him upon settlement b.v the auditor1
for the state and othei department"
The wair.ints will be I'm winded to thu
state ili-pai tnienl and will hot nine pa it
of Mr. Iln.v's estate.
The employes of the state dopii't
mellt have aiiaiigod to send a Hot il
tribute1 to ('level, mil, ()., lo In- plan I
on tho i.iskei of Mr. Hay.
Cablegrams of Sympathy.
Washington, Juno 21 Among lb'
gioai number of cablegrams and tole
gt.iius of sympathy uddiossed to So
i'i Miry Hay, weie the lollowlng fiom
Saudi llighaui Palme, Sir II. Kuollj is,
pilvato soiiotaiv in his majesty, the.
king of L'nglaml, says:
'I lie king -li nis .ion r ul u f In .vonr Irnlhle hss,
Ho had the pli.ia'ie of liiioiiinc .vulir hmi 111 l.mi,
From the Hly.ssee Palace at Paris,
the piesldent of Ki.iiico sends tlie ful.
lowing message;
SIliifilM tviiiiithj. I.niihet,
laud Roberts lolegtaplis fioili L m
ilnii: I doepli t-vnipiiliie mill win In the tug u
tl, .it li ot vonr nn lbs Minlni'.s and iiiinir.-i m
inn pri-uneir In Puloiii "ill CU'I he ingsi Kiatu
(ull.i ii on lulu n il
.neil dala for Inne '.'I, l'l:
llmhirt Innpeiatnie )1 drsrfru
Invest I. nipi uliiii' ' decrees
llehllle llumiilili :
Sa IU 7 pei tfiu
S p in O pel (rnl,
Piuipililluii, '.'I honm iinleil t p. ni , iionoj
ui'Jllur, piuli ihiuili. ,
f Wjrlilnslon .bine -.'I l'oieiat for Kat.
) em I'enns.vliaiiu: I all Tue-day ami ).
W'edniMlii , tonlliiuid hi;li leinpt-rituis -
ami li.-ht iJiiJhlc vvimls, rhlflln; to -f-f
Miillnrl s-
ftttlfit st