,.r n K. j o.-ir5Y F r 5rrt&"J -"' p? $--; , 1.4 -TV " 4 ' 3 t'- "- ft - 59 -WVi-Uf f ' "" THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, Jl'XE 24, 19011. T fi ftt.t OJV S$Thrl87rF l I I I I I Ilf. Ilnnd'a 1'lioapliiiteil Condi nfd Milk H puro milk, Willi phoilintr nml lij pophoiphltw ndded In Iho proportion needed for liulldlnK -stroiii lionn nnd liclh, nlmily nersm anil rlcli blood (iiuivaieni lovvucniuiei. miiK'siiirii oun Dr. Hand's I I I Phosuhated Condensed Milk hecnue It i ontnltii nit Hip properties nl n romplM' fnnd, licit milk for lnnlUH nnd for the whole rumllv iiuikin coffee linrmlc" Bend for free booMet. V; run tui inr ivurtivit 1h Pr. Illniirnnrffntril ' ' : CITY NOTES : IIKII'Mi I IIOIIl Ihrio ill bo n mi.lliij; ol liilin T S itltlns' rr.il il choitu tins CM nlni, at UjIIc-c II ill. It I. ( 111 "-(K ISI. Iho 1 idle..' nl nuilv Of Ml N)llU' t lltVllslllsl dltlllil till SUM lit muni .nml tike, lu-iliy luiiinj;, June .!, un tht I mil si Mll It HWCI -I In' snood it th' .un nf Iniil -uliiliii r dun 1 tn be .inn In the Simiu Jliii'n lldntiv lit in In III i lull will Ic tindudtd nl (mrn t.v hill t lnir-i! i ml t IISSIII ( UMIM! - linn Slit mil Divilt, tin 1 iinuiH ln-li pitinll, will vi-it us Mn, Mi Mm i'nlilin, o( H i-liinjli n immiii, in lull, Miin on In- w iv ti Ihi I'm Stimuli i M'"-i In'. I I I I'll I) lilltl l nil:1- -Un t id i mm IlulMitiZ ind I nin is-oththn Nmip- n '. h ih rlutiil tin fnllnwiiiir ilmitniic llivlil Spoil -, 'Junius Mil'iiiiit, (omul Wttid, l'i Ur hdlv nml Mid ml II (.iiIIiii ( III -III II IIV I'M I IM! HIM It -Mipl.n Un link uf ('ipou-e lutiiir, i mini iinplo.Mil H the (iitin Itniko inlluiv, liiil oiu' 1 1 Ins h unl hndlv iitish"d In i lnut pieie ot f.illiiir K k situniii His- i iijm it s Mtn tiutid iL tin 1 iikni hum hn-ptiil lll.ll I Sl (.1 Mil" Mill NT Hue will 1 1' a fnrmil T ill and mnul mount nf the II ml In! tilim, m iiiniiliili i! In Miir 1 i ink Itnliliu, it tin iiuioiv lur-iln in lit I hi "-it oml luttiilim, umlri laiutcii'iit tnbnil I W MtllHfll, will inn. it- I'nll mill L.11111I mount Mm In null' HI IK- ( I I l'l(." - Iho deiHii.? for Hie s 1 mini ( h til nj-T Hi n! i oi 1 itmn f r lln wnl. inliiiir Inn M Mil, wiri i- follows MimuIiv. Mil tin 11. Iiio-iItv, 'JTi ill IT; Wriliii-u , '''Tli 7 lliin-iln -I IT 1 .11 1 rid 11 , T. -ilinilii, "I" 171 n-, lotil lll-'li7-. ttiii-tmi Iiiij will.. Iit eii, "-I lid H16-1I (dlHiMIl- r s s ) nilurti wriit t, ill nihil on -iltin!i to iniiuiio I tit o the il ilh of I111101 ( illiinl, 111 luod le-iililit, who im f nml i!i .nl 111 I ul IU I1111111I tint il ith wis iii-ni t 1 1 it fiihno, mil deeiuci' in impii4r 11 1111 1 r-s 11 . Iltr uiiiiii 1I-0 iiitiiiiul into lip 1! ith 1 f the it M tlli ilnl'l in Si ilh - 1 ml 11 whii in pln-min w 1- in iltiiiilinu lui 1 1 (.eititii ite w o i mtnl in .hie 1 i-i BLAIR WAS THE WINNER. Made a Fine Score in the Weekly Golf Handicap. .,nno-i 111. lir won tin- wcoUh pulf li.inclluiii .it the Coiinli.v i'IuIi liiil." Siituiiltiv. with .in i' tsv limisin n 01 the not ItiKlif-i 1 (iiiipotllot . Tho -LOlCf. WL'IO .is t tllj - I. Ill (.Mill .Nil .lnne- 111 111, Ir 7- 1 . . I, 1 1 mil 7 1 I 1 -1) W.I 1 1 mi v. li vi 1 T (' I ulhr M 11 kl 'I - 1 nil HU J" v. II Wilkit '- . -, T It llnd-, 'Id 7 -! - II liii-lnin 'f. - M 11 I iilhi in " - 1 II Welle- J W in 'i J II loriei lim 'i 'U HIGH SCHOOL BANQUET. Annual Alumni Dinner to Take Place Tomorrow Night. Thi (iiinu.il l),iiiiiiPt of the Huaii I1111 IIIkIi --i IkkiI Alumni will taUo plaio at tin- 'I oi.uii' tiuiKiiiow iiIkIii. .I11I111 J. Muipliv will lie lii.i.tiii.tstti. 'Plif .Hliliosi t" the ilusi nf l'lni will I'p ill ll 01 od li Vii o VtPslilrnt I'lui lies K DiinlcN, .Hid llii' ipspiniso by v. 1, Liilstuni', tlio il.tss jiii'sidciit 'Wiil liin1 (! Miispi will iPvpniiil to tlio tiicist, "IIIkIi m liool (il.iillinlci til -$ 1 50,000 EGYPTIAN PORTLAND CEMENT GO. First Mortgage, 10 Years, 7 Per Cent. Sinking Fund BONDS Dated August, 1900. Due August, 1010, Interest Payable February and August. Trustee-i-Union Trust Co., Detroit, The f'otupanv own lu foo .simple SCO in 10s of the must valuable nintl and clay lands, hunted ueiti ihe ilt.v ol IMituii, lllty miles fiom Dnliolt, on tho Oiund T11111K lalltoail, anil liavi under 1 niistiuuion a ihoioughly up-to-dato mill, with a dully iaputil of 1,000 ban els, The Value of the Company Property lias boon passed upon by their onslnrets, Jlessis Itobett V. Hunt & Co, of Chicago, in the follow ins toilet; ll.tli.il, lkh , Jin fi, 1 in I, Igyttiir. 1'cillainl (.nient In, No 71' I 111011 Imti Itiiililm.-, Hitiull, Midi Rentlrincn; I oiniljln with vuui iKpiisi, we K loan ilnt uurriiwi it vnui Icnlm nml llellv, Mich, ceinciu piopiitin kliow tint jmi lui upjit ihun iiliieitnl mill tu pniiliiii 70U . COO lurreln of liiuhist i;i nle I'nrtlaiil Cimini. CoMldiilng the lutiiral la ol jtinr prnptilles Jlid II11I1 iinvlniit to nuikiU mil the dur aeln of tho ( cnitnt phut wlildi jon aie nutlu.-, wt lnhrve ilut jou hoiih pioiluiu tiiiicut a, iheap at 11 1 .un point in this counli. Ihe dlui of .vour propiitln at Iho ire-ri,t lime, mikln' jIIowuiik t, r mi wifiiion m ih0 mail, whiih nuv ivist, I nit whidi Hie drillings do nut dUlo c, ami whlih u, Im,. Im 1, iv.n tu lidieit dies eit, louhl he cuiiildriril jMj iiijii i.-linuli' of J 1,01111 mm fi, uniuunt tun at ihinv lenta per band would he r.M,nui IIIIIIIL lllt 1-SI9I, luillH '. .,,.,.,.,,, i,i ihiil tenia per band would he r.wo.iiuii fUI llllllllln HO- ai'li'u "i ,,,4, IlKt.tld b, lloU.1 W. Hunt "J" ' S lu The mnipuny elnlnis to bo ablo tu ni.iiiiil.ittuin a btitol of tlio highest Blade Poitland I'timmi at it nialiiium cost of SO tents, whUi, at piesont ptitCH will net 11 imndMinie piollt. Full paiiltulais on uppllt.iilon, We of 'or tho nboo bonds at pai mid liiteist, with u buuus of flfiy per cent, In tliu capital at nek of thu (oiupauy, Jntifniilltin." Othoifl who sponk nte Attliirx rilni'lpnl .tolin V, AVnRiicr nutl John At, MLt'oiltt. Aths Hpntrlce Aim tin will rIp 11 lpt'llntlon, TIip bitntiitPt will LoitiniuiKO nt S ".0 o'clock. It will ! (uocpdcil by it liiixlii'"Kt ini'olltiir tt iiit fiillitwi'd by llllllt'lllK Tin1 ii'ii'lilloli coiiiliiltli'c contltts nt Alltupi lli'sih' litlilictti ltni'licl Powell, IMIl'i W'illliiiiw, Nellie f ton iiiImIi, Alt tile lloliinil, t.lllliiti Sltiiiiion, llelttlcc t'otiKi'i itnd .loliti At, Alct'ottit, Thorn nt A Ilotinlioe, (leoiup four ittul tlllf IHh Thoiniin ANTHONY'S TRAGIC DEATH. Body Found Floating in tho Susque hanna River. IMwiilil A 11 1 hon v, nf WllltPM-lt.tllo, roimerlv of tills 1 Ity, ilMitiienl oil nix -tpiloiitlv Inst .Motitlm, nml on I'M iln. hist IliM tleml lioilv wits found HoitllllK ill the liver below tho C'litey inoniie IiiIiIkp nt I'hnimith. Two clltt Wete tolinil on the upper lip, to the HkIU nnd loft or tlii' note, the 1 li In uns illt open nnd Hie bone ftitctuipd, mid xntiii' of the lower tooth wete kinulted looio. .Some be Hove Hint he w.m the litlni "f foul plnv, but the tnoie Kpiipiul Intllititlon Is to the thooiy tlint he fell fmni the InlilKt'. The pi p Ions week he Wits enfritKod ill lPptilllliK 11 fdieo t PlMilimlll. The hist seen ot lllin wtis tin Aliiiulnv eMll Iiik:, when he leit I he home of his nophrw, Lewis .tones, of Wood stieot. "oioiioi AleKoe will hold un Itniuest tonluht. The ileietiscd time to tills cltv In l!Vi, nt the .iko of 1" but nft t n time moved to Willtes-Ihtt le to nsse. 1 Into lilin-pir In business with his fnthoi, Ulilmiil Antlimiv, Hie Inventor nnd foi mini eiis Hie lo.tillni,' ninnit f.ieluioi ol wioiit;ht lion feiuliiB. He owned .mil uindin tod the KltiKston linn woi!, on Xoith Ciml street, WilKns-lliiie, .tnil w.ts .it one time foioiiinn ot tin iiinebliie d( paitment of the lKliw.no, 1. 11 K.tw.inn.i nnd West ern sinip't .it Kingston. KILLED BY AN ENGINE. John J. Ludt Was Ciushed to Death in the Lackawanna Yard Yester day Afternoon. .I0I111 .1.11 oli Unit, of 1J2 Mtildl.in stioet, n hostlet cuiplojod In the IjtcK .iw.inna .itd, w.ts Killed .ostotd.iv nf tiinoon li IioIiik stun K b .1 luiKe hog olivine. - 1 1 1 c 1 1 wns IikKIiik- out fioui the ,ish iit. Tlit ntoldPlit oi tuned .ibout 1.1 "i oiloiK mid Liull died nbotit llftfon minutes Intel. I.uilt wns 'JT onis ot ne nnd Is sur led b- his tnothoi, with whom ho lived, and live sMets Mis. W. IT. M.ulott, of Now.uK; Alls. O.ivid J. rosKinp, of this dt, .Mis. AV. II. Blown, of D.ilton, I.ikv nnd Tlllle Jlis ileitb was ,i suililcn and unavoid able' 0110. It was wltiie-sdl bv sevcial men who, unable to itiloifeto, woio lion Hied at the totilble siht they were ton od to witness. lault. whose ilut II wns to assist In swlti hills' the engines into the loiiud-lioti-e, was st.itidlnpr upti the ash pit fai'lnx In th" oi)iosite diiotHon, when the bis Iiim eiiKlne, No SI!, linked out The whistle nf nnotlioi piirIho neat bv w.is lipimr blown, nnd itssluioK piovenled I.ttdt fiom lieiiluir the oth ei Ho was e.uulit undot tho winds and when the online was stopped he was fniiml to be tonrfully 111 limed Hotli foot weie cut off, his une hnnil b idlv tiippbd and the entile low pi pot Hon nl Ills ljodv 1 1 iisIk (1. lie diod at I 0 o'olm K, and bis loniains woio taKen to C'ttsii K's 11101 mio The 1 asp was lopmtPii to Coroner J J Robtits who iiniiu ill itdv iu estimated It and m.i hold an imiuf-t. B. I. A. NOTES. Ihl II I W II In III I lllllllll silo (I Ul Pi mi iiHiif mi lui-iliv in I Wulmih, lint mil 1 1'ioueiN tin Hit lieiitu t f 0111 online tiiml I lie Imi-, wlin in 111 ihh tn j.iiii Ihi 1 iinpiui; pnlv 111 lui will In mi 11 two or ihue (in nulin,.- 111 ii.u-l. VI l ineilliu nf the 1 il 1111 1 li-t t dm tilu nil, lit it w 1- 1111111 iiinii-h m lul In 1 ill ihU Mint inn- niilin. nioiinil- (amp liilin 11, I111, It. lit tn-l il tiilnunt ot 1 inipiis will Ui, iiT th' wnnil- lull - the Mioiul il tiihlilinl lull U I In- II I V nonis in. opui lu .ill stl ml in Inc iu wnk tin illinium iml In nuiuheis 111 1 thin fiieniU Aliniiv, Wtihii-iln nnd I 11 iln iiuht- Our lulhs ne open o.i ittrmoin to .no who iipplv, fn tin 11 niln il dur'c of one (ent POLICE AND ALDERMEN. Mi hid sullii in mi- in hi in v,m) lull on s-it iiidiv In Vlileinitit I'll lilv in 1 1I1111.1 of Iiiuin liilinul In C'ljrk s,oti, im ilmn tint k Mult live pid isis 01 iihiun trom tin it i-nh li-hnunl il out li 11 il is ij." him 1 1 iiiiiv w 1- iiiiiiiiiitlul in tin' 1 mill v j.iil i-luili nn rnnu lor time month- in tin (luli nf iiiitliu; 1 ih InilKtin ,u h, u K,i uiiiiii in rlmii- on 1 tin il 1 II' wis thnoil Willi 1 illin- limns Jl tin nun who ue n wmk Hi Unit, III1I1 , Jin fi, 1 itll Ulll.S It It 1 1 111 k llnl.. t ...,.. (ili lirondMy, X. Y Wllkcs-Harre, Carboiidalo, 1, 5 and 0, Coiuiuouwcaltli llulldiugt Seraiiton. WAS A NOBLE MAN OP GOD SERMON IN MEMORY OF BISHOP NICHOLSON. Rev. Goorgo L. Alrlch Spoke Lft9t Night in Grace Roformed Epis copal Church Upon the Life- Work of tho Lato Head of the Diocese, of Pennsylvania The History of His Doparturo from tho Protestant Episcopal Church His Love for Grace Church. 1!ov. (JeotRP Ti. All U It. pastor of Ciime r.efoitned Hplseopnl chlltth, de llveied 11 most lniptesslve poiuuiii yes teidiiy nioi nltift In nioniotlmu of tho dentil of lllsbop Wllllitni It. Nicholson, IX U , of Philadelphia, who died on June 7, He took Ills text fiom Tltn., Iv ,7-S, "I lituc fotiK-ht a iftmd IIkIK, I have lllilshetl niv couise, I have kept tho faith; heniofoitli theie Is laid up lor me a eiowu of 1 iKltteousness, whit It the IOtd, the llf-hteotH JiuIko, shall Klvo 1110 nt that tiny; nnd not to me iinlv, but unto nil of them ulso tlmt love His appeal I nu," lli'V. Air. Altlch, In liPRlnniiif; bis 10 miiiks, (lescilbdl the sttne nt the fu ll 01 1 of the lato bishop, which sotvlto he ntlt'iiik'd. In contlnulni," be ald, ninoiif,' other thliiKs; Clint iiiiinnir the ninm iiohle rhiHdeiistiis if Ill-hip NkIiiiIsiiii n liU iidtti.e love foi the woid ot lint) lie lu Id it a the un wold ot lih. nali. villi ilh in-plml, .111. 1, thin fine, ut lull ihte-ltd the ihoiiiln ihle .-In (f (hit lilqlu r 11 It iil-in whldi tnnuht tn lull the woul ul in tlUilie i.lon unit p iwi 1. It w is U be fliiib In whhli I e ifvilul, 1 uv hw iniuiii; tin' mlni-trv du Huuo, he held luo-t iii ml v mil il uliiulv md Willi lui 11 i-ln jm In the en it fiinilitni nt it ihdrlne ot Knee, lie w it in the van of Ihe 1 litni.lt uiilil ml in liis lnsi(.lit Into Ihe truth if Hie wind MIDHV IN t W X'VS lll Venning love fir the uiiMvul wis deiilt llunifi -lul 111 vtiv 111 un wns, dm lit In ihe inttnsiti o' hit intirest in Inline md fi n iun mi slrniiv vvirl. In the imiiv veils of lm I luistiin life he hid been ti insfoiiiutl fitm (Jon to t,lo in ue md moie in tin inline md Iiluusj of Him whn-e Ik was .md wtidit ht -irvul fho-e win 1 niw liiin will In Iho 1'iote-tint Ipi-upal iluidi, wlure ne ?pt lit rniiiv vi iei if his liimistn, I tnw him ns An tviuifduil Inw i ti hi i bin i il, rur stinilini; i ut "itiiu-t tie i hi imirlmi. ills of what vv n tin it kniwn n l'u-i vi-m-the I 11 til I in inovrniuit. An nuni trv in tint toinmuniuii eiuhriud tn-lnrUiH 111 pi vinl of its m -t pioiuiuuit chut lies, vv: l.rne thiiteh, v (lih 111- la; st l'iU', ( menmati, (I, M. 1'iul -, Ponton, Mis', aid liinilv, .Ntwiik, . I liiini 0111 kuiwledte if him ind 'ioiii the testimonv uf lliose whu knew him in the 01 1 thiiirh hi- ttidiui? mil pit idling was1 tnat f the Minph i,opel of li-u (hn-t, md from tins he wis will h known mid luhlv iis,vc 'I H w is while he w is ipi lor of liiintv (h 11 h, Niw irk, it tint tune the 1110, t intlin n'l it dun h in the st ite if tv ler-ev, tint the ltifirui'-d lpi-uipil thtiidi was hoin of Hod, to wit t 1 fui lh( trulli s with iinnv ntier I t 11 ebt il Ipiiopiliins he hid liainui the liopeh m-s ol luni r run tending nrim-t vail enor wiihiu Hu 1 o-oiu of the I'mli-t nit Ipistnpil 'iur li I idi mr wilnes.sed the ctiiuthinm of tt rinKs of i ! uilisin lath tear mvv Hie K'in? if tlu rp imliinitv nf oh' iii.lnt; the Ilh ,'v I'u vtlitli low t Inn 1 litiu 11 wm iiami'i.'. fui 'fi- He liues-itv of tikmir some duisiv, tep Iniiiue tnoie tit ir to tho-, nun, of (.od. MINI' ll(l II H OHMI II (III lt( II s with othiis, l)i l( hols m wis biomjit dee to lau with Hit alleinitiv,' of -lltlhu t n heieuie In leiuimini; nuv huvei wii 11 ht vha 0 ol ttt pptnj? rut into t-01111 ollur hoili of lit Inters fiud fiom tin li it I.K s irf em r the Ittfonucd I 1 istipil thiiith otltiul u h 1 ilue ot iiftn;?, the note filling hrciu-e it id mud a hinpturil lituiKt fiom wliitli ritu.ili-m hid bun expunged lint KliiKf it slill oflir' to ill who love both the 1.0.-P1I an I the litmcv, f 1 1 hue tin e two lie wtddul Nidi n stip as Hi Nk hul-on t( 1 k was both iiioinuitous md to Hv, not mtidv fn 111 1 mill, tin s iniipmiit, for the Id t irmcii 1 pi-iopil tliuiil, 1 id then no !itHt thurilus with so 1 ilh d (luif)rtiblt livings; it wis hut 1 bihe of a it ll Ihe Mop llivtihul nun It me nit tin' seventi,' of tits md ti lupiiilou-tiips of veirs, that hid hren itiiderut all but is K it ,1 In tin liallnntil nsiotiatiius of tlip pi-t Aet piaviifullv, thoiuhlfullv, il, lihiialdv, fir roiisi.i(ii(e sike, 0111 den om left all In intn the iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11 ii un which the bodt 11.1111 win li he riiuie In I pbml inn iiiitliuui williiii Its powtr ii, hop Nicholson's dm Kit 1 and life weie dis(iudl muled with 1 single mr,s nf pill pt si and liin -ililiim fouiiil in 1111 11 1 iki I'ml, h' would mv, "Hits one Hiin-' 1 du," md not, "1 In ne UUv ihiuus I dahhle 111" One think' he hid hull ( 1II11I In I. ml tn di ll li id hiirniil ill upon his ven soul to piii'li aid ti idi the ivirl i-lln' i,us d nt ins llli--jil I rid md savior, md lull ho did pusi-tuilli aid eihu-l.v Hi-lnip Milinl-011 vvi speeialli enhuul to He ptrpli of Cl 111 (lililili, simton None of the immiii ri-li!p (' Hu- 1 li ut 1 It but Hill thuujit nf him wuli 1 1. -p. it mil i.-tum iul ivut Ihe utiiiiiiitiili in whteli we live, as 111.nu .1- kin t him, lliouht hu'lilv uf liiin In nut I-il Hi 111 he hrouuht unto us in hi- vt ulv vi-ilitiou- the tiiuiiu u,tinant md hdp ot whidi we tolld o 111111I1 in iiuil Vu I vvt vtnh lu lit Hut limit 1 (md the bittli, llif, uunvtli ml ii-ifultiiss (a ue dnilili vvi- tine tu the iiiiui-li illnu- nl this imlilc mh.iiil (f (iml a- ninth as in inv tit hi r of Ills ili-lliiliiints lit has un 11 lit In u- , lie wis with tin fnmihrs of this jiiii t, itiun whin tht.v tuok their ntiiul for ilshteousin-s ami tnlli uiiii-t the puviltiit rit 11 ili-m and uior Hut win fist rim 1 in.; Hit uiiiiiniiim 11 liinu villi II I In v 1 Jin., md with wlsiluiii, skill md love is-i-li il tu 1 1) lit. hum I ill. his upon wlinli vvi hive I'tiilt in this pi ue I hi- wnk It on limit d tn look liter iml -ikioi In all his alt.r vl-i! ilioiw Hi- luvu foi Hint tliiiidi was liiii-t luiilid While .Ml a si ilih lit lor the inini-liv iipuii 111. ne thill one ok itlou line I hi aid Ill-hop MiIioImui i-pt ik In the luo-t lovini; leiius nf the dnilili ill s, ijiitiin, It wis tine 1 f Ihe ddi-litlul mints if Id- vt ulv inliii.-tri to make lil uui tuniul vl-it to Ui RELIGIOUS NEWS NOTES. IUv I W Mt iii.ii fpoke li-t nlt,lit on 'Ihiistiiu liualitv" at ion Intlid Ivaii.tllial iliiiuh Iti v I bonus I' May, fulliluK of I'l.iv itlt me, Uiiiiii' l-lind, pit itlit il .wstirdii 1110111111K in All .SiitiN' I iiiiu-aliit iliuuli llev In (tike (lilt, pistoi ot the 1'iuvitlt me Mtlhodist I plixopal iliiiuh, atisum.l 111 Hie a I til m Ulv t li.-t niKht tho ipu-tiou, 'Will tlu Iviukdoui of (.oil Ivui llule 1 lit d Wiuhl ' Iln I 1) I inn 111, tf bull i, who his thai.', of the itils.lou in wliidi ne IioumiI tho limine (Uphills Miipoilul bv the kii.ii. iliun of ih. (null Itidt,!' I'li.h.ilul 111 iliiiuh, fpiko it I1111I1 stitius In thai iliuuli ,vt.ltid.iv "Hue We 3 Itaht In I lid Our (Un ss " waa the tuple of 111 I11I1 11 stliiK niniili iitth.i last liiht In lltv W ,1 I'oril, pi.li.i of the (iitin llld.e HiplUt iliuuli lu Hit nii'lliiiu lie -puke on "In.iU Ji a I'upaiatii 11 In M Mti " l,v Di Itihut i I'ltite, ) I) , pi.iur ot the I'tnii viime lljplUt diillih, ihlivnul an ilhisiialpil tiiiiiou li.t ultilil liking In his tipit tilt' old, but cut now, pnililt (f Hie I'loihsil sun " Mis HiihhI.im, tin Mil.ilH til tin dmll, ifiidirctl "Ihe llolv til" In mtlfiillv ( lillilliu'.s div wa uh-ervid it uhliiliti imi iun, ut latkawanni aitnue and suid Iii,i, je-tinla loll -"l dilldltn ilowdul the .mall room to take part in thu services, vvbltli wire runt li rnjnvril l) all pil-tnt Mis, is Inns, Mini and MJ11I1111 axl.tril tlu ouliisiri Mif, lii, o( lliltlinoii, inc "O Hipp Pi " Hub Utlous vvtrt kivin In MIns ( lalio llnu.lci mil niuiiliti.s of dllleirnt tla.-e.- Ihuts and dior ibis wtie it nib it tl li the mIiooI uud adduei writ' made In Hie pa, tor, llev. Pr, ( h.uln V. Iltbiiitou, ami by W. I lorn Ihe ilttoiatlolu and l.i-cs i.ivin bv fileud, of tlio iiil-slim wtie vtr.v hiautlful and wire Kivtn lu Hit ihlllitu at the. lU.t ot flic tirviic. ADBLBERT HAY FOUND DEAD It'unrliiittil fiom I'.iire I 1 sciikoIv possible for one ot his outs, ot In Ihe Mlitiit time that elapsed be tween his Kiuduntlon fiom Vale nnd his dotttli he hud nehlou'd u icputn tlon woitliv of emulation'. t'poii his letutii ft out the I'lilllpplite ttlp nbove ipfdied to hu cast ttbotlt for .soino HllllK lu tin. In South Africa. The situation In South Africa hud nltiaclod his utlotttlon nnd It was his own Impulse that leu htm to volun teoi to ko to Pletorln to teplace Con Mil Aluciiim. It wns iptillpil hete Hint Pi elm In would ho lipselfjpd nnd that nn ollklal status would bo Utile plo tootlon uK-ulnst this phase 01 win. Then the expenses of livelihood In 1'ietoila weie far 111 ecess of the Hiltuy of the ((insulate, so that bo who look the plaio sot veil his coun tty nt a pei.sontil loss. Thest. consld 01 aliens did not dolor yolintr, Jluy and ho wont forwatd to his post nnd thete stnooeded lu illorlim fthifr ns a simple consul dlplomate duties loniililtiK the PNPirlse of the ki cm test tact nnd good jtnlKiuent. Tlio lloeti icielvod hliu with sits ptdoii. Knowing of his sometime lost denie lu KuKhiud, whin his falher was limb issador at London. Hut this he .soon dispelled, nnd In the end the lloeis learned to trust hlni nnd tboy showed theli KintltitiTo lor the niniiv Kindly nllltes 01111(1 Hay petfotined for theli slik mid Hounded comtndes on the otlior sides of the linos. On the oilier hand, tile illtltLsli ptlsonds who llllid the lioor phiios of detention In the eatlv stages ot the wm owed ninny nod'ssitiis mid niniiv little luxuries to the AniPilian consul. Fever wtis epi demic in Pietoila, too, nnd the vvoilc of tho consulate was ('Nimustine, but not until the wae of war bad passtd ov 01 the pint' and the cltv was again sate, did Ah. liny tool that ho could have his post. Long hotoie he uctual lv started ivva 1 10111 1'ietoil.i, he li id ioioIvkI pei mission from tho state de paitment to 11 tutu to the I'ulUd sjtales 011 leavo of absence. Expensive Employment. He left South Afilca last Xovdlilmr and 1 etui ned to the rutted Stales by w-av of London Soon aflet teaching AVnshlngton, ho tondoiod Ids lestgna tidtt as consul at 1'ietoila. It hnil boon for him an expensive omplo nieiit. In a ear be liad spent bis fathoi's snlai and his own. Of coin so, much ot this ilisbuisemont was In the wav ot pihate chultv, the calls ot whidi lu the siege and attoiw.uds weie slniplv Inesist.ible Since his losignntion, Air. Hay bad cntoiod into no logular oni)Io. nient, though ho had (l(M)ted liiinstlf in put to assisting In Hie (oiiilntt of bis fathoi's peisonal btislniss Howovoi, bv the honv of fate, thote had just 1 nine to him ono of those Million oppoi Utilities that bo bid seized upon giateuillv and was about to apply liiinspll to It when Ids un towaid (j.d ( line It bad been the pioudesl it collet Hon of John Ha's life that he bad spi ed Abtaham I.ln ( oln as ids assist int pitvate seeietni v. bo It was to be tho lot of Addbeit to spivo f HI11 111 MtKlnley In a like cap.u itv He bid been offoiod and hud adopted Hie position of assistant soiietatv to the piesident, a plaio now Ik Id bv AI1I01 J'uiden. Tlio lit tei. at til uianv oais' spilpe at Iho white house, has been made a ia 111 ister in the I'lilted States ninn He was nuclei oidois to iiioit to tho p iMiiastPi gpiitial for set v Ico Jttlv t nt'Nt, when Ah. Has was to have suc ceeded li i 111 . While hlu death Is .1 sovoie shock to his 11 lends, those who Knew voting All. Ilav Intimatelv lioni bis i olloge davs weie (tulle able to (omptohend the tit -1 uinstaiues ol the latal aicldtnt It is said to have ben not nt all ttn usti il foi him to stand ,111 houi m so at bis bpdioriin window at night, smoKing while engigeil tit ineilltiition. In lact, this Is said to have boon al most a habit with him, and this in loniuttion with the luithei fact that he had sttfteifd at 11101 p 01 less lie Ojiient Intel v. lis fiom attar Us of vei tlgo, nialfs the manner of bis taking oil easv for his intimate fi lends to undei stand. SECRETARY HAY'S GRIEF. His Prostiation So Complete Medi cal Aid Wns Doeined Necessary. Uy I'vdusivp Wiie from Tlio Vsioented Press. New Haven, Cuiiu , June 2! The Hon. John lla.v, spciptat. ot stale, ai lived In Xew Haven limit Wash ington .'I ." I", 111 lesponso to the dis patch uunotilidng the suiidou death n( 1,1s .son, Adelliett S. l.. All. Ilav was un (cioiupanli d and gave .signs ol gitat gilel. He enteitd 11 (.11 ilaifu anil was dilvi'ii Iniine dlutelv to tile lesitlenie ol Air. Setll Alusel, .Hi Willi stieet, W0111 out with the long ttlp it inn the national nipl ttil and nine within Hie wulls ot the house that s-lldteti'il the ldiiains ot his dead son, the M'neiaiy mllapstti Ills piostiutloit wns so (iimplele Hint inedlial aid was deemed necess.iiv, uud Ul. (illbeit wns .siiiiiiniini.il, AIlss Helen Iluv, a diughtei ot the socio, till, 111 ihed In New llavill Hum Hus ton ut 7.10 p. 111. Di. Huniuel I) (illbdt, who was .summoned in uttenilumo upon Seiu tmy lluj, unnouiiced ibis evening rii.it Ihe lllutss ot the Mdetdiy is ap pntenily not .setlous. Tlio physician said, "Alt. liny Is simply ovot whelmed bv the tingle death oi Ills .son ami i.s hitlfeiiug limn 11 piositallon whidi will ptolmbly be lelleved by stillh lent test " This Hveulng dlspatihes weie 10 reived (outuliilug the intelligent e that Alts, ll.ij, the Imit ned nuithet, and a daw-liter, AIlss Allen liny, ttio en mute fiom Nevvbuin', X, II., and will tcaih Xew 1 lav 1 11 tomoiiow niotnlug. ('lilt elite liny, tile (lunger .son, is ex. peeled lute tonight 01 tomoiiow inoin Ing tioin .Siuihbiiig, Conn., whom he bus boon nt .school Air. Samuel Aluth ei, of (.'lowland, a btothei -In-law of Sedetuiy llii, and his vvlte, will also icaili Xew Haven tomoiiuw. At the Alosele lesidcnco tonight, It was loiiiinlly tiuuoiiucoil that no m iaiignueul.s (ovcilng the miuoval nf the 10111, tins uud the tuiietal would bo made until tho .mlviil ot Alts. Jluy ami Mr. Alathiu. Bicycle Races. Il I dii-lve Who fiom Ihe A-tnlaltil Pros' lattilo, 'Itf, lune il Hie man 1 iptiiitd is 11 id iv b Cjplaiu lloni. was pu.invrl lihntl Hul toda'v as HraaoilJ Corle, who U alkkul to hive Ulli. I siicritls Mollis, (I Kanios iiuiiil, ami (tlover, if (ionuUs couiilv Iho allit,el iiiiiuliiir will be Miiicnilcrtil to the otllierj fioin the intnior counties Eastern League. ItulitcUr, l, Woue.tei, 5 Mondial, i; I'niviilcnce, I Hartford, Ui lluUalo, t. EFFORT WAS NOT A SUCCESS DR. BIRD SAYS PROHIBITION CHURCH WAS A FAILURE. In His Farnwoll Sermon Yaetordny Afternoon Ho Said He Received a Call from God to Preach Piohlbl tion and tho Pure Gospel Forced to Say That He Had Labored in Scranton in Vain Cannot See That Conditions Have Improved Any. The People's Piolllbltlotl chinch, width bus been In oxlstoiuo Just four wins, has not been n mioooss. At least, that's what Itev. Di. Levi llltd, lis tjundor and pastor, unvs. In fact, t lie chtltc'lt has boon .stub a fnlluio, In his opinion, that he derided some time ago, to abandon It and has nc ( opted a cell to the pttstoialc of tho Western .Methodist Kplsiopat church, of Calnragus, New Y01K. The Ptohl l) 1 1 ton chin eh disbands with Ills going. lie ptejihed bis fnnnvell HPinion esteidtiy 11 ftoj 1111011 In Alotel'.s hall, on llleaker stieot, (It eon Kldge. It Is In till.- hall Hi it the membets of the t Imi c II li'ive mot for noine time past. Hi. Hlid ( In so a most npptopiluto text, Is liuli, Hx: 4-i", "Tlim I .sahl, I have .silent ni.v siiongtli lor nought, mid lu vnln; vet Mitely my judgment is with the Lout nnd m wmk with inv (Sod. And now, salth the l.otd that foimcd me Horn the woml) to be his spivnnt, to In lug Jacob ngnln to him, Though Niael be not gathered, vet shall I bo gloilous In the eves of the hold, and 111 (iml .shall be inv stiengtli " Di. llltd, in beginning his temarks, told of the establishment of tho (liuidi In this city and of how he had leeched u c'tll dlieot fiom Clod to (onto here and pi each ptohibltlon and the pine Clospil fiom the pulpit. "1 have nevei doubled the c ill," lld he, "and I h'lve novel chldcd nivsplf fot niv falltno, but 1 believe that I um foK.d In stv that I have laboted in Sn .nit ) 1 in vain." HH IS NOT AI.ONH. 'Tf otil.v I liad failed," lie continued, "I might well lring my head abashed, but 1 am not alone You, each and evotv one of von have failed, nnd when veil nil go b.icK Into jour hr,me life j on Know Hi it vou will be foued to iiiliiiil, 'I had a (hotishod plan, but it filled ' " Li. IJlid tbfn sought to explain wb lie had failed: "I have been told that 1 hive pleached startling setiuons," siid he, 'but 1 do not regiet one .sin gle won! that I have said fiom this pulpit. I lrmombei (ti.it positions I have taken have lobbed nie of stipimt and left the lunch at times so weak Hut it could baldly live, but 1 have nothing to icgiet "Wilt 11 the (ountty was in the thioes of 1 Kieat p( ltement, aftoi the blow ing up nt the Alalne, I ciltieled the polity of tl.o piesident and piotosted mnti't the plunging of the nation into a w.tr. God gave hip the spit II of piophoc then and 1 foietold some of tho entanglements tlint would in sult, and told of the tenltory that would lie giasped and bold 1 lost li lends then and was called a fanatic nnd a ctniik, 1 iti what I i-ald ins tom tine." I 'live told the tnith." lie con tinued. T lelt when I ipeeiwd tlio c ill that thfio weie oppiossed peo ple lipio in this cits and v.illov who needed a champion and I came beie. 1 l.iisod my pooi volte in piolest against the Illinois' vviongs, but 1 loccived no ( n ouiagonient tioin them. Piobablv Kin OHO poisons out of the If).' (Kin ill this (Itv have npver lieaid niv 11.11110 The mlnei whom 1 pass 011 the sheets am' to vv limit my licit t goes out in pitv, ilopsn't Know lb it I gave 1111 a p.istoiate vvoith $.',000 a veai to speaK fop liiin. He doesn't Know that 1 hive given up almost all aud have lived on the smallest Pitt.'iKO foi his saKo." SMINTSK IN HIS VOIC'i:. Tlioic was sadness and snnow and almost Ui'spalt in Di. Will's volte, us he s-iid; "I was drd'cnled to the cause or I inhibition bv inv innthoi, as I was miKcd In the tindle, and I have piiaclud ptohlbltion ami have dectied the le,ulled litiiiii ttallic fiom this pulpit. Is theie anv less di Inking. No, tlide Is mom, it .seems, than when I came bete. 1 have liilioind eaiuesllj,, but In vnln, nutl snnu-ninos 1 doubt whether 1 have lx en Iho means ol saving even one .soul lit this (ll.v." Tluie was a home tin 11st in hs vvoids when he .spoke of the custom of pialslng a poison when he or she has gone awi 01 Is dead, Instead ot eu coui,igln' and pialslng w lieu he 01 slin Is alive. "If jut have llowei.s lo give." said ho, "give them to the living and ilop'i stmw ll.oui on Ihe tolliii of lb'.' dead. If jmi have 11 kind wind to ,sa, don't wait I'lllti the ppi-on foi whom It I.s Int'lidiil bus passtd awa, lint say It betote .villi loiget It." Tow 111 ds the end of his f-et ninn, Ut. Mini allowed himself to Indulge lu a number ot sweepllli, geiteialltles touching the iiiiual (ondttinus ol this .state ami ot the touiitiy ut lingo, He (ailed the tstalwatt uieuibds of the slate legist, itttie "a gung of las-tallv iolit(lll pllllldeieis whoso e(ll,ls (all be luiilid now hem on piuili," and he .said that the mutiny at huge s "so mi-King with pestilential nil, des-plto Its 1 Iun dies and Its piiifesslon of being II Pin Isil, 111 nation, that liens en holds its iinstilK" pi.i:aii:u roit AsirfisTAXPi:. In a Utile tails aftei the soinion Pr. Hlld oNplalned that he bad been oh llged (luiing Ills pustulate to l.ilini otti hldii tho iliuuli, as iho money he le ti'istil was not stillh lent to pny for even the lent of Hie hall and ol Ills house. He plead d for a lit lit genet -osity, un his baby needed a new pair ol hhoi m aud the oNpoiiM's ot moving weie lieass. U epiess(d himself as being gl-id thai lie was going to a place whole he would at least gi t enough lo Use on The meinbeis of ihe ( ongtogatlon of whom lliwo wiie osei fill pieholll, unanimous! adopted the following lesolutlniis of nppiei liitlon We, Hie iiifiulwn and I1I1111N ol the Pioph'. loiikiekatltu, I'lohibltlou diiirih, would liu.ln We Handle eveiything within the scope of legitimate Banking-, nnd have every convenience for its prop er tiansaction. The People's Bank imwMui Canned Uid you lose any of the fruit you canned last year? Was It the fault of the Jar or the Fruit? One or the other generally get the blame. Did you ever stop to think it might have been the rubbers! There is more fruit spoiled from the use of cheap rubbers, than any other known cause. If you buy the HON- J& LiST RUBIii'R, put up, ona do?en in a box, price ioc, 5p you will get the widest, thickest nnd best rubber g made for the Mason Jar. Your dealer should have 5 2 them. Ask him. IF YOU ARE IN WANT OF CLOTHING AND YOU ARE SHORT of MONEY 5S CREDIT & We will dress you in the BEST and give you plenty of TIHE TO PAY. 317 Lack. Ave Second Floor Open Evenings X LJL Auction Sale Extraordinary Contents of Westminster Hotel, 217-219 Wyoming Ave, Scranton, Pa. Commencing Tuesday, June 35, at 10 a. m., Continuing from Day to Day Until Stock Is Sold. Sale to consist of the furnishings ol nearly 101) KOOIIIS. Com plete bar outfit Back bar, Iront bar, pumps and counters, lunch refrigerator, floor linoleum, ceiling fan, screen partitions. Cash Register. Office lixtures Writing tables, chairs, desk etc. 10 Large Pier Mirrors ; these are all French plate and large enough for bar rooms. Dining Kooill 25 tables, 2 side boards, silver ware, crockery, glassware, table linen. KltcllCIl Large 2 fire range and boilers, 1 steam table, 1 plate warmer, coffee, tea and hot water urns, carving table, cooking utensils. One Square Piano. Parlor Furmtuie odd chairs, couches, lounges, tables, etc. 7O Hcd Room Suits All kinds ot woods, hair mattresses, pillows, bed linens, toilet sets, etc. Thousands of Yards or CarpctN. Wardrobes, separate bureaus, wash stands, etc. This is the largest sale of the season and those desirous ot furnishing or refurnishing their homes should take advantage of this opportunity. Sale Absolute. Terms Cash. The house will be open for inspection from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Monday pieceding sale. JOHN JERMYN, expos..., uiir ;ieit tstem for our pastor nnd fiiiiul, Id 1 Pi. I llnd who Iti fuiu vt us Ins lifttd his voue fillhlulh .',li.sl tie sins of I In intniniiuilv mil Ihe tills whnh Ins, I so eidv, and while we vcr much tegi.t I I' depir tile from inioii;; its, vtl, Knowing his ui il stiii lii fir Hie 1 him of 1 1 11 1 li wi njoiie 111 lie b'oaihr tl. hi if lilmi in. I 111,1111 in ir u till fit 111 Cud mil 1 111111I1 In tin uppj tiiui') lu 1111 plot his p 0 ns Iln lainist, libit md il.iiil. .it -itiiiins hive beiii a Kit at iu-plraliuii tn I" Mu I il s htintl toii.hilik' Ihe .sin of l.i;ili l'i n f Hi liquor Unite will (lie w nuni.e 'r, untune on our wi, in 1 In pnix tin l.itth lui tn tb ' d riL.htenunt s.s in tue fut fn fit Our pitiiir is tint (,id will loiiiiiiiw I i It witli him in Hie f lit un . '.uhliiic ml tlil.rm," evtn Hi iichl md i' id, and wit u At It" t 1111 1 1 iitiiiuil Hit L.K " wluti Ihitiie nuv im '1 iitai Hi wtltiiiiu vohe oi tin Vki,i ivlnu "luiiiuuh is vit I ive il 1 e 11 1111I11 Iln hat of llltse vi line di lu it until Vie ' M. DESCHAMPS ON AMERICA. Old Woild Piessents the Splendoi of Death, This the Tiiumpli ot Life, Vi ill the w Soil, I'lllti M. fJltston Uesi li linns, Hi,. I'ltiith tilth, author, uud tiavolei, who vvus tills .SCI'IUIS IlitlllOl in the llVlltl Cillllf.1' lu Klein It lllol.ltllie at Htitv aid uulveiHltv, giving later a supiilo iiuntai lot tiltc tout lh.it has extend nl 10 110.11 Is all 01 the piominontt (Hits ol the I'llltetl M.ilis and I'ltll nilii, i en nils' - ill d lop home on the rioiHli liuei I.a 1,011. line. When soell lit line sailing he vv.ih t ulliii"! Mile ost f Ills fit tl ipoieiii' ill Alllelk.l. Wheio shall I begin'" he ald. 'What shall I .sis- now In 11 few wonN of what It wotilil niko nn bonis ami da.ss to do-oilbe' .No one i an tinsel osei .soup 1 uiiiiii y with ill ltn vast nnd roinplt-N llfo ami (til 01 hh us )oilonis imniodlulelv uttisvaid The Htibimt h loo lllle. Une IllllMI llltsn time to iih"liullito It, that will iul" woelis and 111011111" (if couist I vslll vsilte a In ok about il, Ksoty loiolgn sviitoi' wilten a book 11 1 im visiting Ameiha" And M, liosohunipsi smiled. "My book will bo i.ilbd 'The .Vow Win Id' Ilut I ssliull not go viy dot ply lulu Anieili 1111 life, ui ti whole, 1 don't know otintigli uf n, it will tslmpl.s In the utiles nt a luiveltr, but It I (HU s (C.ssfllll inoid 111 llll-piri--loiii. ill II it Will b.j lltliliKtlllg "I huso sMted rsinviua mul Allu'iii 1 ml om. 11111I wiines-ed ihe sipii.mior of Dialh lu Aineilea I have wil iiossed Iln liiuiupli of Iiife I iiiniiot tell what I bus. boon most Impulsed svllh 'n nieilin I'lub.'bly the miii iiy whiih Is giuiul liesund (IimiI lion lu .vnui nitiiiititiliis, iiiiilulilv It N the tpiiit ot life nnd movement un! latent pown hiiuhk the people, ptob abl.v It Is the Airi 1 li nil vviiiiiau What rKiidinian luth imp falkd lo lie lui-pios-spii i Hie Anieiiiun woman.' Sim Is alwiiv.s offeilng tlio sppcl.itui it new' Mil pi Im' in her 1 banning mingling or native liiuiillionil uud iiiieutlenl 10. s"ise The Amoilitu gill has Inhor Hod fiom Pot lolonlal anieftoia pin nuns and c( iKpioiois Hioii ilouiiual ng nun. ii Ity. theli enttipiising 10111 age, their Impel ions vUoi. she Imi i-liue it. 1st 11 .some iiiiiiisol of ibiiope, cspo(liily riiinte, who In hoi capailtv of pioficnlUc.33 and iitliti; of clsilUed Fruit p YlLi J Cnmnam Company. SUMMER RESORTS. maBcamwrnmammm Seashore and Country Combined. l.nuiil., fonii, Iii-s th 111 I "Hi in 1 's the im si 1 h tuning pot in I mil," Island h uud Iwu 111 d 1 ue hilf In ills fiom Niw Aoth, nt in.. nth uf Ihe litiitlful Lmitu ttittlt mil Fenwick Hall Ills (MM Itll llliull ami tl I1VI IIKIKi ill II, nun,! nn 1 In iml snii , in. I 1 ven thuu, 1 ..it. In. lit 1 1 In til li in I pi i-iii llilluii', boiliui, (sli 1111 I iun. Ins ml -ul I. 11 ), ti-linu' Hi.. I'-t in tin s .un 1 1, ivdinA iliiviui;, pilv in l'i If Puis ml t llllis 1 tuts tltvilols in I pnv lie hlllis, 10 lus1 1 11 uitt Wm, to I I ( hiltidil, l'iiitilul lli.lt t I. il. Is, 111, Ni u Suit ( iii, mi ( 1 1 in-, nutl lull piilu ul ih. nations has tundointnl the Amotionii guIN oMtbeiani iiii'igy. The women tl Mm in a linn than the men me tiilmluis 01 i'mnili lltei.ittne and ail, ami talk nboiil Ino Pienili wiilfi.s and aitlsts with lull Know lodge ot all the ( Itlen sblt.il in iny Iwi sels, I think pi nimbly Hu-stou lia mine rieiub s,holusi I'.utn anv of tlio ftlu'l.s. 1 liioiiu that the language in moie fltt 11 (inplosed in eousoisjtion theie than lu anv other Amo-le in dtv, but lu NeSS Olli'.llis. its might bo e pii'teii tin' puii'st i'u nth is apoken. It is pin 01 iveii Hun tin modem rionili of l'n ilh It h' Mttpihlug. Voiii" h a it nun Knlil" (ouMtis' and n it mai liiinle iuie and T liasen't .s-'on 1 1 uiigh of ellnei , I am ( oniln again." COACHING HATS. High Ciovviis Much Aflected in This Stylo ol' Hendgeni. Nov hit Intended lo bo ssoiu on (ouliiiic, Iniii.s huso lather high nouns 1 1 nip noil with the paunoan .sh.ipe.s li-t tl rorvhlllug ni loiouioiilnl (Miasi,ui Sniip In Is have itnvvui nllliiisl tppio.tt IiIiik tin' (ouleal sb tpd ol .Mesli an bats oi "sttgai loaf htloK, Tolds ol silk or low,s of sclvot ilb Imiii .tie ni-i il to Him the hit. 'I'bo edge ui the liiini Is insatiably bound Willi nlas-iiu selsit, lil.it k nt' dnik blown, lullttl usei (be edge ,llp ins hi bis I.ihleniitl A mass ui In lluti iiu in hlKdiPaded Plow balls vvllli pleiil 01 foiltge un Mtn on ts.imo 10.11 lilug hats, but Hit 1,01101 nl ltellng is not foi lloi.il (1I111 inlugs Tin loathing Iml gets its sbllle or Hie illlH nl Hie highwu, nutl so Hat Hill 111 velvet liimiulngs, vvbltli nil, be 11111111011 off ue lathoi bolter gillio ot dcduutlnii foi the in id. Tho Grants in Boiliu. Hi I xdii-iie Win 11 1111 li Ss.iilllnl I'ifit II. lin lime il llncjiliei l.iinul i'l'i'litiw li (.ml, im tii nth I bv lus ulli ml m) I Ttf. 'i.. IhiviisU Ikllitt Ivl'laj, byunt (o, M. IMtlibuiif. r-&